Viral diseases are a list of common ailments and the most dangerous viruses. Mortal nine: Many terrible infections in the world

Viral diseases are a list of common ailments and the most dangerous viruses. Mortal nine: Many terrible infections in the world
Viral diseases are a list of common ailments and the most dangerous viruses. Mortal nine: Many terrible infections in the world

Large-scale epidemics of various diseases accompany humanity, how much does it remember. In history, evidence of mass epidemiological plagues ("Black Death", as it was called) in the period from 15 to 18th century, when London was not charged with 400 thousand inhabitants. Conventional house rats, which made the set at that time at that time. In the 19th and 19th century, cholera and Spaniard raged, which twisted most of the population of large cities, including in Russia. At the end of the 20th and early 21st century, HIV and many other dangerous infections appeared - avian influenza, pork, Ebola fever ... Each era has their own infections that are dangerous. And they arise not just so, in total in this world there is its own biological meaning. Let's talk to you - where come from, and where are these fatally dangerous infections come out?

Diseases were always powerful weapons in evolution, due to them, as not paradoxically, the world is improved on Earth. It is the epidemics that reveal the flaws and weak points of living beings - weak dying, strong survive and multiply, while nature does not know pity. Natural selection operates. In which the person is increasingly interfering with the development of science and technology. For example, after the most powerful epidemics of the plague, the surviving people began to live 20 years more than before - but for it was paid for the price of hundreds of thousands of lives, almost the third population. Today, the plague and cholera are no longer dangerous, there are effective medicines from them. People invented antibiotics, their immunity was not an example better, but food is more diverse. But today other infections began to appear - we still do not know how to treat viruses, and they occupy the liberated niche. And people themselves also add to the piggy bank of infections, developing a terrible thing - biological weapons, mainly these viruses of deadly or very dangerous mass infections, including the informal fever of Ebola.

Viruses and their role

Viruses are currently the most common cause of various epidemics and pandemic, although viruses are among the oldest particles of life. Many scientists call viruses of the main evolution, as they are able to cause mutations in living organisms, leading to the acquisition of new properties. But viruses can and kill a person, especially if used in the form of weapons. Viruses penetrate everywhere, they were discovered in the ocean, on land, in the air, they are not afraid of high and low temperatures, one of the conditions for their existence and reproduction is the availability of life - this can be both unicellular and multicellular organisms and a person. It is important that there are cells with alien DNA or RNA, where the virus can be replicated (to multiply).

It is impossible to calculate the total number of viruses on Earth, and to say with accuracy where viruses come from - too. According to one of theories, the viruses originated among the first on Earth in the stage of becoming the first primaries of living elements. According to another version, they are fragments of DNA or RNA cells of larger organisms, on the third theory they took from the simplest microorganisms by simplifying. But the fact that viruses are the most ancient particles on Earth - no one denies. Simultaneously with life, deaths appeared - viruses.

But far from all scientists perceive viruses as definitely harmful particles and slow motion bombs. Many perceive viruses are very positive - as particles, improving living organisms. According to the viral theory of evolution - do not be viruses, we would have so far been unicellular primitive creatures. Their main merit is the introduction of genes in one body and borrowing genes with their transfer to another living organism during contacts. And in this case, in the future, these new genes new organisms adapt under their new needs. In the virus account, such necessary changes as the formation of placenta in mammals and childbearing ability. Therefore, what is created by nature and perfectly began to work - never will not disappear from nature. So, for example, having occurred in dinosaurs, hemoglobin passed through viruses and plants and insects and animals, then a person. Everyone performs the hemoglobin functions - but in the initial structure is very similar to one another.

Dangerous viruses

Among the most dangerous viruses, the family of so-called retroviruses allocate. They are striking predominantly man and biologically close creatures. This group of viruses can transfer its information in the host cells. It is this group of viruses that has become the driving force of evolution and, at the expense of them, various new signs are developing as a result of mutations. However, it is Retroviruses on the fatal coating of circumstances that are also the cause of many incurable chronic and fatal diseases of a person, including the infamous HIV, some cancer tumors of viral origin and others. New dangerous viruses arise as a result of mutations and may appear where and ever, but on the globe there are particularly favorable places for their occurrence and distribution. Scientists were even recently compiled special cards of such "hot spots" on the planet, from where we can expect new "deadly" epidemics.

The main of them became the countries of a wet tropical climate - the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of Rei Niger in Africa, Industan and Southeast Asia. In addition to climate, this is due to the extremely low level of sanitary culture, primary study of viruses and develop measures to combat them. But to think that our country is completely safe for new viruses, also rash - we have our hot spots in terms of dangerous epidemics - this is the Far Eastern region, where dangerous viral infections involving insect carriers and southern regions are widespread, where high risks Different fevers. The study of the map of dangerous infections continues.

Acute issues of epidemics?

A natural question arises - if there are so many deadly viruses around us, why epidemics and pandemics arise only at times and rolling like waves? The opinions of scientists in this matter have not yet found unity - alone believe that these are newly mutating viruses, to which the human immunity has not yet managed to develop antibodies. Either the appearance of infection in a society that was long isolated, and then spread to other groups of people. This opinion is confirmed by the fact that the colonists who arrived from Europe became sources of massive epidemics of hazardous diseases among the indigenous population of newly open areas that are not protected by immunity from unfamiliar viruses and microbes. The peculiarities of the immunity of the Negroid race, Indians and Asians also differ from the European appeals - in this and the cause of outbreaks of epidemics.

Another unchanged cause of the periodic emergence of deadly epidemics among people is the influence of nature - physical factors and climate. If you remember the history of mass pandemics of "black death" in medieval Europe, from which about 60 million people died, she was preceded by a number of global cataclysms - the eruption of the Etna volcano 1333 led to warm and crude weather, and for several years about this Germany and France They suffered from rains and floods that led to the indigestible, morah of the cattle and invasion of insects. All this caused hunger and reproduction of hulling rodents. Thus, especially favorable conditions for the occurrence of plague were created.

Our century is also characterized by climate instability. Eruption of volcanoes and floods, strong earthquakes and tsunami, deterioration of ecology as a result of human activity create conditions for the formation of new diseases. This is proved by the research of viral activity - over the past 60 years, the number of dangerous viruses that mutated and acquired "deadly" properties increased 5 times. Nature takes a person for active interference in her laws!

And people themselves actively create a threat to the emergence of deadly infections and epidemics. The idea of \u200b\u200busing hazardous viruses and microbes to suppress opponents in the wars was precisely due to the fact that this means is a massive and merciless. Today, various types of biological weapons are actively developed, despite the International Convention from 1972 on the prohibition of the development, storage and production of such a type of weapon. Under the vulture of secrecy and scientific research, many countries are developing such developments. And no wonder periodically appear on the screens various catastrophes - the share of common sense in them is! These fears are not groundless - samples of a black smallpox virus, which is considered destroyed in the natural environment, there is no immunity from it, most of the population has lost, despite the presence of vaccine. Yes, and the cheap vaccination itself is very hard. And the same with the virus of the essential fever of Ebola - he was also developed as a variant of biological weapons, and those who were engaged in studying - in parallel and the vaccine was also developed, and not one year. Who knows - why now where did the last epidemic come from?

Ebola Fever - Details

This infection has long known and its outbreaks occur periodically in West Africa, only this year the scale of the epidemic is somewhat larger than ever, plus, raised by the hype in the media - from here and such pathological interest in Ebora. Therefore, we will dwell on it a little more and find out something.

Ebora's fever can be infected with people of any race and gender, the virus is transmitted from man to man. But the first of the sick people should have got a virus from animals or from the medium. Africa does not have a high standard of living - everything is eating everything that is moving, including small rodents. According to scientists, Ebola virus in nature circulates among volatile mice, which are actively eating as a delicacy. From person to person, the virus is transmitted through blood, saliva, sperm and other biological fluids. But it is not transferred to air-droplet as flu or ORVI!

The epidemic in Africa arose due to local traditions and features of the mentality, due to which the sicks do not turn to doctors, are treated and dying at home, and close to them are actively careful and closely in contact. And the corpses do not burn - they are disappearing wild animals, which people are actively eating! In addition, in their traditions to kiss and embrace the deceased, which at the time of death are most contagious. And considering the heavy physical work and the presence of small injuries of hands and legs - such close contact leads to infection. Of the Europeans, they were mainly infected with those people who were either a doctor or a missionary in Africa - that is, they were closely contacted and cared for patients - they could have both blood and vomiting of patients. If, purely theoretically, the patient ebolo will fall into our country and will be held in the market, he will not infect anyone!

The danger of Ebola is that there is no vaccine and no medicine from the virus - you can treat only its symptoms, but today the death rate from Ebola is about 50%, that is, half of the patients recovering, the weakened and the most exhausted are dying.

Is Ebola Russia? If it is browse cases from African countries, in our harsh conditions the virus does not survive - we have no animals that could be his carrier. And even if the patient is melted to us, the incubation period lasts from two to 21 days, and the patient is not infected. It becomes dangerous with the beginning of the first manifestations (fever, bleeding and vomiting). Such a person is easy to highlight from the crowd, hugging and kissing with him is not worth it, then Ebola does not threaten you! Plus, let's hope that a vaccine from this dangerous infection will be obtained soon.

Influenza - Great and Horrible

If the eboli raised about the fever raised the hype, then everything is somehow peeped to epidemics of the influenza virus. We are no longer frightened by his bright names: "Pork", "Bird", and other animal characteristics. And between those, the flu is much more distribution and is not less dangerous. From him, people also die annually! The progenitor of the famous "pork" influenza called "Spanish", twisted about 50 million people in 1918, which is about 5% of the population! And in mid-2009, the viral strain H1N1 with very similar properties appeared again, which led to a new pandemic and killed thousands of people. He followed the "bird" flu and an atypical pneumonia virus that increased the lists of the dead. According to WHO, it is up to 500 thousand people worldwide.

Why does flu rages so much and mutters so much, how to determine what it will be in the near future, and how to protect yourself?

The reason for such a frequent occurrence of influenza epidemics, scientists see in a changing demographic situation. According to the UN forecast, by the middle of the century, the population of the Earth can reach 9.5 billion people, and 11 billion by the end of the century. This is a huge figure - $ 4 billion more than today. And in the middle of the last century we were only 2.5 billion people. Such a large number of people need to live and work somewhere, it should be enough to drink drinking water and food, human life products must be removed somewhere. The number of contacts between people will increase many times, and hence both opportunities for virus spread!

People are actively moving on the planet, bringing their viruses and microbes, which contributes to the spread of epidemics. As a result, a pandemic occurs - yes, such a merciless way of the planet seeks to regulate the population of the population, and the people themselves contribute to this. The denser of the population - the higher the likelihood of epidemics with a negative outcome.

Viruses were always and always will, they will mutate and receive new properties. To protect against epidemics, it is necessary to remember the elementary prevention measures - less contacts, strengthening immunity, a healthy lifestyle, referring to the help of a state of deterioration - this will help defend.

Photo - Photo Bank Laurie

Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

Viral diseases of man


Student 10-in class

Secondary school №94

Gladkov Evgeny

Checked: Supboan Elena Viktorovna

kharkov, 2004.

Diseases that are caused by viruses are easily transmitted from patients with healthy and quickly apply. A lot of evidence has been accumulated that viruses are the cause of various chronic diseases.

This is a smallpox, poliomyelitis, rabies, viral hepatitis, flu, AIDS, etc. Many viruses to which a person is sensitive is striking animals and vice versa. In addition, some animals are carriers of human viruses, while not pain.

The main groups of viruses causing diseases in humans are presented in the table:

Main families, childbirth, separate viruses Probability of a meeting with a virus (in%) Diseases caused by viruses
DNA-containing viruses
Herpes virus viruses family Herpes virus type 1 Herpes virus Type 2 Windmage virus Cytomegalovirus Epstaina Barra virus Hepadanovirus family of adenoviruses Rod Papillomavirus Rod polyomavirus unknown 90-100 50-70 10-70 100 90 Unknown 10-15 90 50 10-30 PERSON OF PERSON AND ANIMAL Eye diseases, mucous membranes, leather; Sometimes tumors and encephalitis chickenpox Cytomegaly laryngeal tumor hepatitis B (whey hepatitis) Orza, eye disease Warts Encephalopathy, possibly tumor
RNA-containing viruses
Family of the Rabdarus family of Coronovirus family Paramiksovirus family Virus Virus Corey family Retrovirus family Family Rovirus family Rotavirus family Family of viruses Krasnuhi family Picorovirus family Enteroviruses Coxica viruses A and in rinovirus hepatitis A 10-30 50-70 100 100 100 100 unknown unknown 20-50 100 unknown 85 40-70 40 40 70 40 Rabies, Vesicular Stomatitis Orz Orz Epidemic Parotitis (Pig) Corge Flu A, B, with Encephalitis, Mosquito Freaks Proposed Cancers, Sarcoma, Orz Lakes Acute Gastroenteritis Encephalitis, Hemorrhagic Rush Flare Poliomyelitis Myocarditis Orz Hepatitis A (Infectious)

Vaccination (vaccination, immunization) is the creation of artificial immunity to some diseases. For this purpose, relatively innocuous antigens (protein molecules) are used, which are part of microorganisms that cause diseases. Microorganisms may be viruses, such as measles, or bacteria.

Vaccination is one of the best means to protect children against infectious diseases that caused serious illnesses before vaccinations were available. The unreasonable criticism of the vaccination in the press was caused by the desire of journalists to inflate sensations from certain cases of recreational complications. Yes, side effects are peculiar to all drugs, including vaccines. But the risk of getting a complication from the vaccination is much insignificant than the risk from the consequences of infectious diseases in unmatched children.

Vaccines stimulate the response of the immune system as if real infection takes place. The immune system is then fighting with "infection" and remembers the microorganism that caused it. At the same time, if the microbe gets into the body, it becomes effectively fighting with it.

Currently there are four different types of vaccines:

biosynthetic vaccines; They contain substances obtained by genetically engineering methods and the reaction of the immune system. For example, hepatitis B vaccine, hemophilic infection.

OSP is one of the most ancient diseases. The description of the smallpox was found in the Egyptian papyrus of Amenophis 1, compiled for 4 thousand years before our era. The causative agent of smallpox is a large, complex DNA-containing virus that multiplies in the cytoplasm of cells where characteristic inclusions are formed. OSPEOBO Dangerous infectious disease is characterized by a heavy flow, a rash on the skin and mucous membranes, often leaving after himself scars.

Source of infection - a sick person from the beginning of incubation to complete recovery. The virus is scattered with mucus droplets and saliva when talking, coughing, chihannia, as well as with urine, sputum and squeezed with crusts. Infection of healthy people occurs with inhaled air and when using dishes, linen, clothing, household items, contaminated patient discharge.

Currently, the human includes liquidated in the world by vaccine vaccination.


Poliomyelitis is a viral disease in which the gray substance is affected by the central nervous system. The pathogen of polio is a small virus that does not have an outer shell and containing RNA. An effective method of combating this disease is a living polio vaccine. The main habitat of enterovirus in nature is the human body, or rather the intestine, hence the name. The intestine is the only reservoir of many enteroviruses, from where the viruses get into the blood, in the internal organs, CNS.

Poliomyelitis (POLIOS - gray, myelos - spinal cord). The name itself suggests that the virus is affected by the gray substance of the spinal cord. With paretic forms of polio, the motor innervation is actually disturbed, which is responsible for the movement of the muscles. Atrophic paralysis arise, more often, less often the upper extremities, depending on which spinal cord segment will affect. The disease is very heavy, crumbles. It has been known for a long time, it mentions Hippocrat. Unfortunately, polio is often found.

The virus was opened in 1945.

Epidemiology of polio: the incubation period is 7-14 days. Poliomyelitis is a very high-contagious disease, a source - a sick person of the asymptomatic form, the main transmission path is fecal-oral. The fecal-oral transmission path is main in countries with a highly developed sanitary situation. In countries with highly developed sanitary crop, the leading transmission is air-drip. In the first week of the disease, the virus can settle in the regional lymph nodes and with the mucus of the oz when coughing, sneezing may be allocated to the environment, infecting others

PATHOGENESIS. The pathogen penetrates through the mouth often through dirty hands, dishes, water. In a certain number of cases, the virus penetrates through the intestinal barrier, it falls into the blood, viremia occurs. In some cases, the virus penetrates through the hematostephalic barrier and falls into the spinal cord, causing damage to motor innervation. Polio causative agent can cause the following diseases:

aseptic meningitis

asymptomatic forms (inaped form), when the virus is in the intestine, does not penetrate into the blood.

Abortive shape (small disease). The virus penetrates into the blood, but it can not penetrate through the hematorecephalic barrier. Clinically, such a disease is manifested by an angina, the catar of the upper respiratory tract.

In a small number of children, the virus penetrates through the hematostephalic barrier and causes the damage of motor neurons of the front horns of the spinal cord so-called paralytic form. Mortality under paralytic form 10% and more than half of children have persistent paralysis.

Immunity with polio lifelong, type-specific. The mechanism of immunity is determined by 2 main moments:

Humoral general immunity is ensured by the blood circulating with immunoglobulins of class M and G2),

2. Local arises in the tissue of intestines and nasopharynx, pharynx, ensuring the stability of these tissues by the presence of secretory immunoglobulins of class A.

Coxica viruses. In the city of Kokssaki (America) in 1948, viruses were allocated in the clinic of polio, viruses that did not react with polivalent polio serum. The selected viruses had a property to cause diseases in newborns - Suns. Coxica viruses on 2 subgroups (A and B) are associated with their ability to affect the tissues of newborn mice in different ways.

Coksaki viruses Subgroups A cause sluggish paralysis, and subgroups B - spastic paralysis. Diseases that cause cokes viruses: aseptic meningitis, angina, feverish diseases with rash.

Coksaki viruses are most often caused encephalomiocarditis of newborns.

Esno viruses. E- Enteric, C - Cytopatogenetic, O - Orpham, H - Human. In the process, the study of enteroviruses discovered viruses that could not be attributed to enteroviruses, since they, firstly, did not react with polio polyvalentin serum, secondly, they were not able to cause diseases in saucers, so they could not Contributed to Coxaki viruses. First, they were called Orphans-orphans. Then Esno. Esno viruses cause aseptic meningitis, gastroenteritis in children, feverish diseases with summer seasonality.

Treatment and prevention of polio. There is no specific treatment for polio. No chemotherapists, antibiotics that can help with paralytic form. Possible symptomatic, secrets.

There are 2 vaccines:

Solka vaccine, developed in 1956 and called inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (IPD). It is a killed vaccine, it gives a common humoral immunity, but does not protect the intestines. A person who will instill this vaccine will not get sick himself, but if the virus is settled in the intestines, it can become a carrier of the virus and infect others.

Depending on which genetic material is within them, viruses are divided into two types:

  • RNA-containing - influenza virus, polio, viral hepatitis C, HIV;
  • DNA-containing - the hepatitis B virus, human papillomatosis, herpes virus (causes a chickenpox with a herpes, adenovirus (cold), adenovirus (cold).

Depending on the system of organs that the pathogenic microorganisms are affected, viral diseases are divided into the following groups:

1. Respiratory infections. ORZ is perhaps the most common viral diseases of a person. Viruses are affected by the mucous membranes of respiratory organs. The most difficult respiratory infections flow in patients with weak immunity, babies and the elderly.

2. Gastrointestinal viral diseases in children. An interesting feature of this group of diseases is the fact that different viruses are affected by different age-related categories of people:

  • rotavirus - children;
  • coronavirus - babies;
  • norovirus - adolescents and adults;
  • adenovirus - babies;
  • astrovius - children under three years.

The main symptoms of this group of viral diseases are diarrhea and vomiting.

3. Viral liver disease. This group of diseases include hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, Yellow Fever virus, Epstein-Barr virus. Also, viruses of chickenpox, rubella, measles, simple herpes can have a negative impact on the liver.

4. Neurological infections. It is known that most often encephalitis is caused by viruses. A person's infection occurs as a result of the bite of ticks and mosquitoes.

5. Hemorrhagic fever. It is distributed by ticks, mosquitoes, infection is also possible when contacting contaminated people and animals.

6. Infectilation of mucous and skin. Most often caused by herpes virus and HPV, are transmitted when the patient's patient with a healthy is transmitted.

7. Viral diseases of the person who are affected by several systems and organs. Their pathogens are most often enteroviruses and cytomegaloviruses.

Causes of viral diseases

The cause of the development of this type of disease is viruses. They are the smallest particles and consist of nucleic acid and protein shell. Viruses are able to multiply only in the cells of the affected organism.

Main paths of infection:

1. Airborne drip. The virus enters the human body along with the inhaled air. This is the most dangerous path of transmission, which due to the speed of distribution often leads to the development of epidemics and even pandemic. Many viral diseases in children, influenza viruses, paragrippa and a number of others are transmitted in a similar way.

2. Alimentary, household. The virus is transmitted through food, household items, personal sick person things.

3. Parenteral. The virus enters the human body directly through blood. Most often this happens when using infected syringes, surgical instruments, unprotected sex.

The virus can get into the organism of the fetus of the mother, transplantary. The parenterally is usually transmitted viruses that are poorly adapted to survival in the conditions of an external environment (rabies, HIV, hepatitis and a number of others).

Symptoms of viral disease

Finding into the human body, the virus begins to multiply in it and with the blood current is distributed through the body, causing the development of the pathological process.

The following are the main symptoms of the viral disease:

1. Increase temperature. It is a characteristic symptom of viral infection. Without fever, only light shapes of ARVI can flow. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees, then this is a sign that the disease occurs hard.

2. Incixation. Finding into the body, the virus is not only actively multiplied, but also allocates a large number of toxins. This leads to the emergence of such symptoms as headache, general weakness, loss of appetite, nausea. Most of all, a children's body suffers from intoxication.

3. Raw. Quite often, with viral infections, rashes on the skin occur. They may have a kind of roseola (enterovirus infections), stains (cortex, rubella) or pimples (slimming, windmill, herpes). Rawness most often appears in children.

4. Diarrhea. Most often observed when the organism is defeated by rotavirus or noravirus. Chair is watery, abundant, without blood impurities and feces.

5. Meningheal syndrome. It is a frequent complication of viral infections. Meningitis more often arise in children as a complication of enterovirus infection or influenza.

Diagnosis of viral diseases

Most often, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture of the disease. If you need to determine the type of virus, then this use the following diagnostic techniques:

1. Serological method. Determine the titer of antibodies to a specific virus in the patient's blood. This is the most demanded and common method today. With it, you can not only identify the virus, but also determine the degree of its activity that it helps to choose the right treatment.

2. Virological method. Its essence is that the virus obtained from the patient's body is infected with chicken embryo cells with subsequent virus identification. It is a rather expensive and time consuming method, so it is currently used rarely.

Treatment of viral diseases

The proper treatment of viral diseases should be complex and include three types of therapy - etiotropic, symptomatic and pathogenetic.

Remantadine belongs to etiotropic means, which blocks viruses reproduction. He is prescribed only in the first two days of the disease, as it is already useless later. Interferons are also actively interfering with the introduction and development of the virus. The use of etiotropic drugs in the first hours of the disease makes it easier to make it easier and helps to avoid complications.

Pathogenetic therapy includes the reception of ascorbic acid, calcium, antihistamine. Antibiotics for viruses do not act, so their purpose is possible only if the secondary infection is attached.

Symptomatic treatment includes the reception of expectorant, antipyretic drugs, droplets in the nose and so on.

In our online store you are offered to your attention the following means for the treatment of viral diseases that can be used as part of complex therapy:

  • Radwitol;
  • Avirol;
  • Discovery strength;
  • Lecithin;
  • Neurostabil;
  • Acidobac;
  • Calcimax;
  • Artemizin-M.

All of the above tools you can purchase in our online store, going to the page of the desired drug and placing the purchase by any convenient way.

Prevention of viral diseases

The development of viral diseases can be prevented. To do this, you must comply with the following recommendations:

1. Vaccination with active methods. For this purpose, live vaccines are used (against hepatitis B, yellow fever, steaming, poliomyelitis, influenza, measles) and inactivated vaccines (against hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis A).

2. Vaccination with passive methods. For this purpose, drugs with antibodies are used.

3. Immunotherapy. Includes receiving interferon or its inductors.

It should be remembered that the prevention of viral diseases includes the strengthening of the organism immune protection. To achieve this goal it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:

  • engage in hardening the body;
  • eat right;
  • lead an active lifestyle, more often walking, play sports;
  • if possible, avoid entering stressful situations;
  • normalize labor and rest mode;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

For each person, it will not be superfluous to learn about severe diseases that are called by a group. viruses. Epidemics of these viruses They may arise at any time anywhere in the globe, no one is insured against this disease. The most dangerous viruses In the world, it is often unpredictable, and can manifest quite diverse.


The virus, from the Family Family, quite sensiated over the last time worldwide. It causes an ebol the hardest form of hemorrhagic fever in humans. His danger lies in the fact that with the hardest clinical picture in patients, there are no specific therapy and vaccines against virus. Amazing virus Ebola almost all organs and human systems. The incubation period of this virus ranges from 3 to 22 days. The disease begins with a sharp increase in body temperature, the pain in the muscles, head, throat, bones join this. The function of the liver, kidneys, respiratory and cardiovascular systems is disturbed. Without the necessary substitution therapy, the polyorgan deficiency and death of the patient develops. As noted above, specific therapy does not exist, therefore the disease is treated by the "prosthetics" of lost functions of organs and systems. Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, massive infusion therapy, may be needed by hemodialysis, and the connection of the patient to the artificial apparatus breathing.
Interesting fact is that development vaccine and special medicines, was discontinued in 2012, due to the fact that large farm. Companies considered research costs are not cost-effective due to the lack of sales market.

Marburg virus

This disease is considered the most fatal in the world, in itself it is very similar to virus Ebola, however, in the even worst form. The virus causes a similar clinical picture with hemorrhagic Ebola fever. There is a damage to vessels together with hemorrhagic syndrome, which end, poly organ failure and death. The mortality of this virus after the last outbreak in Angola was 80%, from the number of ill.

AIDS virus

HIV, and caused by him AIDS, The widely discussed and solved problem. However, big breakthroughs in treatment This type of virus was never implemented. At the moment, the world reigns a pandemic of this virus. He spread to all continents and stranges in the globe, and rightly enters the group "The most dangerous viruses". By itself virus Refers to a group of retroviruses. His danger is that he knocks out a very important link in the human body. immune Systems, due to which a person "loses" immunityand dies from the secondary attachment. At the moment, vaccines or medication is not invented, however developed Schemes supporting retroviral therapiawhat allows you to save life people with the status of HIV positive on length decades.

Influenza virus

Despite the fact that with influenza We meet almost every year, and many have sobbed by this disease without dangerous consequences, it is a deadly disease. Over the past 200 years, various virus strains influenza They took lives much more than HIV and Ebola combined. What is the danger of a virus influenza? First of all, in unpredictability. Flu Muts the almost faster of all viruses known to humanity, each time, it is not known how it will be in gravity, and how to change the vaccine. It is enough to recall the epidemics of bird and California flu, so that it is to understand, this disease can kill people thousands. Despite the fact that a huge number of people in the world are sick every year and recover, it is not known how the virus mutates next year, and how dangerous it will be. It is for this reason that the strains of the influenza virus should be noted as the most dangerous representatives of viruses.


No treatment, but there is a vaccine. About the virus of rabies in our days they say more and less. Proper medical and veterinary control, helped defeat this disease. Despite this, cases of rabies in the world are still found. The danger of this virus is that if a person fell ill, he will die. The rabies virus affects the nervous system, and it will not be able to survive.


Hepatitis virus has many options. The most dangerous and common are hepatitis S. and hepatitis V. At the moment, against the data diseases There are successful methods treatment And there is a specific vaccination. In addition, a person can recover and himself. However, if cases of illness and treatment does not occur, a person will unwill inevitably cirrhosis of the liver And death. The problem of treating viral hepatitis is the cost of drugs. Antiviral therapy courses are patients in the rabid amount of money. In itself, treatment also very adversely affects the human body by virtue of the pronounced side effects of drugs.


The above-described viruses are classified as the most dangerous in the world. The incidence and epidemic situation around the world says that each of us may be in danger. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization conducts active research, and introduce measures to prevent and combat this group of viruses. It remains, it hopes that over time, humanity worldwide will come to a certain point of self-consciousness and joint efforts to overcome hazardous viruses. BUT balms Ergashak assist in this.

Hemorrhagic fever Ebola - highly contagious viral disease, to the causative agents of which are susceptible to people, primates and some wooden, in particular, pigs and goats.
For the first time, the hemorrhagic fever of Ebola in humans was revealed in 1976 in the territory of the Congo (previously - Zaire), the provinces of Sudan. The causative agent of the disease was allocated by medical staff from the areas of the Ebola River, hence the name.
In a short period of time after identifying the virus, more than 500 people were amazed, 2/3 of which died within 3 days after the symptoms manifest. Soon all the territory of the African continent was familiar with the fatal disease.
In the same 1976, the first sick was revealed in the UK, "they turned out to be a scientist infected with a virus due to laboratory research.
Epolodically fever Ebola recorded from the people from the USA, the Philippines and even Russia. In the course of establishing sources of infection, it was revealed that all the diseases were contacted with the inhabitants of Africa or conducted medical experiments.
Thanks to the actions of the regional agencies, establishments during the epidemic of rigid quarantine measures in the places of crossing the borders of states and customs points, all this time the spread of Ebola virus was able to restrain, however, for almost 40 years, the African continent is still considered epidemiologically disadvantaged due to spontaneous outbreaks. This disease in humans. So, for this period, due to infection with a virus in the region, about 2,000 people died, while almost the same amount suffered a parable and recovered.
Despite the efforts of physicians, the leadership of European countries and the adopted quarantine measures, since the beginning of 2014 there are an unprecedented epidemic of the disease in Central and West Africa. As of August of this year, the diagnosis of hemorrhagic ebola fever was recorded in 2.5 thousand citizens of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Layon, and more than 1.5 thousand Africans consider the dead from this disease.
On August 8 of this year, representatives of the Vozo drew the ebol fever "the threat of a global scale", and on August 12, the death case in Europe over the past 2 decades has been registered from this ailment, "a resident of Spain, recently visited Liberia.
Despite large-scale and perennial research, it is not significantly known as the Ebola virus enters the body. Scientists believe that the gates of infection are the microtrauma of the body's mucous membranes, where the causative agent falls with the physiological fluids of infected human and animals.
At the site of the introduction of the virus, transformations are usually not observed.
Hidden (incubatory) period of the disease ranges from 2 days to 3 weeks and depends on the type of virus and the overall health of the infected.
Like any hemorrhagic fever, the disease begins with general intoxication of the body and is manifested by the attacks of a strong headache, pain in the abdomen and muscles, an increase in body temperature to 39-41 degrees, diarrhea, vomiting, lesions of the nasophack and eye mucous membrane. Later, the symptoms are joined by a dry threshable cough, half of the sicks are observed with a rash, it is similar to the manifestations of wind sieves.
In a person, a patient with an Ebola virus, rapidly grow dehydration (dehydration), leading to disorders of the liver and kidney function, causing internal bleeding. This course of the disease is observed approximately 50-60% of patients and if within 2 weeks the victim does not go to the amendment, the fever usually ends with a fatal outcome. In this case, death occurs due to massive blood loss.
Research from the blood of the disease indicates a violation of coagulation (thrombocytopenia), an increase in the number of leukocytes due to the increase in inflammatory processes (leukocytosis) and a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin (anemia). These indicators are associated with general symptomatics indicate the defeat of the hematopopic system in humans.
A favorable forecast has only young patients who do not have any chronic diseases. The scientifically proven fact is that the majority of the inhabitants of the African continent have already acquired immunity to the disease, since, during their lives, there had a very large amount of chances to infect and safely transfer Ebola's fever asymptomatic due to infection with special strains of the virus. This explains the elevation of the death of patients.
Sometimes the disease is mistakenly taken for malaria and other tropical disease due to similar symptoms.
Install, whether a particular patient is sick with this ailmentary, after conducting specialized laboratory tests, clinical symptoms and analysis of the prerequisites for the disease (contact with patients, stay in dysfunctional regions).
Despite modern scientific developments and research, Ebola fever vaccines do not yet exist, and patient treatment is symptomatic. Careful care and dehydration relief is required - by introducing a large amount of fluid using intravenous and jet injections, as well as orally.
The view among the medical community is widespread that any hemorrhagic fever can be eliminated and ebol, including, however, as the predominant majority of the sores of the third world countries, the development of vaccines and drugs against regional deaths will not bring pharmaceutical companies with tangible arrived.
To date, the growth of the disease progresses, every day carrying human life.

There is an opinion that animals, plants and people are dominated by the Earth's planet. But it is not really wrong. In the world there are countless microorganisms (microbes). And viruses are among the most dangerous. They can cause various human and animal diseases. Below is a list of ten most dangerous biological viruses for a person.

10 Huntavirus

Huntavirus - the genus of viruses, transmitted by man when contacting rodents or products of their livelihoods. Huntavirus cause various diseases related to such groups of diseases as "hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome" (mortality average 12%) and "Huntavirus cardiopulmonal syndrome" (mortality up to 36%). The first major outbreak of the disease caused by Huntavirus and known as the "Korean hemorrhagic fever" occurred during the Korean War (1950-1953). Then more than 3,000 American and Korean soldiers felt the impact of the virus unknown at that time caused inner bleeding and violation of kidney functions. Interestingly, this virus is considered the likely cause of the epidemic in the XVI century, which destroyed the nationality of Aztecs.

9 influenza virus

The influenza virus is a virus that causes a person an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Currently, there are more than 2 thousand of its variants, classifying according to three serotypes A, B, C. A group of virus from serotype A separated by strains (H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, etc.) is the most dangerous for a person and can lead to epidemic and pandemics. Every year in the world from seasonal flu epidemics dies from 250 to 500 thousand people (most of them are children under 2 years old and older people over 65).

8 Virus Marburg

The Marburg virus is a dangerous person's dangerous virus, first described in 1967 during small outbreaks in the German cities of Marburg and Frankfurt. In humans, it causes a hemorrhagic fever of Marburg (mortality of 23-50%), which is transmitted through blood, calus, saliva and vomit. Natural reservoir for this virus serve sick people are probably rodents and some types of monkeys. Symptoms in the early stages include fever, headache and muscle pain. In late - jaundice, pancreatitis, weight loss, delirium and neuropsychiatric symptoms, bleeding, hypovolemic shock and multiple bodies of organs, most often liver. The fever Marburg is among the top ten deaths transmitted from animals.

7 Rotavirus

The sixth place in the list of the most dangerous human viruses is Rotavirus - a group of viruses, which are the most common cause of acute diarrhea among babies and young children. Transferred to fecal-oral way. This disease is usually easily treated, but more than 450,000 children under five years old are dying in the world, most of which live in underdeveloped countries.

6 Ebola virus

Ebola virus - the genus of viruses, causing hemorrhagic ebol fever. It was first discovered in 1976 during the outbreak of the disease in the Ebola River basin (hence the name of the virus) in Zaire, DR Congo. It is transmitted with direct contact with blood, discharge, other liquids and organs of an infected person. For Ebola fever, a sudden increase in body temperature, pronounced general weakness, muscle and headaches, as well as throat pain. It is often accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver functions, and in some cases internal and external bleeding. According to the US Disease Control Center, for 2015, 30,939 people were infected for Ebola fever, from which 12 910 (42%).

5 Virus Denge

Denge virus is one of the most dangerous biological viruses for a person, causing a dengue fever, in severe cases that mortality is about 50%. The disease is characterized by fever, intoxication, myalgia, arthralgia, rash and an increase in lymph nodes. It is found mainly in the countries of South and Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean, where about 50 million people are infected annually. Virus pedestals is a sick person, monkey, mosquitoes and bats.

4 pie challenges

PCOS virus is a complex virus, a pathogen of a highly disintended disease that affects only a person. This is one of the most ancient diseases whose symptoms are chills, a pain in the field of a sacrum and a lower back, a rapid increase in body temperature, dizziness, headache, vomiting. On the second day, rashes appear, which over time turns into purulent bubbles. In the XX century, this virus was covered by 300-500 million people. At 1967 to 1979, about $ 298 million and 1979 were spent from 1967 to 1979 (in 2010, equivalent 1.2 billion dollars). Fortunately, the last famous case of infection was registered on October 26, 1977 in the Somali city of Mark.

3 rabies virus

The rabies virus is a dangerous virus, causing rabies in humans and warm-blooded animals, in which the specific lesion of the central nervous system occurs. This disease is transmitted with saliva in the bite of an infected animal. Accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37.2-37.3, poor sleep, patients become aggressive, violent, hallucinations appear, nonsense, feeling of fear, soon the paralysis of the eye muscles, lower extremities, paralytic respiratory disorders and death occurs. The first signs of the disease occur late when devastating processes (edema, hemorrhage, degradation of nerve cells) have already occurred in the brain, which makes treatment almost impossible. Today, only three cases of human recovery without the use of vaccination are recorded, everyone else ended with death.

2 Virus Lassa

Lasse virus - a deadly virus, which is the pathogen of the fever of Lasa in humans and primates. The disease was first discovered in 1969 in the Nigerian city of Lass. It is characterized by severe flow, damage to the respiratory, kidney, central nervous system, myocarditis and hemorrhagic syndrome. It is found mainly in West African countries, especially in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea, Nigeria and Liberia, where the annual incidence is from 300,000 to 500,000 cases, of which 5 thousand leads to the patient's death. The natural reservoir of the fever of the Lassa is multi-seasy rats.

1 human immunodeficiency virus

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most dangerous human virus, a HIV-infection / AIDS causative agent, which is transmitted through direct contact of the mucous membranes or blood with a liquid of bodily origin of the patient. During HIV infection, the same person forms all new strains (varieties) of the virus, which are mutants, completely different reproduction speeds that can initiate and kill those or other cell types. Without medical intervention, the average life expectancy of a person infected by the immunodeficiency virus is 9-11 years. According to the data for 2011, 60 million people in the world in the world for all time, from them: 25 million died, and 35 million continues to live with a virus.