As the concept of War Folk reveals in the novel. The thought of "Narodaya

As the concept of War Folk reveals in the novel. The thought of
As the concept of War Folk reveals in the novel. The thought of "Narodaya

Tolstoy managed to reflect all parties to the life of Russia of the 19th century in their epic "War and Peace". People's thought in the novel is especially bright. The image of the people is generally one of the main and sense-forming. Moreover, it is the national character that is the subject of the image in the novel. And it can be understood only from the description of the household life of the people, his gaze for humanity and peace, moral assessments, delusions and prejudices.

The image of the people

Tolstoy included in the concept of "people" not only soldiers and men, but also a noble estate, which had a similar look at spiritual values \u200b\u200band peace. It was this idea that the author put on the basis of the epic "War and Peace". The thought of people in the novel is therefore embodied through all people united by language, history, culture and territory.

From this point of view, Tolstoy is an innovator, since before him in Russian literature has always passed a clear boundary between the peasant estate and the nobility. In order to illustrate his thoughts, the writer turned to very harsh times for all Russia - the Patriotic War of 1812.

The only confrontation is the struggle of the best people of the noble class, combined with the people from the people, with military and bureaucratic circles, which are either fear, nor bring victims for the protection of the Fatherland.

Image of life simple soldiers

Pictures of the life of peoples in peaceful and wartime are widely represented in the epic of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". The thought of people in the novel, however, with the greatest clarity showed itself during the Patriotic War, when all residents of Russia needed to demonstrate resistance, generosity and patriotism.

Despite this, already in the first two volumes of the novel appear descriptions of folk scenes. This is an image of Russian soldiers when they participated in foreign hits, fulfilling debt to the allies. For ordinary soldiers who came out of the people, such campaigns are incomprehensible - why protect not your land?

Terrible paintings draws thick. The army is starving, as the allies that it supports do not supply provisions. Unable to look at how the soldiers suffer, Denisov's officer decides to discourage food from a foreign regiment, which pernicably affects his career. This act manifests the mental qualities of the Russian man.

"War and Peace": People's Thought in the Roman

As noted above, the fate of the Heroes of Tolstoy among the best nobles are always associated with a folk life. Therefore, "the thought of people" passes through all the works of red thread. So, Pierre Duhov, getting captured, know the truth of the life, which the ordinary peasant man opens up. And she lies in the fact that a person is unhappy, only when there is surplus in his life. For happiness, you need little.

On the Austerlitsky field, Andrei Bolkonsky feels his connection with the people. He grabs the banner of the banner without hoping that he would go. But the soldiers, seeing the bannamers, rushed into battle. The unity of ordinary soldiers and officers gives the army by unprecedented power.

The house in the novel "War and the World" is of great importance. But it is not about the decoration and furniture. The image of the house embodies family values. Moreover, the house is the whole of Russia, all the people are one big family. That is why Natasha Rostov resets his property from the supply and gives them wounded.

It is in this unity that sees the thick true strength of the people. The force that was able to win in the war of 1812.

Images of people from the people

Back on the first pages of the novel, the writer creates images of individual soldiers. This is Denisov's Denis Denis Warshka with his secure temper, and a merry sidor's merry, and Lazarev, who received the Order from Napoleon himself.

However, the house in the novel "War and Peace" occupies a key place, so the most heroes from among the simple people can be found in the descriptions of peacetime. Here there is another serious problem of the 19th century - completeness of serfdom. Tolstoy depicts the old prince Bolkonsky, deciding to punish the Buffetcher Philip, who forgot the order of the owner, gave it to the soldiers. And the attempt of Pierre ease the life of his fortress ended with nothing, as the manager deceived the graph.

Folk labor

Many of the Tolstoy Problems characteristic of the work raises the epic "War and Peace". The theme of labor as one of the main for the writer did not exception. Labor is inextricably linked with folk life. Moreover, Tolstoy uses it to characterize the characters, as it gives it great importance. The idleness in the understanding of the writer speaks of morally weak, insignificant and unworthy man.

But work is not just a meal, it is a pleasure. Thus, Danil Danil, participating in the hunt, is given to this case to the end, it shows itself a real connoisseur and in the rust of Azart even shouts at Count Rostov.

Old Camnediner Tikhon has contacted his position that without words understands his master. And the courtyard Anusya is praised to the thickness of the homeiness, the ability and good nature. For her, the home house is not an alien and hostile place, but native and close. A woman with love relates to her work.

Russian people and war

However, a quiet life ended, and war began. All images in the novel "War and Peace" are transformed. All heroes, both low and high estates, combines a single sense of "internal heat of patriotism." This feeling becomes a national feature of the Russian people. It made it capable of self-sacrifice. That is the most self-sacrifice that the outcome of the war decided and so struck French soldiers.

Another difference between the Russian troops from the French - they do not play the war. For the Russian people, this is a big tragedy in which there can be nothing good. Unknown Russian soldiers enjoy the battle or joy of the upcoming war. But at the same time everyone is ready to give his life. There is no cowardice here, the soldiers are ready for death, because their debt is to protect their homeland. Only the one who will "regret themselves" can be defeated - so expressed the folk thought Andrei Bolkonsky.

Peasant sentiment in epic

Piercely and brightly sounds in the novel "War and Peace" the theme of the people. At the same time, Tolstoy does not try to idealize the people. The writer depicts scenes, testifying to the element and inconsistency of peasant sentiment. A good example of this is the Bogucharovsky Riot, when the peasants, reading the French leaflets, refused to produce from the estate of Princess Marre. The men are capable of the same care that nobles like or Berg, who crave thanks to the war get the ranks. The French promised money, and now they have already obeyed them. However, when Nikolai Rostov ordered to stop the inconsistency and tie the instratchors, the peasants submissively fulfilled his order.

On the other hand, when the French began to adopt, the people left their homes, destroying the costly property so that it does not get enemies.

Power of people

Nevertheless, exposed the best folk quality epic "War and Peace". The essence of the work is just to portray the true strength of the Russian people.

In the fight against the French, the Russians in spite of everything were able to preserve high moral qualities. Tolstoy saw the greatness of the nation not in the fact that it can with the help of weapons to conquer the neighboring peoples, but even in the most important times can preserve justice, humanity and gracious attitude towards the enemy. An example of this is the episode of rescue of the French captain Rambale.

And Plato Karatayev

If you disassemble the novel "War and Peace" on the chapters, then these two hero will surely attract attention. Tolstoy, including them in the story, wished to show interconnected and at the same time opposite sides of the national Russian character. Compare these characters:

Plato Karataev is a complacent and dreamy soldier who is accustomed to the fate of fate.

Tikhon Shcherbatoy is a smart, decisive, bold and active peasant who never accepts fate and will actively resist her. He himself went to the soldiers and became famous for the fact that he killed the most French.

In these characters, the two sides of humility were embodied, long-suffering on the one hand and the irrepressible desire to deal with the other.

It is believed that the Shcherbatov began in the novel, however, the Karataevskaya wisdom and long-suffering remained aside.


Thus, the people are the main existing force in the "war and the world". According to the philosophy of Tolstoy, one person cannot change history, only the power and desire of the people are capable of it. Therefore, Napoleon, who decided to redo the world, lost the strength of the whole nation.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe 19th century was the search and explanation of the people's consciousness. Naturally, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy could not not be interested in this problem. So, the "thought of people" in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

In the novel there are two forms of consciousness, this is: intellectual and this is the most popular consciousness. The representative of the first consciousness was, for example, Andrei Bolkonsky. He always asked the question "Why?" He was eager to remake this world to one degree or another. The representative of the national consciousness was Plato Karatayev (he even spoke to the sayings), and then Pierre Duhov (he did not disappear with soldiers from one boiler, but the Bolkonsky could not swim together with everyone, he had a hostility to the people, he was By itself). Plato meets Pierre captivity from the French. Before this meeting, Pierre was in the spiritual crisis.

What place is Plato in the image system? He does not have distinctive features, he is a representative of the root structure. Karataev-eliminally collective image. His description is replete with round features. Circle-symbol of completeness and mandrels, also a circle-simple figure. This simplicity really lives in Plato. He accepts the life of what it is, for him all the questions were initially solved. Tolstoy himself believed that Royful consciousness is better than intellectual. Plato Karataev is not afraid of death, it is natural for him ... the usual phenomenon of nature. The dog feels this free love, so attracts to Plato.

It is interesting to look at the sleep of Pierre Dunzhova in captivity. He dreams a ball consisting of droplets, and a drop is visible, which rises outside, then immersed back deep into. A man is also towers, somehow to understand something, but the return or the gap is inevitable here. In this situation, only a family and simplicity returns, this is the guarantee of attraction (this attraction is visible and Pierre Dzuhova, but the Andrei Bolkonsky did not have it). If you get angry with death.

Let's think about each other include intellectual consciousness and folk. Tolstoy usually does not explore the heroes and problems, he simply explains them. But not all questions found your answer at Tolstoy. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe people's author was still unable to finally explain. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky took literature in the section of ethnophilosophy, but no one went to them further.

Thought folk, it is:

1) national character

2) Soul of the people.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nation in the form of Plato Karataev. This idea reveals that the people's consciousness, it is not opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200bwar and the world, this idea is just outside the other. This is not a confrontation. Even when Plato died, no one turned around, because because of the death of one person nothing happens (along the roo-wing consciousness). There should be no extra suffering and experiences. Therefore, it is impossible to simplify the scheme of the novel to the banal triangle (Napoleon-Kutuzov -Platton Karataev).

It is no closer to Tolstoy changed the name "everything is good, which is well ends." He realized that nothing ends. These heroes are only a history of history ... This is part of this popular consciousness.


"The subject of history is the life of peoples and humanity," it starts L.N. Tolstoy second part of the epilogue of Roman-epic "War and Peace". Next, he wonders: "What power drives people?" Arguing over these "theories", Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that: "The life of the peoples does not fit into the lives of several people, for the connection between these several people and the peoples was not found ..." In other words, Tolstoy says that the role of the people in the history of indisputress, And the eternal truth about the story peaks the people, proved to them in their novel. "Folk Thought" in the novel "War and World" Tolstoy is truly one of the main topics of Roman-epic.

People in the novel "War and Peace"

Many readers understand the word "people" not entirely as it understands Tolstoy. Lev Nikolayevich implies under the "people" not only soldiers, peasants, men, not only the "huge mass", movable by a certain force. For the thick "people" - these are officers, generals, and noble estate. It is Kutuzov, and Blocks, and Rostov, and Duhov, this is all humanity covered by one thought, one thing, one destination. All the main characters of Tolstoy novel are directly related to their people and are inseparable from him.

Heroes of Roman and "People's Thought"

The fate of the favorite heroes of the novel Tolstoy are associated with the life of the people. "The thought of folk" in the "war and the world" passes the red thread through the life of Pierre Zuhova. Being in captivity, Pierre learned his truth of life. Opened her Bezukhov Plato Karataev, the peasant man: "In captivity, in Balagan, Pierre did not know the mind, but all the creature his life, that a person is created for happiness, that happiness in it is the most, in the satisfaction of the natural human needs, that everything is happening Not from lack, but from surplus. " The French offered Pierre to translate from the soldiers of Balagan to the officer, but he refused, remaining faithful with whom he was comprehended by his fate. And after he, he recalled this month of captivity for a long time, as "on complete peace of mind, about the perfect inner freedom, which he experienced only at this time."

Andrei Bolkonsky in the battle of Austerlitz also felt his people. Grabbing the banner and rushing forward, he did not think that the soldiers would go after him. And they, seeing Bolkonsky with the banner and having heard: "Guys, ahead!" Rushed to the enemy for their leader. The unity of officers and ordinary soldiers confirms that the people are not divided into the ranks and titles, the people are one, and it understood Andrei Bolkonsky.

Natasha Rostov, leaving Moscow, relieves family property to the ground and gives its appliances for the wounded. This decision comes to it immediately, without thinking, which indicates that the heroine does not separate himself from the people. Another episode that talks about the true Russian spirit of the Rostova, in which L. Tolstoy admires his beloved heroine: "Where, as, when he saddown, from that Russian air, which she breathed, - this graphic, brought up by the French governess, is this Spirit, from where she took these techniques ... But the spirit and techniques were the same, inimitable, unattended, Russians. "

And Captain Tushin, who sacrificed his own life for victory, for Russia. Captain Timokhin, who rushed to the Frenchman with a "single sgonment". Denisov, Nikolai Rostov, Peter Rostov and many other Russian people who have stood with the people and who knew true patriotism.

Tolstoy created a collective image of the people - the people of a single, invincible when not only soldiers, troops are fighting, and the militia. Peaceful inhabitants do not help with weapons, but by their methods: the men harness the hay so as not to take to Moscow, people leave the city just because they do not want to obey Napoleon. This is the "thought of people" and the ways of its disclosure in the novel. Tolstoy makes it clear that in a single thought - not to surrender the enemy - the people of Russian are strong. For all Russian people, the feeling of patriotism is important.

Plato Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbat

The romance shows the partisan movement. A bright representative here was Tikhon Scherbat, who all his incontestation, dexterity, cunning struggles with the French. Its active activity brings success to Russian. Denisov is proud of its partisan detachment thanks to Tikhon.

The opposite image of Tikhon Shcherbaty the image of Plato Karataev. Good, wise, with his everyday philosophy, he soothes Pierre and helps to relive him. Plato's speech is filled with Russian proverbs, which emphasizes his nationality.

Kutuzov and nation

The only commander-in-chief army who never shared himself and the people was Kutuzov. "He knew not by the mind or science, and he knew himself and felt that every Russian soldier felt ..." Disadvantaged from the Russian army with alliance with Austria, deception of the Austrian army, when the Allies threw Russians in battles, for Kutuzov were unbearable pain. On the letter of Napoleon about the world of Kutuzov answered: "I would be cursed if I watched me, as at the first instigator, any transaction: Such is the will of our people" (Kursia L.Nolstoy). Kutuzov wrote not from himself, he expressed the opinion of the whole people, all Russian people.

The image of Kutuzov is opposed to the image of Napoleon, which was very far from his people. He was interested in only personal interest in the struggle for power. The Empire of World Bonaparte subordination - and the abyss in the interests of the people. As a result, the war of 1812 was lost, the French fled, and the first left Moscow Napoleon. He threw his army, threw his people.


In his novel, "War and Peace" Tolstoy shows that the power of People is invincible. And in each Russian man there is "simplicity, good and truth." True patriotism does not measure everyone in ranks, does not build a career, not looking for fame. At the beginning of the third Tom Tolstoy writes: "There are two sides of life in every person: a personal life, which is all the more free than the abstract of its interests, and the life of the spontaneous, Roev, where a person inevitably performs the laws prescribed to him." Laws of honor, conscience, general culture, general history.

This essay on the topic "The Thought People" in the novel "War and Peace" "opens only a small tolik of what the author wanted to tell us. The people live in the novel in each chapter, in each line.

Test on the work

To love the people - it means to see with full clarity and dignity of him, and flaws, and his great, and small, and takeoffs, and falls. Write for the people - it means to help him understand his strength and weaknesses.

According to the genre "War and Peace" - the epic of the new time, that is, it combined the features of a classic epic, which is considered to be a Homeric "Iliad", and the achievements of the European novel of the XVIII-XIH centuries. The subject of the image in the epic is the national character, in other words, the people with his everyday life, a look at the world and a person, the assessment of good and bad, prejudice and misconceptions, with his behavior in critical situations.

The people, according to Tolstoy, are not only men and soldiers who act in the novel, but also the nobles with a folk look at the world and on spiritual values. Thus, the people are people combined by one story, language, culture living on one territory. In the novel "Captain's daughter" Pushkin noted: the simple people and the nobility are so divided into the process of historical development of Russia, which cannot understand each other's aspirations. In the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace", Tolstoy claims that the most important historical moments the people and the best nobles do not oppose each other, and they act agreed: during the Patriotic War, the Aristocrats of the Bolkonsky, Pierre Duchevov, Rostov are felt in themselves the same "warmth of patriotism" As simple men and soldiers. Moreover, the very meaning of the development of the personality, in Tolstoy, is the search for a natural merger of the person with the people. The best nobles and people together are opposed to the ruling bureaucratic and military crugs that are not capable of high victims and feats for the sake of the Fatherland, but in all actions are guided by self-considerations.

The "war and the world" presents a wide picture of people's life and in peaceful, and in wartime. The most important event-verification of a national nature is the Patriotic War of 1812, when the Russian people demonstrated the most fully resilience, unprotected (internal) patriotism and generosity. However, the description of folk scenes and individual heroes from the people appears in the first two volumes, that is, it can be said in a huge exposition to the main historical events of the novel.

Mass scenes of the first and second volumes produce a sad impression. The writer depicts Russian soldiers in foreign hits, when the Russian army performs its allic debt. For ordinary soldiers, this debt is completely incomprehensible: they are fighting for other people's interests in someone else's land. Therefore, the army is more like a faceless, submissive crowd, which at the slightest danger addresses panic. This confirms the scene with Austerlice: "... Naive frightened voice (...) shouted:" Well, brothers, Shabash! ". And as if this voice was a team. On this voice, everything rushed to run. Mixed, all the increasing crowds fled back to the place where the emperors passed five minutes later. "(1, 3, XVI).

Full confusion reigns in allied troops. The Russian army is actually starving, as the Austrians do not supply the promised food. Gusara Vasily Denisov is escaping some edible roots from the ground and eat them, from which the belly hurt. As an honest officer, Denisov could not calmly look at this disgrace and decided on an official crime: he was hit by force part of the province of another shelf (1, 2, XV, XVI). This act was poorly affected by his military career: Denisov comes under court (2, 2, xx). Russian troops are constantly in difficult situations due to nonsense or betrayal of the Austrians. So, for example, under Shenagraben, General Nostic with his corps left the position, believing the conversations about the world, and left without covering a four-thousandths of Bagration, who was now faced with the face with the Stomasky French Army of Murat (1, 2, XIV). But in Shenagraben, Russian soldiers are not running, but fighting calmly, skillfully, because they know that they are covering the retreat of the Russian army.

On the pages of the two first volumes, Tolstoy creates separate images of soldiers: Lavrushka, Plutunny Denisov (2, 2, XVI); A funny soldier of Sidorov, who deftly imitates the French speech (1,2, XV); Transobed in Lazarev, who received the Order of the Honor Legion from Napoleon in the scene of the Tilzite world (2, 2, XXI). However, significantly more heroes from the people are shown in a peaceful environment. Tolstoy does not depict the consideration of serfdom, although he could not completely circumvent this topic, as an honest artist could not. The writer says that Pierre, circling his estates, conceived to relieve the life of serfs, but nothing came out of this, because the chief manager easily deceived the naive graph of Bezuhova (2, 1, x). Or another example: the old Bolkonsky gave the Philip's Buffetcher's soldiers for the fact that he forgot the order of Prince and, according to an old habit, he filed coffee first by Prince Marya, and then the Brying Companion (2, 5, II).

Author masterfully, just a few strokes draws heroes from the people, their peaceful life, their work, care, and all these heroes get brightly individual portraits, like characters from the nobles. Daezing graphs of Rostoy Danil takes part in the wolf hunt. He selflessly gives away to the hunt and understands at this fun at least his Lord. Therefore, he, without thinking about anything else, as soon as about the wolf, the viciously rigged the old Graph Rostov, who decided to "eat" during Gon (2.4, IV). The uncle Rostorovna lives the Yard Anusya Fedorovna, the thick, ruddy, beautiful householder. The writer notes its welcoming hospitality and home adherence (how many of any treats were on the tray, which she herself brought guests!), Her good attention to Natasha (2.4, VII). A remarkable image of Tikhon, a loyal chamber of the old Bolkonsky: a servant without words understands its paralyzed Barin (3, 2, VIII). The Bogucharovsky Starright Dron has an amazing character - a strong, cruel man, "which men were afraid more than Barin" (3, 2, IX). In his soul, some vague ideas are roaming, dark dreams, not understandable to him, neither his enlightened gentlemen - Princes of Bologkoe. In peacetime, the best nobles and their fortress lives with a common life, understand each other, Tolstoy does not find any unresolved contradictions between them.

But the Patriotic War begins, and the Russian nation turns out to be a serious danger of losing their state independence. The writer shows how different heroes familiar to the reader on two first volumes or appeared only in the third volume, unites one general feeling that Pierre will call "the inner heat of patriotism" (3, 2, XXV). This feature becomes not an individual, but national, that is, inherent in many Russian people - men and aristocrats, soldiers and generals, merchants and city breasts. In the events of 1812, the sacrifice of Russians is manifested, incomprehensible French, and the determination of Russians, against which the invaders can not do anything.

During the Patriotic War, the Russian army behaves quite differently than in the Napoleonic wars of 1805-1807. Russians do not play war, especially this is noticeable when describing the Borodino battle. In the first volume of Princess Marya, in a letter to his girlfriend, Jules Karagina talks about the wires of recruits on the war of 1805: they are sobbing, wives, children, recruits themselves (1,1, XXII). And on the eve of the Borodino battle, Pierre observes another mood of Russian soldiers: "The cavalry officers go on the battle, and they are found wounded, and for a minute they are not thinking about what they are waiting for them, but go by and wink by the wounded" (3, 2, xx). Russians "People quietly and as if frivolously prepared for death" (3, 2, XXV), since tomorrow they will "fight for Russian land" (ibid). The feeling of troops expresses the prince Andrei in the last conversation with Pierre: "For me, for me, this is what: the hundredsmatic Russian and hundredsmatic French troops agreed to fight, and who will be evil to fight and regret themselves less, he will win" (3.2, XXV). Timokhin and other younger officers agree with their colonel: "Here, your beggar, however, the truth is true. What to regret now! " (ibid.). The words of Prince Andrei were justified. For the evening of the Borodino battle to Napoleon, the adjutant came and said that, according to the orders of the emperor, two hundred guns were shooting without tired of Russian positions, but that the Russians did not flinch, did not run, but "everyone is also standing, as at the beginning of the battle" (3, 2, Xxxviii).

Tolstoy does not idealize the people and draws scenes showing inconsistency, the spontaneousness of peasant sentiment. This is primarily the Bogucharov Bunk (3, 2, XI), when the men refused to give the princes Mary of the supply under her property and did not want to let out of the estate even her own, because French leaflets (!) Called not to leave. Obviously, Bogucharovsky men had a french money (fake, as it turned out) for hay and food. The men show the same selfiest that the nobleman-staff officers (like Berg and Boris Drubetsky), which in the war see the means to make a career, to achieve material well-being and even home comfort. However, having accepted the decision not to leave Bogucarov, for some reason they immediately went to the Kabak and got drunk. And then the entire peasant gathering obeyed one decisive Barina - Nikolay Rostov, who shouted the crowd with a wild voice and ordered to knit the instigates that the peasants obediently and fulfilled.

Starting with Smolensk in the Russians wakes up some kind of difficult, from the point of view of the French, the feeling: "People with carelessness waited for the enemy ... and as soon as the enemy approached, all the rich leave, leaving their property, the poor remained and fired and destroyed What remained "(3, 3, V). Illustration to this reasoning - scene in Smolensk, when the merchant of Ferapontov himself burned his shop and a flour barn (3.2, IV). Tolstoy notes the difference in the behavior of "enlightened" Europeans and Russians. The Austrians and the Germans, who were conquered by Napoleon several years ago, are dancing with invaders on the balas and are completely fascinated by French hanale. They seem to forget that the French are enemies, and the Russians do not forget this. For Muscovites "could not be a question: good or bad will be under the control of the French in Moscow. Under the control of the French could not be: it was worst of everything "(3, 3, v).

In the irreconcilable struggle with the aggressor, the Russians retain high human qualities, which indicates the spiritual health of the people. The greatness of the nation, according to Tolstoy, is not that it is the power of weapons conquering all the neighboring peoples, but in the fact that the nation even in the most cruel wars can save a sense of justice and humanity towards the enemy. The scene revealing the generosity of the Russians is the salvation of a boastful captain Rambal and his ferry of Morel. For the first time, Rambal appears on the pages of the novel when French troops enter Moscow after Borodin. He receives a wait in the house of Widow Mason Joseph Alekseevich Basdayev, where Pierre lived for several days, and Pierre saves French from the bullet of the mad old man Makara Alekseevich Basdeev. In gratitude, the Frenchman invites Pierre to dine together, they quite peacefully talk for a bottle of wine, which a valiant captain on the right of the winner has already grabbed in some Moscow house. The talkative Frenchman praises the courage of Russian soldiers on the Borodino field, but the French, in his opinion, are still the most brave warriors, and Napoleon is "the greatest man of past and future centuries" (3, 3, XXIX). The second time Captain Rambal appears in the fourth volume, when he and his runner, hungry, frostbed, abandoned by his favorite emperor to the mercy of fate, left the forest to the soldier's fire under the village of Red. The Russians fed both, and Rambale was then removed into the officer hut to heal. Both Frenchmen were ripped in such an attitude of ordinary soldiers, and the captain, barely live, everything repeated: "Here are people! About my good friends! " (4, 4, IX).

In the fourth volume, two heroes appear, which, according to Tolstoy, demonstrate the opposite and interrelated parties of the Russian national nature. This Plato Karatayev is a dreamy, comprehensive soldier, a badly obeying fate, and Tikhon Shcherbatoy is an active, skillful, decisive and bold peasant who does not humble with fate, and actively interferes with life. Tikhon came to Denis's detachment not by order of a landowner or military officer, but according to his own as well. He most of all in the detachment of Denisov killed the French and led the "languages". In the Patriotic War, as follows from the content of the novel, the "Shcherbatovsky" active character of the Russians appeared more, although Karataevskoe wise long-suffering-humility before adversities also played a role. Self-sacrifice of the people, the courage and perseverance of the army, the female partisan movement - this is what caused Russia's victory over France, and not the mistakes of Napoleon, the cold winter, the genius of Alexander.

So, in the "war and the world", the folk scenes and characters occupy an important place, as must be in the epopea. According to the philosophy of history, which Tolstoy sets out in the second part of the epilog, the driving force of any event is not a separate great man (king or hero), but the people directly participating in the event. The people are at the same time the embodiment of national ideals and carrier of prejudice, it is the beginning and end of state life.

This truth understood the favorite Hero of Tolstoy - Prince Andrei. At the beginning of the novel, he believed that a particular hero person could influence the story of orders from the headquarters of the army or a beautiful feat, so during the foreign campaign of 1805, it was sought to serve as a "toulon" in the headquarters everywhere. After analyzing the historical events in which he personally participated, Bolonsky came to the conclusion that the story does not make the staff orders, but direct participants in the events. Prince Andrei says Pierior on the eve of the Borodino battle: "... if it would be depended on the headquarters orders, I would have been there and did orders, but instead I have the honor to serve here in the regiment, here with these gentlemen, and I think that tomorrow will depend on us, and not from them ... "(3, 2, XXV).

The people, according to Tolstoy, has the most loyal look at the world and man, as a folk view is formed not in one head of some kind of sage, but it takes "grinding" - perverted in the heads of a huge number of people and only after that it is approved as a national (community) sight. Good, simplicity, really - these are real truths that are developed by the people's consciousness and to which the favorite heroes of Tolstoy are striving.

Before you, a great essay of reasoning on Russian literature on the topic "People's Thought" in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The essay is designed for students of grade 10, however, it can also be used by students of other classes in preparation for the lessons of Russian language and literature.

"Folk Thought" in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers of Russia. He lived during peasant unrest, and therefore all the most important issues of the era were captured: about the paths of development of Russia, the fate of the people and his role in history, the relationship between the people and the nobility. Tolstoy decided to look for answers to all these questions in the study of the events of the beginning of the XIX century.

According to the plan of Tolstoy, the main reason for the victory of the Russians in 1812 and was this " thought of people ", This is the unity of the people in the fight against the conqueror, his rising huge unshakable force, dormant until time in the souls of people, who overturned the enemy with his huge and forced him to run. The cause of victory was both in the justice of war against the conquerors, in the willingness of each Russian to stand up on the protection of the Motherland, in People's Love to their Fatherland. Historical figures and invisible participants in the war, the best people of Russia and chains, careerists pass through the pages of the novel " War and Peace".It has more than five hundred actors. Tolstoy created many unique characters and showed us a lot of people. But these hundreds of people Tolstoy represents not like a faceless mass. All this huge material is associated with a united thought that Tolstoy determined as " thought of people «.

Families of Rostov and Blocks differ from each other according to their estate position and in the atmosphere, which reigned in their homes. But these families unites the uniform love of Russia. Recall the death of the old prince Bolkonsky. The last words of him were about Russia: " Russia died! Taught!". He worried about the fate of Russia and the fate of all Russian people. He served all his life only Russia, and when his death came, all his thoughts, of course, were addressed to their homeland.

Consider Patriotism Petit. Petya went to the war very young and did not regret his life for the Fatherland. Recall Natasha, which is ready to quit all the values \u200b\u200bjust because he wants to help the wounded. In the same scene, Natasha's aspirations are opposed to the aspirations of the careerist Berg. Only the best people of Russia could perform feats during the war. Feats could not accomplish ehlen, nor Anna Pavlovna Sherler, nor Boris nor Berg. These people have not experienced patriotic feelings. All their motives were mercenary. During the war, they, following fashion, stopped talking in French. But does this prove their love for Russia?

Borodino battle is a climax in the work of Tolstoy. Tolstoy faces the Borodino battle of almost all the heroes of the novel. Even if the characters are not located on the Borodino field, then their fates are fully dependent on the movement of the war of the war of 1812. The battle is shown by the eyes of a non-military person - Pierre. Bezukhov considered to be their duty to be on the battlefield. With his eyes, we see the cohesion of the troops. He is convinced by the rightness of the words of an old soldier: " Want all the people wanting ". Unlike the Austerlitsky battle, the participants of the Borodino battle were understood by the goal of the war of 1812. The writer believes that the coincidence of millions of reasons helps victory. Thanks to the desires of ordinary soldiers, commanders, militia and all other participants in the battle, the moral victory of the Russian people became possible.

Favorite heroes of Tolstoy - Pierre and Andrey - also participants in the Borodino battle. Lyuhov deeply feels the people's nature of the war of 1812. The patriotism of the hero is cast in full of concrete business: equipping the shelf, cash donations. The turning point of the life of Pierre becomes his stay in captivity and acquaintance with Plato Karataev. Communication with an old soldier brings Pierre to " consent with himself ", Simplicity and integrity.

The war of 1812 is the most important milestone in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei refuses the career of the military and becomes the commander of the Egers regiment. Deeply understands Andrei Kutuzov, a commander who has undertaken to avoid unnecessary victims. During the Borodino battle, Prince Andrei cares about his soldiers and tries to bring them out of shelling. Andrei's death thoughts are imbued with a sense of humility:

"Love nearby, love your enemies. Love everything, love God in all manifestations. "

As a result of the search for the meaning of life, Andrei was able to overcome his egoism and vanity. Spiritual quest lead a hero to moral enlightenment, to natural simplicity, to the ability to love and forgive.

Lion Tolstoy with love and respect paints the heroes of the partisan war. And one of them Tolstoy showed a larger plan. This man is Tikhon Shcherbaty, a typical Russian peasant, as a symbol of the avenger people, fighting for his homeland. He was " the most useful and brave person "In Denisov's detachment," his weapon was Musketon, a peak and an ax, which he owned, how the wolf owns his teeth " In Otradi, Denisova Tikhon occupied an exceptional place, " when it was necessary to do anything particularly difficult and not fulfilled, tranteed the shoulder from the mud a wagon, to pull the horse from the swamp out of the swamp, settle it and climb into the middle of the French, go a day fifty miles, - everyone pointed out, laughing, on Tikhon " Tikhon feels strong hatred for the French, so strong that is very cruel. But we understand his feelings and sympathize with this hero. He is always busy, always in action, unusually quickly speech, even his comrades speak of him with affectionate irony: " Well, deck », « eka Bestiya " The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is close to Tolstoy, who loves this hero, loves all the people, appreciates high "Folk Thought" . In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy showed us the Russian people in all its strength and beauty.