Literature test on the topic: "Checking the level of reading." (Grade 4). Game sentences and choruses

Literature test on the topic: "Checking the level of reading." (Grade 4). Game sentences and choruses

4th grade

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the oral folk art.

A) Fairy tales;
B) epics;
C) fables;
D) chronicles.

2. Name the hero and genre of the work:

From that city from Murom,
From that village yes Karacharova
A good-looking, good-looking, good-natured fellow was leaving.
He stood for matins in Murom,
He wanted to be in time for dinner
To the capital Kiev city.

3. Indicate a comic genre of folk art - a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to pronounce words quickly.

A) Patter;
B) rhyme;
C) a riddle;
D) teaser.

4. Give 1-2 examples of a piece of this genre.

5. What is the difference between works of oral folk art and works of authorship?

6. Which of the writers gave following definition fairy tales: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows"?

A) A.S. Pushkin;
B) G.Kh. Andersen;
C) P.P. Bazhov;
D) P.P. Ershov.

7. Remember 1-2 names of wise Russian beauties folk tales.

8. Write down the names of 1–2 fairy tales about tiny men, tiny boys and girls.

9. Write the name of the fable, to which the words can be attributed: "Business is time, and fun is an hour."

10. The works of which poets (2-3) would you include in the section "Poetic notebook"?

11. With what genres of works by L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?

A) Stories;
B) fables;
C) poetry;
D) fairy tales.

12. Write down the title of your favorite book. What did you like in her?

Reading as a type of speech activity requires a special approach to assessing the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of primary school students.
The proposed tests are approximate and are selected by the teacher based on the level of formation of the reading skill at the end of the first quarter, not only of the class as a whole, but also of each student individually, as well as taking into account the requirements of variable author's programs.
An individual test of the reading skill (reading aloud) gives the teacher a fairly complete picture of the level of formation of this skill in younger students.
Students are offered to read aloud an unfamiliar text available in content. The teacher, by fixing the mistakes made in reading, determining the number of unreasonable pauses, the time spent on reading, answers to the questions posed, assesses the level of mastering of the reading skill by the students.
In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades, the reading skill is controlled as "reading aloud" and "reading to oneself." Large texts can be read by two or three children (in a chain). Answers to questions can be built in the form of a conversation, a dialogue.

Reading aloud skill test

2nd grade


Was a man true friend- Dog. The years passed. The dog grew old, began to see poorly. Once on a clear summer day, he did not recognize his master. He ran out of his booth, barked like a stranger. The owner was surprised. Asked:
“So you don’t recognize me anymore?”
The dog wagged its tail. He whined softly. He wanted to say:
- Forgive me that I did not recognize you.
A few days later, the man brought a small puppy and said to the Puppy:
- Live here.
The Old Dog asked the man:
- Why do you need another dog?
- So that you alone will not be bored, - said the man and gently patted the old Dog on the back.

(94 words)
(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the faithful friend - the Dog bark at the owner, as at a stranger?
2. How did the person react to this?
3. What did you like about this piece?

Grade 3


Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.
From the thicket came a large brown bear and with her two funny teddy bears. The bear grabbed one bear with her teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.
The bear squealed and floundered, but his mother did not release him until she had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.
Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.
Mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first.
Once again on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with the bathing: the day was sultry, and they were very hot in thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.
After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

(122 words)
(V. Bianchi)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the hunter climb a tree?
2. What picture of the life of animals did the hunter manage to see in the forest?
3. Why were the cubs very happy with the bath?

4th grade


Grown on the edge of the Nettle glade. She rose above the herbs and was embarrassed. The flowers around are beautiful and fragrant, the berries are delicious. She alone is untalented: neither a pleasant taste, nor a bright color, nor a sweet smell!
And suddenly Nettle hears:
- It's not great happiness to be beautiful! Whoever sees - will rip ... - These are white daisies whispered.
- Do you think it's better to be fragrant? No matter how it is! - Rosehip whispered.
- The worst thing is to be tasty! - shook her head Strawberry. - Everyone strives to eat.
- That's it, that's it! - Nettle was surprised. - It turns out that I am the happiest here? After all, nobody touches me: they don't smell, they don't rip.
- We envy your quiet life! - flowers and berries sang in chorus.
- How glad I am, how happy I am! - shouted delighted Nettle. “How good I am,” she added thoughtfully. - I grow - they don't pay attention, they don't smell the color, I dry up - and they won't remember ...
And suddenly Nettle sobbed:
- As if I didn’t exist at all, as if I didn’t live! Damn such nettle happiness!
Flowers and berries listened attentively to Nettle. And they never complained about their hectic life again.

(158 words)
(N. Sladkov)

Questions and tasks

1. Why was Nettle embarrassed?
2. Why did the flowers and berries envy her quiet life at first?
3. Explain the reason for Nettle's sadness.

Reading level check

4th grade

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art.

A) Fairy tales;
B) epics;
C) fables;
D) chronicles.

2. Name the hero and genre of the work:

From that city from Murom,
From that village yes Karacharova
A good-looking, good-looking, good-natured fellow was leaving.
He stood for matins in Murom,
He wanted to be in time for dinner
To the capital Kiev city.

3. Indicate a comic genre of folk art - a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to pronounce words quickly.

A) Patter;
B) rhyme;
C) a riddle;
D) teaser.

4. Give 1-2 examples of a piece of this genre.

5. What is the difference between works of oral folk art and works of authorship?

6. Which writer gave the following definition of a fairy tale: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows"?

A) A.S. Pushkin;
B) G.Kh. Andersen;
C) P.P. Bazhov;
D) P.P. Ershov.

7. Remember 1-2 names of wise beauties from Russian folk tales.

8. Write down the names of 1–2 fairy tales about tiny men, tiny boys and girls.

9. Write the name of the fable, to which the words can be attributed: "Business is time, and fun is an hour."

10. The works of which poets (2-3) would you include in the section "Poetic notebook"?

11. With what genres of works by L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?

A) Stories;
B) fables;
C) poetry;
D) fairy tales.

12. Write down the title of your favorite book. What did you like in her?

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

2nd grade

There was one old man who had three sons. The brothers often quarreled with each other.
The old man thinks: "As soon as I die, the sons will separate and disperse, and it will be bad for everyone."

It's time for the old man to die. He called his sons and ordered them to bring a broom. The sons handed a broom to their father.
The old man says:
- Break the broom.
The sons said:
- Is it possible to break a broom?
The old man untied the belt on the broom, and the twigs fell apart.
- Break the bars! - said the old man.
The sons broke all the bars.
The old man says:
- So with you it will be the same as with this broom. If you live together, no trouble will overcome you. And as you disperse one by one, then everything will be lost.

(103 words)
(L.N. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

Read the text "Broom" by L.N. Tolstoy. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Identify the characters in the fable.

A) An old man, three sons;
B) an old man, one son;
C) an old man, two sons.

2. How did the brothers live among themselves?

A) They often quarreled;
B) lived together;
C) supported each other in everything.

3. What was their father concerned about? Re-establish the sequence of his thoughts.

A) It will be bad for everyone;
B) everyone will be divided;
C) everyone will disperse.

A) Boring;
B) bad;
C) fun.

5. For what purpose did the old man ask his sons to bring him a broom?

A) Using the example of twigs in a broom, show the need for mutual support;
B) break the broom;
C) sweep the floor in the hut.

6. Think about which two expressions are better than others to help you understand main idea fables?

A) With whom you lead, from that you will gain;
B) Where there is peace and harmony, treasure is not needed;
C) Amicably - not heavy, but apart - at least give it up;
G) Kind example better than a hundred words.

7. What command did the old man give his sons?

8. What is the generalized main idea called in this genre?

9. What is important human quality discussed in the work?

10. Did you like the work and how?

Correct answers to tasks

Grade 3


One day a badger and a marten were running along a forest path and saw a piece of meat. They ran to their find.
- I found a piece of meat! Shouts the badger.
- No, I found a piece of meat! - the marten shouts to the whole forest.
His badger:
- I found it! There is no need to argue in vain!
Its marten:
- I saw it first!
So they argued, argued, almost tore.
Then the badger said:
- Let's go to the judge. Let the judge judge us.
And the fox was the judge in this forest.
The fox listened to the badger and the marten and said:
- Give me your find here.
The disputants gave the judge a piece of meat. The fox said:
- It is necessary to divide this piece into two equal parts. Let the badger take one part, the marten take the other.
With these words, the fox tore the piece in two.
“It's not fair,” the badger whined. - The marten has a larger piece.
“We’ll fix this problem now,” said the sly fox and bit off a fair amount of meat from the marten share.
“Now the badger has a bigger piece,” shouted the marten. - This is unfair!
- Nothing, we will fix this trouble too! I like everything to be fair.
Having said this, the fox took another bite of meat, only this time from the badger's share. Now it turned out that the marten had a larger piece than the badger. But the fox was not taken aback and bit off a piece of marten.
And so she straightened the piece until there was nothing left of the find.
Apparently they tell the truth smart people: the greedy and the uncompromising are always at a loss.

(226 words)

Questions and tasks

Read the text "How the Badger and the Marten Sued." Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

A) In the meadow;
B) in the forest;
B) in the field;
D) in the village.

2. Identify the characters of the work.

A) Badger, marten, fox;
B) badger, sable, fox;
C) mink, marten, fox.

3. What caused the dispute among the animals?

A) Didn't know how to share the find;
B) they were afraid to cheat each other;
C) they found out who found the piece of meat.

A) Almost tore apart;
B) they almost fought hard;
C) almost made a hole.

5. Who judged in this forest?

A) Fox;
B) bear;
C) the wolf.

6. What is the definition of a fox in this text?

A) Sly;
B) cheat;
C) the redhead robber.

7. What human vice does the people condemn in this work?

A) Greed;
B) cunning;
C) cowardice.

8. Think: what is in the title?

A) The main idea;
B) theme.

9. Is there a hero in this piece whose behavior evokes approval?

10. Write down the main idea of ​​this work.

11. Write down the title of another piece that also condemns greed.

12. Did you like this piece and how?

Correct answers to tasks

Last sentence of text

"The Fox and the Crane", "Two Greedy Bear Cubs"

4th grade


What is your mom making for lunch today? Fresh cabbage soup?
In the cabbage soup, as in most soups, onions are put first. Let's see which bow mom chose. After all, onions are different.
A slime onion looks like a bunch of thick grass.
The onion is barely noticeable, but its long leaves (they are called feathers) are green and fresh from spring to autumn.
There is a tiered bow. It never blooms. Instead of flowers, small onions hang on the stem, several in a bunch, one bunch above the other. They keep up in the air without touching the ground.
There is a bow that changes its name three times. Its seeds are called "black onion". A small onion grows from a seed black like an ember. What is it called now? Onion sets. In the spring they will put her in a garden bed, she will get fat, it will look like a turnip. What's her name now? Onion turnip.
In the old days in Russia there were villages where gardeners lived in each hut. The whole village grew the same vegetable for sale to visiting merchants. There were cucumber villages. Seventy-five varieties of turnip onions were left to us by Russian gardeners. From mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter, a secret was passed on.
Mom chose the onions and began to peel them. But what about her? She smiles, and there are tears in her eyes. Why?
What is an onion? A house without windows and doors, a cleverly hidden bedroom, where onion buds, the rudiments of future sprouts, sleep for the time being between juicy, white scales.
Outside, the walls of the onion children's bedroom are also covered with scales, only dry, golden. The thicker this golden tire, the longer the onion will be stored, the better the sleep of the children. Cutting the onion with a knife, Mom disturbed their peace.
The beast will fight with its claws and teeth for its cubs. And how can an onion keep its children? He has neither claws nor teeth. But the bow has a special, amazing weapon.
Arrows fly out of the cut onion. Mom could not see them - they are invisible. But she felt them - her eyes stung.
Mom escaped with tears, her eyes remained intact. But if on the path of flying onion arrows there are carriers of diseases, harmful microbes, they will not be served.
If a person chews an onion for two or three minutes, not a single harmful microbe will remain in his mouth - all of them will be killed.
Even in ancient times, people guessed that onions are not only a delicious seasoning for food: they are also healing.
Scientists have proven that volatiles, with which the onion protects its children, can also protect human health.
It is not without reason that the Russian people put together a proverb:
"Onion - from seven ailments."

(398 words)
(N. Nadezhdina)

Questions and tasks

Read the text "Onion - from seven ailments" by N. Nadezhdina. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Which onion looks like a bunch of thick grass?

A) Multi-tiered bow;
B) slime onion;
C) onion.

2. Which onion has green and fresh feathers from spring to autumn?

A) Multi-tiered bow;
B) onion;
C) slime onion.

3. Which onion never blooms?

A) Multi-tiered bow;
B) slime onion;
C) onion.

4. Which bow changes its name three times?

A) Slime onion;
B) onion;
C) turnip onions.

5. How many varieties of onions were left to us by Russian gardeners?

A) 75;
B) 57;
C) 77.

6. Between what scales do onion kidneys sleep for the time being?

A) Juicy, white;
B) dry, golden.

7. What an amazing weapon is armed onion?

A) With a sword;
B) arrows;
C) with a sword.

8. What are the healing properties of onion arrows?

A) Cause tears;
B) have a pleasant smell;
C) kill harmful microbes.

9. Explain the meaning of the word with the help of other words affliction:

A) Severe malaise, illness;
B) enemy;
C) a person who does not know how to be friends.

10. What scientific term for disease carriers did you come across in the text?

11. With the help of numbers, restore the correct sequence of paragraphs of the text plan.

A) Amazing weapon.
B) Cleverly hidden bedroom.
C) Such a different bow.
D) A bow with three names.

12. What is this text about?

13. Write out a sentence from the text that helps to understand what the main idea the author decided to tell us.

14. If you need more scientific information about onions, which book (s) will you turn to?

15. Think up and write down questions (3-4), the answers to which are in the text.

Correct answers to tasks

Penultimate or last sentence

Reference book, encyclopedia


The man had a faithful friend - the Dog. The years passed. The dog grew old, began to see poorly. Once on a clear summer day, he did not recognize his master. He ran out of his booth, barked like a stranger. The owner was surprised. Asked:
“So you don’t recognize me anymore?”
The dog wagged its tail. He whined softly. He wanted to say:
- Forgive me that I did not recognize you.
A few days later, the man brought a small puppy and said to the Puppy:
- Live here.
The Old Dog asked the man:
- Why do you need another dog?
- So that you alone will not be bored, - said the man and gently patted the old Dog on the back.

(94 words)
(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the faithful friend - the Dog bark at the owner, as at a stranger?
2. How did the person react to this?
3. What did you like about this piece?

Grade 3


Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.
A large brown bear came out of the thicket and two funny bear cubs with her. The bear grabbed one bear with her teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.
The bear cub squealed and floundered, but his mother did not release him until she had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.
Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.
Mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first.
Once again on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with the bathing: the day was sultry, and they were very hot in thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.
After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

(122 words)
(V. Bianchi)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the hunter climb a tree?
2. What picture of the life of animals did the hunter manage to see in the forest?
3. Why were the cubs very happy with the bath?

4th grade


Grown on the edge of the Nettle glade. She rose above the herbs and was embarrassed. The flowers around are beautiful and fragrant, the berries are delicious. She alone is untalented: neither a pleasant taste, nor a bright color, nor a sweet smell!
And suddenly Nettle hears:
- It's not great happiness to be beautiful! Whoever sees - will rip ... - These are white daisies whispered.
- Do you think it's better to be fragrant? No matter how it is! - Rosehip whispered.
- The worst thing is to be tasty! - shook her head Strawberry. - Everyone strives to eat.
- That's it, that's it! - Nettle was surprised. - It turns out that I am the happiest here? After all, nobody touches me: they don't smell, they don't rip.
- We envy your quiet life! - flowers and berries sang in chorus.
- How glad I am, how happy I am! - shouted delighted Nettle. “How good I am,” she added thoughtfully. - I grow - they don't pay attention, they don't smell the color, I dry up - and they won't remember ...
And suddenly Nettle sobbed:
- As if I didn’t exist at all, as if I didn’t live! Damn such nettle happiness!
Flowers and berries listened attentively to Nettle. And they never complained about their hectic life again.

(158 words)
(N. Sladkov)

Questions and tasks

1. Why was Nettle embarrassed?
2. Why did the flowers and berries envy her quiet life at first?
3. Explain the reason for Nettle's sadness.

Reading level check

4th grade

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art.

A) Fairy tales;
B) epics;
C) fables;
D) chronicles.

2. Name the hero and genre of the work:

From that city from Murom,
From that village yes Karacharova
A good-looking, good-looking, good-natured fellow was leaving.
He stood for matins in Murom,
He wanted to be in time for dinner
To the capital Kiev city.

3. Indicate a comic genre of folk art - a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to pronounce words quickly.

A) Patter;
B) rhyme;
C) a riddle;
D) teaser.

4. Give 1-2 examples of a piece of this genre.

5. What is the difference between works of oral folk art and works of authorship?

6. Which writer gave the following definition of a fairy tale: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows"?

A) A.S. Pushkin;
B) G.Kh. Andersen;
C) P.P. Bazhov;
D) P.P. Ershov.

7. Remember 1-2 names of wise beauties from Russian folk tales.

8. Write down the names of 1–2 fairy tales about tiny men, tiny boys and girls.

9. Write the name of the fable, to which the words can be attributed: "Business is time, and fun is an hour."

10. The works of which poets (2-3) would you include in the section "Poetic notebook"?

11. With what genres of works by L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?

A) Stories;
B) fables;
C) poetry;
D) fairy tales.

12. Write down the title of your favorite book. What did you like in her?

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

2nd grade


There was one old man who had three sons. The brothers often quarreled with each other.
The old man thinks: "As soon as I die, the sons will separate and disperse, and it will be bad for everyone."

It's time for the old man to die. He called his sons and ordered them to bring a broom. The sons handed a broom to their father.
The old man says:
- Break the broom.
The sons said:
- How can you break a broom?
The old man untied the belt on the broom, and the twigs fell apart.
- Break the bars! - said the old man.
The sons broke all the bars.
The old man says:
- So with you it will be the same as with this broom. If you live together, no trouble will overcome you. And as you disperse one by one, then everything will be lost.

(103 words)
(L.N. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

Read the text "Broom" by L.N. Tolstoy. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Identify the characters in the fable.

A) An old man, three sons;
B) an old man, one son;
C) an old man, two sons.

2. How did the brothers live among themselves?

A) They often quarreled;
B) lived together;
C) supported each other in everything.

3. What was their father concerned about? Re-establish the sequence of his thoughts.

A) It will be bad for everyone;
B) everyone will be divided;
C) everyone will disperse.

A) Boring;
B) bad;
C) fun.

5. For what purpose did the old man ask his sons to bring him a broom?

A) Using the example of twigs in a broom, show the need for mutual support;
B) break the broom;
C) sweep the floor in the hut.

6. Think, what two expressions better than others help to understand the main idea of ​​the fable?

A) With whom you lead, from that you will gain;
B) Where there is peace and harmony, treasure is not needed;
C) Amicably - not heavy, but apart - at least give it up;
D) A good example is better than a hundred words.

7. What command did the old man give his sons?

8. What is the generalized main idea called in this genre?

9. What important human quality is discussed in the work?

10. Did you like the work and how?

Correct answers to tasks






Ability to live together

Grade 3


One day a badger and a marten were running along a forest path and saw a piece of meat. They ran to their find.
- I found a piece of meat! Shouts the badger.
- No, I found a piece of meat! - the marten shouts to the whole forest.
His badger:
- I found it! There is no need to argue in vain!
Its marten:
- I saw it first!
So they argued, argued, almost tore.
Then the badger said:
- Let's go to the judge. Let the judge judge us.
And the fox was the judge in this forest.
The fox listened to the badger and the marten and said:
- Give me your find here.
The disputants gave the judge a piece of meat. The fox said:
- It is necessary to divide this piece into two equal parts. Let the badger take one part, the marten take the other.
With these words, the fox tore the piece in two.
“It's not fair,” the badger whined. - The marten has a larger piece.
“We’ll fix this problem now,” said the sly fox and bit off a fair amount of meat from the marten share.
“Now the badger has a bigger piece,” shouted the marten. - This is unfair!
- Nothing, we will fix this trouble too! I like everything to be fair.
Having said this, the fox took another bite of meat, only this time from the badger's share. Now it turned out that the marten had a larger piece than the badger. But the fox was not taken aback and bit off a piece of marten.
And so she straightened the piece until nothing remained of the find.
Apparently, smart people speak the truth: the greedy and the uncompromising are always at a loss.

(226 words)

Questions and tasks

Read the text "How the Badger and the Marten Sued." Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

A) In the meadow;
B) in the forest;
B) in the field;
D) in the village.

2. Identify the characters of the work.

A) Badger, marten, fox;
B) badger, sable, fox;
C) mink, marten, fox.

3. What caused the dispute among the animals?

A) Didn't know how to share the find;
B) they were afraid to cheat each other;
C) they found out who found the piece of meat.

A) Almost tore apart;
B) they almost fought hard;
C) almost made a hole.

5. Who judged in this forest?

A) Fox;
B) bear;
C) wolf.

6. What is the definition of a fox in this text?

A) Sly;
B) cheat;
C) redhead robber.

7. What human vice does the people condemn in this work?

A) Greed;
B) cunning;
C) cowardice.

8. Think: what is in the title?

A) The main idea;
B) theme.

9. Is there a hero in this piece whose behavior evokes approval?

10. Write down the main idea of ​​this work.

11. Write down the title of another piece that also condemns greed.

12. Did you like this piece and how?

Correct answers to tasks





F.I. pupils

Did all the work without errors

Made mistakes in assignments


Spring evening.
The time of night is coming up. The sun is hidden behind the tops of tall pines and firs. The earth breathes and revives, the snow melts. Fluffy hats fall one after another from pines and firs. It smells like spring buds. The thawed earth has awakened from the winter sleep.

Many sounds in spring forest... Songbirds flood in the trees. A wild pigeon coos loudly at the top of a tall pine tree. The owl gave a terrible hoot and laughed. There was silence.

Below and below the cool spring night descends.

  1. Execute parsing last sentence. Describe the proposal.

  2. Execute morphemic(by composition) word analysis - it has come

  3. In the second sentence, indicate the case for nouns.

^ Validation Analysis Scheme reading skills work with text artwork 4 classes
Check date: ________________

Class ___________ UMK ____________________________

^ # Of students verified

Did the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments















Mark "5" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "4" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "3" ________________________________________ people_____%

Mark "2" ________________________________________ people ____%
Success rate ______%

Knowledge quality percentage ______%

Teacher: ____________________ Assistant: ___________________

4th grade

F.I. student _____________________ EMC ________________________________
Two frogs.

Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither one nor the other: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.

But still they lived together, these frogs.

And then one night they went out for a walk.

They walk along a forest road and suddenly see - there is a house. And there is a cellar near the house. And from this cellar it smells very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.

So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there. They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.

And they began to drown.

And they, of course, do not want to drown.

Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery sides. And the frogs can't get out of there.

That frog, who was lazy, swam a little, floundered and thinks: “I can't get out of here anyway. Why should I flounder in vain? I'd rather drown right away. "

She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.

And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I always have time to drown. It won't leave me. Better yet, I'll play some more, I'll swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me. "

But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won't swim far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - the frog can't get out of the sour cream.

But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.

“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I'm still alive, so I have to live. And there - what will be. "

And from last strength our frog is fighting its frog death. So she began to lose consciousness. Already drowned. Already here she is pulling to the bottom. And she does not give up even here - you know she works with her paws. She jerks her paws and thinks: “No! I will not give up! You are naughty, frog death ... "

And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet it is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no longer any sour cream in the pot, but it was standing on a lump of butter.

"What? - thinks the frog. "Where did the oil come from here?"

She was surprised, and then guessed: after all, she herself knocked hard butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.

“Well,” the frog thinks, “it means that I did well that I did not drown right away.”

She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.

And the second frog remained in the pot.

And never again, my dear, did she see the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.
(L. Panteleev)
^ Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art
Read the text "Two frogs" L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.
1. Where did the frog friends live? Underline the correct answer.

In the cellar;

in a ditch;

in the park.
^ 2. What time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

in the evening;

3. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;

the cellar smelled delicious;

the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.
^ 4. Why did one of the frogs drown?

Answer: __________________________
5. The brave frog continued to flounder in the pot, because:

decided to swim to the edge of the pot;

decided to fight to the end with death;

decided to knock butter out of liquid sour cream.
^ 6. How do you understand the expression: Are you naughty, frog death?

nothing will come of it;

making up;

you fantasize.
7. What is the main thing the author wanted to tell us?

About the danger that may lie in wait in the cellar;

about delicious smells from the cellar;

about the rules of conduct in difficult situations;

that you should never lose heart.
^ 8. In which collection could this work be placed?

« Fairy tales»;

"Stories about nature";

"Stories about Animals".
^ 9. Which of the frogs did you like and how?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reading level check:
^ 1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art. Underline the correct answer.
Fairy tales;



^ 2. Define the genre of the work. Underline the correct answer.
In the middle of a clean field,

The sun is red at sunset

The moon is clear at sunrise

To the heroic outpost

Gathered for a hiking council

Slavnorussian heroes:

Duma thought, thought,

They were equipped according to the outfits.
Fairy tale;


^ 3. Write down the name of one of the epic heroes.

4. Write down 1–2 names of storytellers.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
^ 5. In which section of the book can the works of writers be placed: N.N. Sladkova, V.V. Bianchi, E.I. Charushin? Underline the correct answer.
“About our little brothers”;

"Business is time - fun is an hour";

"A good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth."

Test work in mathematics

for students in grades 4

Option 1
^ 1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

7864, 7564, 795, 7964, 7664, 74645
2. Perform column calculations:

23562 + 32541 70963 – 14632

345 x 73 6588: 36
3. Follow the steps:

672 – 96: 4 + 200

1t 4ts  1t 400 kg

17 km 100 m  17,010 m

Draw a rectangle ABCD that is 40 mm wide and 2 cm longer. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

^ 6. Solve the problem:

From the cities, the distance between which is 861 km, two cars simultaneously drove towards each other and met after 7 hours. The speed of one car is 59 km / h. Determine the speed of the second car.
Option 2

  1. Arrange the numbers in descending order:

6792, 6492, 679, 6892, 6565, 64565

  1. Perform calculations

24643 + 42561 80979 – 16823

263 x 65 8320: 65

  1. Follow the steps:
583 – 69: 3 + 300
^ 4. Compare and write down the result using the signs or =

3 in 8 cm 3 in 80 mm

72 c  7 t 20 c
5. Solve the problem and draw a rectangle:

Draw a rectangle ABCD 40 mm long and 40 mm wide.

2 cm shorter. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

^ 6. Solve the problem:

Two pedestrians simultaneously went out to meet each other from two villages and met 3 hours later. Determine the distance between the villages if one pedestrian was moving at a speed of 5 km / h, and the other - 6 km / h.

* Additional tasks

  1. Suggest a way to find the meaning of an expression. Calculate it.

4t 150 kg * 69 - 4t 15 kg * 69 + 7t 900kg * 69 =
2. What time is it now if the past part of the day is 4 hours longer than the rest?


final test work per course primary school In Russian

for 2010 -2011 academic year



System, UMK

1. Dictation:





Average score for dictation:

% quality of work

^ 2. General analysis mistakes (number of students):

  • Unstressed vowel checked by stress

  • Unstressed vowel, unchecked by stress

  • Registration of proposals

- punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

- capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

  • Consonantal softness and, e, e, u, i

  • Writing b- softness index

  • Spelling b after the hissing at the end of the word

  • Spelling combinations: chk, chn, low, nsh, zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu,

  • Spelling of unpronounceable consonants

  • Spelling paired consonants

  • Spelling of doubled consonants

  • Spelling prefixes

  • Spelling prepositions

  • Skip, replace, distort

- nouns

- adjectives

- verbs

^ 3. Grammar task:





Average mark for grammar task:

^ 4. Analysis of errors.

Errors in task # 1 (people)

Errors in task number 2 (people)

Errors in task # 3 (people)


final test for the elementary school course in mathematics

for the 2010 -2011 academic year


System, UMK

^ Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

^ 1. The quality of the main part





Average score of the main part

% quality of work

^ 2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.

  • Numbering

  • Task

- number of students who did not solve the problem

- made mistakes in calculations

- made mistakes in choosing an action

  • Expression Errors

- for subtraction

- addition

- multiplication

- division

The order of actions:

- choice of action

- errors in calculations

- finding the perimeter

- finding the area

- drawing execution

  • Examples with named numbers

- transformations

- comparison

^ 5. Completed the correct task of raising. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: ________________ Assistant: __________________
The table of the final analysis of reading of students of 4 grades, MOU secondary school No. ______ for the 2010 - 2011 academic year
Sistema, UMK _____________

Check date: _____________

Number of students per class _________ people



Reading comprehension

(people -%)

Reading method

Reading accuracy

by letter

By syllables

Syllable + whole word

In whole words

Read without errors

Replacement, skipping, distortion

Repeating words and syllables


Endings errors


Speech abnormalities


Teacher: ____________________________ Assistant: _______________________

and filling out analytical materials.

Purpose of work

To identify the degree to which the level of preparation of the class corresponds to the general basic requirements for the preparation of primary school students.

Registration title page:

Final control work


student (s) ___ class

Final control work

In Russian

student (s) _____ class

F.I. student completely (in R.P.)

Work organization

    To complete each work (or part of it) in the lesson in the 1st grade, no more than 20 minutes are allotted, in the 2nd - no more than 30, and in the 3rd and 4th grades - no more than 40 minutes.

    Works are performed on separate sheets with a school stamp. On the front side, the student's imprint is indicated: last name, first name, class. The time for drawing up sheets is not included during the execution of the work (in the 1st grade, the registration of the front side of the work by the teacher is permissible).

    The text of the assignments is written on the board or printed on a piece of paper for each according to the options, read by the teacher and explained, if necessary, until the children fully understand. In the course of the work, the teacher can give the children additional explanations they need, which are not hints.

    Dictations in the Russian language are the same in terms of parallels for all teaching materials.

    In grade 1, reading technique is tested (text and questions)

    In grades 2, 3, 4, reading skills and the skill of working with the text of a work of art are tested. (It is necessary to print the student's card, according to the number of students, to fasten the sheets). The texts for checking the reading technique (grades 1 and 4) can be copied and the font enlarged.

    Students of the 4th grade are additionally tested reading technique according to the text "Two frogs". The results of the reading technique (grade 4) are recorded in the table "Final analysis of reading". And they surrender along with the analysis of the reading skills test.

Requirements for work

1. Elimination of traumatic factors for students in the organization of work:

a ) work in the presence of an assistant is carried out by a teacher who constantly works with children, and not a stranger or a person unfamiliar to the students;

b ) the teacher during the work has the right to communicate freely with the students; the assistant records all the facts of the appeal of children to the teacher, the degree of assistance that is provided to the students by the teacher, and when summing up the results of the work, he can take these observations into account.

2. When carrying out the work, it is necessary to record the time of its completion by each student - both those who completed it within the time allotted in the lesson, and those who continued its implementation outside the lesson.

3. Each job ends with a self-test. Self-identified and carefully corrected mistakes should not be the reason for lowering the grade given by the teacher for the work. Only a careless correction of them can lead to a decrease in the score, provided that special work was carried out in the class to form the ability to make corrections.

Requirements for checking final examinations.

    Before the start of the final tests, it is necessary to instruct the primary school teachers.

    ... Final tests are gradedin accordance with the norms in elementary school (Methodological letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationNo. 1561 / 14-15 from19.11. 1998 d. "Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school")

    In the works of students, indicate the number of errors in each task (put them on the fields).

    In the works of grade 1 students (grade-free assessment), at the end of all work, make an appropriate entry:

"I coped with the task" - 1-2 osh.

“Partially coped” - 3-5 osh.

“Failed” - 6 or more osh.

    After the final attestation of grade 1 students, the teacher draws up the sheets of educational achievements.

    The works of students in grades 4 are stitched together, and an analysis of the works is attached to them.

    Final control works are kept in the office of the deputy director for OIA for 1 year.

    In all the final works of the students, the full name of the student. the teacher and the assistant are prescribed in full.

    WITH guidelines on the organization of the final control, the norms of marks, the methodological letter "Control and assessment of learning outcomes in primary school" and others regulatory documents can be used on the website "First Step"


Russian language 1 class ( dictation )

Operating procedure:

The teacher reads the sentences, then dictates the words of each sentence with pauses between them. Spellingly pronounced "erroneous" parts of words with unexplored spelling. After writing down all the sentences, the teacher reads them slowly, and the students check what they have written.


Uncle Petya bought me a fishing rod. In the morning we go fishing on the river. The dog Sharik is running nearby. Everyone is waiting for a good catch.

Words for information: good, fish.

Grammar tasks

1. Put stress on the words of the first sentence.

2. Divide the words of the third sentence into syllables.

2nd grade ( dictation )

In the spring.

Spring. These are wonderful days. Streams are running. The birds are singing. The orioles are whistling. The cuckoos are screaming. Lilies of the valley are blooming. Sparrows are jumping on the green grass.

The guys run to play in the forest. The girls admire the flowers. Petya and Misha Petukhovs found a hedgehog. How good it is in the forest in spring!

Grammar tasks

1. Write out three words with unstressed vowels in the root, put stress, underline unstressed vowels.

2. In words:days, Hedgehog indicate the number of sounds and letters.

Grade 3 ( dictation )

Has come late spring... The weather is wonderful. The bright rays of the sun caress the earth. Warmly. Young grass appeared from the ground. Blue snowdrops appeared. Buds have swollen on birches and poplars. The forest smelled of birch sap. Soon the leaves will turn green on the trees. Their first green tongues are already visible. Good spring!

The birds are singing their merry songs. Sparrows chirp happily. Nimble titmouses are jumping. Everyone is happy about spring!

Grammar tasks

1. Write out from the text two words that have more sounds than letters.

2. Write out three verbs from the text.

3.Complete morphological analysis noun from the first sentence.


Educational complex "School of Russia"

1 class

Option 1

Option 2

1. Follow the steps:

15 – 5 + 7 =

6 + 4 + 9 =

3 + 6 +7 =

17 – 7 – 5 =

12 – 2 + 3 =

3 + 7 + 2 =

4 + 5 + 6 =

16 – 6 – 8 =

2. Write down the sign "more" or "less" instead of dots

8 + 6 … 15

11 – 1 … 13

16 – 6 … 15

6 + 7 … 14

3. Solve the problem:

7 tulips and 4 daisies have blossomed on the flowerbed. How many flowers have blossomed in the flowerbed?

The vase contained 6 apples and 5 pears. How many fruits are there in the vase?

4. Draw a line

4 cm


5 cm


5. Insert the missing numbers.

7, 8, …, 10, 11, …, …, … , 15, …, 17… .

5, 6, …, 8, 9, …, …, …, 13, …, 15,… .

* We bought 10 servings of ice cream for the holiday. It was placed in boxes of 3 glasses each. How many boxes were needed and how many cups were left?

2nd grade

Educational complex "School of Russia"

Option 1

Option 2

    Calculate the value of expressions 1. Calculate the value of expressions

7 + 13 + 5 =

(50 - 1) + 6 =

80 – 24 – 4 =

96 – 70 + 4 =

6 + 14 + 5 =

(40 – 1) + 8 =

70 – 42 – 2 =

85 – 60 + 3 =

2. Solve the problem:

2. Solve the problem:

There were 80 kg of grapes in the store. Before lunch we sold 20 kg of grapes, and after lunch 30 kg. How many grapes left to sell?

Katya had 70 rubles. She bought a chocolate bar for 20 rubles. and gingerbread for 40 rubles. How much money does she have left?

3. Write down the numbers in ascending order and underline the "extra" number.

15, 10, 17, 24, 2, 19.

3. Write down the numbers in descending order and underline the "extra" number.

12, 51, 10, 17, 14, 9.

4. What numbers can be put instead of stars, 4. What numbers can be put instead of stars,

to make inequalities true? to make inequalities true?

75 > 7*

*8 < *6

57 > *7

4* < *2

5. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle

with the parties with the parties

6 cm vs 4 cm

2 cm and 8 cm

* Sergey bought 2 identical candies. He gave the seller 10 rubles. and got change 4 rubles. How much is 1 piece of candy?


Educational complex "School of Russia"

Option 1

Option 2

1. Calculate the value of expressions

63:7 678+224

3*9 726 – 74

8*4 248 – 123

48:6 327+479

2*8 537 – 83

7*5 349 – 137

2. Solve the problem:

The store sold 5 boxes of 15 kg pears. and 6 boxes of drains of 12 kg each. How many kilograms of pears and plums did you sell?

In the park, 3 rows of apple trees, 12 trees each, and 4 rows of birches, 16 trees each were planted. How many apple and birch trees have you planted?

3. Write down the numbers

in ascending order

152, 410, 317, 240, 129, 192.

in descending order

212, 519, 410, 317, 614, 591.

4. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle

The length of the rectangle is 5 cm, the width is 2 cm less.

The width is 4 cm and the length is 2 cm longer.

* Katya gave 21 sweets to her brother and two girlfriends. She gave her brother 3 more candies than each friend. How many sweets did each girlfriend get?

Reading Aloud Test Text

Grade 1 (all teaching materials)


The girl was sitting on a chair. The younger brother entered. The girl got up and sat him down in her chair. Dad came. The boy got up and made way for his dad. Mom came in. Dad stood up.

Sit down, - he said to mom, and mom sat down.

But then my grandmother came. Mom got up and handed the chair to grandmother. Grandmother sat down, sat, but suddenly jumped up:

Ay-ay, the milk on the stove will run away!

Everyone rushed to the kitchen. The cat came, sat down on a chair, sat, and then lay down.

They came: a girl, brother, dad, mom, grandmother, and the cat is not from its place - it lies to itself and looks at everyone.

- Shoot, you ignoramus!

(88 words) (R. Baumvol)

Questions and tasks

1. Why did the girl give way to her brother?

2. Who in the family was afraid that the milk would run away on the stove?

3. Who in the story is called an ignoramus?

2nd grade


Wind and Sun

One day the Sun and the angry North Wind started an argument about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and, finally, decided to measure their strength with the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

Look, - said the Wind, - how I will fly on him: in an instant I will tear off his cloak.

He said - and began to blow what was urine. But the harder the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode farther and farther.

The wind was angry, fierce, showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler put on his cloak in his sleeves and tied himself with a belt. At this point, the Wind made sure himself that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and drained the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.

Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he cheered up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

You see, - then the meek Sun said to the angry Wind, - caress and kindness can be done much more than anger.

(164 words) (K. D. Ushinsky)

Read the text "Wind and Sun" by K.D. Ushinsky. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Identify the characters of the work.

a) Sun, Wind, traveler;

b) Sun, Wind;

c) Sun, Wind, Horse.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

a) On a forest path;

b) in a mountain gorge;

c) on the high road.

3. What did the Sun and Wind start the dispute about?

a) Which of them is more needed;

b) which of them is stronger;

c) which of them is loved more.

4. Choose a phrase that is close in meaning to the meaning of the expression to blow what was urine.

a) From the last bit of strength;

b) with all his might;

c) as far as possible.

5. Restore the sequence of the traveler's actions in response to the efforts of the Wind.

b) wrapped himself up tighter;

c) put on his cloak in his sleeves;

d) grumbled about bad weather;

e) tied up with a belt.

6. Restore the sequence of the Sun's actions.

a) Looked out;

b) smiled;

c) drained;

d) warmed up.

7. Write out from the text the definitions given by the author to Vetru.

8. Give your characteristics to the Sun.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Write out words from the text that help to understand what the author wanted to tell us the main thing.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Define the genre of the work. Justify your answer.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Grade 3


F.I. student ___________________________ EMC ___________________________

Bee and fly.

Here is a parable that Elder Paisiy Svyatorets once told.

Many flowers grew in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, hyacinths, and tall blue irises. And small flowers also found a place in the grass. The wind tilted them, swayed the grass and leaves merrily, and the scent carried far, far away!

The bees worked over the meadow, over the flowers. They collected sweet nectar to feed the young in the hive and to stock up on food for the long, cold winter.

This is where the fly came. She buzzed with displeasure and looked around.

One little bee, who appeared here for the first time, politely asked a fly:

Do you know where the white lilies are?

The fly frowned:

I have not seen any lilies here!

How? - exclaimed the bee. - But I was told that there should be lilies in this meadow!

I haven't seen flowers here, ”the fly muttered. - But not far, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. The water is deliciously dirty and there are so many empty cans nearby!

Then an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar in its paws. Learning what was the matter, she said:

True, I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell so much about the flowers here!

You see, - said Father Paisiy. - Poor fly just thinks about dirty ditches, and the bee knows where the lily grows, where is the iris, and where is the hyacinth.

And people are the same. Some are like a bee and love to find something good in everything, others are like a fly and strive to see only the bad in everything. Who do you want to be like?

(235 words) (M. Alyoshin)

Read the text "A Bee and a Fly" by M. Alyoshin. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. At what time of the year do the events described in the text take place? (There are two possible correct answers.)

a) Winter;

b) spring;

into the summer;

d) autumn.

2. What many flowers grew in the meadow?

a) Lilies, hyacinths, irises;

b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;

c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Identify the characters of the work.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What were the bees doing in the meadow?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. What word does the author describe the actions of bees?

a) Worked;

b) flew merrily;

c) basked in the sun.

6. Why did the little bee not know where the white lilies grow?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Why didn't the fly see lilies in the meadow? (There are two possible answers.)

a) She was in the meadow for the first time;

b) she was not interested in lilies;

c) she was only interested in a dirty ditch.

8. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) "Who do you want to be like?"

b) Fragrant meadow.

c) Dialogue between a small bee and a fly.

d) Collecting nectar.

e) Everyone sees only what interests him.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Make a three-point outline of the text.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Describe the bees. (What are they?)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Describe the fly. (What is she like?)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Correct answers to literary reading assignments.

(for teacher) 2nd grade

Angry, northern

Affectionate, kind, powerful

Last 9 words

Fairy tale

(for teacher) Grade 3

Bees, fly, father Paisiy

Collected sweet nectar

Scheme for the analysis of the verification of reading skills to work with the text of a work of art of 2 grade students

# Of students verified

Did the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments











Success rate ______%

Teacher: __________________ Assistant: ___________________

Scheme for the analysis of the verification of reading skills to work with the text of a work of art of 3 grades

Check date: ________________

Class ___________ UMK ____________________________

# Of students verified

Did the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments













Mark "5" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "4" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "3" ________________________________________ people_____%

Mark "2" ________________________________________ people ____%

Success rate ______%

Knowledge quality percentage ______%

Teacher: ____________________ Assistant: _________________________


pupils of the 1st grade MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

(mark-free assessment)

System, UMK

1. Dictation.

Wrote without errors (pers.)

Average score for dictation

% quality of work

2. General error analysis (number of students):

    Registration of proposals

Fused spelling words

Writing prepositions

    and, e, e, u, i

    Writing b - softness index

    Writing separatorsb \ b

    Spelling combinations:

    Skip, replace, distort

3. Grammar assignment

4. Analysis of errors.




dictation with grammar in Russian

for 2015 -2016 academic year

System, UMK

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. Dictation.





Average score for dictation

% quality of work

2. General error analysis (number of students):

    Unstressed vowel checked by stress

    Unstressed vowel, unchecked by stress

    Registration of proposals

Big letter at the beginning of a sentence

Punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

Writing prepositions

    Consonantal softnessand, e, e, u, i

    Writing b - softness index

    Writing separatorsb \ b

    Spelling combinations:17chk, chn, low, nsh, zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu,

    Skip, replace, distort

3. Grammar assignment

Completed task number 1 correctly

We made mistakes in task number 1

Completed task number 2 correctly

We made mistakes in task number 2

Average mark for grammar task

4. Analysis of errors.

Errors in the formulation of stress in words(people)

Errors in dividing words into syllables(people)

Teacher: __________________________ Assistant: ___________________________


dictation with grammar in Russian

2nd grade pupils MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

System, UMK

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. Dictation.





Average score for dictation

% quality of work

2. General error analysis (number of students):

    Unstressed vowel checked by stress

    Unstressed vowel, unchecked by stress

    Registration of proposals

Big letter at the beginning of a sentence

Punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

Writing prepositions

    Consonantal softnessand, e, e, u, i

    Writing b - softness index

    Writing separatorsb \ b

    Spelling combinations:chk, chn, nch, nsh, zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu,

    Skip, replace, distort

3. Grammar assignment

Completed task number 1 correctly

We made mistakes in task number 1

Completed task number 2 correctly

We made mistakes in task number 2

Average mark for grammar task

4. Analysis of errors.

Errors in the formulation of stress in words(people)

Errors in dividing words into syllables(people)

Errors in determining the number of sounds and letters

Teacher: __________________________ Assistant: ___________________________


dictation with grammar in Russian

pupils of grade 3 MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

System, UMK

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. Dictation.





Average score for dictation

% quality of work

2. General error analysis (number of students):

    Unstressed vowel checked by stress

    Unstressed vowel, unchecked by stress

    Registration of proposals

Punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

    Consonantal softnessand, e, e, u, i

    Writing b - softness index

    Writing separatorsb \ b

    Skip, replace, distort

    Case endings



Endings of verbs

3. Grammar assignment

Completed task number 1 correctly

Completed task number 2 correctly

Completed task number 3 correctly

Average mark for grammar task

4. Analysis of errors.

Errors in task number 1(people)

Errors in task number 2(people)

Errors in task # 3 (people)

Teacher: __________________________ Assistant: ________________________


1st grade students MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. The quality of the main part

Wrote without errors (pers.)

Wrote with 1 - 2 errors (pers.)

Wrote with 3 - 5 errors (pers.)

Made more than 5 mistakes (people)

Average score of the main part

% quality of work



    Expression Errors



The order of actions:

Action selection

Calculation errors

    Geometric material

Finding the perimeter

Executing a drawing



Addition component

Subtraction component

(number of students)

Teacher: Assistant


final test in mathematics

for 2015 -2016 academic year

(mark-free assessment)

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. The quality of the main part

Wrote without errors (pers.)

Wrote with 1 - 2 errors (pers.)

Wrote with 3 - 5 errors (pers.)

Made more than 5 mistakes (people)

Average score of the main part

% quality of work

2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.



Number of students who did not solve the problem

We made mistakes in calculations

Made mistakes in choosing an action

    Expression Errors





The order of actions:

Action selection

Calculation errors

    Geometric material

Finding the perimeter

Executing a drawing

    Examples with named numbers



    Solving equations to find

Addition component

Subtraction component

Multiplication component

Division component

5. Completed the correct task of raising. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: Assistant


final test in mathematics

2nd grade students MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. The quality of the main part





Average score of the main part

% quality of work

2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.



Number of students who did not solve the problem

We made mistakes in calculations

Made mistakes in choosing an action

    Expression Errors





The order of actions:

Action selection

Calculation errors

    Geometric material

Finding the perimeter

Executing a drawing

    Examples with named numbers



    Solving equations to find

Addition component

Subtraction component

Multiplication component

Division component

5. Completed the correct task of raising. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: ______________ Assistant: __________________


final test in mathematics

students of grade 3 MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. The quality of the main part





Average score of the main part

% quality of work

2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.



Number of students who did not solve the problem

We made mistakes in calculations

Made mistakes in choosing an action

    Expression Errors


- addition

- multiplication

- division

- the order of actions:

- choice of action

- errors in calculations

    Geometric material

- finding the perimeter

- finding the area

- drawing execution

    Examples with named numbers

- transformations

- comparison

    Solving equations to find

- addition component

- subtraction component

- component of multiplication

- fission component

5. Completed the correct task of raising. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: Assistant

The table of the final analysis of reading of students of grade 1, MBOU SOSH № 5

for 2015 -2016 academic year

Sistema, UMK _____________

Check date: _____________




Reading comprehension

(people -%)

Reading method

Reading accuracy

Answers on questions

by letter

By syllables

Syllable + whole word

In whole words

Read without errors

Replacement, skipping, distortion

Repeating words and syllables


Endings errors


Speech abnormalities







Spring evening.

The time of night is coming up. The sun is hidden behind the tops of tall pines and firs. The earth breathes and revives, the snow melts. Fluffy hats fall one after another from pines and firs. It smells like spring buds. The thawed earth has awakened from the winter sleep.

There are many sounds in the spring forest. Songbirds flood in the trees. A wild pigeon coos loudly at the top of a tall pine tree. The owl gave a terrible hoot and laughed. There was silence.

Below and below the cool spring night descends.


    Parse the last sentence. Describe the proposal.

    Execute morphemic(by composition) word analysis - it has come

    In the second sentence, indicate the case for nouns.

Scheme of the analysis of the test of reading skills to work with the text of a work of fiction of 4 grades

Check date: ________________

Class ___________ UMK ____________________________

# Of students verified

Did the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments















Mark "5" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "4" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "3" ________________________________________ people_____%

Mark "2" ________________________________________ people ____%

Success rate ______%

Knowledge quality percentage ______%

Teacher: ____________________ Assistant: ___________________

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

4th grade


F.I. student _____________________ EMC ________________________________

Two frogs.

Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither one nor the other: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.

But still they lived together, these frogs.

And then one night they went out for a walk.

They walk along a forest road and suddenly see - there is a house. And there is a cellar near the house. And from this cellar it smells very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.

So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there. They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.

And they began to drown.

And they, of course, do not want to drown.

Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery sides. And the frogs can't get out of there.

That frog, who was lazy, swam a little, floundered and thinks: “I can't get out of here anyway. Why should I flounder in vain? I'd rather drown right away. "

She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.

And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I always have time to drown. It won't leave me. Better yet, I'll play some more, I'll swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me. "

But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won't swim far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - the frog can't get out of the sour cream.

But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.

“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I'm still alive, so I have to live. And there - what will be. "

And so, with the last of his strength, our frog is struggling with its frog death. So she began to lose consciousness. Already drowned. Already here she is pulling to the bottom. And she does not give up even here - you know she works with her paws. She jerks her paws and thinks: “No! I will not give up! You are naughty, frog death ... "

And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet it is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no longer any sour cream in the pot, but it was standing on a lump of butter.

"What? - thinks the frog. "Where did the oil come from here?"

She was surprised, and then guessed: after all, she herself knocked hard butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.

“Well,” the frog thinks, “it means that I did well that I did not drown right away.”

She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.

And the second frog remained in the pot.

And never again, my dear, did she see the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.

(L. Panteleev)

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Read the text "Two frogs" L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where did the frog friends live? Underline the correct answer.

In the cellar;

in a ditch;

in the forest;

in the park.

2. What time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

During the day;

in the evening;

at night;

in the morning.

3. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;

the cellar smelled delicious;

the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.

4. Why did one of the frogs drown?

Answer: __________________________

5. The brave frog continued to flounder in the pot, because:

decided to swim to the edge of the pot;

decided to fight to the end with death;

decided to knock butter out of liquid sour cream.

6. How do you understand the expression: Are you naughty, frog death?

You play;

nothing will come of it;

making up;

you fantasize.

7. What is the main thing the author wanted to tell us?

About the danger that may lie in wait in the cellar;

about delicious smells from the cellar;

about the rules of behavior in difficult situations;

that you should never lose heart.

8. In which collection could this work be placed?

"Fairy stories";


"Stories about nature";

"Stories about Animals".

9. Which of the frogs did you like and how?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reading level check:

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art. Underline the correct answer.

Fairy tales;





2. Define the genre of the work. Underline the correct answer.

In the middle of a clean field,

The sun is red at sunset

The moon is clear at sunrise

To the heroic outpost

Gathered for a hiking council

Slavnorussian heroes:

Duma thought, thought,

They were equipped according to the outfits.

Fairy tale;



3. Write down the name of one of the epic heroes.



4. Write down 1–2 names of storytellers.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. In which section of the book can the works of writers be placed: N.N. Sladkova, V.V. Bianchi, E.I. Charushin? Underline the correct answer.

“About our little brothers”;

"Business is time - fun is an hour";

"A good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth."

Test work in mathematics

for students in grades 4

Option 1

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

7864, 7564, 795, 7964, 7664, 74645

2. Perform the calculations in a "column":

23562 + 32541 70963 – 14632

345 x 73 6588: 36

3. Follow the steps:

672 – 96: 4 + 200

<, >or =

1t 4ts  1t 400 kg

17 km 100 m  17,010 m

Draw rectangle ABCDwidth, which is 40 mm, and the length is 2 cm more. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

6. Solve the problem:

From the cities, the distance between which is 861 km, two cars simultaneously drove towards each other and met after 7 hours. The speed of one car is 59 km / h. Determine the speed of the second car.

Option 2

    Arrange the numbers in descending order:

6792, 6492, 679, 6892, 6565, 64565

    Perform calculations


24643 + 42561 80979 – 16823

263 x 65 8320: 65

    Follow the steps:

583 – 69: 3 + 300

4. Compare and write down the result using signs<, >or =

3 in 8 cm 3 in 80 mm

72 c  7 t 20 c

5. Solve the problem and draw a rectangle:

Draw a rectangleABCDlength, which is 40 mm, and width by

2 cm shorter. Find the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle.

6. Solve the problem:

Two pedestrians simultaneously went out to meet each other from two villages and met 3 hours later. Determine the distance between the villages if one pedestrian was moving at a speed of 5 km / h, and the other - 6 km / h.

* Additional tasks

    Suggest a way to find the meaning of an expression. Calculate it.

4t 150 kg * 69 - 4t 15 kg * 69 + 7t 900kg * 69 =

2. What time is it now if the past part of the day is 4 hours longer than the rest?


final test for the elementary school course in the Russian language

for the 2015 -2016 academic year

MBOU SOSH number 5

System, UMK

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. Dictation:





Average score for dictation :

% quality of work

2. General error analysis (number of students):

    Unstressed vowel checked by stress

    Unstressed vowel, unchecked by stress

    Registration of proposals

- punctuation marks (at the end of a sentence)

- capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

    Consonantal softnessand, e, e, u, i

    Writingb - softness index

    Spellingb after the hissing at the end of the word

    Spelling combinations: chk, chn, low, nsh, zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu,

    Spelling of unpronounceable consonants

    Spelling paired consonants

    Spelling of doubled consonants

    Spelling prefixes

    Spelling prepositions

    Skip, replace, distort

    Case endings

- nouns

- adjectives

- verbs

3. Grammar task:





Average mark for grammar task :

4. Analysis of errors.

Errors in task number 1(people)

Errors in task number 2(people)

Errors in task # 3 (people)


final test for the elementary school course in mathematics

for the 2015 -2016 academic year

MBOU SOSH number 5

Number of students on the list

Number of students doing work

1. The quality of the main part





Average score of the main part

% quality of work

2. We made mistakes in the main part of the work.



- number of students who did not solve the problem

- made mistakes in calculations

- made mistakes in choosing an action

    Expression Errors

- for subtraction

- addition

- multiplication

- division

- the order of actions:

- choice of action

- errors in calculations

    Geometric material

- finding the perimeter

- finding the area

- drawing execution

    Examples with named numbers

- transformations

- comparison

5. Completed the correct task of raising. difficulties

(number of students)

Teacher: ________________ Assistant: __________________

The table of the final analysis of reading of students of 4 grades, for the 2015 -2016 academic year

MBOU SOSH number 5

Sistema, UMK _____________

Check date: _____________

Number of students per class _________ people




Reading comprehension

(people -%)

Reading method

Reading accuracy

by letter

By syllables

Syllable + whole word

In whole words

Read without errors

Replacement, skipping, distortion

Repeating words and syllables


Endings errors


Speech abnormalities


Teacher: ____________________________ Assistant: _______________________