Management process. Abstract: Management process

Management process. Abstract: Management process
Management process. Abstract: Management process

The execution of control functions always requires certain costs of time and forces, as a result of which the managed object is given in the specified or desired state. This is the main content of the concept of "management process". Most often under it is understood as a certain set of management actions that are logically associated with each other in order to achieve their goals by converting resources at the "entrance" to products or services at the "output" of the system.

This definition emphasizes the targeted nature of the process carried out by the organization's management apparatus, as well as its connection with the functions, goals and resources necessary for their implementation. Along with this, the literature is widely used and another definition of the management process is widely used, in which it is not considered that the management decision, the adoption and execution of the efforts and organizational activities of professional managers are sent as its key point. The management process is represented as a set of cyclic actions related to identifying problems, search and organizing the implementation of decisions made.

Management is the process of planning an organization, motivation and control necessary in order to form and achieve the goal of the organization.

The Office is a conscious targeted human activity with the help of which he streamlines and subordinates its interests elements of the society, technology and wildlife. Management must be essential for success and survival.

There is always in management: the subject is the one who performs the management and the object - the one who controls the actions of the management subject, so The main task of the management to organize the work of other people, while the highest form of art management is such an organization in which the object of the Office creates a feeling that no one is managed.

The management of technical systems, economic management, as well as social, during which various relationships are governed between people.

The purpose of the control is the desired, possible and non-needed state of production, affairs, problems that must be achieved.

The instrument of management work includes: office equipment, computing techniques that ensure the mechanism and automation of managerial labor.

The subject of managerial labor is people, relations between them relating to this production.

As a rule, control processes are very diverse, multidimensional and have a complex structure (consist of a large number of stages and phases). In the general sense, the management process consists of general control functions that are combined into control cycles.

Management is the complex intellectual activity of a person who requires special knowledge and experience, always existed in some forms where people worked as groups. For example, Egyptian pyramids, Maya's pyramids and many other historical monuments demanded clarity in planning, organizing the work of many people and control over their activities.

The I-th historical period (until the XVIII century) is the accumulation of management experience.

The II historic period (1776-1890) - industrial period. Works A. Smita (State Administration), R.Oen (Humanization of production) and others. The emergence of factories as a primary type of production and the need to ensure the work of large groups of people. Individual owners are not able to observe the activities of all workers. The first managers are the best workers representing the interests of the owners in the workplace.

The III historic period is the system of systematization. Formation of management science.

Management arose from cooperation to coordinate people's activities. One of the applications is economic - finding, production and distribution of resources;

The obvious characteristic of any enterprise is a division of labor, because the enterprise is an artificial system created by a person for his own interests, first of all collaboration. Since the work in the enterprise is distributed among subsections and individual performers, someone must coordinate their actions in order to achieve the overall goal of activities. Therefore, the need objectively arises in the separation of management activities from the executive. So, the need to manage is associated with the processes of labor separation in the enterprise.

Management, which (in broad sense) has activities aimed at coordinating the work of other people (labor collectives) relies on the theory and practice of management, but is more art than knowledge as it is rather a way to use knowledge in specific rational forms and modifications, than knowledge itself. The Office is art, the essence of which is to apply science to the realities of the situation.

Effective management of the enterprise should be based on the application of regulatory management methods.

The formation of the necessary regulatory framework for the production management, material and financial flows is mandatory, today it is impossible to improve the efficiency of economic activity without this. But the creation based on the developed methodological documents of the regulatory framework for all elements by calculations performed by hand, a rather time-consuming and expensive task. To a large extent, costs can be reduced when developing a system of norms through the use of automated software systems that make it possible to form and periodically update the regulatory framework. In addition, it will allow in an automated mode to monitor the efficiency of the production and economic and financial activities of the enterprise. All costs of forming a regulatory framework will pay off in perspective.

Organically in this system fits the norms of reserves of material resources and the norms of working capital invested in these reserves. The owner and management of the enterprise is not indifferent, with what level of production and sales reserves is ensured by the smoothness of the production, supply and sale process, and how much is distracted from the turnover of their own financial resources, i.e. As successfully operates supply services and sales in the enterprise. In the conditions of a market economy, issues of rational and efficient organization of management and control processes and controlling the movement of material and financial flows in AO are becoming particularly relevant in order to increase the efficiency of the logistics and technical supply of the enterprise itself and the sales of finished products produced by it. This is necessary to optimize the level of reserves and their effective use, reduce their level in the enterprise, as well as minimizing working capital invested in these reserves.

The lack of industrial reserves from the enterprise leads to a violation of the rhythm of its production, a decrease in labor productivity, the overruns of material resources due to forced irrational substitutions and an increase in the cost of manufactured products. The lack of sales reserves does not allow to ensure the uninterrupted process of shipment of finished products, respectively, it reduces its implementation, reduces the amount of profits received and the loss of potential customer consumer clientele produced by the enterprise. At the same time, the presence of unused reserves slows the turnover of working capital, distracts material resources from turnover and reduces the pace of reproduction and leads to large costs in the content of the stocks themselves. The functioning of the industrial enterprise at a relatively high level of its reserves will be completely not effective. In this case, the company has in his separate groups of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bstocks more really necessary of their values \u200b\u200b- unnecessary reserves.

The control mechanism includes: goals, missions, functions, principles, management methods.

The principle of management of the rules, the norms whom to lead in their activities during the solution of the tasks facing the company, enterprise:

1. Definition of goals and management tasks;

2. Development of specific measures to achieve them;

3. Separation of tasks for certain types of work;

4. Coordination of interactions of various divisions within the organization;

5. Formation of the hierarchical structure;

6. Optimization of decision-making;

7. Motivation, stimulation of spectacular work.

Management methods

Management methods - methods, form of exposure to the head on subordinates:

1. Organizational and administratives (instructions, execution control)

2. Economic (economic calculation)

3. Socio-psychological (accounting of psychology of personality, team)

The nature and efficacy of the process of the production of goods or services is due to the level of organization of its management. It is inseparable from the production process, it is its component, the necessary element. The main tasks of management are to ensure the most efficient use of material, labor, financial and information resources, the creation of prerequisites for the fullest increase in production efficiency. The complexity and dynamism of modern technological processes, information flows, industrial and economic relations, a significant amount of work on the collection and processing of information - all this causes an increase in the requirements for organizing the management of the enterprise. The functional purpose of the control is to provide unity, compliance and coherence of all production links, so that production and economic activities are uninterrupted and contributed to the achievement of planned goals at the lowest resources costs.

Topic 8.

Management process

In this topic, the following questions will be covered for studying management.oh:

The concept of the management process;

Properties of the management process;

Steps of the management process;

Stage management stages;

The role of managing impact in the management process;

Constant impact;

Periodic effects;

Concepts: "Action", "Impact", "Interaction";

Directions and types of exposure;

Sources of impact in the management process.

In the previous topic, we showed that each of the enterprise systems (as management systems) - managed and control - hashis Organization A. the structure that serves as the form of the existence of the process. SLe. dovally, each of the named systems has its own process.Previously, it was about the process ofp melted (production) system, called production, regardless of whether it is material or spiritual (ne. material) production where it proceeds.

The management process flowing in the control system has similarities with the production process and its own characteristics explained by the nature of managerial labor. Production process is directed toabout the production of goods and services, and the result of the management process is to prepare the control impact and solutions. This is the main difference of theseabout Cesses.

8.1. The concept of the management process

Process (from lat. Processus - Promotion) means:

Consistent replacing phenomena, states in the development of something;

A combination of consecutive actions to achieve any result (production, preparation of solutions).

Management process- This is a combination of targeted actions of the head and management apparatus in coordination of joint activitiesabout people to achieve the goals of the organization.

Table 8.1.1.



Management process

Manufacturing process

Labor subject


Material, blanks, detail, etc.

Farm products

Tool, office equipment, computing equipment, etc.

Equipment, equipment, devices, etc.

Product of Labor

Information in the converted form (solution, plan, report)

Detail, knot, unit, product

Contractor of the employment process

Head, Specialist, Technical Artist

Production worker

Process stage

Icobalization, information work, analytical work, choice of action option (decision-making), organizational and practical work

Proper, processing, assembly, test

Components of the process

Operations, procedures


Workplace of the work process

With wide borders

With narrow borders

Control process parameters. All processes flowing at the enterprise (in the field of production and management) are primarilypR O. chesses of labor, since production and management are a joint work of people who make targeted actions on a specific program. The control parameters (characteristics) of the management process can be attributed:



Labor product;

Contractor of the employment process (Fig. 8.1.1.).

Fig. 8.1.1.

General functions are performed in all organizations without exception with real and spiritual production. The formation of specific functions depends, as is well known, from the specifics of the production system, the enterprise activities. Therefore, a list of specific functions can be somehow small and as much as much depending on the raz. measure organization and scale of its production.

At each enterprise in the process of management of applicationsand everyone general and specific functions for the preparation of the managerj. the preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions.

8.2. General characteristics of the management process

Management process – this is the activities of the Directoratecoordination of collaboration workers to achieve the goalsqi.

As a scientific concept, the control process acts in the unity of threeabout their sides:

2) organization;

3) procedures (management technology).

1. With the content side, the control process may be an oracharacte. rized as a targeted impact on the state of elements, arrbut the management system. This process expresses the unity of various partial processes (technical, economic, social, etc.), Performed by the control apparatus in certain spatial and time boundaries in relation to specific objects and levels of exlenia.

2. The organizational characteristics of the management process expresses the spatial and temporal sequence of its flow,e MUY. control cycle. The latter includes 1) Defining goals and 2) Implementation of control functions. An important role in this aspect has accessoriese. lives dividing the management process to the components of the systeme. we are management and its levels.

At the enterprise level distinguish the following type componentsfrom control themes as management process objects:

1) linear guide subsystem;

2) target subsystems;

3) functional subsystems;

4) Control subsystem.

The linear guideline subsystem includes all linear managerse. lei - from the master to the director of the enterprise. Target subsystems coversau:

Managing the implementation of the production plan and product supply plan;

Product quality management;

Resource management;

Production management of production;

Management of social development of the labor collective;

Environmental management.

Functional subsystems characterizedspecialization Expressin lengic activities on the implementation of the relevant 1) specific and 2) special control functions.

Management subsystem covers:

1) legal support;

2) informational support;

3) organization and implementation of regulatory economy;

4) office work;

5) Equipment of the enterprise with technical means of managerial labor.

3. With the procedure (technological) Party, the management process is the relationship of its stages and phases receiving theirs ramation and consolidation in their further membership on the types of work, operations and deist. via, as well as procedures, algorithms, etc.

The concept of the management process is closely related to the categorythe control potential under which the combination of the disposable management system of information management and resources management system is understood.and , Labor, financial, experience and qualifications of personnel, management traditions.

8.3. Control process management

The control process from the content may look like this (Fig.8.3.1.):

Fig. 8.3.1.

Methodological content

Functional content

Economic content

Organizational content

Social content

Methodological content management process It assumes the allocation of certain stages reflecting both the general traits of human labor activities and specific features of managerial activityabout steps characterize the sequence of qualitative changebut bot in the process of control, being internal development steps WITH YES STICIAL In each act of its implementation

Stage - this is a combination of operations (actions) characterized by qualitye. definition and uniformity and reflecting the necessary sequence of their existence.

The control process can be represented as a sequence of trailstages:

Setting goals (goaling),

Estimates of the situation


Development of a managerial solution.

We will reveal the phased sequence of the management process visually (Fig. 8.3.2).

Fig. 8.3.2.

Goal - this is the presentation of the head about, what should bein by the system of them. In scientific definition, it can be formulated as an ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state system.e. we. The management process begins with the formulation of the purpose of impact. If it is a consciously implemented process, purposeful and ce. forest-shaped, it can start only with clarification, definitions and postbut novki Objective of exposure.

Situation - This is the state of the managed system, assessedand talno goals. Under the situation it would be misunderstood onlye. from the program or conflict cases of work. Office managementin it falls no matter if there is a deviation or not, conflict or somen. flictnaya furnishings. System status can never be identityn. but the goals, therefore, there is always a situation.

The difference between the situation from the goal, as a rule, includes many contractionse. chii. The act of exposure is necessary to resolve these contradictions,to approach the state of the system to the target. But this is possible only if we find a leading contradiction, the resolution of which will behave forabout fight permission all others.

Problem - This is the leading contradiction of the situation and goals, to the permission of which should be directed. Without defining the problem, a managerial solution is impossible.

Management solution - This is finding ways to resolve the problem and organizational work to implement the solution in the managed system. It is the final stage of the management process, its compound with the production process, the impetus for the impact of the control system to the managed.

Functional content of the control process. It is manifested in a large-scale sequence and preference of the implementation ofin control functions. Here you can select the following steps:





The function of the manual is carried out in these stages.

Economic content management process. It is due to the fact that in the process of management finds its expressionthe use of production resources - from the assessment of their presence before turning into the product. Based on this, the economic content of the management process can be represented as the steps of using resources, the movement of funds, whicht. work in a managed system, but determinedactivity Expressin system. The economic content of the management process can be expressed in the following steps:

Establishing economic needs;

Evaluation of resources;

Resource allocation;

Resource usage.

Organizational content management process. It is manifested in the sequence of using organizational levers of influence on stages:





Each act of impact assumes that the head must clearly formulate the task (what to do). This is a regulation that may be different in the duration of action. Next, you need to establish their permissible deviations. These are regulations. Then it is determined how it is better to perform the task that to use than to be guided, etc. This is an ins.t. banging. Each task should assume an indication of the measuret. for non-compliance with it or incorrect execution.

In a multi-level management system organizational contentabout chesses management is also manifested in the order of interaction between different links and levels of this control system. The procedure for the interaction of O.p determined by the character of a particular purpose, the characteristics of the situation, which does not allow to buildthe general scheme of organizational interaction of the linkb eV and System Steps. It is different for each specific act ofsvia.

The social content of the management process is revealed by the role of peopleabout century in its implementation. Each stage of the management process involves indispensable human participation. In this case, the control process requires furbut the initiative and automation of its operations. The most suitable for the use of modern technology are the stages of assessing the situation, finding the problem and the development of solution options, i.e. those stages, performing a catabout ryy largely depends on information processing.

Consequently, the social content of the management process can be submitted by a sequence of purely human and human-machine operations. With any degree of mechanization of managerial trw. yes the management process begins and ends with a purely human dei am

8.4. Properties of the management process

The control process has specific properties thatt. his features are degraded. These properties are the following (Fig.8.4.1.):

Fig. 8.4.1.

1. Property of variability (dynamism) observed in constantchanging the management process in its direction, Hara's problemto thera exercise. This property is manifested in the dynamic interactiont. its various stages and operations. Management processe passes with about d the level of control system to another is carried out by various interaction of the links (organs) of the control.

The variability property is sometimes called the property of the flexibility of the management process, having in mind its ability to switch to new problems, new management methods.

Of course, such variability has permanent boundaries. This reflects another property of the management process, which is in dialectical communication with the first.

2. Property of stability. It is manifested in the process of control and appropriate fixing certaincanals his OS exercise. They form the natural structural basis of the management system, which is fixed in the organizational acts of its stabilization and serves as a systematizing factor in the management process. Thanks to this property, the control system is formed, which is a set of steady bonds of the management process between links, it is carried out.

3. Continuity property. The control process is also inherentt. in reflecting an important feature of its implementation - continuityabout chesses management while the production process is carried out. It can manifest itself differently depending on the level of management, the characteristics of the production process itself (in a single, serial, mass proz. water, etc.). But the very essence ofbut the title property does not change from this.

4. The discrete property complements and in a certain sense againstabout it is worth the property of continuity. It manifests itself in the fact that in the internal characteristics of the management process proceeds unevenly, initially as if accumulating the potential of impact when setting the goal, evaluation withand tuitsa, determining the problem and further turning into an impetus activer ganizational work at the decision phase. This property has nothing to do with the attachment. It reflects the specifics of the management activityb and does not deny the need for a uniform rhythm of work. On the contrary, it requires the rhythmic activities of the management apparatus.

5. Sequence property. It characterizes the mandatory ambassadore. the impact of the management stages. The latter cannot be built in its stages otherwise, as a goal, situation, problem, solution. Each of these stages is mandatory and plays a large role in the efficiency of management.

Often the decision is developed only on the basis of the goale. without quite careful accounting of the existing state of affairs,e. working conditions formed circumstances. Such a process of superin can not be effective because in this case solutionsbut either erroneous or premature or just willn. tristian. An extreme is also possible when not enough attention in the management process is given to goal. Decisions are developed on a situational basis, without sufficient understanding of the goals they are prest.e. blowing And here solutions are not effective enough, often againstabout speech, deprived of perspectives and long-term orientation.

The goal systematizes decisions, gives a common orientation and perspective; The situation determines the reality and practical significance of the decision; The problem is its concreteness and efficiency. Each of the stepsabout chesses control is required, as well as the sequence of their implementation.

6. Property cyclicity. Each act of impact endsabout house managed system in a new state. This causes the need to either form a new goal of management (depending on what this new condition is), or adjustments and additions to the former purpose, forfrom the title of which is needed by a new act of impact. The control process is repeated anew, its new cycle is carried out.

It is quite possible that the situation in which it does not occurabout changes to the goal of management. But this should also be the subject of analysis in the management process, and thus, the stage of goaling still remains the necessary step in the management process.

Understanding the properties of the management process is of great importance infrom walking all the problems of Eg. about improvement.

8.5. Distribution of operations in the management process

The control process for its content, features and properties requires a certain sequence.operations and their combinations. These operations differ in the stages of the management process (from purely intelleto tuala to operations of practical organizational work).

The stage reflects the transition to certain groups of operations without taking into account their high-quality homogeneity or differences. Let's call these stages (Fig. 8.5.1.):

Fig. 8.5.1.

The overall sequence of control operations corresponds to the postabout the highlighting of their groups in stages, but admits a certainparallelism their implementation with increasing or decreased significance of certain groups of operations. We show the composition of operations in the stages and stages of the control process (Fig. 8.5.2.).

Fig. 8.5.2.

The control process begins with the developmentexposure goals, Colepolbut gasia defining its initial operations, the complexity of whichand how to clarify the formulation of the purpose of exposure. In parallel with the goaling, information work is underway, since it is difficult to correctly formulate the goal of influence without fully information.

Information operations, starting from the target stage, continue throughout the entire management process. The role of information in the Great Management Process. But it is impossible to manage the management process only for tradingt. information and all management operations are considered only as informationand onny. The management process is a complex phenomenon of socio-psychological and organizational and economic nature. It is definitee. the specificity of its operations is. Alone and the same information about the facilityin lenia leads to various solutions if different hands are developedabout drivers.

As the purpose of the impact is established, it is necessary to adjust it and linking with existing means and possible management methods. This is based on the implementation of evaluation operationsyu the impact and selection of management methods, with which it is possible to achieve the goals. This work covers several stages of the management process and is carried out in parallel with eachand his operations.

The choice of version is determined not only the goal, but also the availability of information about certain SFe. the results of the activity, the results of the analysis showing the weak points of work. Significance and complexity of selection Me. controls are increasing in the stages of the management process, reaching the final definition at the decision stage.

The management process cycle is completed by organizational practical work operations in the managed system. These operations are often called rebut lizational of the decision. At this stage, controls of the control goal, as well as information work, related to the addition of additional information, deciphers can be performedsaying a solution.

8.6. Impact and management process

Production management is a targeted orgbut nizational and technical and socio-economic process of impact on collectives. Consequently, the impact is a significant and necessary element of the management process.

Impact in the management process - These are various forms of influence of the management entity on a managed object in order to change the methods of its operation by changing the composition or interaction of the elements of the managed system.

Management as a focused impact on people's teams in prabout cessa production can be carried out in various ways:

Impact directively with orders and orders,d. scratching strictly defined changes in the system, mandatory execution;

Create a new planning system, agricultural relationships, steamw. lying and other forms of impact, which, as it, automatically influenced the activities of the team with changing external and internal circumstancesi clauses, contributing to the search for efficient production.

Impact reflects the essence of the management process: the management process is impossible without affecting.

The concept of "action", "impact" and "interaction".When Rummet T. the essence of the impact should be distinguished by three interrelated concepts, namely: "Action", "Impact" and "Interaction". All these concepts are used in the management process and vary, despite their common characteristic feature that they all representthe form of influence of one system element to another. Imagine the differences and the essence of these three concepts in graphical form (Fig. 8.6.1).




Fig. 8.6.1.

Named concepts are closely related to the main factors of production:

Human (responsible for the question "Who?");

Real (responsible for "What?"). Factors manufacturingt. va are considered as elements of the socio-economic system (andto tctive and passive).

Elements of the system responsible for the question "Who?" or "what?», May be (Fig. 8.6.2):

Fig. 8.6.2.

Act - The effect of the active element on the passive (workingi am an operation).

Impact - The effect of one active element to another active element (indication of the wizard to workwork).

Interaction - the agreed impact of two or more active elements on passive or active elements (the master brings to the working plotst. founded by the director of labor standards for specific works).

Named concepts are in the following ratio (Fig. 8.6.3):

Fig. 8.6.3.

Understanding differences in these three concepts allows you to more correctly understand the management process, determine the main directions and types ofsvia.

Impact as the form of influence on the production systeme. but on the development of two contradictory trends:

1) ensuring the sustainability and constancy of the system;

2) Ensuring flexibility, dynamism, continuous development.

Various in the focus of impact leads to the occurrence ofc. types of exposure, some of which are focused on maintainingj. and others are on the mobility of the system.

The main directions and types of exposure.The following directions and types of exposure are distinguished:

1) organizational;

2) economic;

3) Social.

The formation of targeted impact on industriall. leds and individual workers are directly related to motivation, t.e. The study of factors determining the behavior of a person in the collective inabout cessa production. In the system of factors determining human behavior, its needs and interests play an important role. The conscious need is embodied in the goal, encourages its achievement, determining the behavior of peopleabout the century.

Types of exposure to classifac. are on the classification characterand stamps that underlie the direction of exposure.

1. Organizational type of impact. This type of impact is aimed at the organization, t.e. Formation of stability, coherence, conformity of elements and their interaction, establishing paths leading all elements to a single target. All this characterizes the organizational direction ofsvia.

Organizational type of impact allows us to use a person's desire to an ordered organizational figure in the process of controlb brings to a certain relationship of the main elementsd. transactions - waters of labor, labor items and employees themselves. This type of impact is wearingdirect character, as it definitely determines the budw. the state of the system should be achieved. Organizational impact is associated with the form of organizational and organizational and industrial structures and various regulatory and normaryu acts that determine the composition and interaction of the elements of the systemabout the ice.

2. Economic type of impact. This area includes the impact on material interests, the use of material motivebut . The latter is used both in the form of material remuneration for the quantity and quality of labor, and in the form of material sanctions for nonroyt. its appropriate quality and insufficient amount. At the same time usew. as an individual material interest and collectingin naya.

The economic direction of impact has its own specific features and differs in the first place indirect character impasst. viya: Evaluation of the effectiveness of such an impact is approximate, ine. right character. The so-called sensitivity threshold to which we focus, for example, when setting the size of individual material remuneration, determine far from just (the threshold of Chuin the minimum amount of material remuneration is considerede. looking towards improving labor activity).

Sensitivity threshold Even in the same person varies significantly under the influence of a large number of factors (the possibility of morel. satisfying needs, the nature of the needs, labor costs and working hours, the importance and nature of the tasks solved, etc.d.). Especially difficult to determine the effect of influence on material interests in a more or less large team. It must also be borne in mind that unreasonable material remuneration leads, as a rule, to negativeabout increes and often excludes exposure to the arsenaln. incentives for improving production efficiency.

Economic type of impact is focused on identifying, developing and using economic levers to enhance mobility and effectin production.

Economic type of impact is focused on the identification, development and use of economic levers to enhance the activity of the system, WCe. lying for its mobility and efficiency.

3. Social type of impact. Refers to indirect impact on social interests. Social motivation provides for orientation on professional, cultural, psychological, moral nationb , family and other social interests. Social impact methodsb interests include both encouragement and various forms of sanctions. The use of social motivation is characterized by a special complexity ins called the diversity of social needs existing in Crewtiva.

If, when exposed to economic (material), the interestst. nicks appears the opportunity to use a single channel satisfyinge. creation of these needs - money, then when exposed to social andn. teresa need to satisfy them in a variety of specific and specificand forms. This leads to the need for a detailed study ofj. the impact means of exposure to the specified social motives and interests.

Except for Z. bath types of exposure, distinguish "horizontal" and "vertand called "impact.

The "horizontal" type of exposure is manifested in the fact that one department of the control system affects the other, located at the same level of control.

"Vertical" type of impact is carried out by linear or functional subordination lines at different levels of management.

Let's summarize the difference of exposure types (Fig. 8.6.4):

Fig. 8.6.4.

Sources of impact in the management process. Determining in general form sources of impact in the management process, it can be said that the main source of impact on the controlled system isin system. However, this definition is although it is correct, however, does not make a clear idea of \u200b\u200ba complex system of impact in the management process.

The control system must constantly change the forms, methods, management techniques and at the same time be sustainable with respect toin leave management process. This system itself is influenced by the external environment, i.e., enterprises and organizations interrelated with this enterprise, and finally, from the managed system. Employin the system in turn has an impact on the controlled Cwith the topic of the way changes in the composition of the elements of its subsystems or conditions of their funto rationation.

The source of exposure by the control system is its individual links and control steps. Personnel qualifications, methods of their duties have a great influence on the management process. The source is also a separate person and his leader.b in the management process.

Permanent and periodic impacts.Control impacts depending on the duration of influence on the teams dividedt. two groups:

1) permanent;

2) Periodic.

Permanent exposure act as:

Existing management functions;

Management Organization;

Distribution of powers;

Company's charter;

Regulations on the division;

Job description employee;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Mode of operation of the enterprise;

Regular standards;

Safety instructions;

Regulatory acts, etc.

Permanent influences are used for a long time toe. there are them or replace them with new permanent.

Periodic effects are the nature of short-term acts. These include:

Issuing tasks subordinate;

Establishing stimuli to work;

Bringing to performers of labor standards;

Making decisions;

Edition of orders, orders;

Delegation of powers subordinate;

Transmission of information about the internal and external environment of the enterprise;

Setting goals, tasks in front of the performers;

Improvement of technology, production technology, working conditions, etc.

Control exposure reflect the specifics of the "Management" category and occupy a central place inmanagement process. Therefore, Osvaivayu the management and beginner managers need to firmly assimilate the concept of managing impact and comprehensively explore all its aspects. It is also important to try to identify the arsenal of managerial impacts on the employee, collectives for linear and functional managers in Uroin nam management, specialists and technical performers.

ü promising (predictive, preliminary) analysis,

ü operational analysis,

ü Current (Retrospective)

ü Analysis on the results of activities for one or another period.

Figure 1.2 Classification of types of financial analysis

The current (retrospective) analysis is based on accounting and static reporting and allows you to assess the work of associations, enterprises and their divisions for the month, quarter and year by a growing outcome.

The main task of the current analysis is an objective assessment of the results of commercial activities, a comprehensive identification of available reserves, their mobilization, achieving full compliance of material and moral incentives based on the results of labor and quality of work.

Current analysis is carried out during the summary of economic activity, the results are used to solve management problems.

The peculiarity of the current analysis technique is that the actual performance results are estimated in comparison with the plan and data of the previous analytical period. In this form of analysis, there is a significant drawback - the reserved reserves are forever lost opportunities for the increase in production efficiency, since refer to the past period.

The current analysis is the most complete analysis of financial activities that absorb the results of operational analysis and serving the base of prospective analysis.

Operational analysis is approximate in time by the time of economic operations. It is based on the primary (accounting and static) accounting data.

Operational analysis is a system of everyday study of the execution of planned tasks with the aim of rapid intervention in the production process and ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise.

Operational analysis is usually carried out by the following groups of indicators:

ü shipping and sales of products;

ü Using labor,

ü use of production equipment and material resources;

ü cost;

ü Profit and profitability;

ü solvency.

In operational analysis, a study of natural indicators is carried out, relative inaccuracies are allowed in calculations. C. No completed process.

A promising analysis is called analysis of the results of economic activities in order to determine their possible values \u200b\u200bin the future.

Revealing the picture of the future, promising analysis ensures the governing solution to the tasks of strategic management.

In practical techniques and studies, the tasks of prospective analysis are specified by: objects of analysis; performance indicators; The best substantiation of promising plans.

A promising analysis as an exploration of the future and the scientific and analytical basis of a promising plan is closely closed with forecasting, and such an analysis is called forecast.

1.3. Classification of financial analysis methods and techniques

The basis of any science is its subject and method.

Under the method of financial analysis means a dialectical way to exploit the financial condition and financial processes in their formation and development.

The characteristic features of the method include: the use of a system of indicators, identifying and changing the relationship between them.

In the process of financial analysis, a number of special methods, techniques are used and a specific toolkit is used.

Methods for applying financial analysis methods can be conventionally divided into two groups: traditional and mathematical (quantitative).

The dominant methods used for financial and economic analysis are the use of quantitative methods. Their classification can be represented as follows:

· Statistical methods including:

ü The statistical monitoring method is a record of information on certain principles and with certain goals,

ü Method of absolute and relative indicators (coefficients),

ü Method for calculating average variables - medium-sized arithmetic, suspended, geometric,

ü Method of series of speakers - determination of absolute increase, relative increase, growth rates, growth rates,

ü Method of summary and grouping of economic indicators for certain features,

ü Comparison method - with competitors, with standards, in dynamics,

ü Index method - the influence of factors on compared indicators,

ü detail method,

ü graphic methods.

The most simple method is a comparison when the financial indicators of the reporting period are compared either with scheduled indicators or with indicators for the previous period (basic). When comparing the indicators for different periods it is necessary to achieve their comparability, i.e. Indicators should be counted, taking into account the uniformity of component elements, inflationary processes in the economy, assessment methods, etc.

The following method is grouping, when the indicators are grouped and reduced to the tables. This makes it possible for analytical calculations, identifying trends in the development of individual phenomena and their relationship, factors affecting the change in indicators.

The chain substitution method is eliminated in the replacement of a separate reporting indicator of the basic. In this case, all other indicators remain unchanged. This method allows to determine the influence of individual factors on the cumulative financial indicator.

· Accounting methods including:

ü Double recording method,

ü accounting method,

ü Other methods.

· Economic and mathematical methods, including:

ü Methods of elementary mathematics,

ü Classic Mathematical Analysis Methods - Differentiation, Integration, Variational Execution,

ü Methods of mathematical statistics - study of one-dimensional and multidimensional statistical aggregates,

ü Econometric methods - statistical estimation of the parameters of economic dependencies,

ü Mathematical programming methods - optimization, linear, quadratic and nonlinear programming, block and dynamic programming,

ü Methods for researching operations - game theory, theory of schedule, methods of economic cybernetics,

ü heuristic methods

ü Methods of economic and mathematical modeling and factor analysis.

Most often, when conducting financial analysis, statistical and accounting methods apply. Recently, a factor analysis of the financial and economic indicators of an enterprise based on the use of economic and mathematical methods has been widespread.

Many mathematical methods: correlation analysis, regressive analysis, and others entered the circle of analytical developments much later.

Methods of economic cybernetics and optimal programming, economic methods, methods for researching operations and the theory of decision making will certainly find direct use within the framework of financial analysis (see Figure 1.3.).

The essence of management discloses the content of the activities of persons involved in management. Labor in this area is called managerial. Compared to other types of labor, it has a number of features expressed in the nature of the labor itself, its subject, results and applied tools. They have a special subject of labor - information transforming which they make decisions necessary to change the state of the management facility. Thus, as instruments of labor workers are the means of working with information. The result of their activities is estimated to achieve their goals.

Management, although plays a completely role in the organization, however, no matter how perhaps the whole organization, touching and spending almost all areas of its activities. However, with all the variety of interaction between management and the organization, it is possible to clearly determine the boundaries of the activities that make up the management of the management, as well as to clearly identify the subjects of management activities of managers.

The organization of the organization appears in the form of a process of implementing a certain type of interrelated actions to form and use the resources of the organization to achieve its goals. Management is not equivalent to all the activities of the Organization to achieve end goals, but includes only those functions and actions that are associated with coordination and the establishment of interaction within an organization with a motivation to implement production and other activities, with the target orientation of various activities, etc.

The content and set of actions and functions carried out in the management process depend on the type of organization (business, administrative, public, educational, army, etc.), from the size of the organization, from the scope of its activities (production of goods, service provision), from level in the management hierarchy (highest, middle and lower level of control), from functions within the organization (production, marketing, personnel, finance) and from many factors.

To perform complex and responsible functions, managers must have special knowledge and have the ability to use them in the daily work on enterprises management. Requirements for their professional competence are conventionally divided into two groups.

The first group belongs:

  • A) the ability to justify and make decisions in situations for which high dynamism and uncertainty are characterized;
  • B) high awareness (information is knowledge) on the development of the industry in which the enterprise works: the state of research, technology, technology, competition, the dynamics of demand for products and services, etc.;
  • C) familiarity with the experience of management at other enterprises in different industries;
  • D) the ability to manage resources, plan and predict the work of the enterprise, owning ways to improve management efficiency;
  • E) the ability to use modern information technology, communications and communication tools.

The second group of requirements for professional competence manager is associated with their ability to work with people and manage themselves. These include:

  • A) ownership of the art of human resources management;
  • B) ownership of the art of establishing external relations;
  • C) self-esteem ability, the ability to make the right conclusions and continuously improve the qualifications - knowledge and skills.

At the same time, an important factor in improving management's performance is the division of labor managers, that is, the specialization of management workers to fulfill certain types of activities (functions), the distinction between their powers, rights and spheres of responsibility.

In practice, the following types of labor separation of managers are distinguished:

  • A) functional;
  • B) structural;
  • C) technological;
  • D) vocational qualifications.

The functional separation of labor is based on the formation of groups of management workers who perform the same management functions: planning, organizing, control, etc. Thus, one employees of the management apparatus specialize in planning work, others send their efforts to the organization of work on the implementation of plans, the third are experts on the control of the course, measurement of the result and evaluation of work, etc.

Structural division of labor managers to construct on the basis of such characteristics of the managed object as an organizational structure, scope, sphere of activity, sectoral or territorial specificity. By virtue of a wide variety of factors affecting the structural division of labor, it is especially for each organization. At the same time, we can allocate some common features of specialization regarding, above all, vertical and horizontal division of labor managers.

Vertically, the division of labor is built on the allocation of three levels of control: lower, medium, higher.

The lowest level includes managers who have in their subordination of workers mostly performing work. They manage such primary units as brigades, shifts, sites.

The average level is the most numerous. It consists of approximately 50-60% of the total number of management personnel of the organization and includes managers responsible for the course of the production process in units that consist of several primary entities. This also includes managers of staff and functional services of the enterprise management apparatus. Its branches and offices, as well as the management of auxiliary and serving industries, targeted programs and projects.

The highest level is the administration of an enterprise that implements the general strategic leadership of the organization as a whole, its functional and industrial and economic complexes. It includes only 3 - 7% of general managerial staff.

The actual number of levels in enterprises is characterized by a large variety and fluctuates from one to two at small enterprises up to eight - ten in large associations and corporations. Accordingly, the contents of the tasks that are solved at different levels of management. The general is that on each of them, a certain amount of work on management functions is envisaged. This is a horizontal separation of labor managers for functions.

Functional structure of work at each level of non-etinakov. When moving from the lowest level to the highest, the number and complexity of tasks to compile plans and the organization of all the work of the enterprise increases the value of the control function. At the lowest and middle levels, managers are engaged in coordinating the joint activities of people. Therefore, this feature, along with motivation, becomes the most important. The deeper horizontal division of labor managers involves their specialization in key areas of activity forming the subsystem of the enterprise. Experts allocate five subsystems, namely: personnel, research and development, marketing, production and finance.

Technical and professionally - qualification division of labor managers takes into account the types and complexity of the work performed. According to these criteria, three categories of employees are allocated in the organization's management apparatus: managers, specialists serving. From the point of view of the technology of the process of management of the task of leaders, it is reduced to making decisions and organize their practical implementation, the specialists also carry out the design and development of solutions, and employees are mainly engaged in the information support of the entire process.

There are many different models of developing and making management decisions.

Accordingly, they are based on the following assumptions:

  • * All necessary information can be collected, and it is undischarged;
  • * The problem can be accurately and uniquely defined;
  • * Objectives are independent and non-conflict;
  • * A complete set of alternatives can be created;
  • * There is an accurate quantitative connection between each alternative and goals;
  • * A better option can be selected in the sense of all goals.

Rational Decision Methods Depending on the degree of formalization of this process, divide on solutions with a weak (fuzzy) and strong (clear) structure

To form solutions with a weak structure, targets and limitations are not formal. In addition, the influence of each solution options on them is not described.

When making serious, i.e. expensive, important, having long-term effects of solutions without detailed formalization, as a rule, cannot be. Therefore, for this kind of solutions, the "Evaluation and Choice" block is significantly detailed.

The enlarged algorithm for choosing a solution with a clearly pronounced structure:

  • 1. The formation of a set of variables and parameters in the composition
  • * allowing variables whose values \u200b\u200bare freely selected by the LPR (the set from which the choice will be carried out);
  • * Many external or exogenous variables that are not controlled by the LPR;
  • * Many parameters whose values \u200b\u200bare considered quite definite and also independent of LPR;
  • 2. Development of a system of goals (criteria), which will be taken into account when making decisions;
  • 3. Description of the links of goals, variables and parameters, i.e. forming a model;
  • 4. In general, it is required to develop methods for evaluating the results of solutions for the possibility of choosing the best.

A limited rationality has come to replace this approach. So, according to M. Weber, the problems of society occur due to the fact that decisions are irrational and dictated by emotions. Exit is the perfect bureaucracy. Special rules and procedures should be developed for the development of ur. Power depends on the level of the hierarchy. Information passes up without delay and distortion, but is properly filtered. As a result, based on strictly defined purposes and, taking into account restrictions, optimal solutions may be taken, albeit on incomplete information. Accordingly, it is necessary to know the dependences of the target value from the selected option.

Describe the organizational management structure

The organizational structure of management is a set of specialized functional units, interconnected in the process of rationale, developing, adopting and implementing management decisions. Graphically most often portrayed in the form of a hierarchical diagram showing the composition, subordination and communication of structural units of the organization.

The organizational model is the principles of formation of divisions, delegation of powers and empowered. In fact, the organizational model shows how to form a division.

In practice, the following principles of the formation of divisions are used:

  • * Functional model: "One division \u003d one function";
  • * Process model: "One division \u003d one process";
  • * Matrix model: "One process or one project \u003d a group of employees from different functional units";
  • * Counterparty-oriented model: "One unit \u003d one counterparty (client or client group, supplier, contractor, etc.);

The latter model is applied if the counterparty market is limited. For example, if the number of consumers is strongly limited, it is advisable to apply a client-oriented model or client group: "One unit \u003d one client".

In most cases, the distribution received a functional and process model, as well as their various modifications.

The execution of control functions always requires certain costs of time and forces, as a result of which the managed object is given in the specified or desired state. This is the main content of the concept of "management process". Most often under it is understood as a certain set of managerial actions, which are logically associated with each other in order to achieve the goals of the goals, by converting resources on the "entrance" or services on the "output" of the system.

This definition emphasizes the targeted nature of the process carried out by the organization's management apparatus, as well as its connection with the functions, goals and resources necessary for their implementation. Along with this, the literature is widely used and another definition of the management process is widely used, in which it is not considered that the management decision, the adoption and execution of the efforts and organizational activities of professional managers are sent as its key point. The management process is represented as a set of cyclic actions related to identifying problems, search and organizing the implementation of decisions made.

There are no contradictions between these two approaches to determine the essence of the management process, they complement each other, forming the continuity of cyclically repeated decision-making processes related to the execution of management functions. In the process of performing management functions, managers have to take a large number of solutions, carrying out planning, organizing work, motivating people employed in the organization, controlling and coordinating all the processes that happen in it.

The initial impetus to the decision-making process specifies information on the status of controlled parameters of the managed object, and the impact is carried out after developing and taking the appropriate solution, which in the form of one or another information (teams, order, orders, plans, etc.) is submitted to "Login" managed object. The process of making management decisions is cyclic, begins with the detection of inconsistency of the parameters of the planned tasks or regulations and ends with the adoption and implementation of decisions that this inconsistency should eliminate. Three elements of the process are in the center of this cyclically carried out activities: a problem or an unused possibility, a solution and people involved in the process at all its stages.

In the production management system and decision-making system, the main and leading "element" are management processes. The process of control compared to other elements of the control system largely depends on the human factor, which makes it difficult to formalize it. As any real function, the management process is most fully and expanded characterizes the control system as a whole. At the same time, it is the most difficult to analyze.

Management process:

Determined by the nature of the solved tasks;

Has specific properties;

It can be classified on the basis of individual operations depending on the specific conditions.

Figure 4.

The methodological content management, as one of the aspects of the management process, implies the presentation of the management process in the form of a sequence of four stages: determining the goal, assessing the situation, identify the problem and finding a decision of the management decision (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5.

Stages of the management process

The goal is the presentation of the head about what the system managed by it should be, i.e. it is the ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state. The management process begins with clarification, determination and formulation of the purpose of impact. The category "Purpose" means the planned result, acting as the unity of the desired and possible.

The situation is the state of the managed system, estimated relative to the goal. The situation is characterized by a combination of the factors taken into account, measured indicators (variables) and their assessment. The state of the system can never be identical to the goal. Consequently, there are always situations that need to be evaluated.

The problem is a contradiction between the desired (purpose) and reality (situation). For its permission, an act of impact is required to approach the system to goal. Contradiction, for the resolution of which the impact should be directed, and there is a problem. Without definition, no management solution is impossible.

The managerial solution as the final stage of the management process is to find ways to resolve the problem and organizational work on the practical permit to the managed system. The decision is the final stage of the management process, its compound with the production process, the impetus for the impact of the control system to the managed.

The management process has an economic content that is due to the fact that in the management process, the use of production resources is based on the assessment of their presence before turning into the product. The economic content of the management process is manifested when performing the following steps (see Fig. 6):

Establishing economic needs;

Evaluation of resources;

Resource allocation;

Resource usage.

Figure 6.

Economic content management process

In turn, the social content of the management process reveals the role of a person in its implementation. Each stage of this process (goal-making, assessment of the situation, determining the problem, adopting a management decision) involves the indispensable participation of a person.

The organizational content of the management process is manifested in the sequence of using organizational levers of exposure - steps (see Fig. 7):

Regulation (Regulations - a set of rules, provisions that determine the procedure for performing work);

Rationing - indicator characterizing the relative value (degree) of use of guns and objects, living labor, cash and other, their spending per unit of products, area, weight, etc.;

Instructors - the proceeding process and the method of performing any work or action;

Instructions for the measure of responsibility for failure to comply or incorrectly implementing the assigned work.

Figure 7.

Organizational content management process

The functional content of the control process is manifested in a large-scale sequence and preferences of the implementation of the main control functions. The following forms of manifestation of targeted impact on people's teams can be distinguished (see Fig. 8):

Planning, prediction - development and setting goals and objectives in the field of production management, as well as determining paths and means of implementing plans to achieve their goals;

The organization is to create new and streamlining functioning organizational management structures as elements of the process of implementing plans;

Coordination, regulation - ensuring the necessary coherence of people's actions as an element of the process of implementing planned plans;

Stimulation, activation - the prompting of people to action, providing providing an increase in the efficiency of the management system as an element of the process of implementing plans;

Control, analysis, accounting - systematic observation of people's activities to identify deviations from established norms, rules and requirements in the process of implementing plans.

Figure 8.

Functional content of the management process

The information content of the management process is manifested in the sequence of work in the control process at the following steps (see Fig. 9): Search for information; recruitment of information; data processing; Transfer information.

Figure 9.

Information content management process

1. The property of variability (dynamism) is manifested in a constant change in the process of control in its direction, issues, the nature of implementation, as well as in the dynamic of interaction between its various stages and operations. The control process switches from one step of the control system to another, carried out in various interaction of the control links.

2. The property of stability is manifested in the process of control and appropriate fixing certain channels of its implementation. They form the natural structural basis of the management system, which is fixed in the organizational acts of its stabilization and serves as a system-forming factor in the management process. Thanks to this property, the control system itself is formed, which is a combination of stable controls of the control process between the links that are carried out.

3. The property of the continuity of the control process can manifest itself in different ways depending on the control level, the characteristics of the production process itself (whether it is a single, serial, mass, etc.). But the essence of the named property itself does not change.

4. Discreteness property complements the property of continuity and in a certain sense is opposite to it. It manifests itself in the fact that the management process is uneven, first as if accumulating the potential of impact when setting the goal, assessing the situation, determining the problem and further turning into a pulse for active organizational work at the decision phase.

5. Sequence property. As noted above, the management process cannot be built in its stages otherwise, as in the sequence, the goal, the situation, the problem, the solution, and each of these stages is mandatory. For example, if the solution is developed only on the basis of the goal of management, without quite a thorough accounting of the existing state of affairs, the actual working conditions formed circumstances, then such a management process cannot be effective, because in this case the solutions are either erroneous or premature, or Just voluntarist. Another extreme is possible, when in the process of management is not enough attention to goal. In this case, the solutions are produced mainly on a situational basis, without sufficient understanding of the objectives they pursue, therefore are not enough effective, often contradictory, deprivable prospects and long-term orientation. The goal systematizes solutions, gives them a common orientation and perspective; The situation determines the reality and practical significance of the decision; Clear formulation of the problem ensures its concreteness and efficiency. Each of the steps of the management process is required, as well as performing the sequence of their implementation.

6. Property of cyclicity. Each act of exposure ends with the transition of a managed system to a new state. This causes the need (depending on what is for the state) or setting a new goal of management, or adjustments, additions and clarify the goal, to achieve which a new act of impact is necessary. The control process is repeated anew, its new cycle is carried out.

Understanding the properties of the management process is of great importance in the successful solution of all the problems of its improvement, improving the efficiency of enterprise management.