Andrei Gubin passed a DNA test and put a point in a dark history with an extramarital son. Does Andrei Gubina has an extra-fellow son: the guy who declared himself turned out to be an exact copy of the artist Maxim Khasnyuk singer

Andrei Gubin passed a DNA test and put a point in a dark history with an extramarital son. Does Andrei Gubina has an extra-fellow son: the guy who declared himself turned out to be an exact copy of the artist Maxim Khasnyuk singer
Andrei Gubin passed a DNA test and put a point in a dark history with an extramarital son. Does Andrei Gubina has an extra-fellow son: the guy who declared himself turned out to be an exact copy of the artist Maxim Khasnyuk singer

In the next release of the transfer of Lera Kudryavtseva and Oscar, the jackets "Stars came together" the piquant situation, in which the singer was hit by Andrei Gubin. The studio has a 21-year-old young man named Maxim, who said that allegedly is the extramarital son of the artist.


Maxim said that he was brought up by his mother, without his father, and when he already became a teenager, she reported to him that his dad allegedly was Andrei Gubin, with whom she met at his concert in Donetsk.

Gubin has completely categorically responded to the story of the young man, who, by the way, is very similar to the singer. Andrei said that he could not have extramarital children. "I know that I have always had a certain pureliness in a relationship with women. I watched very carefully, because I understood that an abortion is a serious thing for a woman," Gubin said.

Spectators in the studio, among whom turned out to be a lot of domestic celebrities, offered Andrei to take a DNA test to paternity. "I do not deny that twenty years ago walked and hanging out with girls in different cities, when it was in a round in Russia. Everything could happen. But if this guy is tuned seriously - please meet him in court," Ready for radical actions singer.

Among the public there were those who suggested that Maxim was announced for the sake of PR. The guy began a musical career. Interestingly, Maxim even pointed out in the official group on a social network that he is the son of Andrei Gubin. He reacted very naturally to it. "Thank you for promoting me," Gubin said as hard.

It should be noted that the Studio did not appear in the Studio, the Gubin's Mother Maxim, a woman named Marina. However, Maxim himself explained this circumstance by the fact that she gave him to Blanche to him - so that he would understand this matter.

Recall, recently, Andrei Gubin, which disappeared from the field of view of the fans and representatives of the press, returns its popularity. It all started with the fact that the singer gave an interview by explaining the disappearance of severe illness, which torments him strongly - left-sided propalgia. This is the defeat of the nervous system, because of him he suffers from pain in the face.

Recently, Star of the 90s Andrei Gubin spoke about his illness, which caused his leaving the scene. The singer stated that he suffers from left-sided propalgia - the disease of the nervous system causing facial pain. The once popular artist leads a secluded lifestyle, does not appear and does not appear in society. Andrei's personal life is also not laid, but recently it turned out that Gubin has an extramarital son.

On the show channel NTV "Stars agreed", the artist met a 21-year-old Maxim, who assures that he is the son of Gyuba. The young man told that many years ago his mother had a novel with a singer. Guests in the studio noted that Maxim is very similar to Andrei. The singer himself was skeptical and even wanted to deal with the alleged son in court.

It seems, Andrey decided to change the anger to mercy. On September 23, a new release of Lera Kudryavtseva "secret per million" was released on the NTV channel. The hero show became Gubin. The singer decided to figure out the situation with the extramarital son without the participation of the court and for this agreed to pass the DNA test. The result of the examination was voiced in the broadcast air.

The Hubin show also spoke about leaving the scene, difficult relationships with relatives and novels with fans.

Andrei Gubin musician in the 90s had incredible popularity, collected stadiums and earned millions, remained a bachelor and glory glory left with pop. The singer who had millions of fans, assured that he had no wife or children. Suddenly, a guy appeared, who calls himself the son of Andrei Gubin. Is the self-director he or an extreme-walled child of the artist?

The secret of paternity will help disclose the DNA test, which spent right during the shooting of the program "Secret by Million". The leading Lere Kudryavtsevaya musician frankly told about his income during the years of musical career, buying a 4-room apartment and several cars. Gubin admitted that he came to the record of the transfer in the jacket for 2 thousand rubles.

The performer remembered his childhood. According to him, his father did not indulge his father, but he grooved, at the same time earning his son nicely on the musical abilities. He told Gubin and about how care for the sister lay on his shoulders. In the studio, the Kumir 90s had to listen to the claims of former girls and admit to all treasures.

A young man named Maxim, calling himself an extreme-marital son Andrei Gyubin, like two drops of water look like a musician. About who his biological father, Mama told Mom, who was one of the numerous fans of the singer.

Gubin himself carefully listened to a detailed story about the allegedly had a random connection and a possible heir who was engaged in music and from the scene sings the chips of the 90s, which glorified him himself. For more than 8 years, Maxim kept silence and did not seek meetings with the idol of the past years, which he considers his father. The young man passed the biomaterial for DNA test to get an unambiguous answer to the question: Is the musician his biological parent?

Gubin himself was previously refused to conduct such a study, but suddenly agreed. The results of the examination of Lera Kudryavtseva voiced in the Studio of the program "Secret by Million". The guy was not the son of a famous performer.

On the transfer of "Stars agreed" by 43-year-old Andrei Rubin presented allegedly his son. The 21-year-old Maxim Kvassnyuk as two drops of water look like a young row, also engaged in music and argues that the artist met his mother Marina on tour in Donetsk. The girl was a fan of the singer, after the concert, somehow got to him for the scenes, where they had a random connection. The fact that his father is a famous artist, Maxim recognized in the 8th grade after a quarrel with his mother. Also told that he has a father who grown him, and he carries his last name. Mom did not come to the transmission, because he asked not to interfate his father in this story.

Hubin himself was sincerely surprised by a sudden acquaintance with the Son and could not even remember at least Marina from Donetsk, with whom he could be familiar. True, he admitted that he really had a relationship with fans.

With fans there were a relationship. I fell in love. Leaving the next day, but two weeks of love lasted.

True, the singer told that he was "very attentive in relations with women," not wanting to make abortions. Therefore, in the fact that he is a real father of Maxim, he does not believe. The present suggested the singer to pass DNA test for paternity. In response, Gubin declared that he refuses to do and ready to meet with the alleged son in court.

I have never seen this girl. Female tricks I do not know. I do not deny that twenty years ago walked and hanging out with girls in different cities when he was on tour in Russia. Everything could happen. But if this guy is tuned seriously - please meet him in court.

Cam Maxim over the air has repeatedly stressed that it does not need anything from Pope: neither recognition, no money, nor inheritance. He himself is engaged in music, composes songs and performs them himself, including performing cubes on well-known hits - there is in his repertoire and pair of songs "Pope". The studio even showed a video from Maxim's concert, but his "dad", judging by his reaction, was not impressed by the guy's vocal data.


  • Andrei Gubin was once very popular in Russia. However, the singer had disappeared from the screens for several years ago and stopped giving concerts. This spring Gubin - he found left-sided propalgi. This is the disease of the nervous system, due to which a person has constant pain in the facial muscles. One of the last interviews of the artist, during which he cannot hide the traces of his illness, recently exploded the Internet.
  • Gubin never was married, but admits that he lived twice a civil marriage for about a year and a half. The fact that he has no wife and children, the artist does not regret. He says all his forces are now going to restore health.

A young 21-year-old man from Donetsk Maxim Khasnyuk is the extramarital son of Andrei Gubin, "he stated on the TV show" Stars agreed "NTV. Maxim Khasnyuk pseudonym "Maxi" represents himself a musician, singer and songwriters. In May 2017, he released the song "Route Built," often stands with the songs of Andrei Gubin. Producer "Maxi" - Julia Cold, by the way, he also writes songs to a musician, believes that the NTV television channel did not reveal all the facts on the transfer of Andrei Gubin and his son. She also reported in the video that they went beyond the answers of DNA test, as they were promised to shoot the organizers of the shooting, they would take data from the river for DNA, but they were deceived and did not provide anything.

On the transfer of "Stars agreed" Maxim said that the purpose of His arrival on the air is to recognize Andrei Rubin him as a son. He does not need any money, inheritance, etc. On the contrary, he is even ready to help his biological father, if necessary.

How Andrei Gubin became a father

From the words of a young musician: My mom, when I studied in the 8th grade, accidentally admitted to me that my father who brought me up, not my native dad. What is the singer Andrei Gubin! It happened 21 a year ago, when the popular singer Andrei Gubin performed in Donetsk. Mom with his girlfriend somehow broke through the scenes and there they met a musician. After the concert was Sabantuy, where they drank a little, it led to a fleeting relationship, after which the Maxim boy appeared.

Many of the popular stars of the Russian show business, the guests of the ether did not believe the young guy, which appeared spontaneously and stuck everyone with his statement. Victor Loginov (Gena Bukin) believes that the boy just came to propagate, because he is a musician, singing the songs of Andrei Gubin and wants due to the name "Father" of the Fame and ingress of the show business.

Ovenful Son Andrei Gubina - Maxim Komasnyuk Photo

Andrei Gubin reported that he was a very clean man, especially in a relationship with a woman. He is quite sure that Maxim is not his son, it simply cannot be. Also, the artist "Boy Tragging" and "Lisa" refuses to do DNA.

Video TV shows "Stars Communted" Ovenful Son Andrei Gubina