Brothers Strugatsky Monday. Monday begins on Saturday a fairy tale for scientific ministers

Brothers Strugatsky Monday. Monday begins on Saturday a fairy tale for scientific ministers
Brothers Strugatsky Monday. Monday begins on Saturday a fairy tale for scientific ministers

But what is more strange, which is incomprehensible, this is how the authors can take similar plots, I confess, it's quite incomprehensible, it's for sure ... no, no, I don't understand at all.

N.V. Gogol.

The first story
Sweets around the sofa

Chapter first

Teacher: Children, write down the proposal: "Fish sat on a tree."

Pupil: Does fish sit on trees?

Teacher: Well ... it was crazy fish.

School joke

I approached the place of my destination. Around me, clinging to the road itself, Zelell Forest, occasionally giving way to the glades, crouched yellow. The sun was adjacent for an hour, everything could not sit down and hung low above the horizon. The car rolled along a narrow road, filled with crispy gravel. Large stones I let go under the wheel, and every time in the trunk clanged and smashed empty canisters.

On the right of the forest came out two, stepped on the road and stopped, looking into my side. One of them raised his hand. I dropped gas, considering them. It was, as it seemed to me, hunters, young people, maybe a little older than me. I liked their faces, and I stopped. The one that raised his hand, slept in the car a dark hubbone face and asked, smiling:

- You do not throw us up to Solovets?

The second, with a red beard and without a mustache, also smiled, looking out because of his shoulder. Positively, these were pleasant people.

"Let's sit down," I said. - Onehead, the other back, and then I have a junk there, in the back seat.

- benefactor! - Gorbonosoye deliberately, took off his gun from his shoulder and sat down next to me.

Bearded, peeping hesitantly into the back door, said:

- Can I here a little bit of that? ..

I laughed across the back and helped him clear the place occupied by a sleeping bag and a rolled tent. He satively sat down, putting a gun between his knees.

"Cover the door better," I said.

Everything went, as usual. The car started. Gorbonosoy turned back and spoke lively that much more pleasant to go in a passenger car than to walk. Bearded vaguely agreed and slapped and slapped the door. "Cloak, choose," I advised, looking at him in the rearview mirror. "You have a raincoat". Five minutes later everything was finally settled. I asked: "Ten Solovets kilometers?" "Yes," answered the barrel. - or a little more. The road is true, unimportant - for trucks. " "The road is quite decent," I objected. "I promised me that I would not eat at all." - "On this road, even in the fall you can drive." - "Here is perhaps, but from the box - ground." - "This year the summer is dry, everything dried." - "Under the sunshine, they say rain," noticed bearded in the back seat. "Who is speaking?" - asked Gorbonosy. "Merlin says." For some reason they laughed. I pulled the cigarettes, lit and offered them to treat them. "Clara Zetkin Factory," said the barrel, looking at the pack. - Are you from Leningrad? " - "Yes". - "Travel?" "Traveling," I said. - Do you have a local one? " - "Native," said Gorbonosy. "I'm from Murmansk," said bearded. "For Leningrad, probably, that Solovets, that Murmansk is the same thing: north," said the barrel. "No, why," I said politely. "Will you dwell in Solovets?" - asked Gorbonosy. "Of course," I said. "I'm in Solovets and food." - "Do you have relatives or acquaintances?" "No," I said. - I just wait for the guys. They go by the shore, and the Solovets is from us - Randevo's point. "

Ahead, I saw a big scratching of the stones, slowed down and said: "Keep tightly." The car shook and jumped. Gorbonosy bruise nose about the trunk of a gun. Motor jumped, stones beat in the bottom. "Poor car," said the barrel. "What to do ..." - I said. "Not everyone would go on such a road on his car." "I would go," I said. Oarser ended. "And so this is not your car," Gorbonus guess. "Well, where did I get the car! This is a rental. " - "Clear," said Gorbonosy, as it seemed to me, disappointed. I felt myself. "And what is the point to buy a car to drive around asphalt? Where asphalt, nothing interesting, and where it is interesting, there is no asphalt. " - "Yes, of course," Gorbonosoye politely agreed. "It's stupid, in my opinion, to do from an idol car," I said. "Stupid," said bearded. "But not everyone thinks." We talked about the cars and came to the conclusion that if you really buy something, this is "GAZ-69", all-terrain vehicles, but, unfortunately, they do not sell. Then the barrel asked: "Where do you work?" I answered. "Higher! - exclaimed a barrel. - Programmer! We need a programmer. Listen, throw your institute and went to us! " - "What do you have?" - "What do we have?" - asked the barrel turning. "Aldan-3," said bearded. "Rich car," I said. - And works well? " "Yes, how to tell you ..." - "understandable," I said. "Actually, she has not yet been debugged," said bearded. "Stay from us, share ..." - "And we will arrange the translation to you in two bills," added Gorbonosy. "What are you doing?" - I asked. "Like all science," said the barrel. - HAPPINESS HUMAN. " "I understand," I said. - Something with space? " "And with space too," said the barrel. "Do not look for goodness," I said. "Metropolitan city and decent salary," said Bearded quietly, but I heard. "Do not," I said. - Do not measure money. " "Yes No, I was joking," said bearded. "He is so joking," said the barrel. "More interesting than us, you will not be anywhere." - "Why do you think so?" - "Sure." - "And I'm not sure." Gorbonosy smiled. "We will still talk about this topic," he said. - Would you stay for a long time in Solovets? " - "Day two maximum." - "Here on the second day and talk." Bearded stated: "Personally, I see the finger of fate - they went through the forest and met the programmer. It seems to me, you are doomed. " - "Do you really need a programmer?" - I asked. "We need a programmer." "I'll talk to the guys," I promised. - I know disgruntled. " "We need not any programmer," said the barrel. - Programmers - the people are deficient, spoiled, and we need careless. " "Yes, it's harder," I said. Gorbonosoy began to bend my fingers: "We need a programmer: a - disadvantaged, BE - a volunteer, the CE - to agree to live in a hostel ..." - "Dee, - picked up bearded, - one hundred twenty rubles." - "What about the wings? - I asked. - Or, say, shine around the head? One in a thousand!" "" And we need one of the only one, "said Gorbonosy. "And if they are only nine hundred?" - "Agree for nine ties."

The forest was broken, we moved through the bridge and shown between potato fields. "Nine o'clock," said Gorbonosy. - Where are you going to spend the night? " - "In the car spending. Shops do you have an hour work? " - "Our shops are already closed," said Gorbonosy. "You can in the hostel," said bearded. - I have a free bed in my room. " "You won't drive up for a hostel," said Gorbonosy thoughtfully. "Yes, perhaps," said the bearded and for some reason laughed. "The car can be put near the police," said the barrel. "Yes, nonsense is," said bearded. - I carry Okolezitz, and you follow me. How will he go to the hostel? " "D-yes, damn," said the barrel. "Indeed, the day will not work - forget about all these things." - "Or maybe transgress it?" "Well, well," said Gorbonosy. - This is not a sofa. And you are not Cristobal Hunt, and I, too ... "

"Yes, you don't worry," I said. - I spend in the car, not the first time.

I suddenly wanted to sleep on the sheets. I already slept in a sleeping bag for four nights.

- Listen, - said Gorbonosy, - Ho-ho! Washed!

- Right! - exclaimed bearded. - On his Lukomorier!

"By God, I spend in the car," I said.

"You spend in the house," said the barrel, "on relatively pure underwear. We must thank you somehow ...

"You can't poke an admiration for you," said bearded.

We entered the city. Vintage strong fences, powerful loggers from giant blackened logs, with non-stroke windows, with carved platbands, with wooden roofs on the roofs are revealed. There were several dirty brick buildings with iron doors, whose type carried out from me the semi-rated word "Labaz". The street was straight and wide and was called the world aisk. Ahead, closer to the center, visible two-storey slag blocks with open seams.

"The next alley right," said the barrel.

I turned on the rotation pointer, slowed down and turned right. The road here threatened her grass here, but some wicket stood, having tried, the new "Zaporozhets". Rooms of houses hung over the gate, and the numbers were barely noticeable on Rusty tin signs. The alley was called elegant: "ul. Lukomorier. " He was a non-masculine and clamped between heavy old fences, given, probably, even at that time, when Swedish and Norwegian pirates were sastals.

"Stop," said the barrel. I braked, and he again shouted his nose about the trunk of a gun. "Now," he said, rubbing his nose. "You wait for me, and I'll go now and all arrange."

- Law, not worth, - I said the last time.

- No conversations. Volodya, hold it on the fly.

Gorbonosoye got out of the car and, fed, squeezed into a low gate. There was no visible at the high gray fence at home. The gate was completely phenomenal, as in the locomotive depot, on rusty iron loops in powder weight. I read the sign with amazement. There were three of them. On the left tint of strictly glittered with thick glass Blue solid signboard with silver letters:

monument to Solovetskaya Starina

On the right tint above hung a rusty tin plate: "Ul. Lukomorier, d. No. 13, N. K. Gorynych ", and under her, a piece of plywood was molded with inscription inklilius and ...

Cat is not working

- What kind of cat? - I asked. - Committee of Defense Equipment?

Bearded giggled.

"You, most importantly, do not worry," he said. - Here we have funny, but everything will be fine.

I got out of the car and began to wipe the windshield. I suddenly come over my head. I looked. At the gate, it was detached, enabling ... Gigantic - I never saw such a black and gray, divorces, cat. Sit down, he sat and indifferently looked at me with yellow eyes. "Kis-Kis-Kis," I said mechanically. The cat politely and coldly snatched a tolement, published a sipid throat sound, and then turned away and began to look inside the yard. From there, because of the fence, the voice of Gorbonosoy said:

- Vasily, my friend, allow you to disturb.

He lung up. The cat rose and silently went to the courtyard. The gate was hardly injected, a terrifying creaking and crackling rang out, and the left grotine slowly opened. The face of the hubnosoy face red from Natugi.

- benefactor! He called. - Drive!

I returned to the car and slowly drove into the courtyard. The yard was extensive, in the depths stood a house from thick logs, and in front of the house there was a squat, immense oak, wide, dense, with a thick crown, obscured the roof. From the gate to the house, rich oak, went down the track, laid out by stone slabs. To the right of the track was a vegetable garden, and on the left, in the middle of the lawn, a well conductive log house with a gate, black from antiquity and covered with moss.

I put the car on the sidelines, turned off the engine and got out. Bearded Volodya also got out and, leaning a gun to board, began to adapt a backpack.

"You and at home," he said.

Gorbonosoye with creak and cracked gate the gate, I, feeling pretty awkward, looked around, not knowing what to do.

- And here is the hostess! - cried bearded. - Whether in healthy, Baushka, Naina Light Kiev!

The hostess was probably for a hundred. She went to us slowly, leaning on a sunghet stick, dragging legs in felt boots with galoshes. She had a dark brown; From the solid mass of wrinkles, the nose, curve and sharp, like Yatagan, and the eyes were pale, dull, as if closed with lords.

"Hello, hello, granddaughters," she said unexpectedly a sonorous bass. - It means that there will be a new programmer? Hello, father, welcome! ..

I bowed, realizing that you need to pose. The head of the grandmother on top of a black down shawl tied under the chin was covered with a cheerful cape plate with multicolored images of atomum and with inscriptions in different languages: "International Exhibition in Brussels". On the chin and under the nose braked rare gray bristles. Dressed was a grandmother in a cotton sleeveless and a black cloth dress.

- So so, Naina Kiev! Said Gorbonosy, applying and wiping with Rust's palms. - We need to arrange our new employee for two nights. Let me imagine ... Mmmm ...

"And not," said the old woman, looking at me intently. - I see it myself. Privalov Alexander Ivanovich, one thousand nine hundred thirty-eighth, male, Russian, member of the VLKSM, no, no, did not participate, was not, it does not have, and there will be you, diamond, distant road and interest in a government house, and fear to you, diamond, It is necessary a man of redhead, unfit, and the gilding handle, yachon ...

- GHM! - said hubbone loudly, and the grandmother stopped. Rights awkward silence.

- You can call just Sasha ... - I squeezed out of myself a pre-prepared phrase.

- And where can I put it? - the grandmother asked.

"In the store, of course," Gorbonosyy said somewhat irritably.

- And who will answer?

- Naina Kiev! .. - Gorbonosyi riddled with a provincial tragian, grabbed the old woman at hand and tops to the house. It was heard as they argue: "After all, we agreed! .." - "... And if he is something stylish? .." - "Yes, you! This is a programmer, understand? Komsomolets! Scientist! .. "-" And if he tosses will be? .. "

I shyly turned to Volodya. Volodya giggled.

"It's embarrassed somehow," I said.

- Do not worry - everything will be fine ...

He wanted to say something else, but here the grandmother smoked wildly: "And the sofa, the sofa! .." I shuddered and said:

- You know, I will probably go, eh?

- Out of the question! Volodya said strongly. - Everything will be worse. Just a grandmother needs a MZDA, and we have no cash with a novel.

"I'll pay," I said. Now I really wanted to leave: I can't stand these so-called everyday collisions.

Volodya climbed his head.

- Nothing like this. Won he already goes. Everything is fine.

Gorbonosyny Roman came up to us, took me by the hand and said:

- Well, everything settled. Let's go

"Listen, inconvenient somehow," I said. - She, in the end, is not obliged ...

But we walked to the house.

"Is obliged, obliged," Roman said.

Walking on the oak, we came to the rear porch. The novel pushed the door to the dermatist, and we were in the hallway, spacious and clean, but poorly lit. The old woman was waiting for us by folding his hands on his stomach and pursing her lips. At the sight of us, she verackedly trussed:

- And the receipt is now! .. So, they say, and so: I took, they say, then something and that something from such a thing that passed the above-mentioned below ...

Roman quietly sawed, and we entered the room allotted to me. It was a cool room with one window with a wounded sieve curtain. Roman told a tense voice:

- Place and be at home.

The old woman from the hallway now jealously asked:

- And the tooth is not asked?

Roman without turning around, snapped:

- Do not pick up! They say you - there is no teeth.

- Then let's go, you will write the receipt ...

Roman raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes, scolded his teeth and shook his head, but still came out. I looked at. The furniture in the room was a bit. The window stood a massive table covered with a dilapidated gray tablecloth with a fringe, in front of the table - a quilecie stool. Near the naked log wall, an extensive sofa was placed, on another wall, missed by different-caliber wallpaper, there was a hanger with some kind of rhochety (vitro, out of coats, drain caps and ruins). A large Russian oven designed to the room, which shining fresh whitewash, and on the contrary, hung a large muddy mirror in the brown frame. The floor was screamed and covered with striped rugs.

Behind the wall, tambourine in two voices: the old woman of Basil on one note, the voice of the novel rose and dropped. "Tablecloth, inventory number of two hundred forty-five ..." - "You write every half half a half! .." - "Dining table ..." - "Do you also write down the furnace? .." - "Order needed ... Sofa ..."

I went to the window and pulled the curtain. Outside the window was oak, nothing was visible anymore. I began to look at the oak. It was apparently a very ancient plant. The bark was gray on it and some kind of dead, and the monstrous roots, climbed from the ground, were covered with a red and white lichen. "And also write oak!" - said the novel over the wall. On the windowsill lay a plump felling book, I thoughtlessly looked at her, moved away from the window and sat down on the sofa. And now I wanted to sleep. I thought that I led the car today fourteen hours, which was not worth it, I hurry so much that my back hurts, and everything is confused in my head, which I don't care, in the end, on this tedious old woman, and soon everything would end and It would be possible to lie down and fall asleep ...

"Well," said Roman, appearing on the threshold. - Formalities are over. - He shook his hand with floating fingers, smeared ink. - Our fingers are tired: we wrote, we wrote ... Go to bed. We leave, and you calmly go to bed. What are you doing tomorrow?

"I'm waiting," I answered sluggish.

- Here. And near the post office.

- Tomorrow you will probably won't leave?

- Tomorrow is unlikely ... most likely - the day after tomorrow.

- Then we will see you. Our love is ahead. - He smiled, waved his hand and came out. I lazily thought that it would be necessary to spend it and say goodbye to Volodya, and Lea. Now the old woman entered the room. I wake up. The old woman looked at me some time.

"I'm afraid I, the father, that you walked to the tooth," she said with anxiety.

"I will not be tidy," I said fatigue. - I will sleep.

- and lie down, and sleep ... the money is only paying and sleep ...

I climbed into the back pocket of the wallet.

- How much?

The old woman raised his eyes to the ceiling.

"The ruble is set for the room ... Polinate for bed linen is mine, not a state." For two nights, there are three rubles ... And how much from generotes they throw - for anxiety, it means - I really do not know ...

I handed her five.

"Since the wrong ruble," I said. - And there will be visible.

The old woman grabbed the money and retired, mumbling something about delivery. There was no time for quite a long time, and I already wanted to smear my hand and for surrender, and on the underwear, but she returned and laid out on the table a hassle of dirty copper.

"That's you and the passing, the father," she said. - Exactly Rublik, you can not recalculate.

"I will not recount," I said. - How about linen?

- Now the bed. You go to the courtyard, walk, and I am a bed.

I went out, pulling the cigarettes on the go. The sun was finally the village, and the white night came. Somewhere ledali dogs. I sat down under the oak on the stubble in the ground, lit up and began to look at the pale sovereign sky. From somewhere silently a cat appeared, looked at me with fluorescent eyes, then quickly scrupted on oak and disappeared in the dark foliage. I immediately forgot about him and shuddered when it was called somewhere at the top. I fell on my head. "So that you ..." - I said out loud and began to shake. I wanted to sleep extraordinarily. The old woman came out of the house, without noticing me, wandered to the well. I understood it so that the bed is ready, and returned to the room.

Harmful grandmother beds on the floor. Well, no, I thought, locked the door to a junk, dragged the bed to the sofa and began to undress. The sump light fell out of the window, the cat fled noisily. I climbed your head, shaking garbage from the hair. Strange it was garbage, unexpected: Large dry fish scales. I will sleep to sleep, I thought, fell on the pillow and immediately fell asleep.

Chapter Second

... The empty house turned into a lair of foxes and badgers, and therefore strangewide and ghosts can appear here.

I woke up in the middle of the night because they talked to the room. Two talked, barely audible whisper. The voices were very similar, but one was a bit sled and hoarse, and the other betrayed extreme irritation.

"Not harsh," whispered annoyed. - Can you not hoarse?

"I can," said squeezed and smoked.

- Yes, you are quiet ... - I stolen irritated.

"Chriznets," explained sick. - Morning cough smokers ... - He checked again.

- I managed from here, "said annoyed.

- Yes, anyway he sleeps ...

- Who is he? Where did you fall from?

- And how much I know?

- Here is the annoyance ... well, just phenomenally is not lucky.

Again, the neighbors do not sleep, I thought I was asked.

I imagined me at home. I have two brothers-physics in my neighbors who love to work at night. They cigarette cigarettes will end with two hours, and then they climb into my room and begin to fool, knocking furniture and converting.

I grabbed the pillow and threw into the emptiness. Something with noise collapsed, and it became quiet.

"Return a pillow," I said, "and get won." Cigarettes on the table.

The sound of his own voice woke me finally. I sat down. The dog was sad, behind the wall stoken of the old woman. I finally remembered where I am. There was no one in the room. In the twilight light, I saw my pillow and junk on the floor, collapsed with hangers. The grandmother will tumble head head, I thought and jumped up. The floor was cold, and I crossed on the rugs. Grandma stopped snoring. I froze. Halfing crashed, something crunched and rustle in the corners. Grandma deafeningly whistled and scared again. I raised the pillow and threw it on the sofa. From Rukhlyadi smelled pins. The hanger fell out of the nail and hung sideways. I corrected her and began to pick up a rhylad. As soon as I hung the last salop, as the hanger was cut off and, sculpting on the wallpaper, again hung on one nail. The grandmother stopped snoring, and I was poured cold later. Somewhere nearby screamed the rooster. In the soup you, I thought with hatred. The old woman began to turn the old wall, creaked and clicked the springs. I waited, standing on one leg. In the yard, someone said Tikonko: "It's time to sleep, we dressed today with you." The voice was young, female. "Sleep so sleep," the other voice responded. He was heard by pulling yawns. - Will you splashing anymore today? " - "Cold something. Come on Binky. It became quiet. The grandmother was buried and stunned, and I carefully returned to the sofa. In the morning I will get early and I will correct everything ...

I lay down on the right side, pulled the blanket on my ear, closed my eyes and suddenly I realized that I didn't want to sleep at all - I want to eat. Ay-Yai Yai, I thought. It was necessary to urgently take action, and I accepted them.

Here, say, the system of two integral equations like star statistics equations; Both unknown functions are under the integral. It is possible to solve, naturally, you can only numerically, say, on the bet ... I remembered our BESM. Custard Color Control Panel. Zhenya puts on this panel newspaper buckthorn and slowly unfolds. "What do you have?" - "I have with cheese and sausage." With Polish half-smoked, circles. "Oh, you need to marry! I have a cutlets, with garlic, homemade. And salty cucumber. " No, two cucumbers ... four cutlets and for even account four strong pickle cucumbers. And four pieces of bread with butter ...

I cast a blanket and sat down. Maybe something left in the car? No, all that was there, I ate. There was a cookbook for Valkina Mom, who lives in Lenjnev. How it is there ... Sauce Pican. Polovakana vinegar, two bulbs ... and the pen. Served to meat dishes ... I remember now: to small bifhtex. Here is meanness, I thought, because it's not just to the bifhtecs, but to Maa-a-allen bifhctecs. I jumped up and ran up to the window. In the night air clearly smelled of ma-a-allen bifhktex. From somewhere from the subsicing of the subconsciously surfaced: "They were served by the usual dishes in the restaurants, somehow: acidic soup, brains with peas, salty cucumber (I swallowed) and the eternal puff sweet cake ..." To distract, I would have thought and took a book from the window sill . It was Alexey Tolstoy, "Gloomy Morning". I opened at random. "Makhno, breaking the sardine key, pulled out a pearl knife from the pocket with a half-length blades and continued to be painted, opening cores with pineapples (I thought badly, I thought), the French pate, with lobsters, which sharply smelled around the room." I carefully put a book and sat down at the table on the stool. The room suddenly discovered a delicious sharp smell: it must be smelled by lobsters. I began to think about why I still have never tried lobsters. Or, say, oysters. Dickens all eaten oysters, wean folding knives, cut thick slices of bread, smeared with oil ... I began to smooth out the tablecloth nervously. On the tablecloths visited incompeted stains. There are a lot of tasty on it. Fir lobsters and brains with peas. Fir a little bifhctecs with a pican sauce. Large and middle bifhtex also ate. The best fade, guess the tooth satisfied ... I was not able to fade away from what, and I began to tsyka tooth.

Probably, I did it loudly and hungry, because the old woman behind the wall creaked the bed, angrily fenced, thundered something and suddenly entered into my room. She had a long gray shirt, and in her hands she was carrying a plate, and the real, and not a fantastic fragrance of food. The old woman smiled. She put a plate right in front of me and sweetly Ipt:

- Fucking-ko, Batyushka, Alexander Ivanovich. Finding what God sent, I sent with me ...

- What are you, that you, Naina Kiev, - I felt, - Why was it so disturbed ...

But in my hand, I already had a fork with a bone handle, and I became there, and the grandmother stood around, nodded and sentenced:

- Kushi, father, eat on a healthy ...

I ate everything. It was a hot potato with fucked oil.

"Naina Kiev," I said Istovo, "you saved me from a hungry death."

- Went? - Naina Kiev said somehow inappropriate.

- Missedly. Thank you very much! You can't imagine ...

"Why not to imagine here," she already interrupted completely irritated. - Went, say? Well, come here a plate ... a plate, say, come on!

"By ... Please," I said.

- "Please, please" ... Feed here for you ...

"I can pay," I said, starting angry.

- "Pay, pay" ... - She went to the door. - And if they do not pay at all for it? And there was nothing to lie ...

- That is how it is to lie?

- And so to lie! He himself said that they would not be tidy ... "she fell silent and disappeared behind the door.

What is she? - I thought. Strange some grandma ... Maybe she noticed hanger? It was heard how she creaks springs, peeling on the bed and grumbling displeasure. Then she fell quietly on some barbaric motive: "I will ride, I, I, Ivashkin's meat, stuff ..." From the window pulled the night cold. I entered, rose to return to the sofa, and then I was painted that I stored the door before bedtime. In the confusion, I went to the door and extended my hand to check the pitch, but my fingers would have touched the cold iron, as everything swam in my eyes. It turned out that I was lying on the sofa, bored with a nose in a pillow, and with my fingers feel cold logs.

For some time I lay, hardening, until I realized that somewhere near the old woman snoring around, and they talk to the room. Someone explained in in a low voice:

- The elephant is the biggest animal of all living on Earth. He has a big piece of meat, which is called a trunk because it is empty and stretched like a pipe. He pulls him out and bends him with all sorts of images and uses it instead of his hand ...

The cold weather from curiosity, I carefully turned to the right side. The room was still empty. The voice continued even more instructing:

- Wine used moderately, very good for the stomach; But when drinking it too much, it produces couples, degrading person to the degree of meaningful cattle. You sometimes saw the drunks and remember an even fair disgust that you had to have ...

I rose jerk and lowered my legs from the sofa. Skolk voice. It seemed to me that they spoke from somewhere because of the wall. Everything was still in the room, even hanger, to my surprise, hung on the spot. And, to my surprise, I really wanted to eat again.

- Tincture Ex Vitro Antimonia, - suddenly proclaimed voice. I shuddered. - Magifterium Antimon Angelius Salae. BAFILIIL OLEUM VIRITE Antimonia Aleksterium Antimoniae! - obvious giggling heard. - That's because nonsense! - said the voice and continued with the upgrade: - Soon the eyes of this, still rejected, do not seek more than the sun, but not to close it, without a fragile notice of my forgiveness and bliss ... This is the "spirit or moral thoughts of Slavnago Jung, learned from the newest thinking of his reflection " Sold in St. Petersburg and in Riga in the book benches Sveshnikov two rubles in the folder. - Someone sobbed. "Also Bredyatina," said the voice and said with the expression:

Ranks, beauty, wealth,
This life is all the cruishes,
Fly, weaken, disappear,
Cee Tlen, and Happiness is false!
Infection hearts are squeezed
And you can not hold fame ...

- And where does this Bedian come from? - I asked. I did not wait for the answer. I was sure that I was sleeping.

- Executions from "Upanishad," - answered with the willingness of the voice.

- And what is "Upanishada"? - I was no longer sure that I was sleeping.

I got up and went to the mirror on the tiptoe. I did not see my reflection. In the muddy glass reflected the curtain, the angle of the furnace and in general a lot of things. But I was not in it.

- Who is speaking? - I asked, looking behind the mirror. There were a lot of dust and dead spiders behind the mirror. Then I pressed the left finger on the left eye. It was an old rule of recognition of hallucinations, which I read in an exciting book by V. V. Bitner "Believe or not to believe?". It is enough to press the finger on the eyeball, and all the real items - unlike hallucinations - split. The mirror was twisted, and my reflection appeared in it - Suspended, alarmed physiognomy. On the feet of the blood. Update your fingers, I went to the window and looked out.

There was no one outside the window, there was no oak. I wipe my eyes and looked again. I clearly saw a sloe-skinned bracket with a gate, gate and my car at the gate. Still I sleep, I thought calmed down. My look fell on the windowsill, on the disheveled book. In the last dream, it was the third volume of "goals of flour", now I read on the cover: "P. I. Karpov. Creativity of mentally ill and its influence on the development of science, art and technology. " Tapping your teeth from chills, I shifted the book and looked at the colored inserts. Then I read "Verse No. 2":

In the circle of clouds high
Black sparrow
Prew quickly above the ground.
He flies at night sometimes
Lunar light lit,
And, unlucky,
He sees everything under him.
Proud, predatory, enraged
And flying like a shadow
Eyes glow as day.

Paul suddenly swung under my legs. There was a piercing stretching creaking, then, like the Gulu of a distant earthquake, it was rumbled: "Ko-o ... ko-o ... ko-o ..." The huts smoked, like a boat on the waves. The courtyard outside the window was moved to the side, and from under the windows got out and put the giant chicken leg with claws to the ground, spent deep furrows in the grass and disappeared. The floor was tightly tilted, I felt that I fell, grabbed my hands for something soft, I knocked sideways and my head and fell from the sofa. I lay on the rugs, clinging to the pillow, falling with me. The room was completely light. Outside the window, someone thoroughly fade.

As wonderful when a person loves his work so much that he does not need a weekend, because he enjoys what makes. This thought reflects the book of the Strugatsky brothers "Monday begins on Saturday," and this applies not only to its name. Writers are transferred to an unusual world in which Soviet reality combined with a fabulous world, it turned out interesting and non-standard. There is a language, a dictionary of terms that may be incomprehensible to people from the real world.

During the trip to friends, the programmer Alexander meets two hunters. They can help him with overnight. When Roman and Vladimir find out that Sasha programmer, then they make it a strange, but an interesting proposal is to work in Niichvo. In this place they are studying the magic and search for answers to the most difficult issues. Sasha will find out about the existence of another world, where there are talking cats, the hut on the courier legs, spelling, movement, clones and a lot more. Most employees are fully immersed in the work that they love, and those who are idle to give their ears. Here are experiments and experiments, some are looking for happiness, other meaning of life, relying on their centuries-old experience with people. And people, in essence, are always looking for the same thing.

The book consists of three equivalent parts by the meaning of parts that complement one other. In the novel, a lot of non-standard humor, and the fantastic component is fond of from the first pages. Thanks to the author's terminology, detailed descriptions the reader together with the hero learns more and more about the new world. It seems that you gradually become an employee of Nichavo. In the novel, there is a satire and allegories, bureaucracy and consumer attitude towards life and to people are ridicule. Thus, the book will become a good fairy tale with a deep meaning for both adolescents and adults.

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Check out one curious work called "Monday begins on Saturday." You will find out the brief content by reading this article. The authors of the work - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - wrote it in 1964. By the genre of the story is "Monday begins on Saturday." A brief content is divided into three stories. It begins, like the work itself, the following events.

Busting around the sofa (first story)

Alexander Privalov, Leningrad Programmer, travels during vacation by car. He goes to the city of Solovets, in which one meeting is planned. Privov is picking up on the way of two employees from the organization of commodity and magic (Nichavo) and brings them to Solovets. Here they arrange him for the night at the Museum of the Institute - the hut on the couch legs (Incenk).

Privov gradually begins to notice various strange phenomena. For example, he is striking the similarity with the Baba-Yaga Naina Kiev Gorynych, Museum Jader. He sees a speaking tree, a mermaid on him, a huge cat that declares songs and fairy tales, and a book-flop over all the time changing content. Privals in the morning caught the pike from the well. She fulfills wishes. As you already, probably, understood, by genre this work is a fantastic humorous story. The main character thinks that everything unusual must obey some system.

History with an undinal pyatak

The Strugatsky brothers describe the strange story, which occurred with the main hero. He finds walking around the city during the day, incomparable income. Privov begins to experiment with it. He buys various things on him. Police interrupts this experiment. Talvivov dismissed into the department, make compensate for damage. And the non-indental income is made and give in return to the usual. Militiamen are not surprised at all as a strange subject.

Lost sofa

Privov, returned to the rope to rest, discovers that the sofa was gone, standing still in the morning. Then one after another strange personalities come to him, showing amazing abilities. They become invisible, fly, pass through the walls and for some reason you are interested in the missing sofa. Privalov between the case learns that this piece of furniture is actually a magic translator of reality. He was kidnapped by Viktor Korneev, an institute officer, for his research work, since the sofa could not be requested from the museum officially because of the bureaucracy of Modesta Matveyevich, administrator. The scandal with the abduction in the morning becomes unmanaged. Privalov for the rescue comes the one whom he threw up to the city is Roman Oir-Oir. He persuades it to enroll him in a programmer. Privov agrees - he was interested in what was happening.

Just fuss (second story)

After about six months after the events described in the first part, the second action unfolds. Alexander Privalov, who now hesitates in the Niisvo computing center, in the New Year's Eve remains at the Institute on duty. He takes the keys from the heads of departments. A series of bright characters who created the Strugatsky brothers, it takes place in front of him - Mages Hunt Kristobal Khoziewicz and Kivrin Fedor Simeonovich, the adaptents and Hallinchiki left Ambrose Ambrozovich and Merlin, director of the Nestrus Institute Janus Poluktovich, who simultaneously exists in two incarnations - as a scientist U-Yanus and As an administrator A-Janus, and others.

Privalov begins bypassing the institute from the building of Vivaria located in the basement. Here are mythological and magical creatures. Then he passes through the floors of the hotels of universal transformations, eternal youth, defense magic, predictions and prophecies, absolute knowledge, meaning of life, linear happiness. Bypassing in the laboratory is still working Vitaka Korneev. His privals are trying to drive out of the room, but with enthusiastic studies can not cope with the practicing magician. He discovers, coming out of the Vitaka laboratory, which at the institute has many employees who preferred to return to the service instead of celebrating the New Year. These all people had one motto: "Monday begins on Saturday." The shortest possible content of his meaning: they saw the purpose of their lives in the knowledge of the unknown and in work. Having met the New Year, all these people returned to their research.

Model of unsatisfied gastrointestinal man

In the laboratory ran out, professor, at this time from the autoclave "hatched" the model of unsatisfied gastrointestinal person. This is a copy of the professor who can only devour everything that edible. Employees are going to the laboratory ran out. Then describe the appearance, accompanied by correspondents and the professor, Brothers Strugatsky ("Monday begins on Saturday"). According to his theory, the path to the spiritual growth and development of the person lies, above all, through the satisfaction of its material needs. The presented model is an intermediate step towards the creation of the model completely satisfied. She successfully demonstrates his ability to eat a lot, more and more. The model, in the end, bursts from the increment, while throwing correspondents and left the contents of the digestive organs. All diverge.

Decision on polygon tests

Some time of the privalov pondering over what is happening, then falls asleep. Further, the following events describe in the work of the Strugatsky brothers ("Monday begins on Saturday"). After the awakening of the privalov, it is trying to create a breakfast with the help of magic, but it becomes instead of witnessing a meeting occurring at the Institute's director. It discusses the issue of the danger of the next model. It eagerly eager to experience it at the institute, and other experienced magicians are offered to spend a few kilometers from the city of polygon tests. Neutrus Piectectovich, director of the institute, after a hot dispute decides to spend them at the landfill, since significant destruction will be accompanied by an experiment. Neutrun makes Roman Oir-Oir "Pre-gratitude" for courage and resourcefulness.

Test model of an ideal person

Privov is present on the test. The model of an ideal person has the ability to satisfy all material needs with magic. She, coming out of the autoclave, tolerates all in the zone of its magical abilities (including things located near people), to themselves, after which it is trying to roll the space. Roman Oir-Oir prevents cataclysm. He throws a bottle with a jinn in the perfect consumer. Ginn, broken free, destroys the model.

Lovely bustle (third story)

Go to the presentation of the third story, which was described in the work of Strugatsky ("Monday begins on Saturday"). I broke the computer "Aldan", - the car on which the main character works. While it is revented, privals stroll at the institute. It falls into one department (absolute knowledge), in which invented Louis Sadlov machine is demonstrated at this time. It can be found in the fictional future or fictional past.

Privov is sent to the future

TRAVELOVA TO THE FUTURE - An interesting episode, which included Strugatsky in their work. "Monday begins on Saturday," thereby acquired a truly epic scope. Privov is sent to the future, agreeing to the experiment. He sees a strange world with her like an ancient ancestors in the inhabitants. Then privov is among people, the same as his contemporaries, externally. However, in their world, travels on space ships for distant planets are already taking place. After that, privalov turns out in the return era. In it, people flew to distant stars and planets returned to Earth. He notes that the iron wall is in this world, and learns that the world of fear is behind her. Once behind the wall, Privalov sees war, murder and blood.

Privov comes to Oir-Oir and sees the dead parrot in the laboratory lying in the cup. Yanus Poluktovich, director of the institute, calls this parrot with a photonchik. He burns his corpse into the oven, dispelves ash in the wind and leaves. The novel is surprised because he found a green burnt feather in the afternoon in the afternoon. As it could appear, if only today was burned parrot, and there was no other paint around the same color, it remains a mystery.

Privalov, the next day, composes stella poems with the Witcher for the wall newspaper. Suddenly he sees the same green parrot enters the room. It flies, but it is not quite healthy. Other employees appear. They are interested in where this parrot came from. Then everyone is accepted for their work, but suddenly notice that the parrot lies dead. The inscription "Photon" and the ring with numbers can be seen on its foot. It was on the parrot foot lying yesterday dead in a cup. All perplexed. The artist Drozd puts a random parrot into a cup.

EUM is corrected the next day. The main character starts to work. Then the novel calls him and says that there is no longer any parrot in the cup and nobody saw him. The main character is surprised, but then, absorbed by work, stops thinking about it. Roman a little later calls again and asks Talvivov to come. When he comes, he detects a live green parrot, on the paw of which the ring can be seen.

The parrot is responsible for the words of employees in other words. Unable to establish a semantic connection between them. Then the parrot is called the names of those present, and it briefly characterizes everyone: the primitive, old, rude, etc., employees cannot understand where he knows it all.

Who is actually Janus Polookovich

We are approaching the curious finals that the book "Monday begins on Saturday is completed." To friends comes the idea that the parrot belongs to Janus SemiChtovich, even more mysterious personality. This one in two never appears at twelve o'clock in the night in humans. He also can't remember after midnight, which was before her. Janus Poluktovich, in addition, predicts an unmistakably future.

Scientists guess in the end, that it is possible to smoke here, in other words, the flow of time in the opposite generally accepted direction. If the parrot was contramided, it means that he could be alive today, and yesterday, after death, he was put in a cup. The day before yesterday, he was burned by Janus when he found it. And the day before it remained in the stove of the burnt feather found by the novel.

Roman is trying to explain what happened to the concept of contrape. It was actually a spacecraft. The aliens who were in it were contraartments. They lived from the future in the past, by the standards of ordinary people.

Two incarnations of Janus Seactovich

Scientists have solved the secret of Janus Seactovich. He was engaged in science in the face of A-Janus until he discovered the idea of \u200b\u200bcoughing. Then he understood how it could be done in practice. And in a year, which is still far to the future for employees of Nichavo, living now, he turned himself, as well as a photon, his parrot, in contramons. After that, he began to live on the line of time to reverse. And now every midnight director passes today from tomorrow. He lives in the form of a-Janus, as ordinary people, that is, from the past to the future, but in the form of U-Janus - on the contrary, from the future in the past. Both embodiments remain in one person. They are combined in space and time.

Meeting with U-Janus

Privov during dinner meets U-Janus. He asks, taking courage whether it is possible to go to him tomorrow morning. He responds that Talvivov will call the Kitegrad tomorrow morning, therefore, it will not work. Then he adds that the future, the only thing for everyone, does not exist. There are many of them, and some of them creates every human act.

This ends the story "Monday begins on Saturday." A summary of how you understand, only its basic events in general. After reading the text of the work, you will learn many curious details.

"Monday begins on Saturday" Reviews from most readers causes positive. Fans this work will have to be especially like. Tale of the Strugatsky brothers - very exciting and interesting, and this is no exception. The work of writers today is very popular. Perhaps, with complete confidence it can be said that one of the most famous stories is "Monday begins on Saturday." Quotes from this work, and especially its name, often you can hear from the mouth of fiction lovers.

A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky

Monday begins on Saturday

But what is more strange, which is incomprehensible, this is how the authors can take similar plots, I confess, it's quite incomprehensible, it's for sure ... no, no, I don't understand at all.

N.V. Gogol.

The first story

Sweets around the sofa


TEACHER: Children, write down the offer: "Fish sat on a tree."

Pupil: Does fish sit on the trees?

TEACHER: Well ... it was a crazy fish.

School joke

approached to the place of my destination. Around me, clinging to the road itself, Zelell Forest, occasionally giving way to the glades, smoking yellow Russian. The sun was adjacent for an hour, everything could not sit down and hung low above the horizon. The car rolled along a narrow road, filled with crispy gravel. Large stones I let go under the wheel, and every time in the trunk clanged and smashed empty canisters.

On the right of the forest came out two, stepped on the road and stopped, looking into my side. One of them raised his hand. I dropped gas, considering them. It was, as it seemed to me, hunters, young people, maybe a little older than me. I liked their faces, and I stopped. The one that raised his hand, slept in the car a dark hubbone face and asked, smiling:

Do you not throw us up to Solovets?

The second, with a red beard and without a mustache, also smiled, looking out because of his shoulder. Positively, these were pleasant people.

Let's sit down, "I said. - Onehead, the other back, and then I have a junk there, in the back seat.

Benefactor! - Gorbonosoye deliberately, took off his gun from his shoulder and sat down next to me.

Bearded, peeping hesitantly into the back door, said:

And can I here a little of that? ..

I laughed across the back and helped him clear the place occupied by a sleeping bag and a rolled tent. He satively sat down, putting a gun between his knees.

Cover the door better, "I said.

Everything went, as usual. The car started. Gorbonosoy turned back and spoke lively that much more pleasant to go in a passenger car than to walk. Bearded vaguely agreed and slapped and slapped the door. "Cloak, choose," I advised, looking at him in the rearview mirror. "You have a raincoat". Five minutes later everything was finally settled. I asked: "Ten Solovets kilometers?" "Yes," answered the barrel. - or a little more. The road is true, unimportant - for trucks. " "The road is quite decent," I objected. "I promised me that I would not eat at all." - "On this road, even in the fall you can drive." - "Here is perhaps, but from the box - ground." - "This year the summer is dry, everything dried." - "Under the sunshine, they say rain," noticed bearded in the back seat. "Who is speaking?" - asked Gorbonosy. "Merlin says." For some reason they laughed. I pulled the cigarettes, lit and offered them to treat them. "Clara Zetkin Factory," said the barrel, looking at the pack. - Are you from Leningrad? " - "Yes". - "Travel?" "Traveling," I said. - Do you have a local one? " - "Native," said Gorbonosy. "I'm from Murmansk," said bearded. "For Leningrad, probably, that Solovets, that Murmansk is the same thing: north," said the barrel. "No, why," I said politely. "Will you dwell in Solovets?" - asked Gorbonosy. "Of course," I said. "I'm in Solovets and food." - "Do you have relatives or acquaintances?" "No," I said. - I just wait for the guys. They go by the shore, and the Solovets is from us - Randevo's point. "

Ahead, I saw a big scratching of the stones, slowed down and said: "Keep tightly." The car shook and jumped. Gorbonosy bruise nose about the trunk of a gun. Motor jumped, stones beat in the bottom. "Poor car," said the barrel. "What to do ..." - I said. "Not everyone would go on such a road on his car." "I would go," I said. Oarser ended. "And so this is not your car," Gorbonus guess. "Well, where did I get the car! This is a rental. " - "Clear," said Gorbonosy, as it seemed to me, disappointed. I felt myself. "And what is the point to buy a car to drive around asphalt? Where asphalt, nothing interesting, and where it is interesting, there is no asphalt. " - "Yes, of course," Gorbonosoye politely agreed. "It's stupid, in my opinion, to do from an idol car," I said. "Stupid, - said bearded. "But not everyone thinks." We talked about the cars and came to the conclusion that if you really buy something, this is "GAZ-69", all-terrain vehicles, but, unfortunately, they do not sell. Then the barrel asked: "Where do you work?" I answered. "Higher! - exclaimed a barrel. - Programmer! We need a programmer. Listen, throw your institute and went to us! " - "What do you have?" - "What do we have?" - asked the barrel turning. "Aldan-3," said bearded. "Rich car," I said. - And works well? " "Yes, how to tell you ..." - "understandable," I said. "Actually, she has not yet been debugged," said bearded. "Stay from us, share ..." - "And we will arrange the translation to you in two bills," added Gorbonosy. "What are you doing?" - I asked. "Like all science," said the barrel. - HAPPINESS HUMAN. " "I understand," I said. - Something with space? " "And with space too," said the barrel. "Do not look for goodness," I said. "Metropolitan city and decent salary," said Bearded quietly, but I heard. "Do not," I said. - Do not measure money. " "Yes No, I was joking," said bearded. "He is so joking," said the barrel. "More interesting than us, you will not be anywhere." - "Why do you think so?" - "Sure." - "And I'm not sure." Gorbonosy smiled. "We will still talk about this topic," he said. - Would you stay for a long time in Solovets? " - "Day two maximum." - "Here on the second day and talk." Bearded stated: "Personally, I see the finger of fate - they went through the forest and met a programmer. It seems to me, you are doomed. " - "Do you really need a programmer?" - I asked. "We need a programmer." "I'll talk to the guys," I promised. - I know disgruntled. " "We need not any programmer," said the barrel. - Programmers - the people are deficient, spoiled, and we need careless. " "Yes, it's harder," I said. Gorbonosoy began to bend my fingers: "We need a programmer: a - disadvantaged, BE - a volunteer, the CE - to agree to live in a hostel ..." - "Dee, - picked up bearded, - one hundred twenty rubles." - "What about the wings? - I asked. - Or, say, shine around the head? One in a thousand!" "" And we need one of the only one, "said Gorbonosy. "And if they are only nine hundred?" - "Agree for nine ties."

The forest was broken, we moved through the bridge and shown between potato fields. "Nine o'clock," said Gorbonosy. - Where are you going to spend the night? " - "In the car spending. Shops do you have an hour work? " - "Our shops are already closed," said Gorbonosy. "You can in the hostel," said bearded. - I have a free bed in my room. " "You won't drive up for a hostel," said Gorbonosy thoughtfully. "Yes, perhaps," said the bearded and for some reason laughed. "The car can be put near the police," said the barrel. "Yes, nonsense is," said bearded. - I carry Okolezitz, and you follow me. How will he go to the hostel? " "Yes, yes, damn," said Gorbonosy. "Indeed, the day will not work - forget about all these things." - "Or maybe transgress it?" "Well, well," said Gorbonosy. - This is not a sofa. And you are not Cristobal Hunt, and I, too ... "

Yes, you do not worry, "I said. - I spend in the car, not the first time.

I suddenly wanted to sleep on the sheets. I already slept in a sleeping bag for four nights.

Listen, - said Gorbonosy, - Ho-ho! Washed!

Right! - exclaimed bearded. - On his Lukomorier!

By God, I spent in the car, "I said.

You spend in the house, "said the barrel, - on relatively pure underwear. We must thank you somehow ...

Not a half-story you poke, "said bearded.

We entered the city. Vintage strong fences, powerful loggers from giant blackened logs, with non-stroke windows, with carved platbands, with wooden roofs on the roofs are revealed. Several dirty brick buildings were caught with iron doors, the type of which I made from my memory a semi-rated word "Labases". The street was straight and wide and was called the world aisk. Ahead, closer to the center, visible two-storey slag blocks with open seams.

The next alley right, "said the barrel.

I turned on the rotation pointer, slowed down and turned right. The road here threatened her grass here, but some wicket stood, having tried, the new "Zaporozhets". Rooms of houses hung over the gate, and the numbers were barely noticeable on Rusty tin signs. The alley was called elegant: "ul. Lukomorier. " He was a non-masculine and clamped between heavy old fences, given, probably, even at that time, when Swedish and Norwegian pirates were sastals.

Very briefly the 60s of the 20th century. Traveling by car, the young programmer brings two employees of the institution of sorcerence and magic, with the help of which the magic enters the mysterious and funny world.

The story is the first. Sweets around the sofa

The Leningrad Programmer Alexander Privov during the holidays travels by car and goes to the city of Solovets, where the meeting is planned. On the way, he picks up two employees of Nichavo (research institute of sorcerence and magic) and brings them to Solovets, where they arrange it for overnight in the Institute Museum - toolkirt (hut on kurichy legs). A little to the privalov begins to notice unusual phenomena - the similarity of the museum's cloth, the Nains of Kiev Gorynych, with a Baba-Yaga, saying the mirror, a huge cat, recording fairy tales and songs, a mermaid on a tree and a book-reversal, in which the content changes all the time. In the morning of the privalov caught a pike from the well, executing desires. He thinks that all these unusualities should fit into some kind of system.

Walking in the afternoon around the city, he finds a neramenny income and begins to experiment with him, buying various things on him. This experiment interrupts the police. Privovov turns out to be in the department where it is forced to compensate for damage, and the Pyat is made and exchanged on the usual one. At the same time, the police are not surprised by this strange subject.

Returning to the womb to rest, the privals discovers the disappearance of the sofa, which was still in the morning. Then the strange personalities come to Privalov, which demonstrate incredible abilities: fly, become invisible, pass through the walls, and for some reason they are interested in the disappeared sofa. Between the business of Privalov learns that in fact the sofa is a magical translator of reality. He was abducted by one of the staff of the institute Viktor Korneev for research work, since it was not possible to officially refer to it from the museum because of the bureaucracy of Modest administrator Matveyevich Kornoyedov. In the morning, the scandal with the abduction of the sofa acquires an uncontrollable character, and Roman Oyra-Oir comes to the aid of Privalov, whom he threw up to the city. He persuades the programmer to go to work in Nichavo. Privov agrees - it is interested in it.

History Second. Vanity

The action of the second part occurs in about six months after the first.

In the New Year's Eve, Alexander Privalov, the head of the computing center of Nichavo, remains to be on duty at the institute. He takes the keys to all chiefs of departments. Around him passes a series of bright characters - Magi Fyodor Simeonovich Kivrin and Kristobal Khosiewicz Hunt, Khalvychiki and adaptors Merlin and Ambrosy Ambruzovich eaten, director of the Institute Janus Polookovich Nestrushev, existing at the same time in two embodiments - as an administrator A-Janus and as a scientist U-Janus, and Others. Then Privalov is making a search of the Institute since the building of Vivarium located in the basement, where magic and mythological creatures are contained, through the floors of the linear happiness departments, the meaning of life, the absolute knowledge, predictions and prophecies, defense magic, eternal youth, universal transformations. Bypass ends in the laboratory of Vitaki Korneev, which still works. Privov is trying to drive the corneeva from the laboratory, but with a practicing magic, enthusiastically, can not cope. Coming out of the Korneev laboratory, he discovers that the Institute is full of employees who, instead of meeting the New Year of the House, chose to return to their laboratories. The motto of these people was "Monday begins on Saturday," and the meaning of his life they saw in the work and knowledge of the unknown. Having met the New Year, they continued their research.

At this time, in the Laboratory of Professor, "hatched" from the autoclave "The model of a man dissatisfied with gastrointestinal". The model, a copy of the professor ran out, is capable only to devour everything edible. Employees gather in the laboratory, the professor itself appears accompanied by correspondents. According to the theory, the path to the development and spiritual growth of the individual lies through the satisfaction of the material needs, and this model is an intermediate stage on the way to creating a model of an ideal person, "man completely satisfied". The model successfully demonstrates that, satisfying his gastric needs, there is a lot there are a lot - the further, the more. In the end, the model is bursting from the increment, throwing the tartled and correspondents with the contents of their digestive organs. Employees disagree.

Privals reflect on what is happening for some time, then falls asleep. Waking up, he tries with the help of magic to create a breakfast to himself, but instead the meeting witness with the Director of the Institute, where the question of how dangerous can be the following model is discussed. The professor eagerly wants to test it right at the institute, while other experienced magicians insist on polygon tests a few kilometers from the city. After a hot dispute, the director of the Institute Janus Poluktovich Nestrushev decides to conduct testing at the landfill, since "the experiment will be accompanied by significant destructions." Nestrushev also puts the "preliminary gratitude" of Roman Oir-Oir for "resourcefulness and courage."

Privalov managed to visit the test. "A man model satisfied completely" had the ability to satisfy all his material needs with the help of magic. Coming out of the autoclave, the model transfers all material values \u200b\u200bto which it can reach their magical abilities (including things of people nearby), and then trying to turn the space. The cataclysm prevents Roman Oyra-Oir, who throws a Ginno bottle in an ideal consumer, and the jeans-free destroys the elegal model.

The third story. Any bustle

AVM "Aldan", on which the privals work, broke. Until it is repaired, privals travel around the institute and falls into the absolute knowledge department, where at this moment the car is demonstrated, invented by Louis Sadlov, on which you can get into the fictional past or fictional future.

He comes to the novel Oir-Oir and sees a dead parrot in the laboratory lying in a cup. The director of the Institute Janus Polookovich comes, calls a parrot photonchik, burns his corpse in the oven, the ashes dispelled in the wind and goes out. Oir-Oiru Roman is surprised, as he earlier, he found in the stove burned green feather. Where it came from, if the parrot was burned today, and there was no other green parrots near and close, there remains a secret.

The next day of the privalov, together with the Witcher, the stella composes poems for the wall newspaper and suddenly sees the same greenery parrot in the room. It flies, but it looks not completely healthy. Other employees come and are interested, where this parrot came from. Then everyone is accepted for work, but suddenly see that the parrot lies the dead. On his foot - the ring with numbers and the inscription "Photon". The same was on the paw of the parrot, which yesterday lay dead in a cup. No one understands what the matter is. The artist Drozd randomly puts a parrot into a cup.

The next day, the computer is corrected, and the privals starts work. Roman calls him and reports that there is no longer a parrot in the cup, and no one has seen him. Privov is surprised, but then, absorbed by work, ceases to think about it. A little later, Roman is calling again and asks him to come. When Privov comes, he sees a lively green parrot with a rings on the paw.

For the words of employees, the Nichavo parrot responds in other words, but the semantic relationship between them cannot be established. Then the parrot starts to call the names of the gathered, everyone he briefly characterizes: Rough, Star, primitive, etc. Employees do not understand where he has such information.

To friends, it comes to mind that this mysterious parrot belongs to the director Janus SemiChtovich, the personality is even more mysterious. This man, one in two faces, never appears in humans at midnight, and after midnight, he can't remember that it was up to it. In addition, Janus Polookovich unmistakably predicts the future.

In the end, scientists guess that it is possible to smoke here: the time of time in the direction opposite to the generally accepted. If the parrot was contramided, then he could be alive today, yesterday died and was laid in a cup, the day before yesterday was found in the cup Janus and burned, and another day earlier in the stove left the burnt feather, which was found.

Roman tries to explain the case with a tungssum meteorite, based on the concept of controversy: it was not a meteorite, but a spacecraft, and the aliens in it were contraartments and lived, by the standards of ordinary people, from the future in the past.

Mystery of Janus Polookovich solved. He existed in the face of A-Janus and was engaged in science, until he came to the idea of \u200b\u200bcoughing and realized how to implement it in practice. And in a year, who for those living now, the employees of Nichavo - is still a distant future, he turned himself and his parrot photon in contramets, began to live back in a rule of time, and now every midnight moves from tomorrow. In the form of A-Janus, he lives like all ordinary people, from the past to the future, and in the form of U-Janus - from the future in the past. At the same time, both embodiments of Janus Seactovich remain one person and are combined in time and space.

During the dinner, Privov meets U-Janus, and taking courage, asks if you can go to it tomorrow morning. U-Janus replies that tomorrow, Tomorrow, the Talvanov will call in the Shipgrad, so it will not be possible to go. Then he adds: "... Try to understand, Alexander Ivanovich, that there is no only for all the future. There are many of them and every one of them is creating any of them ... "