Anthony Howe kinetic sculptures (Anthony Hove). Kinetic Arts: Lectures, Exhibitions, Consultations - Perfumery Workshop Interactive and Digital Art

Anthony Howe kinetic sculptures (Anthony Hove). Kinetic Arts: Lectures, Exhibitions, Consultations - Perfumery Workshop Interactive and Digital Art
Anthony Howe kinetic sculptures (Anthony Hove). Kinetic Arts: Lectures, Exhibitions, Consultations - Perfumery Workshop Interactive and Digital Art

© Anthony Howe, 2013. Kweebe . Stainless steel. 4.8 m in height × 3 m in width × 3 m in depth. 300 kg. 75 connected blades rotating three shafts. Sold.

Anthony Howe (Anthony Howe, was born in 1954 in Salt Lake City, Utah) - American sculptor, manufacturing autonomous kinetic sculptures, movable wind power.

Having received an art education in Cornell University and Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Hou began his creative career in 1979-1985, as an artist. He painted pastoral landscapes in the house, self-built on a remote mountain peak in New Hampshire. His paintings were exhibited in "Gallery On The Green" in Lexington, Massachusetts.

In 1985, Anthony Hou moves to New York and begins to engage in kinetic sculptures. In 1994, he moved to Orcas Island of San Juan archipelago (Washington state), where he again makes himself a house and opens his own gallery. The widespread fame of the work of Hou received in the late 1990s.

"For the past 17 years I have been creating autonomous kinetic sculptures that interact with the wind and the light of the environment. I'm trying to create objects, the appearance of which resembles low-tech scientific and fiction equipment, astronomical or microbiological models. As a material of sculptures, it is primarily used by stainless steel, driven by writhing curvilinear elements or flat discs covered with fiberglass. Multi-curled thoroughly balanced forms, both symmetrical and asymmetric, create a moving soothing three-dimensional image of harmony. Inside sculptures mounted suspension gearbox "- tells Anthony Hou.

Howe begins with digital modeling using RhinoCeros 3D software, then steel elements of sculptures are made using plasma cutting and are collected using traditional technologies for working with metal.

© ANTHONY HOWE, 2013. OCTO 3 . Stainless steel. 7.6 m in height × 9.1 m in width × 9.1 m in depth. 3200 kg. 16 connected blades rotating on a circular shaft. Withstand wind speed 90 miles / hour. Various nightlifting options are provided. Sold in Dubai, UAE.

Even the lightest breeze in the power leading dozens of rotating parts of sculptures. How claims to pay great attention to checking its sculptures for wind resistance. One way is to fasten the sculpture on its Ford F-150 car and the subsequent trip through the speed freeway.

© Anthony Howe, 2013. ABOUT FACE . Stainless steel, copper. 2.2 m in height × 1.6 m in width × 1.5 m in depth. 100 individually balanced copper panels. Sold.

"I was tired all stationary in my visual world"- explains Hou, considering fixed sculptures lifeless.

"Received a new article" ". These are really interesting mechanisms similar to living beings. At the heart - the laws of computer and natural evolution. The first sculptures went "under the sail". Recent animals go to the calm, felt water and obstacles, remember the path and even protected from storms.

The kinetic sculpture Theo Janesen works only on wind energy: no gasoline, diesel, electric and so on the engines. Energy for movement is poisoned into the bottle. The general idea of \u200b\u200bthe kinetic sculptures Theo Janesna can be obtained from the video:

And more detailed design features, if you, we consider further.

So, for the beginning - the principle of operation of one walker part.

These are sizes of 11 leg components.

Feet, in turn, are attached to a kind of spine. The spine in this case is the crankshaft, which can or simply transmit movement, or be rotating with the help of propellers, compressed air and so on.

The best movement of the leg occurs when the feet describes something like a triangle with rounded vertices. Different proportions 11 leg components give various geometric shapes when driving. The author of the sculptures experimented a lot, in particular, with computer models to find the perfect ratio of feet parts. To some extent, this ratio can be imagined with the following video. It also gives another interpretation of the appearance of the foot of the kinetic sculpture.

By the way, computer simulation of special results did not give due to the huge number of options for geometric shapes that can describe the foot foot. So, for example, each of the 11 components of the leg can have 10 length options. It turns out more than a million options for curves. The computer would work on them hundreds of years. I had to turn to the method of computer evolution.

So, the computer has chosen 1500 random options for the length of the foot components. And appreciated the geometric shapes that describes the foot of each leg:

Of the 1500 variants of geometric shapes, 100 most optimal were selected. Accordingly, it turned out 100 types of combinations of various lengths of the parts of the foot.

Of these parts of the parts (the rest were separated) with a random method, another 1,500 leg options were created. Of these, 100 legs with the most optimal curves were selected. On the basis of the resulting lengths of the parts, new 1500 leg options were created - and so on.

The cycle was repeated for many months day and night. The final result is the kick Animaris Currens Vulgaris (an ordinary mesh runner), the first animal, who walked around the beach. But this foot was not perfect, the animal periodically stopped. So the evolution continued 🙂

Here is an example of a set of numbers that give a less moving foot:

a \u003d 38, b \u003d 41.5, c \u003d 39.3, d \u003d 40.1, e \u003d 55.8, f \u003d 39.4, g \u003d 36.7, h \u003d 65.7, i \u003d 49, j \u003d 50, k \u003d 61.9, l \u003d 7.8, m \u003d fifteen

Another calculation of the components of the leg, conducted in Matkade:

And here is another example of calculating foot components:

Based on this calculation, kinetic sculpture is also built:

On this video, you can well consider sets of plastic bottles that are used to accumulate wind energy:

The wind moves the sails on the crankshaft, the energy is transmitted by a bicycle pump that pumps the bottles. This requires several hours. But how to make the animal move, and even automatically? For this you need muscles. Muscles are a pipe in the hollow tube, which is why it can eliminate. The extension is caused by the cheating of the rubber ball, which increases in the volume and pushes the nested pipe.

Some enthusiasts are trying to develop on their basis real vehicles:

Well, the author himself believes that such a type of movement is a revolution in the world of technology, comparable in importance with the invention of the wheel. In the method of movement of these creatures, the principle of the wheel is lying (there is an axis that is always horizontal), but everything else is different. In this advantage over the wheel, especially in such hard-to-reach places like sands.

Excellent example of kinetic sculpture with "Homyakov" engine:

Interview Teo Jansen with Russian subtitles:

The main components of modern kinetic sculptures from Theo Jansen:

  1. The woven legs that we spoke earlier.
  2. Engines, they are sailboat sculptures.
  3. Accumulators, they are fan-shaped pieces on sculptures and plastic bottles, where air is injected.
  4. Signal transmission system - tubes transmitting compressed air, and check valves with springs.
  5. The monitoring system of obstacles and sputum of soil (if the probe meets irresistible obstacles, they rotate the sculpture back).
  6. Water sensation system (based on sucking water in bottles, increase pressure and sending an animal back).
  7. Animal brain is a system of bottles, valves, tubes), working on a binary system. The brain considers steps from the obstacle to the obstacle. Therefore, when the animal comes to water, etc., turns back - it knows how much he go back.
  8. Storm protection system (hammer that, with strong wind, scores in the nose of sculpture into the ground).

In the future there will be more 🙂

These are the original live kinetic sculptures from Theo Jansen.

The kinetic sculpture is a special direction in contemporary art, based on the effect of the movement of the entire art object or its individual elements. Masters working in this genre managed to destroy the myth that real sculptural images should be static. Their creations are filled with movement and life. They attract attention, fascinate and force a person to think about the impermanence of all things and phenomena surrounding it in this world.

Sculpture by Laymy Yang.

Laymy Young - a modern artist from South Korea, creating unusual sculptures of the most complex forms using microprocessors, boards, stainless steel parts and other unusual for works of art materials. The special mechanisms given by special mechanisms, its installations resemble unimaginable living beings and have a truly magical impact on the audience. Understand how they work, a simple person is unable. But it is not necessary, because any kinetic sculpture Yang is created in order to amaze the public.

Creation Bob Pottsa

The well-known American sculptor Bob Potts creates minimalist installations, imitating bird wings, moved in a boat, etc. His sculptures are made of light materials and are not burdened with extra details, but this does not prevent them from leading viewers in indescribable delight. Particularly impressive art fans The striking accuracy with which Pottsu is able to recreate the trajectory of the movement of demonstrated objects.

U-frame Cho and his works of art

The kinetic sculpture completely captured the imagination of the artist from South Korea U-Rum Cho. All his work has complex structures and mechanisms. Made from various metals, they are complemented by gearboxes, motors, all sorts of fees and microprocessors, due to which they are driven. The installations of the Korean resemble savory birds, fish, insects and other creatures, unknown modern civilization. So that unusual sculptures look more realistic, the master demonstrates them accompanied by light and sound effects.

Moving Compositions Anthony Hou

American Anthony How is more than 25 years old engaged in the creation of three-dimensional abstract compositions made of stainless steel light, leading to the slightest blow of the breeze. All the creations of the author consist of several dozen mobile elements and resemble unthinkable astronomical models or from the future. Some kinetic sculptures of Anthony Hou are firmly standing on Earth, but are found among them and those that are demonstrated in a suspended state. Movement of the power of the wind, they hypnotize the surrounding every second shift of their species.

Sky Animals Theo Yansen

Kinetic sculptures Theo Jansen carry the idea of \u200b\u200bpreserving life on the planet. They are made of plastic bottles and pipes, insulating tape, tape, nylon thread, cardboard and other heater materials. Yansen's creations gives the appearance of huge wonderful animals, which, according to his statement, feed on wind energy and can move independently. Despite its apparent ease, they are able to maintain stability even under strong wind gusts. Before creating another figure, the master using a computer program calculates the model parameters and only after that collects it and puts it on the beach, located near his house in Holland. Today, it has already gathered the whole family of wonderful animals, peacefully adjacent to each other.

"Live" installations in Russia

The kinetic sculpture is popular not only in foreign countries. In Russia today there are many masters who are fond of creatures of moving installations. Thus, the efforts of the participants of the city artistic art group ArtMechanicus created a whole collection of wooden mechanical fish. There are among their creations and fish-house, and a fisher-taran, and a fish-knight. In addition to Muscovites, Yaltinsky Ivan Poddubny is engaged in the creation of unusual sculptures. It makes miniature installations of wood and leather, driven by a spring engine. The pompnic works are perfectly combined with a modern interior and are designed to decorate residential and office premises.

The kinetic art in recent years is at the peak of popularity, because the masters who coped with the light and movement can manage to achieve an amazing effect - overcome the static sculpture. In our review - the 8 most original examples of how art objects come to life.

1. Fantastic mechanism from the artist Laymy Young

Kinetic sculpture of the South Korean artist Laymy Young

Laymi Young is a real virtuoso. The master can be designed to design the most complex mechanisms from boards, microprocessors, servo drives and other mechanical devices. Powered by its kinetic sculptures have a magnetic effect on the spectators, because the inhabitant is simply impossible to solve the mystery of the mechanism.

2.Siluets of cars from metal spheres

Kinetic sculpture in the BMW Museum

The kinetic sculpture in the BMW Museum appeared a few years ago, but it still causes delight. 714 metal spheres are folded in the form of car models of different year of release.

3. Wing wings from Bob Potts

Kinetic sculpture Bob Potts

70-year-old sculptor Bob Potts creates minimalist, but no less impressive work. His kinetic sculptures imitate the wave of bird wings or the movement of the oars during rowing. It is amazing how to the master manage to accurately convey the trajectory of movement.

4. "Dancing" Anthony Hawa sculptures

Kinetic sculpture Anthony How

Anthony Khow works with a rough material - steel reinforcement, but creates surprisingly harmonious kinetic sculptures. In quiet weather, they look elegant and sophisticated, and with the first blow of the breeze begins their fancy dance.

5. "Mechanical Fish" from ArtMechanicus Art Group

Kinetic sculpture from ArtMechanicus art group

The efforts of the artistic group ArtMechanicus, there is no longer one "mechanical fish". In the collection of the Moscow Masters of the Fish-House, reminiscent of Noah, the ark, "Knight's fish", personifying a lone rider, "Walnut fish", symbolizing the desire for beauty, and "Fish-Taran" - allegory of the struggle of a living and non-living start.

6. Wooden wonders from David Roy

David Roy gives their kinetic sculptures and gentle names - "Fiesta", "Summer Rain", "Sunny Dance", "Serenade", "Marshmallow". Wooden creations are driven by the wind and immediately become easy and elegant.