Italian opera singer sang with Basque. Montserrat Caballe: Biography Opera Singer

Italian opera singer sang with Basque. Montserrat Caballe: Biography Opera Singer

Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk - famous for the whole world of Spanish opera singer, vocal teacher, mother of two children

Date of Birth: April 12, 1933
Place of Birth: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain
Zodiac sign: Aries

"Music is magic. The one who was lucky to live with her, experiencing something unusual. When you hear a melody for the first time, you work in a way, you sit behind the piano and you begin to play, you suddenly feel that the music penetrates blood, goes throughout the body. This is not just a second flash. Enjoying music is the best thing to be in life. "

Biography Montserrat Cabel

The city in which the famous singer was born - Barcelona. Father often took a little montserrat for walking along the seafront. The sea is their common passion. She had wonderful parents who taught her and brother to survive in difficult conditions.

In the house of a worker and a suitable worker - Montserrat's parents, music has always sounded. And Little Montserrat also sang at the Christmas evenings of Aria from the Opera "Madame Butterfly" Gacomo Puccini, who heard many times. She sang without words or repeated one line: "On a clear day, desired, desirable, desired." It was then that she understood that he wanted to do the music.

Caballe was a conservatory student at the Liso Theater in Barcelona. In the first eight months, she with other students engaged only at physical education - the teacher wanted to develop them in physical and musically, so that they could easily remove the sound.

In difficult times, when the money was not enough, the Caballe found a job that she never previously served - she had to cut the cloth cloth. He worked with people who provided her with all sorts of support, because it was very sorry. She went to quit his studies due to a difficult financial situation, but she continued to work. However, the Family of Mata Mattles came to the help of a talented girl, and Caballe graduated from studying in 1954.

She was 23 years old (in 1956), when she first reached the stage of the Opera House in Switzerland, in Basel. There, the whole family moved from Barcelona. Colleagues in her all helped, in the theater was a strong, friendly team. For example, since the Caballe did not know the German language, the staff translated their role to Spanish.

Then she went to the musical heart of Europe - to Germany. In the Bremen Opera, she was offered a role, she began to rehearse the operas of Giuseppe Verdi "Traviata" and "Troubadura". It was a new school. Caballe learned a large repertoire during this period and received the base not only in a technical, but also musically. True, at that time she was thinking about getting away from the profession, but she was convicted by Brother Carlos. By the way, it was Carlos Kabalon who opened the world José Carreras.

On the scene of the Lisovo Theater in Barcelona Kabalé returned only in 1962 with the "Arabel" Strauss.

The world found out about the Caballe in 1965, when she replaced the American singer Marilyn Horn in the Lucreta party of Borgia in the Opera Gaetano Diazetti. Horn was pregnant, so the leadership of Carnegie Hall was decided to invite Caballe. Her execution so delighted the public that the Caballe was not released from the stage 20 minutes and the dive applause. Horn herself recalled this triumph:

"It was one of the most brilliant luck. She took New York Sturm! Not everyone is under force, especially in this country. "

In 1965, Caballe invites to sing the party of Margarita in Fauste. On this scene, Carnegie Hall Montserrat once again performed until 1988.

On January 24, 1970, the singer made his debut in the theater "La Scala", in the already familiar party of Lucretza Borgia. In subsequent years, Maria Stewart, Norma, Louise Miller, Anna Boleyn, performed in the "La Scala" theater in the "La Rock" theater.

Spanish Opera Singer Placido Domingo About Montserrat Caballe:

"I watched the play Montserrat in La Scala. It was an unforgettable "norm", which entered the history of this theater. I saw the reaction of the public after the Aria "Casta Diva". It was not only on the "norm", but also on other performances: the hall applauded standing about 40 minutes after the weekend of the norm. "

"We worked together for several years and every time we committed some kind of discovery. And everything around us was filled with magic. "

In 1972, the artistic director of the London Opera Denny Davis asked the singer to take part in the play "Lucretia of Borgia". Most of the Cabel disks are recorded in London. She took part in several performances immediately: these were the terms of the contract.

In 1987, a significant event occurred, which changed the attitude of the whole world to opera classic music. It was a duet of two great people: Opera singers Caballe and Rock-singer Freddie Mercury with the composition of Barcelona.

In November 2000, Kaballe was invited to Moscow to participate in the charity concert-shares of the World Art Foundation "The Stars of the World - Children."

Indian conductor Zubin Meta about Montserrat Caballe:

"Montserrat asked me and many other singers, such as Plasido Domingo, the plank, the level that is very difficult to achieve."

Personal life

In 1964, Caballe became the wife of the Spanish Opera Singer Bernabe Marty, with whom he first kissed on stage in Opera Madame Batterfly. Montserrat listened to:

"I probably, the only Madame Batterfly, who still married Pinketon."

"I will never forget the feeling of happiness that I experienced on the wedding day."

They were much more than her husband and wife, they were friends and colleagues. Two years after the wedding, the son of Bernabe was born, and in 1972 - Montserrat daughter.

Almost all the life of the singer was devoted to work. The husband remembers the old days:

"I know how she worried about how she wanted to be for some time next to the children after work, but this is our profession: we must be the best in it."

Spanish opera singer. World fame Montserrat Cabel They brought her amazing soprano, the virtuoso possession of Belkanto technique and the execution of leading parties in Puccini, Bellini and Donizetti operations.

Biography Montserrat Caballe / Montserrat Caballa

Montserrat Cabelborn on April 12, 1933 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. Full name - Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk. She studied for 12 years in Lyceum Barcelona and graduated from a gold medal in 1954. Then he entered in 1956 to the Basel Opera.

Montserrat Caballe was born in the poor family, he was shy to this poverty and confessed in an interview that she did not like everything at school: "I was closed and even afraid to smile ... Later I had to work on a weaving factory. If someone knew how many nasal scraps I did! Now someone thinks that the fate itself gave me good luck in hand. But in order for Fortune to begin to favor, you need to work incredibly a lot. And anyway, people will think that you are lucky! I do not know what the ill-wishers tell me about me, but I know that it is not true. "

From 1956 to 1964, Montserrat Caballe sang in the opera theaters of Europe. Glory came to her unexpectedly in New York in 1965, when she replaced Marilyn Horn In the opera Donizetti "Lucretia Borgia". From this point on, she gave concerts, sang in Opera theaters.

Montserrat Caballe began to sing on very little scenes, and only after six-year work began to perform in concert halls. It is absolutely no matter for it, the size of the scene and the status of the city in which it stands. According to Opera Diva, it is more important for her who came to speeches, their eyes, their feelings and soul.

In 1970, he made his debut in the "La Scala" theater in the party of Lucretia of Borgia. In subsequent years, parties were performed in the theater "La Rock" of the Party: Maria Steward, Norma, Louise Miller, Anna Bolein. Since 1972, he spoke on the "Covent Garden" stage in London. Montserratfor his life played more than a hundred roles. However, the singer continues to learn all new and new batch.

Montserrat Cabel: "Enthusiastic views are not an end in itself. I go out on the stage not to master the hall. I want to surrender to people. And at this moment I do not think about what you need to leave something and yourself. I am ready to give myself all. Just take, I ask you! If the soul and creative impulse of the artist wants to take a gift, it is terrible, the heart can break away from it. It's like if you dial in lungs more air, and you can not exhale ... Believe me when people thank me for having made them with his concert and tear off from reality, always saying: "There is no artist without a public."

The first is not an opera singer, with whom I sang the cable was the legendary Frank Sinatra. Montserrat Caballe's fan was Freddie Mercury, the Queen Rock Group soloist.

At the Olympics in Barcelona Montserrat Caballe and Freddie Mercury performed the Barcelona composition. The single from the album, which was released in 1988, twice won the pop charts in the UK and had success all over the world.

Montserrat Cabel is considered the leading soprano of his time performed by Verdi and Donizetti operas. Caballe helped the career José Carreras - a tenor who performed with her.

Montserrat Caballe told in June 2018 about Freddie Mercury in the television show "Evening Urgant": "We met when he was without a mustache. And then he stood his mustache, ... Yes, and left. He had very nominated teeth. Every time he sang it seemed that he would bite herself. He was an excellent musician, so we could easily work. He had excellent singing technique. A little even opera room. And he had Bariton. I suggested to make a opera duet, but he refused, having been afraid that his fans would be misunderstood. "

In 2006, Montserrat Caballe toured in Russia with Nikolai Baskov, with whom he met in 2000 in St. Petersburg. All concerts passed with anchlats. The joint tour ended the concert in the Oktyabrsky BKZ in St. Petersburg. According to Baskov, Kabalé taught him no breathing technique and culture of singing, however, as the Russian singer admitted, to understand the technical side of the Montserrat School he was very difficult.

At the same time, in one of the interviews, Montserrat Caballe spoke about his student Nikolai Baskov: "I would not really want Nicholas to sing only pop music. He is given a lot. I think if he will sing classical music, the doors of the entire Opera Europe will open in front of it. "

Personal life Montserrat Cabal / Montserrat Cabollé

In 1964, Caballe married Bernaba Marti. In 1966, a son was born Bernabe. In 1972, gave birth to a daughter Montserrat Marti. Daughter went in the footsteps of his famous mother and performed with her, taking alias Moncita.

Montserrat Cabel is called the "singer with a golden heart", as it gives a lot of time and forces of charity. She marked his 60th anniversary with a concert in Paris, the entire collection of which went to the World AIDS Study Fund. November 8, 2000 Cabelhe made a sole concert ending the international program "Stars of the World - Children", the funds from which went to the rescue to the gifted children with disabilities.

In 1992, due to the sharp deterioration in the state of health, Montserrat Caballe announced that he had from the scene. Doctors diagnosed at the singer Cancer. However, the Caballe after a long break was able to return to the scene: this happened in 2002. Ten years later, Cabel canceled concerts due to health problems: she fainted before leaving the scene in Yekaterinburg. The Spanish Diva had a microinsult, and it was emergency to be hospitalized, and then sent for treatment to their homeland in Spain.

In September 2018, news appeared in the media that 85-year-old Montserrat Cabel was urgently hospitalized in Barcelona. The reason was the problem with the bubble.

Montserrat Caballe / Montserrat Cabollé and non-payment scandal

In 2015. Montserrat Cabel Saying a semi-annual prison consequence and fine € 254 231. From the materials of the case, the Caballe did not pay taxes in 2010, indicating the place of its permanent residence a tiny state of Andorra on the border of Spain and France. According to the prosecutor's office, it was done "with an exceptional purpose not to pay taxes."

The singer did not come to the court because of bad well-being. In 2012, the singer survived the stroke and since then rarely appears in the public. She was allowed to testify on video call, during which the singer admitted that he was in Spain in 2010, indicating the address in Andorra as his residence, so as not to pay taxes.

Since Montserrat Caballe went to a deal with justice, she was brought to her the most soft of possible sentences. The singer does not have a criminal past, and the resulting period does not exceed two years, which automatically makes the verdict conditional.

06.10.2018 21:00

The opera singer was 85 years old.

At the age of 85, the world famous opera singer Montserrat Cabala died in Barcelona.

The funeral of the Cabel will be held on Monday, October 8. The day before, in the center of the burial rituals forest-Courts in Barcelona will host a farewell ceremony.

The cause of death Montserrat Caballe became known to the media

It is known that a few years ago, Cabalon fought with oncology. The tumor in her head, under the cortex of the brain, appeared after the accident, which is why the actress has lost consciousness on stage in Japan. In the same place, she later operated on the local pro, deleting education. After surgery, the performer has again studied to speak, sing and walk.

The exact cause of the death of the Cabel will be announced later.

Biography Montserrat Cabel

Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk was born on April 12, 1933 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin the family of ordinary people. The girl was given a name in honor of the monastery and the sacred mountain, on which he is located. Among the Catalans, the holy Maria Montserrat is called.

Little Montserrat loved to sing and it did it very well. At first she performed songs of favorite artists. Later, training began with the best musical teachers.

Since the family lived poorly, the girl decided to get a job, she had to work out for the seamstress and the cutter, she also worked as a seller, all this was together with study.

Another passion of Caballe is the study of foreign languages. Studying in it was ease, graduating from a lyceum in 1954, she got a gold medal.

Back in the years of study, noting her talent, teachers recommended her to visit Italy to lean in the theater. But in a modest family there were no such means and the move was impossible. Only thanks to the participation of patients, Caballe was able to get into the theater, she was given a job.

At one of the speeches, she noted her director of the Opera Basel, he was fascinated by her in a unique voice. After the speech was followed by an invitation to work in the Basel Theater.

In 1956, the singer agreed and moved for a year to Switzerland. Career Opera Diva once in New York Kabalon was offered to fulfill the border of Lucretia Borgia with a performance in Carnegie-Hall. The performance passed great, the audience was fascinated by her extraordinary voice and applauded standing almost half an hour.

Almost instantly, the Caballe became the famous and for her the most famous scenes of the world opened.

Stayed on the achieved singer did not want and continued to improve his voice. Its performance and perseverance can be envied and surprised. The repertoire of the opera diva is complicated and multifaceted, it consists of 40 full operas, as well as from 130 opera parties.

Caballe is one of the few opera singers whose pop records hit the charts. In 1988, she, together with the leader of the Queen Freddie Mercury, recorded the Barcelona album, the title song from which, created to the 1992 Olympic Games, eventually became a symbol of Barcelona and all Catalonia.

For many years in a row, the singer was the best in the world. By the way, she even somehow at home gave the lessons of singing Nikolay Baskov, teaching it the correct technique of breathing, as it is very important for opera singers.

In the asset of the singer, many prestigious international premiums. It was awarded orders and medals of various countries, including the Spanish Order Isabel, French Order of the Arts and Literature, Gold Medal of the Academy of Literature, Science and Art of Italy, Russian Order of Friendship.

Family and personal life Montserrat Caballe

In 1964, Montserrat married Opera singer Bernabe Marty. The singer says happy in family life.

Since childhood, she learned the lesson about the equality of spouses in marriage, how important it is to maintain respect for each other and correctly educate their children. There are two of them in the family. Son - Bernabe (1966) and Montserrat daughter (1976).

The singer has always been calmly and tried to their glory and celebrity so that the "star disease" did not hurt children.

Caballe was fond of painting, wonderfully drove the car and adored her tasty to eat. Her zodiac sign - Aries, height - 1.61 m, weight - 100 kg.

Spanish opera singer Montserrat Caballe.

Origin and Education

Montserrat Caballe (full name - Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk) was born in Barcelona on April 12, 1933 in the family of the factory worker. Since childhood, he was interested in music and fond of singing. He studied music and vocals at the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich he graduated with a gold medal in 1954.

Musical career

After completing the training, I went to Italy, and then to Basel (Switzerland). In the Basel Opera, she made his debut in the role of Mimi in Opera Giacomo Puccini "Bohemia". In 1958 she sang in the Vienna State Opera, in 1960 first appeared on the stage "La Scala" (Milan). It became famous for its soprano and Belkanto technique. World famous came to the Caballe in 1965, when she replaced the American singer Marilyn Horn in the opera Gaetano Donizetti "Lucretia Bordjia" on the Caregie Hall scene (New York). In 1970, she performed one of its best parties - the norm in the Opera Opera Vincenzo Bellini. From this party in 1974 came to his first tour to Moscow. Subsequently, repeatedly performed in Russia, the last concert of the singers in Moscow took place in June 2018 within the tour dedicated to her 85th anniversary.

In total, the singer's repertoire was over 125 opera parties. She was called the "senior soprano" and "great primaudon". Speaking at such sites as "Covent Garden" (London), "Metropolitan-Opera" (New York), Grand Opera (Paris), and toured with concert programs. She worked with outstanding orchestras and speakers of modernity - Leonard Bernstayin, Herbert Karaian, James Livyan, Georg Scholti. Perfect with Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Alfredo Kraus. He contributed to the career of José Carreras, who in 1970 made his debut in the Flavio party in the "normal". The singer drew attention to the young tenor, and Carreras became one of her favorite partners, they sang more than 15 operations together.

In the 1980s, Caballe collaborated with the Rock musician Freddie Mercury. In 1988, their joint album Barcelona came out. His title song - Barcelona - became one of the two anthem of the Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992. In 1997, the singer released the "Friends for Life" disc, where she recorded the works of rock and pop music. Its partners were Carlos Kano, Bruce Dickinson, Johnny Holiday, Lisa Nilsson and others. In the same year, with the Swiss rock band Gotthard, the ONE Life One Soul rock ballad was recorded. In addition, she collaborated with the Italian singer Al Bano, with the Greek composer and the artist of electronic music by Wangelis.

In 2002, after a 10-year break caused by the disease, Caballe sang a batch of Ekaterina Aragonsky in Opera Camille Saint-Sansa "Henry VIII" (at the Opera House of Liceu, Barcelona), in 2004 - the capital party in the opera Jules Massne "Cleopatra" ( Liceu, Barcelona), and in 2007 - the duchess of Krakentorp in the opera Gaetano Donizetti "Daughter Regiment" (Vienna State Opera). In 2016, Caballe made a concert in Sofia (Bulgaria).


Caballe was engaged in charitable activities. So, the entire collection from the concert in Paris dedicated to its 60th anniversary, the singer handed over the World AIDS Study Fund. In November 2000, in the framework of the International Star-Children Star Program, she spoke in Moscow with a concert, the funds from which went to the rescue of gifted children with disabilities.


The singer was awarded orders and medals of various countries, including the Spanish Order of Isabella Catholic, French Order of Arts and Literature, Russian Order of Friendship.

Marked by several grammy premiums, including for the best vocal solo (1969).

In 1994, she became the ambassador of goodwill, UNESCO.

Personal information

In 1964 he married the tenor of Bernaby Marty. In the family, two children: the son of Bernabe Marty and the daughter of Montserrat Marty - Opera singer.

It is known that in St. Petersburg, the relatives of Montserrat Caballe on the maternal line, which were taken to the Soviet Union during the Civil War in Spain in the 1930s.

Spanish opera singer, famous for the whole world with its Belkanto technique.

Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk on April 12, 1933 in Barcelona in the family of ordinary workers in Barcelona. The girl's name is chosen by the parents not by chance, since the childbirth was associated with difficulties. Doctors managed to save the child, whose neck was sought cord. The mother of the girl considered it a sign of over and called it in honor of Catalan Montserrat Mountain, who has found the refuge of Virgo Maria.

Montserrat loved to sing from childhood. Despite the fact that with the years they came to her and recognition, she did not think herself. Childhood and youth of the future loved holders took place in poverty. In school years, she had to work out for the seamstress, the cruel and even the seller. "If someone knew how many nasal scraps I did!" She told. Montserrat was demanding and stronger, did not love the words "lucky" and "love of fate", in her opinion, success can be achieved through long and hard work.

Money received from part-time, Montserrat spent on study, music lessons and studying French and Italian. At the same time, labor activity did not in any way affect the performance. After graduation, she intended to go to Italy to audition. But there was no funds to send the daughter to another country. Fortunately, the family of Metzenates Mellan Bata was found, which took over all the costs and writing a letter of recommendation to the Bariton Raimundo Torres, known in those years.

In Italy, Kaballe settled in the theater, where he worked for a short time - on one of the speeches, director of the Opera Basel Theater and invited to work in Switzerland. But not everything was so smooth: when a young performer came to Italy, one of the local impresario advised her to marry and oven children pies, they say so complete people did not place on stage. Then she found the support in his brother Carlos, who became her personal impresario. Thanks to the family refueling, the singer began an international career.

By the way, with an excess weight, the Caballe never coped with life. The singer seriously replenished after the car accident. A part of the brain responsible for the lipid exchange was atrophied and, that would not do Montserrat - excess weight did not leave.

An unexpected success in Montserrat Caballe came after she was offered to fulfill the border of Lucretia Borgia, which was perfectly performed by American opera singer Marilyn Horn. After the speech of Montserrat in the New York Carnegie Hollee, the audience got up and applauded her more than half an hour. Fascinated the performer not only the hall, but also critics. After that, the fateful performance of her career began to develop a rapid pace, and he learned about the whole world.

Opera Bellini "Norma", the premiere of which was held at the "La Scala" theater, became the next vertex in Montserrat's career. With this and many other leading parties, the singer acted around the world: in the Big Column Hall of the Kremlin, the White House in the United States, in the UN audience and in the hall of the people in the PRC. Among its partners in the scene were the leading tenor: José Carreras, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pearloith. In all her life, she took part in more than 120 operations, hundreds of disks came with her participation.

Caballe was never afraid of experiments on the scene. Her duets with rock performers headed musical charts. One of the most famous duets is the Rock-star Freddie Mercury, the leader of the Queen group. Caballe and Mercury performed at the opening of the Olympic Games of the 92nd Hit "Barcelona".

Despite tremendous success in musical creativity, the family for Montserrat was above all. She did not hide that if circumstances would need, she would leave the scene. With her husband Martinez Bennaby, they met when he was invited to replace the sick tenor in Madame Batterfly. Kissing on the scene, young people loved each other for life.

Mari's marriage and Montserrat occurred on the sacred mountain, in honor of which the singer was named. Spouses raised two children: daughter Montsitis and Son Bernabe. The husband of the Caballe came to his wife for several years, but then he fell ill and began to spend more time at home. According to Kaballe, they never had a quarrel in the struggle for the creative championship, since the husband understood that in the urgent need she was ready to abandon music. She has repeatedly confirmed his position - one day her son got sick, and she overturned all the upcoming concerts for the week. The theater tried to sue her, but unsuccessfully.

This is not the last time in the life of Caballe, when she sat on the dock. In 2015, Montserrat received a suspended period and a fine of more than 250 thousand euros for the fact that over the past five years left from taxes, lizing the fees from speeches to Andorra banks. When the scheme was disclosed, she was sentenced to six months in prison. Fortunately, she managed to draw the prosecutor, and the prison term was replaced by conditional.

Caballe performed on stage until the end of his life, but never felt herself a world-class star. She said that he didn't like something from herself to portray something, because only complete zeros do so. She believed that it was impossible to be proud of what was given to you over, because it is the merit of nature and God.

Montserrat died on October 6, 2018 at the 86th year of life due to problems with the blade or bubble. At the request of the relative cause of death will not be published. On October 7, a farewell ceremony with opera arrivals took place. The funeral will be held on October 8. The niece of the singer reported that Montserrat was buried next to the graves of parents.