How to restore VC if you do not remember the surname. We restore the page in VKontakte if you forgot the login and password - instructions, recovery problems

How to restore VC if you do not remember the surname. We restore the page in VKontakte if you forgot the login and password - instructions, recovery problems
How to restore VC if you do not remember the surname. We restore the page in VKontakte if you forgot the login and password - instructions, recovery problems
  • freeze page. As a rule, this happens in the case of spamming or using programs associated with the so-called cheating;
  • the page was hacked. That is, an extraneous face gained access to your account by selecting a password, virus spread and in any other way;
  • account was previously removed. It is worth noting that this is one of the simplest problems that may arise if necessary to restore the VK page;
  • there are certain problems with the entrance. In this case, problems are usually observed with a telephone number or e-mail address, as well as password loss.

Freezing Pages

If your page is frozen for the first time, it is not worth worrying, because you can resume activity almost immediately.

Important! The more bans you have, the greater duration has each of them.

What is needed in order to defrost an account?

The page was hacked

It is worth understanding that the account will be blocked by the administration in the event that the spam dispatch happens to it. If someone just knows your login and password, and periodically enters your page, the system has very little chance to track the deception.

How to restore the page after it was hacked?

Important! The phone number must be entered in full: "+" and the country code is not allowed.

Account was removed earlier

If you independently deleted the page for some reason, then in case you try to go to it again, in front of you, respectively, a window appears with the notice that the page is deleted. The date will also be indicated to which you have the right to restore your page freely.

Important! In case the account has been removed more than seven months ago, the ability to restore it in this way is exhausted.

How to restore the page after self-removal in this case?

On a note! This recovery will take quite a lot of time than that which is performed within seven months after removal. When recovering the page after seven months, the site will ask for information confirming your identity, namely: a page with a photo from a document confirming your identity; Photos on the background of the monitor, where the question is visible in technical support.

Input problems

When you enter a login and password, you must log in to a specific page of VKontakte. Otherwise there is an error when specifying this information.

But, suppose you sent an application for recovery, entered the attached login and password, but even after that nothing happens.

Important! The solution to the problem is quite unusual, but it is still worth knowing: it is necessary to send a repeated application for recovery. In most cases, this procedure is possible to implement only after that, and 10% of users receive full rights to the page and at all after the third application.

Perhaps this is done in order to make sure your intentions regarding recovery. And maybe technical support simply does not have time to process all requests.

In general, to restore the old page of the VC, regardless of the ways to remove it, it is not difficult. The main thing is the patience and willingness to follow the instructions.

Video - how to restore the old page in contact

Pretty common situation: How usually enter your login and password VKontakte, but with horror you find that it does not fit, or the message arises from which it follows that your page was hacked as the spam was sent from it. In this article I will tell you about how to restore access to the VKontakte page.

What if you hacked VK? All ways to unlock VKontakte

To do not reread dozens of unnecessary paragraphs, click on the most suitable link from the list:

  1. I have access to the phone number and post box.
  2. I have access to the mailbox, but I changed my phone either did not tie it to his VKontakte page.
  3. I just forgot the password from my page. I was not hacked.
  4. You need to send SMS to a short number to restore access to VKontakte.
  5. I sent an application for recovering the password, but it was rejected.

The easiest way to restore to VKontakte - with the phone number, to which your page is tied. Procedure Next:

2. In the window that appears enter the phone number to which the VKontakte page is tied In an international format (for example, in +7 for Russia), then click Next and in the appeared window, enter the letter-minded code (Copper) from the picture.

3. In the next step enter the surname specified on the page.

5. Now the phone number of the phone will receive a SMS from contact with the digital code, which must be entered in the next step.

5. Well, finally, in the last step, we you must come up with a new password for VKontaktewhich should certainly be more difficult than the previous one. My recommendations on what should be the password can be read in this post.

That's all, we restored with you (and in fact they changed the password from your VKontakte page via SMS.

Restore password without access to phone number.

The procedure for restoring access to the buy page, without access to the phone number, but if you have access to e-mail, it is largely similar to the previous one, in a slight exception.

2. In the window that appears enter email address (eg [Email Protected] or [Email Protected]), Then click Next and in the window that appears, enter the lettercase code (captcha) from the picture.

3. Now we are reckoned with you to restore the password by SMS, but we then agreed with you that we have no access to it, so we act otherwise. At the bottom below there is a line " If you do not have access to the number or the code does not come, try clicking here. " Click on the link at the end of it and fall.

4. Fill all the fields and click on " Apply».

After it is approved - you will be returned to the page.

Password recovery VKontakte without access to mail and phone number.

Even without accessing the mailbox and mobile phone number, you can restore access to the VKontakte account, but for this you will have to fill a special application form. Procedure for Restoration:

1. To make no extra steps to follow the link\u003dReturn_page.

2. If you do not know the ID of your VKontakte page, then do not suffer and by clicking on the link\u003dpeople&from\u003drestore.

3. Fill all the fields and click on " Send a request».

After it approves (usually it takes about two days) access will be restored and you can enter your VKontakte page for a new password.

How to find out what application is approved?

If you are all done correctly, then after a moment you will find yourself on a single link page that I would recommend to save.

Crossing on it you can follow the processing of your applications for restoring access to VKontakte.

Going around her hours after 12, you will see a joyful notice that "the application for access restoration was considered and accepted, and a new password sent to the post office.

We go to the mail and open a letter from contact.


Your application for restoring access to your page on website is verified and approved.
To log in to your page, use this e-mail or login: [Email Protected]
Your new password: 51953980
Your page is now tied to a mobile phone number: 79123456789
You can change the password in your page settings.

Good luck!
Yours faithfully,

Now return to the VKontakte page, specify a new login and password and everything! Blocked contact page is again available!

PS. Do not forget to change the password to more complicated, otherwise again can block the contact for spam. If for any reason you have failed to unlock the locked contact, you can ask me your question in the official group of the site or in the comments.

Vkontakte asks me to send an SMS message to a short number.

If you require send SMS a message to a short number, then you know that on your PC one hundred percent is infected with at least one virus or you have a dirty host!

Remember: Even if your antivirus program is regularly updated - this is not a guarantee of complete safety and security from Internet threats. Time Contact blocked - So Antivirus missed infection!

In no case do not send SMS to the short numbers "VKontakte"! Instead, familiarize yourself with my article to remove viruses or pore yourself.

VKontakte sent a login and password, but the login does not work

The most frequent glitch during recovery. Admin VKontakte approved an application for access to restore, after 24 hours sent a password, but a person cannot go through this data. Many people do not know what to do in such a situation, and the output is simple! Create another enhanced recovery application and in the note indicate that the data sent to SMS did not fit. In 90% of cases, they restore the second time without problems! The remaining 10% is restored with the third attempt.

And further. Be sure to check your PC for viruses free Doctor Web! So that there are no situations when you returned access to social network and instantly because of the infection on my computer lost it.

PS. As a rule, you can send a reuse of recovery not immediately, but after 24-48 after the approval of the previous one. Faster it will not work, you will have to wait.

SMS persistently does not come to my number. What to do?

If the link "Re-send code", reboot the mobile, the balance check does not help and at the same time you are sure that the phone number is correctly entered the number without spaces in the international format (with the sign + first), as well as confident that it is your number that is tied to a page, It remains only one thing - a direct letter to VKontakte Support for Mail [Email Protected] In the letter, you must specify the maximum amount of data (link to your page, your name, the number you attached, and also make screenshots of the data you enter so that VKontakte make sure that SMS does not come because of you independent, and not Because you misinterpret the data). After 3-5 days, you will answer the mail and say what to do next.

Another way - Ask any of your friends, who has a page in VKontakte, so that he will add to the support service and said that so molt and so - on such a number do not come sms from VK. Adimans will fix it and everything will work.

Nothing helped?

If, after the recommendations by me, you still have no reasons to restore access to the battery and go to your page, then you can describe your problem in detail in the comments and we are together with other participants, Be sure to help you!

How to restore a password in VC and not lose access to the account, intuitively understandable from the instructions of the social network. There is nothing difficult in the operation: users press the corresponding links, enter the necessary data, and get a chance to enjoy a hacked or forgotten page. It will be possible to deal with the recovery from the computer, and from the phone, and the information will be required a bit.

The key from the remote or forgotten page system allows you to restore instantly. Go to the procedure, follow the operation rules and change the combination of characters to enter the new one. You do not have to wait for the people whose account was frozen due to suspicious activity.

If the profile before that was banned on the complaints of users, before returning to a full life in the social network, the blocking period will have to wait. For each user, the period is determined individually - depends on the perfect propulsion and the number of previous disorders. On average, before recovering Password VKontakte, people have to wait 2-10 days.

What if you forgot the password from VK

Vkontakte users are available 5 ways to return the key to the page. They work almost always: if forgot, lost a combination or stolen.

The last method is considered optimal. No obligations on the user action does not impose - just follow the instructions and change the key to the new one.

How to restore password VK via mail

To recover via mail or number, go to and under forms for credentials, click "Forgotten or Can't Log in". Insert to the account attached to the account, click on the "Next" button.
After the action drops the pin - confirm that you are a person check out. After the system, it will ask the name specified in the profile, for the sake of security, and reincarnates the page with the alleged account.

If the account found matches the requested, press "Yes, this is the desired page." Social network will display the tied number and prompt send the recovery code - agree and enter the figures obtained into the appropriate form. When you do what the site asks, fields will open to change the password. Come up with a previously used combination, save - and you can use the profile.

How to recover password VK without phone number

Return a profile without mail and the rooms is also possible. The instruction "How to restore login to VC" consists of 4 steps:

Click on "Apply" and wait for support to answer. To check, you may need a photo or passport scans.

If the phone number has changed

When changing the phone number of the article from technical support advise to reset the key by mail. Enter in the login field tied with had, request a link to the code shift and follow the instructions. If there is no access to any old phone, nor to mail, contact your support agents directly.

Send on [Email Protected] Letter with a description of the problem. Specify the link to the page, the data you remember and try to prove that the profile belongs to you. For consideration takes 3-4 days.

Password recovery if the number of requests is exceeded

Sometimes the system is already on the first request displays a request error message due to the exceeding the limit. This is due to overloading servers or frequent attempts to change the password from hackers - for 24 hours the ability to reset the combination is limited. You can still use any of the listed ways to recover, but later. Try:

  • go to another time of day - perhaps the load on the network led to failures;
  • change IP - enter online from the nearest Internet cafe or use VPN;
  • honestly wait for unlocking and repeat attempts.

What if you enter the right password, and there writes an error?

Most often, problems with the entrance arise due to errors in the password: confused characters in places, not the register used or sealed. It's easier to write a cipher in a notebook, where signs are not encrypted with asterisks, copy and paste. But if you are confident in the correctness of writing:

  • update the page. When you try to enter a remote profile for the first time the credential error occurs. But it is worth updating the page - and you will find yourself in the account;
  • go later. The source of the problem may well serve as problems inside the social network.

Forgetting the password from contact, as it turned out, a common problem. Very often, users forget the password VKontakte, since at home just do not press the exit for several months. That is, they do not need to enter the password every time you enter the site. And then by chance coming out of contact, they understand that they have forgotten the password. No matter what reason you have forgotten the password, it is important how to restore the forgotten password VKontakte.

What to do if you forgot password vkontakte

On the main page of the site "VKontakte", the user is asked to enter it e-mail (login) and password. When a person forgets Password VKontakte, he should:

  1. Click on the inscription "Forgot your password?" On the same page.
  2. After that, he will be asked to enter an e-mail or login that the user used when registering VKontakte. Then he presses the "Next" button.
  3. One login is not enough. We need an active phone number that was tied to a page.
  4. If the user writes a phone number that is really tied to his VKontakte page, then within 10 minutes it will come to this number. The whole procedure is free.
  5. When a person got an SMS to his phone with the code, this code seizes to enter into the appropriate graph on the site. On the same page, he enters a new password and repeats it.
  6. Password is successfully changing. And the user enters a new password and login (email), as usual in the form of the left.

What if you forgot Login and password VKontakte

When a person forgot his login or email, with which the VKontakte was registered, it can also be restored. But it will take a little longer. If the phone number is no longer active, then use the same instructions.

  1. A person should also click on the button "Forgot your password?" On the login page of the social network.
  2. Now look at Note at the bottom of the window, where it is proposed to use a special form for restoring access to your page in contact.
  3. This form is similar to the questionnaire, all the graphs of which must be filled.
  4. In addition, a person will be asked to attach two photos. One should be a clear image of the identity of the document. The condition is the photo, printing and FULL NAME in the document. Instead of a passport, you can use driver's license, a student card, for example. And the second image should be with you on the message background on the page.

If you forget the VKontakte password and restore yourself access in this way, you have the right to know that the page will return with the specifying the present name and the names from the documents.

There are only two ways to restore access to the page if you do not have a phone number attached to it (lost, stole, the page broke, blocked and so on). Other options do not exist. Both ways here, read:

First way, the fastest - SIM card restoration

If the old number was decorated for you or someone from loved ones, you can restore Sims in the cabin, if you go there with a passport. This is done quickly and is inexpensive. Even if you do not remember the number that you had, remember at least a cellular operator and go to the salon to them - they will remind you to the room, and restore the SIM card. After that, you quickly recover access via SMS, and then, if necessary, you get a page to a new number (it will turn away from the old one).

If you have already created another page to this number Or simply tied it to another page, it is no longer possible to restore access via SMS, and only the second method remains.

The second way, without SMS - Recovery Application

It works only on the condition that your real name and surname are indicated on the page being restored, and there is also your real photo. The page is restored to a new mobile number (it should not be tied to another page). This method takes time - from one to several days.

The page must be your photo, Where is a clearly visible face. Better, if it is in the album "Photos from the page" (that is, it is on the main photo or was there once). It may also be in an album called "This is me" or like that (but not "my friends"). You can even in a hidden album, but if the photo is "saved" or on the wall (the "photo on the wall" album), it will not work. If the photo on the page was, but removed (for example, a hacker), then you need to specify in the comment to the application. And on the page should be real name and surname. In exceptional cases, the page is restored if the last name is not only (and you agree to change it to the real one). Fake is not restored in this way.

It is better to do that from a computer Or at least from the tablet.

Attention: On the phone that you pointed out as an affordable, the link will come to your application - you can always go on it and see what's with the application. Maybe they will be asked to send something else, so do not be lazy and check from time to time. The application will consider the support service, so you have to wait (a day, two, three - usually not longer).

How to find out that the application is approved, the page is restored? On the phone that you pointed out as affordable will come SMS. You will send new data to enter: login and password (password after the first input can be changed). See also:

Another way to enter access is to restore - open the full version of the VK site, click on "Forgot your password?", Below will be reference "If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here." Click on words "click here", And you will go to request to restore access to the page.

In future strongly recommended Bring your page to your current mobile phone number to avoid hacking, and also to be able to quickly restore access if you forgot the password. If you change the number, you need to change it and in the settings of VC!

Why is the application rejected?

About why the application for restoring the page is rejected and what to do in this case, read here:

How to restore access to the page to which the number is not attached?

Could it be that the number is not attached to the page? Yes, if you registered another page on the same number. In this case, restore access to the page to which no number is attached, you can only, that is, through full recovery.