The best questions in the transfer that where when. Questions from the program "What? Where? When? The title of Academician Club

The best questions in the transfer that where when. Questions from the program
The best questions in the transfer that where when. Questions from the program "What? Where? When? The title of Academician Club
  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 05/18/2007:

    At the facade of the building of the Land Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg, representatives of different countries in national clothes were depicted. And only a representative of a single European country, the artist decided to draw not in national clothes, but naked with a piece of fabric in his hands.
    Attention, question: What country did this nude person presented?


    When the chief of this building, Major General Anhalt asked the artist, why this man is naked, the artist replied: "This is a Frenchman, your Excellency! They change the fashion every day. "

    Experts lost the question.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 12/31/1994:

    Can you call a length of 140 cm long, 80 cm wide 45 cm high, with which the Dutch of the 17th century tried to reduce their blood pressure?


    Dutch 17th century, fleeing from high blood pressure ... slept sitting. The device for this served just a short bed.

    The team of Alexey Blinova played. Victory viewer.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 05/28/2004:

    ATTENTION, QUESTION: Guess the Russian folk riddle:
    There is a head, there is no brain.
    Ears are, there is no hearing.
    There is a spin, there is no belly.


    There is a head, there is no brain.
    Ears are, there is no hearing.
    There is a spin, there is no belly. This is a lap!

    Experts answered wrong.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 09/12/1989:

    What exactly cut sliced \u200b\u200bby the ordinary scissors Mary Kuant, for which he received the Order of the British Empire?


    In 1963, the girl from Wells Mary Kuant cut off his hem at his skirt. For the invention of "mini" fashion, it was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

    I answered Nural Latypov, but the version of the experts turned out to be wrong.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 12/21/1996:

    According to the Egyptian legend, Pharaoh once instructed his priests to find a word that would appreciate all the wisdom of the world. The word that now the modern philosophical dictionary is interpreted as "zone, within which this quality can be modified, while maintaining its essential characteristics." ATTENTION, QUESTION: Find this word.


    The word found the priests, which "would" have all the wisdom of the world "- this is a word ... Measure.

    Maxim Potashev gave an incorrect answer, the experts lost.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 05.01.2000:

    "Life is a tragedy for those who feel."
    Attention, question: And for whom is the life of the comedy, from the point of view of the Finnish writer Larney Marty?


    Larney Marty said: "Life is a tragedy for those who feel and comedy for those who think!"

    Roshman Askerov replied incorrectly.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 03/15/2003:

    In the second half of the XIX century, many hairdressers opened in Moscow.
    Why was it taken in the center of the hall to install a large aquarium in the center of the hall? What was he needed for?


    There were leeches in the aquariums, because at that time some medical services provided in the hairdressers.

    Played team newbies! The question is "crushed".

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 05.12.1992:

    In the old Japanese temple in the new year, the bells are blank exactly one hundred eight shots. And with the last, 108 blow, the Japanese seems to be born again.
    ATTENTION, QUESTION: What does it mean for the Japanese every new year bell kick?


    In the New Year, the Japanese seems to be born again. By giving, every Japanese has 108 sins, and with each bell shock, the Japanese is cleaned from one of its vices.

    Leonid Klimovich brought the team point.

  • The question sounded in the teleigre "What? Where? When?" 04/23/1980:

    Imagine a whale mustache ... or a few whale mustache! These objects in their lives were, if you can put it in the blue. And this is blue is, if you can put it, in something red.
    ATTENTION, QUESTION: Call it blue and is it red?

A long time ago, Persian Shah wanted to learn what determines the actions and human behavior in this life. First, Shaha's helpers were a whole volume, then one page, and then found a single word. Question: Name this is the main word. (1995)

The answer of the experts: love.

Correct answer: survival.

Medical experiments

One therapist believed that the people of his profession should have two qualities. First, this is a complete lack of squeamishness. Secondly, observation. At his lectures at the Institute, where he taught, he showed such an experience: I took urine, lowered my finger there, then I got it and licked him and defined it to taste, whether the patient diabetes or not. Question: After a few minutes, repeat this experience. (1997)

The answer of the experts:you need to lower one finger in the urine, and lick - another.

Correct answer: Experts answered correctly.

Oriental fairy tales

The Arabs argued that the female face without it is like dawn without the sun. Question: What are they so? (2003)

The answer of the experts:without a smile.

Correct answer: without a mole.

Dish of nomads

Cognots brought a cauldron with a hole in the lid.

During a trip to Central Asia, the viewer watched the nomads prepared an amazing dish - a snake stuffed with rice. Moreover, the trunk of the snake turned out to be thicker. Question: One minute you should describe in detail what nomads did to cook this dish? (2005 year)

The answer of the experts:pour water to the cauldron, killed snake to put in the dishes so that the tail is at the bottom, and the head looked out through the hole in the Kazan. The cook was supposed to open the mouth of the snake and tackle the rice.

Correct answer:pour into the cauldron of water, put there live snake and cover the lid. Due to lack of oxygen, a live snake encourages his head itself into the hole, opens the mouth, the cook begins to throw back there.

Room equation

Recently, a group of American sociologists issued an equation by which you can calculate the rate of increasing the number of purchased bestsellers (that is, if you know how many books were purchased in the first week, it will be possible to know how many buy them in a month, for example). But it turned out that a similar equation has long been known. True, it is used in another sphere of human activity. Question: What is calculated by the same equation as the spread of bestsellers? (2010)

The answer of the experts: Grow epidemics.

Correct answer:

Prosthesis of memory

In the black box now is that the writer Vladimir Soloohin called the prosthesis of memory? Question: What is in a black box? (year 2012)

The answer of the experts: camera.

Correct answer:notebook.

Haircut and dangerous and difficult

One school of hairdressers has released a poster that advertised the haircut at the trainees. A copy of one famous autoportist was depicted on the poster. Question: What kind of self portrait was used? (year 2013)

The answer of the experts: Self-portrait Wang Gon with a sliced \u200b\u200bear.

Correct answer: Experts gave the correct answer.

Question 1: We hope that you will like this question. Typically English joke. An elderly gentleman, climbing the elevator to the top floor, turns the conversation with the elephant:
- And tell me, was the miley, what is the most difficult in your work? Probably lifting?
- No, sir.
- Then, probably, the descents?
- No, sir.
- But what, in this case?
Restore the answer of the liftor.

Answer: "Questions, sir".

Answer: everything is in the offset, which is later three.

Answer: Deadline (Deadline).

Start: on the keyword "questions" ("stupid questions", "stupid questions", "answer questions", etc.).

Question 4: Writer Sergei Ivanov compared the January sun with her. It usually shines several times a day, and quite a short time. Name it in two or three words.

Answer: Light bulb in the refrigerator

Question 5: Once, in the mid-30s. The last century, he visited his friend and read one work with her daughters. Leaving, he forgot his stick, and so the girls decided that he was the same. Name those whom we encrypted with the words "he" and "that same"

Answer: Marshak and scattered from the street pool.

Question 6: In one of the books about Harry Potter, the seller of books is experiencing serious problems due to the drake of books about the monsters. He recalls another unpleasant situation when the store acquired books dedicated to the ability to do so. Name the surname of a person who managed to do this by scientific way.

Answer: The main character of the book is invisible man - Griffin, invisibility books.

Question 7: August 3, 1937 During the literally one and a half hours, more than 15 thousand inhabitants of Minsk saw how the red balloon was raised on a high mast, and then after different intervals of the time one by one - six green balloons. What object today performs the functions of these balloons?

Answer: scoreboard.

Comment: The balls denoted their goals scored in a football match.

Question 8: American actor Willy Rogers, proud of antiquity of his family's history, somehow said: "My ancestors were not among the first settlers who arrived in America on Maiflower. They were…". Finish the phrase.

Answer: Among those who met him.

Question 9: Somehow, according to the program today, it was conveyed that the dog was bitten by a certain Sergey Ivanovich, and, according to the correspondent, now only this citizen knows ... And what does he know?

Answer: Where the dog is buried.

Question 10: [Lead: Stalin's phrase read with a Georgian accent; Several voice the word "soften".]
"This thing is stronger than" Faust "Goethe. Here love wins death. " It is said that when it was decided to put the book of Maxim Gorky with this inscription Stalin to the universal review, employees of archives froze in the premonition of the scandal. One ordinary employee was not confused, which, to soften the impression of this exhibit on visitors, armed with pen and added ... What?

Answer: Soft sign.

Start: Soft signs.

Comment: Stalin did this inscription, being in a strong impulse, so I wrote a "love".

Question 11: Driving through Petersburg Street, the author of the question saw the inscription, which reported one, completely ordinary actions today. Exactly the same inscription, by the way, could well hang on the doors of a medieval weapon workshop. Play the text of this inscription from two words.

Answer: "Copy Making".

Question 12: In the Chicago Hotel "Statler" to those who gathered on a title dinner, the administration sometimes raises a mannequin, which jokingly called Louis XIV, and serves it on a par with the rest of the guests. In what cases do they do?

Answer: When 13 people gathered at the table, they sat down the 14th - a mannequin.

Comment: Superstitions are strong and in our time ...

Question 13: About whom Mark Twain said: "He was a happy man. When he occurred something funny to him, he could be firmly sure that he did not repeat the strangers of acute "?

Answer: Adam.

Question 14: In the "Book of Useless Facts" you can find the next useless fact: "If it were recognized as a religion, it would be the tenth largest religious movement." We add that in some countries, such as the DPRK, PRC, the former USSR, and, according to some sociological surveys, in Israel, it would be the most numerous religion, but in Poland - no. What is it?

Answer: Atheism.

Question 15:

Having guessed how the LJ-user CRIMENELF [CRIMNELF] signed these two pictures, write what word to them by the third, rebuilt by us, photography.

Question 16: In the TV series "Dr. House", the doctor puts diagnoses for very complex cases of illness. His colleague Wilson sometimes participates in the diagnosis. According to Wikipedia, the prototype of Dr. House was another fictional man. Name the surname of this person.

Answer: Holmes.

Comment: Dr. House even lives in the house at number 221b, as well as his alleged prototype Sherlock Holmes. House and Wilson - surnames begin on the same letters as Holmes and Watson.

Question 17: The German naturalist Johann Blumenbach called this animal "primary he". We do not ask what we have changed in this matter. Name this animal.

Answer: Mammoth.

Comment: In fact, Blumenbach called the Mammoth "Primary Elephant".

Question 18: For one of the versions, in this work it is told about the creation of the world. Demiurges are a bird and a mammal, and emotional witnesses - a pair of ancestors, leaders. Name this work.

Answer: "Ryabina".

Question 19:

In one of the episodes of the Simpsons animated series, Lisa begins to smoke, and Homer tries to wean her from this habit. The original name of this episode was the name of the popular song, which changed the beginning of the last word. Play this name.

Answer: Smoke on the daughter.

Question 20:

Twitter user commented on the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov with the words "Forest of Craise - Sliver Fly." In one of the words of this post, we replaced one letter. Reproduce the word used by the blogger.

Answer: Caps fly.

Question 21:

According to a sustainable expression, this object of clothing is very hard for the whole day. Name this object of clothing.

Answer: Socks. All day on the legs.

Question 22: Roma Voronezh depicted in the center of the flag of Japan black square and called what happened, the flag of the Kuril Islands. What did we replace the phrase "black square"?

Answer: White rectangle.

15 Not the most difficult issues that sounded in the game "What? Where? When?"

1. Aviation sports includes: airplane, helicopter, planer ... Name the fourth view.

Answer: * Parachute sports.

2. The British say: "I don't care what to be hung - for the sheep or lamb." And what do we say in this case?

Answer: "Seven troubles, one answer."

3. According to the local legend, the inhabitants of this small mountain European country, with mostly Muslim populations, are descendants of a large black eagle. What is this country, if in the translation of its name mean "Orlov country"?

Answer: Albania.

4. What rule is strictly respected against diamonds, the mass of which is more than 50 carats?

Answer: They give names.

5. The highest mountain system of Western Europe is the Alps - located in the territory of the 7 states. I will call six of them, and you are the seventh. So: Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Answer: France.

6. As in Russia from the XVI century, they called a measure of length, equal to the length of the phalange of the index finger, which, in turn, was 1.75 inches equal to?

Answer: Cup.

7. Translate to the Italian word "Mission".

Answer: Vendetta.

8. For the first time, this military rank (as title) received the brother of the French king of Charles IX, afterwards the King of Heinrich III. In Russian history, they can be counted on the fingers. Name the first and last in the USSR.

Answer: Stalin-Generalissimus.

9. In stressful state, hazardous toxins are produced in the body. How, most often independent of human will, are they derived from the body?

Answer: with tears.

10. What word translated from Japanese means "big wave in the harbor"?

Answer: Tsunami.

11. Although he built a lot of structures: Bridge in Bordeaux, Viaduct in Garabi, the station in Budapest, participated in the construction of the Panama Canal, - the worldwide glory brought him only one object. What?

Answer: Eiffel Tower in Paris.

12. Name the names of Romeo and Juliet.

Answer: Romeo Montecca and Juliet Kapulenti.

13. The British say: "Curses are similar to chickens - immediately return back." And what do we say in this case?

Answer: "It's not a swarm to another pit - you will find it in it."

14. Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol. "Taras Bulba". Ostap: "Batko! where are you? Do you hear? " Taras Bulba: "I hear!" Name two more characters, between which there is a practically literal dialogue.

Answer: Wolf: "Hare! Can you hear me?" Hare: "I hear, I hear." Wolf: "Well, hare, wait!"

15. You know that if the cat is aggressively tuned towards you, she fuses his back, presses her ears, makes the tail movement, if the dog is aggressive, she scalits the teeth, grieves and growls. And what animal in this situation scalits the teeth, presses the ears and is trying to turn back?

Answer: Horse.

* Answer to highlight the mouse

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