Biography and marital status Dmitry Khvorostovsky. last years of life

Biography and marital status Dmitry Khvorostovsky. last years of life
Biography and marital status Dmitry Khvorostovsky. last years of life

Born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. Father - Hvorostovsky Alexander Stepanovich. Mother - Hvorostovskaya Lyudmila Petrovna. Spouse - Florent. Have children.

Love to valid art Dmitry Hvorostovsky in many respects inherited from his father. Chemist engineer in the specialty, Alexander Stepanovich gathered huge collection Record stars of the global opera scene, sang perfectly well and musitized on the piano. In the house always sounded good music. Since childhood, Dmitry's cumiers were: Favorite Bariton - Ettore Bastianini; Tito Gobby, Fyodor Shalyapin, Maria Callas. He loved to listen to Neapolitan songs performed by Caruso, Tito Skip and Mario Lance, records A.V. Nezhdanova, P.G. Lisiciana, I.K. Arkhipov and other outstanding vocalists. Dmitry Hvorostovsky's singing talent manifested itself early. Nature endowed him with a voice, unique in its capabilities and flexibility. FROM early age He performed arias, ancient Russian romances and songs.

After graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A.M. Gorky, then the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts (Class of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor E.K. Iofel), Dmitry Hvorostovsky from 1985 to 1990 was the soloist of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

The beginning of the rapid development of the professional career of the singer was victory at first at all-union, and then in international competitions. In 1987, he became a laureate of the 1st Prize at the All-Union Singers Competition named after M.I. Glinka, and a year later he was awarded the Grand Prix at the international contest of singers in Toulouse (France).

In 1989, the name Dmitry Hvorostovsky became world famous when he won the BBC Singer television competition in Cardiff (United Kingdom), won the only prize and title "Best Voice".

Singer continued professional career In the West, debuting in Nice Opera in the "peak lady" P.I. Tchaikovsky. The debut of the singer in New York in 1990 received such an assessment in the New York Dale News newspaper: "The last of the popular Russian baritons ... turned out to be the owner of the most beautiful and exquisite voice, which currently you can hear from the mouth of the singer .. . Dmitry Khvorostovsky is already a star of the first magnitude ... "

Regular surgers in leading opera theater Royal Opera House - Covent Garden (London), Bavarian State Opera, Munich State Opera, Berlin State Opera, Teatro Alla Scala (Milan), Vienna State Opera, Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires), Metropolitan Opera (New York) , Chicago Lyric Opera, Mariinsky Theatre Operas and Ballet (St. Petersburg), Moscow Theater "New Opera", the opera scene of the Salzburg festival, etc.) opened in the singer of a multi-faceted artist with powerful dramatic potential, rare for the western scene with preference of subtlety and psychologism by an external vocal effect.

YES. Hvorostovsky performs central parties in the operations of Russian and foreign composers: P.I. Tchaikovsky - "Eugene Onegin" (Evgeny Onegin), "Peak Lady" (Yeletsky), N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov " Tsarist Bride"(Dirty), J. Verdi" Traviata "(Zhermon)," Trubadur "(de Moon)," Don Carlos "(Rodrigo), Rigoletto (Rigoletto), V. Bellini" Puritan "(Ricardo), P. Maskanya "Rural Honor" (Alfio), R. Leonkallo "PAYTS" (Silvio), V.-A. Mozart "Wedding Figaro" (Count), "Don Juan" (Don Juan and Lepogello), D. Rossini " Seville Berber"(Figaro), Donizetti" Favorite "(Alfonso)," Love Drink "(Belcore), Sh. Guno" Faust "(Valentino).

One of the most favorite composers of the singer - Giuseppe Verdi. Images of Rodrigo di Pose and Germont also merged with his creative appearancelike Onegin, Yeletsky or Don Juan. A long-standing star for him was the most difficult party Rigoletto, which he first performed in 2000 on the stage of the Moscow Theater "New Opera" under the direction of Eugene Kolobov. Then there were Count de Luna ("Troubadur") and the villain Francesco ("Robbers") in "Covent Garden", Renato ("Ball Masquerade") in the Chicago "Lig Opera". Mastering new spaces of the Verdii repertoire, Hvorostovsky for the first time will touch the heroes for himself, by performing a part of Yago (Othello), Don Carlo ("Ernani").

Endowed with a voice of rare beauty, early won world gloryThe singer relates to his own creativity hardly not ascetic, working for every new opera or concert project for a long time and does not seek to quickly success. Evgeny Onegin ("Eugene Onegin"), Figaro ("Seville Berber"), Don Juan ("Don Juan"), Graph ("Wedding Figaro"), Rodrigo Pose ("Don Carlos"), Rigoletto (Rigoletto) and Other leading parties of the global opera repertoire in the interpretation of Hvorostovsky differ from the "star" interpretations familiar at the modern Opera Olympus. He is alien to high-tech and comfortable reproduction of classical melodies with "built-in" in them with standard blocks of artistic experiences.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is looking for depth, tragedy and joy of creativity in his work. And in the chamber repertoire - from the most popular like Russian romances of the last century to the most esoteric, like the vocal poems, George Sviridov or the song cycles, Gustav Maler Singer, is not afraid to sacrifice the sacrificent success for the sake of "unpopular" touch to a genuine meaning.

The ability to combine the pure vocal line with the tragic essence of Hvorostovsky in many respects taught the music of George Sviridov, for the most part lyrical, with a hidden pathos. It was Hvorostovsky Sviridov dedicated his vocal cycle Petersburg on poems by A. Blok. In turn, Hvorostovsky brought to the music of Sviridov, a modern vision, which was especially important in the poem for the voice and piano "despairing Russia" to the verses of S. Yesenin. In Sviridov, he managed to "gone" the notes of purely human, and before the hall appears the artist worthy, warm, sensitive to the surrounding life and capable of response.

After a successful debut in New York in 1990, Hvorostovsky signed a contract with Philips Classics, which released more than 20 albums with singer's records, including both solo programs and arias from the opera.

Among the opera albums of the singer - "Rural Honor" P. Maskanya; "Traviata" (conductor Zubin Meta) and "Don Carlos" (conductor Bernard Hightink) J. Verdi; Evgeny Onegin, "Peak Lady" and "Iolanta" P. Tchaikovsky. He also recorded the poems "Despairing Russia" and "Petersburg" of Sviridov; Two album Romance Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, Roman Corsakov and Borodin, two albums of Opera Aria Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rubinstein, Mussorgsky and Roman Corsakov; Album Arya Belkanto Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti, concerts from the works of Rakhmaninov and Sviridov. With Valery Gergiev and Orchestra, the Kirov Opera recorded "Songs and Dance of Death" Mussorgsky. Released "ARIE ANTICHE" with Sir Neville Marryer and chamber orchestra Academy of St. Martin-in-The-Fields (1998) and Opera Roman Corsakov "Tsarist Bride" with a conductor V. Gergiev.

In 1992, Dmitry Album Khvorostovsky "Black", consisting of Russian folk songs and romance (conductor Nikolay Kalinin, orchestra folk instruments Osipov named after Osipov) was recognized as one of the most successful in Europe and the United States.

Currently, Dmitry Hvorostovsky actively cooperates with the record company Delos (USA). The singer's CDs released by it includes elected scenes from the Opera "Peak Lady" P.I. Tchaikovsky, Aria from operas J. Verdi, "Passione di Napoli" (Neapolitan songs), ancient Russian romances ("I met you"), "Songs of the War Years."

Disk "I met you" Hvorostovsky dedicated to the Father who perfectly performed vintage romances. The topic of the disk is an eternal story about life, love and death.

"I met you," No, I don't like you so dusty, "" ONLY OK "," Svetla's night "," I remember the Waltz Sound Adorable "," Oh, if I could express in sound "," Don't Awaken Remembrance ", Morning Morning" - each of these records lies with a separate chapter in the story of the wanders human soul in search of happiness.

Appeal to the topic of the "Song of the War Years" in the work of Dmitry Khvorostovsky is not accidental. As in the album "I met you," in this album he returns to his roots, to the music of his childhood and youth. These songs of different years are forever imprinted in memory of our people as symbols of war, as the embodiment of the life of the human soul in the most tragic circumstances.

On May 9, 2005, a concert of Dmitry Khvorostovsky, dedicated to the 60th anniversary took place in the State Kremlin Palace Great Victory, with the participation of the academy choir choral art And the UNESCO World Choir, followed by a concert tour of the singer in the cities of Russia with the program "Songs of the War Years".

According to the results of 2005, the famous baritone, in the repertoire of which more than 30 leading opera parties became the laureate of the prestigious Prize "Compatriot of the Year - 2005". This award is awarded to people who live outside Russia, but do not lose creative ties with their homeland. Currently, Dmitry Khvorostovsky and his wife Florence and two children live in London. And every time, according to his own admission, when he sees birch trees - a symbol of Russia, "he feels a strong longing in his homeland.

In February 2006 in Big Hall The conservatory was held by the concert "Dmitry Hvorostovsky represents", in which D. Hvorostovsky and R. Fleming performed arias and duets from classic operas.

YES. Hvorostovsky - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1995), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1990), Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR in the region music art (1991), laureate of trade union premiums in the field of artistic creativity (1991).

One of the best opera performers is Dmitry Hvorostovsky. During its creative activity He received a large number of premiums and awards. Artist handled numerous fans in leading opera halls. The male schedule was scheduled for a few months ahead.

Despite the disease, Dmitry did not cancel concerts. Fans hoped that he would win his dangerous ailment. Recovering the disease, returned again. This time, Rodorostovsky could not cope with it. At the end of 2017, the greatest opera artist died.

The star of the opera scene was married twice. Deeply worried about the care of his wife Florent, children and numerous fans.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Khvorostovsky

About the famous opera artist filmed a large number of documentaries. Recently, a new actor film was released on the screens. Looking at him, you can answer the question of which the famous opera singer was height, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Khvorostovsky at the time of leaving life can really find out by contacting official sources. A man was gone in 2017 at the age of 55.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky, photo in youth and now, allow you to trace the creative path of the star, incredibly high. Its growth is 193 centimeters. All my life, the artist was bought in the hole, rode in winter skiing. IN winter time The opera singer did not put on the jacket.

Most of all the man loved Russian soup, potatoes. Food was unpretentious. Alcoholic beverages never attracted a star. He treated alcohol coldly.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky biography and personal life

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's biography and personal life, according to his own recognition given in one of the last interviews of the Master, happy. He was grateful to fate for every day the day in a circle of loved ones and native people.

Dima appeared in one of the Krasnoyarsk maternity homes in the early 60s. Mother - Hvorostovskaya Lyudmila Petrovna spent a lot of time at work, helping the kids to be born. Father - Hvorostovsky Alexander Stepanovich was engaged in chemistry. It was he who contributed to the development creative potential Silenes. From the small years, the boy hit the surrounding his vocal data. He sang perfectly and played the piano.

Dima did not like to read and write. He regularly fell into unpleasant situations. With great desire, the boy was engaged in music. After school, yesterday's student becomes a student of the Pedaging in his native Krasnoyarsk. Then a talented vocalist studied at the Institute of Art, where his talent noticed and developed E.K. Iofel. It was her her hero who considered his second mom.

Having received a diploma, the star acted on the scene of the State Opera and Ballet Theater. In the late 80s, the man won one of the competitions. His competitors were the best opera singers. After the victory about Dmitry Khvorostovsky spoke all. The public hands-up man on the scenes of the best opera theaters of the world. His touring schedule It was painted a few months ahead.

In the mid-90s, the opera singer settled in the UK, becoming his citizen. He had double citizenship without refusing Russian. Man sang the most famous opera parties, I received a large number of awards. He caused the delight of the public, fulfilling the party from the "Traviata", "Eugene Onegin", "peak ladies" and others. In addition, vocalist sang Romances. He sang the romance written by Glinka, Mussorgsky and many other Russian and foreign composers.

Often, Hvorostovsky came to their homeland so that in front of his fans, sing the best works. Already being sick and aware of his illness, Dmitry did not cancel concert speeches. Most He listed his fees to charitable goals.

In 2017, our hero went away. At his request, the dust was divided into two parts. One rooted in the homeland - in Krasnoyarsk. The other was buried in Moscow.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky family and children

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's family and children always mean a lot for him. And the death of the opera singement became a real blow for his loved ones and relatives.

Artist has four children who were born in two marriages. He paid attention to everyone. Despite his life abroad, all the children of the singer know Russian and know how to talk on it.

With her daughter, our hero considered Maria, who was born in the first marriage of his first spouse. The girl was mistaken in childhood. She recently got married and became a mother's mom, which was called Aria. Grandfather has never seen his granddaughter. He left his life, not knowing that soon Masha would become mom.

A great influence on the formation of the future opera star was his father. He was engaged in chemistry. A man played a piano. He loved to listen opera Aria. Performance opera singers. When our hero became famous, his dad was proud of it. The man often attended the premieres of her son.

Mom was proud of her son. She worked in the gynecological department throughout her life. She has more than a million toddler accepted.

His family, our hero considered the family of famous lawyer Paul Astakhov. The opera singer baptized his friend's son.

Son Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Danila Khivostovsky

The boy was born in 1996. He became eldest in double. Dad called Danila. The boy was incredibly musical. He is with young years He loved to sing and play the guitar. Later, Danila mastered another game on the synthesizer.

The boy studied in one of the best London schools. He is incredibly similar to his father. He learned the guy to speak English, in French. But he did not make attention he native Russian. Speaks the singer on him without any accent.

After divorcing the parents of the son of Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Danila Hvorostovsky often saw her father. He consulted with him on any matter. Currently, the guy is fond of rock. He organized a group in which the soloist is. Danila writes songs, which then executes in one of the London nightclubs.

Son Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky

Shortly after the registration of the second marriage union, the opera singer became the father of a little son. The boy was born in the luxury London clinic. His parents called Maxim. Already at 5 years of age, the baby spoke equally well in English, in Russian, in Italian and French.

Son Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky is studying in one of London elite schools. He is best student in class. In his free time, the guy is engaged in music. He learned to play piano.

Maxim came to Russia several times. He came to the country after the death of his father. After receiving the formation, the guy decided to move to Moscow, where he will live and work.

Daughter Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Alexander Khorostovskaya

The second in twins appeared on the light of the girl. She decided to call her parents in honor of the dad of our hero. Sasha loved to draw from a young age. She began to visit art school Already at 5 years of age. The teachers celebrated the artistic talent of the daughter of the opera artist.

Dmitry Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Alexander Kharostovskaya externally looks like his grandmother on the maternal line. The girl often came to Krasnoyarsk.

Now Alexander is engaged in his favorite drawing. She has its own picture gallerywhich exhibits the best work. Soon, the girl is going to hold the exhibition in Moscow.

Alexandra meets with a guy. She regrets that his chosen was not introduced with his father.

Daughter Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Nina Khvorostovskaya

The youngest daughter of our hero appeared in 2007. The girl was called Nina in honor of one of the opera popular performers. She paid a lot of time music. The opera singer himself told that his youngest daughter is incredibly similar to him, and externally - on his mother.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky's daughter - Nina Hvorostovskaya is well studying at school. The girl knows four languages. She knows how to speak English, in Russian, Italian and French.

Nina is very worried about the death of his beloved dad. She decided to go on his footsteps and become a famous opera diva.

Former wife Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Svetlana Kvorostovskaya

Light appeared in the late 50s. She was a few years older than our hero. From the young age, the girl was engaged in ballet. At the 20th age, she began to dance in the corps. Soon Svetlana married and gave birth to a daughter, calling her Masha. But the first marriage did not work out. Woman filed for divorce.

Familiar to the future spouses occurred in the mid-80s. Dmitry has established relationships with his daughter's beloved. Marriage registration took place at the beginning of the 90s in his native Krasnoyarsk. Close marriages were present on the marriage. Soon they made decisions to move on permanent place Residence in England. In one of the London clinics, the son and daughter appeared.

The former wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya paid a lot of time to children. In the late 90s, the spouses were divorced. For a long time No one knew about the causes of the divorce while Svetlana was not shared by information. In 2009, it became known that the famous opera singer beat his wife, after which she filed for a divorce. Dmitry Hvorostovsky himself did not comment on this. He paid great alimony for children. With a former wife, a man did not communicate.

On the eve of 2016, Svetlana died. It happened suddenly. She is buried on one of London cemeteries.

Wife Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Flores Khvorostovski

Another first marriage, the famous opera singer met his new love. First they tied them friendly relations. They sometimes crossed at joint concerts. Florence performed on the famous opera scenes.

At the beginning of the new millennium Dmitry made an offer to the girl. Soon they got married. In 2003, the wife of Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Florence Hvorostovsky presented his beloved son, and in a few years the family was replenished with a beautiful daughter. The singer was proud of his wife and children. She supported him in all endeavors.

To the last woman supported her beloved during his fighting dangerous ailment. She did not doubt a minute that Dmitry would soon recover. She was the only one to whom our hero appealed to recent words. Florence takes care of the husband's memory. She tries to raise children with decent people.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky Latest Health News: Cancer Progresses

In 2014, the famous opera vocalist began to feel bad. He wrote off this for fatigue. Dmitry did not hurry to doctors. Only to calm the wife of Flowrans, he passed a survey, as a result of which it turned out that he had a brain cancer. Hvorostovsky broke the tour for a while. After some time, the disease slightly retreated. The artist immediately resumed his speeches. He sang on the leading scenes of the world. But the miracle did not happen. The disease returned.

In the media, it was summarized in detail how Dmitry Hvorostovsky feels latest news about health. Cancer progresses - such information was met by fans concerned. They hoped that the artist would be able to defeat the disease. And he understood that terrible underage captured him. Dmitry visited Russia, giving two concerts. One concert performance passed in his native Krasnoyarsk, another in Moscow. Despite the weakness, the man sang for his fans standing, abandoning the proposed chair. He wanted him to be remembered by a strong and courageous man.

Our hero spends the last days of life in the London hospice, where he dies from cancer. The singer did not want to scare his children, so I preferred to be in the hospice.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky died. Cause of death and funeral singer

For several years, the greatest opera artist fought with brain cancer. Undage for several months retreated, and then returned again. In 2017, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. The cause of death and funeral singer was consecrated in detail in the media.

The first reported on the death of the artist of his colleague Dmitry Malikov, who was reported by one of the girlfriends of the family of Hvorostovsky. Officially announced the death of Hvorostovsky was announced on November 22. Farewell to the artist passed in the Russian capital a few days after that. According to the will of Dmitry Alexandrovich, his dust was divided into two halves. The part was buried at the Novodevichy metropolitan cemetery, the second was taken to his native Krasnoyarsk.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky, latest photos Before the death of which was published only in January 2018, became the owner of the Grammy Award. Theater in his native Krasnoyarsk received his name.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Khvorostovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky are also actively replenished, despite the departure of the star of the opera scene from life. Here you can learn a large number. interesting information From the life of a man.

Wikipedia reports our hero of the most verified information. Here you can find out how he began to sing, as it became famous. The page tells about the parents of a man, his wives and children.

Why he never talked about first marriage

His tragic death For many, it became a heavy blow, and especially for loved ones. That's just in the media, remembering important milestones Singer's life, for some reason, still bypass the side of his older children. But after all, after the death of Hvorostovsky remained full orphans ...

Dmitry Khvorostovsky and his wife Florence many considered perfect couple. For the sake of Fleosh (so dmitry called his spouse) threw his wife) single careerFully devoted himself to the family. They were so imposed with happiness that everyone was forgotten that there was another woman in the life of Holubostovsky. Communication with which surrounding never approved. And which brought him a lot of suffering.

"Freak beat both"

Ballerina Svetlana Ivanov, a fragile and gentle, so needed in defense, he met the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. There, Dmitry began to perform, while still a student, and Svetlana danced in the corpsiest. They say that from the love of Young Khvorostovsky then completely lost his head. But others condemned this union. In ballet circles whispering that light loves the opposite sex too much, so it is unlikely to keep loyal to his dusty beloved. In addition, she, for a couple of years older than him, was already married, Mary's daughter grew from the first marriage. And after the divorce continued to live in the same apartment with her ex-husband.

Dmitry courted for Svetlana for about two years. Then I transported it with my daughter into my small apartment. And after another time, it was officially legalized by the relationship, in parallel, having fallen a girl Masha ...

Nevertheless, not in vain others were against these relationships and actively hinted Dmitry on the lovingness of Svetlana. Already after the wedding there was an extremely unpleasant episode - as if out of a joke about the "horned husband." Hvorostovsky was on tour and, having decided to make a surprise his beloved wife, returned before. Surprise really managed - on a married bed, he discovered Svetlana with his nearest friend. And, always calm and imperturbable, this time could not restrain.

"He beat both in a rage so much that it did not seem little. The man broke two ribs, and the light completely chopped off the ovaries. Therefore, then she could not give birth for so long for so long, "one of the dancers of the Krasnoyarsk theater, who was closely familiar with the family of the singer, told reporters about this case.

"Floos saved me"

But even after this incident, Dmitry continued to love his wife. He believed her promises that it was the first and last betrayal and that everything would be different. And therefore, when in 1994, Hvorostovsky was invited to work in London, and Svetlana with a daughter Masha went to a new place of residence.

In 1996, a joyful event happened in the life of the spouses: Gemini appeared on the world - the son of Daniel and daughter Alexander. It would seem that something else to dream is: the career goes to the mountain, the beautiful wife and two kids are waiting at home. However, in the family, scandals became increasingly and more often. On the nervous soil at the Khvorostovsky there was an ulcer. And he began to drink. Constantly increasing the dose.

"I am a person without brakes, sometimes started and could not stop," the singer later recalled. - At some point began to refuse memory, I did not always control my actions. It was already a disturbing signal. Before certain moment Given allowed to go out of water, but it could not continue forever. "

It was at that time she appeared, his Savior. In 1999, Hvorostovsky performed in Geneva with the party Don Juan. One of the small roles was performed by the singer Flowrans Ill. In the plot, Dmitry was to kiss with her ...

The singer himself, even despite the troubled atmosphere in the family, was not going to change anything. It seemed to him that the relationship with Svetlana could still be established, and life would go to her! Therefore, before the kiss, he just in case, Flowrans warned: "I have a wife and two children." But soon he fell before the spells of an attractive Italian with French roots.

"It saved me, Fleosh," said Dmitry later. - With her my life played bright colors! I think, and breathes, and comes easily. I have always been looking for an internal balance and thanks to this woman found it. Everything fell into place. Fleosha allows me to be myself, with a big diet treats what I am doing in the profession - and for me it is very important. "

Heavy divorce

When Dmitry told Svetlana about the desire to divorce, she first thought that it was some kind of stupid joke. During the years of marriage, she was already accustomed to that, no matter how much events develop, in the end, it always always says goodbye.

Divorce was not easy. As a result, Svetlana managed to discuss almost all the property that was acquired over the years life together. The Florence Hvorostovsky departed almost liquefied, and the former wife remained in a large house in the elite area of \u200b\u200bLondon, with a luxurious car parked there and with solid alimony to the maintenance of children. And after 10 years, when the Career Hvorostovsky flew to unprecedented height, Svetlana managed to increase this amount twice. In addition, according to the court decision, the singer was supposed to provide former wife As long as she marries it.

But even despite the solid content, Svetlana continued to curse Dmitry, considering his traitor. She touched the children against the Father, that Hvorostovsky himself worried very hard. Every meeting with the daughter of Sasha and his son Daniel, he had to beat literally with the battle. When in an interview with Dmitry, they asked children from the first marriage, he dreamed of this topic every time, honestly admitting: for him it is too painful.

Who will get the inheritance?

More ex-spouses did not personally communicate, giving these powers to their lawyers. Only when it became aware of the death diagnosis of the singer, Svetlana forgot her resentment and called Dmitry. It was their last conversation ...

December 31, 2015 Svetlana left life. Her death was unexpected and ridiculous. Svetlana got sick with meningitis, but seriously did not treat his fear, as a result, everything turned into blood infection. Literally in a few days, the disease "devoured" 56-year-old, even full forces to a woman.

After her departure, Dmitry took over all the concerns about older children. Alexandra and Daniel constantly communicated with their younger brother And sister - Maxim and Nina, who were born in marriage with Flowrans.

Now Sasha and Danile - 21 years old. Both have already chosen than they will deal in life. Alexandra is an artist. It is not yet very famous, but with prospects. At least, Dmitry Khvorostovsky thought. Well, Danila went in the footsteps of his father and became a musician. True, he does not sing, but plays the guitar. But if you remember that Dmitry himself began with local rock bands and precisely he saw his destination, then everything falls into place.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky flew to Moscow, all of his five children flew to Moscow - including a dedicated Maria. And after Alexander, he published rare photos in his microblog. The pictures were made many years ago, when Dmitry still lived in marriage with Svetlana, and from the outside they looked quite a harmonious pair. Of course, the eldest children are now not easy. After all, they left with a little round orphans, buried for such a short time and mother, and father.

Now, when all the heirs returned to London, they will have a difficult perspective of the property section. So far, it is not clear which laws will be considered about the inheritance. Almost all the property of Hvorostovsky is located in England. According to British laws, children can not get anything at all - everything goes to widow. But, it seems, Flowrans will succeed and without scandals to resolve the issues of inheritance ...

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky - Born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk - died on November 22, 2017 in London. Soviet and Russian opera singer (baritone). People's Artist of Russia (1995).

Dmitry Khvorostovsky: biography

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. His parents by standards Soviet Union They had very prestigious professions: Father Alexander Stepanovich was a chemist engineer, and Lyudmila Petrovna's mother worked in a gynecologist hospital. But the main passion of Alexander Stepanovich was still music. The father of a young singer possessed a deep baritone, who inherited Dmitry, and played perfectly on the piano. In the evenings, the family of Hvorostovsky gathered in the living room, where Alexander Stepanovich sang together with his wife, accompanying his piano.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky began singing at a four years of age, performing vintage romances and folk songs. His idols became Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobby, Fyodor Shalyapin and Maria Callas, whose plates collecting the father of the boy.

When Dmitry went to secondary schoolThat was literally in the neighboring yard from his house, the parents decided to send the Sons to the game on the piano. The study was given to Dmitry hard, he could not boast of good grades. In the tenth grade, the future singer wrote so unflattering characteristic that after graduation, Dmitry preferred not to remember the school years.

After receiving a certificate of middle education, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A.M. Gorky on the musical office. Then the guy was very interested in fashionable at that time the "rock" music style. He became a soloist and keyboard player of the Rainbow Group, which was playing in different areas In restaurants and clubs Krasnoyarsk. Dmitry sought to correspond to the image of Rocker as an appearance and behavior: he was often a participant in the fight and often went into the rug. At one time, the future singer even wanted to quit his studies, but I changed my mind and successfully graduated from the school, having received a specialty teacher of music.

In 1982, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Art to the Vocal Faculty. In the class of the best teacher of Catherine Equelfel, he got through the intercession of acquaintances, because in the Iofel group simply did not have free places. The first two years of study were severe enough. In fact, he had to move from the Khmeuser on a soloist, which is pretty annoyed an impatient and hot-tempered guy. In the third year, the affairs began, and Dmitry Khvorostovsky began to understand his teacher literally from a half-clow. During the training, the student never missed the classes of Ekaterina Iofel. In 1988, the singer graduated with honors from the music institute.


In 1985, Dmitry was invited to the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. First, the young soloist entrusted the performance of secondary parties. Soon, thanks to his unique voice and the incredible talent, Hvorostovsky became the main voice of the Tchaikovsky opera, Verdi, Guno and Leonkallo. A year later, a young opera star became the laureate first All-Russian competition vocalists, and a few months later - and the All-Union Competition.

After graduating from the Institute, Dmitry decided to navigate the Western listener and build his career in Europe. He actively participated in international competitions. In 1988, he visited France, debuting on the stage of the Opera House in Nice, and won the international competition, which was held in the city of Toulouse. In 1989, the singer went to the popular international competition of vocalists, who conducted the British television company "BBC" in the capital of Wales - Cardiff.

For the first time in four years, the representative of the Russian opera participated at this festival. Khrovostovsky performed his favorite parties from Tchaikovsky and Verdi operas, who conquered the hearts of listeners. One of the members of the jury even compared the opera singement with the legendary performer Luciano Pavarotti. Such high estimates were provided by Hvorostovsky undeniable victory and recognition worldwide. He was talking abroad and began to invite to speak in the legendary opera theater of the world.

In 1990, the singer debuted on the stage of the New York Theater "Nice Opera" in the formulation Peak lady»Composer Tchaikovsky. Thanks to this concert, the audio recording company "Philips Classics", with which he concluded a contract for recording albums. In total, the company published more than twenty plates, including both solo programs of the singer and the collections of the Aria from the operas. The album "Black", consisting of people's Russian songs and romances, for a long time was one of the most popular creations of the soloist in the United States and Europe.

In 1994, Hvorostovsky moved to London, where he bought a five-storey house, and several years later received British citizenship.

Hvorostovsky continued his speeches in the best opera house theaters. Every year, the singer touring all over the world with its solo programs, and also participates in numerous festivals and concerts. Dmitry signed a new contract with another American sound Recording Studio "Delos", which to this day makes its albums.

The opera singer also does not forget about his homeland. In 2004, Dmitry Khvorostovsky acted as accompanied by symphony orchestra on the main Square Russia, his concert was shown on national television channels. The singer touches the cities of the country with programs, the topics of which are closely related to the history and culture of Russia.

Hvorostovsky was awarded ranks People's Artista Russian Federation and an honorary citizen of Krasnoyarsk and the Kemerovo region.


On June 25, 2015, it became known that the Hvorostovsky temporarily suspended his concert activities in connection with the state of health. On the official page The famous opera singer was published a message that due to serious Dmitry's illness cancels all his performances until the end of August.

Doctors put a scary diagnosis - a brain tumor. When the artist found out about his illness, it is reliably unknown, but a week before the publication, he was forced to cancel his speech in the Viennese theater. The voice of the artist was not injured, but Hvorostovsky experienced problems with equilibrium.

Dmitry decidedly was configured to defeat the ailment.

Personal life

With his first wife, Ballerina, Svetlana Ivanova, Dmitry met in the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The young singer was crazy about the dancer, who at that time was divorced and raised the child on his own. This fact was not embarrassed by Dmitry at all, two years after the start of their novel, he transported her to his room in communal apartment, and in 1989 they played a wedding. Many friends and familiar singers were against this marriage, because Svetlana had a reputation not too faithful girl.

The spouses moved to London, where in 1996 they had twins Alexander and Danil. Soon the relationship of the spouses began to give a crack. Svetlana refused to learn english And help her husband with the development of his career, because he initially planned to make it his director. Spouses began to move away from each other, and famous singer He became gradually abused alcohol.

In 1999, Hvorostovsky met during the rehearsal italian singer Florence Ill. The girl instantly fell in love with a talented singer and began to take attempts to close with him. But Dmitry was still married and could not answer the girl with reciprocity. He filed for divorce in 2001. Svetlana sued U. former spouse Almost all of his property: a house in London, a car and the amount of self-maintenance and children in the amount of 170 thousand pounds of sterling a year.

Hvorostovsky was very difficult to survive parting with the once beloved wife, he had an ulcer of the stomach, and health problems began. But the help and support of Flowrans helped him to recover and overcome the studies with alcohol. In the same year, lovers began to live together. In 2003, a couple had a son Maxim, and in 2007 - Nina's daughter. Flowrans accompanied Dmitry on his tour, sometimes they acted together at concerts.


October 11, in Komsomolskaya Pravda, the news appeared that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Deputy Elena Mizulina in his document on Twitter expressed condolences to the family of the singer. After some time, the politician deleted the record, but many media picked up information, saying the death of the artist.

Later, the director of Hvorostovsky denied the information, saying that Dmitry is at home. The author of the fake notes, Journalist Elena Boduen, hurried to bring his apologies to the singer and his family. According to Elena, information about the death of Hvorostovsky was confirmed by insiders.

"Hvorostovsky is alive! Oh, of course, I am very ashamed of saying about it, but I am guilty of distributing news about Dmitry Hvorostovsky and its alleged care from life. (...) An evil person published on the net, I confirmed insiders, and I, as a journalist, wrote, without checking the first time in my life. God forbid, let him live long and happily and our prayers ... "- wrote Bodayen in social networks.

November 22, 2017 Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. After a long fight against the disease famous artist On 56th, the year of life died in Switzerland. The poetess Liliya Vinogradov reported that Hvorostovsky died at 3:36 in London time. The information confirmed the artist's family.

9 facts about Dmitry Hvorostovsky who will surprise you

Dmitry is engaged in yoga

A terrible tragedy happened: the doctors discovered the brain tumor from Dmitry. Hvorostovsky had to cancel the speeches and undergo a course of chemotherapy. For him worried the whole world - Fans poured singer by electronic messages with wishes of health, friends and colleagues offered any help, and the wife did not move away from him.

Dmitry did not despair and tried to force himself to do at least something, although he suffered a complex of heavy procedures and sometimes he could even get out of bed.

According to the father of Hvorostovsky, the singer began to master yoga in these difficult days. She helped him to learn pain. Every morning, despite the disease, he started a day with classes in gym. And before the illness, the singer began to mold - swim in the hole.

No car rights

As the father of the singer told in one of the interviews, Hvorostovsky has no right to driving. It is too impulse for this.

Dmitry - Introvet

Despite the fact that the profession of the singer provides for publicity, Dmitry - introvert. In one of the interview, he admitted that he experiences physical indisposition in public places. Apparently, it does not apply to the speeches ...

IN ordinary life The singer was hidden from people and spent time in a narrow company of close friends.

The singer loved adrenaline

Dmitry was a big fan of extreme. For example, he jumped with a parachute. Wife Florent did not appreciate such hobbies. She went along with the singer to the area for jumping, but waited at the bottom while he jumped.
The first time Dmitry jumped tandem - with an instructor. Now, according to his confession, he wants to repeat the jump on their own.

Adrenaline for a man is a necessity. Such an opportunity to establish yourself in your eyes! Not in order to say to friends: I'm what Macho ... Moreover, I was afraid of the height since childhood and I continue to fear her. But these jumps somehow decide my problems

He is the father of four children

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was married twice. With the first spouse, svetlana, former ballerinaHe signed in 1989. Seven years later, the couple were born twin - Alexander and Daniel. Lovers lived in marriage for 15 years, but in 2001 divorced.

The second wife of the Opera Singer was the performer with Italian and French roots Florans Illy. In 2003, a couple had a son Maxim, and in 2007, Nina's daughter. Interestingly, Dmitry speaks with children only in Russian. He wants this language to be the first. Florence sometimes speaks French children, but tells that their eldest son Maxim speaks great in Russian - even without an accent.

Hvorostovsky invented a funny nickname for the second wife

With Flowrans Ill, Dmitry met in Geneva, where they both sang Don Juan. The girl says that, like Khvorostovsky, reluctantly agreed to participate in this formulation. But the performance turned out to be fateful: the performers met on stage and no longer separated. It is interesting that now Dmitry calls his spouse Florence is not otherwise like ... Fleosha.

The singer came up with a nickname for his wife, when for the first time admitted to her in love. He spoke in this important moment In Russian, and Flowrans understood not all, but, according to her own recognition, "grapted the main thing."

Now the girl, by the way, speaks great in Russian and is interested in Russian culture. The singer addressed his wife and to Russian cuisine: he taught her to cook Siberian dumplings, cooking soup and borsch. "Once somewhere on the tour, we shoodled for themselves for themselves and friends of the whole hundreds of dumplings," the Florans laughs (it is a floss).

Dmitry pissed after his plane almost crashed

Dmitry was not baptized for a long time. But fate herself pushed him to this step. In the 1990s, when he flew on tour, the plane almost crashed - even began to lose height sharply.

The singer prayed for the first time in his life. As a result, the plane made an emergency landing, everyone survived. After this incident, Dmitry decided to poch. He is sure that that day God saved him on that day.

The singer survived treason and almost pleased to be imprisoned

Dmitry's first marriage was not perfect. Once, even before the birth of children, the singer returned from the tour and found his wife Svetlana ... with a friend. In the rage, Dmitry beat both and almost pleased to be imprisoned. However, the divorce for this did not follow. The singer moved to his wife to England, where she gave birth to him twins. However, children could not bring together spouses: Dmitry and Svetlana were constantly scandalous, because of what the singer opened a stomach ulcer, he began to drink. As a result, the couple was still divorced.

The future opera singer was born in Krasnoyarsk. His father was a chemist engineer, and Mom worked as a gynecologist at the local hospital. However, the main passion of the dad was music. It was her who he gave all his free time. He wonderfully played the piano, possessed a deep magic baritone and collecting records with rare records for that time. In the phonothek of Hvorostovsky were Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobby, Fyodor Shalyapin, Maria Callas. Among the father's dads, Dima quickly found himself idols.

Noticing that the child would gladly support his father's passion, parents, together with the usual secondary school, gave it to the musical. I must say that the latter was much easier for him. The teachers saw in the boy of the future pianist, and he surprised them, when he graduated from high school and having received a disgusting characteristic, filed documents not to a music school, but to the pedagogical one.

Dmitry Alexandrovich graduated from the choral faculty with a red diploma, becoming a music teacher. And only after that he decided to get musical educationMoreover, the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts during this time has acquired the status of the institute.

New teachers for Hvorostovsky educational institution Characterize it as a temperamental and non-unpretentious young man who was difficult to move from the Khmeuser to the soloist. "I, it turns out, I do not know how?!" - boiled a future singer. Only by the third course, Dmitry began to make those stunning successes, which from the very beginning were waiting for such a gifted musician.

Opera and ballet

In parallel with learning at the institute, he began to make a living in Krasnoyarsk state Theater Operas and ballet. There, the young artist, on the beginning, was given only secondary parties, but considered talent, quickly brought into solicists. For the year of work, he became the main voice of the theater. Everyone understood that an outstanding performer is bored, so no one was surprised when Hvorostovsky became one at one to take the awards at first All-Russian, then the All-Union Competition, and after the institute came to the international level, conquering France and Wales.

But the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater was not only the starting platform for professional activity future Star. He also presented the Bvorostovsky real first love.

No one approved this connection. His teacher, talented Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, repeatedly told about the ballerina of the core land, Svetlana Ivanov, using the most unflattering epithets. Beautiful, able to truly conquer talents, the girl in two bills was surrounded by an inexperienced Khvorostovsky, which was engaged in art and did not do a personal life at all.

He was warned: the first marriage of Svetlana did not set himself because of her passions, which a woman can not keep inside. And men and women fell into bed to Dmitry's beloved, despite the fact that she still lived in the same apartment with a former husband and a little daughter. But Hvorostovsky was not to stop: his heart was burning, in an easy dark ballerina with a defenseless glance, he saw a real muse.


Having learned that Dmitry Alexandrovich on this lady serious plans, His teacher Ekaterina Ether even made an attempt to refuse him from home. The man was at first offended and left, having risen her chin, but he returned soon, he fell into the legs mentor and asked to allow him to marry Svetlana at least after studying. But who is Ekaterina Konstantinovna to prevent? "We will live to Monday," the wise woman answered, believing that, Moldov, Dima will cool. But as she was mistaken!

Two years later, passionate relations with Slutty Ballerina, Hvorostovsky transported it to his tiny room in a communal apartment, and also took her daughter from the first marriage Masha.

A year later, the couple played a wedding. Once, wanting to please the beloved, Dmitry returned with tour a few days earlier. I bought a huge bouquet, I decided - the light will be reached by his appearance. But instead found his wife in bed with his own friend. Lounge found on an angry opera singer.

A fight broke out.

In their circle, everyone whispered: here it is, the end. But it was not there. Young people found the strength in themselves to forgive each other, and in the early 90s Dmitry received an invitation to work in the UK, took the family and left London.


Photo Grigory Kalachyan / ITAR-TASS /

His plans included to make a spouse with his director, but she resolutely refused to learn the language and help her husband. Did not support his desire to develop and wanted only to enjoy secular life In the strict and solemn capital of Great Britain.

Dmitry, at first, these rules of the game accepted: let the wife storing the focus and go out into the world, what's wrong with that? In 1996, the Hvorostovsky family replenished: Svetlana gave birth to a twin - a boy Danya and a girl Alexander. The singer was happy and thought that not in vain did not listen to the gossip and did in his own way.

However, it turned out very soon that Svetlana did not feel calmer after the appearance of children. The family had permanent scandals that the artist was exhausted. On the nervous soil he opened an ulcer. To join physical pain and mental suffering, Dmitry was addicted to alcohol. He declares without a rustle that he really misused in that marriage, so that at any time he could lose his job.


But so far it concert activity did not stop. At one of the speeches, Hvorostovsky flew to Geneva. There he had to fulfill the batch of Don Juan with a charming 29-year-old Florans Illy. She found that the famous Russian baritone is also a real handsome man and went to the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. From him she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin was not disappeared from Dmitry. "IM married!" - He immediately stated. "So what?" - I completely sincerely answered Flo.

This woman seems to be returned to Dmitry Alexandrovich himself.He again realized that such tenderness and romance, what love and care was, what quiet happiness and pleasure to each other - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana could not believe: her dimochka, who all rustled, so long tolerated her, presented two beautiful kids suddenly spoke about the divorce himself?! She was offended and disappointed and did not expect that this could happen. But it is difficult to be a genius wife - he needs to fit on the one hand and develop with him with another. Light seems to have coped with this task.

In the rustling of furious, a woman sued him all that he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and their own content (more than 8 million per year, if we consider in rubles). But Khvorostovsky was not already with her, and Flowrans was able to survive all this.


With the advent of Fłosh, as Dmitry calls her, his life began to be improved. He was able to abandon alcohol and become even more famous and invited opera singer. New wife Everywhere followed him, helping, inspiring, taking care. In 2003, a couple had a son - Maxim, after another four years - the daughter of Nina.

Florence quickly pulled into the life of the Russian singer and became his indispensable companion. In the very first year of living with Hvorostovsky, Fleosh learned the colloquial Russian language, now he drives him the world, and sometimes they act together.

When the life of the Khvorostovsky has improved, Svetlana again came to the arena and the court won up to raise the amount of alimony by twice. Until the end of his days she lived at the expense of these alimony. In 2015, learning that former husband Diagnosed cancer, Svetlana for the first time in 15 years called him. But this conversation turned out to be the last: a few months later, from complications after meningitis, Svetlana Khvorostovsky died.

It turned out that the first wife of the genius was a man believer, a lot helped orthodox church In London and her care turned out to be sensitive to the parishioners of this temple. Dmitry did not throw children from Svetlana, and engaged in raising her elder daughter Masha, as well as their common children - Sasha, who became an artist and Dani, who is engaged in music.