Four types of hippocratement temperament: general characteristic. Types of temperament

Four types of hippocratement temperament: general characteristic. Types of temperament
Four types of hippocratement temperament: general characteristic. Types of temperament

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1. The concept of "temperament"

When they talk about temperament, they mean many mental differences between people - differences in depth, intensity, stability of emotions, emotional impressionability, tempo, energetic action and other dynamic, individual-sustainable features of mental life, behavior and activity. Nevertheless, temperament and today remains largely controversial and unresolved. However, with all the variety of approaches to the problem, scientists and practices recognize that temperament is a biological foundation, which is formed by a person as a social being.

Temperament reflects the dynamic aspects of behavior, preferably congenital character, therefore the properties of temperament are most stable and constant compared to other human mental features. The most specific feature of the temperament is that the different properties of the temperament of this person are not accidentally combined with each other, but are naturally linked by forming a certain organization, structure.

So, under the temperament, it is necessary to understand the individually peculiar properties of the psyche, which determine the dynamics of human mental activity, which is equally manifested in a diverse activity regardless of its content. goals, motifs, remain constant in adulthood and in relationships characterize the type of temperament. Temperament Psychology Humoral

The properties of temperament include individual features that:

· Regulate the dynamics of mental activity as a whole;

· Characterize the peculiarities of the dynamics of individual mental processes;

· Have a steady and constant nature and persist in development for a long period of time;

· Are in a strictly natural ratio, which characterizes the type of temperament;

· Definitely due to the common type of nervous system.

Using certain signs, it is possible with sufficient certainty to distinguish the properties of temperament from all other mental properties of the individual.

2. Basic temperament components

Analysis of the internal temperature structure represents significant difficulties caused by the absence of a single content and a single system of external manifestations in the temperament (in its conventional psychological characteristics). Attempts to such an analysis lead to the allocation of the three main, leading, components of temperament relating to the areas of the total activity of the individual, its motility and its emotionality. Each of these components, in turn, has a very complex multidimensional structure and various forms of psychological manifestations.

Of particular importance in the temperament structure has its component, which is indicated as the general mental activity of the individual. The essence of mental activity lies in the pursuit of personality for self-expression, effective development and transformation of external reality; sure

at the same time, the direction, quality and level of implementation of these trends is determined by other personality features: its intellectual and characteristic features, complex of its relations and motives. The degree of activity applies to lethargy, inertia and passive contemplation on one pole to the highest degree of energy, powerful rapidness of action and constant lifting - on the other.

The group of qualities constituting the first component of temperament, closely adjacent the group of qualities constituting the second - motor, or motor component, which is played in which the qualities associated with the function of the motor (and a special speakerphone). Among the dynamic qualities of the motor component, such as speed, force, sharpness, rhythm, amplitude, and a number of other signs of muscle movement should be distinguished. The combination of the peculiarities of muscle and speech motility makes up that faucement, which is easier than others, is observed and evaluated and therefore often serves as the basis for judgment about the temperament of their carrier.

The third main component of the temperament is "emotionality", which is an extensive complex of properties and qualities characterizing the peculiarities of the occurrence of the occurrence and termination of various feelings, affects and moods. Compared to other components of temperament, this component is most complicated and has an extensive own structure. An impressionability is distinguished as the main characteristics of "emotionality". Impulsiveness and emotional lability. An impressionability expresses the affective susceptibility of the subject, sensitivity to emotional impacts, the ability to find the ground for an emotional reaction where there is no such soil. The term "impulsiveness" is indicated by the speed, with which emotion becomes an incentive force of actions and actions without their preliminary thinking and conscious decision to fulfill them. Under emotional lability, the speed is usually taken with which this emotional state is terminated or one experience is shown to others.

The main components of the temperament form in the acts of human behavior, the peculiar unity of the motivation, actions and experience, which allows us to talk about the integrity of the temperament manifestations and makes it possible to relatively clearly limit the temperament from other mental education formations - its direction, character. abilities, etc.

Temperament (lat. Temperamentum - the proper ratio of the devil from Tempero - mix in proper ratio) - the innate characteristic of the individual by the dynamic features of his mental activity, i.e. The rate, speed, rhythm, intensities that make up this activity of mental processes and states.

The properties of temperament to the number of personality qualities of a person can only be attributed conditionally, they rather make up its individual characteristics, as they are mainly due and congenital. However, temperament has a significant impact on the formation of the character and behavior of a person, sometimes determines its actions, its individuality, so it is impossible to completely separate the temperament from personality. He acts as a link between the organism, personality and cognitive processes.

3. Humoral theories

There are many temperament theories. The most ancient of them are humoral theories that bind the temperament with the properties of certain liquid media organism. The most vividly this group of temperament theories was the classification of temperament based on the teaching of the hypocratic. He believed that the level of vital activity of the body was determined by the relationship between four liquids circulating in the human body - blood, bile, black biliary and mucus (lymph, phlegm). The ratio of these liquids, individually peculiar from each body, was designated in Greek the term "complicated" (mixture, combination), which translated into the Latin language sounds like "Temperament". Based on the theory of hypocratic, the teaching of four types of temperament was gradually formed, by the number of main liquids, the hypothetical predominance of which in the body, and gave the name the main types of temperament: Sanguine (from Latin Sanguis - Blood), cholecan (from Greek Chole - bile), melancholic (from the Greek Melaina - black bile) to the effect (from Greek phlegma - mucus).

4. Types of temperaments according to Kant

In a new time, the psychological characteristic of these types of temperament was generalized and systematized for the first time by the German philosopher I.Kant. The organic base of the temperament of Kant considered the qualitative features of the blood, i.e. Shared the position of supporters of humoral theories. Kant, as well as hippocrates, installed the same four temperaments.

Choleric temperament characterizes a hot-tempered person. 0 Such a person say that he is too hot, incontinence. At the same time, such an individual cool down and calms down, if he is inferior, go to meet. His movements of gusts, but short. The choleric temperament has that dignity, which allows you to focus significant efforts in a short period of time. But with long work, a person with such temperament does not always have enough exposure.

Sanguine temperament characterizes a person very cheerful in the lava. It seems an optimist, complete hopes, humorist, joker, hubler. He quickly flammifies, but it is as quickly cooled, loses interest in the fact that he quite recently worried him very much and attracted to himself. Sanguine promises a lot, but does not always hold back his promises. It is easily and with pleasure enters into contacts with strangers, is a good interlocutor, all people are friends. It is distinguished by the kindness, willingness to come to the rescue. Stressful mental or physical work is quickly tired. Sanguine temperament people have a quick response, easily and soon adapt to changing living conditions, have increased health, especially in the initial period of work, but by the end reduce performance due to rapid fatigue and falling interest.

Phlegmatic temperament refers to a cold-blooded person. He expresses itself more likely to inactivity than tense, active work. Such a person slowly comes to the state of excitement, but for a long time. This replaces him the slowness of entering the work. Phlegmatics are not able to quickly collect and concentrate efforts, but instead of this have a valuable ability to work long and hard to work, achieving the goal.

The melancholic temperament is characteristic of the opposite person, mostly gloomy mood. Such a person usually lives a challenging and intense inner life, attaches great importance to everything that concerns it, he has increased anxiety and vulnerable soul. Such a person is often restrained and especially controls itself when issuing promises. He never promises that it is not able to do, quite suffers from the fact that it cannot fulfill this promise, even if its execution directly depends on it. Those who are peculiar to the temperament of the melancholic type, differ in slow entry into operation, but also greater exposure. Their performance is usually higher in the middle or by the end of the work, and not at the beginning.




Note that in this classification of temperaments across the Kant, properties relating not only to the dynamic features of the psyche and human behavior, but also to the nature of the typical actions performed by them are repeatedly mentioned. This is not by chance, since in the psychology of an adult, it is difficult to divide the temperament and character, because the nature is formed under the influence of temperament in childhood. In addition, the properties of the temperament exist and manifest themselves in themselves, but in the actions of a person in various socially significant situations.

Each of the presented temperament types in itself is neither good nor bad (if not to bind temperament and character). Manifesting in the dynamic features of the psyche and human behavior, each type of temperament can have their advantages and disadvantages. Sanguine temperament people have a quick response, easily and soon adapt to changing living conditions, have increased health, especially in the initial period of work, but by the end reduce performance due to fast fatigue and falling interest. On the contrary, those who are peculiar to the temperament of melancholic type are characterized by slow entry into operation, but also greater exposure. Their performance is usually higher in the middle or by the end of the work, and not at the beginning. In general, the productivity and quality of work in Sanguits and Melancholics are about the same, and the differences relate mainly to the dynamics of work in different periods.

The choleric temperament has that dignity, which allows you to focus significant efforts in a short period of time, but with long-term work, a person with such temperament does not always have enough exposure. Phlegmatics, on the contrary, are not able to quickly collect and concentrate efforts, but instead they have a valuable ability to work for a long time and hard to achieve, achieving the goal. The type of human temperament must be taken into account where the work makes special requirements for the specified dynamic features of activity.

5. Constitutional temperament theories

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis approach, the first step towards the classification of individual mental traits, was the establishment of a correlation between the types of the bodily constitution, on the one hand, and specific mental illnesses on the other.

It was this strategy that the German psychiatrist E. Krechmer was used to build the main types of bodily constitution. According to the results of a thorough examination of 260 of its patients, three types turned out to be three: a) asthenic (or leptosomal), b) athletic, c) picnic.

Asthenic (from Greek. Asthenes is weak) The type of physique is characterized primarily by a combination of medium height and weak growth in width, from which people of this type seem higher than in fact. Its general picture is a thin person with narrow shoulders, thin hands and brushes, long and narrow chest, devoid of fat belly. The face of the asthenic is usually long, narrow and pale, in the profile sharply protrudes the inconsistency between the elongated nose and a small lower jaw, and therefore in shape it is called angular.

Athletic (from Greek. Athletes - Wrestlers) Type is distinguished by the strong development of the skeleton and muscles, the torso in width is significantly reduced by the book. People of this type have medium or high growth, broad shoulders, ground chest, elastic belly. Athletics head is dense and high, it is directly holding on a strong free neck, and the face has a usually elongated egg-shaped.

Picnic (from Greek. Pyknos is dense) stands out by the strong development of the inner cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen) - with a weak engine (shoulder belt and limbs). Picnics - middle-growth people and with a dense figure, their deep folded chest moves into a massive, prone to obesity of the belly, which is a kind of center of this type of physique (compared to the shoulder belt at athletics). The frontal outlines of the face resembles a pentagon (due to fat deposits on the side surfaces of the jaws), the person itself is widespread, soft, rounded. According to the general aesthetic impression of the face of asthenic and athletic type - more interesting, picnic - more correct.

To prove the connection between the bodily and mental peculiarities of people, these build types were correlated with two main types of mental disorders. The first of them is manic-depressive psychosis. The second disease - schizophrenia is characterized by poverty (complicity) of the emotional sphere and the reality in thinking, often reaching delusional fantasies and hallucinations. The ratio results showed a high correlation between these types of mental illness: a) circular psychosis with a picnic structure of the body and b) schizophrenia with asthenic and athletic.

This fact became the main argument of the classification of the Krecheraman. If it was now possible to show the principal similarity of typical mental qualities with these diseases with the characteristic features of normal people, the conclusion about the relationship between a certain structure of the body and the type of character would be natural. Krechmer tried to establish this similarity, expressing the assumption of the absence of a sharp face in the individual characters between the norm and pathology.

The transition from clinical observations to the analysis of individuality in everyday life was gradual. First, studying the relatives of patients and people predisposed to the disease, Krechmer single out the intermediate forms, which coincided according to their main symptoms with circular and schizophrenic psychosis. Saving the initial terms, he called these forms of cycloid and schizoid. Secondly, it was a more decisive step, - the Krechmer chained two common (ie, not related to the norm or pathology) of people similar to both typical mental peculiarities and constitutionally. Thanks to this generalization, the diseases themselves and forms close to them were understood as sharp, caricature exacerbations of certain "biotypes" of individualities - cyclo- and schizotic. Thus, the path from the hole to the pathology was divided into three steps: from the general circle of representatives of a certain constitutional type (cycle-either), cases of its abnormal "strengthening" (cyclo or schizoid), reaching sometimes to the degree of mental disorder (Circular psychosis, or schizophrenia).

Mental features and features of the social behavior of two common "biotypes" are most clear and clearly in their transitional forms in cycloids and schizoids. They are diametrically different to peace and themselves, to other people and practical classes, according to the characteristics of the emotional sphere.

Cycloid people are usually soft, consistently combined, kindly, have a sense of humor. In relation to the world around the world, they are realistic and easily adjusted, without opposing their individuality and not wanting to subjugate it to any system. Rather, they can merge with the medium, in joy and grief their first desire to "speak, make fun and pay." Caught deeply empathize with other people, cycloids take them in all cash, not always being consistent and principled. In the work, they are usually active (excluding, of course, periods of depression), diligent, enterprising, and often to the fuss, their ability and the desire to work lacks, however, constant and perseverance in achieving the goal. Emotional experiences, cycloid moods are distributed between poles of violent, enthusiastic cheerfulness and melancholic sadness, sadness. The shifts of these "poles" can be more or less frequent; But it is interesting that even with the strong severity of one of them (for example, a maniacal) is partially present (depressive).

Schizoid people are closed, irritable, ironic and almost completely focused on their inner life. Often they are emphasized indifferent to the outside world, although sharply distinguishing themselves from it, they may require change, defend their principles "called facts", zealously compare them with their accepted standards. A typical schizoid tendency to self-analysis can be deep in content, but most importantly - always subordinated to a certain system, whether it is a "system" of the stages of its own development or a combination of flowers in clothing. In communicating with others, they either choose a narrow circle (usually considering it with a circle of "chosen"), or purely superficially, without genuine personal contact. If such a contact is installed, in friendship and in love, schizoid requires the most serious obligations - according to the principle of "all or nothing", the person chosen by him must respond to the ideal sample. Extremely important, towering over commonplace is a schizoid and the fact that he devotes himself, in certain facts, the momentary events, he sees the manifestations of the "eternal" problems, seeking to create a general system of their natural permission. The sphere of emotional experiences of schizoid also has two "poles": a sentimental painful vulnerability of finely sensitive aesthet and emotional stupidity, the reduction of affects to full indifference to everything. In specific individual cases, both of these extremes, as well as in cycloids, complement each other: the demonstrative indifference is hidden excessive tenderness and varying, and the background of sensitive, intimate frankness is coldness and inaccessibility.

Among the empirical descriptions of the normal owners of one of two common biotypes - cyclo- and schizotic - particular interest is the analysis of individual features of large historical figures in science, art, politics. So, for scientists approaching the cyclotimical type (Goethe, Humboldt), the versatility is characterized, the extensiveness of scientific activities, often in combination with artistic talent. Personalized at once in several areas of knowledge, they prefer those of them that are related to the study of a particular material and where skill is required and a special tendency to its detailed, painstaking description: botany, anatomy, geology, ethnography, etc. "Believe your feelings, they do not deceive you," in the scientific motto Guete sounds love for a living fact and antipathy to abstrases that cannot be felt. On the contrary, the creators of generalized systematic concepts, representatives of theoretical sciences - mathematics, physics - as a rule, to schizotic type (Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Leibniz, etc.). The same general circle includes philosophers of a strict and accurate thought system (Kant), romantically distracted metaphysics (shelling), pathetically passionate poets and moralists (Schiller, Rousseau).

American doctor and psychologist W. Sheldon examined photos of 4000 men 'students in order to allocate extreme variants of the bodily constitution. These options should have become the desired components, i.e. Those components for which you can describe and quantify the physique of any particular person. They turned out three - endo-, meso and ectomorphic.

The description of these extreme options as a whole corresponds to the descriptions of types by the cream. The first is characterized by roundness, plumpness, the presence of a large belly, fat on the shoulders and hips, round head, underdeveloped muscles. Second - wide shoulders and chest, strong hands and legs, massive head. The third is elongated, with a high forehead, face, long limbs, a narrow chest and belly, the absence of subcutaneous fat.

To estimate endo, meso and ectomorphia, it was allocated at first 40, and then 17 significant anthropometric features, which are the relationship of some body sizes (for example, the volume of the chest to increase). These components-variables were ranked on a 7-point scale, and as a result, a specific person received a specific index for each of them. The combination of these indexes (of them, naturally, there were three) and the type of its body was determined, i.e. somatype. Diverse individual sets of bodily features have become subject to measurement (according to the results of the survey 46 thousand photos it was possible to describe 88 different somatotypes).

The individual components of the character (on the terminology of Sheldon - the temperature features) were equally thoroughly distinguished. Based on the analysis of psychological literature of the individual, 650 traits were considered, from which 50 significant were selected by mutual combination. Then, by numerous and diverse methods, questionnaires, questionnaires during the year were examined 33 people to determine the severity of these features and their ranking (on a 7-point scale). The correlation of the evaluations obtained allowed to highlight three groups of the features, each of which became an expression of the "primary components of temperament", called viscoco, somato- and cerebrom. According to its general content, these components were also interpreted as a predominance in the human activity of respectively - organs of the digestive, motor vehicle and higher nerve centers. As a result of additional expansion of the list of features and their subsequent correlation, the number of significant features for each component was brought to 20. The human testing on these features allows to obtain an individual temperament index (for example, at the extreme visceootonics it is 7-1-1).

Finally, a study was taken between individual somatotypes and temperament indices. It was conducted on 200 male tests for five years, and as a result, high correlation coefficients were found (about + 0.8) between endomorphia and visceotonia, mesomorphy and somdom, ektomorphia and cerebrom.

Thus, the presence of psychothelastic correspondences and connections is the fact established by statistically. However, any statements about the uniqueness of these relationships and, especially since the bodily predeterination of the mental development of a person as a social individual, has always caused fair criticism from psychologists. The presented concepts also meet a number of specific issues and objections: about changing the bodily constitution with age, about the difference between the correlation and causal relationship, about the adequate interpretation.

6. Theory of temperament I.P. Pavlova

Temperament Gumoral Somatotype

In his works, he brought the concept of the nervous system with the concept of temperament. The basis for the classification of types of the nervous system of Pavlov put:

1) the strength of the main nervous processes - irritable and brake;

2) equilibrium excitation and braking;

3) the mobility of these processes.

The power of the nervous system is defined both to irritable and braking processes. It is primarily expressed in the ability to "endure" strong stimuli. Strong type - with a large margin of such a substance, weak - small. Weak nervous system when very strong irritants act on it, deplets and gives neurosis. The performance of the strong nervous system is expressed in the ease of establishing conditional bonds with superal stimuli.

According to the principle of power of the nervous system, Pavlov opposes melancholics, as representatives of a weak type of Sanguinics and cholerics as a strong type.

The following principle of distinction of types is the principle of equilibious excitation and braking processes or ability to balance the process of excitation to the braking process. It should be noted that this principle was originally laid by Pavlov based on its classification of types.

He differed two extreme types: excitable and brake and two central, balanced. According to the principle of equilibrium, excitation and braking among strong types will be allocated as an unbalanced choleric. Although the weak type of nervous system is characterized by the weakness of both processes - both excitation and inhibition, however, and at this level there are types of balanced and unbalanced.

The third principle of typology of the nervous system is its lability, mobility, that is, the ease of changing the excitation of braking or, back, braking by excitation on one section of the crust. This principle especially in his recent statements, Pavlov betrayed very important. Sanguine, as the owner of a strong balanced and mobile nervous system, was often recognized as Pavlov's most perfect type, but at the same time he often emphasized the very positive features of phlegmatic, and sometimes there is an unrestrained type.

In the light of recent studies of many psychologists, you need to abandon any attempts to compare the temperament as a mental property of the personality with the type of nervous activity or nervous system. The fact that the type of nervous system is the physiological base of the temperament, and, with the volume, unambiguous, that is, the temperature is physiologically dependent on the type of nervous system, does not mean equating temperament to the properties of this type - temperament is characterized by its psychological features.

In addition, the type of nervous system underlies not only temperament, but also other mental properties of the personality, as well as mental processes and states. Pavlov recognizes that much in his teaching about the types of nervous system requires additional research. Recognizing the whole meaning of the teachings of Pavlov about the properties and types of the nervous system, should not be blindly followed by this teaching - it is necessary to develop it creatively, bringing substantial adjustments, and sometimes revising the problems of this teaching.

Type, by Pavlov, the "main characteristic" of the nervous system, putting the imprint on the entire activity of a person, of course, thereby one of the knowledge bases. But Pavlov, along with the firm and definitely delimited the type (often called it temperament) and character. Under the type of nervous system, it is necessary to understand its innate qualities, and under the character - first of all, what is purchased by the nervous system under the influence of life experience and first of all the upbringing.

Thus, the type of nervous system is only one of the signs of character, but is not the character of a person and does not predetermine it. However, all those features that are purchased during the life experience and which, in the views of I.P. Pavlova, is mainly characteristic, formulated not from scratch, but are associated with a certain inborn type, with some "data" of forces, equilibrium and mobility of the nervous system. The greatest value for character has upbringing and hence the non-inherited type, but the plasticity of the nervous organization. It is on the plasticity of the nervous system that is based on the advantage of the organization of nerve processes, which is related to the effect of the medium.


Temperament is called a set of properties characterizing the dynamic features of the flow of mental processes and human behavior, their strength, speed, occurrence, termination and change. He acts as a link between the organism, personality and cognitive processes.

The properties of temperament include those distinctive individual signs of a person who determine the dynamic aspects of all its activities, characterize the characteristics of mental processes, have more or less sustainable nature, are preserved for a long time, manifesting themselves shortly after birth (after the central The nervous system acquires specifically human forms).

It is believed that the properties of temperament are determined mainly by the properties of the human nervous system.

Personality and temperament are related in such a way that temperament acts as the overall basis of many other personal properties, primarily character. It, however, determines only the dynamic manifestations of the corresponding personal properties.

The temperament to some extent affects the development of human abilities, especially those that include movements with their essential characteristics, such as the pace, reaction rate, excitability and inhibormability. First of all, these are the abilities that include complex and accurate movements with a difficult trajectory and uneven tempo in their composition. These also include abilities associated with increased performance, interference resistance, endurance, the need for a long concentration of attention.


1. Belous V.V. Temperament and activity. - Pyatigorsk, 1990.

2. Merlin B.C. Essay of integral research individuality. - M., 1986.

3. Psychology of individual differences. Texts. - Moscow State University, 1992.

4. Rusalov V.M. On the nature of temperament and its place in the structure of individual properties of a person // Questions of psychology. - 1985. - №11. - P. 19-33.

5. Kovalev A. G., Mezishchev V.N. Psychological features of a person, t. 1. L., 1957.

6. Pavlov I. P. Complete writing. Ed. 2nd. T. 3 - 4. m.; L., 1951.

7. Krechmer E. body structure and character. M., 1924.

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Temperament - These are the innate features of a person who determine the dynamic characteristics of the intensity and the speed of response, the degree of emotional excitability and equilibrium, features to the environment.

Temperament is the basis of character development; In general, from a physiological point of view, temperament - type of higher human nervous activity.

Humanity has long been trying to highlight the typical features of the mental warehouse of various people, to reduce them to a small number of general portraits - types of temperament. This kind of typology was practically useful because with their help it was possible prediste-to-bore behavior of people with a certain temperament in specific life situations.

Temperament translated from Latin - "Commodity". Ancient Description of temperaments belongs to "Father" of medicine Hippocratic . He believed that the temperament of a person was determined by which of the four liquids of the body prevails: if prevails blood ("Sangvis" in Latin), then temperament will be sanguine , i.e. energetic, fast, cheerful, sociable, easily re-triggered the vital difficulties and failures. If prevailing bile ("Holle"), then the person will cholec - bile, irritable, excitable, unrestrained, very mobile person, with a quick change of setting.

If prevailing slime ("FLEGMA"), then temperament phlegmatic - Calm, slow, balanced man, slowly, with difficulty switching from one type of activity to another, ro-ho adapting to new conditions. If prevailing black bile ("Melananahole"), then it turns out melancholic - Several ill-shy and impressionable people, inclined to sadness, ro-bills, closets, it is quickly tired, excessively sensitive to adversity.

Academician I. P. Pavlov studied the physiological basis of the temperature, turning attention to dependence of temperament from the type of nervous system. He showed that two main nerve processes - excitation and braking - reflect the activity of the brain. From birth, they have all different, mutual balance, mobility.

Depending on the ratio of these properties, the nervous system of Pavlov allocated four main types of higher nervous activity:

one) " rampant"(Strong, movable, unbalanced type of nervous system (H / s) - corresponds to temperament choleric);

2) " alive"(Strong, movable, balanced type H / s corresponds to temperament sanguinika);

3) " calm"(Strong, balanced, inert type H / s corresponds to temperament phlegmatic);

four) " weak"(Weak, unbalanced, sedentary type N / s caused by temperament melancholic).

Consider the characteristics of the four types of temperament.

Choleric is a person whose nervous system is determined by the predominance of excitement over braking, as a result of which he reacts very quickly, often thoughtlessly, does not have time to slow down, to restrain, shows impatience, impurity, sharpness of movements, flareness, irreducibility, incontinence. The impassableness of his nervous system is predetermined by cyclicity in the change of its asset and vigor: carried away by some kind of work, he is passionately, it works with half a right, but he has enough strength for a short time, and as soon as they are depleted, it is being finalized before He is all nursing.

The irritated state appears, poor mood, the decline of strength and vicos ("everything falls out of the hands"). The alternation of positive population and energetic cycles with negative downturn cycles, depresses-cisia causes irregularities of behavior and well-being, its increased exposure to the appearance of neurotic breaks and conflicts with people.

Sanguinik - a person with a strong, balanced, movable H / s, has a fast response speed, his actions are thoughtful, and joyally, thanks to which it characterizes the high resistance to the difficulties of life. The mobility of its nervous system determines the variability of feelings, attachments, interests, views, high prefeability to new conditions.

This is a sociable person. Easy to converge with new people and therefore he has a wide range of dating, although it is not in constancy in communication and affection. He is a productive figure, but only when there are many interesting things, that is, with constant excitation, otherwise it becomes boring, sluggish, distracting. In the stressful situation, there is a "rendering of a lion", i.e., actively, obviously protects itself, fights for the norm-lysitation of the situation.

Phlegmatic - a man with a strong, balanced, but inert N / s, as a result of which he reacts slowly, not surrender, emotions are slowed down slowly (it is difficult to annoy, cheer); It has high performance, well resists strong and long-term stimuli, difficulties, but it is not able to quickly respond to unexpected new situations.

It is firmly remembered everything assimilated, it is not capable of abandoning the skills and stereotypes, not anyone to change the habits, the routine of life, work, new friends, is difficult and slowly adapts to new conditions. The mood is a hundred-blend, smooth. And with serious troubles, phlegmatic remains outwardly calm.

Melancholic - A man with a weak H / C, which has increased sensitivity even to weak stimuli, and a strong irritation can already cause a "broken", "stopper", confusion, "rabbit stress", therefore in stressful situations (exam, competition, danger etc.) The results of the activity of melancholic may worsen compared to a calm usual situation. Increased sensitivity leads to rapid fatigue and falling performance (longer rest).

A minor reason can cause insult, tears. The mood is very changeable, but usually Melancholic tries to hide, do not extend his feelings, does not talk about his experiences, although it is very prone to survive, often sad, depressed, insecure, anxious, he may have neurotic disorders. However, possessing high sensitivity of H / C, melancholic often have pronounced artistic and intellectual abilities.

Within the framework of socionics, so-called. socionic temperament where the concepts of excitation and braking are replaced by the associated vengeance (introversion - extroversion), which determines the overall activity of man, and rationality (rationality - irrationality), which determines the pace of this activity.

An introverted (schizoid, autistic) is a small society, closed, aside from everyone, communication as needed, is immersed in itself, he does not raise anything about himself, he does not disclose their experiences, although it is characterized by increasing vulnerability. Restantly cold refers to other people, even to loved ones.

Extraveracted (conformal) - high-quality sociability, wordhatotes to chatty, does not have an opinion, very independent, seeks to be like everything, inorganic-van, prefers to obey.

Program development "Man's Genome" Creates conditions for disclosing the functions of human genes, which determine the temperament through hormones (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine) and other biochemical mediators. Biochemistry and genetics allow you to establish and formalize the psychological phenotypes of people visited by more antiquity doctors.

It should be remembered that the division of people into four types of temperament very conditionally . The study of temperament types in a large number of modern people has shown that the corresponding traditional descriptions, the so-called clean, temperament types are quite rare in life. Such cases range from 25% - 30% of all cases. The remaining 70% - 75% of people have mixed temperament types, in which the same person detected properties inherent in different types of temperament.

In addition, the same person in different situations and in relation to different areas of life and activity can detect features of different temperaments .

It should be paid to the fact that temperament does not determine the ability and gifting of a person. Large abilities can occur the same hour at any temperament.

It is impossible to raise a question about which of temperatures is better.Each of them has its own positive and negative sides. Personalness, activity, choleric energy, mobility, liveliness and responsiveness of the Sanguinik, the depth and stability of the feelings of melancholic, calm and the absence of the phel-matik's soothing - here are examples of those valuable properties of the personality, which is related to individual temperaments. At the same time, with any of temperaments, the danger of the development of unwanted personality traits may occur.

For example, choleric temperament can make a person unrestrained, sharp, prone to constant "explosions". Sanguine temperament can lead to frivolism, tendency to scatter, insufficient depth and stability of feelings. With a melancholic temperament, a person can grow excessive closure, the tendency is completely dive into its own experiences, excessive shyness. The phlegmatic temperament can be dried sluggish, inert, indifferent to all impressions of life.


Temperament and nature


The mental states caused by various life circumstances are largely dependent on the type of human temperament type. However, his style and culture of behavior depends not on temperament, but from education and character. Correctly people say: "We sing a character, get fate." These words are confirmed by the scientific observations of psychologists. Depending on how a person relates to one or another phenomena, the vital problems surrounding people, it mobilizes the corresponding energy, it becomes capable of long-term stresses, forces itself to change the speed of its reactions and the pace of work. A brought up and enough volitional choleric is able to show restraint, switch attention to other objects, although it is given to him with great difficulty than, for example, phlegptic. In the general structure of personality, the character occupies a central place, combining all other properties and behaviors. The character of a person undoubtedly affects his cognitive processes - perception, attention, imagination, thinking and memory. This effect is carried out through volitional and instrumental traits. The emotional life of a person is under the direct influence of character. The same can be said about the motivation and about the will. First of all, the character determines the individuality and peculiarity of the personality. An important role is played by the temperament of a person. First of all, it has a significant impact on the formation of the nature and behavior of a person, sometimes determines his actions, his individuality, he acts as a link between the body, personality and cognitive processes. Both characteristics of human individuality - and temperament, and character are very interesting for studying and further use of the knowledge gained in real life. The use of knowledge about them in practice helps to understand a person, open the curtain of the mystery of his personality and the inner world, to find an approach. Therefore, we will consider individually the concepts and types of temperament and character, as well as find out what their relationship and differences.

1. The concept and properties of temperament

Temperament (from lat. Temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts, their proportionate mixing) is a complex of congenitally determined dynamic features of the psyche of the individual, manifested in intensity, speed and pace of its mental activity, in the emotional tone of vital activity, the sensitivity of the individual to external influences in its Sensitivity and mental stability / 4, p. 98 / In other words, temperament is called a set of properties characterizing the dynamic features of the flow of mental processes and human behavior, their strength, speed, occurrence, termination and change. The properties of temperament to the number of personal qualities of a person can only be attributed conditionally, they rather make it the individual characteristics, as they are mainly due to congenital.

The concept of temperament was introduced by an ancient Greek physician Hippocratic (460-379 BC), which believed that all people are divided by their naturally determined features of four groups depending on the prevalence in their organism of one of the following four liquids (humoral temperament theory):

blood (Sangwis) - Sanguines;

yellow bile (Hole) - choleric;

mucus (phlegm) - phlegmatic;

black bile (Melaine Hole) - Melancholics.

The properties of temperament include those distinctive individual signs of a person who determine the dynamic aspects of all its activities, characterize the characteristics of mental processes, have more or less sustainable nature, are preserved for a long time, manifesting themselves shortly after birth (after the central The nervous system acquires specific human forms). It is believed that the properties of temperament are determined mainly by the properties of the human nervous system. Temperament is a psychobiological category in the sense of the word that its properties are not completely innocent or dependent on the environment. They, according to V.M. RUSALOVA, is a "systemic generalization" of the initially genetically defined individual-biological properties of a person who, "including in a variety of activities, are gradually transformed and forming independently of the content of the activity itself, a qualitatively new individually stable system of invariant properties."

In accordance with the two main types of human activity - object activities and communication - each of the dedicated temperament properties should be considered separately, since it is assumed that they are manifested in different ways.

Another circumstance that characterizes the connection of temperament with the properties of the nervous system should be paid attention. The psychological characteristic of temperament is not themselves the properties of the nervous system or their combination, but the typical features of the flow of mental processes and behavior that these properties generate.

Consider these properties in relation to educational processes, subject activity and human communication. The corresponding properties include activity, productivity, excitability, brakesiness and switchability. / 8, p. 251 /

The active side of perception, attention, imagination, memory and thinking is characterized, accordingly, as far as a person is able to focus, concentrate their attention, imagination, memory and thinking on a specific object or its aspect.

The pace is manifested how quickly the corresponding mental processes work. For example, one person remembers, recalls, considers, presents, thinks over the solution of the problem faster than the other / 8, p. 251 /

Empathy, brakesiness and switching characterize the speed of the occurrence, termination or switching of a cognitive process from one object to another, transition from one action to another. For example, one people need more than others, time to engage in mental work or switch with reflections over one topic on another. Some people faster remember information or recall it than others / 8, p. 252 /

The pace of work in subject activity is determined by the number of operations, actions, movements performed per unit of time. One person prefers to work in a rapid pace, the other in slow. The productivity of actions related to movements depends on the activity and tempo of work, if no additional requirements, except for frequency and intensity, are not presented to the appropriate action.

In communication of people, the discussed properties of temperament are manifested in a similar way, only in this case they relate to the verbal and non-verbal interaction of a person with a person. In an individual with increased activity, Mimic, gestures, pantomimics are more pronounced than a person with reduced activity. More active people have, as a rule, and a stronger voice. The pace of their speech, as well as the pace of emotionally expressive movements is quite high / 5, p. 118 /

mental temperament behavior character

2. Types of temperament

Three spheres of temperament are distinguished: the overall activity, the features of the motor sphere and the properties of emotionality.

General activity is determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social. The overall activity of mental activity and human behavior is expressed in varying degrees of the desire to actively act, master and convert the surrounding reality, manifest itself in various activities.

Motor (motor) Activity shows the status of the activity of the motor and speaking machine. It is expressed in speed, strength, sharpness, intensity of muscle movements and human speech, its external mobility or restraint, talking or, on the contrary, silence.

Emotionality is expressed in emotional impressionability, impulsiveness, emotional mobility.

The first classification of temperaments was offered Galen (II century. BC), and it reached the present day in a relatively low-changed form. The last of its known descriptions, which is used in modern psychology, belongs to the German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804). Using this classification, we describe the types of temperament:

.Sanguine temperament.

Sanguine quickly converges with people, cheerful. Easily switches from one type of activity to another, does not like monotonous operation. It easily controls his emotions, quickly mastered in a new environment, actively enters into contacts with people. His speech is loud. Fast, distinct, accompanied by gesticulation and expressive facial expressions. However, this type of temperament is characterized by some duality. If the stimuli change rapidly, all the time the novelty is supported and impressions, the Sanguner creates a state of active excitement, and it manifests itself as an active, active, energetic person. If the effects are durable and monotonous, they do not support the state of activity, excitement, and the Sanguine loses interest in the case, he appears indifference, boredom, lethargy. / 11, p. 54 /

The Sanguinik quickly arises a sense of joy, grief, attachment and ill-advantage, but all these manifestations of his feelings are unstable, do not differ in durability and depth. They quickly arise and can also disappear or even replace opposite. The mood of the Sanguine is changing rapidly, but, as a rule, a good mood prevails.

.Phlegmatic temperament.

The man of this type of temperament is slowly, calm, leisurely, is balanced. The activity shows the foundation, thoughtfulness, perseverance. He usually brings started to the end. All psychic processes in phlegmatics flow as if slow. Felmatics feelings Externally expressed weakly due to equilibrium and weak mobility of nerve processes. In relations with people, Phlegmatic is always level, calm, in moderation is sociable, his mood is stable. Calm is also manifested in relation to phlegmatics to events and phenomena of life, it is not easy to bring it out and hurt emotionally. A person has a phlegmatic temperament easy to develop extract, composure and calm. But it should also develop and missing quality - greater mobility, activity, not allow him to show indifference to activities, lethargy, inertness that can be very easy to form under certain conditions.

.Choleric temperament.

Such people are fast, overly movable, unbalanced, excitable, all mental processes proceed from them quickly and intensively. The predominance of excitation of braking is brightly manifested in incontinence, gustiness, hot spirits, irritability. Hence both a hurry speech, and expressive facial expressions, and sharp gestures, and unrestrained movements. Human feelings of choleric temperament are strong, quickly arise and appear brightly, and the mood can change dramatically. The impassableness peculiar to people with this type of temperament has vivid manifestations and activities: they are taken away with passion, while showing the impact and speed, it works with the rise, overcoming difficulties, however, the supply of nervous energy can be quickly exhaled during the work and then A sharp decline can occur. In communicating with people, the choleric allows sharpness, irritability, emotional incontinence, which often does not give him the opportunity to objectively evaluate the actions of people, and on this basis it creates conflict situations in the team. Excessive straightness, flareness, sharpness, intolerance sometimes make heavy and unpleasant stay in the team of such people.

.Meancholic temperament.

In people with this type of temperament, mental processes flow slowly, they hardly react to strong stimuli, long and strong voltage causes slow motion, and then its termination. In the work of Melancholics are usually passive, as a rule, little is interested, since interest is always associated with strong nervous tension. / 11, p. 56 / Feelings and emotional states in such people arise slowly, but differ in depth, great strength and durability. Melancholic is easily vulnerable, heavily tolerate insults, grief, although externally all these experiences are of a weakly expressed character. Representatives of the melancholic type of temperament are prone to closetness and loneliness, avoid communicating with unfamiliar new people, often confused and show a greater awkwardness in a new setting for them. All new, unusual causes a braking state from melancholics, but in the usual and relaxed atmosphere, they feel calmly and work productively. Melancholic is easy to develop and improve the depth and sustainability of feelings, increased susceptibility to external influences.

So, each type of temperament is inherent in its ratio of mental properties, first of all the various degrees of activity and emotionality, the ratio of certain motility properties, as well as inherent in its physiological base, which means that each type of nervous system corresponds to a certain type of temperament. This can be displayed in schematic form (by I.P. Pavlov):

Strong - weak


Balanced unbalanced


Inert movable

(phlegmatic) (Sanguine)

Three types of temperament discussed above are usually submitted in "pure form". People tend to have mixed temperaments, but one or another type is predominant.

3. The concept of character, its types and distinctive features

To successfully disclose the topic of this issue, let's start with the definition of character. In a literal translation from Greek, it means an impression, seal, chasing. The very definition in psychology sounds like this: character is a distinct certainty, the typical of human behavior; System of stable motives and ways of behavior forming behavioral type of personality / 5, p. 132 /

The term "character" was introduced into the use of science and life an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher, friend of Aristotle Theofrast (IV-III BC. BC) A small treatise of the theofratest on the characters described at the angle of view of satiri and moralist 30 characters is preserved. The description of each nature is given under the sign of one dominant, relief of the pronounced feature: "Pretending", "flattery", "boring story", etc. From the definition given above, it follows that when it comes to the character of a person, it means all its individually pronounced and peculiar psychological traits. It always characterizes a person means to give his psychology as a personality, to allocate the amount of its qualities, but those features that distinguish this person from other people and at the same time structurally intertwined, i.e. represent a well-known unity. Character is an individual combination of the essential properties of the personality expressing the attitude of a person to reality and manifest in his behavior in his actions. The nature is interconnected with other parties of the individual, in particular with temperament and abilities. So, the perseverance at the cholerique is expressed by the boiler activity, in phlegmatics - in concentrated thinking. Choleric works vigorously, passionately, phlegmatic - methodically, slowly. On the other hand, the temperature itself is rebuilt under the influence of character: a person with a strong character can suppress some negative sides of its temperament, control its manifestations.

All people from the behavioral point of view are the creatures of multifaceted, and in the same circumstances we show the different properties of our personality. For example, when communicating with new unfamiliar people, some timid, shy, restrained, silent; Other self-confident, lively, talkative. These differences are explained, on the one hand, the attitude of a person to people, on the other hand-individual characteristics of temperament and mental processes. Since these differences are determined by personality relationships, we have the right to designate them as the properties of the personality. But in personality relationships there is always something socially typical. Meanwhile, in the described differences, an individual peculiarity of personality is manifested. Therefore, such individual identity differences, which are manifested only in certain circumstances, we denote as a character of nature.

Since the manifestation of characteristics of the character is due to social factors and relations of the individual, they are not found in any situations, but only in socially typical. For example, individual differences between people are manifested and in how they eat, go, dance, etc. But in such individual differences, the character does not appear, because the attitude towards food, walking or dancing is not socially typical. Meanwhile, differences in communicating with people, in labor, in the teaching, indeed, due to nature, because relations to work, people, socio-typical teachings. Socially typical are only such situations that have substantial social importance.

So, in nature is an individual manifestation of the personality, its descriptive features, and character properties are such individual manifestations of the species of a particular person who are only in certain situations, in the overwhelming of social and typical personal relations. Thus, character properties should be distinguished from such individual mental properties that are manifested independently of the content of social and typical personal relationships and from any situation. These include the properties of temperament and the individual qualitative features of mental processes.

The definition of each individual character of character should disclose the overall pattern of its structure. In order to disclose it, it is necessary and enough to designate:

) situations in which this property is manifested;

) social and typical relationships that determine it;

) Typical individual properties that are based on it.

Speaking about the nature of a person, we always give a clear or implied evaluation: "kind", "soft", "dying" IT. P. Based on this city, the ollport concludes that the character is aesthetic concept, it is used to assess the behavior of the individual. Thus, the character is an estimated personality. However, some researchers (Yu.B. Hippenrater) do not equate the concept of character with all its properties and features and the concept of personality. It is argued that the character traits reflect as there is a person, but the features of the person for what There is a person / 11, p. 64 /

The most interesting descriptions of character (known as "character typologies") arose in the border area, at the junction of psychology and psychiatry. Among scientists, summarizing many years of experience in monitoring their behavior and the investment of their destinies, it is necessary to call K. Jung, E. Krechmer, PB Gannushkin, K. Leongard, A.E. Persian. All the typologies of human characters proceeded from a number of general ideas. Here are the main of them:

the character of a person is formed pretty early in ontogenesis and throughout his rest shows itself as more or less stable;

those combinations of personal traits that are included in the character of a person are not random, but form clearly distinguishable types, allowing to identify and build typology of characters.

Most of the people in accordance with this typology can be divided into groups. E. Krechmer allocated and described the three most commonly found type of body structure and the human constitution: asthenic, athletic and picnic. Each of them he associated with a special type of character.

Asthenic type characterizes a small thickness of the body into the profile with an average or above average growth. Asthenik is usually a thin or subtle man, because of his hush, seemingly somewhat higher than it really is. It has thin skin of the face and body, narrow shoulders, thin hands, an elongated and flat thoracic cell with a weak muscles and weak fat savings.

The athlytical type is characterized by a strong skeleton and muscles. Take a person is usually medium or high height, with broad shoulders, a powerful chest. He has a dense high head.

Picnic type is distinguished by the developed internal cavities of the body, a tendency to obesity with underdeveloped muscles and a musculoser. Such a man of middle growth with a short neck, sitting between the shoulders / 9, p. 38 /

The type of body structure, as was also shown by the Krechmer and partly confirmed by the latest studies in the field of psychogenetics, correlates in a certain way with a tendency to mental diseases. For example, people with extremely pronounced picnic features often suffer from manic-depressively psychosis. Schizophrenic diseases are more prone to asthenics and athletics. Diseases, according to Krechmar, are "caricatures of certain normal types of personality" / 9, p. 38 / The type of normal people who like their psychological peculiarities resembles schizophrenics, Krechmer called "sketchy", and those who resemble patients with manico-depressive psychosis - "cyclotimics". Schizotic are characterized by such character traits such as the aristocraticity and subtlety of feelings, a tendency to distract to reflections and alienation, coldness, selfishness and authority, dryness and lack of emotions. Cyclotimics are described by him as people with cheerfulness, cuteness, carelessness, implacability, energetic, tendency to humor and light perception of life.

K. Jung proposed another typology of characters. He connected the characters with the direction of the personality and allocated a number of psychosocypics. PsychosociPiP is a congenital mental structure that determines the specific type of personality informational exchange with the environment. The scientist allocated four types of character:

Extravert - introverted

Rationalist - irrationist

Thinking (logic) - emotional

Feeling (sensory) is intuitive.

Along with the above typologies, a number of the following types of characters are distinguished:

Harmonically holistic type. It is distinguished by the resistance of the relationship and at the same time high enforcement care. There are no internal conflicts in such a person, his desires coincide with what he is doing. This is a sociable, volitional, principled person.

Type internally conflicting, but externally harmoniously agreed by the medium. It is distinguished by inconsistency between internal awakening and external behavior, which, consistent with the requirements of the medium, is carried out with greater voltage. A person with such a type of character is inclined to impulsive actions, however, they constantly restrain the willars. The system of his relationship is stable, but communicative properties are not developed enough. The disorder with the outside world, these people are overcome by internal tactical rearrangements, psychological protection, depreciating the current events that do not fit into their value system, while maintaining the basic values \u200b\u200bof the individual, but not seeking to actively change the external circumstances. This is a type of wise contemplator exhausted from the everyday struggle.

Conflict type with reduced adaptation. It is characterized by conflict between emotional motives and social responsibilities, impulsiveness, predominance of negative emotions, undeveloped communicative properties, insufficient self-consuming descriptive. The life of such people occurs in a simplified scheme: their changeable needs should, in their opinion, immediately satisfied without much effort. The psyche of such individuals is not burdened with extensive experience, they do not care. In childhood, they, as a rule, followed the hyperophec, were surrounded by over-caring surrounding people. They are infant with infantality, invisible to overcome vital difficulties. The main mechanism of their vital activity is pleasure (hedonism). / 4, p. 357 /

Character type variable type. Externally adaptable to the medium as a result of instability of positions, unprincipledness; indicate a low level of personality development, the absence of a sustainable general way of behavior. Fixedness, constant adaptation - surrogate plasticity behavior. People of this type are distinguished by the simplisticness of the inner world; their struggle for existence is straightforward / 5, p. 124 / They do not show doubts and oscillations in achieving utilitarian purposes, do not have special internal limitations. The reality puzzles them only with the questions of the "technical" character - how to achieve how to achieve possible greater quantities. This is the type of "realists": its needs of similar people are as fully satisfied to satisfy the limits of real opportunities. Adaptation, smoothing, fitting the inner world to external circumstances - such is the overall method of adapting these people.

Character formation

Among the properties of the individual, depending on which the properties of character are formed, a significant role, the type of temperament has a hereditary origin. From here, naturally, the question arises, what is generally the role of heredity in the formation of character? The most reliable way to resolve the question of the role of hereditary and the formation of character is a comparison of their development in homozygous and heterozygous twins other equal conditions. By virtue of the physiological causes, the hereditary properties of homozygous twins are the same. The same cultivation conditions are eliminated due to compared with heterozygous twins, in which the conditions of education are similar to the same extent, as in homozygous, but the hereditary properties are different.

The role of hereditary deposits is manifested only in the fact that the type of temperament due to heredity is favored or counteracts the formation of certain properties of character. But the necessary and determining the condition of their occurrence and appropriate social conditions and conditions of education. At the same time, the properties of the character do not constitute a passive reflection of the conditions of development and education. This is well detected in the study of Zazo and Gotshaldt. Zazo, observing homozygous twins in the infant and preschool age in joint games and classes, discovered harsh differences between them in relations-subordination, activity, initiative and passivity. The same data on differences in character properties found and Gotshaldt when studying homozygous twins in their native family. Gotshald explains this in exacerbated in the twins the desire does not like each other and look for individual ways of self-expression. Such a desire especially expressed in adolescence in the period of amplifying self-consciousness. In this explanation, the properties of the character are determined not by external social conditions and the conditions of education, but an immanent tendency of individualization. From a materialistic point of view, such an explanation is unacceptable. In addition, from this point of view, it is hardly possible to explain differences in the properties of character in homozygous twins in infant and younger preschool age, when the desire for imitation and conformism is expressed to the greatest extent /12/

In relation to homozygous twins, such an explanation naturally has a completely hypothetical character. However, in relation to the development of the character in an adult, the dominant role of active actions and deeds, in its formation is confirmed by experimental facts. Thus, in a clinical study, this method has studied changes in the nature that occurred as a result of acute psychological conflict - disability, negative assessment or underestimation of labor activities, etc. With the same external reasons for the psychological conflict, as a result of its different people, there was a change in character in the opposite direction. For example, among the blinded as a result of injury on the front, some angry, closed, descended to a lower moral level. Others, on the contrary, became sociable, responsive, changed and their intellectual interests were expanded, the level of activity was raised.

The same differences in a change in nature were observed in psychological conflicts arising from a negative social assessment or underestimation of labor. These differences in the changes in nature were associated with the outcome of the psychological conflict, i.e. With those actions and actions, with which a person resolved a conflict situation. Of course, a person's act in critical circumstances primarily depends on the entire preceding personality development and on the conditions of education. However, even with the most favorable conditions of development and education, depending on the infinite diversity of combinations of external internal conditions, the same person can decide on very different actions.

The same indicates the facts set forth when considering the conditions for the formation of a person in society in the team. Formation of a personality with a number of subjective factors, such as awareness of a rational substantiation of social assessment, the ratio of social importance and personal meaning of activity, self-consciousness and self-assessment of the individual. Only due to these mediated subjective factors, the reactive changes in the attitudes of the individual, which arose in response to social operations are transformed into active, sustainable and constant properties of the individual. But all these subjective factors of personality formation and constitute those conditions that determine the active nature of human activity, its actions and actions.

Thus, this group of facts confirms that the properties of character, as well as the properties of the person as a whole, do not constitute a passive cast of external social living conditions and education. They are formed in active human activity, depending on its actions and actions. In the process of such active activities, at the same time, the automatis of behavior, habits and installations, thanks to which the nature properties acquire greater certainty, activity, sustainability and constancy. Actions and actions in conflict situations are of particular importance in the formation of nature, depending on which the outcome and permission of the psychological conflict is located. As the study shows these conflicts, changes in nature in such cases in particular profound and stable.

But critical circumstances are repeated throughout the human life. We lose our loved ones or exposed to unfair offended, we fall into a difficult work situation, etc. In each such case, depending on what an act will the person decides, it depends on how his character and further life will be. We ourselves create our own character about life.

4. Communication of character and temperament

Character is often compared with temperament, and in some cases and replace these concepts with each other / 13/ .In science among the dominant views on the relationship between the nature and temperament, you can highlight four main:

Identification of character and temperament (E. Krechmer, A. Ruzhitsky);

Opposition of character and temperament, underlining antagonism between them (P. Viktorov, V. Varenius);

Recognition of temperament by element of character, its core, unchanged part (S.L. Rubinstein, S. Gorodetsky);

Recognition of the temperament of the natural basis of character (L.S. Vygotsky, B.G. Ananev).

Based on the materialistic understanding of human phenomena, it should be noted that the relationship between the physiological characteristics of a person should be noted that are common for character and temperament. The formation of the character significantly depends on the properties of temperament, more closely associated with the properties of the nervous system. In addition, character traits occur then, the temperature of the temperament is already sufficiently developed. The nature is developing on the basis of temperament. The temperament determines in the nature such features as balanced or the difficulty of entering into a new situation, mobility or inertness of the reaction, etc. However, the temperament does not predetermine the character. People with the same temperament properties can be a completely different character. Features of temperament can contribute or counteract the formation of certain character traits. The properties of temperament can to some extent even come in contradiction with character. In a person with an formed character, the temperament ceases to be an independent form of personality manifestation, but becomes its dynamic side, concluding a certain emotional orientation of character properties, a certain speed of mental processes and manifestations of the personality, a certain characterization of expressive movements and personality actions. Here it should also be noted the influence on the formation of the nature of the dynamic stereotype, that is, the system of conditional reflexes that generate in response to a steadily repeated system of irritants. The formation of dynamic stereotypes in a person in various repeating situations affects its attitude to the situation, as a result of which the excitation, braking, mobility of nerve processes, and, consequently, the general functional state of the nervous system may be changed.

The damages of temperament and character are organically connected and interact with each other in a holistic single appearance of a person, forming an inefficient alloy - the integral characteristic of its individuality is that there is a person /13/

Despite the fact that nature relates to individual identity features, in the structure of character, it is possible to distinguish features that are common to a certain group of people. Even at the most original person, you can find some kind of feature (for example, the unusualness, unpredictability of behavior), the possession of which allows him to attribute it to the group of people with similar behavior.

The nature is not congenital, - it is formed in the life and activities of a person as a representative of a certain group, a certain society. Therefore, the character of a person is always a product of society than explains the similarity and difference in the characters of people belonging to various groups.

Despite stability, the type of character has a certain plasticity, under the influence of life circumstances and education, the requirements of society, the character type changes and develops.


From the point of view of psychologists, four temperaments are only one of the possible systems to assess the psychological characteristics of the person. Tempera descriptions are quite varying in various psychologists and, apparently, include a sufficiently large number of factors. Attempts were made to bring a scientific and experimental base under the theory of temperaments (I.P. Pavlov, G.Yu. Aizenk, B.M. Heat and others), but the results obtained by these researchers are only partially compatible with each other. TA Blush (1996) an attempt was made to compare the theory of temperaments with all the psychological typologies at that time (more than 100), including from the point of view of methods for determining the types of types. In general, the classification for temperaments does not satisfy the current requirements for the factor analysis of the individual and is currently interesting from a historical point of view. /12/

Modern science sees in the teaching about the temperaments of the echo of another antique classification of four types of mental response in combination with intuitively notified types of physiological and biochemical reactions of the individual. Currently, the concept of four temperatures is supported by the concepts of "braking" and "excitation" of the nervous system / 12/ . The ratio of "high" and "low" levels, for each of these two independent parameters, gives a certain individual characteristic of a person, and, as a result, the formal definition of each of the four temperaments. From temperament depend on the dynamic characteristics of the character of a person - the style of his behavior. The temperament is "natural soil", on which the process of forming individual properties of character, the development of individual human abilities. People achieve the same success in different ways, replacing their "weak" parties by a mental compensation system. From temperament, such properties of the individual, as impressionability, emotionality, impulsiveness and anxiety, but the character in the overall personality structure occupies a central place, combining all other properties and behavioral characteristics.

There are different opinions about what particular characteristics of the body should bind the temperament - with hereditary (genotype) or simply physiological (phenotype). I.P. Pavlov knitted the concept of "temperament" with the genotype, or with a degenerate warehouse of the nervous system, thereby eliminating the psychological base of temperament. The psychological aspects of temperament he called the character. Based on this, psychologists state that, although temperament and character in psychology differ, the clear boundary between them is not carried out. In the most common and approximate sense, temperament is understood either as a "natural basis", or as a "dynamic basis" of character / 11, p. 65 /

List of sources used

1. Beluus V.V. "Temperament and activity". Tutorial. Pyatigorsk, 1990

2.Serger L.A. Mukhina V.S. Psychology. Moscow, 1988

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The man was an object of study from time immemorial. It is worth noting that the first attempt to create was the allocation of four basic temperament types. And his hand was attached to this more ancient scientists and philosophers like Galen and Hippocrat. What are the types of temperament, a brief description of them and everything you need to know about this will be considered further in the text.

Terminology, definition of concepts

Initially, it is necessary to find out what is actually about. It is important to clarify that such terms such as "character", "Types of temperament" cannot be confused. They have a completely different meaning. The temperament can not characterize the identity content (belief, views, worldview), it is a certain dynamic side.

So, what is the combination of those characteristics of a person who characterize its emotional side, i.e. Behavior and mental activity. If you approach the question from a physiological point of view, the temperament is determined by the special type of higher nervous activity (GNI).

Before considering different types of temperament, it should be noted that it does not include:

  1. Character.
  2. Abilities.

Temperament is the basis for the nature of the character of a person, it has a different effect on the ways of communication and personality behavior.

What exactly depends on the temperament of a person

It should also be noted that there are a number of indicators that directly depend on a certain type of human temperament. Consider them.

  • The intensity of mental processes (emotionality, volitional characteristics).
  • The rate of occurrence of various mental processes (the tempo of perception, thinking, the time of concentration on one activity).
  • Control of activity, its assessment.
  • The direction of activity (extrovert, introvert).
  • Disciplinary and behavioral effects.

Types of temperament: Quick Feature

In modern science there are four main types of temperament: phlegmatic and melancholic. And they all differ significantly from each other. Types of temperament can be briefly described according to a special reaction of a person to an obstacle on its way.

So, choleric this obstacle is very quickly and without braking will meet from its path. Sanguine thinks how this obstacle is best to get around. FLEGMTICS Different obstacles are most often noticed at all. And melancholics before obstacles just stop and can not move further.

A little about choleric

Now I want to consider separately all the above species. After all, they differ significantly from each other. The first to be studied the type of choleric temperament.

Initially, it should be noted that this word comes from the Greek "Hole", which means "bile red-yellow". Such people are not kept in emotions, moving, energetic, poushers.

Positive aspects of choleric characters

Type of temperament choleric has both its positive and negative qualities. Consider to start the pros.

  • The cholerics are straightforward, decisive. They always know what to do in a certain situation.
  • These are people fast, movable, work in their hands just boils.
  • For a new case, representatives of this type of temperament are taken without problems and fear. Everyone do quickly, without difficulty overcome various obstacles.
  • Choleric love to argue, prove their right point.
  • Mimicika such people is expressive. They, as they say, everything is written on the face.
  • Speech in such people is alive, emotional. They can complement its various hands, body.
  • Feelings at cholerics are manifested very quickly, they are always bright and emotionally painted.
  • Choleric almost never take offense, no offense remember.
  • Soapy and wakes up such a person quickly. Sleeps hard.

Disadvantages of choleric temperament

  • The speed of the choleric often flows into a hurry.
  • The movements are sharp, impressive, often unbalanced and unrestrained.
  • Choleric clearly lacks patience.
  • Straightness can sometimes play and negative role. At the statements of choleric people, people are very often offended.
  • Personality with this type of temperament. Often provoke various kinds of conflict situations.
  • Holers are used to working with jerks. A sharp rise is replaced by a decline. And so in a circle.
  • These are people who are not afraid to risk. That is why they often find themselves in uncomfortable situations.
  • Choleric surfaces. They do not like to delve into the essence of the problem.
  • Tell me mood change.
  • Such people will not tolerate the mistakes of others.

Recommendation: People with choleric character type should be learned to restrain. To do this, before making a decision or desire, it is necessary to try to count to ten. This will help calm down and in a certain situation do everything right.

Who are phlegmatics?

What is especially special and interesting type of temperature phlegmatic? So, initially it should be noted that this word happened from the Greek "phlegm", i.e. "slime". These are people reliable, diligent, peace-loving, thoughtful and ill-consistent.

Advantages, positive sides of phlegmatics

What good is the type of temperature phlegmatic?

  • First of all, these are calm, reasonable and balanced people. They have an excerpt in any, even conflict and controversial situation.
  • Such people are consistent in the affairs. They definitely all started bringing to a logical completion.
  • The speech is measured, calm. There are no extra movements or pronounced such people talking a little.
  • The paper hold systematics, do not like to retreat from order.
  • Constant not only in relationships, but also in the interests. This is most often alimathar. Their feelings are deep, but carefully hidden from the surrounding eyes.
  • These are reliable, unlock people who are very hard to bring out of themselves.

Negative sides of phlegmatikov

We continue to consider the types of temperament. Brief characteristic of negative sides, i.e. Discharges of phlegmatics looks like this:

  • They react weakly to external stimuli, so new circumstances are quite slowly taken.
  • Such people are little motionable. Sometimes it is impossible to understand what is happening in their soul.
  • Very slowly involved in a new job, and also switch from one case to another.
  • Quite difficult to adapt in the new setting. It is not easy to converge with new people.
  • It is worth noting that there are quite a few patterns and stereotypes in the life of phlegmatics, which they strictly follow.

FLEGMATAL TIPS: need to develop such missing qualities as activity and mobility.

Sanguinik - Who is he?

What is the interesting sanguine temperament type? It is also important to consider the origin of this term. Translated from Latin Sangvis means "Blood". Such people are mainly weathered, sociable, balanced and practical. Positive sides of the Sanguinics:

  • The mood is predominantly good. But may change dramatically.
  • All feelings for such people arise very quickly. However, they do not differ in depth.
  • Troubles, failures are experiencing without any problems, easy enough.
  • Endurance and performance are at a high level.
  • Without problems, new acquaintances are given. Communication with new people do not have discomfort, inconvenience, fear.
  • Such people even in the most difficult situations restrain their emotions. They have an excellent feeling of self-control.
  • Speech is a loud, hurried, while distinguished. Mimic and gestures are bright, expressed.
  • These are good organizers. In the activities of persistent, all things are brought to a logical completion.

Disadvantages of this type of temperament

Considering the features of temperament types, it should be noted that Sanguits also have their own negative sides:

  • Tell not to bring things to the end. However, this is true only if interest in activities is lost.
  • Sanguines do not accept monotonous operation.
  • Such people often overestimate themselves and their capabilities.
  • These are people who quickly change their hobbies. This applies to both interests and personal life.
  • In decisions, such identities can be hasty, grommet.
  • Sanguine moods are unstable and prone to change.

Council such people: to achieve good results, they should not be exchanged for trifles. It is also desirable to work out protection and accuracy.

Who are such melancholic?

Finally, it's time to consider the last type of temperament. Melancholic - what is he? So, the term himself occurred from the Greek "Melaine Hole", which means "black bile." Such people are mostly uncommunicable, closed, disturbing and often sullen. Consider their advantages:

  • Melancholics are sensitive. However, this may also relate to the disadvantages of the type of temperament.
  • Such people put forward overestimated requirements, which makes them strive for the better.
  • They are tactical, restrained.
  • Melancholic feels perfectly with other people, their mood.
  • Emotions of such people are strong, deep, bright, permanent.
  • Work calmly and productively. However, solely in the setting is familiar.

Disadvantages of Melancholikov

So, find out the negative sides of this type of temperament.

  • Again, increased sensitivity, emotionality.
  • Such people are very hard to carry offenses, if they are upset, then for a long time.
  • Melancholics in most cases shy, shy, not inclined to communicate personality.
  • These are people who rarely laugh. Mostly they are pessimistic.
  • They do not like anything new, they adapt for a long time in the new team. Changes for them are something terrible, difficult.
  • In the work, they need to take pauses, as they are prone to rapid fatigue.
  • The speech is quiet, weak. Mimic and gestures are practically absent.
  • These are tearful, fibeous people.
  • In most cases, melancholic is afraid, anxious and closed.
  • In difficult moments, such people tend to be lost, they often lower their arms before obstacles, not trying to get around them or remove from the way.

Recommendations for melancholics: For normal life, it is necessary to overcome showerness. To do this, it is necessary to try as often as possible to participate in various events. You also need to get acquainted, to communicate more. Also, such people are very important to constantly increase self-esteem.

Main components

Be sure to consider psychological temperament types, i.e. Those components of the moments on the basis of which this division occurs. So, these are the following nuances:

  1. Sensitivity. This is the number of external forces, which is necessary on the reaction manifestation.
  2. Reactivity. This is the level of the manifestable reaction.
  3. Activity. This is the same energy.
  4. Rigidity and plasticity. This is a certain degree of adaptability to various sorts of external stimuli.
  5. Top of reaction. This is a special flow of reactions and various processes of psyche (speech speed, etc.).
  6. Introversion or extroversion.
  7. Emotional excitability.

It is these properties that made it possible to highlight the four main types of temperament, which can be inherent in a person.

A few words about children

It is worth noting that it makes no sense to separately consider the types of children's temperament. After all, they are the same as described above. However, it is necessary to clarify that as the temperament type can change. In childhood, one may prevail, in adulthood - a completely different type. The cardinal changes are most often happening. So the types of temperament of children are the same as in adults. Kids are also choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. However, it is important here that type of education. So, to children of different temperaments, you need to look for a completely different approach. After all, they have significantly different levels of understanding and perception of information.

About the purity of types

Be sure to clarify that there are few such people who are inherent in one clear type of temperament. These are mainly a tandem of two different types. One of them will be the lead, i.e. more solid. The other is optional. Scientists also suggest that each person contains features of all four types of temperament. But their concentration is completely different.

Finding out your type

Definition of the type of temperament occurs on the basis of various tests and techniques. It must be said that today there are a lot of them. So, this is a questionnaire in which there is a certain number of extremely simple questions. Their goal is to understand exactly how a person reacts to one or another situation.

When passing such tests, it is recommended to produce fast and clear answers. No need to think about what to say or what to choose. It is necessary to act depending on those emotions that arise first. Need to remember: in such questionnaires there are no correct or incorrect questions. It is impossible to answer well or bad.

Why, strictly speaking, you need to know your type of temperament? Everything is simple here: in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses for subsequent work on their "I". Also this is the necessary knowledge if you have to communicate with different people. So, you need to remember that from melancholic can not be able to quickly perform tasks, and from choleric - calm.


As already mentioned above, the determination of the type of temperament occurs through various questionnaires.

  • Test Rusalova. It makes it possible to determine the dynamic properties of the person. It has 150 questions. You need to answer quickly without thinking.
  • Test Belov. In this case, the person will be alternately represented 4 cards. There will be written 20 properties that can be characteristic of a particular person. In each of them, a person should be noted that he is characteristic.
  • But still the most popular is the Aizenka test. A person is defined by 100 different questions that reflect a specific behavior manner or a reaction to one or another situation. If the statement, according to the subject, is true, he puts plus, if the wrong one is minus.
  • Through the survey of Smirnov, the polar qualities of character can be determined. For example, excitability and equilibrium, extroversion and introversion, etc.

People temperaments are individual features of the personality and the nature of each of them. The temperament and character of a person is the basic properties of his personality and individuality. It reflects the characteristics of human behavior, which are characteristic of him from birth, expresses the attitude of the person to the environment.

A person for successful activities and communication with others simply needs to take into account the temperaments of people and their features. This reduces the likelihood of conflict situations and the occurrence of possible stresses.

The temperaments of people have been studied since the II century BC. e. It was then that Claudius Galen allocated four types that are still used.

The temperament of a person is determined from birth - this is a congenital personality property, unchangeable throughout life. However, the temperament has always been the subject for scientific research. Its studies were engaged in such as Wundt, Kant, Pavlov. And the British psychologist Aizenk in the twentieth century has developed a test for determining the human temperament. The test is a questionnaire of 50-100 questions. Due to this test, it is possible to determine the type of human temperament with sufficient accuracy.

People temperaments are completely different. But there is no worst or better of them. Therefore, when communicating, efforts should be made to identify and use the advantages of this or another temperament.