The most interesting museums of London. Learn a lot about free lecture

The most interesting museums of London. Learn a lot about free lecture
The most interesting museums of London. Learn a lot about free lecture

A visit to museums in the UK is a mandatory part of the tourist program. But if traditional places have already been studied, then it's time to please yourself by a campaign on extraordinary institutions of London.

Tell conservatism not!

Historic, local history and other similar museums are studied by tourists along and across, so we offer you a list of ten alternative places that you will be interested in.

  1. Museum of childhood. Perhaps, I would like to get into the barely not everyone. After all, it is gathered here great amount Toys and games, the story of which begins a few centuries ago and comes to today. Old Railways, real tin soldiers, Victorian epoch dolls that look at visitors with their empty eyes, as well as modern computer games and fancy toys. In such a place, it will be interesting not only to children, but also to parents who do not mind at least for a minute will return to childhood.
  2. Museum of brands, packaging and advertising. This exposition deservedly falls into the top of the most interesting places Capitals of Britain. A modern man often does not even pay attention to what the products are packaged, which is written on leaflets, which are distributed on the streets, and what is in question in advertising suddenly interrupting the film. But, hitting this exhibition, you will have a unique opportunity to trace the entire history of the development of the era of consumption. You can see very interesting exhibits: the first vacuum cleaner, rather resembling a large accordion with a hose, the first packs of cigarettes, tin cans, various means of household chemicals and much more.
  3. Zoological Museum Granta. It will not be covered in this list and without an exciting collection of the rarest animals. But one of the most, perhaps, strange exhibits at the Grant exhibition is the collection of moles placed in formaldehyde. But this is not the most amazing thing that can be seen in the zoological museum - the heads and brain-separated heads and the brain of various animals are real adrenaline.
  4. Museum of Pathologies Barta. The exposition was founded in London back in 1879 and from that time does not lose its relevance. But it is worth being ready - the exhibits here are definitely not for the faint and impressionable. By the way, you can see with your own eyes here and parts of the body of John Bellingham - the killers of Prime Minister Britain.
  5. Gardens and Museum Hornin. This is a real fascinating world, where you can look at natural beauty, fauna representatives, as well as with children to try to comprehend the basics of various crafts and art.
  6. Museum of Pollock toys. Tourists do not come here, who wanted to plunge into childhood again. The atmosphere reigning in this place is rather suitable for horror films: long dark corridors, creaking floors and rather strange toys. You will meet dolls with glass eyes, plush bears and various puppets.
  7. Museum of Klink Prison. Hunt with sharp feelings? Then you are at. Here you will learn about the weekdays of prisoners, you can see and even try various torture torture. And for a fee, you will be happy to place you in the chamber at night.
  8. Museum of incredible things Ripley. Truly an unusual place where literally all: dinosaur eggs, wax copies are not ordinary people, animals with various mutations. In addition, there you will always find where to have fun, because the exhibition employs laser shows and labyrinths.
  9. Museum Harry Potter. It is unlikely that at least one fan will be able to refuse to visit this exhibition, because it is organized directly at the place of filming. You will be surrounded by real scenery, as well as fascinating stories about the work of the team, thanks to which the book's shielding has become possible.
  10. Museum of the London Royal Hospital. First of all, he is famous for the fact that in the 19th century, Joseph Merrick lived here, which became popular thanks to the ugliness of his body, for which he was called "a human-elephant". Also, having a post assistance in investigations in the case of the famous killer Jack Ripper, the exhibition acquired some very valuable exhibits.

These places may not be found in London guidebooks, but they are worth a visit if you want to get closer to the city history and his riddles.

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Offers his visitors a journey to the world of extraordinary. Along with good cafes and bars, guests can visit and unusual Museums of Great Britain. These are mysterious visits, which are usually not present in standard tourist guides in London, but Wow to see.

This one is the only one in the world in which the main object of interest is the varieties of tea and coffee. Exhibits return us during the British Empire and Colonialism, showing commercial interest in the society of that time to these two products.

The museum was founded by Edward Brahma in 1992. The history of tea and coffee has been traced in its exhibits over the past four centuries: from the moment they are imported to Europe from Africa and the Far East.

The museum has more than 3,000 books with caricatures and drawings of any kind and with an emphasis on a political caricature. It was founded in 2006 and consists of more than 1,200 exhibitions. Exhibits trace the history of British cartoons, comics, drawings and animations up to the 18th century. The museum offers visitors the opportunity to see modern design samples, as well as unique, very rare examples of drawing art.

3. Museum of Surgery

For many, this museum will look like a scene from the horror movie, but it was exactly that the rooms for operations at the beginning of the 19th century looked.

The hall is equipped with benches for those who want to be present on the operation, which in those days passed without anesthesia and antiseptics.

In addition to the large operating room, furnished by the original of the time, the museum offers visitors to exposure to the development of early medical practice surgery and tools.

Another museum dedicated to medicine is in the old English Church. It contains exhibits of medieval medical instruments, as well as numerous documents on which you can learn about strange medical cases, for example, the Elephant Man (Elephant MAN). Here you can also see celebrity exhibits: artificial teeth and kidney stones.

6. Museum of the British Optics Association

A visit to such museum "giants" as the British Museum or the National Gallery is the purpose of almost all tourists who come to London. And in the capital of England there are still many small spiritual, highly specialized and simply original museums dedicated to outstanding personalities, hobbies or various oddities.

Pollocks' Toy Museum

Museum of Pollock toys is a paradise for children and adults. In the two buildings of the museum there is a whole bunch of frightening and charming wax and porcelain dolls. Here you can also see a big collection of board games, soft toys, as well as scenery and characters of the puppet theater.

The Fan Museum.

If someone is interested in how the most ancient appearances looked, then he was a straight road to the London Museum of Fans. More than 3,500 fares were collected from all over the world made of ivory, silk and peacock feathers. The age of some copies has already exceeded a thousand years.

Clockmakers' museum

The clock museum in London consists of one tick and sober room. Here you can find everything: from pocket hours that Londoners wore in the Elizavtian era, to the most modern models of chronometers.

Old Operating Theater Museum

The cracked Museum of the Old Operational Theater offers visitors to admire the tools and methods of treating unfortunate patients who were in the course of the heyday of science.

The Garden Museum.

Those who somewhere deep in the soul lives agronomist, will appreciate the exposition of the Horticultural Museum, consisting of ancient garden tools and the perfectly recreated purely English "nodal" garden.

The Freud Museum.

To lie on the very couch, on which the patients of Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud can be revealed in the house-museum of his name. It also contains a large collection of his books and various works of art.

Charles Dickens Museum.

The museum dedicated to one of the most significant literature figures of the Victorian era - Charles Dickens, who lived and worked in London in the 1830s. The museum you can see what the writer has created and what is surrounded by: furniture, paintings and manuscripts.

Handel House Museum.

Handel's Museum, a great composer of German origin, pays the atmosphere of the XVIII century. The whole interior is recreated so believable, as if the master himself had just worked here. By the way, in the neighboring house lived Jimmy Hendrix, and now there is a museum office.

It's time to think about what to do in the British capital. Although it is considered an extremely expensive city, here you can find cheap or even free entertainment.

1. Make a trip to the past in the house of Dennis Severse

The XVIII century building, known as Dannis Severste House, is located on Fangit Street, in the Spitafield area. The former owner renovated housing in such a way that each of the 10 rooms recalls the eras of the English history - Georgian and Victorian. Passing from one room to another, climbing and going down at the creamy stairs, you can travel to the past. The rooms are furnished with original antique furniture of the XVIII and XIX centuries. At the same time, there is no feeling that this is a museum, the house seems to be inhabited: there are inspired dishes on dishes, the glasses are filled with wine, the surpetuk will be thrown onto the chair, the smell of a ready-made dinner comes from the kitchen. Excursion on weekdays costs 7 pounds sterling, on Sundays - 10 pounds sterling.

2. Enjoy the art in the National Gallery

The National Gallery on the Trafalgar Square will plunge into the world of painting. Here are presented cannons of Rubens, Titian, Monet, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Raphael and many others - from representatives of the Middle Ages to those who worked at the beginning of the 20th century. And, most importantly, all this is free! And in the interruptions between viewing paintings, you can snack in the local cafes.

3. Climb to the bell tower of the Westminster Cathedral

Westminster Cathedral (not to be confused with Westminster Abbey) is located on Francis Street. A not only an architectural masterpiece is adjacent to a remarkable building in the Byzantine style. This is not only an architectural masterpiece, but also an excellent observation deck, located at an altitude of 64 m, offering an extensive view of London. From here you can see: the Cathedral of St. Paul in the East, the Butterje Power Station in the south, in clear weather - city parks, the Buckingham Palace and the Victoria Memorial. You can enter the cathedral itself for free, but to climb the bell tower, you need to give 5 pounds sterling.

4. Take part in Fife-O'Clock

In the breaks between shopping, walks around the city and visits to museums should certainly stop and drink a cup of English tea. This is not only a mandatory London ritual, but also a blessed counterpart during the dizzying run along the noisy British capital. You can join tea drinking in almost any London Hotel, for example, in Claridge's on Brook Street, Brown's Hotel on Elbemar Street or Berkeley on Wilton Place. You can eat 30-40 pounds sterling.

5. Refreshing in the pool

Appearing in the 1920s and 1920s, London outdoor pools immediately became a popular holiday destination on sunny days. Cafes and children's playgrounds are often adjacent to them. Pools are scattered almost throughout the city. The most famous - London Fields Lido 50 m long in Hackney and tooting bec with a length of 90 m in UndSworth. Ticket price - 4.30 pounds sterling.

6. Pour the soul in the corner of speakers

Inspired by speakers, annoying provocateurs and preachers are going to the Hyde Park every Sunday. Since 1872, Speaker's Corner (SPEAKER's Corner) is allowed to talk about anything, to freely proclaim and defend any ideas. The only rule is to avoid the surrounding vocabulary.

7. Explore the secret rivers of London

Tourists often do not suspect that underground rivers are hidden under the surface of London. For example, one of them, Taiburn, flows right below the Buckingham Palace, and Walbrook - under the Bank of England. As the city has grown, the rivers were bold under houses and street slabs. Walbrook was "closed" in the 1460s, Taiper and Effra - in the XVIII-XIX centuries, when urban reservoirs became sources of dirt and disease. In addition, Londoners seriously feared floods.

8. Select for yourself the perfect fragrance

Bastion classic British style - Penhaligon's perfume shop in Covent Garden. The consultant is a perfume profile - picks up perfume or cologne, most appropriate visitor's image. This service is free, however, it's rarely who leaves empty hands. You can make a gift for yourself or a close person for 80-110 pounds.

9. Make a walk on the lake

During the summer in many parks, open to visit the lake, intended for boating. The most famous lake is Serpentine in Hyde Park. But there are others - in the Ridgeth Park, Alexander Park, Greenwich Park, Butteri Park and others. At the same time you can admire the local birds, especially a lot of Herlin here. In the Hyde Park, the boat can be rented for 10 pounds of sterling per hour.

10. Enjoy silence in postmads park

Postmans Park is located in Central London, not far from the Cathedral of St. Paul. Created on the site of the old cemetery, today it is most famous for memorial heroic self-sacrifice. There are signs with the names of people who died in the name of the salvation of others. For example, on one of them it is written: "Lee Pitt, a copying equipment operator, 30 years. Saving a boy who was trying in the canal of Teimsmid, but, unfortunately, could not escape himself. June 7, 2007. "

11. Go for a romantic date

London is deprived of a romance raid inherent in Paris, however there are many places here to go on a date. For example, at the Harvey Nichols' Bar in Knightsbridge, you can participate in the master class on mixing cocktails. One of the best cinemas of the Picturehouse Cinemas network is considered Brixton Ritzy. Adjusts of thrill it is recommended to visit the house with haunted in Hampstead, where the poet John Kitts also lived, or dine in the pitch darkness in the Dans Le Noir restaurant.

12. Ride on a two-story bus

London double-decker Routemaster buses were written off in 2005, but today they can be rolled in two historical roads: Routes number 9 (from Kensington to Trafalgar Square) and No. 15 (from Tower Hill to Trafalgar Square). Buses go to daytime. Travel is as in conventional city transport.

13. See the layout of the future London

New London Architecture is a conference forum, which discusses future construction projects. It takes place in the building of The Building Center on Stor Street in Camden. Some galleries are open to the public, and the entrance to them is free. Here you can see, for example, the model of the Central London scale 1: 1 500 with a length of 12 m, as well as reduced copies of the Olympic objects.

14. Close to the monument Great London Fire

The Great London Fire launched within four days - from September 2 to September 5, 1666. At this time, 13,500 houses burned out, 87 parish churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral, most of government buildings. 80% of city buildings were destroyed. In honor of this event, the column was erected with a height of more than 60 m - the monument Great London Fire. For 3 pounds, sterling can be climbed along the spiral staircase upstairs and admire London from a bird's eye view.

15. Open for yourself Music Hall "Wiltons"

Music Hall "Wiltones" is the oldest in the world. His deliberately shabby interior returns the visitor to the past. There are events related to the world of theater, music, cinema and cabaret. There is another bar, where almost every Monday are musical teams that can be heard free of charge.

16. Visit the Highigate Cemetery

Karl Marx, Douglas Adams, John Golsuorussi and Michael Faraday are just a few names of famous personalities buried at the prestigious Victorian cemetery. Its western part is extremely popular among tourists. In this romantic-dark place, overgrown with ivy and wild colors, for 7 pounds of sterling, you can make a watch trip, accompanied by tours of the guide. In the Haygate cemetery there are different animals, including the foxes. The doors of some crypts tightly clogged - there was a belief before, as if some of the buried became vampires. Upon new, eastern part, you can walk without accompaniment.

17. Go to the view in Little Angel Theater

Tourists with children are recommended to visit puppet show Little Angel Theater in Isilington is one of the oldest in the UK, working over 50 years. Here, not only give representations, but also make dolls. Not only local, but also foreign actors participate in the productions.

18. Apply visit to Erno Goldfinger's Extravagant House

The modernist house of the Hungarian architect Ern Goldfinger, built by them for himself in the 1930s, is located on Willow Street. The building from concrete Londoners initially hated, but now his author became an extremely popular figure. In the House Museum you can get only at certain hours and only in warm time of the year. The ticket costs 5.30 pounds sterling. Here is furniture, the design of which was developed by Golfinger, as well as the works of Henry Mura, Bridget Riley, Max Ernst and other artists.

19. Buy Umbrella in the store James Smith & Sons

James Smith & Sons is the oldest umbrella shop in Europe. It is located near the boutiques for New Oxford Street. The store opened in 1830 and did not change his location since 1857. Almost do not touch the design of the display shows and interior. It sells elegant umbrellas for men and women, as well as canes at a price of 30 pounds. The store hangs the portrait of Jonas Hanwei - the first Londonman, who began to use the umbrella.

20. Visit the Bank of England Museum

The museum located in the eastern wing of the Bank of England, in the heart of the city, is open to free visits on weekdays. Here you can look at the collection of banknotes, coins, documents, paintings and sculptures. The most remarkable exhibit is a real gold ingot weighing with a small child.

21. View Anatomical Theater

Few people know about the existence of the Museum of the Old Anatomical Theater. It is located at St. Thomas Street, near the SHARD skyscraper. At this place, 150 years ago, operations were carried out by primitive ways without anesthesia, and most often patients died. Guides are told by creepy stories about how experienced surgeons of a last century amputated the limbs with a clever lint of the knife, and newcomers used saws and nippers for these purposes. The museum stores original tools for trepanation and amputation, as well as human organs, "pickled" in formaldehyde, including the lungs, blackened from London Smog. The cost of the excursion is 5.90 pounds sterling.

22. Buy a bouquet on the flower market

Every Sunday from 8 am to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Columbia Road captures traders with flowers. And the street is one of the few in London, which consists entirely of shops, - turns into an oasis of roses, lilies, tulips and other colors. Some sellers themselves grow plants, others buy them abroad. The price of one bouquet is from 5 pounds sterling.

23. Go to Sale

Throughout London, the fact and the case are made by the sale of household goods "from the car trunk", the so-called "Car Boot Sales". For example, every Sunday offers sales on Butteri Park Road. To get there in 0.5-5 pounds sterling, depending on time. Usually many people come, the place of sale is equipped with all necessary - tents with snack and toilets.

24. Sit at the bar on the roof of a high-rise building

Despite the fact that the London climate does not allow round year Keep outdoor bars, in the warm season on the roofs of some buildings, peteed facilities are open - Aqua Spirit (Ridge Street), Vista (Trafalgar Square), Queen of Hoxton (Curren Road) and Coq D'Argent (Presenter).

25. Stayed late in one of London museums

Some large museums and the Gallery of London are open at hours when excursions are already completed. Bars work here, the invited DJs are organized, different events. There are such opportunities, for example, in the Museum of Science in the last Wednesday of each month, in Teit British, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Museum of Natural History - on the last Friday of each month.

26. Ride on the river tram on the Thames

In London, water transport is popular. It can be quickly and relatively cheap to get into the right place. In Thames Clippers, a day ticket is worth 12 pounds sterling. There are comfortable travel routes, for example, from Teit Modern to Teit British or from London eye through the London Bridge to the O2 area.

27. To admire the collection of artistic works in the Queen Gallery

The Royal Collection is one of the world's largest meetings in the world. Crowned United Kingdom Official For 500 years have retained more than a million masterpiece art. Part Royal Collection It is the Queen Gallery, located on the territory of the Buckingham Palace. There are regular events regularly and exhibitions are organized. In 2012, it will be possible to look at the Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, diamonds and photos of Queen Elizabeth II over the past 60 years. Adult ticket costs from 9.25 pounds.

28. Go to a free concert in Saint Martin-In-Ze-Fields Church

Saint Martin-In-Ze-Fields is the most famous parish church of London. It is located on the trafalgar-square. Among her parishioners - inhabitants of the Buckingham Palace, including members royal Family. Even among Londoners, few know that in this church on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays give free concerts. Here are mostly young musicians.

29. Go along the tops of the trees in Kew Gardens

Kew Gardenz - Royal Botanical Garden in Richmond. Here you can find 50 thousand species of plants, among which are ferns, orchids, cacti, palm trees, tropical water lilies, limes, chestnuts and oaks. There are lakes, greenhouses, walking paths, pavilions and museums in the garden. In view of all this beauty from a bird's eye view, you can climb the 18-meter Xstrata Treetop Walkway Bridge.

30. Visit the sale of designer clothes

One-time sales of design clothing occur in different places throughout London all year round, but most often - in the building of the Old Town Hall in Chelsea. Among the regularly represented brands - Orla Kiely and Aubin & Wills. Discounts on their clothing sometimes reach 70% of the recommended retail price. You can find cheap offers for children.

31. Try curry

Since the 1940s, immigrants from the former Metropolis colonies came to London and the recipes of exotic dishes were brought with them, one of which is curry. This is a spicy dish of vegetables, stewed meat and legumes has long been an integral part of the British culinary tradition. You can try it in the so-called "Bangladaune", on Brick Lane, where the life of the immigrants from Bangladesh focused. There are many restaurants here. Another place is also popular - Tayyabs snack bar on Fildgate Street (Whitechepl).

32. See how the Tower Bridge is bred

The Tower Bridge is bred about 1,000 times a year, but these events are not subordinated to a strict schedule - it all depends on when the ships are swimming. Current time can be found on the site dedicated to the bridge.

33. look at the shift of Karaul

Karaul's change takes place in the Buckingham Palace daily at 11:30 am, except for resurrection from April to July. The ceremony lasts 45 minutes, sometimes canceled it because of bad weather. It is usually going to a large crowd of spectators, so the palace is better to come in advance, for example, at 10:45.

34. Going around Greenwich Pedestrian Tunnel

Greenwich Pedestrian Tunnel, which is under the Thames in East London, was renovated in 2012. At the exit of it, you can get to the maritime museum and the observatory. It is impossible to photograph in the tunnel, because the flashes can cause attacks in patients with epilepsy.

35. Walk to candles in the Sir John Sayna Museum

In the house of the XVIII century, who belonged to the architect Sir John Soyan, collected antique things of different eras. The museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday, but in the evening on the first Tuesday of each month, special excursions are held here - with candles. It is recommended to come to this event in advance because those who want to get inside are always too much, and only the first 200 people in the queue receive tickets.

36. Remove cocktails and admire the view at the Paramount Bar

Paramount Bar Restaurant is located 32-34 floors of the Center Point Skyscraper on New Oxford Street. It is worth come here not only to try a cocktail, but also admire the view of London from huge floors from the floor to the ceiling. The entrance is free, but notify you in advance.

37. Take part in the London Festival of 2012

In connection with Olympic Games In London, there will be many events, but most of them will be held within the framework of the London 2012 festival. In different places of the British capital will be held concerts, theatrical performances, book Fair, art exhibitions, shows for children and other.

38. See the show in Amphitheater The Scoop

The SCOOP is an outdoor amphitheater, calculated on 800 seats. It is located in More London - the area on the Thames shore near the Tower Bridge. Throughout the summer, many cultural events will be held here, which can be visited free - concerts, movie shows and theatrical views.

39. Walk through the royal parks

Five of the nine metropolitan royal parks are in the heart of London. This is St. James Park, Green Park, Ridgenis Park and Primrose Hill, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Walking on them, you can understand how unexpectedly luxurious and relaxing can be central London. The walk in five parks will take about three hours. It is worth seeing not only on lush vegetation. In the Ridgeth Park, for example, there is an outdoor theater, zoo and sports grounds. Ceremonial parades are held in Saint James Park, and there is a lake with pelicans.

40. Slide the riddles in the London archive

To learn more about the history of London, you need to visit London Metropolitan Archives on Northampton Road. Regular excursions and exhibitions are held in this center. As a general public, meetings of historical documents are also open. In the center you can find a collection of microfilms, a library that includes 100 thousand books, geographic maps and genealogical sources.

41. Dove in Brikston-Village

With the opening of Brikston Village near Atlantic Road in southern London The gastronomic climate has sharply improved. The trading gallery is a dozen inexpensive eateries, in which you can try delicious and original dishes. For example, Bellantoni's serves Italian cuisine, Kaosarn - Thai, Mama Lan - Chinese, and in Relay Tea Room you can taste different types of tea.

42. Explore the Elatem Palace

The Majestic Eletex Palace in the style of the Art Decks of the XIV-XVI centuries was the royal residence, and in the 1930s, wealthy spouses Stephen and Virginia Kurto lived here with their pets - lemur with her nickname Majong. The interior of the house is decorated in an eclectic style - it has elements of medieval and modern styles. Visitors will be interested to look at the achievements of technology - phones in special cabins, gas fireplaces, built-in wardrobes, as well as vintage artworks. The palace can be visited for 9.60 pounds sterling.

43. Go to spa treatments

Many luxury London hotels offer spa treatments. In one of them, Four Seasons on Park Lane, make a wing massage of the back or face at a price of 99 pounds sterling. In elegant cabinets, a relaxing atmosphere: in a room with muted light, you can enjoy herbal tea, a case of pleasant music. On the same street, at the hotel The Dorchester, visitors give a fresh look of the movie stars, so you can look here secular event. One of the best spa books is also considered by Espa Life at the Hotel The Corinthia (Whitehall).

44. Remember childhood in the toy museum

Pollock's Toy Museum is a quiet place in Fitzaria filled with old toys. Here are collected board games, mechanical toys, puppets, plush bears, wax dolls, wood, porcelain and fabrics, dolls in suits of different peoples, as well as doll houses. Adult ticket costs from 3 pounds sterling.

45. Visit the London Canal Museum

London Canal Museum London Museum is located on New Wharf Road. Here are collected archival films and exhibits that tell about how the channels were built, how construction workers lived and how the metropolitan artery work.

46. \u200b\u200bLook at the floating bookstore

WORLD ON THE WATER - the only buoyhouse store in London. Barge follows Caiden Lok, Angene, Hackney and Paddington. Here are not only for sale books, but also the musical ideas and competitions of poets are also arranged.

47. Learn to cook sweets

William Curley shop owners in Belgravia not only sell candy, chocolate truffles, caramel and pastries, but also show how to do sweets. You can learn how to prepare truffles and caramel in 75-85 pounds of sterling, Sdobu - for 90 pounds sterling.

48. Make a beer tour

Fuller's beer is sold in pubs around London. But it can not only try, but also to see how it is done - in the brewery located in Chesevica. During a walk of 1.5 hours, employees respond to visitors' questions and devote them in the subtleties produced by barley drink. At the end of the tour, adults are participating in tasting. The cost of the excursion is 10 pounds sterling.

49. View the mayor's carriage and other exhibits of the London Museum

From the XIII century there is an annual ceremony, during which the mayor of London solemnly passing around the city to swear a monarch. From the XVIII century to this day, the mayors of the capital travel in the same gilded carriage. Those who missed the ceremony can look at the famous wagon in the London Museum. There are also other valuable exhibits related to different epochs - Roman, medieval and newest.

50. Resting with Nature on Mudchute City Farm

Urban farms are scattered throughout London. The largest of them - Mudchute with an area of \u200b\u200b13 hectares, located on a dog island. It is open all year round, but the best time to visit - Spring and Summer. Here you can find ordinary farm animals, as well as Lam. Local riding school is also popular. Entrance to the farm is free.

51. Leave crap at Burlington Arcade

BURLINGTON ARCADE - Covered gallery in the heart of Mafera, in which expensive shops are located. Opening in 1819, she became the first shopping passage in the UK. Modern sellers, giving tribute to the rich past Burlington Arcade, sell jewelry and clocks in classic style, antiques and leather goods.

52. Give children to the workshop at the National Gallery

Every Sunday at 11 and 14 hours in the National Gallery of Children from 5 to 11 years old give free lessons Drawing and master classes of applied art. Classes are so popular that all places are occupied one hour before, so you need to come here in advance. Children are allowed only with an adult accompaniment. Lessons last 80 minutes.

53. Visit WhiteChapel Bell Foundry

Whitechapel Bell Foundry is the oldest manufacturing company in the UK. Bells are made here since 1570. In this factory, Big Ben was produced, the largest bell of the watch tower of the Westminster Palace. Whitechapel Bell Foundry still works, and throughout the year excursions are arranged for lovers to beat in the bell. The ticket costs 12 pounds sterling, the excursion lasts 90 minutes.

54. Drive on the "ghost bus"

One of the most terrible attractions of London is a black two-storey "Ghost Bus". Almost every day from 19:30 to 21:00, he leaves Northumberland Avenue, which is next to the Trafalgar Square, and rides past different places marked by some terrible event. In particular, it passes by Whiteholl and Fleet Street, where the notorious demon-hairdresser Swei Todd was wrinkher. The entrance ticket for an adult costs 18 pounds sterling. Excursion, during which the guide tells heartbreaking stories, lasts 75 minutes.

55. View view in West End

It is impossible to stay in London and not to visit at least one view in West End. This item has long been obligatory in any tourist program. It gives different ideas here - from the classic "King Lili" to "Othello" in the style of hip-hop. Tickets for popular performances usually cost from 19 to 34.5 pounds.

56. Connect the vertex in the Castle climbing center

An impressive building of the climbing center in North London looks like a castle, but in fact this is the structure of the Victorian era. Classes here are suitable for both experienced climbs and beginners. One visit costs 12.5 pounds sterling.

57. Play table tennis in Book Club

Book Club on Leonard-Street London District Rowdich became Mecca for ping-pong lovers. The hosts of the club provide guests with a table for the game and the necessary equipment. The greatest level of competition is achieved on Tuesdays at 19:00. Here come not only to play table tennis, but also taste a delicious food, listen to music and just chat.

58. Enjoy masterfully cooked cocktails

According to the experts, in terms of cooking cocktails, London has long surpassed New York. It is in the British capital that create the most unusual and igniting drinking mixtures. You can try them in different places, for example, in the Worship Street Whistling Shop in the shadch, Purl in Marylebone, American Bar at the Savoy Hotel, London Cocktail Club in Westminster and others.

59. View mummified English philosopher

Jeremiah Bentam is an English sociologist, a lawyer, the source of utilitarianism, one of the directions in English philosophy. After death in 1832, his body was saved and transferred to University College of London. It is stored today in a glazed cabin in this school at Gauer Street. Mummified corpse and philosopher's clothing are identical, but the head is made from wax - students have real stolen.

60. Visit the Olympic Objects

Naturally, it is worth visiting the venues of the Olympic Games. Excursions are held by the tourist guides of Blue Badge Tourist Guides in 28 languages, including Russian. There are hiking from the Bromley Bai-Bau station, tours in three main Olympic facilities and acquaintance with the events in Greenwich Park.

61. Visit the School Museum for the Poor

In the Victorian era in London there were charitable educational institutions for the poor, the so-called "Schools for Owls" (Ragged Schools). Today in one of them the museum is arranged. Children can not only visit the exposure, but also on each first Sunday month to go to an indicative lesson. It is worth remembering that in the XIX century, learning methods were very different from modern. For example, on a naughty student could put the "Cap Shame". The entrance to the museum is free.

62. To admire the peacocks in the Dutch Park

In the Holland Park, that in Kensington, Peacocks are freely walking. These birds add mysteriousness and elegance to the well-kept urban garden. They are especially good in the period of marriage games when males reveal their magnificent tails. At this time, Pavlins wandering in the search partner can be found not only in the park, but also on nearby streets.

63. Buy something like a cheap in Frank G Bowen auction house

In Lytonstone, Frank G Bowen's auction house is located. Here with the hammer sell lost things, whose owners failed to find. Since this place is located near the city center, and the range of goods is varied, it is not surprising that visitors to the sea. In this auction house, you can make a profitable purchase, for example, to buy a bike for 10 pounds. At the auction, different things are usually represented: from clothes and cosmetics before machinery and vehicles.

64. Visit the renovated Kensington Palace

After a two-year restoration, which was spent by 12 million pounds sterling, the Kensington Palace in all its glory appeared before the public. The luxurious interior began to look even more dazzling, additional exhibition halls opened. On the exposition dedicated to the Queen of Victoria, you can hear amazing stories from the life of the monarch. Visits worthy and updated garden. There are also shops, cafes, terraces and pedestrian walkways. The ticket costs 14.50 pounds sterling, for children up to 16 is free.

65. Going through the hotel St Pancras Renaissance

The luxurious five-star Hotel St Pancras Renaissance is located on Kings-Cross. The building does not look like other hotels. The design combines the features of classic and modern styles. This hotel is called the National Treasure and Pride of London. Excursions on it holds the company ROYDEN STOCK, the ticket costs 20 pounds sterling. The day the price includes tea, coffee and baking, in the evening - a glass of sparkling.

66. Go to the pose of the floating theater of puppets

Puppet Barge is a barge, anchored on the Grand Yunion Channel, which enlisted the puppet theater. This place is popular among families, but the intriguing performances are interesting not only to children, but also adults. Here are the ideas based on the Basen Ezopa, the works of William Shakespeare, Federico Garcia Lorca and others. Adult ticket costs 10 pounds sterling, children - 8.5.

67. Take a handicraft lesson in Drink, Shop & Do

Drink, Shop & Do in the Kings Cross area is a bar, shop and training center in one person. Here you can learn for free to make crafts from Paper Masha or add origami, sipping cocktails. In Drink, Shop & Do Stationery, decorations and household items are sold. Many of them are manually made by London masters and artists. The interior of the institution is constantly changing, as his hostess love to make permutations.

68. Feel inspiration during the midnight in AttitudeDe London

Every Sunday on the 29th floor of Milbank Tower in Pimliko protesters the choir, performing music in the style of gospel. The ticket costs 49 pounds sterling. As for the menu, it serves different varieties of bread, bone meat, vegetarian dishes, pies, ice cream, tea and coffee. From here you can get to the viewing platform, from where 360 \u200b\u200b° opens a dizzying view of London.

69. Feel yourself with circus

Not everyone can afford to quit everything and go to wander together with the stray circus. However, you can teach the main tricks in the Circus Space Circus Academy in Hoxtone. Courses include gymnastics on the trapezoids, acrobatics, rope and other.

70. Surprise the originality of fashion designer bars

London constantly appear new bars, but only a few of them remain invariably popular among metropolitan designers, stylists and other experts in the field of fashion. Among them - Zenna with plush seats and otherworldly lighting, located in Soho, Voc in the style of the XVII century in Kings Cross, as well as Ruby & Sequoia in Hill, Dalston Superstore in Dalxton, Paramount in Soho and others.

71. Go around the places of Jack Ripper

Many water has flowed since the mysterious Jack the Ripper brutally killed five women in 1888, but the memory of him did not eraser. The area of \u200b\u200bcrimes is concentrated in a small corner of East End - Whitecheple. Today, there are excursions here, during which the guide tells different horror stories About the legendary killer. Routes dispense. Some start from the Whitechepl station, then the story lovers follow the Durord Street, where the body of the first victim was found, Polly Nichols, and then to other places, among which are the markets Speafields and Brik Lane. At the end of the excursion, it is recommended to look into The Ten Bells Pub. According to rumors, his regular visitors were some sacrifices of Jack Ripper.

72. Entertainment in the floating cabaret

The Thames hidden from the South Coast between Voxholl and Buttersi, Barge "Buttersi" accommodates a cabaret, where he reigns a warm and relaxed atmosphere. There is a bar serving a variety of dishes, including traditional British dishes, and also provide visitors a large selection of wines. On Fridays and Saturdays on the barge are arranged incendiary parties. Live music is played in the cabaret, the organizers invite DJs and different performers.

73. Visit John Kit's House

John Kitts - the third (along with Bairon and Shelley) the great poet of the younger generation of English romantics. He managed to make a great contribution to the literature, before died from tuberculosis at the age of 25. Today, his house in Hampstead is open to the public. Many personal belongings are stored there, among which is a wedding ring, presented by his beloved Fanny Bron.

74. Try Town and Potato Mashed in A. Cookes

In A. Cookes, traditional English dishes are served on Goldhukhoo-Street - meat pies, mashed potatoes, pudding and fried acne. The dishes are cheap, and they can be taken with you. This institution founded Alfred Cook in 1899, and since 1934 it is in possession of the same family. On Sundays, the diner A. cookes is closed.

75. Eat Roglial on Brick-Lane

There are two neighboring round-the-clock stores in Brik Lane, which are sold to the entire London Rogali. They are served with different fillings, for example, with salmon, saltin or cheese, and there are only 2-3 pounds of sterling. Judging by the reviews of enthusiastic tourists, it is one of the best places for the thickening of hunger in London.

76. To admire the royal stable

In the Buckingham Palace there is a stable, which stores the gilded coach weighing 4 tons, which was used during the ceremony of the coronation of all British monarchs since 1821. Typically, a visit to the stable lasts about an hour, they also offer audio duration of 45 minutes. The entrance ticket costs 8.25 pounds sterling.

77. Walking on London Wetland Center

London Wetland Center, located in Barnes, attracts lovers wildlife. There are 200 species of waterfowl. There are pedestrian walkways, for those who want to organize free excursions. The entrance ticket costs 10.99 pounds sterling. For 45 pounds, experts give lessons, during which they talk about animals and birds. In addition, under the supervision of the center's custodian is allowed to feed birds.

78. Got new residents of Madame Tussao Museum

The Madame Tussaco Museum on Baker Street appeared wax figures of William and Kate, Graph and Countess Cambridge. They look exactly like a day when their engagement was announced. You can also look at the stars of sports, musicians, politicians and other celebrities. The entrance ticket costs 30 pounds sterling.

79. Learn a lot of new on a free lecture.

Founded in 1597, the Smesky College gives free public lectures for more than 400 years. Professor commerce and finance, theology, jurisprudence, astronomy, rhetoric and other sciences share experience with all those who wish. The Supreme College is the oldest educational institution in London. It is possible to find it in Holor.

80. Learn how to mix cocktails

A small bar on Colebruck-Row is one of the most popular in London. Here you can try cocktails and learn to mix them during the master classes. Among the ingredients - Bourbon, Tequila, Gin, Champagne and whiskey. One occupation costs 40 pounds sterling.

81. Experiment with ice cream in Chin Chin Laboratorists

Cafe Chin Chin Laboratorists in Camden prepared something special for visitors: This is the first institution in Europe using liquid nitrogen for cooking ice cream. Special dish - Rambutan & Rose, Sherbet, made from an exotic fruit of nephlaeum, pink water and lime spotter.

82. Svet Ukulele in Karaoke

To the one who is tired of ordinary karaoke, it is worth trying to sing songs under the live music of the Karauke group playing at Ukulele, National hawaiian instrument. They act in different parts of London in one of the Thursdays of each month. Karauke does not have such a large repertoire as a karaoke car, but they can prepare several compositions if they are asked in advance.

83. See justice in action

In the royal court, they arrange open hearings that can visit everyone. Different cases are considered every time, the process is fascinating and allows you to get acquainted with the subtleties of the British judicial system. In itself, the courthouse is noteworthy, similar to the fairy palace.

84. look at the closure of the Tower

The keys ceremony is a traditional ritual, during which the keepers are closed by the London Tower. It happens every night for 700 years. Tourists are allowed to attend the ceremony for free. This action is popular, so it's better to come to the Tower in advance. For some dates of place are booked a few months ahead.

85. To plunge into the Magic World of Harry Potter

All films about Harry Potter have already been discontinued, but the scenery and details remained. They are stored in the studio Warner Bros. Today, everyone can see them at the time of excursion. There is a motorcycle Hagrid, the scarecrow of the giant spider of the Aragog width more than 5 m, the costumes of the characters and much more. Visitors can stroll through the pavement stalk, look at the dishes on the dining room table in Hogwarts and books on the shelves in the Dumbledore office. The main exhibit is the Hogwarts model at a scale of 1:24. It was used during the filming of the exterior of the building in the first six films. Children's entrance ticket worth 21 pound sterling, adult - 28. There is also a store for fans where different things are sold, associated with the saga - from candy to a copy of Dumbledore's mantle.

86. View the highest sculpture of UK

Almost finished sculpture ArcelorMittal Orbit is located at the Olympic Stadium in East London. It is the highest construction in the country. It contains two viewing platforms, from where 360 \u200b\u200b° overlooks the Olympic Park of 100 hectares and Stratford. The sculpture, the design of which created Anish Kapur, is already compared with the Eiffel Tower.

87. Make purchases in the Selfriges department store

Selfriges is the most famous department store in London, is located on Oxford Street. Personal consultant to nap in abundance of goods will help. For example, a stylist can pick up suitable clothes from the latest collections. Such help is free, but it is worth counting on large purchases.

88. Buy cheap things

In London, a lot of Charity Shops, so call stores selling used things and give out revenue for charity targets. They can find different goods, even designer clothes, standing several times cheaper than in expensive boutiques, or even very new things in excellent condition. If you are lucky, you can find a cocktail dress at a price of less than 20 pounds sterling. Such shops have, for example, in Pimliko (Sue Ryder Cancer Care, Hospices of Hope, Oxfam, Fara, Trinity Hospice), Highgate (RSPCA, Mind, Green Room, Cancer Research, Oxfam), on Gololeway Road (Sense, Scope , British Heart Foundation), in Clapham (British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research, Trinity Hospice, Age UK, Save the Children) and in other places.

89. Lost in Maze

The Hampton Palace of Justice has a labyrinth since 1700, in which there are many bizarre bends, unexpected turns and impasses. Its area is about 1,400 m². This is the oldest of the preserved labyrinths of Great Britain, built from the living hedge. He is so famous that even mentioned in the book of Jerome K. Jerome "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs."

90. Imagine the coffee shops of the past

Coffee shops in London exist since 1652 - the first institution of this type on St. Michaels-Ellie opened the first institution. According to the estimates of contemporaries, at the beginning of the XVIII century there were more than 3,000 coffee houses in London, but today's historians believe that they were only 550. Each had its own unique style. For example, DON Saltero's walls were decorated with stuffed exotic animals; In Lunt's, it was possible not only to drink coffee, but at the same time shave at the tall and listen to lectures on the abolition of slavery; There was even a floating coffee house. Folly of The Thames, where the dances arranged. Today there are audio-accounting, telling about the history of London coffee shops.

91. Immerse yourself in the world of heavenly shining in the observatory

The Greenwich Royal Observatory has a unique 28-inch refractor telescope, created in 1893 and being the largest in the UK and the seventh largest in the world. Dark winter evenings Visitors look through it for the same constellations that such an astronomers fascinated in the XIX century.

92. Tasting Wine in The Sampler

The Sampler is a shop-bar on Old Brompton Road, where you can buy wine to take place or just try different varieties. This establishment is good because it makes elite drinks available to wide masses. Here you can order a small portion of wine in just 30 pence. Drinks on removal cost from 10 to 200 pounds sterling.

93. There is, what they give in the "Snatcher without alternatives"

In London, countless cafes and restaurants, whose visitors can order all that your heart. IN lately Spaces of the opposite type began to appear, with a limited menu of 1-2 dishes. For example, in the restaurants of Le Relais de Venise L'Entrecôte in Marylebone and City served green salad with walnuts, steak under sauce and fried potatoes. And all this for 21 pound sterling. The only choice that guests can make is a way to cook a steak. In the diner, Burger & Lobster in Mafere is served, as can be seen from the name, only bifhctecs and lobsters accompanied by salad and potatoes fr. Portion costs 20 pounds sterling.

94. Make shoes in I Can Make Shoes

In Dalxton, there is a workshop I can make shoes, where you can make shoes of your dreams or just update the old shoes. Training courses last from several hours to several days, after which you can take for any work, from the manufacture of sandals and ballet shoes to fashionable studs. The owners of this workshop have proven: make shoes simply.

95. Join the owls in the London Zoo

During the light time, the yoopark belongs to, mostly families with children. However, in June and July, events only for adults are held here. The show begins with the onset of darkness: the aquarium is satisfied with the views, the amphitheater opens with a cabaret, alcoholic beverages are served in the bar, picnics are organized on the lawns. The entrance ticket costs 25 pounds sterling.

96. Go down to Churchill Bunker

In Westminster, a combat point of tracking for an operational situation was preserved, from where during World War II gave orders Winston Churchill. The bunker remained in the same form as he was left in August 1945. Here are the personal belongings that the British Prime Minister used: phones, documents and even cigars.

97. Sit on the bench in Richmond Park

Quiet and spacious richmond park full of unexplored corners. One of the most unusual attractions is a bench installed in memory of the singer Ian Dury. It is equipped with solar panels and headphone connector. Connecting to the player, you can listen to the songs of the musician, including Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick.

98. Get new knowledge in the club Frontline

Frontline - club in Paddington, whose members are famous journalists and other media workers. Here regularly conduct exhibitions, lectures, training seminars and debates. There may be anyone else. For the entrance, 150 pounds of sterling are usually paid, the places must be booked in advance.

99. Get acquainted with the art of East End

At the first Thursday of each month, more than 100 galleries and museums across the Eastern London are open late. The program includes excursions on the exhibitions of works of art, concerts and views. If you are lucky, you can treat the task to beer. The route follows a free bus.

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The capital of Great Britain offers its guests a fascinating and meaningful cultural program of travel. The indelible impressions of stay in London leave walks on numerous museums and galleries. Here, each tourist will find interesting cognitive institutions for different thematic areas. London museums are striking visitors with great wealth of expositions. They are a reflection of the cultural heritage of all mankind. At the time of the heyday of the British Empire from all over the planet, the valuable works of art and vintage artifacts were overlooked to London. Most museums will delight tourists free accessibility.

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The British Museum is numerous historical and archaeological expositions, reflecting the colonial past of England since Ancient Egypt to the present day. Many exhibits presented in the museum today were presented by famous people or purchased by the Auction Administration. However, there are among them and those that appeared "from black stroke". Greeks and Egyptians to this day are trying to return architectural masterpieces and archaeological finds Belonging, as they think, in no way UK. The British Museum is associated with tourists not only with a rich collection of various exhibits, but also with a building in the style of classicism - with columns and a modern glass dome in the courtyard, which became one of the symbols of London XXI century.

As for the museum galleries, they present a huge number of artifacts. All exposures are divided into thematic zones. The most interesting collections are the ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman, however, they are interested in interest. For example, a numismatic, which is a collection of coins of different times from around the world. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the art department. It is not too big, however, it boasts the works of Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt and many other famous artists.

Intekesno that there are not only traditional employees in the state, but also six cats, the responsibilities of which makes causing mice. Get acquainted with unusual employees there is a chance during an excursion. Located at Great Russell Street, London. Its doors are open daily from 10-00 to 17-00. For the entrance you do not need to pay - to get acquainted with the history of Britain and not only can be free.

Museum of Sherlock Holmes.

When Arthur Conan-Doyle created his legendary work about the detective Sherlock Holmes, he could hardly think that after a couple of hundred years on Baker Street Street will appear the house number 221, in the distant XIX century he had a little more than a hundred, and even more so - that this address will be one of the most famous in London. Today, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, open in 1900, attracts thousands of tourists. It is located in the Victorian era mansion, carefully designed by the modern architect in book descriptions. Also restored all internal interiors.

The space of a four-story cottage is organized a bit different, as described by Artur Conan-Doyle in his book, the tourist popularity of this place has been affected at the location of the rooms. On the first floor, in addition to the cashier, there is a fairly large souvenir shop. The second floor is the rest of the famous detective.

The third floor is occupied by the rooms in which Dr. Watson and Missis Hudson's maid were lived - an indispensable assistant Sherlock in domestic issues. By the way, it is she who meets guests and introduces the economic possessions. The fourth floor of a mansion to the detective relationship does not have, here busts and sculptures of the heroes of other works of Arthur Conan-Doyle are collected. Address - Baker Street, 221 b. However, attentive guests will surely notice the inconsistency, it is in the house 239. The exposition is running every day from 9-30 to 18-00, it closes exclusively at Christmas.

Gallery Saatchi

Satie Gallery is one of the most unusual British museums. It strikes everything here - from expositions to the building in which they are located. After all, unlikely, former barracks can be called the best place to get acquainted with art. Gallery received its name in honor of the founder, Art dealer Charles Saatichi. It was he who decided to make his personal assembly of modern paintings to make public the public. Today, Catchi boasts not only permanent, but temporary exhibitions, some of which produce the most real exhibition and among visitors, and among critics. Moreover, not always in the positive sense of the word.

Going to the gallery, it is worth preparing to experience a variety of emotions - from delight and admiration for bewilderment and disgust. After all, how else can you refer to the works of Mark Quinna - heads cast from frozen blood? Or cut placed in formaldehyde Demian Harst Animals? Unfortunately or fortunately, these exhibitions are already in the past and to visit them today will not work. But there are other - no less shocking and shocking.

Disposable among critics and interest among ordinary people, even who are not related to art. What is lucky to see you on the day of the visit - a mystery. Gallery is located at Duke of York's HQ, King's Road. Its doors are open daily from 10-00 to 18-00. Cashier, a ticket to which you can get completely free, closes for half an hour earlier, at 17-30.

Gallery Teit

The Tate Gallery is the best place to get acquainted with the art of Great Britain. Here are the works of various authors, from the XVI century and ending with modern. She was laid by the industrialist Henry Tate, who decided to make his personal collection of public domain. All work is systematized in chronological and thematic order, for the convenience of perception. After all, from the diversity of dates, styles and names, the head can be spinning even in the views of the connoisseurs. Portraits, landscapes, household sketches, mysticism ... The canvas for sure will certainly find everyone.

2000 became for the gallery of the year of change. Her collection was so rummaged that the old building on Trafalgar Square ceased to be enough. So a branch of Teit Modern appeared on the opposite bank of the Thames. The room for him was chosen extraordinary and original, and the museum in it was located a power plant. Gradually, this place was the cult among lovers of modern art of the whole world. But even if you are indifferent to the pictures, to visit the Tate Gallery still stands.

At least in order to ride on a boat that runs between branches on the Thames, and drink a cup of coffee in a panoramic cafe under the roof of Tate Modern. Located at London, Millbank, Tate Britain, its modern branch - opposite the Cathedral of St. Paul. They work both from 10-00 to 17-50. The first Friday of each month is the "long" day, the doors are open to 20-00. December 24-26 - Weekends. For the entrance you do not need to pay. But for the trip to the boat, if it enters the plans - will have to.

House Museum Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens - one of the most famous english writers. His Peru owns such works as the adventures of Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and many others. Guests dedicated literary genius The museum can get acquainted not only with his work, but also the life of the traditional family of the Victorian era. So, what can you see? First of all, the dining room where the whole family was going. Victorian style porcelain plates depict a writer and his friends. Also on the first floor there is a bedroom with a large bed, covered with a canopy, a kitchen and a living room.

The second floor is the most real kingdom of Dickens, its working office with a dressing room. Here, as if two hundred years ago, there are a table and a chair, where the works were created, about which he soon learned the whole world, the first publications of books and even manuscripts are. The walls of the cabinet and other rooms of the museum are decorated with paintings, which depict the old London. Dickens's House Museum is located at Doughty Street, 48. Its doors are open from 10-00 to 17-00, tickets at the box office stop selling an hour earlier. Their cost - 9 pounds sterling. But on holidays, the exposition does not work.


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In order to feel happy, a person should not only open a new, get bright emotions and impressions, but also be able to relax and relax. The best place in the British capital for this is the Museum of Amur London. The exposition, solemnly open in 2007, attracted the attention of tourists, locals, presses. After all, the city of love, free and little depraved, traditionally considered Paris. London in this plan is much more modest. But, nevertheless, the museum dedicated to erotica, sex and love, here still appeared.

Its exposure presents pictures, things, as well as interactive exhibits created by modern computer technician: touch screens, multimedia equipment. The organizers of the museum and the lighting - red tones add mysteriousness and even notes of passion. After exposing from exposures, it is possible to continue to relate in the cafe, where they offer cocktails made from Aphrodisiacs. They, according to Bartenders, add sexuality to anyone, stimulate the attraction and even increase sexual activity.

Those who wish can not only visit the exposition, but also for an additional fee to receive a consultation of a sexopathologist. One of the most ambiguous London museums is located near Piccadilly Square, at Coventry Street, 13. It is open from 11-00 to 00-00. In the daytime, up to 17-00.

Museum of Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is not only the main Cathedral of the country, but also one of the symbols of London. Construction B. gothic style Reminds the affairs of the long-lasting days and traditions of old England. By the way, it is not necessary, if suddenly it will be marked as the Cathedral Church of St. Peter - this is the second name of the abbey. In the underground room, considered one of the oldest in the whole complex, there is a small, but very interesting museum dedicated to the history of shrines.

Fragments of sculptures and frescoes, the funeral statues of the members of the royal family and even the thrones on which monarchs crowned. All this can be seen here, in the exhibits does not reflect the story of not only the church, but also of all England. The museum employs a small souvenir shop where you can take a picture and purchase something for memory. By the way, you can go to it from the street without buying entrance tickets.

In London, quite a lot of Westminster - Chapel, Palace, Cathedral. All these objects do not need to be confused and even more to unite, they exist autonomously from each other, and historically and geographically. Abbey is located at Deans YD, 20. You can visit it from 10-30 to 16-00 any day, except Sunday, when the entrance is allowed only to parishioners. However, the time of work is better to clarify before the visit, as the Church is valid and services can go in it.

Museum of Victoria and Albert

The Victoria and Albert Museum is devoted to the decorative and applied art of not only England, but also the whole world. He was founded in 1851 at the initiative of Queen Victoria, and her spouse, Prince Albert, made a lot for the development and replenishment of the collection, acquiring exhibits at his own expense. It is in honor of this couple in the future museum and got his name.

Today he is among the twenty most popular on the planet. To say that the collection is rich and extensive - it means nothing to say. 51,000 square meters, 140 rooms more than 4 million exhibits. As a rule, tourists are limited to a quick inspection, which begins with a collection dedicated to the European art of different eras. Impressing the works of Raphael and other famous people, you should not relax. After all, interesting collections are not yet small - architectural, asian, books dedicated to fashion. Many of them are called a modern manner - departments.

Museum excursions are performed completely free. For a brief overview, accompanied by a specialist will leave for about an hour. For young guests and their parents are offered special programs. The cradle of decorative and applied art is located in the central part of London, on Cromwell Road Street. You can visit from 10-00 to 17-45 (on Fridays - up to 20-00). Entrance, as well as excursions, free.

Museum of Design

Creative lovers and everything unusual should be visited by the London Museum of Design. Based relatively recently, he has already managed to become the Mecca of creative people around the world. Professionalism is combined here with progressive ideas, and innovation with traditions and classics. The museum is located in a three-story building. On the ground floor there are, cash regulations, office space, art cafes and a souvenir shop. All this, even the toilets is decorated with well-known designers in a very unusual style. The second and third floors occupy exposure, constant and temporary.

They are devoted to different directions, but the "core" are exhibits on the design of clothing and interiors. Moreover, both sketches and graphic sketches and the final results of labor are presented. The premises itself is also issued originally and deserves attention. Under the roof there is an exposure dedicated to the design history - from its very formation to modern times. In addition, there are solemn events, conferences, seminars and classes for children.

Located at Shad Thames, 28. Visitors are waiting daily, from 10-00 to 17-45.

Museum of Natural History

The London Museum of Natural History is devoted to nature - its past, true and even a little future. It consists of two parts - research, where scientists work and scientific research is underway (many years ago, Charles Darwin himself worked here, and the exhibition directly, which is open to visitors. She reminds scenery to the films and Harry Potter and night in the museum. Although, of course, they were not here.

Exposures are divided into several "color zones". In the most crowded, blue, the skeletons of dinosaurs and other long-lasting animals are presented. It is interesting for both children and adults. The green zone is not as largetous, in its expositions - birds, insects and plants. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in Red every day. Not real, of course, and layouts. In addition, here you can get acquainted with the "mineral diversity" of our planet. The orange zone is devoted to the works of Charles Darwin.

There are laboratories where everyone can participate in the most real scientific experiments. Of course, this entertainment is focused on children. Small visitors here are priority in all senses. Located at Cromwell Road, Natural History Museum. You can visit it on any day (except Christmas holidays) from 10-00 to 17-50. On the last Friday of the month - to 22-30. The entrance to the main exposure is free.

Museum-Ship Katty Sark

The British tremble and carefully apply to everything that is associated with their history. It is not surprising that the ship with the mystical name of Catty Sark, named after the Scottish Witch, the Heroine of the work of Robert Berns, preserved and pleases visitors not only by appearance, but also, if you can say, interior.

Sailors traditionally believe in signs. From the very beginning, they believed that the ship with mystical and frightening name was not destined for a long life. However, he didn't have one ten years old the expanses of the seas and the oceans, carrying tea from China to Europe, and was perfectly preserved to the present day. True, in 2007 a serious fire occurred, restoration work after which lasted until 2012. Today, Katty Sarka meets visitors again. Here you can walk along the decks, look into the trim and even visit the underwater part. It is she who produces the most impression on visitors.

An excellent completion of the excursion will be lunch, well, or afternooner, in the "sea" cafe. And in the souvenir shop you can buy something for memory. Located on the Thames Embankment, at Greenwich, King William Walk. You can climb the deck on any day from 11-00 to 17-00.

Museum of Transportation

Two-storey tourist buses - one of the symbols of London, his business card in the tourist world. And not only can be seen in the transport museum. The exposition of it is quite extensive and occupies a large three-story building. Each floors are devoted to this or that theme. The first is the so-called organizational. There are cash offices, office space, a cafe and a souvenir shop, in which you can purchase something for memory. In addition, small visitors will surely interest the hall with layouts, where everything you can not only touch, but also experience in action. However, no matter how interesting is in the lower, everything is interesting ahead.

The second floor of the museum is dedicated to the history of the world's first metro. It is not difficult to guess that he appeared in London. Here you can see how manually began to build a subway, as new stations appeared and how the lines and movement of trains changed over the years. The third floor is devoted to ground transport. Here is literally all that is associated with street movement - from horseback wagons to those most legendary two-storey buses.

It can be clearly to see how the streets of the British capital change over the years. Address: pl. Covent Garden. It works daily, from 10-00 to 18-00 (on Fridays it opens an hour later, from 11-00). Children under 16 can visit the exposition completely free.

Madame Tussauds museum

One of the world-famous and popular cultural places of London is the museum of wax figures named after the famous sculptor Madame Mary Tussao. It was founded in 1835, and since then serves as the most visited attraction of the British capital. The modern building of the famous museum located at the Baker Street Metro Station has a characteristic high dome of the green shade. The exposition of the complex is divided into thematic halls in which the greatest collection Wax figures of eminent artists, musicians, politicians, athletes and different historical personalities.

A skillful detail of the images, the naturalness of the sculptures, the painstaking work of artists and the similarity with the original causes delight in the audience. Tourists are given the opportunity to do memorial photos With your idols and even touch their hands. Brad Pit, Angelina Jolie, Usain Bolt, Michael Jackson, Maillin Monroe, Joni Depp, John Travolta, Charlie Chaplin, David Beckham, Bruce Willis, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, is far from a complete list of celebrities, Which can be seen in the museum.

Regardless of the kind of activity of outstanding persons, the exhibition of the London Institution is regularly updated with new sculptures. Accepts guests from 9:00 to 19:00. The price of the ticket will cost each visitor to 29 pounds.

National Gallery

The magnificent collection of artistic works is in the national picture gallery London. An impressive gray building with massive portico, powerful columns and a huge dome towers on Trafalgar Square. In elegantly decorated interiors of the premises, more than 2,000 cases of famous painting masters from all over the world are exhibited. The collection consists of masterpieces created from the XIII century. Gallerous visitors can clearly trace how the trends and technical features of writing the immortal brilliant creations of great artists over the centuries have changed.

The paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Caspar Friedrich, Titian, Rembrant, Bartolomeo Muurillo, Carlo Krvelli and other masters of their era deserve special attention to special attention. The National Gallery of London presents an impressive collection orthodox icons Byzantine, Greek and Russian school of Scripture. Opening hours: Daily from 10:00 to 18:00 and until 21:00 (on Fridays). The entrance is completely free.

Tate Modern Gallery

In the colorful five-story building of a former power station on the bank of the River Thames, a gallery of contemporary art is located - "Teit Modern". The cult place is of interest among lovers of abstract, avant-garde and innovative creativity. The industrial structure is crowned with a stereomed tube and a glass roof. In the halls with high ceilings against the background of dark bricks, curious paintings, photographs, exhibits, installation and sculptures are exhibited. Here, many art objects produce an ambiguous impression, bewilderment, and sometimes even irritation cause. Nevertheless, the collection involves visitors to understanding the actual problems of society.

Gallery contains more than 70 thousand works of various artists, including Picasso, Malevich, Monet, Warhol and other masters abstract art. Basically, the establishment fund consists of world masterpieces of surrealism created throughout the 20th century. Open every day from 10:00 to 18:00 (Sunday-Thursday) and until 21:00 (Friday Saturday). Exposure is free.

Institute of Contemporary Arts

In the business district of the capital of Britain is the Institute of Contemporary Art. This is a prestigious exhibition area, which are represented on the universal review of the audience exhibits of new directions in visual arts. The institution was founded in 1946 by collectors, writers and critics. The creative intelligentsia was here to open a place for the seminars of artists who could express their creative ideas outside the existing limits of classical standards of art.

The Institute of Contemporary Art has a gallery, a cinema, a bookstore and a cafe. Visitors demonstrate exposure, promoting avant-garde, provocative and marginal directions in creativity. These are paintings, sculptures, performances, video stations. Concerts are often held here. The entrance is free. Gallery has been opened from 12:00 to 23:00.

Collection of Wallace

Curiosity of tourists will satisfy the contemplation of a unique collection of masterpieces of the art of one of the revered English Marquis - Sir Richard Wallace. The museum is based on the richest private collection of painting, medieval weapons, elegant sculptures, antique furniture and many decorative and applied items. Exhibits amazed viewers with their performance and splendor. Valuable artifacts were tested by the British Nation Marquis for Universal Forming.

Exhibits are stored in the family mansion of Wallace, erected in the XVIII century. An impressive collection of works of art is exhibited in 25 halls among the luxurious interiors that personify the aristocratic housing of the Victorian era. The preserved cozy atmosphere makes visiting the museum is akin to the parish to visit personally to Sir Wallace.

Tourists can get aesthetic pleasure from loving with a large number of various paintings written by the greatest masters of their time. These are Creation of Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian, Wang Dequee, Cantelto, Bush and many other artists. Samples of carved furniture belonging to the XVII century, as well as gold caskets, beautiful sculptures and porcelain items are attracted. Accepts guests daily from 10:00 to 17:00. Free admission.

Museum of Harry Potter

True fans of the legendary story about the young wizard of Harry Potter will be very interesting to visit the Museum of the same name, located near London. This is a whole complex consisting of huge pavilions with stunning decorations, various buildings and details. Hundreds of detailed locations, costumes of heroes, recognizable artifacts immerse tourists in amazing world Fairy tales and adventures.

In the cinematic town, the achievements of the modern production of cult films about Harry Potter are concentrated. Before the guests of the museum will open the secrets of creating spectacular scenes with special effects. Tourists expect Hogwarts classrooms, Dumbledore's office, the famous platform 9 ¾, oblique alley and many other familiar places from the franchise.

Tickets can only be purchased on the official website of the museum. Their cost of adults is 43 pounds sterling, for children from 5 to 15 years - 35 £. Harry Potter Museum accepts its guests every day from 8:30 (Saturday, Sunday) and from 9:30 (Monday-Friday) until 22:00.

Museum Jeffrey

In the old two-story building of the former Laddle XVIII century, the Jeffrey Museum is located, where guests of the British capital can get acquainted with the history of the development of English homemade life. The exposition reflects the changes in the living area of \u200b\u200bthe middle class of London. The collection clearly demonstrates how the taste preferences of people about comfort, style and design of their apartments were formed. In eleven small halls recreated residential apartments of different time periods, starting from 1600 to modern days.

Special attention is paid to objects of furniture and decorative arts. Walls and ceilings are decorated with original patterned ornaments, drawings, oak panels or wallpaper. Summer seats, tables and cabinets, as well as fireplaces, textile samples, dishes, vases, candle holders, caskets and other interior accessories are presented.

Doors are open from Tuesday to Sunday. Mode of operation: 10:00 - 17:00. Free admission. Touch the exhibits strictly prohibited. A picturesque garden breaks around, where tourists can stroll through the green lawn under the crowns of trees.

Imperial Military Museum

In a majestic building with a massive dome and portor of an ionic order, numerous military exhibits are placed. It is noteworthy that until 1936, the historical structure belonged to the royal psychiatric hospital. The collection is devoted to military conflicts of the 20th century, in which the British Empire Army participated. Around the complex is broken by a well-kept park. On its territory there is a giant layout of a double-rich artillery gun. Here you can also see the monument to the Soviet soldiers who fell in World War II.

The exhibition pavilions are filled with tanks, airplanes, ballistic missiles, soft-organized cars and various species Weapons. Among the copies are British, Russian and German weapons. Skillfully created trenches with trenches, blocking with barbed wire and command points involuntarily transfer visitors to the complex of wartime. Separate attention deserve exploration exhibits Mi-6, personal things of soldiers, unique archival documents and photos.
Takes its guests daily from 10:00 to 18:00. Free admission.

It is impossible to pass by cognitive, interactive and free local Lore Museum London. The establishment invites its guests in the chronological sequence to trace the rich history of one of the largest European capital. The exposition covers time periods, ranging from the Stone Age to today's days. Visit the institution Tourists can every day from 10:00 to 18:00.

The fund is striking with its diversity. Here are numerous artifacts archaeological excavations, among which stone choppers, axes, spears, swords, arrows, jewelry, personal items of Roman legionnaires, a skull of primitive people and much more. Interest is a collection of classic dresses, costumes, photographs, paintings, dishes, toys, as well as household items. The pearl collection is the gilded coach of one of the honorable Lords of Britain, manufactured in 1757.

In the halls recreated the quarters of ancient London with shops, workshops, bank branches, bakeries, taverns, hairdressers and ateliers. Visitors learn how once the townspeople baked bread, the metal was treated, sewed clothes and used old tools. Impressive size LED screens demonstrate videos from the history of the life of the city.

Museum of Science

It is an entertaining and exciting place that attracts the attention of a huge number of tourists. In the galleries of the five-story building there are more than 300 thousand exhibits. All of them belong to the highest achievements of the human mind. The impressive collection is devoted to scientific activities in the field of space, technology, medicine, chemistry and industry. The impractinal interest in the audience cause unique steam machines, engines, aircrafts, Computers, Rarity cars, Space equipment, rockets, various mechanisms, household appliances and other inventions.

Layouts are made in full size. In the museum presents interactive exhibits, clearly demonstrating how it is from within a particular device. A separate room is filled with medical instruments of the doctors of past centuries. Here you can also meet with modern methods diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Tourists will curious with the help of uncomplicated experiments some physical phenomena, as well as to explore the capabilities of the human body and senses. Innovative technologies Virtual reality offers visitors to feel like an astronaut, make a journey through the universes of the Universe and visit the space station.

Open daily from 10:00 to 18:00. The entrance to the complex is free. Welcome voluntary donations.

Horror Museum

The London Dungeon, that in translation means "London Tomnot", represents the original combination of the museum, quest and theatrical production. A popular attraction is designed to immerse non-nervous tourists in the gloomy environment of medieval torture, bloody crimes and criminal events from the history of the British capital. The impressions of what is happening are intensifying special effects, sound accompanies, falsion smells, excellent scenery and dressed in historical costumes actors.

Visitors will become involuntary participants in comic and sometimes terrible performance. In the labyrinths of the dungeon in the dim light, it will be possible to meet executors with axes, ledging victims of plague, wandering dead, serial killers and maniacs. Each of them will be able to hardly rush the nerves to tourists. Before the audience will be corpses with a cut throat and the released guts. Numerous adaptation torture fear.

Guests can see the opportunity to wander around the fire covered by the fire and tunnels, to visit the hairdresser's Swinny Todd, hovering from Jack Ripper, go on a shameless boat in full darkness to the scaffold. Excursants will be sentenced to the death penalty, which will end with a sharp drop in a special mine. No one will suffer, but under a strong impression everyone will remain.

London Tomnika welcomes its guests every day from 10:00 to 16:00 (on weekdays) and until 18:00 (Saturday, Sunday). The cost of ticket online through the official website of the museum is 21 pounds.

Wellington Museum

Near the famous Hyde Park of London, a classic mansion is towers, decorated with a Corinthian portist and lined with limestone. In this building there lived a triumphator of the battle at Waterloo Duke and the Great Communion - Arthur Wellington. He became famous not only to his military courage, but also collecting masterpieces of art.

To date, the Museum is located in the luxurious halls of the mansion. The valuable artistic trophy fabrics captured by Wellington during military campaigns against the French are exhibited here. The primordial aristocratic interior of the premises gives a special entourage to enjoy the works of painting. The exposition is filled with the works of such masters like Rubens, Velasquez, Van Deken, Caravaggio, Goya, Murillo and many other artists. In addition to the picture gallery, visitors to the museum will see exquisite furniture, as well as a collection of porcelain, silver, weapons and orders.

At the entrance of tourists, there is a three-meter sculpture of Napoleon, made by the famous sculptor Antonio Canova. The emperor is presented in the guise of Mars Peacemaker. The statue symbolizes the defeated opponent Arthur Wellington and reminds everyone about the merits of the British commander. Opened from Wednesday to Sunday in the summer season (11: 00-17: 00) and from Saturday to Sunday in the winter season (10: 00-16: 00). The price of an adult ticket is 10 British pounds.

Museum of Prison "Clink"

For lovers of acute sensations, the former clink prison opens their dark doors, located near the coast of Thames. In the preserved basement houses the themed museum. This inspiring the horror of the place imposed fear of residents of London from the XII century to 1780. Today, tourists who want to talk their nerves daily are rushing.

The founder of the prison was Bishop Winchester, which was distinguished by his cruelty in relation to the prisoners. Debtors, scandalists, drunkards, heretics, thieves, harmnitsa, as well as innocent people sent for the grille. The jailers extorted the expected money for food, candles and bedding.

The atmosphere of the medieval prison chambers is maximally recreated. Visitors can see numerous torture torture, the principle of operation forces the blood to go into the veins. Wax figures of convicts and audio recordings of heartbreaking stones introduce additional urgent impressions. Prison "Click" takes its guests daily. From July to September, it works from 10:00 to 21:00. In the period October - June, the exposure examination is limited to 18:00. Ticket price - 7.5 £.

Museum of Bank England

In the classic building of the XVIII century, the facade of which decorate columns, portico and sculptures, is the Museum of the Bank of England. The expositions of the institution reflect the history of the formation of the financial system of the state. Unique banknotes, coins of royal chasing, gold bars, original engraving, sculptures, debt receipts and various documents are exhibited on the public.

The museum foundation has rareer muskets and peaks used in antiquity guards to protect the bank. Among the exhibits you can see various furniture items. Deserves the attention of the large size of the iron chest that served as a safe. Interest causes the reconstruction of ancient office space with wax figures, closed in historical robes. Available for visiting on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00. Free admission.

Museum of Churchill

Next to the Saint James Park under the Treasury building is a unique place - the underground bunker Winston Churchill. Here at a depth of about five meters during the German bombing, an outstanding British statesman conducted a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and gave orders to the army. Since 1984, the bunker is a museum, where Churchill's personal belongings and a considerable number of interesting exhibits are exhibited for everyone.

The interiors of the headquarters of the Prime Minister have a rather ascetic and practical view corresponding to the conditions of wartime. Massive steel blocks under the ceiling defended the shelter from entering shells. Tourists will see the office and apartments not only Churchill, but also working rooms for members of the government, communications, typist and various staff. The rooms are forced by written tables, chairs, beds and other attributes. Some rooms are very convincingly imitate the activity of wax mannequins.

The collection demonstrates genuine documents, cards, telephones and objects used by Winston Churchill. Of interest are the famous attributes: a box of smoking cigars, cane, cylinder and "butterfly" in polka dot. The notable exhibit of the complex is an interactive fifteen-meter table. On its sensory surface, information is reflected on all the details of the life of the Great British. Open every day from 9:30 to 18:00.

Museum of tea and coffee

The capital of Great Britain invites its guests to visit the Tea and Coffee Museum. Tourists are given the opportunity to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the history and culture of consumption of these fragrant and favorite drinks of millions of people. The exposition consists of an impressive collection of invaluable attributes associated with tea and coffee ceremony. In the halls you can see Chinese porcelain dishes, Japanese dishes, miniature cups, whites for whipping tea leaves, painted with colorful ornaments of the sets, Russian meter samovars and much more.

The walls are decorated with picturesque engravings and paintings depicting scenes from the ritual of tea drinking. Special delight causes welding teapots of various shapes, sizes and models. They are presented in the form of dragons, lions, cars, postal boxes, police, locomotives and furniture items. It works every day from 10:00 to 18:00. The cost of the ticket is 4 pounds sterling.

Museum of toys Polloka

It offers tourists to plunge into the magical and carefree world of good childhood. This place prepared its audience a lot of wonderful impressions and pleasant surprises. Small rooms related to rifle stairs are filled with charming dolls, designers, soldiers, puppets, cars, airplanes and all sorts of mechanical baubles.

The museum is named after the famous toy master and theater decorations Victorian era - Benjamin Pollock. Most exhibits are unique historical specimens. The exposure has wax, porcelain, plastic, wooden, fabric, and even paper toys. Some dolls "live" in their amazing houses. Their miniature apartments are furnished with furniture and dishes. A separate showcase is devoted to plush teddy bear, matretory, as well as Dymkovsky and carved Bogorodian toys.

The toy exhibition can be visited on any day, except Sunday. Works from 10:00 to 17:00. The entrance ticket to the adult will cost 5 pounds, 2 pound children.

Museum of childhood

Exhibits will certainly deliver to adult and young travelers a lot of joyful emotions. In the huge galleries of the two-story pavilion, a collection of various toys from around the world has been collected. These are dolls, puppets, soldiers, figurines famous characters, robots, all kinds of board games, teddy bear, wooden horses, designers, crowns, cars and many other funny instances. Museum of childhood is open daily from 10:00 to 17:45. Free admission.

The property of the foundation is the exposition of puppet houses exhibited behind glass windows of racks. Many models have an open look, which allows viewers to consider miniature furniture, tiny dishes and evaluate the detailed interiors of miniature apartments. It is impossible to pass by exquisite toy porcelain sets. The diameter of the cups and plates does not exceed five centimeters. Puppet utensils covered flower ornaments and colorful patterns.

The objects of children's clothing for boys and girls deserve attention. Presented dresses and suits of the XVIII -XIX centuries. Rarity wooden, ceramic and wax cute dolls are striking visitors with luxurious outfits embroidered by a century ago. Delight cause mechanical toys - cruising trains, dancing ballerina, walking robots and moving statues.

Sør Museum John Sound

Attracts tourists abundance of unique works of art. Apartments at home-studios, where he lived and worked by J. Sun, literally cluttered with antiquary objects. Here you can see fragments of architectural attractions, antique marble and gypsum frescoes, archaeological artifacts, sculptures, minerals, vases, picturesque engravings and much more.

The artistic assembly contains rare Pirase, Hogarth and Canaletto. The walls of the art hall are screens that rise up with the help of loops, opening new images. Thus, in a small room managed to place hundreds of paintings. The main part of the exposition of the manic collector was brought from Italy, Egypt and Greece. Exhibits are exposed randomly in relation to the chronological sequence and cultures of civilizations of different eras.

Convex mirrors and colored window windows create an incredible atmosphere. Accepts guests from Wednesday to Sunday. Opening hours: 10: 00-17: 00. Exposure is free.

Gallery Whitechepel

In the mysterious London district of Whitechepel, where hundreds of years ago performed the murder of Jack Ripper, the art gallery is located avant-garde art and abstract expressionism. The museum was founded in 1901 and became one of the first publicly available institutions funded by the state. Gallery has gained wide popularity due to exposure of paintings Pablo Picasso, Mark Rotko, Frida Calo, Jackson Pollock, Robert Kramba and other modern masters.

To date, the exhibition halls of the gallery exhibit shocking and surreal sculptures, paintings and photos. Of interest are unexpected and provocative performances that reflect the urgent social problems in society. Gallery Whitechepel works from 11:00 to 16:00 every day, except Monday. Free admission.

Jack Ripper Museum

Among the ancient architectural ensemble of the Victorian era of the Watechepel district is located the Jack Ripper Museum. In 1888, the mysterious serial killer was horrified on the locals not the most prosperous Quarter of London. The victims of Jack were women of light behavior whom he ruthlessly cut, not leaving a living place on the body.

Exhibits make it possible to tourists to find out information about the details of the investigations of crimes, the victims of the maniac and the main suspects in murders. Pictures, photos and newspaper cuttings are hung on the walls, which describe in detail the circumstances of brutal atrocities. Visitors to the museum will be held in the alleged room, where Jack Ripper lived. Here, numerous surgical instruments, medical bottles, clothing items and other artifacts will appear in front of them. Open every day from 9:30 to 18:30. The cost of the entrance is 12.50 pounds.

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