What a nickname in Karina Twich. Who is such a strip Karina: biography and facts

What a nickname in Karina Twich. Who is such a strip Karina: biography and facts
What a nickname in Karina Twich. Who is such a strip Karina: biography and facts

Karina's streamer - a video clogger, which is popular in the genre of lettules on the Twitch service, is known to users of Runet under the names of Karina Sychev or Karina Kozyrev, the owner of the Silver and Gold Buttons YouTube.

Childhood and youth

Girl was born on March 31, 1997 in Belgorod. Real surname - Kozyreva. Karina lived up to 13 years in Russia, went to Belgorod school No. 42. After the divorce of the parents went with the mother of Julia to the permanent place of residence in Italy. Mom Karina sells clothes of Italian brands over the Internet.

The family lives in the city of Lenyano, where the girl visits the Arts of Antonio Berkhki college. Karina is preparing to become a clothing designer. Since childhood she was painting and went to art school.

At the age of 12, he was fascinated by the online games of Asian manufacturers, the most popular of which is considered to be Perfect WORLD. At the age of 16, he opened Dota for himself. Karina plans to create an entertainment media project.


At the end of the summer of 2015, a project of the Karina stroke canal on the Twitch resource. The author of the project was his native uncle girl from St. Petersburg, Bodybuilder Andrei Nabokov. Stream (direct transmission of action on a PC or console) - a new kind of earnings that is mastered by young people. It is difficult to enter the gaming market and replace your own blog subscribers. To do this, it is necessary to show such a show that will be in demand by the audience.

Karin managed to raise the ratings from scratch and increase the capital 2 months to a million amount. Kozyrev began to fight with poor-quality equipment, with a dual-core computer. But attractive appearance, stormy emotions and the selected mat live allowed the girl to take a leading position in this genre of a reality show.

By the beginning of 2016, Kozyreva acquired professional equipment: Microphone Blue Yeti, headphones Steel Siries Syberia V2 Illuminated, Arzzi Rosa game chair, whose price is determined by tens of thousands of rubles. The new camcorder and successful backlight were also selected competently.

With each appearance of Karina in the frame it is clear that the makeup and laying of the girl are made professionally, carefully selected clothes. With a height of 175 cm and weighing 49-50 kg, the streamer looks elegant.

The own channel on the Twitch service is created with the nuances of the convenience of viewing and conducting money transfers of the strokerel with the help of the Donationalerts program. Numerous links to other girls accounts in Facebook , "Instagram", in "In contact with" , Personal information about Karina - All this can be seen on the Game page "Skurageiming". Karina Karina on the air is engaged in streaming Dot 2 games, "counter strike", "Minecraft" and others.

The videos also became popular on which the streamer looks at anime. For such rollers, Karina chooses the appropriate clothes in the spirit of the heroes of Japanese animation - short skirts, chokers, makes a hairstyle in the form of two tails. Among the video hits of Karina - Stream marked with 18+. These are rollers with cucumber, keyboard, etc.

During Ether Karina communicates with fans and heter through the message system, the minimum donation for which is 30 rubles. For the history of the existence of the channel "Schurageiming", the maximum donation was recorded - 150 thousand rubles. From the fan with nickname old Jew. Each paid SMS reads the robot, and Karina corresponds to a rapid reaction to the words of the viewer.

Depending on the text or request, it sends an air kiss, makes the heart of the fingers, makes the signes (their photos with defined signatures). The negative messages of Karina reacts to aggression and mat, which is part of the image of the blonde, but the audience, which are offensive, the stroke is not a ban. The audience of Karina is children and teenagers of school age from Russia and CIS countries.

During the game, Karina behaves unpredictably, for example, begins to eat or cook shawarma or noodles. She listens to music or sings the songs "not like everyone else", "a long way to Donat", "Turruur", "difficult". In mid-2015, Karina made a commentator in the Tournament of Streamers in the network "Odnoklassniki", which was held under the patronage. On the Internet, competing rollers appear competing girls with other strides: "Karina vs.", "Karina against the Ministry of Culture", "Karina vs.", "against Karina", "Karina against the skins".

There is a photo and bare trump card. In mid-May 2016, the girl lit up the underwear on the air. At the same time, the channel streamer was frozen on the service for incomprehensible reasons. Karina on other resources published an emotional video in which Svaryd sobbed because of this precedent. After the page of the streamer is defused, Karina released a roller with a joyful message to all fans.

Karina's streamer channel blocked

Video channel streamers per day is gaining more than 20 thousand views, and each youtube cutting - hundreds of thousands of views. For the month, the amount of donations on the Schucuramigimig is 850 thousand rubles, but can reach a higher figure. Karina is engaged in advertising, which is a significant contribution to its income.

The girl has already created an overview video on the new game War Thunder and not against providing part of the ether and political figures. He influenced Karina's ratings on the net and the appearance of the song "Lamp Nyasha" in February 2016 from the famous blogger enjoykin, which is engaged in creating rollers based on popular memes. And soon there was a cover for this musical composition, called "Lamp Tian". The songs of Miatriss became performers, which specializes in creating electronic music.

Enjoykin - "lamp nyasha"

From the beginning of 2017, the girl began to appear less on the Twitch service due to strict rules that Karina's show dependent on the site policy. Kozyreva began to more actively master the expanses of YouTube and Vkontakte and carry out direct ether due to "fatigue from such exhausting activities."

Personal life

Karina does not advertise the facts of their biography. On the presence of romantic relationships in the life of the girl you can only guess. Many believed that the boy's boyfriend was the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project Andrei Nabokov. But later it turned out that the young man accounts for Karina Uncle. In the network "VKontakte" on the page of strokes, Andrei is indicated in the column "Father".

Later in connection with the scandal, which originated due to the placement of intimate pictures of Karina on the "Dvul" resource, it turned out the name of the ex-boyfriend of Karina. The girl admitted that the pictures did not lay out she, and former beloved Roman Filatkin. The young man was, according to her, a real psychopath, and a part of a frank photo was mounted.

In the summer of 2017, the streamer shared with fans of the problems that at that moment was experiencing in his personal life. According to her, the lack of mutual understanding with a young man and the subsequent parting led to the disability of the video cell decreased. All girls who have ever encountered treacherous guys, Karina advised to pay attention to the advice of parents. Adults from the height of life experience easier to determine the true intentions of the cavalier.

The watch video "My terrible story" fell on the official channel of Karina and caused a storm of emotions from subscribers. The girl sympathized and advised, as soon as possible to survive a difficult period.

Karina's streamer "works" without days off

Weekend in the life of the strokes in the usual understanding of this word. Even leaving a picnic, Karina takes pictures for social networks, shoots video. Family holidays girl have to skip, because at this time she is usually at the computer.

Karina's streamer now

Now the video channel of the Karina's streamer is infrequently replenished with new rollers. Blogger itself admits that there is 1-2 times a week in the air, the rest of the time is devoting to the installation of video, creating a photo. Also in the life of Karina entered the sport: the girl goes to workout every two days.

Karina's roller Karina "Sobolev not needed" 2018

The interest of the girls' fans caused the video "Visiting Karina", where the streamer introduced fans with the Italian city in which he lives. In the late spring of 2018, the blogger released the movie "Sobolev is not needed." A parody of a popular video cell collected over a million views.

Karina is 18 years old, she learns the design of clothes at the Institute of Applied Arts. Antonio Berkhki in Lenyano, suburb of Milan. Street games - that is, publicly play them live through the Twitch service - it started about a year ago. In December 2015, slicing from her streams began to appear in popular vkontakte publics; Now every carina's outlet in the network collects up to 20 thousand spectators at the same time.

What is known

An derived screen manner, which is built on the combination of opposites. Karina in front of the camera in pajamas and a rim with cute cat ears, says a thin voice of Nyashi - but periodically develops with hysterious marrying screams. Eats in the frame Shawarma and Dashirak, plays folk "Dota" and seems to be "its" - but remains inaccessible. Karina combines stereotypes about girls in "Vkontakte", but, instead of refuting them, use them. Her gaming channel is called " Shkuradiming "(More than 285 thousand subscribers), and an instagram account -" Shkurart "(more than 41 thousand subscribers).

Enjoykin's video clogger, famous for the transformation of the main Russian-speaking memes from Youtyuba in pop hits, recently even made a track with cutting from Karina's striming

How earns

"Hi Karina. You are very nice and beautiful, please, please, air kiss. Thank you, and now you went to ..., Shalava, I ... Your little ... two legs. " Such messages come Karina Sude, while she plays in the "Dota" live. Anyone who wants to leave a message that reads the speech synthesizer must make a donation. It attracts both fans and haters - the money is also brought by those and others: the sound message is worth not less than 30 rubles; A record donation - $ 3,500 from a man with a nickname Old Jew.

How communicates with the audience

Karina will vividly respond to each message: transmits the lead, shows heart gestures, leaves autographs on the walls of VKontakte, swears in response to insults - but never blocks its viewers. The lack of rules helps her find new formats: during one of the recent broadcasts, she did not play, but prepared shawarma in the literal air.

Cancelles of users about their personalities Karina uses to add their own image. Once the audience incorrectly revealed her place of residence, pointing to Michman Pavlov Street in Cheboksary; Now Karina trolls followers in Instagram, laying out photos of La Rock's opera in Milan with a signature "Cheboksarsky Drama Theater."

Karina's streamer

Channel "Shkurageiming"

"On the screen, I am quite closely appropriate to my real image, but not to the end, since Tweich's rules drive me into a certain framework. In life, I behave much more aggressive. I began to get involved in the MMO genre at 10 years old, it all started with Korean MMO, such as Perfect World. Beginning to hate. All other girls are very boring and dull, play and silent, it is completely uninteresting, I, in turn, I wanted to make something more cheerful from a stream. In addition to conducting video blogs and tweys, I do not do anything, because the conduct of video blogs and TVich takes all my free time. By education - I studied in art, and eventually became a clothing designer.

My parents got acquainted with the TV service, periodically enter my streams and the soul is having fun, however, Mom says that long to watch Streams can not. Regarding Cheboksary, the fact is that once during the stream "found" my ip-address, which indicated that I am in Cheboksary. I liked it, since I put in Instagram Cheboksary geolocation.

Broadcast on Twice is a fully interactive event. We all have fun together, the audience in the chat is allowed to all, everything is allowed to me too. While the rest of the girls-streamers (such as Maddison) are bathing their audience for any word spoken against them.

What I am happy - gives me pleasure. In the modern daily speech "Skura" has long been going as a synonym for the word "girl", there is nothing offensive here, for example, like a boyfriend. My project is called - Skuradiming. There should be no restrictions in the flight of fantasy. I wanted to play "Tanks" - played, I wanted to eat - prepared and attempted. Still, we are having fun, but to look somewhat annoying the same games.

Member name: Karina Kozyreva

Age (birthday): 31.03.1997

City: Belgorod; Milan, Italy

Growth and weight: 1.75 m

Channel direction: Sharply

Channel created: 08/23/2015

Number of subscribers: more than 1 million

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With this article read:

Karina Kozyreva is one of the most mysterious personalities among video bloggers, popular in Russia. It can be called her mysterious because nothing is reliably about her childhood.

According to one source, it comes from the Ukrainian city of Lviv, in others - from Russian Belgorod. But wherever the girl was born to her passion for computer games brought her success and money.

Everything started quite enough - in 2009, when she turned 12 years old Karina was fascinated by Asian multi-user games, an example is now the perfect world.

In 2013, I had tried to play Dota for the first time.
. The first twitch-channel girl opened on August 14, 2015 and quickly attracted attention to him. At the beginning of the video, the girl was quite standard - ordinary shame or showing how she plays.

A little later, the rollers changed noticeably - the girl began to behave more vibrant and aggressively, did not hesitate in expressions and this was exactly what the vast shaft of the audience attracted.

Another important stage in the development of Karina as a video blogger was hit by Vkontakte's social networking network "LAMP TYAN". Many communities have published him on the wall and this gave the impetus to the development of the girl's channel.

Your first and only channel on YouTube Karina opened in August 2015. After the year, more than half a million people have already been signed on it, which makes the girl one of the most interesting video of Russia in his segment. Despite this, at the moment, the girl lives in Italy - Mom transported it there. According to some data, it is also studying on the designer.

Karina's streams - incredibly emotional. At the same time, it is not afraid to screw the strong little word, communicates with the subscribers, transfers to them. Karina herself says that Streaming is her hobby, but lately he begins to turn into work. At the same time highly paid.

At first, when the girl had only a channel in Twitch, she did not hesitate to the practice of Donate. This means that any user who watched her video could send her a little donation - let's say 10 or 20 rubles.

Despite the ridiculousness of each separate amount in just one stream, not one thousand rubles flashed. Now the main earnings of the girl is income from advertising on YouTube, N and Donate, it does not refuse.

Do not miss interesting:

Among the interesting things in which Karina is noticed can be noted the broadcast of the tournament The International on the game Dota 2 at the "Odnoklassniki" platform in August 2016.

Nothing is known about the personal life of the girl, except that it is officially not married.

At the end of September 2017, intimate pictures of Karina flowed into the network, the girl is going to sue the attacker.

Photo of Karina.

Karina does not so often lay out new photos, as I would like to fans. But it is very photogenic.

Karina Kozyrev, better known as Karina Streamer - a well-known figure in the game of gamers, a video unit operating in the "Let's Play" genre on the Twitch Stregnating Service and in the Volkontakte social network. Also known to Internet users and under the names of Sychev and Krasavin.

By the end of September 2017, her channel on YouTube had more than 940 thousand subscribers, in its Twitch and Instagram accounts (called "shkurart") was about 250 thousand of the "Shkurart"), about 250 thousand were signed on the VK page. The number of viewers who watched online for its many hours of harassment with spicy comments sometimes reached 20 thousand.

She was able to gain such popularity (and receive a month 2 million rubles per month, as its income determines some experts) thanks to obscene, often aggressive behavior, sharply contrasting with its pretty appearance. Although there are other versions of the reasons for its success, including the assertion that its appearance is a business project, a considerable money invested in the promotion.


The future star Runet was born on March 31, 1997. According to one sources, her homeland - Ukraine, the city of Lviv, in others (including Wikipedia) - Russia, the city of Belgorod, where she visited School No. 42. As a child, she loved to draw, and from ten years old began to get involved in computer games, mainly Korean multi-user MMOs like Perfect World.

When Karina was 13 years old, her parents divorced. She left the mother in ITALY to ITALY, where she had stepfather. They lived in the small town of Lenyano, located in the province of Milan on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Mom was selling on the Internet of consumer goods, and she studied in general education and art school, then - in college of arts on a clothing designer.

Career development

In 2015, she joined the rows of streamers - lovers of computer games broadcasting the record of the game online, as a rule through the TWITCH stream platform. Young video cell ironically called his channel, by the way, decorated very professionally, "Schucuramediming" ("skins" on youth slang originally called girls of easy behavior, they later began to call girls at all).

She played in Dota 2, Counter-Strike, Minecraft, Heroes of Warcraft and other games, shocking Internet users with scandalous behavior, which quickly became part of her image. In a similar key, some Western Karina colleagues are already operating, for example, Helenalive. In one of the media portals, it even dubbed " Olga Buzova From video game. "

Typical Stream Carina

The main audience of the channel of enterprising Russians (although it is not a fact that it did not change the citizenship into Italian) began to express all that wishes to her, whether it would be a compliment or, on the contrary, insult. But before this it was necessary to pay some amount of money (donat).

Donator messages were then voiced by a voice synthesizer-bot, and the streamer on them was emotionally reacted - or smiles, air kisses, gestures made of hearts in the form of hearts, or shouts, hysterics and matery, depending on the contents of the messages. But even the most sharp heter the right to communicate it never blocked. The most decent of her "winged phrases" was "I - Pissing Talenter". But, despite the use of fearful expressions, it always looked perfectly - stylish clothes, beautiful hairstyle, flawless makeup.

Donat size began from 30 rubles. The biggest donation for Karina was made by one of her adorables with the virtual name "Old Jew". He listed her 150 thousand rubles unisumed. It is known that only on Donatas (excluding income from advertising) in January 2016, the girl earned almost 900 thousand rubles.

Six months after creating a twitch channel, it was able to purchase more high-tech equipment, thereby improve the expressiveness of the broadcasts and attract even more viewers. Positively influenced its rating also appeared in the network video "LAMP TYAN", created by the Enjoykin blogger using fragments of its streams and received millions of views. By 2017, their number reached 35 million, more than previously mounted by the same Yatub-Worker, nyash-ball roller with Natalia Poklonskaya , deputy of the State Duma and the Ex-prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

Enjoykin - lamp nyasha

It is assumed that under the nickname Enjoykin hides his name Andrei Nabokov, who was behind the successful promotion of the girl in the network. On her page "VKontakte" it is indicated by her as a father. According to rumors, for the authenticity of which, too, can not be expected, he is her uncle and a former member of the VK team, who had the opportunity to advertise a niece in large communities of this social network.

The girl herself always claimed that he had achieved success on his own. It is impossible to completely exclude such an opportunity, given her acting talent, the ability to interest and inspire the audience to Donat. For example, it may not at all by chance, but taking into account the relevance of the theme of the Crimea, it, with an inspiration, foul language, argued that the Crimea is the city (although this idea could also be prompted). But, as a result, this broadcast became incredibly popular.

To conquer the hearts of users, she helped her creation on YouTube, where she so sincerely sobbed, when in 2016 it was banned for twice in 2016, and discussed her audience's relatives, such as school visits. She convinced adolescents in the irrationality of the Russian education system and in the absolute uselessness of spending time to study in generally accepted educational institutions. Also appeared on the Internet, the rollers of its competitions with other video blocks, including Ivangay (Ivan Rudsky), Mariana Ro. (Rozhkov), as well as photos of bare "Nyashi-Sturity", as she called himself.

"I was banned on twice"

Sometimes its broadcasts are devoted to not computer games, but cooking and consuming food. In 2016, it emotionally commented on the game of the Russian national football team with the British, held as part of the European Championship. Then she bet on the network bookmaker on the victory of our athletes and won. In the summer of the same year, she was invited - as a guest to participate in the pre-show together with

Karina Streamer shows a new apartment

The girl confessed that he did not like classical literature, with the exception of Mikhail Bulgakov. She also noted that she liked the novel Victor Pelevina "Love for three zuckerbrins."

Karina Streamer now

In 2017, due to the strict rules on the twitch, the streamer began broadcasting on Odnoklassniki. She also continued to enlighten their schoolchildren's fans this time in the field of physical culture. This time in the video, who gained 800 thousand views during the day, it criticized the physical education lessons in its inherent manner. In her opinion, to make a person strong, beautiful and healthy can only visit the gym and proper nutrition.

In the future, the girl plans to engage in projects related to entertainment media, and intends to continue shooting gravity and reviews on YouTube.