The most faithful and wrong zodiac sign in men. Zodiac signs and marital loyalty

The most faithful and wrong zodiac sign in men. Zodiac signs and marital loyalty

Loyalty for a man, like a tiger cage. This statement concerns many modern women. But it turns out, many people are not afraid to be tamed.

Loyalty to the sign of the zodiac - loyalty congenital quality?

Is it easy to keep loyal to the signs of the zodiac in marriage? And it depends on who. If we are talking about a man of passionate, hot, gambling, then no, not easy. Can such a person be faithful? Theoretically, can, but the price of tremendous effort, constant work on themselves and, no matter how sad it is to pronounce, - by the price of humility.

Loyalty is the most important, but not always the achievable condition for preserving the stability of the traditional form of marriage - monogamous. There are people who will never go to marital treason, for whom the retreat from the oath of loyalty, violation of an agreement on the exclusiveness of intimate relations is unacceptable. What is the surest zodiac sign?

Male Aries "Even thoughts do not allow cheating while he is in love - the feeling captures it entirely, not leaving the place for a new hobby, frivolous flirt.

While he carries you on his hands, shifts gifts and signs of attention, promises the stars from the sky and the golden mountains, you can not doubt it. About treason, the easiest to know from himself: he does not know how to deceive and does not like, and the cruel truth says easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure.

Woman Aries - can start novels from simple curiosity or for the sake of diversity. Even marriage does not stop women - Aries from intrigues. She will not hide his sympathy and the first can confess his feelings.

Men Taurus - not chasing the laurels of Casanov and not so easily losing their heads.

However, do not hurry with the choice of "the only one." If the Taurus does not look at you under a microscope, carefully studying the shortcomings and dignity, does not ask about the smallest incidents, it is not interested in the history of the family and plans for the future, does not seek to give advice on any occasion - it means you have ceased to be a significant part of his life.

It should also be borne in mind that, unlike many other men, the Taurus is not proud of its victories and, moreover, treason.

Woman Taurus - Beautiful, but conservative. She is jealous, refers to her man as his property, not forgiveness forgiveness as Idealizes the marriage and tries to live in all the rules. The female body itself as a rule also does not change.

Male twins - The most faithful sign of the impermanence of men with this sign of the zodiac is their constancy. Yes, yes, there is nothing strange in this. Remember how quite recently he surprised you daily, demonstrating new faces of character, changing his worldview, not tired turning life upside down.

That's right only to you, he opened up fully, you carried my joys and sadness. As soon as it seems that your everlasting twin has been settled, matured and formed - this means that he is already someone else's eternal child.

Twin women- endowed with a female heart and a man's mind, they are very easy to come to contact with men. In the family, they are not just faithful wives, they are excellent owners and mistresses.

Cancer Cancer "It's not easy to bet with this sign, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, faithful beloved and reliable partner. In addition, he guesses how it hurts to be deceived in the best feelings, and does not want to force how he is hesitated.

If a new passion still has inadvertently granted, he doubts and looking for an excuse for himself, shares his friends with friends, looking for an exit that all interested parties would have arranged, and willingly shifts responsibility for what is happening on other people's shoulders.

Woman-cancer- Born for family life and knows in this sense. Very carefully chooses a man for himself. Woman - cancer faithful wife and caring mom.

Male Lev. "It doesn't know how to hide treason, because each of his chosen is used to be proud of and brag." He is unable to resist from emerging with the next lady of the heart at a secular event, shine her beauty as a medal for courage, and does not think about the fact that the former lover can learn about it.

We will consider to inform you those whom he once moved the road, because the deficiencies of this sign are not experiencing a lack of disadvantages.

Woman Lev.- loves secular life, money and always seeks to high. She perfectly understands the difference between marriage, love and easy sex. With a man, she usually establishes affiliate relations and faithful.

Male Deva. - It is famous for its constancy, and to conquer the man born under this sign of the zodiac, not every one. But if before the cheating, the business has yet come, a woman is deceived in the best feelings there is a chance to never know about it: Virgin is caution, sometimes worthy of better use.

If a male Virgo met that for whom he could risk tested time and expensive to the heart of relations, he still hardly wants to do it, and if he still makes a mystery to be covered with a darkness.

Woman Deva. - Very calm, hardworking, excellent hostess and wife. It is ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of family. It can easily be called a role model.

Men Scales - rarely come out in impermanence, although sometimes spend a lot between two and more lights. The man of this sign can if not manage his feelings, then control them, having highlighting their chosenses that they deserve - and you can not notice for a long time what is happening.

He does not apply effort to hide, but the truth does not go out: paradox, it is possible only because the scales are able to build relationships that arrange all. The deceiver can be exposed only due to an incredibly unsuccessful coincidence.

Woman scales - This is an attractive woman who combines softness and femininity. Woman scales are under the patronage of the planet Venus - such a woman always attracts men with her refinement and femininity, men always spin around it. Marriage can enter repeatedly, but treason for women-scales is a rare phenomenon.

Male Scorpio - Even the most faithful and perfect moral morals are often suspected of treason, they are too jealous or not too well understanding chosen.

Indeed, you will unwother thinking when your rain sheds from rose petals on your head, then hail reproach. Scorpions are complex, and sometimes sometimes do not be able to deal with their feelings.

Yes, sometimes you are those who wish to help them - naive, gullible individuals who do not suspect which cargo they are drunk on their shoulders. Scorpio after treason becomes so hither that falls into its own traps; He builds plans of extraordinary cunning, but at the moment of emotional heat may well bother

Woman Scorpio- Sensual, emotional, mysterious, attractive. Such women are endowed with specials and intuition and instinctively know who its chosen one. Contrary to popular belief about their impulsive temperament, a woman in love - the scorpion is true, sensual, caring. By choosing your partner, ready to go with your beloved man's hand in hand.

Male Sagittie - Even the most serious shooter always a little fidget. His thirst for adventure is completely irremry, and the adventures of a romantic property are no exception.

In most cases, he does not even think about treason, and therefore it does not feel guilty - it happened.

Long before the victory is received, the Sagittarius will certainly tell someone about what is going to do - well, just for the reason that he was dissuaded. Having heard that there is nothing complicated in the task, it will quickly lose interest.

The forbidden fruit manits Sagittarius only because it hangs high - the taste of secrecy does not like representatives of this sign.

Woman-Sagittarius - adores men's entertainment, feast, dancing, sports, and freedom for her is a very important component. Not every man can be with such a freedom-loving woman. She chooses a man itself and, depending on the depths of feelings and affection, it can be both faithful and wrong companion.

Capricorn man - Long builds plans and ponders them carefully: this applies to romantic relations not at least than any other sphere of life. Long before she looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the "for" and "against", will be his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how it will keep them secret.

Before agreeing with another woman about the meeting, he will teach you to be busy and unable to pay a lot of time, he will note the routes of walks and choose a place where romantic dates will be passed, he envisages everything ... Capricorn-traitor is easy to expose , because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, in the shower understanding what it will lead to, but in secretly hoping that his missions will remain unnoticed.

Woman Capricorn. - Maybe very long to choose the perfect man. She has congenital talent to influence a man and get everything that only wishes. In marriage, she is faithful, hardworking and caring mistress.

Male Aquarius "Don't like to hide, and if forced to do it, it feels uncomfortable." Secret relations do not give representatives of this sign of great pleasure, because it is necessary to make serious efforts to keep everything in the ignorance, and the award for the works is sometimes modest than he expected.

But nevertheless, the thrust for a variety sometimes takes the top, and the Aquarius gets closer to the woman only because she is completely unlike the other.

Woman Aquarius - Woman mystery. She sometimes does not understand their actions. Men also have an extraordinary personality. Nature is sociable, independent, witty, which cannot but cause interest in men. Woman - Aquarius idealist, can marry more than once, but in marriage is true.

Man Fish - The representative of this sign of the zodiac is a cunning handler. He knows well where such dreams lead, and is in secret, using all his fantasy to conceal dubious feats.

He admires his own infallibility, without suspecting that every counter - and even more so you - sees an adventurist in it and is unlikely to want to support serious relationship with him.

Female fish - Very attractive for the opposite sex, regardless of external data. If it does not take appearance, then takes the inner world. Such women trust the heart than the mind. Being the most sensual zodiac sign, can go into the world of illusions and temptations. Wives are not the most faithful fish.

But perhaps you have a different opinion about the ability to keep loyalty to various zodiac representatives. (from. )

Now let's talk about what kind of zodiac signs are the most faithful.

They will go for their men and in the fire, and into the water. The representatives of these signs of the zodiac are able to be support and a true friend for their beloved person. They are very devoted and loving.


Woman Taurus becomes an incredibly loyal girlfriend, a faithful and reliable companion of life. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac readily go beyond their men and are experiencing with them both minutes of joy and unhappy moments. The woman is extremely attentive, tender and good towards his second half.


Woman cancer becomes a devotee, faithful and sensitive wife. Many crayfish prefer to behave humbly in relationships, giving the brazers of the board to their chosen. Cancer can support his man not only in minutes of joy, but also to divide all unlucky moments with him. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac becomes unrealistic support and support for their husbands, especially in crisis moments. These are very devoted women for whom the family and husband always stand in the first place.


Woman Virgo loves her satellite life right and selflessly. It may seem too practical and restrained, but inside it constantly burns a calm and unshakable light of love. A woman under the sign of Virgo falls in love for a long time, but very much. Her feelings become eternal and indispensable, and she herself acquires a great meaning of life called love.


For women of Capricorn, love is of great importance. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac becomes very loyal and reliable companions of life. They are ready to divide with a loved one not only pleasant, but also difficult moments. Capricorn woman may seem cold and impregnable, but she will always be a devoteed wife and loving, reliable friend for her beloved person.


A woman under the sign of Aries loves very devotionally and strongly. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac becomes faithful companions of life and loving, careless girlfriends. Woman Aries can not only take in a relationship, but also to give. There is no more loyal and selfless woman than Aries. It is completely given in a relationship and desires the same without a rest to own his loved one.

Let's start with men. The real connoisseurs of women's beauty are scales. Weighs may have many beautiful girlfriends, but it's not worth afraid of it. Male scales are true in nature, they are unlikely to risk serious relations for the sake of intrigue.

Male Scorpio - Passionate, bright, impulsive and loves to be in the spotlight, but this is not a reason to worry. When a man - scorpion in a relationship suits everything, he will not change his beloved woman. Another thing is the lack of intimate intimate or revenge.

Male-Sagittarius Easily succumb to temptation. A beautiful, interesting woman can easily lure such a man, and for the Sagittarius "Sex for one night" quite frequent and nothing significant phenomenon.

Male Capricorn. Men very true in their nature. They constantly think about work or how to improve their financial condition and make it they even in the arms of the beloved woman, what a betrayal can be here.

Male Aquarius - Their excessive love of communication and curiosity leads to frequent temptations. But they are more manitis communication rather than the need to make treason. If such a chance combines the interests of both, then, of course, he will not refuse them to take advantage.

Male fish May sincerely and deeply love a woman, but also change it. Men - Fish are ready to "swim" to any female fisherman you like. But from families of fish almost never go.

Man-Aries - Also a rather volatile nature. Deep neckline, high cutout or short skirt and man-Aries in your bed. These men are very excited and even a strong feeling does not prevent them from looking for and make new intrinsic.

Male Taurus - They, of course, can not not notice a beautiful girl, but the calves are not from those men who rushes into all the grave, changing their favorite spouse.

Gemini man - Very sociable and communicative, which is often ending with fleeting intrigues, but for twins sex never stood in the first place, so there can be fatigue or monotony to betrayal in relationships.

Man-cancer - For them, one of the main factors is the mental intimacy with the beloved woman, they rarely change. Male crayfish love praise and compliments. If they begin to change, most likely they are disappointed in their beloved and are already looking for a new woman.

Male Lev. - Self-love men who love them to surround both beautiful and expensive things and beautiful bright women. The lion always chooses the "best", so if he chose himself a "lioness", it won't change.

Male-Deva. - One of the most faithful and devoted signs of the zodiac. It was Men-Virgin Men who cannot be a charm of the first counterpart and, if Virgo decided to change, then for this certainly there were causes. Regular sex, love and home comfort - and your man will always be faithful to you.

Now let's talk about women and analyze their loyalty and a tendency to treason on the basis of the signs of the zodiac.

Woman scales - It is an attractive woman who combines softness and femininity. Woman scales are under the patronage of the planet Venus - such a woman always attracts men with her refinement and femininity, men always spin around it. Marriage can enter repeatedly, but treason for women-scales is a rare phenomenon.

Woman Scorpio - Sensual, emotional, mysterious, attractive. Such women are endowed with specials and intuition and instinctively know who its chosen one. Contrary to popular belief about their impulsive temperament, a woman in love - the scorpion is true, sensual, caring. By choosing your partner, ready to go with your beloved man's hand in hand.

Woman-Sagittarius - adores men's entertainment, feast, dancing, sports, and freedom for her is a very important component. Not every man can be with such a freedom-loving woman. She chooses a man itself and, depending on the depths of feelings and affection, it can be both faithful and wrong companion.

Woman Capricorn. - Maybe very long to choose the perfect man. She has congenital talent to influence a man and get everything that only wishes. In marriage, she is faithful, hardworking and caring mistress.

Woman Aquarius - Woman mystery. She sometimes does not understand their actions. Men also have an extraordinary personality. Nature is sociable, independent, witty, which cannot but cause interest in men. Woman - Aquarius idealist, can marry more than once, but in marriage is true.

Female fish - Very attractive for the opposite sex, regardless of external data. If it does not take appearance, then takes the inner world. Such women trust the heart than the mind. Being the most sensual zodiac sign, can go into the world of illusions and temptations. Wives are not the most faithful fish.

Woman Aries - can start novels from simple curiosity or for the sake of diversity. Even marriage does not stop women - Aries from intrigues. She will not hide his sympathy and the first can confess his feelings.

Woman Taurus - Beautiful, but conservative. She is jealous, refers to her man as his property, not forgiveness forgiveness as Idealizes the marriage and tries to live in all the rules. The female body itself as a rule also does not change.

Twin women - endowed with a female heart and a man's mind, they are very easy to come to contact with men. In the family, they are not just faithful wives, they are excellent owners and mistresses.

Woman-cancer - Born for family life and knows in this sense. Very carefully chooses a man for himself. Woman - cancer faithful wife and caring mom.

Woman Lev. - loves secular life, money and always seeks to high. She perfectly understands the difference between marriage, love and easy sex. With a man, she usually establishes affiliate relations and faithful.

Woman Deva. - Very calm, hardworking, excellent hostess and wife. It is ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of family. It can easily be called a role model.

Loyalty to our time is a rare phenomenon, commensurate with the most valuable currency in a person's life - over time. Do not buy devotion to money. And whether you knew that for some people loyalty is the meaning of life, that is, not the characteristic of moral and ethical standards, and the rod. A really intangible trait to someone got from parents (upbringing), someone due to the formation of a person, and someone from the stars. Ukrainian astrologers conducted a number of social surveys, in which they managed to draw up rating of the most faithful zodiac signs. Remember that, first of all, dedication is a choice, not a characteristic. Therefore, one should not refer to the following statistics as truth.

Fish - devotees within relations

If you meet with a sign of the zodiac sign of the fish, prepare for unpredictable events. As practice shows, they are correct only when they are visited by families. In relations, they do not consider it necessary to refuse all the benefits of freedom due to the fact that the partner is not ready for an important step - a marital life. However, after the wedding you will see completely other people. They start completely given to the favorite half, stop living only for themselves! Their ego disappears.

Scales - do not like to choose

It is believed that the scales from the stars received the gift of love. Apparently, this is due to the fact that they are not a devoted zodiac sign, however, there are also faithful representatives of constellations, but are rare. As a rule, girls do not know how to make a choice. If there is a question in front of them between the choice of one of two guys, will prefer to stay with those who won in the duel. Apparently, it was in the scales who fell in love with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The guy scales often too lightly refers to the choice of a girl, so often "goes left" during marriage. However, there is a lot depends on the upbringing.

Lions are true if there is something to lose

Call lions with modes, without parsing, it is impossible. They can live all their lives, loving one woman or one man. Moreover, they are able to forgive betrayal, understand and find a compromise. As a rule, this compromise is similar to action. Lions are often followed by one principle: with people it is necessary to do also! If you thought of fooling them twice, you can forget about good relationships. In their psychological level, hostility is postponed, not only for false love, but also to all representatives or sex representatives. Most often, it is the first mistakes in love relationships to make an understanding of the loyalty of this sign of the zodiac to something unnecessary!

Aries - able to betray ...

A good leader is an example for imitation. Aries received a gift of creation, they can lead people. If they need to impress the partner, stand out among the crowd or show who in the home owner can go n but Extreme. Often this extreme is treason. However, in friendship everything provides relativity. If a friend is above the business, Aries will begin to doubt the whole friendship. Remember movies in which the emperor was ready to sacrifice his native son in the name of the whole nation? It is this heroism, for someone nonsense, explain the understanding of the life of life. But not always. Among this sign are faithful people.

Scorpio - Always stuffed first

Oh, do not envy a person who dared to betray this sign of the zodiac. However, the phenomenon is rare, because scorpions always intuitively feel a threat. Their essence is the hazard itself. Loyalty The zodiac sign appreciates until it believes in love. But as soon as the Scorpio faces the cruelty of people, as if the vampire, having born into the blood, becomes an impersonation of danger. Betrayed, throw, deceive, but elegant. Loyalty is stored for units. In relation to the whole world, may be tyranans. This is the only / only man rarely, therefore betray. As a rule, the twins are true.

Cancer - does not like conflicts

The first to break in the occurrence of domestic quarrels and conflicts of cancer! This zodiac sign does not have problems with the choice of one person for life. But a limited view of most representatives of the constellation leads to the fact that they begin to look for a way to remove tension in treasures. The marks that realize that:

  1. Household problems - a temporary phenomenon;
  2. Depression is a temporary state;
  3. With all the signs of the zodiac to preserve loyalty you need mutual understanding;
  4. It is necessary to deal with life difficulties together;
  5. Everything in the world relatively, but with all the same.

Cancers, you can not be egoists. Not only with you so ...

Capricorn - Understanding and Support

Save the loyalty of the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn can be through two important psychological components: understanding and support. If even the whole world will criticize the Capricors, but you say: you do everything right. He will prove the world that was right, and you will get honorable His victory. Capricorn stubborn, sometimes unbearable, but they need support. If you argue, criticize, they are unlikely to change, but they can leave forever!

Aquarius is afraid of change

Quite often, Aquarius is trying to seem worldly macho or hearts, but in reality, this zodiac sign appreciates loyalty more, because the betrayal is afraid. Subconsciously, many aquarities behave unleashed to quickly buy out who there is antipathy for them. As a result, fall in love with the image and a picture played by yourself. In simple language, aquarius often faces treason when they behave unnaturally. You attract to yourself, just those people who initially consider unpleasant.

Sagittarius - Cupid Devotion

Sagittars are able to inspire people a need for loyalty. They are given an understanding of human errors. They can prove any kind of devotion to the most important factor in a prosperous relationship. Frequently often the sign of the zodiac is the first to refute their statements about loyalty, as a result of which he gains universal hatred. Since you are raising the bar to such a level, correspond to it. However, Sagittarius is true and should not believe everyone to their word. All allow mistakes. They are simply shy about the fact that they are older. But not all!

Virgo - playful, but devotee

The virgin can be described as the meticulous, right person. But, at least once seen in action? These are the very hearts:

  • it is easy to achieve attention;
  • in blood skill flirting;
  • able to leave everyone in bewilderment;
  • can simultaneously communicate with 5 people, and, both guys of the Virgin and the girls;
  • however, they love once.

In valid, this is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, which remains devoted in relationships. But communicates with many!

Teltsy - Never betray!

Even if 10 of 10 Taurus partners betray them, they will not be devastated to their level. Always retain calm and understanding of the basic principles of prosperous relationships. It is a pity that it is precisely the calves that the zodiac signs are not more often come across. At the same time, with the devies, twins and the archers to form relationships quite difficult. By the way, not bad compatibility is observed with calves in Tales.

What zodiac sign is the most devotee?

Twins - the surest zodiac sign. Representatives of the Third Constellations may seem at all devotees, "cables", sorry for the expression, and ... you understand! In fact, they are not at all. Just about 30 people live in them at the same time. But in the relationship they are true.

One who promises a lot does little.

This concerns the twins, but also words about loyalty should be perceived sincerely, because the twins do not like traitors. They belong to people with an open heart, and it is so, because, right! Remember, they do not know how to prove the truth, they like to refute more.

"Over time, I began to perceive my wife as a given, although it is impossible to perceive anyone, nobody and never," said one of the heroes of Roman Richard Yate "Easter Parade". Indeed, a similar attitude is fraught and can turn into an adulter. Although, we recognize, sometimes for the marital treason, quite less good reasons. InStyle represents the rating of faithful wives on the sign of the zodiac. And reminds that any astrological hit parades are extremely conditional.

Fish. 4/10

The representatives of this sign are invested in a relationship without a balance and do not think about the consequences. To be accurate, then do not think at all. Nothing. They drive only the feeling, and everything else, including obligations and morality, dust in the mezzanine. Sweets beloved - and this woman will go after him, without looking around her husband. And if you condemn and report it, it will not understand - for what? Because well, can you really be guilty of love?

Aries. 4/10

Kate Hudson (born April 19, 1979)

Women Aries are distinguished by curiosity and love for everything new. Including new men. The representative of this sign itself decides with whom she is at the moment. The main criterion, repeat, is interest. If the man fell into the area of \u200b\u200bspecial attention of the Aries - everything, then the case of technology. Aries will not intrigue and build eyes, they just fit and say everything as it is.

Directness is generally a characteristic feature of this sign, as well as honesty. But this is a positive qualities - the question is open. Because when Aries declares her husband, which was fascinated by others, while nothing was, but most likely it will be - if interest does not disappear, then it is difficult to perceive such a frankness with delight, so?

Sagittarius. 5/10

Britney Spears (born on December 2, 1981)

Sagittarius love life, and so that everything is from the soul and in the limit of passion, joy and happiness. Well, I like the shooter when every day is like the last and so that without gray paints, but only alone bright. And so that the passions are unlimited, and feelings for the edge, Wow. Husband will not be able to provide a firing such an emotional attraction - will leave without even blinking. But for a while leaves or still wants to go back - it remains only to guess. Moreover, even if it returns, there is no guarantee that someday does not run away again for some fun and resourceful.

Twins. 5/10

Angelina Jolie (born on June 4, 1975)

This is a player sign. Including in love. The main thing is not so much feeling as the game itself. This dependence is rarely curable, so be careful, be all the time on the ace (if, of course, you need it). Gemini live in double standards - in love games the rules establish themselves, and when someone plays in their own, indulge. You will quit her - will be killed and curse, and if you leave myself, it does not blink the eye. In general, honesty is better not to wait, not hope and not to believe. The question is different - whether you can resist her amazing advantages. Well, risk.

Libra. 6/10

Monica Bellucci (born September 30, 1964)

But another magnetizing sign - scales. His representatives attract so that resistance is often useless. The secret is pretty simple and lies in the ability to keep a man at a distance and look mysterious. As a result, the scales will subbuate you to themselves - if, of course, they will find it necessary - and, perhaps, the proposal of hands and hearts will take place. The only thing, remember is one marriage personal life of weights, as a rule, is not limited. They, marriages, can be as much as you like, the tariff is unlimited. But the scales usually do not change husbands. They just go from them - to the next.

Scorpio. 6/10

Julia Roberts (born on October 28, 1967)

Here, as it is customary to say, when there is nothing more to say, "everything is difficult." Really. The complexity is the key characteristic of this sign. No less important features of women scorpions are unpredictability. So it turns out that part of the scorpions with all its passionality turns out to be loyal wives: at a minimum because the betrayal is a sign of his own incorrect choice, and this is already humiliating. Another part of the representatives of this sign, on the contrary, changes husbands without questions and sometimes even for no reason. Relieving, the reason is and she is paradoxical - so Scorpio checks his own feelings for her husband. He is experiencing strength. As it is possible, you ask. That's how. This is the scorpions - they bite not only others, but also themselves.

Capricorn. 7/10

Kate Moss (born January 16, 1974)

Capricorn harvesting for a long time and slowly chooses his chosen one - so that (preferably) for the rest of his life. When the choice is made, Capricorn puts the point in the game of floors, views, counted thoughts and secret objects (more, subjects) of desire. What is this gender fuss if the right man is near? However, this does not mean that the most correct man can relax and feel like an unpunished prince. Capricorn is perception and strict, and he is able to recognize errors. So if the chosen one disappoints, it will get rid of it. And if the process is delayed, it will begin to change it - with a calm heart. Search again began to lose time for.

A lion. 7/10

Jennifer Lopez (born on July 24, 1969)

Lions love themselves and appreciate. Therefore, they do not exchange on trifles, even if a random acquaintance can help well spend time. Lion woman needs everything and the best, and so that in one bottle (read - a man). But if it turns out that there is love, mutual respect and a strong marriage, but sex did not ask, the lion will not tolerate. And get the desired elsewhere - for example, will turn to the most random familiar.

Cancer. 7/10

Liv Tyler (born July 1, 1977)

These signs do not change. Or change in extreme cases - when formally still married, but in essence the marriage is over. Ajulter happens, as it happens in such situations, or for love, which is placed, or from despair. The second alignment and the very cancer sometimes sometimes it takes it later, but what to do - apparently, there is no other way to put a point in the marriage. But in general, for the representatives of this sign, this marriage means much, if not to say everything, and the family they want sincerely, from the whole soul and in the call of the heart. Therefore, choose carefully, and rarely mistakenly. But if they are mistaken, it is very, very taller.

Aquarius. 8/10

Jennifer Aniston (born February 11, 1969)

Flirt - yes, easily; Treason - hardly. This is the behavioral scheme of water. These girls with a bang take any, the most crazy suggestions have a good time - and really spend it well. But without sex. Simply put, Aquarius can, having quarreled with her husband, go with a friend to smallest in the night, to meet her friends, ride with a breeze around the city or even for the city, but this is a matter of this. Aquarius themselves do not understand what is the same - they do not change, but simply having fun. But I don't like my husbands anyway. And who would like?

Calf. 10/10

Jessica Alba (born on April 28, 1981)

Taurus is an iron will and non-concrete principles. The representative of this sign will not change her husband, but he will not give a descent. If it is evisited, goes right there. Rather, it will not leave himself, but throwing the spouse to the street through the window. But this is unlikely, since the husband's calf brings up like a real Michurin - slowly, thoroughly and scientific methods of whip and gingerbread. In the end, it will soon receive a ready-made, perfect sample. It does not need to be changed.

Virgo. 10/10

Cameron Diaz (born on August 30, 1972)

The same as the Taurus, only less common sense, but more sincere feelings and natural correctness. Virgo is true, because it is stupid, go and bad. The husband Virgin, too, is usually faithful, for such a woman to change - it is necessary to be complete cretin. So live - in love, happiness, rest and reliability.

Loyalty for a man, like a tiger cage. This statement concerns many modern women. But it turns out, many people are not afraid to be tamed.

Loyalty to the sign of the zodiac - loyalty congenital quality?

Is it easy to keep loyal to the signs of the zodiac in marriage? And it depends on who. If we are talking about a man of passionate, hot, gambling, then no, not easy. Can such a person be faithful? Theoretically, can, but the price of tremendous effort, constant work on themselves and, no matter how sad it is to pronounce, - by the price of humility.

Loyalty is the most important, but not always the achievable traditional form of marriage - monogamous. There are people who will never go to marital treason, for whom the retreat from the oath of loyalty, violation of an agreement on the exclusiveness of intimate relations is unacceptable. What is the surest zodiac sign? Let's deal with.

The most faithful signs of the zodiac - Troika leaders

The most faithful signs of the zodiac are Capricorn, scorpions and lions. It seems that everything is clear with Capricorn, these pragmatists do nothing just if the betrayal is not beneficial, there will be no betrayal.

In addition, it is representatives of the right sign of the zodiac Capricorn tend to launch his desires and sex to drown, drive deep into consciousness and replace something, as a rule, work. These people are fastened to all buttons, they save energy and will not seek adventures.

The people of the faithful sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, despite its innate power and passion, also prefer to store family foundations. They are suspicious, they do not believe anyone, and prefer to slowly their partner for marriage. So safer, because in the soul, Scorpio himself is very afraid to be in the role of the victim. So loyalty to the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio is a means of self-defense.

And what are passionate, free, romantic and fearless lions? It is difficult to believe that they are also included in the top three. faithful zodiac signs. The answer to the question is the word "pride". The faithful signs of the sign of the zodiac lion are not inclined to start the fleeting romance with whom fell. For them, spiritual proximity is more important than physical, although they know in this matter.

If a man - Leo has a favorite woman, he will be completely absorbed by her, and loyalty will be stored. The sign of the zodiac sign will never be a "exchangeless coin," she is proud, and such behavior considers a fall. The lionesses are beautiful well-groomed women on whom you can watch it is impossible. She reigns in the family, and this is already a lot.

Loyalty to the sign of the zodiac - causes and predisposition to treason

Consider more, as belongs to loyalty men and women of different zodiac signs.

  1. Loyalty for the sign of the zodiac Aries. Treason for Aries is always a protest. If the marriage partner does not do this, he will receive an answer from the Aries. Most often, this is a reaction to a spouse attempt to control it, and this comes from a feeling of jealousy and revenge.
  2. Loyalty to the sign of the zodiac Taurus. The calf has its own religion - stability, and treason in this system of values \u200b\u200bis not a place. If treason happened, this is a sign that the Taurus doubts the correctness of its choice.
  3. Loyalty to the sign of the zodiac twins. Gemini do not like the monotony of relationships. Change with those who know well - with a friend's girlfriend or the best friend of her husband.
  4. Zodiac sign cancer and loyalty in love. His goal is to become an ideal family man, so representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer are rarely changing. Having made an adulter, the cancer is longing and, but it is not capable of decisive actions.
  5. The loyalty of representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Virgin is small, adore small treason on the side. This is quite in the spirit of their lightweight natur. In a deep sense, such Amours will never develop, and the Virgin continues to exist in their usual household circle.
  6. Zodiac sign Scales are an interesting question. These people change their partners often with pleasure, they are very in love and inseparable in relations. But the divorce for them is unthinkable, they are afraid of clarifying relations, so they are impossible to expose them.
  7. Zodiac sign Sagittarius and loyalty in the family. These connoisseurs