Creating a museum at school. Project of the creation of the school museum "Memory"

Creating a museum at school. School Museum
Creating a museum at school. Project of the creation of the school museum "Memory"

No one knows exactly when the school appeared in the village of Charysh. There are only information from letters that in 1887 she moved to a new building. After that, two more times moved - in 1952 and 1978. Therefore, in the office, where the school museum is located, there are three layouts, the scrupulously reproducing details of the three buildings. After all, every graduate coming to the museum wants to see his school.

Magnets did their own hands to Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva, head and founder of the museum. "You know, I teach such patriotism here," says Lyudmila Anatolyevna. "What is this?" - I ask. "This is a very rich, deep feeling," Lyudmila Anatolyevna responds and conducts an informal tour of the museum.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva

Mathematics teacher, founder and head of the Museum "School History". Selo Charysh, Altai Territory.

I worked as a teacher of mathematics, led the class leadership, was a crowd of educational work for many years. In 1988, we began to prepare for the 50th anniversary of high school (our school was average only in 1939, the first ten graders were released in 1941). They began to collect materials on her history, graduates and teachers, we had a museum room. I had a task to prepare material about retirees teachers. I began to walk on their families, collect photos, record biographies and make albums. Others started correspondence with graduates of different years, because they traveled along the Soviet Union. The big material was recruited, the contacts are tied, but in the 1990s everything went to no.

The village of Charyshskoe is 310 kilometers from Barnaul, among the mountain ranges, is considered to be inaccessible. Population 3000 people. (Photo by A.M. Bushueva)

In 2007, having retired, I made my dream - created the Museum of School History. I agreed with the director, I was given a separate office. I realized my desire, knowing about the moneyless situation, realizing that I had a few associates. But my condition was this: I don't seek anyone for help, and let nobody climbs into my soul. Walk with outstretched hand, wait for you someone to help you - I can not.

Money on the development of the museum I take exclusively from the "Bushovy Family Foundation" - that is, the fact that we make you earn themselves. I, though the pensioner, but I continue to work, lead mathematics in the 10th grade. Two times we received award at the level of the Altai Territory - that's all our foundation.

My husband, Bushyev Alexey Mikhailovich - the graduate of this school of 1968, taught Mathematics here. Now it's all the technical part of the museum - the site, digitization of archives, printout.

But you know how well: do not ask anyone, no one has to report. And so I do everything for the soul. I attract, of course, students, graduates, and parents, and residents of the village - otherwise, wherever I scored the material.

Left: School buildings on the museum tables.

Right up: Lyudmila Anatolyevna demonstrates Pioneer Horn.

On the right below: the most popular stand in graduates is dedicated to the Directors and School Westers.

How do I collect information? I go to families, I ask old photos, I write down the memories - about teachers, about graduates. You will come to one family - there all photos on albums are decomposed, subscribed, documents in separate daders are collected. You will come to another - photos of how it fell, with a torn corner, no one remembers anything. But I'm looking for an approach. There is a granddaughter of one old teacher, he has already died for a long time - she's all "thank you" says that I exhibit his photos somewhere, but I can't tell anyone about it.

I write memories, give photos - my task is to systematize all this and arrange. We have everything here in folders, in the computer presentation, stands for each section.

This is the stand to which all graduates are fit first of all are our directors and veships. Everyone is looking for "his".

Another section is our pride, our medalists. Even in elite schools, only names are written on such stands. I do not like it. I need to be a face. How without a face to talk about a person? I'm so collecting so much - so that there was a photo and abstract to her. The first medal was in 1965. Before that, I studied according to journals, I also finished school on some fives, but for some reason the medals were not issued.

I try to find out which of these medals went and the further did. Did they justify the medal or not justified? How did you get in life? And mostly they are fine.

They have good, open people - they are really good. Almost all then go to universities, find in the city work in the specialty. The boys among the medalists are now not enough, but as I always say they, they do not want to learn at school, and then sit in the Duma.

We still have a "honorable book" - graduates are introduced into it, which did not stretch on the gold medal, but had only 2-3 "fourths", for example, and actively showed themselves. We brought such a "book" in honor of one of our student, an excellent guy - he studied well, and the athlete was, but tragically died in a car accident for half a year before the release.

Another section of the museum is "famous graduates of the school." Here, different years graduates, we are looking for them, we communicate. Here Khabarov Stanislav Nikolaevich is the famous academician, gardener. This is his book - "Soil Works", and the other book is already about him. We had one cinema artist, a graduate of 1948, Lehmar Strequin, he was filmed in the "pedagogical poem". Nina Ivanovna - Associate Professor in Cherepovets. Died every month ago. Nikolai Alekseevich Eancintsev - a pilot of civil aviation. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation - Evgeny Moskvin, he designed and built a cinema building in Charya. Yes, we had a cinema, the building still stands.

Here are the books of Timur Nazimkov. This is a sad story. He is the son of our graduate, she, fourth in the "famous graduates." He lived little, just 23 years old. He was creative in kind, wrote poems and prose. He had a challenging character and a globility, you know ... I saw everything in the Black Light. And in the end, imposed on his hands. And my mother has gathered all his works and issued several books. It was in the 80s, just a period when all this policy began when everything went to the breakdown.

And this is the memories of the graduate of 1943, distress, Clara Josephovna jest. They were then published by a separate book to the 75th anniversary of the region. In 1988, Clara Iosifovna handed us a lot of exhibits - letters of classmates, for example, which she kept.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bushueva

Here, love. People laugh at me, and I wonder what people in the school were friends and still together. I find these married couples, as their life has developed.

And it happens that the children who are now learning at school, open something about their family in the museum. After all, many families do not always go to the conversation, everything is no time. And here it is possible to talk slowly.

I myself am from the village of Sregor, this is the birthplace of Vasily Shukshin. My teacher was his secondary sister, Nadezhda Alekseevna Yadykina, who, after the death of the writer, organized the first museum in rural school in his honor. And somehow I came to my native school and puzzled: why is there only about Vasily Makarovic information and a word about us, other graduates? And thought that in the Charyss school should be at least something about each.

I decided that we had to post the photos of all the issues of our school in the corridor so that everyone was here. At first I was afraid - what if the kids will start drawing on them, spoil? But everything turned out to be normal.

With the opening of the museum, I began to notice pride in the guys for my school for my family. They know how proud that their parents have learned here. When we hung photos in the corridor, they are looking for: where is mom, where dad. Here everything, starting from 41 years, and to our time. This year the children will be released - and will also be in our chronicles.

When we started the museum to issue, people came to us and said: "Wow! I did not think that we have such a good school, we have teachers! "

When everything is ordinary - we get used to this and do not notice anything. And here, at least in units, I endorate the other portrait, they honor - and they already have an image. And this pride for school - she is now very well brought up. No words no extra.

I then spend various conversations and cool clocks precisely based on local material. I do not need to go online. In 2013, we became the initiators of the "immortal regiment" campaign in Charysh. This in the city every family itself prints portraits of their grandfathers, and we have understood here, I need to organize everything. We have a rich material assembled on all participants of the war from the village - this is a separate part of the exposition. And with Alexey Mikhailovich, the photos themselves printed themselves, they themselves were illuminated (the laminator had to buy, that's how we gradually appear), they distributed to the descendants. And now the fourth year of the "immortal regiment" when it passes - the next day in the assembly hall we collect children and show photos from this procession. And they look at themselves in all this action, for their family, are proud.

It seems to me that it is useless about the greatness of the Motherland to tell, lifting historical milestones. It is necessary to tie your own: how did your family pass it through it? And what did your village happen in your village?

No words. Without words, children see these these are all photos in the corridor, they will come here - they understand that it should be appreciated and that it is necessary to replenish it and contribute.

And bring. Participation in various contests, sports life, good studies. They also want to get to the museum.

Here is an interesting exhibit: these are a graduate of 1956, Malahova Sergey Vasilyevich. Lives in Kursk. Master of Sport - Light Athletics and Ski. Very much loveless man. He is under eighty, so he is just a year, as does not lead physical education lessons - before that he worked in the boarding school for "difficult teenagers." But with each pension puts little gland to come here in the summer. His friends, more wealthy, will go to Italy, in Venice - and he is here.

Brought in 2012 about yourself - all rewards, letters. "What for?" - I ask. He says: "While I live, at least someone knows me in Kursk. And I will die - no one will be doing anything. And here you constantly spend excursions, even at least you will look here - and remember me. " It is true, so it turns out.

Photos: Ekaterina Tolkacheva, village Charysh, March 2017

I. Specificity of school museums

1. Objectives and objectives of school museums

The school museum, like any other, has a number of features and functions. Its traditional functions include: recruitment, study, accounting and storage of collections, as well as using them for education and upbringing. The school museum should have sufficient to realize these functions by the Fund of Museum Objects and the relevant expositional exhibition space.

But the specifics of the school museum is that it should be less likely to resemble the traditional museum institution. This is a special type museum, he is, firstly, an educational museum, where the tasks of learning and education, including after-hours, are crucial, and, secondly, the address museum for which the priority is a children's audience. Only in the school museum can be the most consistently embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of students, teachers and parents. Attracting students for search and research activities allows children to make children interested participants in the process, i.e. Subjects, not objects of education. It was the school museum that is able to fully implement the principle of "Museums for children and the hands of children", moved the main center of gravity from the process of perception of collections on the process of creation, doing, which is essentially constant and should not be completed.

The work of school museums inevitably goes beyond school life. In rural areas, where there are no state museums, the school museum is one of the most important factors in expanding education, in the education of young people, he acquires a new face today, the new quality is the quality of the cultural center.

2. School Museum Profiles

The school museum profile is determined by the scientific discipline, on the basis of which its exposition is built.

Museums of the following profiles can be organized in educational institutions:

a) historical - (military-historical, history of regions, settlements, educational institutions);

b) local lore - these are the museums of an integrated profile, in which collections of monuments not only are collected, but also nature;

c) ethnographic - engaged in the study and preservation of monuments of folk culture;

d) artistic - (literary, art historical) are based on genuine works of painting, sculptures, graphics and other types of art

e) Naturally scientific - (geological, biological, zoological, environmental) are created with the aim of a more in-depth study of the nature of their edge.

(e) Technical - museums devoted to the development history of technology related to outstanding events or figures in the field of science and technology.

II. . Local history work in school museums

School, as a social institution, to teach and educate, to ensure that various formations of museum type (local history corners, halls, exhibitions and museums) could mostly revive the educational process, to introduce children to the history of small homeland, and therefore and the Fatherland, to instill research skills.

Three main directions of the local history work should be highlighted: family, school, native land.

A family

Regardless of the Museum's profile, the family theme should be the main in the local lore work of the school, given that many years this direction of local history activity was not in complete oblivion, then in a solid neglect. Due to various reasons, many families have not been preserved in many families (letters, documents, personal affairs, awards, etc.). Today it is extremely important to introduce elements of museum culture in the life of a family, to assist in the formation of family collections, home archives, thanks to which the love of the hometown could be brought up (in the broad sense of this concept).

The main directions of research can be:

Pedigree tree

Drawing up the simplest scheme of a kind in the form of a pedigree tree - a soda case for any student. The simplest techniques allow to train research techniques with genealogical sources. Joint activities in this area will save many valuable relics from the home archive, bring together people of different generations.

Fate in the fate of the country

Many schoolchildren know where their parents, grandfathers, grandparents work, they were never in the places of their childhood, in tribal cemeteries, this is another deduction factor. But getting acquainted with the streets of the city, where the years of the life of loved ones passed, the young residents deeper, very much recognize their native land, closely get closer with their relatives. Even more will strengthen these good feelings, the joint photographing, sketching the life of loved ones.

Family archive

Identifying interesting items from the point of view, young researchers, together with the older family members, begin to form a family archive: they are settled and sign envelopes, thematic folders, fill small boxes, make up "legends". Gradually creates the basis for a small home museum. Well, if the first museum for each person will be a homemade museum.

The school museum could select the most interesting materials for exhibitions (with the subsequent return to the family). Exemplary topics of exhibitions: "Our family relics", "Order in my house", "Old Picture", "Photos are told", "professions of our parents" and others. As a result, local history work will contribute to improving the prestige of the family, will strengthen the relationships, will help Raise a sense of pride for their ancestors.


Each person passes through a school that could be a storage of memory of people who studied in it. Collected materials about the school eventually become an invaluable property of the left era. To some extent, the school can execute the functions of the archive. It is appropriate here, first of all, to talk about creating the history of the school itself. And here, no one, except teachers and students, will not make her full-fledged chronicle. In this regard, it is recommended to collect the following materials:

School images in different years of its existence (drawings, photos, plans, layouts);

Certificates of school life as a process (peculiar chronicle of education);

Attributes of school life of different times (textbooks, notebooks, diaries, handles, etc.);

Children's writings, creative work.

This form of literary creativity as literary almanac (handwritten or scored on a computer) did not lose relevance. It may have the following sections: "Day after day", "the most - the most", "from the history of our school", "to lead from classes", "Tribune of the teacher", "in my family", "I ask the words!", " Laughter from under the parties ", etc. The editor of such an almanac could be the most active editor of the school, a member of the museum asset.


Developing a plan for collecting activities on the history of the native land, should not strive for "omnivities". It is necessary to develop a real concept of the museum for the next few years. It is desirable that the museum is a comprehensive nature (reflected the history, nature and culture of his region), could mostly be used by teachers in the educational and educational process, would help the discoveries to reveal their creative potential during museum activities.

At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the range of possible informants. This can be done through students, with the help of bright leaflets-appealing about the help of the museum. After some time, the first finds will appear. It is difficult to determine the degree of their value. In this regard, the primary fixation is of great importance, the correct description of the document. It is not always advisable to pull out a separate subject from someone's collection, remembering the principle of the indivisibility of personal funds.

When organizing the local history work of the school museum should be guided by the following principles:

Comprehensive research nature;

A variety of research methods.

Comprehensive research nature

The complex nature of the collection of material (which means not by collecting everything in a row without any selection, but the diverse nature of the study) and, as a result, the local history profile of the museum suggests its maximum inclusion in the educational process. In this case, the museum will not become a foreign body in the school body. It will be the key to his long existence. It is advisable to designate territorial borders, within which the museum intends to conduct research and collective work. The closer to school, the deeper the study. It should not be closed only on its own, purely local material, and try to go to a wider territorial background (the city area, Russia as a whole). Comparison of private and general, serve a private on the background of a common - important moment of museum activities. Estimated assistance in collecting materials may provide subject teachers. The geographer, for example, will help to issue a section related to nature, the region's economy, select the necessary illustrative material, will prepare the scheme and diagrams along with the children.

The chronological exposure framework may be different.

A variety of research methods

The main forms and directions of research:

· Excursions and walks through the native edge. They awaken in guys an interest in various corners of their area, help identify interesting and promising the topic of research work for the future.

· Work in libraries, archives and scientific institutions. This creates a solid base without which it is impossible to competently organize local history activities.

· Survey of the population, questioning. In each area there will be old-timers, local experts of the history of the edge, the memories of which should be recorded. If they even contradict the historical facts, they can be treated as "legends" or testimonies of how the event has imprinted in the memory of people. The survey will help in the system to collect extensive information on various issues of local history, get a kind of cut at a certain historical stage.

· Meetings with interesting people. This will help expand the circle of communication, to include a greater number of people in the sphere of interests of the museum, who will gradually become friends of the museum.

· Look inside the telecast, listening to the radio transmission. Sometimes interesting information told about your locality, for example, a famous historian, will most unexpectedly flash. Or the young poet read poems about the next river. So the usual media becomes the sources of the most unexpected information.

· The main methods of the formation of the School Museum Foundation are the expeditional collection of material (expedition, hiking, excursions), as well as receiving gifts.

· Expeditional collection of material. Local history expeditions are held in the course of research on a specific topic. The formulation and sequence of topics nominated for study (later - for the acquisition) should be planned and dictated by local lore tasks, the requirements of the exposition and the need to create systematic collections. The expeditions are advisable to coordinate with state museums, profile scientific institutions. It is possible to conduct joint expeditions in accordance with the developed museum method, which ensures the necessary research, the selection of the material, its documentation.

Sources of the acquisition of monuments can be the most diverse. First of all, these are family collections mentioned above. In addition, antique and buccinistic shops, attics, sheds (with the permission of the owners) should be used, the points of the secondary raw materials. The search can be conducted at industrial enterprises, in government agencies, in creative unions.

When conducting an expedition, the Group prepares the following field documents:

Field diary. It records the progress work, its main stages, analyze the first results and outlines the prospects for further research.

Field inventory. This primary document, which includes basic information about finds (later they will be postponed to the book of accounting of the Fund). Records are located horizontally on the turn of the notebook. Field Opve has the following graphs:

1. Sequence arrival number.

2. Date and location of detection.

3. Name of the monument of history and culture.

4. Quantity.

5. Material and method of manufacture.

6. Appointment of a monument of history and culture.

7, method of use and safety.

8. Short description indicating features. The size.

9. Owner or source of arrival.

10. Legend of the subject.

11. Note.

Notebook for recording memories and stories. Here are the stories of eyewitnesses of events, old-timers, local lores, with an indication of their personal data, (preferably later to sign the text printed or writing the text. In this case, the material acquires the formal certificate form.

Picture notebook. Young photographers record information about each made frame (date and place of shooting. Frame content. Shooting conditions. Crane author). This will help avoid errors later when you turn on photos to the funds or exposure.

III . Accounting and Keeping activities of the school museum

1. School Museum Funds

All materials exhibited and stored in the School Museum make up the School Museum Foundation. The school museum fund consists of the main museum and scientific and auxiliary funds.

The main fund includes all types of genuine materials suitable for long-term storage, which are primary sources for studying history, culture, nature and employees to create an exposure (in accordance with the Museum's profile) and using them in an educational and educational process.

The main fund includes:

a) real monuments: labor tools, household items, agricultural tools, craft products, samples of factory goods, weapons, numismatic materials, clothing, rock samples, archaeological finds;

b) visual: works of visual art, cartographic materials, caricatures, posters, photos;

c) Written: newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets, government documents, official documents, memories, letters, diaries, notebooks.

The Scientific anduxiliary Fund includes materials made for the needs of the exposure: schemes, dioramas, dilation, models, texts, reproduction with artistic works, photos of mass production, samples of perishable farm crops and other exhibits that are damaged and requiring rapid replacement.

2. Basic groups of accounting museum documentation

For the competent organization of research work, local historians must use three groups of documents.

Scientific accounting documentation

This includes:

a) acts of acceptance of documents;

b) the book of accounting of the fixed assessment;

c) the book of accounting for the Scientific anduxiliary Fund.
The reference device consists of a card system (perhaps in the computer version), allowing you to quickly detect the existence of a monument in the funds, its location.

Main types of auxiliary cards:

inventory (with basic information corresponding to the inventory, indicating ciphers and storage sites).

thematic (on the subject of collections).

nominal (with specific persons).

chronological (in the chronology of events).

geographic (with geographical names).

The reference card usually contains the following information:

name of the subject (with a brief description), account number, storage location.

In the accounting system of museum items include field documents, acts of receiving museum items for storage at the museum, expedition diaries, reports based on the museum, creative work.

Accounting in the school museum should pursue two goals:

ensuring the preservation of the subject itself;

ensuring the safety of information available on the subject.

The main accounting and protection of museum objects is the Book of Accounting Basic Fund (inventory). Filled in the form of a table, the following data is added to which:

1. Several inventory number. Simultaneously with the stairness of the sequence number in the book, the same number on the registered subject is placed;

2.Det records, i.e. Subject to the subject in the inventory book. The date must be complete, without abbreviations;

Z. Verm, source and method of admission. It is indicated by the full date (year, month, number), from where it came from. Full names and patronymic patronyters are recorded, the names of the institutions (address, phone number, etc.), transmitted to the museum;

4. Name and brief description of the subject. It is written in the generally accepted literary expression with the options for local dialect names. The authorship is indicated, the place of origin, the material from which it is made. For a photo you need to give a brief description of the plot or events. You should call the surname, name, patronymic of the pictured people, a year of shooting, the author of the picture. In written sources, including in magazines, newspapers, diaries, albums, etc., indicates the number of pages or sheets. In the photo albums, the number of photos is affixed. All inscriptions, stamps, signatures are recorded;

5. Number of items. It is usually written "1 copy", but if two or more identical museum objects are recorded, then an appropriate number is set;

6. Material and manufacturing machinery. The type of material is indicated: stone, metal, wood, fabric, cardboard, paper, wool, etc. Fixed method of manufacture: mold, chasing, stamping, engraving, manuscript, typewrition knitting, weaving, applique, etc..

7. Size. Indicated only in centimeters: height, width (thickness for bulk items). For round items - diameter;

8. Software. All damage to the subject are recorded: stains, pollution, rust, punctures, breaks, scuffs, chips, reinstateness, bends, loss of parts;

E.The%. Fixed in the case of buying items at prices at the time of purchase in rubles;

10.Inte. Location (written by a pencil). Acts of transmission, seizure, write-off, etc.;

Only genuine objects or the importance of the original (copy with autograph author, author's layout, rare photography, etc.) are entered into the inventory book.

The inventory book is numbered (in the upper right corner of each sheet), is stitched, certified by signature and seal. When the book is filled in completely, the final entry is made at its end:

"In the present inventory book made items (figures and in words) with no number.

In the next inventory book, the numbering continues, the inventory book is stored at school. It enters the nomenclature of the permanent shelf life.

Z.Shifrovka and marking museum objects

Each subject is affixed by its cipher. The cipher consists of an abbreviation of the museum name and the corresponding number on the inventory book.

On volumetric items, the cipher is affixed with mascara or oil paint with an invisible side and so as not to damage the subject.

In drawings, photos, documents, ciphers are written in the lower left corner with a simple soft pencil.

If the cipher on the subject to write is impossible, you should attach a tire from a cardboard with a printed cipher (to medals, orders, chockerels). On tissue and clothing sewing pieces of matter with cipher.

Storage of museum objects is carried out by type of materials. Separately, items made of metal, wood, fabric, paper, etc. Combination of items is not allowed. You can not store together in the same storages (cabinets, folders, boxes, envelopes) paper and metal, metal and fabric, etc., as this leads to a damage of museum objects (corrosion, rust).

In the premises of the school museum there should be stable temperatures and humidity, because Temperature fluctuations, moisture drop leads to the damage of museum items.

Museum objects should not be exposed to direct lighting. Sources of light should not be located near museum items. The paper, cardboard, fabric are most strongly exposed to lightweight. Therefore, items from these materials are placed in boxes, folders, envelopes, shifting each copy of pure paper.

The museum must comply with the biological regime: to prevent the emergence of moths, bugs, treasures, cockroaches, mice and other pests. Specialists from state museums should be involved in sanitary and disinfection work.

In the school museum, no species of museum objects are not allowed. Restoration work can only be carried out by specialists and restorers of state museums.

Fastening museum objects When installing exposure is carried out without any deformations and damage. They can not be glued, cut, bend, pierced, laminate, paint, clean. All types of conservation work are carried out with the participation of specialists from state museums.

IV . Exposure and exhibition activities of the school museum

If you consider the museum as a center of museum-pedagogical work, which takes on the task of "ointment" of education, then it is necessary, first of all, to recognize his responsibility for creating an aesthetically significant and aesthetically educating environment in school. The school museum can be deployed to their exhibitions on any space, including school corridors, classes, workshops.

Secondly, the task of the school museum can be the acquisition and provision of subject teachers or teachers of additional education of the fund of visual benefits (museum, copies, copies, illustrated materials, etc.), organized by the type "Museum in a suitcase".

You can distinguish several genres of school museum expositions.

· Museum-exposition (exhibition) The exposition of the museum is more or me. it has the established complex of objects, is not allowed for interactive use (closed shop windows and cabinets, rigid fun). The exposition space is strictly localized, used primarily for excursions on a certain, sufficiently limited subject. Museum material is involved in the educational process, mainly as an illustration. This genre of the school museum needs to be adding a number of functions. At the initiative of the head and school asset, it undoubtedly has great prospects.

· Museum-workshop

· The exposition space is built in this museum in such a way that it is necessarily present working zones for creative students. Sometimes such a museum is located in classes where classes are held, or in art workshops. Exposures can also be dispersed in individual cabinets. All this contributes to the organic inclusion of the museum into the educational process, as well as the scope of additional education.

· Museum-laboratory

· This genre is very close to the museum-workshop. The difference is the nature of the collection, on the basis of which museums operate. These are a collection of natural-scientific and technical profiles. Some of them are placed in subject cabinets. Exposure space includes research laboratories and equipment.

· Museum-game-game

· It can be a museum of games and toys, some of which are brought from the house, but the main one is made by the hands of children. The museum asset and teachers can conduct theatrical classes on the basis of these collections with schoolchildren of junior classes, groups of extended day, as well as visiting ideas in kindergartens and nearby schools. The necessary component of the activities of such a museum is to study the history of production and export toys. An important role is also assigned a scenario-produced aspect, i.e. creating special scenarios for conducting thematic classes.

Text in the exposition of the school museum

The necessary part of the preparation of expositions and, exhibitions of school museums is the selection and text formation. Proper use of texts enriches the exposure content and increases its impact.

The texts in the exposure are a holistic and systematically organized set of titles to sections and topics, annotations, labels, pointers.

The text system is created during the design of the exposure, taking into account the fact that they must be clear, unambiguous and accessible to all. The text must be in charge of all the necessary information, be understandable, and sometimes emotionally affecting. One of the most important requirements defining the approach to the text is laconicism. Exposure overload with text material only reduces its cognitive value.

The texts in the exposition are taken to divide the following types:

Stylish (title);




Posted (title) texts help to navigate in exposure. Their task is to give a "guide thread" to examine the exposure, to identify its thematic structure. The provisional texts include the names of all departments and halls of the museum, exposition topics, sections or complexes.

Explanatory text is a comment on the hall, theme, complex. It contains information that complements and enriches the visual series, contributes to the integral perception of the exposition image.

The leading text can be compared with the epigraph to the literary work. Its value is in a bright, clear and concentrated form to express the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe exposure, to identify the meaning and content of some of its partition, themes or complex. Excerpts are widely used as leading texts from memories, letters, diaries, records made by the exposure heroes, i.e. Materials having a pronounced personality.

The museum in the museum is the combination of all labels of this exposure. Each label is an annotation to a specific exhibit. Its content depends on the Museum's profile, the objectives of the exposure and the nature of the Museum Subject itself.

The museum practice has developed a certain form of information posting in the label. Each label includes, as a rule, three main components:

The name of the subject;

Attribution data (material information, size, method of manufacture, authoring, social and ethnic existence, historical and material meaning);


Examples of labels


Used for arable work in peasant farms Kama region at the endXIX - early XX centuries.

The plant was founded in 1868. Equipped with English machines. In 1890, the number of workers exceeded 5,000 people.

Students of the 5th grade P. Zyukayka in the last row (extreme right) Andrei Mokhov. Perm region, 1934

Hero of the Soviet Union A.V. Ivanov (1907-1943).

January 1942

Photo B. Petrova.

On the back inscription: "Dear, beloved mom. Drive the enemy from Moscow

Decor and location of the etating

Font, color, size, the arrangement of annotations to exhibits are determined during the work on the exposure. The whole text commentary, including labels, should become its organic part. Therefore, the authors of the exposition, developing the content of any text, simultaneously solve artistic tasks.

Texts must be agreed stylistically, among themselves and other exposure materials, are decorated and placed so that they best fulfill their functions. Here there are also rules arising from the external features of the exhibits of different types and the requirements of the label. No, for example, laying the labels on the exhibits. They are placed next to the real exhibits on the stand, on the shelf, on the wall of the showcase. To the edged material - on the passecut under the exhibit, to the framed - at-fastening to the frame. If the exhibits are high above the exposure belt, then at the bottom, at the level of the eye, you can place the scheme of their location with all the necessary data. Small exhibits attached to the tablet or located in the showcase are numbered, and under the relevant numbers, their list and description are given in general annotation.

The obsessiveness and varnish labels should be avoided, to dramatically allocate them on a general background of the exposure, but also can not be leveled, to make them completely invisible. You can not forget about the texture, color of labels. They are toned in accordance with the background of the Pasparta stand, showcases. They are written or printed on good paper, and for exhibits located on the stands, podiums, - on the dense material (cardboard, plexiglass, etc.).

In the school museum, where the priority is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating, "doing" a museum, where it is especially important to intensify the attention of visitors, the so-called "intriguing" decidifier is appropriate, along with traditional information, it may contain questions or tasks like: "Find ...", " Compare ... "," Choose ... "," Guess ... "," Think, why ... "and so on. Thanks to this number, the exposure inspection turns into an exciting and at the same time a serious game that will be interesting and Adults, and children.

V. . Cultural and educational activities of the school museum

The content of cultural and educational activities is expressed in the forms of working with the audience. The main objectives include: lessons in the museum, classroom lessons using museum objects, thematic lectures, excursions (theatrical), exhibitions, scientific readings (conferences), consultations, seminars Methodical associations, clubs (circle, studio), thematic evenings, lessons Courage, days of mercy, professions, outdoor doors, historical, folklore holidays, museum Olympiad, contests, historical games.

All events held by the school museum should be taken into account in a special notebook (a book of accounting for mass events), which is filled from the following scheme:

The entire correspondence of the museum should be subject to accounting, for which a special notebook is assigned, in which the writing date is noted, the sequence number, the address where it is sent, and its brief content.

For letters taken in museums, another notebook is given, which is also divided into columns: date of receipt of the letter, date of departure, address, author, summary letter.

VI . Passportization of school museums

The status "School Museum" is assigned by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for the exposition applying for the title "School Museum":

The presence of the Fund of Genuine Materials registered in the Book of Accounting Basic Fund (inventory);

The presence of an embedded exposure, with sufficient completeness and depth revealing the contents of the chosen theme;

Ensuring the conditions for the safety of the assembled material;

The presence of a permanent asset of students leading under the guidance of a teacher systematic search and collective and research work;

Protection and propaganda of monuments of history and culture, nature of the native land;

Cultural and educational activities of the museum.

Museum documentation:

· Order of the Director of the Educational Institution on the opening of the museum and appointment of the head of the school museum

· Current and promising museum work plans

· Book of Accounting Basic Fund (inventory)

· Scientific anduxiliary Fund

· Theatic exposition plan

· Card file

· Book of accounting of mass events

· Book reviews

· Texts of excursions, lectures, conversations, scenarios of mass events.

The work plan of the school museum consists of the following sections:

1. Common tasks and directions in the upcoming work of the museum in new educational water.

2 Work with the school asset of the museum.

Organization and procedure for training asset. Planned tasks to each activist in the framework of the commissioned area of \u200b\u200bwork.

3. Research work.

What topics and whom will be studied and developed in the current school year. For example: on the history of educational institution, streets, microdistrict or a specific person - Director of the school, teacher, former student; On the combat actions of the unit, parts or a separate hero. Topics can be diverse depending on the profile of the museum.

4.Pust-collecting work.

A specific plan for the participation of schoolchildren and teachers in tourist-local lore expeditions to find and collect museum materials in the autumn-winter and spring-summer holidays; What museum items are supposed to be found in the city, where or who; Who will be tied to the search for materials searching, work in archives or profile, museums, etc.

5. Scientific and exposition work

What exhibits will be entered into an exposure or replace which temporary or permanent exhibitions will be prepared, etc.

6. Work with funds

Drafting scientific documentation, filling in the inventory, rules for conducting field documentation, drawing up cards for museum objects, study, research and description of each subject; Creating conditions for storing museum collections, procedure for processing incoming historical monuments, etc.

7. Methodical work

Drawing up or addition of review and thematic lectures. Training and preparation of activists of the museum for excursions, etc.

8. Publishing activities

Compilation of a booklet on the school museum. The list of alleged information for publication in periodicals and other information sources on the activities carried out at the museum and others.

9. Sightseeing work

Schedule visiting students of the museum. List of events. The use of museum objects in the lessons and in extracurricular work. Development of excursion topics, selection and systematization of sightseeing materials.

In cities where there are state museums, district (urban) commissions on the view and certification of school museums are being created, which include representatives of education management bodies, specialists of state, museums, institutions of additional education, public organizations, local history associations. The district (city) commission meets the activities of the School Museum, fills in relevant documents (act of examination, accounting card) and sends them to the regional center for children and youth tourism

Every five years, the museum must confirm the title "School Museum", which the Commission makes the appropriate entries in the passport and the account.

"Organization of the work of the school museum" // Methodical recommendations. / Compiler O.V. Starkova. / Regional Center for Children and Youth Tourism. - Perm, 2002.

School Local Lore Museum as a means of patriotic education of schoolchildren

Alexander Semenovich Zhbanov, Head of the School Local Lore Museum of MBOU "Perchlajskaya Oosh" Ruzaevsky District of the Republic of Mordovia.
Purpose: Summary of experience in creating a school museum.
Tasks: Describe the features of the museum organization in an educational institution, study the foundations of museum work by conducting a virtual excursion through the pages of the museum.
The material is intended for teachers who want to organize a museum work at school.
The main means of patriotic education at school is the School Local Lore Museum. It performs many functions, the main of which are:
- Documenting the history of the native edge;
- organizing and conducting search and research (study of publications, archival sources, memories)
- collection of material (newspaper material, ads, photo, interviews, etc.)
-Sapt objects of life, ancient utensils, preserved in the inhabitants.
- Heating and systematization of the assembled material.
Our school museum founded in 2010. On the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on April 30, 2010, the solemn opening of the museum took place.
At this time, more than two hundred exhibits are kept in the museum, these are unique homemade utensils, old women's clothing, genuine documents and awards of participants in the Great Patriotic War and Tar workers. The museum tells about the history of the village, district, republic, about the basis of the school, about her teachers.
Museum lessons are held on the walls of the school museum, the lessons of courage, the exhibits of the museum are often used on class hours, open events. Exhibitions, solemn events are held here, significant dates and holidays are noted.
Over the years of operation, more than 500 people visited the museum. Meetings of students with the workers of the rear are held, with children of participants in the Great Patriotic War, with labor veterans. There are many excursions for students, both their school and schools of the district, representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic, the inhabitants of the village. Recently, a number of events dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state were held at the museum.
The museum work plan is being developed by the head of the museum together with the asset of the museum and is made to the pedagogical council of the school.
The Council of the Museum includes representatives of the creative association "Museum", elected representatives from classes. The museum board works in different directions. Members of the Museum Council are divided into restorers, guides, chroniclers, documents. The Council of the Museum takes part in the development and holding of excursions and meetings, and also leads the shepherd work on the workers of the rear (unfortunately, we did not have a single veteran of the Second World War).
Dear friends, I want to spend a little excursion through the pages of our Museum. All design and interior decoration of the museum is made by the hands of teachers and students.
The museum room (60 square meters) has an exposure consisting of four main sections:
1. "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."
2. "The region in which you live."
3. "This is a school history line ..."
4. Ethnographic corner of "Life Morder"

Section "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

This section consists of several exposures:

1. Exposure "They fought for their homeland"

3. Exposure "Veterans of Afghanistan - graduates of our school"

4. Exposition "Participants of the Labor Front"

5. Exposition "Awards and Documents of Frontovikov and Tar Workers" (fragment)

6. Exposure "Exhibits from battlefields". Director of the Republican Museum of the Military and Labor Father Krukhinkin N.A.

7. Obelisk with the names of countrymen who fell in battlefields.

Section "The Region in which you live"

This section includes the following exposures:
1. Exposite "The village of my native". Here, the history of the foundation and development of the village of Perchlai is traced, the people who glorified the village, about the workers of the collective farm and the state farm at different times. The exposition tells about the people who love their village with all your heart, help the village and its inhabitants. There is a rich desktop information. Work is underway to organize the exhibition "Looking into the future".

2. Exposure "Known and love your area"

3. Exposure "Known to the whole of Russia" talks about the famous people who glorified our area to the whole of Russia. These are athletes, artists, doctors, artists, politicians.

4. The exposition "Leonid Fedorovich Makulov" is dedicated to the famous Mordovian writer, the native of our village. In the Fund of the Museum, genuine manuscripts of books and essays, photos and personal belongings Leonid Fedorovich, transferred to the Son Writer's Museum.

The "This School Story Story" section consists of several exposures:
1. »School history." The exposition tells about the history of the creation and formation of the school, on the directors of the school and teachers who contributed to the development of the school at different times, about our today's teachers.
2. "We remember them." The exhibition is dedicated to teachers, at different times we worked in our school who left life.
3. "Our veterans". There is a story about teachers - veterans of pedagogical work, located on a well-deserved rest.
4. "And years flying ...". The basis of the exposition of photographs of grades of different years.

Section "Life Mordov"

It consists of the following main expositions.
1. "Stainless items"

2. Exposition "The decoration of the peasant hut"

3. Exposition "Mordovian National Clothing"

Project for schoolchildren to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

On the tropas of war "(work on the creation of a school hospital museum)

The author of the project: Teacher of History and Social Science MBOU "Novoyogarevskaya Secondary School №19" Kirachosyan Melania Andreevna.
What to teach and how to educate, how to teach a child to love Fatherland? Such a question has long stood before the teacher's team. The task was to reveal the meaning of the words "homeland", "Patriot", "patriotism", "citizenship". Therefore, in our school, patriotic education of students is systematic and targeted activities in the formation of high patriotic consciousness in children with various forms of work with a student. But for the child there is nothing more interesting than touching the story itself, become its member.
The modern public development of Russia acutely delivered the task of the spiritual revival of the nation. This issue has acquired particular relevance in the field of patriotic education of young people. The program of patriotic and civil education of young people is increasingly determined as one of the priorities in modern youth policy.
Project goals:
Education of the Patriot Citizen of Russia
Improving the interest of students to study the history of their small homeland
Development of creative and research potential of students
Project tasks:
To acquaint students with the work of the search detachment "Heritage".
Attract students to collect material about the Second World War.
Organize systematic work with veterans of the village.
The ideas of patriotism, especially in their highest manifestation - willingness to protect the Motherland, at all times they occupied one of the leading places in the formation of the younger generation. And now, more than ever, especially important factor in patriotic education becomes the history of the heroic past peoples of Russia.
The upbringing of patriotism is the upbringing of love for the Fatherland, devotion to him, pride for his past and the present. But it is impossible without creating a system for the formation of interest in the history of its country and not just interest, but cognitive activity. The center of the implementation of such a system becomes a school museum.
The school museum is traditionally one of the means of patriotic education, since it has a huge educational - educational potential.
The school museum has specific, only inherent in the features of educational and educational impact on students. Contacts with the museum enrich the educational process, expand the range of funds used by the school. The museum is necessary for the full teaching of such objects as the culture of the native land and the history of contributing to the upbringing of patriotism. That is why in Novoyogarev school №19, we decided to open the Military Historical Museum.
The guys are actively collectively collecting materials of our future museum, they are interested in studying the military history of the village and the Shchekinsky district as a whole. The school has its own traditions. Meetings are held with veterans of the Second World War, class hours, lessons of courage, conversations where the guys will learn about the facts, events, dates associated with the immense suffering of the enormous courage of the people during the Great Patriotic War.
Also, together with our teacher, the head of the heritage squad, Marandikin Andrei Petrovich, students constantly participate in the opening of the memory watch. Thanks to this, we have a lot of information about the dead soldiers.
Constantly search engines organize exhibitions of their finds over the past season. Our guys took part in the burials of the remains of the warriors in the village of Zachrovka, the village of Krapivna, and other places of the Schekinsky district, as well as in the Belovsky district, the Oryol and Kaluga regions.
The results of this work should be the system-forming in educational work, and the museum pedagogy-mighty educational instrument. Our idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a museum was preceded by the painstaking work of the "Heritage" squad.
For students of our school, the creation of a museum will be a new opportunity for their creativity, self-realization and socialization.
The creation of our museum is divided into several stages:
1. Collection of information about the work of the Legacy Club, about the historical facts of the Second World War on the territory of the Khchekinsky district.
2. Organization of meetings with veterans - residents of the village.
3. Formation of the Museum of the Museum of Museum, provided by the search detachment "Heritage"
4. Registration of the museum documentation.
5. The discovery of the hall dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
To date, the first three points have already been successfully implemented. The work continues. Municipal Budget General Education institution of Astrakhan

"Secondary school №61"

Social project

"Creating a school museum."

Work performed:

students 8 Class Isaev Rinat, Sedova Kristina, Toksanbaeva Said

Scientific adviser:

history teacher and social studies of the highest qualification category,

Honorary Pedagogue of Russia - Kibkalo N.G.

MBOU "SOSH №61", Astrakhan


Introduction .............................................................................. ...

p. 3.

Chapter I. What is the School Museum? ................................................ ..

p. 5.

Chapter II. Description of the project .......................................................................

p. 8.

Chapter III. Implementation of the project "Creating a School Museum" ................

p. 12.

Conclusion ......................................................................................... ..

p. 14.

Literature ........................................................................... ...

p. 16.

Application ………………………………………………………………….

p. 18.


I look at the museum stands ...
As with memory time playing!
Only legends live forever
And the truths are all dying.

Akaki Schweik
Every person is a kind of discoverer, he goes to the old, as the world of truths by his own way. But at the source of the long life of life, each of us has their own Malaya Motherland, with their appearance, with their beauty. She appears to a person in childhood and remains with him for life. Therefore, it is very important to know the history of your city, schools, families, their roots. Everyone who loves their homeland should know not only her present, but also her past. How our ancestors lived, as worked.

The history of the past is the memory of peoples. In it, our roots, the roots of today's phenomena. History keeps in itself the experience of generations, great names, feats of people and much more. This is the story of our grandfather and great-grandfather. If a person does not know the stories of his people, does not like and does not respect her cultural traditions, it is unlikely that it can be called a worthy citizen of his fatherland. The main tool for preserving the historical past is the museum. It is he who allows you to collect, systematize and maintain grains, traces of past epochs. The word "museum" comes from the Greek "Museion" and the Latin "Museum" - "Temple".

The museum is a place dedicated to sciences and arts. Once upon a time there was a museum in our school number 61, but then the need disappeared in it, the exhibits went to the basement, forgot about him.

In 2010, when contacting the Federal Assembly, Dmitry Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev, made that the state focuses on the education of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a patriot - carrier of values \u200b\u200bof civil society, aware of his relationship to the fate of the Motherland. To fulfill this task, many schools began to create, revive their museums. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe revival of the museum in our school lived for a long time. The administration of the school, parents and residents of the village, in which our school, the chief cultural object, and the students themselves, expressed the need for such a "temple". To implement this idea, we have developed a draft revival of the Museum of Our School. The museum, which will be addressed to schoolchildren and is interesting for them, in the creation of which they will take direct participation, and subsequently will be its main visitors and participants in all activities.

Objective of the project:

  1. Revival, creating a museum at school number 61;

  2. Revival and preservation of history and spiritual values \u200b\u200bThe village of Free and School No. 61;

  3. Development of communicative competencies, research skills, search work.
Project tasks:

  1. Develop a program and a plan for the revival of the school museum;

  2. Determine the stages and timing of the revival of the museum;

  3. Collect, explore and systematize existing exhibits;

  4. Determine the directions of work and the exposition of the museum;

  5. Determine the sources and consumable estimates of the revival of the museum;

  6. Open the Museum at School No. 61;

  7. Continue work to replenish the Fund, the exposition of the museum.
Expected Result:

Creation of the School Museum, the integration of museum and training activities in order to educate the civil and patriotic qualities of the individual personality. Aesthetic decoration of the school.

Ignoring the general idea to know the native land, there is a children's team and its cohesion based on the development of student governments (search group, museum council, asset museum). The museum creates conditions for creative self-realization of each student. Active, interesting search engine serves an obstacle to the involvement of students in street groupings. Along with search engine, research, excursion, propaganda work is organized. Students are active participants in all these processes. They are spiritually enriched, creatively developing - the stage of becoming a person. Scientific coordinators (head of the museum and scientific consultant), together with teachers and class teachers, track the work of students, help advice, send them to the right direction.

The feeling of present is not coming from the outside, it arises in inside a person when it is important for him around him and when he is important and meaning for the surrounding world. " In this sense, the museum becomes very significant, because the meeting with the past opens his present for a student. Today, it is never clear that without upbringing patriotism among the younger generation or in economics, nor in culture, or in education, we can confidently move forward. From an early age, a person begins to realize himself with a particle of his family, his nation, his homeland. A child, a teenager who will know the history of his village, the city, the life of his ancestors, architectural monuments, never committing an act of vandalism regarding this object, nor for others. He will just know the price. Knowledge of history, past people, native land will increase the vitality, the competitiveness of the person. The project will serve to unite, cohesive people around a high noble goal - to preserve the past, present for future descendants, plays a huge role in the formation of peace and harmony among people of different nationalities, strengthens friendship between nations.

CHAPTERI.. What is a school museum?
Museums are memory conglomerates.

Georgy Aleksandrov
The history of the concept of "Museum".

The concept of "museum" was introduced into the cultural use of humanity ancient Greeks. Already at the dawn of its history, humanity collected and sought to preserve all sorts of objects: literary and scientific texts, zoological and botanical herbariums, artistic canvases, natural rarity, remains of ancient animals. In Russia, museums appeared in the era of Peter I. Opening the first Russian museum in 1917, he determined the goal: "I want people to watch and learn."

By the end of the XVIII century, publicly available exposures are created in Russia in order to educate the majority of visitors. At the end of the 19th century, about 150 museums with public exhibitions are being created in Russia for enlightenment (Museum of technology, crafts, devices).

In the early 20th century, in connection with the rise in local history movement in Russia, the discovery of public museums, created on the initiative of the public, and operating on the public basis received high-speed. Public museums are created under the organs of culture, in schools, in enterprises. These are museums of combat fame, labor glory, museums dedicated to the leaders of the Communist Party, for which the status of a political and educational institution is enshrined.

The legal basis for school museums is the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 28-51-181 / 16 of March 12, 2003. "On the activities of the Museums of Educational Institutions", "Instructions for the accounting and storage of museum funds in museums working on a public basis", Order of the USSR Ministry of Culture of 12.03.1988.

The museum is understood as an institution collecting, storing and demonstrating the items of history, culture.

The third article of the Charter of the International Council of Museums says: "The museum is a constant non-profit institution, designed to serve society and promote its development available to the general public engaged in the acquisition, storage, use, popularization and exhibiting certificates of man and its habitat for studying, education, And also to meet spiritual needs. "
Profiles and genres of school museums.

Museum profile - specialization of the museum assembly and activities of the museum. The profile of the school museum depends on the selected direction of research activities. Musevodes allocate the following profiles:

  1. Historical;

  2. Natural scientific;

  3. Picture gallery;

  4. Memorial Museum;

  5. Technological;

  6. Ecological.
Implement your identity, uniqueness, express your opportunity to integrate into the educational process of the school museum may be in determining the genre. To the genres of museums, the main criterion for determining which the method and the level of integration into the educational process include the following:

  1. Museum-exposition (exhibition). The exhibition of the museum is a more or less established complex of objects, as a rule, lowered for interactive use (closed shop windows and cabinets, rigid wrestling). The exposure space is strictly localized, is used mainly for excursions on a certain, fairly limited subject. Museum material is involved in the educational process mainly as an illustration. In school, such a museum becomes more often becoming a prestige, out-of-school, circle, leisure activities are minimal.

  2. Museum-workshop (studio). The exposure space is built in this museum in such a way that it is necessarily present working areas for creative activities. Sometimes such a museum is located in classes where technology lessons are conducted, or in art workshops. Exposures can also be dispersed in individual cabinets. All this contributes to the organic inclusion of the museum into the educational process.

  3. Museum - Laboratory. This genre is very close to the museum - workshop. The difference is the nature of the collection, on the basis of which the museum operates. These collections of the natural science and technical profile are usually very extensive. Some of them are placed in subject cabinets. Exposure space includes research laboratories and equipment.

The goal, the tasks of the school museum.

The museum in an educational institution is created "in order to upbringing, learning and socializing students." The school museum is designed to form a steady interest in the acquisition of new knowledge on the history of the native land, to educate the desire and willingness to independently study the history of the native land. Only the museum provides emotional, informational impact.

The tasks of the school museum are:

  1. To bring up a sense of patriotism - such "social feeling, the content of which is love for Fatherland, devotion to him, pride for his past and the present, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland";

  2. Save for pupils and descendants scripts, primary sources, museum objects representing historical, artistic or other value;

  3. Promote the introduction of museum material into the educational process;

  4. Transform a museum subject to a means of information and emotional perception of the past epochs;

  5. Facilitate the inclusion of students in socio-cultural creativity, search and research activities for the study, restoration of the history of small homeland;

  6. Promote the formation of spiritual values.
To create a school museum requires a number of conditions:

  1. Collected and registered museum objects;

  2. Museum asset;

  3. Premises and equipment for storing and exponential museum objects;

  4. Museum exposition;

  5. Sources of financing activities;
Charter (position) of the museum approved by the authority of self-government and the head of the educational institution.
Functions of the school museum.

In the Regulations on the Museum of Educational Institutions, educational and documenting functions are determined. The essence of the documentary function is a targeted reflection in the museum assembly with the help of museum objects of those historical, social or natural phenomena, which studies the museum in accordance with their profile.

Documenting function is carried out in three forms:

  1. Completion of funds;

  2. Stock work;

  3. Creation of the museum's exposition;
The museum object is a monument of history and culture, seized from the existence environment, which has passed all the stages of scientific processing and included in the Museum Assembly. The main thing for the museum object is its semantic value, artistic value or information potential. All museum objects have a number of properties. This is informative, attractiveness, expressiveness.

All museum objects are divided into three groups:

  1. Real (clothing, household items, personal belongings);

  2. Fine (paintings, sculpture, graphics);

  3. Written (documents on all media).

CHAPTERII.. Description of the project.

Museums are art cemeteries.

Alfons Lamartin
Starting the implementation of the project at first we, along with teachers, we defined what our museum will be, what directions we would like to highlight, outlined strategies, timing.

The main strategies of the school museum:

1. Creating an initiative search group of the museum.

2. Development of the project "School Museum".

3. The study of local history literature, materials for local history.

4. Think over the necessary equipment, make a estimate.

5. Collecting materials and restoration of exhibits.

6. Creating exposures, sections of the museum.

7. Registration of the interior of the museum.

8. Packing Museum Funds, Accounting and Scientific Description Museum Objects.

nine . Creation of the Council and Asset of the Museum.

10. Organization of search, research, excursion, propaganda work.

11. Organization of a group of guides.

12. Organization of the work of the "origins" club.

13. Introduction of the "Search" operation, "Veteran", "The Best Find".

14. Conduct competition "Inexhaustible Spring"

15. Registration of documentation of certification and certification of the museum.

16. Conduct lessons, seminars, conferences, shares, competitions.

Terms of project implementation and expected results.

We plan to realize this project within two years: 2013 - 2015. As a result, a museum consisting of three expositions should be opened: Museum of Combat Glory, School History Museum, Culture History Museum and Life of the village, made and decorated stands on the history of the school and the village, the Museum Funds are completed, the museum objects are registered in the inventory book, the charter has been developed , Passport and all necessary museum documentation.

Material and technical support.

We plan to organize a school team to fulfill the planned work on the repair of premises and restoration of exhibits.

Resource provision

1. School budget;

2. The material and technical base of the school;

3. School charity shares;

4. Sponsorship parents;

5. Help social partners;

Manual and control over the execution of this project.

Control over the execution of this project carries out:

  1. School administration;

  2. Management Board of School;

  3. Council of high school students;

  4. The initiative group of the school museum.
The museum's council is carried out by the museum's council, the management of the museum is carried out by the Museum's practical activity.

Expected difficulties.

  1. Low financing;

  2. Insufficient material and technical base, a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room;

  3. The workload of teachers and students.
Expected results.

1. Emerging school museum;

2. The formated student asset of the school museum with the skills of socio-significant activities and the basics of professional self-determination;

3. Created thematic exposures;

4. Organized educational process in close cooperation with the activities of the school museum;

5. The extension of the level of moral and military-patriotic education

The main stages of the work:

First Stage - Preparatory

january - March 2013.

A) Creating a creative group - the asset of the museum;

B) develop information leaflets about the revival of the school museum for students, teachers, parents, the public;

C) inform the pedagogical team about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revival of the School Museum in order to support the project;

D) to refer to the Council of the Student Team, the Parental Committee to attract students and their parents to the project;

G) to prepare questions for a sociological survey and conduct a sociological survey of students, teachers, parents, public to determine the profile and genre of the future museum;

H) develop the concept of the museum, justify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe museum, determine the profile;

K) determine the place in the school building for the placement of the museum;

L) revision of the available museum exhibits and archival documents;

M) make a estimate of the cost of repairing the premises, preparation, design and placement of expositions (see Appendix No. 1);

H) I find financial opportunities for repairing the premises and design of museum expositions.

The second stage is the main one.

Activities for the revival of the museum.

may - September 2013

A) attracting and distributing financial resources according to the estimate and work plan;

B) restoration of the exhibits of the museum;

C) completing funds;

D) the distribution of archival materials and museum exhibits on selected sections;

E) creation of card files available resources;

(E) A description of the real and documentary sources of the remaining museum, registration of acts of objects and making them in the inventory book,

G) search engine work of the Museum's Initiative Group on the collection of exhibits, documents and the corresponding design of new materials upon admission to the museum;

H) paperwork: Museum passport, accounting card, labels, card file cards, mapping cards;

I) development and approval of several topics of excursions indicating the purpose, category and age of excursors;

K) development scenario of the opening of the museum;

M) informing the school on the opening of the museum;

H) Opening one exposition of the museum.

Third stage - the functioning of the museum and the implementation of the project "School Museum"

year 2014

A) the opening of other exposures;

B) continue to work to replenish and expand the Museum Foundation;

C) post-regulation of stands and exposure of the museum, equipping the school museum with the necessary equipment (showcases, racks, cabinets);

D) development of the work programs of the museum and the popularization of the museum;

E) involvement of the museum and its exposition in school life, school events;

E) holding excursions for students, parents, public;

G) project activity of students;

H) documentary registration of the status of the museum. Project implementation.

Fourth Stage - Museum Development

2015 year

A) analysis of work in two years;

B) identifying problems, defining ways to solve them;

C) adjusting activities to change the system of the museum in accordance with the identified problems;

D) improving the activities of the museum;

E) activation of research and project work of students, using the base, the exposition of the museum.

Estimated Search and Research Work:

  • Collection of information about the history of the school and its traditions, veterans teachers, graduates of school, local history material on the history of the village of Rongi, the history of enterprises and institutions, outstanding people and events;

  • Study of local traditions, folk legends, holidays, rituals;

  • Active participation in the collection of materials for the deceased wars during the Great Patriotic War, the contribution of countrymen to victory over the enemy;

  • Collect information about disappeared and endangered villages.
Estimated Museum Expositions:

Museum of combat glory

1. Stages of the Second World War;

2. Medals of veterans of the Second World War;

3. Combat satellites of a soldier;

4. Military ammunition;

5. Seared war;

6. Astrakhans Heroes;

7. Children, Pioneers Heroes.

Museum of History and Culture P. Free

1. The world of the past, the Russian is a room;

2. Objects of life;

3. Braided beauty;

4. History of the village of Cavern;

5. Fragment of the floor-mid-20th century room.

Museum of History and Culture School №61

1. Soviet past;

2. School chronicle, how it all started;

3. School today;

4. Past on the old photo ...

And so determining all the nuances of the upcoming work, stages, mechanisms, strategies, we started implementing the project.