The most famous art galleries of the world. The most famous and famous museums of the world: description and photo

The most famous art galleries of the world. The most famous and famous museums of the world: description and photo
The most famous art galleries of the world. The most famous and famous museums of the world: description and photo

The unique opportunity to travel in time and space provide museums where the exhibits of various national cultures created by hand as modern masters and famous ancestors are collected. The topic of the article is the most famous and great museums of the world in which you should visit.

general review

What criteria are taken as the basis?

  • One of the most important is attendance. The leader is the French Louvre, whose record is approaching 10 million people. In second place - the British Museum (about 8 million). The Metropolitan Museum (USA) and the Vatican Museum occupy a third and fourth line of the rating, respectively. Each of them exceeded the attendance threshold of 6 million.
  • Footprint. The leader here is the Louvre again, although officially he is given to the third position (160 thousand square meters). Formally, it is ahead of, for example, the Art Museum of Japan (Tokyo), but the exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe Louvre is the most impressive (58 thousand square meters).
  • The greatest museums of the world are determined by the number of exhibits and their historical value.
  • Another criterion is the choice of travelers. Traveller "S Choice, having a nomination" Museums of the World "contest, is held annually. In 2016, the rating was headed by the Metropolitan Museum, and the Ten of the Chicago Institute of Arts, Hermitage (third position) and a very young museum on September 11 (USA), opened in The 2013 is dedicated to tragic events in New York.

The greatest Louvre (France)

Before becoming a museum, the Louvre was a fortress, and then the residence of the kings of France. Its exposures were presented to the public in 1793, during the Great Bourgeois Revolution. The unique collection was formed by the Queen of Francis I and was constantly replenished. In his treasures today, more than 300 thousand exhibits, 35 thousand of which are simultaneously exhibited for visitors: from Egyptian and finicky antiquities to modern sculptures and jewelry.

The most valuable artworks are the statues of Venus Milos and Niki Samofraki, Delacroix and the Great Rembrandt. Art lovers come to see the masterpiece of an outstanding master of the revival of Leonard da Vinci - Monu Lisa. In 1911, the canvas was stolen by the Italian Perugia, but after 27 months it was returned after long negotiations with Italy. All the greatest museums of the world ensure the safety of paintings. "Mona Lisa" is the only exhibit that is not insured by the state, because it is considered invaluable.

Today, the museum located on the street Rivoli in the center of Paris includes an old and new Louvre. In 1989, American Jong Min Pei implemented a project to unite the Louvre into a single complex. A special entrance in the form of a glass pyramid was built, which allowed us to increase the number of visitors.

British Museum (London)

The date of its foundation (1753th) is impressive. The beginning of the collection was put by the doctor Hans Sloan - a collector of ancient manuscripts, books, plants and medals. Today it is the largest historical and archaeological storage of the United Kingdom, where about 13 million exhibits are collected. They are accommodated in 100 galleries in the territorial-chronological basis. Exposure pearls are the Marbles of Parfenon attributed to the Greek sculptor FIDIA, which allowed to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, a piece of large sphinx beard from Giza. The greatest museums of the world have formed rich collections at the expense of the robbery of colonial countries.

In the XIX century, the old structure was demolished, and in his place the architect Robert Smaki built a unique building in neoclassical style. Located in the Bloomsbury district, in the 20th century it was redeveloped (Foster project), acquiring a modern view. A feature of the museum is to create a separate structure on its basis in 1972 - the British Library.

Vatican Museums - Unified Complex

It is believed that the complex occupies the most significant territory. The impression is made at the expense of the high density of exhibits per unit area. The entire Vatican is located only half a square kilometer, while the museum foundation is 50 thousand paintings, sculptures and jewelry. All the greatest museums of the world (photos are presented in the article) have unique features.

The main shrine of this is the Sistine Chapel, where from the XV century there is a painted by the frescoes of the Great Michelangelo, it is a crown of the hands of human hands. To get there, dozens of museum halls need to go there, enjoying the magnificence of Catholic temples, tombs and picturesque canvases of Rafael and other artists.

A small state can be considered as a single museum of architectural monuments whose construction began in the XIV century.

Metropolitan Museum (USA)

The New York Museum occupies the first line among the laureates of Traveler "S Choice, although it is based on a later period - in the 1870s. It began with private collections donated to the state and put the dance school. At the turn of the centuries, the architect Hyd was built by the main building , and a little later - the side wings of the Metropolitan Museum representing a number of high-rise buildings. They are connected by stairs and transitions, keeping 3 million works of art. Here the largest collection has been collected by the Costume Institute.

Not all the greatest museums of the world, the description of which are given in the article, can boast of large-scale events, which is the annual Met Gala charitable ball with the participation of world stars. In 2016, the Costume Institute celebrated its 70th anniversary.

National Museum Prado

Painting Great Spaniards is presented in Madrid. The National Museum was founded in 1785 and gathered large-scale collections of Goya, Velasquez, Surbaran and El Greco. There are also works of the great Italian and Flemish masters, samples of old coins, jewels and porcelain. From the 1819th museum is located in the current building made in the style of classicism (architect Villanueva), and is open to visitors. On an area of \u200b\u200b58 thousand square meters. Meters are exhibited 1300 works, and the rest (more than 20 thousand) are stored in the storey.

The greatest museums of the world often have branches. The modern art of Prado is represented in the Villahermos Palace. A feature of the Spanish Museum is the restrained elegance of buildings in contrast to the Louvre and Hermitage, where we will stop slightly lower.

Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

The name is translated from French as a secluded place, but today it is one of the most visited in the world. Founded by Catherine at the end of the XVIII century, the museum has the title of the best following the results of 2014. Under Nicolae I, the collection has become so large-scale that the doors of the Imperial Palace opened to the public. Today, 3 million works of art please the eye of visitors, telling the story since the time of the Stone Age. Of particular interest is the diamond and golden storage room of the Hermitage, which require an additional ticket.

Great Russian museums are located in buildings that have cultural and historical importance for the country. Hermitage consists of five buildings spreading on the banks of the Neva (Palace Embankment). Luxurious Baroque Winter Palace of Architect B. Rastrelli - Decoration of St. Petersburg and the greatest historical monument.

"Threatening weather", Rena Magritt, 1929

Louvre (Paris)

"Freedom, leading people" (La Liberté Guidant Le Peuple) or "Freedom on the barricades", Eugene Delacroix.

Louvre is one of the oldest and largest artistic museums in the world. Like many national museums, he began with the Royal Collection. The meeting was actively replenished by patients, due to military trophies and confiscated during the revolution.

Today, about 300 thousand exhibits are stored here. 35 thousand of them are represented in the online gallery. The most famous - "Jocona" Leonardo da Vinci, "Beautiful Saddleman" Rafael, "Lace" Jan Vermeer, Sculptures of Venus Milos and Nicky Samofraki.

Prado Museum (Madrid)

Triptych "Garden of earthly pleasures", Jerome Bosch, 1490-1500.

Museum Prado (Museo del Prado) is one of the largest and most visited artistic museums of the world. In his collections, the most complete collections of Bosch, Velasquez, Goya, Murillo, Surbaran and El Greco are stored. The total number of exhibits is about 30 thousand.

On the Internet published photos of more than 11 thousand works stored in the museum. For convenient navigation, division by themes is provided: nude and saints, social realism and mythology. In addition, an alphabetical pointer with the names of the artists is available. A selection of "masterpieces" will not let you miss the most important thing.

New York Museum of Contemporary Art

"Three musicians." Pablo Picasso. Fontainebleau, summer (1921).

Museum of Contemporary Art in Manhattan in New York (Moseum of Modern Art, abbreviated MOMA) is one of the first and most representative museums of contemporary art in the world. It enters the top three most visited museums in the United States and in the twenty of the most visited artistic museums of the world.

Moma posted a network of 65 thousand digitized paintings, written since 1850 to the present. In total, there are over 200 thousand works of 10 thousand artists in the collection of the museum. The online collection is available in a particular picture, by the artist named and on specified filters.

Reynxuseum (Amsterdam)

"Night Watch, or Speech by Rifle Company Captain France Bannang Coca and Lieutenant Villem Van Ryuteitbürga." Rembrandt Wang Rhine.

To wander through the halls of the famous Reynxuseum, it is not necessary to come to Amsterdam. The updated interiors of the XIX century building and 200 thousand masterpieces placed there can be found on the project of Google Arts & Culture. Make a gallery closer Allow the smartphone and the Google Cardboard application available for Android and iOS.

Together with the main collection of Reynxuseum in digital recordings there are five new exhibitions dedicated to the Jeweler Jan Lutme, artists Jan Wall, Jan Vermelee, Rembrandt Van Raina and a separate monumental canvas "Night Watch", the pride of the museum.

Solomon Museum Guggenheima (New York)

Next to Ms De Buffan (Environs Du Jas de Bouffan). Paul Cesanne.

In the permanent collection of "Guggenheim" there are more than 7 thousand works. About 1,700 of them are digitized. The page of each artist on the site of the museum contains a voluminous review of his creativity, many exhibits are complemented by art historian comments. An online archive covers the period from the end of the XIX century to the present day. Here there are works of Cezanne and Paul Clee, Pablo Picasso, Camille Pissarro, Eduard Mana, Claude Monet, Bauhauz school teachers Laslo Mokhoy-Nadia, Vasily Kandinsky and many other classics of modernity. There is a search and an alphabetical pointer by the authors of all work in the collection.

Museum of Ghetty (Los Angeles)

Stacks, snow effect, morning. Claude Monet.

The Ghetty Museum is the largest art museum of California and the West Coast of the United States. He was founded by oil magnate Jean Paul Ghetty, who at the time of his death was the richest man in the world. Thanks to the vested billion, the museum turned into the most active buyer of the works of the "old masters" and ancient sculpture at international auctions.

Now you can create your own selection of your favorite paintings, select exhibits for clarity of learning the history of the arts, place them in social networks, and simply "shindle" in the electronic library of the museum, looking at the magnificent paintings in all details.

Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

Annunciation. Philippino Lippi, Italy, the middle of the 1490s.

The largest museum of Russia occupies five buildings in which more than 3 million works of art are stored.

The museum emerged as a private Assembly of Catherine II and thanks to Empress acquired a collection of works of outstanding Flemish, Dutch, Italian and French artists. Archive of digitized works of Hermitage is divided by topics, it works a convenient search, it is possible to create your own collection and viewing collections of other users. On the section "In Focus", you can explore exhibits in detail, read detailed information about them and watch video with expert comments.

British Museum (London)

Big gold buckle; Early Anglo Saxon period, early 7th century; Kurgan Necropolis Sutton Hu.

The main historical and archaeological museum of the United Kingdom and one of the largest museums of the world, the second attendance among the artistic museums after the Louvre, posted on a network of more than 3.5 million exhibits.

The colonial expansion of the British Empire contributed to the rapid expansion of the collection of the main in the country and the first public national museum in the world. Since the mid-XVIII century, it was possible to collect more than 8 million exhibits in it: from the ancient Greek bas-reliefs to the Hirst prints. It is here that the Rosett stone is stored, thanks to which it was possible to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the largest meeting of the Chinese porcelain, the richest collection of engravings and painting the Renaissance era. The online collection of the British Museum is also one of the world's largest - on its website you can find more than 3.5 million exhibits. Advanced search on the date of creation, execution technique and still dozen parameters.

Metropolitan Museum (New York)

A group of thirteen "decapitated" soldiers / author unknown (1910)

Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts (Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts), located in New York, the largest art museum in the United States and one of the most famous museums in the world, posted a collection of images from nearly 400,000 digitized works of art and old photographs in high resolution .

Everyone can take a look at the most interesting retro photos from the museum collection. Images are not licensed for commercial use, but you can download your favorite frame for your own needs, for example, to put it in the frame.

Vincent Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam)

Van Gogh Museum posted 1800 posters, books and drawings in online access, which are in his collection. The leadership of the Art Institution published work due to the fact that they are not placed in a permanent collection, for how long the wide viewer remained unavailable for a long time.

Louvre is a former royal palace, a monument of architecture and a museum in the historical center of Paris. Since 1791, transformed into a museum where the richest collection of exhibits is kept in Europe: from the ancient and ancient Roman to late Western European works of art. The art gallery of the Louvre is particularly rich in the rarest exhibits, which were constantly replenished with the collections of monasteries, individuals, as well as numerous trophies of Napoleonic campaigns. → Metropolitan Museum (New York, USA) Metropolitan Museum Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art) has the richest works of painting and sculpture in the world. The pride of the museum is an art gallery. Among the brilliant masterpieces of painting painting Rubens, Velasquez, Titian, Monet, Renoara, Van Gogh, etc. In the department of photographs are the works of Walker Evans, Diana Arbus, Alfred Stiglitsa. Every year the museum publishes an "annual report", which lists new acquisitions. → London National Gallery (United Kingdom) The National Gallery London (The National Gallery) is one of the best global assemblies of Western European and English painting. Here are the masterpieces of Rembrant, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci. Exposing the Royal Portraits of Pictures Picture Gallery represents the works of only the most famous masters of the XII - XIX century. → National Gallery of Arts (Washington, USA) National Gallery of Art (English National Gallery of Art), this is an art museum located in Washington (USA). The collection has about a thousand two hundred paintings, where the works of Italy, France and America are most widely represented. In addition, there is a better meeting of the painting of Italian Renaissance, the canvas of the Dutch and Spanish Baroque. The US government handed over the gallery of twenty thousand drawings and watercolors, which depict the history of the development of folk art and remodes of America. → Ambrosian Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) The Ambrosian Art Gallery was created at the beginning of the 17th century Cardinal Federico Borromem, a cousin of St. Charles. The basis of the gallery was the collection of paintings already belonging to the family of Borromeev. As a real connoisseur of an excellent and large sign of painting Cardinal conceived a grand project, which was embodied in general by the complex of cultural facilities: Pinakotek's actually, a library of Ambrosian, which opened in 1609 and the Academy of Figure, where young artists of the Council times have suffered the mysters of the visual art. → Picture Gallery Brera (Milan, Italy) Pinacoteca di Brera is an art gallery, founded in 1809 by Napoleon Bonaparte. Contains a large number of works of art, "confiscated" from churches and monasteries throughout Europe. Works refer to the period from XV to XX centuries, and include painting of artists such as Rafael, Caravaggio, Manteny. In the courtyard there is a statue of Napoleon's work on canova. → Dresden Picture Gallery (Germany) The Dresden Art Gallery is one of the oldest museums of Europe, located in Germany. Around the world, the Gallery is famous for its assembly of the webs of Italian and Dutch masters. It was discovered in 1855, at that time the collection was two thousand two hundreds of cloths. Over time, the meeting was replenished with both contemporaries and classics of fine art. As the new items acquired, the museum has grown so much that in 1931 painting had to be divided, and only the works of the thirteenth-eighteenth century remained in the Dresden Gallery. → State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia) The State Tretyakov Gallery was named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who was distinguished by passion for giding, who appeared in the mid-50th anniversary of the eighteenth century. It was at that time that Pavel Mikhailovich bought the first exhibits that marked the beginning of the future museum. At that time, the Tretyakov, with her family, moved to Laurelian lane, where the Tretyakov Gallery was founded. → Hermitage (St. Petersburg, Russia) Hermitage is the best gallery of Russia, representing world art, one of the most famous artistic museums in the world and, of course, the main attraction of St. Petersburg. The museum was founded in 1764, when Ekaterina Great acquired a collection of 255 paintings from the German city of Berlin. Today, the State Hermitage has more than 2.7 million exhibits and displays a variety of art and artifacts from different countries of the world and the whole history (from ancient Egypt until the beginning of the 20th century in Europe). The Hermitage Collections include the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael, Titian, unique collection of Rembrandt and Rubens, many works of French Impressionists Renuara, Cezanne, Mane, Monet and Pisarro, Numerous Wovers, Van Gogh, Matisse, Gaugugen and several Roden sculptures. The collection is huge and diverse, a lot of time was required to create it, and it is an essential aspect for all those interested in art and history.

Traveling to another country is a real adventure, an event that will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition to fantastic landscapes and architectural monuments, most tourists dream of visiting the most famous museums and art galleries of the world to see their eyes to see the masterpieces of world art. Below we will get acquainted with three art gallery, which are known all over the world.

The National Picture Gallery in London contains a unique collection of collections of English and Western European painting. There is a gallery on Trafalgar Square, in the heart of London. Here you can see the masterpieces owned by Michelangelo's brushes, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Titian, Rubens, Cantelto, Durera, Thomas Lawrence, William Hogart and many other world famous painters. The gallery exposed and portraits of the royal family written by the most famous masters of the 12th and 9th centuries.

The London Art Gallery was founded in 1824, at that moment when the first collection was purchased, which had 38 paintings, which belonged to Jarstein, known at the time to the banker. Gradually, for many centuries, the collection was replenished with new canvases, many of which were generously presented by patrons. Starting from 1831, to this day, the gallery is located in a new building on Trafalgar Square, which was designed by the architect Wilkins.
Today, the Collection of Gallery Tolens has more than 2500 paintings related to periods from 13 to 20th century. For the convenience of visitors, all the canvas are set in chronological order, which makes it possible to better understand the events of one or another era.

Dresden Picture Gallery

The unique landmark of Dresden is the art gallery. No matter how you relate to painting, be sure to make this place in the trips you plan to implement. The fact is that the Dresden Art Gallery is not just the attraction of the city, and his highlight, a kind of symbol. The hallmark of the gallery is the famous picture of the Great Rafael "Sicstinskaya Madonna", which has been here for more than 250 years.

Dresden's art gallery was founded in the 16th century by the King Friedrich Wise. However, the first visitors were able to see the canvas only in the 19th century. Unfortunately, many famous paintings were lost during the Second World War, and the gallery itself was repeatedly subjected to bombardments.

Today, visitors to the Dresden Art Gallery can enjoy the most valuable canvases of Titian, Rubens, Albrecht Dürer, Pushsen, Velasquez and other talented painters.

A large number of artistic museums are concentrated in Milan, the honorable place among which is occupied by the Brera art gallery. The most impressive collection of great masterpieces created by Italian sculptors and painters is stored here. 40 halls in which the Raphael, Titian, Hayes, Caravaggio, as well as Flemish painters and impressionists of various eras are represented, create a stunning effect.

When planning an excursion to the Brera art gallery, keep in mind that one or two hours you definitely do not have enough to familiarize yourself with the whole collection. If you have a little time, be sure to start a tour of two impressive restorations - the three-meter statues of the emperor Napoleon, which weighs more than 2 tons and is the creation of the sculptor Antonio Canov, as well as the paintings of the "Welcome" written by the Grand Rafael.

The gallery was founded in 1809 by order of Queen Mary Teresa Austrian. It is located in the Brera Palace (where and got his name), not far from the Observatory and the Academy of Arts. Today there are 40 halls here, in each of which the canvas and sculptures belonging to a certain era or school are exhibited.

I present to you the most famous and greatest museums of the world. Who will be nearby with these museums, be sure to look. You will be impressed by what seen.

In the first place of such a list, the Paris Louvre will definitely be.

Without a doubt, the most famous museum in the world, Louvre was a medieval fortress and the palace of the Kings of France before the Museum was two centuries ago. Even the modernization of the area with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything from the historic charm of the Louvre Palace. The collection of the museum that fluctuates from the birth of large ancient civilizations by the first half of the 19th century, among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here the works of the most famous artists in history, such as Da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

This gigantic museum has the world's largest collection of paintings. This is a staggering place illuminating the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present times, and especially impressive is the Golden Room with her amazing gemstones. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenicly located along the area of \u200b\u200bthe embankment in the center of St. Petersburg. This is a whole museum complex that includes six different buildings of unique architectural design. Without a doubt, Emitting is one of the greatest museums of the world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

British Museum in London.

Millions of artwork from all continents are collected here. The Gallery of the British Museum is devoted to Egypt, Greece, Roman Civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing the history of mankind and culture. The Marble of Parthenon is kept here, which once adorned Parfenon in Athens. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't get to the Egyptian Museum, you can consider the greatest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside Cairo right here. The new reading room of the British Museum, which you see in the photo below are also impressive.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

In the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, you will find the most complete collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among thousands of treasures are also well-known exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamon. In 1835, the Egyptian government founded the "service of ancient treasure of Egypt" in an attempt to stop the plundering of archaeological monuments and arrange an exhibition of the collected exhibits. In 1900, the building of the Egyptian museum was built, where more than 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era are now stored to the Greco-Roman period, including the ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you explore the sights of Egypt, then the Egyptian Museum of Cairo should not miss.

Gallery Uffizi in Florence

UNESCO assesses that 60% of the most popular artworks in the world are located in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. Gallery Uffizi in Florence will hit you to the depths of the soul. It is definitely one of the most beautiful collections of paintings and sculptures on the planet, with works related to the era of the Renaissance, written by such masters as Da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many others. One of the main attractions here is the birth of Venus Bhothichelli.

Metropolitan Museum in New York

Created in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum stores more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You will find everything from Islamic and European paintings, to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York, such as Guggenheim, the Metropolitan is one of the most essential. This is really one of the greatest museums in the world.

State Museum in Amsterdam

The State Museum (Rijksmuseum) is located near the center of Amsterdam. This is one of the greatest museums that must be visited during a trip to one of the most beautiful European capitals. The museum comes to one of the iconic aquatic canals of Amsterdam, while on the opposite side there is a spacious panoramic square with a green picturesque lawn. Inside, you can fully immerse yourself in art and periods of the history of the Netherlands. With a collection of almost 1 million exhibits, it is an ideal place to pamper yourself by inspirational masterpieces of Rembrandt, França Hals and other Dutch artists. Read more about it in the selection of the best Museums Amsterdam.

Museum of Vatican

The impressive Vatican Museum contains 22 separate collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to cards and modern religious arts. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed with the clean beauty and splendor of the Dome of Michelangelo and Spiral Columns Bernini. The main values \u200b\u200bhere is the updated Sicstin Capella and Rafael rooms.