The self-confident lisp intends to put a pig on his own son. Media: Dmitry Shepelev marries his beloved, Ekaterina Tulupova Start of a professional career

The self-confident lisp intends to put a pig on his own son.  Media: Dmitry Shepelev marries his beloved, Ekaterina Tulupova Start of a professional career
The self-confident lisp intends to put a pig on his own son. Media: Dmitry Shepelev marries his beloved, Ekaterina Tulupova Start of a professional career

36-year-old Dmitry Shepelev tries to carefully protect his personal life from outside attention. Today, for the first time, he spoke about his beloved woman - 36-year-old Ekaterina Tulupova.

After the death of Zhanna Friske, the TV presenter became more secretive and devoted all his free time to his son Plato. This year the boy turned 7 years old, and a new close person appeared in the life of Dmitry himself. The showman admitted that he met his beloved thanks to his son. Tulupova also has a child - daughter Lada, she is the same age as Plato.

“Our children went to the same kindergarten and introduced us. Plato and Lada are best friends from an early age, "Shepelev explained.

Son introduced

The host of Channel One admits that it is not easy for him to combine work and personal life, but he is learning to find a balance. According to him, only now he realized the importance of romance in a relationship.

“Recently it dawned on me how important it is to sometimes spend time alone and without children. Because the 24/7 parenting role can kill any romance. We try to fly away as much as possible, just to be alone. It doesn't happen very often - once every couple of months, I guess. A few weeks ago we returned from Munich, spent a romantic weekend there, ”Dmitry said in an interview with Peopletalk.

The showman said what qualities his beloved managed to conquer and what he appreciates most in women. "Confidence. The beauty. A sense of humor, ”he replied succinctly.

Shepelev touched upon the topic of communication with relatives of Zhanna Friske. The presenter said that Plato does not see his grandparents, because the adults failed to resolve the conflict between them.

Recently, about Dmitry's new girlfriend, Vladimir Kopytov is the father of Zhanna Friske. The man expressed the hope that Catherine will be able to positively influence the showman, and he will allow them to see her grandson. Shepelev admitted that after a well-aimed remark from his son, he began to "follow the face."

On social networks with Lera Kudryavtseva. After the death of Zhanna Friske, Kudryavtseva did not hide her relationship to Dmitry Shepelev: in the scandalous relationship between the widower and the singer's parents, she was on the side of the latter. No one was surprised when on Instagram Kudryavtseva sharply besieged Shepelev, who spiked her: “Today I learned three news - that you are on Instagram, that I am blocked with you. And what do you write about me. Maybe I should start writing about you too? Otherwise we are all silent, but only because of Plato. "

Secret for a million

What is Lera Kudryavtseva silent about? A colleague of the TV presenter told us about this: “The trump cards that were, sounded six months ago. Then Friske's relatives and friends came to Lera's Secret for a Million. Then Shepelev received in full, but everyone saw that the accusations against him were rather emotional, as Jeanne's mother said then: "We are servants for him ..." they were ready for anything. But they have nothing to cover. Everything has already been told a hundred times by family and friends: on various TV shows and in interviews. Therefore, there are no million-dollar secrets that could scare Shepelev. Compromising evidence on him does not cost even a million rubles now. This is before, when the topic was "hot" so much was offered to all of Zhanna's friends for new stories about Shepelev. "

Relatives of Dmitry say that there are no “skeletons in the closet” that could harm him now. Therefore, Kudryavtseva's statement was not something that did not frighten: Shepelev reacted to him completely calmly. Let us recall that in recent years so much slander has been heard on the air of the federal channels against the widower who is raising his son, as, probably, no other public person has received. Shepelev was accused of choosing the wrong treatment for Jeanne, taking money from her account, setting up against her friends, not caring for the patient, once they staged a talk show that his son had a different father ... Shepelev bravely waited out when the stream of such telesensations will subside. It's amazing how, after all this, Dmitry agreed to lead the TV project "Actually", built on similar revelations. Probably, Shepelev can be understood: a man needs to provide for his family, and a daily rating show brings a decent income and maintains interest in a person.

By the way, more than three years ago, Lera Kudryavtseva also publicly said that she did not give out compromising evidence on Dmitry, so as not to harm her friend Olga Orlova - she could be banned from meeting her godson Platon Shepelev. But Orlova complained in the Secret for a Million program that she had not seen Plato for more than two years ...

Zhanna and Dmitry selflessly fought the disease, thanks to which the singer lived for two years after the diagnosis. Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication in the social network

The claim was left alone

Many do not understand: why Dmitry Shepelev never made friends with Jeanne's parents, why Plato and his dad do not go on weekends for pancakes to their grandparents, why did the elderly get permission to see their only grandson once a month through the courts?

Dmitry doesn't like to discuss these topics. But when we met with Shepelev at the presentation of the book “Jeanne” he said: “For my part, I will never create obstacles for communicating with the child, as long as I don’t doubt that it can somehow threaten his calmness .... "Later Shepelev explained:" ... Grandmother and grandfather demand that my son go to them and live there. I did not spend time in the kindergarten to which I was used to, not on the playground with my friends, in the end, not with my father, but there. Only there. Only with them. For weeks. I spent my birthday with them. And the main requirement is without a father. In my opinion, this is not a desire to see his grandson, but a desire to take and remove from his father a boy who was left without a mother. It's impossible..."

After the death of Zhanna Shepelev, he turned to psychologists who taught him to live on and gave advice on raising his son. On important issues regarding the child, the TV presenter still consults with a psychologist.

At the same time, Zhanna's friends agree: "Dima is an ideal father!" Of course, everyone dreams that someday Olga and Vladimir Kopylovs (the singer's parents) will be able to improve relations with Dmitry Shepelev. Olga Orlova, commenting on this situation, added "fuel to the fire": "Dmitry is a difficult, tough person." However, no one loses hope.

Why is he so disliked?

Zhanna Friske's romance with Dmitry Shepelev was impetuous. She did not introduce her beloved man to her family, she just enjoyed the relationship. The singer dreamed of a child for a long time, so when she found out about pregnancy, she was very happy. Jeanne's friends got to know Dmitry closely even when the singer was expecting a child. Six years ago, their son Plato was born, and soon Jeanne found out that she was seriously ill. Then she completely trusted Dmitry Shepelev - he looked around the world for various treatment options, traveled with Zhanna to clinics, studied the latest vaccines. In the book "Jeanne" Dmitry Shepelev described in detail the whole struggle for the life of his beloved woman.

Jeanne passed away four years ago. Soon after her death, her friend Katya Tsvetova recalled in an interview how the singer, despite her illness, dreamed of a wedding: “I knew exactly what the celebration would be, whom to invite, how to celebrate a bachelorette party. Despite her grave condition, Zhanna chose dresses, she liked elegant ones ... Zhanna was happy with Dima. He is a good father. He takes care of Plato, spends a lot of time with him ... "

And a couple of months ago, Katya Tsvetova, after the death of Alla Weber, decided to tell that Alla Konstantinovna, based on her own successful experience, advised to treat Zhanna in the USA. Tsvetova conveyed this to Dmitry Shepelev: “I ran with hope and joy to the man of my friend with such important and encouraging information. After all, there is hope that we will save her! "Katya, I will fly far to my son!"

Most likely, such memories are now associated with Dmitry's unwillingness to find a common language with Jeanne's parents. Olga Orlova expressed the general opinion about the fight for Zhanna even earlier: "In terms of treatment, I am sure everything possible has been done for sure ..."

It can be assumed that opinions about "how much money Jeanne gave to her beloved" will soon surface. But the singer's relatives most of all want peace: Plato is the continuation of Jeanne, so they do not lose hope that the boy will grow up in front of loving people.

The famous shaman Christafarida made a deal for the fate of the infamous TV presenter and found a reason why Dmitry still cannot find a common language with Zhanna Friske's family. According to the clairvoyant, all Shepelev's problems occur due to the lack of support for the clan.

The shaman is sure that it is because of this that adults cannot agree in any way and continue to share the son of Dmitry and Jeanne, as if he were not a living man, but just a bargaining chip. In addition, the celebrity family still continues to accuse each other of stealing money from the deceased Friske's fund.


Christafarida also noted that Dmitry does not have a patron on the subtle plane. This means that it is most difficult for him to achieve in life and has to rely only on himself. However, the absence of a patron fully compensates for the man's zeal. However, Shamanka emphasized that the TV presenter uses it even where it would not be worth it.

In particular, when it comes to the financial component of life, Shepelev does not listen to the opinions of others and does exactly as he sees fit. However, according to Christafarida, this is done unintentionally - Dmitry does not pursue selfish goals.

But as for the son, who unwittingly became a bargaining chip in the conflict between the showman and the relatives of the late singer, then Dmitry should be more careful. Of course, as the clairvoyant claims, he will achieve his goal, but he will not be happy. In addition, the boy, already being an adult, will not say thank you for this for sure, because he has a very strong attachment to the clan through his mother.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the son of Shepelev and Friske should have their own interesting destiny, says Christafarida. She is sure that when the time comes to make a choice, the boy will surprise his relatives.

TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev has become a guest of the new release of Ksenia Sobchak's YouTube show “Beware, Sobchak! ”, Where he spoke about the new lover, the upbringing of his son, the conflict with the parents of Zhanna Friske and the courts with Rusfond.

About life with a new lover

For the first time, I understood what family life is, because I have never lived with a woman. [With Zhanna] how long did we live? It was very little, we traveled, everything was for the first time, new and on some extraordinary emotions. It is difficult to call it “lived”. Now with Katya [Tulupova] this is absolutely new for me. Before that, nothing like this had happened, - the TV presenter shared with Sobchak.

TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev and architect Ekaterina Tulupova began dating three years ago. The couple met in kindergarten, whose heirs went to the same group. Until recently, the couple carefully concealed their relationship, but in November 2019 for the first time

About raising a son

I don’t think I’m an outstanding father, and I honestly talk about it when I make videos on Instagram or when I talk to my guests on the YouTube channel in the Folders program. I confess to my fucking. I admit that I sometimes raise my voice to the child, make some mistakes, often impatient. I'm not a perfect father. Perhaps they perceive me as an ideal father, because I do not hide the fact that I love my child, I devote time to him. I love it and I like it!

When asked by the TV presenter, does the son remember his mother, Dmitry replied:

It is very important for me that he understands that he has a mother. Despite the fact that Jeanne is not directly in the vicinity and he cannot hug her. He [in the room] has pictures of her, I try to tell as much as possible about my mother. But I ask our environment not to talk about what kind of artist, singer she is. I try to distance this whole "public side" from him. It is very important for me that he understands that his mother is real and loving, and not what others see on the covers of magazines. We are the closest people to him. We have such a trusting relationship! In this situation, I am both dad and mom.

About the story with the inheritance and the conflict with the parents of Zhanna Friske

According to Shepelev, the singer's relatives still do not communicate with Plato, although there is a court order on their meetings with the child.

It ended in nothing. This happened against my will, and for several years I was generally silent and did not comment on what was happening, because I considered it wrong. Answering your question, have we “advanced” - no. There is no communication, they do not see their grandson. There is a court decision that they initiated. They wanted to determine the order of communication with the child, and I urged them not to do this, when there was still a good relationship between us.

The journalist clarified that before their conflict, Jeanne's parents had visited their grandson more than once and communicated normally until they themselves decided to sue.

They had the opportunity, they saw their grandson, Jeanne's mother was in my apartment several times and everything was more or less normal. But, they are suing me and demanding to establish a certain order of communication with the child up to the point that he lives there. He did not go from me to them, but from them to me. There were completely inadequate requirements. But, the court established the order of communication - one and a half hours, twice a month. They still do not come to these dates.

The TV presenter noted that he had repeatedly asked the singer's parents not to make Plato's life public, but they did not listen to him.

On my part, there was one main request and requirement - no need to publish photographs with a child, no need to drag him to television broadcasts, leave Plato alone. But, as soon as Jeanne died, everyone in turn gladly uploads the photos that they have taken during all this time. I ask: "why and why are you doing this?" I ask you not to do this, but no one answers me. And after that, the whole family go to talk shows and tell how bad I am.

About Rusfond money

I paid Plato's share. He cannot pay for himself, so I paid the money. How do you think loving grandparents will do such a dick? They say: We don't need anything, we write everything down for a child, an apartment for a child, a home for a child, we have everything! I buy out a share in our house with Zhanna, register it for us. Before I do this, I look that this share is already framed, guess who? Not for a child, but for grandparents! This is not about love, this is about greed, theft and meanness! I will have to tell my child about this, maybe not in a year, but I will tell him the truth.

About Zhanna Friske's father

The artist's beloved also remembered the meeting of her son and grandfather after Jeanne's death. According to him, then Vladimir Friske came on a date with his grandson with a weapon.

He pinned himself to the site with a pistol, if not for the security, I don't know what would have happened, - Dmitry suggested. - He threatened me, I'm not kidding and I swear to you that it was. A guard stood between us and led him aside. A few months later, Plato and I return to the apartment in which we lived and five people are waiting for us, two of whom are on the federal wanted list. We also had guards with us, but I don't know what they wanted. Then, in front of my child's eyes, the guard's arm was broken. He covers us with his body, and they try to beat him and give him access to grandfather, who at that moment is trying to reach out to his son and beat me.

Shepelev also clarified that at the time of their relationship with Zhanna, the singer had conflicts with her father more than once.

She had a difficult relationship with her father, they did not talk for six months and how it would backfire on Plato then we did not discuss. She warned that they, of course, will shit and that it is necessary to fight because of the possibilities. But what to fight? 4 years have passed since Zhanna's death, and all these years there have been litigations about everything and for any reason: what was wrong with the inheritance, the shares in the house were sold incorrectly, they owe [money] to Rusfond, they don’t owe Rusfond, the procedure for communicating with grandson. At the moment, there is still a lawsuit, the TV presenter summed up.

Dmitry Shepelev is 36 years old. He is known to the Ukrainian audience thanks to the projects "Star Factory-2", "Make a Comedian Laugh" and "Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev".

Since 2010, Shepelev has been in a civil marriage with the singer Zhanna Friske. The actress found out about the fatal diagnosis when she was pregnant, but she decided to have a baby. The boy was born in April 2013, and two years later the singer was gone. The day before Zhanna's death, her lover Dmitry Shepelev took their common son to his homeland in Belarus. Since then, Friske's parents have been fighting for the right to see their grandson.

Details Created: 10/16/2016 2:36 PM Updated: 10/21/2017 9:29 PM

Dmitry Shepelev is an attractive, charismatic and very gifted TV presenter. How his personal life developed after the death of his beloved woman Zhanna Friske, let's find out in more detail.

The TV and radio presenter, originally from Minsk (Belarus), conquered many viewers with his attractive appearance and charisma. Most people recognize this young man from such popular TV programs: "Guten Morgen", "Make a Comedian Laugh", "Minute of Glory", " Star Factory Russia-Ukraine" other.

According to some sources, Friske and Shepelev first met while filming a TV program " Property of the Republic"(2009). A lightning romance began between them, despite the fact that the singer is 9 years older than her boyfriend. For a long time, the couple hid their relationship, and annoying journalists answered that there was only friendly relations between them. But, the paparazzi very often saw the lovers together and their friendship was questioned.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

According to the media, the couple stopped hiding their relationship only after the birth of their son Plato (in April 2013). In the same year, the former soloist of the "Brilliant" group first learned about her terrible illness. Dima rushed headlong to save his beloved: he collected money, looked for the best clinic for treatment and answered journalists' questions about her health.


For a while it seemed that the disease had receded: Jeanne was on the mend, little Plato was growing up and delighted his parents. Rumor has it that the couple were even going to legalize their marriage and were already picking up a wedding date. But, the irreparable happened ...

Recall that everyone's favorite singer Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15, 2015 in his home for glioblastoma (brain tumor). No matter how much Zhannochka was treated and no matter how hard she fought, the terrible disease still won. She took the life of a young mother, beloved wife and a talented artist.

Photo with son

Dima was terribly worried after Jeanne's death. Heartbroken, he disappeared from TV screens for a while, stopped posting photos on Instagram and communicating with the press. Rumor has it that the guy even sought solace in alcohol and reading books for some time, but this did not help. In order to somehow pour out his soul, Shepelev began to keep a diary and write letters to his beloved. After that, it became a little easier.

Personal life today

Today, the personal life of Dmitry Shepelev is very confusing and very hidden. Always a cheerful and active young man, after the death of his beloved wife, he changed a lot - he closed himself off from society and communicates very little with journalists.

According to the media, shortly after the death of his wife, the guy began to appear often at home - Oksana Stepanova(Friske's best friend, personal beautician). Some sources believe that this is his new girlfriend after Jeanne's death. Also, Jeanne's father condemns this relationship. But what kind of relationship it is is not fully understood. After all, neither Dmitry nor Oksana herself want to communicate with the press and give any comments. And the fact that the best friend helps to raise a child and morally supports her husband, many do not see anything wrong.

And recently, the sister of a deceased artist Natalia Kopylova, denied all rumors that Dima has a girlfriend and that he is in a relationship with Oksana Stepanova. According to the media, in an interview, Natalya said that all these rumors are real nonsense, because Oksana has been married for a long time, she has children and even a grandson. And the grief-stricken father is not in any relationship, because he has not yet recovered, he feels bad and is not morally ready for new love intrigues.

Natalia Kopylova with her sister