Need now the godfather for baptism. The sequence of actions of the sacrament of baptism

Need now the godfather for baptism. The sequence of actions of the sacrament of baptism
Need now the godfather for baptism. The sequence of actions of the sacrament of baptism

After birth, the child in many families arises the question of his baptism. Why is this sacrament, which means who are such crotch parents and what role they play a baby? How soon need to hold a rite, what to buy and what are the necessary preparations spend? On all the intricacies of this rite you will learn from this article.

Baptism of the child: What do you need to know?

Baptism is a church sacrament, which comes from God. This is not just a mandatory rite for every believer. When baptized, the child or adult passes a special grace from the Holy Spirit. This is an invaluable gift of the father of our Heaven, who is awarded to a person, regardless of his virtues, any qualities or positions in society, but only because of the limitless love of the Creator to all of his children.

The immersion of a person in the water indicates a renunciation from all the addictions in sinful life. For a few seconds, which it spends under water, marvel in the speed of life and its inevitable end. This is a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ, brought by him for the benefit of the whole human race and for the sake of salvation. And the way out of the fastener symbolizes the resurrection of the Lord, reminds that after all the earthly believers expects the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.

Going out of the water, the baptism promises to live righteously, to abide by the laws of God. From this day, he is allowed to the communion and other church sacraments, through which the Savior sends the blessing to Orthodox people by helping to go on a difficult life path.

When is it better to baptize the child?

The first question arising from the parents: how old is the child to baptize. On this score, the church has no specific rules. Theoretically, your child can join the sacrament at any age. However, most often Orthodox families try to dove the baby in the first forty days from the date of birth.

Long meditation, whether to hold baptism at such an early age, they only say that parents are not firm in faith or they are not fully understood by the meaning of the rite. While the child is small, it is more than ever, is subject to negative impact - especially his soul. After all, it is impossible to educate and raise a person, caring only about the development of his body. To cultivate the spiritual start in the baby is needed from early childhood. And this is impossible without visiting the church and the communion. That is why it is recommended to carry out christening as early as possible.

Many are interested, is it worth it to wait for the onset of the time when the child is growing and can independently make a choice in favor of baptism? Doubting a simple analogy with ordinary vaccinations, which make a baby almost immediately after birth. When we carry our child to the hospital, no one will ask the question, it wants it or not. We just know that the vaccinations will benefit him anyway. So with the sacrament of baptism. It spiritually enriches the kid and, most importantly, will help him find the guardian angel who will protect him from various misfortunes.

The rite of baptism of the child in Orthodoxy: Rules

First you should familiarize yourself with the schedule in the church where the rite will be held. Usually in parishes, a different schedule that is always connected with the employment of the priest. It is necessary to turn to the servant of the temple and find out in detail the time of baptism, as well as whether the record is maintained. If there is some queue, do it certainly take it. After all, it will be unpleasant if you come to baptism without recording, and the people will be so much that you have to come back on another day.

After you recorded, you must carefully read the list of those things that will be needed for the procedure:

  • a native cross (you should choose a cross with rounded ends so that the child does not hurt);
  • special shirt;
  • handkerchief or small towel to wipe the baby face;
  • the icon of the saint that you chose the patron saint of my child and in honor of which he was named;
  • a large towel to immediately catch the baby.

Many parents take with them certificate of Birth of the ChildBut in the church it never require.

And of course, do not forget to choose shaft parents for the baby. No need to make hasty decisions and immediately offer this role to close friends. It is important to estimate the possibilities of everyone who would you like to see on the spot second parent of his chad, Find out for yourself that candidates will be able to give your child for spiritual growth, which they can teach and will they have enough time to raise the baby. It must be calm, reasonable people from which it will be possible to take an example. After everything is determined, perceptions should pass a certain preparation. So, the shaft parents should:

  • course conversations, whose schedule can be found at the father;
  • for a few days from the event to abandon all carnal jokes;
  • learn by heart the character of faith, which they will have to read during baptism;
  • observe a strict post within a week;
  • pass confession and coming up.

Choosing shaft

Gracious parents play as an important role in human life, which should be stopped in more detail. In no case should not be treated as formalities. Also, you do not need to choose shaft only for the ceremony to then part with them.

Without them, they will develop the spiritually your child will be much more complicated, so that the maximum of responsibility should be shown in this matter.

Ancient child can not be the following persons:

  • nuns and monks;
  • people who have deviations in mental health;
  • believers of other religions and denominations;
  • girls who have not reached the age of 13, and boys who have not yet turned fifteen;
  • atheists;
  • non-prevented;
  • people whose behavior does not correspond to moral standards;
  • spouses.

If the child's spiritual parent wishes a unprecedented person, then this is possible only if he also poins and comes.

As we said, there are many duties in perceivers. It is not surprising, after all, they will entrust for the kid to the Creator. It should be familiar with the sacred Scriptures and the severity of that saint, in honor of which the child was called.

It is quite difficult to become a good marriage mother or a worthy godfather, if there is no true faith in the heart. Understand whether the person chosen by you is able to bear your cross, sometimes it is problematic. If you are not sure about the correctness of your decision, it is strongly recommended to ask the priest to talk to potential perceptuals. Batyushki - people with extensive experience in such matters, so their advice will be very helpful. In addition, you will not hurt to explain to applicants, what liability on them lies.

How is the sacrament of baptism?

The essence of baptism is to dip a baby three times in the font. These three dives, which are the main part of the entire rite, symbolize two days during which the Savior was in the tomb, and the third, when Christ was resurrected. Baptism - first serious event in the life of the kid. It occurs in strict accordance with defined rules.

At the first stage, the father pronounces prayers aimed at protecting from evil. During this, the clergy blows exactly three times to the child, the same time blesses, and after, laying his hand on the baby's head, reads several prayers. This stage is called the rank of announcement.

Followed by him prohibition on the spirits of unclean . From the title of the second stage, it can be understood that in it the priest drives all spirits and pests, asks for blessings and protection for the child, and also prays about strengthening the faith of all those present in the sacrament.

At the third stage, the main actors are shaft parents. They read the symbol of faith, and then in the face of the Lord, they repeat from all their sinful habits, passions, promise to lead a prudent life, to follow the commandments of God, after which they receive a blessing from the father. They read the prayer, which refers to the importance of baptism in the life of the child and that a non-predominant person is more vulnerable to unclean strength and is easier to give in to earthly passions and sinful impulses.

After these three, it can be said, preparatory stages, the baptism itself begins.

  • The first thing is to consecrate water. The priest walks around the font and reads prayers, immersing the cross in the water.
  • Then the oil is consecrated, called the bare. After that, a little militia is added to the font and the resulting liquid is acknowledged by the baby handles, legs, lobik and chest.
  • The infant is immersed three times in the water, reading the prayer. As soon as the baby was taken out of the bathtone the last time, the cross immediately assigned to him and a baptismal shirt was put on.
  • And at the end of the baptism, the priest moves to the sacrament of the world formation.

It should be noted that in the christening girls and the boy there are some minor differences.

  • The girl is not brought to the altar, since the entrance to women is prohibited there.
  • For the baptism of the boy, there is enough at the presence of his shaft father, and on the sacrament of the girl there may be only her shaved mother.
  • If the shirt and all other membership buy parents, then the native crossed is acquired by the child's perceivers. For a girl - a shaggy mother of the newborn, and for the boy - a godfather.

The baptism of the child in the church is a very important event in the life of each family, which has strictly established rules and recommendations for implementation. Responsibility that adults are huge. However, for many parents, the need for this sacrament is dubious.

To dispel the emerging doubts about this issue, it should be immediately understood that the sacrament of baptism is nothing more than the birth of a completely new life in her spiritual understanding that will protect the child and in the future will achieve the kingdom of heaven.

At the same time, baptize simply because so "it is necessary", it is not worth it. Parents must come to faith and understand the need for this step. This is due to the fact that the clergymen discovered the absence of meaning in baptism in non-compliance with the upbringing of faith.

In some cases, parents wanting to give the child to make their own, more conscious choice, are baptized only after their child can make a conscious step in this direction. But, as a rule, this process is carried out much earlier - in infancy.

The best age for baptism

The baptism of the child is the rules for parents, the recommendations from the church are directly and fairly clearly suggest that this process should occur as early as possible. Despite the fact that this sacrament can be carried out on people of any age, gender and race, it is infancy that is the best period.

In some cases, the child can be baptized after a period of hours after its appearance on the light, but according to the practice adopted in the Russian Orthodox Church, this should be carried out four dozen days and nights.

In addition, the maternal organism for this period will be able to fully recover from a physiological point of view. And only after this period, the father may allow it to be present when making a rite.

Choosing a suitable church

For parents, at this time, the question of choosing a place where the child's baptism occurs. From what exactly the church will be the sacrament, much depends. Existing rules and recommendations are not strict about this. If dad and mom kid go to some particular temple, they can completely baptize the baby from their confessor.

In the same case, when their full coming to faith will be held with the baptism, then it is possible to do this at its discretion and choose the church and the priest who will be closest to them with morally. An important factor is the proximity of the temple from the house so that the goal of there in the future did not become rare, and was carried out on a regular basis.

Shopping for the baptism of the baby

Before holding the sacrament, you should make a number of necessary purchases, without which the process will not be possible in principle.

The number of critical costs of expenses includes:

  • baby shirt;
  • consecrated cross;
  • special Towel.

All these products can be found both in a regular store and in a special church shop, as a rule, directly at the entrance to the temple. You can buy objects both individually and in the form of a special set for baptism. Carry out their purchase future godfather.

Choosing a baptistic outfit

Choosing a baptismal outfit for the child, you should stay on the most delicate and soft tissues, which can only be found in modern stores. This is due to the fact that the baby's skin is extremely sensitive and is subject to various skin diseases and rashes, which in turn is fraught with crying and hysterics.

Sometimes a special bag is acquired, in which the baby's horses are placed after the rite.

Shirt for boy

There are no fundamental differences between dresses for boys and girls, because clothing for baptism, as a rule, is a universal view. Boys most often choose a shirt white or gentle blue color, which emphasizes his floor. The style can be different - from very short to long shirts hiding even baby heels.

Often, for boys, ordered outfits with a very elegant embroidery in the form of a cross. For very young children, a clean shirt is taken from cotton, which is practically not decorated. This is done in order not to cause any irritation on the skin.

For a child, a little older is more often used more similar to adult shirt outfits. They have a neat cutout, are abundantly trimmed by a variety of decorative elements made using tissues of different colors.

Dress for the girl

Despite the fact that for girls a classic baptismal outfit is not solid from those described above, Now more exclusive and unique things are increasingly sewn:

For clothes for girls, solely natural fabrics like flax or cotton can act. In some cases, viscose is used, especially often this is done to embroidery decorative elements.

Towel for baptism

Great significance in the process of baptism has a special towel called a hound. In fact, under this term implies a kind of diaper made in openwork style. After committing a rite, it is stored for many decades, and it becomes a real family value and relic.

In recent years, increasingly in the corner indicate the dates of baptism of the baby. Its main power consists in the healing of the child if it is very sick in infant age. Famous priests are recommended together with traditional medical treatment to apply a hryon in combination with healing prayers. The towel is also purchased by the godfather.

Selection of a native cross

Another essential attribute is a cross. Many godfather parents, especially those who are not believers, causing what material it should be made, where it should be purchased.

It is important that the cross is fully consistent with all the canons and the rules established by the Russian Orthodox Church. And then what material it is made, it does not matter. It may be gold, and silver, and ordinary aluminum. As a chain, you can use even the usual rope or thread.

The main thing is that the cross is not

decoration, and the special meaning carries, performs the function of protection and unity with God. It must be consecrated.

If the purchase is done in the bench at the temple, then it is such, after the store you should visit any temple and ask the father to sanctify it.

The role of gods parents in the life of a child

Great parents play a huge role in the development of the child who must be people believers or seeking to this. In addition, they must have high moral foundations and clean thoughts. It is connected with the need to help the baby throughout life. As a rule, the godparents are always two, but, in the extreme case, you can invite one person.

In the case of a boy, this is a man when the ritual is made over the girl, then a woman. Age will be varied depending on the floor. The godfather can be from 15 years old, mother - from 13. This confirms the Special Decree of the Higher Church Organ - Synod. The godparents should be prepared to take care of the care and education of the child in the event that he will lose their relatives.

Choosing a criticism

When choosing should seek a person who sincerely love the child and will be ready to sacrifice his health, well-being and even life for his salvation and happy life. Responsibilities at the cross, for example, it is she who teaches the child to all Azam Orthodox faith and teach it the necessary prayers.

The godfather is the man with whom the child can share his thoughts and experiences. She must gently direct it in the right direction of development and be always ready to help the child. Often, the godfall becomes the most close people after the mother.

Choosing a godfather

The role of the godfather is also very important and should not be reduced only to payments for baptism and further gifts. It must be an authority and support for the child in the process of adulthood, on which you can always rely. Must assist to overcome vital difficulties and make the right choice in difficult situations.

The godfather is the first and most important protection of the child from the devil. He also protects his native parents to raise the baby in the right thing. The church understands the complexity of this mission, but the godfather must steal it, including comprehensively with parents.

Traditional gifts from godparents

Gifts for the child after baptism depend solely on the goodwill and the material situation of those guests who are present on the rite.

The Bible is considered a gift recommendation from the church. Such a book gives a child according to the rules of the godfather parents after baptism

Holding baptism

The baptism of the child is carried out according to certain rules established for parents and the godfather. Depending on the church, the recommendations given by the spiritists directly on the process may differ slightly.

The rite consists of a certain number of consistently performed actions that are briefly formulated further:

  1. There is a name of the name. As a result of this action, the baby officially receives a patron at heaven.
  2. After that, the confessor with the help of a special gesture gives a child a blessing, which leads to the formation of heavenly protection.
  3. Then reading special prayers putting their task to establish a complete ban on the devil to come to the child.
  4. Then there is a process of sanctifying water by father.
  5. The priest dipping the baby in a specially intended font, and then transmits to the hands of a cross or godfather, depending on the floor of the child who put a cross and special clothes on him.
  6. Completes the ritual so-called worldware.

Differences in the baptism of a boy and a girl

The process of the baptism of boys and girls is practically no different. The only significant moment is that the boy after taking it from the font in the hands of the godfather is entering the altar, and there is no girl according to certain church canons and traditions.

The rules for choosing the name for the child in the Scholes

Choose the name of the child when baptism is not the most difficult task. It is carried out with the help of the so-called soles, in which more than one and a half thousand different names were assembled, often out of circulation.

It is important to remember several key points:

  1. The name of the baby should be used, which is recommended for reaction directly on the day of its biological birth.
  2. In the event that there is no appropriate name, you can look at about a week ahead to the sacraticles and choose at your discretion.
  3. It is important to approach this process with the maximum thoroughness, because it will be difficult to change this name. Only in rare cases resort to changing the name given at birth.
  4. You can use the name that is consonant with what is recorded in the passport, because often parents call their children with such names that are not mentioned in the salty. It is important that the name of the name with the patronymic and the name of the kid in his adult life is.

Organization of the Baptism of the Child

It is important to specify the date of the sacrament in advance and specify everything with the priest who will spend it all, even seemingly the smallest and minor details. For example, some churches prohibit shooting or allowed it after paying a symbolic contribution to development. Usually, each church is allocated for individual days of the week and the clock of the ritual.

Duration and cost of the rite for children

The baptism of the child, the features of the procedure and the duration of the rite can differ significantly depending on which church is being carried out in this sacrament.

Rules and recommendations for parents who are issued by famous priests are talking about the need for humble subordination to the confusion, who baptizes the baby. Usually this process does not take more than one hour. With a large number of children, you may need a little more.

Features of the celebration of children's christening

The baptism of the child is not just an ordinary event, but a great sacrament, which carries in itself the need to comply with the rules of behavior that are established for parents in a wide variety of aspects.
Recommendations from the church relate to the same as the feast of the babies should be held. The cornerstone is a festive meal.

Festive table and traditional dishes

Baptism always ends with a festive table, and whom the whole family and numerous baby relatives are going. As traditional dishes, dishes made from the test must be present, first of all, various cakes and a lot of porridge options. As a meat, it is allowed to serve a bird.

How can a child change after baptism

The baptism of the child for parents means the offensive of a special stage. It is said that the baby is completely changed and becomes much calmer. However, this is just the beginning. Recommendations from the church say that it should be continued to fully educate the child in the Christian faith and teach to observe the rules that are established by the law of God.

Summing up, it should be noted several completely unambiguous conclusions. The sacrament of baptism is a truly unique event that happens with every person just once in life. For parents who hold a rite over their child is the most important step aimed at their upbringing in full compliance with those moral implications that are laid in the Christian faith.

It is important this step is for the parents of the godfather, who open their soul and become the defense of an innocent infant. For a child, baptism means the possibility of achieving in the future of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Video about the baptism of the child

How is the baptism rite:

Batyushka will tell what you need to know before the baptism of the child:

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Have you chosen the godmother? This is a great honor and great responsibility. The responsibilities of the godfather are not limited to only the sacrament of the baptism and greetings of the kidnik with the holidays - they will continue throughout life. What are these responsibilities? What you need to know about the sacrament of baptism? What to buy? How to prepare?

Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The baptism rite is a sacrament in which a believer dies for sinful carnal life to revive the Holy Spirit into a spiritual life. Baptism is cleansing a person from original sin who is reported to him through his birth. Equally, as a person only once appears, and the sacrament is performed only in a person's life.

As a godfather to prepare for the rite of baptism

To the sacrament of baptism should be prepared in advance.

  • Two or three days before the rite, future goddes should repel in their earthly sins and compete.
  • Directly on the day of baptism it is forbidden to have sex and eat food .
  • With baptism of the girl godmother Must be read the prayer "Symbol of Faith" , when baptizing the boy reads it Godfather .

Responsibilities of the godfather. What should the godfather do?

The child can not choose a godfather Mama himself, parents make this choice for him. An exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually determined the proximity of the future godmother to the family , a warm attitude towards a child, the principles of morality, which the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities great Mom?

  • Godmother publisha for Novocredited child in front of the Lord.
  • Is responsible for spiritual education kid.
  • Takes part in life and upbringing Toddler Along with biological parents.
  • Take care of the child in a situation where something happens to biological parents (the godfather can become a guardian in the event of the death of parents).

The godfather is spiritual mentor For her skeleton and an example of a Christian lifestyle.

The godfather should:

  • Pray for a gosson and be a loving and caring godmother.
  • Visit church with baby If his parents do not have such an opportunity because of the disease or absence.
  • Remember about your duties In the days of religious holidays, ordinary holidays and on weekdays.
  • Seriously treat problems in the life of a godder and keep it in difficult stages of life .
  • Be interested in I. promote the spiritual growth of the child .
  • Serve an example of a pious life For a kid.

Features of the rite of baptism

How is the sacrament of the baptism of the child?

Requirements for the godmother in christening

The most important requirement for gods parents - be baptized Orthodox who live in Christian laws. After the rite, the godparents should contribute to the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godfather's mother has not been baptized yet, then first should be baptized , And only then - baby. The biological parents can be generally unresolved or confess to another faith.

  • The godfather must realize your responsibility For the upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives choose in the godfather - relatives are rushing less often than friendly.
  • The godfall may be present on baptism Girl in absentia, great mother - only personally . Its responsibilities enters the girl from the font.

Cross do not forget about the bottom of baptism . On the day of the Guardian Angel, the karda should go to the temple every year, to light the candle and thank for all God.

What to wear a godmother? Exterior view of the godmother in christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but its tradition is definitely recommended. Basic requirements for the godmother when baptism:

  • Having a godpiece of native crosses (sanctified in the church) must.
  • It is unacceptable to rest on baptism in pants. You should wear a dress which hits the shoulders and legs below the knee.
  • On the head of the godmother Be sure to be a handkerchief .
  • High heels are superfluous. The child will have to keep on their hands for a long time.
  • Forbidden casting makeup and causing clothes.

What do the godfather buy baptism?

  • White baptismal shirt (dress). It can be simple or embroidery - it all depends on the choice of godfall parents. Shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly in the church. Old clothes with a baby with baptism are removed as a sign that he appears clean in front of the Lord, and the baptism shirt is worn after the rite. Traditionally, this shirt should be eight days, after which it is removed and stored throughout life. Of course, it is impossible to baptize in it another kid.
  • Native Cross With the image of the crucifixion. He is bought directly in the church, already consecrated. It does not matter - gold, silver or simple, on the rope. Many after baptism remove crosses with children so that they accidentally damage themselves. According to the church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and such a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
  • , in which the baby is wrapped after the sacrament of baptism. It is not erased after the rite and also gently store, like a shirt.
  • Cepchik (Kosyanka).
  • The best gift from the godfather will be cross, Pictures or Silver Spoon.

Also for the baptism rite will need:

  • Baby blanket. For a comfortable baby in the baptized and warming of the baby after the font.
  • Small bagwhere you can fold the baby's strand of the baby, an odorless priest. It can be saved along with a shirt and a towel.

It is advisable to make sure that things are suitable in advance.

After the baptism rite

So, the baby was painted. You have become a godmother. Of course, according to tradition, This day is a holiday. It can be marked in a family warm circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that the christening is primarily a holiday of the spiritual birth of a baby. It should be prepared in advance and thoroughly, thinking every item. After all day of spiritual birthwhich you will celebrate now every year, much more important than the day of physical appearance.

The baptism in Christianity belongs very seriously. It is believed that after this rite a person is born again. In other words, this is the spiritual appearance of the world. What days are kids in the church? In our article you can find an answer to this question. At the same time, we will look at other important features of the rite. Now let's talk about this sacrament in more detail.


How and when to baptize the child? What days can the sacrament? It is mostly accepted by a rite with newborn babies or babies to one year. The sacrament is carried out in the days established by the Church. But it also happens that absolutely adults come to baptism. This is due to the fact that in the times of the Soviet Union it was forbidden to baptize children and at all attend the church. But there are those who decided to change their faith and be afraid into Christianity.

With baptism, there must be future spiritual parents. They choose the mother and father of the child or the baptized himself, if it comes to a completely adult man. Spiritual parents will be mentors of their kid. They must protect it in the same way as native parents will do. And in the case of the premature death, mom and dad or other reasons why the child remains orphans, spiritual father and mother will have to raise the gossip in their hands.

Clothes for the sacrament

For the baptism rite, a special robe. This can be a cotton fabric shirt that the future godmother of the child should buy. You still need a white diaper, a towel or, as they are called in the people, the hryonma, in order to wrap or wipe the baptized. Bring it should also be a future spiritual mentor.

The godfather must acquire a native cross in the church, which will be just conducted by the rite. For the kid, it is desirable that it be on a ribbon or rope, for security purposes. If the cross was bought not in the temple, before the rite it is necessary to consecrate it. Remember that if baptism takes place in the Orthodox Church, the Catholic cross for the rite will not fit. It is very easy to distinguish them.

Who should be on the ritual?

Before talking about what days there are children in the church, it is necessary to talk about those present at ritual. Baptism has long been considered the sacrament. Therefore, only the Holy Father, the child and future godfathers can be present on it. But today no one adheres to this rule. Therefore, the baptism of the child is invited almost all relatives and even order the photographer to capture this event on the camera. But some of the tickets still do not approve of this innovation.

It is also desirable, before you baptize the child, a spiritual parent to resemble the seminars in the church, where it will tell about the responsibility and how to behave correctly during the rite itself. But again, today, no one keeps this rule. And future mentors appear only on the day of the rite, where a few minutes before his start, the father says that they will need to do.

When the rite begins, parents make a child in his hands to church. Then they transmit it to one of the godfall parents. The boy should keep the girl, and a girl is a man. When the rite begins, there must be complete silence in the temple, only the father reads prayers. They must repeat both parents. These prayers are twice from the devil. After the father takes the child and reads the prayers of the world of minor mat. Then the process of coloring occurs. No matter who it is a boy or a girl. The priest on the head of the child cuts the cross. This rite symbolizes the submissions to the Lord and a kind of sacrifice. If the boy is baptized, then his father brings him to the altar. If the girl, her holy father leans to the icon of the Mother of God. After these rites, the child is returned to spiritual parents, but on the contrary.


What days there are children in the church, at what age? As we have already found out in this article earlier, the sacrament can pass any person. In this case, age does not matter. The rite can even go through the one who is more than eighteen.

But still it is better to do it as early as possible. It is believed that after baptism, his soul will not be able to take possession of the devil and instruct the path not true. The earlier the sacrament, the calmer the baby will sleep, be less sick. Many parents are asked whether the child can be baptized if they themselves are not baptized. Of course you can and need. And even parents themselves can be baptized if such a desire arises.

If a person decided to be baptized in a mature age, then before this he must pass the catechization and remove the original sin in such a way.

Days of the rite in the temple

When is it better to carry out the sacrament? What days are kids in the church? It is believed that it is best to hold a rite with a child on a fortieth day from his birth. This is absolutely not connected with the baby. Just if it is vital to him that his mother attended him on the rite, then there should be forty days before a woman can be included in the temple. After childbirth, the girl during this period is considered dirty, so it is necessary to wait until its body is cleaned.

After the expiration of the deadline over a woman, the father reads the prayer of purification, after which it can enter the temple. But it happens that the child should urgently fall. This may be mainly due to kid's disease. Then mom is forbidden to attend ritual. The most optimal age for baptism is considered to be until six months.

As for religion, it does not matter at all the days of children in the church. But in each temple there is a schedule and the time that is given to the rite. Therefore, before baptizing the baby, the parents need to pre-go to the church in which the sacrament will be held, and agree on time and day with the father.

So what day of the week you can baptize a child? As we have already found out earlier, you can spend the rite on any day of the week, regardless of whenever it is or weekly.

Where and what days you can baptize the child?

Children are allowed to baptize not only in the temple or church. You can hold a rite at home or in any other place selected by the parents. For this it is necessary to invite a father and buy everything you need in advance. What day to baptize the child at home, also does not matter how if you did it in the temple. The main thing here is to negotiate with the Holy Father, which will hold the rite. He will assign time and day when he can come to the place appointed by you.


We found out what day the week there are kids and how to hold a rite. Now consider how it is better to celebrate this event.

After the rite, all invited to go to the baby's house. It is there that begin to celebrate. Parents are covered with a generous table with treats. According to old customs, it is believed that it must be cookies and pies. But no matter how the celebration of this secret rite has been held, the main thing is that the kid rose strong and healthy.

How to prepare for the baptism of the child? The rite of baptism of a newborn baby is enveloped by a huge number of people will take, traditions and rules. About the most popular of them and let's talk: what you need to pay attention to the day of baptism, and what folk signs are nothing more than prejudice? In this article, we will consider the 30 most popular rules and will adopt that may help parents to decide on how when and why baptize the baby.

Baptism of children. Rules, signs and traditions associated with the sacrament of baptism:

  1. A good sign is considered if the child has become less crying after the baptism's rite, not so capricious, began to sleep better. It is also believed that after baptism, a child has a strong health. No wonder they advise not to postpone the rite of baptism if the baby was born weak, prematurely - in this case, the sacrament can even spend on the walls of the maternity hospital or at home.
  2. The godfather must give a krestler to the child, and the godfather is to buy clothes for baptism.
  3. You can not wipe the water from the face of the baby after bathing - the holy water should dry on the face itself.
  4. After the baptism of the clothes, in which the baby was, it is impossible to wash. It is necessary that holy water dried on it, and then leave and protect as a talisman throughout the life of the child. It is believed if the baby fell ill, he should be wiped with a baptizing dress - and it will help him to cure. Also, it is also impossible to use this clothing again on another rite of baptism.
  5. The baptismal wear should be extremely light color. As a rule, white. Also allowed minor drawings, inscriptions, embroidery on baptismal clothes.
  6. If the child does not cry during the rite - this is a very good sign. Even better if the baby fell asleep during the sacrament.
  7. It is believed that the child will have a happy life if you hear church bells before the christening.
  8. You can't buy a gold cross - this metal is considered unclean, sinful. The cross should be silver or just metallic.
  9. The life of the child will be happy if immediately after the baptism rite in the temple will be widder.
  10. Bad sign - to transfer to another date previously planned rite of baptism of the child.
  11. Unresolved baby can not be submitted to someone else's house. You can go to visit the baby only after the sacrament.
  12. Woman should be the first to baptize the boy, and her husband is a girl. Otherwise it is believed that the godfather will take a happy family life from them.
  13. Unbelievers cannot be godparents, mentally ill people, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics.
  14. Children can not become godparents. The girl should be at least 13 years old, and the guy is at least 15.
  15. It is impossible to be baptized in one water (fastened) several kids. This is bad sign.
  16. Bad sign, if during the rite the priest forgets or confuses words, he falls out of the hands of items.
  17. Between the godmother and father should not be a love connection - this is a sin. It is also desirable that they be blood relatives.
  18. A pregnant woman can not baptize a child - otherwise there will be a sovereign, and her own kid.
  19. For christening, a child in the church is ordered or a measured icon is bought. It is called a measured because it corresponds to a child's growth in centimeters at birth. It should be a personal kid icon, only a child can pray before her. It is believed that the measuring icon is a strong guard for the child, gives him protection.
  20. In the church, the godfall should not sit down - otherwise the child is waiting for unhappy fate.
  21. Before the baptism, the baby is not worth showing anyone, even relatives. It is believed that the child has no protection yet, because the baby can be jammed.
  22. I will not be refused if you are asked to become a godparents, the church explains this way: it is not a sin to refuse - this is not a sin, but to churn a child and not take part in his life, spiritual development is a great sin. Therefore, it is better to refuse if you are not sure that you can in good faith to fulfill all the responsibilities of the godfather or mother.
  23. The child needs to be painted on the eighth or fortieth day of life, then the sacrament will give the baby a very strong defense.
  24. On the day of baptism, his guardian angel appears in the child, so it's not worth tightening with the rite and paint the baby faster.
  25. After baptism, the baby receives his second (church) name that cannot be accepted anyone.
  26. Before the baptism ritual (both relatives and the godfather) should read prayer.
  27. A woman who took an abortion cannot be invited to become a godmother.
  28. When baptized at the godmother should be covered with a head, it is also impossible to baptize in pants - it should be a skirt or dress below the knees.
  29. The rite of baptism is the sacrament, therefore, the kid and the godded parents are involved, a native father may also be present. It is advisable not to invite other relatives and friends to the rite. They can congratulate the baby already in christening - this is a celebration in honor of Baptism.
  30. You can baptize a child on any day of the week, as well as on large church holidays and post. However, the people are subject to the Saturday, it is considered the most successful day for the sacrament.