Literary musical composition for the new year. Educational and methodical material (preparatory group) on the topic: Music and literary composition "Magic Book of Winter"

Literary musical composition for the new year. Educational and methodical material (preparatory group) on the topic: Music and literary composition
Literary musical composition for the new year. Educational and methodical material (preparatory group) on the topic: Music and literary composition "Magic Book of Winter"

- to replenish and consolidate the knowledge of children of alphanits and famous people (poets) of their city;
- to continue the improvement of children and voice performance skills of children when reading the poses of poems (emotionality of execution, naturalness of behavior, the ability to intonation, gesture, failing to transfer their attitude to content);
- to continue to acquaint the smoothie works of Russian and foreign composers;
- educate love and ability to see the beauty of the native land at any time of the year.

The leading boy and the girl of the preparatory group, during the composition there were verses of Tobolian poets: Lelia Mezentseva, Valentina Khokhryakova, Iradays tooth, as well as fragments of works of P. Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi "Seasons", vocal performance: "Cold, cold", music. A. Grechaninova, "Winter", Muses. C. Kyu, Birch, Muses. V. Veselova.

Boy: More recently, Autumn Days stood in our Tobolsk, but the winter came, it seems every year the same thing: snow, and frost. And in fact, if you look at, she is a student and with a thaw, with blizzards and with droplets, snowy, and with the sun.
1st child: "Winter Song"
Again on the windows windows,
Snowfall is again.
From the sky - white ice floes,
In white lace garden.
So winter comes -
There is no autumn of paints.
In whitewood haze melts
The last autumn bouquet.
White, White Kingdom
Winter winter
Snow wealth
The breech is full.
Girl:As the beautiful snowfall of the silent silence of the winter day, when the snowflakes flashed in the air, as if small white moths, quietly sank to the ground. Each snowflake is tender, fragile, as a beautiful fabulous flower, and each colornet. (Music C. Kyui "Winter" sounds, the slides of the Winter Tobolsk).
2nd child: He reads the poem L. Mezentseva. " Snowflake"
Snowflake silver
On Moemokne.
Fluffy, beautiful!
Sixelurs has
Snow Star,
Very loves her winter winter.
Boy:After the snowfall so beautiful, as in a fairy tale. Young birch trees and linden, stretching their subtle trunks, form bizarre arches covered with snow. Christmas trees and pines resemble Snow Maiden in white fluffy fur coats. It seems that I was bother, some kind of wizard. And our poetsways of Valentina Khokhryakova sees snowflakes in the dance, in the beauty of winter, delete is infinite and large Russian. (Surlides of winter Tobolsk appear by the Slides of Winter Tobolsk).
3rd child:reads poem V. Khokhryakova.
Flakes snowflakes
Circle in the swellings,
Melting ice
On the branches of waving.
Horovodny songs
In the city decorated,
Christmas tree
Ice turrets.
Troika White rushes
Path narrow.
Delete is infinite
And Razchoe russian.
Girl: It can be said that neither simultaneous year is so worst like winter. In the summer and in the spring, everything is noise with life, everything is green and blooms, breathes, warm and light rejoices. In winter, the beauty is different: the trees in the lace, the snowflakes are dancing waltz on the wires, birch trees - the beauty stand, clinging to the polustery. (The music of V. Veselova "Birch" sounds, the slides of the Winter Tobolsk appear on the screen).
4th child: Reads poem I. toysk "Winter Rhapsody"
I am happy.
In the view of the Naraspi.
Well, what about
Winter beautiful!
Night. And does not sleep at all.
I go - Frozupo winter streets.
Stand trees in lace.
Snowflakes, tightly holding hands,
Dance waltz on wires.
Here are the dwarves - beauty
Stand quietly aside
Garlyands flashed lights,
Slightly clung to half.
Boy: But the landscape is changing and before us, the paintings of the harsh winter, after all, it sometimes turns into the Grozny Vethorus. (Music sounds"Cold, cold", A. Grechaninova, slides of winter Tobolsk appear on the screen).
5th child: reads the poem L. Mezentseva "Winter Sights"
Oh and Frostzzawra gets!
From the tubes, the pillar pulls
And Sollycrass comes,
Then the vertechi gave us.
Girl:How many wonderful games and entertainment brought with it the Winter Winter: Snow games, skiing with ice slides, skiing and skating and not scary by the kids either blizzard, no blizzard, nor frost, in snowballs there are naughty folk, I have fun at the boarding school. (The music of Tchaikovsky "Seasons" sounds, the slides of winter Tobolsk appear on the screen).
6th child:reads poems. Sezentseva "Winter"
Winter launched,
Blizzard, blizzard swollen.
In the case there are birchs,
Their twigs like dragonflies.
From the slides of the Sanochka rushing
Kids happily laughing.
They can download anyone from the board,
With winter, bluntly make friends.
Rushes cheeks, red nose,
But does not frighten their frost.
Skiing, till to ride -
With winter, it is free to part.
Boy: And many miracles of the brunch with them, after all, the winter is the most beautiful, the magical time of the year, when the most fabulous holidays come: New Year, shints, Christmas and how many grandparents and granddaughters in my temper! And in Tomopoez and Prose. Where do we leave? Well, Aersho Heroes? Like the people on them! I want to congratulate, I won't hide, they have a new year witch! I. Zubov (Music "Santa Claus" sounds from "Album for ... R. Shuman, the slides of winter Tobolsk appear on the screen).
7th child:reads poem "Happy New Year!"
Challenged Vogonki
Snowy, festive with green christmas tree.
Fun Frosty Dedok:
"Happy new year friends!
Happy New Year!"
Fireworks Colored lights
In the dark sky exploded brightly.
All Tobolsk illuminated lights,
Fed grandfather is hot.
He was not joking in the dance,
Harmonist caught Nenarkom.
That's so eliminated with us!
"Happy new year friends!
Happy New Year!"
Valentina Khokhryakova. The literary and musical composition ends, on the tables ignite and girls in elegant dresses dance "Waltz" Music G.Sviridova from the movie "Mistel".

Literary and musical composition "Zimushka-Winter".

Purpose: Expand the knowledge of children about the days of the year, about winter and winter months; Aesthetic and moral development of children.


Develop the motivation of children to knowledge and creativity.

Promote the formation of an emotional and personal sphere, culture of communication and behavior.

Improve speech expressive skills, work out clear diction.

Equipment: Artificial Christmas trees, illustrations - "Winter landscapes", children's drawings, costume elements: winter, snowman, musical phonograms of works.


    Song about winter

Lead 1. Winter is beautiful, the magical time of the year, when the most fabulous holidays come: New Year, Christmas. Each person's memories of childhood certainly are associated with this year of the year: snow games, skiing, Santa Claus gifts. The poets wrote a lot of beautiful poems of winter, composers wrote music to them, and artists wrote paintings.

Today we will try to hear along with the poets "Language" of nature, see the beauty of the winter landscape, to hear the music of winter.

Goes winter roads

Fight like fox.

Covered by all snowdrifts

Lowned forests.

In the forest thickener quietly

Entered Winter-Porter.

Birchings are very glad:

Thanks for the outfits!

Fluffy and white

Winter outfits did

And for forests, and for fields -

Let them be warming!

Trees to everyone in the Listka,

Winter gave handkerchiefs

And in the coats they were dressed -

Had meried

Here is the north, clouds catching,

Got drunk, overwhelmed - and here herself

There is a wizard - winter,

Came, crumbled; Clokami

Hung on the bitch oaks,

Lay down wavy carpets

Among the fields around the hills.

Return Break

Compare Pullen Pelube;

Blinned frost, and we are glad

Pumps Mother - Winter.

Lead 2.. Most recently, we remembered the summer, but the autumn spells flashed, and we are ready to meet the winter. We are waiting for many miracles, because winter is the most magical time of the year.

Reading the poem I. Nikitina "Zravelovy Guest - Winter"

    Hello, Guest-Winter.

We ask for mercy to us

Songs of the North sing

In the forests and steppes.

There is a detriment from us.

Where you want to walk.

STROY Bridges on rivers

And pallium carpets.

We do not get used to, -

Let the frost be fusing:

Our Russian blood

On the frost burns

The snowball flies, spinning,

On White Street.

And turned the puddle

In cold glass.

Where in the summer they sang angles,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On branches of bullfinch.

Snow is cut by skis,

Like chalk, creaking and dry

And catches the cat redhead

Merry white flies.

Lead 1.. The beginning of winter is always an event for the soul of every person

    Sergey Mikhalkov White Poems

Snow is spinning

The snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Rada snow beast and bird

And, of course, a person!

Rada gray cinemas:

Birds are frozen in the cold,

Snow fell - Fallen Frost!

Cat with snow washes her nose.

At the puppy on the black back

White snowflakes melt.

Sidewalks cooked

All around white - White:

Snow-Snow Snowfall!

Enough case for shovel,

For shovel and scrapers,

For large trucks.

Snow is spinning

The snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Rada snow beast and bird

And of course. Human!


Behind the window - blizzard,

Behind the window - darkness,

Looking at each other

Sleep in the snow at home.

And snowflakes are spinning -

All of them are nicking! -

In light dresses with lacy

With a naked shoulder.

Bear teddy

Sleeps in the corner of his

And he listens to the floor

Love outside the window.

Old, gray

With ice cute

Blizzard is making

Baboy - Yaga.

And snowflakes are spinning -

All of them are nicking! -

In light dresses with lacy

With a naked shoulder.

Thin legs -

Soft boots

White shoe -



Lead 1. As the beautiful snowfall in the silent silence of the winter day, when snowflakes flashed in the air, as if small white moths, quietly sank to the ground. Each snowflake tender, fragile, similar to a beautiful fabulous flower, and every snowy flower is unique. And when a strong wind rises, everything changes around, and then you will not understand where the snow flies from: or from the sky, or from the ground. Everything is mixed, nothing can be seen except white pellets.



White snowflake,

What a clean,

What a bold!

Dear Burneu

Easy sweeps.

Wonderful azure

She left

Ourselves in unknown

The country has long.

In the rays of shine

Slip, skillful,

Medium flakes melting

Saved - white.

Under the wind fueling

Trembled, taking

On it cherries

Light swinging.

His swings

She is comforted

With his snowstorms

Spinning mad.

But ends

Far road,

Land concerns

Star crystal.

Lies fluffy,

Bold snowflake.

What a clean,

What a white one!

Snowflake dance.

Lead 2. After the snowfall is very beautiful. "Young trees, stretching out their subtle trunks, form bizarre forms of the arches covered with snow. In white fluffy fur coats, reminiscent of snow maiden, stand poplar, lowering snow-covered sleeves. Sometimes silently disappears from the branch of the snow and also fell silently to the ground, leaving the strip of silver dust in the air. "

Winter is a magician, a sorceress, a sorceress that decorates the earth, shouts it, covers with a white canopy. Snow-covered trees. Winter sun does not warm the land, but it seems, even more having it, and the snow glittered under his rays.

    Charger in winter

Went, the forest is worth -

And under the snowy fridge.

Fixed, dumb,

Wonderful life he glitters.

And it is, it is warm, -

Not a dead and not alive -

Snow magic charm

All OUTAN, all

Light chain Poohova.

Sun winter whether

On him his ray of oblique -

In it, nothing fastests,

He will flash and takes

Dazzling red.

    Silver, lights and sequins, -

Whole world of silver!

Birch is burning in pearls,

Black and naked yesterday.

This is an area of \u200b\u200bsomeone's dreams,

It is ghosts and dreams!

All objects of old prose

Magic are illuminated.

Crews, pedestrians,

On the lazuri white smoke.

Life of people and nature of nature

Full new and saints.

Lead 1. Not only poems and songs a lot about winter. There are many proverbs and sayings, mysteries, chastushk.


Ah, Winter, Winter, Winter,
Wonderful beauty
All the brought us crazy
We like the winter!

Circling, circling in the dance

Snow beauties .

Dance Misel

We all like everyone!

(I. Ageev)

I'll go to the street,
Baby snow blind.
And the bucket to her jacket.
And the sweeper to her hand!

Snow fell full,
Behind the window white white!
Where are the gloves? Where is the shovel?
I need to clean it!

From the slides, I fly on sledding,
Oh, catch me!
After all, I, and at the Sanok
Refused brakes!

How the sun shines

New school our skating rink!

Why so short

Our physical a lesson?!

In the yard we have

Snowman with mellow

At night, Dark Stores

House he is ours from the wolf.

(I. Ageev)

Mask make yourself

We must try -

I want Snow Maiden Thane

In her love confess!

Ah, you are cute my

Snegiri, cinema!

I smear the feeder I -

Help, birds.

(I. Ageev)

From the snowflakes of clean, new

I am a snow maiden.

And in the spring it will not bother -

In the freezer postla!

(I. Ageev)

Lead 1. Let's imagine what can happen if the winter is not ...

Scene about winter.

    White snow covered:

And trees and houses.

Swistulate the wind is light-calm

"Hello, Zimushka - Winter!"

We set feeders for birds,

I smell in them feed,

And sing pichugs in flocks

"Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

Sergey Yesenin


White birch
Under my window
Snapped with snow
Precisely silver.
On fluffy branches
Snezhoy Kaima
Brushes bloom
White fringe.
And worth Bereza
In sleepy silence,
And burn snowflakes
In gold fire.
And dawn, lazily
Coming around
Sprinkle branches
New silver.

9. Ivan Surikov


White snow, fluffy
In the air spinning
And on the ground quietly
Falls, falls.

And in the morning snow
The field was glad,
Exactly pellenium
All him dressed.

Dark Forest What's Cap
Drank wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Hard, incombusably ...

God's days are short
The sun shines little -
Here came frost -
And winter has come.

Lead 1. But the landscape is changing. The fairy tale disappeared, and before us the paintings of the harsh winter nature. And the wizard of winter turned into a Grozny Voivido Frost.

Reading Open from the poem N.A. Nekrasova "Frost, a red nose ..."

10. On the street Frost Treskuchiy,

And in my house I have warm.

Navisli over aul clouds -

And skidded out

Snow house, my window

And outgoing traffic

And from frost even the sun

For clouds hid his nose

And the blizzard rubs up

And Wolf Wolves at the gate.

But I'm not small, I know:

She takes and leave

Loyal servants

Snow blizzards,

Notice all the ways

To do not pass

Neither equestrian nor walking!

Neither the forester nor Lesme!

White blizzard - Purga,

Banding beams.

You twist, you smoke,

Poham on the ground washed,

Kutaya Land by a veil,

Before the forest become a wall.

Here is the key

Here castle,

So that no one could go!

Winds, storms, hurricanes,

Blow that there is urine.

Whirlwinds, blizzards and bursts,

Bring to the night!

Get on the ground.

Let him run in the fields

White snake!

Dance frost-governor with snowmen.

Lead 2. It can be said that no time of year is so magnificent as winter. In the summer and spring, the land is noise with life: they whisper the trees of the trees, rudd up the ozone waves of rivers and rivers, the meadows laugh with the variegated herbs and flowers, the shock and the peak of insects, birds - everything moves, breathes, rejoices warmth and light. In winter, everything is different. All the lively hidden in the depths of the earth and sleeps, waiting for the sun. The trees were exposed, birds flew away, and those that remained, do not sing and fly zlyabko and leisurely.

Sergey Yesenin describes the winter so:

Sergey Yesenin

Sings Winter - Aukaet,
Shaggy forest Bayukiet
Pine wroring.
Circle with longing deep
Flow to the country far
Gray clouds.

And in the courtyard
Carpet silk stele
But it hurts cold.
Games playing
As children are lonely,
Pressed at the window.

Drinking mutter small
Hungry, tired,
And squeeze meal.
And blizzard with roar
Knocking on shutters risen
And getting angry with all the strongest.

And dormant donkey tender
Under these whirlwinds
Have a frozen window.
And dream of them beautiful
In the smiles of the sun clear
Beauty spring.

Lead 1. A sorceress - winter gives all this white silence a new life: a fixed, dumb, mysterious. This life is the life of sleep, the time of white and quiet nature.

Again winter

Circling easily and ineptly

Snowflake sat on the glass.

Walked snow thick and white -

From snow in the room light.

Slightly thunder

And the sun gets up the winter.

How every day, complete and better,

Full and better new year ...

Winter pictures

Puppy stroll aunt.

Puppy broke up with a leash.

And here on shaking flight

The crows are flying at the puppy.

Snow sparkles ...

What a little!

Sadness, where did you go?

Fields are tightened with a venue vest.

Fluffy white snow.

As if the world was forever forgiven with the spring,

With her flowers and leaves.

Call key. He has a winter in captivity.

One blizzard sings, sobbing.

Teacher. Poets and artists helped us better see and feel the beauty of nature, they forced us to look at the surrounding world, see the uniqueness of winter paints. Winter begins, and we hope that she will also please us with snow landscapes, frost, a cube of February windows, and, of course, funny Christmas holidays.

Author: Vereshchagin Oksana Viktorovna, tutor, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden of a combined type No. 58, Apatity, Murmansk region.
Description of material: This material will be useful to educators of senior and preparatory groups when preparing for New Year holidays, classes on the topic "Winter".

Scenario of literary - musical composition "Zimushka Crystal" for older preschool children.

Purpose: The introduction of preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture, to Russian poetry.
repeat the names of the names of winter months;
introduce children with folk winter proverbs and sayings, signs;
Snap with children knowledge of signs of winter;
clarify the knowledge of children about winter changes in nature;
To give children elementary ideas about the holiday of Christmas, Maslenitsa;
Improve art and speech performing skills when reading poems.
Develop the skills of contextual speech, the ability to expressly read by heart of the poem;
Improve the artistic and speech performing skills in singing songs;
Develop the creative abilities of children.
Educating the love of Russian poetry to Russian folk culture.
Preliminary work: learning songs, dances, rounds, poems about winter, about Christmas feast; Registration of the Hall in the Winter Style
Materials for carrying out: Chairs in the number of children, diplomas and memorable gifts by number of participants
Event flow:
(Children enter the snake to the music hall to the music, are sitting on the chairs).
Educator: Hello guys! Hello, dear adults! Today we gathered here, in our musical hall to spend our literary - the musical living room "Zimushka Crystal". On our holiday we will sing, dance and, of course, read poems. Autumn ended and beautiful winter came to us. Dropped at home with white caps, trees decorated with silver. The first poem of our literary - musical composition is called "Winter Meeting" will read it (baby).

Child:The poem "Meeting of Winter", the author is Ivan Nikitin. (Reads a poem).
Educator: What a wonderful poem we now listened to you. "... the snow lies with the canvas and shines a multicolored fire from the sun ...". Very beautiful lines! Please tell me the children, and how do we learn what winter is approaching? Please name the signs of winter.
Children: Leaves from trees have already faltered. The sun shines less often. Lodge appears on the puddles. The first snow falls. Cold winds blow.
Educator: You all called everything. About winter in Russian poetry has been written a lot of poems. Each poet saw this time of year in his own way. For each author, winter appeared perfectly special. And now we will listen to one such poem, it is called "First Snow". He will read (baby).

Child: The poem "First Snow", wrote Ivan Bunin. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved autumn very much. But Winter also wrote a lot of beautiful lines. The passage "... Here is the north, the clouds catching ..." from the wonderful poem "Eugene Onegin" will be read (child).

Child: The poem "... Here is the north, clouds catching ..." (passage from the poem of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"). (Reads an excerpt from the poem).
Educator: "... the wizard is winter ..." is very poetic, isn't it? And the first song of our literary and musical composition is called "Eh, Winter!" (Music Y. Chichikova, the words M. Pleazkovsky).
Children: (Sing the song)
Educator: Wonderful song! I really like her. And what happens to the trees, with the forest?
Children:Winter nature is immersed in a sweet dream.
Educator: Embeding with a white covering of fluffy snow, sleep trees and bushes. In some days, frost and silence, occasionally violated only by a crunch branch in the forest, with which snow falls, and in the other - a snowy blizzard with wind fossil. The poem "Bereza" will be read to us (child).

Child: Pooh "Bereza". Posted by Sergey Yesenin. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Wonderful poems about winter! Listen, and how - if you see, snow-covered bereza, which froze in a silver dress. But let's return to our contest. The next poem will be read to us (child) and is called "a sorcerer of winter ...".

Child: The poem "Charger in winter ...", the author is Fedor Tyutchev. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Let's remember with you about animals. What changes occur in their lives with the arrival of winter?
Children: Bear in winter sleeps sweetly in Berloga. The protein and hare changed the fur coat in the fall. The hare is now white, and the protein is sulfur. All animals winter fur coat is more warm.
Educator: That's right. Winter has come. Frost sowed the earth. Frozen rivers and lakes. It's snowing often. It is so easy and pleasant to slide on skis. You will leave in the morning - a clean untouched virgin, as pages from the book. Coming, and as if the drawing appears. We have a poem called "Winter", and we will listen to him performed (baby).

Child: The poem "Winter", the author is Ivan Surikov. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Magnificent poem! Tell me, please, children, what is the name of the first month of winter?
Children: The first month of winter is called December.
Educator:Right. December in the people call the jelly. Usually this month falls a lot of snow. It is also a month of junior frost, blizzard and fun winter holidays. What holiday we celebrate in December?
Children:In December, we celebrate the New Year holiday.

Educator: Quite right. On the New Year's matinee we sang a lot and danced. And now we will dance. Horovoda "New Year's dance" (music and words L.Vakhrusheva).
Children: (Dance).
Educator: Very funny dance. But how we all remember, there were many guests on our holiday. I remember one very important guest, and who you are now guessing.
Happy New Year congratulates
All boys and girls

And gifts he gives us
Here they are, in the bag stand.
Good he and bearded
From frost red nose.
Who he is, tell me, children
Loud, friendly ...
Children: Santa Claus.
Educator: Well done! All correctly guess. And our grandfather frost, we also read poems. Here is one of them. It is called "Snowball" and read it to us (baby).

Child: The poem "Snowball", wrote Nikolai Nekrasov. (Reads a poem).
Educator: But not just Santa Claus came to our New Year holiday. Baba Yaga was also. And I declare a very cheerful dance, which is called "Grandma Egypt" (words and music of Tatiana Morozova)
Children: (Dance).
Educator: The people's calendar retained proverbs and sayings that exactly describing the first winter month. All of its features reflected in folk art:
December is cums, the winter begins.
In December, the frost is growing, but the day arrives.
In late December, the sun for the summer, winter on the frost begins.
Educator: Children, who of you know, what denotes the word powder?
Children: (Express an opinion).
Educator: Let me clarify. Porosh is a falling at night and stopped walking to the morning snow, on which fresh traces of animals are imprinted. And we have a poem, which is called "Porosh", will tell us (child).

Child: The poem "Porosh". The author is Sergey Yesenin. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Wonderful lines! How thinly the author of the winter nature feels. "... Like a white golk tied pine ...". But let's return to the month of December. There are many signs on which it is possible to determine what winter is harsh or mild, whether to be frost or wait for the thaw. Especially in December, they looked at the phenomena of nature, foreshadowed future weather.
Dry December foreshadowed dry spring and summer.
December is cold, snow, with frequent figures and winds - to crop.
And the thunder in December was sued the studihi winter.
Educator: The next poem, more precisely excerpt from the poem "Eugene Onegin", which we will listen to, called "Winter! .. Peasant, triumph ...". Read this passage (child).

Child: Excerpt "Winter! .. Peasant, triumph ..." from the poem of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". (Reads an excerpt from the poem).
Educator: Raddled New Year holidays. Ended the month of December. Children, please tell me, what month comes to us for December?
Children: During the month, December comes to us month January.
Educator: Well done! January - mid-winter and the beginning of the year. January in Russia - the coldest month of the year, the time of deaf winter and peace in nature. Weather in January quiet and calm. The days are short, but bright and sunny. From this they become more frosty. The next poem, which we now hear with you is called "all year round. January". Tell him (baby).

Child: Poem "all year round. January". The author is Samuel Marshak. (Reads a poem).
Educator: On window glass frost patterns. Ice bouquet is based on our forest. The sky becomes blue and as if above. For this feature, January in Ancient Rus was called "Prosinets". What natural phenomenon ends with us, in the Kola Peninsula, in January?
Children: In January, the polar night ends.
Educator: Right. The people about January are also folded many proverbs and sayings:
In winter, the sun is that stepmother: shines yes it does not heat;
New Year - By the spring, turn;
January-Batyushka - Frost, February - Metelitsy.
In January, more sunny days. Frosts become more cracked. The strongest frosts were usually baptized for the holiday.
Educator: It is about the wonderful frosty weather that we now listen to the poem, which is called "winter morning" and read it (child).

Child: An excerpt from the poem of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Winter Morning." (Reads an excerpt from the poem).
Educator: But something we dressed. Stop everything in a circle. Music game "Oh, Frost" (music and words in Vikhareva).
Children: (Get up in a circle, playing. The children sing a song, perform movements on the text).
Educator: On our holiday today there is no, unfortunately, Santa Claus. Therefore, I have been frost. (While the children sing the song, "walks" inside the circle clockwise. After the song says):
Frost: I do you hands from the corrule.
Children: And we will clap.
Frost: I get the legs to you.
Children: And we will turn.
Frost: (Quickly goes in a circle, stretching his hands towards the hands of children). Cut hands.
Children: (Clap).
Frost: (Stretching hands, to the legs of children). Legs stored.
Children: (Top).
Frost:Knees from the crocherum. (Stretches hands to the knees of children).
Children: (Squatted, close the knees with their hands).
Frost: Cheeks of the corruler.
Children: (Get up, closed with hands with cheeks. And so on).
Educator: Rested a bit. Please sit down, please in place. We will continue our literary and musical composition "Zimushka Crystal". For the month, January, too, have its own proverbs and sayings, as well as signs. Here is some of them:
January is the firstborn of the year, it's time for snowy.
Snow strongly creaks under his feet, the voices are far angry - to fitness.
Educator: But not only new year we celebrate in the winter. Tell me, please, what holiday we also celebrate in January?
Children:In January, we celebrate the holiday of Christmas Christ.
Educator: Well done! I suggest you listen to the poem "Christmas". He will read it (baby).

Child: An excerpt from the poem "Christmas", the author - Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. (Reads an excerpt from the poem).
Educator: Christmas is a wonderful holiday. No worse than the new year. Predated for Christmas was made to sing folk stocking songs. Who remembers what songs are called?
Children: Such songs are called carols.
Educator:There is also a custom, arrange a small idea dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. Remembers any of you, what was the name of this view?
Children: This representation was called the Vertips.
Educator: Skirt! It was also accepted not only to give gifts, but also to create mercy. Once there was such a custom in Russia - to organize the Christmas "Christmas trees" for animals and birds. And of course, the first half of the month was famous for his fortune tells. The month is lasting January. All around white-white. And the poem, which is called "White Poems" will be read (baby).

Child: Poem "White Poems". The author is Sergey Mikhalkov. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Indeed, there are so many snow around. But something we suggested. I declare the dance of the "skates" (Song "Skates" Music V. Bogatyreva, the words D.Chvyatsyova from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")
Children: (Dance dance dance).
Educator: But it ended January. What month comes next behind him, tell me, please, children?
Children: For the month of January, the month of February comes to us.
Educator: Quite right. February in Russia called: sechen-sects still winter winds; Blocking - on the sunny side begins.
And poem with the name "all year round. February "We will read (baby).

Child: Poem "all year round. February". Posted by Samuel Marshak. (Reads a poem).
Educator: Indeed, in February we celebrate the holiday - February 23. With this holiday we congratulate our dads and grandparents. Changed this month. With buranes, snowstorms. Woodly walks the wind in the open field, and how to fall into the forest - angry, howl, whistles, it is angry with snow, but white drifts grow only on the edge. And inside the forest, silence and snow smoothly lies. I suggest listening to the poem "Snowflake", reads us this poem (child).

Child: Pooh Constantine Balmont "Snowflake". (Reads a poem).
Educator: What exact comparison "... crystal star ..."! In February, frosts allow themselves to felt about themselves, but in them the breath of spring is already feeling - there is no, no, and there will be a thick fog, and the whole forest falls in his beautiful decoration to the last branch will appear in white more, in a crystal bloom, like May garden.

According to popular belief, the winter is moving in spring. And after a day, there are cracking frosts again. And yet frequent thaws at the end of February, as they say, "hug a horn of winter". Listen to the proverbs and sayings about the month February:
In February, two friends - a blizzard yes blizzard.
February - month changeable: it looks like january, then March reminds.
February The sun turns the spring.
Educator: We will tell us about the ambulance in the poem "Winter" (child).

Child:Pooh Constantine Balmont "Winter". (Reads a poem).
Educator: "... and the blizzard listens like sinya." In my opinion, it's more beautiful about February not to say and do not come up with. For the month of February, there are also signs, as for the two previous months:
Beginning of the Behindend - and the spring is waiting for early, clear, fitting.
Long icicles of February promise long spring.
Bullfinch under the window is planted - to thaw.
Rings drops. Long icicles hung on the south side of the roofs. The sun is all brighter every day. Effectively the shadow in the snow were dark, fixed, now they became blue and alive.
Revival and birds. Especially rejoicing highlights of naked tits. They first learn about the approximation of the spring and remind of all their pernamy relatives. Begins the spring arrival of scatters.

At the end of February, sometimes in early March, the bullfinches are conjugated to the north. Nature as if on the moment woke up, although her sleep is still deep. Just smelling in the spring.
Educator: And what another holiday we celebrate in February?
Children: In February, we celebrate the holiday of Maslenitsa.

Educator: The entire last week of February - Maslenitsa. The victory of the forces of light and heat above the cold forces was celebrated. Every day the carnival had its name. For example, Monday was called ... Who remembers, what was the name of Monday?
Children: Monday was called Meeting.
Educator: Right. On this day they arranged and rolled slides. And who remembers, for example, what was the name of Sunday?
Children: Sunday was called "Forgiveness Day".
Educator: On Sunday, they said goodbye to Maslenitsa, asked for their relatives and familiar forgiveness for inflicted insults: "Does not enter our anger." And, by expressing that he was lying on the soul, they were taken for songs and dances. And I suggest you play, ride our beautiful carousel. The game "Carousel".
Educator: (Holds the pole with a rim upstairs to which multicolored ribbons are attached. To the ribbon ribbon is attached so that they will easily slide and rotate with him on the pole, but did not touch the ground. Each child chooses her ribbon and runs on each other in a circle for music ).
Children: (Play).
Educator: So we played. Please sit down, please in place. February continues and another winter poem "sings Winter - Aukets ..." We will tell us (baby).

Child: Sergey Yesenin's poem "sings Winter - Aukets ...". (Reads a poem).
Educator: Let's not forget about birds in winter. We will definitely help them and feed them. So our literary and musical composition "Zimushka Crystal" approached the end. I declare awarding all the participants of our today's meeting with diplomas and memorable gifts.
Winter holiday on the street in the senior group of kindergarten

The goal is to upbringing the feelings of beautiful, love for the native nature.

Equipment: paintings by artists about winter, drawings of guys, made of trees in a snow cover.

Good afternoon dear friends! Our today's meeting is devoted to the most amazing, the very beautiful time of the year - Winter. Winter loves everything: both adults and children. Artists are angry in their pictures, songs compound about it and poems. And all this is because nature is special in winter, it is some kind of solemn, masterful, shining with purity and freshness; Air frosty, trees in more than and snow. Please look at the pictures of winter, and you will make sure that winter is a very beautiful time of year.

(Against the background of music there is a demonstration of slides - paintings about winter.)

In the concerns of the livelip
In her slurry emptiness.
Far thought about immutable
Nature wonderful beauty!
Go twine careless years.
One other is crowded.
Replaced the kingdoms and peoples,
Transformed man! ..
And you stand unchanged
You do not fade one ...

Meeting of winter
In the morning yesterday the rain in the windows of the windows pounded,
Over the earth fog clouds got up.
The night passed. Raw. There is no cloud anywhere.
The air is light and clean, and frozen river.
Hello, Guest - Winter! We ask mercy to us
Songs of the North to sing in the forests and steppes.

How many nights of the stars in the sky.
In bright sparks at home.
Hello, white as swan
Our Russian winter!
Hello Russian fashion.
Collationsavitsa - soul.
Snow-white winch.
Hello, Mother - Winter!

In autumn over the forest and marsh
Cloud flew by mimolet.
Flew cloud low-low,
Jumping a parachute with her.
And over it is the other,
And already flies for a flock pack.
Jump light snowflakes
On empty niva and paths,
On the high bank of the river
Dark Forest Corners
And then in the sweetest houses
Winter looked through the windows.

Yes, we love all this perfect time of the year. The winter calendar lasts three months. Every month of winter is good. December is pleased with the first frosts, the first snow. January New Year holidays and gifts, ice slide and sledding. February We love for the fact that this is the last winter month, and we want to make skates and skiing, play snowballs and blind a snowbank.

Song "Winter months" (with the imitation of snow on stage).

First snow
Winter cold smelled to the fields and on the forest.
Bright Purpur lit up before sunset heaven,
At night, the storm brought, and with a dawn on the village
On the ponds, the garden is deserted first snow suffered.
And today over a wide white tablecloth of fields
We said goodbye to the late loyalty of geese.

First snow
In the morning I looked a little light:
The yard in the winter is dressed.
I opened open door,
In the garden I look, I do not believe my eyes
Hey, look, wonders!
There was a cloud over us
It turned out under his feet.

Reader 3: (Suitable and shakes artificial snow from birch).

White birch under my window
Dinged with snow exactly silver.
On fluffy branches Snow border
Brushes blushed with white fringe.
And it is worth birch in sleepy silence.
And snowflakes burn in gold fire.
And the dawn is lazy, bypassing around,
Slipping the branches with new silver.

Song "Three White Kony"

As if faithful guards are three months old, like three brothers on the guard of peace of Mother - winter. December received its name in ancient Rome "Denz", that is, the tenth. More than 2,000 years ago, he became 12 months a year, but did not change his name.

In ancient Russia, December was unarked: a jelly. He is a Studit, walks and nails, hesitates.

The firstborn of winter is growing increasingly - December: the shortest days fell on his share. I did not have time to get roaring, as twilight, turning on the winter night, have been crawling on all sides.

Reader 1: (on the background of recording blizzards, snow crunch)

Not the wind rages over Bor.
Not from the mountains ran the streams,
Frost of Voivoda Wavoro
Own owners.
Looks - Lee Levels
Forest trails listed
And there is no crack, cracks,
And there is no naked land.
Lee pine fluffy tops.
Is there a pattern on oaks?
And the ice floes are firmly
In great and small waters?
Goes on the trees, steps,
Frozen water.
And bright sun playing
In the beard of his beard.

Reader 2: (Against the background of the quiet sound of the phonogram "Snow spin")

Snow flies, spinning.
On White Street
And turned the puddle
In cold glass.
Where in the summer she was angry.
Today - see -
Like pink apples
On branches of bullfinch.
Snow creaks skiing
And catches bug redhead
Merry white flies.

Under the blue skies
Magnificent carpets
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;
Transparent forest one black
And spruce through frost green
And the river under the ice shines.

Dance: "Waltz Snowflakes."

January - month of large silent snows. This month received his name in honor of the ancient Roman God - Janus, because. Starting from 45 to the new era, at the direction of Julius Caesar, the New Year began to celebrate from January 1, and not from March 1, as was customary.

January is a month of bright stars, white trail, blue ice. The people about january say:

The year of the revenue, the winter of the middle.
January - Batyushka - frost.
Growing day - grows and cold
Winter night to the courtyard
Many snow - a lot of bread
Many water - a lot of herbs
Snow is deep - a year is good.
Snow - blanket for wheat.

Song "Winter"

February is a two-year month: and lutch and stoker. He received its name in honor of the mythical god of the underground kingdom of Fabraus.

Here are the sayings for the people about this month:

February Winter Rog flexs.
February - curves of the road.
February adds three hours in the afternoon.
Crow sits in the morning on the top of a tree and a boxes to the blizzard.

In ancient Russia, the snow "snowflage" and "Lyutny" called snow and frosts. Changed this month, it is friends with snowstorms and tamans.

Our ancestors were observational and knew that the future crop depends largely on the winter months. Here are folk signs and proverbs.

Winter - field storage.
Snow deep - bread is good.

By winter, the ahead of the way was preparing, because it was necessary to think about food and to stock heat. The troubles are always merry, and the work is not separated with the song and joke. In the winter season, the most popular holidays, because they are good, which go in a frosty, snowy course.

Dance: "Blizzard and Sugro".

(The blizzard girl dances under the phonogram of the blizzard, outlays drifts.

Walk drifts and dance.)

Notele notes
And birch and fir,
Notes at home above the roofs.
Our city is preserved
And Moscow is preserved
And distant French Paris!
We grow and grow
We will soon be like a house
What is called, seem to be a skyscraper.
There are granddaughters with us
He will come to you now -
New-fashioned walking snowdrift.

(Snowman comes out and dancing with all the dance snowdrifts).

And how many mysteries about winter. Let's go to them!

Lay a blanket, soft, white,
The earth warmed.
The wind blew, the blanket bent.
The sun was delivered, the blanket flowed. (Winter)

Who is the whites White White Belith?
And on the walls writes chalk?
Sews down pouche
Did everyone showcases? ( Frost)

He flies white flocks
And sparkles on the fly.
He is a cool melting star
On palm and mouth. ( Snow)

Days of all days shorter,
All nights are longer than a night.
On the fields and on the meadow
Before spring lay down snow.
Only a month will pass -
All meet New Year! ( December)

Bumping ears, pinch nose,
Climbs in boots moro.
Hook water - fall -
Not water is already, but ice.
Even the bird does not flies
From frost is a bird.
Turn the sun by the summer.
How is this month called this? ( January)

Snow puffs from the sky
There are snow drifts in the house.
That buran and blizzards
On the village fled.
At night, Frost Silen.
Daily droplets are heard ringing.
The day was gaining noticeable.
How is this month called this? ( February)

Invisible carefully
He is to me
He draws as an artist,
All patterns on the window
This is a maple, and this is Eve.
Here and Palma is prevailed.
How he draws beautiful
White paint one! ( Frost)

Worth a barbed like hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.
And we will come to us
Under the New Year -
Guys will be happy
Merry dance trouble.
Prepare her outfits ( Christmas tree)

Run along the track
Boards yes legs ( Skiing)

I swear, turn, urch,
I do not want to know anyone. ( Blizzard)

In the circular window
Happy glass is broken,
In the evening inserted ( Drub)

Who is nowhere and never late? ( New Year)

I, like sand, small,
And the land is covering.
I'm out of the water, and fly in the air.
Like fluff, I'm lying in the fields,
And like diamond shrinking
With solar rays. ( Snow)

At the entrance cried a boy
- Someone's finger biting me!
And the other baby screamed:
- Someone's ears poured me!
The third torn her nose and cheeks:
- Who hurt me so much?
It became clear to the defector
Invisible in the yard. ( Frost)

Here, guys, and the end of our idea of \u200b\u200bwinter approached the end. We wish you the best: health, happiness, plentyful to roll on sledding, ice skating.

(All participants are published).

Sings winter, auchet
Shaggy forest Bayukiet
Pine wroring.
Circle with longing deep
Flow to the country far
Gray clouds.

And in the courtyard
Carpet silk stele
But, it is clear, cold.
Games playing
As children are lonely,
Pressed at the window.

Drinking mutter small,
Hungry, tired
And squeeze meal.
And blizzard with roar
Knocking on shutters risen
And getting angry with all the strongest.

And dormant donkey tender
Under these whirlwinds
At the dead window.
And dream of them beautiful
In the smiles of the sun clear
Beauty - Spring!

(Participants are kept and go).

(In the hall, where the elegant Christmas tree is worth, includes children with christmas decorations and dress it up.)

Child 1:

For us a whole year for the holiday was going

Green beauty of forests.

Then quietly in this hall dressed up,

And now her dress is ready.

Child 2.: We all admire the Christmas tree today

She gives us a gentle fragrance.

And the best holiday of New Year

Comes with her in kindergarten.

Child 3:

They say, under the New Year, which is not wished,

Everything will always happen, everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys come true all wishes.

You just need, they say, attach efforts.

Leading: Guys, let's tell her Christmas tree about his desires. Maybe she will fulfill them?

(Performed song "Tell us, Christmas tree, fairy tale.")

(Music sounds. The presenter speaks against the background of the music.)


It all started in a wonderful New Year evening,

When the snowball circled on the street.

So cheerful, clean, gentle,

Fly in the window gentle, like a gun.

And behind the window went cooking:

Gifts, Christmas tree and big cake.

And at midnight, what happens today,

No one could predict.

(Music sounds, the girl includes a girl, she dances with a toy - a clutch, sits in the chair. Music elf sounds.)


Lights of coniferous fir and stars outside the window,

Decided to tell her a fairy tale, then

Marie looked quietly around

And the elves snew sternly.

All in the middle spurla, inspired sleep

And the house overnight was dreamed.

(Performed by the "Elves dance". Marie falls asleep, she dreams sleep. A nutcracker boy appears, they dance.)


As soon as 12 pierced, around

Siski and hiss heard suddenly.

Like a black cloud, food and scraper,

All mice county gathered here.

(Flowing mice with moused.)


What is this fun? What new year?

What are you forgotten that Mouseld lives in the castle?

Yes, I am the queen of mice!

And here everything should be in the will of mine!


Well, no, at least you could get to the holiday,

We do not allow mouse power here!


Today is a holiday here, here are so many guests,

And the Christmas tree is manitis with its garland.

On the Christmas tree a cheerful outfit:

Dragee, candy, grazing, marmalade.

Take here Candy, Jump soon

Try, Mouseld, you will become kind.

(Mouseda takes candy, trying to bite - breaks the tooth.)


You pay me for my favorite tooth!

Hurt me, Moused! Here I am!

And the holiday continue I will not give you!

Now I will arrange you my masquerade,

No one dares, there is my marmalade!

Mouse army! Forward, win!

We will take the whole castle, and we will eat candy!

(Mousek is coming to Marie and Nutcracker, they are heighted in fear back, the mice are dancing.)


My soldiers! Get out soon!

We are accelerated by non-nasty mice.

Their place should be in the basement of cheese,

Behind me! The enemy we break!

(The scene "Battle" is played. The Nutcracker wins. Moused runs in fear. The nutcracker removes the mask.)


Moused escaped, there is no return!

Now I will open my secret to you:

The spells of my masks disappeared

And again I am the prince of the kingdom of Slavs.

We are waiting in the palace to Big Masquerade,

Here is the Fairy Dragee and Prince Marmalade. (Come out.)

Fairy Dragee:

We are glad to welcome cute guests

In the kingdom of miracles, in the kingdom of Slavs.

Here are waiting for you magic transformations,

And each to taste will find treats.

Prince Marmalade:

Candy, Marshmallow, Lollipops, Chocolate -

Everyone is waiting for you today at Ball Masquerade.

Beloved Prince, guests - our hello!

And the Christmas tree is calling Menuet.

(Performed "Menuet".)

Nutcracker: Guests dear, I will introduce you to the inhabitants of my kingdom.

Rather, come out, meet, fragrant, golden tea. (Two children come out in Chinese suits, perform the "Tea Dance".)


And everything, of course, know, to tea

We, Russian gingerbread invite

Beautiful, Pahochu and so good,

This in the whole world will not find.

Bezers, heels do not regret

No in the world in the midst of your dance!

(Executed "Russian dance".)


In the kingdom, I do not consider good

What you won't wish, everything is there!

For example, there is chocolate - Spaniard,

Look at his beautiful dance.

(Performed "Chocolate Dance".)


And now, kind friends,

I will introduce your pride to you.
























































