Where is the best school education. Rating countries of the world by level of education

Where is the best school education. Rating countries of the world by level of education
Where is the best school education. Rating countries of the world by level of education

For many foreign countries, the Higher Education Sector is an important branch of strategic development and international partnership. We are talking about countries whose universities have an excellent international reputation and take a large number of foreigners.

Based on the quality of education in universities of different countries, their positions in academic ratings, as well as the internationality and innovation of education systems, we have compiled a list of states with the highest level of university education in the world.

Want to get the best knowledge and experience in the best academic conditions? Choose one of these countries for study and get the formation of your dreams!


America confidently leads by the number of universities included in the top 100 of the best universities in the world QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGSThis rankings are number 30 US educational institutions. Moreover, American leads all the rating.

The most popular student cities of the United States are California, New York and Texas, and the most popular subjects among foreign students who come to study in the country - engineering, business and management, mathematics and computer technologies. In America, students attract not only high quality education, but also an interesting student life, as well as extensive employment opportunities. At the same time, the American education system not only meets all international standards, but often the dictates them itself.


The global reputation of British universities and training more than 500,000 foreign students allowed the United Kingdom to become the second country in terms of higher education. In the top 10 of the best universities in the world enter the four local universities at once, including the famous and.

Two indisputable advantages of British Education are centuries of established academic traditions and internationality. The very proven system of British education has already been adopted by many countries, and it is in Great Britain that there is a number of campuses with the most diverse and multicultural student communities.


Germany is the most popular and demanded non-English-speaking training in the world. Moreover, in recent years, Germany challenges the United Kingdom's academic championship in Europe. Many students have already preferred studies in Berlin and other major cities of the country.

The popularity of Germany among foreign students is pretty easy. There are many advanced universities here, three of which are included in the global top 100. Training in government universities in Germany is absolutely free, and accommodation will cost relatively not expensive. You may not even have to learn German, because in order to attract foreign students in the country every year, more and more English-language programs are offered.


Far and exotic Australia invariably remains a popular destination for student and professional immigration. Not surprising, because the country is known for a very high standard of living and salaries.

Having changed and adopting the British education system, Australia today is the most attractive state for students of their region. There are many foreigners here, first of all, from neighboring Asian countries, and teach the best professors from around the world. Seven Australian universities are included in the world top 100 of the best universities, while keeping the position in the top 20 rating. And also, Australia's educational institutions have an excellent reputation among employers, because their graduates can count on successful employment in the specialty.


Studying in Canada still enjoys less popular among Russian students than studies in neighboring America, and in vain! This is not only a very picturesque country with stunning nature, but also a state with a developed system of education, which is four universities in world top-100.

In Canadian cities Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Quebec are concentrated by the best universities of the country, and lives a lot of students from around the world. Life in Canada is usually cheaper than in America, and it is also easier to enter local universities.


Recently, Paris was once again recognized as the best student city of Europe. It is not surprising, because there are several famous universities at once, the highest normal school of Paris, Paristech and the University of Pierre and Maria Curie, and students have access to the developed academic environment and an interesting metropolitan life.

Other cities of France are not behind, attracting thousands of foreign students annually. Among the undoubted advantages of local education are centuries-old academic traditions and history, the availability of English-speaking programs of all levels and low cost of training.


The Netherlands is another European country in which international higher education is developing at a rapid pace, and the number of foreign students is increasing annually. At once, two Dutch universities enter the world top 100 - this is the capital.

The high level of local education and excellent communications of universities with foreign partners made the country with one of the best places in the world to study technologies, IT, design and a number of other disciplines. In addition, students appreciate the serious practical component of the Dutch higher education. This is what allows local and foreign graduates to be successfully employed after the end of universities.


Fast development and internationalization of higher education can also boast China, which invests huge funds in the development of the industry at the state level. This year, at once, six Chinese universities entered the top 100 best universities in the world, confirming the significant progress of the country.

In China, you can learn all existing disciplines, and foreign students, to whose involvement, the country works hard, is offered studies in English, modern living conditions, numerous scholarships and grants. In addition, a combination of high quality and accessibility of local higher education is played an important role.


South Korea is proud of four universities belonging to the world Top 100, and Seoul, which in the top ten of the world's best student cities. Today, Korea is an important economic, commercial, academic, technological and tourist center of Asia. As a result, students here live in an international environment and receive unique employment opportunities in international companies.

At the universities of South Korea, such as many foreign teachers work, and the most modern studies are held, which significantly increases the scientific potential of the country.


Being home to many world brands and one of the most developed economies of the world, Japan has a fundamental education system and one of the highest levels of graduate employment. The unique culture of Japan has made a significant contribution to the development of the local academic system and the preparation of highly organized, intelligent and professional personnel in various fields.

Japan also works to attract foreign students, by 2020 it is planned to increase their number in the country to 300,000 people. Among the important characteristics of Japanese education attractive to foreigners are numerous examples of internships and studies in English, as well as extensive scientific grants and a close acquaintance with the unique Japanese culture.

Practice of education with its roots goes into the deep layers of human civilization. Education appeared along with the first people, but the science of it was formed significantly later, when there were already such sciences such as geometry, astronomy and many others.

The root cause of all scientific sectors - the needs of life. The time has come when the upbringing began to play an important role in people's life. It was found that society develops faster or slower depending on how the growth of the younger generations is delivered. There was a need to summarize the experience of education, create special educational institutions to prepare young people to life.

The fact that the economic development of the state directly depends on the level of development of science and education in the country is well known. This is an axiom that does not require evidence. Because education is the most effective tool that society has to resist the challenges of the future. It is education that will form peace tomorrow. About what is the educational systems of the world, which of them deserve special attention, and the conversation will go below.

20 best education systems in the world

Irina Kaminkova, "Cyville"

In the modern world, the importance of education is not in doubt with its close global bonds: the effectiveness of educational institutions makes a significant contribution to the prosperity of states along with other socio-economic development factors.

To assess and compare the quality of education systems, specialists have developed a number of metrics, among which the most famous: Pisa, Timss and Pirls. The Pearson Group since 2012 publishes its index, calculated according to these metrics, as well as on a number of other parameters, such as literacy level and the number of graduates in various countries. In addition to the general index, the two components are calculated: the skills of thinking and adhere to learning.

We note that there are no data in Ukraine in this ranking. The main reason is that for all the years of independence, officials in power did not bother to arrange and submit a single application for international testing. Obviously, despite the yaruing patriotic rhetoric, the development of the national education system and its promotion at the global level, to put it mildly, is not included in the circle of their interests. Here it is time to take an example from Russia, which, despite similar problems with the drying, fading and leakage of resources, still entered the twenty of the best and overtook (!) US.

In general, the development of national education systems in the world demonstrates the following trends:

the countries of East Asia are still ahead of the rest. South Korea is on top of the rating, followed by Japan (2), Singapore (3) and Hong Kong (4). The ideology of education in these countries is primacy of diligence over congenital abilities, clearly formulated objectives and objectives of training, high reporting culture and interaction among the wide range of stakeholders.

scandinavia Countries, traditionally holding strong positions, somewhat confused their advantage. Finland, the leader of the 2012 rating, moved to the 5th place; And Sweden dropped from the 21st to the 24th.

the position of Israel (from 17 to 12th place), Russia (upwards 7 to the 13th) and Poland (up four places to the 10th) improved, significantly improved.

developing countries occupy the lower half of the rating, Indonesia closes a list of 40 countries represented, I precedes Mexico (39) and Brazil (38).

Let's give a brief description of 20 leaders

  1. South Korea.

Japan and South Korea rigidly compete for the 1st place in the ranking. Koreans won Japan in the 3rd positions. Japan, despite the solid investments in the initial education of children, gave way to thinking and a number of other rating positions. Do you know that in South Korea, children often go to school seven days a week, without days off? The state budget of education last year amounted to $ 11,300 million. The literacy rate of the entire population is 97.9%, incl. Men - 99.2%, women - 96.6%. GDP per capita in 2014 amounted to $ 34795.

  1. Japan

The education system is based on high technologies, which provides leadership in the level of knowledge and understanding problems. GDP - about 5.96 trillion US dollars - an excellent material base for further development.

  1. Singapore

The leader in the level of primary education system has strong positions on other indicators, which provided the 3rd position in the ranking. GDP per capita - $ 64584, 3rd place in the world.

  1. Hong Kong

Schools present mainly a British education system. State budget education over the past year - $ 39420 per capita. Primary, secondary and higher education have a very high level. Training is conducted in English and Cantonese Chinese Dialect. The level of literacy of the population is 94.6%, very good mathematical preparation is noted.

  1. Finland

The leader of the 2012 rating has lost its position by giving way to Asian competitors. Many continue to consider the formation system of Finland better in the world, although in fact it is no longer. An essential deficiency of the system is recognized later to start study at the age of 7. Education in the country is free, annual educational budget 11.1 billion €. GDP per capita - $ 36395

  1. Great Britain

Education issues in the UK are not solved at the level of the kingdom, but at the level of governments of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. According to Pearson Index, Britain occupied the 2nd place in Europe and the 6th place in the world. At the same time, the Scottish education system received relatively higher estimates than in the whole country. GDP per capita - $ 38711, 21st place in the world.

  1. Canada

English and French are learning languages. Literacy rate of at least 99% (both among men and women). The level of education is also high. The percentage of college graduates in the world. Canadians come to College at 16 (in most provinces) or 18 years. The training calendar varies from 180 to 190 days. Results can be even better if they prioritize investments in primary education. GDP per capita - $ 44656. Canada invests 5.4% of its GDP in the education sector.

  1. Netherlands

Low level of investment, weak planning and management in secondary education, lowered the Netherlands on the 8th place in the ranking. GDP per capita - $ 42586.

  1. Ireland

Literacy rate is 99% among men and women. Education in the country is free for all levels - from the initial to college / university. Only students from the EU pay for training and are subject to taxes. The Irish government invests in education 8.759 million euros annually.

  1. Poland

The Ministry of Education of Poland leads the system in the country. According to Pearson Index, Poland occupied the 4th place in Europe and the 10th in the world, thanks to the good organization of primary and secondary (basic and complete) education. GDP per capita - $ 21118.

  1. Denmark

The Denmark education system includes preschool, primary, secondary and higher education, as well as education for adults. In secondary education, the gymnasium, general training program, commercial and technical universities and vocational education program and vocational education are additionally allocated. Similarly, higher education also includes a number of programs. Education is mandatory for children up to 16 years. "Folkeskole" or higher education is not mandatory, however, 82% of students are tuned, which positively characterizes the country's prospects. Educational indexes and the UN's human development index in Denmark are among the highest in the world. GDP per capita - $ 57998.

  1. Germany

Germany seeks to organize one of the best educational systems in the world. Education is fully in government and, therefore, has nothing to do with local management. Kindergarten is not mandatory, but secondary education is necessary. In the system of secondary education there are five types of schools. German universities are recognized as one of the best in the world and contribute to the spread of education in Europe. GDP per capita - $ 41248.

  1. Russia

The country has further reserves to improve positions, if paying attention to the development of preschool and primary education. Literacy rate is almost 100%. According to the Wide Bank survey, 54% of the employed population in Russia have higher education, which is undoubtedly the highest achievement for education at the level of college in the world. Education costs exceeded $ 20 billion in 2011. GDP per capita - $ 14645.

Many consider the United States a country with a high rating of education, however, this is not so. Despite well-developed and one of the most powerful economies in the world, the US educational system is not even in top 10. The costs of the national budget for $ 1.3 trillion education provide literacy rate of 99% (among men and women). Among 81.5 million students are 38% attend primary school, 26% of secondary and 20.5 million - highest. 85% of students finish high school, 30% receive a diploma of higher education. All citizens have the right to free primary education. GDP per capita - $ 54980 (6th place in the world).

  1. Australia

The annual budget for the needs of education amounted to 5.10% of GDP - more than $ 490 million in 2009. English is the main language of learning. The level of public with primary education is almost 2 million. Literacy rate is 99%. Secondary education has 75%, and higher - 34% of the country's residents. States and communities practically fully control local educational institutions and payment system. Pisa appreciated the Australian education system from the point of view of reading, science and mathematics, like 6, 7 and 9 in the world. GDP per capita - $ 44346.

  1. New Zealand

The expenses of the Ministry of Education of New Zealand in the 2014-2015 academic year amounted to $ 13183 million. English and Maori are basic learning languages. Poor test results in elementary school are the main obstacle to improving the rating. Pisa gives the 7th place in the country in the field of science and reading, and the 13th in mathematics. The HDI Education Index is the highest in the world, but it evaluates only the number of years spent at school, and not a level of performance. GDP per capita - $ 30493.

  1. Israel

The budget of the education system is approximately 28 million bikes. Training is conducted in Hebrew and Arabic. Literacy among men and women reaches 100%. The initial, secondary and higher education form a comprehensive system. In the ranking of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of 2012, Israel is presented as the second most educated nation in the world. 78% of cost assumes the state. 45% of citizens have a medium or higher education. Low the purson index indicator is associated with a low level of investment in the sphere of preschool and primary education. GDP per capita - $ 35658.

  1. Belgium

The education system in Belgium is inhomogeneous and is mainly funded and managed at the level of land: Flemish, German-speaking and French. The federal government plays an insignificant role in financing local educational institutions. Primary education is mandatory. In all the commodities are followed by the same stages of training: basic, preschool, primary, secondary, higher education, university education and vocational training. According to the UN Education Index, the country takes the 18th place. GDP per capita - $ 38826.

  1. Czech Republic

Education is free and mandatory up to 15 years. Training mainly consists of five stages, including pre-school, primary, secondary education, colleges and universities. GDP per capita - $ 28086.

  1. Switzerland

Education issues are solved exclusively at the level of cantons. Primary education is mandatory. 10 of 12 universities in Confederate owned and managed by cantons, two are in federal jurisdiction: managed and controlled by the State Secretariat on Education, Science and Innovation. The university in Basel has a glorious centuries-old history: it was founded in 1460 and became famous for research in the field of medicine and chemistry. Switzerland ranks second after Australia by the number of foreign students enrolled in higher education institutions. The country has a relatively high number of Nobel laureates. The country takes 25th place in the world in the field of science, 8 in mathematics. In the Global Competitiveness Rating of Switzerland takes 1st place. GDP per capita - $ 47863 (8th place in the world).

Judging by the information provided, the money is an important factor for the development of the education system, but not the only one. In all countries leaders, education is an integral part of the culture and lifestyle:

not only parents and teachers, but the students themselves are interested in obtaining education, because It is highly appreciated in society and monetizes in the career growth process;

teaching is honorable as a career and has a high social status, although payment may be relatively low.

If children are growing up with you, and after reading this article, you suddenly thought about moving to Asia, look at the country that is much closer - Finland. By the way, according to the rating of knowledge of spoken English Finland ranked 4th in 2012. Want that kids knew English? Here is a great place to study.

What else can you like at the Finnov school:

training begins with 7 years;

homework do not specify;

no exams, until the child turns 13;

in the classroom classes with different levels of abilities;

maximum 16 students in classes with the study of mathematics and natural sciences;

a lot of time on the change every day;

teachers have a master's degree;

the preparation of teachers is paid by the state.

If the school is already behind, then colleges and universities of Poland offer a good level of education at prices comparable to Ukrainian, and an immeasurably best material base. Or Czech Republic. Or Germany. Or Canada ...

And what about Ukraine with her 100% literacy? Will she have to declare himself in world rankings? Can?

There are still chances. But only for this you need to learn to turn the golden batons back to the usual equipment of physical and chemicalbinets, computer classes and laboratories. And in no case to prevent reverse reactions.

According to the materials of the Internet, Nikolay Zubashenko prepared

Education index in the countries of the world (Education Index) is a combined indicator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). One of the key indicators of social development. Used to calculate (Human Development Index) in the framework of the special series of reports of the United Nations () on the development of a person.

The index measures the achievements of the country from the point of view of the achieved level of its population for two main indicators:

  1. Adult literacy index (2/3 Weights).
  2. The index of the aggregate share of students receiving primary, secondary and higher education (1/3 of the weight).

The two specified measurements of the level of education are reduced in the final index, which is standardized as numerical values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 (minimum) to 1 (maximum). It is believed that developed countries should have a minimum indicator of 0.8, although many of them have an indicator of 0.9 or higher. In determining the place in the world ranking, all countries are ranked on the basis of the education level index (see below the rating table by country), where the first place corresponds to the highest value of this indicator, and the last one.

Data on literacy of the population comes from the official results of national censuses of the population and are compared with the indicators calculated by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics. For developed countries that no longer include literacy in the population profile, literacy is taken equal to 99%. Data on the number of citizens enrolled in educational institutions are aggregated by the UNESCO Statistics Institute based on information provided by the relevant government agencies of the countries of the world.

This indicator, although it is quite universal, has a number of restrictions. In particular, it does not reflect the quality of the education itself, which in some cases can be very low or substantially limited. He also does not fully indicate the difference in the availability of education due to differences in age requirements and in the duration of training. Indicators such as the average training duration or the expected duration of training would be more representative, but the relevant data is absent in the statistics of most states. In addition, the indicator does not take into account students studying abroad, which can distort data on some small countries.

The index is updated once every two or three years, with reports with the UN data, as a rule, are discarded for two years, as they require international comparison after publishing data by national statistical services.

Education level index in the countries of the world (Education Index) is a combined indicator of the United Nations development program (UNDP), calculated as an adult literacy index and the index of the cumulative share of students who receive education.

Education level index in the countries of the world (Education index) is a combined indicator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). One of the key indicators of social development. Used to calculate the human development index (Human Development Index) in the framework of a special series of UN development reports.

The index measures the country's achievements from the point of view of the achieved level of its population for two main indicators:

  1. Adult literacy index (2/3 Weights).
  2. The index of the aggregate share of students receiving primary, secondary and higher education (1/3 of the weight).

These two measurements of the level of formation are reduced in the final index, which is standardized as numeric values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 (minimum) to 1 (maximum). It is believed that developed countries should have a minimum indicator of 0.8, although in the overwhelming majority they have an indicator of 0.9 or higher. When determining the place in the world rankings, all countries are ranked on the basis of the education level index (see the table below the country), and the first place in the ranking corresponds to the highest value of this indicator, and the last one.

Data on literacy of the population comes from the official results of national censuses of the population and are compared with the indicators calculated by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics. For developed countries that no longer include literacy in the population profile, literacy is taken equal to 99%. Data on the number of citizens enrolled in educational institutions are aggregated by the Institute of Statistics on the basis of information provided by the relevant government agencies of the countries of the world.

This indicator, although it is quite universal, has a number of restrictions. In particular, it does not reflect the quality of education itself. He also does not fully indicate the difference in the availability of education due to differences in age requirements and in the duration of training. Indicators such as the average training duration or expected learning duration would be more representative, but there are no relevant data for most countries. In addition, the indicator does not take into account students studying abroad, which can distort data on some small countries.

The index is updated once every two or three years, and reports with the data of the UN, as a rule, are discharged for two years, as they require international comparison after publishing data by national statistical services.