Literary characters and their prototypes. Historical characters and legendary personalities - how they really looked what literary characters Real historical persons are depicted

Literary characters and their prototypes. Historical characters and legendary personalities - how they really looked what literary characters Real historical persons are depicted
Literary characters and their prototypes. Historical characters and legendary personalities - how they really looked what literary characters Real historical persons are depicted

Restoration of the face of the skull, or the anthropological reconstruction method of the appearance on the craniological basis, known (and not only) historical characters - the favorite occupation of anthropologists. Not so long ago, scientists presented their vision of Tutankhamon's appearance to public. The degree of compliance of the results of the reconstruction of the true appearance of the heroes of the past is difficult to judge. Sometimes even the reconstruction facilities themselves are not subject to those who were accepted. But it is always interesting to look at them. Let's get acquainted with the already weavers in the summer, but looking like living historical persons.

In 2003, the Egyptologist Joanne Fletcher Mummy KV35YL was identified as Nefertiti - the "main spouse" of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty of Ehnaton. At the same time, its appearance was reconstructed. However, in 2010, as a result of DNA studies, it turned out that the remains belong not to Nefertiti, but another "second half" of Ehnaton, and part-time and his sister. True, maybe she was the wife of another pharaoh - Smenchkara. However, Egyptologists agree that the remains belong to Tutankhamon's mother.

2. British scientists with the help of virtual autopsy recreated the appearance of Tutankhamon - Pharaoh XVIII Dynasty of the New Kingdom, which ruled by Egypt in 1332-1323 BC.

Scientists believe that Tutankhamon suffered from genetic diseases, as well as malaria, which perhaps and served as the cause of his early death: Pharaoh died aged 19 years. Half of men living in Western Europe are the descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs and, in particular, the relatives of Tutankhamon, scientists consider. The overall ancestor of the ruler of ancient Egypt and European men having a haplogroup of R1B1A2, lived in the Caucasus about 9.5 thousand years ago. The carriers of the "pharaoh" haplogroup began migration to Europe approximately 7 thousand years ago.

3. The Apostle Paul is the largest figure of world history, one of the authors of the HOB Testament and one of the founders of Christianity.

Saint Paul lived in 5-67 years of our era. Pavle has created numerous Christian communities in the territory of Malaya Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. In 2009, for the first time in history, a scientific study was conducted by Sarcophaga, located under the Altar of the Roman Church of San Paolo-Fori-le-Mura. In the sarcophagus, bone fragments were discovered, which were studied using carbon-14 experts who have not known about their origin. According to the results, they belong to a person who lived between the I and II centuries. This confirms the indisputable tradition, according to which we are talking about the remains of the Apostle Paul.

4. King Richard III, reconstructed by the remains found in the fall of 2012 under the parking lot in the lester.

Richard III is the last representative of the male line of plantagenets in the English throne, rules from 1483 to 1485. Recently it was established that Richard III was killed on the battlefield, hurrying and losing his helmet. Before death, the English king received 11 injuries, and nine blows occurred. The absence of wounds on the bones of hands says that at the time of the death of the monarch still remained in the armor. Richard III was killed in the battle of Bosphort, fighting with the applicant for the throne - Heinrich Puddor (the future king by Heinrich VII).

5. The remains of the Creator of the medieval heliocentric picture of the world Nikolai Copernicus were discovered in the Cathedral of Fromibork (modern Poland) in 2005. In Warsaw, a computer reconstruction of the face was performed in the Central Laboratory of Criminalistics.

In 2010, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry was given names, and in 2011 it was officially approved the designations of elements: Darmstadtius, Rentgments and Copernation (or Copernist), - with numbers 110, 111 and 112, respectively. Initially, for the 112nd element, Copernicium, named after Nicholas Copernicus, offered a CP symbol, then changed it on CN.

6. In 2008, the Scottish Anthropologist Caroline Wilkinson reconstructed the appearance of the great German composer of the XVIII century Johanna Sebastian Baha.

The remains of the Bach were exhumated in 1894, and in 1908 sculptors first tried to recreate his appearance, guided, however, by famous portraits of the composer. Critics of the beginning of the 20th century remained unhappy with this project: they argued that the bust with the same success could depict, for example, Handel.

7. Reconstruction of the face of William Shakespeare was performed with a posthumous mask of the English poet and playwright.

The hypothesis of endless monkeys, which sooner or later print the art creation of William Shakespeare, was tested by the American programmer Jesse Anderson (Jesse Anderson). The monkey program managed to print the poem Shakespeare "Complaint of Loving" (A Lover's Complaint). True, an attempt to test the hypothesis on the living monkeys fell. In 2003, a keyboard connected to a computer was placed in a cell to six macaques in Peyton's zoo (United Kingdom). Monkeys scored five pages of incoherent text and in a month the keyboard broke.

8. In 2007, Italian scholars from Bologna University reconstructed the appearance of the Great Italian Poet of the Light XIII and XIV centuries of Dante Aligiery.

Dante Aligiery, according to some scientists, could suffer from narcolepsy - a disease of the nervous system, accompanied by attacks of drowsiness and sudden falling asleep. These conclusions are based on the fact that in the "Divine Comedy" of Dante with great accuracy, symptoms of narcopsy are reproduced with great accuracy, as well as the often associated cataplectric, that is, the sudden loss of muscle tone.

9. Perhaps, Henry IV looked like, the King of France, the leader of the Huguenot, killed by the Catholic fanatik in 1610.

In 2010, Filippe Charlier (Philippe Charlier), headed by Philippe Charlier, found that the preserved mummified "Herrich IV head" is genuine. On its basis in February 2013, the same scientists presented the reconstruction of the appearance of the king. Nevertheless, in October 2013, another group of genetics doubted the authenticity of the remains of the monarch of the Bourbon dynasty.

10. In 2009, the appearance of Arsinoe IV, the younger sister and the victim of the queen Cleopatra were reconstructed. The face of Arsinoe is recreated by the standards taken from her skull lost during the Second World War.

Arsinoe died in the 41st year to our era. According to the ancient Roman historian Iosif Flavia, she was executed in Ephesus by order of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, who saw the threat of his power in the step sister.

11. The appearance of St. Nicholas is reconstructed according to the Italian Professor of Anatomy, obtained in the 1950s during the restoration in the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari.

In Christianity, Nikolai Mirlijsky is revered as a wonderworker and is considered a patron of sailors, merchants and children.

1.1. Suddenly a metelitian circle;

Snow pounds by clocks;

Black Van, whistling wing,

Goes over the sleigh;

Raven Karkayet: sadness!

Horse horses

Personally look in the Dal,

Make mane.

1.2. Then everything was missing: meadows and heavens.

We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle

Paul revealed - and you are from there,

Pale as death, and a hair end!

Here with thunder opened the doors

Some not people and not beasts.

Apart from us - and tormented the sitting with me

1.3 . At night, I dressed me on the night ...

black bedspread

on the bed tees

i dug a blue wine,

with grief mixed;

they poured me from empty quiver of fried ingenians

big pearls on the chest

and they left me.

1.4 . And now as crazy I go. The night all such a rubbish climbed ... Yes, then you, Mother, then the father ... just fall asleep, then I see that you, Mother, you will find a beat the father ... so I'm sorry ... you, Mother: You're so tired, Kolotya Batyushka ...

2. What works are passages taken from? Name their authors and genre


2.1. Kings and kingdoms of earthly fill

Silence beloved,

Bliss villages, hail fence,

How helpful and red!

Around you Flowers are motley

And clasa on the fields yellow;

Treasures are full of ships

Dare in the sea for you;

You fuck generous hand

His wealth in the earth.

2.2. Sensitive, kind of old woman, seeing the tirelessness of his daughter, often pressed her to a weakly hasty heart, called God's delicate, feeding, and the old age of his old age and praying to God so that he was awarded her for what she did for her mother.

2.3 . Suddenly a metelitian circle;

Snow pounds by clocks;

Black Van, whistling wing,

Goes over the sleigh;

Raven Karkayet: sadness!

Horse horses

Personally look in the Dal,

Make mane.

3. In the list below, A. Pushkin's list is confused by their names. From the words that make up the wrong title, restore the true names.

"Journey to the village of Kyrzhali", "Prisoner of Peter the Great", "Arap in Kolomna", "House of the Egyptian Peastery", "Caucasian Robbers", "History of Arzrum", "Brothers of Count Nulin", "Nights of Lunchetni Gulihihina".

4. What literary characters, real historical persons depicted in the following passages? Name the work and author.

4.1 . His eyes

Shine. His face is terrible.

Movement Fast. He is beautiful.

He is all like God's thunderstorm.

Goes. His horses are fed.

Relivat and humble is a faithful horse,

Soaring the fatal fire

Tremble. Eyes of Kosos Leads

And rushing in the praha battle

Being mighty saddle.

4.2 . Here frowned king eyebrows black

And brought the eyes of vile on him,

Like a hawk looked from heaven height

On a junior pigeon of a sophisticated, -

Yes, did not raise the eyes of a young fighter.

4.3. It was a beautiful Cossack caftan, sheltered by the Galuna. High Sable Cap with

golden brushes were shook at his sparkling eyes. ... in the first place was sitting,

flinking on the table and backing the black beard with its wide fist.

5. What kind of work are we talking about?

5.1. "The greatest patriotic poem is devoted not to one of the victories that Russian weapons knew, and a terrible defeat, in which the prince was prisoner for the first time in the entire Russian history, and the army almost destroyed!" ()

5.2 . It is said that one of the young nobles recognized himself in the hero of this work and was shocked that she was rushed into learning, he studied at home and abroad, learned his tongues, philosophy, painting history ... It was Nikolai Alekseevich Olenin, one of the educational people of their time .

5.3 . When he drove through Ekaterinoslavl, two brothers fled from the local prison. This is evidenced by the poet himself: "In 1820 ... two robber, champed together, swam through the Dnieper and were saved. Their rest on the island, the mining of one of the guards me is not invented. " This case has become a reason for writing a big poem, which the author then destroyed, leaving only the beginning. This passage turned into an independent poem.

6. Explain the meaning of mythological names in these texts.

6.1. As a crane wedge in other people's frontiers -

On the heads of the kings Divine Foam -

Where are you floating? Whenever Elena

What exactness to you alone, Ahasey men?

(O. Mandelstam)

6.2. "Here are the winds, the grandchildren of the stribling, wean from the sea arrows ..." ("Word about the regiment of Igor")

7. Give the interpretation of the literary terms mentioned in the passage from the work of the "Fairy Tale for Children".

The weapon is excellent: you throw enemies in the face you are an epigram ...

Do you want to hear friends?

Let the poem or drama in them!

8. Interpretation of poetic text. Offer your version of the literary analysis of this poem.

Whether the beast is roaring in the forest with deaf,

Does the rogue, thunder rattles,

Will the Virgo sings behind the hill -

For any sound

Your response in the air is empty

You will give birth to suddenly.

You put a grumble of thunder,

And the glory storm and shafts,

And cries of rural shepherds -

And shut the answer;

You no review ...

And you, poet! (. 1831)

Genre features 1 point; - chronotope 1 point; - poetic vocabulary 2 points;

Poetic syntax 2 score - 2 points sound; - integrity and composite slightness of interpretation of 2 points.

Maximum number of points - 24. The maximum number of points for all the work is 60 points.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Heroes of famous books and films, we sometimes perceive as good acquaintances, but still remember that these characters fictional. And the more interesting to know that the writers on their creation inspired real people. They have the authors borrowed appearance, habits and even favorite words.

Editorial website Collected prototypes of famous heroes of films and books - it's just incredible that they really lived.

"Scattered" Marshak -
Academician Ivan Heads

It turns out that the "man scattered from the street of the pool" from the poem Samuel Marshak existed in fact! They were the famous Chudak, Academician Ivan Heel, who was famous for its impracticality and scattered. For example, instead of the words "Chemistry and Physics", the professor often spoke to students "Chemist and physiya". And instead of the phrase "the flask burst, and a piece of glass got into the eyes." He could have turned out: "The lopa scum, and a piece of eyes got into the glass." The expression "Mendelshutkin" meant "Mendeleev and Menshutkin", and the usual words of Ivan Alekseevich were "not at all" and "I, that is, not me."

The professor read the poem, and once he recalled Brother Marshak, writer Ilyin, shook his finger: "Your brother, of course, methyl in me!" In the draft Marshak there is such an option of the beginning of the poem, in which the hero was directly named after the name and surname of the prototype:

In Leningrad lives
Ivan heel.
He calls himself
Ivanov heel.

Sources: Miron Petrovsky "Books of our childhood », « Moscow's comsomolets »

Dr. House - Dr. Thomas Bolt

Dr. Thomas Bolt, whom the "real house" was called, is also distinguished by eccentricity. Here he is rushing to the patient, circling cork on the rollers.

The creators of the series about Dr. House are interested in the history of Tomas's doctor Bolt from New York, who cured the owner of the gallery, 40 years old suffering from migraine. The man walked around several dozen doctors who were pucked by his bunch of medicines from headaches. And Thomas Bolt clinched for the fact that the patient did not tolerate egg yolk. He once again carefully studied the tests and realized that the patient had been suffering from poisoning with heavy metals for 40 years. After treatment, a man forgot what migraine is. And this is not a single case - talent and erudition allow the cake to be taken for the most difficult cases. He is even called a "medical detective".

Howe's creators were inspired by cases of cruise practices and several eccentric behavior. He himself from the series is not delighted: "Yes, there is some similarity between us, but I don't like the film. I am categorically opposed to go on heads like a house to make a diagnosis. " But by the way, after that, the doctor's career had gone to the mountain, and now he is the official doctor of the MTV office.

Sources: HistoryTime., REALDOCTORHOUSE.

Dorian Gray - Poet John Gray

The English poet John Gray, with whom Oscar Wilde met in the late 1980s of the XIX century, became the prototype of Dorian Gray. The sophisticated decadent poet, intelligent, beautiful and ambitious, he inspired the writer the image of the forever young and beautiful Dorian Gray. After the release of the famous novel, many began to call John Gray by the name of the hero, and the poet himself signed at least one of his letters Wilder Dorian. It's amazing that after 30 years, John Gray refused bohemian life, became a Catholic priest and even received a parish.

Sources: The Man Who Was Dorian Gray, « Wikipedia "

Sherlock Holmes - Professor Joseph Bell

Sherlock Holmes has a lot in common with Professor of the University of Edinburgh, Joseph Bella, who has Conan Doyle worked as an assistant in the hospital. The writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his Orlin profile, an inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. Bell was high, dried, cutting in movements and smoked the tube.

He knew how to accurately determine the profession and character of his patients and always called for students to use the deduction. He invited unfamiliar people to lectures and asked students to say who they were and from where. Once he led to a man's audience in a hat, and when no one could answer Bella's questions, explained that since he forgot to remove the hat, then, most likely, he served in the army lately. It is customary to stay in the headdress in order to give honor. And since he has signs of fever characteristic of West Indies, then arrived, apparently, this man from Barbados.

Sources: " School of Life ", « Historical truth »

James Bond - "King of Spies" Sydney Rake

On the prototype of James Bond, disputes are being conducted, and the image of this largely collective (former scout Yang Fleming gave the hero and his own traits). But many agree that the character is very similar to the "king of spies", the British intelligence and adventurer of Russian origin Sydney Railil.

Incredibly erudite, he owned seven languages, loved to play politics and manipulate people, adored women and twisted numerous novels. Raili did not fail any trusted operation and was known for what could find a way out from any position. He knew how to instantly reincarnate in a completely different person. By the way, he is great "Heritage" in Russia: even preparations for the attempt on Lenin even preparations for the attempt on Lenin.

Sources: " AIF ", Book Robin Bruce Lock Carta "Sydney Railil: Spy Legend of the XX century »

Peter Peng - Michael Davis

On the wonderful book about St. Petersburg Pan writer James Barry inspired the son of the writer's friends, Silvia and Arthur Davis. He was familiar with Davis for a long time, was friends with all of their five sons, but it was four-year-old Michael (a brilliant boy, as they talked about him) became the prototype of Peter Pan. From him he wrote off character traits and even nightmares that tormented a frisky and brave, but sensitive child. By the way, the sculpture of Peter Pan in the Kensington Garden is Michael's face.

Christopher Robin - Christopher Robin Miln

Christopher Robin from the books about Winnie Poham Alan Milna is the son of a writer, who just called - Christopher Robin. As a child, the relationship with parents did not make up - the mother was engaged only by himself, his father - his work, he spent a lot of time with a nanny. Later he would write: "There were two things that overshadowed my life and from which I had to save: the glory of my father and the" Christopher Robin "." The child was very kind, nervous and shy. "The prototype is simultaneously Christopher Robin and Piglet," as psychologists will say later. The boy's favorite toy was Teddy's beater, whom the father gave him the first birthday. And the bear, as you have already guessed, is the best friend of Robin Winnie Pooh.

Sources: BBC NEWS., Independent.

"Wolf with Wall Street" - Broker Jordan Belfort

On the left - Jordan Belfort, and it is about his biographies that we learn from a successful Hollywood film. Life raised the stock broker to the top and dropped in the dirt. At first he plunged into a beautiful life with his head, and later for almost 2 years he went to prison for fraud in the securities market. After the liberation of Belfort with ease, I found the use of my talents: he wrote 2 books about his life and began to conduct seminars as an orator-motivator. The main rules for success according to his version are: "Act with the limitless faith in yourself, and then people will believe you. Act as if you have already achieved tremendous success, and then you really achieve success! "

Literary heroes are usually the artistic fiction of the author. But some of them still have real prototypes who lived during the author times, or famous historical personality. We will tell you who were these unfamiliar to the wide circle of readers of the figures.

1. Sherlock Holmes.

Even the author himself admitted that Sherlock Holmes has a lot of common features with his mentor Joe Bella. On the pages of autobiography, it was possible to read that the writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his Orlin profile, an inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. According to him, the doctor could turn any business into an accurate systematized scientific discipline.

Often Dr. Bell enjoyed deductive methods of inquiry. Only in one type of man, he could tell about his habits, about the biography and even sometimes put the diagnosis. After the release of Roman Conan Doyle kept the correspondence with the "prototype" of Holmes, and he told him that it would be possible that his career would have formed, choose him another way.

2. James Bond

The literary story of James Bond began with a series of books that were written by the intelligence of Jan Fleming. The first book of the series - "Casino Royal" - went into circulation in 1953, a few years after Fleming was asked to follow Mercenary from the German service to English intelligence Prince Bernard. After a long mutual suspicion, the scouts became good friends. Bond adopted from Prince Bernard to order "Vodka Martini", while adding legendary "shake, and not stir."

3. Ostap Bender

The person who became a prototype of the great combinator of "12 chairs" Ilf and Petrov in its 80 years also worked as a conductor on the railway in the train on Moscow-Tashkent. Neborn Ostap Shore from delicate nails was inclined to adventures. He appeared by the artist, then the grandmaster of chess and even performed as a member of one of the anti-Soviet parties.

Just because of its non-real fancy, Ostama Shore managed to return from Moscow to Odessa, where he served in the criminal wanted list and led the fight against local banditry. It is probably from here and the respectful attitude of the Osta Bender to the Criminal Code.

4. Professor Preobrazhensky

The professor of Preobrazhensky, from the famous Bulgakovsky novel, the "dog heart" was also a real prototype - the French surgeon of Russian origin Samuel Abramovich Voronov. This man at the beginning of the 20th century produced a real extension in Europe, transplanting the glands of monkeys to a person to rejuvenate the body. The first operations effect demonstrated simply striking: the elderly patients had a resumption of sexual life, improving memory and vision, ease of movement, and children lagging behind in mental development acquired the liveliness of the mind.

Treatment in Voronov passed thousands of people, and the doctor opened his own monkey nursery in the French Riviera. But a very little time passed patients a wonderful doctor began to feel worse. Rumors appeared that the result of treatment is only self-sustaining, and Voronov called charlatan.

5. Peter Pen

The boy with the beautiful Fae Din-Din Mira and James Barry himself - the author of the written work presented Cet Davis (Artur and Silvia). Michael is one of their sons with the prototype for Peter Foam. The fairy-tale hero received from a real boy not only age and character, but also nightmares. And the Roman himself is a dedication to the author's brother - David, who died over the day before his 14th anniversary during skating.

6. Dorian Gray

An annoying, but the protagonist of the novel "The portrait of Dorian Gray" significantly spoiled his life original reputation. John Gray, who in the youth was a protege and a close friend of Oscar Wilde, was beautiful, durable and possessed the appearance of a 15-year-old boy. But their lucky union came the end when they became known to journalists about their relationship. The angry Gray appealed to the court, achieved apologies from the editorial office of the newspaper, but after that his friendship with Wilder ended. Soon, John Gray met Andre Raffalovich - a poet and a leaving from Russia. They accepted Catholicism, and after a while Gray became a priest in the Church of St. Patrick in Edinburgh.

7. Alice

The history of Alice in Wonderland began on Lewis Carolla's Day with the daughters of the Rector of Oxford University Henry Lodella, including Alice Lodelle. Carrolol invented the story on the go at the request of children, but in the next time I did not forget about it, but began to compose a continuation. Two years later, the author presented Alice a manuscript, consisting of four chapters, to which the photograph of Alice himself was attached at a seven-year-old. He was entitled "Christmas gift to an expensive girl in memory of the summer day."

8. Karabas Barabas

As is known, Alexei Tolstoy, planned only to state Karlo Collodio "Pinocchio" by the Russian language, and it turned out that he wrote an independent history, which clearly carried out analogies with the cultural figures of that time. Since Tolstoy did not drink weakness to theater Meyerhold and his biomechanic, it was the director of this theater and got the role of Karabas-Barabas. The parody can be guess even in the name: Karabas is the Marquis Karabas from the Fairy Tale of Perra, and the Barabas - from the Italian word a fraudster - Baraba. But no less speaking role of the seller of the leech Durramar went to the assistant Meyerhold, who was working under the pseudonym Voldemar Lyticinius.

9. Lolita

According to the memories of Brian Boyd, Biograph Vladimir Nabokova, when the writer worked on his scandalous novel "Lolita", he regularly looked through the newspaper headings, which published messages about murders and violence. His attention was attracted by the noise of Sally Horner and Frank Lasalla, which occurred in 1948: a middle-aged man kidnapped 12-year-old Sally Horner and held her with him for almost 2 years, until the police found it in some of California hotels. Lasalle, as well as the Hero Nabokov, gave out a girl for his daughter. Nabokov even casually mentions this case in the book with the words of Humbert: "Did I have done the same thing that Frank Lasalle, a 50-year-old mechanic, did with the eleven-year-old Sally Horner in the 48th?"

10. Carlson

The history of Karlson's creation is mythologized and incredible. Literary critches assure that Herman Geering was the possible prototype of this funny character. And although the relatives of Astrid Lindgren denied this version, such rumors and today have a place to be.

Astrid Lindgren got acquainted with Goering in the 1920s, when he organized an airsow in Sweden. At that time, Gering was just "in the heyday", a famous pilot-as a, a man with charisma and an excellent appetite. Motor behind Carlson's back - interpretation on the topic of the experiment of Geering.

The adherents of this version note that for some time Astrid Lindgren was an awesome fan of the National Socialist Party of Sweden. The book about Carlson was published in 1955, so it could not be about the direct analogy. However, it is possible that the charismatic image of young Geering influenced the appearance of charming carlson.

11. Single-legged John Silver

Robert Lewis Stevenson in the Roman "Treasury Island" portrayed his friend Williams Hansley not at all critic and the poet, who he was in essence, and the most real villain. In childhood, William suffered tuberculosis, and he was amputated to the leg before the knee. Before the book appeared on the shelves of Stivenson stores, said to a friend: "I have to confess you, angry with the appearance, but good in the depths of the soul, John Silver was written off with you. You are not offended? "

12. Bear Winnie Pooh

According to one of the versions, the teddy bear known for the whole world got his name in honor of the favorite toy of the Son of the writer Milna Christopher Robin. However, like all other heroes of the book. But in fact, this is the name from the watchpick Winnipeg - so called the Medveditsa, who lived in the London Zoo from 1915 to 1934. This bear had many fan guys, among whom Christopher Robin.

13. Dean Moriarty and Sel Paradise

Despite the fact that the main characters in the book name Sal and Dean, the novel "On the road" Jack Keroaca is purely autobiographical. It remains only to guess why Keruac refused his name in the most famous book for hipsters.

14. Deii Buchenen

In the novel "Great Getsby", his author Francis Scott Fitzgerald deeply and phonedly described Jinender King - his first love. Their novel lasted from 1915 to 1917. But because of different social statuses, they broke up, after which Fitzgerald wrote that "poor boys should not even think about marrying rich girls." This phrase entered not only in the book, but also to the movie of the same name. Jinerty King became the prototype of Isabelle Burge in the "one way of paradise" and Judy Jones in the "Winter Dreams".

Especially for lovers to stay at reading. By choosing these books, they definitely be disappointed.

What signs of historical work can be distinguished in the "Captain Daughter" and what Russian writers portrayed historical events in their works?

Read the text fragment below and perform the V1-B7 tasks; C1-C2.

We sat down. "In the Belogorsk Fortress!" - said Pugachev with broadcaster Tatarina, standing with the ruling trip. My heart beat my heart. Horses have moved, the bell stuck, the kibitka flew ...

"Stop! Stop! " - A voice came, too familiar to me, - and I saw Savelich, who fled to the meeting. Pugachev ordered to stop. "Batyushka, Peter Andreich!" - shouted uncle. - "Do not leave me in old age in the midst of these fraud ..." - a, old Cherych! - said to him Pugachev. - Again God gave a dile. Well, sitting on the irrad.

"Thank you, sovereign, thank you, my father's father!" - Sawelich said. "Give you God for a hundred years to live for the fact that the old man godd and calm me." A century for you will pray for you, but I will not be mentioned about Tulup and mention. "

This swearing Tulup could finally get angry Pugachev. To happiness, impostor or not sick or neglected inappropriate hint. Horses crushed; The people on the street stopped and bowed to the belt. Pugachev nodded his head on both. Parties. A minute later, we left Sloboda and rushed on a smooth road.

You can easily imagine that I felt at that moment. A few hours later I had to see the one that I had already read for me. I imagined a minute of our connection ... I also thought about that man, in whose hands was my fate, and who was mysteriously connected with a strange coincidence. I remembered the rawful cruelty, about the bloodthirsty habits of the one who was called to be and deliberate my kind! Pugachev did not know that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov; The angry Swabrin could open it all; Pugachev could have been truth and otherwise ... then what will be with Marya Ivanovna? The cold ran in my body, and the hair became endless ...

Suddenly Pugachev interrupted my reflections, turning to me with the question: "What is your greatness, I learned how to think?"

How not to think about, - I answered him: - I am an officer and nobleman; Yesterday I still fought against you, and today I eat with you in one kibitake, and the happiness of my whole life depends on you.

"Well?" - asked Pugachev. - "Scary to you?"

I replied that former once he was pardoned, I was hoping not only to mercy, but even to help.

"And you're right, she is right!" - said the impostant. - "You saw that my guys looked at you sideways; And the old man and today insisted on the fact that you are a spy, and that you need to torture you and hang; But I did not agree, "he added, lowered the voice, so that Savelich and Tatarin could not hear him," I remember your glass of wine and swearing Tulup. You see that I'm not so another bloodist, as your brothers says about me. "

I remembered the capture of the Belogorsk Fortress; But it did not even honor him to corrupter, and did not answer a word.

A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter"

What is the name of the literature that belongs to "Captain's daughter"?


This nature of literature is called Epos. Let's give a definition.

The nature of literature (along with the lyrics and drama), the narration of events alleged in the past (as if accomplished and recall the narrative). Epos covers being in its plastic volume, spatial-temporal length and event saturation (story).

Answer: Epos.

Answer: Epos.

Specify, in which age, the depicted events occur.


The pictured events occur in the 18th century.

Answer: Eighteenth.

Answer: Eighteenth | Eighteenth

Danil Evdokimenko 26.05.2016 16:13

Hello, I answered this question with the word "eighteenth", and I took a mistake, i.e. correct 18. Please tell me how more correctly?

Tatyana Statsenko

In the demolism of this kind, the answers are written in words. Corrected.

Masha Sinkevich 02.04.2017 18:14

Hello. I wrote in the Answer "Eighteenth", but the answer was counted as a mistake. Isn't it impossible to point the eyelid in the nominative case?

Tatyana Statsenko

Can. Made changes.

Anatoly Kulbaev 13.06.2018 20:50

How is the century of Pugachev Bunt refers to the literature? The question is more historical!

Tatyana Statsenko

For our classical literature, a reflection of life on historical and social material is characteristic. Without this Russian literature is not.

Set the correspondence between the three main characters that appear in this fragment, and the qualities of the personality inherent. To each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.



A-4: Grinev - honesty, nobility, courage, sensitivity. Peter Grinev - the protagonist of the story. He is 17 years old, he is a Russian nobleman, who just entered military service. One of the main qualities of Greenyev is sincerity. He is sincere with the heroes of the novel and readers. Talking and his life, he did not seek to embellish her.

B-2: Pugachev - stiffness in combination with gratitude and generosity. Pugachev Emelyan is the leader of an anti-dvorany uprising, calling himself a "great state owner" by Peter III. This image in the story is multifaceted: P. and malicious, and generous, and boastful, and wise, and disgusting, and Vsevlusten, and dependent on the opinions of the environment.

B-1: Savelich - devotion, care, everyday wisdom. In the image of Savelich, many attractive features are embodied, characteristic of a simple Russian person: loyalty to debt, straight, ability to deep affection and self-sacrifice.

Answer: 421.

Answer: 421.

Set the correspondence between the three main characters that appear in this fragment, and their further fate.

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



A-2: Grinevo avoids prisons and corsings, pardoned by the Empress. In the final of the story, saving the beloved Greeneva, Masha, as equal to equal, talks with an unreasonable empress and even contradicts her. As a result, the heroine wins, bringing Greennev from prison.

B-4: Pugachev was condemned for the death penalty. At the end of the work of Pugachev condemn the death penalty.

B-1: Savelich accompanies Masha home freed from the Belogorsk Fortress.

Answer: 241.

Answer: 241.

What is the name of the genre of the narrative from the person's face about the real events of the past, the participant and witness he was?


Such a genre is called memoirs. Memories - Notes of contemporaries, telling about the events in which the author of Memoirov took part or who are known to him from eyewitnesses. An important feature of memoirs is to install on the "documentary" the nature of the text applying to the accuracy of the past past. From the chronicle of modern events, the memoirs are distinguished by the fact that the author of the author with his sympathy and disappointments is to the fore, with its aspirations and species. Very often belong to those who play a prominent role in history, sometimes covering a significant period of time, for example, the author's all life, often connecting important events with trifles of everyday life, memoirs can be of historical material of paramount importance.

Answer: Memoirs.

Answer: Memoirs

the guest 16.05.2013 18:07

i wrote a memoir, that is, in the editor, there is a mistake, mall memoirs! Is it really so important? thanks in advance

Specify the name of the composite element of the text that occupies an important place in this fragment, reproducing the speech communication of the characters.


This form of communication is called a dialogue. Let's give a definition.

Dialogue - a conversation between two or several persons in the artistic work. In the dramatic product, the dialogue of the acting persons is one of the main artistic means for creating an image, character.

Answer: Metaphor

How does this episode relate to the epigraph to the novel: "Take care of honor"?


In the epigraph of the story "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin issued a Russian proverb "Take care of honor". Very often, the meaning of proverbs is understood only when a person will experience any vital difficulties.

It happened and with Peter Grinev. Before him, a choice arose: risk, but to do as an honest person or, frightened danger, betray close people, their ideals.

The only salvation of Masha from the hands of Schvabrina was Pugachev. At the same time, the appeal to the rover, against whom the Grinyov himself fought, who swelled the queen, was very risky. Peter Andreevich, risking his life, was still able to preserve the honor and dignity, because he was with a frightened truthful, bold and did not change the oath in favor of a person who depended on his life and Masha. Being in some sleighs with an impostor, did not give him a reason to think that he was at the same time he was openly answered the rebel: "I am an officer and nobleman ..." a sense of duty, sincerity, dedication - from these qualities the personality of Greeneva is the person. Sometimes he is afraid and doubts, but she tries not to retreat from his convictions and in extreme cases is ready to make truly heroic actions for loved ones.


Many literary critic "Captain's daughter" is called the historic novel primarily because the history of Pugachev Bunta was based on. There is real historical faces in the work: Emelyan Pugachev's impostor, a runaway convict, proclaiming himself to the king, and Empress Ekaterina II. The novel shows the real territories covered by Bunlet. Characters "Captain's Daughter" can be found prototypes. Through history, how through a sieve, the heroes are sieved, and the one who is honest and merciful, "survives and awarded with happiness, and the one who is low to the soul, overtakes Kara. In Pushkin, history - some force, acting independently of people, besides them, and even sometimes hostile to them.

Signs of historicism We can find in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", where among the actors we find real historical individuals: Napoleon, Alexander I, Kutuzov and others. During several historical eras, the events of "War and Peace" are developing: the era of the Russian-Austrian war, the Patriotic War of 1812, the preparation of the Decembrist uprising.

Roman-Epopea M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" continues the traditions of Pushkin and Tolstoy in the disclosure of human destinies and characters through historical events. History is a clash, the struggle of the warring parties, without them the story does not exist.