Basics of American etiquette: What is accepted and not taken to do in the United States. Rules of behavior

Basics of American etiquette: What is accepted and not taken to do in the United States. Rules of behavior
Basics of American etiquette: What is accepted and not taken to do in the United States. Rules of behavior

The first rule of good tone in the United States of America is a friendly attitude and a famous Hollywood smile. Every American believes that it is necessary to smile to everyone and under any circumstances. Such is American etiquette.

Life imposes a print

The overwhelming number of residents of America belongs to the category of successful people, and a marker of success, well-being in this cultural space is a smile. Success in the cultural paradigm of US values \u200b\u200bis one of the fundamental.

However, it is unlawful to argue that the smiles of Americans are impermanent and are designed to create only the illusion of joy and well-being. This is not true. The importance of good location of a stable emotional state is laid in the mental picture of the world of each representative of the United States.

The cultural norms of Americans do not imply complaints about life adversity, they have not taken to talk about their difficult issues around. You can only give people positive emotions, share a good promise. American etiquette allows for life complaints in exceptional, extreme cases, however, there are certain prohibitions: it is possible to talk about your problems only to close relatives and friends who are in the list of needs and values \u200b\u200bof each typical American second place, immediately after success. Every American strive to surround himself with a big friendly company. The culture of America is alien to the concept of "buddy", "a good acquaintance" - here all well-communicating people are considered friends.


However, there are other features of etiquette behavior in America. So, it is forbidden to go to the guests albeit to the closest relative or friend without warning, but if you have received an invitation for lunch or dinner, you need to think about the gift of the owners. It can be flowers, a bottle of wine or a cute souvenir. The business gifts in America are not common, they are considered as a bribe.

Etiquette applies to communication by phone. Making a call to the United States is allowed only on an important case, conversation, problem.

On etiquette, an American man is unblessed to flirt with a woman, charming her if she does not have his wife or a girl. A woman in this case is endowed with great rights: she can file a lawsuit in your name if you have to show marks attention to it without approval.

Welcome to a man in the USA adopted a warm strong, but brief handshake, and it is important to keep visual contact between the two sides. Often you can also observe and inspiring patches on the shoulder of familiar people.

The US etiquette does not provide for prolonged communication on "you": Americans are quickly moving to names, almost immediately after dating.

When communicating with the Americans, it is necessary to observe the distance (at least 60 cm) the interlocutor may find that you are too close to him, and he will retreat backwards.

One of the important features of the national etiquette and behavior at the table is ease when performing certain actions. A larger number of Americans are not distinguished by the sophistication of behavioral manners: they can chalkly at the table, reach through the entire dining table to the desired plate, not to know how appropriate to use at certain cases and so on.

Many Americans are tuned to a healthy lifestyle and try to minimize food in food, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. Despite this, the traditional American Fast-Food remains as popular. Not welcome Americans and smoking: smoking in public places is strictly prohibited by American legislation. The ethical norms of the US residents are due to the exception of their cultural picture of the world. Many of the etiquette rules can cause surprise from other countries and even bewilderment, but they do not cease to be less interesting for familiarization.

Norms and rules of behavior exist in each country. In the US, there are talked laws of good tones that you should know those who are going to America.

What is accepted and what is not customary to do in the States?

People who meet for the first time say to each other "Good Morning (Afternoon, Evening)" ("Good day") or "How Do You Do", "How Are You" ("How are you like you"). Good acquaintances exchange "Hello!" or "Hi!"

If the girl is not married, then "Miss" appeals to her, and if she is married, then Mrs.. Men say "Mr.". Sometimes you can hear "sir" and "Madame".

When meeting (acquaintance), it is customary to shake hands. Moreover, this is common not only among men, women, especially in the business environment, also do that.

In the US, it is customary to leave tips. Tips leave almost everywhere. This is not a voluntary remuneration, there are mandatory interest for workers of different services.

Americans are a very friendly nation, but do not compare the United States with some other country, especially not in favor of the United States. Americans sincerely believe that there are simply no countries of America and can not be.

Check out the features of American sports. American football is very different from the familiar football. Also in the United States love basketball and baseball.

Americans love to talk, but do not raise a racial topic, discuss gender issues or talk about politics. In addition, it is better not to mention the American army. US citizens very seriously apply to everyone who serves or served. Do not try to joke about terrorism.

In America, talking about nothing (Small Talk). Strange people are constantly attense about something insignificant. Therefore, do not be surprised if you contact you a stranger and be prepared to answer him with a smile.

There are many emigrants in America, so most people speak with some accent. No need to comment on accents of people, for Americans is the usual thing.

It's no secret that in America a lot of fatmen. But also many those who care about health and watch the figure. Better do not speak your opinion about thick people in the States and do not discuss the problems of obesity at all.

In the US, a reverent attitude to the personal space. Do not come to a person too close, you should not disturb the personal space of the American. Also should not be included in the private territory. In the United States, it is customary to shoot in those who encroacitate private property.

It is impossible to smoke almost everywhere. Americans belong to smokers extremely negative. Smoking and drink alcohol in specially designed places.

Coming to visit, Americans do not die. For Americans, this is a normal phenomenon - walk in one shoes and at home, and on the street. Note that you come to visit without invitation is not accepted.

Residents of the south are especially hospitable, although less secured. They are sometimes invited to the house and plant a completely unfamiliar person at the table. Americans can define rather personal questions without constraint, be ready for it.

Southerners are extremely religious. They regularly visit the church and never miss Sunday sermons. It is better not to joke on the topic of religion if you are in the southern states.

In America, people encountered for the first time use the polite form of the greeting "Good afternoon", "How are you?". Close familiar are exchanged friendly "Hello!". To the unmarried girl in America, Miss should contact, and to a married thing - Mrs.. The accepted appeal to the man - "Mr." or "Doctor" (if DR is written on the business card. Before the surname). When they want to express special respect and respect, consume "sir" or "Madame".

Also, as in Russia, in America, at a meeting and acquaintance, they use handshake. In business communication, this is common among men, and among women. But the kisses in America are not at all appropriate. With a business greeting, American, older in age and holding a higher position, the first will stretch the woman. You need to answer the same. Handshakes are appropriate only at the beginning of the meeting. At the end of it, it is possible to say goodbye: "I'm glad (a) was (a) to see you" or "all the good, I hope to see you soon."

The behavior of the Americans

Americans, friendly, open, sociable people and even at business meetings do not create an official atmosphere. They quickly go to appeal by name, love to joke. But despite, it would seem, such a slight communication, Americans demand punctuality from themselves and others.

American culture of behavior, of course, differs from Russian. For example, an American may well afford to throw a leg on foot or put a leg on a chair or table. Americans often invite colleagues and partners to visit themselves. As a hotel, you can grab flowers, wine or souvenir from your country. Be careful, in America there is a law on bribes. Therefore, you should not give too expensive a gift to not be regarded as a bribe. However, it is quite normal, to invite a partner to a restaurant, to rest for the city or even to the resort.


In the negotiations, they focus on the subject that needs to be solved. Americans pay attention not only to the very problem of the problem, but also its details, discuss solutions. Therefore, they seriously belong to various meetings and negotiations and in their course they are trying to discuss many proposals.

Americans try to finish the started thing as soon as possible, so as not to postpone on tomorrow. They follow the rule "The sooner you do work, the sooner you get the money." Fast operation of the key to success. American businessmen asserts, love to sweep their partners.

Americans adhere to the following rule: every future success depends on the past!

The US culture is, above all, an open, friendly and smiling American people. US etiquette reads: It is necessary to smile to everyone in any situation. If you think about going to travel to America, be prepared to give smiles not only to foreign friends and acquaintances, but also to all passers-by, sellers in stores, staff in the hotel, police officers on the streets, etc.

The US culture is a culture of successful people. And the smile is just considered in this country a signal of the well-being of a person. If an American smiles, then he has everything OK in his personal life, in a career, in the financial sphere, etc. US culture puts success in the first place in the rating of life values. However, it would be wrong to believe that the Americans are only creating the illusion of well-being that their smiles are stretched, and the joy of fake. This is not true. Americans are a nation that truly feels happy. These people with the pellery get used to smile, so they do not pretend to be joyful - successfulness lives inside of them, she is given to them since childhood.

The US etiquette prohibits to complain about vitality, share their problems with others. You can only share with positive emotions in this country - to upset outsiders with our sorrows in disabilities. US etiquette allows complaints about life only in the most extreme cases. Moreover, you can only talk about serious problems with loved ones or relatives.

If during a trip to America, in the process of a conversation, you will accidentally quickly ask for some kind of troubles, Americans will definitely ask: "Do you want to talk about it?". So, if you are not configured to communicate at the patient level - psychoanalyst, follow the US etiquette and silence about your problems.

In the list of values \u200b\u200bof the Americans, friends are immediately successful. Each US resident seeks to surround himself with a whole company of friends. In the category of friends, the Americans get all the littlely familiar, but people causing sympathy. The US culture does not know such concepts at all as a familiar, buddy - they are all considered friends in this country. Remember this, communicating with American acquaintances. If you like them, then you are already their friend. And if you do not want to go against the etiquette and culture of the USA, too, consider all American buddies with their friends.

However, there are other features of the US etiquette in the field of friendly communication. American etiquette forbids entering guests even to the closest friend or relative without warning. The American cannot run for a couple of minutes to his brother, if a few days before that did not warn him about his future visit by phone.

By the way, the US etiquette is quite strict and in the field of communication by phone. Do not think during a trip to America, having acquainted with the locals and learning his phone number, call, to just chat - you will find an uncompatible person. In the US, you can call friends only when you really have an important thing to them.

The US etiquette categorically prohibits flirting with a woman who is not your girlfriend or wife. If you go to the US, in no case do not meet a woman in a restaurant, on the street, in the subway, try not to look at her legs, etc. American can calmly sue you even for the fact that you have built eyes.

The significant rule of American culture and ethics of the United States: "Do together with us, do as we!". In this country, the desire for loneliness, isolation, alienation is greatly reregted. The man, being in the US, should be part of the American society, constantly contact with others, take the norms and rules of the circle of the people in which he is. Any American or a guest of the United States should be an active member of any social association, be it a working team, a religious group or the movement of scouts. In the US, it is impossible to be loner.

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  • Burning tours around the world

Unprecedented measures taken in the United States after the tragedy on September 11, 2001, the most radically changed all security procedures in the country - first of all, of course, at airports and airplanes, but not only. On some important points related to the modern rules of "Securiti" in American, travelers need to be known in advance.

In the airoport

In the United States adopted severe measures to ensure the safety of the population, including special control standards for the entry and leaving of tourists. By flying to the country, your baggage can be careful to make sure that you are not importing perishable products, drugs, weapons, pornographic materials, knives with a discarded blade, explosive materials, lottery tickets, "pirated" video, audio and Computer products. You will be asked about the purpose of visiting the United States (business trip, tourism, etc.), and also - do not be surprised - the airport official can ask if you have anything to do with terrorist groups. In no case do not joke on terrorism. If a person who ask you questions, will not like something in the answers, you will be invited to the office of the security service at the airport, and this is already serious: you risks go home and without stepping on American land.

In the hotel

On the streets, as a rule, a lot of telephone booths. Each has its own number that is written on the telephone (your interlocutor can call you back). There are also emergency rooms. In case of danger, you can always call the universal salvation service number - 911.