Little fairy tales about the new year for children. My fairy tales in books

Little fairy tales about the new year for children. My fairy tales in books
Little fairy tales about the new year for children. My fairy tales in books
Traveling with Santa Claus

Misha strolled along the snow-covered forest and suddenly saw fresh traces. They were interested in extremely: someone recently passed here in huge-premium boots.

Who could it be? Is Santa Claus!

And indeed, soon the boy saw in the distance of Santa Claus.

Are you surprised, kid, what I was here? - Santa Claus asked the Misha ran. "But I have a magical high-speed cloud that transfers into any place in one moment." Do you want to fly with me?

Blimey!!! Yes, who will refuse such taspanic offer!! Santa Claus sat the boy next to her cloud, and they flew in the blue night over the snowy mountains and valleys. The cloud was soaked up to bright stars, then descended, touching the tops fluffy tree. What it was an extraordinary journey!

Soon the lights spurled at the bottom big City. All children have long dressed up trees and now sat at home and waited for gifts from Santa Claus. Only here all the fireplace pipes, unfortunately, were closed. "How to penetrate at home to leave gifts? Are the kids and will not wait for them? " - Instant Misha.

Do not worry, it's better to look carefully, as I deftly do, "said Santa Claus, as if reading the thoughts of the boy, and scattered from the clouds many little multicolored parachuts with gifts. Each of them was tied with a leaf with the name of a girl or a boy. Parachuts slowly sank to the city ...

Do not worry, "Santa Claus reassured again," at the bottom of the parachutics will meet the houses and give gifts to children.

Mishe really wanted to continue this wonderful trip to Santa Claus ... But then he was unexpected ... I woke up and realized that all this was unfortunately, just dreamed.

And where is my gift? Did the house have time to bring it? - cried Misha, remembering his unforgettable sleep.

Jumping from the bed, the baby ran up to the Christmas tree: what happiness! A gift in brilliant paper has already been lying in his place.

"But who knows," thought satisfied Misha, "maybe what I saw at night, at all and was not sleep?!"

Santa Claus

Somehow a little Pavlik rode one winter day and his girlfriend Katya in the woods on skis. It is already beginning to try out, and they hurried home, how suddenly among the pines of the kids noticed the illuminated big and beautiful house. "And what if Santa Claus himself lives here?" - I clung to Kati unexpected thought, and the girl immediately shared her with Pavlik.

Let's check, it will not take much time, "the boy continued, and the children immediately moved toward the big house.

Pavlik did not know the house of Lee Santa Claus, so I decided to first look into the window.

Let's go see! - he suggested Kate.

Suffered the children quietly to the window and see: the old man is sitting in the room, all in red and with a thick white beard, and packs gifts. Real Santa Claus! Pavlik was a better protein-dried glass, and friends saw so many toys as he never saw in any store.

The children quietly moved away from the window, so as not to interfere with Santa Claus, and hurried home writing to him: after all, it is necessary to help an old grandfather, otherwise he does not know who the gift wants to receive for the new year.

On New Year's morning, Pavlik first ran to the fireplace. And measurement in surprise: before the fireplace stood a small carpent table, and on it lay a set of joinery tools! Blimey! That's how a gift! And it's not trouble that there was no toys, because now Pavlik will be able to make them himself, and it is much more interesting! He made so many toys, which is enough not only to him, but also to all his friends!

Snow Maiden

There were an old man with an old woman. Lived okay, together. Everything is good, yes one grief - they did not have children.

So winter came the snowy, there were snowdrifles to the belt, the children poured out to play the street, and the old man with the old woman on them out of the window look yes about their grief they think.

And what, the old woman, - says the old man, - let's do our daughter on their snow.

Come on, "says the old woman.

She put on the old man, they came to the garden and began to sculpt the daughter from the snow. They rolled the snowball, handles, the legs were adjusted, the snow head was put on top. Put the old man nose, mouth, chin. Look - and at the Snow Maiden's lips polished, the eyes opened; She looks at the old men and smiles. Then she rinsed the head, made his handles, legs, shook off the snow - and left the snowdrift of a living girl.

Old men were delighted, led her to the hut. Look at her, do not pour.

And it began to grow in old people a daughter not by day, but by the hour; No matter, then everything becomes more painted. White itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta at all.

There are no old men on her daughter, the souls do not have a chance. The daughter and smart, and intelligent, and cheerful. With all affectionate, friendly. And the work of the Snow Maiden in the hands arms, and the song is driving - hear.

Winter passed. Beginning to harvest spring sun. Separated her grass on Protanes, Put the Larks. And the Snow Maiden suddenly seal.

What's wrong with you, daughter? - asks the old man. - What have you become so sad? Do you not?

Nothing, father, nothing, Mother, I'm healthy.

That's the last snow melted, blooms bloomed on the meadows, birds flew. And the Snow Maiden day from the day everything is sadder, everything becomes silent. From the sun hiding. He would be a shadow yes chill, and even better - rains.

Once the black cloud swept, a large hail fell. The Snow Maiden Grada was delighted, exactly the pearl rolling. And how the sunucky and hail melted, the Snow Maiden was crying, and so bitter, like a sister in his native brother.

In the spring, summer came. Girls gathered on a walk in a grove, called the Snow Maiden.

We go with us, Snow Maiden, walk in the forest, singing songs, dance.

I did not want to go snow maiden in the forest, yes the old woman persuaded her.

Look, daughter, have fun with girlfriends!

Girls came with the Snow Maiden in the forest. Steel colors to collect, wreath weave, sing songs, driving away. Only one Snow Maiden is still unequish. And as SPRED, they scored a brushwood, laid out a fire and let's join everything over his boyfire through the fire. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden got up.

She ran into his turn for girlfriends. Jump over fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. Rose cloud high and lost in the sky. Only heard girlfriends, as behind, something is complaints about: "AU!" They turned around, and there are no Snow Maiden. They began to click her.


Only Echo them in the forest and responded.

Tale of the New Year Christmas tree

Long ago it was. Stood in a closed room on the night before the new year decorated with a Christmas tree. All in beads, in paper multicolored chains, in small glass stars. The Christmas tree was locked in order for her before the children before time.

But many other inhabitants of the house still saw her. She saw a fat gray cat with his big green eyes. And a little gray mouse that fearing cats, also looked at the beautiful Christmas tree with one eye, when there was no one in the room. But there was someone else who did not have time to look at the New Year's Christmas tree. It was a small spider. He could not get out of his modest corner behind the cabinet. The fact is that the hostess before the holiday drove from the room of all spiders, and he miraculously hid in the dark corner.

But the spider also wanted to see the Christmas tree, and therefore went to Santa Claus and said: "Everyone has already seen new Year's Christmas tree, And we spiders, kicked out of the house. But we also want to look at the festive forest beautiful! "

And Santa Claus squeezed over spiders. He quietly challenged the door to the room, where there was a Christmas tree, and all the spiders: both big, and small, and completely tiny spiders began to run around her. At first they watched everything that was able to see from below, and then they climbed on the Christmas tree so that it was better to consider everything else. Down and up all branches and twigs ran small spiders and inspected every toy, each bead close-close. They inspected everything and went completely happy. And the Christmas tree was all in the web, from the foot and to the top of the top. Claws hung from all branches and entangled even the most tiny twigs and needles.

What could Santa Claus do? He knew that the hostess at home could not be paccules and a web. Then Santa Claus turned the shells into gold and silver threads. So, it turns out why the New Year's Christmas tree is decorated with golden and silver rain

Christmas tree

The new year came, and Vitalika really wanted to have a Christmas tree at home. He dreamed, how she would decorate her multicolored balls, small candles, beautiful garlands. All the friends of the boy have long bought trees, and he had no tree. When he came to the Christmas market, there was nothing left there, the last tree was sold. "I'll go to the forest," said Vitalik, "maybe there is a Christmas tree there." He took the ax and went to the forest, where big and lush trees, such high and so thick, what even never had anyone.

After long I. hard way According to deep snowdrifts, Vitaly finally came to the goal: he began to chop one of the best trees - thick and fluffy. The tree was so huge that by having chuckled him, the boy could not even raise her prey. Then he decided to cut the Christmas tree in the middle. But this Nosha turned out to be unable to him: Vitalik, groachty, dragged her a few meters, translated his breath and began to work again. Never, it will probably not get to the house!

Helloing completely, the baby decided to shorten the Christmas tree half. "Bad, of course, he thought," but my Christmas tree would still remain the best. " Then he moved again on the road.

It was still far from the house, with a large drops with large drops, his hands were rimmed. And so, still stopping many times and allochable and shortening the Christmas tree, Vitalik got to his house. Looks - and only the top left from the tree!

Upset, Vitaly returned to the forest and released the Christmas tree smaller - a small fluffy beauty. He was already raised an ax to cut her down, but wherever neither the bunny appeared and shouted imploringly:

Not Ruby her, please! This is the only little Christmas tree that remained!

Vitalik with longing lowered his head: "Now I will not have new Year tree, "he thought, but then his eyes caught fire again," and maybe to dress this, forestry? "

He quickly ran home and brought for a Christmas tree different decorations: Brilliant toys, multicolored balls, intricate garlands.

The forest revived: the squirrels came running, sparrows flew, bullfinches, rolled risen. Some hung balls, others tied the garlands, attached candles. The Christmas tree turned out to be very elegant, and everyone from the soul was happy, looking at her.

Thank you, the boy, for the fact that you made us a holiday! We also want to make you a gift. Here, take across and garlands from oak leaves. Decorate your home.

Vitalik returned home cheerful. After singing, he decorated the fireplace and, having loved his work, put his boots next to him, so that Grandfather Frost could put gifts in them at night.

What do you think Mom, - he asked, putting to bed, - Santa Claus will bring me toys today?

Of course, "Mom replied to him," I will definitely bring!

Early in the morning, barely opening his eyes, Vitalik quickly jumped off the bed and the Kubarem rolled down the stairs. From his excitement, his heart pounded loudly. Does he find the desired toys in shoes?

But what is it? None of the most tiny toy did not find it by the fireplace. But here lay beams of carrots, walnut bag and a whole pack of grain of birds.

At Vitalik, even tears in their eyes spoke from grief, and he, sad, went to the courtyard.

Looking at the boy - the hare runs, rushing, still screaming to him:

We go rather, under the Christmas tree full of toys! Probably it's all for you. That's just for us for some reason there is nothing.

The boy immediately understood everything. That turns out to be the matter! Just Grandfather Frost confused gifts.

And you look, bunny that he brought me!

Friends took everything that was lying by the fireplace, and quickly ran into the forest.

And here, in the Christmas tree, Vitalik saw what he had dreamed about so long ago: a train with multi-colored trays, a big-premissive ball and the real guitar!

There were so many toys that at once and would not take!

Run and lush, and all forest inhabitants also could not rejoice in their gifts.

Then everyone got into a circle and began to dance around the elegant Christmas tree.

Author of work: Yakshin Semyon, student of grade 6 MOU "Zaikovskaya School No. 1"
Job title: Author's story "Miracle of the New Year"
Leader: Pechskova Albina Anatolyevna, Literature Teacher MOU "Zaykovskaya School No. 1"
Work description:
The author's story "Miracle of the New Year" is written by a schoolboy on a mug literary creativity "Silver Pyryshko" on New Year's Eve, when all the guys want the fulfillment of cherished desires. Children sincerely believe in miracles and are looking forward to them. A story written by a student puts the eternal question of all children: "Do you believe in a miracle of the new year?" This author's work can be used in children's garden In the work of educators, teachers primary classes In speech lessons, in secondary classes, when studying the topic "Dialogue" or during a New Year's theatrical presentation for children of 4-9 years.
Purpose: Development creative abilities Children.
1) to educate the ability to perceive the world creatively through the prism of imagination and fantasy;
2) instilling love for the book, the desire to read and independently compose stories on the given topics;
3) Develop creative imagination, oral I. written speech Children, the ability to draw up dialogues and advocate the audience.

It will soon come by a favorite new year. Children could not wait for the holiday. One boy especially waited for New Year's magic.
- When will the new year come? - asked Sasha at Mom.
- Soon soon.
- Well, when? - impatiently asked Sasha.

Mom was busy cooking dinner and could not answer Sasha. Then he went to dad and began to persistently pester him, pulling the edge of the newspaper:
- Dad when will come new year?
- Soon, Sasha, soon.
- So when?
Dad hollowed up the newspaper and pretended to be busy. So often adults come, so the Pope Pope is always busy, works on the Internet. Sasha shouted to the grandfather.
- Grandfather, and grandfather, when will the new year come?
- New Year? Do you know the story about the Miracle of the New Year?
- Miracle of the New Year? No, tell me!
- Every time a miracle happens in the New Year. At the night sky, one star becomes brighter and starts moving around. Some think it is just such a vision. And in fact, this is Santa Claus on his sleigh begins the way.
"Wow, and you can see how this star is moving?" Sasha asked.
"You can only if you want to really want," Grandpa answered.

Sasha, before the New Year, looked at the window, and so when the restless grandson had already ceased to hope, he noticed bright radiance with the edge of his eyes. The boy turned and saw the little asterisk of quietly moving around the night sky.
- Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Consider: Is this a miracle of the New Year? Mom with dad said:
- No, son, it seemed to you.

But grandfather winks Sasha. The boy later looked for a long time as a small stars moves across the sky. And at night ... Sasha quietly snuck into the chungy, I found the old pictures of my grandparents, settled more comfortably and began to flip from time to time the album of photos. He even seemed to him that grandfather slyly squints, as if reminded of the New Year's miracle.

Here Granny on the rink. It is carefully supported by a strong grandfather's hand. But the grandfather gives her grandmother flower, and she recalls her young years, her eyes moisturize, and she is gentlely smiling in response.

But ... Sasha stumbled upon a puppy's shot, which ran close to a small boy, lucky in the sleigh ... So the same dad! Did he ever had a dog sometime?! Blimey! Maybe this year and I will be allowed to start a puppy!? Sasha, just in case, took this picture and went to bed, in the hope that in the morning he will show the dad to the dad and strictly asks: "Sami, probably, played with his faithful dogBut why can I not? "

With these thoughts, the boy walked sadly into the window, he was again the defenseless puppy's defenseless face, which as if angry: "Well, become my friend as soon as possible!" This vision soon broke up through the night sky, and Sasha fell asleep. But a long smile wandered for his face, because there was a dog next to him!

In the morning he woke up, as usual, but he was struck by an extraordinary silence in the house. Where is all? Where is Dad? Mum? Grandpa with a grandmother?! And suddenly he saw a small lump of happiness in a box!

It was a dog! Little, with wet nose and hurried ears. She could hardly sit, defenselessly settling his eyes-coal eyes on the boy. "Is this my dog? !! - shouted Sasha loudly. He was afraid to sage this indescribable waiting state. Suddenly the door opened quietly, and on the threshold, the boy saw the happy eyes of his loved ones. In the hands of Pope was the same picture that Sasha squeezed so tightly in his hand yesterday before bedtime. "This is my dog?!" - He again broke off his words of joy and hope.
Yes, now it's your dog! - Grandfather joyfully pronounced and winks again Sasha.
-Do you believe in the miracle of the new year?

Very soon, the winter will notice snow, they will blow cold winds and frost will hit. We will observe from the winds of the houses of the winter, and in the dwelling days to arrange winter photo shoots, ride sledding, sculpt snowless women and arrange snow fights. But long winter nights as if designed to be co-read winter fairy talesfilled with adventures, wonders and magic. We have prepared a list of such fairy tales to make reading really interesting and exciting.

Want to play with a child easily and with pleasure?

List of winter fairy tales for children

  1. V.Vitkovich, Rydfeld "Fairy Tale in Bible Blue" (Labyrinth). The adventures of the boy of Mitya, who met an unusual snowy girl Leles and now protects it from evil Snow Bab. and old year.
  2. M.Starost "Winter Tale" (Labyrinth). Snow Maiden of a gingerbread man was baked - crocks. But the inquisitive crustik did not want to lie in the basket with other gifts, got out ... and decided to go to the guys under the tree ahead of time. On this path, he was waiting for many dangerous adventures in which he almost disappeared. But Santa Claus saved the hero, and he, in turn, promised without demand anywhere not to leave.
  3. N. Pavlova "Winter Fairy Tales" "Winter Pirush" (Labyrinth). The hare all summer faded the squirrel with a snack snob, and when it was time to answer the good protein in good protein, it was a sorry for his supplies. Which only she did not invent the tasks to dump the hare, but in the end the conscience was tortured and they staged a real winter feast. Dynamic I. understandable to the child The plot, the illustrations of N. Scharushin will be a good reason for discussion with the baby questions of generosity and mutual arration.
  4. P.Bazhov "Silver Kopytz" (Labyrinth). Good tale about Lostank Darenka and Kokoban, who told the girl about an unusual goat with a silver hoof. And once the fairy tale became fair, ran to the Balagan goat, hits the hoof, and from under him gems Swallow.
  5. Y.Yakovlev "UMKA" (Labyrinth). Tale of a little white bear who opens for himself huge world In all his diversity, about his mother - white bear and their adventures.
  6. S.Nurdkovist "Christmas in Petson House" (Labyrinth). Petson and his Kitten Findus had big plans for this Christmas. But Petson turned his leg and cannot even go to the store and behind the Christmas tree. But is it an obstacle when there is an email and friendly neighbors?
  7. N.NOSov "On the hill" (Labyrinth). A story about a curtain, but not very far-sighted boy Cotque Chizhov, who spoiled a hill, which the guys built a whole day, sprinkled by it with snow.
  8. Odouse Hilary "Snowman and Snowfather" (Labyrinth, Ozone). The story of the boy who recently lost the dog. And, finding "clothes" for a snowman, decided to blind both: and a snowman, and dogs. Snow sculptures came to life and waited for them amazing adventures together. But spring came, the snowman melted, and the dog ... became real!
  9. Tuva Jansson " Magic Winter» (Labyrinth). One day, Mumina-Troll woke up in winter and realized that he no longer wants to sleep, which means that an adventure was not true. And they will be in this book at least debugs, because this is the first mumi-troll who did not sleep all year.
  10. U. Maslo "Christmas to the Krestov" (Labyrinth). Good I. magic fairy tales About the adventures of Vicky and her fairy-godfather, which creates wonders for the godders with their own hands. Just like we, passionate moms :-)
  11. V.Zotov "New Year's story" (Labyrinth). On the eve of the New Year, Santa Claus visits the guys to find out that they actually want to get for a holiday. And here the grandfather was visiting the boy Viti, who was a Grubian house, Tikhoni at school, and at the same time dreamed of a real car. And got a film projector who shows the behavior of the boy from the side. Excellent pedagogical move!
  12. Peter Nicl " True story About the good wolf " (Labyrinth). A fairy tale of a wolf who decided to change his fate and stop being only frightening and frightening all the beast. The wolf became a doctor, but the former glory did not allow to reveal his talent fully until the beasts were convinced of the good intentions of the wolf. Multi-layered philosophical fairy tale. I think that readers of different ages will find something in it.
  13. (Labyrinth). The folk tale of the cunning fox and a short-sighted trusting wolf, who suffered most of all, remained without a tail, and I did not understand who the guilt of all his troubles.
  14. (Labyrinth). The folk fairy tale of friendship and mutual execution, in which the animals built their horses and together were defended from forest predators.
  15. (Labyrinth). The folk fairy tale in which grandfather lost the mittens and all the animals who were cold came to the mitten to warm up. As begins in fairy tales, many animals placed in the mittens. And how the dog lay, the beasts ran away, and grandfather raised the ordinary mitten from the ground.
  16. V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" (Labyrinth). The adventures of the needlewoman who dropped the bucket into the well and found at its bottom a completely different world, in which his owner - Moroz Ivanovich gifts everyone in justice. Needlewoman - Silver Pins and Brilliantic, and Sleavita - Icicles Yes mercury.
  17. (Labyrinth). Original folk fairytale About Ever, who caught and released a magical pike to the will and now in the whole kingdom there are strange and unexpected things on his command.
  18. Sven Nurdquist "Christmas Porridge" (Labyrinth). The tale of the Swedish writer that people had forgotten traditions and decided not to bring to the father-a dubble porridge before Christmas. It can cause the anger of the dwarves and then people are waiting whole year trouble. Gnomomy is decided to save the situation, she wants to remind people about themselves and bring porridge for the gnome.
  19. S.Kozlov "Winter Fairy Tales" (Labyrinth). Good I. touching stories About Hedgehog and his friends, about their friendship and desire to come to each other for help. Original solutions The main characters and a good humor of the author make it clear to the toddles and interesting for the guys older.
  20. Astrid Lindgren "Merry Cuckoo" (Labyrinth). Gunnar and Gunilla had a whole month and dad bought them a clock with a cuckoo, so that the children always knew what time it was. But the cuckoo was not wooden, but lively. She had fun children and helped with gifts for Christmas for mom and dad.
  21. Valko "New Year's Trouble" (Labyrinth). In the Ware Valley, winter came. Everyone is preparing for the new year and mashed each other's gifts, but the snow collapse also happened and the house of Zaita Jacob turned out to be completely destroyed. The beasts helped to build him a new house, rescued a stranger and celebrated the New Year in a big friendly company.
  22. V.Suteev "Yolka" (collection of winter fairy tales in Labyrinth). The guys gathered to celebrate the New Year, but there are no flowers. They decided then to write a letter to Santa Claus and pass it with a snowman. Snowman was waiting for dangers on his way to Santa Claus, but with the help of friends he coped with the task and for the new year the guys had a festive Christmas tree.
  23. E. Sucansky "Winter in Prostokvashino" (Labyrinth). Uncle Fedor with Pope goes to celebrate New Year in Prostokvashino. The plot is slightly different from the M / F of the same name, but at the end of mom everything is also joined to the family, having arrived on the skiing.
  24. E.Rakitina "Adventure New Year's toys» (Labyrinth). Small adventures, told on behalf of different toys that took place with them for all the time of their lives, most which they spent on the tree. Different toysdifferent tempers, desires, dreams and plans.
  25. A. Shachev "New Year in Zoo" (Labyrinth). The fairy tale of how residents of the zoo decided to celebrate the New Year. And next to the Zoo, Santa Claus fell into an accident and his horses fought for those who. Residents of the zoo helped deliver gifts and celebrated the New Year along with Grandfather Moroz.
  26. A. Shachev "Wonders in Deadmorosovka" (Ozone). Fabulous story About Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and their assistants - snowmen and snow, which were cut out of snow and revived at the beginning of winter. Snowmen has already helped Santa Claus with gifts delivery for the new year and arranged a holiday in her village. And now continue to learn at school, help the Snow Maiden in the greenhouse and a little bit of disgracing, because of what they fall into funny situations.
  27. Levi Pinfold "Black Dog" (Labyrinth). "Fear is great," says folk wisdom. And this fairy tale shows what a bold can be a little girl, and how humor and games can help cope even with great fear.
  28. « Old frost And young frost ". The People's Lithuanian fairy tale about how easy it is possible to frozen in the cold, looked into warm blankets, and, as frost, during active work with an ax in hand.
  29. V.Gorbachev "How Hurusha Winter Winter"(Labyrinth). The story of Khryushk-Bushumbushka, who in his inexperience and gullibility went with the fox to the north and remained without provisions, got into Berloga to the bear and barely took his feet from the wolves.
  30. Br. and S. Paterson "Adventure in Fires" (Labyrinth). In the fi forest, winter came and everything was preparing for the new year. The slopes, the bobcones and a mouse prepared gifts, but there were few pocket money and they decided to earn money. The New Year's songs and the collection of the twigs did not help them earn money, but the help of the carriage, which came to an accident, gave them an acquaintance with the new judge and ahead of them was waiting for the New Year's Masquerade.
  31. S. Marshak "12 months" (Labyrinth). A fabulous play in which a good and hardworking stepdaire received a whole basket of snowdrops in December from the month of April.

Let's tell you a secret that we decided not to just read fairy tales, but to read and play on their plots in anticipation of the new 2018. We are waiting for adventures, quests, games and creative tasks. If you want the same fabulous advent of the length of December, then we invite you to New Year's quest "Dog saves the New Year."

Tale for junior schoolchildren pro new Year's miracle

Egorova Galina Vasilyevna.
Position and place of work: Teacher training at home, KGBOU "Motginskaya comprehensive school - Boarding ", p. Mothgino Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of the material:This fairy tale is written for the younger school age. Therefore, it will be interesting to teachers of primary classes. This fairy tale tells about a small Christmas tree that really wanted to become beautiful in new Year's Eve. The content of the fairy tale is directed not only to raising children of different ages, but also the grafting of faith in the wonders of New Year's Eve, the power of magic. This fairy tale can be used in the lessons. extracurricular reading At school and to read in a family circle.
Purpose: Formation new Year's mood through the content of the fairy tale.
-educational: Talk about the importance of faith in miracles and magic on the example of the heroes of the fairy tale;
-developing:develop memory, attention, imagination, smelting, logical thinking, ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
-educational:relieve the feeling of faith in miracles, empathy, interest in reading fairy tales.
Tale of a small Christmas tree.
This story happened in a fabulous winter forestIn which it was possible to meet a white - beauty, and a bunny in a white fur coat, and a gray tooth wolf, and a hectrian fox. The wondrous forest was covered with a white bedspread, woven from the place of millions of snowflakes. And there was one wonderful little Christmas tree in this fabulous forest. It was the most ordinary green tree. She grew surrounded by slim white birches, mighty pines, old firs and the same herringbones of the Christmas trees.

With the arrival of harsh winter forest, as if stopped in a sleepy silence. Only occasionally hear a knock of the dyatla, mined seeds from spruce cones. Winter Sun rarely gave their warmth residents to their warmth. But our Christmas tree was not frightened by neutoy frosts, no snow blizzards and blizzards. She was warm and cozy among high snow. And she always dreamed of one and the same dream. As if it turns into an elegant beauty, decorated with multicolored lights, a lot of toys and a bright star on the top of the top.
One morning, a bunny ran past our Christmas tree.
- Good morning! - said the Christmas tree with a hare.
- Hello! He answered.
- Where are you in such a hurry? - asked herringbone.
- Don't you know? After all, soon the new year!
- New Year? What is the new year?
- New Year is a holiday, magic, gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, fun, dance, joy and laughter! - answered the bunny and picked up further.
The Christmas tree was left alone with her thoughts. She really wanted to see this holiday and get a gift from Santa Claus. And before the New Year, our Christmas tree was guessing the desire to become the beauty she saw in a dream.
And a miracle happened on New Year's Eve. Split a Christmas tree with bright lights, played with a glitter of fabulous toys and sparkled a big star on her painter.
Gathered to look at this miracle all residents of the forest. And however, everyone was joyful and having fun to drive around elegant Christmas treeunder which everyone found his new Year's gift From Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Once all residents of the fabulous forest rumbled greatly and decided to never communicate with each other anymore. No one did not remember exactly where the conflict began, but everyone was very stubborn and proud. The accumulated offenses were not given to them to take the first step, and the beasts were bored alone. But still, this is a fairy tale about the new year, so we will not be about bad.
Holidays were approaching, forest residents remembered last year's cheerful meeting of the new year and thought how to celebrate such significant event this year. After all, no one was going to put up. As a result, everyone decided to celebrate the New Year alone.

Closer to 31 numbers began the first difficulties. The squirrel decorated the Christmas tree with bumps and nuts, but nothing could come up with lighting. "Nothing, it is also very beautiful," she thought and burned.
Bunny had another problem - he found beautiful garland And already represented the festive New Year lights, but I could not get to the Christmas tree in any way, because it was too little growth.
Fox prepared a lot of festive dishes, decorated a small, but neat pine and was already going to celebrate how suddenly remembered that he could not sing at all. The new year without the songs did not fit in her head and it was the main reason for disorder.
The wolf did not understand the aesthetics and the more not able to prepare. Absence festive mood, food and christmas trees made it sullen and evil. And a bear, really appreciating the situation, and decided at all that the new year to sleep is a completely decent idea.
And a similar situation occurred in every fairytale house. The new year was sad and boring. On this and ended our fairy tale if not the New Year's magic.

Tale about the new year for children: why in unity - power

The animals seemed tortured with their position and did not expect anything good and interesting. But at the New Year's Eve, they wanted to feel a festive magic. Everyone remembered how beautiful and wonderful was in the past year to have fun together near the most large Christmas tree in the forest. For some reason, they decided that the New Year's magic is connected with this place and hurried there.
It passed quite a bit of time, and the whole forest company gathered near the big fluffy fir. Seeing each other, they wanted to talk, ask about things, but remembered the quarrel. The little animals suddenly became very shameful. How can you be so stubborn and proud? How can I keep insult in yourself? They understood each friend without words and hugged firmly. The world no longer seemed so dull, but without New Year's lights, songs and fun was very sad.

"What are we were stupid. After all, this we ourselves spoiled their holiday. By the new year, quite a bit of time left, we will not have time to prepare for anything, "the animals cried. In that moment it seemed that no one could change the situation.
"Enough to dissolve Nyuni!" - Suddenly there was a loud hoarse voice. It was a bear who woke the noise near the big ate. "We gathered together, and this is the main thing, because force is in unity. Let's quickly decorate the Christmas tree than we can, bring our food and we will sing songs. Let the holiday won't be so beautiful, but still we can make it cheerful. Is not it?" - he continued.
The animals agreed, smiled and ran around the houses. This time toys, candy, nuts and garlands. No one was sad, everyone was in a hurry to have time for the new year.

What was their surprise when they returned and saw a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, Christmas lights, a snowman, a multicolored light bulbs on other trees and a lot of sweets on the table, which appeared as suddenly, like everything else. New Year's magic came to the animals and presented a real holiday, which they deserved. After all, they understood the main thing! Remember and you morally of this fairy tale about the new year - do not copy your resentment, learn to forgive others and do not be afraid to take the first step. Only with friends you can find happiness and meet the magic.

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