Casino operating in the only legal gaming zone "Azov-City" in Russia, fabulously rich. Game zone in Russia

Casino operating in the only legal gaming zone
Casino operating in the only legal gaming zone "Azov-City" in Russia, fabulously rich. Game zone in Russia

Russian legislation introduces numerous changes to the scope of gambling business, which leads to various issues. In this article we will try to reveal this question, as well as analyze which changes were made to gambling business.

What should be understood under the gambling zone

Under the gambling zone, you need to understand the territory that has been stated and established by the Government of the Russian Federation to create casino and entertainment gambling institutions. Gaming active zones in Russia are still there. Currently, the gambling business can be created in 4 legal places:

  1. In "Azov City", in the Krasnodar Territory.
  2. In the Siberian Coin, located in the Altai Territory.
  3. In Primorye, which is valid in the Primorsk region.
  4. In the zone "Amber", created on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

The Government of the Russian Federation considers the opening of additional zones, which according to preliminary calculations should be opened next year:

  • on the Crimean Peninsula;
  • in Sochi;
  • in Buryatia;
  • on golden sands.

Krasnodar "Azov City"

The game area in the Krasnodar Territory - "Azov City" - is currently considered the largest of the four acting.

This zone includes three active casinos:

  • "Oracle", the area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 4500 square meters. m;
  • Shambala, located 1450 square meters. m;
  • casino and hotel complex called "Nirvana", which occupy an area of \u200b\u200b1350 square meters. m.

The complex "Nirvana" opened only 3 years ago, is considered the newest gambling institution of the Russian Federation. The construction of the hotel to which 5 stars (with a casino inside) will be completed. Also coming to the end of the construction of additional gaming complexes.

Altai gaming zone "Siberian coin"

The legal gaming zone "Siberian coin" is located in Altai, currently completing construction work on the first complex. The project cost is 30 billion rubles, it includes the following objects:

  • 30 hotel complexes that can simultaneously take 3 thousand people;
  • 15 gambling casino;
  • about 10 gambling entertainment institutions.

In addition, it comes to completion of the construction of large energy facilities that will help maintain a legal gambling zone.

Game zone "Primorye"

Not far from Vladivostok, in the Primorsky Territory, there is another legal Russian gaming area called "Primorye". Currently, construction continues, which should be completed after 6 years. The gambling area takes 625 hectares where it is planned to open:

  • 16 hotel complexes;
  • entertainment centers and casinos;
  • ski track and several additional objects.

To landscaping "Primorye", his construction broke into three stages, the first of which should be completed in the current year. According to preliminary estimates, the project will cost 1.9 billion dollars.

Game zone "Amber"

On the Baltic coast, in the Kaliningrad region, a "amber" gambling Russian zone is built. Under the construction of objects 480 thousand hectares were allocated. Exemplary investments are estimated at 650 billion rubles.

At the end of construction on the territory will be valid:

  • game entertainment halls;
  • casino and the hall for concerts;
  • sport complexes;
  • several hotels.

The construction process is slightly difficult, as it is not enough free space near the zone. Additional 100 hectares of land helped to change this situation, which were added by the Russian government to a previously isolated 480 hectares.

Game zone on the Crimean Peninsula

The President of the Russian Federation made a proposal to open another zone on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. The current Crimean government assured that the territory for the construction of objects will be highlighted in the most famous resort town - Yalta. If the project is approved, then, according to the expert commission, this will help increase the state treasury by about 27 million rubles.

Sochi gambling zone

Currently, the question of the creation of the game area in Sochi is only considered. According to previously drawn up projects, the construction of gambling establishments will be carried out near the plots, which were previously involved in the placement of facilities used in the Olympic Games. Private investors will deal with financing and construction, which will allocate funds for this event.

The Russian government is waiting for the initiative from the authorities of the Krasnodar Territory to create a gaming zone. If the authorities show it, most likely, the gambling and entertainment complex will begin to build on the territory of the previously active wellness, called the "Mountain Carousel" in the Red Polyana area. Currently, the whole infrastructure has been prepared in Sochi, which will simplify the construction process:

  • fully repaired highways;
  • there are several modern hotel complexes;
  • new restaurants and cafes have been built.

It only remains to wait for the opening of the Sochi casino, which for various reasons constantly postpone. However, some sources claim that the discovery is planned at the end of this year, and even began selection of personnel for servicing gambling establishments, restaurants and hotel complexes that will be included in the gambling zone.

If you manage to open the game zones at the same time at the world-famous Black Sea resorts of the Russian Federation, then, according to analysts, they will be able to eclipse casino and gambling institutions of Las Vegas in a short time and, of course, will significantly replenish the state budget.

What is the situation with gambling institutions now

Today's situation with Russian online casinos is completely incomprehensible. After all, the activities of such institutions officially made a ban. However, it is necessary to give explanations here: only the organization of gambling entertainment falls under the ban, and it turns out that it is allowed to play gambling in the Russian Federation. It will also have to take into account that if the casino server is able to place in the allowed gambling zones, another problem will be saved - permits for the official opening of a gambling institution now simply no.

In the spring of this year, the Russian government approved a new bill, which should streamline tax state fees with various types of tote and lotteries. According to the new law, the tax agent is now it is customary to consider any organization that will pay the player with a cash prize that exceeds 14,000 rubles. That is, under the action of the new bill, not only gambling players and the creators of entertainment institutions are falling, but also payment aggregators through which money is derived or introduced. And if the winner of the winnings independently indicated the amount for declaration, now the percentage is obliged to hold the operator. The tax of the winnings is not charged, the amount of which will not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

Numerous tourists visiting Thailand are native by gambling people. Which is not averse to entertained themselves with the help of a variety of gambling, including unconditionally and casino.

However, not everything is as simple as it may seem holidaymakers in the country. The fact is that it was here that the gambling industry has long been banned by the authorities. And play open in the usual casino, perhaps only in hidden and little-known clubs.

In other words, you will never see such an advertisement about such an entertainment, on the contrary everywhere there is a legal ban on it.

Is there a casino in Thailand or do not know only those people who will never tell you about it?

In fact, the gambling business is here, just not for everyone and everyone, but only for "their" selected customers who are known for the access code and certainly the address of the location.

Since the underground games are not simply prohibited, but also seriously pursued by the country's law. And the guards of the order of Thailand will be stopped and regularly fighting such institutions.

What does casino look like in Thailand and how to get there?

All illegal Thai clubs, where you can actually hidden play, behave very carefully and independently. No signs here will not be natural.

Rather, be prepared to see the usual night dance club, in which there may be an illegal paid option in the form of a game room. It can be detected by gambling machines, standard card tables.

Getting into the length of the lucky clients is not so easy. The appearance here does not have the slightest value. But at the entrance to such an institution, you will definitely ask for a passport. Since any entertainment, even if they are available in tourism, are allowed only for adults.

If in neighboring countries of the casino, it is not considered something out of a series of outgoing, then this is a real taboo for all. And you can get into the forbidden premises only having a lot of money. The most important feature of such a club is considered a paid and sufficiently cheap entrance.

In addition, the client should immediately purchase at least one alcoholic expensive drink. And only after that, maybe it will be carefully offered to classic and popular gaming opportunities.

It turns out that the casino client may be only a wealthy person, ready to pay the club's owner's offer, and then he can have the opportunity to get the desired club. And this situation is valid throughout the country.


If you have no big money and the desire to earn a long-term problem, then it is better to change to the legal casino. It actually works legally in the border zone. Which borders with Laos and Cambodia.

Even the most gambling taits themselves prefer to go for emotions and adrenaline to neutral zones in order not to have problems with the law. After all, this accurately excludes the risk of arrest for their own desires and excitement.

Myths and reality

Many locals and even power, believe that the entertainment industry in the game format has exhausted himself here. But in fact, this is not the same and separate points that work naturally at their own fear is still there. For obvious reasons, we will not disclose them either.

Once in such a wonderful country, there is always where to go to get new previously uncharted emotions and feelings. To admire the beauty of nature, the wonders of the country's history and try to comprehend until now the undisclosed secrets of these places. So maybe you should not feel fate, spoil your vacation and wonder if there is a casino in Thailand or not?

Leave this idea, and rest truly, and returning home, visit your favorite institution without risk to get behind the bars!

In this country there are wonderful parks, unusual lakes, sacred vintage places, exotic underwater world and a variety of delicious unusual fruits.

In the end, full of various attractions, cafes, bars and discos, pure white beaches. Places where you can eat to eat, see wonders and exotic countries and get a true pleasure, and not just lose the time of rest of the rest.

The overwhelming majority of people do not doubt that it is possible to secure a decent standard of living, just working constantly and persistently. But there is a certain percentage of our fellow citizens who believe in their lucky star and do not lose hope to sort one day a big kush and survive. Basically, they pinned their hopes for winning online casinos.

Many in this place condescendingly grinning and mentally twist with a finger at the temple. The fact that the casino is impossible to win is written and said quite a lot and everyone learned this truth well. But no less people now write about how to beat the system, and give ready-made enrichment recipes. So where is the truth? Is it really impossible to earn, playing? Or is it quite a real thing?

It was this topic that we devoted this article. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth it to "freebie" or better not to waste time and money and do something less, but more profitable and reliable.

For whom is a casino is a truly reliable source of income?

First of all, it is, of course, the owners of the institution. And many methods with the schemes of successful game are the case of their hands, oddly sounds. However, this fact seems to be strange only at first glance, and with closer examination, everything is very logical. After all, there will always be enough users who are ready to experience the effectiveness of a particular casino bearing method. They, for the most part, will naturally lose, but who cares except them themselves? The goal is achieved, customers are attracted, their money moved into the pockets of the owners. And this is not the worst outcome for the player. Worse, if he initially give him a few times to win, thereby instilling confidence in the possibility of a positive result and "raising" to the game, and then they are offended to the thread. After all, many are simply unable to stay on time.

In addition to the owners of gambling establishments, in the spread of "fairy tales" about the opportunity to get rich, playing gambling, their partners also are interested. These are the so-called refunds, that is, people who attract participants in their referral links. You, most likely, paid attention to that very often in articles concerning the methods of earnings on game services, there are references to any casino, where, according to the author, you can successfully apply its technique. So referrals and gain. And typing a large enough team, the reflexion receives deductions from each replenishment of the account by the user attracted by it and receives a stable source of passive income, without risking its own means.

What is worth paying attention if you still decided to experience luck

The main thing is that you need to remember is that any Internet casino in one way or another "sharpened" to fraud participants. You will not find any absolutely honest gambling establishment, although some of them still deserved a good reputation among users.

Before risking money, carefully read what conditions the gaming service offers to its customers, because you will have to play according to these rules. Especially pay attention to items that allow the institution to close your account for some kind of considerations that you may not even explain. For you, it will end the loss of funds, and everything will be done quite "legally".

An unpleasant surprise for gambling comrades can be a scheme used in many gambling establishments when at first the participant is given to win, and then his bill suddenly starts to melt like snow in the spring day. This means that an honest game is over for you, and the casino applied to you one of the many algorithms beneficial to it. It may be that in the demo version you will be constantly carrying, and when you go to a real account, luck will suddenly turn away from you. All these are the tricks of developers aimed at not let you win.

There are different ways to check the honesty of the institution. For example, roulette lovers can draw conclusions about whether they are deceived or not, on the basis of several hundred rates (it is necessary to put on equal chances and in a circle). If the number of lesions and victories will be approximately equal, they are not scolded with you, if the loss is dominated - a divorce on the face. Of course, time and money will go to it. Warning that you need to play at a minimum, we think it will be superfluous.

And it is important that you have everything is ready to conclusion. From some foreign services you will not be able to do this without a driver's license or foreign passport. So once again emphasize your attention - carefully meet all the rules and conditions.

So is it possible to win in the casino?

In principle, really. But only if playing with you will be "honest." And anyway, no casino will give you more money out of it than you enter it. Moreover, you can arm yourself with the most advanced strategies and schemes, they still will not work and, in the end, you will find yourself in the loss.

Then it is appropriate to talk about the reality of winning? You will be surprised, but we will answer this question affirmatively. Yes, it is appropriate if the outcome of the game depends on you or if an indisputable control of honesty is present.

As for the first condition, this is possible if you play with a real person, and the institution acts as an intermediary. An example is the poker game where people compete, and the outcome of the game depends on their skills and skills.

As for the control of honesty, here you can recall the betting on sports tote. Agree, no one can determine the winner in advance, you can only assume the result based on some of your conclusions and the analysis of previous competitions. It is almost impossible to influence the outcome of the game.

By the way, a few more comments about the control of honesty. If you choose a casino, then only where the MD5 control system is present. The essence of this system is that at the beginning of the game the service provides you with a coded file with the specified sequence of cards (numbers). And at the end of the process, you have the ability to analyze whether the real sequence coincides with the one that the file contains (you decrypt using a special code).

However, here, some establishments fraud, presenting the presence of MD5, although in reality there is nothing like that and in risen. And without starting the game, you will not be able to make sure of the honesty control system. Therefore, start with the minimum bets, so as not to lose a lot, being a victim of fraudsters.

And one more nuance. If you decide to earn, playing a casino, then still work out some strategy (just do not use the infamous martingale, no one thousand players on it burned). Pay attention to the periods of recession and lifts in the game, as a rule, they alternate with all playing. If you see that close to the next "drawdown", cut the bets or play on the demo account, and when things go uphill, you can risk and larger amounts.

Perhaps our first advice will seem to someone paradoxical, but, nevertheless, we advise you to keep gambling people away from gambling. In any case, do not count on them, as a way to make money. The fact is that the desire to "postpone", inherent to all too much to gambling citizens, leads to anything else, as to the loss of all means. After all, such people cease to adequately think and evaluate the situation, their decisions are dictated, as a rule, emotions, and not reason, and it is simply not realistic to earn in such a state.

The second Council should be an immutable rule for you. It is that your game should never adversely affect your living level and the living level of your family. In other words, you can spend a casino smoothly as much as you can afford to lose painlessly. Of course, we wish you only a winnings, but no one is immune to happen to happen from failure.

By choosing the game as a way to ensure your existence, consider that it is not here without certain skills and knowledge. Do not count only on Fortune and, moreover, the effectiveness of any strange rituals and will accept. You will not replace your experience, which will come only with time and, unfortunately, with losses.

And finally, the last thing I would like to draw your attention to. Come to the game in the casino systemically and reasonably from a scientific point of view. Azart should stand in the last place, yielding the leading position with strategies based on the theory of probability and mathematical calculations. Winning it will not provide you, but will make it more likely. In addition, you will learn how to strategically think, control the process, develop your analytical abilities, etc. And all this will not be superfluous in any other field of activity.

So what's in the dry residue?

Is it possible to earn, playing a casino? Yes, you can. But to turn this type of activity to the source of stable income has not yet managed, it is unlikely that you will succeed. After all, to replace winnings sooner or later there will be a loss, which, most likely, will be returned back to the institution all that you have won before, or even more.

Gambling establishments therefore exist that the whole system is configured to losing customers. And the online casino is more so. It is almost impossible to check how random are the events that generate the service code of the service.

It is worth a recognition that the likelihood of ripping a big kush (Jack-Pot) still exists, although very insignificant. And if you decide to prefer this ghost chance of a stable earnings in some other sphere, your business. We can only wish you good luck!

A visit to the casino is possible for individual tourists, groups, guides and sightseeing tours.

Gaming rooms for visiting: Salle Renaissance, Salle Europe, Salle Des Ameriques, Salle Blanche, Salons Touzet, Salle Medecin (private).

Opening hours: Daily from 9:00 to 12:30 (tickets can be purchased until 12:00).

Visit paid. Free logging is provided for Cercle Monte-Carlo and guides and guidelines of the excursion group.

Ways of payment:

  • prepayment to the project account through Cellule Animation;
  • in place in cash at the entrance office of the Atrium Atrium Casino de Monte-Carlo.

Dress code: no special restrictions (representative view of clothing). Sports and beachwear (except sandals, shorts, etc., allowed in the morning).

You can visit the casino during the year, with the exception of the Grand Prix (historical and formula 1).

Visit the game hall during the game

Free entrance to the game room from 14:00 for all visitors over 18 years old (only for individual clients).

SALLE EUROPE: English Roulette, Perfect Pairs Black Jack and Craps
SALLE DES Amériques: Slot Machines
Restaurant Le Train Bleu, Restaurant Salon Rose
Bar La Salle Blanche: Unless otherwise specified at the entrance, Ave: Tournament or Special Event.

Due to the organizational conditions, for groups, guides and excursion tours, the entrance to the gaming halls is closed during the game, that is, from 14:00. Groups, guides and leaders of sightseeing groups can visit the casino in the morning from 9:00 to 12:30, with the exception of some periods mentioned above. Members of group tours wishing to visit the Monte Carlo casino during the game (from 14:00) are considered individual clients and must respect the mandatory requirements of the dress code.

Recruitment zone for all visitors over 18 years old with mandatory identification control.

Salons Touzet: European Roulette, English Roulette, thirty and forty, Punto Bank, Texian Poker Hold'em Ultimate, Blackjack. Opening hours: daily from 14:00.
Terrace Salle Blanche: European Roulette, Blackjack, Punto Bank.

Opening hours: Daily from 14:00 in case of good weather, and with a strong heat only in the evening, in the winter it is closed.

Only for individual clients. For guides and excursion tours, the entrance to these zones is closed. Cashier is located in Salle Amerique. Payment by cash and credit card (checks are not accepted).

Two years ago, looked at the city, took a casino. Then I asked Maxim Kats to tell more about how the casino generally work, whether they need to legalize them, etc. If you do not know, before you actively go into politics, Katz played poker, was engaged in financing other players (and now he is engaged in), played in Vegas tournaments many times, so he knows the casino's inner kitchen well. But he did not reach his hands for two years. And now, after, Maxim finally decided to tell what there was something there. After all, the whole story with children's casinos is largely provoked that gambling in Russia took place in the illegal zone.

So, do you need to legalize gambling? Will it help? Read, ask promotes in the comments, and if you like the post, I will reconcile Kats on the second part!

Why need to legalize casino

The situation with illegal casino is bad for everyone: for society, consumers and cities. The main problem is that "fool's tax" instead of going to the city budget, turns into black cash flows, which in our country go to bribing to the security forces. Thus, there is a huge market of illegal business.

People will always have the need and desire to play. Someone dependent on the game, for someone it is just a good pastime. The demand for the game is big, and it creates a sentence. Trying to ban a casino - how to try to ban alcohol. No one will stop drinking, just an illegal alcohol market will arise. And in the case of the casino, the black market of illegal gambling will arise. This market is huge, it generates a lot of cache. In fact, the casino is a factory for the production of money with extracts.

The casino work process must be very tightly controlled by the state, it is possible only in the legal market. In Moscow, during the gaming machines, there was a law that the machine must return at least 70% of money in it. And in Vegas - 95%! Casino These rules are strictly observed. There is no automatic machine that simply eats all the money. A person who inserted 100 dollars in a machine will play for a long time to play, and if the machine will eat everything, people will quickly lose and the pastime will be very expensive to them, they will quickly leave. Therefore, games in legal casinos are always honest, they are not tweezers. If such a good casino will happen that someone will not pay the winnings or simply deceived, the reputation of the institution will collapse, people will stop there to walk and the institution will lose a bunch of money.

The situation is diametrically opposed to illegal casino. There is no reputation in them, and everyone understands that not today, so tomorrow the institution will climb. For such casinos, the most important thing is to pull out all the money from the person as soon as possible, which he got into it. In such places, they can mix cards and twisted roulettes, no one controls it.

How to manage the gaming industry

The state has two tasks here: to control the number of casinos (unacceptable so that they ring at every corner) and collect taxes. The most effective way to manage the entire industry is limiting the number of large casinos. For example, when their three or four per city. In Russia, I would do one million people. You can in the city, you can be outside the city, it happens differently. Due to the limited number of institutions, the casino is obtained quite influential in order to deprive the possibilities of earning the underground establishments, the number of which in this case is significantly reduced.

For example, in Moscow there should be 7 large casino pieces, and all of them must comply with certain access rules and a rigid entry barrier. Clearly, children are never allowed in the casino, the entrance to the institution must be 21+. Well, when the entrance takes 200-300 dollars in exchange for chips.

In addition, the state should clearly collect taxes. To some extent it is "a fool tax." In illegal casino, the owners take this income to themselves. In the legal he goes to the city budget. Casino owners should remain money, but little.

What happens to casino in Russia

After the prohibition of the casino in Russia, the market volume has not decreased. He just moved to the illegal sphere. There is no quality control in this area. Our state led the game market is not even in gray, but in the black zone of legislation. Now it is simply forbidden. This is done to create a black market in order to feed the power bodies. Thanks to the development of the black market, large casinos turn from decent places for pastime to some dirty, basements, where they deceive players and where it is simply unsafe. All of them pay a black bed of prosecutor's office, FSB, police and everyone else.

As casino lures people

Standard casino tactics - tell about real, not fake winnings, because it clings people. All gambling are built on the irrational behavior of people and on what they accept emotional solutions. They are based on different approaches. For example, based on "greed, fear and hope." Here they came to the casino, and they have hope that a miracle will fall on them and they will win a lot of money. The greed is that they want to earn, and the fear is that they are afraid of something to lose or recognize their defeat. On these emotions, it is based on pulling people into gambling and switching from rational state (everyone knows that you can not win in the casino) in emotional (and suddenly I'm lucky).

Constantly in the casino you can see the demonstration of jackpots, who for the last time I won, whats there were numbers, joyful faces of the owners of large checks. This is all real. Look, a person won 95 thousand! And he really won them. And all other losers are sitting and thinking that they could be. They do not know what kind of probability is it, but suddenly it will be it? Casino takes the case of rare winnings and starts talking about it: see how this you was lucky. Because of this, people are drawn, and they turn off the brain.

The main task of gambling is to turn off the brain. Everyone knows that there is no windows in the casino, there are no hours, sometimes there are muffles for phones. So that people did not distract anything from this process "greed, fear and hope." Casino make everything to be comfortable. In Vegas, this is an integer industry - if you play a lot, they offer you a hotel room. And if you really play a lot, then you will make you a helicopter in Los Angeles and will bring in Vegas.

Gaming addiction

With the game addiction, people should help fight the state. In Russia, we have already observed the situation thrown on the situation with the dependence of people, when jackpots and volcanoes appeared everywhere, operating the emotionality of people. The state should impede this, but it should do it adequately. With the help of prohibitions, nothing to achieve.

Sometimes a casino is specifically forbidden to work around the clock and asked to close in 4-5 am in the morning to drive the loser players who do not want to leave until they recoup. Inside the casino itself, brochures with tips for those who "hooked" and lost control, and recommendations for their acquaintances.

What kind of people appreciates casino

Currently the casino are those people who believe that they won. People who simply spend time, spending only $ 100, are also suitable, but they are not valuable. Secure one who believes that wins. Because in reality he does not win. Everyone knows stories from films, as people considered cards and fell into a blacklist, they were expelled from casinos or beat them. But no one knows real stories about thousands of people who are trying to consider cards, and casinos give them numbers in hotels so that they are more believed. Because it is very difficult to count the cards. The slightest error - and you play minus. So the casino is trying to create this feeling of winning with any ways. Card account - excellent! All these shows winners, these strategies, they are all needed to draw people unprofitable for them.

Can I win a casino

It is important to understand that the casino cannot be won. Absolutely all casinos work on clear mathematical models that do not allow to win. The easiest way to present the model in the form of an abandoned coin is: may fall or eagle or a rush. Behind the eagle you will receive $ 98, and give a hundred perm. This turns out a model that cannot be deceived. Just because in the end you give a casino more money than you. The complicated version of the abandoned coin is a roulette. It works on the same scheme in which you cannot affect anything. Casino specially complicates the game, because according to the principle of coin, a person will not be interested in playing for a long time. He will understand what loses, and stops. For example, in blackjack you already affect the outcome: to take or not to take a map - this is your choice. The meaning of the complication of games is to confuse a person so that he think that he influences something. Although in fact everything is calculated so that even if the player plays the super high-performance strategy for him, he will still play zero or lose.

People build themselves entire theories that casinos are happily feeding. Sometimes people believe that when the red falls too often, the next time will fall black. Although this does not mean anything at all. What fell there before, it does not affect anything at all. But still, if you come to the casino in Vegas, there will be a list of the 50th balls of the ball near each roulette. And there are people who walk on the casino and watch where there has fallen a lot of red? And put on black. In the head it seems to them that they will rather benefit than they do not win. And everyone, here they are already in the hands of a casino. They lose a rational approach and begin to think not that you lose 2.7% for each dollar delivered, but that "suddenly it turns out." This means that the casino did its work.

In Blackjack, there is a "basic strategy", allowing to play almost in zero, completely with a small loss. Thanks to this strategy, somewhere in Vegas you can spend the evening for blackjack, to leave quite some money in the game, and the casino will drink you for free, feed and try to do everything in every way to spend time well. Many go to Vegas to spend time. Casino is completely not against such stories, and often the "basic strategy" lies right on the tables of Blackjack, so that you can take a piece of paper and cheer with it. In fact, even such a game is very hard and enhanced. A person is distracted once a hour and time to make a mistake. As soon as he did it, the casino receives his positive mathematical expectation.

Poker and bills in blackjack

There are many legends about different ways to win from the casino. In particular, consider cards in blackjack. It is very difficult. In order to learn to win, counting cards in blackjack, you need two years to prepare with theoretical and practical training. It is necessary to find a team, it is necessary for someone to teach you. In the film "Twenty One" it is well shown, the film is not far from the truth. And if such a team is to do, then you can really win something, but the problem is that the casino is very easy to calculate. They have a security service, and such players simply enter the blacklist and can no longer get into the casino. No disguise will work, because the security system is already very advanced.

So the only thing you can get from the casino is free, good pastime. All these free rooms, dinners, show tickets allow you to play zero if you do not make mistakes. Casino it suits. So that it happened, a person must have very good training, which he usually does not have.

Casino has no goal to drive a person trap, it is so in the plus. There are cases when people descend in more than millions of casinos. Such characters are brought by helicopter and populate in the villa. But it is rather an exception that is covered at once a thousand people who play blackjack.

A separate topic is poker. In poker, unlike roulette and blackjack, you play against other people. And if you play right, then you win. Casino takes money only for renting a table. Otherwise, one who makes more correct mathematical actions, he wins. You can win in poker, but you need to study for a very long time. This is a full-fledged profession, and to make money on this money, you need to seriously engage in 2-3 years.

In Russia, there were cases of opening casino with incompetent owners. They opened the institutions with incorrect mathematical models. There was a casino in which if you came the third number and put three on the figure, then the roulette gave no 35 to 1, and 40 to 1. It was advantageous to simply come and put the third number of three, fourth to four, and earn a lot of money. But this is a huge rarity, and so that such a catch, you have to be a very competent and professional player.