Shanghai museums. Ten best museums Shanghai

Shanghai museums. Ten best museums Shanghai
Shanghai museums. Ten best museums Shanghai

The four-story building of the Shanghai Museum, located on the People's Square in the central part of the capital of China, gathered in its walls a stunning collection of painting, sculptures and other valuable art objects.

Each level is devoted to a certain type of exhibits exhibited here. On the first floor you can see cast from bronze sculptures, various figurines and other valuable items made of metal (only more than 440 exhibits). The second floor provides the opportunity to admire the world famous Chinese porcelain and ceramics (more than 500 species). And on the third floor, a collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy works are collected. Furniture related to Epochs Ming and Qing, applied art objects and various coins can be found on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Museum.

Special attention deserves a jade hall, where the mirror stands for each print allow you to see its drawing and consider it more carefully. In addition, there is a pavilion for items brought by a museum as a gift.

The architecture of the museum is also interesting, the upper part of which has a round shape, and the lower in the section looks square. This type of construction is closely related to China's philosophy. Shanghai Museum was created in 1952 on the basis of the old hippodrome, where the stands were located before.

The Shanghai Museum is fully dedicated to the cultural history of China and has more than 120 thousand valuable art objects, many of which are very ancient. Six zones, eleven thematic pavilions, there is also a library where about 200 thousand editions dedicated to the history and art of China are located. You can look into the archeology department, where the ancient artifacts found on the excavations are stored.

Shanghai is considered to be the historical and cultural center of China. The stunning temple of the Jade Buddha, in which you can now meet Buddhist monks, the highest TV in Asia called "Pearl of the East", as well as the most ancient (242 AD) Building from stone and wood in seven floods of Longhua Pagoda. In Shanghai, an ancient architecture with modern technological buildings closely intertwined.

Shanghai Museum - Photo

On July 5, 2010, the first in China was opened in China, established by the Ministry of Transport of China and the Shanghai City Administration in China. The construction was carried out for four years, the creation of the museum became one of the symbols of the formation of Shanghai as an international shipping center.

Address: 197, Shengang Ave, Lingang New Town, Pudong New Area
上海市 浦东 新 区 区 港 新 新城 申港 大道 197 号 (近滴 湖湖)
Opening hours: 9: 30-16: 30 (at 16:00 closes to enter visitors)
Monday - day off (except holidays).
Official website:
Ticket price: 40 yuan

One of the most spectacular and large-scale Shanghai museums is located in a building with modern technogenic design. On four floors there are 7 exhibition zones offering spectacular exposures from the field of natural science, secrets of human mind, inventions, robots and projects of a fantastic future. Spherical and three-dimensional cinemas will add sensations of contact with an unlimited area of \u200b\u200bthe uncharted ...

Museum address: 2000, CENTURY AVE, PUDONG NEW Area, Shanghai
上海 浦东 区区 纪纪 大道 2000 号
Telephone: 21-6862 2000
Working hours: W-Sun, 9:00 - 17:15, Mon - Weekend (except holidays)
Ticket sale up to 16:30
Ticket price: 60 yuan
Official site:

The Shanghai Postal Museum is located in the building of the former Chief Administration Shanghai. Shanghai masterpiece is an exemplary work of constructions in the style of European eclecticism, the construction of which began in 1922, and the main building was completed in November 1924 - a height of 4 floors, an angular tower - 8 floors, there is also a basement. Classic British techniques are used in creating the facade, and the frontispis is supported by Corinthian columns in ancient Roman style. The museum has several exhibition zones: the hospital and development department of China, a modern scientific and technical and Internet zone, a philateli zone.

Address: Hongkou district, ul. Sichuanbale, 1716.
虹口区 四川 北路 1716 号

The Shanghai Museum of Cinematography is located on the site of the former Shanghai film studio. The exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe museum exceeds 100 thousand square meters. m., This is the largest cinematic museum in China. It makes it possible not only to make a tour of the exhibition halls, but also to accept interactive participation and know the process of creating movies. The museum combines the functions of storage of art monuments, research and social education. It shows the visitors to the Central Story of Shanghai Cinematography, reveals the secrets of modern cinema and the backstage secrets of movie creation.

Museum address: 595, Caoxibei Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 漕溪北路 595 号
Telephone: 021-64268666
Working hours: W-Sun (Mon - Climbing)
9.00-17.00 (at 16.30 the sale of tickets)
Official site:
Ticket price: Adult - 60 yuan, school - 30 yuan (for children under 18 years old, tall above 1.3 m.), free - older people over 70 years old, children grow up to 1.3 m or under 6 years.

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May 29th, 2016, 06:21 pm

I have long been waiting for this moment - when raining will finally go in Shanghai, and I can stop running around this beautiful city with a clean conscience and go to the museum. Because I could not miss the Shanghai Museum with its best in the world in the world. Yes, and finally began to stroll along the People's Square and learn a little more about planning and developing one of the most thickest megalopolises of the planet.

The Shanghai Museum was founded in 1952, and at first was located in the building of the former jacket club, which today is on the corner of the People's Square.

This building built in 1934 has its own history, and for many years was a symbol of Shanghai. Until then, the People's Square appeared here (1949), there was a hippodrome (starting from 1862). When communism, jumps and rates were prohibited, and the polygon was turned into a place for parades. The Square itself, like all China, it seems, began to be actively built up in the nineties, and the current building of the museum began to build in 1993, and finished in October 1996.

Stunning building. Local architect Sing Tong Hebe designed it in the form of an ancient bronze vessel for cooking, called Dean. They say inspiration served a vessel and Ke Dean, located at the exhibition in the museum.

The building has a square base and a round second floor, simply ancient Chinese vision of the world as "Round Heaven, Square Earth."

In the collection of the museum more than 120 thousand copies. There are 11 permanent galleries

* Gallery of the ancient Chinese bronze
* Gallery ancient Chinese sculpture
* Gallery of the ancient Chinese ceramics
* Gallery of ancient Chinese paintings
* Gallery of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy
* Gallery of ancient Chinese jade products
* Gallery of ancient Chinese seals
* gallery of ancient Chinese numismatics
* Gallery of Chinese Furniture - Ming and Qing Dynasties
* Gallery of art and Chinese minority products

In addition, there are three special hall for temporary exhibitions.

As for me, the coolest gallery in the museum is a collection of ancient bronze

This is something unique. I haven't seen this anywhere else.

If I correctly understood, mostly products are divided into several categories: Jia (vessels for wine with animal masks) - the epoch of the state of the middle Shan (XV - XIII century BC), Lee (vessels for food with animal masks, the same era ), Yue Fu Yu, Epoch Late Shan (XIII - XI century BC)

There are square vessels: Yu Epochs of Western Zhou (XI century BC), Siao Chen Si Yu and Square I Fu Lei, Both - Late Shang Epoch

Believe me, the bronze collection of vessels can be shown infinitely

I did probably about five hundred photographs, but I'll show you so far the two most you liked the instance. This vessel, which became one of the symbols of the museum, and part-time my favorite instance.

And this, no less beautiful

The bronze collection has become a favorite point number 9 of my trip to China -. However, the Shanghai Museum is rich not only bronze, so let's go further.

Honestly, I was impressed by the collection of ancient sculptures much less. So I will show only some famous ancient Buddha dynasty Tang (vi ey), and a curious ancient stele with the image of a thousand Buddha.

And go to the Ceramics Collection

This type of ceramic products was invented in ancient China.

It is called Seladon - a special kind of glaze and a specific pale-grayish-greenish shade of green color.

In the second photo - Bixie (the exhaustioner of evil spirits in the form of a lion), the Western Jin dynasty, 265-420.

Sinkai style figures (tricolor ceramics)

And this is a completely different style. In the era of Dynasty, the Tang began a sharp development of ceramic art, which continued in the era of the five dynasties and flowed into real rivalry between the south and the north. The peak of this stage of development of ceramic art later became seledon objects of Yu in the south, and white ceramics Sing in the north. Here are some examples

On the first photo - a seledon vase with the glaze dragon of the South Sun dynasty. On the second - Quingbai, a white lamp. On the third - vase with ears (both called), covered with red design from clouds and dragons. Relationship does not have a relationship, just an artifact with such a name, and I couldn't miss the draars in any way)

Another curious example of white ceramics. It turns out this pillow, in the form of a house with a figure of a person at the entrance. Epoch - North Sun Dynasty.

This ceramics is much later, but since the vase is considered one of the symbols of the museum, I decided to show it as an example. The design is called phenkai with peaches and bats. There is a plate of this design.

We return to Sankai style. It was this style that he had the most influence as in the West - for example in Italy, in Cyprus and other countries and in the east, for example in Syria. In the Shanghai Museum, these statues of strangers on camels are considered to be the most famous subjects of Sankai.

Go to the pictures. To be honest, this part attracted me a little less than a collection of bronze or ceramics (and maybe I was already heard), but there is one curious fabric of Dina Yun Peny "Filtering Wine". It is said that it was the inspiration of Eduard mana for his famous "breakfast on the grass."

Finally, a little about the art gallery and products of Chinese minorities. She is interested in the first place that the money of the Jewish family of Caduri felt on her.

I wrote a little about the Kaduri family when I talked about the agricultural school of Caduri in the north of Israel. The first representative of the family in China was Eliezer Eli Sovis Kaduri, who moved to Shanghai from Bombay in the 1880s. In 1942 he was taken straight from the house to a Japanese prison for foreigners, and there he died in 1944. Eli Cadurie's grave is one of the four Jewish grave stoves who survived after the cultural revolution. It is located in the Sun Qinglin Memorial Park (Sun Yatnah's wife) near the Quarter Huyamuy -.

Unfortunately, it was the only time I "touched" the Shanghai's Jewish story, probably, so I was so impressed. History, this, if someone does not know, very rich. Shanghai was the only place in the world, where the Jews running from the Nazi regime took without a visa, so they came here about 30 thousand (a curious fact that I learned quite recently - while swimming in Shanghai from Europe, ships with Jewish refugees stayed in ports "Palestines" or Eretz Israel - Jaffa and, it seems, ACCO, and the Jews were offered to go ashore. The overwhelming majority refused, since Eretz Israel had been associated with Asia in those years, and China is not. Such cases). After the capture of Shanghai by the Japanese in 1937, most Jews were placed in the ghetto, but their living conditions had much more favorable than in other ghetto. Let's just say that they were not burned in gas chambers.

On the territory of the ghetto today is the museum. In addition, two synagogues have been preserved, and some more interesting objects, but they were all very far from the center, and I had a little disastrous time, so, fastening my heart, this part had to donate ...

By the way, besides the Kaduri family, another famous Jewish family lived in Shanghai - Sassun, "Eastern Rothschilds". Sons of Eli Kaduri, Lawrence and Sir Khoras worked at Viktor Sassun, and were the managers of his famous Peace Hotel Hotel, also called Sassoon House. The building, which was once the highest in Shanghai, is still on the waterfront of Waitan - and is considered one of the most beautiful buildings of Bund. At some point, the brothers moved to Housingly, where Louuren's son Michael was born, today also with Sir title, as well as one of the richest people on Earth. I think it was he who donated the money to the Shanghai Museum. The house of the Kaduri family, the Marble Palace (now the Children's Palace) is located on Yan`an Road - and is considered one of the most striking examples of colonial architecture in Shanghai.

Finally - a little Chinese Qing Dynasty Furniture

And it's time to continue. As you understand, I showed you only the most extract of museum exhibits. The collection of the Shanghai Museum in my opinion is not worse than the Louvre, Hermitage or the British Museum, or in the extreme case takes a very high place in the second echelon. So do not miss. And we go to the People's Square.

About the People's Square can be told no less than about the Shanghai Museum, and I liked it no less - so much that I even entered the list Moisie favorite moments in China at number 8. The square is actually a kilometer square four to four, and here, in addition to the Shanghai Museum, the Shanghai Museum of Art is located (in the former jacket club on the first photo of this post), singing fountains and government building (in the photo above), Shanghai Big Theater

K11, or Honkong New World Tower, Shanghai Shanghai Skyscraper (photo

Hotel Park Hotel Shanghai - the highest building in Asia between 1934-1952

And the Shanghai City Planning Museum in which we now and come

The building itself was planned in the spirit of the Bolshoi Theater, in order to add balance and harmony to the line between these two structures. Building height - 43 meters, construction collected from white aluminum panels and has a symbolic membrane structural roof.

Since the opening of the museum in 2000, 5 million people visited it. The main push gave the Expo exhibition, which took place in Shanghai in 2010.

The exhibition passed under the slogan "The best city is the best life." In the lobby we see the Shanghai map, and the monument dedicated to the sharp industrial development of the city.

Some emphasis, of course, is made on the development of the Pudun futuristic island -, but also do not forget about historical monuments. There are here and the layout of the Watan embankment with all the buildings of Bund

And the layout of old traditional gardens

And the story of numerous Shanghai Shikmench, some of which I even managed to visit -

However, the central exhibit of the museum is a huge layout of the city, which includes all the existing Shanghai houses and homes approved for construction.

From the top floor and with the glove of the city layout looks even more impressive

I have already said that Shanghai is a city that needs to be viewed first at night, enjoy the backlight. Even the layout in the urban planning museum confirms this thesis)

Another stunning "Museum Exponment" is a kind of multimedia excursion flight according to Shanghai. I do not even know how to explain it ... You become on such a podium, and you in 3D show Shanghai, and such a feeling that you are soaring in the air. In general, China, as always, ahead of the rest of the world. During the show, you fly through Pudun, and through many other Shanghai regions, but I specially chose this frame, the former Expo-2010 Pavilion, in which the Chinese Art Museum is located today. Still, the topic we have a museum, and this is the biggest museum of art in Asia. I did not have time inside (so that you understand how negligible for three days in Shanghai), but I saw the building itself and was very impressed.

Well, the last bonus of the museum of the city planning - from the upper floors a great view of the folk area opens. More precisely on some of her segments, for it is too big to embrace her all.

This is the side of the Public Park, with Hotel Park Hotel Shanghai and other more historical buildings. And from the second side, just an incredible view of the Shanghai Museum, a historic concert hall, and the surrounding skyscrapers

By the way, the exit from the museum of urban planning is planned so that you go down to the underpass and get to the shopping street imitating the Shanghai of the 30s.

Well, the exit and outcomes are probably no noticeable building, except that I lived near him, and I like it. This is probably all about museums, and about my Shanghai.

Thanks to everyone who read and endured)

Shanghai Museums: Art Museums, Museums, Reserves, Local Lore, Fine Arts, Artistic, Modern Museums. Phones, official sites, addresses of major museums and Shanghai galleries.

  • Burning tours To China
  • In one of the world's largest world, Porto, the Financial Center - Shanghai is a large variety of museums of different topics, design and content. All of them are aimed at attracting interest in this wonderful city and cause the desire to learn it closer and deeper.

    Once, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was a small fishing town. And for some twenty years (until 1930), he became the largest and very significant city in the Far East. The city participating in criminal disassembly, political errors, cultural and intellectual revolutions and wars and became the ultimately richer, stronger, more powerful, today has claims to the status of the center of all East Asia.

    In hundreds of Shanghai museums there is an unimaginable many exhibits. The Chinese as ancient, with Mother's milk, absorbed a reverent attitude towards works of art and artifacts. Among them are many talented sculptors, artists, designers. Therefore, if a free moment is issued during a trip to Shanghai, it is best to use it to visit one of the magnificent museums, which will give a lot of interesting and cognitive information and gives great pleasure.

    Having been in the famous Shanghai Museum on People's Square (Renmin Guanchang), you can immerse deeply and detail into Chinese art, because more than one hundred and twenty thousand exhibits are located here (the oldest bronze products, furniture, sculpture, ceramics, painting, calligraphy and other).

    The museum building itself is very original - a square house with a round dome, symbolizing square ground under the round sky (ancient Chinese view of the world).

    The entrance to the museum is free, but only five thousand people per day can pass.

    Another interesting museum - the history of Shanghai (Oriental Pearl TV Tower), located at the base of the city television bash, is built on the principle of "playing" of many scenes from Shanghai life with realistic wax figures and curious video presentations. Here is the entire history of the city throughout its existence. Tourists consider this museum the most interesting in the city.

    Shanghai Postal Museum (250 North Suzhou Road, Houkou District) - The first of the like museums in China, on the square of eight thousand square meters. M of the old building of the Chief Administration of the city stores many original copies from the history of postal service, even wagons, cars and wagons used in the past for transportation of correspondence.

    The entrance here is also free.

    In the five pavilions of the Museum of cars (on Boyuan Road), all those who are not indifferent to this topic will be delighted. Here is a historic history, rare cars of various brands from different countries, technologies. And on the second floor of the museum you can see the forty retrojects, mostly European and American 1902-1977.

    Museum of Science and Technology, Art Museum, Museum of Eastern Tools, the Shanghai City Planning Museum - this is not a complete list of what is worth visiting.

    Shanghai is the city, for familiarization with which there is always little time, the city, whose museums are unique cultural platforms, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe identity of the Chinese civilization, interesting adults and children!

201 Renmin Avenue.
Want to make a deep immersion in Chinese art? Then it is worth visiting one of the best museums of the country. More than 120 thousand works of art are stored under its roof: from the ancient Chinese bronze products, antique ceramics and furniture to painting and calligraphy. The same building should talk about the Chinese submission of the Universe - a square house under a round roof symbolizes the Earth under the sky. The museum is located in the center, on the People's Square (Renmin Guanchang). It is open all year round from 09:00 to 17:00, you do not need to pay for a ticket, but only 5,000 people are allowed per day.

Shanghai stories

According to many tourists, this is the most interesting museum of the city. It is located at the base of the Shanghai TV bashney. Realistic wax figures are "played" dozens of scenes from Shanghai's life. You will learn that this land was famous for the production of cotton and was the opium capital of the world, see how the townspeople lived, how they traded silk, tea, fish and drugs, as they suffered from raids of Japanese pirates. All periods of history are accompanied by curious video presentations. The entrance costs 35 yuan (a little more than 4 euros), the museum works from 08:00 to 21:30.

Art Museum

20 Huqiu Road, Huangpu District
Lovers of the most progressive and unusual art are waiting at the Rockbund Museum. It opened in 2010 as part of the reconstruction of the famous embankment Bund. The focus is our contemporaries - the best Chinese artists and sculptors, the main theme of the exposure is a rapidly changing world. The museum is open from 10:00 to 21:00 from Thursday to Saturday and from 10:00 am to 18:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. The entrance ticket will cost 15 yuan (less than 2 euros).

Collection of propaganda posters

In the socialist times, any art except the glorifying communist system was denied, so propaganda posters were extremely popular. Now, when all the horrors of the "cultural revolution" remained behind, posters released in the 1950s and 1960s became rare and stored in the new Museum of Propaganda Poster Art Center. Having visited him, you will be in a strange ideal world of funny peasants, chubby children and selfless soldiers and, of course, see a lot of images of the "Great Cordchego". The meeting is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00 hours, the ticket costs 20 yuan (about 2.4 euros).

Shanghai Postal Museum

250 North Suzhou Road, Houkou District
Have you ever been to postal museums? Shanghai is the first similar museum that appeared in China, and one of the best. It occupies a huge area for such a collection - 8000 square meters and is located in the old building of the main post office of the city. It contains a lot of curious exhibits related to the history of postal service up to carts, cars and cars, in which in the past century transported correspondence and layouts of modern sorting machines. When you plan a visit, note that the museum works only on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 09:00 to 17:00, the entrance is free.

Shanghai Scientific and Technical Museum

If you like scientific and educational expositions, we recommend that Shanghai Scientific and Technical Museum is required. It is located in a gigantic futuristic building built at the beginning of this century near the century park in Pudong district. Walking in the top ten themed halls, you will learn about the development of science in the Middle Kingdom, see the most important inventions of the ancient China and see what the scholars are doing today, and at the same time get a lot of various information about the study of land, robotics and human body. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 17:15 (the box office works until 16:30), an ordinary adult ticket is unusual expensive - 60 yuan (a little more than 7 euros).

Museum of traditional Chinese medicine

1200 Cailun Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area (in the building of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
If we have folk treatment methods, it is customary to call "unconventional medicine" and doctors usually belong to them with caution, then in China, on the contrary, the covenants of the ancestors read, their legacy is called "traditional", they are actively studying and even discovered a special university. With it, for many years, there is a huge museum: a detailed exposure (consisting of more than 14 thousand artifacts!) Heads about five thousand people of Chinese medicine, about such improvement methods as acupuncture, acupuncture, talls. So, anyone can touch the secrets of ancient medical teaching in just 15 yuan (less than 2 euros) from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 16:00 pm.

Shanghai car museum

7565 Boyuan Road.
The giant car museum will delight everyone who is not indifferent to this topic. It consists of five huge pavilions devoted to the history of automotive, technologies, rare cars of different brands from several countries. You can trace the entire way to create a "iron friend" literally from scratch. In this museum you can get from 09:30 to 16:00 (the last visitor is part of 15:30) on Saturdays and Sundays, from Tuesday to Friday it is allowed only to recording groups. The ticket is expensive - 60 yuan (more than 7 euros).

Museum of Oriental Tools

20 18 Nong, Gao "An Lu, Xuhui District
A rather large and busy museum is open at the Shanghai Conservatory. In his collections about a thousand tools both ancient Chinese and modern, the names of which are almost unknown outside the subway. Among the most rare copies of brass drums, citra, lute, decorated with inlays from pearl and precious stones, and the oldest flute, which is 8000 years old! The museum works daily from 08:30 to 17:00 in a day from 11:00 to 13:30, the entrance costs 10 yuan (that is, 1.2 euros).

Shanghai urban planning exposition

100 Renmin Ave on Middle Xizang RD
This exhibition will be interested in those who want to look not only in the past, but also to the future Shanghai. Going to Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall and paying 30 yuan (3.6 euros) for the entrance, you first look at the photos and maps of the former city, and then find the lobby with the layouts of fantastic buildings that will appear until 2020. Modern Shanghai, struggling to catch up and overtake Hong Kong and conquer the fame of the main business center of the planet. And someone will attract older, because it is very interesting to trace how the city landscape has changed over the last century. The exhibition is open from 09:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Thursday (you need to have time to enter until 4:00 pm) and from 09:00 in the morning to 18:00 from Friday to Sunday (the last visitor will be launched at 17:00 pm).