Modern urban folklore. Examples of folklore

Modern urban folklore. Examples of folklore

Rustic, forming canonical mythology and rites of various nations, and modern urban folklore. His units are called urban legends. The article has attempted to describe the phenomenon.

City legend as a modern folklore, the basis of modern cinema, fantasy literature and comics and its influence in the language

City legend, perhaps, one of the most undervalued cultural phenomena. That is, several reasons.

Secondly, the explorer of urban legends faces the problem of finding their sources, often collecting a sufficiently poor volume of information, from which there are clear excess of interpretations that prevail over the facts.

The third problem follows from the first two - the image of the explorer of the phenomenon of interest in both American and in russian culture Very close to the images of Ufologov, overly zealous supporters of theories of conspiracies and writers and journalists of the level of "yellow press" and fiction in general. This is due to extremely low interest in this issue by the public in general and academic medium in particular. Often it turns out that the urban folklore researcher studies the results of the activities of the "yellow press", but this does not mean the similarity of the quality of the work done.

The phenomenon itself can not be called modern, in contrast to the concept. It seems that the city legend appears in Ancient Greece. The descriptions of the Herodot of the Kininefalov, people with the pussy heads who lived on the borders of Okumen, who differed from ordinary people solely with the shape of their skull, that is, they wore clothes and used tools of labor. The role of these creatures is not disclosed, there were only witnesses, their seen. One can only assume that this myth has certain relations by the cult of Anubis in Ancient Egypt And he could have been reported to the Greeks in a distorted form.

Thus, the stories about the filmphals were a city legend as something "middle" between the real myth and a simple hearing, since the mythological role of the Kinenefalov is unclear, and they appear from the evidence of eyewitnesses and single written sources, that is, the completeness of the information provided For citizens, it is difficult to speak. It is also important to note that the certificates of the filmphals appeared later, after the discovery of America, they talked about their stay both in the northern and in the southern parts. This example clarifies the basic property of most urban legends: genesis due to lack of information.

Another option for the appearance of urban legend is the adaptation of folklore countryside To the city landscape. It is worth talking about the "Devil from Jersey", the classic American urban legend. The lack of information already affects the stage general damn Concept itself. So, there are two equivalent appearance of this creature: as the classical Scandinavian dragon and as a firmly shot down man who has lost cultural and social traits as a result of various circumstances, like the hero of the "Jungle book" R.Kipling.

The first option is particularly noteworthy. The description of the devil does not possess "positivity", the descriptions cause not so much trepidation as disgust and fear. Most urban legends, losing in literature and, in some sense, "epicness", acquire terrible features. Positive aspects are not even assumed. So, the American Dragon has a uniquely dark description of the winged vague devil-like being devouring people and animals. It seems that his image is close, except for the description of Nidhegg from "Junior Edda" S.Sturlson: "Do not know people, what adversity at the ash's iggdarasil: the roots eat Nidhegg ..." and "Fools do not understand how much a snake crawls under the ash of Igdrasil ... " Moreover, Nidheurgg was fed by corpses of sinners, oaths and sublegate killers. His image is also chose, however, he also has a positive functionality, unlike the "just" black devil from Jersey. Thus, this legend informs the fear of people who knows it, reducing their comfort zone.

In general, it seems that the number of "bright" characters moved from the rural landscape is extremely small. An exception can be called fairies, which turned from Celtic far from always positive spirits in "Military beings" (probably due to the popularity of books J. Barry). Most creatures and inexplicable phenomena from urban legends are definitely "scary" with improved arguments laid on the urban environment.

Also notable is the opposition of the city and the forest, which underlies the most part of urban legends. From ideas V.V. Bibikhina in his work "Forest" in urban legends there is a little. The forest is undoubtedly harmonious and planted, but he is alien to man. He is attributed to magical properties, like the Douglas Fir around the city of Twin Pixes in the eponymous series. It is in him who lives most of the characters of urban legends: Werewolves, the devil from Jersey, Fairy, and so on. Forest from the main supplier of resources for a person in the process of urbanization becomes danger to him, and people, one way or another having a professional connection with the forest, are practically heroisitable: woodcutters, forest police and others. Often, it is their disappearances that are becoming a reason for frightening citizens. In addition, the greatest number of "meetings with aliens" occurs in the forest.

UFO - no doubt, the main city legend. Some people devote all their lives to strengthen their own and social confidence in the validity of this myth. It seems that it has extremely complex origin. Arriving as a lucky descriptive term, an unidentified flying object is endowed with meaning close to the Divine. So, speaking of meeting with UFOs or inhabitants of these objects, always "eyewitnesses" talk about bright light. Here, it is probably possible to talk about similar with the insight and the strong interconnection of the light and the Divine in general. Also, this context also believes the approval of the innumerable technological and, consequently, mental superiority similar to the obvious inequality of human capabilities and divine. Moreover, the shape of the plate sends us to the symbolism of the circle, the sun. It seems that UFOs are very close to the pagan ideas in which the gods are able to appear in a real world with any purpose. That is, this is the transfer of the attributes of the pagan religion to an unknown technical object, that is, religious fetishism.

In the urban legend about UFOs also, undoubtedly, there are also multiple frightening elements, as well as the pagan gods and magic. This fear of unknown and dangerous is close, as it seems, the fear of the pagan gods: it partly turns off the rational approach to the received information, reduces the threshold of confidence in what has been said, turning the hearing or a low-quality imagination in real power and an incentive for some activities of both frightened and wishing to earn on this fear.

With advent mass culture Urban legends receive increased mobility, thanks to television and the Internet. Applications appear on the conscious testing of lowland fear as services. Cinema, video games, comics. Most of the products in these areas of the same type: people get visualized fear stimulants, which are most often urban legends (both mythological and domestic, like stories about maniacs). The ideas in creating such products are very mediocre, it is extremely rare in them to replace (not to think) "second bottom". However, among these creations there are also cult, and, as a rule, deservedly. Under them implies the series " Secret materials"And a series of comics" Fables ".

"Secret materials", as can be seen, are the main and most serious visualized collection of urban legends. The creators carried out great work on the collection of information for the scenario for each of the episodes, submitting the atmosphere and the content of urban mythology as accuracy of the descriptions of "eyewitnesses" and boulevard newspapers. Madagonists Mauder and Scully themselves are witnessed by "paranormal phenomena." It is important that two characters show fundamentally different approaches to urban legends. So, the Mader agent is a gifted fanatics specialist, sincerely hosts any nontrivial rumor, while Scully adheres to scientific approach. Most investigations traditionally lead them to the dark thicket of forests, strange settlements of various sectarians, sewage and other places, causing concerns from citizens, accompanying viewers by their main objects of fear.

It is important to note that information is given naturally, the work of the investigators looks quite real, and "paranormal phenomena" is served along with externally significant scientific research. Moreover, in the first series of the first season before starting the show, the announcer "everyday life" declares that the scenario is based on eyewitness testimony, which changes the appearance of the viewer. This fact, together with an excellent in the time, the work of the artists in costumes and Grimørov provided the series a cult status. Moreover, naturalism and meticulousness in the representation of urban legends turned the series itself in the legend, breeding questions about the documents from which "documents" for the scenario and who gave the right to shoot "secret military facilities". The informance issued by the creators of information did its job.

Another interesting product of the mass culture is almost unknown in Russia, but the cult in the United States comic "Fables". He seems to be a healthy irony of urban mythology. The frame of the compound comic is the fact of resettlement of all famous characters of fairy tales and folklore in New York due to the evil intent of the main antagonist, the "mysterious villain". Characters merge with the urban environment and settle on the social staircase, acquiring typical problems: family quarrels, alcoholism, work and others. The main conditions for staying in the city for them becomes a ban on the manifestation of their true appearance and the essence in order to ensure the peace of mind. However, sometimes some characters are usually evil - these ban and then representatives of the Folklore, working in the police, have to take tracks for their fellows and drive them out of the city to the "farm", a place for characters who could not get along with people. This comic hyperbolizes fears of citizens, despite the "serious" rice and plot, as a "second bottom" has a satir over urban fears.

From the point of view of the language, urban legend leaves the classic folklore. It is informally served, we can say that intimate, like rumors. In a sense, it is close to the phenomenon of gonzo journalism. Thus, the fact formation is blurred - the fiction and deep descriptions of the personal experiences of the narrator, the writer, used with the purpose of an emotional, but not well-witty reaction of the listener, reader.

As mentioned earlier, urban legends are increasingly penetrating into mass cinema, literature in the form popular story In the horror genre (S. King), modern detective (D. Brown, S. Larsson), Romanov (S. Mayer). These authors are a classic reading of a modern averaged person. They do not carry nontrivial instructive moral ideas, but only tell an alleged interesting story, not possessing, like any mass literature, the second bottom. The key intention when writing is only commercial success. So, the number of copies sold on the cover of books are often written as campaigning on the cover of books, but not expanded the content description.

Thus, the urban folklore, with the advent of mass culture, began to strongly influence the aesthetic representations of ordinary citizens, especially adolescents. This manifests itself, first of all, in American culture, heavily dependent on comics, fantastic TV shows and literature. However, since the early 1980s, this trend began to concern and Russian readers and viewers. More and more people prefer films about someone else's, novels S. King and detectives D. Brown classic works. These books are not moral - they cannot fundamentally form, to bring up people in the usual sense of the word. However, they affect speech modern man, making it more vulgar, personal, lowland.

On the other hand, the lack of the second bottom and accuracy of the products of modern mass culture encourages some intellectuals to "attribute" them this second bottom, and quite strictly. So, A.V. Pavlov wrote about a year ago the most interesting job "Shameful pleasure", in which there is a bad mass cinema with philosophical positions, showing the overall interest in poor cinema under the condition of the so-called quir-interpretation, which is attributed to various conceptual some works for the purpose of a more interesting and "meaningful" view. Also, a collection of articles "Simpsons" as a philosophy ", some work in which had really interesting philosophical interpretations have been published. Thus, modern cinema with its simplicity manages to encourage some intellectual-connoisseurs of mass culture from the point of view of external aesthetics to quite serious cultural and aesthetic studies that enjoy serious demand from readers due to the tags we are familiar to attractive word "philosophy".

Total, modern cinema and literature do not have self-relief in the matter of cultural education, but some studies of their philosophers and cultural scientists are able to awaken in the mass reader interest in much more elevated things, as philosophy and allow you to make some books and cinema to do some books and cinema from a educational point of view. .

Features of the modern delivery of news: from the speaker to the "kitchen" interlocutor

Previously, sports commentators and news speakers were real samples of perfect oral speech: Their tongue was distinguished by dry, formality, grace and an unambiguous relationship between the sign and mean.

Recently, the stylistics of broadcasting has changed a lot. So, she became more informal. Modern typical leading news more do not read information from the leaflets prepared by them by the match, but lead a conversation with the viewer. Moreover, it is structurally some of the key news programs for Russian television viewers, the final Sunday program on the TV channel Russia 1, and is built as a reflection of the most leading. Without a doubt, this is a new submission form, presenting the speaker not as a speaker, but as a mentor, a mentor.

The subjectivity of the information issued together with a smooth and measured gesticulation and, sometimes, the evacuated evaluation judgments of the species "In my opinion, this ..." gives us a person not only to the viewer with the news in the week, but also a person who possess the desire to inform his personal opinion to the listener , From the point of view of Lexicon, in almost a friendly conversation, which causes confidence (in addition to the authoritative of the speaking itself).

As a result, television is unfinished by raising its audience in political and aesthetic issues. Not touching estimated judgments modern education Citizens via television cannot be called abnormal, the question lies, rather, to the degree of unusual opinion. More A. Tokville in his work "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200bspoke about the danger of "soft despotism" in a democratic strict. So, it is obvious that the state does not manage individuals, but the masses. Consequently, the mass must be created - the question is only in the means to achieve this goal. It may be terror, and maybe upbringing.

The current trend towards the atomization of individuals shows their separation due to the competent presentation of information. So, externally apparent calm places to the inner and actual peace. Thus, television in modern society Unlucky and effectively replaces classic books As a resource of information, both actual and estimated, taking a serious role in the upbringing of a medium-sized modern person.


Undoubtedly, the classic loses its role as a cultural force. However, its place is not empty. It effectively replaces the media and, with some assumptions, modern literature with due form of understanding. It is difficult to say whether it is well or bad, however, education is happening.

On the one hand, it is avant-garde in terms of application newest technologiesOn the other hand, it is extremely archaic and thanks to modern adaptations of the folklore in the form of urban legends, even some magism is visible. This is extremely unusual almost dialectical unity carrying modern humanity the next day. The only question is what will be the final product of such an era.

Working folklore

The growth of capitalism in Russia and the industrial coup associated with it after the reform of 1861 historically led to a new stage in the development of poetic creativity. Before mid XIX. The ages of the peasants were the main mass of the Russian people, they were the creators of the traditional peasant folklore. In the last third XIX. The century, an industrial proletariat begins to develop, where their living conditions, labor and life are gradually created, its psychology and its worldview appears. The history of the working class, his life and work was reflected in his oral poetic creativity. In the folklore of Russia there are changes in two types: 1) Genres of the old have changed strongly, traditional folklore, 2) there are new genres, naturally, based on old or on a common-body basis.

Changes in traditional genres affected the fact that their distribution area was narrowed, some genres (as historical songs) came out of use; All genres began to respond faster on changes in life; The subject of folk poetry was updated, satirical motives intensified in it; In many genres, the role of improvisation increased, folklore connections with literature expanded. New phenomena in folklore include: the formation and rapid spread of genres that have not existed earlier (chastushki); The widespread development of the working folklore, the origin and development of an individual-creative principle (the appearance of singers). In many genres there is an increase in realism, this feature can be noted even in fairy tales. Poops Fairy Tales Although stable, but gradually simplifies, domestic fairy tales approach a skate or story, the style of magical fairy tales is clearly reduced.

The song genres of Russian folklore are also experiencing significant changes at this time. The song as a view was still stable in his poetic; But some groups of songs remained popular, others - came out of use. The folk songs are increasingly sounding notes of discontent and protest, social motifs. In the folk lyrics, there is all tangible with the literature, the entry and creative processing of literary songs into the folk medium, the so-called "cruel" romance received widespread.

Not all the genres of traditional folklore turned out to be productive, crossing the working environment: there are no workers plots, ritual songs, epics and magic fairy talesEven household fairy tale Not received development. In the working folklore developed such prose genre As a tale that is significantly different from the fairy tale. If the fairy tale always relies on fiction, then in the jump - support for a reliable life fact. The tale does not have a rich fairy-tale ritual, composition features and style. According to its form, it is a story-memory of the events of a relatively recent past. In the working environment, new proverbs and sayings arise, they received a well-known generalization of social and labor experience Work man ("What Master, Such is the work").

In the working environment there are many songs, but they all differ significantly from the peasant, they, although they use some techniques of traditional lyrics, but are experiencing a significant impact of book poetry. Regarding the songs of the Ural Workers of the city of Sucunsky, wrote: "The song about the life of the working person left a good impression: without any life drawing his bitter position, his poverty, a cortish work, she painted in this captured black ungrateful work of a person - a healthy person, with healthy Hedgehogwho knows her dark and hard life Light healthy and light humor. "

Decorative and applied creativity

In the material and spiritual culture of the ancient Slavs, traces of ancient Greek, Scythian, Sarmatian cultures have been reflected in beliefs, clothes, decorations, objects of life and labor. Continuity in the image of the surrounding world, nature, in love native land It was reflected in the skillful hands of ancient masters, whose usual items became works of art. Nature gave human raw materials and herself served the main source of inspiration. But, embodying in works artistic design, the masters did not copy the worldAnd with fantasy and expressiveness filled it with his work. In the territory Ancient Russia Archaeologists detect iron processing items related to the beginning of the first millennium of the new era. Gradually, the craft was improved, it became more complicated that, in general, it became a special phenomenon of the visual folklore in a tenderness, covering: artistic processing of wood, stone, metal, bone carving, potpier-mache products (lacquer miniature), clay products, fabrics etc.


In modern applied art on the foreground Speaker aestheticswhich permeates the unique products: Khokhloma, Phane, Volga Crafts, Ural Gems and other centers of art crafts that have turned into handicraft industrywhere genuine professional masters and amateur lovers work. They skillfully use modern technical equipment, based on the large demand for artistic craft products, combining modern trends with truly folk, archaic traditions and the specificity of art folklore.

Household forms of decorative and applied creativity are often samples neo-folklore - compile art operating in modern life According to the laws of massgo artistic creativity, lost sacred ancient meaningBut preserved genuinely traditional style.

Folklore - component People's spiritual culture, permeating moral, labor, socio-domestic, religious, artistic sphere. Historically, folklore contributed natural selection Spiritual Jennicities, becoming an active means of upbringing, learning, carrier of historical, national, emrration memory. And the oblivion of better folk traditions and spiritual ideals leads to the crisis of all areas public Life, devaluation Takiz qualities, like mercy, compassion, hard work.

In the early stages of social development, the folklore was the main form of human consciousness (legends, proverbs, labor requirements ...), so it is considered folklore in a common form of life. He always had a specific historical and symbolic purpose: sacred, ritual, aesthetic, pragmatic. Over time, under the influence of social changes, stand out along with the peasant city, worker, merchant, handicraft folklore, later amateur and professional creativity. Modern NCT adopt historically established traditions In using the variety of species, styles, genres of folklore:

In the shape of the plots

In the nature of communicating with the public

In finding various expressive means and techniques

In the preservation of national, original elements

The theory of HX culture is extended by the following subspecies of modern folklore:

· Authentic folklore - primary, original folk culture, preserving its relevance, symbolism, locality characteristic of a specific social group (initial view of Buranian grandmothers)

· Neo-folklore - domestic NCT as part of the archaic, but evident artistic, manifested in mass singing, chastushkas, musical tag, visual creativity developing under the laws mass Artistic creativity

· Folklorism is an international phenomenon based on the active development of folk artistic traditions, giving them a certain stage transformation with a bias commercialization, Industry leisure and entertainment with elements of theatricalization of "Russian village" and joy

· Artistic amateur As a stable genre-species structure, including along with folklore and upgraded directions of creativity, but it, unlike other types of folklore, is a training process that includes certain knowledge, skills under the guidance of a Spalialist, which today is an urgent problem, as Novelty and modernization artistic culture should not automatically reject genuinely folk traditions Falklora

Therefore, modern folk artistic culture should continue to comply with the main functions Modern creativity:

1. Valid-estimated - the assimilation of national, cultural, distinctive traditions

2. Socio-pedagogical - preservation of centuries-old managers of joint existence

3. Socio-psychological - support for life tone, strengthening mutual understanding, interpersonal contacts

4. Cultural and creative - contributing to cultural and creative search, self-expression, development of artistic taste, performing skills

5. Entertaining gaming, hedonistic - activating individual qualities, abilities that reveal the potential human capabilities

6. Utilitarian-pragmatic function - promoting the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills

7. Socializing

(see below)

IN last years Extensively returned from the past original norms6, life rules, customs associated with traditional medicine, folk cuisine, life, morality, nature attitude to nature that make up the overall system of historical and cultural traditions.

The lateral folklore is a combination of works of different genres and various directions created in the peasant, urban, soldier, working and other environment since the start of development of industry, the growth of cities, the decay of the feudal village.

For late-traditional folklore, a smaller number of works and is generally less high art level Compared to the folklore classic - a rich culture, developed, centuries-old, generated by feudal life and patriarchal worldview.

Late-making folklore distinguishes the complex weave new with the old. In the rustic repertoire there was a transformation of the classic genres, which began to experience the influence of literary poetics. Proverbs and sayings, anecdotic fairy tales, folk songs of literary origin, children's folklore have shown their viability. The ancient standing song was strongly died of urban " brutal Romance", as well as quickly and widely spread the chastism. At the same time, there were gradually forgotten, old historical songs, old ballads and spiritual poems, magic fairy tales. Folk rites and accompanying their poetry over time lost their utilitarian magical significance, especially in urban conditions.

FROM end of XVIII in. In Russia, the first state factories and fortress manufactories appeared, on which voltnone-free workers from the infringement peasants, cavalo, uncports, etc., were worked. In this motley medium, works arose, which started the beginning of a new phenomenon - the folklore of workers. As the development of capitalism and the growth of the proletariat, the theme expanded, the number of works increased oral creativity Workers for whom the influence of book poetry was characterized.

The new phenomenon was the urban folklore - the oral works of the "lower" population of cities (it grew along with the growth of the cities themselves, constantly leaving the surgel village). The cultural contacts of the city and the villages had a centuries-old history in Russia - it suffices to recall the role of Kiev, Novgorod and other cities in the plots of Russian epic. However, only in the second half of the XIX century. Food cultural traditions Actually urban, torn off from the Earth of the population. Along with the old forms and genres, such as a square, fair folklore, croutons of the peddler (small traders), there was its own song culture (romances), his own non-bargaining prose, their rites; Received a new development a long tradition of handwritten collections (songwriters, albums with verses). All this in various forms continues to live in our time.

As A. S. Kargin noted, the city folklore seriously began to be studied only since the 1980s. The researcher wrote: "Many folklinists only felt intuitively in the last quarter of the 20th century, and then recognized that the new culture layer declared itself, which did not fit into the well-established schemes of traditional folklores. It became apparent that the city has formed a kind of folk culture, quite conflicting, distinguished from the peasant tradition. "

In the XX century The process of the extinction of traditional rituals and the death of old genres of folklore accelerated. In part, it was facilitated by the fact that the official attitude to many folklore phenomena was negative: they were declared "taught" and "reactionary". It applied to agricultural holidays, ritual songs, conspiracies, spiritual poems, some historical songs and so on. At the same time, new works of different genres arose, which reflected new problems and life realities. You can select eating food stages of Russian folklore after 1917: Civil War; interwar period; Great Patriotic War 1941-1945; post-war period; Modern period.

The modern oral repertoire of the people and the late-conditioned folklore is different concepts. Modern repertoire is all those works that people remember or performs people, regardless of their creation. The modern repertoire includes some works of classic folklore and even the relic elements of the folklore of the Randärditional. Late-traditional folklore is an integral part of the modern repertoire, works created after the decay of the feudal village.

Old National Folklore performed important functions in late historical and socio-economic conditions. It is known for his consolidating role during a fratricide civil war, when all participants in the tragic events performed traditional works that condemned evil and violence. In the years of the Great Patriotic War, there were also old soldiers' songs to which agitators and artists turned, the patriotic sense of the people was activated.

In the folklore created in the XX century, the researchers celebrate MO-raisity: different age, social orientation and different ideological orientation. It reflected the historical inconsistency of the worldview and aspirations of the population of the country, rural and city inhabitants. A number of works supported endeavors and achievements. soviet power: Elimination of illiteracy, collectivization, industrialization, the defeat of the German fascist invaders, the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war years, the Komsomol construction sites, the development of space, and so on. Along with them, works were created in which other repressions were condemned. In the camps among the prisoners there was a folklore of the Gulag (he was dedicated to the scientific conference in St. Petersburg in 1992).

Modern folklore is a folklore of intelligentsia, students, students of young people, burghers, rural residents, participants in regional wars, and so on. Folklore of the last quarter of the XX century. so much changed compared to more early formsthat sometimes it is called post-folklore. Nevertheless, the later qualifying folklore retained the continuity of people's oral-poetic traditions. This was expressed in the creation of new works in the form of previously existed genres, as well as in the partial use of old folk poetics and stylistics.

In the modern folklore process, the ratio of a collective and individual principle has changed, the role of a separate creative person has increased. The bright sign of the Lifting Treatment Folklore is the works of professional and semi-professional authors learned by the people.

Late-stage folklore is a complex, dynamic and not fully defined system, the development of which continues. Many phenomena of a late-qualitative folklore science only identified or began to develop. Among them: urban folklore; Folklore Gulag; Folklore participants in regional wars (in Afghanistan, in Chechnya); Folklore are different social groups (for example, student); Modern children's folklore; contemporary non-zeal prose; joke. Special topics - the relationship of Russian folklore and folklore of those peoples of Russia, among whom are Russians; Folklore Russian diasporas abroad.

It is necessary to critically evaluate the experience of studying the late-formative folklore (for example, the civil war folklore and in general 1920s - 1930s. Illuminated unilaterally and incomplete). Turning to the published texts of the late-traditional folklore, the possibility of falsifications should be taken into account.

Describing genres and genre systems of classical folklore, we have already affected the problem of their late development, the question of book influences. This chapter will examine the chastushki, folklore of the workers and folklore of the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Zueva T.V., Kiddan B.P. Russian Folklore - M., 2002


Folk culture, being very firmly rooted in the past, now looks quite blurred, permeable for the most different areas Modern highly multi-layer culture, widely assimilating their elements and traditions and therefore does not have an unequivocal, generally accepted understanding.

The concept of "folk culture" is associated with the most different ordinary associations, in the advantage of value ideas, sometimes a purely populist sense. In very general It can be said that many concepts and objects relate to the public consciousness in the public consciousness, in the title of which is the definition of "people's". In culture and language, they are represented very widely: folk creativity, folklore, folk art, folk wisdom, crook, folk traditions, legends, beliefs, songs, dancing, proverbs, etc. Let us consider in more detail some of the folk culture - folklore.

The purpose of the work is the description of the phenomenon of modern folklore.

The object of the study is a modern folklore.

The subject of the research is the species, genres and features of modern folklore.

The tasks of this study are as follows:

1. Consider the theoretical features of the folklore in folk creativity;

2. identify the features of modern folklore;

3. Examine the views and genres of modern folklore.

This work consists of the introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion and list of sources used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis Modern folklore.

Folklore (English Folklore) - folk creativity, most often it is oral; Artistic collective creative activity people reflecting his life, view, ideals; Poetry (legends, songs, chastushki, jokes, fairy tales, Epos), folk music (songs, instrumental nailers and plays), theater (drama, satirical plays, Puppet Theater), Dance, Architecture, Fine and Decorative Arts.

The term folklore was first introduced into a scientific way in 1846 by the English scientist William Toms. In the literal translation of "Folk-Lore" means: folk wisdom, folk knowledge. This term first denoted only the subject of science, but sometimes they began to call them and scientific discipline, this material is studying; However, the latter began to call folkloristic.

What is "folklore" for a modern person? These are songs, fairy tales, proverbs, the epics and other creativity of our ancestors, which was created and passed from the mouth of the mouth once a long time ago, and now remained in the form of beautiful books for children and repertoire of ethnographic ensembles.

Modern people do not tell each other fairy tales, do not sing after the work of the songs. And if something is composed of "for the soul", it immediately writes it.

Recently, in one of the discussions, it was suddenly discovered that a new generation increased everywhere (and especially in cities), to which an ancient oral culture is known only in meaningless scraps or an ignorance at all.

The answer to this was the explosion of gathering and publications of samples of folk art.

In 1810, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimma begin to publish collections of German folk fairy tales. In 1835, Elias Lehrota releases the first edition of Kalevala, shook cultural world: It turns out that in the very deaf corner of Europe among the small, never had its own statehood of the people so far heroic Epos., By volume and complexity of the structure comparable to the ancient Greek myths! Collecting the folklore (so in 1846, the English scientist William Toms called the entire set of people's "knowledge", which is exceptionally orally) to grow across Europe. And at the same time the feeling grew: the folklore goes, the carriers die out, in many areas nothing can be found. (For example, none of the Russians never managed to write out where their action occurs, and in general in the historical "core" of Russian lands. All well-known recordings are made in the north, in the Lower Volga region, on Don, in Siberia - t. e. In the territories of Russian colonization of different times.) It is necessary to hurry, you need to have time to write as much as possible.

During this hurry gathering in the recording of folklinists, something strange has fallen more and more often. For example, short speakers, unlike anything from the fact that they had been sang in the villages.

The exact rhymes, the correct alternation of the shock and unstressed syllables ringed these couplets (the people's folk performers were called by the "couplets") with urban poetry, but the content of texts did not detect connections with any printed sources. Among the folklorists were slimless disputes: to consider whether the chastushki in the full sense of the word folklore or is it a product of the decomposition of folk creativity under the influence of professional culture?

Oddly enough, it was this discussion that made the young even then folkloristic look at the new, arising directly in the eyes of the forms of people's literature.

It turned out very quickly that not only in the villages (traditionally considered the main place of exercise of the folklore), but also in cities there are and circulates a lot of things that in all signs should be attributed to folklore.

Here to make a reservation. In fact, the concept of "folklore" refers not only to verbal works (texts), but in general to all phenomena of popular culture transmitted directly from man to man. Traditional, preserved in a towel drawing on a towel in the Russian village or choreography of ritual dance african tribal - This is also a folklore. However, in part on objective reasons, it is partly due to the fact that the texts are easier and more fully aware of the record and study, it was they who became the main object of folklores from the very beginning of the existence of this science. Although scientists perfectly understand that for any folk work, no less (and sometimes more) are important features and circumstances of execution. For example, the anecdote necessarily includes the procedure of telling - for which it is absolutely necessary that at least part of the present jokes do not know. Anecdote, known to all in this community, is simply not executed in it - and therefore, does not "live": after all folklore work There is only during execution.

Chapter 2. Types and genres of modern folklore.

Types of modern folklore.

Let's go back to modern folklore. It cost researchers to look into the material that they (and often his carriers themselves and even the creators) considered "non-serious", devoid of any value, as it turned out that the "new folklore" lives everywhere and everywhere.

A chastushka and romance, anecdote and legend, rite and ritual, and much more such, which in folklore was not suitable names. In the 20s of the last century, all this became the subject of qualified studies and publications. However, in the next decade, a serious study of modern folklore was impossible: real folk creativity categorically did not fit into the image of Soviet society. True, some number of folk texts themselves, carefully selected and combed, from time to time published. (For example, in popular magazine "Crocodile" told the rubric "just anecdote", where there were often current jokes - naturally, the most innocuous, but also their action was often transferred to "abroad".) But scientific research The modern folklore was actually resumed only in the late 1980s and was particularly intensified in the 1990s. According to one of the leaders of this work, Professor Sergei Neklyudova (the largest Russian folklorist, head of the center of Semiotics and the Tolklore Center of the RGGU), this happened largely on the principle "there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped": without having funds for normal collector-research expeditions And student practices, Russian folklorists suffered their efforts on what was near.

The assembled material was primarily attracted by abundance and diversity. Each, even the smallest group of people, barely realizing its community and difference from all others, immediately acquired his own folklore. Researchers and used to be known folklore separate subcultures: prison, soldier, student songs. But it turned out that his folklore is among the climbers and parachutists, activists of nature conservation and adherents of non-traditional cults, hippie and ready, patients of a particular hospital (sometimes even branches) and regulars of concrete beer, pupils of kindergartens and students junior classes. In a number of such communities, the personal composition quickly changed - patients went to the hospital and discharged, the children went to kindergarten and ended it - and folk texts continued to circulate in these groups decades.

Today, the following types of modern folklore are distinguished:

1. urban folklore;

2. Children's folklore;

3. Network folklore.

The urban folklore is part of the folklore heritage, which includes, in addition to commonly used species and genres of people's poetic creativity, specifically urban "modifications". For example: urban folk festivities, urban romance, city game songs and dancing.

The urban folklore differs from the rural peasantry preceding the oral traditions. First of all, it is ideologically marginalized, since the main ideological needs of citizens are satisfied in other ways, not having a direct relationship of a direct relationship ( mass literature, Cinema and other spectacles, media products). In addition, the urban folklore is fragmented in accordance with the social, professional, clan, age bundle of society, with its disintegration on poorly related cells that do not have a common ideological basis.

Children's folklore - created on the basis of living spoken language. They include the features of the poetics of the respective genres of adult folklore. For example, in the composition of children's fairy tales, as in adult animal fairy tales, a dialogue is widely used. In children's songs, such composite forms can be noted as a monologue form, dialogue, etc..

Network folklore is a type of modern folklore, which is also inherent in all the main features of folklore texts: anonymity and collectivity of authorship, polyvanity, traditional. Moreover: Network texts clearly strive for "overcoming writing" - from here and widespread use of emoticons (allowing at least to designate intonation), and the popularity of "Padonskaya" (intentionally wrong) spelling.