Volnushka mushrooms for the winter. How to cook hot and cold waves for the winter

Volnushka mushrooms for the winter.  How to cook hot and cold waves for the winter
Volnushka mushrooms for the winter. How to cook hot and cold waves for the winter

Eating tasty and healthy mushrooms at any time of the year is not so easy. You need to know how to cook them for a long time. Volnushki are one of the most popular mushrooms in the domestic open spaces.

There are many methods for preparing them. It is important to do everything right, as conditionally edible mushrooms can present certain surprises if they are not prepared correctly. Volnushki taste great, which means that it is worth learning a couple of secrets of their salting and then any meal with them will be a joy.

How to salt the waves at home

Before cooking salted mushrooms, you need to decide for yourself which method will be used in the process. The correct formulation and all stages provide a win-win result. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is the correct approach that determines the state of health in the future. The beauty of the dish should not be missed, which can be easily taken care of by additional ingredients.

Before you salt the waves, you need to know about the following:

  • Correct and thorough processing. It is important to remove all unnecessary and unnecessary, rinse well and remove the roots. Most housewives prefer to clean the product using a toothbrush. In this case, by carefully processing every little thing, you can get a really decent result. Do not forget that these mushrooms are very fragile and can easily break during the cleaning process.
  • Waves must be sorted carefully. This refers to the color of the mushrooms: pink and white. Don't forget about the size: separate large and small.
  • Not properly processed waves are very bitter. Before salting, it is recommended to soak them in salt water for at least two days. Frequent water changes will prevent souring and further bitterness.
  • Water poured during soaking should be present in excess. It is worth covering the mushrooms at least 5 centimeters above the caps. Such foresight prevents the appearance of mold and other unpleasant moments.
  • If you want to cook the waves in a cold way, it is recommended to soak them using citric acid and salt, 2 and 50 grams per liter, respectively.

Salting the waves in a cold way

A simple yet fun way to cook mushrooms and give them a special taste and aroma due to the spices used.


  • Volnushki - 8 kilograms.
  • Citric acid - pack.
  • Rock salt - glass.
  • Cumin - 2 tablespoons.
  • Dill seeds - 50 grams.
  • Cabbage leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

1.Pre-clean the flowers. Soak in water with added salt and citric acid. The salted liquid should be changed every 4-5 hours.

2. Mix cumin seeds, dill and salt.

3. Pour out all the liquid. Wait until it is completely drained. Lay out the waves with a hat to the bottom. Sprinkle layers 7-8 centimeters wide with a mixture of spices and herbs.

4.Once all layers are laid and sprinkled, put several rows of cabbage leaves on top.

5. Place extensive oppression on top of the sheets. It is good if it covers the entire surface of the container.

6. It is important to find the right storage space. The temperature regime should be in the range from 0 to 10 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then the product will crumble, and if it is higher, it will sour. Thus, the waves will be prepared for at least a month. For best results, wait a couple of months.

Ready-made salty waves must be thoroughly soaked so that their taste does not seem overly salty. Top them can be sprinkled with various herbs and onions. This recipe has been known since ancient times, but now there are few places where you can find oak barrels and a decent basement for storage. But it is on this that the main taste characteristics of the dish depend.

Hot way

A faster, but no less tasty, way of salting. It does not require special storage space, it is convenient and practical.


  • Volnushki - one and a half kilograms.
  • Laurel.
  • Currant leaves - 5-7 pieces.
  • Garlic - 5 teeth.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Allspice, and peas - 5 peas each.
  • Carnation inflorescences - 4 pieces.
  • Filtered water - liter.

Cooking process:

1.Prepare the waves well: rinse, clean, soak. During 2 days of soaking, the water is changed at least 9 times.

2. Drain the liquid. Let the mushrooms drain. Place in a saucepan and pour in filtered water. Cook, stirring occasionally for at least 15 minutes. Drain off using a colander.

3.Place the prepared food on the bottom of the cooking container.

4. Top with laurel and currant leaves.

5. Also add all the spices mixed with salt.

6. Peel the garlic cloves well and cut into thin slices. Spread evenly over the top.

7. The remaining liquid in which the waves were previously cooked must be boiled. Pour into a container with prepared food.

8. Place extensive oppression on top. When it reaches room temperature, you can move the workpiece to a cool place or refrigerator for about 24 hours.

9. Sterilize half-liter glass jars with lids.

10.In dry, but at the same time hot sterilized jars, transfer the salty waves. Screw the lid back on tightly.

Amazing in taste and simple in recipe, waves can delight all lovers of forest products. And the crunch preserved in the mushrooms, despite the processing, gives the dish a spice.

Combined salting method

Those who like to find a compromise will like the proposed option. Thanks to him, an excellent result is obtained and many prefer this particular method of blanks.


  • Volnushki - 5-6 kilograms.
  • Garlic - a pair of heads.
  • Laurel.
  • Rock salt - 160 grams.
  • Casting horseradish.
  • Currant leaves - 6-8 pieces.
  • Dill is a bunch.
  • Filtered water - two liters.

Cooking process:

1.Pour filtered water into a large saucepan and add 60 grams of salt. Boil.

2. Process and soak the flowers well in advance. Gradually add in small portions to boiling water. After all the mushrooms have been placed in boiling water, boil them for at least another 10 minutes. It is necessary to stir frequently and constantly skim the resulting foam. Otherwise, the product may burn. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to a colander and rinse well.

3. Peel and cut the garlic teeth.

4. In a deep container, transfer the first layer of waves. Sprinkle with salt, garlic and cover with horseradish leaves.

5. Spread the next layer of mushrooms on top. Add salt and currant leaves with laurel and garlic.

6. Distribute the remaining mushrooms well. Top with salt, dill and the remaining garlic.

7. Spread several layers of sterile gauze on top of the dill. Lay out volumetric oppression. Move the container to the refrigerator, if available in the cellar. After three weeks, the excellent mushrooms are ready.

An unusual method allows you to protect yourself and your loved ones from unpleasant surprises. At the same time, the crunch of the waves is completely preserved, from which their consumption becomes even more pleasant. Soaked in the juice of various leaves, they acquire a really good and special taste.

Cold method in banks

You can always experiment. In this case, using jars, you can create a long-forgotten recipe at home and enjoy great taste if necessary.


  • Volnushki - 2.5 kilograms.
  • Rock salt - 45 grams.
  • Laurel.
  • Horseradish leaves.
  • Vegetable oil - glass.

Cooking process:

1.Clean every fungus from all that is superfluous. Soak in water with citric acid and salt for 2 days. It should be changed at least 4 times a day.

2. Sterilize jars with lids thoroughly.

3.Gently lay the mushrooms in layers in jars, sprinkling them with salt and laurel leaves with horseradish.

4. Heat the vegetable oil thoroughly. Pour heated oil into each jar.

5.Close the jars and move to the refrigerator or basement. Thanks to vegetable oil, it turns out to prevent air access. This helps to maintain taste and color characteristics. Within two months, an excellent dish will be ready to serve.

A very simple and yet interesting way of cooking these mushrooms. The result is excellent. The main thing is that the jars in the refrigerator do not take up much space.

Salt waves are an excellent choice for lovers of forest values. They go well with many dishes, are an unsurpassed appetizer and can be used as filling for pies. The main thing is to decide on the method of preparation, and the rest will be shown by time.

Among mushroom pickers, volzhanka mushrooms (volzhanki or wolves) are not unimportant. After harvesting, it is important to know how to clean the waves and prepare them for subsequent processing.
The fact is that these mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, and are not eaten raw at all.
In some European countries, they are even classified as poisonous. Therefore, before eating, this type of mushroom needs careful, proper processing.
With the beginning of autumn, they can be found in coniferous, birch or mixed forests. Depending on the place of growth, they differ in color (from whitish to bright red).
You can recognize these mushrooms by the characteristic pattern on a wavy, rounded hat with woolly and shaggy edges.

Mushrooms are a very perishable product and Volzhanka is no exception. Therefore, we begin to clean immediately after cutting. Before putting the next mushroom to the rest, carefully clean it of debris, leaves or blades of grass.

After arriving home, we sort the mushrooms. If you leave them in a cramped basket, they will darken and deteriorate very quickly. belong to the category of lamellar mushrooms.

If the batch combines white with pink waves, then they must be sorted and cooked separately. White waves are small and suitable only for salting. But pink ones are much larger than their counterparts, they can not only be salted or pickled, but also fried.

We also discard wormy or spoiled instances. The mushrooms do not need special cleaning. Their hat is covered with a thin film, which does not make much sense to remove. But the leg is very rough and fibrous, so we remove 2/3 of the leg length. Additionally, Volzhanki must be brushed with coarse bristles.

Processing the waves before cooking

You can easily notice that acrid milky juice is released at the cut site, which spoils the taste of the mushroom, and can even cause poisoning. To neutralize its negative impact, the waves need to be properly processed: soaked or boiled.

The mushrooms, cleared of debris, are flooded with clean water and rinsed well. Then we put them in a colander and, after thoroughly rinsing under running water, re-fill with cold water. Add 10 grams of salt or 2 grams of citric acid for each liter of water. The waves should be soaked for at least two days.

In the process of soaking, we change the water to fresh one every 5 hours. Such a simple procedure will relieve the product of a bitter unpleasant aftertaste. To maximize the final taste, the steeping can be continued for up to 3 days. After that, we re-treat the mushrooms with a brush, put them in a colander so that all excess liquid comes off.

How to prepare waves?

Pickling is considered to be the most optimal way of harvesting waves. Salted mushrooms are delicious and aromatic. They go well with any side dish or serve as a snack. More often, the waves are salted in a hot or cold way. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods below.

Salting the waves: hot way

The hot salting method is distinguished by its speed and relative ease.

For salting you will need:

  • Volnushki (soaked) - 1400 gr.;
  • Currant leaves - 5-6 pieces;
  • Lavrushka - 6 leaves;
  • Clove - 6 buds;
  • Allspice peas - 3-4 peas;
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pcs .:
  • Table salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a saucepan, add spices (salt, allspice, lavrushka, clove buds) with washed currant leaves. When the water boils well, we lay the waves, soaked in the above described way, mix and cook for a quarter of an hour.

In the meantime, carefully wash and sterilize the glass containers. Peel the garlic and chop it finely.

Strain the mushrooms (we save the brine), leaving them in a colander for a while so that all the liquid is glass. We send the brine back to the stove and bring to a boil.

Mix the mushrooms with chopped garlic, peas and bay leaves. We lay them out tightly in sterile jars, fill them with boiled brine and roll them up with tin lids for preservation.

Turn it upside down, wrap it up warmly and leave it until it cools. We store the waves salted in this way in a cool place.

Salting volushki: cold method

Cold pickling takes longer to cook, but it is more popular with mushroom pickers.


  • Soaked waves - 1 kg;
  • Table salt - 50 gr.;
  • Mushroom spices - optional.


Soaked with citric acid or salt, we put them tightly in a salting container with their legs up. Mushrooms laid in this way will be better salted. As a container for salting, you can use a wooden barrel or an enamel pot without damaging the enamel.

Lay the mushrooms in layers, generously sprinkling each with salt and spices. Be sure to put oppression on top of the mushrooms. For this, it is convenient to use a wooden circle with a stone or an ordinary shallow plate and a jar of water.

Waves under oppression will give a lot of juice in a couple of days, they will settle a little. At this stage, add fresh mushrooms, also sprinkle with seasoned salt. We repeat this until the container is completely filled with mushrooms.

We place the container for 1-2 months in a cool, dark place. We constantly make sure that all the mushrooms are immersed in the brine. If it is not enough, then you can add cooled boiled water.
During salting, the mushrooms can become moldy. Then we must wash them with cool boiled water.

Before serving, cold salted waves should be soaked for 2 days. They can be added to salads, used for baking pies, pies, pizzas, or served as a snack with onions and vegetable oil.

Volnushki, which are also called volzhanki and wolfs, are of two types: white (white) and pink (krasuli, rubella). All of them belong to the family of russula mushrooms and do not require prolonged heat treatment before eating. At the same time, they are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, so it is extremely important to know how to salt the waves for the winter correctly.

How to salt the waves correctly

You can salt the waves in different ways, including cold. If the salting technology and the recipe are not violated, there is no threat of poisoning to lovers of salt waves, otherwise the result may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the technology. In addition, in order for a snack for the winter to turn out beautiful, tasty and appetizing, you need to take into account a number of points.

  • Like all other mushrooms, before salting the waves, it is required to clean well of debris, insects, adhering blades, leaves. It is convenient to do this with a toothbrush. They do not have a film, which facilitates the process of preparing for salting, however, when cleaning and washing the waves of the housewives, another difficulty awaits: the waves are fragile, and if you press on them, not even hard, they begin to crumble in your hands.
  • Experienced mushroom pickers advise to salt pink and white waves separately, therefore, sorting out mushrooms and cleaning them from debris, they must also be sorted. When sorting, the size of the waves is also taken into account: large ones are put in another pile or cut into 2-4 parts.
  • The waves are bitter. If they are not soaked in cold water with salt before cooking, the bitterness will persist and you will not want to eat salted mushrooms. The waves are soaked for two days at least, periodically changing the water. This should be done at least 5 times a day. Otherwise, the mushrooms will start to sour.
  • When soaking, you need to make sure that the water completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise they will become moldy, and even if you rinse them well afterwards, there will be no guarantee that you have been able to completely get rid of the mold.
  • If the waves are supposed to be salted in a cold way, then they are soaked not just in cold water, but with the addition of salt (50 g per liter) and citric acid (2 g per liter).

The rest of the actions will already depend on the selected recipe.

Cold salting of waves

  • waves - 7 kg;
  • salt - 0.2 kg;
  • citric acid - 12 g;
  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • cabbage leaf - 1-3 (the width of the barrel).

Cooking method:

  • Soak the cleaned waves in salt and acidified water for three days. Change the water every 4-5 hours.
  • Combine salt with dry dill seeds and caraway seeds.
  • Drain and lay the waves in 6-8 cm layers, sprinkling each layer with salt mixed with seasonings. Place the mushrooms with their caps down.
  • Place a cabbage leaf on top or a few sheets if the area is large.
  • Place a wooden disc or plate on top, placing a weight on top of it.
  • Send to a cold room (0-10 degrees). There, the mushrooms should be salted for at least a month, ideally two. If the waves are frozen, they will begin to crumble, and if they are in a room for a long time at temperatures above 10 degrees, they can turn sour.

Before serving cold salted waves on the table, they should be soaked in clean water, otherwise they will be salty. This is a classic recipe - before, mushrooms were salted this way for the winter. Nowadays, not every house has suitable conditions for this, and not everyone has wooden barrels. However, a true gourmet will surely appreciate the classic taste of mushrooms pickled according to the "grandmother's" recipe.

Hot salted waffles

  • waves - 1.4 kg;
  • currant leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • rock salt - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel the mushrooms, soak in cold water for two days.
  • Pour 1 liter of water over the waves, boil, stirring, within 15 minutes after boiling, discard in a colander.
  • Place the boiled mushrooms in the bottom of an enamel pot.
  • Cover the mushrooms with clean currant and bay leaves.
  • Sprinkle with salt, add cloves, pepper.
  • Cut the peeled cloves of garlic into thin slices, pour over the salt.
  • Bring the broth to a boil and pour over the mushrooms.
  • Cover with a large plate, set the oppression. When the mushrooms have cooled to room temperature, put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Prepare 4 half liter jars. They need to be sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes or in any other way. The lids are also sterilized by boiling.
  • Arrange the waves in sterile jars, fill with brine, seal tightly. The jars must be hot and dry at the time of swirling.

Most of the townspeople prefer to salt the waves for the winter according to this recipe, since it is not difficult to do this, and they are stored in sterilized and hermetically sealed jars at a temperature slightly below room temperature (16-18 degrees). It is not difficult to create such conditions in winter. In addition, the mushrooms according to this recipe are crispy, despite the heat treatment.

Salting the waves in a combined way

  • waves - 5 kg;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • currant leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • garlic - 2 heads.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add 60 g of salt to it, bring to a boil.
  • Put the waves soaked in advance in small portions in a saucepan of boiling water, stirring occasionally. Boil for another 10 minutes after submerging the last serving of mushrooms in the water. Skim off the foam while cooking. Remove the mushrooms with a colander or slotted spoon, rinse with running water.
  • Peel the garlic, do not chop, but if the cloves are too large, you can cut them in half.
  • Put a layer of wines in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt, put horseradish leaves, a few cloves of garlic.
  • Put the second layer of mushrooms, salt, put currant leaves and bay leaves, 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Cover the next layer of mushrooms with salt, dill and the remaining garlic.
  • Cover with a clean cloth, install the oppression. Store the mushroom pot in the refrigerator. You can eat them 3 weeks after salting.

This method of salting mushrooms for the winter is popular due to the fact that it combines the advantages of cold and hot methods. The mushrooms are cooked to increase the safety of the snack and the time it takes to eat it. On the other hand, the cooking time is shortened, the mushrooms are salted in their own juice, which allows them to remain crispy. The only drawback is that the pan with waves takes up an entire shelf in the refrigerator. When there is only one such unit in the house, this creates certain inconveniences.

Cold salting in jars

  • waves - 2 kg;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Soak the prepared waves in salt and acidified water for three days, changing it 2-3 times a day.
  • Sterilize the jars. Prepare covers for them.
  • Place the waves in jars, sprinkling each layer with salt and shifting with horseradish and laurel leaves.
  • Cover with hot vegetable oil.
  • Close tightly and refrigerate. It will be possible to eat mushrooms in 2 months. The oil will cut off air access to the mushrooms and ensure their safety. In addition, they will not darken, since they did not have to be boiled.

Anyone can try the cold way of salting the waves for the winter according to this recipe. The main task is to find a place in the refrigerator to store cans.

For a gourmet, it matters what recipe the mushrooms are salted, but any method has the right to life. To compare the taste, you can try several options and choose the one that suits you and your household more.

Salting is the most popular and widespread method of making waves. Salted mushrooms are eaten instantly in winter. And now I will tell you how to properly and tasty salt the waves at home, so that they are crispy and aromatic.

There are two ways to salt the waves - cold or hot. I prefer hot salting - this method is faster and does not require certain conditions.

The following mushrooms are suitable for salting: volnushki (they are also called volzhanki), bitters and milk mushrooms.

There are many options for harvesting mushrooms for the winter: they are boiled, dried, cooked, but salting the mushrooms takes much more time, but it's worth it - the salted waves are crispy, appetizing and very tasty.

Since it takes a long time to salt the waves for the winter in a cold way, many choose the hot method to speed up the process of cooking salted waves. It is very simple to salt the waves in a hot way.

For 1 kg. We need waves:

2 dill umbrellas

10 black currant leaves

3-4 cloves of garlic

3 tablespoons of coarse rock salt (no iodine)

bay leaf, cloves, allspice and black peppercorns - optional

Mushroom preparation:

1). Both large and small waves are suitable for salting. Waves need to be sorted out - cleaned of dirt, leaves and other debris. We do this carefully, as they are fragile and can crumble in our hands. We throw out the spoiled and wormy specimens.

2). Unlike other mushrooms, cleaning the waves does not take much time, so you can immediately start cutting them - cut the legs off (if we cut them too long in half), cut the caps of large mushrooms into 4 parts, medium into 2, and small caps can be left untouched ...

3). Then we thoroughly rinse the mushrooms from the remaining dirt. Then, in order for the waves not to taste bitter, they need to be soaked in cold water for two days. This must be done before you salt the waves!

On top we put a plate of a smaller diameter and on it some kind of weight, so as not to let the waves float up. The mushrooms must be completely covered with water. During the soaking period, you need to change the water at least twice a day, otherwise the mushrooms will begin to sour. If possible, leave them in a cool place, if this is not possible, then change the water more often.

4). After two days, drain all the water. Then we boil them in slightly salted water for 20 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon and stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let the mushrooms stick to the bottom. If there are a lot of mushrooms, we do it in several steps. We put the waves in a colander.

5) ... Next, we go directly to the salting of the waves. We put currant leaves and dill cut into pieces on the bottom of the enameled dish (you can also take cherry, horseradish or oak leaves) and lay out cloves and peppers to your liking.

Next, a layer of waves (the layer thickness is about 5-8 cm) - spread with the caps down and fall asleep with about one tablespoon of salt and cut the garlic into slices in the same place.

We put it under oppression and put it in a cool place for 2-3 days. During this time, a brine will appear, which will cover the waves. As the salting proceeds, the mushrooms will decrease in volume.

Of course, you can also immediately lay it in layers on glass jars, but I usually wait a couple of days until they sit down and until the brine appears. Next, place it tightly in regular jars with screw caps. Salted mushrooms in this way can be eaten in a month.

The recipe for hot salting of waves is the most common. Such waves are stored in a cool place.

Cold salting of waves


1 kg. fresh waves

rock salt - 40-50 g.

horseradish leaves, cherries and currants - to taste

dill stalks

garlic to taste

citric acid - 2 g.

peppercorns, allspice - optional


The principle of salting waves in a cold way is simple to the point of banality. Unlike salting with a hot method, they do not need to be boiled. We soak the cleaned and washed waves in salt water for 2-3 days to remove the milky juice, which gives the mushrooms bitterness. Put 10 grams of salt per liter of water and add another 2 grams of citric acid.

We change the water several times a day. Then, on the third day, we put the mushrooms and greens tightly into the selected container (bucket or basin) with the caps down. At the bottom, first put a horseradish leaf, currant leaves, dill stalks, peppercorns, allspice and then put a layer of waves and sprinkle everything with salt. Per kg. about 40 g of rock salt, not iodized. So we continue until then, layer by layer.

We put the waves under the oppression (we must put the load) so that the mushrooms are further covered with brine. After a couple of days, the mushrooms will secrete juice and sit down. After that, we put them in a cold place (the recommended temperature should be from 0-10 degrees). We leave it to salt there for 1.5-2 months. Then we put the pickles in jars and roll them up. Some more, before laying in layers, pour boiling water over the waves, but this is not necessary.

We wash the finished salty waves in clean water before serving.

It is up to you to decide which recipe to salt the waves. If the salting technology has not been violated, then the poisoning by the waves does not threaten.

Pink Volnushka has many names: Volvukha, Volnyanka, Volzhanka, Volvenka, Volvianitsa. She comes from the family of Syroezhkovs, the genus Mlechnik.

Volzhanka is considered a conditionally edible mushroom and belongs to the second category. If the mushroom is eaten raw, poisoning is possible. It is suitable for pickling and pickling. You must first soak the mushroom in water, and only then you can cook.

Description of the appearance, ripening time and habitat of the Volzhanka

The cap of the mushroom is 4 to 12 cm in diameter, pink in color, at first it is convex, then becomes flat as it ripens. A hat with a depression, with the edges drooping down, is covered with thick fibers, which are arranged in circles.

The friable pulp has a sharp, pungent taste, with a mild resinous odor. Milky juice is white, bitter. It is extremely rarely wormy. It retains its appearance during transportation.

The plates descending along the stem, cream or pale ocher with a pinkish tinge, thin. Spore powder is white.

Leg up to 7 cm in length and up to 2 cm in thickness, flat or narrowed downwards, hollow, smooth, pale pink.

The pink mushroom grows in deciduous and mixed forests throughout the European part of Russia from June to October. Prefers the neighborhood of birch, most often grows in mushroom families. Fruiting is good even in lean years for mushrooms.

The first wave of these mushrooms appears from the end of July, the second - from the end of August, full fruiting occurs in September, and when the heat returns in the "Indian summer" - in October.

If the summer was rainy, then the pink wave appears a month earlier (in June), in dry conditions they arise only in autumn (in September).

Photo of a pink or volzhanka wave