Which of the Writers of the XIX century. How did you actually live and how many famous writers and poets of the XIX century received? You will be very surprised, because we were not so presented

Which of the Writers of the XIX century. How did you actually live and how many famous writers and poets of the XIX century received? You will be very surprised, because we were not so presented
Which of the Writers of the XIX century. How did you actually live and how many famous writers and poets of the XIX century received? You will be very surprised, because we were not so presented

Mommy, I will die soon ...
- What are such thoughts ... After all, you are young, strong ...
- But Lermontov died at 26, Pushkin - in 37, Yesenin - in 30 ...
- But you are not Pushkin and not Yesenin!
- No, but still ..

Mom Vladimir Semenovich recalled that such a conversation took place with her son. For Vysotsky, early death was something like checking on the "infant" of the poet. However, I can not be confident in this. I will say about myself. Since childhood, I "knew exactly" that I would become a poet (of course, great) and die early. Do not live to thirty, as a last resort, - forty. Can a poet live longer?

In the biographies of writers, I always paid attention to years of life. I thought, at what age a person died. I tried to understand why it happened. I think this is done by many writing people. I do not hope to figure out the reasons for early deaths, but I will try to collect materials, collect existing theories and naphnthazase - a scientist from me will hardly - own.

First of all, I collected information about how Russian writers died. Got the age at the table at the time of death and the cause of death. I tried not to analyze, simply drive the data into the necessary graphs. I looked at the result - interesting. Prosaiki 20th century, for example, often died from oncology (leader - lung cancer). But after all, in the world, in general, according to WHO information, among the oncological diseases, it is most often found and caused the death of the lung cancer. So is there any connection?

I can not solve whether to look for "writing" diseases, but I feel that some sense in this search is.

Russian Prosaiki 19th century

Name Years of life Age at the time of death Cause of death

Herzern Alexander Ivanovich

March 25 (April 6) 1812 - 9 (21) January 1870

57 years old


Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich

March 20 (April 1) 1809 - February 21. (March 4) 1852

42 years

acute cardiovascular failure
(conditionally, because there is no uniform opinion)

Leskov Nikolai Semenovich

4 (February 16) 1831 - February 21. (March 5) 1895

64 years


Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich

6 (18) June 1812 - 15 (27) September 1891

79 years old


Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich

October 30 (November 11) 1821 - January 28 (February 9) 1881

59 years old

rule of pulmonary artery
(Progressive lung disease, throat bleeding)

Pisemen Alexey Feofilaktovich

11 (23) March 1821 - January 21 (February 2) 1881

59 years old

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich

15 (27) January 1826 - April 28 (May 10) 1889

63 years


Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich

August 28 (September 9) 1828 - 7 (20) November 1910

82 years old


Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

October 28 (November 9) 1818 - August 22 (September 3) 1883

64 years

malignant spine tumor

Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich

1 (13) August 1804 - February 27 (March 11) 1869

64 years

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narcsovich

October 25 (November 6) 1852 - 2 (15) November 1912

60 years


Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich

12 (24) July 1828 - 17 (29) October 1889

61 year

hemorrhage in the brain

The average life expectancy of Russian people of the 19th century was about 34 years. But these data do not provide ideas about how many lived an average adult, since high infant mortality has greatly affected the statistics.

Russian poets of the 19th century

Name Years of life Age at the time of death Cause of death

Baratsky Evgeny Abramovich

February 19 (March 2) or 7 (March 19) 1800 - June 29 (July 11) 1844

44 years


Kyhelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich

10 (21) June 1797 - 11 (23) August 1846

49 years old


Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich

October 3 (October 15) 1814 - July 15 (July 27) 1841

26 years

duel (shot in the chest)

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

May 26 (June 6) 1799 - January 29 (February 10) 1837

37 years

duel (wound in the stomach)

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich

November 23 (December 5) 1803 - 15 (27) July 1873

69 years old


Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich

August 24 (September 5) 1817 - September 28 (October 10) 1875

58 years old

overdose (introduced an erroneous dose of morphine)

Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich

November 23 (December 5) 1820 - November 21 (December 3) 1892

71 year

cardiac attack (there is a suicide version)

Shevchenko Taras Grigorievich

February 25 (March 9) 1814 - February 26 (March 10) 1861

47 years old

wasyanka (cluster of fluid in the peritoneal cavity)

In Russia, the 19th century, the poets were dying other than the prose. To the second, death often came from the inflammation of the lungs, and among the first nobody died of this disease. Yes, and before the poets left. From Prosaikov, only Gogol died in 42, the rest - much later. And from lyrics rarely, who lived to 50 (long-lived Fet).

Russian Prosaiki 20th century

Name Years of life Age at the time of death Cause of death

Abramov Fedor Aleksandrovich

February 29, 1920 - May 14, 1983

63 years

heart failure (died in the postoperative chamber)

Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich

18 (30) March 1881 - March 12, 1925

43 years

weakening of the heart muscle, the expansion of the aorta and sclerosis of the kidneys

Aitmatov Chingiz Taekowich

December 12, 1928 - June 10, 2008

79 years old

renal failure

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich

9 (21) August 1871 - September 12, 1919

48 years old

heart disease

Babel Isaac Emmanuilovich

June 30 (July 12) 1894 - January 27, 1940

45 years


Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich

May 3 (May 15) 1891 - March 10, 1940

48 years old

neproklerosis hypertonic

Bunin Ivan.

10 (22) October 1870 - November 8, 1953

83 years

died in a dream

Cyrus Bulychev

October 18, 1934 - September 5, 2003

68 years old


Bykov Vasil Vladimirovich

June 19, 1924 - June 22, 2003

79 years old


Vorobyov Konstantin Dmitrievich

September 24, 1919 - March 2, 1975)

55 years

oncology (brain tumor)

Gazdanov Gaito

November 23 (December 6) 1903 - December 5, 1971

67 years old

oncology (lung cancer)

Gaidar Arkady Petrovich

9 (22) January 1904 - October 26, 1941

37 years

shot (killed in the war machine-gun queue)

Maksim Gorky

16 (28) March 1868-18 June 1936

68 years old

cool (there is a murder version - poisoning)

Zhitkov Boris Stepanovich

August 30 (September 11) 1882 - 19 October 1938

56 years old

oncology (lung cancer)

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich

August 26 (September 7) 1870 - 25 August 1938

67 years old

oncology (language cancer)

Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich

10 (22) April 1899 - July 2, 1977

78 years old

bronchial infection

Nekrasov Viktor Platonovich

4 (17) June 1911 - September 3, 1987

76 years old

oncology (lung cancer)

Pill Boris Andreevich

September 29 (October 11) 1894 - 21 April 1938

43 years


Andrei Platonov

September 1, 1899 - January 5, 1951

51 year


Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

December 11, 1918 - August 3, 2008

89 years old

acute heart failure

Strugatsky Boris Nathanovich

April 15, 1933 - November 19, 2012

79 years old

oncology (lymphoma)

Strugatsky Arkady Nathanovich

August 28, 1925 - October 12, 1991

66 years old

oncology (liver cancer)

Tendryakov Vladimir Fedorovich

December 5, 1923 - August 3, 1984

60 years


Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich

11 (24) December 1901 - May 13, 1956

54 years

suicide (shot)

Harms Daniel Ivanovich

December 30, 1905 - February 2, 1942

36 years

exhaustion (during the blockade of Leningrad; avoided the execution)

Shalamov Vamlam Tikhonovich

June 5 (June 18) 1907 - January 17, 1982

74 years


Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich

September 21 (October 3) 1873 - 24 June 1950

76 years old

heart attack

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

11 (24) May 1905 - February 21, 1984

78 years old

oncology (Large Cancer)

Shukshin Vasily Makarovich

July 25, 1929 - 2 October 1974

45 years

heart failure

There are theories according to which diseases may be caused by psychological reasons (some esoterics believe that any disease is caused by spiritual or mental problems). This topic is not enough for science, but there are quite a few books in stores "all diseases from nerves." For the absence of the best, resort to popular psychology.

Russian poets of the 20th century

Name Years of life Age at the time of death Cause of death

Annensky Innokentiy Fedorovich

August 20 (September 1) 1855 - November 30 (December 13) 1909

54 years


Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

11 (23) June 1889 - March 5, 1966

76 years old
[Anna Akhmatova was in the hospital after a heart attack for several months. Having discharged, went to the sanatorium, where he died.]

Andrey White.

14 (26) October 1880 - January 8, 1934

53 years

stroke (after sunshine)

Bagritsky Eduard Georgievich

October 22 (November 3) 1895 - February 16, 1934

38 years

bronchial asthma

Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich

3 (15) June 1867 - December 23, 1942

75 years old


Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich

May 24, 1940 - January 28, 1996

55 years


Bruce Valery Yakovlevich

1 (13) December 1873 - October 9, 1924

50 years


Voznesensky Andrei Andreevich

May 12, 1933 - June 1, 2010

77 years old


Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich

September 21 (October 3) 1895 - December 28, 1925

30 years

suicide (hanging), there is a murder version

Ivanov Georgy Vladimirovich

October 29 (November 10) 1894 - 26 August 1958

63 years

Hippius Zinaida Nikolaevna

8 (20) November 1869 - September 9, 1945

75 years old

Block Alexander Alexandrovich

16 (28) November 1880 - August 7, 1921

40 years

inflammation of heart valves

Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich

3 (15) April 1886 - August 26, 1921

35 years


Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich

7 (19) July 1893 - April 14, 1930

36 years

suicide (shot)

Mandelshtam Osip Emilevich

3 (15) January 1891 - December 27, 1938

47 years old


Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich

August 2, 1865 (or August 14, 1866) - December 9, 1941

75 (76) years

hemorrhage in the brain

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich

January 29 (February 10) 1890 - May 30, 1960

70 years old

oncology (lung cancer)

Slutsky Boris Abramovich

May 7, 1919 - February 23, 1986

66 years old

Tarkovsky Arseny Alexandrovich

12 (25) June 1907 - May 27, 1989

81 year


Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna

September 26 (October 8) 1892 - August 31, 1941

48 years old

suicide (hanging)

Khlebnikov Velimir

October 28 (November 9) 1885 - 28 June 1922

36 years


Cancer They are associated with a feeling of resentment, a deep spiritual wound, the feeling of the futility of their actions, its own closerness. Lungs symbolize freedom, readiness and ability to accept and give. The twentieth century in Russia century, many writers "torn" were forced to be silent or say not all that was considered necessary. Cancer cause and disappointment in life.

Heart diseases Are caused by overwork, long stress, faith in the need for voltage.

Cold People are ill in the life of which there are simultaneously a lot of events. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) - desperate.

Diseases Gorla - Creative powerlessness, crisis. In addition, the inability to stand up for itself.

Mamin-Sibiryak did not appear by the opener of the working topic in his native literature. Reshetnikov novels about the Gornozavodsky Urals, about the troubles, the need and hopeless life of workers, about their search for a better life were the foundation on which the "Gornozavodsky" novels of Mine ("Privalovsky Millions", 1883; "Mountain Nest", 1884; "Three The end ", 1890), and novels, in which the action develops on the Golden Peace of Urals (" wild happiness ", 1884;" Gold ", 1892).

For Reshetnikov, the main problem was reduced to the image of the entire "sober truth" about the working people. Mamin-Sibiryak, reproducing this truth, places some social mechanism in the center of his novels (factory, mine).

Analysis of such a mechanism and capitalist relations established and developing in it is the main task of the author. This principle of the image is partly reminded by some zola's novels ("Paris", "Dame happiness"). But the similarity here is purely external.

In the novels of the Mine-Siberian, social issues obscure the problems of biological, and the criticism of capitalist relations and serfdom leads to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immediate need to reorganize life, which contradicts the principles of hard determinism adopted in the aesthetics of French naturalists as an unshakable postulate. Both Paphos, and criticism, and underlined socialism - all this firmly connects the work of the "singer of the Ural" with the traditions of Russian revolutionary-democratic literature.

Mamin-Sibiryak did not escape the influence of population (evidence of this Bread Roman, 1895). However, the analysis of the facts of reality gradually urged the writer that capitalism is the phenomenon of regular and already approved in Russian life, and therefore his novels are opposed to the people's ideas.

The controversy with the people's concepts is organically included in the novels "Privalov Millions", "Three End" and other works. The main thing, however, is not a controversy, but the comprehension of complex socio-economic issues related to the problem of the modern development of Russia.

Sergey Privalov, the main character of the "Privalov Million", "does not like the factory case and considers it an artificially created industry industry." Privov dreams of a rational bubber organization, which would be a useful and peasant community and working people, but his undertaking tolerates the collapse, as it turns out to be in a circle, all the same inhuman capitalist relations.

The image of the struggle for Privalovsky millions makes it possible to introduce a lot of persons who embody a variety of features of a rapidly capitalized life. A peculiar guidelines in this complex world of human passions, vanity and contradictory motivations are numerous journalistic retreats and historical excursions characterizing the life of the Urals.

In the subsequent novels of the writer, the accent is gradually transferred to the image of the life of the people. In the "mining nest" the main question is the question of incompatibilities of the interests of capitalists and workers, and in the "Ural Chronicles", the novel "Three End", he receives its greatest expression. This romance is interesting as an attempt of the Mine-Siberian to create a modern "folk novel."

In the 80s. Ertel took the same attempt, recreated a wide picture of the national life of the south of Russia ("Gardenini"). Both writers seek to say on the results of the country's flag development and, recreating the history of their edge, try to catch in a peculiar publicity of a particular area that the regularities of the historical process that are characteristic of Russia as a whole.

In the novel, the Mine-Siberian replaces each other three generations, the fate, thoughts and moods of which embody the transition from Russia to the capitalist to Russia. The writer also talks about the disintegral intelligentsia, and strikes in which a spontaneous protest against the cure and operation is expressed.

"Who wants to know the history of existing relations in the Urals of the two classes," wrote in 1912 the Bolshevik "True", - the Mining and Fitness of the Working Population and Predators of the Urals, Possensions, and Other, - will find in the writings of the Mine-Siberian, a bright illustration for dry pages of history " .

With its overall trend of the novels of the Mine-Siberian novels the novels of Boborykin. His creativity developed in the general direction of democratic literature of the second half of the XIX century: it took her critical pathos and the desire for the transformation of life. The concept of naturalism did not find his follower in the face of Mine-Siberian.

At the same time, it is impossible to believe that acquaintance with the theory and creativity of Zola and his followers passed without a trace for Russian literature. In articles, letters recorded by memoirs of statements, the largest writers in one way or another responded to the validation of the situation, which undoubtedly had creative impact on them.

The younger generation of writers strongly made the expansion of literature issues. All life with her bright and dark sides was to be included in the view of the writing. The response of Chekhov in 1886 was very characteristic of the letter, readers, complied with the "Dirt of the situation" in the story of "Tina" and that the author did not find, did not excel the "pearl grain" from the attention of the dung heap.

Chekhov replied: "Artistic literature is because it is called artistic, which draws life to such, what is it really it is. Her appointment is the truth unconditional and honest. To narrow her functions by such a specialty as the extraction of "grains", just for her deadly, as if you forced Levitan to draw a tree, ordered him not to touch the dirty bark and yellowed foliage<...> For chemists on Earth there is nothing unclean.

The writer must also be objective as a chemist; He must donate from everyday subjectivity and know that the dung piles in the landscape play a very accurate role, and evil passions are also inherent in life as good. "

Chekhov talks about the right writer to portray the dark and dirty sides of life; This right is persistently defended by the Bellenists of the 80s. The R. Disterlo drew on it, which, characterizing the main trend of creativity of representatives of the new literary generation, wrote that they seek to draw reality, "as it is, in the form of it manifests itself in a particular person and in specific cases of life." The critic corrected such a tendency with Naturalism of Zola.

Belletrists really turned to such topics and plots, to those sides of the life that did not previously concern or almost did not concern Russian literature. At the same time, some writers were fascinated by the reproduction of the "wrongness of life", its purely intimate parties, and this particularly served as the basis for bringing them closer with naturalist writers.

Disterlo stipulated in his recall that "similarity is purely external", 106 other critics were more categorical in their judgments and spoke about the appearance of Russian naturalists. Most often, such judgments belonged to the works of a certain kind - to the novels of the type "Stolen happiness" (1881) of you. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko or Sodom (1880) N. Maritsky (N. K. Lebedev).

In the article "On pornography", Mikhailovsky considered both of these novels as slave imitation of the Zola, as works that plow the low-lying flavors of the mesh.

However, the novels of Nemirovich-Danchenko to naturalism as a literary flow of relations do not have and can be called naturalistic only in the most ordinary, the vulgar meaning of the word. This is naturalism of spicy scenes and situations in which the main meaning of the depicted is concluded.

Among the authors who paid great attention to the "life of the flesh", the writers were also not deprived of talent. In this regard, Criticism spoke about "moral indifference", which arose on the soil of "sophisticated-corrupted sensations", as about the characteristic feature of the era of timeless. S. A. Hungry, who belongs to these words, meant creativity I. Yasinsky and V. Bibikova. The novel of the last "pure love" (1887) is most interesting in this sense.

On the topic he is close to the Garshinsky "Incident": Provincial Coccob Mary Ivanovna Vilenskaya, the main heroine of Roman, herself sets his spiritual relationship with the heroine Garshin, but the relationship is purely external. Bibikov Roman is deprived of that sharp protest against the social system that makes the basis of the "incident".

The fate of Vilensk is depicted by the author as a result of a crossing of special circumstances and upbringing. Father was not interested in his daughter, and the governess from Parisian singer awakened unhealthy feelings in a young girl; She fell in love with Assistant Accountant Milevsky, who seduced her and threw her, and his father was kicked out of the house. A lot of rich and charming patrons have appeared at the Heroin Bibikov, but she dreams of clean love. She can't find her, and she cums the life of suicide.

Bibicova is not interested in the moral problems traditionally related to the theme "Falls" in Russian literature. His heroes are people who are inhabit the natural natural feeling, and therefore, according to the author's thoughts, they cannot be condemned or justified. The attraction of floors, debauchery and love can be "clean", and "dirty", but also in that, in another case, they are moral for him.

"Clean love" was not accidentally dedicated to Yasinsky, who also gave tribute to such views. Yasinsky also explores love and passion like natural natural attractions, not burdened by "moral cargo", its numerous novels are often built on this motive.

Bibicova and Yasinsky can be considered the immediate predecessors of the decadent literature of the beginning of the XX century. Art, according to their concepts, should be free from any "tendentious" issues; Both proclaimed the beauty cult as a cult of feelings free from traditional moral "conventions."

As already mentioned, Yasinsky stood at the origins of the Russian decadation; We add to it that he was and one of the first, who was austicized in Russian literature. The motives of this kind can be found in the novel "Light of Forests", the hero of which writes the picture "Pir Freaks". Peru Yasinsky belongs to the novel under the characteristic name "Beautiful freaks" (1900). But these processes to naturalism as a flow also do not have a direct relationship.

Naturalism is a special literary and aesthetic course organically established at a certain historical period and exhausted as a system as a creative method for the beginning of the XX century. His emergence in France was due to the crisis of the second empire, and development is associated with the defeat of the Paris commune and the birth of the Third Republic, this "republican republican".

The conditions and features of the historical development of Russia in the second half of the XIX century. were essentially different. Others were the fate of bourgeoisity, and the search for the ways of updating the world. It created prerequisites for the negative attitude of Russian progressive aesthetic thought to the theory and practice of naturalism.

It was not by chance that Russian criticism was almost unanimous in his rejection of naturalism. When Mikhailovsky wrote that in the critical articles of Zola "there was something good and something new, but everything was good for us, Russians, not new, and everything is not good," he expressed this general thought. The fact that in Russia naturalism did not find the ground for its rooting and development, was one of the evidence of the deep national originality of her literature.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.

1 of 18.

Presentation on the topic: Writers and poets of the 19th century

Slide number 1

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Writers and poets of the 19th century 1. Aksakov S.T. 2. Ershov P.P. 3. Zhukovsky V.A. 4. Koltsov A.V. 5. Wings I.A. 6. Lermontov M.Yu. 7. Marshak S.Ya. 8. Nekrasov N.A. 9. Nikitin I.S. 10. Prishvin M.M. 11. Pushkin A.S. 12. Tolest L.N. 13. Tollist A.K. 14. Tyutchev F.I. 15.Ushinsky k.d. 16.Fet A.A. 17. Chekhov A.P. Svetlana Alexandrovna Lyalina, primary school teacher, Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod region

Slide 2 number

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Sergey Trofimovich Aksakov Famous Russian writer. Born in the noble family of the famous Shimon. Love for nature is the future writer inherited from the Father. Peasant labor was excited in him not only compassion, but also respect. His book "Family Chronicle" received its continuation in the "Children's years Bagrova Grandson."

No. Slide 3.

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Peter Pavlovich Ershov was born on March 6, 1815 in Tobolsk province in the family of an official. Russian poet, writer, playwright. It was the initiator of creating an amateur gymnasium theater. In the theater was engaged in director. Posted for the theater several plays: "Rural holiday", "Suvorov and Stationery". Eroshu's fame brought his fairy tale "Cracker-Gorbok"

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Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was born on January 29 in the village of Mishenskoye Tula province. Father, Athanasius Ivanovich Bunin, landowner, owner with. Mashensky; Mother, Turkhanka Salch, got to Russia among the captives. In 14 years they took to Moscow and gave a noble board. There lived and studied 3 years. He studied Russian and foreign literature. In 1812 he was in Borodino, wrote about the heroes of the battle. His books: Boy with a finger, native sky there is no mile, a lark.

No. Slide 5.

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Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov A.V. Koltsov - Russian poet. Born on October 15, 1809 in Voronezh, in a merchant family. Father was a merchant. Alexey Koltsov delivered from the inside to a variety of economic worries of a rural resident: gardening and breadfinding, cattle breeding and forestry. In a gifted, reprehensive nature of the boy, such life brought up the latitude of the soul and the versatility of interests, the immediate knowledge of the village life, peasant labor and folk culture. From nine years old, Koltsov learned a diploma at home and showed such an outstanding ability that in 1820 was able to enter the county school, bypassing parish. Began to write at 16 years old. I wrote a lot about the work, about the land, about nature: kositar, harvest, and others.

No. Slide 6.

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Ivan Andreevich Krylov I.A. Wings - a great basinist. Born on February 2, 1769 in Moscow in the family of a poor army captain, who received officer Chin only after the thirteen-year-old soldier service. 10 years had a wings when the father died and he had to work. Russian writer, Basinople, Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In St. Petersburg, in the summer garden there is a bronze monument, where the Basinople is surrounded by beasts. His works: Swan, pike and cancer. Chizh and dove. A Crow and a fox.

No. Slide 7.

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Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of captain Yuri Petrovich Lermontov and Mary Mikhailovna Lermontovaya, the only daughter and the heiress of the Penza landowners E.A. Arsenyeva. Livestice Lermontov passed in the estate of Arseny "Tarkhan" by the Penza province. The boy received the metropolitan home education, since childhood freely owned by French and German languages. In the summer, 1825 grandmother was lucky Lermontov in the Caucasus; Children's impressions of the Caucasian nature and the life of the mountain peoples remained in his early work. Then the family moves to Moscow and Lermontov is credited to the 4th grade of the Moscow University Human Pension, where a humanitarian education receives.

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Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak S.Ya. Marshak is a Russian poet. Born on October 22, 1887 in Voronezh in the family of factory equipment, a talented inventor. At 4 years he himself composed poems. Good translator from English, Russian poet. Marshak was familiar with M. Gorky. He studied in England in the University of London. During the holidays, traveled a lot on foot in England, listened by English folk songs. Already then began working on translations of English works.

Slide number 9.

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Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is the famous Russian poet. It came from the noble, once rich family. Born on November 22, 1821 in the Podolsk province. Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters. All childhood and her youths of the poet were proceeding in the genitalian estate of Nekrasov, the village of Greek Yaroslavl province, on the bank of the Volga. He saw the hard work of people. They pulled the barges on the water. A lot of poems devoted to the life of people in Tsarist Russia: green noise, nightingales, peasant children, grandfather Mazay and hare, homeland, etc.

No. Slide 10.

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Ivan Savvich Nikitin Russian poet, born in Voronezh all of the rich merchant, the owner of the candle plant. Nikitin studied in the spiritual school, in the seminary. He dreamed of graduating from the university, but the family was ruined. Ivan Savvich continued her education itself. Cooked poems: Rus, morning, winter meeting, swallows nest, grandfather.

No. Slide 11.

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Svaren Mikhail Mikhailovich Svain was born on January 23, 1873 in the Oryol province near Yelts. Father Svarvina from the rootary merger of the city of Yelts. Mikhail Mikhailovich gets formation by Agronom, writes a scientific book about potatoes. Later leaves for the north of a colivers phone from a folk life. Very loved nature. Well knew the life of the forest, his inhabitants. I could pass your feelings to readers. He wrote: Protect nature - means to protect their homeland! His books: guys and ducklings, storage room, calendar of nature, etc.

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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich is a great Russian writer. The first for children is the first alphabet and four-Russian reading books. In Casual Polyana opened school and taught children himself. He worked a lot and loved labor. He himself smelled the land, mowed the grass, sewed his boots, built heats. His works: Stories about children, kids, Philipok, Shark, Kitten, Leo and Doggy, Swans, Old Grandfather and granddaughters.

Slide 14 No.

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Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy A.K. Tolstoy was born in St. Petersburg, and the childhood of the future poet passed in Ukraine, in the estate of his uncle. Another teenager Tolstoy visited the border, in Germany and Italy. In 1834, Tolstoy was determined by the "student" in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 1837 He served in the Russian mission in Germany, in 1840. Got a service in St. Petersburg under the royal court. In 1843, the court title of chamber-junker. During the life of Tolstoy, the only collection of his poems (1867) was released. Poems: Snow is the last melts, cranes, forest lake, autumn, etc.

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Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born on February 19, 1824 in Tula in the family of Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky-retired officer, a small nobleman. Konstantin Dmitrievich's mother - Love Stepanovna died when he was 12 years old. Konstantin Dmitrievich was a teacher, he created books himself. He called their "children's world" and "native word". He taught to love his native people and nature. His works: a scholar bear, four desires, geese and cranes, eagle, like a shirt in the field rose.

Slide number 17.

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Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich - Russian Poet Lirik, translator. Born in the estate of Novoslovka Orlovskaya. Since childhood, loved poems A.S. Pushkin.In 14 years old were taken to study in St. Petersburg. These poems showed Gogol. In 1840, the first book was printed. It was poems: a wonderful picture, swallows gone, spring rain. The last 19 years of life officially wore the name Shenshin.

No. Slide 18.

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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is an outstanding Russian writer, playwright, by profession a doctor. Born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog Ekaterinoslav province. Early childhood Anton proceeded in endless church holidays, names. On weekdays after school, Father's shop was stolen, and at 5 am every day I got up in church choir. At first, Chekhov studied in the Greek school in Taganrog. At 8, after two years, studies, Chekhov enters the Taganrog gymnasium. In 1879, he graduated from the gymnasium in Taganrog. In the same year, he moved to Moscow and entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, where he studied from famous professors: Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Grigory Zaharin and others. His works: white, chestnut, spring, spring water, etc.

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