The main characters of the Test Day of Ivan Denisovich. "One day of Ivan Denisovich" the main characters

The main characters of the Test Day of Ivan Denisovich.
The main characters of the Test Day of Ivan Denisovich. "One day of Ivan Denisovich" the main characters

The story of Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" was created in 1959. The author wrote her during the break between the work on the novel "in the first circle". Only in 40 days created Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". Analysis of this work is the topic of this article.

Theme of the work

The reader of the story gets acquainted with life in the camp zone of the Russian man. However, the subject of the work to the camp life is not reduced. In addition to the details of survival in the zone, in the "one day ..." contains details of life in the village, described through the prism of the Hero Consciousness. In the story of Tyurin, Brigadier, - certificates of the consequences to which the collectivization in the country has led. In various disputes, the camp intellectuals are discussed, various phenomena of Soviet art (theatrical premiere of the film "John Grozny" S. Eisenstein). In connection with the fate of comrades Shukhov, many details of the history of the Soviet period are mentioned in the camp.

The topic of Russia's fate is the main theme of creativity of such a writer as Solzhenitsyn. "One day of Ivan Denisovich", whose analysis is interested, no exception. In it, local, private topics are inscribed organically into this common problem. In this regard, the topic of the fate of art in the state with a totalitarian system is indicative. So, artists from the camp written free paintings for the authorities. The art of the Soviet era, according to Solzhenitsyn, was part of the general apparatus of oppression. The episode of Reflections of Shukhov about producing painted "carpets" of rustic waders was supported by the motive of art degradation.

Plot story

Chronikal is the story of the story, which Solzhenitsyn created ("One Day Ivan Denisovich"). The analysis shows that although the plot base makes up the events duration of just one day, the proposed biography of the main character is to introduce his memories. Ivan Shukhov was born in 1911. He spent in the village of Tegenevo his pre-war years. In his family, two daughters (the only son died early). Shukhov in the war is from the first of her days. He was wounded, then captured, from where he managed to escape. In 1943, Shukhov was convicted of a fabricated business. He served at the time of the plot of 8 years. The action of the work occurs in Kazakhstan, in a religious camp. One of the January days of 1951 described Solzhenitsyn ("One Day Ivan Denisovich").

Analysis of the character character system

Although the main part of the characters is outlined by the author with concise means, Solzhenitsyn managed to achieve plastic expressiveness in their image. We see the distinction of individualities, the wealth of human types in the work of "One Day Ivan Denisovich". Test heroes are concisely depicted, but at the same time remain in the memory of the reader. The writer is sometimes enough for this only one or two fragments, expressive sketches. Solzhenitsyn (photo of the author is presented below) a bit to the national, professional and thesis specificity of human characters created by him.

Relationships between characters are obeying the strict camp hierarchy in the work of "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The summary of the entire prison life of the main character, presented in one day, allows us to conclude that there is an insurmountable abyss between the camp administration and prisoners. It is noteworthy the absence in this story name, and sometimes the names of many guards and supervisors. The individuality of these characters is manifested only in forms of violence, as well as the degree of ferocity. On the contrary, despite the defensive license system, many of the stagnikov in the consciousness of the hero are present with the names, and sometimes with the patronymic names. This suggests that they retained individuality. Although this testimony does not apply to the so-called stupid, assholes and wicks described in the work of "One Day Ivan Denisovich". These heroes also do not have names. In general, Solzhenitsyn talks about how the system is unsuccessfully trying to turn people into the details of the totalitarian car. Especially important in this regard, except for the main character, images of Tyurin (Brigadier), Paul (his assistant), Buynovsky (Kavenogengen), Baptist Aleshka and Latvian Kilgas.

The main character

In the work of "One day Ivan Denisovich" the image of the main character is very noteworthy. Solzhenitsyn made them an ordinary man, a Russian peasant. Although the circumstances of the camp life are deliberately "exclusive", the writer in his hero intentionally emphasizes the external nonsense, "normal" behavior. According to Solzhenitsyn, the fate of the country depends on the congenital morality and the natural resistance of a simple person. In Shukhov, the main thing is indestructible internal dignity. Ivan Denisovich, even serving more educated with his Solahegers, not changing the age-old Men's habits and does not drop herself.

It is very important in the characteristics of this hero. His working skill: Shukhov managed to acquire his convenient trowel; In order to cast a later spoon, he hides the pieces he pulled out folding knives and skillfully straightened him. Next, at first glance, the details of the existence of this hero, its manner hold on, peculiar peasant etiquette, household habits - all this in the context of the story gets the value of values \u200b\u200bthat allow you to preserve in difficult conditions to human in person. Shukhov, for example, wakes up alone 1.5 hours before the divorce. He himself belongs to these morning minutes. The hero is important this time of actual freedom also because you can earn.

"Cinematic" composite techniques

One day contains in this product of a clutch of the fate of a person, writing from his life. It is impossible not to notice a high degree of detail: each fact in the narrative is crushed into small components, of which most of the largest part is supplied by a close-up. The author uses the "cinematic" it is scrupulously, it is unusually carefully monitored by his hero before going out of the barrack, the hero is dressed or snakes to a skeleton a small fish, which come into soup. A separate "frame" is honored in the story, even such, at first glance, a non-essential gastronomic part, like fish eyes floating in chowder. In this you will be sure by reading the work of "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The content on the chapters of this story with attentive reading allows you to find many similar examples.

The concept of "term"

It is important that in the text of the work with each other approach, becoming sometimes practically synonyms, such concepts as "day" and "life". This rapprochement is carried out by the author through the concept of "term", universal in the narration. The term is a punishment measured by the prisoner, and at the same time the inner routine of life in prison. In addition, most importantly, it is synonymous with the fate of a person and a reminder of the last, most important period of his life. Temporary notation Thereby acquire in the work of deep moral and psychological color.


The place of action is also very significant. Hostile to prisoners are the space of the camp, especially dangerous areas of the zone are dangerous. Prisoners are in a hurry to range as soon as possible between the premises. They are afraid to be caught in this place, hurry to whisk under the protection of the barrack. In contrast to the loving distance and wide, the heroes of Russian literature, shukhov and other prisoners dream of tough shelter. For them, Barak turns out to be home.

What was the one day Ivan Denisovich?

The characteristic of a one day spelled is directly given by the author in the work. Solzhenitsyn showed that this day in the life of the chief hero was successful. Arguing about him, the author notes that the hero was not planted into the Cake, did not drive out the brigade on the social town, he scored porridge at lunch, the brigadier closed a good interest. Shukhov the wall put fun, did not get caught on the buck with a hacksaw, in the evening she worked at Caesar and bought a tobacco. The main character was also not sick. It was not a durable day, "almost happy." This is in the work of its main events. The final copyright words sound also epically calmly. He suggests that such days was on Shukhov's term 3653 - 3 extra days fed from

Solzhenitsyn refrains from the open manifestation of emotions and loud words: it is pretty that the reader has the appropriate feelings. And this is guaranteed by the harmonious story of the story of man's strength and strength.


Thus, in the work of the "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" problems were made very relevant for that time. Solzhenitsyn recreates the main features of the era when people were doomed to incredible deprivation and flour. The history of this phenomenon begins not since 1937, marked by the first violations of the norms of party and public life, and much earlier, from the beginning of the existence of the Totalitarianism regime in Russia. In the work, thus, the bunch of fates of the set of Soviet people, who were forced to pay for years of torment, humiliation, camps for devotional and honest service. The author of the story "One Day Ivan Denisovich" these problems raised so that the reader thinks about the essence of the phenomena observed in the society and made some conclusions for himself. The writer does not moralize, does not call for something, he only describes reality. The work from it only wins.

Ivan Denisovich

Ivan Denisovich - Hero of the story-story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" (1959-1962). Image I.D. As it were composed by the author of two real people. One of them is Ivan Shukhov, already elderly fighter of an artillery battery, which Solzhenitsyn commanded the war. The other is Solzhenitsyn himself who left the deadline for the notorious 58th article in 1950-1952. In the camp in Ekibastuz, and also worked there by a mason. In 1959, Solzhenitsyn began writing the story "Shch-854" (camp number of Zeka Shukhov). Then the story received the name "one day of one zeka". In the editorial office of the "New World" magazine, in which this story was first printed (No. 11, 1962), at the proposal of A.T. Vardovsudssu, she was given the name "One Day of Ivan Denisovich".

Image I.D. It is of particular importance for Russian literature 60s. Along with the way, up-time Zhivago and the poem Anna Akhmatova "Requiem". After publishing a story in the epoch of the so-called. Khrushchev thaw when he was first convicted by the "cult of personality" Stalin, I.D. It became for all the then USSR generalized way of the Soviet Zeka - prisoner of Soviet correctional labor camps. Many former convicts on the 58th article found out "Shvd. ourselves and their destiny.

I.D. Shukhov - a hero of the people, from the peasants whose fate breaks the merciless state system. Once at the hellish camp car, grinding, destroying physically and spiritually, is trying to survive, but to remain a person. Therefore, in the chaotic clubs of camp nonsense, he puts the limit to himself, below which should not be descended (not in the header, do not eat fish eyes floating in the Balance), - otherwise death, first spiritual, and then physical. In the camp, in this kingdom of continuous lies and deception, it is those who betray themselves (licks of the bowls), he betrays their body (shelters in Lazarut), betrays their own (stukach), - a lie and betrayal lie first of all those who are those who They obeys.

Special disputes caused the episode of "shock labor" - when the hero and his whole brigade suddenly, as if forgetting that they were slaves, with some joyful enthusiasm were taken for laying the wall. L. Kopeliev even called the work of a "typical production story in the spirit of social identity." But this episode is primarily a symbolic meaning, correlated with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante (the transition from the lower circle of hell in purgatory). In this work for the sake of labor, creativity for the sake of creativity I.D. It is already building no noticeable CHP, he builds himself, recalls himself free - he rises over the camp slave neby, is experiencing catharsis, cleansing, it even physically dares his illness. Immediately after the output of the "one day" in Solzhenitsyn, many saw a new Lion Tolstoy, "Shvd. - Plato Karataeva, although he "did not count, not a humble, not calm, not soluble in the collective consciousness" (A.Arhangelsky). In essence, when creating an image of I.D. Solzhenitsyn proceeded from the thoughts of Tolmatogo that the day of the man could make a subject for the same volumetric volume as several centuries of history.

To a certain extent, Solzhenitsyn opposes its i.d. "Soviet intelligentsia", "Education", "paying to file support for mandatory ideological lies." Disputes Caesar and Kavengenna about the film "Ivan Grozny" I.D. It is not clear, it turns away from them as from the contrived, "boring" conversations, like from the boning ritual. Phenomenon I.D. It is conjugate with the return of Russian literature to peoplehood (but not to the nationality), when the writer sees no longer the "truth", not "truth", but a relatively smaller, compared with the "educational", "file a lie".

Another feature of the image I.D. The fact that he does not answer questions, but rather asks them. In this sense, the spores of ID are significant. With Aleshka-Baptist about the debt as suffering in the name of Christ. (This dispute directly relates to the disputes of Alyosha and Ivan Karamazov - even the names of the heroes are the same.) I.D. I do not agree with this approach, but reconciles their "cookies", which I.D. gives Aleshka. A simple humanity of the act overshadows and the sacrificial-exalted "sacrifice" of Aleshka, and reproach God "for the debt" I.D.

The image of I.D., as well as the story itself Solzhenitsyn, stands in a number of such phenomena of Russian literature, as the "Caucasian captive" A.S. Pushkin, "Notes from the Dead House" and "Crime and Punishment" F.M.Dostoevsky, " War and Peace "(Pierre Duchery in French captivity) and" Resurrection "L.N. Tolstoy. This work has become a kind of prelude for the book "Archipelago Gulag". After entering the light "One day of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn received from readers a huge number of letters, of which later compiled an anthology "read" Ivan Denisovich "."

Lit.: Niva J. Solzhenitsyn. M., 1992; Chalmaev V.A. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Life and creativity. M., 1994; Curtis J.M. Solzhenitsyn's Traditional Imagination. Athens, 1984; Krasnov V. Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky. Athens, 1980.

Ivan Denisovich - the protagonist of Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". Its prototypes followed two truly existing human. One of them is a meal warrior named Ivan Shukhov, who served in the battery, whose commander was the author himself, which is simultaneously the second prototype, once served the term in prison on the 58th article.

This is a 40-year-old man with a long beard and sistering his head, who sits in prison, for having escaped from the German captivity and returned to his. At the interrogation, he signed paper without any resistance, which said he himself voluntarily surrendered and became a spy and back he returned to intelligence. All this, Ivan Denisovich agreed only because this signature gave a guarantee that he would live a little more. Regarding clothes, it is the same as all the stagnikov. On it, the pants are wadded, the tag ray, Bushlates and boots.

Under the TV brand, he has a spare pocket, where he puts a piece of bread to eat it later. He, as it were, lives the last day, but at the same time, and with hope to serve the term and go to the will, where his wife and two daughters are waiting for him.

Ivan Denisovich never thought about why there were so many innocent people in the camp, who also allegedly "changed their homeland." He is such a person who just appreciates life. Never asks yourself any questions, just takes everything as it is. Therefore, for him the primary task was to satisfy the needs, such as food, water and sleep. Perhaps it was later that he passed on there. This is a surprisingly persistent person who was able to adapt to such terrifying conditions. But even in such conditions, he does not lose his own dignity, does not "drop itself."

For Shukhov, life is work. In the work he is a master who perfectly owns his work and receives from it only pleasure.

Solzhenitsyn draws this hero as a person who has its own philosophy. It is based on the camp experience and the serious experience of Soviet life. In the face of this patient man, the author showed the entire Russian people who can postpone many terrible suffering, bullying and survive anyway. And at the same time not to lose morality and continue to live, belonging to people normally.

Essay on Shukhov Ivan Denisovich

The main character of the work is Shukhov Ivan Denisovich, represented by the writer in the image of the victim of Stalinist repression.

The hero is described in the story as a simple Russian soldier, having a peasant origin, distinguished by a toothless mouth, a bald on a shaved head and a bearded face.

For finding in the fascist captivity during the War of Shukhov sent to a special cavalry camp for a ten-year term under the number Sch-854, eight years from which he was currently departed, leaving his family at home in the village of his wife and two daughters.

The characteristic features of Shukhov are his self-esteem, which allowed Ivan Denisovich to preserve the human appearance and not become a jackal, despite the difficult period of his life. He realizes that it is not able to change the currently unjust situation and the cruel order installed in the camp, but since it is distinguished by life, hesitates with his difficult position, while refusing to rebuff and get up to his knees, although it does not hope to gain long-awaited freedom.

Ivan Denisovich seems to be proud, not a brazen man capable of manifestation of kindness and generosity in relation to those convicts who broke from being in prison conditions, respecting them and regret, at the same time knowing how to show some trick that does not harm other harm.

Being an honest and conscientious person, Ivan Denisovich cannot afford to lean from work, as is customary in prison camps, simulating the disease, so even seriously ill ill, feels his guilt, forced to contact the sanitary part.

During the period in the camp, Shukhov shows himself a rather hardworking, conscientious person, a master for any hands, not difficult to any work, participating in the construction of a thermal power plant, in the sewing slippers and masonry of the stone, becoming a good professional bricklayer and a liver. Ivan Denisovich is trying by any possible ways to earn money for an additional soldering or cigarette, receiving not only the acquisitions, but also true pleasure, carefully and economically related to the entrusted prison work.

At the end of the ten-year term, Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is liberated from the camp, allowing to return to the family to the family.

Describing the image of Shukhov in the story, the writer reveals the moral and spiritual problem of human relations.

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Characteristics of heroes of the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" (A. Solzhenitsyn).

In the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" A. Solzhenitsyn tells everything about one day in the camp, which has become a symbol of a terrible era, in which our country lived. Condemning the inhuman system, the writer at the same time created the image of a truly national hero who managed to preserve the best qualities of the Russian people.

This image is embodied in the main hero of the story - Ivan Denisovich Shukhov. It seems that there is nothing special in this hero. So, for example, he sums up the day of the day: "I had a lot of luck for the day: I didn't put it in the Cake, I didn't kicked the brigade, he scored a porridge for lunch ... I didn't get cazing with a hacksaw on the knack, I didn't buy tobacco in the evening . And did not get sick, swing. Passed a day, no darling, almost happy. "

Is it really happiness? Exactly. The author does not at all illuminated over Shukhov, but sympathizes him, respects his hero, living in harmony with himself and in Christian-taking an invalid position.

Ivan Denisovich loves to work. His principle: I earned - get, "And you do not celve on someone else's good good." In what love he is busy business, the joy of the master, who fluent in his business is felt.

In the camp of Shukhov, it counts every step. It tries to strictly execute the mode, can always work out, styling. But the adaptability of Shukhov should not be confused with adaptability, humiliation, loss of human dignity. Shukhov remembered the words of Brigadier Kuben: "In the camp that's who breathes: who is a bowl licking, who is hoping for a sangust, and who goes to Kum to knock."

So people are saved, trying to survive at the expense of others, "on someone else's blood." Such people survive physically, but die morally. Shukhov not like that. He is always happy to stock extra soldering, get tobacco, but not like feetukov, which "in his mouth insisters, and the eyes are burning," and "slumping": "Yes, to pull!". Shukhov will split tobacco so as not to drop himself: I saw the shukhov that "the oddersbedian of his Caesar smoked, and he was not smoked, but it means to shoot it." Taking a queue for sending for Caesar, Shukhov does not ask: "Well, got? - Because it would be a hint that he ranked and now has the right to share. He also knew what he had. But he was not jackal even after eight years of common work - and the farther, the stronger was approved. "

In addition to Shukhov, there are many episodic characters in the story that the author introduces to the narration to create a more complete picture of universal hell. In one row with Shukhov, such as Senka Kleshshin, Latvian Kildags, Kavlyangen Buynovsky, Assistant Brigadier Paul and, of course, Brigadier Tinurin himself. These are those who, as Solzhenitsyn wrote, "take a blow." They live, without dropping themselves and "words never rill." It is no coincidence that, probably, this is the advantage of rustic people.

The image of the Brigadier of Tyurin, who has fallen into the camp as the son of the delegated. He is for everyone - "Father". From the way he closed out, the life of the whole brigade is depends: "It's good closed - it means that now five days will be good soldering." Tyurin and knows how to live, and for others it thinks.

Kavennygen Burenovsky is also of those "who takes on strike", but, according to Shukhov, often risks meaningless. For example, in the morning on checking, the warders are ordered to unbutton the tag races - "and leaving to promise, whether there is no way around the charter." Buynovsky, trying to defend his rights, received the "ten days of strict." Defectant and amelen protest Cavtrangan. Shukhov hopes only for one thing: "It's time will come, and the captain will learn how to live, but not yet knows how. After all, what is "ten days of strict": "Ten nights of the local Caracera, if you serve them strictly and to the end, it means to lose their health life. Tuberculosis, and from the hospitals no longer get out. "

And Shukhov, with his common sense, and Buinovsky, with its impracticality, opposed those who avoid strikes. Such is film director Caesar Markovich. He lives better than others: all the caps are old, and he has fur ("someone Caesar smeared, and allowed him to wear a clean new city cap"). All in the cold work, and Caesar in warmth is sitting in the office. Shukhov does not condemn Caesar: everyone wants to survive.

Caesar adopts Ivan Denisovich's services as granted. Shukhov brings him in the office of lunch: "Caesar was blocked, his hand stretched over the porridge, did not look at Shukhov, as if the porridge had arrived through the air." This behavior, it seems to me, does not at all decorate Caesar.

"Educated conversations" - here is one of the distinguishing features of the life of this hero. He is an educated person, intellectual. Cinema who is engaged in Caesar is a game, that is, an unreal life. Caesar is trying to remove from the camp life, plays. Even in how he smokes, "in order to initiate a strong thought and give her to find something," schorates artistry.

Caesar loves to talk about movies. He is in love with his work, passionate about his profession. But it is impossible to get rid of the idea that the desire to talk about Eisenstein is largely due to the fact that Caesar sat all day in warmth. He is far from camp reality. His, like Shukhov, do not occupy "uncomfortable" questions. Caesar deliberately leaves them. What is justified for Shukhov, trouble for a filmmaker. Shukhov sometimes even regret Caesar: "I suppose he thinks a lot about himself, Caesar, and does not understand in life at all."

It understands about life more than the rest of Ivan Denisovich himself with his peasant warehouse of the mind, with a clear practical view of the world. The author believes that from Shukhov does not need to be waiting and demanding the understanding of historical events.

The image of Ivan Denisovich as it were complicated by the author of two real people. One of them is Ivan Shukhov, already elderly fighter of an artillery battery, which Solzhenitsyn commanded the war. The other is Solzhenitsyn himself who left the deadline for the notorious 58th article in 1950-1952. In the camp in Ekibastuz, and also worked there by a mason. In 1959, Solzhenitsyn began writing the story "Shch-854" (camp number of Zeka Shukhov). Then the story received the name "one day of one zeka". In the editorial office of the "New World" magazine, in which this story was first printed (No. 11, 1962), at the proposal of A. Tvarkovyu, she was given the name "One Day of Ivan Denisovich".

The image of Ivan Denisovich is of particular importance for Russian literature of the 60s. Along with the way, up-time Zhivago and the poem Anna Akhmatova "Requiem". After publishing a story in the era, t. N. Khrushchev thawed when the "cult of personality" was convicted for the first time, I. D. was the generalized way of the Soviet Zeka, the prisoner of Soviet correctional labor camps. Many former convicts on the 58th article found out in I. D. themselves and their destiny.

Shukhov - hero from the people, from the peasants, the fate of which breaks the merciless state system. Once at the hellish camp car, grinding, destroying physically and spiritually, is trying to survive, but to remain a person. Therefore, in the chaotic clubs of camp nonsense, he puts the limit to himself, below which should not be descended (not in the header, do not eat fish eyes floating in the Balance), - otherwise death, first spiritual, and then physical. In the camp, in this kingdom of continuous lies and deception, it is those who betray themselves (licks of the bowls), he betrays their body (shelters in Lazarut), betrays their own (stukach), - a lie and betrayal lie first of all those who are those who They obeys.

Special disputes caused the episode of "shock labor" - when the hero and his whole brigade suddenly, as if forgetting that they were slaves, with some joyful enthusiasm were taken for laying the wall. L. Copeliev even called the work of a "typical production story in the spirit of social realism." But this episode is primarily a symbolic meaning, correlated with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante (the transition from the lower circle of hell in purgatory). In this work, sake of labor, creativity for the sake of creativity I. D. Builds no longer not the noticeable CHP, he builds himself, recalls himself free - he rises over the camp slave nebyment, is experiencing catharsis, cleansing, it even physically dares his illness.

Immediately after the release of the "one day" in Solzhenitsyn, many saw a new lion of Tolstoy, and in I. D. - Plato Karataeva, although he "did not count, not a smire, not calm, not soluble in the collective consciousness" (A. Arkhangelsky). In essence, when creating an image of I. D. Solzhenitsyn proceeded from the thought of Tolstoy that the day of the man could make a subject for the same volume of the volume, as several centuries of history.

To a certain extent, Solzhenitsyn opposes its I. D. "Soviet intelligentsia", "Education", "paying to submit to support mandatory ideological lies." Caesar's disputes and Kavenmann about the film "Ivan Grozny" I. D. are incomprehensible, it turns away from them from them from the controversial, "boric" conversations, as from the boring ritual. The phenomenon of I. D. is associated with the return of Russian literature to nationality (but not to the nationality), when the writer later sees the "truth", not "truth", but a relatively smaller, compared to the "educational", "file a lie" .

Another feature of the image I. D. is that he does not answer questions, but rather asks them. In this sense, the spore of I. D. with Aleshka-Baptist about the debt as suffering in the name of Christ. (This dispute relates directly with the disputes of Alesh and Ivan Karamazov - even the names of the heroes are the same.) I. D. disagree with such an approach, but reconciles their "cookies", which I. D. gives Aleshka. Simple humanity, the act shifters and the sacrament-exalted "sacrifice" of Aleshka, and reproach God "for the past" I. D.

The image of Ivan Denisovich as the story itself Solzhenitsyn, stands in a number of such phenomena of Russian literature, as the "Caucasian captive" A. S. Pushkin, "Notes from the Dead House" and "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace "(Pierre Duchery in French captivity) and" Resurrection "L. N. Tolstoy. This work has become a kind of prelude for the book "Archipelago Gulag". After entering the light "One day of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn received from readers a huge number of letters, of which later compiled an anthology "read" Ivan Denisovich "."

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