Bunin's life path. Life and creativity Bunin and

Bunin's life path. Life and creativity Bunin and
Bunin's life path. Life and creativity Bunin and

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870-1953) "Russian classic of the border of the two centuries" called Bunin K. Fedin, speaking in 1954 on the second All-Union Congress of Writers, Bunin was the largest master of Russian realistic prose and an outstanding poet of the beginning of the 20th century.

The realist writer saw and inevitable destruction, and the launch of the "noble nests", the offensive of the bourgeois relations penetrating the village, truthfully showed the darkness and cosiness of the old village, created many peculiar, memorable characters of Russian peasants. The artist wrinkles also writes about the wonderful gift of love, about the inseparable connection of man with nature, about the finest movements of the soul.

The literary activity of the Bunin begins in the late 1980s of the last century, the young writer in such stories as "a saucepan", "on someone else's side," "on the farm" and others, draws a hopeless poverty of the peasantry. In the story "On the Edge of Light" (1894), the author paints the episodes of the resettlement of landless Ukrainian peasants in the distant Ussuri region, the tragic experiences of immigrants at the time of separation from native places, tears of children and the Duma of old people.

The works of the 1990s are distinguished by democratism, knowledge of people's life. There is a familiarity with Chekhov, bitter. During these years, Bunin is trying to combine realistic traditions with new techniques and principles of compositions close to impressionism (blurred Fabul, creating a musical, rhythmic pattern). So in the story "Antonovskiy apples" (1900) shows the externally not related episodes of the life of the fading patriarchal-noble life, painted by lyrical sadness and regret. However, in the story not only longing for the launched "noble nests." On pages there are beautiful paintings, hewed by a sense of love for a homeland, approving the happiness of the merger of a man with nature.

Still, social problems do not disappear in his works. Here is the former Nikolaev soldier Meliton ("Meliton"), who was driven by the "Through Stroy" with a family, who lost his family. In the stories of "Ruda", "Epitaph", "New Road" there are pictures of hunger, poverty and ruin of the village. This social accurate topic, as it were, is pushed into the background, the "eternal themes" are published: the greatness of life and death, the unfavorable beauty of nature ("fog", "silence"). On this occasion ("about leavefall") Gorky wrote: "I love to relax my soul on that beautiful, in which the eternal, although there is no indignation of our indignation, there is no today than I live ..."

In 1909, Bunin wrote bitter from Italy: "Returned to what you were advised to return - to a story about the village (the story" Village "). The village life is given through the perception of the Tikhon brothers and Kuzma Krasov. Kuzma wants to learn, then writes About life, about the laziness of the Russian people. Tikhon is a big fist, mercilessly spreads with the peasant excitement. The author has a noticeable combination of a loose picture of the village's life with unbelief in the creative forces of the people, there is no lume in the future of the people. But he truthfully shows the "village" Roughness, negative, the heavy sides of the village life, which were the result of century-old oppression. This is the power of the story. It noticed Gorky: "This is the roads of this modestly hidden, stoned moan on my native land. The road is noble grief, painful fear for her, and all this is new. So not yet wrote. "

"Village" is one of the best works of Russian prose early XX century. In 1911-13. It covers various sides of Russian reality, and the degeneracy of the nobility ("Sukhodol", the "last date"), and the uglyness of the Meshchansky life ("good life", "bowl of life"), and the topic of love, which is often a detrimental ("Ignat "," On the way "). In an extensive cycle of the stories about the peasantry ("Merry Dvor", "weekdays", "Sacrifice" and others) The writer continues the topic "Villages".

In the story "Sukhodol" resolutely revised the tradition of poetry of the manoring life, the worship of the beauty of the fading "noble nests". The idea of \u200b\u200bblood unity of the local nobility and the people in the story "Sukhodol" is combined with the authors' thought about the responsibility of the Lord for the fate of the peasants, about their terrible fault of them.

The protest against the fake bourgeois morality is noticeable in the stories of the "brothers", "Mr. from San Francisco". In the story "Brothers" (written after a trip to Ceylon), painted images of the cruel, satched Englishman and the young "native" - \u200b\u200bRickshaw, in love with the girl-native. The end is crying: the girl falls into the house of tolerance, the hero ends with suicide. Colonizers bring destruction and death.

In the story "Mr. from San Francisco", the writer does not give name for the hero. American millionaire, spent all his life in pursuit of profit, on the slope of the years together with his wife and daughter rides to Europe on the Atlantis, a luxurious steamer of those years. He is self-confident and anticipate in advance those enjoyments that can be bought for money. But all insignificantly before death. In the hotel at Capri suddenly he dies. His corpse in the old drawer from under soda is sent to the steamer. Bunin showed that Mr. San Francisco ("A new man with an old heart", according to the expression of the Bunin), belongs to the face of those that price the poverty and death of many thousands of people acquired millions and now drink expensive liqueurs and smoke expensive Havanse cigars. A peculiar symbol of false existence, the author showed a couple in love, which passengers admired. Only one captain of the ship knows that these are "hired lovers," for money playing in love for the full public. And here the contrast of the life of rich and people from the people. The images of worm workers are warm and love (corridor Luigi, the boatman Lorenzo, the horses-like-dors), they are opposed to the immoral and lying world of full. But he condemns this world from the same distracted positions as in the story "Brothers".

The horrors of the war bunin opposes the beauty and eternal power of love - a single and incredit value ("Grammar of Love"). But sometimes love carries the doom and death ("Son", "Dream Ganges", "Light breathing"). After 1917, Bunin was in emigration.

In Paris, writes the cycle of the story "Dark Alleys". Particularly attractive female images. Love is the highest swatch, but it is short-lived and fragile, love is lonely, abandoned ("cold autumn", "Paris", "on a foreign).

Roman "Life Arsenyev" (1924-28) was written in autobiographical material (the theme of the homeland, nature, love, life and death). 3 Sometimes the past of monarchical Russia is poetic.

The heroic war of Russia with fascist Germany worried the artist, he loved his homeland.

Bunin is close to Chekhov, Russian novels wrote. He is a detail master, a magnificent landscape player. Unlike Kuprin, Bunin did not strive for acutely sensitive plots, he distinguishes the lyricism of the story.

A recognized master of prose, Bunin was and an outstanding poet. In the 80-90s. The beloved theme of the poems was nature ("leaf fall"). Here is the image of the autumn, the "quiet widow" entering into the forest choirs:

Forest, tough rubber painted,
Purple, gold, buggy,
Cheerful motley crowd
It is worth a light polar.

Decadent motives appeared, but not long. Civilians "Jordan Bruno", "Ormazz", "Waste" and others. Realistic paintings of the rustic and manor houses are given, with sympathy, images of ordinary people are outlined ("PAKAR", "SENAKOS", "IN PLAYER", "SONG"). Bunin was an excellent translator ("Cain" and "Manfred" Byrona, "Crimean Sonnets" Mitskevich, "Song of Guyavate" Longfello; Translations from Shevchenko - "Testament"). For us, a high poetic culture of Bunin is important, his possession of the treasures of the Russian language, the high lyricism of his artistic images, the perfection of the forms of its works.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953) - Russian writer and poet. Ivan Bunin was born in a noble family on October 10, 1870. Then, in the biography of Bunin, there was a move to the estate of the Oryol province near the city of Elets. Bunin his childhood spent in this place, among the natural beauty of the fields.

The primary education in the life of the Bunin was obtained at home. The first poems of the Bunin are written at a seven age. Then the young poet came to study in Yeletic Gymnasium. However, he did not finish it, returning home. Further education in the biography

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was obtained thanks to the eldest brother Julia.

For the first time, poems of Bunin were published in 1888. Next year, Bunin moved to the eagle, becoming a corrector in the local newspaper. Poetry Bunin, assembled in the collection called "poem", became the first published book. Soon the creativity of the Bunin gets fame. The following poems of the Bunin were published in the "open-air" collections (1898), "Listopad" (1901).

Dating with the greatest writers (Gorky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, etc.) leaves a significant imprint in the life and work of the Bunin. The best overlook

Stories Bunin "Antonovskaya apples", "Pines". The prose of Bunin was published in the "Completion of the Works" (1915).

Biography Ivan Bunin almost all consists of moving, travel (Europe, Asia, Africa). The writer in 1909 becomes an honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences. Higher meeting the revolution, forever leaves Russia. In 1933, the work of the Bunin "Life Arsenyev" receives the Nobel Prize.

The main topics and images of poetry. Bunin entered the literature verses. He said: "I am a poet more than a writer." However, the poet's poet is a special look at the world. Speaking about his lyrics, we cannot clearly distinguish the themes of his poetry, because poetry and the prose at the Bunin seems to be near. His lyrics is a totality of subtle thematic faces. In the poetry of Bunin you can distinguish such thematic faces as poems about life, about the joy of earthly existence, poem about childhood and youth, about loneliness, for longing. That is, Bunin wrote about life, about man, that man touches.

One of such faces is poem about the world of nature and the world of man. The poem "Evening" is written in the genre of classic sonnet. Here are the human world of man and the world of nature.

We always remember about happiness only.

And happiness everywhere. Maybe it

This garden is autumn behind the shed

And clean air, pouring into the window.

In the bottomless sky light, clean cut

Rises, shines a cloud. Long

I watch him ... we see little, we know.

And happiness only knows.

The window is open. Squeaknu and villages

On the windowsill of a bird. And from books

I am paying a tired look by a moment.

Day evening, the sky is empty

The hum of threshing is heard on the gum.

I see, I hear, happy. All in me.

This poem says that we drive for happiness, looking for him, but do not realize that it is around us ("We only remember about happiness ..."). People do not always look at ordinary things an unusual look; They do not notice them, do not notice happiness. ("We see little, we know, and happiness only knows"). But neither a cloud, nor a bird, these everyday things that bring happiness will not slip away from the praying look of the poet. The formula of happiness on the reel is expressed in the last string of the poem: "I see, I hear, happy. All in me. "

In the poem dominates the image of the sky. In the lyrics of the Bunin sky - leitmotif, it personifies life, it is unusually and forever (the poem "unfolded the sky").

In poetry, Bunin highlight the "star lyrics", this is the center of the sky, stars, eternity and beauty. He wrote a magnificent night, twilight poems, as if filled with flicker. This can be explained by its special perception of the world. Bunin said: "Do not get tired of chanting you, stars." One of these songs the stars became the poem "Sirius". Star Sirius - White, St Color, the brightest star at the night sky. In ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered a sacred star. In this poem, the admiration for the beloved star and philosophical reflections of the lyrical hero are intertwined. The star is a symbol of fate, it is associated with life, youth, homeland. Bunin believes the star with a philosophical concept, as a person on Earth, and the star in the sky has a high mission - to serve eternal beauty.

Intimate Lyrics I. A. Bunina Tragedia, there is a protest against the imperfection of the world.

So, the main features of LIR. Bunin poetry - aspirations to describe. Details, brightness of the CONKR. details, classic. Simplicity, laconicism, poetization of eternal human. values, and first of all - native nature. Wealth subtext, frequent appeal to symbols, close splicity with rus. prose, in particular with the persons of Chekhov; The philosophical frequent roll call from the own qualities. Stories, to philosophical frequent rolls from their own. Stories.

Works on topics:

  1. The name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, for a long time former in our country under the ban, finally, rightfully took his place in the history of Russian ...

Bunin is the largest master of Russian realistic prose and an outstanding poet of the beginning of the 20th century. His literary activities began in the late 1980s of the XIX century. In his first stories ("Castre", "on someone else's side," "on the farm" and others), a young writer draws a hopeless poverty of the peasantry.
In the 90s, Bunin meets Chekhov, Gorky. In these years, he is trying to combine realistic traditions in his work with new techniques and principles of composition close to impressionism (blurred Fabul, creating a musical, rhythmic pattern). So in the story "Antonovskiy apples" shows the externally related episodes of the life of the fading patriarchal-noble life, painted by lyrical sadness and regret. However, there is not only longing for the launched "noble nests." On the pages of the work there are beautiful pictures that have been fired by a sense of love for their homeland, the happiness of the merger of a person with nature is approved.
But social problems still do not let the rioon. Here we have before us by the former Nikolaev soldier Meliton (Meliton), who was driven by the "Through Story" with the scarces, in the stories of "ore", "epitaph", "new road" paintings of hunger, poverty and ruin of the village stand.
In 1911-1913, Bunin wider covers various parties to Russian reality. In his works of these years, he raises the following topics: the degeneracy of the nobility ("Sukhodol", the "last date"), the uglyness of the Meshchansky life ("good life", "bowl of life"), the topic of love, which is often a detrimental ("Ignat", "On the way"). In an extensive cycle of the stories about the peasantry ("Merry Dvor", "weekdays", "Victim" and others) The writer continues the "rustic" topic.
In the story "Sukhodol" resolutely revised the tradition of poetry of the manoring life, the worship of the beauty of the fading "noble nests". The idea of \u200b\u200bblood unity of the local nobility and the people here is combined with the thought of the author about the responsibility of the Lord for the fate of the peasants, about their terrible fault of them.
The protest against the fake bourgeois morality sounds in the stories of the "brothers", "Mr. from San Francisco". In the first work, written by Bunin after a trip to Ceylon, painted images of a cruel, satched Englishman and the young native Rickshaw, in love with the girl-naughty. The final is tragic: the girl falls into the house of tolerance, the hero ends with suicide. Colonizers, the author says readers, carry destruction and death with him.
In the story "Mr. from San Francisco", the writer does not give name for the hero. American millionaire, all his life in pursuit of profit, on the slope of the years together with his wife and daughter rides to Europe on "Atlantis", a luxurious steamer of those years. He is self-confident and anticipate in advance those enjoyments that can be bought for money. But all insignificantly before death. In the hotel at Capri suddenly he dies. His corpse in the old drawer from under soda is sent back to the steamer. Bunin showed that Mr. from San Francisco, this "new man with an old heart," one of those who have narrowed their fortune going through the corpses of other people. Yes, now he and him drinking expensive liqueurs and smoke expensive Havana cigars. A peculiar symbol of false existence, the author showed a couple in love, which passengers admired. And "Only one captain of the ship knew that it was" hired lovers, "for money playing in love for the full public. And here the contrast of the life of rich and poor. Images of the last sheaves with warmth and love. This is also a corridor Luigi, and the Lorenzo boatman, and the horses-doors, opposing the immoral and false world of the filled.
After 1917, Bunin was in emigration. In Paris, he writes the cycle of the stories "Dark Alleys". Female images are especially attractive in these stories. Love, approves the author - the highest happiness, but also it is short-lived and fragile, lonely and bitter ("cold autumn", "Paris", "on a foreign").
Roman "Life Arsenyev" is written in autobiographical material. It affects the themes of the birthplace, nature, love, life and death. The author sometimes poets the past of monarchical Russia.
It seems to me that Bunin is close to Chekhov. Ivan Alekseevich was a wonderful message, a detail master, a magnificent landscape. Unlike Kuprin, he did not strive for acutely sensitive plots, his work is distinguished by deep lyricism.
A recognized master of prose, Bunin was and an outstanding poet. Here is an image of the fall (poem "leafflow"), "quiet widow" entering into the forest choirs:
Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful motley crowd
It is standing over a light polar.
I especially like the poems of the Bunin "Jordan Bruno", "Pustose", "Pakhac", "Senokos", "on the Ivy", "Song" and others.
In addition, Bunin was an excellent translator ("Cain" and "Manf-Red" Bairon, "Crimean Sonnets" Mitskevich, "Song of Guyavate" Longfello and others).
For us, a high poetic culture of Bunin is important, his possession of the treasures of the Russian language, the high lyricism of his artistic images, the perfection of the forms of its works.

Great Russian writer, laureate of the Nobel Prize, Poet, Publicist, Literary Critic and Prose Translator. It is these words that reflect the activities, achievements and creativity of the Bunin. The whole life of this writer was multifaceted and interesting, he always chose his way and did not listen to those who tried to "rebuild" his views on life, he did not in any literary society, and even more the political party. It can be attributed to those personalities that were unique in their work.

The earliest childhood

October 10 (according to Art. Style) 1870 in the city of Voronezh was born a little boy Ivan and the creativity of which in the future will leave a bright mark in Russian and world literature.

Despite the fact that Ivan Bunin took place from the ancient noble child, his childhood was not at all in a big city, but in one of the birth plates (it was a small farm). Parents could afford to hire a home teacher. About the time when Bunin Ros and studied at home, the writer recalled more than once during his life. About this "gold" period of his life, he responded only positively. With gratitude and respect, I recalled this student of Moscow University, who, in the opinion of the writer, and awakened a passion for literature in it, because, despite the so-old age that the little Ivan read was "Odyssey" and "British poets." Even Bunin himself later said that it was the very first impetus to the poem and generally writing activities. Quite early showed artistry Ivan Bunin. The creativity of the poet found a self-expression in his talent of the reader. He perfectly read his own works and was interested in the most durable listeners.

Study in gymnasium

When Vana was ten years old, the parents decided that he had reached that age when he could be given it to the gymnasium. So Ivan began to study in the Yeetsk gymnasium. During this period, he lived away from his parents, in his relatives in Yelets. Admission to the gymnasium and the study itself became a certain turning point for him, because a boy who lived with his parents all his life and practically did not have any restrictions, it was really difficult to get used to new city life. New rules, strictness and prohibitions entered his life. Later he lived on removable apartments, but also did not feel comfortable in these houses. Studying in the gymnasium lasted relatively long, because after 4 years it was excluded. The reason was non-payment for training and non-appearance from vacation.

Path Extern

After all the experienced Ivan Bunin settles in the estate of his deceased grandmother in the lakes. Guided by the instructions of the elder brother Julia, he quickly passes the rate of gymnasium. Some items he taught more diligently. And even the course of the university passed on them. Julius, the elder brother Ivan Bunin, always differed by education. Therefore, he helped his younger brother in school. Julia has enough trust relationships with Ivan. For this reason, he became the first reader, as well as the critical of the earliest creativity of Ivan Bunin.

First strings

According to the writer himself, his future talent was formed under the influence of the stories of relatives and acquaintances he heard in the place where his childhood passed. It was there that he learned the first subtleties and features of his native language, he was heard by stories and songs, which in the future helped the writer to find unique comparisons in their works. All this was best influenced by the talent of the Bunin.

Poems he began to write at a very early age. Creativity Bunin was born, one can say when the future writer was only seven years old. When all other children were just led by a literacy, the little Ivan had already started writing poetry. He really wanted to achieve success, mentally compared himself with Pushkin, Lermontov. With the passion read the works of Majkova, Tolstoy, Feta.

At the very beginning of professional creativity

For the first time, Ivan Bunin acted, too, at a rather young age, namely at the age of 16. The life and creativity of the Bunin is always closely intertwined among themselves. Well, everything began, of course, with a small one, when two of his poems were published: "Above the grave S. Ya. Nadsson" and "Rustic Beggar". During the year, ten best poems and the first stories "Two Wanderers" and "Nefedka" were printed during the year. These events and became the beginning of the literary and writing activities of the Great Poet and Prosaik. For the first time, the main theme of its writings is a man. In the work of the Bunina the theme of psychology, the mysteries of the soul will remain the key to the last line.

In 1889, the young bunin, under the influence of the revolutionary-democratic movement of the intelligentsia - populists, moves to his brother in Kharkov. But soon he is disappointed in this movement and quickly moves away from him. Instead of cooperation with populists, he leaves the Eagle and there begins its work in the "Oryol Gazette". In 1891, the first collection of his poems is published.

The first love

Despite the fact that throughout the life of the topics of Bunin's creativity were diverse, almost the entire first poetic collection is saturated with the experiences of young Ivan. Just at this time, the writer had first love. He lived in a civil marriage with Barbaro Paschenko, who became the author's muse. So for the first time, love was manifested in the work of Bunin. Young often quarreled, did not find a common language. Everything that happened in their livelihood, each time made him be disappointed and thinking, and is it worth the love of such experiences? It sometimes seemed that someone more simply does not want them to be together. At first it was a ban of the father of Varvara to the wedding of young people, then, when they still decided to live in a civil marriage, Ivan Bunin unexpectedly finds a lot of minuses in their livelihood, and then disappointed in it at all. Later, the bunin makes for himself the findings that they and Barbara do not fit each other in nature, and soon young people simply break up. Almost immediately, Barbara Paschenko marries a bunin friend. This brought many experiences to the young writer. He is disappointed in life and love finally.

Productive work

At this time, the life and creativity of the Bunin is no longer so similar. The writer decides to enjoy personal happiness, all is given to work. During this period, tragic love in the work of the Bunin appears everything brighter.

Almost at the same time, fleeing with loneliness, he moves to his brother Julia in Poltava. On the literary field there is a rise. His stories are printed in leading magazines, in writing activity it is becoming popular. The topics of Bunin's creativity are mainly devoted to a person, the secrets of the Slavic soul, the majestic Russian nature and selfless love.

After in 1895, Bunin visited St. Petersburg and in Moscow, he gradually began to enter the greater literary environment, in which he was very organically fit. Here he met Bryusov, Sologub, Cooking, Chekhov, Balmont, Grigorovich.

Later, Ivan begins to correspond to Czech. It was Anton Pavlovich who predicted Bunin that "Big Writer" will be released from it. Later, fascinated by moral sermons makes his idol from him and even a certain time is trying to live on his advice. Bunin asked for a thick audience and awarded to meet with a great writer personally.

New stage on the creative way

In 1896, Bunin tries himself as an interpreter of artistic works. In the same year, his translation of the work of Longfello "Song of Guyavate" is coming out. In this translation, the creativity of Bunin everyone saw on the other hand. His contemporaries recognized his talent on his advantage, the writer's work was highly appreciated. Ivan Bunin received for this translation of the Pushkin Prize of the first degree, which gave a reason to the writer, and now also a translator, be proud of even more by its achievements. To obtain such a high praise, Bunin spent literally titanic work. After all, the translation of such works requires adherence and talent, and the writer has also had to learn English for this. As the result show showed, he succeeded.

The second attempt to marry

Staying so much time free, Bunin decided to marry. This time his choice fell on Grekunkka, the daughter of a rich emigrant A. N. Tsakney. But this marriage, like the past, did not bring joy to the writer. After a year of family life, his wife threw him. In marriage they had a son. Little Kolya died quite small, at the age of 5, from meningitis. Ivan Bunin was very worried about the loss of a sole child. So there was a further life of the writer that he had no more children.

Mature years

The first book of the stories called "on the edge of the world" is coming out in 1897. Almost all critics appreciated its content very positive. A year later, the next poetic collection "Open-air" comes out. It is these works and brought the writer with popularity in the Russian literature of the time. Creativity Bunin briefly, but at the same time Emko, introduced himself to the public, which highly appreciated and adopted the talent of the author.

But the Bunin was really great popularity in 1900, when the story "Antonovsky apples" was published. This work was created on the basis of the memories of the writer about his rustic childhood. For the first time brightly depicted nature in the work of the Bunin. It is a careless childhood time and awakened the best feelings and memories in it. The reader with his head is immersed in that beautiful early autumn, which manits the prose, just during the collection of Antonovsky apples. For Bunin, this, according to his recognition, were the most expensive and unforgettable memories. It was joy, real life and carelessness. And the disappearance of the unique smell of apples is like a fuss of all that brought a lot of pleasures to the writer.

Reproaches in noble origin

Many ambiguously regarded the meaning of the allegory of the "smell of apples" in the work of "Antonovsky apples", since this symbol was very closely intertwined with the symbol of the nobility, which, in view of the origin of the Bunin, was not alien to him. These facts were the reason that many of his contemporaries, for example, M. Gorky, subjected to the work of Bunin criticized, saying that Antonovsky apples smell well, but they smell not democratically. However, the same bitter noted the elevation of literature in the work and talent of the Bunin.

Interestingly, they did not mean any reproach in his noble origin. He was alien to chvany or arrogance. Many at that time were looking for subtexts in the works of Bunin, wanting to prove that the writer regrets the disappearance of the serfdom and the leveling of the nobility as such. But Bunin pursued a completely different idea in his work. He was not sorry for changing the system, but it is a pity that the whole life passes, and that we all loved once a complete heart, but it goes into the past ... he was sad that he no longer enjoys his beauty .

Writer Watch

Ivan Burnin all his life was probably in the soul, it was the reason that he could not stay anywhere for a long time, he loved to travel in different cities, where he often had an idea for his works.

Since October, he traveled with Kurovsky by European countries. I visited Germany, Switzerland, France. Literally after 3 years already with another his friend - the playwright is found - he was again in France, I visited Italy. In 1904, interested in the nature of the Caucasus, he decides to go there. The journey was not in vain. This trip after many years inspired Bunin to a whole cycle of the stories "Shadow of Birds", which are associated with the Caucasus. These stories see the world in 1907-1911, and the story of 1925 "Water Many" appeared much later, and the wondrous nature of this region appeared.

At this time, nature in the work of the Bunin is brighter. It was another edge of the writer's talent - way essays.

"Founding your love, keep her ..."

Life has reduced Ivan Bunin with many people. Some passed and left life, others remained for a long time. An example was Muromtsev. Bunin got acquainted with her in November 1906, in the house of comrade. Smart and educated in many industries, the woman was really his best friend, and even after the death of the writer, she prepared for the publication of his manuscript. He wrote the book "Life of Bunin", in which the most important and interesting facts from the life of the writer placed. He repeatedly told her: "Without you, I would not write anything. Would disappear! "

Here, love and creativity in the life of Bunin again find each other. Probably, at that moment, the awareness of what he found the one was searched for many years. He found his beloved in this woman, a man who will always support him in a difficult moment, a comrade who will not betray. Since his companion has become Muromtseva, the writer with a new force wanted to create and compose something new, interesting, insane, it gave him vitality. It was at that moment that the traveler wakes up in him again, and since 1907, Bunin traveled half of Asia and Africa.

World recognition

In the period from 1907 to 1912, Bunin did not stop creating. And in 1909 he was awarded the second Pushkin Prize for his "Poem 1903-1906". Here I remember about the man in the work of the Bunin and the essence of the human actions that the writer tried to understand. Many translations were also noted that he did no less brilliantly than composed new works.

11/09/1933 The event was happening, which was the top of the writer's writer. He came a letter that was notified that the Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize. Ivan Bunin - the first Russian writer who was awarded this high award and award. His work has reached his peak - he received world fame. Since then, it began to be recognized as the best of the best in their field. But Bunin did not stop his activities and, as a truly famous writer, worked with double energy.

The theme of nature in the work of the Bunin continues to occupy one of the main places. Many writer writes about love. This was a reason for critics to compare the creativity of Kuprin and Bunin. Indeed, there are many common features in their works. They are written by a simple and sincere language, full of lyrics, ease and naturalness. The characters of the heroes are spelled very subtle (from a psychological point of view.) Here is a sense of sensuality, a lot of humanity and naturalness.

Comparison of Creativity Kpenn and Bunin gives reason to allocate such common features of their works, as the tragity of the fate of the main character, the statement that there will be a payback for any happiness, exceeding love over all other human feelings. Both writers their creativity claim that the meaning of life in love, and that the man endowed with the talent to love, worthy of worship.


The life of the Great Writer was interrupted on November 8 in 1953 in Paris, where they were emigrated and his wife after the start in the USSR. It is buried in the Russian cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua.

Creativity Bunin briefly described simply impossible. He created a lot for his life, and every his work is worthy of attention.

It is difficult to overestimate its contribution not only to Russian literature, but also in the world's literature. His works are popular and in our time both among young people and among the older generation. This is really the literature that has no age and is always relevant and touching. And now Ivan Bunin is popular. The biography and creativity of the writer cause many interest and sincere reverence.

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - a representative of the noble clan, which was rooted in the XV century and had the coat of arms included in the "General Hercobnik of the noble childbirth of the All-Russian Empire" (1797). Among the relatives of the writer were poetess Anna Bunin, the writer Vasily Zhukovsky and other figures of Russian culture and science. Prapraded Ivan Alekseevich - Semen Afanasyevich - held the post of Secretary of the State Voted College.

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The Father of the Writer is a landowner Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin (1827-1906) - did not receive a good education: he graduated from the first class of the Orlovsk gymnasium, he left his studies, and at the age of sixth, she got a job in the office of the provincial nobility assembly. As part of Yeletsky, he participated in the Crimean campaign. Ivan Alekseevich recalled his father as a person who had a non-Ravy physical strength, hot and generous at the same time: "All his being was ... I was impregnated with the feeling of his boric origin." Despite the disadvantaged disgraceful years to study, he read everything to her old age, with a big hunt "

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Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh, in the house number 3 at a large noble street, belonging to the provincial secretary Anne Germanovskaya, who surrendered the rooms of the room. The Bunin family moved from the village in 1867 to give a gymnasium education to the eldest sons Julia and Eugene. As the writer subsequently recalled, his children's memories were associated with Pushkin, whose verses were read aloud in the house - both parents and brothers. In a four-year-old, Bunin, along with his parents, moved to the family estate on the Bydrochka County farmers.

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In the summer of 1881, Alexey Nikolaevich brings the youngest son in the Yeletic men's gymnasium. Late in the name of the director, the Father wrote: "I wish to educate the son of my Ivan Bunin in the educational institution entrusted to you"; In an additional document, he promised to make a fee for "the right of teaching" in a timely manner and notify about the change in the residence of the boy. After passing the entrance exams, Bunin was enrolled in the 1st grade.

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Study in the gymnasium ended for Ivan Alekseevich in the winter of 1886. Having left for the holidays to the parents, who collapsed in their estate, he decided not to return to Elets. At the beginning of the spring, the pedsoves excluded the rioon from the gymnasium for the failure to appear "from Christmas leave." The elder brother, realizing that mathematics causes the younger rejection, focused the main teaching efforts on humanitarian disciplines. In January 1889, the publisher of the Oryol Bulletin, Nadezhda Semenova, suggested Bunin to take the position of assistant editor in her newspaper. Before giving consent or respond to refusal, Ivan Alekseevich decided to consult with Julia, who, who left the lake, moved to Kharkov. So in the life of the writer, a period of wanderings began. In Kharkov, Bunin settled at his brother, who helped him find a simple job in the Zemstvo administration. After receiving a salary, Ivan Alekseevich went to the Crimea, visited Yalta, Sevastopol. In the editorial office of the Oryol newspaper, he returned only in the fall

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In the "Oryol Gazette", at that time he worked as a proofreader of Varvara Paschenko (1870-1918), which researchers call the first - "unforeseen" writer's wife. She graduated from seven classes of Yeetska Women's Gymnasium, then entered the additional course "for a special study of the Russian language." In a letter, Brother Ivan Alekseevich told that at the first acquaintance of Barbara - "High, with very beautiful features, in Pensne" - it seemed to him very arrogant and emancipated by the girl; Later he described her as a smart, interesting interlocutor.

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Bunin did not hide the annoyance due to the weak attention of critics to his early works; In many of his letters, the phrase "Praise, please praise!". Not having literary agents capable of organizing reviews in the press, he sent his books to friends and acquaintances, accompanying the newsletter requests to write reviews. The debut collection of poems of the Bunin, published in Orel, almost did not cause interest in the literary environment - the reason marked one of the authors of the Journal "Observer" (1892, No. 3), which was noted that the "verse of Bunin Iron and was correct, but who now He writes non-smooth verses? ". A certain recognition came to Bunin after the release of the Pharmaceutical Collection "Listopad" released by the Summalist Publishing House "Scorpio" in 1901 and became, according to the observation of Vladislav Khodasevich, "the first book, which he owes the beginning of his fame"

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In 1898, Bunin met the editor of the "Southern Review" edition - Odessa Nikolai Tsakney. His daughter - nineteen-year-old Anna - became the first official wife of Ivan Alekseevich. In a letter to Julia, telling about the upcoming marriage, Bunin reported that his chosen was "Beauty, but the girl is amazingly clean and simple." In September of the same year, a wedding took place, after which the newlyweds went on a tour of the steamer. Despite the entry into the family of wealthy Greeks, the financial situation of the writer remained heavy - so, in the summer of 1899 he addressed the eldest brother with a request to send "immediately at least ten rubles", while noting: "I will not ask the Zacni, even die." After two years of collaboration, the spouse broke up; Their only son Nikolai died from Scarlantine in 1905. Subsequently, already living in France, Ivan Alekseevich confessed that he had no "special love" to Anna Nikolaevna, although she was a very pleasant lady: "But this friend consisted of this Langeron, big waves on the shore and the fact that Every day the dinner was an excellent trout with white wine, after which we often went with her in Opera. "

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On October 18, 1903, a voting of the commission on the award of the Pushkin Prize was held (Chairman was the historian of literature Alexander Veselovsky). Bunin received eight electoral votes and three - indiscriminate. As a result, he was awarded a half premium (500 rubles), the second part went to the translator Peter Weinberg

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At the evening, held on November 4, there was a twenty-five-year-old Vera Muromtsev, friendly with the hostess at home. After reading the verses, Ivan Alekseevich was acquainted with the future wife. Since Anna Tacci did not give a rope bunin, the writer could not officially issue his relations with Muromseva (they married already after departure from Russia, in 1922; Alexander Kuprin was Schafer). The beginning of their joint life was an overseas journey: in April-May 1907, Bunin and Vera Nikolaevna made a trip to the countries of the East. Nikolay Dmitrievich Telshov gave money for the voyage.

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The first nomination of the Bunin on the Nobel Prize in Literature took place shortly after the writer's arrival in France. The sources of the Nobel "Russian Project" stood a prose Mark Aldanov, who wrote in 1922 in one of the questionnaires, which in the emigrant environment the most authoritative figures are Bunin, Kuprin and Merezhkovsky; Their joint candidate issued as a reward could raise the prestige of the "expelled Russian literature." The official text of the Swedish Academy said that "the Nobel Prize in Literature ... Awarded Ivan Bunin for Strict Mastery, with whom he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose"

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In October 1953, Ivan Alekseevich's health deteriorated sharply. Family friends who helped faith Nikolaevna to care for the sick, including Alexander Bakhrai, were almost constantly constantly held in the house. Dr. Vladimir Zernov arrived daily. A few hours before the death of Bunin asked his wife to read him out loud letters Chekhov. As Zereans recalled, on November 8, he was called to the writer twice: for the first time he spent the necessary medical procedures, and when he arrived again, Ivan Alekseevich was already dead. The cause of death, according to the doctor, became the heart asthma and sclerosis of lungs. Buried Bunin on the Cemetery of Saint-Geneva de-Bois. The monument on the grave was made on the drawing of the artist Alexander Benua.

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"The appearance days" is an artistic and philosophical and journalistic work, which reflects the era of the revolution that followed the civil war. Due to the accuracy with which the Bunin managed to capture the time of experience, meditation and worldview reigned in Russia, the book is of great historical interest. Also, the "casty days" are important for understanding the entire creativity of the Bunin, as they reflect the turning point both in life and in the creative biography of the writer. The basis of the work is the documentation and comprehension of Bunin unfolding in Moscow 1918 and in Odessa 1919 of revolutionary events, whose witness he became. Perceiving the revolution as a national catastrophe, Bunin was seriously experiencing events in Russia, which explains the gloomy, depressed intonation of the work.