Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin when got married. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan submitted: Latest News

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin when got married. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan submitted: Latest News
Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin when got married. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan submitted: Latest News

The lawyer Armen Dzhigarkhanyan stated to journalists that Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskoy was presented with official charges. The fact is that Vitalyna is considered guilty of violating the inviolability of the private life of Armen Borisovich, the details of which she willingly shared with journalists without the consent of Dzhigarkhanyan.

On December 5, the former beloved Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was made a formal accusation that she was engaged in the disclosure of the secrecy of the privacy of the former spouse.

About this in an interview with journalists informed the lawyer actor - Eugene Parfinov. According to him, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was engaged in collecting and disseminating information about the personal and family life of the actor, without having received the necessary consent from Gigarchhanyan.

Vitalin has already signed a subscription of the unseason, so in the event of an attempt to leave the Russian capital, it risks to be under house arrest. However, the news about the charges of the charges of Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya was already discussed by some lawyers, in particular the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky noted in his microblogging that marriage registration and the subsequent divorce could lead to unexpected consequences.

Jurisprudence experts suggest that if Vitalin is found guilty of charges of disclosing details of private life, it can go for a bastard for up to two years. In addition, it is possible that in the near future, the pianist will be charged with the abduction of documents.

The fact is that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is also suspected of stealing the passport of Armen Borisovich, who declared his disappearance into the police a few weeks earlier. Employees of law enforcement agencies have already produced the necessary procedural actions, in particular, they searched the villages of Vitaly, as well as her parents.

Biography of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Ukrainian pianist, the former general director of the theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.
Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in the Ukrainian capital in 1979. He studied in Kiev. She became a laureate of the international musical competition in Paris. He graduated from the music school in the class of piano, then the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 he moved to Moscow, where he entered the State Classic Academy named after Maimonide. Subsequently, she taught here at the Faculty of World Music Culture, and then the director Vladimir Yachmenov recommended Vitalyna to the theater of Gigarharian.

Even in Kiev, the 16-year-old Cimbalyuk came to the performance with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan ("December 32", "Zero City", "Hello, I am your aunt!", Green van, "Life Life"), took an autograph and from this The moment was looking for a reason for meeting with a famous actor. Through friends found his phones, in Moscow sometimes they could even meet, dine together. When the artist fell ill, only his sister and Vitalin was nearby.

In 2002, Armen Borisovich had a microinsult. Tsymbalyuk decided to support him, began to help the sister of Dzhigarkhanyan to care for him.

After a while, Armen invited Vitalyna to work to the theater, in which the pianist began to serve since 2008. At first, she worked as the head of the music part, and on June 18, 2015, Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took the chair of the director of the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Soon, the media began to shoot with scandalous news related to Vitaly's official decisions. In particular, in 2011, the Troupe left several well-known artists, including Andrei Merzlikin ("Boomer", "Piranha Hunt", "Fortress") and Stanislav Dzadnikov ("Kamenskaya", "Graphomaphy", "Voronina"). Elena Xenofontov, Alexey Shevchenko, Vladimir Kapustin joined the theater team left.

In 2016, it became known about another impartial situation - several employees of the Theater of the Dzhigarkhanian Theater complained that they were thrown into the street. Then the spouse of the eminent actor reported that all relevant questions were settled.

Vitalin Cymbalyuk-Romanovskaya about the incident 2016: "Allegedly illegally dismissed actress and costumes lost all proceedings. Probably, this is talking about something. Fortunately, everything went down. Now in the team there is no place for intrigues and scandals, although it used to be, alas, it happened. But we managed to create a surroundings from like-minded people. It is important that it was good not only to me and Armen Borisovich, all employees should feel comfortable ... You see, experience in art is almost 30 years old. I graduated from school at the conservatory and passed through all these "creative" cases. Put cones. From now on, I know - it's easier to part with a person than to find out the relationship. "

In February 2017, another scandal broke out in the theater. This time, a young actress Dana Nazarova has been associated with the dismissal who has worked there for eight years. She sued the institution, the director of whose director Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya stated that the theater no longer needs to be artist. Commenting on the writing, the spouse of Gigarhahanyna noted that the actress simply decided to reconeat in this way.

Personal life Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

About the novel of Gigarhahanyan and Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya was known for a long time. However, until the winter of 2016, the couple was limited to civil relations, which, in total, launched, according to Vitalyna itself, 15 years. With the second wife, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, the last six years almost did not communicate, as she lives in America. After receiving a divorce in September 2015, the artist made a proposal of the hand and the heart of a young beloved.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: "Armen Borisovich invited me to his home on a cup of tea with a chamber. I came and saw, or rather, I felt that he was very alone. We did not build long-term plans. Armen Borisovich for a long time could not believe in the selflessness of my intentions, but over time he understood how much I love him. "

February 25, 2016 80-year-old Dzhigarkhanyan married 36-year-old pianist. The marriage ceremony took place in the secretness atmosphere - only the closest events knew about the event. True, the registration of marriage was under threat, as the actor on the eve of the temperature in the temperature.

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: "The situation was stressful: on the eve of Armen Borisovich fell into the hospital with the flu, and I did not know until the latter, check-in will take place. But he escaped from the hospital. Thanks to friends who have made an arch from orchids and bought a bouquet of the bride. But about the rings I took care myself. I wanted something simple and elegant. The combination of white and yellow gold with diamonds seemed a worthy option. No peters, fireworks, endless toast, contests and leading. Moreover, after the registry office, we went to the theater. "

Earlier, Vitalin was not married, she does not have children. For Armen, it was the third marriage. A 44-year-old difference, according to lovers, did not interfere with the pair to find happiness and find a common language with each other.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: "I can not say what exactly the Vitalin hooked me. This is a very difficult question. There are many things about these things, it is said, invented, but there are no truths. Yes, and thank God, because then there is a chance to come up with life. And if you know the answer, then you are a person from KVN. "

In the autumn of 2017, a black cat ran between Vitaly and her spouse. On October 16, Zymbalyuk wrote a statement about the disappearance of Dzhigarkhanyan. She explained that the actor, in her opinion, was kidnapped. However, Andrei Malakhov took to find an eminent artist. As part of his current show "Direct Ether", a journalist Valentina Pimanova said that Armen Borisovich was put on the 57th Moscow hospital for a while, because he was slightly punished, but in general it was all right.

At the same time, the People's Artist of the USSR in a sharp shape stated to the correspondents who had to see him that he did not want his young wife from this moment and had already filed documents for divorce.
Armen Dzhigarkhanyan about Vitaly: "She led himself vigilantly. She is a thief, not a man. From my pocket, I took the money. I do not feel sorry for me. I am pitying this process ... "

It turned out that before going to the hospital, Dzhigarkhanyan left a note in his theater, where he said that he was dismissed by the director Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

On October 18, 2017, on the air of the First Channel, as part of the Talk show "Let them say", an exclusive interview was shown, which he took the journalist Dmitry Borisov from Armen Borisovich. Dzhigarkhanyan confirmed his intention to divorce Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, again accusing her the fact that she was robbed him, called the young spouse "a bad man who climbed into his pocket," and added that he, thanks to the efforts of Vitaly Viktorovna, now just nowhere live.

On November 27, the Judicial Plot No. 202 of the Kuntsevo district in Moscow satisfied the lawsuit of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan about the divorce and officially dissolve artists. The decision of the court will enter into force only in a month, so Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya still still husband and wife. On the day X Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya came to the studio of the program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether, "where for the first time commented on the divorce with Dzhigarkhanyan and frankly told about resonant history.

The pianist told that he did not appear in court today. Instead of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya at the meeting, her representative Elina Mazur was present. "I congratulate Vitalina. This horror that lasted for several months ended. Vitalin and Armen Borisovich are no longer a spouse. The nightmare ended, "Mazur admitted.

The representative of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Elina Mazur said that after terminating a marriage with Armen Gigarkhanyan, she plans to move to Paris and start a new life: "Vitalyna is called to France and Germany. Do not forget, she is a professional, talented pianist. She likes the first option more, and in mid-December she plans to fly to Paris to find out the terms of the contract.

In Moscow, Vitalin acquired apartments and will soon finish the repair. And Dzhigarkhanyan has already changed several removable apartments. He does not like anywhere - in a new place spent the night a couple of days, and then returns to the theater, to his office. Friends of Armen Borisovich spent more than a million rubles for rental housing. "

However, on December 4, Vitalin stated that she was insulting that the court decided to dilute them, without even trying to reconcile. "I am not glad by a court decision. It hurts that in two months the husband never talked to me and did not explain what I am to blame. For this, I will not forgive him. But I still want to live with him - in any of my three apartments, where he wants himself, in good-neighborly.

I'm so sorry for me, I would have worked behind him. And in Paris, I changed my mind to not accused of emigration: I'm going to put my old entrepreneur and new performances in Moscow. I am looking for another theater, "Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya admitted.

The scandalous history of the divorce of the 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and 36-year-old Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya at the end of November would seem to come to his logical conclusion. However, former spouses, nevertheless, will have to meet in court. According to the lawyer Armen Borisovich Evgenia Parfenova, two criminal cases were already opened against Vitaly.

The actor calling his wife "Golden Girl", and now Clay: "Thief" and "Monster"! And there is a reason - the young spouse left the old man without apartments and money.

That's certainly say: Sedina in the beard - the demon in the edge! Two years ago, on the eve of its 80th anniversary, Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan divorced his wife for the sake of his mistress Vitaly Tsymbalyuk, henger for 46 years. She is not that in his daughter, he was suitable for his granddaughter! But the old man was confident - they have real love.

But on his abandoned Tatiana Vlasova, the actor was married as much as 48 years old. It believed that in the face of Vitalina finally met fate, considering his first two marriage as unsuccessful.

In the late 1950s, Dzhigarkhanyan married Actress Alla Vannovskaya. She was older for 10 years. "Send a guy!" - whispering in the theater. But Alla had a mental illness of Khorora (when a person performs sudden chaotic movements, susceptible to aggression, depression and panic). Houses on the soil of jealousy, the wife satisfied the terrible hysteria. Birth of the daughter in 1964 did not improve the situation.

Often Alla ran out of the house with the baby. A terrible thing! - told Dzhigarkhanyan. - I then felt love, pity and fatigue.

And suddenly the director from Siberia arrived in the theater.

And with him - she! - Armen Borisovich smiled. -My woman! The wife of this director ... They had just been born the son Stepan.

But Dzhigarkhanyan did not stop it. He immediately met the beauty.

And, you can say, she stole it, "the actor admitted.

Roman developed rapidly. When Dzhigarkhanyan was invited to Moscow, Tatiana left with him.

The first wife hardly transferred his departure and betrayal. Mental disease began to progress.

In the end, I took a daughter, and Alla was put in a mental hospital, "said Dzhigarkhanyan.

There the poor thing soon and died.

Now Dzhigarkhanyan says that we did not have love! It was not true, "says Tatyana Vlasov. - And I tried to do the way he wanted. His mother came to live to us; The daughter of Armen also tried to build a normal relationship, although her mother's disease was passed ...

The actor, in turn, tried to raise her son Stepan. But in 1987, a tragedy occurred, the seven seven. In 1987, a 23-year-old daughter Gigarhahanyan Elena died. I fell asleep with the bride in the car with the engine turned on - and poisoned with exhaust gases.

I was death of my daughter alone! Do you understand?!

Jigarhahanyan says. - The wife did not support. And this is the worst thing to be alone in such a state.

He still tried to return family happiness - asked Vlasov to give birth to a child.

I was 52, she - 44, says the artist. - Everything was still possible. But her mother-in-law was dissuading. And the children had to forget.

And then Armen Borisovich lost and Stepan:

It turned out, we are different people. I have children here, on Earth, no more.

In the early 1990s, Tatiana was invited to teach in the United States to the University of Dallas.

Then we decided: Tanya will go to earn and arrange life. And I lie later, finishing all the case,

Explains Armen Borisovich. "But I never left in the USA." Late. Not those years, alas.

What did he, the famous Russian actor, would do in a foreign land? Yes, and former feelings for his wife did not experience. Sometimes I visited it in America, but more and less. And the homeland suffered from loneliness. From a unsettled life, from the lack of female care and affection. This is where Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya appeared on the horizon.

I was 16 when I saw Armen Borisovich, "recalls Vitalin. - And at that very moment I realized that I love it. Such things happen per second!

Then she took an autograph from her idol in Kiev, he learned the phone. They were convened. And when in 2001 the star had a microinsult, rushed to Moscow - to care for.

The actor flashed in the heart "Strong, deep" feeling. And Vitalina "grew up long ago." With a diploma on the end of the Kiev Conservatory, she got a concertmaster to the musical performance of Dzhigarkhanian "Ali Baba and forty robbers." By 2008, he already led the musical part.

When I came to the theater, Armen Borisovich was seriously ill with diabetes, "says Vitalin. - And when the microinsult happened, it was generally forced to leave the scene ...

Dzhigarkhanyan confessed to the girl that in a blank apartment lonely and sad. And how did the elderly star fed? In the theater buffet! Vitalin began to take care of the arts and help him in everything. Here is Armen Borisovich to her and imbued. And in 2009 he had a second stroke.

Believe me: Armen called his wife. And so I waited that she would come to him to the hospital! But Vlasov flew and went ... to the theater. Then Gigarhahanyan removed the wedding ring and said to everyone: "My wife -Vitalina!"

As a result, Dzhigarkhanyan was divorced and married Romanovskaya two years ago.

And yet late I found my woman. - Golden girl. That's how it happens in life! Youth has long gone, and you suddenly incredibly happy.

I did not speak about the stamp in the passport, "the satisfied with Vitalin explained. - But Armen Borisovich rested: "I want it so much! You will be my wife!"

But after the wedding, his happiness lasted for a short time.

It happened a nasty story. Vitalin brought me a lot of unfair pain. He behaved his gnus. And I'm not going to forgive my wife. Never! She is a thief! Yes Yes! My young wife is a thief, not a man!

So what happened?

Vitalin turned into a monster! - Shouts celebrity. - In a fantastic fraudster, who has robbed me! I noticed everything for her for a long time, but I hoped that my wife was catching up. Believe the best in man! I hurt me! Gnus Voruga! Beautiful, infectious woman, but a very nasty man!

According to the artist, the wife tried to put it weak to remove from its theater.

To drag your "gang": a daddy, mommy, girlfriends and pay them a beautiful salary, - the actor is boiling. - And make your own condes at the level of kindergarten. However, she has already done all this. In addition to my dismissal. And I want my theater to be capable. I don't need amateur in my scene. Vitalyna must be removed from the post of the head. And the prosecutor's office arrange a financial check of my wife's activities in the theater!

In the metropolitan department of culture, the "scream of the soul" stars were injured and called Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya "for conversation." After that, Vitalina quit "At his own will."

But it was upset, apparently, not much. After all, three her husband apartments have managed to arrange. And also, according to the lawyer, Gigarkhanyan, she took off 12 million rubles from the actor bills during this time.

I confess: I saw Falquer Vitaly. But he said: "The girl cares for me. It may not be at all so good feelings. " And what?! Now anyone is clear: everything was done for the sake of apartments, money.

Divorce took place. Now Vitalin dreams of a new husband - young who will give her children. And she has already provided his future at the expense of an old man.

When Dzhigarkhanyan asked about the feelings for the young wife, he confessed:

I still guess my Vitaly! Our relationship is Oh! Atomic bomb!

That's really, rushed - so rushed ...

Name: Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Date of Birth: 1979

Age:0 years old

Place of Birth: Kiev, Ukraine

Height: 178

Activity: Pianist, Director General of the Moscow Drama Theater

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - 38-year-old native of the city of Kiev, famous for Star Boyujudu, not as the General Director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Gigarkhanyan, and as the wife of the head of the Moscow Drama Theater, Armen Dzhigarkhana. The fact that she has been engaged in music from childhood, studied at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, and in her biography, she even has a line that she is a laureate of an international competition in Paris, somehow somehow subsided a bit, as well as about that. That she graduated from a music school in the piano. The wife, a woman who, in her own admission, was in love with her childhood - it outweighs many titles, and even the loud title of Paris laureate.

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, as befells a talented provincial, is a purposeful, beautiful, persistent and intelligent woman who has achieved everything with his own labor, beauty and abilities. Once a year, when her future husband (who did not suspect it for a second), came to the tour to Kiev, she tried certainly to visit his performances. From the moment the 15-year-old girl saw the legend of Russian cinema in the play of the theater. V.V. Mayakovsky "Cat on a hot roof" and "Last victim", she had no thoughts about other men.

The World Bogan knows a lot of romantic stories about the acquaintance of future star couples, in which young lady puts the goal of the conquest of the Matra and successfully achieves his. The biography of Vitaly seems to be a model for such stories, although there are a dozen examples in their fatherland before their eyes. For example, the second wife of Tabakova, Marina Zudyna, who set it a goal to win the heart of a matre, and not only coped with his task, but also took him out of the family.

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

As befits a successful pianist, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was also stubborn, and persistent, and patient. But, unlike most of his rivals, she possessed the art of building combinations and the desire to achieve their own. It is unlikely that she accidentally turned out to be the administrator of the Theater of the Russian Drama. Lesia Ukrainki (is not true, a fabulous combination), which handed the star to the note from Vitaly.

The biography of the then graduate of the National Ukrainian Academy of Culture, undoubtedly, was able to and to correctly write, and intrigue even such a famous actor as Gigarchhanyan, in the warehouse of the famous adventurist. He called back the autorestera, which then was barely fulfilled 21 years old, and she came to him to the theater. "Trryuki" in his publication shyly lowered here the curtain here, and the next head of the life of the energetic Kiev Hydalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya begins in its official life-in-year life after a year.

All roads lead to Moscow

Compared to Moscow, Kiev is a small town, and people. Who wants to achieve a lot in life, it is closely, because there is constantly meeting with the same figures. Ukrainian artists in Moscow are fully, and they are usually good and quickly arranged. This is the most notorious Muscovite syndrome, when the provincials are thrown away by the shown by nails and teeth, and Muscovites lose them because they consider it their birth right. Journalists who have shuddered the curtain over the arrival of Vitalina to the theater after receiving the Gigarchhanyan notorious sacred cigrum with a romantic content, as many metaphorically build guesses about the causes of the recent graduate, let the winner of the competition in Paris, suggest that this fact may be (!) It is associated with Dzhigarkhanyan. Those that bed and ridge are writing that the Moscow biography of the recent Kiev woman is the result of a direct application of the almighty hand of the famous Matra.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya moved from Kiev to Moscow

Whether the Kiev Academy turned out to be not enough for Moscow level, whether the official cover was required for staying in the capital of Russia, but the owner of a double surname, where the second harmonious semi-Polish part deftly masked Ukrainian, (agree, Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya sounds not an example more beautiful than Just zymbalyuk), Yunaya Laureatka Vitalin entered the State Classic Academy named after Maimonide. All roads lead to Moscow, well, or as a last resort, in the Moscow region, and this clearly confirmed the family of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovsky, who passed down after his beloved daughter in the near Moscow region.

Moving and receipt in Moscow a talented girl took place in 2001, and for those who exactly asked if Gigarchhanyan had a hand to this. There are memories of his sister about 2002, when, during his brother's disease, not very young Vitalin, not very young Vitalin, was not very young at the Britis. And the fact that her biography did not depend on him in any way, only confirms the fact that some time she studied songs with the actors of the theater, in which Armen Borisovich suddenly wanted to put a musical performance. And even career growth to the head of the music part of the same theater - entirely and completely merit of its incredible performance and talent, and not applied by the hands of the Great Matra. And in fact, because in almost every metropolitan theater there is a 24-year-old head of the musical part of the responsible repertoire, specifically for this who came from Kiev.

From 2008, she began to take this position, and in 2015 reached a career ceiling, the most possible in this theater - from June 18 became the director of the theater.

I would like in the bag of scorpions ...

Not so young, but still the muse of the famous artist, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya very peculiarly understood his new mission. According to the memoirs of those whom she forced to leave the theater in a short time, she deliberate all things, considering that, as director, it concerns everything. She intrigued and confronted grouping foreheads, which, like each normal theater, was present, applied repressive methods to recall. And if all this did not bring success, I immediately fled to complain to my high patron. And you can only guess, whose side Armen Borisovich invariably accepted. Opt actors left the theater in any case, I wanted it to them, or not. Such a successfully completed biography of provincials did not give reels to think about the value for the theater of talented actors, if it was about the continued authority of the new director.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya worked in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

In a short time, Vladimir Kapustin, Elena Xenophon, and even Alexey Shevchenkov, who gave this theater for 14 long years, left the theater troupe. His interviews about the care is still quoted, like an unsurpassed sample, which does not leave reasons for ambiguous interpretation: "I am a believer, but was an opportunity, I scored a scorpion and threw her in a bag ... if it's good together - God, but these relationships Do not have to be reflected in humans. And as a result, almost the entire troupe left from Armen "(c). It will not be observed that the fact that it also blames it also in the care of the previous director. Some Internet portals are trying to shorter her role in the scandal broken, and give her the image of a sort of angel, touching her very old husband, but at the same time mention that it was Vitalin who played a leading role in a duet, starting from the Kiev notes and phone searches Celebrities, and ending with a marriage, which they still concluded in 2016.

Gigarchhanyan was married three times, which is generally not surprising for such a bright and creative person. The first wife, Alla Vannovskaya, was dazzlingly beautiful, and catastrophically jealous. With her, Armen Borisovich lived 6 years, and became the father of Elena's daughter. Neffatvenists blame Gigarchhanyan in her death (she died in a mental hospital, or she committed with me), because when she was diagnosed with chorea, he took the daughter who was fulfilled a year, and gave a divorce. With the second lived for more than four decades, but in the 90s she unexpectedly left for America, where Dzhigarkhanyan did not want to move. There were no joint children from this marriage. What forced him to marry with Vitalina, his friends were asked repeatedly, but he himself did not know the answer: "On a direct question, what she hooked him, he can't answer. "If you know the answers to all questions, then you are from KVN." (from). But, prisoner in 2016, the marriage union crashed in a year.

Generous Fruits Intrigue

An unexpected and rapid, like a spring thunderstorm, scandal flared up in October 2917, quite recently, and received a wide resonance thanks to the "direct ether" Andrei Malakhov. The information bombs were fell professionally, because the main topic of the transfer was the fact that the young wife is looking for Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. At that time, she had already perfectly knew that her husband had left, she had. With two men in an unknown direction, is in the hospital, where it was not ordinous to let it. The police with which Vitalin was wanted by the escaped spouse, told her that she could not do anything with it, because he was not allowed to get ridiculously.

Any other woman would try to somehow explain, not attracting attention, but not Madame Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Therefore, in the "live broadcast" a real scandal broke out, during which the famous actor called his wife to the thief. And he repeated it repeatedly, and in various variations, but he refused to clearly explain: "No, I am not ready to forgive her. Now I say so. Even thinking, I feel confident not. I will speak with rude words. She led himself vile. Thief, she is a thief, not a man ... Yes, I'm talking about Vitaly. " (from). Andrei Malakhov was quite emotionally spoken about what was repeatedly watched as she cared for his spouse, and I am sure that she sincerely cared for him.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya with Armen Gigarkhanyan

But, according to the approval of the close friend of Armen Borisovich, Arthur Sogomonian, Vitalin not only reaisted all the property of her husband, including apartments and accounts, but even in the theater tested deft fraud: "... A few years ago, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya changed the statutory documents of the theater The way that in the new charter Armen Borisovich is an artistic director, but all decisions take the general director, that is, it. Vitalin can even dismiss Armen Borisovich, and he is not. " (from).

Having received so generous dividends for a long-term union with theatrical master, the former provincial, and now the owner of the metropolitan housing, sent his representative, and put a retaliatory strike. Her Messenger stated that she feels herself to the depths of the soul offended by unfair public accusations, and could not further live with a man who inflicted them. As for the apartments reissued on it, she supposedly bought them for their funds before making a marriage, and therefore they remain her.

Lowly ...

On December 1, 2017, some Ekaterina Nechasov placed the publication on the Internet portal, to which the screen was made from the Facebook social network. The post and photograph of Vitaly, who seated wrapped in a blanket on the bed was complemented by a detailed presentation of the new grand planners of the Third Ex-Madame Gigarkhanyan. And an 82-year-old actor, and once lined Moscow, said in the report of Vitalina by streamlined wording, is the stage already passed. Now she intends to return to the career of pianists (quite unexpectedly, after 20 years), to conquer Paris, and also marry and give birth to a child.

Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya intends to return to the career of the pianist

According to the fans of the Director-General, who can now dismiss Jigarkhanyan himself, and for some reason, for some reason, the photo, made on a large bed in negligee - a subtle hint of the opposite sex on his readiness for married life with a new chosen one. Interestingly, there will be another romantic, who will help her to conquer Paris, and is ready to sacrifice all driven and real estate for this, and there are people in this story, ready to protect the unfortunate provincial, unfairly salted husband.

Material prepared by the site editorial site

Published on 12/06/2017

Today is personal life, biography, husband and children of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for rumors around the country. News about an outstanding Ukrainian pianist, as well as former general directorist under the guidance, appear daily.

Childhood and youth C. nabalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1978, the city of Kiev. There was an education there. He is a laureate of the International Music Competition in Paris. He graduated from the music school in the class of piano, and after the National Music Academy of Ukraine. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 he left for the Russian capital, there was submitted documents to the State Classic Academy. Maimonide. After a certain period of time, it began to teach in the same educational institution at the Faculty of Musical Culture. Once the director Vladimir Yachmenov recommended the girl in the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Back in his hometown, when the young pianist was only 16 years old, she went to the play, where he was playing ("Hello, I'm your aunt!", "December 32", "Life Line"). Vitalin was able to receive an autograph from a loved actor and from the moment he began to seek the opportunity for a meeting. I found his mobile phone number. Somehow managed to cross them in Moscow and even dine together.

Once in 2002, a man fell into a hospital with a microinsult. At this difficult moment there was a native sister and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She tried to help a relative, care for a sick brother.

Work in the theater

In 2008, Armen invited a pianist to work in his theater, first as the head of the musical part. In this post, Vitalin worked for 7 years. On June 18, 2015, the woman became the general director of the Dzhigarkhanian theater.

Gradually, the news began to fill in the media, where the name of Vitaly flashed. 3 years after receiving the position in the theater, talented artists began to leave the troupe, Stanislav Madznikov, Andrei Merzlikin, Vladimir Kapustin, Alexey Shevchenkov and Elena Xenofontov.

Actor Alexey Shevchenkov, who worked in the theater for 14 years, as well as the colleagues with him, believes that Vitalin actually destroyed the theater.

Having risen in office, he began to delve into everything that she was not at all concerned. And when someone did not obey the instructions, Armen Borisovich immediately complained. As a result, the woman survived, one might say, all the troupe.

In 2016, the flow of scandalous news around the Dzhigarkhanian Theater resumed. Several former employees complained that they were left without work. In response to this, the general director answered that all the problems were already solved.

Tsymbalyuk spoke, in turn, about the incident. According to her, the costumes and actress, dismissed without reason, lost all proceedings. She is happy that, finally, everything ended in the team, the world will come. For the Ukrainian pianist, it is very important that each participant felt comfortable. According to Vitaly, it is better to part with a person than infinitely find out the relationship.

In February 2017, the Internet flew off a new scandal associated with the general director. Young actress Dana Nazarova, filed a statement to the court for an institution, in response to the statement of the Director General, that they no longer need a worker. The scandalous situation of Vitalin explained the desire of the girl just to break himself.

Personal life

The nee Cygalian Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for a long time could not arrange his personal life, because she did not have children. At least, in the biography of Cavaliers, except Armen Gigarhahanyna, nothing is known. The woman once confessed, somewhere in the depths of the soul felt that he was her fate. So it turned out.

The couple did not seek to somehow hide their relationship. But Dzhigarkhanyan was married to a woman with whom recently practically did not communicate. By the way, she lives in the USA. In 2015, they divorced, and a year later, the actor suggested Vitaly to marry.

According to the pianist, the actor doubted the truthful of the senses of the second half for a long time, but soon realized that she loved him very much. In 2016, they led their relationships. At that time, Vitaly was 36 years old, and Armen Gigarchhanyan 80 years old. The wedding was very modest. It was known only to the closest people.

Before the wedding ceremony, the actor suddenly became bad. Because of the influenza, he had to go to the hospital. But, despite the difficult condition, a man for the celebration ran out of the hospital, not allowing to spoil the best day in his life. After painting, the new husband and wife went to work.

Armen told Armen in one interview that he could not say for sure what exactly hooked him in Vitaly. The feelings were so strong that they were impossible to formulate in the proposals. Even the difference in age (44 years) did not interfere with their happiness. He told that from early childhood, his own appearance was very shy, and the young wife helped him forget about the complex.

Loud scandal

It seemed that happiness is so great that nothing can destroy it. But in the fall of 2017, news from the photo, where it was clear that the marriage gave a crack, and what. On October 16, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya filed a husband's disappearance statement. She thought he was kidnapped.

In one of the issues of the program "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov, Valentina Pimonova journalist reported that the actor lies in the hospital, but his life does not threaten anything. Her colleagues journalists took an interview with Armen. The latter stated that he did not want to know anything about his wife and was going to divorce with Vitaly.

Few later in the media there was information that the man left a letter in the theater, where he said, about the dismissal of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

October 18 in the program "Let them say" with, the actor gave a complete interview, which confirmed that their family union was broken. Dzhigarkhanyan called the former beloved "thief".

He told a whole story about how because of the muddy work of his wife literally remained without housing.

And also spoke Friend Armen Borisovich Arthur Sogomonian. According to his information, Tsymbalyuk changed the statutory documents of the theater so that now Gigarchhanyan is listed as an artistic director, and all decisions have the right to accept only she. A woman can even shift from the post of actor, and he is not. Soghomonyan still added that all accounts and real estate is reissued to Vitaly.

After the divorce, the Kiev woman became the owner of large sums and several apartments. According to his representative, Elina Mazur, she feels offended, and that all charges of accusations of her address are absolutely unfair. And those 3 renewed apartments, it turns out, allegedly originally belonged to a woman.

After some time, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya shared his intentions on the Internet, they say, she plans to return to the favorite profession of the pianist, to establish a personal life and even have children. But the new chosen one will need a lot of courage and courage to protect the poor and unhappy woman with a stained biography.

It would seem that it is time to put an end to a handsome history, but no. In one of the last broadcasts of the transfer "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov, Vitalina Viktorovna almost came up with a friend of the ex-spouse by Mark Rudinstein.

A friend on the air stood up on the defense of the famous actor, tried to figure out what happened. But the situation aggravated even more. After hardly the fighting, rumors appeared in the network about their imminent wedding with the former wife of Gigarchhanyan. Mark believes that this is Vitalina's wines with its excellent abilities to wrap everything in their favor.

Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, even after this transfer, for some reason I am sure that Armen Borisovich wants to return it. She told about it in one of the last interviews for the women's magazine. But from questions about feelings on her part, I decided to comiterately go away.

Now there are already former husband and wife, when the soul lived in the soul, live in one entrance, but on different floors. New Year's holidays Armen met on a removable apartment along with a cat. How will the personal life of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya be folded on, and whether she has children - is unknown. But this scandal left a big spot in the biography.

Vitalina Viktorovna Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Born on December 8, 1978 in Kiev. Former general director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Ex-wife of actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya is the name of her great-grandmother on the maternal line.

Parents - engineers worked in design institutions. Later, his father took up business.

From an early age I was engaged in music. He graduated from a music school in the piano.

After graduation, he studied at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky. Winner of the International Competition in Paris.

From her youth, she said, was in love with the actor.

As Vitaly told, for the first time she saw him in the play in 1994, when the Mayakovsky Theater was toured in Kiev. Gigarchhanyan played in two productions: "Last victim" and "Cat on a hot roof". "Armen Borisovich produced an indelible impression on me. I was 16 years old, I was still in school. Then he tried to walk on all the performances with which Gigarhahanyan came to Kiev. Basically, it was an entrepreneur. As a rule, once a year Armen Borisovich necessarily experienced In Ukraine, "she shared.

They met in 2000. Vitalina was 21 years old, she just ended the National Music Academy in Kiev. They brought them a friend of Vitaly, who worked in the theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesi Ukrainka administrator. Vitalin wrote a note by Gigarchhanyu, and her girlfriend handed over to the actor. Dzhigarkhanyan called her back and offered to drive up to the theater.

It is not known whether Armen Dzhigarkhanyan attached to this hand, but since 2001, Vitalina was in Moscow, where he entered the State Classical Academy named after Maimonide.

By the way, it was soon after Vitalina closer to Moscow moved from Kiev and her parents were settled in the near Moscow region.

It is known that in 2002, when the actor fell ill, then near him were sister Marina Borisovna and Vitalin.

Next, Dzhigarkhanyan decided to put a musical performance and suggested Vitaly to work in his theater - to learn songs with actors. And after some time, she has already become a music part of the Moscow Theater under the leadership of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Officially, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya serves as theater of Gigarkhanyan since 2008. He worked as the head of the music part, and from June 18, 2015 - Director of the Moscow Dramatic Theater P / R Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

A number of actors who for a long time worked at the Dzhigarkhanian Theater accused Vitalyna Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the fact that she actually destroyed the theater with its leadership methods, surviving a significant part of the artists. For example, this was stated, which was exposed from the theater after 14 years of work.

In October 2017, scandal hit. At first, the actor went from his wife with two buddies in an unknown direction and stopped taking a phone phone. "Since then I have not seen him, but said it once. He said that he would kill me. I do not understand anything," -

Next, she found her husband in one of Moscow hospitals. However, the spouses could not see. The police that helped Pianist Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya find traces of the spouse, reported that they could not do anything: "He just doesn't want to see you."

Then the information appeared that.

The actor said: "The most difficult thing is that in my life there were not very good processes. I had a wife, like a normal person. Then this woman was - or I don't like me, or she. I'm talking about Vitaly ... Although It seems that nothing threatened. Sad, sad. Vitalin, I will rather than pronounce her last name, I brought me a lot of unfair pain. Always I'm afraid when people close to me suddenly begin to approach me. Oh, I say, no: "one minute. Let me think of myself and take some decision "... No, I'm not ready to forgive her. Now I say so. Even thinking, I don't say confidently. I will speak with rude words. She led himself vowly. Thief, she is a thief, not Man ... Yes, I'm talking about Vitaly. "

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accused Vitalina Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya in theft. Live

According to Dzhigarkhanyan's friend - Arthur Sogomonian - A few years ago, Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya changed the statutory documents of the theater in such a way that, according to the new charter, Armen Borisovich - artistic director, but all decisions take the general director, that is, she.

According to Soghomonian, Vitalin can even dismiss Armen Borisovich, and he is not. According to a friend of the artist, all the accounts and apartments of Gigarkhanyan His spouse Vitalin also reapel upon himself.

After public accusations from Dzhigarkhanyan in theft. At the same time, its representative stated that several apartments owned by Vitalin, she bought independently, even before marriage, so after the divorce they will remain her.

In January 2018, information about the vice-president of the Russian television Academy, a member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Emmy (USA), Vice-President of the Council of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), President of the Transcontinental Media Companies.

In the fall of 2018, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya announced the novel with. Many found this novel by PR-move. But Vitalin and Prokhor themselves assured that they are all serious. "We generally want children first, and only then the wedding. I believe that no one wedding is surprised now. We are happy with Vitaly, and I have long been ready for the fulfillment of parental duties for a long time, "Prokhor said to journalists.

Vitalina for a long time was blackwiddled by the publication of intimate pictures. As a result, herself. "I quickly persuade this blackmail not to lay out pictures on the network. Every time it was very unpleasant. The pressure was seriously intensified after I became a famous public person," she explained.

In November 2018, the court in Moscow sentenced the former wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalyz Timbalyuk-Romanovskaya to 200 hours of correctional work. In addition, the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanyan should pay a fine of 200 thousand rubles.

The court recognized the Timbalyuk-Romanovsk guilty in installing a hidden camera in the working theater office of the spouse. Later, the record from this camera was demonstrated on the air of the Federal Channel. Thus, the secret of the personal life of Dzhigarkhanyan was broken.