Literary lesson Picture Gallery V. and

Literary lesson Picture Gallery V. and
Literary lesson Picture Gallery V. and
July 1, 2013, 12:10

The only love Vasily Surikova

The great Russian artist Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was born in Krasnoyarsk on January 12, 1848 in the family of a stationery employee, a leaving from the antique Cossack kind. The first drawing lessons the boy received from his school teacher. In 1868 he went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Academy of Arts. By graduation, I lived in Moscow. Constantly came to Siberia, visited Don, Volga, in the Crimea. In 1880-1890, I visited France, Italy and a number of other European countries. A special impact on his formation as the artist was provided by the Master of Venetian and spanish Renaissance Baroque, especially Veronese and Velasquez.

When they met, she was twenty, and he was thirty. Together they were destined to live long, just ten years old, but their history is one of the most wonderful. This is history happy love and tragic Fate. Surikov for the first time saw his future spouse Elizabeth Augustus Charo during the morning Mass in catholic church St. Catherine, in St. Petersburg. As it turned out, they both loved the music of Bach. Young people every Sunday came to Nevsky Prospect to hear the chorala famous composer. After a series of such meetings, acquaintance was acquainted.
Soon Surikov had to leave - he received an order for the painting of the christ of Christ the Savior in Moscow. It was 1877. All summer Surikov cut time on the trips to St. Petersburg to see the beauty in his heart, and in December he asked Lisa's hands. The bride, although born in Russia, was a real Parisian on her upbringing. Her father "Frenchman August Share, met a Russian girl in Paris and married her. After some time, the family moved to Petersburg, where they had five children. Customs and orders in the family are preserved by French, and the daughters were distinguished among the peers in special Paris Chic, although the family was not particularly rich.
Surikov hid from his relatives joyful news About wedding.
Make him it was not easy. The reason for such a strange behavior of Surikov was simple: he was happy, but worried about his choice to his choice, a very harsh woman, Siberian Cossack. For her, the daughter-in-law "Frenchwoman" would be a surprise not particularly pleasant. For her beloved Vassenka, she probably would like to find a bride simple, understandable.

Portrait of Elizabeth Augustus Surikova, artist's wife.

The newlyweds moved to Moscow, where they lived very friendly. Both loved music, literature, together they were not bored, and in the first years their life proceeded quite secluded. Vasily was really happy - next to him, who understood him, forgot the full immersion in the work. W. happy couple Two girls were born - Olga and, in two years, Elena. They never separated, even when the girls were very small, traveled together. Surikov joked that "all my - always with me." Sometimes the happiness of the family sometimes darkenly: Elizabeth had a congenital heart disease.

Portrait of Olga Surikova (in the marriage of Konchalovskaya), the daughter of the artist, in childhood. 1888.

Outlooking Surikov worked not to twist. Were written "Morning streletskaya execution"And" Fewing Morozova ", recognized and financial independence. Surikov admired her wife, gladly painted her. She was a fitter for one of the most tragic figures in Russian painting - Menshikov's eldest daughter, Mary.

"Menshikov in Berezov" (1883).

His picture of "Menshikov in Berezov" Surikov wrote for a long time. We needed faces that would express the entire tragedy of the fate of the family who was once the most powerful in Russia and in a link to the edge of the Earth, in Siberia. Maria, Former tsarist Bride, died at the age of 18 in the link. Here I was painted by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov from his wife. But both of them could not be supposed that in some mystical sense The fate of Mary, who did not lead to life in Siberia, will respond in the fate of Elizabeth.

Menshikov's eldest daughter. 1882.

Once Surikovy after almost one year old travel in Europe is sent to Siberia. The dampness of water Siberian travels, shaking on broken roads ... All this was a heavy test for fragile health Lisa. On the way back it is seriously ill. Siberia, which so pleased Surikov, was destructive for her. During his wife's illness, he did not move away from her, did not trust it with anyone. He coped with all the prescriptions of doctors. But in the spring of Elizabeth died.
Surikov never married again, he lived only for his girls and for art.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov with daughters Olga (right) and Elena and Brother, Alexander, before leaving for Siberia. Summer 1889.

In the future, Olga Surikova will marry the artist Peter Konchalovsky and they will have a daughter Natalia, the mother of Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. About Natalia Konchalovskaya and about her life will be speech in the next post.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov with grandchildren - Natasha and Misha Konchalovskiy.

P.S. I would like very much more photos, but on the Internet there are almost no.

Updated 01/07/13 15:27:

IN AND. Surikov with wife

Portrait of Elena Surikova, Daughter of the artist, 1906

The portrait was created in the winter of 1887-1888 in Moscow, in the house of Kuzmina on Smolensk Boulevard, where the Surikov family lived at this time. Surikov's letters preserved a mention of work on this work: "I am writing at home Olin Portrait in a red dress in which she was in Krasnoyarsk" (Letter PF and A.I. Surikov dated September 9, 1887 // Letters. Memories About the artist. - L., 1977. P. 75.).

A strong, lively ten-year-old girl, childish awkward, stands at a white stove. Her straight and open look looks straight on the viewer. The whole figure of his daughter was captured by the artist very characteristic. As always, in Surikov portraits there is no attempt to give the model to the deliberate beautifulness.

According to family memories, the portrait was written under the following circumstances. "Vasily Ivanovich suddenly clearly imagined Olya near the stove. He stood quietly, opened the door and looked into the click. Olya stood in a red dress with peas on the background of a bright white tile, pressed to him, warm, two of their chubby palms. Her round face was lit by friendly and cheerful confidence ... a month passed. In the dining room there was an easel with a canvas, at which Olya was in the growth near the stove ... Olya was patient - he knew how to pose.

And often the whole family together spent the morning in the dining room, so that Ole was not boring to stand ... Warranty portrait

She will soon have grief -
She will remain without mom.
Her father is guardian
But life interferes stubbornly.

She has a lot in life -
Diseases, hunger, cold, war.
Still girl looks
The world is trusting, calm.

It is still under the wing
Father, Parental House,
But soon everything goes on the layer
And she does not avoid fault.

But she will all suffer
And the genus will continue her
Over the years, the girl will enter
In the culture of Russian being.

And in the twenty-first century step
Her distant descendants,
And the light of culture will suffer
Through years not merciful dots.
(Sapritsky E.B.)

The picture is felt atmosphere of family comfort and peace. The portrait of his daughter completes the happiest period in the life of Surikov. In February 1887 on the 15th Mobile exhibition He exhibited "Booring Morozov". The picture brought him universal recognition and fame of the first Russian painter in historical genre. But at the end of 1888, the artist's wife is seriously ill and dies. Begins long strip Depression and crisis. He will leave the Krasnoyarsk for a long time, where he will be reborn to creativity at work on the "taking of a snowy town."

And the daughters of the artist Olga Vasilyevna (1878-1958) will have a big and interesting life. She will be the wife of the famous painter Peter Konchalovsky. They saw each other, when Pete was 16 years old, and Ole - 14. He came to the workshop of Father Oli-artist Vasily Surikova - to take lessons. But the serious young lady was then more interested in their own classes in the gymnasium. So in that mumbling meeting of adolescents did not even provide each other. This acquaintance happened ten years later. And this was already love, let him from a second look. After three weeks, Peter and Olya realized that they could not live without a friend. Vasily Surikov wrote about this brother: "You need to inform the message very joyful and unexpected: Olya is married for young artist From a good noble family, Peter Petrovich Konchalovsky. He is an Orthodox and believer. " Soon the spouses had a daughter Natasha.

Their daughter and granddaughter Surikova - Natalia - will marry Sergei Mikhalkov, a famous Basinist, playwright, author of two hymns: Soviet Union and Russian Federation. In this marriage there are two sons - famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, the great artist.

At the very touching picture of Surikov Vasily Ivanovich, we see a girl who is the older daughter of the author by name Olga. She was written in 1888 and had a grand success.

Through the portrait of the viewer easily feels with what love and graceing is this ten-year-old girl is depicted. She is very good and sweet, although she has a little incapacular and not a proportional figure, but it will pass with adulthood. Her expressive eyes, but a little dying and playful look right on us. She is inquisitive. She has a round calm face and black lush short hair.

Looking at the picture, we feel the tension of the girl, consisting in posing. She tries, clinging to the wall to please the Father. Her bright red dress in a small peas with a white lace collar and red tights competently shake her black hair. The author is very correctly saturated with colors that allow you to show a bright and lively portrait. On the waist red Kushak, and on the legs dark black shoes. All diversity of paints gives us a feeling of warmth and life.

In the hands of a little beauty we see a doll. Very can be very visible as a flirting and loving she keeps her, which in turn is a little bit like her hostess. These are short bright hair, and a round face, and style pink dresses. Doll her road maybe she is her best friend After parents.

Throughout appearance It becomes clear to us that the girl in the house lives well. She loves her parents and her loved. Parents admire her and it can be seen through the father's picture. He loves her, showing the viewer with an excellent children's child and her light childhood. We do not have the feeling that the child is capricious and harmful. Everything is just the opposite. She is restrained and mila, perhaps a little bit of a mustache, like all normal children.

High fatherly feelings show the author in this picture, because Serov never worked on request, he wrote portraits only for relatives and beloved people. After all, it is correct to say that the happiest and good childhood, the better the future life will be.

Description of the mood picture Portrait of the Daughter of the artist Oli

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Surikov never wrote custom portraits. The models served him most often his relatives or relatives. In this portrait depicted eldest daughter Artist - Olga. The portrait was created in the winter of 1887-1888 in Moscow, in the house of Kuzmina on Smolensk Boulevard, where the Surikov family lived at this time.

In the letters of Surikov, a mention of work on this work has been preserved:
"I am writing at home Olin Portrait in a red dress in which she was in Krasnoyarsk" (Letter P.F. and A.I. Surikov dated September 9, 1887 // Letters. Memories of the artist. - L., 1977. S. 75.).

A strong, lively ten-year-old girl, childish awkward, stands at a white stove. Her straight and open look looks straight on the viewer. The whole figure of his daughter was captured by the artist very characteristic. As always, in Surikov portraits there is no attempt to give the model to the deliberate beautifulness.

According to family memories, the portrait was written under the following circumstances. "Vasily Ivanovich suddenly clearly imagined Olya near the stove. He stood quietly, opened the door and looked into the click. Olya stood in a red dress with peas on the background of a bright white tile, pressed to him, warm, two of their chubby palms. Her round face was lit by friendly and cheerful confidence ... a month passed. In the dining room there was an easel with a canvas, at which Olya was in the growth near the stove ... Olya was patient - he knew how to pose. And often the whole family together spent the morning in the dining room, so that Ole was not boring to stand ... Warranty portrait

The picture is felt atmosphere of family comfort and peace. The portrait of his daughter completes the happiest period in the life of Surikov. In February 1887, on the 15th mobile exhibition, he exhibited "Boyaorny Morozov". The picture brought him universal recognition and fame of the first Russian painter in the historic genre. But at the end of 1888, the artist's wife is seriously ill and dies. The long strip of depression and crisis begins. He will leave the Krasnoyarsk for a long time, where he will be reborn to creativity at work on the "taking of a snowy town."

And the daughters of the artist Olga Vasilyevna (1878-1958) will have a big and interesting life. She will be the wife of the famous painter Peter Konchalovsky. Their daughter and granddaughter Surikov - Natalia - will marry Sergey Mikhalkov, a famous Basinist, playwright, the author of two hymns: the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Two sons are in this marriage - famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, the great-grandfather of the Great Artist. (Http://

She will soon have grief -
She will remain without mom.
Her father is guardian
But life interferes stubbornly.

She has a lot in life -
Diseases, hunger, cold, war.
Still girl looks
The world is trusting, calm.

It is still under the wing
Father, Parental House,
But soon everything goes on the layer
And she does not avoid fault.

But she will all suffer
And the genus will continue her
Over the years, the girl will enter
In the culture of Russian being.

And in the twenty-first century step
Her distant descendants,
And the light of culture will suffer
Through years not merciful dots.
(Sapritsky E.B.)