Draw a drawing of a passenger walk in stages. Carnival pictures for children

Draw a drawing of a passenger walk in stages. Carnival pictures for children
Draw a drawing of a passenger walk in stages. Carnival pictures for children

how many interesting crafts You can make it possible to make children on the eve of the carnival and during the passenger week! This, in addition to the traditional stuffed for the burning, rag ritual dolls of several species, ruddy openwork pancakes, funny sunshine, "Martinich" and other crafts carrying joy from emergency shift cold winter on gentle spring. The same light mood is impregnated and children's drawings depicting a holiday.

Cut the children creative classes On the eve of Carnival with us. For you - a wide selection of master classes for making crafts and the organization of thematic products dedicated to the wonderful folk holiday.

Wide carnival in children's creative expression.

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All sections | Maslenitsa. Drawings and crafts

Master - Class "Doll Maslenitsa" Maslenitsa - Ancient patent holiday Before the baptism of Russia, tied to the Day of Spring Equinox. It was noted 7 days before the equinox and 7 days after and was dedicated to the worship of the Sun, which gives life and the strength of everything alive. It is in honor of the Sun ...

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Maslenitsa. Pictures and crafts - Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group "Maslenic meetings"

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

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Purpose: Teach children to create a doll image in the figure. Objectives: to introduce children with the folk holiday by Carnival. Shape the ability to place an image on the entire sheet of paper, carefully paint. Develop artistic and creative activities, imagination, drawing skills, ...

Maslenitsa. Drawings and crafts - the abstract node "Carnival came!" From the cycle "Promotion to the origins of Russian folk culture"

Immediate educational activities From the cycle "Attachment to the origins of the Russian folk culture"" Maslenitsa arrived a! " MKDOU "Kindergarten with. Ekaterino - Nikolskoye "Educator: Schmigel E. I. Objectives and Tasks: 1. To acquaint with the festival Carnival. 2. Expand knowledge ...

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Often children on the eve of the holiday are asked to bring to school or kindergarten Drawings - Maslenitsa, Spring, Bonfire, Holiday. And if you visit your baby on a folk walk, he himself will handle impressions on paper. But how to draw to carnival? How to portray not just a holiday, not just a bonfire or pancakes - Namely a fun holiday meeting of spring? We will try to help you.

Phased Drawing of Carnival: Draw along with children

Start work with what together with the child, think about what will be depicted in your drawing. Select the plot of the future picture and try to list and present all the items that you have to portray. They should not be too much, and they should not be complicated if you, of course, is not a professional artist.

Most likely, you decide to draw the stuffed carnival and a stack of pancakes on a plate - because these are the main symbols of the first spring holiday. But do not forget that the scarecrow should burn. This means that you will have to portray the bonfire. The fire can be drawn around the stuffed, but you can simply beside him. And one more mandatory element Your drawing is the sun. After all, both pancakes, and the feast of the carnival, from ancient times, are devoted to the coming of spring, and hence the warm and bright sun, who runs the boning winter with her boat and blizzards.

Now you need a thin pencil outline on a sheet of paper, where the pattern elements will be placed. The younger than your child, the more the inclination of him fill the whole sheet of the drawing, so if it starts to draw the scarecrow, the pancakes and the sun of the free space can already just not be enough. Therefore, the composition of the pattern and the size of all elements must be denoted in advance. After that, start drawing.

How to draw scarecrow to carnival

How to draw passenger pancakes

How to draw a bonfire

How to draw a passenger sun

In the picture on Carnival, the Sun is depicted not as they usually make children - this is not just a small yellow circle with rays. At the Sun must be a person, and the rays are drawn in thick, folk style.

Maslenitsa in the paintings of artists and in children's drawings

Maslenitsa painted many famous artists. Of course, no one will demand from the drawings of the child of the same skill, but the paintings will help you choose the plot. These drawings can be used in the form of slides or simply show, illustrating a story about how to celebrate the carnival.

Often artists depict a festive bonfire with a stuffed stuffed on it.

You can depict folk festivities during the carnival and riding on the sleigh.

Large festive table For everyone, with pancakes - on this topic and adults, and children draw with pleasure.

Often artists are depicting traditional games And fun on the carnival - the storming of the snow fortress, contests in agility, carousel and ice roller coils.

And finally, the scarecrow itself! After all, before it burns, it is designed to be the main figure on a holiday that is founded for a whole week.

Funny drawings on Carnival

Modern artists are not lagging behind the classics and also with pleasure draw to carnival. Such images are not only understandable to children, they will not leave indifferent and parents, they can be used as cards, decorate the apartment and class, and just send to friends. After all, Maslenitsa is one of the most fun holidays per year.

Now that you know how to create a festive drawing, the carnival will remain with you not only in memory, but also on paper. Draw, you will definitely work out!

    You can draw a dove of the world. For example, so

    Below to draw a beautiful figure 1 and write next to May. Here we got the pigeon of the world for the holiday of peace and labor. Near the child easily draws flowers and air balloons. Drawing ready!

    What can be drawn to the holiday on May 1 pencil phased? Let's remember what basic holiday symbols Spring and Labor:

    , (,), bright sun, Green grass, all that we waited so long after the cold winter.

    You can draw a picture

    How to draw spring you can see here

    On May 1, dozens of years - the holiday of spring and labor. This is what you can draw. For example, that you are associated with the spring - the flowering trees, the first spring flowers - in a bouquet or in a meadow, the birds come - they buy nests, sit on green branches, awakening the garden, and what does the work speak - inventory (shovel, rake ...), Working in the field is a garden - the dacha people, a holiday is balloons, fireworks, flags, parade, world - a white dove, a planet ... That's it can be drawn. These are examples of such work.

    Such a simple drawing can be drawn with the child, and then paint it

    You can simply draw balls and add an inscription - simple, of course, but it looks good:

    This option is also quite acceptable, and it is also drawn very simple:

    I think this holiday will relevant pigeon will be relevant.

    Initially, schematically depict the pigeon.

    Drawing its paws in more detail and clearly.

    Draw feathers - detail the plumage. Here our drawing acquires a markedly improved view. Ready! The pigeon turned out very beautiful, although it draws it pretty quickly and is not very difficult.

    Start drawing from a circle, this is the planet Earth

    Now, draw a figure of 1 text when you feed the drawing of colors, as in the photo

    that's what we did

    dorisyu inflatable balls

    it remains to write an inscription, and can be painted with colored pencils or paints

    Draw balloons in a bundle on foreground And two bundles in the background.

    In the lower right corner drawn May 1 and Happy Spring holiday!

    Figure is simple, even the child will master.

    Decrade the balls in color, background - under the color of the sky, letters with congratulations - red. Poster ready!

    You can look like a drawing, too, with balls in a bundle, but add an image globe with flowers. The inscription can be made another, on the subject of May 1.

    Interesting will be an option with daisies. Balloons Already become a symbol of the holiday not only a birthday, anniversary, but also on May 1. Serpentine will add raisins and colorful to the drawing. First draw balls, then flowers. Here are daisies. They are ideal for the holiday on May 1. You can be bells, asters draw. Serpentine draw in the form of small trapeats. And we do an inscription on a poster or postcard.

    Draw any flowers. Symbol of the First May. There were always red tulips. Here is how they can be painted:

    Finish the drawing of colors there should be a lot - a whole bouquet!

    Now you can paint the job, after writing the world of work May!

    Tulips can be different colors, And the inscription make more modest you can leave white as I have.

    You can also draw any old postcard With first mare. Here is a selection of postcards for inspiration:

    I suggest such drawings to consideration, which in my understanding can symbolize the feast of the working people on May 1:

    White pigeon symbolizes the world on the whole earth.

    Salute - symbolizes fun and joy for people.

    Previously, this holiday was given to all flowers. There was a lot of color everywhere and everyone.

    In principle, this holiday on May 1 - the day of all workers for each person can be interpreted in different ways, and each person can imagine him with something, especially if it concerns the drawings.

    On May 1, you can draw spring and reflect the symbols, flowering. It may be a twig or blooming flowers, inscriptions, balls, posters, words May 1 holiday, Mir and etc.

    You can also draw balls, flags, pigeons, birds, etc.

    May first - day of peace, labor, spring, may.

    It is customary to draw any spring flowers, blooming branches, bird with a branch, etc.

    Draw an arbitrarily pigeon with a twig step by step on May 1: first only head and beak, then the outlines of the body and wings appear, then completely bird and twig in the beak.

    Ready pigeon with a twig in the beak is a symbol of spring and May.

    Similar drawings can be created for the holiday along with children.

    I am bad draw so I will not tell me how to draw, but I have an idea.

    It is best to draw crazy, and not sketch, my idea is to draw a garden, there is a working girl, mother and dad, best to portray some tree.

    The main thing that would draw a child, because it is important not an assessment, but how your child is developing, there is no sense, so let him listen to my idea (under your pretext) and draws as he thinks.

Required tools and materials

But before drawing the carnival, of course, it is necessary to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following stationery:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Multicolored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Feltolsters, paints.

How to draw carnival: draw scarecrow

The main attribute that remains mandatory from the pagan times is the scarecrow of straw, fixed on the pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a woman's round-blood in folk Russian robes. During the guys, you can see flaming stuffed and dance near him.

So that the image of the stuffed came out like a real artist, follow the phased description:

  1. Draw oval head and pole with crossbar for hands.
  2. Picture the external outlines of the robe and head remove (handkerchief).
  3. Draw the clothes in detail, highlighting the cuts and patch.
  4. Draw a straw that should come down through clothes. The face of stuffed must draw rude or not to display.
  5. The flame in the fire must be inhomogeneous. Contain lighter and dark areas. Draw first large and high languages Flame. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give fire volume. In the end, draw wood sketches. Denote the size and texture of wooden lanes.

Consider in more detail how to draw the carnival in a phased pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you difficulty.

Sun Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object object or as an addition. It transmits the holiday atmosphere. "\u003e

By the way, sometimes it is depicted on the pole instead of everything stuffed or the head of the carnival.
The image of the passenger sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motives are used for the drawing, and also duplicate the symbols of other festive attributes (flame languages, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted in the form of several circles or spirals prescribed in each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fire snakes, fire languages \u200b\u200bor oil splashes.
  • The shades of red, yellow, orange are used for the image.

Fire - an integral attribute of Carnival

The very brightest part of the celebration is the storage stage of the stuffed. Next to him often depict separate languages \u200b\u200bof flame or fire. You can portray the burning scarecrow. The fire is easier to draw in stages.

First, you need to designate the main languages \u200b\u200bof the flame. Do not forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than another. Draw such a transition and on every fiery language. So that the shade looks continuous and realistic, the pencil is better to keep the pencil under the tilt.

Add minor flame languages \u200b\u200band apply hatching. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the bonfire. Thin pencil circle the outlines of each language. Note the circle of light and flare flames if only the fire is needed.

For the image of the fire, draw sketch of firewood. Camerate wood texture, size and shape. Now you have to draw the final hatching and transmission of lighting. The drawing can be left in a pencil or paint.

We try to draw a holiday to Carnival, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked on various holidays, including on Maslenitsa.

Pictulate a stack of pancakes is not easy. So that she looked like realistic and did not resemble the pyramid from paper circles, make an emphasis on drawing parts and lighting:

  1. Originally make marking, draw a future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Mark the outlines of the stack. Pancakes cannot be the same, the edges must be uneven.
  4. Indicate the borders of the plate - they must copy the contours of pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be blocked by pancakes.

The final stage consists in drawing parts. Realistic drawing will create drops of oil or honey flowing down, and the berry at the top of the stacks. Note and draw shadows to impart the type of image.

The final stage

The article provided in detail is described in detail how to draw a pencil carnival, affordable and lightweight.

Color drawing better transfers warm and joyful atmosphere festive day. Therefore, you can decorate the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in operation, but dilute them and cold shades slightly, because the contrast is also needed. Figures dedicated to such a celebration like carnival, as a rule, are obtained by merry and bright.

You can come up with a lot of different topics with carnival motifs, but it is better to pick up ordinary stories. And the festive mood will be emphasized using folk patterns.

Maslenitsa is the holiday of spring foremoving, when the honest people are having fun, dancing around the stuffed carnival, eats pancakes, dumplings and leads a celebratory lifestyle, in order to run winter and pass native land In the power of warm spring. Holiday adore children, because he is very fun and all week you can taste pancakes. We prepared for you pictures of "Maslenitsa" for children - large collection images transmitting the atmosphere of this traditional holiday. All pictures are available in full size By clicking.

When celebrating Carnival?

The date of this holiday varies depending on when Easter is celebrated. In 2018, Maslenitsa from February 12 to February 18.

Collection of children's pictures "Maslenitsa".

Picture with the inscription "Carnival's holiday for children"

The people ride on sledding, sings, having fun and playing harmony on Maslenitsa. Someone holds pancakes, someone dancing who is just getting ready to join the fun

Beautiful children's drawing With the inscription "Hello, Maslenitsa!"

Maslenitsa is the celebration of the sun, so pancakes are baked on it, symbolizing this star

Everyone eats pancakes - and a cat, and a dog, and a boy, and a girl. And the bear playing a balalaica

Figure with folk entertainment on Maslenitsa. Sledge, climb on the post on the very top, stuffed carnival and much more

Kids sit at the table and prepare to try grandmother's pancakes

The picture is perfect for the heading of the children's wall newspaper on the carnival, or even for the signboard!

Even more massive folk festivities in February on Maslenitsa. Now there is a skating rink, fair, music and more urban city

The same image, but performed with less screaming colors. Choose a picture of the soul!

An animated picture with a girl in the traditional Kokoshnik, offering us to whine damn. With carnival!

The crochet plays on the balalaica, grandfather on spoons, granddaughter baked pancakes, and the sun is already pending. Here is such it, the real Russian carnival!

We encounter the carnival, we call the spring, we drive the winter, pancakes absorb!

Maslennichny fun at this kindergarten

The same girl with pancakes became the heroine of a children's picture with a poem

Children sit at the carniatic table and are preparing to lunch

Children's drawing of the burner stuffed carnival

Photo of a cute boy and girls dressed in an old-circuit style. The boy holds in his hands pancakes with black and red caviar

Maslenitsa is a holiday with centuries-old traditions. It symbolizes the transition from winter to the spring, from the cold to heat, from dark and boring colors to bright and cheerful paints. The holiday is accompanied folk gulyany, laughter, jokes, ideas, games and treats.

Draw the carnival is not easy. In order to create a picture with many characters, items, details, the artist's experience and skill are needed. However, you should not lose heart. You can send a spring, a festive mood by depicting the main symbols of the carnival, one or more. The main attributes are the sun, pancakes, scarecrow and fire. Before painting the carnival, it is necessary to present a future picture, consider the plot, details. Central place should occupy festive characters.

Scarecrow Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is not only a holiday. So called the scarecrow, which is burned on the last day of the festive week, for forgiveness Sunday. Most often, the carnival is made of straw, in the form of a woman in a scarf and a worn sundress, and fasten on the pole. People's motives are dominated in her clothes, facial features may be absent or be rudely drawn.

Given the listed moments, you can proceed to drawing the carnival.

You need to draw the pole with cross-hand for hands and head.

Outline outdoor dresses and handkerchief contours.

Draw parts, patterns, patchwork, cutters.

Pictulate the straw base of stuffed: face, hands, legs.

So how to draw the carnival in stages easily, creative process should not cause difficulties. Scarecrow can be painted: it is better to take bright and warm shades. Must be used red, orange and yellow colors. Folk motifs are welcome in patterns, coarse and simple lines drawing.

the fire

The most colorful part of the holiday is the moment of burning stuffed, so there is often a bonfire or separate flame languages \u200b\u200bnear Carnival. You can draw burning scarecrow.

The fire is more convenient to draw gradually. First you need to outline the basic languages \u200b\u200bof the flame. It should be remembered for lighting: one side of the fire is always darker. Draw transitions on each fiery language. In order for the shade to seemed realistic and continuous, keep a pencil while working better under the tilt, stroke tightly.

Add minor flame languages, apply hatching.

If necessary, add the fire from below and increase the bonfire. Cut the contour of each language with a subtle sharp pencil.

If only the fire is needed, then outline the circle of light, flame reflections. For the picture of the fire Add outline of firewood. Outline, shape, texture of wood.

The last stage is the final hatching, transmission of lighting.

The drawing can be painted or left in a pencil.

The sun

The sun can be depicted as a central object of the picture or as an addition. Sometimes it is drawn on the pole instead of the head of the carnival or everything stuffed.

The image of the passenger sun has its own characteristics:

  • For drawing use folk motives, repeat the symbolism of other holiday attributes (pancakes, flame languages).
  • The sun is often depicted in the form of a spiral or several circles inscribed in each other.
  • Rays resemble flames, oil splashes or dancing fire snakes.
  • For the image use shades of yellow, orange and red.

The photo shows examples of colorful and symbolic sun drawings reflecting the atmosphere of the holiday. Pictures are different in difficulty, so any novice artist can find a suitable image.


Pancakes are not a simple dish of Russian cuisine. They symbolize the sun, eternity, birth and death, warmth and comfort. Pancakes Baked by different holidays: on the funeral, wedding and, of course, the carnival.

Draw a stack of pancakes is not easy. In order for it to look like a real, and did not resemble the pyramid of paper circles, it is worth paying attention to the drawing of parts, lighting.

First make marking. Draw a rectangle - a future stack. Then draw upper damn. It should not be round, but oval, edges - uneven.

Stop stack contours. Since pancakes cannot be the same and do not lie on Lineshek, then the edges should be different, uneven. Draw pancakes, leave some torn, protruding hanging. Denote the borders of the plate, they must repeat the contours of pancakes. The rear edge of the dish will be blocked pancakes.

The last stage is the applying of parts. Realistic drawing will give drops of honey or oil flowing down, the berry at the top of the stacks. Final Step - Note and draw shadows and glare, they will appeal the volume.

True Maslenitsa

In order to portray a real carnival, you do not need to draw a complex multifaceted picture with a variety of characters. It is enough to come up with a simple plot with holiday symbols. You can draw carnival with pencil or paints, it all depends on the preferences and skill of the artist. Picture in color better transfers the atmosphere of carnival, fun mood People, warmth of spring. It is advisable to use bright, warm colors And shades, not forgetting to add calm and cold for contrast.

Most often for drawing take a simple plot:

  • Winter landscape, in the center of the painting - Stuffed, near the fire. In the sky - a bright sun.
  • Several omens, who carry a plate with pancakes and poles with ribbons and sun.
  • Still life, in the center of which samovar and a stack of pancakes, but around tea cups, vases with jam, rams and dryers.

You can come up with many other paintings with carnival motifs. Better to choose traditional plots. In any case, it should be started with the markup of the sheet, outline of the contours, do not forget about the perspective and lighting. Items must be harmoniously grouped. Festive mood Well emphasize the folk patterns. They can be depicted on dishes, clothing, tissues.