Good people are good morning. Short retelling good people good morning

Good people are good morning. Short retelling good people good morning

To the question of a summary. Posted by the author Kristina Pilyavin The best answer is 1. Link
2. Vladimir Zheleznikov, "good people - good morning." Very good work, I advise you to read it completely! Approximate content: Boy of Tolya, the hero of the work, was brought up by her mother in love for the father-pilot deceased in the war. But one day he hears a familiar mother, Uncle Nikolai (friend of his father and colleague on the regiment), tells her that her husband did not die like a hero, and he was captured to the fascists - allegedly, German documents were found about him. Mother shaves relations with this man - she continues to love her husband and believe in his heroic death, although she has no evidence. Tolya with mom leave for her grandfather (her father) in Gurzuf. On the way, they get acquainted with the captain of the ship, bones, also former front-line, who knows their grandfather well. Mother begins to work in a nurse sanatorium. In the same way, their neighbor's neighbors refused to grow at the spookice of the resort workers, hints in a rustling of anger, hints that their father is a traitor). Further events - Boy's escape from the house, his serious conversation with bones on the ship; Acquaintance with the girl who calls himself a joy, the collision of the bone and Volokhin (the captain protects the mother of the boy). . Suddenly, they receive a letter from Czechoslovakia, in the envelope - leaflets written by the hand of Father Toli and the letter of grandfather-Cech, who knew him in the war years. Grandfather Ionek wanted their family for a long time to convey his last letter. In it, his father tells his story - as he was shot down in the air battle, he fell into a concentration camp, fled, became a guerrilla. "... We blew up the railway bridge, which was very necessary for the fascists. They took oil from Romania to Germany through it. On the other day, the fascists came to the village, located near the bridge, came to a local school and arrested a whole class of guys - twenty boys And girls. It was "our" village. We had our own people there. One of these was grandfather Ionk, the father of Parisan Frantisek Breichala. He brought this news.
The fascists gave a period of three days: if the person who blew up the bridge will not appear for three days, children will be shot. And then I decided to go to the Gestapovs. Czechs did not let me, they said: "Our children, we will go." But I replied that if any of them would go, Chekhov, the fascists from the revenge can still shoot guys. And if the Russian comes, the children will be saved. "It becomes clear that the father of Toli died as a hero. About his love for the death of her husband said like this:" - so many years passed. You knew him only six months. - These remember forever. He was kind, strong and very honest. Once we were swimming at Adalary, in the Gurzuf Bay. They climbed the rock, and I dropped the beads in the sea. He jumped into the water without hesitation, and the rock was twenty meters. Brave. "Well, it's just a boy," said Uncle Nikolai. - And he was a boy, and died by a boy. At twenty three years. "

2. Vladimir Zheleznikov, "good people - good morning." Very good work, I advise you to read it completely! Approximate content: Boy of Tolya, the hero of the work, was brought up by her mother in love for the father-pilot deceased in the war. But one day he hears a familiar mother, Uncle Nikolai (friend of his father and colleague on the regiment), tells her that her husband did not die like a hero, and he was captured to the fascists - allegedly, German documents were found about him. Mother shaves relations with this man - she continues to love her husband and believe in his heroic death, although she has no evidence. Tolya with mom leave for her grandfather (her father) in Gurzuf. On the way, they get acquainted with the captain of the ship, bones, also former front-line, who knows their grandfather well. Mother begins to work in a nurse sanatorium. In the same way, their neighbor's neighbors refused to grow at the spookice of the resort workers, hints in a rustling of anger, hints that their father is a traitor). Further events - Boy's escape from the house, his serious conversation with bones on the ship; Acquaintance with the girl who calls himself a joy, the collision of the bone and Volokhin (the captain protects the mother of the boy). . Suddenly, they receive a letter from Czechoslovakia, in the envelope - leaflets written by the hand of Father Toli and the letter of grandfather-Cech, who knew him in the war years. Grandfather Ionek wanted their family for a long time to convey his last letter. In it, his father tells his story - as he was shot down in the air battle, he fell into a concentration camp, fled, became a guerrilla. "... We blew up the railway bridge, which was very necessary for the fascists. They took oil from Romania to Germany through it. On the other day, the fascists came to the village, located near the bridge, came to a local school and arrested a whole class of guys - twenty boys And girls. It was "our" village. We had our own people there. One of these was grandfather Ionk, the father of Parisan Frantisek Breichala. He brought this news.
The fascists gave a period of three days: if the person who blew up the bridge will not appear for three days, children will be shot. And then I decided to go to the Gestapovs. Czechs did not let me, they said: "Our children, we will go." But I replied that if any of them would go, Chekhov, the fascists from the revenge can still shoot guys. And if the Russian comes, the children will be saved. "It becomes clear that the father of Toli died as a hero. About his love for the death of her husband said like this:" - so many years passed. You knew him only six months. - These remember forever. He was kind, strong and very honest. Once we were swimming at Adalary, in the Gurzuf Bay. They climbed the rock, and I dropped the beads in the sea. He jumped into the water without hesitation, and the rock was twenty meters. Brave. "Well, it's just a boy," said Uncle Nikolai. - And he was a boy, and died by a boy. At twenty three years. "

Good people - Good morning

The book of a famous children's writer, the Winner of the USSR State Prize, includes the story "Life and Adventures of Cudak", "Last Parade", "Stuffed" and others. What is happening with the characters of the ART may be with any modern schoolboy. Still, they can learn their peers at the people to people, to the surrounding. The author depicts adolescents in such life situations when it is necessary to make a decision, make a choice to recognize evil and indifference, that is, it shows how the guys harnessed morally, they learn to serve good and justice.

Published in connection with the 60th anniversary of the writer.

For middle age.

Today we have a holiday. We always have a holiday with my mother when Uncle Nikolai arrives - an old friend of my father. They have studied once even at school, sitting on one desk and fought against the fascists: flew on heavy bombers.

I have never seen my dad. He was at the front when I was born. I saw him only in the photos. They hung in our apartment. One, big, in the dining room above the sofa, on which I slept. On her, Dad was in military uniform, with emers of senior lieutenant. And two other photos, very ordinary, civilians hung in the mother's room. Dad there - a boy of years for eighteen, but for some reason I loved these dads photos most.

Dad often dreamed of me at night. And maybe because I did not know him, he looked like Uncle Nicholas.

Uncle Nikolai Airplane arrived at nine o'clock in the morning. I wanted to meet him, but my mother did not allow, she said that it was impossible to leave lessons. And herself tied a new handkerchief on the head to go to the airfield. It was an unusual handkerchief. The point is not in the material. In the materials I understand little. And in the fact that on the scarf dogs of different breeds were drawn: shepherds, shaggy terriers, spitches, dogs. So many dogs can immediately see only at the exhibition.

A huge bulldog was blocked in the center of the handker. His mouth was revealed, and for some reason, the musicians took out from it. Musical Bulldog. Wonderful Bulldog. Mom bought this handkerchief for a long time, but never worn. And here we put on. It was possible to think that it was specifically shining for the arrival of Uncle Nicholas. The tips knocked back at the neck, they barely reached, and immediately became like a girl. I do not know how to whom, but I liked that my mother looks like a girl. Very, in my opinion, nice when mom is so young. She was the most young mother in our class. And one girl from our school, I heard himself, asked my mother, so that she sewed such a coat as at my mom. Funny. Especially since my mother's coat is old. I do not even remember when she sewed him. This year, his sleeves were hoisted, and the mother was confused. "Now fashionable short sleeves," she said. And she was very walked. He even did a new coat. In general, I do not pay any attention to things. Ready to walk for ten years in one form, only the mother is painful to dress. I liked when she bought her new clothes.

On the corner of the street we went to different directions. Mom hurried at the airfield, and I went to school. I looked around the steps after five, and my mother looked around. We always, when we part, having passed a little, look around. Surprisingly, but we look at almost simultaneously. Let's look at each other and go further. And today I looked back again and published I saw Bulldog on my mother's Makushka. Oh, what I liked it, this bulldog! Musical Bulldog. I immediately came up with a name: jazz.

I barely waited for the end of classes and rushed home. I pulled out the key - we with my mother and some keys and slowly opened the door.

My heart scored Gulko. Go to Moscow with Uncle Nikolai! I have long been secretly dreamed of this. Go to Moscow and live there in the threesome, never parting: I, Mom and Uncle Nikolai. To walk with him by the arm on the envy of all the boys, accomplishing it in the next flight. And then tell me how it flies on the passenger turboprop liner IL-18. At the height of six thousand meters, above the clouds. Is it not life? But Mom answered:

I have not decided yet. We must talk to the Tol.

"Oh, my God, she still did not decide!" I was indignant. "Well, of course, I agree."

Right, I'm funny. What did he get into memory so much? "This uncle Nikolai spoke about my father." I already wanted to enter, but it stopped. - so many years have passed. You knew him only six months.

These remember forever. He was kind, strong and very honest. Once we were swimming at Adalary, in the Gurzuf Bay. They climbed the rock, and I dropped the beads in the sea. He jumped into the water without hesitation, and the rock was twenty meters. Brave.

Well, it's just a boy, "said Uncle Nikolai.

And he was a boy, and died by a boy. At twenty three years.

You idealize it. He was ordinary as we all. By the way, loved to take it.

You're angry, - Mom said. - I did not even assume that you were angry.

I tell the truth, and it's unpleasant to you, "Uncle Nikolai replied. "You don't know, and he did not die in the plane, as you wrote." He was captured.

Why didn't you tell about it before?

I myself recently learned. Found new documents, fascist. And there it was written that the Soviet pilot Senior Lieutenant Nickovok surrendered to captivity without resistance. And you say bold. Maybe he turned out to be a coward.

Saluch! - Mom shouted. - Now silent! You do not dare to think about it!

I do not think, but I suppose, "Uncle Nikolai replied. - Well, calm down, because it has long passed and has nothing to do with us.

It has. Fascists wrote, and you believed? Since you think so about him, you have nothing to come to us. You will not understand us with Tolley.

I needed to enter and drive out Uncle Nicholas for his words about dad. I needed to enter and tell him something so that he would roll out of our apartment. But I could not, I was afraid that when I see my mother and him, I would simply voland from the resentment. Earlier than uncle Nikolai managed to answer mom, I ran out of the house.

It was warm outside. Spring began. Near the entrance stood familiar guys, but I turned away from them. I was most afraid that they saw Uncle Nicholas and began to ask me about him. I walked, went and everything thought about Uncle Nicholas and could not think about why he said so badly about dad. After all, he knew that we love dad with my mother. Finally I returned home. Mom sat at the table and scratched the nail tablecloth.

I did not know what to do, and picked up Mother's handkerchief. Became to consider it. On the corner, a little eared peak was drawn. Not pure, ordinary mongrel. And the paints artist sorry for him: he was gray with black spots. Pesk put the face on the paws and closed his eyes. Saddy dog, not that Bulldog Jazz. I was sorry for me, and I decided to come up with a name. I called him a thrift. I do not know why, but it seemed to me that this name suits him. He was some random and lonely on this scarf.

You know, Tolya, let's go to Gurzuf. - Mom crushed. - On the Black Sea. Grandfather is waiting for us.

Well, mom, - I replied. - We'll leave, only you do not cry.

There were two weeks. Somehow in the morning I opened my eyes, and above my sofa, on the wall where the portrait was hung in military uniform, - empty. It remains only a square dark spot. I was afraid: "Suddenly mom believed uncle Nikolay and therefore removed the portrait? Suddenly believed?" Jumped, ran into her room. There was an open suitcase on the table. And they were neatly laid by dadgets and his old flight cap, which was preserved from a pre-war time. Mom collected things on the road. I really wanted to go to Gurzuf, but for some reason it became a shame that on the wall instead of the father's photo - a dark spot. Sad somehow, and that's it.

Post-war time, Tole's boy did not see his father, who, as everyone believed, died in war. Father's family learns from each other that his father surrendered to captivity, and now he is considered a traitor.

Katerina, his wife, with his son moves to Gurzuf to her grandfather, there she faces hypocrisy and misunderstanding. When the family receives a letter from an old Cech, the whole truth about how the father of the boy carp died, became known to everyone. There could be no speech about betrayal. He saved the whole class of Czech boys and girls.

the main idea

The story of the writer V. Zheleznikov teaches not to give in to the difficulties of life, believe in his loved ones.

Brief content of railways good people - Good morning

Post-war time, Tole's boy did not see his father who died in war. With a friend of the Father, Nikolai family very smoking. He had to come to visit. Mom went to meet him, and the boy had classes at school. I barely wait for the end of lessons, Tole was rushed home. Hardly opening the door, the boy heard the voice of Nicholas. He offered his mother to go to Moscow.

Mom pulled time, did not agree. I remembered the dad from a huge cliff jumped for her in the sea. Nikolay suggested that the father of the boy did not die in an airplane, as was in the official report, since in the found fascist reports it was stated that the pawner of the nicks "surrendered without resistance." Katerina loved her husband, could not believe in his betrayal, she considered him bold.

It was decided to move to Gurzuf. Katerina's father has long since their angry. Mom gathered things, and here they are already at the grandfather who has not worked for a long time on the ship, as before. Now he was the same Cocom, only in the city cheburchny.

Katerina and Tolera get acquainted with the neighbors, grandfather found work in a local sanatorium in a specialty, nurse for his daughter. He did not believe his son-in-law Karp, also considered him a coward, because three of his son died in war, like heroes.

Tolya from the burning resentment for his father, ran away to the sea. Right yourself, he returns home, thinking about the experiences of Mom and Grandfather. And in the city, many have changed their attitude towards visit, hinting that the boy's father surrendered to the fascists voluntarily.

And once from a small friend, Toli Lotska came a letter, and in it another sealed message from Czechoslovakia. The old address came, and Lyoshka sent. After a long searches for the family of the Soviet pilot, the old Czech sent her a letter of Lieutenant Karp Nachchokov. In this letter, the Father, saying goodbye to his beloved Katerina and the son of the Sala, tells how he was in captivity, jumped from a burning aircraft on the territory of Czechoslovakia occupied by the Germans, visited the gestapovtsev's hands, then he was sent to a cocentration camp. It was forced through strength and pain to work, with the help of Czech comrades he managed to run. He fell into the partisan detachment, from the inside the fascists had won.

After the next explosion, the bridge is very important for the Germans, the Gestapovians took twenty Czech guys, boys and girls. Carp decided to go to the fascists. He knew that she would no longer return alive, but firmly knew what was saving twenty children's lives, even if Czech. Now justice has triumphed: But Katerina with his son believed that their husband and father were a real hero.

Everything went as a guy, and Arkecovtsians who came to Gurzuf were shouting loudly: "All-all - Good morning!"

Picture or drawing good people - Good morning

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In the book of a famous children's writer, the laureate of the State Prize

The USSR includes the story "Life and Adventures of Crank", "Last Parade", "Scarecrow" and others. What is happening with the characters of the ART may be with any modern schoolboy. Still, they can learn their peers at the people to people, to the surrounding. The author depicts adolescents in such life situations when it is necessary to make a decision, make a choice to recognize evil and indifference, that is, it shows how the guys harnessed morally, they learn to serve good and justice.

Published in connection with the 60th anniversary of the writer.

For middle age.

Today we have a holiday. We always have a holiday with my mother when Uncle Nikolai arrives - an old friend of my father. They have studied once even at school, sitting on one desk and fought against the fascists: flew on heavy bombers.

I have never seen my dad. He was at the front when I was born. I saw him only in the photos. They hung in our apartment. One, big, in the dining room above the sofa, on which I slept. On her, Dad was in military uniform, with emers of senior lieutenant. And two other photos, very ordinary, civilians hung in the mother's room. Dad there - a boy of years for eighteen, but for some reason I loved these dads photos most.

Dad often dreamed of me at night. And maybe because I did not know him, he looked like Uncle Nicholas.

Uncle Nikolai Airplane arrived at nine o'clock in the morning. I wanted to meet him, but my mother did not allow, she said that it was impossible to leave lessons. And herself tied a new handkerchief on the head to go to the airfield. It was an unusual handkerchief. The point is not in the material. In the materials I understand little. And in the fact that on the scarf dogs of different breeds were drawn: shepherds, shaggy terriers, spitches, dogs. So many dogs can immediately see only at the exhibition.

A huge bulldog was blocked in the center of the handker. His mouth was revealed, and for some reason, the musicians took out from it. Musical Bulldog. Wonderful Bulldog. Mom bought this handkerchief for a long time, but never worn. And here we put on. It was possible to think that it was specifically shining for the arrival of Uncle Nicholas. The tips knocked back at the neck, they barely reached, and immediately became like a girl. I do not know how to whom, but I liked that my mother looks like a girl. Very, in my opinion, nice when mom is so young. She was the most young mother in our class. And one girl from our school, I heard himself, asked my mother, so that she sewed such a coat as at my mom. Funny. Especially since my mother's coat is old. I do not even remember when she sewed him. This year, his sleeves were hoisted, and the mother was confused. "Now fashionable short sleeves," she said. And she was very walked. He even did a new coat. In general, I do not pay any attention to things. Ready to walk for ten years in one form, only the mother is painful to dress. I liked when she bought her new clothes.

On the corner of the street we went to different directions. Mom hurried at the airfield, and I went to school. I looked around the steps after five, and my mother looked around. We always, when we part, having passed a little, look around. Surprisingly, but we look at almost simultaneously. Let's look at each other and go further. And today I looked back again and published I saw Bulldog on my mother's Makushka. Oh, what I liked it, this bulldog! Musical Bulldog. I immediately came up with a name: jazz.

I barely waited for the end of classes and rushed home. I pulled out the key - we with my mother and some keys and slowly opened the door.

We will go to Moscow, - I heard the loud voice of Uncle Nicholas. - I was given a new apartment. And Tol will be better with me, and you will rest.

My heart scored Gulko. Go to Moscow with Uncle Nikolai! I have long been secretly dreamed of this. Go to Moscow and live there in the threesome, never parting: I, Mom and Uncle Nikolai. To walk with him by the arm on the envy of all the boys, accomplishing it in the next flight. And then tell me how it flies on the passenger turboprop liner IL-18. At the height of six thousand meters, above the clouds. Is it not life? But Mom answered:

I have not decided yet. We must talk to the Tol.

"Oh, my God, she still did not decide!" I was indignant. "Well, of course, I agree."

Right, I'm funny. What did he get into memory so much? "This uncle Nikolai spoke about my father." I already wanted to enter, but it stopped. - so many years have passed. You knew him only six months.

These remember forever. He was kind, strong and very honest. Once we were swimming at Adalary, in the Gurzuf Bay. They climbed the rock, and I dropped the beads in the sea. He jumped into the water without hesitation, and the rock was twenty meters. Brave.

Well, it's just a boy, "said Uncle Nikolai.

And he was a boy, and died by a boy. At twenty three years.

You idealize it. He was ordinary as we all. By the way, loved to take it.

You're angry, - Mom said. - I did not even assume that you were angry.

I tell the truth, and it's unpleasant to you, "Uncle Nikolai replied. "You don't know, and he did not die in the plane, as you wrote." He was captured.

Why didn't you tell about it before?

I myself recently learned. Found new documents, fascist. And there it was written that the Soviet pilot Senior Lieutenant Nickovok surrendered to captivity without resistance. And you say bold. Maybe he turned out to be a coward.

Saluch! - Mom shouted. - Now silent! You do not dare to think about it!

I do not think, but I suppose, "Uncle Nikolai replied. - Well, calm down, because it has long passed and has nothing to do with us.

It has. Fascists wrote, and you believed? Since you think so about him, you have nothing to come to us. You will not understand us with Tolley.

I needed to enter and drive out Uncle Nicholas for his words about dad. I needed to enter and tell him something so that he would roll out of our apartment. But I could not, I was afraid that when I see my mother and him, I would simply voland from the resentment. Earlier than uncle Nikolai managed to answer mom, I ran out of the house.

It was warm outside. Spring began. Near the entrance stood familiar guys, but I turned away from them. I was most afraid that they saw Uncle Nicholas and began to ask me about him. I walked, went and everything thought about Uncle Nicholas and could not think about why he said so badly about dad. After all, he knew that we love dad with my mother. Finally I returned home. Mom sat at the table and scratched the nail tablecloth.

I did not know what to do, and picked up Mother's handkerchief. Became to consider it. On the corner, a little eared peak was drawn. Not pure, ordinary mongrel. And the paints artist sorry for him: he was gray with black spots. Pesk put the face on the paws and closed his eyes. Saddy dog, not that Bulldog Jazz. I was sorry for me, and I decided to come up with a name. I called him a thrift. I do not know why, but it seemed to me that this name suits him. He was some random and lonely on this scarf.

You know, Tolya, let's go to Gurzuf. - Mom crushed. - On the Black Sea. Grandfather is waiting for us.

Well, mom, - I replied. - We'll leave, only you do not cry.

x x X.

There were two weeks. Somehow in the morning I opened my eyes, and above my sofa, on the wall where the portrait was hung in military uniform, - empty. It remains only a square dark spot. I was afraid: "Suddenly mom believed uncle Nikolay and therefore removed the portrait? Suddenly believed?" Jumped, ran into her room. There was an open suitcase on the table. And they were neatly laid by dadgets and his old flight cap, which was preserved from a pre-war time. Mom collected things on the road. I really wanted to go to Gurzuf, but for some reason it became a shame that on the wall instead of the father's photo - a dark spot. Sad somehow, and that's it.

And here my best friend Leshka came to me. He was the smallest in our class, and sat on a high desk. Because of her, only Leschkin's head was visible. He himself, therefore, called the head of Professor Dowel. But Leshka has one weakness: he chatted in the lessons. And the teacher often made him comments. Once in the lesson she said: "We have girls who pay a lot of attention to their hairstyles." We turned towards Leshkin's desk, knew that the teacher hints at his neighbor. And he got up and says: "Finally, it seems to me do not belong." It is stupid, of course, and not at all awesome. But it turned out terribly funny. After that, I just fell in love with Leshka. Many above him laughed that he is a little and voice is thin, Girl. But not me.

Leshka handed me a letter.

I grabbed the postman, "he said. - And then get the key and climb into the mailbox.

The letter was from Uncle Nicholas. I completely gotten up. He himself did not notice how my tears spoke in front of her eyes. Leshka was confused. I never cried, even when I grabbed a hot iron and burned my hand. Leshka stuck to me, and I told him everything.

About your folder is a judicial nonsense. So many orders received for courage - and suddenly Stroxy! Nonsense. And on this Nicholas nave! It was not. And that's it. Why do you need you?

"No, that even Leshka could not understand. He had a father, and I never had him. And I liked the uncle Nikolai so much before!" I thought. "I was not." And everything. Merry Leshka! "

In the evening I gave a letter to my mother. She took a new envelope, sealed a unwitting letter to Uncle Nicholas and said:

Most likely ended classes at school. We will go to Gurzuf, and you will wander to the places where we wandered with dad. X X X.

From Simferopol to Alushta, we drove the bus. In the bus, my mother was scolded, and we moved to the ship.

The ship went by flight from Alushta to Yalta, through Gurzuf. We sat on the nose and began to wait for departure. A broad-sided red-haired sailor was held in dark glasses, looked at Mom and said:

You will fill with water here.

Nothing, "answered Mom. She pulled out a handbag and tied her head.

The sailor rose to the cut. He was captain. And the ship is despair.

From the Gurzuf Bay blew a strong wind and raised the wave. And the nose of the ship broke the wave, and splashes with large drops fell on us. A few drops fell on the mother's handkerchief. At the place where the Jazz Bulldog stood, a big spot appeared. My face was also wet. I licked my lips and silent from salt sea water.

All passengers left for the stern, and my mother and I remained in former places.

Finally, the ship moored, and I saw my grandfather - Mamina dad. He was in a canvas jacket and a sailor tel. Once the grandfather sailed by shipkok, and now he worked as a cook in the city chebury. Chebureks and dumplings did.

The motor ship hit the wooden platform, the sailor strengthened the proprietary cable. The captain leaned out in the window:

Hi Coke! In Yalta gathered?

Hi, captain! I meet a daughter, "answered grandfather and set for us to meet.

And Mom, as Santa saw, rushed to him and suddenly wept.

I turned away.

The captain removed the dark glasses, and his face was ordinary.

Listen, brother, are you long here?

At first I did not understand that he appeals to me, and then guessed. Nearby there was no one.

We, I say, - comes.

A ... - The captain shook his head as well.

x x X.

I woke up from an unfamiliar smell. I slept in the courtyard under the peach tree. It is so unfamiliar smelled. Mom sat on the bench. She was dressed in the same way as yesterday. And so it seemed to me that we were still on the road, still did not come. But we arrived. Just mom did not go to bed.

Mom, I asked, - What are we going to do?

I do not know, "answered Mom. - And in general, I know. Breakfast.

Sripped the wicket, and a small full woman in a home coat entered the courtyard.

Hello, she said, - with arrival. I am your neighbor, Volokhina Maria Semenovna. How old man waited for you! How I was waiting! He said everyone: "I have a beautiful daughter." - A neighbor somehow unclearly cooled. - I thought, all the fathers of their daughters seem to be beauties. And now I see that I did not boast ...

Good afternoon, "Mom interrupted her. - Sit down.

Wait! "The woman answered rudely and turned to his mother again. - My. All of him no time! Such a beauty and without man! - continued the neighbor. - Well, here you will not disappear. In the resorts of men tender.

Stop, - Mom said and looked in my direction.

Maria! - again rang out due to the fence. - I'm leaving!

The neighbor ran away. And my mother and I had breakfast and went to walk around the city. There were little people on narrow Gurzuf streets. Local worked, and rest sitting by the sea. There was a very strong heat. Asphalt overheated and fucked under his feet like a pillow. But my mother and I went and walked. I was silent, and my mother was silent. It seemed to me that Mom wants to torture himself and me. Finally we went down to the sea.

You can redeem, "Mom said.

And you?

I will not.

The sea was warm and quiet. I sailed for a long time and I was lucky when my mother shocks me to come back. But Mom did not scream, and I'm already tired. Then I looked around. Mom sat, somehow embarrassing his legs. I thought my mother looks like a wounded bird. Once I found a duck on a lake with a sled wing, she was also somehow embarrassed. I swam back. Drove up. From the voltage, my legs were trembling and stared in the ears. I lay the stomach on hot stones and lowered my head on my hands. Almost near the stones, someone passed almost in my head and stopped. I opened my eyes and saw my legs in scratched and drunk sandals from constant walking. I raised my head. Behind her mother's back stood a little girl and examined the dogs on the scarf. When she noticed that I was staring at her, then turned away from the dogs.

What is your name? - I asked.

Soyuka, "answered the girl.

Jay? - I was surprised. - This is a bird name. Or maybe you are a forest bird from the breed of sparrows?

Not. I am a girl. I live on the Crimean Street, the house is four.

"Well, Soyuka So Soykuka," I thought. "Do you never know any names who do not come up with their children! With us, for example, a boy who called the tram was in the classroom. His father was the first car carriage on the first tram line laid in the city. . It was, you can say, a historical event. In honor of this, he gave his son the name of the tram. I do not know how they call him at home: a tram, or a tram, or trambachko? Language will be broken. Comedy. And Soykin Father probably a hunter " .

Soyuka, - I asked, - What is your father hunter?

Not. He is a collective farm fisherman. Brigadier.

Mom turned, looked at the junction and said:

Her name is not Soyuka, but Zoyka. Truth? (The girl nodded.) Just she is still small and does not argue the letter "s". "Goodbye, Zoyka," Mom said.

Goodbye, Soyuka, - I said. Now I liked the name of Coyk. Funny name and some kind of affectionate.

Grandfather house did not turn out. He came much later, when the voices of the resort workers were already heard on the neighboring yard. Our neighbor passed the wing rooms visit.

Grandfather came cheerful. He patted my shoulder and said:

Well, that's what, Katyusha (this is what's so calling my mom), tomorrow you will go to work. I have already agreed. In a sanatorium, specialty, medical sister.

That is good! - Mom said.

And suddenly grandfather boiled. He even shouted on mom:

Will you be in your hide and seek with me to play? What has happened with you?

Mom told his grandfather about Uncle Nicholas and about what he spoke about dad.

All these are your quits to Nikolai. He is a good guy.

He would be a bad father for Toli, - Mom said stubbornly.

Tolya, Tolya! Seven spans in the forehead. Tolya first could live with me.

I will not stay without mom, "I said. - And she will not go anywhere too. I do not like Uncle Nicholas.

And what are you? You did not even know your father. Nikolai offended him! And if Nikolai is right if he still lives somewhere there, in someone else's country?

Grandfather said terrible. "Dad lives there, in a stranger country? - I thought." So he is just a traitor. "

That could not be, - I said.

Many you understand in people! - answered grandfather.

Father, now silent! - screamed mom. - Think what you say? ..

I have no longer heard her last words. I jumped out of the house and ran the dark streets of Gurzuf.

I decided to leave my grandfather right away, since he said to me. He can see, I hate me, because I like two drops of water look like your father. And mom because of this will never be able to forget about dad. I did not have a penny of money, but I ran to the pier. There was the same motor ship where we arrived in Gurzuf. I approached the captain and asked:

On Alushta?

On Alushta!

I thought the captain knows me, but he did not recognize me. I was a little walking along the pier and again approached the captain:

Comrade Captain, you did not know me? We arrived yesterday with mom on your ship.

The captain looked at me carefully.

I learned. Where are you so late?

It is necessary in Alushta, urgently. And I do not have money, I did not have time to capture my mother. Skip without a ticket, and then I will give you.

Okay, sit down, "said Captain. - DEVICE.

I missed the ship, until the captain did not change his mind, and sat on the last bench, in the corner.

The ship is despair, swinging on the waves. Beyond the coastal lights flashed. They were more and more removed, and ahead was the Black Night Sea. It was noisy overboard, hung me with cold splashes.

The sailor approached me and said:

Hey, boy, you Capitan is calling into a log.

I got up and went. It was hard to go, strongly swung, and the deck went out under his feet.

The captain stood at the wheel and looked into the darkness. I do not know what he saw there. But he watched intently and occasionally twisted the wheel then in one, then in the other side. A dull light bulb was burning over him, and the same lights burned on the nose and on the feed of the ship. Finally, the captain looked around:

Well, what did you have grown?

I was silent. I have nothing to say to this someone else. But he stuck to me, and I finally said:

With my grandfather heard ...

So, "said the captain and stared at the dark.

I started saying that I was leaving for my friend Leshke and there I somehow fit, but here our ship went down and drowned all my words.

So, - said Captain again, - What about mom? Oh, these proud sons - they always think only about their person! And what would they think about mom?

Mom sorry, "I replied.

And my grandfather is not a pity? The old man got excited, and you immediately in ambition.

I did not answer the captain - after all he knew nothing ...

And your grandfather is a glorious person. Chebureks makes - Hold your fingers.

This is not the most important thing. - I turned away with anger.

Time we walked a boat. He also lit up in response. The boat was small, he was almost no visible in the night of the huge sea, only the light bulbs who hung on it were floating, swinging on the waves.

He had three sons in the war, "said Captain. - Here, in the Crimea, we fought together. A few days were in battle. They were tired and at night to sleep, tightly clung to each other. And in the morning we can not get up, came to the ground. Raced - and into battle. They are all three and died in this battle. It was cold to fight.

Captain fell silent. Because of the noise of waves and the hum of the car it was difficult to say, I had to shout all the time. We were silent to Alushta. When they moored, I turned and went. Slowly so. Went to the marina. Stood. Then the captain appeared. He told me:

I would come back in your place back. Not good. Tomorrow I will go to you and settle everything. We are your grandfather old friends.

I can not.

And I still returned to your place back. Mother now probably runs all over Gurzuf, you are looking for. - The captain litter. - Habit from the war. I can't quit smoking. Well, went back to the reservation. "The captain threw a cigarette to the sea and heatually jumped on the deck of the ship. And I follow him. I sat down at my old place and promoted to Gurzuf himself. When mooring, I heard the voice of my grandfather:

Kostya, you did not see, my boy did not leave with you a flight on Alushta?

The captain was silent. Then I said:

Here am I! - And went to the pier.

x x X.

Mom and grandfather went to work early and I remained alone. Every morning I woke up from the same words: "Uh, you, my bunny! U-Wow, what a bunny!" This is our neighbor Volokhin played with his little son while his wife traded peaches in the bazaar.

But today Volokhin did not play with his son, and desperately scolded his wife. I went out to the street. The Volokhina wicket was opened, and Volokhin was packed in the yard with his child - a long whitish man. He waved my hand and asked him asking:

My left and disappeared. And I need to leave. Sit, please, with a bunny.

I did not have time to come to my senses, as "Bunny" turned out to be in my hands, and Volokhina and the next washed.

The child was fat, his face was like a tomato. I started shaking it and rock, but he did not utter a sound. "Some kind," I thought. "There was never heard his voices." I was tired of your hands, and I lowered the "bunny" to the ground. And suddenly he bores. I had to take it again and hold it before the arrival of Volokhina.

My long already ran away? - asked Volokhin. - Drying Kalosh! Other husbands with wives in the bazaar traded. And this is inconvenient. He is Fizruk in the sanatorium, and they can find out rest. Chief!

I slipped into a gate and headed for the sea. She walked along the embankment and pounded a stick about the iron hedge of the city park, in which no one from the local residents were imparted. There were a sanatorium. And then I saw Voloshin - he played tennis with a thick man.

Volokhin noticed me, ran up to the hedge. He wiped his hand from his forehead and said:

I work. We restore the normal weight in the patient. Well, how, mine swear?


Cruel woman. - He laughed. - But the hostess is the first grade. In all of her calculation. Let's come in.

I will not miss me, "I said.

Let's come in. - Volokhin shook his head. - I will give the team.

I went to the entrance to the park.

Ivanovna, remember this guy, - said Volokhin controls. - To always, at any time, I was missed.

All day I packed in the park, I filed a ball with volleyball players, played with a fat resort train instead of Voloshin in tennis. And in the evening, when I returned home, I found us Volochina. She talked to her mother.

The people this year came darkness this year. Why are you, Katerina, do not pass the rooms? Extra money maker is not a burden of pocket.

We have closely, "answered Mom.

Listen, I'll tell you. - Volokhina leaned toward her mother. "I already have a lot of holidaymakers, the police will not register anymore, and there are still places. Let's make them up on your area in the police, and they will live with me. Ten rubles to you for it.

No, "Mom replied. - We have enough money.

Given money ...

Tolya, will you dinner? Mom asked.

Yes, "I replied and looked at Volokhina.

What! She said with anger. - Planned from yourself honest. And the most husbands itself! .. This is known.

Volochina slammed the gate and left. My mother and I sat silently and forgot about dinner. And Volokhina stood at the fence and spent loudly with some rest about the war, about how her husband frank her husband, and some were captured.

The next day, when I passed by the Park, I called a fat resortwork and called to play tennis. I got at the entrance to Volokhina.

A, neighbor, - said Volokhin. He took me by the shoulder and summed up to the controllers. - Ivanovna, so that there was no more than this guy here. Walk all sorts of outsiders. Goodbye dear! - And Volokhin waved his hand. - Hello to mom!

I did not know what to do. If I were an adult, I would have risen with Volokhin. I climbed up to the ruins of the old Tatar fortress and sat there all day. When I returned home, I saw my mother, and a few steps behind her uncle costa. I did not catch them off, but went next.

So we walked each other. Uncle Kostya for some reason did not catch up with mom. And I did not catch up with my mother nor uncle costa.

The wicket of our house walked Volokhin with a child in his arms.

And this woman has a bunny, "Volokhin showed on my mom, - Husbands.

Mom did not respond to Voloshin and went to the gate, and Uncle Kostya approached him.

This is what, respectable, "Uncle Kostya said," if you say these words again, I'll be ... In general, you will deal with me!

But no - but ... - Volokhin retreated to his gate. - Careful! I have a child in my arms.

I came close to Uncle Costa. His face became red. I thought that he would now hit Volokhina, but he said softly:

Magnificent scoundrel. Covered with a child.

Mom waited for us in the yard. She told me:

In vain, we arrived in Gurzuf. Everything can not be laid here.

Yes, throw you to pay attention to all sorts of villains! Said Uncle Kostya.

And I thought my mother is right. We would live in an old place, there at least Leshka was. He is true friend.

Uncle Kostya left. My grandfather and I sat in the yard when the postman brought me a new letter from Leshki. I broke the envelope. In addition, in addition to a small Leshkin note, another letter turned out to be another letter, in a white envelope, with a return address, not written in Russian. Soon I disassembled that it was from Czechoslovakia. "Strange, I thought. - Mom letter from Czechoslovakia." I held it in my hands, and obscure anxiety suddenly took possession of me. For some reason, I did not want to run to my mother with this letter. But then mom itself went to the courtyard.

Tolya, didn't you see my handkerchief? Mom asked. - Oh, how sorry! I think I lost it. Cute handkerchief. And the memory of our city.

Mom, "I said," You have a letter from Czechoslovakia. Lesha sent. It arrived at our old address.

From Czechoslovakia? - Mom was surprised and immediately forgot about the handkerchief.

Grandfather raised his head. Mom hurriedly spent the envelope - I saw: she trembled her hands - and pulled out a letter.

Handwriting Carp, "she said. - I can't read: tremble hands and flashes in the eyes ... I do not see anything ...

Tolya, read, "said Grandfather.

I took a letter from my mother's hands. There were somewhat yellowed notebooks. And first lay a new white piece of paper, writing by large, smooth letters.

- "Dear comrade Katerina Nastokova!

Writes you an old Czech letter, grandfather Ionk. More precisely, he writes not grandfather, he does not know Russian, and his granddaughter is health.

Thank God, finally I found you. Now I get a response letter, and then I calm down.

I send a letter of your husband who died on Czechoslovak land. I had to send you this letter for a long time, but during the fascist occupation, the letter was stored separately from the envelope with the address. And the envelope disappeared when the fascists burned my house. For several years I learned your last name, because in the letter it was not. I wrote a lot of letters to the Soviet Union, but by one names - carpiers (so we called your husband) and Katerina - do you know much?

Finally I ranked one Czech-partisan from the detachment of your husband. He lived in high tatras. I went to him. He sent me to another partisan in Bratislava. In general, I traveled ten people. Everyone remembered Russian, and nobody knew him the names. The commander of the partisan detachment knew, but he died. My son knew, but he also died. And then, when they learned your last name, began to look for your address. It took a lot of time.

Dear Panna Katerina!

Come to visit us. Take your son and come. Here in the village in each house will take you as a native. Come, be affectionate. See you soon. Your Breichal Jonah.

I postponed the letter of my grandfather Ionka and looked at the daddy's handwriting, on paper sheets, yellowed and dried. They became like wings of butterflies in a collection or leaves and herbs in herbarium. And, without raising the heads, I started reading the letter.

"Dear Katya and Tolya! You haven't received my letters for a long time, and this is my last letter." I no longer have to walk on the ground. At dawn, I will be in the hands of the gestapovtsev. But first in order.

We returned with a combat job. Bombed the enemy's rear. We flew alone. Our plane got damage and lagged behind the main group. Over Czechoslovakia, the plane caught fire, and I ordered everyone to jump. The latter jumped himself.

At that moment, when I landed and redeemed the parachute, fascists surrounded me. They were a man ten. They searched me, took away the gun and your letter. Documents in flights we did not take.

"One?" - asked an officer.

It was an early morning, only a little began to be serving, and the fascists could not consider how many people were dropped on parachutes. Apparently, they spotted one me.

"One," I said. "The rest died. There, there", "and showed on the sky.

The officer laughed. He ordered something to soldiers and ran with them to the grove, which was visible away.

Two soldiers took me on a motorcycle to the city, to the Gestapo. There I stayed ten days, and then got into the concentration camp. Russians in the camp were not. Some Czechs.

After the Gestapo, I was hard for me to work: Hands and legs hurt. But it was impossible not to go to work. Patients were sent to the hospital. And from there nobody returned. And I worked.

Czech comrades helped me from the camp. They crossed me to the partisan detachment.

The detachment was a small, only twenty man, and we had a tight. And so we blew up the railway bridge, which was very necessary for the fascists. They drove oil from Romania through it to Germany.

Another day the fascists came to the village located near the bridge near the bridge, came to the local school and arrested the whole class of guys - twenty boys and girls. It was "our" village. We had their own people there. One of these was grandfather Ionek, Father Parisan Frantisek Breichala. He brought this news.

The fascists gave a period of three days: if the person who blew up the bridge will not appear for three days, children will be shot.

And then I decided to go to the Gestapovs. Czechs did not let me, they said: "Our children, we will go." But I replied that if any of them would go, Chekhov, the fascists from the revenge can still shoot guys. And if Russian comes, the children will be saved. And I went with grandfather Ionek.

Now night, and in the morning I will go to the fascists. When you get this letter, then tell everyone, as I died. The main thing, find my comrades on the shelf, let me remember about me.

Everything. Already dawn. And I still have a lot of things. Now I will give both a letter and envelope grandfather Ionku. He will keep it all and when the time comes, will send you.

Farewell. Your carp. "

x x X.

All evening Grandfather read the letter. Then he was frowning for a long time, he was rubbed his knee and finally said:

Katya, I need to go. You do not mind, do you? - He showed a letter to dad. - I'll take it with me.

Mom had to go to the sanatorium to make the patient's injection, and I went with her. I did not want to remain alone. On the way back, we met Soyku, the very girl who bathed with me on the first day.

I have your handkerchief. One aunt found him, and I said to her: "I know whose scarf" ...

Soyuka stretched his mother's mother, she turned him out and looked at what time! - on this dog the exhibition.

I give it to you, "Mom said. - He's very childish. Dogs.

I looked at my mother and realized: she did not want this handkerchief to return to her and something reminded her about something. Maybe about Uncle Nicolae. And I still feel sorry for a handkerchief. And after all, not a little I, but sorry. I got used to dogs. But then I transferred my eyes to the junction. What happened to her face - just not to convey. What was her frightened, incredulous, wopsy eyes! She did not believe his happiness. She liked these dogs, it can be seen, even more than me. I have all my greed as your hand shot.

This dog is called Jazz, "I said. - But this little peel is a podkinish. The rest you yourself come up with names.

Bye. - She was in a hurry to quickly leave. - I have already loved them.

We silently reached the house. I undressed and went to bed.

It seems to me that he was alive all the time, "I said," and died only yesterday.

Sleep, Tolya. Recounting how many stars above us, and snow.

And you?

I do not fall asleep, the stars do not help me. I'll wait for my grandfather.

The next morning I got up early and went fishing. I loved fishing. True, I was a bad fisherman, forever yawned when Klevel began. But I loved fishing. The sea is quiet. The sun. And the mood is merry, then sad. You can think about mom, about Uncle Croste and about the grandfather. You can talk to the dad. So, to myself. And today I came up with writing a dad letter. Let many this seems strange, and I will write anyway. I so wanted to write a letter to him, I never wrote him. I will write and send Leshke.

Leshke can be understood.

Quietly at sea. The sun sparkles in water. And no one bothers you - what you want, then invent. "It is good that we love the sea with Uncle Bones," I thought. "And it's good that there is such an uncle Kostya." But I also can't change my dad, and I came up with: I will be a sea pilot.

When I was returning, I saw my mother, she went to the pier.

"It goes in Yalta," I guessed. - In the Gorversat. Search for daddy comrades. "

Mom was in a white dress, which did not put on a long time ago, and in white high-heeled shoes.

At the berth stood the ships of uncle bone. Mom rose to the Pier, and an uncle Kostya came to meet her. I really wanted to approach them, but for some reason I did not fit. I hid behind a ticket office booth and looked behind them. I have not seen almost nothing, only a wide spin of uncle bone in a white cite.

Then the motor ship was despair.

I watched the ship for a long time until he turned into a small white point sparkling in the sun.

On the upper embankment, I met the Arktec squad. They walked around. In white shirts with red ties and short blue shorts. Tanned. They had a real Crimean tan - light brown. There will be no such tanning anywhere.

For some reason, when Artekovtsy appeared on the streets of Gurzuf, passersby stopped and looked at them. And now everyone stopped, and I also stopped. And the counselors of Arktecov commanded, and they shouted loudly: "All-all - Good morning!"

I really liked that they shouted so much.

After meeting with the arkovka, my mood has become quite good. Calm and slightly sad, but good.