Unprecedented heights. Dima Bilan: nationality

Unprecedented heights. Dima Bilan: nationality
Unprecedented heights. Dima Bilan: nationality

The real name of Dima Bilan - Victor Bellan. The winner of the Eurovision contest, the idol of millions of women carefully hides their personal life. He is credited with dozens of love ties, but the artist himself does not speak about them.

Dima Bilan's novels

Charming brunette has always been popular with the opposite sex. The artist in the interview several times declared that he had not yet met a woman with whom he was ready to live all his life.

The public believes that he was in relationships with models, show business and television stars.

Dima Bilan and Anastasia Vinokur

As soon as Bilan arrived in Moscow, he met the daughter of Vladimir Vinokura Anastasia. Dima was 22 years old, the girl was 18. The celebrities were young, but their feelings are sincere. It went to the wedding, but suddenly the couple broke up.

Couple prepared for the wedding

They say that a humorist Vladimir Vinokur was against their novel. He denies these rumors: "I did not interfere with their relationship, these are speculation of journalists."

Dima Bilan and Inna Andreeva

The journalists have seen several times as singer to secular events accompanied the attractive girl of the sports physique named Inna. She is an instructor on yoga. Right from the Krasnodar Territory, but for many years live in Moscow.

Inna Andreeva: Former lover Dima

Bilan is friendly for more than 10 years. The musician assures that there is no love between them: "Inna Andreeva is a very close person for me, but she is not my beloved."

Elena Kuleckskaya

TV presenter and model Elena Kulecksky is one of the few "official" beloved Dima Bilan. They met for many years, even before Eurovision. The musician promised that in case of victory, he marries a girl, but this did not happen.

Folloviers say that their novel was short, and after the contest, the relationship turned into a competent PR-move. The same confirmed Bilan himself in 2011.

Bilan and Anna Moshkovich

Anne Moshkovich is almost no information. It is said that she is a beginner model and singer.

Dima Bilan with Anna Moshkovich

Often came out with Dima in the world, but the young people did not speak anything concrete about her relationship.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya - Producer Dima Bilan. They began to cooperate in 2007. Many say that the girl made an invaluable contribution to the victory of the singer at the Eurovision Music Competition in 2009. Dima himself admits that without Rudkovsky he could not achieve such recognition.

Yana Rudkovskaya with Dima Bilan: Producers

Between them there was never a romantic connection - only joint work and strong friendship. By the way, Dima Bilan is the godfather of Sasha, the son of Yana and Figiefer Evgenia Plushenko.

Dima Bilan and Julia Volkova

The participant in the past in the past "TATU" group Yulia Volkov confirmed that she had a short connection with Dima Bilan: "Roman began during the qualifying round of Eurovision, but soon we realized that we could not be together."

Dima with Julia Volkova

Two hot-tempered artists are very difficult to build love, but they were able to preserve a friendly relationship after the break.

Victoria Dayneko

Two celebrities of the Russian show business together worked on a musical project in Los Angeles. Victoria was then married to Dmitry Khaiman.

Dima Bilan and Victoria Daineko

Bilan and Pelagia

Dima Bilan and Pelagia - Judges of the popular project "Voice". They speak perfectly about each other. The singer somehow stated that Bilan is a very attractive and interesting man: "We are constantly in touch, rewrite, exchange video. He is so funny! "

Dima had to give a detailed comment to the press: "There is only sincere friendship between us. This girl deserves the best. " We will remind, now Pelagia is married to hockey player Ivan Tellagin.

Ksenia Sukhinova

The model of Ksenia Sukhinova is another alleged girl Dima Bilan. They filmed the clip of the artist "Girl, do not cry". This is not the first of their joint work.

Dima Bilan and Ksenia Sukhinova

In the frame, young people so convincingly play the role of lovers that fans were confident in their novel. Celebrities do not confirm.

Wife and children Dima Bilan

On the Internet there are several photos of the alleged wedding ceremony of Dima Bilan and Helena Kulecksky. Most likely, it was the usual setting at a fashionable show.

According to official information, Dima has never been married and he has no children.

Dima Bilan with Sasha Plushenko

Although the child Yana Rudkovskaya he considers his son, what he constantly speaks in Instagram: "I am already a father, the truth is spiritual."

Life of Dima Bilan today

The 36-year-old singer continues to actively tour, write down new compositions and shoot clips. He considers his home to be a luxurious mansion in the nearest Moscow region, west of the capital.

Country House Dima Bilan

They say he bought it for a million euros. Housing is located in a pine forest, not far from the track.

Bilan has a spacious apartment in the very center of Moscow. Her musician bought a long time ago. Apartments of 100 square meters. m. Stewed in half a million dollars. The interior is simple, but refined. Most of the year Dima spends in the apartment, but often leaves both its mansion.

Dima Bilan remains one of the most enviable Bachelors of Russia: "I am satisfied with my life, and I don't want to change something in it."

The biography of Dima Bilan is an interesting story about how the usual Kabardian boy from a small town reached unprecedented heights in the Russian show business.

The main breakthrough in the career of the artist was the victory at Eurovision - 2008, which up to this point was not able to make any Russian performer. In the same 2008, Dima assigned the title of People's Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Childhood and youth

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of engineer and social workers. The future idol appeared in the small town of Ust-Jegeut (Karachay-Cherkessia). The real name of Dima Bilan - Victor Nikolayevich Bellan.

In addition to Victor in the Bellan family, two daughters were grew - Anna and Elena. Later, the family of the future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the Mayan city.

Dima had a lot from childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended a music school by graduating from the educational institution in the Accordion class. Already then, the talented guy participated in all sorts of competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to Chung-Chang's Children's Festival, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.


The career of the singer began with an acquaintance with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. It was this musical manager who recommended the young man to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. Upon cooperation with Eisenshpis, Bilan tried the strength in the "New Wave", where he took 4th place.

In 2003, the first album Bilan "I am Night Hooligan" came out. Clips and songs from this disk soon became popular in Russia. Especially fans remembered the song "Kid". Subsequent albums of the artist are becoming as interesting public.

In collaboration with Aizenshpis in 2004, an album "on the bank of the sky" appeared. Among the new songs, fans and critics celebrated the composition called "You should be nearby."

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis left the life. Dima immediately fell out proposals on cooperation from other producers. As a result, the singer decided to break the relationship with the center of the former mentor. At that time, Aisenshpis demanded not to use the Dima Bilan brand, the right to which belonged to this organization. But in 2008, thanks to the Union, Dima Bilan with Yana Rudkovsky conflict was solved. Soon the singer himself officially changed the name.

Tandem with Yana Rudkovskaya was fruitful. Already by the end of 2005, the singer won two Golden Gramophone premiums. Dima Bilan's songs received recognition, the awards were filled with an artist as an abundance - "singer of the year" (2006), "Best Performer of the Year" (2007), "Best Album", "The Best Composition" for the song "Impossible is possible."

Gradually, Dima becomes the best, improving professionalism. The recognition of the unquestioned talent of the artist became the role of the Olympiad-2014 ambassador.

In fact, each composition, which Dima Bilan performs, becomes a hit. Such a composition was the song called "Dreamers", which became a favorite single of millions of Russian fans of the singer.

In 2009, the first English-speaking studio album of the Believe artist, which was recorded in Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia. And immediately - a new victory in the nomination "Album of the Year" at the ZD Awards 2009 awards ceremony.

The clip on the song "I just love you" became a prize-winner in Muztv Chart in 2011, having launched 20 weeks in the highest lines. The list of victories and awards in the career of Dima Bilan is huge. In 2011, fans liked the song "Troil", the clip to which was called the best in the performer's career.

2015 became for the artist no less successful. The musician introduced the album called "not silent".


For the first time, try the forces in the international competition Bilan decided in 2005 by choosing the song Not That Simple for this. Then the singer bypassed Natalia Podolskaya at the stage of national selection. Dima took second place.

2016 became fruitful for the singer. The artist toured with solo concerts in Russia and abroad, starred in the cinema, still participated in festivals and telegraphs.

The performance of Dima Bilan at the New Wave-2016 competition was spectacular. The room on the song "indivisible" was again among the best. In addition, the singer performed the song "Mom" along with Danil Plugnikov, the winner of the project "Voice. Children-3.

In 2016, Bilan presented the song "In Your Head".

In October 2016, the premiere of the animated film "Trolli" was held, in which Dima Bilan in Tandem with Victoria Daineko was voiced by the main heroes of the film. A huge gift for the singer was the participants of the show "Voice. Children "who were present at the premiere.

This is not the first experience of the artist in cinema. Bilan's voice said Hans from the American full-length cartoon "Cold Heart". In the role of Kameo, the singer first appeared in the New Year's Music film "Disco style" in 2005. Then there were the works "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", "Golden Key".

Bilan's debut in the full-length movie became a melodrama "Hero", where the artist appeared in the lead role with Svetlana Ivanova. The premiere took place in 2016. Dima Bilan's films may have to go more often, because in cinema artist manifested himself from the best side.

Personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan is worried about millions of fans. The singer met for a long time with the model Elena Kulecksky. By the way, Dima Bilan announced that in the event of a victory for Eurovision, he marries Elena. But the word artist did not restrain, the wedding did not take place. The novel did not end with anything, and the couple broke up.

Who belongs to the heart of the enviable groom, is unknown. Fans often attribute a man relationship with prominent representatives of show business, and some even suggest that the singer returned to a former girl, but it does not report publicly.

Perhaps the fantasy of the fans was the alleged novel with a long-time familiar man, the opera singer Julia Lima, who was working for some time ago a back-vocalist in Dima. On social networks, photos with the performer appeared, and the fans immediately spoke about the novel between celebrities. Nevertheless, comments from the artist never followed.

A similar secretion of Bilan forced the yellow press to disseminate the publications about the orientation of the artist, and ill-wishers were repeatedly called the singer of gay. The artist himself such an excitement does not comment around his name.

For life and career biography of high (height 180 cm, weight 75 kg), sports artist is observed millions of fans in the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter". There singer shares personal and working photos. Both accounts were official verification. Dima still has a confirmed VKontakte page.

In July 2018, the artist posted an emotional post in Instagram, where he wrote that he was thinking about the cardinal change of the place of residence. The singer also shared that it was not about to acquire his wife and children. Dima told fans that they were not ready to enter into a serious relationship and let someone in his inner world.

Earlier, the network was information about Bilan's novel with a former participant "Voice" Julia Tereshchenko. Such rumors appeared when the artist posted on a personal photo of the common photo with a girl. But later it turned out that it was only a meeting of old friends.

Today, fans are confident that the performer of Polina Gudiyev became the new chief of the singer. Recently, Dima shared a picture where women's legs were visible. Fans thought about several candidates, but they came together on polynem.

Interestingly, Bilan is included in the list of the most gambling celebrities. This opinion adheres to the "Forbes" magazine. According to the publication, Dima devotes a lot of free time gambling.

Dima Bilan now

Bilan's photo session in Art House caused an ambiguous reaction from artist fans. Some users called the figure of the artist chic. At the same time, other users noticed in the eyes of a singer lying naked in the bathroom, longing and loneliness. Most of the fans of the Russian singer were interested in who captured the artist in the bathroom while listening to music. Folloviers of the musician were delighted with new photos, because the performer is infrequently divided by such pictures.

In the same year, Bilan fans learned that singer is sick. The fans who worried about the health of the idol, even learned the phone number Dima to support tips. According to Bilan, fans often manage to get his number. It made singer stocking of SIM cards.

It is known that the doctors found a spinal hernia from the performer, which clamp the nerve, causing severe pain. The singer had to go through a long course of treatment to get rid of the ailment.

"It's true, recently I had hellish pain. I could not do elementary things: to fasten the zipper, open the wallet, keep something in your hand. When he turned to doctors, she could not half an hour for MRI - drugs did not act. Manual officers found me not even three, and five hernia on the spine, "

- said Dima Bilan in an interview with media representatives.

In March 2017, the Russian singer in "Instagram" published an image on which she appeared in a new image - with an overwhelmed head. Media staff suggested that the decision of Bilan "Become Lysim" is a kind of challenge to those who spread rumors about the allegedly fatal disease of the Contractor.

The singer himself believes that such tests were forced to think about the future. According to the artist, he concluded:

- noted Dima Bilan, commenting on his physical condition.

In May 2017, the singer presented a new video for the song "Maze". The music roller removed the director Alexey Golubev, and Yana Rudkovskaya became producer of the video. The fans again sing the already familiar chorus, beginning with the words "I will run through the sky, by thin."

Spectators note that the clip turned out to be exciting and mystical due to the mass of special effects. Fans liked the video, and many impressed a huge glowing ball, smoke clubs and multicolored glow. All this created an extraordinarily beautiful picture, harmoniously connected deep dramaturia with an exciting story.

Today Bilan continues to actively act. In 2017, the audience saw the long-awaited joint performance of Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazareva at the concert held in the framework of the MUZ-TV Prize. The unexpected duet presented the song "Forgive me."

Back in 2017, Bilan presented new songs "Keep" and "You are my ocean."

In February 2018, Love Radio radio stations turned 10 years old. In honor of this event, a grand show took place. Dima Bilan is a permanent headlainer project - participated in the anniversary series of concerts in the cities of Russia.

In the spring, the singer appeared a new video for the song "Girl, Do not Cry". The roller came out colorful and dynamic. Fans rated the new creation of the beloved artist and his team.

In May, Dima awarded the Gesta Five Prize for the "Best Show".

The beginning of the summer was marked by the release of the new single Dima Bilan and the Singers Polina "Drunk Love". A little later, the artist laid out the first shots from the shooting of the clip on this composition. According to the idea, the artist in the video is married participates in the scuffle at the wedding. The video showed prominent representatives of the Russian show business and the blogosphere.

Dima Bilan is considered one of the richest Russian celebrities. According to the magazine "Forbes" for 2017, the singer is located on the 5th place with an income of $ 6 million.

Such an annual salary allows the star to engage in its own business. So, in the summer of 2018, the artist praised his "brainchild": a man opened a hotel that received the classification of "3 stars" and is intended for budget recreation.

For 2019, the output of the painting "Gardenairina IV" directories of Svetlana Druzhinina and Ivan Krivarucko are scheduled. The story will unfold in the Russian Empire in 1787. According to the plot of Marthemaryarins will have to help the commander Suvorov to defeat the Turks, and Ekaterina Great will announce the accession of the Crimea to Russia.

In the long-awaited tape, Dmitry Kharatyan will be removed, Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Mamaev, Mikhail Boyarsky and other famous Russian actors. In addition, Nikita Presnyakov, Christina Orbakak, Tatiana Navka participate in the project. Dima Bilan in the film got the role of Captain Juliano de Lombardi.


2003 - "I'm a night hooligan"

2004 - "On the Sky"

2006 - "Time-River"

2008 - "Against Rules"

Dima Nikolayevich Bilan (birth name and until June 2008 - Victor Nikolaevich Belang). Born on December 24, 1981 in the village. Moscow (part of the city of Ust-Jugut, Karachay-Circassian JSC). Russian singer and film actor.

Vitya Belan was born on December 24, 1981 in the city of Ust-Jeguut (Karachay-Cherkess Republic).

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Bellan - worked as a mechanic, engineer designer.

Mother - Nina Dmitrievna Bellan - worked in the greenhouses, then in the social sphere.

The older sister - Elena Bel-Zimin (born 1980) - a fashion designer, worked as a waitress, married in 2006 for the student of the lawyer Gennady Zimin.

Younger sister - Anna Belang (Rod. 1994).

When he was a year, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, after another 5 years - to the city of Mayski (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), where Vitya up to grade 9 studies in the second school, and completes secondary education at school number 14.

In the fifth grade entered the music school, which ends in the class of the accordion.

Participated in various musical competitions and festivals. She took the first place in the contest "Young Votes of the Caucasus".

In 1999, he comes to Moscow to participate in the Chung-Chang festival, dedicated to the children's creativity and the thirty-year joint activities of Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Vitya Belang gets a diploma from the hands of himself.

In 2000-2003 he studied at the State Music School named after Gnesinic. Specialty - Classic vocals.

In 2001-2002 He became the laureate of the festival "Festos".

In 2003-2005 He studied in Gitis (he arrived at once for 2 course).

In 2000, the first video clip of Dima Bilan, filmed on the money of his first producer Elena Kahn, got into the rotation of the MTV Russia TV channel. The video for the song "Autumn", starred on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The song is considered one of the first studio songs Dima Bilan. Being still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who immediately recognized talent in him and began to work with him.

In 2002, Dima Bilan debuted on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala - "New Wave", which presented his composition "Boom" and took the fourth place. After the competition, the clip was followed by the clip on this song, and then also on the composition "I am a night hooligan", "you, only you" and "I was wrong, I got." In the video for the song "I love you so much" with a daughter. During the period of working with Eisenshpis, Dima Bilan was largely imposed by Danko.

At the end of October 2003, a debut album was released called "I am Night Hooligan". In 2004, a reprint of the album was published ("Night Hooligan +") including 19 songs: 15 songs from the original edition of the album "I am Night Hooligan" and 4 new songs ("heartless", "last time", "Stop music", "Dark night").

Dima Bilan - heartless

In 2004, the Second Studio Album Dima Bilan called "on the bank of the sky" was released. In the same year, the record of the first English-speaking album Dima Bilan began. Dian Warren and Shaunofferie Shaunoff took part in the work on the album.

In February 2005, Dima Bilan participated in the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest with the Song Song "Not That Simple", taking second place. After that, the reprint of the album "on the bank of the sky" was released, in which the English versions of the songs "As I wanted", "on the bank of the sky" and "you should be nearby".

In 2005, the official collection of clips "You, only you", was also released, which, in addition to official video clips, entered the concert video presentations of the albums "I am Night Hooligan" and "on the bank of the sky." Also, additional compositions were included in the collection. .

At the end of 2005, the new year with a new line containing the original version and remix songs "New Year with a new line", as well as the English-speaking version of the Hita "on the sky" called "Between The Sky and Heaven".

On September 20, 2005, the producer of Bilan died - Yuri Aizenshpis. Immediately after this, Dima nominated for the "World Music Awards" award as "the best Russian artist."

After the death of Aisenshpis, many producers offered Bilan contracts. In 2006, he broke the contract with the company Aizenshpis, who after his death was led by his wife Elena Lvovna Kovvorigina. After that, the company demanded that Bilan change the name, since Dima Bilan is a pseudonym that belongs to the company. But together with a new team, at the head of which Yana Rudkovskaya stood, Bilan allowed the conflict and since 2008 he took a pseudonym as an official name.

In December 2005, he received two Golden Gramophone Prizes for the song "You should be nearby" in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata. On the project "New songs about the main thing", the singer received a prize of the first channel from a professional jury. Dima became a man of the year in the sphere of show business, since most voters gave their votes for him, according to the search engine "Rambler". In December 2005, a clip was removed in the Botanical Garden for the lyrical composition "I remember you."

In 2006, he took part in the Golden Sharmanka, "International Music Remuneration" in Kiev, where he received the "Singer of the Year" award. The song "Never Let You Go" was performed for the first time there.

Dima Bilan represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest - 2006 with the song "Never Let You Go" and took second place.

In the summer of 2007, Dima becomes the honorary guest of the New Wave-2007 festival in Jurmala, also sites in the Jury of the project "STS lights superstar".

On October 4, the annual MTV Russia Music Awards Music Ceremony was held. Dima Bilan This evening received 3 Matryoshka, winning in the nominations: "The best composition" ("impossible-perhaps"), "best performer", and the main award "Artist of the Year". A no less important event was the performance of Dima and Sebastian (Brother Timbaland), which specially flew to Moscow to the RMA MTV ceremony, he fulfilled with Dima Hit "Number One Fan" in the new processing. The exclusive premiere of the new song "Amnesia" took place.

The All-Russian Center for Studying Public Opinion (WTCOM) on January 15 presented data on who Russians consider the "favorite citizen of Russia 2007". The first line of the rating "Singer of the Year", as in 2006, was taken by Dima Bilan.

In 2007, a realistic show was passed with incredible success in the MTV channel called "Live with Bilan". It has become popular and gained a lot of fans. That is why in early 2008 there was a continuation of this show.

Also in 2007, Dima Bilan entered the top three most expensive and popular people of Russia in the opinion of Forbes magazine: 3 place for the press and interests of the audience and the 12th place for income.

Dima Bilan represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Believe" And ranked first, becoming the first Russian artist who won the Eurovision Song Contest.

Eurovision - 2008: Dima Bilan - Believe

May 16 in Moscow in the sports complex "Olympic" held the final of the Eurovision Contest 2009. Dima Bilan opened the competition with his number, since it was thanks to his victory for Eurovision-2008 Russia received an honorable right to hold the main musical competition of Europe in Moscow.

In 2012, Dima Bilan in a duet with Yulia Volkovkov spoke in the national selection of Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Back to Her Future", where they took 2nd place together.

In 2012, Dima Bilan created an electronic project in a synth-pop style, initially taking his native name of Vitya Belang as a new pseudonym, but after Sound-producer Alexey Black joined him, the project changed the name on Alien24.

In December 2014, the team released the first Studio album Alien, which entered the song "Fairy World", originally released by him under the name of Vitya Belan, as well as the "Music Is in My Soul" and "Wally" singles, which were removed video clips.

In the village of Moscow in Ust-Jugut, the music school is named after Dima Bilan.

The growth of Dima Bilan: 182 centimeters.

Personal life Dima Bilan:

Four years, the singer supported the relationship with the Lena Kuleckovka model, even promised to marry her in the event of a victory in Eurovision. Then he broke up with Kulecksky, saying that all four years drove fans and press for his nose: these relations were ordinary PR.

There were rumors about the novel with his producer Jan Rudkovskaya. However, this is a duck.

After parting with Kulecksky, he had another model and a beginner singer - Juliana Krylov, who starred in his Safety clip.

Then he had Adeline Sharipova.

Also Bilan actively advertised his novel with a former participant in the group "Tatu" Yulia Volkova. A couple is indicative and embraced under the sight of the photo and video cameras. It was similar to the next PR-move from the singer and its producer.

Also, the topic of unconventional sexual orientation of the artist is also rising in the media and network.

Discography Dima Bilan:

Studio albums:

"I'm a night hooligan" (2003)
"On the bank of the sky" (2004)
"Time-River" (2006)
"Against Rules" (2008)
BELIEVE (2009)
"Dreamer" (2011)
"Get up" (2013)
"Do not be silent" (2015)


"Best. From hooligan to the dreamer "(2011)
"Kid" (2013)
DVD "You, only you" (2005)
"Time-River" (2007)
"Video clips" (2008)

CD Singles:

"New Year with a new line" (2005)
BELIEVE (2008)
"Dancing Lady" (2009)
"Catch my color dreams" (2012)

Joint songs:

"New Year with a new line" (feat. Fidget)
"I can't do without you" (Feat. Darina)
"Who invented love" (Feat. Anita Tsoi)
"You sleep to me" (Feat. Larisa Valley)
Number One Fan (Feat. Sebastian)
"Safety" (Feat. Anastacia)
"Star" (Feat. Anya Belang)
"Sleeping love" (Feat. Juliana Krylova)
"Love-S ** A" / "Back to Her Future" (Feat. Julia Volkova)
"Do not be afraid baby" (Feat. Eva Samieva)
"Right me" / "Come Into My World" (Feat. Nikki Jamal)

Video of Dima Bilan:

2000 - "Autumn"
2002 - "Boom"
2002 - "I'm a night hooligan"
2003 - "You, only you"
2003 - "I was wrong, I got"
2003 - "Without you I can not" Feat. Darina Hindrek
2003 - "I love you so much"
2004 - "Congratulations!"
2004 - "Mulatto"
2004 - "On the Sky" / "Between The Sky and Heaven"
2005 - "You should be nearby" / "NOT THAT SIMPLE"
2005 - "How I wanted" / "Take Me With You"
2005 - "I remember you"
2006 - "It was love"
2006 - "Impossible possible" / "Lady Flame"
2007 - "Time-River" / "See What I See"
2007 - "I am your number one" / "Number One Fan"
2007 - "Mount-Winter"
2007 - "You are sleeping for me" Feat. Larisa Dolina
2008 - BELIEVE
2008 - "Lonely"
2009 - "Lady"
2009 - "With me" Dancing Lady "
2009 - "Changes"
2010 - "Param"
2010 - "Safety" Feat. Anastacia.
2010 - "I just love you"
2011 - "Dreamers"
2011 - "I choke" / "Rock My Life"
2011 - "blind love" feat. Julia Krylova
2012 - "So does not happen" / "Honey"
2012 - "Love - Bitch" feat. Julia Volkova
2012 - "FAIRY WORLD"
2013 - "Do not be afraid baby" feat. Eva Samiev
2013 - "Catch my color dreams"
2013 - "Hug me" / "Come Into My World" feat. Nigar Jamal
2013 - "Get up"
2013 - "Kid"
2014 - "Music is in my soul"
2014 - "sick with you"
2014 - "Wally"
2014 - "When the ice melts"
2015 - "Clock"
2015 - "not silent"
2016 - "indivisible"

Charts Dima Bilan:

2003 - "I love you so much"
2004 - "Mulatto"
2004 - "Dark Night"
2004 - "Mulatto (Remix)"
2004 - "On the Sky"
2005 - "Congratulations!"
2005 - "You should be nearby"
2005 - "How I wanted"
2005 - "I remember you"
2006 - "It was love"
2006 - "Impossible possible"
2007 - "Number One Fan"
2007 - "I am your number one"
2007 - "Mount-Winter"
2008 - BELIEVE
2008 - "All in your hands"
2008 - "Lonely"
2008 - "Tosca"
2009 - "Lady"
2009 - "Changes"
2009 - "Patient"
2009 - "Param"
2010 - "Safety" (Feat. Anastacia)
2010 - "I just love you"
2011 - "Dreamers"
2011 - "Typing"
2011 - "Rock My Life"
2012 - "Sleeping love"
2012 - "So does not happen"
2012 - "Honey"
2012 - "Love-S ** A" (Feat. Julia Volkova)
2012 - "Catch my color dreams"
2013 - "Get up"
2013 - "Kid"
2014 - "sick with you"
2014 - "Clock"
2015 - "not silent"
2015 - "indivisible"

Filmography Dima Bilan:

2007 - Star holidays - Fortiano
2007 - Kingdom of curves mirrors - Gourd, work scene
2009 - Golden Key - Courage Singer
2011 - Absurda Theater - Producer, Performer of the leading track and trac
2016 - - Andrei Kulikov / Andrey Dolmatov
2017 - Martamericons IV - Captain de Lombardi

Voice of films Dima Bilan:

2013 - Cold Heart - Hans

Winter began with a loud premiere: on December 1, a new album Dima Bilan "Egoist" was released in digital stores.

Dima Bilan: "Crossing the threshold of the 35th anniversary, I won reflections, listened to myself and felt the need to" reset "and start with a new sheet. And this me, as I feel, succeeded! And "egoism" here is only the necessary measure of the goal of life and bustle, so that nothing distract from the main thing. After all, as F.S. Fitzherald said, "it is the Egoists, oddly enough, are capable of big love."

The album that I offer to the court of my devotees like-minded people is a musical journey inside yourself, the search for your genuine "I". That's how I "Naro" these important answers - I will definitely share with everyone! And now I am in the fastest of these fascinating search and invite everyone to whom it is interesting to travel together. Yes, I am still a romantic, but not like that before: style, sound, execution became new. And I myself like absolutely all the tracks from the new album! I recorded it not to prove someone to someone, I recorded it first to prove important myself.

Respects of my friendly team, my faithful friend Yane Rudkovskaya, Archer Music Production and everyone who worked together with me the tracks of the album - steps on this path. I was glad to work with loyal colleagues - such as Denis Kovalsky (Dance Hit "Keep", who broke all the charts in this fall), Anton Shaplin (stylish "horror" "Monsters"), David Tokaou (fascinating "White Magic"), Arkady Alexandrov (Sensually rhythmic "girl, do not cry") and welcome new creative alliances, for example, the author of the Album's title track is the young and talented Vladislav Ramm. And, of course, in the album there are songs of my writings ("horror", "paradise"), because composer activities are a very important part of my life, without which I just do not think.

The album was enthusiastically adopted by the public, instantly took off to the top lines of ITunes charts and other sites, also entered the top 200 European iTunes, and the Album track was included in the International New Year's Eve Playlist.

On December 2, 2017, the grandiose concert of Dima Bilan in the "Again 35" Ice Palace in St. Petersburg - the success of this show in Crocus was fixed: 10,000 spectators supported the artist and his team in a single impulse.

The most discussed duet of the year - Dima Bilan & Sergey Lazarev, "Forgive me,", performed the dreams of their fans and visualized this indisputable hit (Mozgi Production). And it is symbolic that for inspiration, our Eurovision heroes went anywhere, and in the capital of Eurovision-2018 Portugal - the country of wonders and fairy tales. The city of Sintra, his remote corners, beaches, rocks and forests turned out to be the perfect place to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe clip.

Talks director Clip Leonid Kolosovsky:

"The touching and sensual song" Forgive Me "performed by two superstars of the modern scene of Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazareva, herself suggested the plot of the clip - this is a story about two travelers. The element to which the heroes are stronger than their feelings. They sing about forgiveness from loved ones for this difficult choice. This road looks like the life path of each of us. Our heroes are breeding through impassable landscapes filled with cleanliness, freedom and monumentality that created nature. They will pass this path to achieve their goal and reunite with their elements. At some point, they meet each other and then go every expensive.

This duet will enter the history of modern music, because the black and white image is, rather, appeal to the classics. The best men's portraits in the history of photographs are made in b / w, noir accents the alarming state of heroes, and landscapes in such an image look amazing.

In order to convey the mood of our clip, we needed a special location. Having determined the ten most colorful places on the planet, we stopped at two - Portugal and Iceland. But in Iceland, it was rainy weather for the dates of our filming, and the choice was determined himself. We did not regret the second that the shooting was held in Portugal - a country rich in its nature and landscapes. We drove 3,000 kilometers in order to determine future shooting locations. We greedily fixed in the photo every corner that we had the opportunity to see. But we chose only the quantity that could physically overcome for three shooting days.

Working with the guys was very simple. We have achieved absolute mutual understanding long before arrival in Portugal, at the project development phase. The whole team was so solid, which seemed to be one organism, so if even someone talks about some starry, we did not have to feel it. Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev worked a lot on the playground so that this work would take place. They had to burn on the scorching sun, and suffer from a squall wind, which was dangerous to bloom the ears, and knead the spikes of shrubs, and wade through the jungle, and even sinking in the icy ocean. So I do not know what they talk about the stars there, but they know how to plow. "

Artists also shared their reflections.

Dima Bilan: "For me, this is a special, distinguished from the stream of my music video history. There are several powerful energies here: the creative of top professionals Mozgi Production (I was glad to work again), the acting charisma Sergey, and is completely different - mine. And the main thing is that these elements did not sink each other, but merged in a single stream of creativity. We combined and inspired this noble dramatic story and the unique poe of the surroundings of the city of Sintra, their blown by the winds, wild coastal beauty.

In history itself, you can look for many subtexts. And there is an subtext that maybe everyone is heard. The track is called "Forgive me" - and, perhaps, this is a kind of our meeting on the "zero latitude" with Segoh. We are a lot of "picked up foreheads" at different periods of time. And in this video we can tell each other: "Sorry, dude, everything is fine!"

Sergei Lazarev: "Such duets happen infrequently, they have a high concentration of nerve, feelings and emotions. It so happened that our creative way began with Dima in one year, in one place - we were both participants in the contest New Wave 2002 in Jurmala. Since those Pores, our ways went in parallel, sometimes intersecting, sometimes moving away from each other. We were compared, encountered, quarreled, but, in the end, time all put into place. Each of us has become an independent successful solo artist with its multi-million audience of fans, Each of us has passed a lot of tests, uplings and falls. This video clip is our way. "

During December, every Friday on 1 channel was held by direct esters of the show "/ Voice". Dimina's rooms were surprised by the quality and creative approach, and the composition of Anastasia Zorina Polaroid produced the effect of a broken bomb - this avant-garde number was not all, but the identity and talentedness of the filing were recognized as unconditionally - such a "voice" nor on 1 channel had never before ! And China Yang Ge (actress Cinema and theater Gogol Center) came to the final in the team of Dima), the audience very much loved her performances for charismaticness, warmth and immediacy.

On December 7, the premiere of the Art Film "Loggy" took place. (Dir. - Kirill Pletnev), where Dima played an episodic role. Criticism and the public noted that, despite the fact that Dima was very long and played only himself, the role was bright and memorable. The emotional Tirade of Dima in the film is indignation of the fact that cinematographers do not see deep individuality in it and do not offer the role worthy of his talent. Manifesto, and the postmodernal puny pun simultaneously. We are waiting for the reaction of the film and interesting roles!

On December 13, the ceremony of the Russian National Music Prize was held, Dima is an academician established her music academy and a member of the jury of award. At the ceremony, Dima, together with P. Gagarina and A.Lorak, performed the composition of the "Memory of Dmitry Hvorostovsky" composition, and this piercing number was met by tears and the ovation of the public.

From the New Year's speeches, Dima can be noted the Esters "What, where, when" ("When the ice melts"), "New Year's Eve on the first" ("Keep" with Ksenia Sukhinova), New Year's concert on the channel Russia-1 ("Forgive me" with S.Lazarev). Also, the tradition of Dima performed in the ice show Evgeny Plushenko - "Nutcracker" in the Olympic, where, together with children, students of the Stars Academy fulfilled the song "Star" and "when ice melts".

In the pre-New Year issue of the magazine "Telenedel", Dima's interview with the cover was published, and Dima supported his small homeland, took part in the "Best People of Kabardino-Balkaria" project premiums, giving an interview to the journal and online premium sites.

The year was extremely saturated, and in January, Dima was glad to enjoy the deserved holiday, which he spent in warm edges, gaining strength in solitude with nature on the ocean.

In January, the newspaper "MK" traditionally summed up the musical year. Dima became the winner in two nominations of ZD Awards 2018: "Clip of the Year" - "Maze" and "Song of the Year" - "Keep", which confirmed the authentic triumph "Hold", Not only bought all records in Russia, but for the first time in the international iTunes rating. Also Dima was marked by high voting results in nominations "Artist of the Year", "Album", "Concert", "Duet".

The new working year began with a whole cascade of Dima's performances on Big Love Show: in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk. This year, this popular show from Love Radio was held at the 10th time, and Dima, as his permanent participant and Headliner, gladly supported festive concerts.

After that, a large tour of Dima began on the cities of Russia: Ekaterinburg, Perm, Kirov, Izhevsk ...

Dima Bilan is a very interesting personality of modern show business, it is distinguished by great hard work, a variety of interests and songs, as well as the lack of intrigues and woven around his own person.

Dima Bilan is the first musician in Russia, who was able to win the Eurovision Song Song Competition. This happened in 2008 with the song "Believe". In the room, the famous violinist Edwin Marton also participated and the famous figure skater Evgeny Plushenko.

Dima Bilan is a pseudonym singer. These initials singer - Viktor Nikolaevich Bellan. He was born on December 24, 1981 in the Stavropol Territory, in the village of Moscow.

As befits the future musician, from the very childhood he was engaged in vocals, he adored the music and wanted to become a singer. When Bilan was in the fifth grade of a comprehensive school, he entered the musical specialty "Accordion, which heard well graduated.

Later B. ilan entered the Gnesinic Music School, Where he studied academic vocals. However, the young performer realized that this was not quite his genre, since it was more, one way or another, attracted the stage, rather than the opera scene. During training in the school, Bilan was performed by both classic and pop songs, however, at the end of the school, he had already firmly knew that he would certainly be a pop performer and working in show business.

The beginning of the Bilan pop career is associated with the meeting with Yuri Aizenshpis. He immediately noticed in Bilan a bright stage granting and expressed the desire to produce him. At the end of 2003, the light saw the Album Bilan "I Night Hooligan". This is the name of one of the most famous songs of Bilan.

However, Bilan's career flourished reached in 2005 when he became silver medalist of the International Song Contest "Eurovision" with the composition "NEVER Let YOU GO",which brought a singer with mad popularity not only in Russia, but also around the world. And the triumphal victory of Bilan in the same competition in 2008 even more glorified Bilan and made literally the king of Russian pop.

Also Bilan successfully participated in the project of the OTT TV channel "Phantom of the Opera" In 2011, where all his talents demonstrated. The project provided for the fulfillment of opera, drowning aries, songs from musicals and romances, and since Bilan was engaged in this during training in the School named after Gnesini, he brilliantly acted at once and even more hit his versatile talents of his admirers.

Personal life Dima Bilan

For a long time, Dima Bilan met with the model Lena Kulecksky. He even promised to marry beauties if Eurovision wins. However, the promise did not restrain his promise. Lena did not marry, and later the pair generally announced that four years of their relationship were just PR. Whether it remains only to guess.