Quests with heroes of fairy tales for young children. A journey through fairy tales in a summer camp

Quests with heroes of fairy tales for young children. A journey through fairy tales in a summer camp

"Quest game based on fairy tales."

for older children preschool age.


Abdullina Z.Z.

Target: creating conditions for the development of children's interest in fairy tales through quest games.



To educate children about one of the genres folklore - folk fairy tale;

Replenish literary baggage with fairy tales, riddles, stories;


Develop the ability to competently, expressively express your thought, speech, logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination;


Foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Musical arrangement :

“Visitingfairy tales » composer V. Dashkevich.

Quest game progress:

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tight

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, do you love fairy tales? In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their kids, adults began to invent for them fairy tales, jokes, nursery rhymes. The kids grew up and their kids told, passed "Word of mouth"... And these kids are for their children. In Russian folk tales there are various items with magical properties: tablecloth - self-assembled, magic wand, boots - runners, magic fruits and fruits, flying stupa, etc. Magic items help the heroes to overcome difficulties, obstacles, surpass the extraordinary strength that to an ordinary person cannot give in.

Most often, the most common household items are endowed with magical properties, which the heroes use each day: buckets, oven, mirror, ball of thread.

And most importantly, that magic fairy tales always end in victory "of good" above "Evil" and in the end fairy tales the main character will receive a reward.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Children love fairy tales

Everyone wants to visit them

And play a little

We will go for a ball

We will get into a good fairy tale!

(While we were following the ball along the magic path, our parents were preparing to meet us at fairy land)

Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because it is not for nothing that many fairy tales can be read the phrase: "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

Guys, the ball brought you and me to the apple tree, look, who meets us? (Masha and the Bear) And what fairy tale are they from? ( "Masha and the Bear")

Apples on an apple tree are not simple, but with riddles.

Mashenka gave us riddles.

There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Delicious water

In the fossa of the hoof. ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

At the window he froze

Took it then and rolled away

To be devoured by a fox. ( "Kolobok")

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in that swamp, someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin

Has become sweet, beautiful, handsome. ( "Princess Frog")

The kids opened the door

And they all disappeared somewhere. ( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

The apple tree helped us,

The stove helped us

A good, blue river helped,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to mother and father.

Who took the brother away? Name the book! ( "Swan geese")

Gobbling up the rolls

The guy was driving on the stove.

Rolled through the village

And he married the princess. ( "By pike command» )

The chicken must run

Save cockerel soon

He was in such a hurry

The poor man choked ( "Cockerel and a bean seed")

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home ... ( "Masha and the Bear")

Well done, you guessed all the riddles! Our path continues.

We will go for a ball

And where do we get to?

The ball led you and me to the hut, and who is sitting next to it? (Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

What kind Dear guests they've come to me! How glad I am to you, otherwise they completely forgot me, abandoned me. To what it has come, they are bypassed, they are afraid, they are considered evil. And I'm not like that at all. I’m even very good! I read fairy tales... Do you want me to tell you? Ah, no, I'd rather check if you know well fairy tales.

Baba Yaga showed us illustrations for fairy tales, and we guessed them.

Baba Yaga:

Well done! You know well fairy tales!


Well, well, Baba Yaga is not evil at all. Guys, let's play a game with her "At Granny Malanya's"?

The game "Grandma Malanya"(Everyone stands in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child depicting grandmother Malanya. Children in a circle, together with adults, begin to sing a funny song, accompanying it with expressive movements).

At Malanya, at the old woman (children move in a circle holding hands).

We lived in a small hut

Seven sons

All without eyebrows (cover eyebrows with hands).

With these ears, (show "Big" ears)

With such noses, (show "big nose")

With such a mustache, (showing mustache)

With a head like this, (show "Big" head)

With such a beard, (show "Long" beard)

Didn't eat anything (squat down) We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this. (repeat any movement for the leader)

Baba Yaga:

Thanks guys, you made me laugh. I am waiting for you, see you soon!

We will go for a ball

And where do we get to?

And the little ball brought us to Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Hello guys! My name is Vasilisa the Wise. I came to you from fairy tale... Rumors reached me that you are very fond of playing fairy tales. So I want to play a game with you "Guess".

What song was the gingerbread man singing?

What was the goat singing to its kids?

What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?

With what words did the wolf help itself to fish on its tail?

What the animals asked in the fairy tale "Teremok" before entering there?

What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

Well done! I am very pleased with your knowledge! The magic ball is calling you on the road, and I say goodbye to you, see you soon!

You roll, roll the ball,

Through the field and woods,

Show us all the tracks

Where our legs would go.

And he brought us a ball on a visit to the devil.

I'm an old, decrepit goblin,

I live in forest moss,

When evening comes

I'm sad about the past.


Koschey was visiting yesterday.

What have I done, just ah!

Mixed up all the pictures,

He confused all my fairy tales.

Pictures you must collect,

Name the Russian fairy tale.

Unexpectedly for all of us, a gray goat came to visit Leshem. It turns out that he was looking for guys.

Gray goat:

Fabulous residents are in trouble! We need to help them! I received letters asking for help, but from whom they came, I cannot understand. Please help me!

-"Save us, we were eaten grey Wolf» . (kids)

-“I'm very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle ". (mouse)

-"Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole". (Wolf)

- “Dear grandmother and grandfather, do not worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon". (Masha)

-"Help, my brother has turned into a kid". (Alyonushka)

-"Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair". (bear cub)

Thank you guys for your help! Goblin, let's go help out fabulous inhabitants! Goodbye, see you soon!

You roll, roll the ball

Through the field and woods.

We will go for the ball and where will we get?

I am Marya the Mistress-

Russian beauty!

And I can do everything, and I can do everything!

Weave a blanket, stars are embroidered on it,

Forests and fields, as well as the moon.

I'll bake a cake, I'll put a samovar,

And I will invite you all to the feast as soon as possible.

Marya the artisan:

Guys, help me please.

I found objects in the forest, but I don't know whose they are. They lie in this basket.


Well, guys, can we help Marya the mistress find the owners of these items? (Yes)

Marya the Mistress takes turns taking objects out of "Magic basket", what about children they say: from which fairy tale the lost things.

Patty - "Masha and the Bear", "Swan geese".

Egg - "Ryaba Chicken".

Turnip - "Turnip".

Apple - "Swan geese".

A fish - « Chanterelle-sister and the gray wolf ", "By the pike's command".

Rolling pin - "Chanterelle with a rolling pin".

Three spoons - "Three Bears".

Marya the Mistress:

Well done boys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Tell me, what is the most important thing in Russian folk tales? (good triumphs over evil)

It's time for me to say goodbye to you. Until we meet again in magic land Fairy tales! I wish you Bon Voyage, and I'll give it to the track sweet gift!


So our journey through fairy tales is coming to an end. You have seen many fairy tales today. Which of the fairytale heroes have we met? (Masha and the Bear, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa the Wise, the Goblin, the gray Goat, Mary the Artisan) What words end fairy tales? ( "They began to live - to live, but to make good money". "That'sthe end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done ".)

Where is our magic ball?

Roll, roll

Magic ball

Straight to the house, on the doorstep!

There are many fairy tales in the world

Kind and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give for warmth

May goodness forever

Quest based on fairy tales. Scenario for children

Quest is absolutely new form both trainers and entertainment programs, which allows the children to completely immerse themselves in what is happening, because what could be more exciting than a good game?
Is it new? But what about our old "Cossacks-robbers"? Was it not according to such principles that the game, beloved by the older generation, was developed? What about treasure hunting in pirate games? It is important that, based on the above, we can educate our children more successfully using new-old technologies!
And also if you carefully study the oral folklore, that ALL folk tales are written according to the principles of a linear quest: if Ivanushka does not fulfill three conditions, he will not find Vasilisa ...

Quest based on the tale "Turnip"

Target: instill interest in folk art, to fairy tales. Development of communication skills in children, the ability to work in a team.
Educational. To contribute to the formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard practical tasks.
Educational. To unite the children, to give them pleasure, to promote the rapprochement and organization of the group.
Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Murka, Mouse
The heroes of the fairy tale gathered to pull the turnip. But the old grandfather - he forgot where he sowed the turnip ... Accordingly, we need to find it and our little heroes have to do it.
The grandfather reveals to the children the secret that each hero of the fairy tale has a piece of the card. After collecting the map, you can find the place where the turnip grew! And sends the kids to grandma!
Station number 1 Babka
The grandmother was very happy with the children and she had a task in store for the young assistants. She prepared riddles about vegetables for them.
I was born to glory
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them. (cabbage)

She hides from the sun
Under a bush in a deep burrow,
Brown is not a bear
In a mink - but not a mouse.

For curly tuft
They dragged the fox out of the mink.
Very smooth to the touch,
It tastes like sweet sugar.
The kids did an excellent job. Grandma handed them a piece of the map and the guys went on.

Station number 2 Granddaughter
The granddaughter loves to dress up, and she asked the guys to decorate her earrings with berries. Here the guys tried their best with the help of plasticine to decorate earrings for the Granddaughter with various berries, currants, strawberries, etc. The granddaughter was delighted and gave the next piece of the card.
The guys followed to the next station.

Station number 3 Zhuchka and Murka
The third piece of the map is kept by the dog and the cat! They give the children the task of playing cat and mouse. Here we need a small bell and something to blindfold.
Children played this game for a long time! We were happy to catch each other !!
Having played enough, the kids get the third piece of the map and run to the mouse.

Station number 4 Mouse
The mouse hid the map in her supplies. The mouse asks to help her sort out the grain (put off the pasta and leave the buckwheat)! There, at the bottom of Myshkin's reserves, the guys found the last piece of the map.
Having combined all the found pieces of the map, the guys went in search of the turnip planted by their grandfather.
The turnip was found and of course, along with the turnip, small surprises for the children were hidden!
Thus, conducting activities in the form of a quest game, traveling to stations, you can diversify activities and even spending them on a walk, we turn an ordinary day into an exciting adventure.
The quest makes it possible to include activity, project tasks as riddles, which allows participants to independently master new knowledge.
Quest as universal game technology allows for a short time gently involve players in a variety of children's activities.
It can be argued without hesitation that when a child grows up, he will behave in his professional activity just as he behaved in the game in childhood: plan, predict, achieve results and improve his physical and moral qualities.
Those. Quest games are one of the interesting tools aimed at self-education and self-development of a child as a creative, physically healthy person with an active cognitive attitude. Which is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

1. the federal law RF "On education in Russian Federation", N 273-ФЗ dated December 29, 2012
2. Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. New pedagogical and information Technology in the education system / Proc. manual for stud. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. frames / ed. ES Polat - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.
3. Collection of Russian folk tales.
4. Osyak S.A., Sultanbekova S.S., Zakharova T.V., Yakovleva E.N., Lobanova O.B., Plekhanova E.M. Educational quest - modern interactive technology // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-2 .;

Quest is an exciting "live" game for a team of several people, in a specially equipped room. Participants are invited to complete a specific task, limited in time to 60-90 minutes. In this unusual and exciting adventure, you cannot do without ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition, as well as dexterity, coordination and ability to interact with friends.





Comprehensive development of children different directions(physical, cognitive and socio-communicative);


Creation of a positive emotional mood;

Development of social and communicative qualities by collectively solving common problems;

Solving problem situations;

Ability to perform various game tasks;

Broadening your horizons;

Development of logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;

Enrichment of vocabulary;

Instilling in children an interest in reading;

Raising respect for fairy tales, a sense of admiration, faith in miracles;

Improving movement coordination;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Host: - I am a fairy tale. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know a lot of them?

Today I was asked (as the most intelligent and beautiful) to take you along the paths of fairy tales. Only these roads are not easy. You will have to try very hard, remember many fairy tales, answer tricky questions, help fairy tale characters. And for this you will receive a surprise from me at the end of the journey.

  1. - In order to get into a fairy tale and not get lost, you need to guess the riddles of the Gatekeepers - two of the casket, the same from the face. Listen carefully and guess correctly. For correct guesses, I will give you a hint: a map with a route.

(answers appear on interactive whiteboard)

I almost became a wife of a mole

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds.(Thumbelina)

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

She brought her pies.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Cheated and swallowed!(Little Red Riding Hood)

He was baked out of flour,

The window was chilly.

I ran away from my grandmother and grandfather,

And he became a fox's dinner.(Gingerbread man)

Gobbling up the rolls

The guy was driving on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married the princess.(Emelya)

Stands in front of the forest,

And the crooked chimney smokes.

There Yaga is a forest grandmother -

Yawns sweetly on the stove.(A hut on chicken legs)

- Now you have completed the first task. Get my hint. (Gives a map).

Host: - Guys, do you like to travel? Then we will go on a journey with many puzzles awaiting us. Let's define our path along the map.

  1. We find the task "Whose things are these?"

(On an interactive whiteboard Carlson, Dunno, Cheburashka, Leopold the Cat, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood)

The task is this: you need to guess the fairytale hero from my stories and the songs of fairytale heroes.

1) "The miller had three sons, and he left them, dying, just a mill, a donkey and a cat."

- From which fairy tale did you read the passage? ("Puss in Boots")

- And what thing helped Puss in Boots perform heroic deeds? (boots)

(Puss in Boots appears on the interactive whiteboard)

2) The song of Cheburashka sounds.

- What hero sang this song to himself? (Cheburashka)

- And what is Cheburashka famous for? (ears)

(Cheburashka appears on the interactive whiteboard)

3) The song of the Cat Leopold “If you are kind” sounds

- And who is this kind in our country? (Leopold the Cat)

- Well, what item of clothing can you always recognize the Cat Leopold by? (bantu)

(Leopold the Cat appears on the interactive whiteboard)

4) The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds

- The girl sang in the dark forest:

- I'll bring pies to my grandmother!

The hat is like a raspberry!

Perhaps this is Malvina? (No, it's Little Red Riding Hood)

- And what is the item here from Little Red Riding Hood? (basket)

(Little Red Riding Hood appears on the interactive whiteboard)

5) - And this hero, if he sings, it will be bad for everyone. I said for a long time that a bear stepped on his ear! Therefore, I'd rather tell you about it:

- In one fabulous city lived short people. They were called short because they were very small. One kid was the most famous, and they called him that because he did not know anything.

- Guess who it is? (Dunno).

- And what is his most prominent piece of clothing? (hat)

(Dunno appears on the interactive whiteboard)

6. - Let's see how you can recognize one bully, whom I have bewitched for bragging and disrespecting elders: you see, he invents nicknames for decent people.

(Carlson appears on the interactive whiteboard)

And you have coped with this test.

And we meet the bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And waddle we go.

(Walking on the outside of the foot)

Bunnies quickly jump in the field

A lot of fun in the wild.

We imitate bunnies

Fidgets are kids.

(Jumping on two legs with forward movement).

Ahead from behind a bush

The red fox is looking.

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

(Easy running).

Before us is a reservoir.

  1. Where did we end up? What is it? (children's answers) Yes, guys, we came to the swamp. Look, frog. What Russian folk tale do you think this frog is from? (Princess Frog).

Leading: The frog princess has prepared a task for you. Find your fairy tale game. Here are illustrations from Russian folk tales. Name them. Now I will give you cards depicting the heroes of fairy tales. While the music is playing, you are walking. Music stop, go to the illustration of the fairy tale from which your hero. Be careful!

(Kids are playing).

We walk, we walk

Raise our hands higher

We do not lower our head.

Oh, a trickle flows on our way.

A brook in the forest runs

And somewhere he is in a hurry.

Faster and faster

Bul-bul-bul - the water gurgles.

(Jumping from island to island).

  1. (Children come up to the oak tree).

Leading: What is this tree? (children's answers) Let's come over to see who is waiting for us here.

(Children go to a tree, a learned cat sits on an oak tree and reads a poem).

Cat: "Lukomorye has a green oak,

Golden chain on a tom oak

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in chains ... "

Host: Guys, how interesting. This is a learned cat. He invites us to play a game where he will call the first word of the name of the fairy tale, and you guess the full name of the fairy tale.

d / game "Fairy Lotto"

Snowy ...

Children: (Snow Queen)

Scarlet ...

Children: (Scarlet flower)

Zayushkin ...

Children: (Zayushkina hut)


Children: (The Ugly Duckling)

Red ...

Children: (Little Red Riding Hood)

Boy. ..

Children: (Boy with a finger)


Children: (Doctor Aibolit)

Tiny ...

Children: (Tiny Khavroshechka)

Cat: Okay, done the job, well done! You can continue on your way.

  1. We reach the intersection.

Host: you and I have reached the crossroads, there are signs on the pillars. Let's read them: “If you go to the left - you will find a beautiful toy”, “If you go to the right, you will part with a friend”, “If you go straight, you will do a good deed”.

Host: Guys, what road do you propose to choose? Why? I have a magic wand. If it lights up, then you have chosen the right way... (the stick lights up). You have chosen the right path.

  1. We reach the hut of Baba Yaga.

Host: And in the house of Baba Yaga sits Vanyushka, he was brought by geese-swans. He walked alone along the carriageway. Can I walk along the road? If you want to free him, you must complete my assignments. Do you agree?

Confusion game.It is necessary to remember and give the correct names of fairy tales.

1. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka";

2. "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf";

3. "By the command of a dog";

4. "The Wolf and Seven Tiger Cubs";

5. "Pashenka and the Bear";

6. "Geese-crows".

  1. Well done, we did it! And now I will test you, how strong and dexterous you are.

(Game "Pull the rope").

Host: Of course! We were delighted! Even the sorceress was defeated! You have coped with all the tasks, take the boy, I hope he will not walk alone on the way, and even more so to play there. Receive my gifts.

Alla Krasikova
Entertainment script "Quest in Russians folk tales"For senior preschool age

Educator GBOU school 1130

Krasikova Alla Nikolaevna

Fun for older preschool children:

« Quest based on Russian folk tales»

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge of the content Russian folk tales, Develop logical thinking, visual - motor coordination, the ability to navigate the terrain.

Characters: Guide (teacher of the group, Baba Yaga, children of the group.

Attributes: Envelope with letter; Baba Yaga costume; picture of an apple, by the number of children; air balloons, by the number of children; puzzles with fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip", "Swan geese", "Ryaba Chicken", "Teremok"; diagram with pictures of all of the above fairy tales and with a picture of Baba Yaga; big Stone; chest with a lock; a note with riddles about a stone, a letter; Crayon; candy wrappers; basket with sweets; empty boxes, three different keys.

Children receive a letter from a woman Yagi: "Dear Guys! Koschey the Immortal was angry that in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil and stole fairy tales to be forgotten by all. Help out. Come out of the garden into dark forest, look for Baba Yaga. She will tell you how to find fairy tales

The guys get together and go to the site. There they meet Baba Yaga.

Educator: Baba Yaga, hello! A letter came to the guys in the group. It says that they are gone fairy tales... That Koschey the Immortal stole them, and what can you do to us tell where to go, where look for fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: Fu-fu-fu, who came to me, not asked, not invited? Fu-fu-fu, I feel smells of the Russian spirit... Can i you prompt, where look for fairy tales, but you first play blind man's buff with me. If you win, I'll tell you, but if you lose, I'll fry it and eat it. Well, what do you agree?

Baba Yaga is blindfolded and unwound. She tries to catch the guys, but she fails.

Baba Yaga: Oh, they killed my grandmother, pranksters. Only I can't show you the way, otherwise Koshey will turn me into a snake under the skin in an instant.

Educator and children: How are we to be, where to go? Help us out, Granny Beauty!

Baba Yaga: Okay, shoot. Guess the riddle - I will give you hint:

Brother and Sister

Great misfortune

But they will not be denied help

Magic stove,

Milk river,

And an apple tree, on a difficult road.

(fairy tale Geese - Swans)

Baba - Yaga: Right guys! Here you are the first found a fairy tale, - gives children a card with a picture fairy tales... - In this fairy tale and the first clue... Go, look for the apple tree. And I won't tell you anything else.

The guys with the teacher find an apple tree to which pictures of apples are attached. Children pick apples and find a picture with another a fairy tale"Teremok" and hint written in apple: “Into the grass, you look at your feet, a vessel with hint you are looking for».

Children are looking for bottles in the meadow. They contain puzzle pieces. The guys have to solve the puzzle and find out the next one fairy tale"Kolobok"... In one of the bottles prompt"Miracle tree"... The guys must find a tree hung with balls. They remove the balls and in some of them they find new pieces of puzzles with a fairy tale"Turnip" and a drawing that suggests in which direction to move (stairs, and on it a box with a key).

The children move to the entrance to the kindergarten and find a staircase with many boxes. Some boxes contain keys, a picture with a fairy tale"Ryaba Chicken" and downloads - hints where to go farther:

The mountains are full of it.

It often falls to the bottom

The gorges are steep.

It's hard, small, big.

It can be different in form.

They take him out of the way.


The paper bird lies on the table

I write the address on the white wing.

Paper bird

Will rush to a friend.


Educator suggests that it is necessary to find a stone with a letter and invites the children to look for it near the walls of the kindergarten. Children walk around the kindergarten and find a stone on which written:

If you go to the left, you will lose your horse.

If you go straight, you will find sweets.

If you go to the right, you will find the treasure in the sandbox.

Arrows are drawn from the stone three directions... If the children take the path that leads to the candy, they find a basket full of empty candy wrappers. If they choose the path to the sandbox, they find a sandbox with scoops. They begin to dig the sand and find a chest, locked with a lock. Pondering how to open the chest, children remember the keys found in the boxes. Of the three keys, only one is suitable. Children open the chest and discover a diagram showing all fairy tales they found, but in one "Window" the diagram shows Baba Yaga. Children with a teacher conclude that they need to return to Baba Yaga to their playground.

Baba Yaga: Well, darlings, come? A fairy tales, have all your friends found?

Children show Baba Yaga a diagram of fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: How did you find your way, How fairy tales collected?

Children remember the route they took.

Baba Yaga: Well done, guys. Everything fairy tales found... Here the death of Koscheev came, well, I will reward you for this (Spells).

Conjure woman, conjure grandfather,

Eight on the side of yours is not.

Gray mist, evaporate!

Mountain of candy, show up!

He treats the guys and says goodbye to them.

Related publications:

Scenario of the literary quiz "According to Russian folk tales" for senior preschool children"Literary quiz on Russian folk tales" for senior preschool children MDOU kindergarten combined type No. 46.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for the middle group "Traveling through Russian folk tales" Synopsis of an integrated lesson for middle group kindergarten"A journey through Russian folk tales" (lesson with elements of mathematics.

Card file of physical minutes to Russian folk tales for younger preschoolers"Kolobok". Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, warm and ruddy (tilts to the right, left)

Synopsis of the OOD for communication for older preschool children "Traveling through Russian folk tales" Synopsis of organized educational activities on communication for senior preschool children on the topic: “Traveling in Russians.

Summary of the lesson "Acquaintance with Russian folk costume" for senior preschool children Acquaintance with Russian folk costume Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the history and features of the Russian national costume. Form.

Family quest game

"Journey to the Fairy Land"

Scenario of the game by station for senior preschool groups

Target- creating good things in children, positive mood during fabulous journey in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

- v game form to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about familiar fairy tales, their content, characteristic features characters;

Develop readers' interest;

Promote the development of speech, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence, associative thinking when guessing riddles, children's singing abilities, as well as quickness and dexterity;

To bring up in children an interested and respectful attitude towards fairy tales.

Preliminary work:

Selection of musical material;

Preparation of costumes for heroes;

Reading fairy tales, listening to audio recordings with fairy tales, guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales, singing songs from fairy tales;

Event progress:

The melody of the intro to the TV show "Visiting the Fairy Tale" ("Come, Fairy Tale", author V. Dashkevich)

Leading: Hello guys and dear guests! Today we are gathered here to talk about fairy tales and check how well you know and love fairy tales.

LeadingIt's an unusual day today

I want to surprise you.

On a journey through fairy tales

We'll go now!

Under funny music the clown Klepa and the clown Toffee come out. Klyopa has a piglet on his nose, but Iriska has horns on his head. Everyone greets the children in their own way: Toffee shakes everyone's hands, Klepa raises one of the children’s legs and greets the leg. The clown and the clown see each other and start laughing. Klepa falls to the floor laughing and rolls on his back.

Klepa.Oh, I can't! Oh, hilarious! Oh, hold me!

Toffee.Look at yourself! Laughter, and more!

Klepa and Iriska look at each other and continue to laugh.

Klepa.What's on your head, Toffee?

Toffee. And what's in there?

Klepa.Here's a mirror for you, look at you! (gives Iriska a mirror)

Toffee looks in the mirror, is surprised, hands it over to Klepe.

Toffee.Now look at yourself!

Klepa looks in the mirror, stops laughing, is surprised.

Klepa (scared). Toffee, maybe you and I ate something wrong this morning? A?

Toffee (thoughtfully). I think I understood, Klepa, what happened and why you and I are like that!

Klepa.Understood? Speak quickly!

Toffee... Where have you been this morning? A?

Klepa.I AM? In a fairyland. So what?

Toffee.So. I, too, was in the Fairy Land today, I visited different fairy tales... And in one she stayed longer. Here is the result! Guys, tell me, in which fairy tale I was late? ("The Wolf and 7 Kids")

Toffee.How funny these kids are!

Klepa.And then in what fairy tale did I stay for a while? ("Three pigs")

Klepa.Oh, and I've played enough with these mischievous brothers!

Toffee.I think we don't need horns and a patch here (filming). Klepa, how I love the Fairy Land!

Klepa.Me too, Toffee, there are so many interesting things!

Toffee.Guys, would you like to visit this country? (children's answers)
Klepa. But only those who love and know fairy tales can go there! You love? Do you know?

Toffee.Of course, Klepa, they know and love! They guessed the fairy tales in which you and I were today!

Leading.Participants, you will travel to the stations where you will be met fairy-tale heroes, they have prepared tasks for you. I think that you will do well and then you will get pieces of the picture from the heroes.And in the end, whoever draws up the picture is the winner. The journey begins! Get your route sheets and go.

Senior group:

1. Guess the song from the fairy tale

2. Riddles from a fairy tale

3. The plot of the tale

4. Heroes of fairy tales

5. Fabulous telegrams

Preparatory group:

1. Fabulous telegrams

2. Heroes of fairy tales

3. The plot of the tale

4. Riddles from a fairy tale

5 guess the song from the fairy tale

Station "Guess the song from a fairy tale"

Fox Alice... Hello guys!

I'm the best singer

I'm a dancer

I'm strong in music like a lioness

And I love to have fun with the kids. Did you find out who I am? (Answers of children)

You have come to the "Guess the song from a fairy tale" station.

We listen piece of music and guess the name of a song or fairy tale

  • If you are kind "Leopold the cat's birthday"
  • Who goes on a visit in the morning "Winnie the Pooh is on a visit"
  • SongCheburashki
  • Little Red Riding Hood's Song
  • I, gingerbread man
  • Oh kids, oh kids
  • Bu-ra-ti-no
  • Crocodile Gena's song

Did an excellent job, here's a piece!

Station "Riddles from a Fairy Tale"

Baba Yaga.Hello everyone! Girls are skewers, boys are stumps! I AM - cheerful old lady... Why did you come here? (Guess riddles) Well then, listen and answer amicably.

Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs, three mugs there,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale? ("Three Bears")

It looked a little like a ball

And rolled down the track.

Rolled away from everyone

Except for the "redhead" laugh like that! ("Kolobok")

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

Blundered a little;

I did not obey the cat,

Looked out the window. ("Cockerel-golden comb")

The chanterelle found a home

The mouse was kind

In the house, in the end,

There were many tenants. ("Teremok")

And the road is far

And the road is not easy

I would sit on a tree stump

Eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

Someone for someone

Gripped tight

Oh, there is no way to get it out!

Oh, she sat down tight!

But also assistants

Coming soon

Defeat the stubborn

Friendly common work

Who sat down so tight

Maybe this? ("Turnip")

There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Delicious water

In the hole from the hoof. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere his nose pokes its long ...

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio)

Heals small children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

Well, well done, you have guessed all the riddles, get a piece!

Station "The plot of a fairy tale"

Cinderella.Hello kids - girls and boys!

Everyone knows me always! You recognized me?.

There are puzzles on the table. You need to add the picture and name the episode from which fairy tale.

  • Turnip
  • Ryaba chicken
  • Teremok

Well done! Coped with the task. Get a slice of the picture.

Station "Heroes of Fairy Tales"

Scientist cat(speaking in a purring voice) Guests have come to visit us!

Hello my friends!

The scientist cat is me!

I'm friends with fairy tales

Welcome to visit!

The cat is a scientist.I AM magic cat, I know about the Fabulous all-all country and everyone knows me here! Cope with my assignment, then I will let you through.

The cat shows the children illustrations depicting the heroes of fairy tales, the guys name the fairy tales in which they meet:

Fox ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zayushkina Hut", "Zhikharka", "Fox and Crane", etc.)

Bear ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", "Yabloko", etc.)

Hare ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Fox, Hare and Rooster", "Hare - boast", "Apple", etc.)

Wolf ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Fox-sister and the gray wolf", "The wolf and the seven kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc.)

Baba Yaga ("Geese-Swans", "Baba Yaga", etc.)

Grandfather and Baba ("Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok", "Morozko", "Snow Maiden", "Geese-Swans")

The cat is a scientist.Well done, we did the job! If I let you pass, I'll give you a piece of the picture!

Station "Fairy telegrams"

Dr. Aibolit.Hello guys, do you recognize me?

So - I am the one Aibolit, that will heal everyone, will heal.

Guys, now, let's guess who sent me the telegrams, from which fairy tale the characters are:

. "Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf ... "(kids from the fairy tale" The Wolf and the Seven Kids ")

“I'm very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle ... "(mouse from the fairy tale" Chicken-Ryaba ")

."Dear guests! Help! Hack the villain's spider ... "(Fly-Tsokotukha)

. "I can't come to you, my trousers ran away from me ..." (dirty from "Moidodyr")

. "I was very tired because I was visiting the bears ..." (Masha from the fairy tale "Three Bears")

. “I go to my sick grandmother in the forest and carry pies and a pot of butter ... (Little Red Riding Hood)

"Help, bandits are chasing me and want to take 5 gold coins ... (Pinocchio, the tale" The Golden Key)

. "We will not be able to come to you, as the three of us are sitting in a stone house and hiding from the wolf ..." (Three little pigs)

"I won't be able to get to you, since I no longer have a single magic petal, the last one I spent on the boy Vanya ... (girl Zhenya from the fairy tale" Flower-seven-flower ")

Well done, here's a piece of the picture.

Klepa.So you are back!

Toffee.Did you like your trip to the fairyland? Have you got all the pieces of the picture? Now try to assemble a picture.

Leading.Commandsdid an excellent job and it's time to reward the participants.

Presentation of diplomas, gifts

Klepa.Toffee, look what all the guys are in a good, cheerful mood.

Toffee.This is all because we visited wonderful fairy tales that teach good! And they decorate our life!


Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give us warmth


May goodness forever

Evil wins (Yu.Entin)