Impromptu theater for an adult company. Teaching experience impromptu theater

Impromptu theater for an adult company.  Teaching experience impromptu theater
Impromptu theater for an adult company. Teaching experience impromptu theater


Stop 1. Little green men Who do they call that? Children answer.

- You need to be able to communicate with them, using not only words, but also gestures and facial expressions. Give them important information:

  • "I want to sleep";
  • "I have a stomachache";
  • "Call me".

Team members use facial expressions and gestures to depict what is written on the card.

Stop 2: Green Longing

Leading. What it is? How to overcome it? And I propose to do the following:

  • bark the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;
  • grunt the song "Let them run awkwardly";
  • to meow the song "Chunga - changa".

Team members bark, grunt, meow, trying to repeat the melody. Spectators guess the name of the song.

Stop 3. Zelenka

Leading. What is it? The medical team is ready to help at any moment. Let's check how this command can complete tasks in 10 seconds:

  • line up in height from lowest to highest;
  • line up in height from highest to lowest;
  • line up in the shape of a cross.

Team members complete tasks while the audience counts aloud to ten.

Stop 4. Green Sea

- Let's go to the forest!

The team members become actors of the impromptu theater "Forest", playing the roles of the sun, two rays, two flowers, wind, blacksmith, worm, rooster.

The presenter reads the text:

How wonderful it is in the morning in the forest! A bright smiling sun emerges from the horizon. It casts its rays into a green meadow. Flowers are glad to the sun. They reach out to him, open their petals, and amiably shake their stalks. A small breeze flew into the clearing, it blows around the flowers from all sides. Flowers sway with their petals. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a cheerful grasshopper appears. He jumps from flower to flower, enjoys life, chirps merrily. A small worm is crawling nearby. He wants to bask in the sun. Then a hungry rooster appeared. He crowed loudly, so much so that the grasshopper shook with fright and galloped away. But the worm did not have time to hide, and the rooster grabbed him. The flowers, seeing this, trembled and pressed themselves to the ground. The rooster, anticipating dinner, spread its wings and comb. He went home happily. The sun stopped smiling, decided to hide from the rooster and never shine on him again. The breeze raged and all its strength brought down after the departing rooster. The rooster did not expect this, got scared and released the worm from its beak. The worm immediately disappeared into the grass of a green glade. And the rooster was upset - again he remained hungry. He put his head down and left with nothing. The sun came out again. And the breeze-savior lifted the bent flowers from the ground and flew merrily across the clearing.

Stop 5. Disguise

Many animals adapt to conditions the environment- are masked. There are some species that have in their color green color... And who - you will see by executing the command. Show all together one animal: 1) a snake; 2) an octopus; 3) crocodile.

All team members, having united, show one animal without sounds. Spectators guess.


Theater impromptu.

Roles: oak, butterfly, hog, princess, moon, ray, knight, horse, Nightingale the robber.

The presenter reads the text:

Large bright glade. In the center of the glade there is an old spreading oak tree. It creaks. A butterfly of amazing beauty flies around the oak. A hog runs back and forth: he looks for acorns or conducts a sports warm-up, it is unknown. Not far away in the palace the princess sits and is sad. She looks at the oak tree from her window and shrugs off the annoying flies. Evening falls, the moon rises. She floats across the sky. Suddenly, the Robber Nightingale appears from behind the oak tree. He smiles slyly, scratches the back of his head - apparently, he is planning some kind of villainy. Here the Robber Nightingale makes his way to the palace, grabs the princess and takes her away. Having reached the oak, the villain ties the beauty to the tree, walks around, rejoicing at the prey. The princess is crying. A wild boar rustles in the bushes. He trembles with fear. The butterfly fluttered and flew away from this ominous place. And only Luna did not leave the princess. She directed her rays with warmth and light at her. At this time, a brave knight was passing by on a glorious black horse. Interested him bright light in the clearing. The knight went there. What does he see? The oak sways and waving its branches. A princess is tied to him. She cries with her head lowered. The robber nightingale runs around and shakes his beard. A boar is trembling in the bushes. The moon sends its bright rays into the clearing. The knight dismounted from his horse, drew his sword. A terrible battle began. Both opponents were strong. But the knight managed to deliver a powerful blow, after which the enemy was defeated. The robber nightingale fell, and the knight untied the princess, put her on his faithful horse and took her to the palace. A wild boar came out of the bush. He looked around carefully, listened again and began looking for acorns under the oak tree. The oak, old and spreading, stood quietly, only occasionally creaking with twigs. A butterfly flew in. She sat down on one of the oak branches. The moon continued to illuminate the clearing, but no longer sent its bright rays. She was glad that everything ended so well.

Elena Karyagina
Theater impromptu

Theater impromptu.

Family evenings bring families closer together, allow you to see adults and children in a different light, help overcome mistrust and hostility in the relationship between children and adults.

At these evenings we sometimes spend with relatives « theater - impromptu» ... These are performances in which everyone can take part at will.

Impromptu frees from fear of failure, impromptu allows you not to be an actor, impromptu suggests momentary creation, and, therefore, imperfect, with mistakes, incidents, funny situations. All the failures of the participants in the improvised scene are justified in advance. impromptu: no one knew what his role was; none of the actors is an actor, so his behavior is free.

I bring to your attention impromptu, a fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"... Preparing cards for players (badge) with the title role: grandfather, woman, testicle, mouse and fold into "Wonderful bag"... Each willing player draws a role for himself and pins himself a card. The author reads the tale, and the players perform actions according to the text. You can add attributes: for a grandfather - a cap, for a woman - a scarf, etc.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman.

Grandfather is an excellent athlete.

A woman: make up lips, let your eyes down, and let's click the seeds.

And they had Ryaba chicken. The hen is like a hen, the feathers will spread out, the scallop will crumple, the ass twists and ..., the hen laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple - it is cool because it is golden!

Grandfather is an athlete. Warmed up, stretched, approached the testicle from one side, then from the other. And he began to beat ...

And the testicle is not afraid, it is swollen and so strong, strong.

Grandfather beat, did not beat. Because the testicle is not simple, it is steep on the hands of golden rings.

Baba she is a woman: with eyes on the sides leads and clicks seeds.

The testicle swelled again ...

Baba beat, beat - did not break.

Our testicle is not simple, it is steep on each finger on a ring.

Suddenly the mouse came running. The mouse is gray, fluffy. She runs and squeaks: "Pee-pee"... She has a long, long tail. She waves them quietly, inaudibly.

The mouse ran to the testicle on tiptoes, waving its long tail. Suddenly she waved her tail!

The testicle screamed: "Well, you damn it, I'm cool!" but it fell and shattered.

Although the grandfather is an athlete, he is crying.

A woman is a woman, she also cries.

And the chicken: the feathers will spread, the scallop will crumple, the ass wags and clucks: "The testicle therefore did not beat immediately, because it was processed "Blendamed"... And you, everyone

K-R-U-T-O-E, Z-O-L-O-T-O-E! the hen approaches the broken testicle. He wants to glue it together, and although the testicle is broken, everything is so cool, sparkling - golden all the same. So he wants to stretch his little testicle to the chicken.

And the chicken wags her ass, strokes the testicle and clucks: “Okay, don’t cry grandfather and woman and don’t cry. I'll lay you a not golden egg - a simple one. "

The mouse immediately wagged its tail, ran on tiptoes and squeaked "Pee-pee".

Grandfather threw sports to the chicken and ran, was delighted, began stroking the comb on the chicken.

Grandma collected the testicle and put it on the shelf. Everyone began to admire the testicle.

The grandmother has forgotten about the seeds only about the chicken and thinks she straightens the feathers.

So the fairy tale ends.

The egg is beautiful from him and the beauty glows.

The grandfather strokes the chicken on one side.

Baba on the other side.

The mouse runs and squeaks.

The tale is over. Thank you for the attention. All the heroes go out to bow.

In the performances of the theater of improvisations for children, the child becomes not just a spectator, but the most direct participant in the events being played out.

He can, along with the main actor, run to attack the evil robbers, put forward versions of the case of the kidnapping of Yummy Candy, help dig up a huge treasure that the pirates buried, and much more.

The main actor becomes a kind of guide in Magic world games: when necessary - he will stop the child or push him to action.

The most valuable thing for children in improvisation theater is the opportunity to show their talents in a practically real environment. Moreover, the game should contribute to the disclosure and search of such talents.

Children, keen on finding a cave on a glued map, really believe in their strength and the success of the event. These little people have a "giant" determination and perseverance, interest flares up in their eyes, and adults only need to carefully accompany their heroes to the goal.

Age restrictions: the performance is intended for children 7-10 years old;
number of participants: from 3 to 15 people.

two adult Indians, whose role is played by dads or employees of an educational institution;
robbers with big roadnegative image two adults;
members of the expedition - all the guys present;
Mayan treasure keeper (if the holiday is timed to coincide with a birthday, the birthday person can play his role) - one of the children participating in the game;
presenter - the person who leads the story and sets the tone for the whole action.

Decorations, costumes, props
feathers, paints, bright bandages, bows and spears - the attire of the Indians;
torn clothes, ugly make-up, sticks in hands - robbers' costume;
a treasure map torn into three parts;
soft light pillows of light (according to the number of children) and dark (for robbers) color;
sweet coins, candies in the form of small medallions, caramels, small metal coins - treasures;
a large floor calendar - the main relic of the Maya.

Game progress
The game must be carried out in a park or forest-park strip.

Quiet music sounds.
Against her background, the presenter begins to tell old history O Mayan tribe:
“A long time ago, an Indian tribe lived on the territory of what is now America, which called itself the Maya. Their culture, science and life were so developed that scientists from all over the world are still using the data obtained by these unique people. However, even more mysteries are kept by this ancient human civilization, including about its mysterious disappearance. No one has solved the mystery of where the Maya Indians disappeared and where they took their intellectual and material treasures. Today we have a unique opportunity to touch ancient tribe and help them in their search for lost treasures. "

The host's story is interrupted by the appearance of two Indians. Their task is not to scare the participants, but to create an effect of spontaneity.

Children are captivated by the costume and the talk of the newcomers.

1st Indian:
“Hello, residents of this beautiful country! We have come to you from afar. Our people many centuries ago gave up the benefits of civilization, now we live as hermits. But one misfortune haunts us. The hidden, stolen treasures of the Maya, our tribe. "

2nd Indian:
"We have come to you with one request: to help us find the lost treasures and choose among you the keeper of the Mayan main treasure."

If the party is timed to coincide with a birthday, the birthday person is appointed as the keeper. The Indians finish their story and perform a small ritual dance.

“This is understandable, but how do we find those treasures? After all, we have neither a map nor a guidebook ”.

1st Indian:
"We know that the treasure is buried somewhere in this area, and the map was made by pirates who stole the treasure."

2nd Indian:
“After a while, the land robbers stole the treasure map, apparently, they still have it. Let's start our search in that direction, so the spirits of our ancestors tell us. "

The members of the expedition go in the indicated direction, but suddenly robbers jump out to meet them. Torn and beaten, they perform a song from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians": "We say byaki-beki, how the earth takes us out ..."

1st Rogue:
“Ha-ha-ha, you weren't expecting us ?!
And we ourselves rode.
Here are the stupid people
Think, read books
And everyone knows about everything.
Looking for a treasure is not a joke
It's not a minute at all. "

2nd Rogue:
“Now we will show you how to encroach on our treasure,
so that you can get out of here with screams and shouts! "

At this moment, the robbers take out prepared pillows in dark shades and begin to chase the children around the playground.

1st Indian:
"Guys, real warriors do not just give up, here is our weapon - take it apart, and forward to the attack!"

The 2nd Indian takes out light-colored pillows from a secluded place and distributes them to the children.

The participants begin to attack the robbers. After a short duel, the robbers flee, being defeated.
One piece of the lost card remains on the court.

"Look, is this really the same card we talked about?"

1st Indian:
“Yes, this is her. Now our searches are simplified, because it is much easier to follow the map. "

2nd Indian:
“Well, let's see in which direction we should move? The initial segment of the path is indicated on the map. "

Participants bend over a piece of the map. Adult players explain to young travelers how to navigate the terrain on the map. After a short instructive conversation, the participants hit the road.

After a few meters, the same robbers block their way.

2nd Rogue:
“Thought you drove us out? No, we ran away ourselves. "

1st Rogue:
“Your card is not complete,
Two pieces are missing!
And we have them, meanwhile,
I will show it to everyone. "

The robber takes two more pieces of the lost card from his pocket. The host, the Indians and the children begin to convince the bandit to return the scraps of the map to them, but the robbers do not give in to persuasion.

1st Rogue:
“Okay, okay guys,
What will I tell you now.
I will give the second part
Only when at least someone
He can scare me and his friend. "

2nd Rogue:
“I will tell you without laughing:
Fear is unknown from birth
To none of our brothers.
That's why, little ones,
Act while you are alive! "

The robbers giggle insolently, and the expedition members get together and decide how to scare the bandits.

The presenter invites the children to start making scary sounds: growl, bark, howl, squeak like mice.

Children begin to fantasize by imitating animals. However, the robbers only laugh.

Then the leader gathers all the participants in a circle and offers to play out the following plan.

All children on the count of "three" will have to jump out of the circle and abruptly, unexpectedly shout in the face of the robbers: "Boom!"

When the participants are ready, there is silence and the presenter counts to three in a whisper: "One, two, three."

Children jump in different directions and shout loudly: "Boom!" The robbers cry out in surprise and run away, hiding behind the bushes.

"Hooray! You guys are great. Look, out of fright, the robber dropped another piece of the map. "
2nd Indian:
“Now our searches are simplified. Let's determine the further direction of our journey. "

Children and adults gather in a circle and examine the map. Having marked the place of stay with a circle, and the direction of movement with an arrow, the participants hit the road.

1st Indian:
“But what is it? I can hear the clatter of axes, I can smell the fire. My instinct does not let me down, somewhere near the camp. Yes, that's right. Here, guys! "

Participants tiptoe around the camp and discover that robbers are stationed there.
2nd Indian:
"Quiet! Don't scare them away. We need to get the last, third part of the map. Persuasion will not bear fruit, a cunning plan is needed here.

The Indians call their children over to them and in a whisper agree on the following: as soon as the robbers relax, the guys will have to jump out into the clearing and start screaming. At this time, the adults will grab the bandits and tie their hands.

After prior arrangement, the participants quietly surround the camp. Walk around the bushes. As soon as the first Indian gives a sign (wave of his hand over his head), the children jump out into the clearing with a cry and noise.

The robbers do not have time to do anything, numb with fear. At this time, the Indians grab the bandits and tie them up with ropes. The children search the robbers, find the third, last piece of the map, and give it to the Indian.

1st Indian:
“Finally, the mystery has been solved! Let's put all three parts of the map together and get a complete picture. "

Participants get together and understand the readings on the card. Now it should have several designations: the beginning of the campaign (circle), the direction of movement (arrows) and a cross (the place where the treasures are hidden).

It turns out that the robbers set up camp almost at the very place where the sought-after treasure is hidden. The guys happily take up the shovels and start digging.

"There is very little left, and the Mayan treasures will be lifted up."

The treasure is not deeply buried, so the guys can easily find the old chest. The one who found it first is declared the main guardian of treasures, if it is honorary title doesn't belong to anyone yet.
From the chest they take out coins, sweet medallions and, of course, the main relic of the tribe - the floor calendar. It should be bright and impressive in size.

1st Indian:
“We are grateful for your help, our pale-faced brothers. Now we can safely hide away and retire in our beautiful country. Do not forget to keep our relic and the secret of the Mayan people. Remain friendly and sympathetic and do not punish these unfortunate villains who have already suffered defeat. "

After parting, the Indians retire to the blue distance, and the presenter asks the children a question:
"Guys, what should we do with these people?"
Indicates robbers.

A discussion ensues between the participants about what punishment evil, arrogant and aggressive people deserve.

As a result, the presenter proposes to hand them over to the police and judge them according to the laws of the country. The children agree, the presenter dials the number (reminding the children of the police phone number) and calls the outfit.

“This is the end of our unexpected journey.
I hope that each of you has realized that being good, friendly and kind is much better than being embittered by the whole world and thinking only about your own good.
Thank you kids for your brave and sympathetic hearts.
See you soon!"

Age restrictions: younger children school age- from 7 to 12 years old;
number of participants: from 3-4 people to 10-13.

two detectives - adult men, possibly from among the parents of the children involved (the first image is like Sherlock Holmes, the second - a common detective, constantly sneezing, rubbing his nose; he will turn out to be a criminal);
members of the search group - children;
the presenter is an adult who leads a festive show and brings all the action to the situation being played out.

Decorations, costumes, props

Prepare two long cloaks for detective costumes, put on a brimless hat for one, and give out to the other (criminal) sunglasses... Be sure to hand out gloves, magnifiers, glasses and pistols to detectives. For believability, stick an English antennae on one of them. You will also need a birthday cake, beautifully decorated and impressive in size.


Children are having fun on a holiday (birthday, New Year etc.). The host invites everyone to come to the table and taste the birthday cake. The moment it is time to share it, it turns out that the cake is gone.

The presenter, in confusion, informs the children about the loss.

Then both detectives appear. The adventure revolves around finding a birthday cake. In the end, it turns out that the common detective is the very thief, and his cold is just a cover so as not to betray his true self.

Game progress

The party is in full swing, the children are having fun and holding various contests. The presenter offers to relax a little, and at the same time to have a snack. The invitees are sent to the table.

As soon as it comes to dessert, the host goes to another room and returns in amazement:
“Guys, the cake is gone! (He names several names of the children), follow me, maybe you can find the missing one. "

The guys, together with the presenter, go to the kitchen and are convinced that the cake has really disappeared. Then they return to the room and tell everyone else about it.

"So what's now? The holiday will remain unfinished without a solemn tasting of the cake. How to be? Where to find the missing cake? And most importantly: who will help us with this? "

After these words, both detectives appear in the room. One is holding a magnifying glass to his face, the other is wearing glasses and both are humming a song from the cartoon "Return Bremen Town Musicians»:
"A scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle ..."
The detectives are introduced to the children.

Tracking Master:
“I am a Famous Detective, Master of Surveillance, investigating the most complicated and murky cases. What happened to you? Your surprised and disappointed exclamations are heard even on the street. And this is my colleague, Secret Detective, he received such a nickname for his excellent ability to hide. True, he is now a little ill, which is strange in itself, because a couple of hours ago he was completely healthy. Okay, let's get to work. Has anyone seen anything suspicious or stranger in the house? "

Children take turns remembering events. today... As a result, everyone comes to the conclusion that they did not notice anything or anyone suspiciously.

Tracking Master:
"Fine. Then let's start from scratch. Are you ready to be my helpers guys?
Then I declare you a task force on the search for the birthday cake. "

Undercover detective:
"But, Master, maybe we can do it on our own without outside help, especially since the children are already tired."

In response to these words, children begin to be indignant and show that they are full of strength and energy. The surveillance master agrees with them, because the children are the only witnesses to the crime.

Tracking Master:
“Now I am instructing you, my young assistants, to find some evidence. Look everywhere: under a bed, a sofa, behind an armchair, a wall, a TV. "

The guys go in search. And, lo and behold! They find evidence: a pen cap, a crumpled napkin.

The detective addresses the host:
"Tell me, were there any of these items before the birthday cake disappeared?"

"I can say with confidence that no."

Children confirm the words of the presenter, because their games took place in this very room. The detective writes down everything he said in a notebook.

Tracking Master:
“Aha! Now I'm sure - this is evidence, we are on the trail of a criminal. Look, my young friends, look for his tracks all over the house! "

Going out into the corridor, the children discover a real trace left by the intruder's sole. Some of the guys find a crumpled napkin again.

Tracking Master:
"I propose this option: each of you will now bring a shoe, a shoe, in general, the shoes in which you came to the holiday, to check the sizes."

The children go to get their shoes, and the detective writes down all the information in a notebook. Painstaking work begins: each child puts his shoe to the print.

“Dear Master of Surveillance, none of the guys wears shoes this size. The print does not belong to our guests. "

All in confusion look at the pondering detective, while the Secret Detective stands a little further away, blowing his nose and sneezing.

Tracking Master:
“I don’t see any other options on how to arrange a mini-interrogation of each of those present. You will all take turns to tell me where you were in the area of ​​such and such a time. In general, you must provide yourself with an alibi. Forward!"

A quick individual interview of the abduction witnesses begins. Unfortunately, it doesn't get anywhere either. Neither the children nor the presenter could steal the cake in any way, as they were busy with games and contests.

Tracking Master:
“Then I'm completely confused. Who could have done this? At the same time I was in a traffic jam on the next street. "

There is complete silence, everyone is silent, and the Master of Surveillance is thoughtfully scratching the back of his head. The silence is interrupted by a loud sneeze. All present turn around and see the Secret Detective, diligently blowing his nose into a white napkin.

If the kids haven't guessed that the Undercover Detective is the criminal, the Tracking Master completes the search:
Dear Undercover Detective, could you give me ballpoint pen, otherwise I have lost mine. "

The second detective hands the pen to the Master without a second thought. He solemnly lifts it up so that the guys can see the object. Then he takes the found evidence cap out of his pocket and demonstratively puts it on the handle. Perfect resemblance! There is silence, everyone is in shock, and the Undercover Detective tries to evaporate from the room.

"Hold it!"

Children rush to the exit and detain a criminal who is trying to fend off tickling and pinching. After a short "torment", under the pressure of childish insistence, the Secret Traitor Detective reveals the secret and tells where he hid the stolen cake.

All participants in the search, led by the Master of Surveillance, go to the indicated place and find the loss. Then a feast is arranged.

Undercover detective:
“Forgive me, children. The thing is that I love sweets since childhood. Only in my childhood there were no such confectionery delights, and if they did appear, then I got the smallest piece. I dreamed so much about a huge birthday cake that I could not resist. Excuse me please!"

“Well, children, can we forgive the culprit? After all, not everyone can resist such a yummy. Moreover, he sincerely repented! "

The children forgive the kidnapper and sit him down at the table, cutting off a solid piece of cake. A general idyll sets in.

Age restrictions: for primary and secondary school age from 6 to 13-14 years.


Two ship robots. They can be played by adults who are invited, or even you and your husband.
One of the robots will be an on-board computer. Its task is to announce any game information in an "electronic" voice. At the same time, he will sit at the control of the starship, that is, at a computer or laptop, and periodically turn on or off noise effects and musical accompaniment games.
The second robot is an assistant. He speaks in the same "electronic" voice as the on-board computer, but can move and carry objects. One curious detail: this robot is obliged to follow any orders of the team captain. However, this should not be shown immediately. During the game, this robot is engaged in changing the scenery, brings the necessary props and in every way assent to the on-board computer.
For robots, you can think of some funny names... So, the onboard computer can be given a name by the name of the ship, for example "Apollo-89", or "Geiserbummarine", or simply and in our opinion - "Pepelats". Also name the robot assistant somehow: the names "Werther", "Wally", "Ural-1" are perfect for him;

The Starship Troopers are all children present.

Decorations, costumes, props

To create costumes for robots, you need to prepare large paper boxes covered with foil. Holes for arms, legs and head are cut through them. The smaller boxes, also wrapped in foil, fit over the head so they have openings for the eyes, nose and mouth. Another option for a suit: tight-fitting leggings in a shiny color and a sweatshirt with a hood.

Attached antennas will be a great addition to the look. Makeup can be matched to the color of the suit. Use ice cubes to simulate meteorites, small sheets of foam with carved patterns, colored plasticine, shreds, special cellophane slippers (shoe covers) to keep children on the floor.

Upside down chairs and stools, ropes will help you create an obstacle course. Dark blankets and fur are needed to make the monster. There are also many balloons with painted angry faces, gifts for the expedition members.

Game progress

All the children are gathered in one room and a cartoon about spaceships, aliens and starships is played. Children stay to watch. As soon as the credits appear on the screen, robots appear at the door of the room. The TV turns off and the light starts flashing.

Onboard Robot (BR):
“Good afternoon, earthlings! We are delighted to welcome you aboard our starship ... (ship name). The Interplanetary Council has chosen you and assigned you as a team to carry out an extremely important mission. Save humanity! Our flight will be a real test for all of us. Therefore, we simply have to stick together and be one team. I am an Airborne Robot (BR) - a computer version, my name is ... (the name of the robot), and this is my assistant and friend ... (the name of the second robot), he is the Assistant Robot (RA). "

Children get to know the guests. The robot repeats the main lines of the message about the salvation of mankind several times. At this time, the sound of the motor is heard.

"Attention! Let's take off! Sit on the couch and chairs, close your eyes, put your hands on your knees and tap on them as quickly as possible. Then we will be able to take off safely ”.

Children follow the order of the BR. When the takeoff reaches its climax, RA imperceptibly approaches the sofa on which the children are sitting, and begins to shake it, raise it. The increasing sound of a roaring motor is heard. A few minutes later, BR turns on a calm melody, and RA turns on a dim light.

"Pleasant flight! Since we went into outer space, beware of weightlessness. Always carry special shoe covers that will pull you to the floor. We are moving along the developed route at the speed of light. "

Children see the cosmic distance and circling planets.

“Oh no, we have a problem! My trip computer card has been damaged by overloads. Now we can easily go astray. What to do? It is necessary at all costs to replace the damaged card ”.

RA points out to the participants the pieces of torn paper on the floor, chair, bed. This is the cherished card that must be found, connected and glued. Children, together with the RA, complete the task.

“Of course, it's great that you found the lost card, but here's the problem: the paper version will not be suitable for my computer to read. Figure out how to digitize the data and transfer it to the computer. "

Children get together and try to come up with a plan of action. The same RA comes to their aid. He silently points to the participants at the digital camera... The guys, under the strict guidance of the RA, take pictures of the received card and save the picture in the camera's memory. You can take several frames for reliability.

After that, all participants observe how the BR competently transfers the received images to the computer, storing them in memory. It is not necessary to prompt children right away; you can observe how smart they will be.

A calm melody sounds.

“Now everything is normal. The flight is going well. The map has been restored, the route has been determined. Overboard pressure is normal. Attention!"

The melody becomes menacing, increasing with every sound.

“Anxiety, anxiety! Danger. Overboard pressure and temperature drops to a minimum.
What's the matter? We hit a cloud of ice meteorites, we hit a cloud of ice meteorites! Everyone, take your seats! "

The children hastily sit down in their seats, the music is interrupted, turning into the sound of a damaged engine. The light goes out (at this time, RA throws pieces of ice on the floor). As soon as the light comes on, the children realize that something is wrong.

“Oh no, mistake, mistake! Meteorites pierced the skin of the ship. Collect the ice cubes immediately in the lead bucket. Immediately. Be careful, be careful! Do not hold the pieces of ice in your hands for more than one or two seconds, otherwise they will freeze you. "

The participants, under the clear leadership of the RA, begin to collect ice floes. Some throw them from hand to hand or throw them to each other, while the rest, aiming, throw the pieces of ice directly into the bucket. The job was done very quickly.

“Great job, well done guys! But that is not all. It is necessary to patch up the holes in the skin, I repeat, to patch up the holes. The RA will give you everything you need. Rather, rather. "

At this time, the RA takes out space plasticine, pieces of sheathing (foam sheets with holes cut in advance). The children begin to fold the sheathing. Holes form some kind of pattern (smiley, rocket, sun, star), and children select the required color, density and texture. As a result, the pattern (holes from meteorites) comes to life, acquiring color.

“What good fellows you are! Even I - a calculating and soulless machine - admire your creation. Beauty, beauty! RA, take away the patched upholstery, please! And now - attention! We're landing. Sit down in your seats, hold on tightly to each other. Our ship is landing. "

The light goes out, shaking begins, as during takeoff (RA moves the sofa). Children try to hold on to each other. Landing is complete, lights turn on and melodic music plays.

“The landing was successful. Follow the exit for the RA, move towards the exit. "

RA leads the children along the wall to the exit from the room, carefully transferring them to another room. On the way, they have to overcome obstacles: hanging giant cobwebs (woven ropes), sharp, frequent rocks (overturned chairs and stools). RA shows children how to avoid dangerous obstacles. As soon as everything is over, the guys find themselves in the twilight.

“Finally we got to the appointed place. Now - attention! "

The light comes on and the participants observe with horror that an alien monster is hiding in the corner of the room, and its guards are located around it ( air balloons with terrible painted faces).

“Here he is - the worst enemy of the Earth. For several centuries he has dreamed of taking over your planet and rebuilding the minds of people, making them primitive, turning them into slaves. Your task is to destroy the monster, but it is best to start with its guardians, the Urbuchiks. "

RA distributes laser weapons (culinary skewers) to children, with which they begin to pierce inflated rivals.

“Great, great. All the guards are destroyed, the path to the monster is clear. How can we get rid of the freak himself? What do you guys think? "

Each child offers his own plan to destroy the monster.

“This is all good, but this is the problem. You cannot touch the monster, otherwise you yourself will turn into shaggy animals. There is only one way out. Control the movements of the RA. You must choose the most sensible commander and draw up a plan of the RA movements in advance. Write it down on a piece of paper. Each of your commands will be immediately executed by a robot. Be careful when making your plan. "

Children gather in a circle and write down commands one by one. BR can help them. For example, take a step right foot, take a step with your left foot. To raise right hand and hit the monster with it. Lift left leg and push the monster, etc. Carefully draw up a plan of action. As a result, the monster will be crushed, and its lair will be mined.

“You have coped with the task, congratulations! Now urgently to the ship. This rotten planet won't last a minute without its leader. Cheers cheers! We won, now it's time for us to leave. "

Participants with a loud cry of "hurray" run to the ship, carefully overcoming the obstacle course. RA follows them.

“If everything is assembled - attention, I take off, take off. Help me start the engine, put your hands on your knees, on your knees and clap your best. "

Children sit in their seats and put their hands on their knees. The light blinks and the ship begins to shake, as in the previous takeoff. The flight ends with a soft landing on Earth.

“Congratulations, congratulations, we have landed successfully. You have completed your mission. You are intergalactic heroes! Hurray, hurray, hurray "

RA and BR retire to the room, from where the adults familiar to the children return.

“It's strange, someone left gifts in a box on the doorstep. It is written that they are prepared for intergalactic heroes. Is that for you guys? "

Children are happy to sort out the offered gifts and emotionally talk about what happened.

Age restrictions: for children of primary and secondary school age from 7 years.

staff - participants who are in one place and control the actions of active players;
field - players leading active actions, following the instructions of the staff;
two presenters - one oversees the work of the staff, and the second - the field players.

Decorations, costumes, props
mobile phones or children's walkie-talkies for communication between staff and field players;
notepads, pens, pencils for notes during the game;
children's encyclopedias and textbooks for finding the necessary information;
a schematic map of the area (in this case, your favorite yard) showing houses, swing-roundabouts, garages, roads, safe entrances in basements and other necessary details;
flashlight in case of work in the dark;
shovel for digging in the sand.


Each of the adults has probably heard about the game "Fight". In short, this is a genre of urban games with logical and logistic elements. In other words, the participants in the game need to perform a number of tasks and solve riddles, while being in the most mobile state - that is, in a car.

These tasks and riddles are scattered across different interesting points of the city in which the game takes place. The team of players is usually divided into "headquarters" and "field". The part that sits in the headquarters solves riddles, monitors the movements of opponents, maintains the information content of the "field".

The part that is in the field is directly involved in driving around the city and actively looking for tasks and markers, which, after being found, are transferred to the headquarters. Skirmish games are played under various names in many cities.

Children's version of the game can be carried out with children of different ages by adapting the tasks to the peculiarities of perception, thinking and ingenuity of the participants. It is best to play with well-known guys, knowing about their preferences and hobbies, and also counting on the capabilities of each kid.

Your yard will act as a springboard for the game. He is well known to you and children, which is important in a fast response environment. Take care in advance of issuing riddles to the headquarters and applying markers in various places. The word "marker" means any symbol. For example, a flower or a star.

Game progress

The presenters divide the participants into staff and field players. The most mobile are sent to the field, while the assiduous and calm are left at the headquarters.

Markers (symbols on the map) are best applied with a black felt-tip pen and made in such a way that they are not immediately visible. Thus, children will need a fair amount of attention to detect markers.

All riddles involve the question "where is the element of the cipher?" Here is a numerically annotated list of them.

The first piece of cipher bury at a shallow depth in the eastern corner of the children's sandbox. Place a marker on the side of the sandbox.

Determining the east corner is very easy. To do this, in the morning you need to see which of the corners is closest to the rising sun.

The headquarters puzzle should look like this:
"In the sandy desert, under the eastern pillar."

The task of the field players is to reach the desired "desert" (after all, there can be several sandboxes in the yard) and dig up the first piece of the cipher. For a little hint to the children, after you have buried the code, stick a flower, a stick, or a few pebbles in this place.

Second piece of cipher place in one of the hollow metal tubes of the fittings, from which various swings, carousels, slides and other simple attractions are made in your yard. Mark the required construction with a marker.

The riddle for the headquarters should be like this:
"In metal, cold and long, like an iron cocoon wrapped."
Field players need to inspect all structures and find the one marked with a marker. Then find a piece of cipher in one of the cavities. You can leave an orange thread hanging in the desired tube as a hint to the children.

Third piece of cipher hide in the branches of the bush. Draw a marker on the ground next to the desired bush.

The headquarters riddle should read:
"It grows in foliage that is not taller than a child."

Field players need to find the desired bush and find a piece of cipher tied to a branch in it. You can use red or yellow paper for a hint.

The fourth piece of cipher hide near the entrance to some safe basement. Not far away is about fifteen steps inward. Here the guys will need a flashlight and observation. Draw a marker on the door itself so that the guys do not make the mistake of entering.

The riddle should be like this:
"In the crown of the vaults of empty dungeons."

The guys will need to wander around the basement a little, accompanied by an adult, to find the code. Some reflective paint can be applied to the paper as a guide. A flashlight beam will illuminate a piece of paper in the dark, and children will find it.

The fifth piece of cipher stash under the roof of a squat garage in the yard. Somewhere not very high so that one of the guys could reach the piece of paper. Don't forget to put a marker on the garage.

The hint should be like this:
"Under the roof of a cozy apartment without windows."
Let the guys find the building they want and examine the protruding parts of the roof. To facilitate the task, you can tie a green ribbon to a piece of paper.

The sixth part of the cipher discreetly put one of the participants in the "Skirmish" in the pocket. So they will be surprised when from the headquarters they are asked to check their pockets for a piece of cipher.

The riddle should be like this:
"In trousers of wonderful black (or any other color, depending on the color of the trousers)."

Have all the guys with the specified pants color check their pockets.

The seventh piece of cipher hide under the step of the staircase. Mark the required step with a marker.

The riddle should be of the following content:
"Look under the stone firmament of the front doors."

Let the children in the field examine all the porches in the porch and find the right one. To make the task easier, you can draw a marker with a bright orange on a prominent place.

The eighth and final piece of cipher place in one of the balloons that are abundantly scattered around your house. A marker is not required here - children will pop all the balls indiscriminately anyway.

The riddle should be like this:
"In the hollow space of spheres filled with air."

This puzzle should connect field and staff agents. Together they will fill up the balloons to their fullest and find the last element of the cipher.

The code should be simple and unusual. Mirror encryption works great for our purpose. Take the clue-phrase "On the table" and copy it on another sheet of paper, halving the letters. Thus, to read the encrypted message, you will need to attach a mirror to each letter under a certain angle... Cut the sheet on which you encrypted the phrase into 8 parts. There is a piece for each letter and one space.

Number the parts in the correct order and hide in the designated places.

After the teams from the headquarters and the field are connected in the apartment and the children are immersed in deciphering the message, you discreetly put some tasty treat on the kitchen or dining table.

Having solved the message, the guys will rush to explore all the tables in the house and will certainly stumble upon a delicious cake or a set of pastries.

We've all played small plays with our children. famous fairy tales: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok".
Usually, parents take on the role of the author, and the children play for the rest of the characters.
Probably, you did not even suspect that it was an impromptu theater, or rather, a performance that was not rehearsed in advance.

Such performances are good in that the number of participants can vary from 3 to 30 people, and the plot changes during the performance, acquiring new details and jokes.

Below are several options for such formulations. They are well suited for school, at home, in a group. kindergarten and are liked by both children and adults.

This will become the highlight of any evening, holiday and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.
Plots can be instructive or simple, for example, you can take a fragment from any book and bring everything to life. inanimate objects(description of leaf fall, arrival of spring, first appearance of migratory birds). But it will not be difficult for you to compose yourself funny story from the life of your family. Allow yourself to dream a little. Good luck!

Dark night. Forest. The wind howls. The trees sway in the wind. Between the trees, a path goes into the distance, along which the prince gallops on his faithful horse. He rode for a long time and was tired. I got off my horse. He makes his way between the swaying trees, and the path goes off into the distance, until it is completely out of sight.

The prince looked around and saw that there was a hut on one leg.

He knocked on the hut:
- Knock-knock, who lives in the little house, who lives in the low one?

- I also found a little house, - the hut was offended. - By the way, I am a hut on one leg, ordinary, and my dimensions are standard. I do not invite you to go inside: robbers are visiting me now, they will soon return from hunting. Come back another time.

The prince marveled, he had not yet met such talkative huts. He hid behind the trees and began to wait for the robbers. Like all princes, a thirst for exploits and adventure was in his blood.

The wind howled, the trees swayed, and the prince sat near the hut, tied his horse nearby, and waited.

Suddenly he sees a robber and a princess sneaking up to the hut from different sides.

- Either they secretly meet, or a battle is planned, - rubbing his hands, whispered the prince.

Without looking at each other, the robber and the princess entered the hut, but in the darkness they ran into each other, bumped their foreheads and fell to the floor.

- A-ah-ah! Cried the princess.

- A-ah-ah! The prince shouted in fright.

And the robber fainted from surprise.

The prince, having come to his senses, ran into the hut and, not quite realizing what was what, picked up the falling robber.

“I thought princesses weren't that heavy,” he concluded in surprise.

- I'm here! - the princess waved her hands in front of him and jumped so that he finally noticed her.

- Oh, - the prince was embarrassed.

He threw the robber to the floor, took the princess by the hand, and justice was restored.

The princess wanted to get out of the forest as soon as possible. They tied the robber, loaded him onto a horse, and walked slowly down the path.

Trees swayed. The wind howled. Was dark night... In the middle of the forest, now on one, then on the other leg stood a hut, waiting for the lost travelers to see it.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done.

An ordinary morning. The sun rose in the sky and spread its rays, stretching gently and as if saying: "Good morning!"

In a certain kingdom, the king has awakened. He was very capricious, always making his courtiers do whatever came into his head.

Every morning he sat on his throne, looked at his reflection in the mirror and grinned:
- I'm good!

The king had three sons. The elder, as usual, was a powerful fellow, he loved to demonstrate his biceps-triceps and always beat the walls with his hands, from which dents formed in them.

The second son was smart, read a lot and adored philosophy. He had a gentle soul. He was often seen pensively sitting and looking at the sky.

Younger son he was fond of new trends, youth movements, that is, he hung out and "lit", sang rap and danced.

It's time for the sons to get married. But here's the bad luck: a huge three-headed dragon kidnapped all the more or less pretty princesses. What to do?

The king gathered his sons in the throne room, he himself, as always, admires in the mirror, and points to the door with his finger:
- Go!

The older one tensed his muscles, the middle one didn't even raise his head from the book, and the younger went on, listening to the player and dancing.

The brothers each went their own way, and meanwhile the dragon was waiting for all of them. The elder brother was the first to meet with him. The three-headed one flew out to meet him, turning his head, spewing fire. No amount of biceps will help. The king's eldest son beat and beat the air, but he could not even touch the dragon, fell exhausted on a stone and fell asleep in a heroic dream.

Here younger brother I jumped out into the clearing and started singing, but my very ears do not, screams, strains. But the dragon, it turns out, had a perfect pitch, he loved the classics and live music, I heard these howls, I closed my ears with my paws. But there is no escape from the rapper's annoying singing. So the dragon had to fly away with nothing.

The older brothers woke up, all together went into the cave where the dragon lived, and there three princesses are tied to stone pillars. Set them free and think about how to divide. But then she took out one book, another a player, and a third dumbbells.

The brothers have decided on their choice. They took the girls by the arms: the older one - with a book, after all, it is necessary that at least someone in the house was smart, the average, well-read - with a player, decided to master a new art, and the younger one - a strong one: you never know, countless forces will fly in, who is his will protect?

And the brothers went to their kingdom to live happily ever after, but whether this will be so, life will show.

Over the seven seas, over seven hills, far, far away, where I've never been ordinary person, once upon a time there was a princess.

Every day she got up with the first rays of the sun, put her face in front of him and played with sunbeams that tickled her cheeks and gilded her hair. When the princess got very hot, the maid of honor came running and fanned her with a fan.

A curse was imposed on the princess: every day she had to walk around the throne seven times, jump seven times and circle seven times. Only a fairy-tale prince could disenchant her. But since the enchantment imposed on the princess did not let her out of the palace, meeting with him was almost impossible. But…

Once, one ordinary morning, the princess was performing her daily rite. The maid of honor fanned her, trying to keep up with the energetic mistress. Suddenly two robbers burst into the castle, grabbed the princess and dragged her into the forest. The maid of honor fainted in horror, and then began fanning herself to come to her senses.

- Oh God! What will happen now? She repeated endlessly and rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, the robbers led the escaping princess to an old oak tree that grew in the thicket of the forest. This was their lair. They tied the prisoner to a tree that swayed in the wind and creaked.

The villains rubbed their hands happily.

- Good catch! They said, slapping each other on the shoulders and back.

But here's the bad luck: how to decide who will own the beautiful princess? There are two of them. And she's only one. The robbers sat down by the oak tree and began to argue.

- No, mine! - they pressed on each other.

Meanwhile, in the forest, the prince of the neighboring kingdom went hunting. He sat proudly on his horse, in his hands was a sword. Everything indicated that he was of noble blood. A hunting dog ran next to the rider, wagging its tail and showing the owner how happy he was with a new adventure and that he was ready to serve at any moment.

A nimble white hare rushed under the dog's feet and immediately jumped back in fright, tucked his ears, his tail trembled.

The hunting dog, without waiting for the command of the prince, rushed after the prey. The hare, quickly fingering its legs, ran towards the old oak tree, next to which it had a hole.

And the robbers were still sitting by the oak, whose dispute had already developed into a duel. They began to measure their strength as they do in armwrestling.

Seeing the prince, the princess began to shout and call for help. The bunny hid behind a tree and trembled. The prince dismounted from his horse, finally allowing the animal to feed on grass.

He drew his sword and prepared for battle, while the robbers put their fists forward and made angry faces. The outcome of the battle was decided by the prince's faithful dog: he bit one robber on the leg, and the other on the hand. Not expecting an attack, the robbers fled.

The prince gratefully stroked the dog's head, untied the princess, took her hand, knelt down and asked to become his wife. The princess said yes and the spell was lifted. The young men mounted a horse and rode to the castle to have a wedding.

In the clearing, there was still a huge oak tree, under which the robbers sat and argued about whose fault they were left without prey.

Hello to all residents and guests of the Country! The end is near school year, and I want to celebrate this event with something bright and unforgettable. I propose to arrange a THEATER-EXPROMT! A lot of impressions and a lot of laughter are guaranteed !!!
The idea is not new and is simple to the point of genius. Participants in the performance are given pre-prepared pieces of paper with a role written on them (for example, OAK or KOMARIK). Nobody knows what will happen next, because this is EXPROMT, which means we play without rehearsals!

The presenter reads the text, and each of the "heroes" comes out in due time and without words depicts what the presenter says, for example, OAK waving branches, KOMARIK flies and buzzes

There are a lot of texts for the performances of THEATRA-EXPROMTA on the net, but nevertheless I will post two here. The texts are not mine, they were found a long time ago on the Internet, I don't know the authors. The first performance "RED BERRY" is what is shown in the photo.

Characters: Red berry. Mighty oak. Wind. Mosquitoes (2-3 people), Bumblebee. Bear. Hare.

On the green edge of the forest, next to the POWERFUL OAK, was a RED BERRY. Suddenly a prankster WIND flew into the clearing. He whirled around the BERRY, began to blow on her. BERRY swayed on its thin leg. THE WIND whirled around the POWERFUL OAK, the branches of the oak swayed. Then the WIND flew away, whistling loudly goodbye. RED BERRY sighed with relief, but then the KOMARIKI flew up to her. They squeaked thinly and whirled around until BERRY felt dizzy. Then the KOMARIKI sat down to swing on the branches of the OAK. Then the WIND returned, began to blow on the KOMARIKOV, they flew away with a squeak, and the WIND ran after them. Suddenly, a Hare jumped out into the clearing. He galloped merrily near the POWERFUL OAK, sniffed the BERRY, touched it with his paw, and then ran away. Then a cheerful striped bumblebee appeared in the clearing, it buzzed loudly, circled around BERRY, buzzed again. Then the Bumblebee also swayed on the branches of the OAK. Tired, the Bumblebee lay down to rest under the leaves of a RED BERRY and fell asleep. BERRY swayed merrily on a thin leg, nodding its head. But then a shaggy BEAR hobbled into the clearing. The BEAR roared loudly and walked slowly, waddling from foot to foot. HERE A BEAR approached a POWERFUL OAK and began rubbing his back against it. The OAK staggered. Then the BEAR saw a RED BERRY. HE approached, bent over her, and the BERRY trembled with fright. But the BEAR was in no hurry to pluck it. He plopped down noisily on the ground where the striped Bumblebee was sleeping, and nearly crushed him. The Bumblebee soared and with all his might bit the BEAR in the nose. The BEAR roared and ran away. Bumblebee sat down on a branch of OAK, humming offendedly. And again the WIND was spinning in the clearing, a RED BERRY swayed on a thin leg, a POWERFUL OAK rustled with branches, merry KOMARIKI flew with a squeak, a cross-eyed Hare galloped, a Bumblebee hummed. And in the distance a BEAR roared.

And the play "KITTENOK" was played by parents for children. It was something! Sorry, there are no photos ...

Characters: Kitten, Magpie, Paper, Wind, Porch, Sun, Puppy, Rooster, Hen.

Today the KITTEN left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning. The SUN scattered its rays in all directions. The KITTEN sat on the WING and began to squint at the SUN. Suddenly his attention was attracted by the FORTY, who flew in and sat on the fence. The KITTEN slowly got off the WING and began to creep up to the FORTY, jumped high ... But the FORTY flew away. It didn't work out. The KITTEN began to look around in search of new adventures. A light WIND was blowing. He drove a PAPER across the ground. PAPER rustled loudly. The KITTEN grabbed her. Scratched a little. He bit and, not finding anything interesting in her, let go. The PAPER flew away, driven by the WIND. And then the KITTEN saw the COCK. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly around the yard. Then he stopped. He flapped his wings. And sang his sonorous song. The CHICKEN rushed to the COCK with all her legs. Without hesitation, the KITTEN rushed to them, grabbed the CHICKEN by the tail. But she pecked the KITTEN so painfully in the nose that he yelled and ran back to the PORCH. Here a new danger awaited him. The neighbor's PUP barked loudly at the KITTEN. And then he tried to bite him. The KITTEN hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the PUPPY with its paw. The PUPPY whined pitifully and ran away. The KITTEN felt like a winner, he began to lick the wound inflicted by the chicken. Then he scratched his back paw behind his ear, stretched out on a WING to his full height and fell asleep. Thus ended the kitten's first acquaintance with the street.

Thank you for the attention!