Alexey Vorobyeva's wife - Photo, latest news. "Bachelor" Sparrow: "There was no beautiful fairy tale

Alexey Vorobyeva's wife - Photo, latest news.
Alexey Vorobyeva's wife - Photo, latest news. "Bachelor" Sparrow: "There was no beautiful fairy tale

Young and promising Alexey Vorobyov is known not only in his homeland. In foreign countries, he also has fans, mainly in the face of female. The guy is not deprived of talents and is purposefully moving in the right direction. For whatever work, he did not take everything at the highest level. The famous singer, composer, an actor who has attractive features of the face and a courageous torso, acts as an enviable fiance and an object of adoration for many representatives of weak gender.


Papa Vladimir Vorobyev worked in the protection of an industrial enterprise. His wife and Mom Alexei - Nadezhda Nikolaevna Vorobyva engaged in the upbringing of the Son.

Lech in childhood lived in Tula, her parents gave it to the football section. In his youth, he consisted in the junior team and showed himself quite well as a football player. But the child's sports career did not work out, but Lesha began to actively engage in music.

The family of the singer is rich in musicians: Sister Galina plays the piano, and Brother Sergey - Accordionist.

Alexey also played the accordion, was a party to various musical competitions and often received prizes. Later, he again entered the music school, but already on the department of vocal.

Now Alexey spends most of the time in the US, not so long ago he bought a house there.

Marital status - single, singer growth - 186 cm, and weight - 80-85 kg. Zodiac sign - Capricorn. Right from Tula, orientation - heterosexual.

Sergey became famous for singer, composer, actor, musician, director. He is a goodwill ambassador from the United Nations, Russia participates in AIDS events.

Creative career

How old was Alexey, when he began to sing, the singer does not remember. But loved music from childhood. When studying in the music school ended, Alexey organized the folklore team of "Uslada", where he spoke with the solo program.

Already in 2007, Alexey Vorobyov becomes the winner of the "opening of MTV", after which it is actively invited to participate in various reality shows. At first, it is "cruel games" and, finally, the first place in the show program "Ice and the Flame", where the singer together with Tatiana Navka showed his plastic and the ability to stay on the rink.

In Eurovision 2011, luck was not so accompanied by Alexey, he found himself in the 16th place. But in cinema caught the Golden Fish. The musician is successfully removed in various films, and also tries himself as a director. To the question - where the talent came from, the artist replies that it is a craving for work and something new. He believes that secular Rauta is a waste of time.

Among the merit obtained during the creative career, allocate:

  • 2010 - winner of the TV project "Ice and Flame".
  • In 2011, he was a participant from Russia in Eurovision.
  • 2012 - awarded the title of the best actor.
  • 2014, 2016 - noted as a favorite Russian actor.
  • In 2014, a directorial debut was held, which was defined by the best in the year.
  • In 2015, he received a reward as the best composer of music for movies.
  • 2016 - the Golden Gramophone Prize for the Sadness Summer.
  • 2016 - VI Music Award Russian Musicbox for the video to the song "Crazy".


For the first time Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobev began to play on the accordion. And only after graduation, I entered the school in the class of vocals. For a long time performed solo in the Usland group.

In 2005, he took part in the 4 Dolphic Games of Russia, where he took a prize in vocal folk singing, for which he received a gold medal. At the same time, he passes the casting to the transmission of the "Secret of Success", where she ranks third.

This seemed a little Alexey, he goes to conquer the capital, enrolling in the musical school of pop-jazz art of state importance. The first clip on the song "Summer" appeared on the screens in 2006. In 2007, at the MTV Russia Music Awards musical award, Alexei was in his hands a prize for the "Opening of MTV" nomination.

In 2011, he signs a contract with the Redone producer, known to cooperate with Lady Gaga, Enrique Iglesias, Asher and other world stars. According to this agreement, Vorobyov will perform under the new name Alex Sparrow.

In the repertoire of the singer only one album - "Lie Detector Vorobyov" and many singles.


In 2006, the cinema of the singer began, he starred in the series "Dreams of Alice" - it was his first major role. After several sentences, Alexey Vorobyev decides to be taken to the cinema. But he failed to finish the MHAT Studio School of Studio in the course of Kirillnikov because of a dense work schedule.

List of films with his participation:

  • Legs (2014);
  • Vatican records (2014);
  • Brother and sister (serial, 2013);
  • Lyudmila (TV series, 2013);
  • Three Musketeers (2013);
  • Treasure o.K. (2013);
  • Players (2012);
  • Deffchonki (serial, 2012 - ...);
  • Three days of Lieutenant Kravtsov (mini-series, 2011);
  • New Year's SMS (TV, 2011);
  • Crack (2011);
  • Suicides (2011);
  • Bear corner (serial, 2010);
  • Cool men (serial, 2010);
  • Department (serial, 2010);
  • In the forests and on the mountains (serial, 2010);
  • Phobos. Fear Club (2010);
  • (2009);
  • Cereal. Come, New Year! (TV, 2009);
  • Gold Scythians (serial, 2009);
  • Unfined lesson (2009);
  • Second (serial, 2009);
  • Unfined lesson (2009);
  • Hi, Kinder! (2008);
  • Dreams Alice (serial, 2006-2007).

One of the successful projects are considered to be shooting in the Multi-Series Comedy "Deffchonki", where one of the main characters Sergey Zvonarev (Alexey Vorobyov) is a singer. He is also a member of Sberbank's advertising, where he was filled and parallel his song "Crazy". About how much earns, the artist is silent.

Participation in Eurovision

When the selection of a contender for Eurovision 2008, a singer with a composition « New Russian Kalinka "awarded 5 places in the final program. However, according to some contestants of the competition, his song initially broke the foundations: to use direct phrases of folk songs in the composition is prohibited, therefore, in the event of victory, Alexey could not represent his country on Eurovision.

In 2009, he again turned out to be among the finalists of the National Casting on the Eurovision Song Contest with the work of the "Angel Be", his candidacy was approved, but because of participation in another project, he was forced to leave the qualifying round.

In 2011, Alexey was finally able to represent Russia in Eurovision. The musician performed the song "Get You", written by producer from Morocco Redone, which is called Nadir Hayat in life. This participation provided Vorobyev only 16th place.

Show "Bachelor"

The singer is engaged in a lot in sports halls, follows her appearance, his figure and torso look pumped and courageously. Envious groom with blue eyes drives crazy many of the weak floor representatives. Some concerns the question of how the hairstyle of the artist is called. The singer often changes the image, but the most memorable haircut near Elvis Presley - Kok.

In 2016, the artist took part in the popular reality show on TNT "Bachelor". There he came to find the bride. As a result, the cherished ring from Alexey did not get anyone, respectively, and he did not marry anyone.

Automotive accident in Los Angeles

In 2013, Alexey Vorobyov enters a terrible accident on his own car. It happens in Los Angeles, where the singer lives at that time. After the car catastrophe, the artist had an extensive traumatic stroke, which damaged 25% of the brain. Fortunately, the musician managed to recover, although some media wrote that he died. Alexey had been sick for a long time, but rehabilitated and takes tablets so far. After 7 months of persistent occupations, the disease began to retreat, and he gave his first concert after the accident.

Personal life

Many girls are worried about the question - married or not singer and, if so, then on com. It is still not connected by the Uzami marriage, but this does not mean that he lives by a rejection. The press often appear pictures and news that the singer meets with the next beloved. Among the "former" Alexey there are pretty well-known personalities.

Julia Vasiliadi

Julia Vasiliadi was a member of the Uslad team, which was solired at the beginning of his career Alexey Vorobyev. The feelings broke out between them, but due to the increased lubricity of the singer, relations were long. Alexey was in front of Moscow, and the couple soon broke up.

Anna Chipovskaya

According to some data, this leading actress of the Tabakcoque Theater has become the second girl Alexei Vorobyeva after Julia Vasiliadi, the participants of the "Prosta" ensemble. The girl had to seek long. But as a result, the couple still broke up.

Tatiana Navka.

Brought together young people the project "Ice and the Place", on which Alexey and Tatiana performed in a pair. It is rumored that the singer threw his previous girl Anna Chipovsky precisely because of Tatiana.

Oksana Akinshina

For a short time, Alexey Vorobyev unrequitedly achieved the location of Tatiana Navka, but soon switched to Oksana Akinshin. Relationships were stormy with frequent partings and reconciliation. But 2011 put the point in their connection.

Victoria Dayneko

Victoria Daineko - Finalist "Star Factory" became another passion Alexei Vorobyov. Their novel lasted between 2011 and 2012. Why Daineko and Vorobyov broke up unknown. Lesha commented on it like this: "I accepted the decision consciously, but it was not easy for me. I don't want to comment more than this. "

Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova

Another novel fell for 2016, when the press learned about Alexey's relations with the participant of Dynamo's musical team Diana Ivanitskaya-Shoryikova. For a long time, famous people managed to hide their connection. They did not appear together in open events, the close set of Alexei claims that his feelings for the girl were strong. But what happened? It all ended sadly for the singer, as he learned about the treason Diana, and the wedding did not take place.

Kira Mayer

In 2017, there was information that the singer meets with a famous blogger and model Kira Mayer. The present name of the girl is Daria Tsvetkov. Their romance was short-term, it is known that the couple spent together rest in Dubai.

Polina Maksimova - Was a novel

Polina Maksimova became the participant of his several clips from the "Crazy" series, and many immediately attributed to young people to the novel. In fact, as the actors assure, it was just a creative joint work. Alyosha and Polina old friends with their personal lives. At least, officially, their novel is not confirmed.

Kiss with Irina Dubzova

Recently, the press appeared reports that Alexey Vorobyov was in the company Irina Dubzova, while the musicians talked very nicely. During the joint performance and performance of the duet, young people kissed. Rumors did not make it wait. But Alexey himself commented on this incident as follows: "We had a good mood with Irina, and we decided to kiss, but we have no novel."

Who meets now

Today, January 19, Aktera, Director and the musician Alexey Vorobyev turned 30 years old. The actor meets with a new girl, but does not want to call his chosen name.

Today, Alexey Vorobyeva Anniversary. According to the actor, his heart is not free, but about marriage to say early. " Now I am happy in the relationship. In response, even on the exquisite female flirting, I can only offer a handshake, I do not cross the border, because I respect my beloved and I want to be a man for her she deserves"Explains the actor.

« My ️️ "briefly signed a photo from the beloved Sparrow.

Alexey met with Anna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, Vika Daineko.

« When our novel began, beautiful Anya was a nobody famous graduate of the MCAT Studio, served in the theater and did not even receive the first role in the big cinema. I was fortunate enough to meet an amazing and simple girl. The famous she became much later. Media never worried me, because, in contrast to feelings, any fame is a momentary dust that can evaporate in one second"Vorobyev believes.

The actor is convinced that "love is such a thing that can not just take and disappear. It is simply transformed with us, changing over time. " In girls, Alexey is appreciated primarily humor.

« The main feature, without which it is impossible to live - humor. Everything else does not matter when in love. I tried for a long time to understand what a dream woman should be, and made sure that the formula did not exist. She won all the girls' types, and each of them is beautiful. What exactly - it does not matter if this is the one that will complement you, can make vibrate. And if this is an episode for the night, then the type is not important, all the more"Explains Alexey.

Sparrow sure " sex for one night always has a chance to paint into the second, third, and then in the wedding night. It always depends on how people come to each other "and" sex in principle cannot disappoint».

« I know many families in which the spouses do not change each other, they are always so happy that when I watch for them, I also want. The easiest way to be a truly held man is not a kayfood over the night with a chick, which has a good figure, and be with one to night, in the morning, tomorrow and a hundred years. The betrayal is destroying first for you. I know about it not to be"Aleksey is recognized.

Sparrow with humor refers to their mistakes. " If I erase stupidity from my life, I will become a boring piece of shit, which will tell in an interview, as well to sing, write music and scripts, shoot clips and play roles. But the buzz is that we are real! In love, beyond, cry, we laugh at the most unsuccessful moments ... I am sure that we need mistakes, they form us", Says a musician.

Alexey Vorobiev considers himself a simple guy, if necessary, he will rise behind the stove, but prefers a restaurant or delivery of food to the house. " With ease and shirt stroking, but you have to do it infrequently, because with my schedule and movements of life as such, in principle, no, more precisely, there is, but he is different, because at airports I am more often than at home", Specifies Alexey.

Sparrow - a terrible sweet tooth. For many years, he does not remember no day without something calorie delicious. " And about the character ... Why get rid of something in yourself when you are perfect! And damn talented, and beautiful as God, and good, and cheerful, and I help my parents, and love dogs, and the girl has been doing his massage twice, but here one problem is modest to the impossibility. ", quotes Vorobyeva "Starkhit"

Alexey Vorobyov is an interesting and versatile developed person. He is a singer, and a musician, and the composer, and the actor, and the presenter. You can list the talents of this young for a long time, but far from the person implemented.

Alexey was born in Tula, in baptism, January 19, 1988. He himself tells that he was born almost dead, but his efforts were able to lead him to the feeling. Legend is or not, you probably know, only his parents. Children in the family Sparrow Troy. Alexei has an elder brother Sergey and the younger sister of Galya. With his brother, they gladly engaged in football and demonstrated success. But the music of the uniting passion for all children was music. As a result, they all grew up professional musicians. The brothers have studied in a music college, where they played on the accordion, now Sergei Professional accordionist, and Alexey plays on various tools. Galina is a professional academic vocalist. Lescha himself solicted for some time in the Tula Folklore ensemble "Usland". In the Museum, he also decided to study at the vocal department.

Vocal and acting career Alexei Vorobyova

In 2007, it is honored to "Opening MTV" at MTV Russian Music Awards. In 2008 and 2009, he passes into Eurovision contest finals, but both times rides the competition.

He did this only in 2011, but his participation was accompanied by a lot of scandals, the source of which he himself became. The result is only a sixteenth place.

Lesha participated in various projects, for example, in 2010 in the realistic show "Brutal Games", where he took 2 place. Alexey's participation in the project "Ice and Flame" was noticeable, the shooting of which was held in 2010.

Alexey Vorobiev with Tatiana Navka in the show "Ice and Flame"

There he participated in a pair withTatyana NavverTogether they became winners of the project, despite the fact that during the project, Alexey broke his hand and ended with the plaster.

In 2011, he managed to conclude a contract with such a famous musical producer as Redone. This has discovered him to become not only a Russian performer, but also acquire worldwide fame.

However, the contract had to be postponed as a result of a serious accident, which Alexey got in January of the 13th year. He was partially paralyzed, and after the accident he had to recover long months.

Alexey builds not only a career of the musician, but also the actor that he also gets well. His debut in the movie took place at the age of 18. At the end of the year in 2008, Muschili Alexey decides to enter the MHAT Studio School and is studying on the course K. Serebryannikov. But serious employment in the work does not give him a study and in 2010 he leaves a university. On his account over 30 movie colors. He also tried himself as a film director, removing the short drama on his own scenario "Dad" The film received several well-deserved awards.

Alexey in the work is a real workaholic. As he himself says himself, he has free time syndrome, that is, if a free hour appears, but it can not just wonder, he will definitely deal with some kind of work. In general, the secular life of life and the waste of time is absolutely alien to him.

Personal life Alexey Vorobyov

Sparrow's personal life is very stormy. His first love took place in the ensemble "Usland", later were novels withAnna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, Tatyana Navver, Victoria Daineko And with other beauties.

But neither of them did not last longer than a few months. Alexey admits that before marriage he still needs to work on a career, although he dreams of a strong family and several kids.

In the meantime, it believes that at that age, in which you need to fall in love, that he does with pleasure every time.

If you are interested in biographies and careers of other stars of musical Olympus, read more biographies.

From early childhood, the boy was interested in sports, she was engaged in football and even played in the junior team Tula. But afterwards the future star became interested in music. In addition to Alexey Vorobyeva, whose biography you can read on our site, there were two more children in his family: Sergei's brother and sister Galina. It is worth noting that all children studied in a music school, for example, brother, as well as Alexey himself, played the accordion, and sister on the piano.

Home Career Singer Alexei Vorobyova

Singer Alexei Vorobyov was still a participant in various musical competitions. His speeches were mainly in the game on the accordion, and not on the performance of the songs. After graduating from a music school, the young man enters the vocal branch of the city music school. In parallel, he sings in the folk ensemble of Tula "Prosta".

Biography Alexei Vorobyov in the field of creative career

In 2005, a young man takes part in the IV Delphian Games of Russia and ranks first in the nomination "People's Singing". For solo performance of the song, Sparrow Alexey Photo, whom you see on this page gets a gold medal.

The singer disappeared into the capital with success and easily passes the casting on the TV project "The Secret of Success". Taking third place in the competition, the Contractor enters the State Music School of Psure-Jazz Art.

Its bright performances, young graduation is drawn to the attention of producers and receives a contract with Universal Music Russia. As a result, the young man is trusted to fulfill the anthem of the Youth Eight project, in 2006 at the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg. In addition, he acts at the concert on the occasion of the completion of the summit. The next year, the artist is awarded the "Opening of MTV" at the 4th ceremony of MTV Russia Music Awards.

In February 2008, Vorobyev received a "sound track" prize of MK in the nomination "Music and Cinema" and submits an application for participation in the contest of the selection of performers who will submit Russia to Eurovision 2008, but inferior Dima Bilan. The following year, fate is once again unfavorrone to the singer, who refuses to participate in the selection of performers for Eurovision allegedly due to employment in another, more interesting project. In 2011, the artist was offered to sign a contract with the most successful musical producer of Redone, according to which a young man should perform under the scenic pseudonym Alex Sparrow. In parallel, the development of a musical career, he begins to actively film. In 2006, the film project "Dream Alice" with the participation of the singer. In 2008, he enters the theater institute, choosing a MHAT school and course under the leadership of Kirill Serebrennikov. But accepting the participation in the "Hungry Games" show 2010, the artist throws training because of great employment.

On the show singer Alexey Vorobiev photo whom, watch here, takes second place and becomes the winner in another TV project - "Ice and Flame". His partner on the project becomes the famous figure skater Tatiana Navka, with which the young man begins a stormy novel. During the TV show, Vorobyev receives a serious injury - a turn of his hand, but demonstrating all his willpower and courage, continues to participate in the show, and eventually takes first place.

March 3, 2019, at the closure of the XII Russian Film Festival of the comedy "Smile, Russia!", Artist is awarded the prize from Alla Surikova (President of this Festival) in the nomination "Best Male Role", for participating in the Chief Film. After that, the actor is proposed to continue filming in the comedy genre in the television series "Deffchonki".

In 2019, two films will be released on the screens with the participation of the artist. It is Sergey Zhigunov's tape "Three Musketeers" and the series "Brother and sister".

Social activity

Actor Alexei Vorobiev is actively engaged not only for his own career, but also publicly useful activities. So in 2008, he begins to cooperate with the Dance4Life project, and also becomes the official ambassador of the Good Will on AIDS.

Eurovision (photos of Alexey Vorobyov)

In 2011, with the third attempt, the performer manages to get to the Eurovision Music Competition. His performance is associated with a lot of scandals. For example, in the process of preparing for the competition, Alexey Vorobiev repeatedly responded negatively as representatives of sex minorities and some rivals. He did not hide that he would beat any gay that would look at him or try to touch. Another unpleasant incident "Eurovision 2011" was the accusation of his rival - the participant from Sweden, Erica Saade, in the plagiarism.

For sure, for what reason the result of the singer became one of the worst Russia's worst participation in this musical competition: whether all the fault of Non-profesionalism, whether his scandalous statements. Vorobyov ranks 16, yielding only Philip Kirkorov.

Personal life Alexey Vorobyov

Alexei Vorobyov's biography would be incomplete without a story about his personal life and stormy novels known to the public. However, about everything in order. Yulia Vasiliadi, participant of the ensemble "Uslada" became the first star of the star. The second lady of the heart of the artist was the leading actress Theater "Tabakcoque" - Anna Chipovskaya. It is known that Alexey had a very long attention to the girl's attention to a beautiful courting and expensive gifts. In 2011, he is credited with a short novel with Tatyana Terekhova, - Commentator Eurovision 2011 competition. Among the novels, in which the singer was marked most noticeable for fans, but also the same short, as before, relations with Tatiana Navka, actress Oksana Akinshina, the performers of Anna Sedokova and Victoria Daineko. It is said that because of him, Annie threw her husband, and answered with reciprocity, surrendered after seven months of courting. Sedokova, according to Alexey, threw him in a hospital with a broken hand. He received the necessary moral support from Tatiana Navka, who also divorced her husband during the novel with Sparrow. No more than a year, an affair with Oksana Akinshina and Victoria Daineko. And since May 2019, the star considers himself free from relationships, with anyone.

A man explains his short novels by the fact that he is very jealous, does not tolerate around his chosen by other men, as well as the fact that he is rapidly annoyed by the sameness. But if it is so, then why is his union with an experienced Navka rapidly collapsed? Perhaps all the guilt of the windy of the artist and the desire to develop their career.

Mystical stories in the life of the singer Alexei Vorobiev

Alexey Vorobyev's biography is filled not only by bright novels and triumphs, but also mystical moments that few people know. The performer himself once told that he was born dead. At midnight, a dying kid appeared on baptism in 1988, which, thanks to the efforts of doctors, came to life after a few minutes of death.

Death reminded himself in twenty years. In the summer of 2019, during the filming of the film "I Calcianti", a man received a strong blow to his head and with a serious injury, life-threatening, was emergency hospitalized in one of the hospitals of Florence. It was there that came shooting.

A year later, at the end of January 2019, the Russian star met the old woman with the scythe. The artist hit the car catastrophe in Los Angeles. As a result, the left half of the body Sparroweva turned out to be partially paralyzed. But after five months, the man completely returned the former form and began to shoot in the continuation of the series "Deffchonki".

The singer Alexei Vorobiev practically does not sing under Phaneru, in his piggy bank has 14 serious roles in the cinema and is considered one of the most sought-after artists of modern Russia. He actively engages in his career and dreams that one day love will come to his life and will remain there forever.

I managed to achieve much. Today, he is a famous singer who represented Russia on the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately, he could not boast of outstanding results there, but there was a colossal experience in his career.

Alexey is fond of not only music. He managed to successfully play in several films and play several roles in performances. He enjoyed participating in various television shows. The audience probably remembered his participation in the show "Ice Age" and "Bachelor".

Also, this diverse young man loves to play football and, even in childhood, dreamed of becoming a professional football player. And he is a fan of fast ride. Because of this, Alexey almost lost his life. The guy fell into a serious accident, and for some time he could only move on a wheelchair.

For more than 10 years, the artist is the Ambassador of the Good Will, UN. He was one of the first artists from Russia who was awarded this prestigious title.

Now Aleksey Vorobye is trying to combine music, shooting in cinema and charity. But his fans more interested in the question is not about his professional activity, but whether the heart of their pet is employed and whether he has a wife.

Alexey repeatedly told what a woman for him is ideal. It was for the search for an ideal girl, he decided to participate in the "Bachelor" show. Next to he would like to see a bright, beautiful and charismatic girl. In addition, it must be romantic. It is also important that the girl would have a sense of humor.

Alexey loves when girls wear dresses. If she prefers to this item of the wardrobe, then she significantly increases the chances of conquering a guy's heart. It is this particular feature of Alexey considers a symbol of femininity and refinement.

That Alexey would not forgive the woman so it is her sterrect. He will not be charged to manage them. In the girl he appreciate the mind and prudence. And also, like all men, Alexey loves to eat deliciously, and therefore the girl should be a good mistress so that the house is always order and comfort.

Alexey is distinguished by his lovingness. It is known about many singer's novels with colleagues in the workshop, actresses and athletes. But whether they did not correspond to the criteria of the perfect girl, or Alexey is not yet ready for serious relationship, but all these novels did not lead to the creation of a family.

Interesting notes:

The first romantic attitudes from the guy have arisen in their hometown. His beloved girl was the name of Julia. They together performed in the ensemble "Prosta". Their relationships stopped immediately, as Alexey moved to live in Moscow.

Here he began with an absolutely different life and other acquaintances appeared. The next loud rove in the singer was with the actress of the theater. The couple existed only a year, and then young people decided to part. Their relationship lasted only a year.

After these short relationships alexey broke out a novel with one actress Oksana Akinshina. Young people filmed together in the "suicides" movie. Immediately after the filming of filming, the press spoke about the novel of these two actors. They did not give comments about their relationships and tried not to advertise them. Also quietly and calmly these relationships were completed in about a year after their start.

Then there was a short novel with. Alexey said that it was she who understood him as it was impossible. It was Victoria that was close to the ideal of a woman who imagined the guy. But their relationships also lazy not long.

Alexey decided to stop relationships, since he believed that the girl deserves more, and this at that time he could not give her.

Next, Alexey had several short-term novels that did not bring the desired result. The guy's heart remained free. And in order to try to meet my only one, he agreed to participate in the project "Bachelor".

In the project "Bachelor" for the heart of Alexey Vorobyov, very different girls fought. They were different not only externally, but also in nature. The choice was huge, but the guy could not stop on one girl. As a result, there were no winner among the girls, the contenders on the heart of the artist.

After participating in the project, the guy continued to search for the only one with whom he would like to live life and have children. In his opinion, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, a beginner singer approached this role. Parting with it literally lay down in the script of a classic joke, about how the husband returns before the business trip. The same happened with Alexei. He returned earlier from the tour and found his girlfriend in the arms of the man.

After this incident, Alexey did not cease to make novels with enviable regularity, but more and more often he began to reflect on family and children. Girls Alexei Vorobiev often appear in his intrinsagrama and the personal life of the singer is often discussed in the media. Perhaps he is already ready for a serious relationship and creating a family and when it happens, fans will definitely recognize.