Can the chamber orchestra perform a symphony. Chamber Orchestra

Can the chamber orchestra perform a symphony. Chamber Orchestra
Can the chamber orchestra perform a symphony. Chamber Orchestra

The orchestra of a small composition, the core of the Quino is the ensemble of performers for strings. Tools (6-8 violins, 2-3 viola, 2-3 cello, double bass). In to. It is often included by the harpsichin, which, along with cello, double bass, often and gods take part in the execution of Basa General. Sometimes in K. about. The spirit is included. instruments. In 17-18 centuries. Such orchestras (in contrast to church or opera) were used to execute Concerti Grossi, concerts with solo tools, conc. Symphony, orc. Suite, Serenad, Divertiment, etc. Then they did not wear the names "K. about.". This term entered the use of only 20 cent. K. about., As well as big and small, represents independent. Type of orchestra. Revival K. about. Largely associated with increasing interest in report. And Ranneclassic. Music, in particular to creativity I. S. Baha, and with the desire to reproduce its genuine sound. The basis of the repertoire of most K. about. make up a production A. Korelli, T. Albinoni, A. Vivaldi, G. F. Teleman, I. S. Baha, G. F. Handel, V. A. Mozart and others. An important role was also played by interest in K. about. Sovr. Composers caused by the desire to find adequate tools for the embodiment of the music. The ideas of the Small Plan, the reaction to the early 20 V, which has grown up to the giant sizes. (R. Strauss, Mahler, I. F. Stravinsky) and burden to save music. Tools, revival of polyphony. K. about. 20 V. It means that. Freedom, non-negative, as if the random of the composition, each time the decisive one or other arts. design. Under the owl. K. about. Often imply the composition, in the rum, as in the chamber ensemble, each instra. The party is represented. one soloist. Sometimes K. Oh. Only strings are limited. Tools (Ya. P. Ryatets, concert for chamber orchestra, or. 16, 1964). In cases where the spirit includes. The tools, the composition of it can vary from several. Soloists (P. Hindemite, "Chamber Music" NO 3, or. 36 for Cello Obligato and 10 Soloing Tools, 1925) to 20-30 performers (A. G. Schnitke, 2nd concert for violin and chamber orchestra, 1970 ; D. D. Shostakovich, 14th Symphony for soprano, bass and chamber orchestra, or. 135, 1971), not reaching, however, the completeness of the composition of a small sym. Orchestra. Borders between K. about. And the chamber ensemble is quite vague. In the 20th century For K. about. Writing writings in a wide variety of genres. Among the owf. Cabin. Orchestras: K. about. Under UPR. V. Splov (Germany, organized in 1942), Stuttgart K. about. Under UPR. K.Myunkhinger (Germany, 1946), Vienna Chamber Ensemble of the Old Music Music "Musica AntiCua" under UPR. B. Klebel (Austria), "Virtuosi Rome" under UPR. R. Fazano (1947), Chamber Orchestra of Zagreb Radio and Television (1954), Clarion Constitus Chamber Orchestra (USA, 1957), Chamber Orchestra under UPR. A. Brott (Canada) and others. K. about. Available in MN. major cities of the USSR: Moscow K. about. Under UPR. R. B. Barling (1956), K. about. Moscow Conservatory under UPR. M. H. Tariana (1961), Leningradsky K. about. Under UPR. L. M. Gozman (1961), Kiev K. about. Under UPR. I. I. Blazhkov (1961), K. about. Lithuanian state. philharmonic under UPR. S. Sondetsky (Kaunas, 1960), etc.

Literature: Ginzburg L., Rabey V., Moscow Chamber Orchestra, in Sat.: Mastery of the artist musician, vol. 1, M., 1972; Raaben L., Chamber Orchestras of Leningrad, in the book: Music and Life. Music and musicians of Leningrad, L., 1972; Quittard H., L "Orchestre des Concerts de Chambre Au XVII-E SIICLE," ZIMG ", JAHRG. XI, 1909-10; RRUNIRES H., La Musique de La Chambre et de L" Jurie Sous Le RGNE de Franzois, 1 -er, "L" Anne Musicale ", I, 1911; Deputy Ed., R., 1912; CUCE1 G., Etudes Sur Un Orchestre Au XVIII-E SiCle, P., 1913; Wellesz E., Die Neue Instrumentationation , BD 1-2, V., 1928-29; Carase A., The Orchestra in the XVIIth Century, Camb., 1940, 1950; Rincherle M., L "Orchestre de Chambre, P., 1949; Paumgartner V., Das Instrumentalen Ensemble, Z., 1966.

I. A. Barsova.

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Chamber Orchestra - A small orchestra, the basis of which is a string group, complemented by clazesin, spiritual, now also shock. The restoire is mainly music 17-18 centuries. (Concerts ........
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Orchestra - - Team of musicians. Replaced in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The term "chapel" common in Europe. O. String, Duchova, Symphony, etc., Pop, Jazz, Military.
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Horny orchestra - - Horny music - an orchestra, created in Russia in the middle of the XVIII century. Consisted of improved hunting horns. Each tool made one sound of a chromatic sound hand.
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Symphony Orchestra - - Big team of musicians performing symphonic musical works. Includes 3 groups of tools: brass, drums, strings.
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String Orchestra - - Orchestra consisting of stringed bow musical instruments - violins, altov, cello, double bass, as well as from folk instruments.
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Music dictionary

The orchestra is a group of musicians playing various tools. But it should not be confused with the ensemble. This article will tell what kinds of orchestras are. And their compositions of musical instruments will also be consecrated.

Varieties of orchestras

The orchestra differs from the ensemble in that in the first case, the same tools are combined into groups playing in unison, that is, one common melody. And in the second case, each musician is a soloist - playing his party. "Orchestra" is a Greek word and translated as a "dance floor." It was located between the scene and the audience. The choir was located on this platform. Then she became similar to modern orchestral pits. And over time, musicians began to be located there. And the name "Orchestra" got the teams of instrumental executors.

Types of orchestras:

  • Symphonic.
  • String.
  • Wind.
  • Jazz.
  • Pop.
  • Orchestra of folk instruments.
  • Military.
  • School.

The composition of the tools of different types of orchestra is strictly defined. Symphony consists of a group of strings, drums and winds. String and brand orchestras consist of tools corresponding to their names. Jazz may have a different composition. The pop orchestra consists of brass, strings, drums, keyboards and

Varieties of choirs

Choir is a big ensemble consisting of singers. Artists must be at least 12. In most cases, the choir acts accompanied by orchestras. Types of orchestras and choirs are distinguished. There are several classifications. First of all, the choir is divided into types of votes. It can be: female, male, mixed, children's, as well as boys choirs. The manner of execution distinguishes folk and academic.

And also choirs are classified by the number of performers:

  • 12-20 people - vocal choral ensemble.
  • 20-50 artists - chamber choir.
  • 40-70 singers - medium.
  • 70-120 participants are a big choir.
  • Up to 1000 artists - consolidated (from several teams).

By his status, the choir is divided into: educational, professional, amateur, church.

Symphony Orchestra

Not all kinds of orchestras include this group include: violins, cello, alta, double bass. One of the orchestras, which includes a string-bored family, is a symphony. It will meet several different groups of musical instruments. To date, two types of symphonic orchestras distinguish: small and large. The first of them has a classic composition: 2 flutes, as many frames, clarinets, braes, pipes and a horn, no more than 20 strings, occasionally a lie.

Maybe any in composition. It can include 60 and more string tools, tubes, up to 5 trombones of different timbres and 5 pipes, up to 8 French horn, up to 5 flutes, as well as braes, clarinets and scenes. It may also include such varieties from the brass group, like the Oboe D Amur, Piccolo Flute, Contrafeagot, English Horn, Saxophones of All Types. It may include a huge number of drum tools. Often, a large symphony orchestra includes an organ, piano, Harpsian and harp.

Brass band

Almost all types of orchestras have in their composition. This group includes two varieties: copper and wooden. Some types of orchestras consist only of wind and shock tools, such as brass and military. In the first species, the main role belongs to the cornets, mountains of different types, tubes, baritone euphoniums. Secondary instruments: trombones, pipes, horn, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, baroes, bassotes. If the brass orchestra is large, then in it, as a rule, all tools are increased in quantities. Harves and keys can be added very rarely.

The repertoire of the brass bands includes:

  • Machi.
  • Ballroom European dances.
  • Opera Aria.
  • Symphony.
  • Concerts.

The brass bands protruding most often on open street venues or accompany the procession, as they sound very powerful and bright.

Orchestra of folk instruments

The repertoire includes mainly the composition of a folk nature. What are their instrumental composition? Each nation has his own. For example, the Russian orchestra includes: balalaiki, husli, domra, pity, whistles, accordions, ratchets, and so on.

Military orchestra

The terms of the orchestras consisting of brass and percussion instruments have already been listed. There is another variety that includes these two groups. These are military orchestras. They serve in order to voice the solemn ceremonies, as well as to participate in concerts. Military orchestras are two species. Some consist of copper winds. They are called homogeneous. The second type is mixed military orchestras, they, among other things, have a group of wooden winds in their composition.

Each connoisseur of classical music sooner or later wonders: what is a chamber orchestra. What does he actually differ from the symphony? The article will consider the main criteria for such musical groups and their contribution to the development of classical music.

History of creation

Chamber orchestras have become popular at the turn of the 17-18th centuries, at the peak of the development of classical music. It is determined by the fact that concerts in large halls and on the arons were a very rare event, moreover, such a number of musicians, as in symphony orchestras, could not be gathered at all - only great composers could afford it. On what the chamber orchestra is, it is possible to find out only by comparing it with a real big symphony.

The main differences of the chamber orchestra from the symphony

  1. Number of participants and steam tools. They are famous for the fact that they have a huge number of participants. Basically about 50 of them, and sometimes it reaches 100 or more. To all of the time in symphony orchestras, the tools are duplicated and sounded in unison. For ordinary music lovers, it only affects the volume of the general work when playing on the scene. In fact, two violinders playing the same composition will perform it a little differently. Even two virtuoso playing on the same tool have a different game style. The human factor affects the finished melody. Errors does not make the one who does not do anything - this rule is acting in music. Couple of identical tools just give the color and brightness of sound. What is the chamber orchestra? This is a small number of participants and single tools, sounding each other. Parts are divided strictly by instruments, and the general composition is already applied to a new genre - chamber music.
  2. The presence of only string tools. Yes, the composition of the chamber orchestra tools is limited to string (winds are less likely), while in symphony orchestras, a variety of types are involved: string, brass, shock and others. Therefore, chamber music is limited to a strict frame - the sound of only string tools monotonously, but has its own, unique style.
  3. Performances in small rooms. This limitation is based on the trimmed composition of the ensemble. Chamber orchestras were successful only in the courtyards of the famous dukes or nobles. More ensemble is more hall and majestic scene.

Let's summarize: What is a chamber orchestra? This is a small team that performs compositions in the same genre in small rooms.

Gradual recession popularity

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the 19th century, most famous chamber orchestras have lost their popularity. The creation of large symphony orchestras has become failing. Large orchestras were brighter and looked more effectively. Of course, the listener stretched to more majestic performance and interesting diversity in choosing tools.

The definition that such a chamber orchestra and chamber music began to forget, bringing new paints into the composition. Newly new tool ligaments were invented, and the popularity of symphonic execution increased. At the same time, the demand for chamber music has fallen.

Chamber orchestra today

To date, even after the abolition of many chamber teams, almost every state has its own chamber orchestra. In Russia, such a team is called "Moscow virtuosos", he often manifests itself under state celebrations and when departing abroad.

Chamber music left a huge trail in the work of many modern composers and performers.

An excellent example shows itself a rock band from Finland Apocalyptica. These musicians play essentially chamber music, observing all the traditions of the chamber orchestra: a team of 4 people, three of whom playing only on strings. A great popularity has been gained due to replaying the well-known compositions of the most bright metal commands, including Metallica, Rammstein, Slipknot and others.


Today you learned something new from the old one. The era of chamber orchestras has long passed, but the influence provided by them remains colossal. We hope that if you now ask the question of what it is a chamber orchestra, you will have the most detailed and correct answer.

Music is, first of all, sounds. They can be loud and quiet, fast and slow, rhythmic and not very ...

But each of them, each sounding note, somehow definitely affects the consciousness of a person who listens to music, on his mental state. And if it is orchestral music, then leave someone else, she will definitely can't!

Orchestra. Types of orchestras

The orchestra is called the combined musicians playing on musical instruments of works that are designed specifically for these tools.

And on what this composition, the orchestra has various musical abilities: on the timbre, dynamics, expressiveness.

What types of orchestras exist? The main one is:

  • symphonic;
  • instrumental;
  • orchestra of folk instruments;
  • wind;
  • jazz;
  • pop.

There is also a military orchestra (performing military songs), school (as part of which schoolchildren) and so on.

Symphony Orchestra

This type of orchestra in its composition contains string, brass and percussion instruments.

There is a small symphony orchestra and big.

Small is the one that plays the music of composers of the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. In its repertoire there may be modern variations. The big symphony orchestra differs from the small amount of more tools into its composition.

As part of the small necessarily present:

  • violin;
  • alto;
  • cello;
  • double bass;
  • lays;
  • french horn;
  • pipes;
  • litavra;
  • flutes;
  • clarinet;
  • oboe.

The following tools are included in the big:

  • flutes;
  • goboes;
  • clarinets;
  • contraneagotes.

By the way, in its composition it may be up to 5 instruments of each family. And also in the Big Orchestra are present:

  • french horn;
  • pipes (bass, small, alte);
  • trombones (tenor, tenorbasy);
  • tuba.

And, of course, percussion instruments:

  • litavra;
  • bells;
  • small and large drum;
  • triangle;
  • plate;
  • indian tames;
  • harp;
  • piano;
  • harpsichord.

A feature of a small orchestra is the fact that string instruments in it about 20, while in the big - about 60.

Manages the Symphony Orchestra conductor. He artistically interprets the work performed by the orchestra with the help of the score - a complete note record of all parties of each instrument of the orchestra.

Tool orchestra

This type of orchestra is different in its form that it does not have a clear number of musical instruments of certain groups. And he can perform any music (in contrast to the symphony orchestra, which performs exceptionally classical).

There are no specific types of tool orchestras, but it is conventionally related to the pop orchestra, as well as an orchestra performing the classics in modern processing.

According to the historical reference, instrumental music began to actively develop in Russia only under Peter the first. She, of course, had a western influence on himself, but she was no longer under such a ban, as in earlier times. And before it came to such that it was not forbidden to play, but burned musical instruments. The church believed that they had no soul, no heart, and therefore they could not glorify God. And therefore instrumental music developed mainly among the simple people.

Play in the instrumental orchestra on flute, lyre, kifara, swirls, pipe, bobbin, tambourine, trombone, drawing, rim and other musical instruments.

The most popular instrumental orchestra of the 20th century is the Orchestra of the Moria field.

He was his conductor, head, arranger. His orchestra played a lot of popular musical works of the 20th century, as well as its own essay.

People's Orchestra

In such an orchestra, the main tools are folk.

For example, for the Russian national orchestra, the most typical are: domra, balalaiks, huslies, accordions, harmonics, pranks, swirls, the horns of Vladimir, tambourines. Also, additional musical instruments for such an orchestra have a flute and oboe.

For the first time, the People's Orchestra appeared at the end of the XIX century, the organizer of which V.V. became Andreev. This orchestra toured a lot and was widely popular in Russia and beyond. And at the beginning of the 20th century, folk orchestras began to appear everywhere: in clubs, with cultural palaces, and so on.

Brass band

This type of orchestra assumes that its composition includes various brass and percussion instruments. It happens: small, medium and large.

Jazz orchestra

Another orchestra of this species was called Jazz Band.

It includes such musical instruments: saxophone, piano, banjo, guitar, drums, pipes, trombones, double bass, clarinets.

In general, Jazz is a direction in music that has developed under the influence of African rhythms and folklore, as well as European harmony.

For the first time jazz appeared in the south of the United States at the beginning of the XX century. And soon spread in all countries of the world. In Motherland, this musical direction developed and supplemented with new characteristic features that appeared in a particular region.

At one time in America, the terms "Jazz" and "Popular Music" had the same semantic meaning.

Jazz orchestras began to actively form in the 1920s. And those of them remained up to the 40s.

In these musical groups, the participants came, as a rule, in adolescence, by performing their specific batch - bored or notes.

The peak of the glory of jazz orchestras is considered to be the 1930s. The leaders of the most famous jazz orchestras were: Arti Shaw, Glenn Miller, and others. Their musical works sounded at that time everywhere: on the radio, in dance clubs, and so on.

Currently, jazz orchestras and melodies, written in the style of "Jazz" are also very popular.

And although species of musical orchestras there are more, the article considers the main ones.

Issue 61.

Chamber Orchestra

What is the chamber orchestra different from the symphony? The first chamber orchestras appeared in Europe in the XVI century. And the history of symphony orchestras began significantly later, namely, the three centuries later. Initially, the chamber orchestra included stringed instruments. Mostly it was a variety of viol. Also, the chamber orchestra could include harpsichine and wind instruments, such as flute. Chamber means a small composition of musicians for a narrow circle of listeners. Such orchestras were created at the courtyards of nobility and the composition of chamber orchestras at that time could include famous composers and performers. So, for example, Johann Sebastian Bach was a violinist in the court chamber orchestra of the Duke of Johann Ernst III. Over time, new music genres began to appear and composers began to introduce new genres of the tool group. Extrallular music required the expansion of the chamber orchestra. So a symphony orchestra appeared. The symphony orchestra consists of four major groups of instruments: string-concrete, wooden wind, copper wind and drums. The chamber orchestra has become one of the symphonic groups. Thus it becomes clear that it is the composition of the chamber orchestra distinguishes it from the orchestra of symphonic. If you want to learn more about chamber and symphonic music, see this series "Academy of Entertaining Arts. Music". Violetta Modestovna will gladly share with you with your knowledge of music.