Significant: Image in Novel N.V. Gogol "Shinel"

Significant: Image in Novel N.V. Gogol
Significant: Image in Novel N.V. Gogol "Shinel"

The meeting of Bashmachkina with a "significant person" is shown in "Sineli" as a collision is not with a bad person, but with the "ordinary" order, with the constant practice of "Power of Imusen". Bashmushkin does not suffer from the inhumanity of individual people, but on the cureness in which he is supplied by his public situation. Depicting a "small" man in the "sinel", Gogol performed as a great humanist. Humanism was not abstract-contemplative, but an effective, social character. The writer defended the rights of those people who are deprived of them in society. The words "I am your brother" were a reflection of the ideas of social justice, public equality.

The image of the "disasters" as an ordinary fact is merged with the description of the "emergency" incidents - kidnapping, meetings with a "significant person". Each of these events is how to culminate individual parts of the narration. The development of the plot, the actions in the "Sineli" goes from the paintings of the scene to the scenes of the clashes with the representative of the ruling Rights of the Company.

In his relationship with the "lower", in their social practice "significant face" expresses the dominant "norms"; His personal qualities do not play any significant role. "He was in the soul of a kind man, good with comrades, helpful ...", "But as soon as it happened to be in society, where there were people at least one rank of him, there he was just at least from the hands of Won."

"Shinel" is written by no means in taking the tale; Nevertheless, in a number of places, Gogol is subtly noted by the language features of the narrator: "... Akaki Akakiyevich was born against the night, unless the memory changes, on March 23 ... Mother was still on the bed against the doors, and Kum standing on his right hand, an excellent man, Ivan Ivanovich Eroshkin, who served as a punch in the Senate, and Kuma, the wife of a quarterly officer, a woman of rare virtues, Arina Semenovna Bebrushkova "; "In such a state, Petrovich usually very willingly inferior and agreed, every time he even bowed and thanked. Then, however, the wife came, I swinging that my husband was drunk and therefore cheaply took up; But the Grivennik, it happened, alone will add, and the case is in the hat. "

The literator-romantic, as a rule, was inclined to express the ratio of skeptical, elevated-incredulous. Gogol, as it were, eats such romantics. However, now Gogol is a writer, the artist is powerless not in front of the sublime and exceptional, and before the lowland, ordinary, in the depths of which, too, there are difficulties, there is also mental pain, and bitterness, and social sorrow. The aesthetics of the sublime is attached to the lowland, and on the junction they are clearly heard by a tonasky bowing of any Akakia Akakiyevich, helpless "that ...". "I dared your excellency because the secretaries of that ... Unreliable people ..." - mutters robbed Akaki Akakievich, imagining the general, appearing towards a "significant person." Other how to understand you? Will he understand, what do you live?

Akaki Akakiyevich poem Tyutchev, shortly before the troubles that had happened to him, in 1833 printed in the magazine "Solva"; And he thought that another would understand his grief. Yes, I did not understand another! And said a significant face: "What, what, what? How did you get such a spirit from? Where did you think about these thoughts? What kind of rue has spread between young people against the heads and the highest! " And Akaki Akakievich worked home, and he died in a fever, in the heat, and in delusions he really dangling "sulfuching, uttering the worst words, so the old woman was even baptized, without having anything like that, especially since these words Directly followed the word "Your Excellency" ", here it seems that the Kosonazyny Akaki Akakievich spoke, late, only on the mortal approval by resolving the question:" How to express yourself? " And along with him, Gogol spoke.

Speaking of "significant face", Gogol did not fail to reject that many good movements were available to his heart, despite the fact that he quite often prevented them to be discovered. "

And here, it means that the heart did not express himself. There was an obstacle between the soul of man and his words: the position of the power of the property, Chin. And the Soul of General turned out to be richer words - tie-speaking, despite the fact that they were hazardous, frightening. Gogol and here discovered the teacher and father, the finishing of another father and the teacher: the general "studied ... in front of the mirror" to be Grozny's teacher; He was doing and the "honorable father of the family." Thus, in the world of Gogol, populated fathers and teachers, General belongs to a very worthy place. And he knows about his teaching role, he rehearses it. But no matter how much the general looked at himself in the mirror, he does not know himself; And Gogol, he knows him better as an expired teacher.

"Little Man", who turned out to face his fate with the top of his fate, a state man. "Little man", in madness, in delusion of dazened threats facing the authorities of the precondition ... "Little man" and his death, his wise funeral ... Where was it?

The "Sinels" are refracted by the events of the romantic poem Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", and when you see it, it ceases to seek the plot arbitrariness, the stupidity of the final of the story, the triumph of her hero who resurrected and who returned his kidnapped girlfriend of life, his "Space". Speech of the storyteller in the story "Shinel" - two-shirt speech: it is also converted to the reality that she tells about; And to the romantic images that she transforms. And the heroes of "Ruslana ..." again come to the "overcoat". But in "Shinels" - and Pushkin "Copper Horseman".

In "Sinels" there is a direct reference to the "Copper Horseman": officials tell each other "Eternal Anecdote about Commandant, who came to say that the tail of the Horse of the Falconetov Monument was subdued." The theme of the copper rider was introduced into the story and it was frankly reduced: the bronze hero of Pushkin is revealed so that he will not be able to jump over the official, he will not be able, for it is not solid to ride anyone on an eldest horse. And in general, Peter I is already history. And he was long, although he supposedly came to life for one restless night:

* ... Terrible king,
* Instantly angry marriage,
* The face quietly appealed ...

Gogol corrected the situations of the "copper rider", this "Petersburg story" Pushkin. In the "Sineli" find otzchuki and the tragic troubles described by Pushkin, and the cheerful life of St. Petersburgers. Gogol has a victim, a poor official, in the heat, he sees robbers to delight. True, they did not slaughtered the official, but only the chinel selected; But there is a modern Gogol with a genuine reality so that the sublime crimes turn into nastiness in nasty, thoroughly, the same, however, leading to the death of the victim of these unpaired disgusts. And Akaki Akakievich was dying, and in delusion "he saw Petrovich and ordered him to make a chinel with some Westerns for the thieves who melted him incessantly under the bed, and he remembered the hostess to pull out one thief from him even from under the blanket ..."

And further - the death of the hero, "Akakia Akakievich was brought and buried." And by making it the scanty little things, Gogol throws: "To whom it all got, God knows ...". And Petersburg remained without Akakia Akakievich. And in the tragedy of their own, and he was equal to the death with the emperor-giant, indirectly, but undoubtedly served as the culprit and his death. And on him, "unbearably collapsed misfortune, as he collapsed on the kings and the lords of the world ..."

The unexpected mention of the kings and the lords of the world in correlation with the events of the "Petersburg story" Pushkin acquires a deep meaning: the king, the lord of the world face to face met with a "little man" there; But only now it is finally it turns out that both the kings, and their subjects it happens the same badly, although with this social structure they will never understand each other, do not get away; And Pushkin king, the Lord, the Lord of the World chases in St. Petersburg for those who insulted him with a "little man," and Gogol, on the contrary, "Little Man" after his death is chasing his king's protege, too by the Lord and Lord. There - Higher Power is pursuing the poor official, here - the poor official pursues high power. A bad official: poured on his head on his head, mood over him.

But the emperor also does not matter: let's say, the tail from the bronze horse sawed, whether the joke! But this is argued that this tail is one of three points, which relies the famous monument to the emperor. It means that someone managed to deprive the reigning part of the support point, put it at risk of crash. And then - the flood, and from the elements, as from the robbers, one official dies. And there is no flood, so just the robbers in the capital are elegted and killed another official. For loyal all this trouble, but also for the emperor too. And Gogol would not be the father of her heroes and their heartfelt teacher if they had not understood their troubles and did not compassion them, telling them about their misadventures.

It is well known that the "Shinel" was born from a real case: a certain official with the price of incredible deprivation bought an expensive hunting rifle, but on the very first day of hunting it clinched behind the reed, fell into the water, disappeared at the bottom. Catchmen made the fold and bought a new rifle poorly. But as Gogol thought about the tolded case, everything changed: the gun was replaced by a chinel, "a significant face" appeared, the hero defeated the hero, death came, and for her Sunday it came.

Akaki Akakievich and "Significant Person"

in story N.V. Gogol"Shinel".

Fiction in the work.

In the lesson, you reveal the meaning of opposition to Akakia Akakievich and "the signs of the living genre in the story, the difference between the storyand lives, and also spendindependent research workwith text.

In the essays of Gogol, the phrase is a new print chinel - elk differently: it is in anticipation, then in quotes. In the academic full collection of works adopted a form of writing the first assembly of Gogol's compounds, i.e. in quotes. Obviously, the author emphasizes this word, puts emphasis on it, thereby denoting his special meaning. In the story, two periods in the life of the hero are distinctly distinguished, which can be designated as a "hood period" (or rewriting) and "the period of the new sheel". "The period of the hood" and "the period of the new sheel" is opposed to a variety of significant signs.

Open the notebook,. Clause the date and theme of the lesson. Draw a table.

(To enlarge, click the left mouse button)

« Construction "Sheer was caused by a domestic reason - the offensiveiz Morozov, at the same time, the element of the cold in the story - the main storylinemetaphor. It is easy to see, paying attention to the duration"Winter Time" in "Sinels".

Gogol specifies in detail the specific deadlines for the replacement of the oldthe new chinel: "The director appointed Akakia Akakievich ... as many hundreds of sixty rubles ... some other two or three months of a smalllodani - and Akakia Akakievich gained, exactly, about eighty rubles. " It took the tailor to work "only two weeks". Thusthe concrete term of the "construction" of Sineli - sixand a half months.
All this time, the narration space is becoming coldand cold. The cold has no household meaning. This is one of the centralmove images. "The physical space" of the cold in the story is notwearing with calendar time. Petersburg Northern Frost Stas-Novilki Devil's temptation, which Akakiyevich is not able toovercome.

With the appearance of a dream of overcoats and new overcoats in the life of Akakia Akatkievich is changing. The chinel becomes the heroine of the narration,decorating all the plot's peripetics. All characters are associatedit is their attitude to her overcoat. It is emphasized and titlesTI. That is why N. V. Gogol abandoned the name "The Tale of Officialke, pinching overcoat, "replacing it on the" chinel ".

Research work with text. Z.apprough the right side of the table in the notebook (for the table, see above).

The new chinel becomes part of its existence, a girlfriend of life.Sinel causes ascelet and recluseAkakia Akakievich make a number of irreparable fatal mistakes, pushing it from the blissfulstanding closed happiness in anxious outdoor world, in the circle of officials and night street. Akaki Akakievich, therefore, in itself"Inner" man, preferring "external", bay, susceptiblehuman passions and vicious inclinations.

Akaki Akakievich becomes like other officials: he is barelydoes not allow mistakes during rewriting, changes the formerthe ticks and go to the party, suddenly runs for an unfamiliar lady, drinks Sham Pansk, eats "Vinaigrette with cold veal, pate and confectionerypatties. "

What episode is depicted on the illustration of Yu. Ignatiev?

What emotions experienced a hero during robbery? Is Akakia Akakievich ravage?

This event is happening just when Akaki Akakievich re-- becomes the "inner" person. The robbery is the payback for change of his own way.

The hero loses his whole silent meekness, makes the acts of anything that was not, he demands that the world of understanding and helping, actively comes, achieves his. So, Akaki Akakievich shouts by the boat, "that he sleeps and does not look at it, he doesn't see how to robbed Chernya," confuses the hostess of an apartment "terrible knocking on the door", it is sent to the private bailiff, threatens the painter, lying, What came according to the execution case. The only time in the life of Akaki Akakievich misses the presence. According to the advice of officials, Akaki Akakievich goes to the "significant person."

The image of Akakia Akakiyevich is closely connected with a different story, namely, the way "significant face". Several simplifying, it is possible to skate that it is on the collision of these two images and is built "Shinel".

Remember how the Hero meeting occurred with"Significant face." Pthe Bashmachkina General, General "felt something like regret." The memory of him was disturbed by him, and he even sent an official to learn about his affairs. The news of the death of Bashmachkina struck the general. He "heard reproaching conscience." Which Hero does not matter with similar sense, faced with Akakiya Akakievich?

In the test, the similarity of the internal states of the general and the "one-th young man", inadvertently offended Akakia Akakiyevich in the beginning of the story.

The difference between Akaki Akakievich and the "significant person" at first glance is huge, but there is a connection between them.

Fill out the right side of the table.

No matter how much the difference between Akakiya Akakiyevich and the "knowledgeable person", it is not so great that the incomplete connection disappeared between them. Akakia Akakiyevich comprehends the general, thereby equalizing them, two tiny figures, equal to the face of all-post. This thought, in particular, serves an explicit roll-call scene pro-Fazy Sinteli from Akakia Akakievich and at the "significant face."

The wrong elder is a persecutor of St. Akakia, locatedhe has in obedience and subordinate to the "significant face"akaki Akakiyevich, and "significant face" performs in his finalpersecutor. As in the life of sv. Akakia is awakening conscience"Unrighteous elder" under the influence of a conversation with the deceased novice of Akakius and "significant face" after meeting with the "Live Dead"Akakiya Akakievich is changing for the better.

Akakia Akakiyevich's life is not an ordinary "life", but "Life". Aka-Kii Akakievich - "Martyr of the 14th Class". The earthly being of the martyr's death was surrounded by legendary details.

The death of a "little man" acquires the features of the cosmic cataclysm in Gogol. The fate of Akakia Akakievich is the fate of a person in general in the face of God, the universe. His main and, it seems, the only talent was in the ability to be content with what he had. It urges him to overcome all the contradictions of life and to some extent becomes a manifestation of "Estractions". With the loss of this property, Akaki Akakievich loses his life itself.

His behavior before death completely contradicts humility. In the death rack, Akaki Akakievich utters angry, evil words. This is another moment of contact with the "solester".

It would seem that by the example of "overcoats" we can say that Pisa-Tel inherits the tradition of the gortgled genre. However, the association of the text of the story and text of life is more complicated than the simple parallel. In the case of Akakii Akakievich, it is impossible to speak about holiness.

The final of the story sounds both as a "truth truth" as the image of the posthumous Bunt Bashmachkina against "significant persons", i.e., as a formidable possibility of rebellion, and not its implementation, as a struggle is not a hero, and the author against the despotism of the strong world, as an expression and Revenge and Wet Mesidia are weak. The value of the final researchers associated not only with the image of Bashmachkina, but also with the image of a "significant face". And it often turned out that the story was written only to show the Rowing General.

The results of the lesson.

In the history of Akakia Akakievich Gogol showed not a move toward goodclimbing the "rod" virtue, and the opposite movement, downladder: from the devotee to the "little man."

N.V. Gogol refers to "Sineli" to the process itselfAkakia Akakievich passion, passes with the hero on the way, which is inhaling that in the fall. Movement to good is possible only through overcoming temptationevil.

"Significant faces should experience their guilt for tragicthe fate of Akakia Akakievich. That is why the image of it grows after deathin hostile, terrible and ominous symbolic figure,tabing their conscience. "


Write an essay on one of the topics: "" Significant Person "and A.A. Bashmachkin in TaleN.V. Gogol "Shinel" "," "external and" internal "man in the imageAkakia Akakievich Bashmushchina. "

The oppressed, defenseless, lonely is the characteristic of Akakia Akakievich. It allows him to attribute to a special type of literary characters. Bashmushkin - "Little Man." This type was created by Pushkin in the Station Career Tale.

This is Chin Akakia Akakievich. The characteristic of his hero Gogol gives at the very beginning of the work. Such as Bashmachkin, called eternal titular advisers. The fact is that it is not destined to rise to the next step in the hierarchy of the ranks and the titles of Akakia Akakiyevich. A timid man is so oppressed by his position that it would seem to have no attention to mockery of young officials.

"Wantleless creature" - such an epithet uses the author for completeness of the characteristics of Akakia Akakievich. The titular adviser is badly demolished by the colleagues. In the department, even the watchman does not greet him. The main quality in the characteristic of Akakia Akakiyevich is imperceptibility.

The work of Bashmachkina is the most insignificant. He rewrites various documents, paper every day. The titular adviser is so suiced with his pathetic social role, he is so alone that the monotonous, uninteresting occupation has become the main thing in life. Bashmachkina is not interested in the meaning, the content of papers. Once, one of the bosses offered him a more complex task, but he did not cope. "Let me better reproduce anything." - Porny asked Bashmachkin. Since then, he was left alone. He rewrites paper in the department so long ago, which seems to be born - elderly, in Mundire and Lysina.

Why Akaki?

Gogol tells the story of the origin of the strange name of the hero. Why not mock, not contracts and not a cozdazat? And such options were offered the mother of the future titular adviser. The woman could not choose the name to his son and decided to call him in honor of the Father. This detects thoughtless habit of following traditions, excessive conservatism. The image of Akakia Akakiyevich in the Test "Shinel" complements it far from the aristocratic surname. Gogol character has a low origin.

Childhood, Youth Akakia Akakievich passed unnoticed. He so would rewrite the paper to deep old age. But a tragic story with a cooler ruined Akakia Akakiyevich. Quote, witty and tagged, from the work of Gogol you can exude a lot. At the beginning, the author notes: "Disasters scattered on Bashmachkina's life, are found on the way not only titular advisers, but even secret, valid, surviving and advisers, even those who do not give anyone to those who do not take them ourselves.

Shinel Akakia Akakievich

The harsh Petersburg frosts came. Bashmushkin suddenly drew attention to his old chinel, which in the Department has long been nicknamed hood. And he had a goal. Akaki Akakievich reimbursed the new shelney, which, of course, was not affordable. The title adviser received a salary in the amount of four hundred rubles per year.

To acquire a new Sineli, Akakiya Akakiyevich had to starve several months, abandon the tea, not to light the candles, walk carefully, in order not to spoil the boots. Oddly enough, such victims inspired Bashmushkina. After all, he had a goal, and at the same time some confidence, hardness in sight. Another quote from the story: "The fire was shown sometimes in his eyes." This phrase is very important in the description of Akakia Akakievich.


Within a few months, almost every day the titular adviser was to the tailor Petrovich, in order to learn about the fate of the sinel. He so long and often thought about her that she became not just a thing for him, but a close friend. And finally, the lucky day came. Petrovich brought Shinel's shirt. Akaki Akakievich died into her and went to work. This, perhaps, was the only happy day in his life.

Shinel Bashmachkina produced a furor in the Department. With a titular adviser, a man's small and inconspicuous, suddenly spoke in gentle, with respect. One of the bosses even invited him to his named. But the titular adviser was not destined to enjoy a happy life. On the same evening, the sinel was stolen.

Crushing strike

Permanent adversity people can be transferred only if he does not know what happiness is. Bashmachkin got used for many years, and it was about fifty to him, to his miserable social situation in society. Shinel in the work of Gogol is not just a wardrobe subject. This is an important image, symbolizing and happiness, and social status, respect for others. Bashmushkin suddenly found all this (after all, before him was never invited to nobody or any other celebration), but immediately lost. It became a crushing blow for him.


The next day, Bashmachkin went to the Department in his old sheel, the one that young officials nicknapped the hood. Many colleagues penetrated Akakia Akakiyevich by compassion. He was advised to seek help to one of the chiefs - a person who recently went to the raise. Bashmushkin went to "significant face". But here there was a case that the titular adviser.

The boss was a good man. However, the high chin did not allow him to demonstrate his positive qualities. The unfortunate, clogged Bashmachkin appeared in his office. A significant person, without even listening to the visitor, began to scream and stump legs. The little man has lost consciousness briefly, came home and run down. A few days later he died.

Life after death

Nobody noticed the death of a little official. He learned about his death in the Department only a few days after the funeral. By the way, the "significant face" a little later thought and sent to the Department to learn about the fate of a small official who lost consciousness in his office. But it was too late - Bashmachkin died.

Gogol decided to restore the justice, which is not and never was in our world, at least on the pages of his story. He gave Bashmachkina a few days after death. Some time, among St. Petersburg, rumors were rumored about the ghost of Bashmachkina, who wanders on the bridge in search of the sheel. The late official scared passersby, broke off his clothes. The dead disappeared only after he met his offender, the most terrible "significant" chief. Having thoring with it, he disappeared forever. So Bashmachkin dismissed all the humiliated and offended. And the significant person from now on the subordinates did not scold, the voices did not improve.

The image of Akakia Akakievich in the story "Shinel" is very tragic. But the saddest thing is that Hogol has created a life experience on the basis of life experience. Bashmachkin is in each class, in each team. Skmachkany everywhere. Moreover, in each of us there is something from the Gogol character.