Three heroes. Russian bogatyrs

Three heroes.  Russian bogatyrs
Three heroes. Russian bogatyrs

(based on Russian epics and legends)


Overtaking the speed of light
Reason rushes through the ages;
Deep in the soul of a poet
The line is followed by a line.

And lay down on the pages
Shaking off the gray dust
Miracles and fables
And a mysterious reality.

Somehow, arguing with the ocean,
Glorious Russian hero
I scooped up the water with a glass;
And the earth spread out in breadth.

And the other strong man is quiet,
Dozing off by the shore,
Thirsty, sleepy,
I drank the sea in three gulps.

The third - barely fit
In the middle of the high mountains
And the people were nicknamed -
Terrible knight Svyatogor.

He wielded a sword and a lance,
There was no equal to him;
And the country was great
And they kept the Darkness in check.

The Russian spirit reigned everywhere
As at first it was the custom.
No Miracle Yuda
It was not easy to live here.

What bastards will crawl
Or they will fly like a bird -
Svyatogor will not give mercy -
Only the bones are cracking.

For many years I went on patrol -
He was guarding the mother earth.
Russia lived behind Svyatogor -
Do not offend, do not break.

All the raids of the Basurmans
Reflected Batyr Mountain.
And in the land of the great khans
They disliked the god Ra.

This god served as protection
To the giant Rus-land.
In a battle honest and open
They could not compete with him.

They took it through bribery, deception,
Evil charms, wine;
We went on attacks with a ram,
They burned out Russia with fire.

Every mother earth was tortured,
They shot many arrows.
Days and years passed
The formidable knight has grown old.

It became difficult for Svyatogor
Fight in the declining years
Rest with honor at the time
But he has no peace:

That Rostov asks for protection,
They are ambassadors from Kiev.
But the earth no longer wears
And the armor is heavy;

Do not put your foot in the stirrup,
Do not climb on a horse.
Bogatyr with a prayer to God:
“Would you let me go

Over the seas, over the oceans,
For the dense forests,
For wide glades -
Into the blue skies.

Through your distant country
The soul was worn out with longing ”.
And, frozen in a high mountain,
The hero found peace.

They say that the power of God
Since then, it has gone into granite;
Kind stone at the foot
He carefully keeps the secret.

A lot of fellows were sweating
Move the stone of grief
But overpower this business
There was no hero.

Who did not approach him
And I didn't tear my navel -
He did not succumb to anyone -
The century stood almost.

Russia then, changing God,
I was waiting for new joys
And the road to the holy mountain
Overgrown with a dark forest.

Talismans, amulets
The cross has pressed a little,
But fires and raids
The new god has not canceled.

Faith hasn't really grown strong
Trouble followed.
And it happened that from the ashes
Cities arose again;

The basurmans were taking away
Russian girls are full
And the princes to foreign camps
We went to bow.

Only in Kiev rich,
On the Dnieper banks,
Pure silver and gold
Pay off from enemies.

Russia did not know a century of rest,
But I did not give in at all -
Fought over the seas
In a dispute with the khans, she agreed.

For a long time she was annoyed
Nomadic tribes:
And the fields around suffered
And the squads, and the treasury.

And with the curse of the sorcerer
In Russia, another evil -
Fire-breathing snake
By dark force, it brought:

The monster has three mouths,
Three huge heads.
There was no worse misfortune
According to rumor.

The goblin wanders through the swamps,
The forest is teeming with mermaids -
He harasses the strong with charms,
Frightens the weak with a rustle.

And near the city of Rostov
Someone met with a yaga.
She says she is alive, well,
Only difficulties with the leg

Yes, it makes you feel sick in a mortar,
And my head is spinning
And from old age in a sheepskin coat
The sleeves are leaky.

I myself do not know how to lie,
But there was a rumor among the people,
What was she carrying Koshchei
Heavy bag.

The girl slept in that bag -
White-faced and slender;
And Koscheeva's dungeon
Without that, it is complete.

Loves different fun
Semi-dried skeleton;
No fierce government
And there is no power on the Snake:

Not one girl took away
He is for the blue seas.
Stand up for Rus-land
Two heroes stood up.

Alyosha was the first to volunteer -
Son of a Rostov priest.
Any burden for him
Lighter than a small bug.

Not a single dashing boyar
Can't resist him;
Under the sword of his tugarin
I lost my spear and shield.

From childhood he was to a tight bow
We were taught by the father
And, loving to dispel boredom,
Reputed to be a cheerful fellow.

On my mind cherishing a dream
To marry the princess as a wife,
The Serpent swore to defeat
And he got ready for the war.

Equipped with a high saddle
Heroic horse,
Himself - under a wide belt
Rawhide belt

On the left, a damask sword hangs,
The bow is tight behind my shoulders ...
And I would like to back down
Yes, I became a foot in the stirrup.

In the house, the girl is crying,
Plagues the night by the fire;
The hero rides through the forest,
A ringing copper stirrup.

The forest is getting thicker and darker
And the path is not to be seen.
Where is there to think about the villain -
Itself would not suffer.

So the horse shoots with its ear,
Maybe he can smell where the trouble is?
The knight of tears, braced himself,
The horse went on the leash.

The night wandered as if I was drunk,
Forcing his way through.
In the morning we went out into the clearing;
In a clearing - a home is not a home -

Sloped hut
No windows, no porch.
An old woman sits at the door
Inconspicuous from the face.

In the house there is a cat, an owl, two geese ...
The hero did not cheat,
Says: “Say, granny, -
Has the kite flew long ago?

I would find a path to him,
We got lost a little
What a crumb to eat
And two sips of water ”.

Granny snorted at first,
Getting up, walked back and forth,
I grumbled for order,
But in the end she gave up:

“For good to me, poor,
I will help you, dear.
You went the wrong way;
Take a ball for yourself.

He's got you on the tenth day
Will lead to a great mountain;
There is the Serpent - my sworn enemy -
Hides their heads in a burrow.

But you can hardly
Defeat the miracle yudo,
And, if it happens, you will overcome it -
You can't survive on your own.

How will there be no strength to beat -
Let the dove into the sky -
A friend will come to the rescue,
Lathering up the horse's sides.

But also together against the Serpent
You can hardly resist -
The villain has three heads
To know, to three and to fight ”.

Alyoshka did not obey,
Even though I was not a fool.
The path flashed - the path
Following the grandmother's ball.

On the tenth day of the hike
They approached the mountain:
Black smoke is pouring from the entrance
The serpent moves in the hole,

Skulls around and bones;
The horse does not stand still.
“Guests are good for breakfast, -
Miracle Yudo says -

For forty days I have not eaten meat,
Even the belly failed.
And the hedgehog would eat it alive
If so unlucky. "

"I would be silent, as long as I live, -
The hero answered him, -
At you, at the Miracle Yuda,
And there are really no teeth.

Like a mole huddled in a hole -
Come out to a fair fight! "
A big mountain shook
A howl came from the hole.

The three-headed asp got out -
There are two wings behind the back.
Bogatyr - for an oak bow,
Only the arrow is small -

Do not get her the Serpent's heart -
It gets stuck in scales.
Defending against the villain
The knight remembered about the spear:

Having dispersed the horse, it will jump,
Aiming at the head of the enemy
Yes, my nostril barely tickles.
I didn't lie, you see, the yaga

And the spear cannot reach
And you can't reach it with an arrow;
They fight to the death not for life,
The Serpent began to prevail.

Will not rise, tired,
A heroic hand.
He, like grandma punished,
Threw a dove into the sky.

Dove with an arrow launched
For help in Kiev-grad,
And Popovich kept chopping down,
But he himself is no longer happy:

Do not beat him the villain,
Do not make fun with the princess,
And why did he go to the Serpent,
On the one damned by the war?

In the Kiev city, the princess
Took the dove
Nice fellow Dobrynya
I washed my horse flanks,

Straight road
Defeated in four days
And rushed to the rescue,
Without barely driving the horse.

Glory about his victories
It has been thundering in Russia for a long time;
Swooped in, hit on the right,
I put up a shield under the fire

Pushed back to the Serpent's cave;
Then Alyosha jumped -
Piled on the villain
Gaining strength from the earth.

It strikes with a sword,
That spear with a swing hits;
But the enemy does not ask for mercy,
Also does not give a descent.

For ten days the earth burned
Under the feet of the horses.
Damask steel rang
And it is not visible - who is stronger -

And friends are tired of beating
And the Snake lost power.
We decided to come to an agreement -
Do not do evil to each other:

The serpent will fold its wings for a while,
(He promised - for a whole year)
And he will not be disturbed
Neither the squad nor the people.

Having decided, grieved,
What a fight in vain.
Having rested, they saddled the horses;
Saying goodbye, we parted.

Near the city of Rostov,
Returned from the war
Popadya - Popov's wife -
She invited me to pancakes

I brought a cup with kvass
In one and a half large buckets,
For mother earth to wear
And today is like yesterday.

The guests raised a glass,
Were treated to everyone in a row
Yes, the horses were saddled again,
Going to Kiev-grad,

Tell about the contract,
Prisoner in the war;
Although the princes lived in a quarrel -
Everyone dreamed of silence.

Prince of Rostov, parting,
Daughter Alyosha promised
And turning to Dobryna -
Invited to the engagement.

So they rode off,
Kicking up dust in a pillar.
Soon the towers flashed
V clear sky blue.

Behind a high wall
Between the gardens - a tower,
The bridge is high above the water
At the gates there is darkness for the people.

We met good fellows
They were escorted to the palace.
The prince, forgetting his sorrows,
I gave both of them a ring

Brought intoxicating glasses
For granular caviar
Yes, he gave gifts.
I was at that feast,

But he did not distinguish himself in anything,
No luck this time -
I drank beer, but did not get drunk -
It seemed that it was flowing past my mouth.

Ilya Muromets

Russia is my native land -
Great mother cities:
No end and no end
And you can't count it.

You will involuntarily admire
Standing on a prominent slope:
Here and the falcon is free,
And there is room for the rider;

There are blue lakes here,
There are rivers and seas ...
There is not enough sight to look around -
Russia, in short.

Outlandish beast breeds
Among the thick thickets,
And the plain is golden
From poured ears;

The game flies into the trap and the cage,
Rye, wheat - in the bins;
And in the spreading nets
The fish asks for itself.

Russian people, once,
In very old years
We lived freely and richly
Cities flourished.

Heroic squads
Guarded their peace;
At the princes' name day
The beer frothed like a river.

Everyone there drank - did not get drunk,
Everyone there was cheerful and happy.
Among others stood out
The famous Kiev city.

The weak were not offended here,
And for good deeds
The prince was nicknamed the Sun,
As the rumor goes about him.

At times, if necessary,
The prince arranged courts;
We lived in harmony with the cities,
If there was no enmity.

Quarrels sometimes happened
And unkind steps
And they reconciled everyone - the Tugars -
They are old enemies with Russia.

They flew like crows from the south;
The cities took damage
And be angry with each other
There was no reason -

They drank the world
Nimble messengers were racing,
And to the fighting squad
Good fellows were recruited.

But there were inconsistencies
And dashing times;
And at the beginning of our tale
There was a war in Russia.

Not calm here, not quiet -
Thunder groans in heaven;
The evil dashing has gone wild
In the dark Murom forests;

And the tugarin piled on
Sensing weak points;
Yes the robber showed up
At the Kalinov Bridge.

All roads are blocked
Paths are cut;
Would ask for help -
Dare not go -

Whistle-whistle are afraid
Yes dashing Tugar arrows.
Who secretly wanted to sneak in
He hardly survived.

They laid them down, intimidated,
They ordered to collect tribute;
Pressed, pressed
Great mother cities.

No glorious songs are sung
And the dawn is not happy.
Is there really no
Is there a hero in Russia?

Hey heroes are daring
Do honor to your guests!
And the gray-haired magi went
On untouched paths

On unknown paths
Where the wind blew.
And go to tired legs
In Karacharovo village.

There - by Murom, by the city,
Where Currant runs
In the frame of a strong structure
A good fellow is sitting -

Ivan's not walking son
Nicknamed Ilya;
He has a wound in his heart
The Duma is its own bitter one.

He would be glad to compete -
To punish the evil force
Don't get up, don't get up
And the sword cannot be held.

The path-road was cut off
By the high porch;
Elders - travelers from the doorway
They asked the fellow:

“Would you like us to drink?
Do not take it for yourself.
Maybe some sin will be forgiven
Or what the gods will give ”.

Ilya answered: “What the gods,
I would be glad to serve,
Yes my aching feet
They don't want to be friends with me.

And hands would - a hot sword,
But there is not enough strength to lift.
Otherwise, the vaunted dog
I wouldn’t blow my head. ”

“Do not grieve, Ilya, about the old,
Do not regret the past.
You are with a special brew
Get up, take the herbs, drink.

This weed from the grave
Can raise the dead.
Has your strength increased?
Take a sip again

Drink, Ilya, our water ”, -
The gray-haired righteous man spoke,
Serving the cup three times
With miraculous water.

Well done for three receptions
I drained everything to the drop,
Grunt (slightly quieter than thunder),
Okay, that didn't deafen;

Slowly shrugged his shoulders,
And pulling on the belt,
He stood like a mountain above the walkers,
Right up to the ceiling.

Happiness rolled over -
Mother's and Father's Day;
Even the sun shone
With a bright rainbow ring

A fine day has played out
Currant has rivers.
And Ilyushenka tried -
I turned out the stumps

I trimmed the bumps and bumps,
He threw off stones, boulders ...
Turning back, drank from the barrel,
Do not spare your back;

Bowed to the elders in the belt,
Thanks for the grass.
And the people wondered how
Seeing the hero:

For thirty years I was sitting with a deck,
And he got up, but what a!
Seen by Mother Nature
Rest was commanded.

She took care, you see, until an hour,
Without wasting energy unnecessarily,
For Russia the great Savior
From an unexpected misfortune.

And the hero, gathering with strength,
So as not to think, not to grieve,
From your hateful bench
Eager to serve Kiev:

"If only the sword is now damask
Yes, a good horse,
And the father to the feat of arms
To admonish me.

Great trouble is knocking;
Although I'm not chasing glory -
I would stand if it happens
For offended Russia ”.

Mother and father, almost without arguing,
Equipped the son on the way.
To them - from joy to sorrow -
Just reach out your hand:

Did not have time to breathe
To your beloved son,
It's time to say goodbye -
Happiness has a short life.

The Magi have their own way;
The older one says:
“Here, beyond the river at the doorstep
The hill is wonderful.

There is a dungeon under the mountain
Locked behind the door
The heroic horse languishes.
The door is not so easy to find:

There, and the grass is not crushed,
No notes, no traces;
The door is pressed with a stone,
A stone weighs a hundred pounds.

And under it is a damask sword
Svyatogor himself.
Kohl is ready for a feat of arms -
Move aside him;

The horse will serve you well
The sword will save you from the enemy.
You see - the raven is circling in the sky -
He brings bad news ”.

Ilya hurried on the road;
The first day goes by, the second,
In the third - I got out to the threshold.
Here is a stone under the mountain.

The knight was not embarrassed by the spirit -
I poured that I had the strength -
The stone, shuddering, rolled away -
The secret door was opened:

Steel sparkled in the sun -
It burns in the eyes with rays;
At the back of the great hall
The brown horse beats with a hoof.

On the wall is a tanned quiver
And a tight oak bow
Nearby is a gilded helmet,
Mace for strong hands

Silver chain mail,
Two hiking boots -
Everything is hidden for a friend
Only arrows are for the enemy.

“Well, it's time for you to be free,
To wide fields -
Try a dashing lot ", -
Ilya is speaking to the horse;

Gives him a drink ...
And we went together -
Fight the enemy
Compete with the Nightingale.

We walked through the fields and forests,
On roads, no roads;
They ate what was under their feet
We slept right there - as best they could.

Imperceptibly went to the river,
What is called Currant.
Brown twitched in a bridle -
You can see uneasily here.

Either the wind howls in the field
Either the wolves came together in a circle:
The horse digs the ground with its hoof,
It does not go, even if it fails -

Then trembling with a wide croup,
Shyly backs away
It will freeze, as if over a ledge,
That will trample out of tune.

“Do not spin, - sparing the horse,
Ilya shouted to Brown, -
Ali you smelled the Snake,
Or heard the Nightingale,

Or what pack of wolves?
Look how you pricked up your ears;
I thought I wouldn’t experience
On the path of filthy forces?

What to hustle around idle,
Tea we are not small!
And what kind of bird is noisy
So it is not a pity for an arrow.

Kick the impostor alive
Dope from a bird's head.
Do not trample on him - the bastard
Our Murom grass ”.

Then the foliage rustled
Crow screamed
Evil whistled from the oak,
By giving out his lair.

The beast and the bird scattered,
The pines are leaning to the ground
And Ilya is standing, fastening,
Miraculously stays in the saddle.

“What kind of army is this -
Trembled with half a whistle, -
Barked, puffing out his cheeks,
They are a robber from above, -

You don't have to compete with me
You stupid bastard-man ”.
"I would wait to boast," -
Ilya answered the cry;

Swung half-swing,
Yes, he threw the mace
And an outlandish bird
At once flew to the grass.

Her hero by the neck,
Yes to the high saddle:
Do not harm him - the villain
Karacharov village,

Do not whistle to him - the enemy
Above the Currant - the river.
And came down to Russia from now on,
Quiet, albeit brief.

There is a smell of mint in the fields -
Anything expensive to breathe ...
Reasoning with the foe,
The hero set off on a journey,

Not avoiding bright meetings,
Not avoiding dark places,
Protecting your honor,
Glory to the Russian dish.

Here is Kiev hospitable,
Okay chopped, carved.
The free defender pleased
Straight to the honest feast.

Not containing all the people,
The princely court was having fun -
In honor of a successful campaign,
Glorifying the peace treaty.

We treated ourselves with what they are rich with,
Yes, there was enough strength.
And Ilya - upstairs - to the chambers
Hastened past the shops.

The horse remained at the fence
Not far from the palace.
Feeling the closeness of the verdict
The nightingale fell silent in the sack -

Doesn't make noise, doesn't move,
Like a frightened chick.
And the wine flows like a river.
And you can't see where the end is.

New dishes are spread,
Loud speeches sound;
Guslyarov is not asked yet -
Resonant strings are silent.

Boyars boast
Competing among themselves;
At the table in a drunken stupor
Not one battle is scheduled:

Who grabbed Gorynych,
Who wounded the Nightingale,
Who distinguished himself on the campaign,
Stepping in two spears.

Under the guise, under the conversations
Cups require pouring.
Quarrels boil here and there -
Fame is hard to share.

However, glory for Dobrynya,
As well as good word of mouth.
The prince and the princess are not stingy
Good words;

Raised over and over again
Cups full of wine;
And by a special decree
They give him in full.

Looked, admired
To the storytellers Ilya,
He gave his full name,
Hinted at the Nightingale,

That I didn’t come in to boast
And not to borrow fame,
And I would like, if it happens,
Serve Kiev.

The harsh prince did not believe
To the words of the hero:
They brought a sack of linen
They removed the cunning noose;

“Well, show the booty,
Karacharovsky man.
I will not magnify without deeds, -
The prince remarked bluntly, -

I don't meet by clothes,
Without realizing, I do not speak;
I did not lie - I will magnify
I will give you what you deserve;

I deceived you - you will go to the dungeon,
So as not to lie ahead.
Get out the miracle bird
Let the people have fun ”.

The hero did not fade away,
Before the prince did not fall,
And the robber tried -
That there is urine whistled.

The guests rushed under the benches
Scattered - in all directions.
If there were no stranglehold -
Would have suffered harm.

The hero, having subdued the bird,
Carried him out with the end
And for military merit
Was granted a ring

Hired by Kiev for service,
(It turned out that it was not in vain);
And forever sealed friendship
Glorious three heroes;

The glory was shared by three
Defending their Rus ...
But to the distant outpost
The prince admonished Ilya.

He succeeded by force,
And the mind is not so simple.
The rest got the turn -
Guard the Kalinov Bridge,

Watch the Miracle - Snake
By the snake, by the mountain,
Yes, to chop him - the villain,
If it comes out of the hole.

There are many evil spirits at that time,
A sinful deed, divorced -
With witchcraft and with a slander ...
You know, I suppose.

Swept something out in disgrace,
They burned something with a stuffed animal ...
And Ilya stood watch
At the border of Russia-land;

Beaten with an arrow by an adversary
At the junction of three roads:
To see what Russia is rich with,
Not one hurried boots.

Often there was no hang-up
From uninvited guests.
He was preparing a horse for battle,
The sword sharpened sharper:

And fun for his hand,
And the horse is glad to run;
And glory thunders the world,
And Kiev city rejoices.

Only to the Kiev boyars
There is no quiet life;
They harbored evil for a reason -
Do not forget the Nightingale.

They send denunciations, fables
They whisper to the prince intoxicated.
And from the Kiev border
He recalls Ilya,

Yes, he says to put on a deck,
Without saying unnecessary words,
And for a year - for bread and water
To plant a hero.

Ilya sits in a dungeon for a year,
Dragging life-bye.
And on the Kiev border
The crow spun:

Kalin to the Russian people
Threatened with a sharp saber,
The dark army to march
Prepared - equipped.

Under the mountain the Serpent woke up -
Breathes heat and fire.
The prince bent under the thought -
Toils at night and during the day:

Than to fight off Kalina,
Like a villain of lime -
Either bow to the Serpent,
Should I go to Muromets?

Who to ask for protection
Before whom to humble the brow?
These Kalin are broken
These monsters were burned;

The whole squad fled -
Do not get through, do not collect.
Bent over, staggered
Great mother cities.

Trample the Russian land
Horses of Kalina the Tsar.
There is only one way for the prince - to the dungeon -
Fall at the feet of the hero.

They sent for the keys
A quick messenger
The door to the dungeon was opened -
They let out the fellow;

Expensive treats
The prince brought it on a platter,
And moved, forgiveness
With tears he asked.

The knight made peace with the prince:
“What is wrong to remember?
Had sat, stuck -
We must fight the Serpent.

You, prince, go to the people -
Do not regret beautiful words
And prepare the horses for the march,
Yes stronger, dare

So that they don't stagger from the wind
And fit under the saddle ... "
We said goodbye at sunrise;
The red sun has risen

The wind scattered the clouds -
A fine day ahead
As if the night had never happened
As if grief is behind.

Only the heart beats the alarm
A mighty chest tight,
And rushes to the rescue
Good fellow of a horse.

There is a weakened squad
The serpent is a cursed enemy -
He let the evil spirit go;

And the ground around is smoking
And the grass is burning with fire:
There and many will not break through,
And one cannot resist.

Death breathes on the hero
Terrible fiery tongue
But hurries to the battlefield
Karacharovsky man:

The helmet on it is gilded,
Ahead is an iron shield
A sword, tempered in battles,
Shines brighter than gold.

The horse frolics near Muromets -
Heat glows from the nostrils -
It will take off, or it will rush
Rush the violent winds.

They jumped, they jumped,
Yes they hit from the shoulder;
And others arrived in time
Yes, they cut with three swords.

And Dobrynya distinguished himself,
And Alyosha succeeded.
For a long time the Serpent was still smoking
And puffed on stumps.

Having performed a ceremony according to the Serpent,
Glorious three heroes
From the borders drove to the neck
The army of Kalin the king.

Do not trample on the nasty flock
Russian mother earth.
For peace in the native land
How many lay down -

They will not ride a horse beside,
They will not reach on foot;
Wives, mothers will cry
Honor will be given to the heroes;

And freedom will be glorified,
And peace will come again ...
In honor of a successful campaign
There will be a feast in the palace

As if there was no sadness
And there was no trouble.
There they also crowned Muromets
With a young glade.

Fairy tales are not written in Russia
Without a happy ending;
And what a feast without dancing,
Without a fastened screw!

Everyone there drank and had fun,
And he brought gifts.
I was there, but I didn't get drunk,
I just wet my mustache.

Now there is an information war in the film industry and it depends on this food for the soul what values ​​will be a priority for children and parents, whether we will remember the roots or reset to zero (and free space is never empty). Films about heroes are stories about what they fought for and died for, how they lived and found a way out of difficult situations our great-grandfathers.

During the Soviet era, our directors shot many wonderful fairy tales based on folk epics and legends. The golden period of films about heroes fell on the 50-80s. Two talented directors began to develop this direction - A. Rowe and A. Ptushko... They were replaced by G. Vasiliev and M. Yuzovsky, who continued to shoot fairy tales in the traditions of the heroes.

If we compare the number of fictional fairy-tale films and cartoons shot in the Soviet Union, then their number was approximately equal.

But in modern Russia, over the past 20 years, filmed more than a dozen memorable full-length cartoons about heroes (separate about each hero and together about three heroes, « Prince Vladimir«, « Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"And others), but there are only a few films.

Stories about three heroes have already become a brand and continue to be released regularly every year. This year is no exception, and a new story will be released in December. By the way, the folk favorite Igor Rasteryaev dedicated a song to them.

Now is the time to move exclusively to fairy-tale films.

Two premieres are eagerly expected in the fall of 2017: "The Legend of Kolovrat" and "The Last Hero":

* Legend of Kolovrat (2017, directed by I. Shurkhovetsky)

The name of Evpatiy Kolovrat has become a legend. He was not afraid to go out alone with a small detachment against the whole army of Khan Batu. The courage with which he fought with the superior forces of the Mongol-Tatars delighted Batu and he uttered the phrase that if there were such soldiers in his army, he would never know defeat.

* The last hero (2017, directed by D. Dyachenko)

How would you feel if you realized that you were in a fairy tale? Probably surprised ?! The hero of this film got from Moscow into a parallel reality - magic land Belogorie, in which all the fairy-tale characters we know have settled.

The film was shot at a Disney film studio and turned out to be very entertaining, rich in special effects. This in itself is surprising, because the relations between our countries today are more than cool. Apparently, money and a magical plot do the impossible.

The hero will have to fight with real swords and meet the whole fabulous pantheon on his way - from Kashchei with Baba Yaga, to the one-eyed Leech with Vodyanoy.

For the fans of the genre, another really cool surprise is ready for the release of the film - a book Natalia Budur “From Lukomorye to Belogorie. Secrets of the Russian Fairy Tale ”.

Book by Natalia Budur - From Lukomorye to Belogorie. Secrets of the Russian fairy tale

The book has no analogues on the Russian market and reveals the secret of the heroes of Russian fairy tales and it can be safely called a pearl for a home collection. The book will become a guide to the fairy-tale kingdom and a navigator through all the characters inhabiting its vastness. You can take a closer look at the design of the pages of this striking publication on the Labyrinth.

Before naming the main Russian heroic fairy-tale films, there is still a small digression, or rather a musical pause. V Lately in Russia, there is a revival of interest in the origins of ancient Slavic culture in youth environment... This is evident in the popular songs, the manner of singing and even dressing. For example, the groups “ Otava Yo" and "Neuromonakh Feofan"... What is the last drama worth " Trample " when the feet dance by themselves.

Below is the promised selection of the best Russian films about heroes, among which there are only two films shot in the 2000s, and the rest were included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema.

And a small explanation of how fairy tales were included in the list, in which there is no epic hero, or rather, there are their followers who took up a sword in their hands against old enemies (in the fairy tale "There, on unknown paths", a schoolboy Mitya). A mandatory attribute of films about heroes is presence evil forces, in the person of Kashchei or enemies attacking the Motherland, with whom he has to fight.

But what if the epic times have passed and the old enemies, who have been hiding for a while or new ones, plan to attack us again? This is exactly what a part of the films from this collection is about - about those who replaced the heroes, when evil again tries to return to the world of people.

TOP-10: Russian films-fairy tales about heroes:

1. Real fairy tale (2011, directed by A. Marmontov)

The heroes once defeated evil, but centuries passed and it returned to our world. Old acquaintances - Koschey, Baba Yaga and others like them entered our accelerated life, put on disguises and became one of the people. And despite the fact that today any child reads fairy tales and knows where to look for Kashchei's death, this is not enough. If you are with a reliable friend and you believe in miracles, then goodness will prevail. This film should be given to teenagers who have already broken away from their dreamy childhood and stepped into the adult world.

2. Book of Masters (2009, directed by V. Sokolovsky)

This is perhaps the first attempt to revive a children's fairy tale after the collapse of the USSR. And the first film where special effects were helped by the Disney film studio. If you do not engage in comparisons with Hollywood movies and look through the eyes of a child, you will get a very interesting combination of famous fairy-tale characters and they look modern.

3. One, two, grief, no problem (1988, directed by M. Yuzovsky)

A modern view of the problems in the kingdom of the farthest. The tsar offered money and a daughter to the soldier Ivan as a reward for defeating the dragon, but he refused. So Ivan fell out of favor with the tsar and was expelled from the court and service. At this time to tsar's daughter the overseas king has come to woo. But they did not agree and it came to war. And instead of fabulous evil, the king decided to scare the king with a huge Karbaras. However, he, out of control, began to destroy everyone, not dividing into strangers and friends. The soldier Ivan, no offense at the tsar, came to the rescue and, together with the help of his friend Danila's invention, managed to overcome the mechanical monster.

4. Vasily Buslaev (1982, directed by G. Vasiliev)

Vasily Buslaev was the son of a noble man in Veliky Novgorod, but this did not prevent him from being friends with common people... He was endowed with heroic strength and when an evil enemy, sparing no one, attacked his homeland, he gathered a squad and gave a worthy rebuff, returning as a hero to his homeland.

5. There, on unknown paths(1982, directed by M. Yuzovsky)

The story of an ordinary schoolboy Mitya, who went to give a present to his grandmother on vacation, but ended up in a magic kingdom. Where he ran into Koshchei, Nightingale and Dashing one-eyed. Resourcefulness, together with magic and the help of Vasilisa the Wise, helped to defeat Kashchei and his assistants. It was an amazing vacation.

6. Finist - clear falcon(1975, directed by G. Vasiliev)

Finist lived in Russia, he was a plowman, tilled the land, and when the enemy attacked, he, having a heroic strength and a good heart, always prevailed and drove out the enemies. The dark forces conceived to lime him. By cunning they lured him to themselves and turned into a monster, casting a spell. And only a girl who loves him in this guise can be able to disenchant him.

7. Ruslan and Lyudmila(1972, directed by A. Ptushko)

This film adaptation of Pushkin's poem became the highest-grossing in the Soviet Union in the entire history and the last work of the master of the movie fairy tale Alexander Ptushko. The film, shot 50 years ago, and today makes a strong impression on children and adults - the music, scenery, costumes, battle scenes amaze the imagination.

(1956, directed by A. Ptushko)

In this film, the epic heroes of Vasnetsov's paintings seem to come to life - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. It is truly a heroic trait not to remember grievances when the enemy threatens the homeland. I can't believe that a fairy tale shot 60 years ago can give odds to many films with special effects today. The film was restored in the early 2000s and played with colors again.

9. Kashchei the Immortal (1944, directed by A. Row)

The classics of the highest standard, filmed during the Great Patriotic War, show the height of the spirit of the Russian people in the struggle for their beloved homeland and relatives. The epic hero Nikita Kozhemyaka enters the lair of Kashchei, who ravaged the Russian land and stole his beloved Marya, punishes the villain and frees the bride.

10. Vasilisa the Beautiful(1939, directed by A. Rowe)

Taking big steps back, it again turns on the tongue - the film is almost 70 years old, it is not colored and generally looks outdated. There is one secret hidden in this. Whoever plunges into the film, will feel the real atmosphere of Ancient Russia, the fabulous life of epic times and people devoted to their Motherland, sincerely loving their loved ones and ready to sacrifice for them. Here is the entrance to a real fairy tale and magic.

P.S. *** Two heroes *** (1989)

I would like to finish the selection of movie tales with an original cartoon. It was filmed in the last years of the Soviet Union, so to speak, old school. An unusual story about the Russian hero and the Kazakh Batyr, where each went to save his bride, and in the end ... A lot of good humor and an unusual denouement.

In the site section Russians folk epics you will be able to get acquainted with the best examples of the song epic of the Russian people, such as Russian epics about heroes, historical legends and ballad songs. Unlike folk tales, epics tell about real events, displayed in a literary colorful form. Heroes of epics- This is a kind of personification of the spirit of the people, which does not bow before the terrible enemies who encroached on their native land.

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In Russian epics, with the help of a poetic form, the historical wise thinking and consciousness of the people, heartfelt devotion to the Motherland, unquestioning love for their native land, for work, for loved ones and relatives were reflected. Also, ancient epics reflect the denunciation of enemies encroaching on Russia and ravaging cities and villages. In the deep sense of the epic, the condemnation of the atrocities of both enemies and fellow countrymen, who sometimes turned out to be traitors, was laid. In the plot of the epic, we can also see the ridicule of human vices and base deeds.

Russian folk epics- a real treasure of Russian folklore, which to this day does not lose its relevance.

Russian epics read

Russian Bogatyrs (epics)

In retelling for children by I. V. Karnaukhova

c "Children's Literature" L., 1974, text

c Kaliningrad book publishing house, 1975





Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich














On the high hills stands the Kiev-city.

In the old days, it was surrounded by an earthen rampart, surrounded by ditches.

From the green hills of Kiev you could see far away. The suburbs were visible and

crowded villages, rich arable land, the blue ribbon of the Dnieper, golden sands

on the left bank, pine groves ...

Plowed land plowed near Kiev. Skilled people built on the banks of the river

the shipbuilders were light boats, they were hollowing out oak canoes. In the meadows and in the backwaters

the shepherds grazed the steep-horned cattle.

Dense forests stretched beyond the suburbs and villages. Roamed them

hunters, hunted bears, wolves, rounds - horned bulls, and small

the beast is visible and invisible.

And beyond the forests there are steppes without end and edge. It went from these steppes to

Russia is a lot of bitterness: Nomads flew from them to Russian villages - burned and

robbed, took away the Russian people in full.

To protect the Russian land from them, the outposts scattered along the edge of the steppe

heroic, small fortresses. They guarded the way to Kiev, protected from

enemies, from strangers.

And across the steppes, the heroes rode tirelessly on mighty horses, vigilantly

peered into the distance, not to see enemy fires, not to hear the stomp

other people's horses.

Days and months, years, decades, Ilya Muromets protected his native land, neither

I didn't build a house for myself, I didn't start a family. And Dobrynya, and Alyosha, and the Danube

Ivanovich - everyone in the steppe and in the open field ruled military service. Occasionally

they were going to see Prince Vladimir in the courtyard - to rest, feast, guslyarov

listen, learn about each other.

If the time is alarming, heroes-warriors are needed, he meets them with honor

Prince Vladimir with Princess Apraxia. For them, the stoves are heated, in the grid -

living room in the upper room - for them the tables are bursting with pies, rolls, fried

swans, from wine, home brew, sweet honey. For them, the skins of leopards are on the benches

lie, bearish on the walls hung.

But Prince Vladimir also has deep cellars, and iron locks, and cages

stone. Almost not according to him, the prince will not remember the feats of arms, not

will look at the heroic honor ...

But in black huts throughout Russia, the common people love heroes, glorify

and honors. Rye bread shares with him, plants and sings in a red corner

songs about glorious deeds - about how they cherish, protect their native heroes

Glory, glory and in our days to the heroes-defenders of the Motherland!

The height of the heavens is high,

Deep ocean-sea depth,

Wide expanse throughout the land.

The Dnieper waters are deep,

The Sorochinsky mountains are high,

The Bryansk forests are dark,

Black mud Smolensk,

Russian rivers are fast and bright.

And strong mighty heroes in glorious Russia!

Volga Vseslavievich

The red sun set over the high mountains, scattered across the sky

stars, was born at that time in Mother Russia, a young hero - Volga

Vseslavievich. Swaddled his mother in red swaddling clothes, tied them in gold

belts, put it in a carved cradle, began to sing songs over it.

Volga slept only for an hour, woke up, stretched out - the gold

belts, red diapers were torn, the bottom of the carved cradle fell out. A

Volga got to his feet, and says to his mother:

Madam mother, do not swaddle me, do not wrap me, but dress me

in strong armor, in a gilded helmet yes give me a club in my right hand, yes

so that a club weighs a hundred pounds.

The mother was frightened, and Volga is growing by leaps and bounds, but by

just a minute.

Here Volga grew up to five years old. Other guys in such years only in

little chicks are playing, and Volga has already learned to read and write - to write and count and books

steps the ground shook. The animals and birds heard his heroic tread,

scared, hid. Deer tours ran away to the mountains, sable martens to their holes

lay down, small animals huddled in the thicket, fish hid in deep places.

Volga Vseslavievich began to learn all sorts of tricks.

He learned to fly as a falcon in the sky, learned to wrap himself like a gray wolf,

to ride a deer through the mountains.

Now Volga is fifteen years old. He began to gather his comrades.

He recruited a squad of twenty-nine people, - Volga himself is in the squad

thirtieth. All fellows are fifteen years old, all mighty heroes. They have

horses are fast, arrows are well-aimed, swords are sharp.

Volga gathered his squad and rode with her into an open field, into a wide

steppe. Carts with luggage do not creak behind them, they do not carry any beds behind them

down, no fur blankets, servants, stewards, cooks do not run after them ...

For them, a feather bed is dry earth, a pillow is a Cherkasy saddle, food in

steppe, in the forests there would be a lot of arrows and flint and flint.

Here the fellows spread their camp in the steppe, made fires, fed the horses.

Volga sends junior warriors to the dense forests:

Take silk nets, place them in a dark forest on the very ground and

catch martens, foxes, black sables, we will store fur coats for the squad.

The vigilantes scattered through the forests. Volga is waiting for them for a day, waiting for another,

the third day is leaning towards evening. Then the vigilantes arrived unhappy: about the roots

they knocked down their legs, they cut off the dress on the thorns, and returned to the camp with empty

hands. Not a single animal was caught by them in the net.

Volga laughed:

Oh, you hunters! Go back to the forest, get to the nets yeah

look, well done, both.

Volga hit the ground, turned into a gray wolf, ran into the woods. Kicked out

he a beast from holes, a hollow tree, from a dead tree, drove into the nets and foxes, and martens, and

sables. He did not disdain a small animal, he caught gray bunnies for dinner.

The vigilantes returned with rich booty.

Volga fed and watered the squad, and even shod and dressed. Worn by vigilantes

expensive sable coats, for a change they also have leopard coats. Not

will praise Volga, will not stop admiring.

As time goes on and on, Volga sends the middle vigilantes:

Set up a snare in the forest on tall oaks, catch geese, swans,

gray ducks.

The heroes scattered through the forest, set up a snare, thought with a rich

to come home as prey, and not even a gray sparrow was caught.

They returned to the camp unhappy, the rioters hung their heads below the shoulders. From

Volga hide their eyes, turn away. And Volga laughs at them:

That the hunters have returned without prey? Well, okay, there will be something for you

feast. Go to the trap and look vigilantly.

Volga hit the ground, flew up as a white falcon, rose high under the very

a cloud, struck down on every bird in the sky. He beats geese, swans,

gray ducks, only the fluff from them flies, as if covering the ground with snow. Whom myself

I didn't beat him, he drove him into a snare.

The heroes returned to the camp with rich booty. They made fires, baked

game, wash down the game with spring water, they praise Volga.

How much, how little time has passed, Volga sends his


Build oak boats, wind silk nets, take floats

maple trees, go to the blue sea, catch salmon, beluga, sevryuzhina.

The vigilantes were catching for ten days, but they did not catch even a small brush. Turned around

Volga with a toothy pike, dived into the sea, drove the fish out of deep holes, drove into

silk nets. Good fellows brought full boats and salmon, and beluga, and mustachioed

The vigilantes walk around the open field, play heroic games. arrows

they dash, ride on horses, measure themselves with heroic strength ...

Suddenly Volga heard that the Turkish Tsar Saltan Beketovich went to Russia in war


His valiant heart flared up, he summoned the vigilantes and says:

Lay full of your sides, full of strength to feed, it's time

to serve the native land, to protect Russia from Saltan Beketovich. Which one of you is in

will the Turkish camp make its way, find out Saltan's thoughts?

The fellows are silent, they are hiding behind each other: the elder is behind the middle. average -

for the younger, and the younger closed his mouth.

Volga got angry:

Apparently I have to go myself!

He turned round - golden horns. The first time I jumped - a mile

jumped, jumped a second time - only he was seen.

Volga rode to the Turkish kingdom, turned into a gray sparrow, sat down

to the window to Tsar Saltan and listens. And Saltan walks around the room,

clicks with a patterned lash and says to his wife Azvyakovna:

I decided to go to war against Russia. I will conquer nine cities, I will sit as a prince

in Kiev, nine cities I will distribute to nine sons, I will give you a sable shushun.

And Queen Azvyakovna looks sadly:

Ah, Tsar Saltan, now I bad dream I saw it: as if I was fighting in the field

black raven with white falcon. White raven falcon clawed, feathers

let it out into the wind.

The white falcon is the Russian hero Volga Vseslavievich, the black raven is

you, Saltan Beketovich. Do not go to Russia. You can't take nine cities, don't

reign in Kiev.

Tsar Saltan got angry, hit the queen with a whip:

I am not afraid of Russian heroes, I will reign in Kiev. Here Volga

flew down like a sparrow, turned into an ermine. His body is narrow, teeth

The ermine ran through the royal court, made its way into deep cellars

royal. There, at the bows of the tight bowstrings, he bit off, at the arrows, he cut through the shafts,

I knocked out the sabers, bent my clubs in an arc.

The ermine climbed out of the basement, turned into a gray wolf, ran to the royal

stables - he killed and strangled all the Turkish horses.

Volga got out of the royal court, turned into a clear falcon, flew into

open field to his squad, woke up the heroes:

Hey, my brave squad, it's not time to sleep now, it's time to get up!

Get ready for a hike to the Golden Horde, to Saltan Beketovich!

They approached the Golden Horde, and around the Horde was a high stone wall.

The gates in the wall are iron, the bolts are made of copper, the guards are sleepless at the gates -

do not fly over, do not cross, do not break the gate.

The heroes grieved, thought: "How to overcome the wall of a high gate

iron? "

Young Volga guessed: he turned into a small midge, turned all the fellows

goosebumps, and goosebumps crawled under the gates. And on the other side of steel

They hit Saltanov with power like thunder from heaven. Turkish

saber troops blunted, swords blunted. Here the Turkish army flees

The Russian heroes passed through the Golden Horde, they finished all Saltanov's strength.

Saltan Beketovich himself fled to his palace, closed the iron doors,

the brass bolts pushed in.

As Volga kicked the door, all the locks and bolts flew out. iron

the doors burst.

Volga entered the room and grabbed Saltan by the arms:

You will not be in Russia, Saltan, do not burn, do not burn Russian cities,

do not sit as a prince in Kiev.

Volga hit him on the stone floor and smashed Saltan to death.

Do not boast. Horde, by its strength, do not go to war against Mother Russia!

Mikula Selyaninovich

In the early morning, in the early sun, Volga was going to take these taxes from

trading cities Gurchevets and Orekhovets.

The squad sat on good horses, on brown stallions and set off

went. The fellows went out into an open field, into a wide expanse and heard

in the plowman's field. A plowman plows, whistles, plowshares are pebbled on pebbles.

As if a plowman was leading a plow somewhere nearby.

Well done guys go to the plowman, they go day until evening, but they cannot before him

to jump.

You can hear the plowman whistling, you can hear the bipod creak,

plowshares are chipped, but the plowman himself cannot be seen.

The good fellows are going the other day until the evening, the plowman is whistling the same way,

The plow creaks, the plowshares are scratched, but the plowman is gone.

The third day goes into the evening, here only the fellows got to the plowman. Plows

a plowman, prodding, poking at his filly. The furrows are laid like ditches

deep, from the ground twists oaks, stones-boulders to the side throws.

Only the plowman's curls sway, they crumble in silk over the shoulders.

And the plowman's filly is unwise, and his plow is maple, and the tugs are silk.

Volga marveled at him, bowed politely:

Hello, kind man, there are workers in the field!

Be healthy, Volga Vseslavievich! Where are you going?

I go to the cities of Gurchevets and Orekhovets - to collect from the merchants


Eh, Volga Vseslavievich, all the robbers live in those cities, they fight

the skin of a poor plowman, tolls are collected for travel on the roads. I went

buy salt there, bought three bags of salt, each bag one hundred poods, put

on a gray filly and went home to his place. Trading people surrounded me,

they began to take travel money from me. The more I give, the more they get

I want to. I got angry, I got angry, I paid them with a silk whip. Well,

the one who was standing is sitting, and the one who was sitting is lying.

Volga was surprised, bowed to the plowman:

Ay you, glorious plowman, mighty hero, go with me for


Well, I'll go, Volga Vseslavievich, I must give them instructions - others

do not offend men.

The plowman took the silk tugs off the plow, unharnessed the gray filly, sat on it

on horseback and set off.

The fellows galloped halfway. The plowman says to Volga Vseslavievich:

Oh, we did a bad job, we left a plow in the furrow. You go

good fellows-vigilantes, so that the bipod was pulled out of the furrow, the earth would be

shook out, put the plow under the bush.

Volga sent three warriors.

They twist the bipod this way and that, but they cannot lift the bipod from the ground.

Volga sent ten knights. They twist the bipod in twenty hands, and not

can tear off from a place.

Then Volga went with his entire squad. Thirty people without a single leg

clung to the bipod on all sides, strained, went knee-deep into the ground, and

the bipod and the hair were not moved.

The plowman himself got down from the filly and took hold of the bipod with one hand. from her land

pulled it out, shook the earth out of the plowshares. I cleaned the plowshares with grass.

They drove up near Gurchevets and Orekhovets. And there people are cunning trading

when they saw the plowman, they cut oak logs on the bridge over the Orekhovets river.

A squad a little ascended to the bridge, oak logs broke, they were great

drowning in the river, the brave squad began to perish, the horses, people began to go to the bottom.

Volga and Mikula got angry, got angry, whipped their kind

horses, in one gallop the river jumped. They jumped on that shore, and

began to celebrate the villains.

The plowman beats with a whip, says:

Eh you greedy shopping people! The peasants of the city feed bread, drink honey,

and you regret their salt!

Volga favors with a club for the vigilantes, for the heroic horses. People have become

Gurchevets repent:

You will forgive us for the villainy, for the cunning. Take tribute from us,

and let the plowmen go for salt, no one will demand a penny from them.

Volga took tribute from them for twelve years, and the heroes went

Volga Vseslavievich asks the plowman:

You tell me, Russian hero, what is your name, called by your patronymic?

Come to me, Volga Vseslavievich, to my peasant yard, so

you will find out how people honor me.

The heroes drove up to the field. The plowman pulled out a plow, plowed a wide

pole, sowed with golden grain ... The dawn is still burning, and the plowman has a field with an ear

makes a noise. Dark night goes - the plowman reaps bread. I thrashed out in the morning, by noon

distilled, ground flour for dinner, started pies. By evening, he called the people to

feast of honors.

People began to eat pies, drink mash and praise the plowman:

Ay, thank you, Mikula Selyaninovich!


The Holy Mountains are high in Russia, their gorges are deep, abysses are terrible; Not

no birch, no oak, no pine, no green grass grow there. There is no wolf

will run, the eagle will not fly, - and the ant will profit on the bare rocks

Only the hero Svyatogor rides between the cliffs on his mighty horse.

The horse jumps over the abyss, jumps over the gorges, from the mountain to

crosses the mountain.

The old one drives along the Holy Mountains.

Here the mother of cheese the earth is shaking,

Stones are falling in the abyss,

Rivers are pouring out fast.

The growth of the bogatyr Svyatogor is higher than the dark forest, he supports the clouds with his head,

jumps over the mountains - the mountains are staggering under him, it will enter the river - all the water is from the river

splash out.

He travels for a day, others, third, - he stops, spreads a tent - lies down,

get enough sleep, and again his horse wanders over the mountains.

Bored Svyatogor-hero, sad old: in the mountains there is no one to say

to mumble, there is no one to measure strength with.

He would go to Russia, walk with other heroes, fight with

enemies, shake the force, but here's the trouble: the earth does not hold him, only

the stone cliffs of Svyatogorsk under its weight do not collapse, do not fall, only

their spines do not crack under the hooves of his heroic horse.

It is hard for Svyatogor from his strength, he wears it like a heavy burden. I would be glad

give half of the strength, but there is no one. I would be glad to do the hardest work, yes

labor on the shoulder is not. Whatever you take with your hand - everything is crumbs

will crumble, flatten into a pancake.

He would begin to uproot the forests, but for him the forests are like meadow grass.

he moves mountains, but no one needs it ...

So he drives alone along the Holy Mountains, his head bends below from longing ...

Eh, if I could find an earth pull, I would drive a ring into the sky, tie it to

the ring is an iron chain; would pull the sky to the earth, turn the earth to the edge

up, he mixed the sky with the earth - I would have spent a little bit of power!

But where is her - craving - to find!

Once Svyatogor rides along the valley between the cliffs, and suddenly a living person is ahead

A nondescript peasant walks, stomps on his bast shoes, carries on his shoulder

saddle bag.

Svyatogor was delighted: there will be someone to say a word to, - the peasant became

catching up.

He walks to himself, does not hurry, but Svyatogorov's horse gallops with all his might, yes

can not catch up with the peasant. There is a little man, in no hurry, a bag from his shoulder to

throws the shoulder. Svyatogor is galloping at full speed - all the passer-by is ahead!

Goes at a pace - you can't catch up with everything!

Svyatogor shouted to him:

Hey, well done passer-by, wait for me! The little man stopped, folded his

handbag to the ground. Svyatogor galloped up, greeted and asked:

What is this burden you have in this purse?

And you take my purse, throw it over your shoulder and run with it but

Svyatogor laughed so that the mountains shook; wanted a handbag with a whip

pry on, but the purse did not move, began to push with a spear - it does not move,

I tried to lift it with my finger, it does not rise ...

Svyatogor tears from his horse, took right hand handbag - did not move on the hair.

The hero grabbed the bag with both hands, pulled with all his might - only up to

I raised my knees.

Lo and behold - and he himself went knee-deep into the ground, not sweat, but blood flowing down his face,

heart sank ...

Svyatogor threw his purse, fell to the ground, - the rumble went down the mountains-valleys.

The hero barely caught his breath - You tell me what you have in your purse?

Tell me, teach me, I have never heard of such a miracle. My strength is exorbitant, but I am so

I can't lift grains of sand!

Why not say - I will say: in my little purse, all the craving of the earth

Spyatogor lowered his head:

This is what earthly cravings mean. Who are you and what is your name, passerby

I am a plowman, Mikula Selyaninovich - I see, a kind person, who loves you

mother of cheese is the earth! Maybe you can tell me about my fate? It's hard for me alone

galloping over the mountains, I can't live like this anymore.

Ride, hero, to the Northern Mountains. There is an iron forge near those mountains.

In that smithy, the blacksmith forges destiny for everyone, and you learn about your destiny from him.

Mikula Selyaninovich threw his purse over his shoulder and walked away. And Svyatogor

he jumped on his horse and galloped to the Northern Mountains. Svyatogor rode-rode for three days,

I didn’t go to bed for three nights, I didn’t go to bed for three days - I reached the Northern Mountains. There are cliffs

even hollow, the abysses are even blacker, the rivers are deeper and more turbulent ...

Under the very cloud, on a bare rock, Svyatogor saw an iron forge. V

a bright fire burns in the forge, black smoke pours from the forge,

the county goes.

Svyatogor entered the smithy and saw: a gray-haired old man was standing at the anvil,

he inflates the bellows with one hand, with the other he hits the anvil with a hammer, and

the anvil can't see anything.

Blacksmith, blacksmith, what are you, father, forging?

Come closer, lean down! Svyatogor bent down, looked and


the blacksmith forges two fine hairs.

What have you got, blacksmith?

Here are two hairs, one hair and one owl - two people are getting married.

And who does fate tell me to marry?

Your bride lives on the edge of the mountains in a dilapidated hut.

Svyatogor went to the edge of the mountains, found a dilapidated hut. Entered her

hero, put a gift-bag with gold on the table. Svyatogor looked around and

sees: a girl lies motionless on a bench, covered with bark and scabs,

does not open his eyes.

Svyatogor felt sorry for her. What is it that lies and suffers? And death does not come, and

no life.

Svyatogor pulled out his sharp sword, wanted to hit the girl, but his hand did not


The sword fell to the oak floor.

Svyatogor jumped out of the hut, got on his horse and galloped to the Holy Mountains.

And the girl, meanwhile, opened her eyes and saw: a heroic man was lying on the floor.

sword, on the table - a bag of gold, and all the bark fell from her, and her body

pure, and her strength came.

She got up, walked along the gorenka, went out the threshold, bent over the lake

and gasped: a beautiful girl looks at her from the lake - and stately, and white, and

blush, and clear eyes, and blond braids!

She took the gold that lay on the table, built ships, loaded

goods and set off on the blue sea to trade, seek happiness.

Wherever they come, - all the people run to buy goods, to the beauty

admire. The glory of her throughout Russia goes:

So she reached the Holy Mountains, and the rumor about her reached Svyatogor.

He also wanted to look at the beauty. He looked at her, and

the girl fell in love with him.

This is a bride for me, for this one I will devote! Loved and Svyatogor

They got married, and became the wife of Svyatogor about her former life

to tell how she lay for thirty years, covered with bark, how she was cured,

how I found money on the table.

Svyatogor was surprised, but did not say anything to his wife.

The girl quit trading, sailing on the seas, began to live with Svyatogor

on the Holy Mountains.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich

In the glorious city of Rostov, the Rostov cathedral priest had

one and only son.

His name was Alyosha, his father's nickname was Popovich.

Alyosha Popovich did not learn to read and write, did not sit down to books, but learned from small children

years to own a spear, shoot from a bow, tame heroic horses. Silon

Alyosha is not a great hero, but he took it with impudence and cunning. Now I have grown up

Alyosha Popovich was up to sixteen years old, and he became bored in his father's house.

He began to ask his father to let him go into an open field, into a wide expanse,

free to travel around Russia, to get to the blue sea, in the forests

hunt. His father let him go, gave him a heroic horse, a saber, a spear

spicy and a bow and arrow. Alyosha began to saddle the horse, and began to say:

Serve me faithfully, heroic horse. Leave me neither dead nor

wounded gray wolves to be torn apart, black crows to peck, enemies

to desecrate! Wherever we are, bring home!

He dressed his horse like a prince. Saddle Cherkasy, girth

silk, gilded bridle.

Called Alyosha with him his beloved friend Ekim Ivanovich and on Saturday morning

he left home to seek heroic glory for himself.

Here are loyal friends riding shoulder to shoulder, stirrup to stirrup, to the sides


There is no one in the steppe, not a hero, with whom to measure strength, not

beast to hunt. The Russian steppe spreads out under the sun without end,

without an edge, and you can't hear a rustle in it, you can't see a bird in the sky. Suddenly sees

Alyosha - a stone is lying on the mound, and something is written on the stone. Alyosha speaking

Ekim Ivanovich; - Come on, Ekimushka, read what is written on the stone. You

well literate, but I am not trained to read and write.

Ekim jumped off his horse, began to disassemble the inscription on the stone - Here, Alyoshenka,

what is written on the stone: the right road leads to Chernigov, the left road leads to

Kiev, to Prince Vladimir, and the road is straight - to the blue sea, to the quiet backwaters.

Where can we, Ekim, keep our path?

To go far to the blue sea, there is no need to go to Chernigov: there are kalachnitsy

Eat one roll - you want another, eat another - on the feather bed

fall over, we will not find heroic glory there. And we will go to the prince

Vladimir, maybe he will take us into his squad.

Well, let's turn, Ekim, on the left path.

The fellows wrapped up their horses and drove along the road to Kiev.

They reached the bank of the Safat River and set up a white tent. Alyosha from a horse

jumped down, entered the tent, lay down on the green grass and fell asleep soundly. A

He unsaddled his horses, watered them, walked them, hobbled them and let them into the meadows, only

then I went to rest.

In the morning Alyosha woke up in the light, washed himself with dew, dried himself with a white towel,

began to comb the curls.

And Yekim jumped up, went after the horses, gave them a drink, fed them with oats, and

his own and Alyoshin's.

The fellows set off again.

They drive and drive, suddenly they see an old man walking in the middle of the steppe. Beggar wanderer -

kalika transient. He is wearing sandals of seven silks woven, he is wearing a fur coat

sable, Greek hat, and in the hands of a road club.

He saw good fellows, blocked their way:

Oh, you brave fellows, you do not go beyond the Safat River. Became there stanam

evil enemy Tugarin, Serpent son. He is as tall as a tall oak, between the shoulders

oblique fathom, you can put an arrow between the eyes. He has a winged horse - how

a fierce beast: from the nostrils the flame blazes, from the ears the smoke pours down. Don't go there

Yekimushka glances at Alyosha, and Alyosha was inflamed, angry:

So that I and all evil spirits give way! I cannot take it by force,

I'll take it by trick. My brother, wanderer on the road, let me have you for a while

your dress, take my heroic armor, help me with Tugarin

cope with.

Okay, take it, but see that there is no trouble: he will take you in one gulp

can swallow.

Nothing, we'll manage somehow!

Alyosha put on a colored dress and went on foot to the Safat River. Goes on. on the

leans on the baton, limps ...

Tugarin Zmeevich saw him, shouted so that the earth trembled, bent

tall oaks, the waters splashed out of the river, Alyosha is barely alive, his legs

give way.

Hey, - shouts Tugarin, - gay, wanderer, have you seen Ale-shu

Popovich? I would like to find him, but to stab him with a spear, and to burn him with fire.

And Alyosha pulled his Greek hat on his face, groaned, groaned and answered

Oh-oh-oh, don't be angry with me, Tugarin Zmeevich! I am deaf from old age,

I don't hear anything that you order me. Come closer to me, to

Tugarin drove up to Alyosha, bent over from the saddle, wanted to bark in his ear,

and Alyosha was dexterous, he was quick-witted - as long as he had enough with a club between his eyes, - so

Tugarin fell to the ground without memory. - Alyosha took off his expensive dress,

embroidered with gems, not a cheap dress, costing one hundred thousand, put on himself.

He strapped Tugarin himself to the saddle and drove back to his friends.

And so Yekim Ivanovich is not himself, he is eager to help Alyosha, but it is impossible to

a heroic deed to interfere, to interfere with Alyosha's glory Suddenly he sees Ekim -

a horse gallops like a fierce beast, Tugarin sits on it in an expensive dress.

Yekim got angry, threw his thirty-pound club straight into

breasts to Alyosha Popovich. Alyosha fell down dead.

And Ekim pulled out the dagger, rushed to the fallen one, wants to finish off Tugarin ... And

suddenly he sees Alyosha lying in front of him ...

Ekim Ivanovich burst down on the ground, burst into tears:

I killed, killed my brother named, dear Alyosha Popovich!

They began to shake Alyosha with the Kalika, to swing, poured drink into his mouth

overseas, rubbed with medicinal herbs. Alyosha opened his eyes, stood on

legs, standing on legs, staggering.

Ekim Ivanovich is not himself for joy; He took off Tugarin's dress from Alyosha,

dressed him in heroic armor, gave kalika his good. I put Alyosha on

horse, he went next to him: he supports Alyosha.

Only near Kiev did Alyosha come into force.

They drove up to Kiev on Sunday, at lunchtime. We stopped at

the princely court, jumped off their horses, tied them to oak pillars and entered

to the upper room.

Prince Vladimir greets them affectionately.

Hello, dear guests, where did you come from? What is your name

by name, called by patronymic?

I am from the city of Rostov, the son of the cathedral priest Leonty. And my name is Alyosha

Popovich. We rode on a clear steppe, met Tugarin Zmeevich, he

now hangs in my toroks.

Vladimir the prince was delighted:

Well, you are a hero, Alyoshenka! Sit down wherever you want to sit at the table: you want it next

with me, if you want-against me, if you want-next to the princess.

Alyosha Popovich did not hesitate, he sat down next to the princess. And Ekim Ivanovich at

the stove has become.

Prince Vladimir shouted to his servants:

Untie Tugarin Zmeevich, bring him here to the upper room! Only Alyosha

took up the bread, the salt - the doors of the hotel opened, they brought in twelve

The grooms on the golden board of Tugarin were seated next to Prince Vladimir.

The stewards came running, brought fried geese, swans, brought ladles

honey sweet.

And Tugarin behaves impolitely, impolitely. Grabbed a swan and with bones

ate it, pushes it on the cheek whole on the rug. I scooped up the pastry pies into my mouth

threw it, for one ghost ten ladles of honey in a throat pours.

Before the guests had time to take a piece, there were only bones on the table.

Alyosha Popovich frowned and says:

My priest Leonty had an old and greedy dog. Grabbed

she was a big bone and choked. I grabbed her by the tail, threw her downhill

The same will be from me to Tugarin.

Tugarin darkened like an autumn night, drew a sharp dagger and threw it

to Alyosha Popovich.

Then Alyosha and the end would come, but Ekim Ivanovich jumped up, a dagger on the fly


My brother, Alyosha Popovich, you yourself deign to throw a knife at him or to me

will you allow?

And I myself will not give up, and I will not allow you: it is impolite for the prince to quarrel in the upper room

lead. And I will transfer with him tomorrow in an open field, and Tugarin will not be

alive tomorrow evening.

The guests made a noise, argued, began to hold a pawn, all for Tugarin

they put ships, goods, and money.

Only princess Apraksia and Ekim Ivanovich are put behind Alyosha.

Alyosha got up from the table, went with Yekim to his tent on the Sa-Fat River.

All night Alyosha does not sleep, he looks at the sky, calls a thundercloud to

wetted Tugarin's wings with rain. In the morning Tugarin flew by light, over

winds like a tent, wants to hit from above. And it was not in vain that Alyosha did not sleep: flew

a thundercloud, thundercloud, it rained down, moistened Tugarin's horse with the mighty

wings. The horse thundered to the ground, galloped along the ground.

Alyosha sits firmly in the saddle, waving a sharp sword.

Tugarin roared so that a leaf fell from the trees:

Here's the end for you, Alyoshka: if I want - I'll burn it with fire, if I want - with a horse

I will trample, if I want - I will kill with a spear!

Alyosha approached him and said:

What are you, Tugarin, deceiving ?! We fought you and I bet that

we will measure ourselves one on one by force, and now behind you there is an incalculable force!

Tugarin looked back, wanted to see what kind of power was behind him, and

Alyosha needs only that. Swung a sharp saber and cut off his head!

The head rolled to the ground like a beer cauldron, Mother Earth hummed!

Alyosha jumped off, wanted to take his head, but he could not lift it up an inch from the ground.

Hey you, loyal comrades, help Tugarin's head to lift from the ground!

Ekim Ivanovich drove up with his comrades, helped Alyosha Popovich head

Load Tugarin onto a heroic horse.

How they arrived at Kiev, drove into the prince's court, threw

yard monster.

Prince Vladimir came out with the princess, invited Alyosha to the prince's table,

spoke to Alyosha gentle words:

Live you, Alyosha, in Kiev, serve me, Prince Vladimir. I am you, Alyosha,

Alyosha remained in Kiev as a vigilante; So they sing about young Alyosha,

to good people listened to:

Our Alyosha comes from a priest's family,

He is both brave and smart, but a quarrelsome disposition.

He is not as strong as he dared to assume.

About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych

There lived a widow Mamelfa Timofeevna near Kiev. She had a beloved son -

bogatyr Dobrynyushka. All over Kiev about Dobryna fame went: he is stately, and

tall, and trained in literacy, and dared in battle, and oars at a feast. He will lay down a song,

and will play on the harp, and say a smart word. And Dobrynya's disposition is calm,

affectionate. He will not scold anyone, he will not offend anyone in vain. No wonder they nicknamed

his "quiet Dobrynyushka".

Once, on a hot summer day, Dobryna wanted to swim in the river.

He went to mother Mamelfa Timofeevna:

Let me go, mother, go to the Puchai River, in the cold water

to swim, - the summer heat exhausted me.

Mamelfa Timofeevna burst into tears, began to dissuade Dobrynya:

My dear son Dobrynyushka, don't go to the Puchai River. Puchay River

ferocious, angry. From the first trickle the fire cuts, from the second trickle sparks

pouring in, from the third trickle smoke poured in a column.

Well, mother, let me ride along the coast, fresh air


Mamelfa Timofeevna released Dobrynya.

Dobrynya put on a road dress, covered himself with a high Greek hat, took

with him a spear and a bow and arrows, a sharp saber and a whip.

He mounted a good horse, summoned a young servant with him, and

set off. Dobrynya goes for an hour or two; the summer sun is beating hot, it is hot

Be kind to your head. Dobrynya forgot that his mother was punishing him, turned his horse to

Flow the river.

It bears coolness from the Puchai River.

Dobrynya jumped off his horse, threw the reins to the young servant:

You stay here, guard the horse.

He took off his Greek hat from his head, took off his traveling clothes, all weapons on

he laid down his horse and rushed into the river.

Dobrynya floats along the Puchai River, surprised:

What did mother tell me about the Puchai River? Buzz-river is not fierce,

Buchay river is quiet, like a rain puddle.

Dobrynya did not have time to say - suddenly the sky darkened, and there were no clouds in the sky, and

there is no rain, but thunder is thundering, and there is no thunderstorm, but the fire is shining ...

Dobrynya raised his head and saw that the Serpent Gorynych was flying towards him, a terrible

a serpent about three heads, about seven claws, from the nostrils the flame blazes, from the ears smoke

knocks down, the copper claws on the paws shine.

I saw the Serpent Dobrynya, thundered:

Eh, old people prophesied that Dobrynya Nikitich would kill me, and Dobrynya

he himself came into my paws. Now I want to eat it alive, I want to go to my lair

I will take it away, I will take it prisoner. I have a lot of Russian people in captivity, not enough

only Dobrynya.

Oh, you damned snake, you first take Dobrynyushka, then

brag, but for now Dobrynya is not in your hands.

Dobrynya knew how to swim well; he dived to the bottom, swam under water,

I surfaced at the steep bank, jumped ashore and ran to my horse. A

horse and the trail was gone: the young servant of the snake's roar was frightened, jumped on

horse and was like that.

And he took away all the weapons to Dobrynin.

Dobrynya has nothing to fight with the Serpent Gorynych.

And the Serpent again flies to Dobryna, sprinkles with fuel sparks, burns Dobryna

the body is white.

The heroic heart trembled.

Dobrynya looked at the shore, - he had nothing to take in his hands: not a club,

not a pebble, only yellow sand on the steep bank, but his hat is lying around


Dobrynya grabbed a Greek hat, poured into it not much yellow sand

not less - five pounds, but when the Serpent Gorynych hits with his hat - and knocks him off

He knocked the Snake to the ground with a swing, pressed his chest with his knees, wanted

beat off two more heads ...

As the Serpent Gorynych begged here:

Oh, Dobrynyushka, oh, hero, don't kill me, let me fly around the world,

I will always obey you! I will give you a great vow: not to fly me to you

to wide Russia, not to take Russian people prisoner. Only you have mercy on me

Dobrynyushka, and don't touch my little snakes.

Dobrynya succumbed to a crafty speech, believed the Serpent Gorynych, let him go,


The Serpent just climbed under the clouds, immediately turned to Kiev, flew to the garden

Prince Vladimir. And at that time in the garden was a young Zabava Putyatishna, prince

Vladimir's niece.

The Serpent saw the princess, was delighted, rushed at her from under the cloud, grabbed

into his copper claws and carried them to the Sorochinskie mountains.

At this time, Dobrynya found a servant, began to put on a traveling dress, - suddenly

the sky darkened, thunder rumbled. Dobrynya raised his head and saw: the Serpent was flying

Gorynych from Kiev, carries Zzbava Putyatishna in its claws!

Then Dobrynya became sad - he became sad, he became twisted, he came home

unhappy, sat down on the bench, did not say a word. His mother began to ask:

Why are you, Dobrynyushka, sitting sadly? What are you talking about, my light. are you sad?

I don’t twist about anything, I don’t grieve about anything, but I sit at home


I will go to Kiev to see Prince Vladimir, he is having a merry feast today.

Do not go, Dobrynyushka, to the prince, my heart senses unkindness. We are at home

we will start a feast.

Dobrynya disobeyed mother and went to Kiev to see Prince Vladimir.

Dobrynya arrived in Kiev, went to the prince's room. At the feast tables from

food is bursting, there are barrels of sweet honey, and the guests do not eat, do not pour,

with bowed heads sitting.

The prince walks around the room, does not treat guests. The princess closed with a veil, on

guests are not looking.

Here is Vladimir the Prince and says:

Eh, my beloved guests, a gloomy feast is going on with us! And the princess is bitter, and

I'm not happy. The cursed Serpent Gorynych took away our beloved niece,

young Zabava Putyatishna. Which of you will go to Mount Sorochinskaya, will find

princess, free her?

Where there! Guests are hiding behind each other: big - behind medium, medium

For the smaller ones, and the smaller ones, they closed their mouths.

Suddenly, a young hero Alyosha Popovich leaves the table.

That's what, Prince Red Sun, I was yesterday in an open field, I saw

Buchay-river Dobrynyushka. He fraternized with the Serpent Gorynych, called him brother

the lesser you went to the Snake Dobrynyushka. He is your favorite niece without a fight

he will beg the named brother.

Vladimir the prince got angry:

If so, sit down, Dobrynya, on a horse, ride to Mount Sorochinskaya,

get me my favorite niece. But not. you will get Fun Putyatishny, - I will order

cut off your head!

Dobrynya lowered his head, did not answer a word, got up from behind

table, got on his horse and drove home.

Mother came out to meet him, she saw that there was no face on Dobryna.

What's the matter with you, Dobrynyushka, what's the matter with you, son, what happened at the feast?

Have they offended you, or have you been encircled by a spell, or have you been put in a bad place?

They did not offend me and they did not encircle me, and the place was for me according to rank, according to

Why are you, Dobrynya, hanging your head?

Vladimir-prince ordered me to do a great service: to go to the mountain

Sorochinskaya, find and get Zabava Putyatishna. A Fun Putyatishnu Snake

Gorynych carried it away.

Mamelfa Timofeevna was horrified, but she did not cry and grieve, but

began to ponder the case.

Go to bed, Dobrynyushka, sleep quickly, gain strength. Morning evening

tricky, tomorrow we will keep the advice.

Dobrynya went to bed. Sleeps, snores, that the stream is noisy. A. Mamelfa Timofeevna

does not go to bed, sits on the bench and weaves all night from seven silks

a seven-tailed lash.

In the morning, the light woke up the mother of Dobrynya Nikitich:

Get up, sonny, get dressed, get dressed, go to the old stable. In third

the stall door does not open, the oak door was beyond our strength.

Push hard, Dobrynyushka, open the door, there you will see your grandfather's horse Burushka.

Burka has been standing in the stall for fifteen years, not well-groomed. You clean it up

feed, drink, bring to the porch.

Dobrynya went to the stable, tore the door off its hinges, brought Burushka to the white

light, cleaned, redeemed, led to the porch. Burushka began to sit.

I put a sweat-cloth on it, on top of the sweat-sweat - felt, then a saddle

Cherkasy, embroidered with valuable cracks, adorned with gold, tightened

twelve girths, bridled with a golden bridle. Mamelfa Timofeevna came out,

handed him a seven-tailed whip:

When you arrive, Dobrynya, on Mount Sorochinskaya, the Snake Goryny-cha is not at home

will happen. Ride the den with a horse and start trampling on the little snakes. There will be

wrap the snakes around Burke's legs, and you whip Burka with a whip between the ears. Will become

The burka would jump up, shake off the feet of the little snakes, and stomp everyone to the last.

A twig broke off from an apple tree, an apple rolled away from an apple tree, my son was leaving

from my dear mother to a difficult, bloody battle.

Day after day, like rain is raining, and week after week like a river

Dobrynya rides in the red sun, Dobrynya rides in a bright month,

went to Mount Sorochinskaya.

And on the mountain near the snake's den, snakelings are teeming with. They became Burushka

wrap their legs around, began to grind their hooves. Burushka cannot ride, on

knees falls.

I remembered here Dobrynya's mother's order, snatched out a whip of seven silks,

Beat Burushka between the ears, sentence:

Jump, Burushka, jump, shake off the snake's feet.

Strength came from the whip at Burushka, he began to jump high, a mile away

he threw the pebbles away, began to shake off the feet of the baby snakes. He is their hoof

beats and tears with teeth and trampled on every single one.

Dobrynya got off the horse, took a sharp saber in his right hand, in his left -

heroic club and went to the serpentine caves.

Just a step - the sky darkened, thunder rumbled - the Serpent Gorynych flies,

in claws holds a dead body. Fire cuts out of the mouth, smoke comes out of the ears,

copper claws burn like heat ...

I saw the Serpent Dobrynyushka, threw the dead body to the ground, growled loudly

Oh, you cursed snake! Have I broken our word, have I broken my vow? You

Why did you fly, Serpent, to Kiev, why did you take Zabava Putyatishna away ?! Give it to me

princess without a fight, so I will forgive you.

I will not give up Fun Putiatishna, I will devour her, and I will devour you, and all the Russians

I will take full of people!

Dobrynya got angry and rushed at the Snake.

And then fierce battles went.

The Sorochinsky mountains fell, the oaks with roots turned out, the grass was an arshin

went into the ground ...

They fight for three days and three nights; the Serpent began to overcome Dobrynya,

toss it up, began toss it up ... Dobrynya remembered here about the whip,

grabbed it and let's whip the Snake between the ears. The serpent Gorynych fell to his knees,

and Dobrynya pressed him to the ground with his left hand, and with a whip with his right hand

cools. He beat him, beat him with a silk whip, tamed him like cattle and chopped off

all heads.

Black blood gushed from the Serpent, poured out to the east and west, poured

Dobrynyu to the waist.

Dobrynya has been standing in black blood for three days, his legs are getting cold, the cold is up to

heart gets. The Russian land does not want to take snake blood.

Dobrynya sees that the end has come to him, took out a lash of seven silks,

lash the earth, condemn:

Part yourself, mother of damp earth, and devour the blood of the serpent. Parted

damp earth and devoured the blood of the serpent. Dobrynya Nikitich rested, washed,

I cleaned the hero's armor and went to the serpentine caves. All caves

brass doors shut, iron bolts locked, golden locks

Dobrynya smashed the copper doors, tore off the locks and bolts, went into the first

cave. And there he sees a myriad of people from forty lands, from forty countries,

Hey you, foreign people and foreign warriors! Get out on the free

light, go to your places and remember the Russian hero. Without

him you would have to sit in snake captivity for a century.

They began to go out into the wild, to bow to the land of Dobryna:

We will remember you forever, Russian hero!


Both old people and young people, small children and old grandmothers come out into the world,

Russian people are from foreign countries, but Zabava Putyatishny is not there.

So Dobrynya passed eleven caves, and in the twelfth he found Fun


the princess hangs on a damp wall, chained by the hands with gold chains. Ripped off

chains Dobrynyushka, took the princess off the wall, took her in his arms, into the free light from

I took out the caves.

And she stands on her feet, staggers, closes her eyes from the light, does not go to Dobrynya

Dobrynya laid her down on the green grass, fed her, gave her drink, covered her with a cloak,

he lay down to rest.

So the sun went down towards evening, Dobrynya woke up, saddled Burushka and

woke up the princess. Dobrynya sat on a horse, put Zabava in front of him and set off

started off. And all around the people and the account are not, all Dobryna bow to the belt, for

they are grateful for salvation, they are in a hurry to their lands.

Dobrynya left for the yellow steppe, spurred his horse and drove Zabava Putyatishna

How Ilya from Murom became a hero

In the old days he lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo,

peasant woman Ivan Timofeevich with his wife Efrosinya Yakovlevna.

They had one son, Ilya.

His father and mother loved him, but they just cried, looking at him:

For thirty years Ilya has been lying on the stove, not moving his hand or foot. And growth

the hero Ilya, and is bright in mind, and sharp-sighted with an eye, but his legs do not wear, as if

the logs lie, do not move.

Ilya hears, lying on the stove as his mother cries, his father sighs, Russians

people complain: enemies attack Russia, trample the fields, destroy people,

children are orphans.

The robbers prowl along the paths-roads, they do not give people either a passage or

The Serpent Gorynych flies into Russia, drags the girls into his lair.

Bitterly Ilya, hearing about all this, complains about his fate:

Eh you, my legs are not very close, eh you, my hands are incapable! I would

healthy, would not give native Russia offending enemies and robbers!

And so the days passed, the months rolled ...

Once father and mother went into the forest to grub up stumps, rip out roots,

prepare the field for plowing. And Ilya is lying alone on the stove, looking out the window.

Suddenly he sees three beggar wanderers approaching his hut. They stood at

gate, knocked with an iron ring and say:

Get up, Ilya, open the gate.

Cruel jokes, you strangers, kidding me: I've been on the Sydney oven for thirty years

I'm sitting, I can't get up.

Stand up, Ilyushenka.

Ilya rushed - and jumped off the stove, stands on the floor and himself to his happiness

does not believe.

Come on, take a walk, Ilya.

Ilya took one step, took another step - his legs are holding tight, his legs are easy

Ilya was delighted, for joy he cannot say a word. And the kaliki pedestrian

they say to him:

Bring me, Ilyusha, cold water. Ilya brought a bucket of cold water.

The stranger poured water into a ladle.

Have a drink, Ilya. This ladle contains the water of all rivers, all lakes of Mother Russia.

Ilya drank and sensed a heroic strength in himself. And the Kaliki ask him:

Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

Many, strangers. If only I had a shovel, I would have plowed the whole earth.

Have a drink, Ilya, the rest. In that remnant of all the earth there is dew, from the green

meadows, from high forests, from grain-growing fields. Drink. Ilya drank the rest.

And now you have a lot of strength in you?

Oh, kaliki pedestrian, there is so much strength in me that, if it were in heaven,

ring, I would have grabbed it and turned the whole earth.

Too much strength in you, you need to diminish, otherwise the earth will carry you

will not. Get some more water.

Ilya went on the water, but the earth really does not carry him: his foot is in the earth, which is

swamp, gets stuck, grabbed an oak tree - an oak with roots, a chain from a well,

like a thread, it was torn to pieces.

Already Ilya steps quietly, and under him the floorboards break. Ilya

speaks in a whisper, and the doors are torn off their hinges.

Ilya brought water, the pilgrims poured another ladle.

Drink, Ilya!

Ilya drank well water.

How much strength are you in now?

I have half the strength in me.

Well, it will be with you, well done. You will be, Ilya, a great hero,

fight, fight with the enemies of the native land, with robbers and monsters.

Protect widows, orphans, little children. Never only, Ilya, with Svyatogor

argue, through force the earth carries him. Do not quarrel with Mikula Selyaninovich,

his mother loves cheese earth. Do not go to Volga Vseslavievich yet, he is not

he will take it by force, so by cunning-wisdom. And now, goodbye, Ilya.

Ilya bowed to the pedestrians, and they left for the outskirts.

And Ilya took an ax and went to reap to his father and mother. Sees - small

the place has been cleared of the singing root, and the father and mother, from hard work

worn out, honey agarics have a sound sleep: people are old, and work is hard.

Ilya began to clear the forest - only the chips flew. Old oaks from one

felled, young with a root from the ground tears.

I cleared as many fields in three hours as the whole village in three days did not

He destroyed a great field, lowered the trees into a deep river, stuck

an ax into an oak stump, grabbed a shovel and a rake and dug up and leveled the field

wide - just know to sow grain!

Father and mother woke up, were surprised, delighted, with a kind word

recalled the old wanderers.

And Ilya went to look for a horse.

He went out of the outskirts and saw - a peasant was leading a red foal,

shaggy, mangy. The whole price of a foal is a penny, and a man is exorbitant for him

requires money:

fifty rubles and a half.

Ilya bought a foal, brought it home, put it in the stable, white-haired

fattened with wheat, soldered with spring water, cleaned, groomed, fresh

put straws.

Three months later, Ilya Burushka began to lead out to the meadows at dawn.

The foal was lying on the dawn dew, became a heroic horse.

Ilya brought him to a high tynu. The horse began to play, dance,

turn your head, shake your mane. Became through the tyn back and forth


He jumped ten times and didn't touch his hoof! Ilya put his hand on Burushka

heroic, - the horse did not stagger, did not move.

A good horse, - says Ilya. - He will be my faithful companion.

Ilya began to look for a sword in his hand. As he clenches the handle of the sword in his fist,

the handle crumbles, crumbles. Ilya has no sword on his hand. Ilya threw swords

women to pinch a splinter. He went to the forge himself, forged three arrows for himself, each

an arrow weighing a whole pood. Made myself a tight bow, took a long-term spear

and even a damask club.

Ilya dressed up and went to his father and mother:

Let me go, father and mother, and the capital Kiev-city to the prince


I will serve Russia - kindred; "" faithfully, to protect the Russian land from

enemy enemies.

Old Ivan Timofeevich says:

I bless you for good deeds, and for my bad deeds

there is no blessing.

Defend our Russian land, not for gold, not out of self-interest, but for honor,

for the heroic Slavushka. In vain do not pour human blood, do not cry mothers, yeah

do not forget that you are a black, peasant family.

Ilya bowed to his father and mother to the damp earth. And went to saddle

Burushka-Kosmatushka. I put the felt on the horse, and the sweaters on the felt, and

then a Cherkassk saddle with twelve silk girths, and with a thirteenth

Iron not for beauty, but for fortress.

Ilya wanted to try his strength.

He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder on a high mountain on the bank

was, and dumped her into the Oka River. The mountain filled up the channel, the river flowed in a new way.

Ilya took a rye crust bread, dipped it into the Oka River, the Oka River himself


And thank you, mother Oka-river, for giving water, for feeding Ilya of Muromets.

At parting, he took a small handful of his own land with him, sat on a horse,

waved his whip ...

People saw how Ilya jumped on his horse, but did not see where he galloped.

Only dust rose in a column across the field.

The first fight of Ilya Muromets

As Ilya grabbed the horse with a whip, Burushka-Kosmatushka soared, slipped

one and a half versts. Where the horses' hooves hit, a spring of living water gushed there. Have

Ilyusha cut a raw oak key, put a blockhouse over the key, wrote on the blockhouse

such words:

"A Russian hero, a peasant son Ilya Ivanovich rode here." Until now

still a living fontanel is pouring there, an oak log house still stands, and at night to

a beast-bear walks the cold spring to drink water and gain strength

heroic. And Ilya went to Kiev.

He was driving by a straight road past the city of Chernigov. How did he get to

Chernigov, heard the noise and din under the walls: thousands of Tatars surrounded the city. From

dust, from a pair of horses over the earth there is a haze, you can not see the red in the sky

sun. Do not slip between the Tatars to the gray hare, do not fly over the army

clear falcon. And in Chernigov, weeping and groaning, funeral bells are ringing.

Chernihiv residents locked themselves in a stone cathedral, crying, praying, waiting for death:

three tsarevichs approached Chernigov, with each force forty thousand.

Ilya's heart flared up. He laid siege to Burushka, tore the green from the ground

an oak with stones and roots, grabbed the top and rushed to the Tatars.

He began to wave the oak, began to trample the enemies with his horse. Where it wavers - there

there will be a street, brush it off - a lane. Ilya rode up to three princes,

grabbed them by the yellow curls and said to them these words:

Oh you, Tatars, princes! I take you prisoners, brothers, or violent

Take your heads off? To take you prisoner - so I have nowhere to put you, I am in

on the road, I'm not sitting at home, I have a few bread in toroks, for myself, not for

freeloaders. To take your heads off is little honor to the hero Ilya Muromets.

Disperse to your places, to your hordes and spread the message,

that native Russia is not empty, there are powerful heroes in Russia, even if

this is what the enemies will think.

Then Ilya went to Chernigov-grad, he enters the stone cathedral, and there

people cry, say goodbye to white light.

Hello, peasants of Chernigov, what are you peasants crying,

hugging, saying goodbye to white light?

How not to cry: three tsarevichs surrounded Chernigov, with each force

forty thousand, so death is coming to us.

You go to the fortress wall, look into the open field, at the enemy

Chernihivtsy walked to the fortress wall, looked into an open field, - and there

enemies were beaten and knocked down, as if the cornfield had been cut by a hail. Ilya is beaten with the forehead

residents of Chernigov, they bring him bread and salt, silver, gold, expensive fabrics, stones

Good fellow, Russian hero, what kind of tribe are you? What

father, what mother? What's your name? You come to us in Chernigov

voivode, we will all obey you, salute you, you

feed and drink, you will live in wealth and honor. Ilya shook his head

Good peasants of Chernigov, I'm from under the city from near Murom, from the village

Karacharova, a simple Russian hero, a peasant's son. I didn't save you from

self-interest, and I do not need either silver or gold. I saved the Russian people

red girls, little kids, old mothers. I will not go to you as a voivode

to live in wealth. My wealth is a heroic strength, my business is Russia

serve, defend from enemies.

They began to ask Ilya of Chernigov to spend at least a day with them, to feast on

a merry feast, and Ilya refuses this either:

I have no time, people are kind. In Russia, there is a groan from the enemies, I need

rather to get to the prince, to get down to business. Give me bread on my way

yes spring water and show the road straight to Kiev.

Chernihiv people thought, grieved:

Eh, Ilya Muromets, the straight road to Kiev is overgrown with grass, thirty years

no one drove on it ...

What's happened?

The nightingale the robber, the son of Rakhmanovich, sang there by the river Currant. He

sits on three oaks, on nine boughs. How he will whistle like a nightingale,

growls like an animal - all the forests bow to the ground, flowers crumble, grasses

dry, and people and horses fall dead. Ride you, Ilya, dear

roundabout. True, right to Kiev three hundred miles, and the roundabout road - a whole

Ilya Muromets was silent, and then shook his head:

Not honor, not praise to me, good fellow, to go by the devious road, to allow

Nightingale the robber to prevent people from keeping the path to Kiev. I'll go dear

straight, unused!

Ilya jumped on his horse, whipped Burushka with a whip, and he was like that, only

Chernihiv people saw him!

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber

Ilya Muromets is galloping at full speed. Burushka-Kosmatushka from the mountain to

leaps over the mountain, over the rivers-lakes, over the hills.

swamps are spreading out, the horse is drowning in water up to its belly.

Ilya jumped off the horse. He supports Burushka with his left hand, and

hand tearing oak trees with roots, laying oak floorings across the swamp. Thirty

Ilya gati laid a few miles, - good people still travel along it.

So Ilya reached the Smorodina river.

The river flows wide, stormy, rolls from stone to stone.

Burushka burst out, soared above the dark forest and jumped in one leap

The Nightingale the Robber sits across the river on three oaks, on nine boughs. Past

those oak trees neither a falcon will fly by, nor an animal will run, nor a reptile will not crawl.

Everyone is afraid of the Nightingale the Robber, no one wants to die. Heard the Nightingale

horse gallop, stood up on oaks, shouted scary voice:

What kind of ignoramus is passing by here, past my reserved oak trees? Do not sleep

gives Nightingale the Robber!

How will he whistle like a nightingale, growl like an animal, hiss

like a snake, so the whole earth trembled, century-old oaks swayed, flowers

crumbled, the grass fell. Burushka-Kosmatushka fell to his knees.

And Ilya sits in the saddle, does not move, the blond curls on his head do not tremble.

He took a Silk whip, hit the horse on the steep sides:

You are a bag of grass, not a heroic horse! Didn't you hear the squeak

bird, viper thorn ?! Get on your feet, give me a ride closer to

Nightingale's nest, or else I'll throw you to the wolves to be devoured!

Then Burushka jumped to his feet and galloped to the Nightingale's Nest. Surprised

Nightingale the robber, leaned out of the nest. And Ilya, without hesitation,

drew a tight bow, shot a red-hot arrow, a small arrow, weighing a whole

pood. The bowstring howled, the arrow flew, hit the Nightingale in right eye,

flew out through the left ear. The Nightingale rolled out of the nest, like an oatmeal

sheaf. Ilya picked him up in his arms, tied him tightly with rawhide straps,

tied to the left stirrup.

Nightingale looks at Ilya, afraid to utter a word.

Why are you looking at me, a robber, or have you never seen Russian heroes?

Oh, I fell into strong hands, apparently, I will never be on the loose again.

Nightingale the robber.

He has a yard seven miles away, on seven pillars, he has an iron

tyn, on each stamen on a top of the head of the killed hero. And in the yard

the chambers are white-stone, gilded porches are burning like heat.

The daughter of Nightingale saw the heroic horse, shouted to the whole yard:

Rides, rides our father Solovey Rakhmanovich, lucky at the stirrup

redneck peasant!

The wife of the Nightingale the Robber looked out the window, clasped her hands:

What are you saying, foolish! It rides a redneck man and at the stirrup

Lucky for your father - Nightingale Rakhmanovich!

The eldest daughter of the Nightingale, Pelka, ran out into the yard, grabbed the board

iron weighing ninety pounds and threw it at Ilya Muromets. But Ilya

dexterous and evasive, he waved the board with a heroic hand, the board flew

back, got to Pelka, killed her to death.

The wife of the Nightingale Ilya threw herself at the feet:

You take from us, hero, silver, gold, priceless pearls,

how much your heroic horse can take away, release only our father,

Nightingale Rakhmanovich!

Ilya says to her in response:

I do not need unrighteous gifts. They are mined by children's tears, they

watered with Russian blood, amassed by the poverty of the peasant! Like a robber in the hands -

he is always your friend, and if you let go, you will cry with him again. I will take

Nightingale in Kiev-grad, there I will drink on kvass, an opening for rolls!

Ilya turned his horse and galloped to Kiev. The Nightingale is silent, does not move.

Ilya is traveling across Kiev, driving up to the princely chambers. He tied his horse to

the chiseled post, left Nightingale the robber with the horse, and he went to

bright room.

There, Prince Vladimir has a feast, Russian heroes are sitting at the tables.

Ilya entered, bowed, stood at the threshold:

Hello, Prince Vladimir with Princess Apraxia, do you accept

visiting fellow?

Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko asks him:

Where are you from, good fellow, what is your name? What kind-tribe?

My name is Ilya. I am from under Murom. Peasant son from the village

Karacharova. I rode from Chernigov by a straight-line road. Then he will jump up from behind

table Alyosha Popovich:

Prince Vladimir, our affectionate sun, in the eyes of a man above you

scoffs, lies. You can not go by road straight from Chernigov. There already

Thirty years the Nightingale the Robber has been sitting, not letting in either the horse or the foot.

Drive, prince, the impudent redneck from the palace down with!

Ilya did not look at Alyoshka Popovich, bowed to Prince Vladimir:

I brought you, prince. Nightingale the robber, he is in your yard, at the horse

my is tied. Would you like to look at him?

The prince and the princess and all the heroes galloped up from their places, hurried for

Ilya to the princely court. We ran up to Burushka-Kosmatushka.

And the robber hangs by the stirrup, hangs like a grass sack, hand and foot

tied with belts. With his left eye, he looks at Kiev and at Prince Vladimir.

Prince Vladimir says to him:

Well, whistle like a nightingale, growl like an animal. Doesn't look at him

Nightingale the robber, does not listen:

You didn’t take me in battle, you don’t order me. Asks then

Vladimir-prince Ilya Muromets:

Order him, Ilya Ivanovich.

Well, only you at me, prince do not be angry, but I will close you with

the princess with the skirts of my peasant caftan, otherwise, no matter how bad it was! A

you. Nightingale Rakhmanovich, do as you are ordered!

I can’t whistle, my mouth is hot.

Give the Nightingale a bucket and a half sweet wine and another beer

bitter, and the third hop honey, give a bite to the crumb

then he will whistle, amuse us ...

They gave the Nightingale a drink, fed him; the Nightingale prepared to whistle.

Look. Nightingale, - says Ilya, - don't you dare whistle at full

The Nightingale did not listen to the order of Ilya Muromets, he wanted to destroy Kiev-city,

wanted to kill the prince and the princess, all the Russian heroes. He whistled in

all the nightingale whistle, roared as best he could, hissed like a snake thorn.

What happened here!

The domes on the towers were twisted, the porches fell off the walls, the glass in

the rooms burst, the horses scattered from the stables, all the heroes to the ground

fell, on all fours crawled around the yard. Prince Vladimir himself is barely alive

standing, staggering, hiding under Ilya's caftan.

Ilya got angry with the robber:

I told you to amuse the prince and the princess, and you have done so many misfortunes! Well,

now I will pay for everything with you! Full of tears for your mothers and fathers,

full of widowing young people, orphaning children, full of robbery!

Ilya took a sharp saber, chopped off the Nightingale's head. Here is the end of the Nightingale

Thank you, Ilya Muromets, - says Vladimir-Prince. - Stay in my

squad, you will be a senior hero, a leader over other heroes. AND

live with us in Kiev, live a century, from now on until death.

And they went to the feast to feast.

Prince Vladimir seated Ilya beside him, beside himself against the princess.

Alyosha Popovich felt offended; Alyosha grabbed a damask knife from the table and threw

him to Ilya Muromets. On the fly, Ilya caught a sharp knife and stuck it into an oak

table. He did not even look at Alyosha.

A polite Dobrynyushka approached Ilya:

Glorious hero, Ilya Ivanovich, you will be the eldest in our squad.

Take me and Alyosha Popovich as your comrades. Will you be our senior, and

me and Alyosha for the little ones.

Then Alyosha flared up, jumped to his feet:

Are you in your mind, Dobrynyushka? You yourself are from the boyar family, I am from the old family

priest's, and no one knows him, does not know, brought him heaven knows

otkudova, but weird in Kiev, bragging.

The glorious hero Samson Samoilovich was here. He went up to Ilya and said

You, Ilya Ivanovich, do not be angry with Alyosha, he is a priest's kind

boastful, scolds best, brags better. Here Alyosha shouts


But what is this being done? Whom did the Russian heroes choose as their elders?

An unwashed forest bumpkin!

Here Samson Samoilovich uttered a word:

You make a lot of noise, Alyoshenka, and you speak stupid speeches, - to the village

Russia feeds on people. And glory goes not according to the clan-tribe, but according to the heroes

deeds and exploits. For deeds and glory to Ilyushenka!

And Alyosha, like a puppy, barks on the tour:

How much fame he will get, drinking honey at merry feasts!

Ilya could not stand it, jumped to his feet:

The priest’s son said the right word - no good for a hero at a feast

sit, grow belly. Let me go, prince, to look into the wide steppes, do not

Is the enemy prowling through his native Russia, whether the robbers have lain down where.

And Ilya left the grid.

Ilya relieves Constantinople from the Idol

Ilya rides across an open field, grieving about Svyatogor. Suddenly he sees - walks along

steppe kalika perekhodnye, old man Ivanchishche. - Hello, old lady

Ivanchishche, where are you wandering from, where are you going?

Hello, Ilyushenka, I am walking, I am delirious from Constantinople. yes, I'm not happy

I was staying there, I'm not happy and I'm going home.

And what is not good there in Constantinople?

Oh, Ilyushenka; everything in Constantinople is not the same, not in an amicable way: and people

cry, and do not give alms. The giant settled in the palace of the prince of Tsargrad

Terrible Idolische, he took possession of the entire palace - he does what he wants.

Why didn’t you treat him with a stick?

What am I going to do with him? He is more than two fathoms tall, he himself is fat, as

a hundred-year-old oak tree with a nose like an elbow sticking out. I was scared Idols


Eh, Ivanchishche, Ivanchishche! You have twice the strength against me. but courage and

half no. Take off your dress, take off your sandals, come on

my downy hat and my hunchbacked hook: I will dress myself with a calico,

so that the filthy idol will not recognize me. Ilya Muromets.

Ivanchishche thought about it, became sad:

I wouldn't give my dress to anyone, Ilyushenka. Woven into mine

bast shoes, two expensive stones each. They make my way to the autumn night

illuminate. But I won't give it up myself - you will take it by force?

I'll take it, and I'll fill it with my sides.

He took off the old man's clothes, took off his little shoes, gave Ilya and his hat

downy, and a road hook. Ilya Muromets dressed himself with a calico and says:

Put on my heroic dress, sit on Burushka-Cosma-carcass and

wait for me by the river Currant.

Ilya put Kalina on a horse and tied it to the saddle with twelve


Otherwise, my Burushka will shake you off at once, '' he said to Kalina to the pedestrian.

And Ilya went to Constantinople Every step - Ilya measured out a mile,

soon, hastily came to Constantinople, approached the prince's tower. Mother Earth

he trembles under Elijah, and the servants of the evil Idol laugh at him; - Oh you,

Kalika is a Russian beggar! What an ignoramus came to Constantinople Our Idolische of two

fathoms, and even then it will pass quietly along the little bitter, and you knock, warp, stomp.

Ilya did not say anything to them, went up to the mansion and sang in a Calich way:

Give alms to the poor Kalika, prince!

drinks splashed on the tables, the prince of Tsargrad hears that this is a voice

Ilya Muromets, - he was delighted, does not look at Idolishche, looks out the window.

And the giant-idol of the fist knocks on the table:

let it go! Why aren't you listening to me? If I get angry, I'll tear my head off.

And Ilya does not wait for the call, he goes straight to the tower. Ascended the porch - porch

loosened, walking on the floor - the floorboards are bent. He entered the tower, bowed

Prince of Constantinople, but he did not bow to the filthy idol. Sits Idolische behind

table, hammer, stuffs it into his mouth on the rug, drinks a bucket of honey right away,

Prince of Constantinople throws scraps of scraps under the table, and he bends his back,

is silent, shedding tears.

I saw Ilya's Idol, shouted, got angry; - Where are you from

brave took on? Didn't you hear that I didn’t tell the Russian Kaliks

give alms?

I have not heard anything, I did not come to you Idolische, but to the owner - the prince


How dare you talk to me like that?

Idolische snatched a sharp knife, threw it at Ilya Muromets. And Ilya is not a miss

was - waved the knife with a Greek hat. A knife flew into the door, knocked down the door with

hinges, the door to the courtyard flew out and twelve servants of the Idol were killed to death.

Idolische trembled, and Ilya said to him:

Father always punished me: pay your debts as soon as possible, then they will give you more!

He let him into the Idols with a Greek hat, hit the Idol against the wall, the wall

broke his head, and Ilya ran up and began to haunt him with a stick,


Do not go to other people's houses, do not offend people, will there be elders for you too?

And Ilya Idolische killed, cut off his head with the sword of Svyatogorov and his servants

I drove out of the kingdom.

The people of Constantinople bowed low to Ilya:

Than to thank you, Ilya Muromets, Russian hero who delivered us

from the great captivity? Stay with us in Constantinople to live.

No, friends, I've hesitated anyway; maybe in my native Russia my strength

The people of Tsargrad gave him silver, gold, and pearls, Ilya took

just a small handful.

This - he says - is earned by me, and the other - give to the poor brethren.

Ilya said goodbye and left Constantinople home to Russia. Near the river

Ilya Ivanchishcha saw the currant. Burushka-Kosmatushka wears it, oh oaks

hits, rubs against stones. All the clothes on Ivanchishche hang in tufts, the viburnum is barely alive in

sits in the saddle - well tied with twelve girths.

Ilya untied him, gave him a Kalichye dress. Ivanchishche groans, groans, and

Ilya says to him:

Forward science to you, Ivanchishche: your strength is twice against mine, and

the courage is not half-hearted. It is not suitable for a Russian hero to flee from adversity,

Leaving friends in trouble!

Ilya sat down on Burushka and went to Kiev.

And glory runs ahead of him. As Ilya drove up to the prince's court,

the prince and the princess met him, the boyars and warriors met him, received

Ilya with honor, with affection.

Alyosha Popovich approached him:

Glory to you, Ilya Muromets. Forgive me, forget my stupid words, you

take me to you for the youngest. Ilya Muromets hugged him:

Whoever remembers the old will be out of sight. We will be together with you and

Dobryney stand at the outpost, protect native Russia from enemies! And went with them

feast by the mountain. At that feast, Ilya was glorified: honor and glory to Ilya Muromets!

At the bogatyrskaya outpost

Under the city of Kiev, in the wide Tsitsar steppe, there was a heroic

Ataman at the outpost, old Ilya Muromets, taxoner Dobrynya Nikitich,

esaulom Alyosha Popovich. And their vigilantes are brave: Grishka is a boyar son,

Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.

For three years, the heroes have been standing at the outpost, they do not let anyone on foot or

And the beast will not slip past them, and the bird will not fly by. Once ran

past the outpost of an ermine, and he left his fur coat. Falcon flew by, feather

Once in a bad hour, the heroes-guards scattered: Alyosha to Kiev

rode away, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white

Dobrynya was going from hunting and suddenly saw: in the field, behind the outpost, closer to

Kiev, a trace of a horse's hoof, but not a small trace, but half-fired. Became

Dobrynya trace to consider:

This is the trail of a heroic horse. A heroic horse, but not a Russian one:

a mighty hero from the Kazar land drove past our outpost - in their language

the hooves are shod.

Dobrynya galloped to the outpost, gathered his comrades:

What have we done? What is our outpost, since I passed by

someone else's hero? How did we, brothers, not see it? We must now go to

chase after him, so that he does not do anything in Russia. The heroes became

judge, judge, who should go after the other's hero. Thought to send Vaska

Dolgopoly, and Ilya Muromets doesn't tell Vaska to send:

Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, braids, in battle

braided and perished in vain.

They thought to send Grishka boyarsky. Ataman Ilya Muromets says:

It’s not okay, guys, they’ve decided. Grishka of the boyar clan, boyar clan

boastful. He will brag in battle and die in vain.

Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won't let him:

No offense, be told to him, Alyosha to the priest's family, priest's eyes

envious, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver on a stranger, yes

gold, envy and die in vain. And we will send, brothers, better to Dobrynya


So they decided - to go Dobrynyushka, beat the alien, cut off his head and

bring to the outpost valiant.

Dobrynya did not shirk from work, sat the horse, took the club, girded

with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, rode up Mount Sorochinskaya. Looked

Dobrynya in a silver tube - he sees: in the field something turns black. Galloped

Dobrynya directly at the hero, shouted to him in a loud voice:

Why are you passing our outpost?

Are you not putting duties into the treasury to the Esaulu Alyosha ?!

The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, galloped towards him. From his dap

the earth shook, from rivers, lakes water splashed out, the horse Dobrynin on

knees fell.

Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost.

He arrives neither alive nor dead, he tells everything to his comrades.

Apparently I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even

Dobrynya failed, - says Ilya Muromets.

He dressed up, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya.

Ilya looked from a brave fist and saw: the hero was driving around,

amused. He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, on the fly

catches the club with one hand, twirls it like a feather.

Ilya was surprised and thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka:

Oh you, my shaggy Burushka, serve me faithfully, so that

did not cut off someone else's head.

Burushka burst out laughing and galloped at the braggart. Ilya drove up and shouted:

Hey you, thief, impudent! Why are you bragging? Why did you pass the outpost,

I didn’t pay the esaulu to our duty, I, the chieftain, didn’t beat me with my forehead ?!

The braggart heard him, turned his horse, galloped on Ilya Mu-romts. Land

under him shuddered, rivers, lakes splashed out.

Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya is not in the saddle


The heroes came together, struck with their clubs, - the arms of the clubs fell off, and

the heroes did not injure each other. Sabers hit, - sabers broke

damask, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears, - they broke the spears along

Know, we really need to fight hand-to-hand!

They got off their horses, grabbed chest and chest. Beat all day until

evenings, beat from evening to midnight, beat from midnight to clear dawn, - neither

one does not win.

Ilya suddenly waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on

damp earth. The cheater jumped in, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife,


You old old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have heroes for

Rus? It's time for you to rest. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect

alms, so he would live and live until his death.

So the braggart scoffs, and Ilya is gaining strength from the Russian land.

Ilya's strength has arrived twice, - he will "jump up, as he throws up a braggart!"

He flew above the "standing forest, above the walking cloud, fell and went into the ground

Ilya says to him:

Well, you are a glorious hero! I'll let you go on all four sides, only

you, s.Rusi, go away, but another time don't pass the outpost, hit the ataman with your forehead,

pay the fees. Do not wander around Russia as a boastful.

And Ilya did not cut his head off.

Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.

Well, he says, my dear brothers, for thirty years I have been driving across the field, with

I fight with heroes, I try strength, but I have never seen such a hero!

Three trips of Ilya Muromets

Ilya rode across an open field, defended Russia from enemies from a young age to

old age.

The good old horse was good, his Burushka-Kosmatushka. Tail off

Burushki three saplings, mane up to the knees, and wool three spans. He is not ford

he searched, did not wait for the ferry, he jumped the river at a gallop. He is old

He saved Ilya Muromets hundreds of times from death.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that turns white, Ilya is riding

Muromets across the Russian steppe. His head turned white, his curly

beard, his clear gaze clouded over:

Oh you old age, you old age! You found Ilya in an open field,

flew into a black raven! Oh you, youth, youthful youth! Flew away

you are from me a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, a stone lies at the crossroads, and on that

the stone is written: "Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left

if he goes, he will become rich, and if he goes straight, he will be married. "

Ilya Muromets wondered:

What is the use of wealth to me, the old one? I have neither a wife nor children,

no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go where

to be married? Why should I, old man, marry? I can't take the young one

good, but take the old woman, so lay on the stove and sip jelly. This

old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I'll go along the path where the murdered man will be.

I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the murdered man should be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, forty robbers attacked him. Want

to pull him off his horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya's head

shakes, says:

Hey you robber, you have nothing to kill and rob from me

All I have is a marten fur coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable hat in

three hundred, and a bridle of five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassian saddle of two thousand.

Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes between the ears

Burushka has a gemstone. On autumn nights he burns like the sun, for three

versts from him it is light. And, perhaps, there is Burushka's horse - so he

there is no price in the whole world.

Because of such a small amount, is it worth chopping off the old head ?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

He's the one who makes fun of us! Oh, you old devil, gray-haired wolf! Very

you talk a lot! Hey guys, chop off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed a hat from a gray head, and

began to wave his hat: wherever he waved, there would be a street, he would brush it off -


In one stroke, ten robbers lie, for the second, and twenty in the world

The chieftain of the robbers pleaded:

Don't beat us all, old hero! You take from us gold, silver,

colored dress, herds of horses, just leave us alive! Ilya smiled

If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars.

If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took

good horses, great herds would have chased me.

The robbers say to him:

One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Russia Ilya

You go to us, hero, comrades, you will be our chieftain!

Oh, brothers-robbers, I will not go to your comrades, and you

go to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will

stand by the roads, shedding innocent blood.

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away.

He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went

into the right lane, was not killed! "

Well, I'll go now, where to be married!

As soon as Ilya drove three versts, he drove into a forest clearing. There are a tower

golden-domed, the silver gates are wide open, roosters sing on the gates.

Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve ran out to meet him.

girls, among them a royal beauty.

Welcome, Russian hero, come to my high tower, have a drink

sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swans!

The royal took him by the hand, led him into the tower, and sat him at an oak table.

They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans,

large loafs ... I got drunk and fed the hero, began to persuade him:

You are tired from the road, tired, lie down and rest on a board bed, on

feather bed.

The princess took Ilya to the sleeping chamber, and Ilya goes and thinks:

"It is not for nothing that she is affectionate to me: what is more royal than a simple Cossack, an old

It can be seen that she has something conceived. "

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled gilded bed against the wall, with flowers

painted, guessed that the bed was cunning.

Ilya grabbed the prince's daughter and threw her on the bed against the wall.

The bed turned, and a stone cellar opened, and


Ilya got angry:

Hey you, nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, or I'll cut it down

head to you!

Oh, unknowable grandfather, we have never seen the keys,

we will show you the cellars.

They led Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the door of the cellar; they

they were covered with sands, thick oak trees were heaped up. Ilya sands with his hands

dug up, pushed the oaks underfoot, opened the cellar doors. And there are forty

kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That is why the princess called the golden-domed to her chambers!

Ilya says to kings and heroes:

You go, kings, in your lands, and you, heroes, in your places and

remember Ilya Muromets. If it weren't for me, you would lay down your heads in deep

Ilya pulled the prince by the braids into the white light and cut down her crafty one

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote

new: "I went straight, never married."

Well, now I'll go to the path where the rich will be.

As soon as he drove off three miles, he saw a large stone three hundred poods. A

on that stone it is written: "Whoever can roll a stone, that rich

be. "- Ilya forced himself, rested his feet, left knee-deep in the ground,

with a mighty shoulder - rolled a stone from its place.

A deep cellar was opened under the stone - countless riches: both silver and

gold, and large pearls, and yachts!

Ilya Burushka loaded up an expensive treasury and took her to Kiev-grad. There

built three stone churches, so that there was where to escape from enemies, from fire

sit out.

The rest of the silver-gold, he distributed pearls to widows, orphans, did not leave

not half a penny to myself.

Then he sat down on Burushka, drove to the white stone, erased the old inscription,

wrote a new inscription: "I went to the left - I have never been rich."

Here Ilya's glory and honor went forever, and our story came to the end.

How Ilya fell out with Prince Vladimir

Ilya traveled in an open field for a long time, grew old, overgrown with a beard.

The colored dress on him was worn out, he had no gold treasury,

Ilya wanted to rest, to live in Kiev.

I have visited all Lithuania, I have visited all the Hordes, I have not been to

one Kiev. I'll go to Kiev and see how people live in the capital

Ilya galloped to Kiev, drove into the prince's court. Prince Vladimir has

cheerful feast. Boyars are sitting at the table, guests are rich, powerful Russians


Ilya entered the princely gridnya, stood at the door, bowed like a scientist,

especially to Prince Sunny and the princess.

Hello, Vladimir Stolno-Kievsky! Do you drink, do you feed the visiting


Where are you from, old man, what is your name?

I am Nikita Zaoleshanin.

Well, sit down, Nikita, eat bread with us. There is still a place on the far

at the end of the table, you sit there on the edge of the bench. All other seats are taken. Have

I have eminent guests today, not for you, a peasant, a couple - princes, boyars,

Russian heroes.

The servants sat Ilya at the thin end of the table. Ilya thundered here for the whole

The hero is not famous for his birth, but for his feat. Not for my business, not for

honor to strength!

You yourself, prince, sit with the ravens, and you sit me down with the stupid ravens.

Ilya wanted to sit down more comfortably, broke the oak benches, bent the piles

iron, pressed all the guests into a large corner ... This is not Prince Vladimir


The prince darkened like an autumn night, shouted, roared like a fierce beast:

Why, Nikita Zaoleshanin, mixed up all the places of honor for me,

bent the iron piles! Between the heroic places I have not been in vain

the piles are strong.

So that the heroes do not push at the feast, they do not start quarrels! What are you here for

put things in order ?! Ay you, Russian heroes, why do you put up with that forest man

called you crows? Take him by the arms, throw him out of the grid onto the street!

Three heroes jumped out here, began to push Ilya, twitch, and he

stands, does not stagger, the cap on the head will not move.

If you want, Prince Vladimir, to have some fun, give me three more


Three more heroes came out, six of them grabbed Ilya, but he did not


Little, prince, give, give three more! Yes, and nine heroes have nothing to do with

Ilya was not done: it stands as old as a hundred-year-old oak, it will not budge.

The hero was inflamed:

Well, now, prince, it's my turn to amuse myself!

He began to push, kick, knock the heroes off their feet. Spread out

heroes in the upper room, none of them can stand on their feet. The prince himself huddled in

baked, covered with a marten fur coat and trembling ...

And Ilya left the grid, slammed the doors - the doors flew out, the gates

slammed - the gate crumbled ...

He went out into the wide courtyard, took out a tight bow and sharp arrows, became arrows


You fly, arrows, to high roofs, knock the golden ones from the towers

Here golden poppies fell from the prince's tower. Ilya shouted in

the whole heroic cry:

Get together, beggars, naked people, pick up golden poppies, carry in

tavern, drink wine, eat rolls to your fill!

The beggars came running, picked up the poppies, began to feast with Ilya, to walk.

And Ilya treats them, says:

Drink, beggar brethren, do not be afraid of Prince Vladimir; maybe tomorrow I'm on my own

I will reign in Kiev, and I will make you assistants! They reported everything to Vladimir:

Nikita knocked down yours, prince, poppies, feeds and feeds the beggar brethren,

boasts to sit down as prince in Kiev. The prince was frightened, thoughtful. Got up here


You are our prince, Vladimir Red Sun! This is not Nikita

Zaoleshanin, this is Ilya Muromets himself, we must return him back, in front of him

to repent, otherwise no matter how bad it was.

They began to think who to send for Ilya.

Send Alyosha Popovich - he will not be able to call Ilya. Send Churil

Plenkovich - he's just smart about dressing up. We decided to send Dobrynya

Nikitich, Ilya Muromets calls him brother.

Dobrynya walks along the street and thinks:

"Terrible in anger Ilya Muromets. Are you not going after your death, Dobrynyushka?"

Dobrynya came, looked at Ilya drinking and walking, began to ponder:

"Go in front, so immediately kill, and then come to his senses. Better I go to him

I'll come up behind. "

Dobrynya came up to Ilya from behind, hugged him by the mighty shoulders:

Oh you, my brother, Ilya Ivanovich! You hold back your mighty hands, you

Strengthen your angry heart, because ambassadors are not beaten, they are not hanged. Sent me

Vladimir the prince to repent before you. He did not recognize you, Ilya Ivanovich,

that's why he put him in a place of no honor. And now he asks you back

come. Will receive you with honor, with glory.

Ilya turned around:

Well, you are happy, Dobrynyushka, that you came in from behind! If you came

in front, only the bones of you would have remained. Now I won't touch you

my brother. If you ask, I will go back to Prince Vladimir, but not

I’ll go alone, and I’ll capture all my guests, even if Prince Vladimir


And Ilya summoned all his comrades, all the poor brethren naked and went with

them to the princely court.

Prince Vladimir met him, took him by the hands, kissed sugar on the mouth:

Goy you, you old Ilya Muromets, you sit higher than everyone else, in the place


Ilya did not sit in the honorable seat, sat down in the middle seat and sat next to

all the poor guests.

If it weren't for Dobrynyushka, I would have killed you today, Prince Vladimir. Well, on

I will forgive your fault this time.

The servants brought a treat to the guests, but not generously, but a glass, a dry


Ilya entered into anger again:

Is that how you treat my guests, prince? Little charms!

Prince Vladimir did not like it:

I have sweet wine in my cellar, there is one for each


If you didn't like this on the table, let them yourself from the cellars

will bring, not great boyars.

Hey, Prince Vladimir, this is how you treat guests, how you honor them, so that

they themselves ran for drinks and food! Apparently, I myself will have to be for

Ilya jumped to his feet, ran to the cellars, took one barrel under one hand,

the other under the other hand, the third barrel rolled with his foot. Rolled out on the princely

Take, guests, wine, I'll bring you some more!

And again Ilya went down into the deep cellars.

Prince Vladimir was angry, shouted in a loud voice:

Goy you, my servants, faithful servants! You run quickly, close the doors

cellars, cover with a cast-iron grate, cover with yellow sand, fill

centenary oak trees.

Let Ilya die there a hungry death!

Servants and attendants came running, locked Ilya, blocked the doors of the cellar,

covered with sand, covered with a lattice, destroyed the faithful, old, mighty

Ilya Muromets! ..

And the beggars' heads were driven from the yard with whips.

The Russian heroes did not like this kind of thing.

They got up from the table without finishing their meal, went out of the prince's mansion,

got on good horses and drove off.

But we will no longer live in Kiev! But let's not serve the prince


So, at that time, Prince Vladimir had no heroes left in Kiev.

Ilya Muromets and Kalin the Tsar

Quiet, boring in the prince's room.

There is no one for the prince to take advice with, no one to feast with, to go hunting ...

Not a single hero visits Kiev.

And Ilya is sitting in a deep cellar. Iron bars are locked with locks,

the lattices were filled up with cakes, rhizomes, and covered with yellow sand for the fortress.

Not even a gray mouse can get to Ilya.

Then death would come to the old one, but the prince had a clever daughter. Knows

she, that Ilya Muromets could defend Kiev-grad from enemies, could stand

for the Russian people, to save both mother and Prince Vladimir from grief.

So she was not afraid of the prince's anger, took the keys from mother, ordered

loyal to her maids to dig secret tunnels to the cellar and began to wear

Ilya Muromets' food and honey are sweet.

Ilya sits in the cellar alive and well, and Vladimir thinks - he has been in the world for a long time

Once the prince sits in the upper room, thinking a bitter thought. Suddenly he hears - by

someone gallops along the road, their hooves beat like thunder. The gate fell

planks, the whole room trembled, the floorboards in the entryway jumped. Fell off

doors with forged hinges, and entered the upper room a Tatar - an ambassador from the king himself

Tatar viburnum.

The messenger himself is as tall as an old oak tree, his head is like a beer cauldron.

The messenger gives a letter to the prince, and in that letter it is written:

"I, Tsar Kalin, ruled the Tatars, the Tatars are not enough for me, I wanted Russia. You

surrender to me, prince of Kiev, otherwise I will burn all of Russia with fire, horses

I will trample, I will harness the peasants' carts, I will chop up children and old people, you, prince,

I'll make the horses guard, the princess - bake cakes in the kitchen. "

Then Prince Vladimir burst into tears, burst into tears, went to Princess Apraksin:

What are we going to do, princess ?! I angered all the heroes, and

now there is no one to protect us. I killed the faithful Ilya of Muromets with a stupid death,

hungry. And now we have to flee from Kiev.

His young daughter says to the prince:

Let's go, father, look at Ilya, maybe he is still alive in the cellar

Oh, you foolish fool! If you take your head off your shoulders, don't you

will it grow?

Can Ilya sit without food for three years? It has long been his bones to dust

crumbled ...

And she keeps repeating one thing:

Send the servants to look at Ilya.

The prince sent to excavate the deep cellars, to open the cast-iron grates.

The servants of the cellar opened, and there Ilya was sitting alive, in front of him a candle was burning.

The servants saw him and rushed to the prince.

The prince and the princess went down to the cellars. Bows to Prince Ilya until raw

Help, Ilyushenka, the Tatar army has surrounded Kiev and its suburbs.

Come out, Ilya, from the cellar, wait for me.

I spent three years in the cellars by your decree, I don't want for you

The princess bowed to him:

Wait for me, Ilya Ivanovich!

I won't go out of the cellar for you.

What to do here? The prince prays, the princess weeps, but Ilya does not look at them

A young prince's daughter came out here, bowed to Ilya Muromets - Not for

prince, not for the princess, not for me, young, but for poor widows, for small

children come out, Ilya Ivanovich, from the cellar, you wait for the Russian people, for

native Russia!

Ilya got up here, straightened his heroic shoulders, left the cellar, sat down on

Burushka-Kosmatushka, galloped to the Tatar camp. Rode-rode, to the Tatar

the troops arrived.

Ilya Muromets looked, shook his head: in an open field, the Tatar troops

apparently invisibly, a gray bird cannot fly around in a day, a fast horse in

do not go around for a week.

Among the Tatar troops there is a golden tent. Sitting in that tent

Kalin is the king. The king himself is like a hundred-year-old oak tree, his legs are maple logs, his hands are

spruce rake, head - like a copper cauldron, one golden mustache, the other


The king saw Ilya Muromets, began to laugh, shake his beard:

A puppy ran into big dogs! Where can you deal with me, I am you

I'll put it on my palm, I'll clap another, only a wet place will remain! Where are you from

so jumped out that you yapped at the Kalina-tsar?

Ilya Muromets says to him:

You, Kalin-tsar, are bragging ahead of time! I'm not great bo.a-tyr,

old Cossack Ilya Muromets, and perhaps I'm not afraid of you either!

Hearing this, Kalin the Tsar jumped to his feet:

The earth is full of rumors about you. If you are that glorious hero Ilya

Muromets, so sit down with me at the oak table, eat my food. sweet drink

my wines are overseas, do not serve only the Russian prince, serve me, the tsar


Ilya Muromets got angry here:

There were no traitors in Russia! I did not come to feast with you, but from Russia

to drive you down!

Again the king began to persuade him:

Glorious Russian hero, Ilya Muromets, I have two daughters, they have

braids are like a crow's wing, their eyes are like slits, the dress is sewn with yacht

yes pearls. I will give any marriage to you, you will be my beloved son-in-law.

Ilya Muromets became even more angry:

Oh, you scarecrow overseas! Frightened by the spirit of the Russian! Come out soon on

mortal battle, I will take out my heroic sword, I will devote myself to your neck.

Here Kalin the Tsar also became furious. Jumped to my maple feet, with a crooked sword

I will chop you, bumpkin, with a sword, with a spear, from your bones

I'll cook a stew!

They had a great battle here. They cut with swords - only sparks from under

swords are splashing. They broke their swords and threw them. They prick with spears - only

the wind is making noise and the thunder is thundering. They broke their spears and threw them. They began to fight

with bare hands.

Kalin-Tsar Ilyushenka beats and oppresses, breaks his white hands, playful legs

bends it. King Ilya threw on the wet sand, sat on his chest, took out

sharp knife.

I will rip open your mighty chest, I will look into your Russian heart.

Ilya Muromets says to him:

In the Russian heart there is direct honor and love for Mother Russia. Kalin the king

threatens with a knife, mocks:

And indeed, you are a small hero, Ilya Muromets, it is true, not enough bread

And I'll eat the roll, and I'm fed up with that. The Tatar king laughed:

And I eat three ovens, and I eat a whole bull in cabbage soup.

Nothing, says Ilyushenka. - My father had a cow -

glutton, she ate and drank a lot, and burst.

Ilya speaks, and he himself is pressed closer to the Russian land. From Russian

power goes to him, rolls along the veins of Ilya, strengthens his hands


Kalin the Tsar swung at him with a knife, and how Ilyushenka moved ...

from him Kalin the king, like a feather.

To me, - Ilya shouts, - from the Russian land three times the strength arrived! Wu Yes, how

he grabbed Kalina the Tsar by the maple legs, began to wave the Tatar around,

beat-crush them the Tatar army. Where it wavers, there will be a street,

shrug it off - a lane!

Ilya hits and crushes, says:

This is for you little kids! This is for you peasant blood! For insults

evil, for empty fields, for dashing robbery, for robberies, for the whole Russian land!

Then the Tatars ran away. They run across the field, shouting in a loud voice:

Ay, if we hadn't seen Russian people, we wouldn't have met more

Russian heroes!

Enough since then to go to Russia!

Ilya threw Kalina the Tsar like a waste rag into a golden tent,

went in, poured a cup of strong wine, not a small cup, into a bucket and a half. He drank

charm for a single spirit.

He drank to Mother Russia, to her wide peasant fields, to her cities

trading, for green forests, blue seas, for swans in the backwaters!

Glory, glory to native Russia! Do not gallop enemies on our land, do not trample

their horses the Russian land, they cannot overshadow our red sun!

About the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna

Once there was a great feast at Prince Vladimir, and everyone at that feast was cheerful,

everyone boasted at that feast, but one guest was not happy, he did not drink honey,

I did not eat fried swan - this is Staver Godinovich, a trade guest from the city


The prince approached him:

Why are you, Staver Godinovich, do not eat, do not drink, you sit unhappy and do nothing

don't you boast? True, you are not famous by birth, and you are not famous for military deeds - why

you and brag.

Right your word, Grand Duke: I have nothing to brag about. Father with mother at

I have been gone for a long time, otherwise I would have praised them ...

I want to; I myself do not know how much I have, I cannot count it to death

It's not worth bragging about your dress: you all go to this feast in my dresses. Have

I have thirty tailors working for me one day and night. I am from morning to

I'll wear a caftan for nights, and then I'll sell it to you.

Boots are also not worth bragging about: every hour I put on new boots, and

I am selling you obrazochki.

All my horses are golden-haired, all sheep with a golden fleece, and even those I will

Should I brag about my young wife Vasilisa Mikulishna, the eldest

daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich. There is no such other person in the world!

Her moon shines under the scythe, her eyebrows are blacker than a sable, her eyes

her a clear falcon!

And there is no person smarter than her in Russia! She will wrap her finger around you all,

You, prince, will drive you crazy.

Hearing such impudent words, everyone at the feast was frightened, fell silent ...

Princess Apraxia was offended and burst into tears. And Prince Vladimir was angry:

Well, my faithful servants, grab Stavr, drag him into the cold

basement, for his offensive speeches, chain him to the wall. Give it to drink

spring water, feed with oat cakes. Let him sit there until

will come to his senses. Let's see how his wife drives us all crazy and Stavr from

captivity will help out!

Well, that's what everyone did: they put Stavr in deep cellars. But to the prince

This is not enough for Vladimir: he ordered to send guards to Chernigov, seal

wealth of Stavr Godinovich, and his wife in chains c. Bring Kiev -

see what this clever girl is!

While the ambassadors were gathering and the horses were saddling, news of everything flew into

Chernigov to Vasilisa Mikulishna.

Bitterly Vasilisa thought:

"How can I help out my dear husband? You cannot redeem him with money, you cannot

take it! Well, I won't take it by force, I'll take it by cunning! "

Vasilisa came out into the hallway, shouted:

Hey you, my faithful maids, saddle me the best horse, bring me

man's Tatar dress, so cut my blond braids! I'll go dear husband


The girls cried bitterly while the fair-haired ones cut Vasilisa's braids. Braids are long

the whole floor was strewn, fell on the braids and a bright month.

Vasilisa put on a man's Tatar dress, took a bow and arrows and

galloped to Kiev. No one will believe that this is a woman - she rides across the field

young hero.

Halfway there, ambassadors from Kiev met her:

Hey, hero, where are you going?

I am going to Prince Vladimir as an ambassador from Grozny Golden Horde receive tribute

in twelve years. Where did you go, fellows?

And we are going to Vasilisa Mikulishna, take her to Kiev, her wealth is

to translate the prince.

You are late, brothers. I sent Vasilisa Mikulishna to the Horde, and the wealth

my warriors took her out.

Well, if so, we have nothing to do in Chernigov. We'll ride back to

Kiev messengers galloped to the prince, told him that the ambassador was going to Kiev

from the formidable Golden Horde.

The prince was grieved: not to collect tribute for him in twelve years, you need an ambassador


They began to set the tables, throw spruce trees into the yard, put them on the road

sentinel people - waiting for a messenger from the Golden Horde.

And the ambassador, before reaching Kiev, pitched a tent in an open field, left there

his soldiers, and he himself went to Prince Vladimir.

A handsome ambassador, and stately, and mighty, and not menacing in face, and a courteous ambassador.

He jumped off the horse, tied it to a gold ring, and went to the upper room.

Bowed on all four sides, the prince and the princess separately. Below all

bowed to Zabava Putyatishna.

The prince says to the ambassador:

Hello, formidable ambassador from the Golden Horde, sit down at the table. have a rest,

eat-drink from the road.

I have no time to sit back: the khan does not favor us ambassadors for this.

Give me a quick tribute for twelve years and give me in marriage

I’ll have fun with Putyatishnu and I’ll ride to the Horde!

Allow me, Ambassador, to consult my niece. Brought Prince Zabava

from the room and asks:

Will you go, niece, for the Horde ambassador? And Fun tells him


What are you, uncle! What are you up to, prince? Do not make laughter all over Russia,

This is not a hero, but a woman.

The prince got angry:

Your hair is long, but your mind is short: this is a formidable ambassador from the Golden Horde,

young hero Vasily.

This is not a hero, but a woman! He walks through the room like a duck swimming,

does not touch with heels; he sits on a bench, presses his knees together. Voice

he has silver, hands and feet are small, fingers are thin, and on the fingers you can see

ring marks.

The prince thought:

I need to test the ambassador!

He called the best Kiev brave fighters - five brothers Pritchenkov yes

two Khapilovs, went to the ambassador and asked:

Would you like, guest, to have fun with the fighters, in a wide courtyard

fight, knead bones from the road?

Why not knead the bones, I love to fight since childhood. All went out on

wide courtyard, the young ambassador entered the circle, seized three

fighters, the other - three fellows, the seventh threw in the middle and how he hit

their foreheads to their foreheads, so all seven lie on the ground and cannot stand up.

Prince Vladimir spat and walked away:

What a stupid Fun, unreasonable! She called such a hero a woman!

We have never seen such ambassadors! And Fun has its own way:

This is a woman, not a hero!

She persuaded Prince Vladimir, he wanted to test the ambassador again.

^ He brought out twelve archers.

Aren't you a hunt, ambassador, to have fun with archers?

From what! I have been shooting bows since childhood!

Twelve archers came out, shot arrows into a tall oak tree. Staggered

oak, as if a whirlwind passed through the forest.

Ambassador Vasily took the bow, pulled the bowstring, - the silk bowstring sang, howled

and a red-hot arrow went, mighty heroes fell to the ground, Prince Vladimir

legs could not resist.

An arrow slashed at the oak, the oak shattered into small chips.

Eh, I'm sorry for the mighty oak, - says the ambassador, - but more sorry for the arrow

hot, now it is not found in all of Russia!

Vladimir went to his niece, and she kept repeating her own words: a woman and a woman!

Well, - thinks the prince, - I myself will transfer to him - women do not play on

Russians are overseas in chess!

He ordered to bring a gold chess set and said to the ambassador:

Would you like to have fun with me, play overseas chess?

Well, from an early age I beat all the guys in checkers-chess! And for what

shall we, prince, begin to play?

You pay tribute in twelve years, and I will deliver the entire Kiev-city.

Okay, let's play! They began to knock on the board like chess.

Prince Vladimir played well, but the ambassador went once, went another, and the tenth

go - to the prince check and checkmate, and chess away! The prince was grieved:

You took away Kiev-grad from me - take it, ambassador, and your head!

I don’t need your head, prince, and I don’t need Kiev, give me only

your niece Zabava Putyatishnu.

The prince was delighted and, with joy, did not go any more. Fun and ask, but

ordered to prepare a wedding feast.

Here they are feasting for a day or two and three, guests are having fun, and the groom with

the bride is not happy. The ambassador hung his head below his shoulders.

Vladimir asks him:

Why are you, Vasilyushka, sad? Or do you not like our rich feast?

Something prince, I'm sad, unhappy: maybe at home I happened

trouble, maybe trouble lies ahead. Order to call the guslars, let

will amuse me, sing about the old years or about the present.

The gusliars were called. They sing, they ring with strings, but the ambassador does not like it:

These, prince, are not guslars, not singers ... Father told me that

you have a Chernigov Staver Godinovich, he knows how to play, knows how and

sing a song, and these are like wolves howling in the field. I wish I could listen to Stavr!

What is there to do to Prince Vladimir? To release Stavr is not to be seen

Stavr, and not to release Stavr is to anger the ambassador.

Vladimir did not dare to anger the ambassador, because he did not collect tributes, and

ordered to bring Stavr.

They brought Stavr, and he was barely on his feet, weakened, starved to death ...

As soon as the ambassador jumped out from the table, he grabbed Stavr by the arms, sat

next to him, he began to drink and feed, asked to play.

Staver adjusted the harp, began to play Chernigov songs. Everyone at the table

were heard, and the ambassador sits, listens, does not take his eyes off Stavr.

Graduated from Staver.

The ambassador says to Prince Vladimir:

Listen, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, you give me Stavr, and I will forgive you

tribute for twelve years and return to the Golden Horde.

Reluctance to give to Prince Vladimir Stavr, but there is nothing to do.

Take it, - he says, - Stavra, young ambassador.

Then the groom did not wait for the end of the feast, jumped on his horse, sat behind

Stavra and galloped into the field to his tent. At the tent, he asks him:

Ali did not recognize me, Staver Godinovich? You and I are literate together

I have never seen you, Tatar ambassador.

The ambassador entered the white tent and left Stavr at the threshold. With a quick hand

Vasilisa threw off her Tatar dress, put on women's clothes, embellished and

came out of the tent.

Hello, Staver Godinovich. And now you don't recognize me either?

Staver bowed to her:

Hello, my beloved wife, young clever Vasilisa Mikulishna!

Thank you for saving me from captivity! But where are your blond braids?

Fair-haired braids, my beloved husband, I pulled you out of the cellar!

Let's sit down, wife, on fast horses and go to Chernigov.

No, it's not an honor for us, Staver, to sneak away, we'll go to the prince

Vladimir will end the feast.

They returned to Kiev, entered the prince's room.

Prince Vladimir was surprised when Staver entered with his young wife.

And Prince Vasilisa Mikulishna asks:

Ay, Solnyshko Vladimir-prince, I am a formidable ambassador, Stavrova's wife,

came back to finish the wedding. Will you marry your niece?

Zabava-princess jumped up:

I told you, uncle! I almost made a laugh all over Russia, a little

did not give a damsel for a woman.

Out of shame, the prince hung his head, but the heroes and boyars choke with laughter.

The prince shook his curls and began to laugh himself:

Well, really, you, Staver Godinovich, bragged about your young wife! AND

smart, and brave, and good-looking. She twisted everyone around me too,

the prince drove him crazy.

For her and for a vain insult, I will give you precious gifts.

So Staver Godinovich began to drive home with beautiful Vasilisa


The prince and the princess, and the heroes, and the prince's servants came out to see them off.

They began to live at home, to live, to make good money.

And about the beautiful Vasilisa they sing songs and tell fairy tales.

Solovey Budimirovich

From under a tall old elm tree, from under a broom bush, from under a pebble

the Dnieper River flowed out white. Streams, rivers filled, flowed along

Russian land, carried thirty ships to Kiev.

All ships are well decorated, and one ship is the best. This is a ship

owner Nightingale Budimirovich.

On the nose of the turia, the head is chiseled, instead of eyes, expensive

yachons, instead of eyebrows, black sables, instead of ears - white

ermines, instead of a mane - black-brown foxes, instead of a tail - bears

The sails on the ship are made of expensive brocade, the ropes are silk. Anchors by the ship

silver, and the rings anchored in pure gold. Well the ship is adorned

There is a tent in the middle of the ship. The tent is covered with sables and velvet, on the floor

bear furs lie.

In that tent sits Solovey Budimirovich with his mother Ulyana


And around the tent the vigilantes are standing. Their dress is expensive, woolen, belts

silk, downy hats. They are wearing green boots, lined with nails

silver, fastened with gilded buckles.

Nightingale Budimirovich walks around the ship, shakes his curls, says

to their vigilantes:

Well, brothers, shipbuilders, climb to the upper yards, look, do not

is Kiev city visible? Choose a good marina so that we have all the ships in

one place to bring together.

The shipmen climbed onto the yards and shouted to the owner:

Close, close to the glorious city of Kiev! We also see the ship's pier!

So they came to Kiev, dropped anchors, secured the ships.

Solovey Budimirovich ordered to throw three gangways ashore. One

the gangway is pure gold, the other is silver, and the third gangway is copper.

Nightingale brought his mother down the golden gathering, he went along the silver one, and

on the copper vigilantes ran out.

Solovey Budimirovich called his key keepers:

Unlock our treasured chests, prepare gifts for the prince

Vladimir and Princess Apraksin. Pour in a bowl of red gold, yeah a bowl

silver, and a bowl of pearls. Grab forty sables and no foxes,

geese, swans. Take the expensive brocade out of the crystal chest with

divorces, I'll go to Prince Vladimir.

Nightingale Budimirovich took the golden gussells and went to the prince's palace.

Behind him is mother with her maids, after mother they carry gifts


The Nightingale came to the princely court, left his squad at the porch, with

I entered the room as my mother.

As the Russian custom commands, polite, Solovey Budimirovich bowed in

all four sides, and especially to the prince and the princess, and presented to all the rich

He gave the prince a bowl of gold, the princess, an expensive brocade, and Zabava Putyatishna -

large pearls. Silver was distributed to the servants of the prince, and furs - to the heroes, yes

boyar sons.

Prince Vladimir liked the gifts, and Princess Apraksin even more.

The princess started a merry feast in honor of the guest. They praised the Nightingale at that feast

Budimirovich and his mother.

Vladimir-Prince Nightingale began to ask:

Who are you, good fellow? What kind of tribe? Than me you


whether cities with settlements or a gold treasury?

I am a trade guest, Solovey Budimirovich. I don't need cities with

settlements, and I myself have a lot of gold treasury. I did not come to you

to trade, and to live at a party. Show me, prince, great caress - give me

a good place where I could build three towers.

Do you want to line up in the marketplace, where wives and women bake pies,

where little guys sell rolls.

No, prince, I do not want to build on the marketplace. You give me a place

closer to yourself. Let me build in the garden by Zabava Putyatishna, in

cherry and hazel.

Take for yourself a place that you like, even in the garden by Zabava Putyatishna.

Thank you, Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko.

The Nightingale returned to his ships, summoned his squad.

Come on, brothers, we will take off the rich caftans and put on the workers' aprons,

we take off morocco boots and put on bast shoes. You take saws yes

axes, go to Zabava Putyatishna's garden. I will point out to you myself.

And - we will put three golden-domed towers in the hazel tree, so that Kiev-city is more beautiful

all cities stood.

Went knock-chime in the green garden of Fun Putyatishnch, like woodpeckers

forest trees click on the trees ... And by the morning light are ready three golden-domed

tower. Yes, how beautiful! Tops with tops curl, windows with windows

intertwined, some canopy are lattice, others are glass, and still others are

pure gold.

Zabava Putyatishna woke up in the morning, opened the window to the green garden and

I couldn’t believe my eyes: in her beloved hazel tree there are three remas, golden

poppies burn like heat.

The princess clapped her hands, summoned her nannies, mothers, hay

Look, nannies, maybe I’m sleeping and in a dream I see it:

Yesterday my green garden stood empty, and today the mansions are burning in it.

And you, mother Funny, go and see, your happiness is in your

the yard has come.

Hastily Fun got dressed. I didn't wash, I didn't braid my braids, on my bare feet

She put on her shoes, tied herself with a silk handkerchief and ran into the garden at a run.

She runs along the path through the cherries to the hazel trees. I ran to three towers

and went quietly.

She went up to the lattice entryway and listened. Knocking in that chamber,

strumming, tinkling - this is the Nightingale's gold, they put it in sacks.

I ran to another tower, to the glass hallway, in this quiet tower


The princess left, thoughtful, blushed and quietly on her fingers

approached the third tower with a porch of pure gold.

The princess stands and listens, and from the tower the song flows, ringing, as if

"Should I enter? Cross the threshold?"

And the princess is scared, and she wants to have a look.

"Give," he thinks, "I'll take a look with one eye."

She opened the door slightly, looked through the crack and gasped: the sun is in the sky and

the tower is the sun, in the sky there are stars and in the tower there are stars, in the sky there are dawns and in the tower

dawns. All the beauty of heaven is painted on the ceiling.

And on a chair made of a precious fish tooth, Solovey Budimirovich sits in

the golden gussell plays.

Nightingale heard the creak of the door, got up and went to the door.

Zabava Putyatishna got scared, her legs broke, her heart sank,

is about to fall.

Nightingale Budimirovich guessed, threw the guseries, picked up the princess, in

He brought in the upper room and sat on a belt chair.

Why are you, soul-princess, so afraid? After all, I entered the lair not to the bear,

but to the courteous fellow. Sit down, rest, tell me an affectionate word.

Zabava calmed down, began to ask him:

Where did you bring the ships from? What kind of tribe are you? Everything is courteous to her

The nightingale gave answers, but the princess forgot her grandfather's customs, but when she suddenly said:

Are you married, Solovey Budimirovich, or do you live single? If you like me

you, take me to marriage.

Nightingale Budimirovich looked at her, grinned, shook his curls:

All of me, princess, liked you, everyone liked me, only me

I don’t like the fact that you are wooing yourself. Your business is to sit modestly in the mansion,

to sew pearls, to embroider skilful patterns, to wait for matchmakers. And you're a stranger

You run around in towers, you woo yourself.

The princess burst into tears, rushed out of the tower, ran to her

she fell on the bed, trembling all over with tears.

And Solovey Budimirovich did not say so out of malice, but as the elder to the younger.

He quickly put on his shoes, dressed more smartly and went to Prince Vladimir:

Hello, Prince-Sunny, let me say a word, my request

Tell me, Nightingale.

Do you, prince, have a beloved niece - can you not marry her to me

Prince Vladimir agreed, they asked Princess Apraksia, they asked Ulyana

Vasilievna, and Nightingale sent matchmakers to the Amusing mother.

And they married Zabava Putyatishna for the good guest of Nightingale Budimirovich.

Here Prince-Solnyshko summoned artisans from all over Kiev and ordered them

together with Nightingale Budimirovich, put up golden towers around the city,

white-stone cathedrals, strong walls. Kiev city has become better than before, richer

Glory about him went to native Russia, and ran to overseas countries: better

there are no cities than Kiev city.

About Prince Roman and two princes

On a foreign side, on Ulenovo, there were two brothers, two princes,

royal two nephews.

They wanted to take a walk in Russia, to burn down towns and villages, to creep their mothers,

children to be orphaned. They went to the uncle king:

Our dear uncle, Chimbal-king, give us forty thousand warriors, give

gold and horses, we will go to plunder the Russian land, we will bring you booty.

No, nephews, princes, I will not give you troops, horses,

gold. I do not advise you to go to Russia to see Prince Roman Dimitrievich. A lot i

I have been living on earth for years. I saw many times how people went to Russia, but never

I saw how they came back. And if you are impatient, go to

the land of Devonian - they have knights sleeping in their bedrooms, they have horses in their stalls

stand, the tool in the cellars rusts.

Ask them for help and go Russia to fight.

So the princes did just that. They received from the Devonian land and fighters,

and horses and gold. They gathered a large army and went to fight Russia.

They drove up to the first village - Spasskoye, they burned the whole village with fire, everyone

the peasants were knocked out, the children were thrown into the fire, the women were taken prisoner. Popped in

in the second village - Slavskoe, they ruined, burned, people were cut off ...

a large village - Pereslavsky, they plundered the village, burned it down, knocked out people, in

Princess Nastasya Dimitrievna was taken prisoner with her little son, two months old.

The princely knights rejoiced at easy victories, tore open the tents,

have fun, feast, scold the Russian people ...

We will make cattle out of Russian peasants, we will harness plows instead of oxen! ..

And Prince Roman Dimitrievich was away at that time, far away on a hunt

went. He sleeps in a white tent, knows nothing about trouble. Suddenly the bird sat down on

tent and began to say:

Rise, wake up, Prince Roman Dimitrievich, that you sleep soundly

sleep, you don't feel hardship over yourself: evil knights attacked Russia, with them two

the prince's son, they ruined the villages, the peasants were cut off, the children were burned, your sister with

taken prisoner as a nephew!

Prince Roman woke up, jumped to his feet, as he struck in anger on an oak tree

the table - the table shattered into small chips, the earth cracked under the table.

Oh, you puppies, evil knights! I will teach you to go to Russia, our cities

burn, destroy our people!

He galloped to his inheritance, gathered a squad of nine thousand soldiers, led them

to the Currant River and says:

Do, brothers, fake chicks. Each one has his own name on the chock

sign and throw these toss-chocks into the Currant River.

Some chucks went like a stone to the bottom. Other chicks swam along the rapids.

The third chicks on the water near the coast all swim together.

Prince Roman explained to the squad:

Those who have gone to the bottom of the lumps - those in battle will be killed. Who's in

swiftly sailed away - those wounded to be. Those who swim calmly - those

be healthy. I will not take into battle either the first or the second, but I will only take

third three thousand.

And Roman also ordered the squad:

You sharpen sharp sabers, harvest arrows, feed your horses. How

you will hear the raven's sky, - saddle your horses, as you will hear the second time

crow, - get on your horses, and you hear for the third time, - ride to the tents

evil knights, descend on them like falcons do not give mercy to fierce enemies!

Prince Roman himself turned into a gray wolf, ran into an open field to

to the enemy's camp, to the white linen tents, gnawed the reins of the horses,

drove the horses far into the steppe, nibbled the bowstrings at the bows,

he twisted the handles ... Then he turned into a white ermine and ran into

Then the two brothers of the prince saw an expensive ermine, began to catch him,

chased around the tent, began to cover him with a sable fur coat. Threw on him

fur coat, they wanted to grab him, but the ermine was dexterous, through a sleeve from a fur coat

jumped out - yes to the wall, yes to the window, from the window into the open field ...

Here he turned around like a black raven, sat down on a tall oak tree and croaked loudly.

Only for the first time the raven croaked, - the Russian squad of horses became

saddle up. And the brothers jumped out of the tent:

What are you, raven, croaking over us, croaking at your head! We are you

let us kill, let us shed your blood over the damp oak!

Then the raven croaked for the second time, - the vigilantes jumped on their horses,

prepared sharpened swords. Wait, wait for the crow for the third time

will scream.

And the brothers grabbed the tight bows:

Will you shut up, black bird! Do not bring troubles to us! Do not bother us


The knights looked, but the bowstrings of the bows were torn, the handles of the sabers were broken off!

Then the raven called out for the third time. Russian horsemen rushed like a whirlwind,

flew into the enemy camp!

And they chop with sabers, and prick with spears, and beat with whips! And in front of everyone is the prince

The novel, like a falcon, flies across the field, beats the mercenary Devonian army, until

two brothers gets.

Who called you to go to Russia, burn our cities, chop our people,

to tear our mothers down?

The warriors defeated the evil enemies, and Prince Roman killed two princes.

They put the brothers on a cart, sent the cart to Chimbal-king. Saw the king

his nephews, became sad.

Chimbal the King says:

For many years I have lived in the world, many people jumped into Russia, but not

I saw them come home. I punish both children and grandchildren: do not go

war on great Russia, it does not stagger for a century and will not stand for centuries

will stir!

We told about old cases.

What About the old, about the seasoned,

To calm the blue sea

For good people to obey

So that the fellows are thoughtful

That the glory of Russia never fades for centuries!

The red sun rolled over the high mountains, frequent stars scattered across the sky, at that time a young hero was born on Mother Russia - Volga Vseslavievich. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

In the early morning, in the early sun, Volta was going to take tribute from the trading cities of Gurchevets and Orekhovets. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

The Holy Mountains are high in Russia, their gorges are deep, abysses are terrible. Neither birch, nor oak, nor aspen, nor green grass grow there. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

In the glorious city of Rostov, the Rostov cathedral priest had one only son. His name was Alyosha, his father was nicknamed Popovich. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

The widow Mamelfa Timofeevna lived near Kiev. She had a beloved son - the hero Dobrynyushka. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

How much, how little time has passed, Dobrynya married the daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich - young Nastasya Mikulishna. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

In the old days, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich with his wife Efrosinya Yakovlevna lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

As Ilya grabbed the horse with a whip, Burushka Kosmatushka soared, slipped a mile and a half. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Ilya Muromets is galloping at full speed. Burushka Kosmatushka jumps from mountain to mountain, jumps over rivers of lakes, flies over hills. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Ilya rode from Murom along the Russian steppe and reached the Holy Mountains. I wandered the cliffs for a day or two, got tired, pitched the tent, lay down and dozed off. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Ilya rides across an open field, grieving about Svyatogor. Suddenly he sees - old man Ivanchishche is walking along the steppe. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Under the city of Kiev, in the wide Tsitsar steppe, stood heroic outpost... Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, tribute to Dobrynya Nikitich, esaul Alyosha Popovich. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Ilya traveled across an open field, defended Russia from enemies from young years to old age. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Ilya traveled in an open field for a long time, grew old, overgrown with a beard. The colored dress on him was worn out, he had no gold treasury, Ilya wanted to rest, to live in Kiev. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Quiet, boring in the prince's room. There is no one for the prince to take advice with, no one to feast with, to go hunting ... Read ...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

Once there was a big feast at Prince Vladimir's, and everyone was cheerful at that feast, everyone was boasting at that feast, and one guest was sitting sadly, did not drink honey, did not eat fried swans - this is Staver Godinovich, a merchant guest from the city of Chernigov. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

From under a tall old elm tree, from under a bush bush, from under a white pebble, the Dnieper River flowed. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

The young Sadko lived in Veliky Novgorod. The city of Novgorod is rich and glorious. Read...

Russian bogatyrs. Epics. Heroic Tales

From a distant, high nest, a young falcon flew out, test its strength, stretch its wings. Read...

For days and months, years, decades, Ilya Muromets protected his native land, neither built a house for himself, nor started a family. And Dobrynya, and Alyosha, and Danube Ivanovich - all in the steppe and in the open field ruled military service.

From time to time they gathered to see Prince Vladimir in the courtyard - to have a rest, to feast, to listen to gusliars, to learn about each other.

If the time is anxious, warriors are needed, the prince Vladimir meets them with honor with Princess Apraxia. For them, the stoves are heated, in the living room of the upper room, the tables are bursting with pies, rolls, fried swans, wine, mash, and sweet honey for them. For them, leopard skins lie on the benches, bear skins are hung on the walls.

But Prince Vladimir also has deep cellars, iron locks and stone cages. Almost nothing about him, the prince will not remember the feats of arms, will not look at the heroic honor ...

But in black huts throughout Russia, the common people love, praise and honor heroes. He shares rye bread with them, plants and sings songs about glorious exploits in a red corner - about how the heroes of their native Russia are cherished and protected!

Glory, glory and in our days to the heroes - the defenders of the Motherland!

The height of the heavens is high,

Deep is the ocean of the sea,

Wide expanse throughout the land.

The Dnieper waters are deep,

The Sorochinsky mountains are high,

The Bryansk forests are dark,

Black mud Smolensk,

Russian rivers are bright and fast.

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Russia!