Little man and modern society. How do you understand the expression "Little Man"? Works on themes

Little man and modern society. How do you understand the expression "Little Man"? Works on themes

The writing

The topic of a "little man" is traditional for Russian literature of the 19th century. A. S. Pushkin is considered the first writer, affected and developed this topic. In the story "Stationander" he "displays" his hero - a "little man" Samson Vyrina, who serves as station caretaker. Immediately Pushkin draws attention to the fact that in the externally stupid and inefficious performance by this person his duties lies hard, often ungrateful work, full of trouble and worries. Few of the passing jobs are interested in the life of station caretakers, and after all, as a rule, each of them is not an easy fate in which tears, suffering and grief are enough with excess.

Samson's life was not different from life of the same as he, station caretakers, who, in order to have the most necessary to keep their families, were ready to dry out and so silently demolish endless insults and reproach to their address. True, Samson's family Vyrina was small: he is his beautiful daughter Dunya. Samson's wife died, and he lived only for the sake of Duni. At fourteen Yeah, the daughter was a real assistant to father: in the house, to boil, cook dinner, to serve the carriage, - on all she was a master, everything in her hands aroused. Looking at the Dinine beauty, the kinder and graciousness became even those who had a rude treatment with station caretakers took the rule.

In the first part of the story, Samson Vyrin looked "fresh and vigorous", despite the difficult work and coarse, the unfair treatment of him passing. However, how can a man might change! In just a few years, the narrator, having met Samson, sees an old man, neglected, inclined to drunkenness, stimulous in his abandoned dwelling. His Dunya, his hope, the one that gave the strength to live, left with the unfamiliar hussar. And not with a fatherly blessing, as is customary to have honest people, and in secret. Samson was scared to think that his cute child, his Dunya, whom he could, worked from all the dangers, did it with him and, most importantly, she became not his wife, and his mistress.

Pushkin sympathizes his hero and refers to him with respect: honor for Samson above all over wealth and money. Not once the fate of the beat of this man, but nothing forced him to go down so much, so stop loving life as a degree of hot daughter. Material poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of the soul.

On the wall in Samson's house, Wyrus hung pictures with the image of the history of the prodigal son. The daughter of the caretaker repeated the degree of the hero of the biblical legend. And, most likely, like the father of the prodigal son, depicted in the pictures, the stationary caretaker was waiting for his daughter, ready for forgiveness. But the Danny was not returned. And his father did not find himself places from despair, knowing what often such stories are completed: "Many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in the atlasa and velvet, and tomorrow, you will see the street, together with Gol Kabatskoy. How I think sometimes that the Dunya, maybe, immediately disappears, so they imagine will be sinned yes you wish her graves ... "

No good ended and the attempt of the station caretaker to return his daughter home. After that, picking up from despair and grief even more, Samson Vyrin died.

The story of N. V. Gogol "Shinel" is preferably related to the tag of Pushkin, written by the decade before. But, revealing the tragedy of a "little man", Gogol made one very important feature in his story. He pledged a "little man" Akakia Akakievich Bashmushkina with the state machine and showed how hostile to his interests. Gogol is stronger than Pushkin, social, social motifs sound.

What is "Little Man", according to Gogol? We are talking about a person, a little in a social plan, for he is not rich, does not have a voice in society, nothing is noteworthy. He is just a small official with a meager salary.

But this man is also "small" because his inner world is very limited. Gogol Hero is insignificant and invisible. Even his name is translated from Greek as the "interest." Akaki Akakievich is very executive, but at the same time he is not even thinking about what makes. Therefore, the hero begins to worry much when you need to take a little clearness. But the most interesting thing is that Bashmachkin so dismissed in herself, which is not even trying to change, improve. He only repeats again and again: "No, better let me rewind something."

The only meaning of the Hero's life is to collect money for the purchase of overcoats. He is insanely happy from one thought about the performance of this desire. It is not surprising that theft of wonderful chinel acquired with such work has become a real tragedy for Bashmachkina. Akakiyevich's surrounding Akakia people just laughed at his trouble. No one even tried to understand this person, especially, especially, help him. The worst, in my opinion, is that no one noticed the death of Bashmachkina, no one remembered him after.

Fantastic episode of the Resurrection Akakia Akakievich in the epilogue of the story. Now this hero allegedly wanders in St. Petersburg and breaks with passers-by Sineles and fur coats. Such is the revenge of Bashmachkina. He calms down only when he disrupts the chinel from the "significant person," which heavily influenced the fate of the hero. Only now Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin grows in his own eyes. According to Gogol, even in the life of the most insignificant person there are moments when he can become a strong person who can stand out for himself.

The successor of Pushkin and Gogol's literary traditions is F. M. Dostoevsky. The theme of "poor people", "humiliated and offended" becomes the main thing in his work. The writer tells us that anyone whoever he would be, no matter how low the social staircase, has the right to sympathy and compassion.

Already in his first novel, "poor people" Dostoevsky refers to the topic of a "little man." The main character of the work - Makar Girl is a midnight official attached to the grief, the need and social cure, and his beloved, Varnika, - a girl who has become a victim of social disadvantage.

As well as Gogol in the story "Shinel", F. M. Dostoevsky turned to the topic of the dysfunctional, immensely humiliated "little man", who lives his inner life in conditions, roughly popping the dignity of a person. Dostoevsky himself wrote: "We all got out of the" Gogol "sinels.

Thus, the topic of the "small" person is through the 19th century in Russian literature. The largest writers appealed to this topic, in their own way treating and developing it. Pushkin made an emphasis on the personal humility of his hero, Gogol - on the indifference of society, Dostoevsky built this question to the Higher, spiritual aspect. But all these artists following the humanistic tradition of Russian classical literature, focused on the soul of their heroes, in their inner world. All writers called on to see a person in the "little man" worthy if not respect, then sympathy and understanding.

write an essay on the topic relevant if the problem of a small man today is now

  • This problem is relevant at all times. The topic of a "little man" was first raised in creativity
    A.S. Pushkin ("Stationander"), N.V. Hogol ("Shinel"),
    The heroes of the works of these outstanding writers became nominated, and the topic firmly entered the literature.
    A.S. Pushkin drew his eyes not to the image of the crankshaft, but on the fate of an unfortunate man, showing us his pure, unspoken wealth and well-being soul, who knows how to rejoice, love, suffer. Eugene, the hero of the "copper rider" does not build great plans for the future, it is satisfied with a quiet, imperceptible life. He also hopes to his personal, let the small, but so necessary family happiness. But all his dreams are in vain, because the evil rock breaks into his life: the element ruins his beloved. Eugene cannot resist fate, he quietly experiences his loss. And only in a state of madness threatens to the copper rider, considering the culprit of his unhappiness of a man who built the city at this difty place.
    In life, it often happens that cruel and heartless people who degrade and insulting the dignity of other people often look more pitiful and insignificant than their victims. The impression of the spiritual scarcity and duck from the offenders of a small official Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkina remains after reading the story of Gogol "Shinel". Akaki Akakievich is a real "little person." Why? First, it stands on one of the lowest steps of the hierarchical staircase. His place in society is unnoticed at all. Secondly, the world of his spiritual life and human interests to extremes are sick, depleted, limited. Gogol himself characterized his hero as a poor, ordinary, minor and invisible. In life, he is assigned an insignificant role of correspondence of documents of one of the departments. Acquisition of Bashmushkin, acaucus, educated in the atmosphere of unquestionless subordination and execution of orders, is not used to reflecting on the content and meaning of his work. Therefore, when it offers tasks that require the manifestation of elementary intelligence, he begins to worry, worry and eventually comes to the conclusion: "No, better let me give something." The spiritual life of Bashmachkina is also limited. Collecting money on a new chinel becomes the meaning of his whole life for him, filling her happiness to wait for the fulfillment of cherished desire. Theft of a new sheel, acquired by such dedication and suffering, becomes truly a catastrophe for him. The surroundings laughed at his misfortune, and no one helped him. "Significant face" so screened on him that the poor Akaki Akakievich lost consciousness. Almost no one noticed his death. Despite the uniqueness of the image created by the writer, he, Bashmushkin, does not look in the minds of readers lonely, and we present that there was a great many of the same humiliated, dividing Akakia Akakiyevich's utility. Gogol was the first to speak about the tragedy of a "little man", respect for which did not depend on his mental qualities, not from education and mind, but from his position in society. The writer with compassion showed injustice and despotic society towards the "little man" and first called for this society to draw attention to invisible, miserable and funny, as presented at first glance. Not their fault that they are not very smart, and sometimes they are not smart at all, but they do not evil anyone, and this is very important. So why laugh at them? Maybe it is impossible to treat them with great respect, but you can not offend them. They, like everyone else, have the right to a decent life, to feel like full people.

ATTENTION, only today!

The image of a "little man" in Russian literature

The very concept of "small person" appears in the literature earlier than the hero type itself is. Initially, this is the designation of the people of the third class, which has become interested in writers in view of the democratization of literature.

In the nineteenth century, the image of a "little man" becomes one of the through themes of the literature. The concept of "little man" introduced into use V.G. Belinsky in the article 1840 "Woe from Wit". Initially, it indicated a man "simple". With the development of psychologism in Russian literature, this image acquires a more complex psychological portrait and becomes the most popular character of democratic works of the second halfXIX century.

Literary Encyclopedia:

"Little person" - a number of various characters in Russian literature 19 centuries, combined with general signs: a low position in the social hierarchy, poverty, insecurity, which causes the peculiarities of their psychology and a plot role - the victims of social injustice and the soulless state of social injustice and the soulless state mechanism, often personified in the image "Significant face." They are characterized by fear of life, gloominess, meekness, which, however, can be combined with the feeling of injustice of the existing order of things, with a vulnerable pride and even a short-term rustic impulse, usually not leading to a change in the current situation. Type of "Little Man", Open A. S. Pushkin ("Copper Horseman", "Stationary Career") and N. V. Gogol ("Shinel", "Notes of Crazy"), creatively, and sometimes a polemone in relation to tradition , rethought by F. M. Dostoevsky (Makar Girl, Golyadkin, Marmaladov), A. N. Ostrovsky (Balsaminov, Kuligin), A. P. Chekhov (worms from the "Death of the official", the hero of "Tolstoy and Thin"), M. A. Bulgakov (short from "Dlavoliad"), M. M. Zoshchenko and others. Russian writers are 19-20 centuries.

"Little Man" - the type of hero in the literature, most often this is a poor inconspicuous official who is holding a little position, the fate is tragic.

The topic of a "little man" is a "end-to-end topic" of Russian literature. The appearance of this image is due to the Russian official staircase of fourteen steps, on the lower of which they worked and suffered from poverty, the powerlessness and inspiration of small officials, poorly educated, often lonely or burdened with families, worthy of human understanding, each with their misfortune.

Little people are about bogs, invisible, fate is tragic, they are defenseless.

Pushkin "Stationander". Samson Vyrin.

Worker. Weak person. Loses daughter - her rich hussar Minsk takes her. Social conflict. Humiliated. Can not stand up for himself. Cooked. Samson lost in life.

One of the first to put forward in the literature a democratic theme of a "little man," was Pushkin. In the "Peters of Belkin", finished in 1830, the writer paints not only the pictures of the noble-district life ("Lady-Krysnya-peasant woman"), but also stops the attention of readers on the fate of a small man.

The fate of a "little man" is first shown here realistically, without sentimental tear, without romantic exaggeration, is shown as a result of certain historical conditions, injustice of public relations.

In the very plot of the "station caretaker", a typical social conflict was transferred, a broad generalization of reality was expressed, disclosed in the individual case of the tragic destiny of Samson's orderson.

It stands somewhere at the crossroads of passage roads a small post office. Here they live an official of the 14th grade Samson Vinin and his daughter of the Danny - the only joy, asking the hard life of the caretaker, full of debris and curses passing. But the hero of the story -Samson is quenched - quite happy and calm, he has long adapted to the conditions of service, the beauty of the Dunya's daughter helps him to conduct a simple economy. He dreams of a simple human happiness, hoping to donate grandchildren, to spend old age in the family circle. But fate prepares a grave test. Passage Gusar Minsk takes the Dunya, without thinking about the consequences of his act.

The worst thing is that the Dunya left Husar in his will. Reduced the threshold of a new, rich life, she refused the Father. Samson is riding to St. Petersburg to "return the lost sheep", but he is expelled from the Duni house. Gusar "with a strong hand, grabbing the old man by the gate, pushed him into the stairs." Father! Where he is with a rich hussar! In the end, for his daughter, he receives several assignments. "Tears again felt in front of him, tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers in a lump, threw them the ground, he was heavily heavily and went ... "

Vinin was no longer able to fight. He "thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat." Samson after the loss of his beloved daughter, lost in life, cut and died in a longing of his daughter, grieving about the possible deplorable fate.

About such as he, Pushkin writes at the beginning of the story: "We will, however, are valid, we will try to enter their position and maybe we will judge them much more condescertain."

Life truth, sympathy for a "little man", offended at every step by the heads standing above by rank and the situation, which we feel, reading the story. Pushkin Roads This "little man" living in grief and need. Democratic and humanity is imbued with a story, so realistically depicting a "little man".

Pushkin "Copper Horseman". Evgeny

Eugene - "Little Man." The city played a fateful role in fate. During flooding loses the bride. All his dreams and hopes for happiness died. Lost reason. In a sick, the madness challenges the "idol on the bronze horse" a nightmare: the threat of death under bronze hooves.

The image of Evgenia is embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bopposing a simple person and the state.

"The poor feared not for myself." "Blood boiled." "On the heart of the flame ran", "you can!". Eugene protest is an instant impulse, but stronger than Samson Wyrina.

The image of a shining, lively, lush city is replaced in the first part of the poem a picture of terrible, destructive flood, expressive images of the raging element, over which a person is not authorized. Among those whose life destroyed the flood, it turns out to be Evgeny, about the peaceful concerns of which the author speaks at the beginning of the first part of the poem. Evgeny "Ordinary man" ("small" man): He has no money nor the ranks, "somewhere serves" and dreams of arranging the "shelter of humble and simple" to marry a beloved girl and go with her life path.

…Our hero

Lives in Kolomna, somewhere serves

Signs noble ...

He does not build great plans for the future, he is satisfied with a quiet, imperceptible life.

What did he think about? About,

That he was poor to work

He had to deliver himself

And independence and honor;

What could God add to him

Mind and money.

The poem does not indicate a surname of the hero, nor his age, nothing says not to the past Eugene, his appearance, character traits. Having degraded Eugene individual will accept, the author turns it into an ordinary, typical person from the crowd. However, in an extreme, critical situation, Evgeny seems to awaken from sleep, and discharges with themselves the larva "nothingness" and opposes the "copperstuka". In a state of madness, threatens to the copper rider, considering the culprit of his unfortunate man who built the city at this deathly place.

Pushkin looks at his heroes from the side. They do not stand out by the mind nor their position in society, but they are kind and decent people, and therefore respect for respect and sympathy.


Pushkin for the first time in Russian literature showed all the tragic and intractability of the conflict between the state and the state interests and interests of a private person.

The plot of the poem was completed, the hero was killed, but remained and transferred to readers the central conflict, not allowed and in reality, the anthombus of the "tops" and the "bottoms", the autocratic power and the disadvantaged people remained. The symbolic victory of the copper rider over Evgeny is the victory of strength, but not justice.

Gogol "Shinel" Akaki Akikievich Bashmachkin

"Eternal Title Advisor." Furious demolitions of colleagues, timid and lonely. Scarce spiritual life. Irony and compassion of the author. The image of the city, which is terrible for the hero. Social conflict: "Little Man" and a soulless author of the "significant face". The element of fiction (bringing) is the motif of the rebellion and retribution.

Gogol opens the reader the world of "little people", officials in their "Petersburg Hands". Inappropriately significant for the disclosure of this topic the story "Shinel", Gogol had a great influence on the further movement of Russian literature, "recalled" in the work of various figures from Dostoevsky And Generin to Bulgakov and Sholokhov. "We all went out of Sineli Gogol," Dostoevsky wrote.

Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin - "Eternal Title Advisor". He is badly demolishing the colleagues, he is timid and lonely. A senseless stationery service killed in him any living thought. His spiritual life is scarce. The only pleasure finds in the correspondence of papers. He loved the letters to clean, smooth handwriting and completely immersed in the work, forgetting and resentment, causing him, and the need, and concerns about food and comfort. Even at home he was only thinking that "something will send God to rewrite tomorrow."

But in this scored official, a person woke up when the purpose of life appeared - a new chinel. In the story there is a development of the image. "He became somehow more lively, even the harder character. From the face and from the actions it disappeared itself, his doubt, indecision ... "Bashmushkin does not part with his dream for one day. He thinks about it as a different person about love, about the family. So he orders a new chinel, "... There was somehow more existence ..." Description of the life of Akakia Akakievich is permeated with irony, but it has pity and sadness in it. Introducing us to the spiritual world of the hero, describing his feelings, thoughts, dreams, joy and chagrins, the author makes it clear what happiness was for Bashmachkina the acquisition of overcoats and in which catastrophe turns its loss.

There was no happier than a man than Akaki Akakievich, when the tailor brought him a sinel. But his joy was short. When he returned home at night, he was robbed. And none of those surrounding does not take part of the fate. In vain, Bashmachkin was looking for help from a "significant face." He was even accused of the Bunte against the heads and the "highest." Upset Akaki Akakievich is caught up and dying.

In the final, a small, a disheveled man brought the world strong to despair, protests against this world. Dying, he "surnuct", says the worst words that followed the words "Your Excellency". It was a riot, albeit in a death random.

Not because of the sheel dies "Little Man". He becomes a victim of a bureaucratic "inhuman" and "fierce rudeness", which, as Gogol argued, lies under the mask of "sophisticated, educated secularity." In this deepest meaning of the story.

The theme of the rebellion finds an expression in a fantastic image of the casting, which appears on the streets of St. Petersburg after the death of Akakia Akakievich and removes overcoat with offenders.

N.V. Hogol, who in his story "Shinel" first shows the spiritual miserness, the poverty of poor people, but also draws attention to the ability of a "little man" on the riot and for this introduces the elements of fiction in its work.

N. V. Gogol deeites social conflict: the writer showed not only the life of a "little man", but also his protest against injustice. Let this "riot" robust, almost fantastic, but the hero speaks for their rights, against the foundations of the existing order.

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" of marmalands

The writer himself remarked: "We all got out of the" Gogol "sinels.

Gogol's Spirit "Sineli" penetrated Roman Dostoevsky "Poor peopleand". This is a story about the fate of the same "little man" crushed by grief, despair and social security. Correspondence of the poor Officer Makara a girl with a jam, who lost his parents and pursued thanks, reveals the deep drama of the life of these people. Makar and Varnika are ready for each other for any deprivation. Makar, living in extreme need, helps Vare. And cooking, learning about Makara, comes to help him. But the heroes of the novel defenseless. Their riot - "Range on the knees." No one can help them. Varya will be taken to the faithful death, and Makar remains one with his grief. The lives of two beautiful people are broken up, the lives of two beautiful people are crushed by cruel.

Dostoevsky reveals deep and strong experiences of "little people."

It is curious to note that Makar girl reads the "stationander" Pushkin and Schinel Gogol. He relates to Smysson with sympathy and disliked Bashkachkin. Probably because he sees its future in it.

On the fate of the "Little Man" Semenian Semenovich Marmaladov told F.M. Dostoevsky on the pages of the novel "Crime and Punishment". One after another reveals the writer in front of us paintings of hopeless poverty. Dostoevsky's venue chose the most dirtiest part of strict Petersburg. Against the background of this landscape, the life of the Marmaladov family is unfolding.

If Chekhov has characters humiliate, they do not realize their insignificance, then Dostoevsky's sprunted retired official fully understands his unnecessaryness, uselessness. He is a drunkard, insignificant, from his point of view, a person who wants to be corrected, but can not. He understands that it is obscured by his family, and especially the daughter, for suffering, is experiencing because of this, despises himself, but nothing can do with him. "I regret! Why do I regret me!" Said the marmalands suddenly, getting up with an outstretched hand ... "Yes! I don't regret it! I'm on a cross on the cross, but do not regret it! But a cake, a judge, a platform and, attending it, praise him!"

Dostoevsky creates an image of a valid fallen person: Marmeladovskaya annoying suggestion, a clumsy vestive speech is the property of the beer tribune and the jester simultaneously. The awareness of its lowestness ("I born cattle") only enhances Bravadu in it. He is disgusting and puzzled at the same time, this drunkard of marmalands with his vertical speech and an important official posture.

The mental state of this small official is much more complicated and thinner than his literary predecessors - Pushkin Samson Wyrina and Gogol Bashmachkina. They do not have the power of the self-analysis, which he reached the hero of Dostoevsky. Marmaladov not only suffers, but also analyzes their mental state, he as a doctor puts a merciless diagnosis of the disease - the degradation of his own personality. That's how I confess in the first meeting with Raskolnikov: "The gracious sovereign, the poverty is not a vice, it is truth. But ... poverty - vice - s. In poverty, you still retain all the nobility of innate feelings, never nobody in poverty ... for in poverty I am first ready to insult myself. "

A person not only dies from poverty, but he understands how he spiritually devoid: begins to despise himself, but does not see anything around anything, for whatever they caress, which would keep him from the collapse of the person. The final of the life of the fate of Marmaladov was traged: on the street it was crushed by a Schegolskaya Barskaya stroller, harnessed by a couple of horses. Throwing them under the feet, this man himself found the outcome of his life.

Under the pen of the writer of marmalads becomes tragic. Marmaladovsky cry - "After all, it is necessary for anyone to go anyone to anyone" - expresses the last degree of despair of a guided person and reflects the essence of his life drama: it's nowhere to go and not to go.

In the novel, the Marmaladov Raskolnikov becomes. Meeting with Marmeladov in the Tavern, his feverish, as in delusion, confession was given and the main hero of the Roman Romannikov, one of the latest evidence of the correctness of the Napoleonic idea. But not only Raskolniki is making marmalades. "Not once regretted me," says Raskolnikov marmalands. He regretted him and good general Ivan Afanasyevich, again accepted the service. But the marmalands could not stand the test, he washed again, drank all the salary, it was cut everything and in return received a torn frak with a single buttice. Marmalades in their behavior reached the loss of recent human qualities. He is already so humiliated that he does not feel himself, but only dreams of being a person among people. It understands and forgives his father Sonya Marmaladov, who is able to help the neighbor, to compare someone who needs to be sucked

Dostoevsky makes us sorry for unworthy pity, feel compassion for unworthy compassion. "The compassion is the most important and maybe the only law of human being," said Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

Chekhov "Death of the official", "fat and thin"

Later, Chekhov will bring a kind of result in the development of the topic, he doubted the virtues traditionally inflamed by Russian literature, - in the high moral merits of the "little man" - a small official. The volume of the reptile, self-sustaining of the "little man" is the turn of the topic proposed by A.P. Czech. If Chekhov and "exposed" something in people, then, above all, the ability and willingness to be "small". A person should not, do not dare to make himself "small" - here is the main idea of \u200b\u200bChekhov in his interpretation of a "little man." Summing up all this, we can conclude that the topic of a "little man" reveals the most important qualities of Russian literatureXIX. century - democracy and humanism.

Over time, the "small person", deprived of his own dignity, "humiliated and offended," causes not only compassion, but also condemnation. "You are boring, gentlemen," said Chekhov with his work "Little Man", who humbled with his position. With a subtle humor, the writer of the death of Ivan Chervyakov is ridiculed, with the mouth of which the Lacées "eating" does not come together.

That same year as "the death of an official", the story "Fat and thin" appears. Chekhov again opposes the sortiers, against the lactium. Giggles, "As a Chinese", bending in an ultimate womb, the college servant Porfiry, having met his former friend who has a high rank. The feeling of friendship, binding these two people.

Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet". A stories

A.I. Kuprina in the "pomegranate bracelet" of yolks is a "little man." And again the hero belongs to the lowest class. But he loves, and he loves as many of the highest society do not capable. Yolkly loved the girl and he loved his whole fourth life only one. He understood that love was an exalted feeling, it was a chance given to him by fate, and he could not be missing. His love is his life, His hope. Yolks finish the life of suicide. But after the death of the hero, a woman understands that no one loved her so much like him. Kurpric hero - a man of an extraordinary soul, capable of self-sacrifice, who knows how to love truly, and such a gift is a rarity. Therefore, the "little man" of yolks is represented by the figure towering over the surrounding.

Thus, the topic of a "little man" has undergone significant changes in the work of writers. Horseing the images of "small people", writers usually emphasized their weak protest, a bundle that subsequently leads a "little man" to degradation. But each of these heroes have something in life, which helps him to endure existence: Samson Vyrina - Daughter, the joy of life, Akakia Akakievich - Schinel, Makara Girls and Varniki - their love and care for each other. Having lost this goal, they are dying, no failure to survive losses.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a person should not be small. In one of the letters to the sister of Chekhov, exclaimed: "My God, how rich Russia is good people!"

In XX century the topic was developed in the images of Heroes I. Bunin, A. Kookin, M. Gorky and even at the endXX A century can be found reflected in the work of V. Shukshina, V. Rasputin and other writers.

The writing

"Pain of a person" - here is perhaps the main theme of Russian literature of the 19th century. The compassion for the tragic fate of a "little man" was the basis of creativity of all Russian writers. And the first in this row was, of course, A. S. Pushkin.

In 1830, Pushkin wrote five stories united by a common name and a common storytellor, - "Tale of Belkin". Of these, the most touching and at the same time the saddest is, as it seems to me, the story "Stationander". In it, the poet first brought to the pages of Russian literature "Little Man" - Samson Wyrina. Pushkin very accurately described his social status - "the daytime martyr of the fourteenth grade."

Much suffered a Little Maid Press Station in his Gorry Life, Much suffered. Almost every of the passing voluntarial or unwittingly offended him, Introducing it, unrequited official, annoyance for bad roads and horses delay. He had one inquiry - the daughter of the Danny, which he loved more than life. But he lost it: a traffic police officer Minsk with him to St. Petersburg. Vyrin tried to achieve truth, but he drove him away everywhere. And the poor official did not move the resentment - heat and soon died. Pushkin clearly, with sympathy, showed Samson Vyrney, deeply unfortunate man, with his little, but from this no less sacrificing drama.

The "Little Man" is devoted to the story of N. V. Gogol "Shinel", which V. G. Belinsky called the "deepest creation" of the writer. The main character of the story - Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, "Eternal Title Advisor". All his life he is "jealously and with love" rewritten papers in the Department. This correspondence was not only his work, but also by his vocation, even, can be said, life destination. Bashmushkin is not flexing the backs worked all day in service and took the paper to the house, and some, the most interesting, rewritten for himself - for memory. His life was in his own way rich and interesting. But one was upset by Akakia Akakiyevich: the old chinel, who served him faithfully, not one ten years, after all, came to such a "decline" that she could no longer fix the most skillful tailor. The existence of Bashmachkina acquired a new content: he began to save money to sewing a new sheel, and the dreams of her warmed him to the soul by long winter evenings. This chinel, which has become the subject of constant Duma and conversations of Bashmachkina, acquired for him almost mystical meaning. And when she finally was ready, Bashmushkin, loose, inspired, appeared in her service. It was the day of his celebration, his triumph, but he unexpectedly and tragically ended: at night, the robbers took away from him a new chinel. For a poor official, it was a catastrophe, the wreck of his life. He turned to a kind of "significant person" for help, begging to find and turn the robbers, but his request seemed to be an important general of too insignificant to pay attention to her. And the loss has become for Bashmachkina fatal: Soon he fell ill and died. Gogol called the reader to love a "little man," because he is "our brother," because he is also a person.

The topic of a "little man" continued by F. M. Dostoevsky, very precisely who had said about himself and about his contemporaries: "We all left the" Gogol "sinels. Indeed, the main characters of almost all of his works were "little people", "humiliated and offended". But, unlike the Hero of Gogol, the heroes of Dostoevsky are able to protest openly. They do not humble with terrible reality; They are able to say the bitter truth about themselves and the surrounding society.

Their spiritual world is not as limited and worse, like Bashmachkina. They are sharper than he feel the injustice and cruelty of the world of profit and money. So, a poor official of the marmalands, who ends on the very bottom of life, retained his soul, did not become a scoundrel and a scoundrel. He is much more humane than the "owners of life" - Lugin and Svidrigailov. The monologue of Marmaladov in the cutting is not only regretful of his ruined life, but also the bitter reproach to the whole society.

Sonya Marmaladov was forced to sell herself to not give to die with the hunger to small children of his stepmother - Katerina Ivanovna. She suffers for the pain of all people, all siery and poor. Sonya helps not only his family, she strives to help completely someone else's people. It was Sonya who became a moral and spiritual support for Raskolnikova: Sonya suffered his "cross" with him - went after him to the catguard. This is its strength and its greatness - the greatness of self-sacrifice in the name of people, which was capable of only an extraordinary person.

The works of Russian writers make us painfully reflect on the meaning of human life, about the purpose of man. Together with their heroes, we learn to respect the human person, to compare her pain and empathize with her spiritual quest.

The first of the Russian writers who touched the topic of a "little man," was Pushkin. His story "Stationander" is devoted to the modest existence of the station caretaker Samson Wyrina. The story has become the first of the works of Russian literature on this topic.

In the poem "Copper Horseman" Pushkin also affected the problem of a "little man", but in several other perspectives. The hero of the poem, Eugene, is an ordinary resident of the Grand City. But this greatness is only one side of the medal. Pushkin himself spoke about

Petersburg - "City of Lush, the city is poor." As far as the city itself is the city, people may be as unfortunate. Eugene, whose only desire, is a quiet and peaceful family life, it turns out to be a victim of an inexorable element. All his protest against the magnificent and arrogant city, who destroyed his love, is coming down to the fact that he is inconsemoring something mumbling, threatens with his hand to the copper rider. Peter the first, as it seems Eugene, pursues him. In this you can see the allegory: the city suppresses its inhabitants, does not allow them to breathe freely.

The topic of "Little Man" continued N. V. Gogol in his "Petersburg

Handes. " Especially remarkable in this sense the story "Shinel". Hero her is a poor and modest official Akaki Akikievich Bashmachkin. Even his funny name speaks about an insignificant position of the official. Indeed, it works for many years in the same place, but it is not raised in office. Yes, he himself does not seek it. He is quite satisfied with its existence. The only thing that overshadows him is the constant mockery of other officials. They are accustomed to perceiving Akakiyevich Akakia as an object for ridicule, and he does not seek to put himself in a different way. Yes, and late: he is in fifty. It is significant that "a significant person" calls it a "young man." Bashmushkin did not have a solid one over the years, representative, he remained as pitiful as he was.

At first, the "Shinel" is perceived by the reader as a funny story about a funny person, but gradually it develops into a real drama. The purchase of overcoats, perhaps, was the only one in the life of Akakia Akakiyevich a big and bright dream. But life did not slow down to destroy this dream, it is trampled. The death of the official is directly related to the fact that she was selected from him, because together with it they took away the dream. And the suffering of a "little man", let them and not noticeable to anyone, can be as great as the person outstanding. As far as Akaki Akakievich suffered, no one knew, and it would hardly believe that he was able to feel and cry. Life does not spare "little people." It exposes their tests that are unable to endure. So and Akaki Akakievich: He died not from the, of course, that he was stolen with a chinel, and from the fact that the life crossed him, threw out on the side of the road.

And Pushkin, and Gogol showed the life of "little people" from the side. Yes, they sympathize and empathize with their imperceptible heroes, but still look at them somewhat down. Dostoevsky in this respect went on them, because in the novel "Poor people" showed the feelings and experiences of a "little man" from the first person. Makar girl is very similar to Akakia Akakievich Bashmushchina. He is also poor, consists in the same rank, possesses the same ridiculous that causes pity, name. He and in fact his actions and looks for life resembles a timid girl.

However, in one Makar, the girl is significantly different from Samson sculp, and from Akakia Akakievich. It has a kind of pride, what is called "pride of the poor." She makes him hide her poverty. He barely drives ends with the ends, but helps people poorer: their neighbors, a poor on the street, which speaks of his mental nobility. Where does this pride in it, is this nobility, is this mercy? Where does such a power of love and respect for Varinka Doborovna? Makara girl on can be called "a great little man" with full right. Unfortunately, all those beautiful features of the character with which he possesses are growing, are lost behind his innate modesty, meekness. And his life regrets it too: his beloved, invaluable Variaku takes the depraved landowner of bulls. The only way to protest Makar is his letters full of unbearable suffering. 11Os will never resist actions. In this trouble of all the "little people": they persogently demolish all the rings of adversity, and this humility causes even more misfortunes. Vicious circle.

Dostoevsky, probably, more often than all Russian writers addressed the topic of a "little man." It is enough to remember at least a novel "Crime and Punishment". "Little people" - marmalands and his family - suffer from poverty, hunger and humiliation, and nothing can do with their position. Whatever decision they have accepted, it leads to the shame, poverty or death. But such "little people" with their desires, passions, joys and troubles in Russia have a lot and so far. All writers who affected this topic - Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Karamzin, Chekhov, sympathized with their heroes. But could they change their position? Alas, the problem of a "little man", degrading and life, will probably exist while Russia exists.

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  1. Each work of N. V. Gogol remains relevant at any time. Not an exception and tale of the writer "Shinel", written by Nikolai Vasilyevich in ...