Feline rites Gypsy. Funeral rite of gypsy

Feline rites Gypsy. Funeral rite of gypsy
Feline rites Gypsy. Funeral rite of gypsy

Gypsies are the largest ethnic minority in Europe with a predominance of predominantly Indian roots. These folk groups They live among the population of different countries and are divided into six major branches that have their own name.

For this reason, it was not without influence european states on the cultural features Each of them. However, in religion and the customs of Roma still remain common featuresuniting ethnos. This is especially true of the funeral traditions known for their scope, which is why the answer to the question "how to bury the Gypsies of their deceased" for many is acute interest.

Law and culture

Cultural customs of some gypsy tribes often lead to disagreements with laws in the territory where the Tabor wakes or lives. This is due to the strict taboo on damage to the integrity of the body of the deceased, and the roots of such a ban should be sought in magical beliefs.

Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian representatives this ethnos. The opinions are adhered to that a person is not able to gain peace without such internal organs, as a brain and heart, therefore oppose forensic examination.

Such a position is forced to obtain a death certificate for bypassing the law enforcement. If it takes too serious turnover, the Gypsy Baron is engaged in resolving the problem. In this case, if the latter considers disputes with the law of useless, the dead will go to the CME, but with the condition: after inspection internal organs Must be returned to the body of the deceased.

Gypsy customs and traditions

It is the opinion that only three branches of this ethnic group it is customary to arrange a luxurious funeral. However, single cases allow exceptions depending on the traditions formed in a separate talent or community. Of course, only two can be distinguished: the persistent disgust for the death and the construction of a certain cult of the deceased.

Gypsy funerals at the Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian tribes last 2-3 days, at the same time accompanied by "songs and dances". Such unusual customs are explained by Roma beliefs: it is believed that the death of a physical body is becoming free from all worldly problems and seals, moving to best world, deprived of suffering.

At the same time, the dying of the disease never leave one. In nomadic tribes, it moves to a special tent - "Bender", where close to the last remains with it. At the same time, until the very moment of death, the relatives should behave as usual: eat, drink, laugh and even sing.

No Gypsy will never allow themselves to stay in a common tent or home, since he will make it a dirty place, unsuitable for further living. Because of this, personal things of the deceased, also blurred by the bad, were previously distributed by the churches, and in recent decades Lower underground with the late, arranging them as if in the room.

In a word, as Koruni, today, no one does today. For example, instead of prayers over the departed, conspiracies read and, if possible, lowered the body into the grave without a coffin.

Preparation for the funeral

Some Roma branches are notable for advance preparation for the burial: it is expressed in the creation of savings from childhood, to later be able to secure decent funeral. For example, there is often a preliminary purchase of a place in the cemetery, where Gypsies bury.

Otherwise, the process of cooking to the burial depends on the religion of the tribe itself. Funeral rites of Orthodox Roma for the most part Consist compliance christian traditions: The body is also kneaded and mourn with the only difference that herbal decoction is used for ablution, and prayers are replaced by conspiracies.

How to bury Gypsies

In many regions, the Roma funeral is lifted, especially if the Gypsy Baron dies. In Moldova in 1998, local Bulibashi betrayed the Earth only for 14 days, so that everyone who wanted to say goodbye to him could arrive, in parallel with this building a richly divided crypt with special niches. They are needed in order to put together with the deceased items of his life and beloved alcohol.

This funeral of the Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian branches of Roma is similar. They differ only in a common scale depending on the status of the deceased, and the number of days left for preparation.

Gypsy burials

So, we have already considered the question of how the Gypsies are buried. Note that the process largely depends on the place of burial.

Nomadic tribes do not have the means to buy a place in the cemetery, because those who have moved into the world another betray the earth in a deserted out of the outside corner, like a forest age or steppe under the blackberry bush. According to legend, this plant protects the grave from the desecration of animals. The things of the deceased are often simply burned.

Other sedentary representatives of the ethnos bury their loved ones, like everyone else: in cemeteries. Large gypsy settlements have their own grades on the bought ground.


To claim with confidence about the funeral customs of the Gypsy, it is necessary to personally attend the funeral or to be in the Tabor. This is explained by the fact that Roma with special care is protected by its traditions, because much, which is known today, is rumors or witnesses' stories.

Moreover, even those customs are not allowed, the value of which is forgotten by Gypsies. Perhaps the reason for this is the strict performance of all the required rituals associated with death and the funeral.

Gypsy customs associated with the funeral is one of the most interesting in the world. it nomadic peoplewhich does not have common established traditions associated with the care of the world other. Living B. different countriesThese people borrow various, including funeral, rituals.

Traditions associated with Gypsy with a funeral

The attitude of this people to death is peculiar - it is simultaneously afraid, almost disgust to the "dirty" process of dying and at the same time extremely honored by the departed. It would seem that it is impossible, but this people joined the two opposites together.

  • Previously, this people simply buried their departed in the steppe, but later, Roma decided that it was easy to disappear as the ashes of their relatives could not, and began to bury their loved ones in the graves laid by brick.
  • Things of the deceased are considered unclean, so they are descended under the ground with the body of the deceased. By what things lie in the grave, they are judged by the wealth of other people in the world. Sometimes relatives, wanting "to let dust in the eyes" close, bought and put new things in the grave, which never had during life, and they are not just like that, but they are placed in the room, so that everyone has seen how well lived deceased. This is something like the burial of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
  • This people believes that, dying, man pollutes the house and bed, so the dying is attached to the tent (Bender) so that he leaves life there. Die in her bed for them is considered bad signbecause in this case the bed becomes unclean.
  • Opening of the body in Gypsy is taboo. They will not give it for anything, even if doctors or law enforcement agencies insist on it.
  • Oven the deceased in the coffin, but they burn in different ways, alone Roma - in the coffin, and others - wrapped carpets or expensive cloth, the carpet then a rack on the bottom of the crypt.

Funeral and coming

  • Gypsy funerals - the process is long, the body of the deceased may not betray the Earth for several days. At this time in the tent, where he died, come and say goodbye to the departed all who knew him, sometimes it can delay at how long.
  • They bury the world who went into the world, in his best clothes, women put on many elegant gypsy skirts.
  • To cremation, one gypsies relate negatively, others - agree, and some are asked to crem close man. In this case, the urn with a rush may not take away from the crematorium and not to betray the earth for quite a long time.
  • In general, the funeral of this people is quite funny, and more similar to the birthday of whether the wedding. Guests dance, sing and rejoice that the deceased went to the world without tears, needs and suffering.
  • Very often, the Orchestra is invited to the burial of relatives, but instead of mourning funeral marches, folk melodies are performed.
  • Commemoration sometimes go on for two or three days and also do not look like some sorrowful sight - the same songs, dances and music. Sometimes relatives remain on the fourth day.
  • Some representatives of this people make a commemoration also at the ninth and fortieth day, and some are not. Posts Most Gypsies do not observe.

So they bang dead relatives Russian gypsies. In other states, this people profess other religions (for example, there are Gypsies - Muslims and even Jews), and then customs are slightly different, but songs and dances in the world dead Dead Watch almost always.

Now there is a slightly over 10 million gypsies on Earth, people with interesting unusual environments, which can be found in any part of the world, in any country, but their traditions, like languages, are distinguished. Concerning religious beliefsMost often they confess religion, common in the terrain where they live, therefore there are Gypsies-Muslims, Orthodox, Jews.

Gypsy customs

Gypsy has its own traditions that they follow when certain events occur, and especially if we are talking about death, preparation of the deceased to the burial and gypsy funeral.

As the hereditary Gyganka Zhanna from Minsk told in his interview (she is married for the second time and has 3 children), only in the Gypsy, settled on the territory of some Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia) and Scandinavian (Finland), the acknowledged for 2-3 days and pass "With cheerful songs and dances", than very different from sorrowful traditions common worldwide.

In this case, such a strange thing at first glance is explained as follows: Romale's tribes believe that with physical death comes rid of the deceased, suffering, problems, in one word - earthly torment, and it goes to the best world.

Gypsies, living in France, believed that the soul of a dying person at the time of death could move to another creature, so the dying flew to the mouth of the bird, which was then released on the equity.

There are no strangers here

Most often, Gypsy traditions are hidden from prying eyes, and we know very little about this nation. The representatives themselves themselves do not advertise them and do not allow "strangers." Therefore, all the information about the funeral of the Gypsy is collected by "Crupitsa", told those people who were present during the burial (neighbors, acquaintances) or preparation for him (workers of the morgues, cemeteries).

Do you know that the Gypsy autopsy is taboo? Therefore, when accidents end with a fatal outcome, who arrived in place, relatives prevent the forensic examination to take the body into the morgue. It happens, final decision so controversial issuewhen they come into contradiction cultural traditions And the law is made at the level of local authorities and Gypsy barons.

Here are some more moments that the Russian girl told at the Gypsy funeral. She told that right up to the burial of the deceased, one; With him, relatives or acquaintances of the same sex are constantly being restored as the deceased.

"When everything was ready, the deceased, the body of which was located on the carpet, lowered in the grave without a coffin, although it was pre-kneaded and mourned exactly in Christian customs, with the only difference that they were not prayers, and peculiar conspiracies," An eyewitness. However, in our time, and even more so in cities, cases of burial without a coffin - a rarity.

Legends are becoming closer

The Englishman-semi-maritious Raymond Buckland (he subsequently emigrated to the USA), which since childhood was fond of occult sciences and magic, wrote a book about the secrets of Gypsy life and traditions. The events described there are mainly related to eND XIX. century. Here are some examples.

No matter how wild sounded, but dying, the man moved from Wardo (his house on wheels) in a specially built slash (in their language - Bender). No self-respecting Gypsy will be dying in bed in the house.

The relatives were gathered in the Bandar halars, they spoke, ate, drank, behaved, as usual. When the moment of death was close, the dying began to prepare to the transition to another world. He himself personally, if he was able, from last forces Helped to wash himself with special herbal braids, after which new clothes were put on him; If a woman died, numerous gypsy skirts were put on her (most often their five).

At the time of departure, there were crying and sobs, who after some time surveyed into sad singing.

Cremation with all htizable property

Until the middle of the last century, when the head of the family was dying, it was put in Wardo and burned together with all the property. Now this tradition has outlived herself, but still the late Chavela in the coffin put his favorite things: for example, a smoking tube, a fork with a knife, a tambourine, guitar, etc.

If the terrain allows, the deceased Roma bury in a secluded place (forest or steppe) and do not leave any identification signs, with the exception of the blackberry bush, which, according to legends, protects the burial place from the ocker of animals. After death, they are trying not to mention the name of the deceased, so as not to disturb it, and even more so do not cause the world from the world.

Some Gypsies believe in the reincarnation of the soul and believe that it returns to Earth three times with an interval of 500 years; Others - B. afterlife; Third - in the fact that endless life comes after death. But they are always accurately followed by rituals associated with death and gypsy funerals.

Probably themselves interesting traditions Among the numerous number of funeral traditions of various nations There are burials in Gypsy.

The reasons for such an interest precisely the Gypsy rites among scientists of the minds are dictated by the nomadic way of this nation. After all, they do not have a settlement area, and that part of the Gypsy, which began to lead a settling way of life, borrows the tradition of the local population or shares his definite knowledge with him.

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Gypsies in a fairly harmonious image were able to combine in their culture and worldview 2 funeral traditions. On the one hand, they worship the dead, deify them and can even create a cult of them, and on the other hand, they can neglect to death and call everything connected with it, "dirty".

Each Gypsy considers her duty to organize lush and rich funerals for his relatives. It happens that man is even all own life Trying to postpone something to bury relatives in the crypt, together with the subjects they enjoyed, as well as establish decent squeezing plates, establish monuments from the granite on which both the right dates and big photos of the dead will be carved. Once the Gypsies did not fold the things of the deceased in the grave, and boldly used them in everyday life, but today they put with the departed and all of his things, because they are especially bad, can harm the other living person.

The funeral in Gypsy can last long enough. From a few days to several weeks, until everyone else is waiting with the dead. Farewell itself also has interesting nature. As you know, Orthodox Gypsies believe that the soul of a person is with the body of 40 days. Therefore, when they come to the tent, then definitely talk to the departed, they can even treat the charm of wine. But Muslim Gypsy did not take such a tradition, or it happens quite rarely.

Gypsies generous as the funeral rite and the memorial ceremony after it. Gypsy acknowledged can last 2 days after the funeral. Even when the relatives of the deceased will tell about their end, none of the guests diverges, and the commemoration themselves begin to wear the nature of ordinary gypsy festivities.

In the case of nomadic gypsies, it should be noted that they comply with the same traditions, but in very frequent cases they simply do not have the ability to make such magnificent ceremonies. Then they dig a hole on the cemetery, by which, at this point, pass, or in the terrain where they temporarily stopped.

1 week ago

At the entrance to the Lublin Cemetery with the right, there is a huge concrete cube. In the height of about a meter and about three three meters. The impression is unpleasant. If you ask the guard of the cemetery: that this will answer, the Tsigan Baron is buried here. I did not see the process of truck. But with the words of Storam: I could have dug deep, in which the coffin was lowered, and then Tsiganniki came next to the grave, they filmed gold jewelry and threw them into the pit. And since Koronat came from Moldova and with Romania and from all over Russia, there were probably a lot of gold. And then, three mixers came up and bought the grave of concrete. And here I thought about. Tsigan lived all his life and live theft. But very painfully belong to the fact that they will be stolen from them. In general, this audience came up with such an excuse, as if he had resolved the steal. With the crucifixion of Christ, Cygan stole the last nail, and thus saved Jesus, and in return God allowed the cigans to steal.