Minimum temperature for office work. Requirements for the temperature in the office during the summer and winter seasons

Minimum temperature for office work.  Requirements for the temperature in the office during the summer and winter seasons
Minimum temperature for office work. Requirements for the temperature in the office during the summer and winter seasons

From 01/01/2017, all employers and employees are required to comply with the new Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Physical Factors at Workplaces SanPiN (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06/21/2016 No. 81). They replaced SanPiN, SanPiN 2.1.8 /, Appendix 3 to SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03. The updated sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (SanPiNah) define the standards for the impact of such physical factors as:

  • microclimate;
  • vibration;
  • electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields;
  • lighting at workplaces, etc.

Standards are the maximum permissible levels of factors. Their impact within the established limits on an employee who works 8 hours a day (no more than 40 hours a week) should not lead to diseases or deviations in his state of health (clause 1.4 of SanPiN

As indicated above, in connection with the introduction of new rules, some of the previously approved SanPiNs have ceased to operate since 2017. For example, SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in industrial conditions" (clause 2 of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06.21.2016 N 81). At the same time, for example, SanPiN continues to operate in the part that does not contradict SanPiN (Letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated February 10, 2017 No. 09-2438-17-16). The most pressing question for both employers and employees is what should be the temperature in the room (at the workplace) according to SanPiN

Workplace room temperature: normal

SanPiN establishes the optimal temperature values ​​at the workplace among the indicators of the microclimate. These include (clause 2.2.1 SanPiN

  • air temperature;
  • surface temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • air speed;
  • the intensity of thermal radiation.

The standards of values ​​for these indicators are determined separately for the warm and cold seasons. Cold is the time when the average daily outdoor temperature is +10 ° C and below. If the temperature outside the window is higher, then this is the warm season (p. 2.1.5 SanPiN That is, the temperature regime at the workplace according to SanPiN in summer and winter may differ, but not much. Indeed, at any time of the year, a person needs a heat balance with the environment (clause 2.1.1 SanPiN

And what are the temperature standards in office premises? Different temperature regimes are provided for workers engaged in different types of work - depending on the energy consumption of employees. So, for example, garment workers, like most office workers, are among those who spend the least energy during the working day - up to 139 watts. They perform work of category Ia (Appendix 1 to SanPiN The following optimal indicators of the microclimate have been established for them (clause 2.2.5 of SanPiN

Working hours in hot weather according to the Labor Code

We indicated above what the temperature in the room is the norm. Is this the answer to the question at what temperature can you work indoors? Yes, but with certain reservations. Of course, the temperature for the working room is not specified in the Labor Code. However, it is noted that the employer is obliged to ensure safety and working conditions that meet the state regulatory requirements for labor protection (part 2 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the norms established by SanPiN are among the mandatory rules.

  • for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for the organization - from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

And violation of sanitary rules and hygienic standards entails a fine (Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for an organization - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Either the suspension of the activity of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity for up to 90 days.

The legislation obliges employers to protect employees from the harmful effects of industrial and climatic factors. Unfortunately, employers often either cannot cope with or are unwilling to fulfill these duties, so workers have to take care of their own safety, refusing to work in hazardous conditions.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens the protection of their rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law (Article 45). In order to protect their labor rights, an employee may:

Refuse to perform work not provided for by an employment contract

Refuse to perform work that directly threatens his life and health (Article 379 of the Labor Code)

Suspend work in cases of delayed wages for more than 15 days (Article 142 of the Labor Code).

The most relevant is the second point of self-protection of the employee's rights: refusal to perform work that directly threatens his life and health, with the exception of cases stipulated by federal laws.

Temperature is often one of the main hazards in the workplace.

In the summer season, the workplaces are unbearably hot, and in the winter - cold. And the bosses have expensive air conditioners in their offices, so they don't care much about our problems. But there is a regulatory document - SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises", which establishes the optimal and permissible levels of air temperature in the workplace.

Summer, heat, work, or how to defend the right to normal working conditions.

We are not a grill

Grill not us!

So summer has come, and with them hot days. Well, if the vacation is a summer house-sea. And if the city, work and the temperature at the workplace are like a desert during the day, and the employer is not blowing? It is good to remember here article 379 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. which reads. “For the purpose of self-defense of labor rights, an employee, having notified the employer or his immediate supervisor or another representative of the employer in writing, may refuse to perform work not provided for by the employment contract, as well as refuse to perform work that directly threatens his life and health, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws. At the time of refusal from the specified work, the employee retains all the rights provided for by labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms ", SanPiN" Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises ". setting permissible levels of air temperature at workplaces, Appendix No. 7 of the Guidelines R 2.2.2006.05. which regulates protection by time when working in a heating microclimate.

Now in more detail. SanPiN normalizes the air temperature at the workplace, depending on the category of work. based on the intensity of the total energy expenditure of the body in kcal / h (W). Without going into details, you can roughly define the category of work according to Appendix No. 1 GOST 12.1.005-88 Occupational Safety Standards System General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area as follows: category Ia includes work performed while sitting and accompanied by insignificant physical stress (a number of professions at enterprises precision instrument and mechanical engineering, in watchmaking, sewing production, in the field of management, etc.).

  • Category Ib includes work performed while sitting, standing or associated with walking and accompanied by some physical stress (a number of professions in the printing industry, at communications enterprises, supervisors, foremen in various types of production, etc.)
  • Category IIa includes work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring a certain physical stress (a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, in spinning and weaving, etc.)
  • category IIb includes work associated with walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical stress (a number of professions in mechanized foundries, rolling, forging, thermal, welding shops of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, etc.)
  • Category III includes work related to the constant movement, movement and carrying of significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort (a number of professions in forging shops with hand forging, foundries with manual filling and pouring of flasks of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, etc. .NS.)

    The warm period of the year is the period of the year characterized by an average daily (this is important) outside air temperature above + 10 ° С

    At what temperature in winter is it possible not to go to work?

    Related article

    Workers in production

    At extremely low temperatures, the work of specialists in some professions stops, and the working hours of employees of those offices that are poorly heated are also reduced. Working in cold weather in the open air or in closed unheated rooms is regulated by article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    According to the document, persons working in the open air must be provided with work breaks for heating, which must be included in working hours. The duration and number of breaks is determined by the company administration in conjunction with the trade union organization.

    The work of bricklayers stops at a temperature of -25 C with a wind of more than three points or a temperature of -30 C without a wind.

    The work of representatives of other professions related to being in the open air stops at a temperature of -27 C with a wind of more than three points or a temperature of -35 C without a wind.

    If the activity is related to equipment that was out of order during the cold weather, the forced downtime should be paid at the rate of two-thirds of the salary.

    Related article

    Office workers

    For office workers, weather conditions, according to the law, do not affect their work. Only the temperature at the workplace is taken into account. Working conditions are regulated by sanitary rules and norms SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

    According to the document, those who work indoors are conventionally divided into five categories.

    * 1a - sedentary work. This includes executives, office workers, sewing and watchmaking workers. For them, the most comfortable room temperature is +22 C - +24 C.

    * 1b - if you spend the whole day on your feet. For example, these are controllers, sales consultants. They should work at +21 C - +23 C.

    * 2a- work involves some physical stress. For example, guides, employees at boring shops at machine-building enterprises. The optimum temperature for them is +19 C - + 21 C.

    * 2b - work related to walking and carrying weights up to ten kilograms. These are mainly factory workers - locksmiths, welders. For them, the room temperature should be +17 C - +19 C.

    Related article

    * 3 - involves hard physical labor, for example, in foundries and blacksmiths. The same category includes loaders who carry furniture and equipment heavier than ten kilograms. For them, the temperature is slightly lower - + 16 C - + 18 C.

    When the temperature at the workplace drops by 1 degree below the norm, the working time is reduced by 1 hour. Thus, at a temperature of +19 C, the working day of an office worker will be 7 hours, +18 C - 6 hours, and so on. At a temperature of +12 C and below, work stops and, in accordance with Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working hours in this case are paid by the employer in the amount of at least two-thirds of the tariff rate.


    The kindergarten works at any outside temperature. But according to the sanitary standards SanPiN, at an air temperature below -15 C and a wind speed of more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at an air temperature below -15 C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old at an air temperature below -20 C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s (for the middle lane ).


    The standards that are in force today regarding school attendance by children in severe frosts are as follows:

    Related article

    At a temperature of -25 C, schoolchildren of grades 1-4 of rural schools do not study

    At a temperature of -27 C - schoolchildren of 1-4 grades of urban and rural schools

    At a temperature of -30 C and below, all schoolchildren do not study - from grades 1 to 11

    At the onset of the above temperatures, the Ministry of Education issues the corresponding orders. But the decision to stop classes due to frosty weather is made by the management of each educational institution independently. If such a decision is made, the child can take a break from school based on it.

    Not only temperature, but also the strength of the wind affects the cancellation of classes in schools. Typically, the temperature threshold for school cancellation due to wind drops by 2-3 degrees.

    Cancellation of school classes in the regions

    For the northern regions of the country, the temperature limits for canceling classes are lower. In the Urals, the following cancellation scale is applied:

    25 С - -28 С - kids don't go to school,

    28 С - -30 С - pupils of grades 5-9 do not study,

    30 С - -32 С - high school students may not come.

    In Siberia, primary classes do not study at -30 C degrees. Schoolchildren in grades 5-9 may not come if the thermometer drops to -32 C and -35 C. High school students do not go to school if it is -35 C - -40 C.

    In Yakutia, so that pupils of grades 1-4 do not go to school, the thermometer must drop to -40 C degrees. For high school students, the temperature should be -48 C, and high school students do not go to school only if it is -50 C.

    Labor intensity categories

    1. (category Ia)- sedentary work. (a number of professions in enterprises of precision instrument and mechanical engineering, in watchmaking, sewing, office, management and the like).
    2. (category Ib)- when you periodically stand or walk. (a number of professions in the printing industry, at communications enterprises, controllers, craftsmen in various types of production, and the like).
    3. (category IIa)- constant walking, moving small items (up to 1 kg). (a number of professions in the mechanical assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, in the spinning and weaving industry, and the like).
    4. (category IIb) - when you carry weights up to 10 kg. (a number of professions in mechanized foundries, rolling, forging, thermal, welding shops of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, and the like).
    5. (category III)- constant movement, carrying loads over 10 kg. (a number of professions in forging shops with hand forging, foundries with manual filling and pouring of flasks of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, and the like).

    Temperature standards for these categories of jobs are different.

    For example, for 1a and 1b, you can work full time only when the temperature is not higher than + 28 °. But if the thermometer shows + 32.5 °, know: you need to work no more than one hour.

    The most stringent requirements for category 3. The maximum temperature for an 8-hour work shift is + 26 °, and for # 171 one-hour # 187 it is enough to fix + 30.5 ° on the thermometer.

    It is necessary to notify the boss

    In order to know what the temperature is at work, it is better for workers to buy a thermometer themselves, at least for a household one. The readings of such a thermometer will not be considered official, but you will know the temperature. And if the thermometer shows 40 degrees, then the temperature is clearly more than the established norm.

    If the temperature exceeds the permissible limits, it creates a hazard to the health of the worker.

    But according to labor legislation, an employee cannot leave everything and go home, - explains Zoya Osos, head of the occupational health department of the Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. - He must report the temperature rise to the authorities, otherwise it will be considered unauthorized absence from the workplace. But if the boss does not want to listen to anything, find out the telephone number of the regional sanitary station by reference, and call and complain.

    Zoya Mikhailovna says that the fines for inhuman leaders are substantial - from 5 to 30 basic units. And the culprit pays them out of his salary.

    I want to pay special attention to the accuracy of temperature measurement, - adds Zoya Osos. - Even if you have a very good thermometer, its readings cannot become the basis for a fine. Indeed, according to the law, only accredited laboratories or departments can measure and record the temperature in our country. But this is not your concern, but the sanitary station.

    Zoya Mikhailovna reminds that, in addition to the sanitary station, you can also complain to your trade union and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. It is their direct responsibility to enforce your rights at work.

    Temperature standards for stores

    In stores in the summer, it should be from +13 to + 30 degrees. That is, if you are a loader, seller or commodity expert, and in June you have +32 at work - demand justice (air conditioning or going home).

    Trade union action

    At a regular meeting with the administration on June 18, the Free Trade Union of OJSC "Polotsk-Steklovolokno" raised the issue of observing temperature standards in production workshops. Deputy Chief Engineer Vladimir Yushkevich showed a plan of measures aimed at maintaining temperature standards in the shops. The trade union suggested that the administration pay more attention to such measurements as: the temperature of the surfaces of structures, the speed of air movement, the intensity of thermal radiation, and the thermal load of the environment.

    The administration confirmed its commitment to supply workers with mineral water when the outside air temperature reaches 25 ° C. Order of the General Director on the issue of water No. 270 was signed on May 20, with the corresponding instructions to the heads of workshops No. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. Order signed just on the day when the article "Temperature in the workshops exceeded the norm" was posted on our website.

    The free trade union proposed to the administration to supplement the collective agreement with a legal norm on the issue of drinking mineral water to workers.

    From a letter from the trade union

    The trade union receives complaints from workers about non-compliance with the microclimate parameters in production facilities during the warm season.

    In accordance with the Sanitary Norms and Rules "Requirements for the microclimate of workplaces in industrial and office premises",

    approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, No. 33

    28 o C is the maximum temperature in a production room for a worker with a minimum level of intensity of energy consumption of the body and with an 8-hour working day.

    21 o C is the maximum allowable temperature value air in the presence of heat radiation of the worker for the category of energy consumption of work associated with walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical stress (for example, operators of obtaining fiberglass).

    By the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, No. 33 - on the temperature at workplaces - you can see here .

    The administration made a plan

    Deputy Chief Engineer for Labor Protection Vladimir Yushkevich showed a plan of measures aimed at maintaining temperature standards in workshops in the summer, which has not yet been approved by the director. The deadlines are set for mid-summer and later. People say, # 8212 until the thunder breaks out, the director, the man, will not move.

    The chairman of the Belkhimprofsoyuz Natalya Murashko said that there is an agreement with the administration to measure the temperature in the workshops three times a day. But the deputy. The chief engineer did not confirm this agreement, he said that measurements in the shops are made once at 12 noon. (for example, on the day of the meeting, June 18, the temperature in shop No. 7 was, according to the administration's measurements, 18 0 С). But the maximum temperature in the shops is observed in the evening shift at 17 # 8212 18 hours.

    According to the established standards, not only the air temperature should be taken into account, but also the temperature of the surfaces of the enclosing structures (walls, ceiling, floor), devices (screens, etc.), as well as technological equipment or its enclosing devices.

    A person spends a lot of time at home and at work. Comfort is a very important factor for productivity and overall quality of life. According to sanitary standards, the room temperature should not cause discomfort. The microclimate in the industrial or residential premises must be maintained within appropriate limits.

    Do not forget to measure the temperature in the rooms

    Living room temperature

    Utility bills continue to grow steadily, especially at a difficult time for the country. But despite the increase in tariffs, the quality does not improve, and often decreases.

    Of course, tenants' preferences can vary. However, it is worth remembering to what extent the air temperature in the room is in accordance with sanitary standards.

    According to medical recommendations, the optimal living conditions for people are 22 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 30%. A higher temperature regime in a room can increase the body's susceptibility to infections, which leads to respiratory diseases.

    In this video, you will find out what a comfortable temperature for a child:

    Temperature norms for housing:

    • flights of stairs - 14-20 ° C;
    • inter-apartment corridors - 16-22 ° C;
    • hallways, kitchens, living rooms - 18-25 ° C;
    • bedrooms - 18-20 ° C;
    • bathroom - 24-26 ° C.

    In order to successfully comply with the norms and maintain the optimal temperature, it will be useful to take care of minimizing losses. Thermal insulation of housing and installation of thermostats on heating devices will help to effectively save heat in the house.

    Factors influencing climate regulation

    To properly regulate the weather in the house, you need to figure out what it consists of. The indoor climate is influenced by the constant change of many external factors.

    Indoor climate is influenced by outdoor weather

    Reasons for hesitation:

    • building features of the premises;
    • completion of the heating season;
    • season;
    • nuances of the local climate;
    • geographical latitude of residence;
    • humidity;
    • Atmosphere pressure.

    The greatest discomfort for residents arises from the shutdown of heating in the apartment. It is at this point that careful temperature control is required. A sharp hypothermia of the body, as well as overheating, negatively affects health.

    Men tend to be more comfortable at colder temperatures than women. For children, fine adjustment of the home climate is especially important. In general, it is recommended to stick to 22 ° C. This indicator will suit everyone.

    In a room with centralized heating, the thermometer should not fall below the 20 ° C mark. If this happens regularly, this indicates poor performance of the utilities or a low level of thermal insulation.

    In this case, you need:

    • file a complaint with the utility company;
    • request a recalculation of payments;
    • purchase alternative heating devices;
    • improve thermal insulation.

    The legislation provides for recalculation for poorly provided utilities. It consists in reducing the payment by 0.15% per hour. However, in order to achieve it, you have to go to court.

    Standards for office space

    Office workers are an important part of any company. Creating the most comfortable conditions not only affects the health and productivity of staff, but also the work of the company as a whole.

    The main feature of intellectual work is little physical activity. For this category, the following standards are provided:

    • in summer - 23-25 ​​° C;
    • in winter - 22-24 ° C.

    The humidity rate in the office space should be 40-60%. If the microclimate does not meet these parameters, employees have the right to demand from the management to reduce working hours.

    If the temperature rises above 29 degrees, the working day is reduced to 3-6 hours. If the column rises to 32, the stay in the office should not exceed one hour. In winter, the shift duration is reduced by an hour, with a reading of 19 ° C, and at thirteen it cannot last more than 1 hour.

    The employer should be responsible for maintaining a normal microclimate in the office: the responsibility for non-compliance with sanitary standards lies with him. Continuous violations can lead to temporary office closures for up to 3 months. And also fines of up to 5 thousand rubles are possible - for private entrepreneurs and up to 50 thousand for legal entities.

    In addition to temperature indicators, the following factors are taken into account:

    • relative humidity;
    • high-quality ventilation;
    • air speed;
    • the presence of electromagnetic fields;
    • presence of dust.

    The illumination in the office is also important. Weak light will constantly strain your eyes and can lead to depression, while too bright will be annoying to people. In insufficiently bright rooms, the issue can be solved with the help of table lamps.

    The noise level should not exceed 50 decibels. Constant extraneous sounds, especially loud ones, interfere with concentration and cause headaches. As a result, productivity falls and health problems arise.

    Temperatures should be carefully monitored both at home and in the workplace to avoid additional health problems.

    Indoor temperature remains an important aspect for efficient production and a comfortable working environment, but what is the norm? What losses will be incurred if this condition is not met?

    Duty of the employer to ensure temperature standards

    Labor legislation regulates the requirements for measures for. The employer is responsible for meeting these standards. Such activities also include compliance with the temperature regime in the room. The air temperature affects the productivity of the labor process, and if it is below or above the norm, then this is considered a deviation.

    The manager is obliged to put this indicator in order and achieve, in the end, that the temperature indicator reaches the target.

    For violation of sanitary standards and failure to comply with the rules for creating comfortable working conditions, the head is subject to administrative responsibility. He can be fined for 20,000 rubles, and for some time they will establish a ban on the right to engage in this type of activity. During the period of downtime, the manager is obliged to pay the employee the average earnings, which will entail losses for the organization.

    Fixing the fact of violation of sanitary conditions is entrusted to the Hygiene Service. Therefore, the best solution would be the employer's control over the state of workplaces during temperature extremes, as well as timely response to requests from employees.

    What is SanPiN

    Based on legal requirements, employers are responsible for ensuring safe work in the workplace, this also includes maintaining the temperature standard. The Sanitary Standards just indicate all the indicators of the microclimate under which an employee can work.

    Based on these standards or according to production control programs at the enterprise, the regulatory authorities take measurements. They may be:

    1. Planned, laid down in a previously developed or agreed schedule.
    2. Unscheduled, which are carried out directly in order to check the state of the workplace.
    3. When conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

    The data are reflected in, the latter are drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the employer, and the second by the organization that carried out the measurements. Also, the air temperature in the room can be monitored daily using a thermometer, the main thing is that the device is verified in time and the verification period is not overdue.

    Standard temperature indicators are indicated in SanPiN.

    About temperature conditions

    Temperature conditions and duration of operation

    The temperature regime when it is summer outside, according to the legislation, must be provided with the following rules:

    • if the working time is 8 hours, then not higher than 28 0 С;
    • for 5-hour work, the maximum value is 30 C;
    • if the work is 3 hours in time, then - 31 0 С;
    • if it is supposed to be at the workplace for 2 hours, then - 32 C;
    • for hourly work - 32.5 0 С.

    If the temperature regime exceeds 32.5 C, then it is considered dangerous for the human body. The best solution for a manager would be the installation of air conditioners or fans, and there is also an opportunity to reduce the number of jobs by an administrative document.

    The temperature regime in winter should not be lower than 20 0 С, otherwise the employee will not be comfortable. In this case, it is necessary to install separate heating systems or reduce the operating time.

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation also establishes standards for work at low temperatures:

    • with a 7-hour shift, work is allowed at 19 0 С;
    • if an employee is at the workplace for 6 hours, then - 18 0 С;
    • at 5 hours of residence - 17 0 С;
    • if 4 hours, then - 16 0 С;
    • with a 3-hour shift - 15 0 С;
    • if 2 hours, then - 14 0 С;
    • 13 0 С at 1 hour of work.

    According to the standards, if the room is less than 13 ° C, then this is considered a critical mark and working in this mode is harmful to health.

    It turns out that in the summer, the temperature in the room or production area should not exceed 28

    C, and in winter it should reach 20 0 C.

    How is the classification of professions carried out

    Temperature standards differ and are classified differently for each category.

    1. First a. When the power consumption is about 139 watts. This is a fairly low load, thus sitting work is fixed, with a minimum number of movements.
    2. First b. If energy costs are between 140 and 170 watts. These are also minor loads, but the work is supposed to be both sitting and standing.
    3. Second a. 175 to 232 watts. This refers to moderate physical exertion. In this case, it is necessary to regularly walk and move light loads.
    4. Second b. 233 to 290 watts. The load is quite active, but moderate. Loads weighing up to a kilogram are moved while sitting.
    5. Third. Energy consumption at the workplace up to 290 W. That is, the employee walks intensively, and production activities require significant physical exertion.

    Some managers believe that the higher the category of the worker, the more compliance with workplace standards is required. But this is wrong, since every employee has the right to work in comfortable conditions. Therefore, the rules apply to everyone and must be followed in full.

    Actions of the employee in case of non-observance by the head of the temperature regime

    The temperature regime is not observed: what to do?

    Often at enterprises, the standard temperature indicators are violated, but what to do? Should I continue to work or should I try to regulate this issue with the employer?

    In total, there are several options for contacting the manager or other authorities:

    1. Approach the manager and talk that it is impossible to be on the site, and even more so to work. Of course, you can take several employees with you so that they verbally confirm the fact of this circumstance.
    2. But unfortunately, this does not work in all cases, although any manager is obliged to respond to such requests.
    3. Write a paper asking to install heaters. In this case, it is desirable to collect the signatures of several employees at the same time. With such a paper it is worth approaching your boss, but if in this case there is no reaction, then it is worth transferring the document through the secretary, or even better put the incoming number. It is better to keep a copy of the document in your hands until the issue is resolved.
    4. When there is no action from the employer, it is recommended to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, checks will begin immediately, which will end with the imposition of penalties, which will entail a conflict. But many employers only in this way begin to do what they are supposed to.
    5. It is also possible to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, but this will also result in inspections and penalties.

    Any employee has a legal basis to require the employer to respect their rights.

    How to fix violations

    Those noted for non-compliance with the temperature regime at the workplace can be eliminated and for this special efforts on the part of the employer will not be required.

    For the summer period, you can install air conditioners or fans, turn on the exhaust ventilation, if this helps to normalize the mode. In the cold season, additional heaters are indispensable, and it also makes sense to check the performance of heating systems.

    On the part of the employer, all possible measures must be taken to achieve normal microclimate indicators and these values ​​must be noted in the protocols.

    A video about the fact that new SanPiN norms have come into force in Russia since 2018, see here:

    Form for accepting a question, write your

    Optimal performance of the microclimate in the workplace is a guarantee of high productivity and health of personnel. Creation of favorable conditions for the performance of duties by employees is undoubtedly beneficial to employers. However, not all managers strive to follow the prescriptions of sanitary and hygienic standards. There are various explanations for this. On the one hand, the temperature regime must be regulated by expensive equipment, on the other hand, the concept of a favorable microclimate is considered by many to be subjective. For example, there are situations when one part of the team is cold, while the other, on the contrary, complains about the excessively high temperature. At the same time, the legislation provides for clear indicators of the microclimate in working rooms, which are optimal for ensuring working conditions. These standards provide for different indicators depending on the category of the working space.

    Requirements for premises of the first category

    To begin with, it is worth noting that the first two categories provide for the division into subgroups "a" and "b". The differences in them are due to the nature of the actions performed. For example, group "a" - these are objects on which work is carried out in a sitting position and is associated with minor loads. The subcategory "a" includes premises in which the intensity of energy consumption is assumed to be no more than 139 watts. In particular, it can be enterprises of instrument and automobile manufacturing, sewing and watchmaking. In this case, the optimal temperature regime is 21-28 ° C. The indicators that should be adhered to in the regulation of the microclimate in the premises of the subcategory "b" are slightly different. The intensity of energy consumption in this case can reach 174 W, and the lower limit of the temperature regime is 20 ° C.

    Requirements for premises of the second category

    This group is distinguished not only by a higher intensity of energy consumption (232 W), but also by the very nature of performing work actions. Already subgroup "a" suggests that employees move or move small loads (up to 1 kg) in a sitting or standing position. The temperature range for this category is 18-27 ° C. If the work of an employee is associated with the movement of weights (up to 10 kg), and the intensity of energy consumption reaches 290 W, then we are talking about group "b" and the lower limit will be lowered to 16 ° C. As a rule, the temperature regime of the air in such ranges is set at forging, mechanized, thermal and rolling enterprises. The work may include the maintenance of assembly shops, conveyors and production lines.

    Requirements for rooms of the third category

    If the intensity of energy consumption exceeds the level of 290 W, then the third category should be considered. These are the most demanding in terms of setting the parameters of the microclimate of the room. Employees at such enterprises make great physical efforts, walk and move loads over 10 kg. The favorable temperature regime relative to the premises of this group varies from 15 to 26 ° С. These are usually workshops and production halls in which workers perform manual operations. This can be metal processing, preparation of building structures, assembly operations, etc.

    Seasonality factor

    General indicators of the optimal temperature for different categories of industrial premises can be adjusted seasonally. Typically the deviation is 3-4 ° C. When calculating this difference, the average daily temperature is taken into account. For example, in summer it is 10 ° C and above, and in winter, on the contrary, 10 ° C and below. Of course, many factors determine which temperature regime will be optimal for a particular workplace, and adherence to standards does not always contribute to comfort. Therefore, it is worth being guided also by the individual characteristics of the employee's body, taking into account its functionality.

    Accounting for temperature indicators

    Meeting the requirements for establishing an optimal microclimate at workplaces is impossible without measuring devices. Moreover, traditional thermometers are not suitable for this. At a minimum, you need similar devices designed for use in offices and factories. In addition, it is necessary to be guided by special approaches to determining the values. For example, in the warm season, taking into account the temperature regime involves measuring on days when there is a deviation from the thermometer reading from the same data of the hottest month by less than 5 ° C.

    The frequency of such measurements depends on several factors, including the stability of work processes and the characteristics of sanitation. When choosing the time and sites for measurements, one should also focus on the stages of technological processes, the operation of ventilation and heating systems, etc. Usually, such activities are carried out at least three times per shift.

    How is the temperature controlled?

    First of all, the enterprises must take the necessary measures for thermal insulation, heating and ventilation. Temperature control and compliance also provide for air cooling means. For this, air conditioners and air shower systems are installed. The presence of such equipment makes it possible to regulate the volume of air injection, its speed and, in general, the format of work.

    If the installation of such systems is impossible for technical reasons, then the manager must organize comfortable conditions for rest in a separate room. In some industries, it is mandatory to provide drinking water. Especially in hot weather, employees should consume at least 3 liters of fluid per day.

    Alternative ways to comply with regulations

    The impossibility of fulfilling the conditions for ensuring a comfortable microclimate is quite common. One of the ways out of this situation may be the already mentioned recreation room, but such premises may not be organized at all enterprises. It is possible to bring the temperature regime at the workplace to optimal values ​​by reducing the duration of work shifts. The more hours a person works, the stricter the requirements for the microclimate.

    Thus, it is possible to vary the time intervals for shifts, thereby meeting regulatory requirements. In addition, the introduction of regulated breaks is practiced, which allow employees to leave their workplaces for a certain time. If possible, it is worth organizing a differentiated scheme for organizing work processes, in which workers can change places.

    What is the threat of non-observance of the temperature regime?

    Complaints from employees of enterprises on this issue are no longer uncommon. But before that, it is necessary to notify the authorities in writing that the requirements of sanitary standards are not observed and appropriate measures must be taken. If, in response to this request, no reaction follows and the temperature regime remains the same, then the employee has the right to demand compensation for the harm caused. In addition, administrative punishment may follow for the head. Today, fines for non-compliance with the rules of microclimate regulation are quite high and reach tens of thousands of rubles. Also, as a punishment, a ban on the operation of the enterprise for up to three months can be imposed.


    Ensuring comfortable working conditions is especially important, since the activities of employees of various enterprises in themselves are associated with certain loads. At the same time, one should not think that the situation is facilitated when it comes to office workers. Physical activity gives some tone to the body, so the temperature regime is not so noticeable. However, sedentary and monotonous work associated with high responsibility requires serious psychological stress. In conditions of heat, cardiovascular diseases often develop against this background. Therefore, the issue of ensuring an optimal microclimate involves not only creating comfort, but also directly aims at eliminating harmful effects on the health of working personnel. Also, do not forget about the benefits for the companies and organizations themselves, the effectiveness of which is directly related to the functionality of their employees.