Numbers in Russian folk fairy tales. Magic value of numbers in fairy tales of fairy tales in which there is a number 4

Numbers in Russian folk fairy tales. Magic value of numbers in fairy tales of fairy tales in which there is a number 4
Numbers in Russian folk fairy tales. Magic value of numbers in fairy tales of fairy tales in which there is a number 4

The number 7 settled in fairy tales for a long time, and not going to leave them. And the fairy tales with the number (digit) 7 is recruited. Children such fairy tales listened with pleasure, the number 7 remember the well-minded, do not confuse it with other numbers ...

Fairy Tale "Seven Kings and One Queen" E. Mart
There are queens beautiful and kind, and there are terrible and evil. In the fairy tale "Seven Kings and One Queen" the queen was extremely not attractive and not good. The hardworking people, which lived in the kingdom, suffered and suffered. The people dreamed of finding any kind wizard, which will make magic. And the miracle happened ...

Tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"
Goat - Mother's rich. Seven kids gave birth. On each other similar, coming. And obedient. And what kind of song Mother's goat sang - gentle, long. Yes, it just happened so that one day a goat did not recognize the voice of her mother, and got into trouble ...

Fairy Tale "Seven hundred seventy seven masters" E.Pername
I didn't hear the boy's boyfriend Ivan, that from the fairy tale of the Ural writer E. Martyak "Seven hundred seventy seven masters." As he segiously, his time skill to choose the heart, so lost the drain. And there was an unexpectedly nigandanno to the name of the forest (and the forest of the Name Day helped his time in a hundred years). Everything was decided ...

Fairy Tale "Seven Simeonov"
Seven Simeons - seven employees. Six of them are noble, hardworking. And the seventh is so-so. But she was smart, he was. The brothers helped, and did not hurt themselves. It was with the help of the seventh, a smaller brother managed to deliver to the king.

Tale "Wise Maiden and Seven Robbers"
"He lived, there was a peasant, he had two sons: Little was on the road, a senior at home. He became a father to die and left the son with the house all the inheritance, and another did not give anything ... "

Different in fairy tales happens: who at the beginning is lucky, and who in the end begins to live richly, and happy.

The fairy tale "Ivan the peasant son and a peasant himself with the Perest, mustache for seven wool"
"In some kingdom, in some state, there was a king; This king was a pillar in the yard, and in this post three rings: one gold, the other is silver, and the third copper. On one night, the king was given such a dream ... "

It happens, the peasant son lives itself and he does not recognize about their abilities. And as a fairy tale will put it in a difficult position, so he will show such skills ...

Fairy Tale "Flower-SemiChiswick" V.P. Katayev
The fairy tale tells us about the girl's wife, who acquired seven rams in the store for the whole family. But the trouble happened ... And Zhenya was upset. The magic flower got into the hands of Zhenya, with the help of which wishes are fulfilled. Flower petals seven. What happened next to the girl Zhenya and the magic flower? ..

"Seven underground kings" - The fairy tale written by Alexander Volkov, from her we will learn about the unusual adventures of the girl Ellie Smith.

... In the country, the underground mines are dominated by seven kings, seven rulers. And the people are forced to baract immediately at all. This is, of course, difficult. But the situation could be even more intense: because in the original version there were not seven in a fabulous story, and twelve kings. A decrease in the number of reigning persons occurred at the proposal of Illustrator Leonid Vladimirsky.

Tale "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" Brothers Grimm familiar to everyone and everyone. She was not filthy, there are also theatrical productions of this wonderful fairy tale.

Scenario of entertainment for children of the preparatory group. Fabulous KVN

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, musical leader MDOU kindergarten № 127 "Northern Fairy Tale", city Petrozavodsk
Work description: The entertainment scenario is intended for music leaders, educators of preparatory groups. Entertainment is carried out as the result of the theater week in kindergarten. You can hold KVN between the teams of two pre-school institutions.

Purpose: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales and fabulous heroes
Material for carrying out: Fairy Tale Costume, Fairy Tale Book, 2 Set And Fairy Tale Passels, Letters, Chest, 3 Nut, Lapotock, Petal, Mitten, Duff, Bank With Jam, Spikelets, Verification
Preliminary work: come up with the name of the team and greeting.
Children enter the hall to the music "Tale, come", get up in a semicircle.

Leading:Guys, today we will step up in the world of fairy tales - the world of fantasy, smelling and resourcefulness, the world of funny and fun games.

A storyteller appears with a collection of fairy tales.

Storyteller:Greetings to you young diving and connoisseurs of fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? Can you cope with my tasks?

Leading:Dear merry and resourceful!
Happy holiday you congratulate you
Good luck in contests we all wish you
Our KVN is starting to fairy tales!
Please take places!
Children share for 2 teams

Leading: And now we present our jury, which will be strictly and impartially evaluate every contest. (Jury performance).

So, teams are ready, the jury is fulfillment - it's time to start!
Competition "Greeting" or "Business Card".
(To prepare this competition, a homework is given in advance)

Teams need to be introduced (name, motto, jury wishes, rivals).
Competition "Workout".
During this competition, the teams in turn must complete the name of the fabulous hero:
1. Koschey ... Immortal
2. Elena ... beautiful
3. Vasilisa ... Whether
4. Sister ... Alenushka
5. Brother ... Ivanushka
6. Phoenix ... Clear Falcon
7. Tinch ... Havroshchka
8. Snake ... Gorynych
9. Squa ... Burk
10. Old man ... Hottabych

The jury calls the results after each competition.

Music pause "Dance grandmother-outer"

The program continues
Competition "Guess-Ka"

During this competition, the teams are in turn answers the questions of the storyter:
1. How many brothers-month met the heroine of the fairy tale S. Marshak at the New Year's fire? (12)
2. How many brothers had an elza, the heroine of the fairy tales G.H.andersen "Wild Swans"? (11Bratyev)
3. How was the name of the sister of Dr. Aibolit? (Varvara)
4.Who turned Vasilis to the frog? (Koschei the Deathless.)
5. How called three bears from the fairy tale L. Tolstoy "Three Bear"? (Mikhail Potapich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)
6.Who from three pigs built the most durable house? (NAF-NAF)
7.What did the queen sentenced, looking into the magic mirror?
("My light, the mirror! Tell me
Yes, all the truth will report.
I am in the light of all Mile,
All Rushes and Beee? ")
8. How did the boy should lay out the word "eternity"? For that, he was promised to give new skates and all the light. (Kai)
9. Where is the death of Koschery Immortal? (Tree, cheese, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
10. How was the name of the cow cat Matroskin? (Murka)
11. How many times the old man threw a nem to the sea? (3)
12. Robbers reached Ali-Baba? (40)
13. How was the name of Ginn, whom was released from the bottle of free? (Hottabych)
14. What is the name of the main characters of the fairy tale of E. Westen "Vacation in Prostokvashino"? (Uncle Fedor, cat Matroskin, dog ball, postman Pechkin.)

Competition "Fabulous portrait". Commands are collected from large puzzles for 2 pictures from fairy tales - "Cat Leopold", "Red Cap", "Three Piglets", "Tsarevna Frog"
(The competition is estimated in the competition and team cohesion.)

Music pause dance "Red Hap"

Competition "Numbers in the names of fairy tales."

Teams are called fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers. ("Three Bear", "3 Musketeers", "Ali-Baba and 40 Robbers", "1000 and one night", "Three nuts", "Wolf and Seven Goat", "Three Pigs", etc.) Wins the team who called Last fairy tale.
Music contest "Guess the melody"
Command participants are necessary, listening to musical fragments, call the film or cartoon fairy tale, the name of the fabulous hero.

1. "Red Hap"
2. "The Adventures of Buratino"
3. "Lion and Turtle"
4. "Bremen Musicians"
5. "Smile"
6. "Cheburashka"
7. "Song Cat Leopold"

Dance workout. (On choosing a music leader)

Competition "Reader".

Sleeps puppy on the stove,
Cat on the porch,
Dreaming in sweet dream
Two sausages on the window.

Puppy runs on the field
Cow drives to the house
Barks, poured
It is going to argue.

Competition captains "Guess the name of the fairy tales." Captains are guessing and make up the name of a fairy tale of soft puzzles with letters. ("Teremok", "Kolobok"). Captains can choose one assistant from their team.

Competition "Fabulous Riddles"

1. For breakfast, he was only a bowl,
But he never was plax.
Writing studied the nose of the beaks
And put in a notebook Klyaksu.
Did not listen to a lot of Malvina
Son Pope Carlo ... (Buratino)

2. He treats mice and rats,
Crocodiles, hares, foxes,
Gives Ranks
African monkey.
And anyone will confirm any:
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

3. Although it was the racks and bold,
But the fire did not survive.
The younger son of the tablespoon,
He stood on a sturdy leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a soldier ... (tin)

4. All Girls and boys
Love him managed.
He is a hero of a cheerful book,
Behind his back - propeller.
Over Stockholm he takes off
High, but not to Mars.
And the baby learns him.
Who is it? Sly ... (Carlson)

5. "Mirror, tell me, be cute,
Who is in the light of all whiter? "-
Somehow stepmother asked
The one that all cunning and evil.
And answered, sparkling
The mirror, a little residue:
"All beautiful young
Padder ... "(Snow White)

6. You know the girl this,
She is in the old stale fairy tale.
Worked, modestly lived,
Did not see a clear sun,
Around - only dirt and ash.
And called the beauty ... (Cinderella)

Music pause "Song about Karlson" I.Ponarevoy

Competition "Chest".

Teams are guessing "What is the fairy tale?" (3 nuts, laptops, petals, mittens, dull, bank with jam, spikelet, bucket, etc.)

Fairy tales:
1. Three Cinderella nuts
2. Lapotock
3. Flower-seven-family
4. Mitten
5. Dudge and pitcher
6. Carlson who lives on the roof
7. Kolosok.
8. Morozko

Summing up the competition is the word jury.
Awarding teams with diplomas and sweet prizes.

Storyteller: Thanks to all participants, you are really connoisseurs of fairy tales and I was happy to visit you on a fabulous KVN. See you, my friends!

The number 3 is probably the most popular, fabulous number. In Russian folk fairy tales and in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world, it is found quite often. How many sons have an old man? Three. How many bears dwell in the house, in which Masha got? Of course, three. How many maidens hung under the window in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin? We all know that three.

Tale "Three Bear"
How everything is arranged in a house of three bears. Everyone has everything: dishes, bed, chair. But a stranger appears in the bears house. This is a man - a girl Masha. Oh, how the bears did not like the uninvited guest ...

"Three bears lived in this house. One Bear was a father, called Mikhail Ivanch. He was big and shaggy. Another was a bear. She was smaller and called her Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bearish, and called His Mishutka ... "

Tale "Bear and Three Sisters"
Three sisters live not in Terema and not in Horta, not in the house and not in the hut, but in the lair at the bear. They thought they thought, how would they go home home, to the father's father? And invented ...

"There was an old man. He had three daughters. He drove into the woods of firewood chopped and says: "You, daughters, babies, jump, bring me lunch ..."

Fairy Tale "Three Little Lescript" Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm - Great Fairy Tags. They did not just collect fairy tales, but also treated them in such a way that for several centuries they read and reread, studied and remembered.

"... a girl went to the forest and went straight to that little hut. Three little men, as they appeared out of the window, but she did not say hello to them ... "

"Three straight" brothers Grimm
"There was a girlfriend, the Sleavita yes, not the hunter, and that her mother said, but could not make her work in any way."

"Three Punches" Brothers Grimm
"There was one day the king once; He had three sons. Of these, two smart yes intelligent, and the third and said something little ... "

And another number three meets in the following fairy tales:

"Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold"
"Three pigs"
"Three fathers"

The number 3 is one of the favorite fabulous numbers. But it is present not only in fairy tales. In poems, the number three is also not a rare guest.

"Troika rushes, Troika Rides,
Dust goes from under the hooves.
The bell is ringing crying,
It laughs, then rings ... "

And what do you think, how many sages from English speeches ( translated by S.Ya. Marshak) went to travel around the sea, but not with clear weather, but in a thunderstorm? Well, of course, three. If the pelvis (in the original version of the trough) would be stronger, then the story about traveling three rustic people, Gotham clever, would be longer.

"Three wise men in one pelvis
Embedded by sea in a thunderstorm.
Whether the old pelvis
There would be a lot of my story. "

In which bass I.A. Krylova occurs the number (figure) 3?
"Three peasants"
Three men went to the village spent the night.
Here, in St. Petersburg, they were waxing ...;
And the path now home was kept home ...

"Old man and three young"
The old man selected the village.
"Let it be built; Yes, how to get into those summer, -
Three adult young men of the neighboring argued ... "

"Swan pike and cancer"
Which of us did not hear about the famous Trinity, which "Whether to take the brightness of WHO", and never brought the case to a logical end. "When there is no agreement in comrades, they will not go to the way ..."

And we will return to fairy tales, and remember, in what fairy tales the number 3 is still found.

"Emelya" Russian folk fairy tale
He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya. The brothers work, and Emel lies on the stove all day, does not want anything ...

"Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." A.S. Pushkin
"Three maidens by the window,
Ruck late in the evening ... "

Do you know the magic meaning of numbers in fairy tales? In oral folk creativity and copyright works, figures are often found 1, 3, 7, but do they carry some kind of semantic load or are not filled with any symbolic meaning?

In the article:

The value of numbers in fairy tales - number 1

The numbers surround every person daily. We see them in the rooms of phone numbers, buses, bank cards, and so on. For a long time, people endowed the numbers with a special magic value.

Kuzma Soke-around

But what did our ancestors think about certain numbers and how sacred meanings were they filled? If we return to the oral folk creativity, we will see that all fairy tales, epics and legends were permeated with numerical symbolism. The number 1 is found in fairy tales very often. For example, one-odinee Kuzma Sneak-rich, one simtane's little tiny-havel.

Often, figure 1 symbolizes one person, the main character who will have to fight with circumstances, with their fears, fictional or real villains. A similar figure is very holistic, self-sufficient. It becomes clear if we turn to numerological value of Number 1 And we will see that it is identified with unity, focusing forces in one source.

Symbolic value of Number 2

Swan geese

How often in fairy tales is the digit 2? For example, in the Gus-Swan's fairy tale, there were a daughter and son (two children), in "Morozko" Padderitsa and her native daughter, in a fairy tale "About the lazy and raw" main characters - two daughters. Almost always, this figure is a symbol of paired, shows the reader of two absolutely opposite characters.

The wolf and the seven Young goats

If we turn to numerology, it will be found that such a number in fairy tales could symbolize holiness, mind, good health. This figure meant victory of wisdom over evil.

Figure 12.

The figure 12 is very important in numerology. This figure is mentioned in antique mythology, in the Old and New Testament, in various religions. Among the most common fairy tales, which are mentioned by this number, "twelve months".

The fairy tale "lived - there were numbers"

Many interesting people came up with a man, he came up with fairy tales. And in fairy tales, the heroes learn and work, they think and decide, they are surprised and recognized new. Who only in fairy tales does not live! Even the numbers with which we meet every day.

The fairy tale "lived - there were numbers"

There were numbers. Beautiful, with tails and roundings, with straight and tilted chopsticks, slender and smooth. The names they had a different way: two, four, six and others. Written signs for the designation numbers were numbers: 2, 4, 6 ...

Numbers lived, did not exist, but once the number 5, one of the most beloved numbers, was indignant: "Letters live in the kingdom of the alphabet, and what is the name of the kingdom in which numbers live?"

- Indeed, how? - Screw up to the number 5 other numbers. And they arranged such noise and gaps that scientist owls flew to their loud sounds from the forest.

- What's the matter,

- What's that noise?

- And why numbers

- Boom?

The scientist explained that the numbers want to know the name of the kingdom to which they belong.

Without thinking, the scientist Owl replied:

- The kingdom in which numbers live, is called this: "the kingdom of mathematics".

Amen were delighted. They really liked the beautiful and long name of the kingdom in which they live.

Questions to the fairy tale "lived - there were numbers"

What is your favorite number?

What is the name of the kingdom in which letters live?

What is the name of the kingdom in which numbers live?

I will tell you that the section of mathematics learning the numbers and their properties is called arithmetic.

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 1?

The number 1 is very important. Not for nothing went to him first place among numbers. The first to be honorable and respem. Firstborn, pioneer, primrose - first, it means special.

Tale "About one soldier"

As the service ended, he received the soldier for the work reward - three kopecks, and they could not save, distributed on the road ... Soldier - he is not greedy. Yes, just with what will you come to your native village? Apparently, with empty hands ...

"The soldiers of Tsar served for three years, and the king for the service gave him three kopecks. Well, he went home ... "

Fairy Tale "First Smile" E. Mart

What mood you are doing, with that it comes out. And so not only in a fairy tale. Smile - and thing smiles. Grust - and from the thing buys ice chill. One day the cutee girl in the world presented an amazing chashanger VAZ the first smile. Do you know dear readers, what is the first smile? It is like a smile of the Sun ...

"In the country, whose names no longer remember, lived an amazing chasoker VAZ. If, Cheng Vaza, he was cheerful ... "

Fairy Tale "Laco One-eyed"

Do you think famously one-eyed joy gives or rejection? Of course, trouble. That's it and famously. We, when in a difficult situation, we fall, and say: "Oh, famously me, too much! .."

"There was a blacksmith, Nadvyuchi, did not know any Lich.

- What it is, "says Kuznets," I didn't see anyone in my eyes! .. "

"Cat-Fisherman" V.G.Steyev

Which of us did not hear about the tricky-fox manager from the fairy tale V. G. Suteeva "Cat-Rybolov"? To whom the first fish, and to whom the second? The first, of course, the redhead should be taken. So started in fairy tales.

"Lisa runs, whispers to himself:" My first fish, my first fish! "

The wolf is making, mumbling ... "

But the story-Lukavinka about the first fish. It is invented by the Ural writer E. Formick, and called the "First Fish". The first fish is the most valuable, most important. Everything big begins with small.

Story-Lucavinka "First Fish" E. Mart

"Yura lived in a big and friendly family. Everything in this family worked ... "

The fairy tale "About one single-sided Baran" in processing A.N. Afanasyev

And how everything was clear at first, it was in animals, which were killed from the Bark yard, the slashes in the forest were made, and lived in him! Heat, abolished. No one skins with them with them. And then Von Barin from the Baran sorted a skirt with one side ...

Together, the animals beat off the wolf. Yes, fell on simple ...

"One Barin had a lot of animal. Just he took five bars ... "

Fairy Tale "Onest Last Baba"

Baba are cunning da earnest, sweaty yeah awesome. Only this is not about the Baba from the fairy tale "One Low Baba". In the tale of Chitrim there, but the woman did not recognize it ...

"One stupid woman arrived at the fair to buy a temporary friday image. Comes in Balagan ... "

Story "First Watch" E. Mart

For someone, the first watch may, and imperceptibly passed, but not for Nakhimovts, Alexander Berestov. He grew up without his mother's father, with great difficulties everything in life mastered. For him, the first watch (on the protection of the flag of the ship) is a responsible and happy event. And who responsibly refers to any work - a big person will grow ...

"Sasha vacation spent on a large ship. On cruiser ... "

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 2?

In the world of fairy tales, stories, fables, the number 2 has long been. And firmly settled there. Fairy tales in which there is a number 2, quite a few.

Fairy Tale "Two of Sumy"

"Two brothers lived; One was kind, and the other is evil. A good brother went to the city in his affairs, and fell on the old old man on the road. Says old old man ... "

Tale "Two Brothers" Brothers Grimm

"Once two brothers lived - one rich, the other poor. There was a rich gold business master, he had an evil heart. And the poor fed the fact that the broom knit ... "

Tale "Two old women and bishops"

"It comes to one parish of the bishop, and in the village, where there was a parish, two old women lived. They never saw the bishop. Old women talk to their sons ... "

Fabulous story "Life and the suffering of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a reagent" L.Davdychev

"Ivan Semenov is unhappy, and maybe the most unhappy man over white light. Why? Yes, because, between us speaking, Ivan does not like to learn, and life for him is solid flour ... "

Tale "Two Friend"

"There were no time such two well done that although the most beautiful day, but one says:" In the yard rain, "and the other will shout:" What rain is snow! " If one says: "I have such a thing ..."

Fairy Tale "Cat and Mouse together" Brothers Grimm

"It was met with a cat with the mouse and said so much about her big love and friendship that the mouse agreed, finally live with her in the same house and lead the company ..."

Tale "Two Ivana - Soldat Son"

"In some kingdom, in some state there lived a man. Time passed - they recorded it in soldiers; He leaves his wife, began to say goodbye to her and says:
- Look, wife, live good ... "

Tale "Two thighs"

"There were two thiefs. One says:

- It's hard for me, Warmer, live!

But the second did not agree:

- And I easily live ... "

"Two frost were walked on a clean field, two native brothers, rushed from the legs to the leg, handed a hand in hand. Says one frost to another ... "

Fairy Tale "Two Proverbs" E. Mart

"A leaning boy of Kostya grew. Gives him a mother Piglet or even a penny. Kostya will definitely put money in a piggy bank. And his friend Fedya - on the contrary ... "

Fairy Tale "Two Plows" (in the processing of K.D. Shushinsky)

"From the same piece of iron and in the same workshop two plows were made. One of them got into the hands of the agriculture and immediately went to work, and the other for a long time and completely useless in a merchant shop ... "

"Two and three" B.V. Zhododer

"Selery went to the first class.

With the earrings do not joke!

He knows how we


To ten!.."

In the name of which Bassen I.A. Krylova occurs the number 2?

"Two barrels"

"Two pigeons"

"Mrs. and two maids"

"Two boys"

"Two men"

"Two dogs"

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 3?

The number 3 is probably the most popular, fabulous number. In Russian folk fairy tales and in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world, it is found quite often. How many sons have an old man? Three. How many bears dwell in the house, in which Masha got? Of course, three. How many maidens hung under the window in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin? We all know that three.

Tale "Three Bear"

How everything is arranged in a house of three bears. Everyone has everything: dishes, bed, chair. But a stranger appears in the bears house. This is a man - a girl Masha. Oh, how the bears did not like the uninvited guest ...

"Three bears lived in this house. One Bear was a father, called Mikhail Ivanch. He was big and shaggy. Another was a bear. She was smaller and called her Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bearish, and called His Mishutka ... "

Tale "Bear and Three Sisters"

Three sisters live not in Terema and not in Horta, not in the house and not in the hut, but in the lair at the bear. They thought they thought, how would they go home home, to the father's father? And invented ...

"There was an old man. He had three daughters. He drove into the woods of firewood chopped and says: "You, daughters, babies, jump, bring me lunch ..."

Fairy Tale "Three Little Lescript" Brothers Grimm

Brothers Grimm - Great Fairy Tags. They did not just collect fairy tales, but also treated them in such a way that for several centuries they read and reread, studied and remembered.

"... a girl went to the forest and went straight to that little hut. Three little men, as they appeared out of the window, but she did not say hello to them ... "

"Three straight" brothers Grimm

"There was a girlfriend, the Sleavita yes, not the hunter, and that her mother said, but could not make her work in any way."

"Three Punches" Brothers Grimm

"There was one day the king once; He had three sons. Of these, two smart yes intelligent, and the third and said something little ... "

And another number three meets in the following fairy tales:

"Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold"

"Three pigs"

"Three fathers"

The number 3 is one of the favorite fabulous numbers. But it is present not only in fairy tales. In poems, the number three is also not a rare guest.

"Troika rushes, Troika Rides,

Dust goes from under the hooves.

The bell is ringing crying,

It laughs, then rings ... "

And what do you think, how many sages from English speeches (translated by S.Ya. Marshak ) went to travel around the sea, but not with clear weather, but in a thunderstorm? Well, of course, three. If the pelvis (in the original version of the trough) would be stronger, then the story about traveling three rustic people, Gotham clever, would be longer.

"Three wise men in one pelvis

Embedded by sea in a thunderstorm.

Whether the old pelvis

There would be a lot of my story. "

In which bass I.A. Krylova occurs the number (figure) 3?

"Three peasants"

Three men went to the village spent the night.

Here, in St. Petersburg, they were waxing ...;

And the path now home was kept home ...

"Old man and three young"

The old man selected the village.

"Let it be built; Yes, how to get into those summer, -

Three adult young men of the neighboring argued ... "

"Swan pike and cancer"

Which of us did not hear about the famous Trinity, which "Whether to take the brightness of WHO", and never brought the case to a logical end. "When there is no agreement in comrades, they will not go to the way ..."

And we will return to fairy tales, and remember, in what fairy tales the number 3 is still found.

"Emelya" Russian folk fairy tale

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya. The brothers work, and Emel lies on the stove all day, does not want anything ...

"Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." A.S. Pushkin

"Three maidens by the window,

Ruck late in the evening ... "

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 4?

The number 4 is woven into our life tight. Yes, and in fairy tales, the number 4 is not a beginner.

"Four artists" Crevitsky

Georgy Alekseevich Strbstsky - an amazing writer. Since childhood, his imagination has drawn paintings of exciting travels, unusual campaigns. How endlessly loved by Russian nature, he was with her on "you." Any leaf can tell the writer an incredible story. And how squid loved animals! Forest guests always lived in his house ...

"Four painter wizards are compared to somehow together: winter, spring, summer and autumn. They agreed, and they set up: Which of them draws better? Argued-argued and cut into the judges to choose the Red Sun ... "

Fairy Tale "Four Desires" K.D. Shushinsky

What is wonderful winter! How much interesting and fascinating in the frosty, snowy time. And summer does not cease to amaze. And autumn! Where did she get so many bright colors? Unique and long-awaited ringwheat spring ... What time of year is it all best? Everything is beautiful in its own way ...

"Mitya rolled on Salochki from an ice mountain and ice skating on the frozen river, came running home ruddy, funny and says Father:

- Just as fun in winter! I would like all winter to ... "

Fairy Tale "Four Brothers" E. Mart

"One mother had four sons. All the sons were good, only a friend did not want to confess the brothers with his brothers. Nothing similar to each other seen ... "

Tale "Fourth Height" E.Ilina

Dear Children! If you did not read the story "Fourth Height", then be sure to read it. She is written by a good, understandable language. In the center of the story - a girl's girl, with a beautiful surname of the Queen. How her character was tempered, as she overcame difficulties, starred in the present movie, and just lived and adultel - all this is very interesting and unforgettable, because the girl's Gulch's girl. The book E.elina saw the light in 1946, and then reprinted many times.

How many characters in Basne I.A. Krylova "Quartet"? Four: ledger-monkey, donkey, goat and a closing teddy bear. Quartet - term used, as a rule, in the musical world. Quartet is a work for four musicians.

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 5?

The number 5 is one of the favorite numbers. Five fingers on hand and leg, "five" - \u200b\u200ba favorite score of schoolchildren. Five-pointed star - widely used symbol. Human has five major feelings.

Or maybe the fifth to be superfluous? Can. The fifth wheel is not needed. "Get out to Merin on the fifth leg," says the proverb. And Merine, as you know, four legs.

In what fairy tales is the number (digit) 5?

"Five of one pod" G.-H. Andersen

"Five peas sitting in the pod; They themselves were green, the pod is also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green: it should have been! Growing pod, grew and peas ... "

Fairy Tale "Five grains" E. Mart About Moldavian Ion and Russian Ivan, about agricultural culture, amazing and omnipotent ...

"It happens on white light and so: a fairy tale will be born, live among people and die. Or will fall out. Sleeping the year, the other ... sleeping a hundred years. Sleeps until her life wakes up ... "

"Five funny bear" V. Bondarenko

"Five funny bear" is fabulous stories about bears with real, human names. What the Potap and Ilya, Ivashka and other heroes, would know, reading the book V. Bondarenko "Five funny bearish".

"Five weeks in a balloon" (Zh.Vern)

Journey in a balloon - this is romance! You can look at the real desert of the Sahara, find the origins of the Nile, save other people's people and escape. And most importantly - come back to England. "Five weeks in a balloon" is the first adventure novel of the French geographer, the writer, one of the "fathers" of science fiction of Jules Verne.

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 6?

The number 6 travels on the roads of fairy tales for a long time. What fairy tales "sheltered" at home 6? To begin with, let's remember the old, the good fairy tale of famous German fairy tales.

Fairy Tale "Six Swans", Brothers Grimm

This is a fairy tale of good and evil, about the great strength of labor, perseverance and ability to achieve their goals. In the center of the story - the girl and the six of her swan brothers. The brothers fell into trouble due to fighters of stepmother. And only thanks to the sister, its strong character, perseverance, hardworking, they managed to free themselves from the Witchcraft Char.

"Six Ivanov - six captains" - Puppet cartoon film, filmed by the creative association of Puppet films of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio in 1967 according to Anatoly Mityaev.

Who will help the girl who dreams draw a picture of a multicolor summer nature, get paints? Of course, six young people, six Ivanov. And where did the paints like the girl drawn before? The fact is that old paints from the dog's palette linked. And now the six captains visited the multicolored seas and rivers, got the necessary paints for the girl. In return, they received wildflower bouquets.

The fairy tale "Six brothers is all Agafons"

"Like on our village, Luke was hung with Peter, the water was sulled with sand, the daughter-in-law was a big battle: on that battle porch-grouju, Kisli-Goryun was broken into full, they were brought to the sword with a carrot. And I did not sleep on the battle, I sat on the bench ... "

"Chudak from 6 (sixth) b", author V.K. Zheleznikov

There is such a boy, Boris Zbanduto, he is a student of the sixth "b" class of one of the Moscow schools. Once he decided on a brave experiment: agreed to become the leader of the first "a" class. Becoming the counselor is a serious thing. Education is a very serious lesson. Suddenly, at some point, the Wenty Boris was painted that it was thanks to the first "a" "I live, who made it happy.

And in conclusion - a small poem about the number (digit) 6

You know, six -

Such a dancer

Spinning, spinning,

Like a gallery.

And remember Sixer,

- It acrobat

And stand in a new way

Watch - nine.

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 7?

The number 7 settled in fairy tales for a long time, and not going to leave them. And the fairy tales with the number (digit) 7 is recruited. Children such fairy tales listened with pleasure, the number 7 remember the well-minded, do not confuse it with other numbers ...

Fairy Tale "Seven Kings and One Queen" E. Mart

There are queens beautiful and kind, and there are terrible and evil. In the fairy tale "Seven Kings and One Queen" the queen was extremely not attractive and not good. The hardworking people, which lived in the kingdom, suffered and suffered. The people dreamed of finding any kind wizard, which will make magic. And the miracle happened ...

Tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"

Goat - Mother's rich. Seven kids gave birth. On each other similar, coming. And obedient. And what kind of song Mother's goat sang - gentle, long. Yes, it just happened so that one day a goat did not recognize the voice of her mother, and got into trouble ...

Fairy Tale "Seven hundred seventy seven masters" E.Pername

I didn't hear the boy's boyfriend Ivan, that from the fairy tale of the Ural writer E. Martyak "Seven hundred seventy seven masters." As he segiously, his time skill to choose the heart, so lost the drain. And there was an unexpectedly nigandanno to the name of the forest (and the forest of the Name Day helped his time in a hundred years). Everything was decided ...

Fairy Tale "Seven Simeonov"

Seven Simeons - seven employees. Six of them are noble, hardworking. And the seventh is so-so. But she was smart, he was. The brothers helped, and did not hurt themselves. It was with the help of the seventh, a smaller brother managed to deliver to the king.

Tale "Wise Maiden and Seven Robbers"

"He lived, there was a peasant, he had two sons: Little was on the road, a senior at home. He became a father to die and left the son with the house all the inheritance, and another did not give anything ... "

Different in fairy tales happens: who at the beginning is lucky, and who in the end begins to live richly, and happy.

The fairy tale "Ivan the peasant son and a peasant himself with the Perest, mustache for seven wool"

"In some kingdom, in some state, there was a king; This king was a pillar in the yard, and in this post three rings: one gold, the other is silver, and the third copper. On one night, the king was given such a dream ... "

It happens, the peasant son lives itself and he does not recognize about their abilities. And as a fairy tale will put it in a difficult position, so he will show such skills ...

Fairy Tale "Flower-SemiChiswick" V.P. Katayev

The fairy tale tells us about the girl's wife, who acquired seven rams in the store for the whole family. But the trouble happened ... And Zhenya was upset. The magic flower got into the hands of Zhenya, with the help of which wishes are fulfilled. Flower petals seven. What happened next to the girl Zhenya and the magic flower? ..

"Seven underground kings" - The fairy tale written by Alexander Volkov, from her we will learn about the unusual adventures of the girl Ellie Smith.

In the country of underground mines, seven kings are dominous, seven rulers. And the people are forced to baract immediately at all. This is, of course, difficult. But the situation could be even more intense: because in the original version there were not seven in a fabulous story, and twelve kings. A decrease in the number of reigning persons occurred at the proposal of Illustrator Leonid Vladimirsky.

Tale "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" Brothers Grimm familiar to everyone and everyone. She was not filthy, there are also theatrical productions of this wonderful fairy tale.

The magical strength of numbers recognize almost everything. Numbers are devoted to the whole science - numerology. Today we will talk about the number (digit) 8.

The number 8 firmly entered our life. In the musical world, the eighth musical interval - Octava; Inclined eight is an infinity symbol; In the spring and autumn, according to the Russian folk saying, on the day of weather eight; Mom, sisters, grandmothers we congratulate on March 8; In the solar system - eight planets. The eighth planet of the solar system Neptune is the most distant from us. She saw not in the telescope, the existence of the planet was proven with the help of mathematical calculations.

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 8?

Fairy Tale "Multicolored Family", author Eduard Assumption

"Osming lived

With their octopus

And they had

Octopus lights a little.

All of them were

Different color…"

How much does the sucklean at octopus? Of course, eight, his spouse, too, eight. And even the small octopusks suckling eight. But the heart at octopus is three, and the jaws are two.

"Around the world for eighty days" - Adventure novel of the famous French writerJules Verna , telling about the Lights of the Light Englishman Fogg Fogg and his French servant Jean Paspart.

In children's literature aware of the workSophia Mogilev "Eight blue tracks" - Tale of small swimmers of a children's sports school.

INrussian folk tale "Teremok" in the processing of L.N. Tolstoy , the number of characters is 8. The essence of the fairy tale is as follows: Kraelie man with pots and lost one. There is no place from where the fly-fuel came from and began to live there. And over time, the new tenants appeared - Komar-Piskun, a mouse-purse, a frog-cuckoo, Soyuok-Krivonog, along the hill of Skok, Lisa - when congently the beauty, a wolf-wolf - because of the bush. Beasts appeared in the teremka not just like that. Every new newcomer was more than the previous one. And the wolf-wolf is clearly larger than any pot. But the fairy tale on such "little things" does not pay attention. But it is the eighth character - a bear and gives the pot, thereby losing animals at home.

And how many baggage units were in a fabulous storyS.Ya. Marshaka "Dama handed over to baggage" ?







And a small dog. "

Answer: Seven 7. But upon arrival in the city of Zhytomyr, it turned out that the dog was lost, and instead of her painted the eighth character - also a dog, but a completely different breed. The lady worsered terribly, did not recognize a big dog. But she answered absolutely calmly, "that during the way in the way the dog could grow up."

What fairy tales is the number (digit) 9?

In a fairy tale, the number 9 fell by accident. The magical, the mysterious force of the number 9 was known to our distant ancestors, probably since the time of the king of pea, and maybe earlier.

"Vovka in the trident kingdom" - popular, loved by millions, drawn cartoon film-tale directorBoris Stepantseva .

A student Vovka dreams about fabulous life. After all, it is not necessary to work in fairy tales, learn, everything is solved there with the help of fabulous forces: for example, two young people ("Two of the Lartz") or to a whining town. And in Vovka falls into the threesteed kingdom, where it meets with a fabulous king and other inventories, and understands that this fabulous life is not so easy. Follow the amazing adventures in Vovka is extremely interesting and exciting.

The expression "Tridge Kingdom" in fairy tales is common. And often they say so: "For thirty lands."

But another fairy tale -"Nine lives of one cat", author Gerard Monkombl , Translation Svetlana Petrova.

From time immemorial, cats, cats refer to creatures special and amazing. They feel what many do not feel, doctors, sometimes, in one touch. It is also known that cats can live alone, but 9 lives. Why exactly 9? The vestibular apparatus of cats is rare. Falling with a high height, they rarely break. As a rule, lands on the paws.

"Nine lives of one cat" - interesting, peculiar, distinctive tale about nine lives of Cat Thomas, the hero of the old English folk tale.

If we turn to the fairy taleK. Chukovsky "Aibolit" And we recalculate her heroes, we will see that 8 animals came to Aibolit. The ninth character is Aibolit himself. Aibolit is a trouble-free doctor. And nothing that he has a little strange medicine, the main thing is the result. And the result is the rans. Virtually all Africa wonderful healing of patients is rejoiced.

"nine" - Fantastic short computer animation moviedirected by Shane Ecra shown by the general public in 2005. On the basis of this cartoon, a full-length film was made, which is also called "9". The Russian viewer first saw the film "9" on September 9, 2009. The film tells about events that have a place in a world similar to our, alternative reality.