Virtuoso and ballerina. Love Story of the Pianist Denis Matsueva

Virtuoso and ballerina. Love Story of the Pianist Denis Matsueva

Ballerina Date of birth November 14 (Scorpio) 1979 (39) Place of birth Perm Instagram @primabalerina

Ekaterina Shipulin is a famous ballerina, a leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Girl, despite such a "air" profession, real extreme. She adores water skiing and skating. Among other sports highlights tennis - on the court it happens quite often - and football. A fitness hall is regularly visited, although with its daily loads about excess weight you can only dream.

Biography Ekaterina Shipulina

Ekaterina Valentinovna was born in one of the Permian maternity homes with the cold November 1979. Mom baby - Lyudmila Shipulin - performed on the stage of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, so the future of the girl was predetermined from the moment of its appearance.

Lack of mother, little Katya almost saw. And it is not surprising, as a woman almost all strength and time gave its disciples and performances. She was more than critical towards her daughter and never allowed her to relax.

Incessant pain for the ballerina is the usual state in which they are constantly. And for Kati, she also became part of life. The girl from nature was very hardworking and still being very small filed hopes.

Catherine has a twin sister. In 1898, they together donated entrance tests to the Perm Ballet School and enrolled. Later, the sister threw the ballet, without preparing the strongest emotional and physical exertion, but Catherine herself continued to work on himself and his body, moving towards the goal.

In 1994, she enters the Moscow Choreographic Academy and after 4 years she finishes her with honors. The graduation number was the party from the ballet "Corsair".

The place of work of Catherine Shipulina as the ballerina became the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. A year after the start of the dance career, she goes to the international competition of ballet artists, passing in Luxembourg, and occupies 2nd place there. This is the first honorary "silver" among its numerous awards.

The girl is not delayed on the result and continues to work on himself. With each new speech, she rises one step above his career stairs. And now she is already the queen in the ball "fantasy on the topic of Casanov." Further, its track record is replenished with "Sylphide", "Konk-Gorbok", where the ballerina shines in the party of the king maiden. Shipulin so masterfully transfers all the feelings and emotions of his hero, which is not unable to believe in recreated image and the plot is almost impossible.

Mother's daughters: Family Beauty Stars

Mother's daughters: Family Beauty Stars

Personal life of Ekaterina Shipulina

In the personal life of Catherine Valentinovna, there are only one man for the past 10 years. This is a talented pianist whose concert graph is more than saturated - Denis Matsuev. Young people are considered the most stable pair in theatrical party.

This year they became young parents. Not so long ago, Ekaterina had a daughter born.

Name: Matsuev Denis.

Age:44 years

Place of Birth: Irkutsk

Activity: Russian virtuoso pianist and public figure. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

There is no detailed information about the personal life of the famous Russian pianist Denis Matsueva in the press. As there were no information about his wife and children, while the famous musician did not speak live on the birth of the daughter of Anna in 2016.

In the past ten years, the Chief of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Denis Matsueva, Ballerina Ekaterina Shipulin was under the watchful supervision of the yellow press. The couple did not advertise her relationship, did not hurry a lush wedding.

The musician for all questions of journalists about the details of personal life has never told - Denis Matsuev has always believed that the wife and children should be able to calmly exist without being an object of close attention of paparazzi.

Denis Matsuev, photo

Young people met at the opening of a restaurant for general friends. A little later, they had to work on the formulation of a joint speech on the draft American director Sergei Danielyan "Reflection".

According to the scenario on the scene, 5 ballerinas under the accompaniment of 5 different musicians were supposed.

Sipulina had to perform various Pa under the work of Tchaikovsky, while her beloved accelerated the pace three times, focusing on the composer's idea, and not on ballet stretching of the melody.

From the stories of Catherine, it is clear that a couple has long been together - every year come for the new year to the homeland of Pianist in Irkutsk to meet a holiday on the shore of Baikal and plunge on baptism in the ice water of the legendary lake.

Therefore, when in 2016, journalists noticed the rounded mold of the ballerina, began to deposit in love with questions. Matsuev and Shipulin kept a spectacular pause and pleased their fans with news about adding in the family only after the birth of her daughter.

Ekaterina Shipulin and Denis Matsuev

The musician does not comment on his paternity, tells only that the baby plays various classic works, trying to find out if his daughter has his love for music. According to Denis Leonidovich, Anya categorically not accepting a sheet melody.

Facts from Choir Choices

Ekaterina Shipulin was born, which at the moment is the civilian wife of Denis Matsueva and his mother's only daughter, in 1979 in Perm. In the biography of the girl, the ballet was present in fact from the moment of the appearance of the world - the parents of the artist were famous masters of this type of classic dance in their small homeland.

Catherine and her twin sister from early childhood prepared for life on pointes, rehearsing with babes all sorts of pa and classic dance exercises.

Ekaterina Shipulin studied at the Moscow Choreographic Academy

Mom girls paid a lot of time not so much native children as their students, paying attention to Katya and her sister only in case of their successful classes. Oddly enough, Shipulin is proud of its parents, considering such a rigor to the engine of its progress in the profession.

In 1989, both sisters entered the Perm Choreographic School, deciding to go in the footsteps of the parents. After his end, the family moved to the capital in 1991 at the invitation of the Music Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Famous ballet art workers became choreographers and teachers for the young generation of artists of this glorified institution. And in 1994, Ekaterina Shipulin becomes a student of the Moscow Choreographic Academy, having received the opportunity to hone the skill under the leadership of the teacher with world name Litavina.

After a year, Katya confirmed professionalism, fulfilling the main party in the "Corsair" formulation.

Career growth and world fame

After graduation, Sipulin received an invitation to work in a large theater, where originally performed in mass scenes and episodic roles.

Sumpture Sipulina's speech

This was the starting point in her creative biography - the leading parties appeared in the artist arsenal in the formulations of world importance:

  1. "Fantasies on the topic of Casanov".
  2. "Shopenian".
  3. "Sylphide".
  4. "Don Quixote".
  5. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  6. "Russian Hamlet".
  7. "Daughter of Pharaoh".
  8. "Swan Lake".
  9. "Bayaderka".
  10. "Sleeping Beauty".
  11. "Chippolino".
  12. "Giselle."
  13. "Spartacus".

In 2002, for the work in the "Nutcracker", with which the corpse with the participation of Catherine traveled Polimyr, Shipulin is honored by the triumph award. The ballerina becomes a premix of the native theater, it is introduced to the top ten dancers in modern times.

Talent and hardworking, supported by external data, played their role - the dancer becomes a popular performer of classical dance not only in his homeland, but also abroad.

Usual life

According to Catherine, for a long time she so sought to meet the requirements of parents, teachers, director directors, which behaved in work, as if "pioneer" - even at a high temperature or severe injury, went on stage.

Modern ballet art mercilessly to the bodies of performers - many compositions require a tight drop on her knees from the ballerina.

Ekaterina Shipulin and Denis Matsuev on a walk

The habit of tolerate pain, drowning her pills and various ointments, played her non-paying role - women's limbs practically do not have reflexes.

A little later, Catherine began to relate to his own health, having the opportunity to dictate its own terms to the director engaged in the development of a project.

Nevertheless, in everyday life, the girl adores extreme sports, in the trunk of her car there are constantly skates, roller shoes and bathing suit. She with delight descends over a steep slope at the ski resort, loves to play tennis and football.

He loves to please themselves with goodies and will not refuse a steak with blood, contrary to the strict requirements of the ballersters. The benefit of the active lifestyle and the natural constitution of the body allow you to preserve yourself in excellent form without exhausting diets and many hours of effort in the gym.

Ekaterina Shipulinum The appearance of the baby Anna in his life considers tremendous happiness and is not going to stop concert activities.

For a young mother, the model remains its own parent - Lyudmila Ivanovna went to the stage after the birth of two babies and successfully continued to dance for several decades.

Father duties

The press has long been known the attitude of the musician with world fame to the stampe in the passport.

Denis Matsuev, whose personal life and attention to the presence of his wife and children was mutated in open sources of information constantly, persistently does not want to disclose the secrets of his own relation to the family.

Denis Matsuev is in a hurry to tell all the details from family life

According to the artist, he married him so many times that he did not want to comment on such statements. At the moment, the time of accurate data on the official status of Denis Matsueva and Ekaterina Shipulina is not.

Evil languages \u200b\u200bargue that the first parties in the Bolshoi Theater of the ballerina has only thanks to the famous lover.

It is difficult to argue the opposite, but the recognition of a child with his daughter for the musician became a kind of feat - Matsuev for many years was a tary supporter of free marriages.

His statement that only music is capable of being able to be his wife, and the mistress will become jazz, for a long time created a musician a halo of high polhood.


Personal life

Catherine has a sister. Spouse Ballerina - Pianist Denis Matsuev . On October 31, 2016, a daughter was born at the pair.


  • Mirta, « Giselle »- Ballets in the editors of Yu. Grigorovich and V. Vasilyeva
  • Polish bride, three swans, « Swan Lake
  • Gamzatty, « Bayaderka
  • Cinderella, « Cinderella "S. Prokofiev, choreography Y. Posokhov, dir. Yu. Borisov
  • Medora, « Corsair »A. Adana, choreography M. Petipa, production and new choreography A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaki (debuted on the tour of the theater in the USA)
  • Soloist***, "Rubins" to music I. Stravinsky, II part of the ballet " Jewelry ", Choreography, J. Balanchina
  • Soloist, « Serenade »To music P. Tchaikovsky, choreography, J. Balanchina
  • Fleur de Les, « Esmeralda "C. Puni, Choreography M. Petipa, Staging and New Choreography Y. Burlaki, V. Medvedev
  • Florin, « Lost illusions »L. Delnikov in the formulation of A. Ratmansky
  • Soloist**, Chroma. J. Talbot and J. White, choreography W. McGregor
  • Soloist, "Emeralds" to the music of the city of Fore, I part of the ballet " Jewelry ", Choreography, J. Balanchina
  • Soloist*, Dream of Dream to music S. Rakhmaninova in the formulation J. Elo
(*) - the first executor of the party; (**) - the first executor of the party in the Bolshoi Theater; (***) - was among the first ballet performers in the theater.


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  • // "Labor" № 99, 25 December 2015
  • // "Arguments and Facts" No. 2, January 13, 2016.

Excerpt characterizing Sipulin, Ekaterina Valentinovna

For the first time, Prince Andrei realized where he was and what was with him, and remembered that he was wounded and as at that moment when the stroller stopped in Mytishchi, he asked for a hut. Having confused again from pain, he came his senses another time in the hut, when he drank tea, and here again, repeating in his memories, everything that was with him, he was more likely to imagine that minute at the dressing point, when, at the sight of the suffering of the person's unloved He came these new, who fusing him the happiness of thought. And these thoughts, although it is unclear and vaguely, now again captured his soul. He remembered that he had new happiness and that this happiness had something such common with the Gospel. Because he asked the Gospel. But the bad position, which was given by his wound, the new turning was again mixed up his thoughts, and he woke up for the third time already in the perfect silence of the night. All slept around it. Cricket shouted through the sense, on the street someone shouted and sang, the cockroaches were rustled on the table and images, in the autumn thick fly, he was on the headboard and about a silent candle, who had a big mushroom and standing near him.
His soul was not in good condition. A healthy person usually thinks, feels and remembers at the same time about the countless number of objects, but has power and strength, choosing one number of thoughts or phenomena, in this number of phenomena to stop all his attention. A healthy person per minute of the deepest reflection is broken away to say the courtesy of the word who entered the person, and again returns to his thoughts. The soul of Prince Andrew was not in good condition in this regard. All his souls were more actors, clearer than ever, but they acted outside his will. A wide variety of thoughts and ideas at the same time owned them. Sometimes the thought suddenly began to work, and with such force, clarity and depth, with what never she was not able to act in a healthy state; But suddenly, in the middle of his work, she broke off, was replaced by some unexpected representation, and there was no strength to return to it.
"Yes, I opened a new happiness, an integral person," he thought, lying in a half-walled quiet hollow and looking forward by feverishly disclosed, stopped her eyes. Happiness is out of the material forces, outside the material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! It can understand him anyone, but to aware and prescribe his ILO only one God. But how did God prescribe this law? Why did the son? .. And suddenly the course of these thoughts broke away, and Prince Andrei heard (not knowing, in a delight or in reality he hears it), he heard some kind of quiet, whispering voice, inexpressible in Takt said: "And the Piti Pitius" later "And Tii" Again "and the Piti Piti Potiation" Again "and Ti." Together with this, the sound of this whispering music, Prince Andrei felt that he was over his face, some strange air building from thin needles or radiations were erected over the middle of the middle. He felt (although it was hard for him) that he had to be more diligent to keep the equilibrium, in order for the building erected, it did not fall; But it all walked and again slowly erected with sounds evenly whispering music. "Fucks! Fuck! It stretches and still stretches, "Prince Andrei said himself. Together with listen to whisper and with the feeling of this pulling and erecting buildings from the needles, Prince Andrei saw the cramps and the red, surrounded by the circle of the candle and heard the shurchman cockroaches and the Shurchhana flies, who knew on the pillow and his face. And whenever fly touched the person to the Ele, she produced a burning sensation; But at the same time, he was surprised that, hitting the area of \u200b\u200bhis building erected on the face of his building, the fly did not destroy him. But, in addition, it was another important. It was a white door, it was a Sphinx Statue, which also pressed it.
"But maybe this is my shirt on the table," said Prince Andrei, - And these are my legs, and this is the door; But why it still stretches and put forward and nims to naught Piti and Ti - and Piti Piti Piti ... - Pretty, stop, please leave, - he asked someone prince Andrei. And suddenly again the thought and feeling with extraordinary clarity and power.
"Yes, love," he thought again with perfect clarity), but not the love that loves for something, for something or for some reason, but the love I experienced for the first time, when, dying, I saw my The enemy and still loved him. I experienced that sense of love that is the most essence of the soul and for which it is not necessary for the subject. I am now experiencing this blissful feeling. Love your neighbor, love your enemies. Love everything - love God in all manifestations. Love a person dear can human love; But only the enemy can love with the Love of God. And from this, I experienced such joy when I felt that I love that man. What about him? He is alive ... Loving human love, you can go to hatred from love; But God's love cannot change. Nothing, nor death, nothing can destroy it. She is the essence of the soul. And how many people I hated in my life. And of all people no longer loved anyone, I did not hate, like her. " And he vividly introduced himself to Natasha not as he imagined her before, with her lovely the charm, joyful for himself; But for the first time I presented her soul. And he understood her feeling, her suffering, shame, repentance. He is now for the first time Ponya all the cruelty of his refusal, saw the cruel of his gap with her. "If I could only see it once again. Once, looking into these eyes, say ... "
And Piti Piti Piti and Ti, and Piti Piti - Boom, hit the fly ... and his attention suddenly moved to another world of reality and nonsense, in which something has happened special. All the same in this world, everything was erected, not destroying, the building, everything was also stretching something, the candle was burning with the red round, the same Sphinx shirt lay at the door; But, among all this, something creaked, smell with fresh wind, and a new white Sphinx, standing, appeared before the door. And in the head of this Sphinx there was a pale face and the brilliant eyes of the Natasha, which he now thought.
"Oh, how hard this imperceptive nonsense!" - I thought Prince Andrew, trying to expel this face from his imagination. But the face it stood before him with the power of reality, and the face was approaching. Prince Andrei wanted to return to the old world of clean thoughts, but he could not, and Brad pulled him into his area. A quiet whispering voice continued his measured meat, something gave, stretched, and a strange face stood before him. Prince Andrei gathered all his strength to come to his senses; He moved, and suddenly in his ears it rang, in his eyes, and he, as a person plunged into the water, lost consciousness. When he woke up, Natasha, the longest Natasha, which all people in the world most of all wanted to love that new, clean God of love, which was now open to him, stood in front of him on his knees. He realized that it was a lively, real Natasha, and was not surprised, but quietly delighted. Natasha, standing on his knees, frightened, but fell in (she could not move) she looked at him, holding sobs. Her face was pale and motionless. Only at the bottom of it fluttered something.
Prince Andrei sighed reliefly, smiled and stretched out his hand.
- Are you? - he said. - How happily!
Natasha quickly, but cautious movement moved to him on his knees and, taking his hand carefully, bent over her face and began to kiss her, a little fading her lips.
- Sorry! She said in a whisper, lifting his head and looking at him. - Excuse me!
"I love you," said Prince Andrei.
- Sorry…
- What to forgive? - asked Prince Andrei.
"Forgive me for what I did," Natasha said a breaking whisper, the Natasha said, and it became more likely, a little fading her lips, kissing her hand.
"I love you more, better than before," said Prince Andrei, raising her face her face so that he could look into her eyes.
These eyes, poured happy tears, timidly, compassionately and happily looked at him. The thin and pale face of Natasha with swollen lips was more than ugly, it was scary. But Prince Andrei did not see this face, he saw the shining eyes that were beautiful. From behind, they were heard by talking.
Peter Vamdiner, now quite woken from sleep, woke up the doctor. Timokhin, who did not sleep all the time from pain in his leg, has long seen everything that was done, and, who diligently closing her sheets of her arms, he lied on the shop.
- What is that? Said the doctor, raising himself from his bed. - Excuse me to go, madam.
At the same time, the girl was knocking on the door, sent by the Countess who had a clinging daughter.
As a somnambulka, which was woked up in the middle of her sleep, Natasha came out of the room and, returning to his hut, sobbing fell on his bed.

From this day, during the whole further travel of growth, on all holidays and overnight hours, Natasha was not departed from the wounded Bolkonsky, and the doctor had to admit that he did not expect any such hardness from the maternity, nor such art to go for the wounded.
No matter how terrible seemed to Countess the thought that Prince Andrei could (very likely, according to the doctor) to die during the road on her daughter's hands, she could not oppose Natasha. Although as a result, the established rapprochement between the wounded prince Andrei and Natasha occur to the head that, in the event of recovery, the former relationship of the bride and the bride will be resumed, no one, even less Natasha and Prince Andrei, did not talk about it: an unresolved, hanging a question of life or death not only Above Bolkonsky, but all other assumptions overshadowed over Russia.