History in Tolstoy. Word the main provisions of the philosophy of Tolstoy History

History in Tolstoy. Word the main provisions of the philosophy of Tolstoy History

"Drone" initially leaving sheets, then began to be published by small books. Restlessly to get acquainted with the content of this magazine: He consisted of articles in the form of letters, conversations, dictionaries and statements, from poems, witty ads, epitaph and epigrams, directed mainly against the general deficiencies of that time, although sometimes not given mercy and individuals, if They deserve it. The well-known writers took part in Trutne: V. I. Mikov, A. O. Ablessov, M.A. Popov, F.A. Emin, published in the same year and his own magazine "Hello Post". In addition, there were many articles signed by different pseudonyms, initials and absolutely none of those signed, the authors of which, despite all the efforts of bibliographs, were not open. There is no doubt that some of these articles, and maybe most, belonged to Novikov himself.

Novikov magazines have dramatically stand out from the rest: in content, talented, wit and the liveliness, they ranked first and had a great success by that time. While other satirical magazines in most cases slipped only on the surface of life, Novikovskaya Satire always differed by the idea and seriousness of thought. Already in the introduction to the "Trutnoye", where Novikov jokingly talks about his laziness and allegedly the inability to be a useful society on other fields, he moves all the birth of social provisions, services and activities of that time and Economic emphasizes their weaknesses. That's what, for example, he says about the court service:

"The court service of all is restful and would be easier, if it would not need to know the science of pretending much in the highest degrees than how much should the actor should know; He is excellent in different passions of time, and this is indispensable to the same, and I can not endure. A court man flaps to everyone, says not what he thinks seems to be all gentle and indulgent, although it will be extremely proud. Everyone encourages and then forgets, everyone promises and does not hold words to anyone; It does not have true friends, but has lets, and himself flatters and pleases with random people. It seems a hunter before what disgust has. Pravit with a smile when internally torments envy. In the event of the needs, it does not gear, sacrifices to everyone to reduce their happiness; And sometimes, full of mankind does not forget! Nothing does anything, but it shows that it is burdened by affairs, "in a word, he says and does almost always against his desire, and often an anti-good reason."

Similarly, in the magazine of Novikov constantly looking at the root of things. Razeping, for example, an unintelligible European imitators, he stratums them not only because they imitate only European appearance and the bad sides, which does not bring any benefit to themselves and thanks to which they only turn into walking cartoons, but also indicates the immediate Economic harm for the country that changes its riches on luxury and fashion items, in general on strangers. For example, in the VI sheet "Drone" for 1769, this announcement was placed from Kronstadt:

"Figures arrived in the local port of ships -" Trompeur "from Rouen in 18 days," Vetilles "- from Marseille at 23 days. On them the following we needed goods: Swords French different varieties, Tubackerki Turtle, Paper, Surgeons, Lace, Blondes, Bacchs, Cuffs, Ribbons, stockings, Buckles, Hats, Cufflinks and all sorts of so-called haberdashery things ... And from the Petersburg port on those Ships shipping will be different homemade strand, like that: hemp, iron, yuft, fat, candles, canvas, etc. Many of our young nobles laugh nonsense Lord French, that they drive so far and change their fashionable products on our strand. "

But the announcement directed against those young people who went fashion for the sake of the border and did not acquire anything except to decrease to dress and live in life:

"The young Russian piglet, who traveled for someone else's land for enlightening his mind and who, having rolled up with benefit, returned a swing breath, who wanted to watch him could see him restlessly on many streets of this city."

But satire against serfdom is imbued with a special cavity and witty. For example, a kind of snake rides around the city and is taking away to be cruel with serfs, so that "they were afraid of him, so that they were hungry, Nagi and Bosy and so that one cruelty was holding the animals in order and obedience."

An even better recipe for Mr. Rerassow, printed in "Trutne" for 1769:

"The recession is sick of the opinion that the peasants are not the essence of people ... He acts exactly with them ... Never with them not just says not a word, but does not honor them with the tendency of his head, when they spread out on Estate. He then thinks: I am Mr., they are my slaves; They are in order to create all sorts of need, day and night to work and fulfill my willing of a good time payment; They, having remembered my and their fortune, should flour my gaze. Poor peasants love him like a father, do not dare, but, honing his tyrant, trembled him. They work day and night, but with all those barely have day nutrition, then that the Nasil can pay the Lords. They never dare to think that they have anything from them, but they say: this is not mine, but God and the Lord. "

Speaking of "Trutne", one cannot be silent about the controversy, which was led among his "drone" and "every things", or, better to say, hiding behind them Novikov and Empress Catherine. The dispute arose due to the moral questions and the views, but it was not the case: Catherine II, obviously, did not expect that Satira would go so far and the most foundations of life, the most weak and most sick of her parties will concern. She, in all likelihood, thought that everyone would be a sample and a tune for other satirical magazines, that they would be limited to the chips of a common property, for anyone, in essence, not offended, will be obstacious, stupidity, love, ignorance, Schegoles and scoops, petimeters and coquettes are irrelevant to reading, leaving for good reflections, delivered pleasant entertainment. Initially, Catherine just looked at the role of satirical literature; Only then already - and, maybe partly under the influence of the controversy with the "Trutn" - she began to discover a deeper look at Satir, which affected, for example, in her own, often accurate works, in sympathy to another Novikov magazine ("painter") And in the fact that she wanted, apparently, do not stop, but only to keep and put a satire to the known limits.

The controversy between the "drone" and "all sorts of all" began, as it often happens, from private and unimportant cases. So, for example, the "drone" was distinguished by some secular lady, which made theft in the bench, and then beat the merchant, when he, not wanting to do it under the public, appeared to her house for receiving stolen. The blasting did not like it "all sorts of either", and she replied that the human weaknesses should be tremendous. It objected to this "Drone" that it was strange to consider theft of a vice and a crime in some cases when they steal commoners, and only weakness in other cases, and very witty laughed over such a discovery of "all sorts of all". She answered in turn, but in response, irritation was already heard. From a private fact, the dispute has inconspicuously moved to general provisions. According to "all sorts of all", "all reasonable people should admit that one God is only perfect; People are mortals without weaknesses have never been, not the essence and will not be. " And the "drone" refuted such a glance and said: "Many weak conscience, people never mention the name of the vice, without adding humanity to him. They say that the weaknesses of people are ordinary and what should be covered with humans; Consequently, they shifted caftan from humanity; But such people are a good manifestation of physical people ... "According to the" drone "," there is more personally by the one who corrects the vices than the one that it connects or (to say in Russian) Potks. " "Everything" was angry and more and spoke of the offensive things "Trutnoy"; he was less annoyed, but in debt also did not remain: "He said all the wines, he said that she was not able to express themselves in Russian in Russian, could not understand the Russian writings"; If "she is forgotten and so mocked, which often does not spit there, where it should be, then it should be treated", etc.

Then the epigraph of the "Trutne" of 1770 also indicates an unpleasant conclusion made by the publisher from experience; It is that "It is dangerous a mention of strictly, where the atrocities and madness are a lot"; Finally, the best "external circumstances" can affect that many influential people treated at first very differently to the "Trutney" were unhappy. This is on the one hand. And on the other, if we pay attention to the comedy came out in 1772, the time of the Empress "O, Time!" And "Name Day Ms. Vorchakina", in which satire is of greater certainty and considerable sharpness, then it is possible to think that the Empress slightly bent over the side of Novikov's views. And in relations to it, it was not only not followed by deterioration, but as if they even changed for the better, especially since 1772, when Novikov began to publish a new Satir magazine "Painter". Whether she really would really recognize the correctness of his views and appreciate him as a smart and useful person, whether he was in her desire, so that he began to publish a magazine, or only she did not want to obstruct, - to say quite difficult.

N.I. Novikov


Weekly edition for 1769 the month of May

They work, and you are their work.

G. Sumar.in the XLIII parable, I books.

Reproduced by publication: N.I. Novikov. Selected writings. M.; L. 1951. Electronic publication - RVB , 2005.


Gentlemen Readers! How much do you think, one but, right, do not guess the intentions with which I give out this magazine, if I myself will not tell you about that. However, this is not a mystery. Lord readers, you are humble people, so I can rely on you without any concern. Listen to, it will go about my weakness: I know that the tape is considered not from the last vices; I know that she is an irreconcilable enemy of hardhery; I know that it is a person who is incapable of the benefits of public and its participation; that a person who is possessed by SIM by defiant, unworthy of condolences; But with all that, I can not overcome it. The vice of this, I was having mastered me that I could not deal with anything and really losing very much. On holidays, the Big Boyars ride a bow for a bow for the need: for those that these perform, find their happiness much more; But I do not allow me to be. Reading books I read very useful; But lazy does not allow this to execute. Enlighten the mind sciences and knowledge you need; But Lenza prevents: in a word, I became the eternal slave of the contempt of a decent tape and I can be equal to the naintenance gishpans. Frequently, I spend the house at all week. For the only thing is to get dressed. I don't have a correspondence with anyone that the lazy does not allow. From tension, no other services also did not choose the service: for any service is not suitable with my inclination. The military seems to me a lot of restless and oppressing humanity: it is needed, and without it you can not get along; she is respectable; But she is not for my inconsistencies. Crashing trouble, to remember to remember all the laws and decrees, and without that you get into trouble for the wrong decision. It should be known all the processes, in the affairs used, so as not to be deceived, and to have a watching of such people who are more often talking to: "Give for work"; And it is very difficult. And although it is still much naised for this, but, one, it is not for my inconsistencies. The court of all is more fading and it would be easier for everyone, if it would not need to know by heart the science of pretending much in Vyshny Depere, rather than how to know its actor: he pretends to be part of different passions temporarily; And this is increhensive doing the same; And then I can not tolerate. A court man flashes to everyone, says not what he thinks seems to be any gentle and indulgent, although it will be extremely proud. Everyone is encouraging, and then forgets; Everyone promises, and no one holds words; does not have true friends, but has lets; And he himself flatters and pleases with random people. It seems a hunter before what disgust has. Praw with a smile when internally torments envy. In the event of the needs, it does not gear, sacrifices to everyone to reduce their happiness; And sometimes, full of mankind does not forget! Nothing does anything, but it shows that it is burdened by the affairs: the word, he says and does almost always the controversy of his desire; And often the controversy of sound sensit. This service is brilliant, but very slipping and will soon fade; In short, it is not for my inconsistencies. Arguing in this way, in this time did not make another right to conclude that these services are truly true, which prevents me from which of them to join, makes it misunderstanding them: but approved only in one Of them not to join. Why is I consumed in society? Without use in the light of living, it is only land only,said the glorious Russian poem. Sieu taking into the reasoning, thought for a long time, what could I have to have a slightest service to my Fatherland. I thought sometimes to serve some useful essay: but the upbringing of my and mental taming was put to the inspiring obstruction. Finally downed on the mind so that although the publication of other people's work will benefit my fellow citizens. And so it was removed to publish a weekly essay under the title "Drone", which, according to my vice and intention: because I myself, besides this foreword, I will write very little; And I will publish all the letters sent to me, writings and translations, in prose and in verses; And especially satirical, critical and other, but the correction of morals employees: for such works by the correction of morals bring great benefits; And this is my intention. What for the sake of all readers, I ask me to help me auxiliary of my writings, which all printed will be (turning off those who will be against God, reign, decency and sound reasoning. I hope that there will be no one: for no one against our first two in our time Will not write who, although the spark of the concept has; against the last two, without a doubt, the decency will prohibit.) In my sheets. The writings can be sent to the rebelik, who will sell this sheets, with the inscription: "G. Publisher" Drone ". Preface is finishing my sincere desire to make this benefit of this benefit and enters the readers. Cause of the publication Lenosta. Give God So that she alone benefit. Farewell, readers; I will not talk to you for a long time for the fact that I am extremely tired.

Leaf XXI. September 15 days

G. Publisher! I don't know why in many loud predisions that the Russians cannot do anything so well as foreign ones. I saw how many, in other times reasonable, people, looking at different things, the Russian masters were delivered, their thoughts for the only thing they were not foreign workers. And do not know and foreign things when they will tell them on purpose that they are Russians, without any knowledge, one by one to the predispastement, or also on the height of hive. Jedni this happened, and I inform you for printed; Let them see everything, to which nonsense sometimes adds us to bring us. One friend was needed to sew a dress; we advise him to take him on the dress to take the cloth of the Jumburgh factory, assuring him that those cloth in kindness and in the colors of nothing aggregular loans are inferior, not to mention that they are aggregular price cheaper: but he and he did not want to listen to Russian Sukna were good equal to Aglinsky. He was then not very healthy and asked me to go to the living room yard and took him samples of Aglin's Sukon. I went, and how I this prediative always the casuala is ridiculous, I wanted to assure my friend in his injustice. I took the samples of the Aglinski Sukon and the Yamburg and, put in one piece of paper, showed my friend, saying that this is Aglinskaya Sukna; He chose the Yamburg and, who admired their kindness, hesitated by me, saying that he would be the Yumburgh cloth then would be to buy when they would be kind as aglinsky. Sent for a very skillful tailor, showed him samples. I slowly said that there are alone Aglinsky, and other Yamburg, so that he chose Aglinsky from them. Tailor, considering the white and fawn yumburgh cloth, said they are agned. I am internally rejoiced by their mistake, and after, taking the Yumburgh cloth, they gave the tail. Tailor after two days brought a dress; My friend was put on and was quite satisfied. Finally, I declared him a mistake; The tailor said that these Sukna between his kindness is so close as it is almost impossible to distinguish, but I didn't want to believe my friend. I gave him an unnecessary money: for Yamburg sold on 3 rubles. 75 kopecks, and the aglinsky of the same kindness of 5 rubles. My friend finally agreed to believe, but after said: "Jumburgh cloth, though, are good, one shit so much." G. Publisher! How many of our brothers who are judged by the hears of things. It would be desirable that this predironment of the eradication and so that our Russian artists and artisans would be approved and equal in everything with foreign, which examples we have already seen pretty. Servant yours **.

Leaf XXXI. November 24 days

G. Publisher! For which you have been predicted for us that we have not seen a single sheet for whole four weeks. If you are kept for whom, what are you the blame? And for what you can not deprive pleasure to read your sheets. Sick your silence and start your magazine to publish your journal, you make a lot of pleasure, and there is noctive me.

G. Publisher Cross Servant

Impartial reader.

G. Uniform reader, I confess that I am before you wrong and the words of my own, so that there is no shelter, I did not restrain: but I'm not really to blame. I would be eagerly informed you the reasons, I forced me, but to avoid troubles, I'm silent; In pleasure, your sheets will be recruited: however, for me it is very flattering that my edition of the impartial reader pleases and brings pleasure.


Weekly edition for 1770

Dangerously mention strictly,

Where the atrocities and madness are a lot.

Prov. G. Sumar.

Leaf I. January 5 days

New Year new happiness

Ancient prisoner, but also at all in the language. All happiness is looking for, rare find, and others complain. Every person represents him in particular. Liquidore is looking for in great wealth, Pyshin in the magnificence, proud in His subordinate to him, in love with his mistress, and so on: I will inform my readers a few examples. Simple pupil, but Nature gave it a fairness. In young years, he read the valet on love romance and piled off his head. Slend in love and thinks that he is a happiest man of all mortals, if the mistress he burns with a flame to him. Every caress, a pleasant look he is admired: in a word, simple all happiness believes in his mistress. This, happiness cannot be long and simple, of course, is deceived. The current love is quite far from the love of our ancestors. Many women of our century do not read the crime of one to love and have six to deceive and say that true love requires from Lover Faith, or blind power of attorney, that is, to see and be blind. Fashion lovers do this: they pretend to believe in all their mistresses, although they think completely nursing. They sometimes train themselves, as skillful ministers, deceive for it only to make the circumstances. The foundation has occurred the foundation of this rules, I do not know, but I only know that from such incidents it comes to say that women are much cunning men. I leave the gentlemen to the readers to decide whether hectare, who thinks he is deceiving, and is deceived, or one who bounces down to deceive and deceive; But I will say that it will not be happy in the city, let him look for his happie in distant from cities. The liquid carrier came from noble blood, but he has a thousand times a thousand times of all sublegate peasants, according to some. He was a judge in some bait order at a time when the grains and bribes were revered by gifts; Consequently, the ruining of many, he gave a satisfied estate and multiplied it, as well as the moan of poor and helpless people, even more, if the truth that shining in full range of Russia did not resolve this slacker from a place defined by justice; He was deducted from it: but he still found a way to threaten his fellow citizens. He began to give off lawlessly to them to give off loan and collect lawless interest, delivering their happiness in multiplication of wealth, despite that he does not have near heirs and that he himself does not live in the tenth fraction of interest received annually. In a word, daily attaching lawlessness to lawlessness, often complains of the board for the fact that it is forbidden to take interest above declared. Liquidar happiness found, but flawless; Consequently, any honest person will not envy. Pyshn has a great wealth, but it uses it very bad. Instead of auxiliary, the poor and other Christian commandments, requiring execution, buys annually the vigorous carriage, has a vitality of horses, lakes, crews, and so on. The desk daily has 40 devices, and 15 people sit at the table. Loven to everyone that has, unhappy: he believes his happiness in what can not have. The desire is unprofitable and impossible is rarely executed! Pyshin to give himself more magnificity would like to have the wealth of the whole world. This happiness does not have; And I wish him to learn to use what he has, he would, of course, was happy. Soutaga with unwrapped means with spindles and contracts was pleased with a contented estate. Dying for a penny, just in every day multiplies his compassion: But moreover, he remembered and says that he is unhappy that he will remain very little that he is offended and that all the idlers are happy, and unhappy only he is alone. Soutaga can not be happy, then that he, having happiness in his hands, can not use it. But is it possible to calculate all the desires! Everyone wishes his happiness in his suggestions. The big half of that wishes what can ever get; They will not be happy. Enjoy happiness only those kii are satisfied with what they have; The desires are limited. They wish to be needed to their prosperity, and not to the pleasure of their whim. It is necessary to ensure that they are pleased, for example: honest receives a thousand rubles of annual income, lives 750, and the rest uses the poor. If she wishes a greater compassion, he wishes for only good to do good to others. Finally, following the usual, I wish my readers in the new year happiness.


Be loved by you subordinate and simple people. Help your actions and things so that they read you by the reprehensors in their needs and intercessors, and they would not consider you tyrants, respectively, their prosperity when, with the throne, the truths of the generousness on them rivers are poured. Be virtuous, then you don't threaten the poor to threaten: do it good by office everything without withdrawal, and not to addiction, and the bakes about welfare more than their own. Do not listen to the Lytsov, they, seducing you, use your weaknesses and the power of your other is implanted, and the implants are worshiped by your hand. They tell you that you are virtuous. They lick themselves for their eyes, more than others donate: they say that everyone is surprised by your generousness, that you do not refuse their needs, they are deceiving you and called fools. Relieve them, they poison, they are bile that fills the sorrection of sweet life. Be yourself judges your actions: Some of your affairs on the scales of impartiality, you will see how shameless and how much you are deceived. Here is your happiness! The virtuous person of your title, of course, will call herself happy if he performs this; And this is not difficult to fulfill you: for a poor person and then in a significant virtue he read, when he does not make him evil.


Your condition requires you to be loved and noble people and poor. You contain between high-step and low-air intercession; And so first say always the truth, without rudeness; Show them the errors of them, give respect to their virtues, not the ranks, and the justice of their actions. Do not renue them for innocent misdeed: for weakness is characteristic of human. Do not flatter them never too try to enter their mercy: such happiness can not be long. Low-ahead remind their posts and encourage the execution of these by your example. Finally, to prepare itself to the highest degrees, make both the virtues needed by this state. Some of your abilities are fair and because you wish the highest advantages. Teach yourself in advance to demolition a significant degree. It is brilliant outside and although it is delivered. Be sincere and first and with the last. Find friends in the present rank, but such that and to receive any noble advantages have always been telling you the truth; So that they were so much virtuous so that you can borrow from them: if you do not find such, then you will not find happiness, although you will be on sending degrees: for it rarely has a faithful friend.


I wish hardworking and crime.


Virtues, a decent state, and that their noble oppress them: here are their happiness!

In the middle of

I wish your landowners your fathers, and you are their children. I wish you bodily strengths, health and hard work. Having this, you will be happy. And your happiness guides the welfare of the whole state. Finally, I wish myself in the new year of new happiness. Why do I wish? G. Reader, Guess. I wish the wishes of happiness to my fellow citizens themselves. To make my publication benefit and so that I did not scold me.

Sheet VI. February 9 days

G. Publisher! You will not believe, joy, in what are you with us fashion. Crying how everyone is praised you, and all you are satisfied with you. I myself many times from the Moscows of our scoopers who heard that you before all give advantage; And I will not exchange your drone on any books. After the late old man, my father, I got a lot of books, only, at honor, I do not take one in my hands. I go to you that, having started for one, I had a dry morality: the mortgage was fighting that you were not guess what kind of books? - All Feophana and Cantemir, Telemocks, Rolls, Chronicles and anyone seeing nonsense. I knew honor that I, reading them, did not understand the word. Once unfolded Feofan and wanted to read, but there was no urine: you won't believe, joy, what tesne in the head;(Fashionable word.) And what belongs to your drone, then, by honor, I never get tired of reading it: how good it is! Now I said everything that I had to come to you: Listen, joy, and my request. The father of the dead man, doubling the third year, delivered me from terrible trouble and anxiety. You will be surprised how I will say you: in your St. Petersburg and in the head it was not included in anyone. Listen, yes, do not wave: die, joy! I was forced to look at the chickens - you laugh: Be patient, perhaps - for chickens, goose and rustic women - Ha! Ha! Ha! Judge, joy, tolerably a noble nobility look at the mind of meanness. I am not born: but my father, the deceased old man, after all, put on his own. He brought me up so bad how worse it is difficult and invent. I knew only how and when bread sow; When cabbage, cucumbers, beets, peas, beans, and all that you need to know the fool of clarity, is a terrible knowledge! And what makes our sister breathing, I did not know. After the death of Batyushkina arrived in Moscow and saw that I was a perfect fool. I did not know how to dance or dress and did not know what fashion.That's how nonsense fathers like mine, their children bring their own! Would you believe, Publisher? - I am ashamed to admit you: - I was so stupid that, on arrival, only my mine I learned that I was good, "reason now, as Moscow Schegoli accepted me. They laughed from my head to the legs, and I was forced to sit at home for three months to just learn in fashion dress. Either the day nor the night I gave myself peace, but, sitting before the toilet, I put on the carnet, discarded, I put on out; Diverse his eyes broke, rushed glances, rumblebed, grilled, the fleece got out, she studied the various use of Okalala, laughed, went, dressed and, in a word, in three months everything was learned to do in fashion. I think you will be surprised how I could have at such a short time, and even myself, learn? I will reveal this sacrament, listen: after happiness, I got one French Madame, which we had enough in Moscow. She also suggested my services to me before, told me, in what I'm ignorance and that she was able to make the most fashionable sggie. Which of us the French make the transformation! From the village fool in three months to make a fashionable sugolich for a person inability, and the French do. Some gratitude should we Frenchwiths: they enlighten us and provide their services and then when they do not require them. Only I went out of my teacher's hands, it was shown in the meeting. I watched with other eyes: I met many girls and my science was completely learned. Soon after that heard that I was called fashion shchegolih. How much I was glad then! Do you manage you? - a thousand times more, as my father was happy, receiving a thousand quarters of bread from her estate. Then I learned that we were with bread and with our money without the French would be fools. They are still cheap selling their care about us. I hear the flattering opinion about yourself, I did not miss the comedy, nor Masseradov, nor Gulbing: I slept everywhere. You, joy, you can judge that the girl of the fourth years, which hears from everyone: mila as an angel!immediately puts on his own envious; I did it exactly. I began to patch again; But from the envy, seeing that young men are walking with crowds. For all the anger of Moscow scoops and young men looked with coldness. Many young people have opened in love: but I laughed - I was even more doing: to say? - I fucked them as much as I wanted, and they were not angry. I finally got myself a young man, good, as an angel, a smart, and with a shoe. He fell into love with me to madness; And I felt for him I do not know something excellent from others. I admired, seeing him on Masserand: he flew like wind when he danced; And everywhere, where I happened, I found it here. Several time it was nice to me, and after an extraordinaryness, he was bored with my own, I removed him to forget: and I kept my word. After this youth with a dozen, they tried their happiness: But I did the same with them. Here are the circumstances in which I am. Give me joy, I am a pretty advice: so if I do, as a start, or and in someone yourself fall in love. Perhaps my angel, write me as soon as possible, but do not know me; I am impatiently waiting for him; And before I can't get it, I won't tell you who I was. I want to suffer you. Sorry, joy! P. S. Cool as I want the advice to sleep to our Masseradam. In Moscow, November 25 days, 1769.

My sovereign! I am a figuresome man, and do not proceed, if I say that I don't like any actions at all. Listen to the sincere advice! Leave them, they humiliate your beauty. Writing your face: I understand your letter. Will it wear it differently with paints? Your eyes shine, maybe with fire: you will have their chasing them? - fashionand then I was kneaded! I also ask you, leave this art that is not characteristic of you: you can not make a wonderful more beautifully, but does not make it possible: you do the honor of your teacher! If all of them only do benefit, they are not needed at all for us. Leave all the art and let yourself be surprised by the affairs of nature. You do not want, maybe follow my advice for the fact that you are afraid of boredom: Do not be afraid, madam, city writing "Everything like" promised to prescribe you exercises; Follow only them: you will not feel boredom. Finally, I advise you to read both books by you, although occasionally. I also advise more to have respect for your parent's memory. However, for good your truth opinion, I would thank you if Sia's praise was moderate and forth; But you prefer my drone so glorious writers who have unsteen I cut the belt boot boots;and so from accepting this praise I ask me to dismiss.

Sheet VIII. February 23 days

G. Publisher! I noticed that all our young nobles traveling in other people's lands are brought only the news, as they dress there, the extensive description is described by all the fun and disgraces of the people: but the rare of them knows how much the journey should be taken. I almost didn't hear any of them in order to make our notes on the morals of the people or to legalize, for useful institutions, and so on., Toliko's traveling needed. I don't like it at all: it is better not to ride at all, rather than ride without benefit, and even more to harm your fatherland. For this very reason, I was removed to travel in my fatherland, in order to learn the customs of his uniforms to learn. I was recently in the two of our cities and made on these notes; If they are pleased with you, then I will inform them to print them, and now I expect you to respond to.

Your humble servant


Traveler! If your notes can benefit readers, you will be happy to be placed in my sheets. I expect them with some hope.

Sheet XI. March 16 days

G. Publisher Drone! No means, so as not to write a satir on the attain: this creature is very unresolved to honest people. The very idle case made me a lot of trouble: I had a need for me in Moscow in ***** I was signed by my zaja. I, made at all to the departure, went there, thinking that in a quarter of an hour I could be sent; However, it was very deceived in his aspiration. Come to the board, asked who had such things: the watchman, a retired soldier, who was in the first emperor, with respectable mustes and a furious beard, introduced me to a large room, where all the walls were smeared in ink and in which the Great many papers, tables and chests; The attains of the truncated and powdered, that is, a different kind, a man 80. Many of them were drilled each other for their hair, and others shouted and laughed. Such a strange spectacle led me surprisingly: I asked why there was such a fight, and Nasil could bring that they were punished by ordering ministers for various elements. I waited for two hours, so that these gentlemen calmed down; After that came to many, in order to find out what to do. Nasil found a daytime, whose this is the case, he proudly said to me: "Wait, I did not have a duty." I said: "I was told that it was you, sir." He laughed and told me: "I am a daily, it's true, but the daily and duty is not all one." Finally, after many ridiculous people taught me that the day -sis was the stationery, and the registrar's duty: now I know it, but before I did not know any of the animals. Waited for the duty officer who said that he was about to teach the idea of \u200b\u200bthe gentlemen to the Lord, and how they will be seduced. Waited for both those present and, walking in different ways and listening to endless tomorrow,ordinary responses of recreational abusers, with great difficulty received a gracious decision, they could not do without it, so as not to pay for the works to my honorable speakers. Sorry, G. I., I went to my journey, making an oath promise not to enter anything in places defined for justice. Servant yours N. N. From Moscow. February 9 days, 1770.

Sheet XII. March 25 days

Mr. Publisher Drone! I am in love with your magazine: he can be used as mil! Do you mean me? .. it can not, so that you do not know, I always think about you better: you are the reason that I worry about the writings; And my effort in that time only happens to enter your love. No more pleasure for me how to read your sheets. Will you believe, joy! How much did it happen to me what happened immediately before the end of the current decade. Just more pleasant to me your portraits: You can't imagine how many other people are like people; I read them with them: how did they swear! .. And how much I laughed! .. I would carefully paid for all your sheets to be filled with such portraits and that there were no poems in them at all: I don't like poems; I do not touch the honor of the Lord writers, I do not say that they are bad; But I can't praise them, because I am a woman: I'm afraid to sneak against justice. How bad things are the pupzy small styers! They climb there, where the glorious poems go. For our sins, they were now broken as in an empty nettle garden. Everyone is called the nettle to the root of the attaincam: but in justice and the poetmen you can like this grass. Do not touch the nettle, she will burn: not a heart verse, he will write Satira. This creature is always easy to caress, as a person of necessary, causing, as a person of the patient: and sometimes the announcement of their love to take without chagrin. I confess, the joy that I deserve a poem hatred; But I only encourages the fact that they will not know about me who I am as follows; Yes, let them know, let them write anything, I myself will tell them my vices. I am not modest, windy, I love all new fashion, passionate to theatrical disloxities, and more still to Masquearadam: and to get used as hate conversations; They are unnecessary to me for the fact that our sisters of the negotiators are only doing, confrontation together that someone refrain, despite that they deserve ridiculous; I can't tolerate it. I also hate meakness, motion, envy, card games, jealous husbands, wrong wives, windy mistresses and lovers: to cool like dulls to me all those who think a lot about themselves. I know a lot of such people, and they filed me to compose the historical paintings to me: I wrote two first, and now, joy, I already have six more than six of them. You will say, you can compose at this time and more: it's true; Yes, think, because I am a woman, it's so pretty that I could do so much. I do not know how and with those seem, send and Robyu: I'm afraid that with such an essay, I will not like it - it torments me as this imagination. I can not imagine how I suffer the opposite review: He's all the refusal of the scary ... ah! Do not die! And not at all hope in a young writer. P. S. There is no doubt that the handwriting of female hands does not take you; But for the first time, you now see, so, maybe, what you will not discern; You ask you to prigidly try to try: but not to cross anything that may be awkward to you; Let this error remain on my side.

Picture I.

This picture depicts a man of low origin, which has found the case to raise himself into the relatives of a notable last name. On the right side, all the pretension places are visible, around which he is in the grace of his relatives rubbed. On his left pantry, littered with almost all the chests, cabinets and bags with money: He filled it with all sorts of unwrapped means, namely, robbed and captured forcibly someone else's good, took it to preserve and did not give back; And in more than all, it has gone by leaving. There is still a few widows, orphans and helpless: they ask him with crying eyes and with outstretched hands; And it seems that they all want to extract: "Homes, show justice!" But he always tells him with a relaxing view. custra.Over the storeroom his inscription: "Sie good through my little one I gave me." The painter who wrote this picture was not forgotten away in the distance to explain the broken scales thrown on the floor, meaning justice and also the truth was defeated.

Picture II.

It seems a widow of twenty years - to cool as thorough! It shows her pretty knowledgeable light, a bent old man in the form of a lover is sitting in the distance: it is depicted by gouty, chiragro, chico, chicken and, in a word, with all the seizures, which old men feel in the last sprawl. The bedroom and the office of this widow hide two young her lovers, whom it contains on the dependence of the gray old old man in the position of assistants. She does it to facilitate the old age of his beloved.

Picture III

On Oyoy, it is a handless, having a valued rank, satisfied wealth, is not large only with increasing and not thin, years of about sixties. On one side, its service is indicated, where you can see the most younger years uninterrupted him behind the red cloth meeting, under the sim inscription: "There was a man, thin there is a judge, and will die even worse." On the other side of the picture indicates the arrival of guests and the type of its inner champions: these are filled with almost lonely tables, behind which the owner with guests playing cards, on it inscription: "not mind, yes money." In the distance from this is visible to the hands of his servants; One of them stands in front of him with an angry face depicting disobedience; another whining a dress with disdinned; And heded this is the type of guilty two chambers; They see the wealth consisting in chests with money, in the cabinets with silver dishes and tables with porcelain, clock, tobacker and the like. It should notice that in the chambers of the landlocking anything like this is not meaning.


Sudrecotious Mr. Over people, and the gentlemen of his people over him; All Laja dares to figure it out, discouraged and bring it to he always in their commands, just that they are not semissed him, and he does not dare to make them, but for this, the dignity of the people of Krott promotion and calls: "The Mr., That's the father, people from him like in paradise live! .. "Only a handful of people lives as at Katorga.

Leaf XIII. March 50 days

Picture IV.

The mask is a quiet woman, a virtuous, showing pity about anyone who came to unfortunately. The sensitivity of her about the poor is visible the greater that when he heard about the unfortunate swords of tears with her; And in direct form, this woman is depicted in pride and soberly; She surrounds several people in different kinds. She looks proudly on the poor, but nothing knows nothing, being Chinovna herself. To one side of the inscription: "This woman to multiply his glory to all the poor is taken to help, and not himself, yes noble, who are familiar to her: she will definitely have a nice dress and money, which, one, never gives anyone." And under the sim you can see how she complains about the poor, instead of the dressed dresses, his dilapidated pickles, putting them in the price, and the money gives them a debt and takes a commitment to them. It means how it prohibits it redeeming the poor to go to those houses where she got a dress and money on them. (On the left side of this picture is left on the other half of the story, the cash is still composed.)

Picture V.

A man who does not have any advantages or such that would attract his friendship, except he, is presented in a thin dress. There will be a familiar and some homely to him. It is the next: "I can't get bored from dating! They even seem to me! Everything is looking for me, everyone is honored, everyone caresses to be friends! .. And Mr. with ... Oh! He will do everything for me No matter what I say to him; He loves me abolished "... Behind this, it can be seen how this highly is looking for himself; And everyone thinks so little about it, as you can not less.

Picture VI

Between a lot of people of people is visible to a woman about fifty years; However, not so bad, so that for good gifts, which sugary could not else like. She surrounding her women pushes away, angry and turns away from them; And for men every variety shows her affection, gives them a sign, so that they come to her, and annoys that they oppose. Behind her two men, not badly dressed, they indicate it. The question is one: who is she? The answer of another: Madness. Well, joy, here are the writings of my painting; What are they? Tell me? .. No, do not say anything better, if they are bad.

Mrs. Young Writer! Fearful your letters to me was in vain. Your writing is so good that I would have wanted to get more often; But, in unfortunately, my rarely happens. If you will come to me and continue to report the writings, then I will be very grateful to you. However, I would want you to young poems had more condescension. Finally, I must apologize to you that I don't really fulfill your request. Several reasons for my part I would be justified; But I'll die about them: you yourself guess. G. Publisher! There are people who say that the drone of 1770 is negligent drone 1769. In the past year, he did not just publish selective pisa, but also corrected to him fixed and his good taste and withered from thin writers did good authors. And now everyone condoles, everyone sobs and shine: about the deplorable premium! Drone, nice drone! He became negligent, does not look at the typewriters, the lute enemies of all authors. They spoil the letters so much in the hands of them, that the reader, the fun and breaking their head, rather will blind from the emergency adjacent in finding meaning, rather than will understand the author's thought. And the poor author, as a calbid father, is tormented by an annoyance and breaks the parent heart, looking at the disgrace of his works, the kind of child.

Leaf XIV. April 6 days

Mr. Publisher Trutnev! I'll get used on you angry: I'm taaven, ah! the joy you are a loose man; I didn't honor ETOVA, Vascherali, you couldn't keep your nischto at such a tendency, what you don't honor, you give me me in the eats on Zhinshchina, from our sisters: I'm not worthy from the Amur, the manners from the dresses; And you from the list of other eyelids. ETO, joy, very diverse! I would forgive your transfer, whenever the essay of May was corrected; And then let yourself say: it is spoiled! You, joy, did not mind the thoughts of the givapisitsy: She portrayed the picture of the Pranarism of a person's pranarism, which, maybe, no higher than the secretary was, and you did EEO filed a judge. Other cornering, so still with grace. And in the third, it has a humility with the inscription: Whatever was with the mulosis, he was thinning in the affairs of ordinaries, this in now, Takavuva, visible, and die to him, and there is a straight way to mudy. And you called Evo: the judge's thin man and thinness; From Chevo, you can intelligible: Bessenov, robber and non-robbed ... Hudasometry is true that the judge; Yes, he is only the name on himself wears; And the deeds of the EEO secretant and other Tavaris judges are doing. You randid, pleased, yes not to the stack. And in the other, I do not Gavoru: you made a sylochekai from Womenssava, I put it to anything: Obache, otherwise, donkezh, pucha. We do not write the food speeches at all, they have in use; And there are no women. And, I tea, as in Parly three pictures, so decorated there is nothing to wait for the good, what, I think, you instructed there bugs in Epanechka. There are no old letters in the email; Well, who is to blame, you made it with your change in me in me. Joy! In the right case I will write a satire on you and I will complain about your Prelbabka.

My gaze, Mrs. Young Writer! If I got your letter yesterday, I would come to a pretty quarrel. You are extremely hot, and I also: moreover, I trembled to one woman, so no wonder, if you would have done a rough answer, which in justice you are worthy. But now I am fun, and your letter is hitting me in good time, and so read the next answer. I, madam, did not know that you are proud, although I waded your letter that you are a woman. You have declared you young writing, and so for the necessary pounding small your errors to correct. You complain that I female your syllable spoiled and made the attic. - notify me, madam that you mean under the word women's syllable;whether that women and in the scriptures of the error is to forgive, or only the fact that your letter is written to a syllable of a woman, incorrectly speaking and, with the permission of yours, properties and rules of the Russian language not knowing. I will tell you: what you, afraid, said too much. Your other letter I will publish in print exactly as I got it. Finally, tell me that I lost your caress. - Not surprising, madam I know your gender. There is a special way between you, called coquettes:they, madam, commemorated, - no, I will not say. You, of course, you know them. I fear, not from among them and you: For no one can get angry so soon, as yoke,when with her another woman, praise will or say that she is not dressed. And so, madam, if you are from among them, then I, depriving your caress, I will not truck about her. The end of your letter consists in threats that you, writing a satir on me, will complain about my great-babka, - but I do not have it; And if you need to write you, let me know it, right, type it.

Sheet XV. April 15 days

Mr. Drone! Koy Chort! What do you do? You completely became wrong; Did you bother you that we praised you, and wanted to listen to how to bother? So listen. - Well, yes full, jokes to the side. Perhaps, for what reason did you change your plan to change your plan to publish satirical writings? If, for how you yourself complained that you were scolded, so knew that you did a great mistake. Listen now: you are not scolded, but they say that the current tuning last year is not suitable for both servants; And that you are now also delivered as others. It is necessary to know that the bulbs are different; Some occur from envy, while others from the truth; And so I advise you better to endure the first than the last. What do you need to look at what others say; Know only myself. Perhaps the city of the new drone, converted into the old and be an amicable our entertainment; You will see that you will be more benefit from that more: but then, I'm tea, you will remain poor in the footwork. I was told by your book help worker that the current years did not buy sheets and in the tenth stake against the former. Perhaps listen to me and many with me; And I will not be so goodbye, the drone, forever. He who wrote April 6 days, 1770. In St. Petersburg. Mr. Publisher Drone! It seems to me that you are spoiled by praise; Why did you think that every nonsense, and just printed was under the title of drone, it will take it to readers, as well as good essays, in it printed. If you think so, so believe me, (I will not say joy:for the fact that you are more decent to call sadness;you, my light, very worthy to make you a good one; Neither, one but I will fail.) What are you mistaken a lot. In last year's truth, most of the writings were very good, and they were given justice, for example "Vedomosti", "Portraits", "Recipes"; Your democritus, some Pieces in verses, also many letters in prose, who enclose how much acute and salt, so much good taste, sound reasoning and purity of the Russian language. No need, and God keep me so that I began to say, as if you were in them in them on the people known to you. It is pretty that your satires are very good. I will not say that there are no such former essays at all and in the current drutone; But I will say on credit that they are so rare in it, as rare in last year's thin. That seems to be pretty, you see what I say sincerely; And so I have no doubt that you will use my advice and you will be able to choose from Piece. Sorry, Publisher! Help Your Do not guess who. Mr. Publisher! I have long wanted to get acquainted with you, but my nozzles did not allow; And now attracts the need. I need your advice. Perhaps be frank with me; I am small, right, kind, and with me to get along in consent is very easy. And though not at all I loved you, one but notice, I could that you are kinder. Many you have weaknesses, and I also; And maybe even the same; How to be, because we are people, often happens that you do what I would not want to do: but leave it. I will start a business. I reached this year to publish a "fashionable monthly essay" and devote to his beauties. But before, I wanted to ask your sincere Board; You already have another fishery for another year, so, of course, I learned everything; And so, perhaps, tell me, is it not troublesome and it is not necessary for me to quarrel with someone. This is the most metering forest: For I'm not a hunter before quarrel. The advice will solve my doubt; And I will be either a real publisher, or will remain only your servant and the future publisher of "fashionable writing."

Mr. Future publisher "Fashion Essay"! I can not give you another advice as soon as you advise you about your future edition yourself with themselves. The troubles of publishers are pretty, and also concerns, and time and loss: But the title of your publication from the last of you, of course, will relieve; Quarrels are also: however, if you are such a kind person, I would like to have your companion; Maybe you will call the periodist writings again by readers again.

Leaf XVII April 20 days

Mr. Publisher! "Everything" I used to say goodbye, "and then" in nothing turned into nothing, "hellish post" stopped, and it's also time to fly to the light into the kitchen, so as to climb the pipe through the pipe to the air and do I don't know where, only so that more People do not be in a burden and do not bother with their stories. What kind of nonsense! How long do you really read one yes one? All drone and drone drone! How many money do neither give, but do not expect other things: as you look at the sheet, so the title one carries a name. That needs before the content, when not different naming; You would be all how many of you were trying better about fictions, so that at least every month ... no, long, every week to change the naming of your publication. Surprisingly right, as you at this time have not yet adopted the actions of beauties, which would be a good example to you in this case. Imagine only how thin their taste; They never do what is not associated with change: since such an endless tribe of the edition read without boredom, which is not changed its title. No, I finally confess that I don't want to hear about them for a long time. At first I was the same leaflets with a dozen without a long reading did not leave, and in a dream they saw about them; And now it's not boring, and it is boring about them to learn that they are in the world. Well, I'm sorry, I have no time to write more, it's time to go to the ranks and buy ... I myself do not know what. Your humble servant Hellopras.

List XVII and last. April 27 days

G. Publisher Drone! I and many with me we have a fair reason for you, and even on the city of the publisher "mixtures" complain. You bring us a loss with your jokes: do not think that I regret the money that you paid for your sheets: God will save me from such injustice! I will always say that we have paid money for it with great pleasure, for they received from that benefit and envelope. Listen to my complaint, it is truly fair: you criticized I don't know some verse: maybe very fairly true; Yes, the thing is that you are, as they say, treated for living. He was angry with you, like an irritated poem, burning fierce and wished to dismissed his insult. By misfortune, the total of all readers, it is happening at the time when this poem made it in printing a book of his translation. He was satisfied with himself: for a book, consisting of less than three sheets, wrote the preface on four sheets, in which it was sprawl existently that the criticizing people are unreasonable; That, by virtue of decrees, a given liberty of the minds are used in evil, daring to criticize the person, the advantages of their absolutely knowledgeable; that he are those critics, IKo int reported Molodia, small with her spiritual kindness and weakly-haired dustlessness of the sharp mind of Play-eyed assflowers, seduces to destroy and despise and that he will not be able to defend words to them: but, forgetting, he has written four sheets, filled from the atrium. Outgoing curses, not forgotten to cover the curtain of the detention. And all this is almost one word: burp.You have a joke, and we are a loss: for for the twenty-hatch aircraft, we are forced to pay fifty kopecks. The little word seemed to be in the new drive that everything foreshadows that we would again carry in a vain loss, and the bookcipher without the preface that book does not sell. And so I ask you, the publisher, please leave him alone, do not grow up with the newly interconnected ridiculous spokes and the same damage to us. O seats asking for a boring your servant I'm in my house. Moscow, 1770, in April.


"Drone" is the first Satyric Journal of Novikov. He came out from May 5, 1769 to April 27, 1770. It was closed as a result of direct police persecution of Catherine II. As an epigraph of Novikov took the verse from the Basni Sumaros - "they work, and you are their work. Using Allegory Sumarokov, Novikov filled it with a new political content: "They" - the serfs, "you" - drums, noblemen. After the above controversy with the government magazine "Everything," the Novikov was persecuted, which immediately gave to the public, change the epigraph from the tenth sheet to the new one - "Dangerous Mental Much is strictly, where the atrocities and madness are a lot" (Summyrs). Novikov was the publisher, the editor-organizer and the author of many articles of his magazine. Emin, Popov, Ablexes, Mikes and other writers were also brought to participate in the "Trutne", that is, first of all, the participants of the Novikovsky Mug in the Commission on the preparation of new deposits.


First Writer and Public Declaration Novikova. The "Preface" formulated the central thesis of the Novikovsky understanding of the public affairs of the literature and civil debt of the writer: independence from the nobles, the yard and government. "Preface" biosexisals exactly reports Novikovsky attitude towards the official service. With the military, where he served in the will of his father, he retired in 1769. He rejects the courtier with contempt, the order is extremely beneficial for those times - indignant it. Novikov began his literary and social activities from a public statement about the reluctance to serve autocracy, with the approval of the impossibility for the writer to preserve independence, consisting in the official service. This statement remembered Ekaterina well. During the investigation, in 1792, in response to the questions of Sheshkovsky about the passage of Novikov's service confirmed this its position, to which Catherine recorded in his remarks: "We can say that I have never served anywhere, and a young man went in retirement, lived and did not More as in the lodges, therefore, did not fulfill the ministry to the service or the state. "

"I don't know why ..."

The protection of "ordinary" people is characteristic of Novikov, showing the talented work of Russian artisans, masters and artists. Inspired by the speeches of democratic deputies of the Commission, this note was at the same time directed against the Russian cosmipaling nobility.

Articles from "Drone" for 1770

After the release of all magazines "generation" of 1769, Novikov is the only one, despite the persecution, is decided to continue the edition of the "drone". In terms of the bold publisher, there was an intention to continue first of all its satirical activities and the presentation of its educational views. The last intention to a certain extent was able to implement in the article printed in the first two issues of the magazine called "in the New Year new happiness". This article is an attempt by Novikov to systematically state the educational ideas about human happiness, about the public responsibilities of a person. The views of Novikov this pore characteristic and educational weakness and noble limitations are also peculiar. In the subsequent Novikov, it will be able to overcome many features of their class limitations (see the introductory article). Here the limitance and weakness of the worldview of the Russian educator also affected them in the preservation of the estates of Russia's estates, and in the desire to give moral instruction, and in fear to touch the principle of serfdom. Therefore, wishing happiness to all classs, he wishes to meet no liberty, but only that the landowners have fulfilled their duties before them and there were "fathers" by them and there was a formula that characterizes the view of Novikov this pore: "So that your landowners have your fathers, and You are their children. " Satira Novikov failed to implement on the pages of the "drone" of 1770 - the cause of continuous police persecution, which was subjected to the magazine. As a result, it is not in the journal of Satira on the power and noble owners. That in the intention of Novikova was to concern exactly these two topics, we learn from two articles. Thus, in the article printed in the sixth sheet, it was reported that the letter of the Truth (the Chief Humanist with Catherine II in 1769) will not be printed precisely because it hurts "all sorts of things." In the eighth sheet, the readers were promised an essay of a young traveler, apparently devoted to the topic of serfdom. But this essay was also not printed. It is important to note that something that could not be printed in the "Trutne" of 1770, Novikov will carry out in their subsequent journals: in the "emptyale" will give an evaluation of "all sorts of all", in the "painter" will print an essay of the "travel passage". B. abouttheorest part of Novikov's writings in the "Trutne" of 1770 is devoted to the topic of enrolling the magazine by the government. From the room in the room prints new, so-called letters to the editor and the answers to them, the content of which was a message about the next persecutions, which the publisher undergoes. "Parting, or the last farewell with the reader" completes this cycle of articles. The tip of this satire is directed again against the government, against Catherine, against its false-liberal policy. So in the new conditions of Novikov managed to send satire against Catherine, showing the real example of a police persecution of his magazine, what the price of the legend seems to be an enlightened character of Russian autocracy.

Publisher "Drone" - Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818)


- epigraph magazine on the title page: "They work, and you are their work." taken from the parable of Sumoros "Beetles and Bees". And reveals the main ideological focus: opposition of gentlemen and serfs, landowners and peasants.

- "Truta" - TUNADETS landowners, Robbing serfs working on them. Novikov explained that the name is according to his vice, i.e. lazing that he will write a little and will print the letters sent to him, writings and translations.

- half alarmed with "all sorts of"(For example, about the essence of satire), especially for political topics

In their notes in the "Trutne" of novikov reveals the essence of the political game Catherine IIExplaining the reader the reactionality of the issuer magazine ("all sorts of all"), which extends a vote and politically insolvent legend about the "enlightened" character of autocracy.

Novikov was convinced that only the Satire, which written "on the face" may be effective. In the preface, the "drone" of Novikov speaks of his main intention - to correct the morals, seeing the possibility of it in the publication of the work "there is noctile, critical and other, to the correction of employees of employees."

Novikov knew how to affect public ulcers, to hurt the sick side of social life to make them more tangible and try to fix. He did not encroach on the basics of the monarchy, did not think about the destruction of serfdom, but they sought to stop the abuse of them and sympathized with the position of the peasants.

In the preface of Novikov, in a joking tone, he calls himself a lazy flavor, unable to service, and also draws a picture of all types of state activities: "Military service seems to me a lot of restless and oppressing humanity. Breakdown. The court of all restful, and the science of pretending should know. "

In the journal (for the first time on a scale in Russia) peasant theme is revealed. Novikov openly declared that he sympathize with the fortress people, and condemned the Lords, mocked by people subject to them. Materials "Drone" with satire showed full Legal Wife of Peasants And they made it clear that the question of the position of the peasantry in Russia has the most important statehood. For the first time, the questions of serfdom were affected by "all sorts of all". However, no one offered to cancel him or find a way to help serfs, the author only states the situation.

Novikov creates a number of satirically sharp, social portraits of crucial, ignorant landowners. This is a snake, Zlorade, feudless, selflessness, recklessness, etc., suffering from vanity, greedy, borestip and other vices.

Novikov terribly worried questions: "Why do I need me?" And "What is my benefit for society?". He answered that without good to live - be a burden for everyone. And to provide a service, it can only edition of other people's work (i.e. magazine). So, he refused the service career and took up the collection of "satirical, critical and others to correcting the morals of employees" materials of other authors.

Novikov satirically describing noble morals, especially sharply opposed against passion for a foreign and contempt for Russian (What was a very noticeable phenomenon in the highest society of that era).

The theme of the Satira "Drone" was not limited to the struggle with "all sorts of all". "Drone" sharply militantly to Lucchychimita, a hypogly, ignorance, the external Europeanization of the nobility, falsely understood the upbringing and education of the nobility, considering these problems as social problems. In the "Trutne" there was news about the "young Russian piglery, who traveled for someone else's land for enlightening his mind and returned already a very swing."

The articles of the "drone" depicts a group of shorts and scoops: daffodils, misfortunes, highlights infected with all foreign, despising their country and their language. Novikov sees the reason for this in bad upbringing.

In one of the rooms "Drone", released on May 5, was published letterwho spoke that bribes flourish in the courts and that on the voivodeship can be quite well. In a letter, Uncle advises the nephew to enter the "Ordering Service", i.e. Become an official. "If you think that she is not liquefied according to the current decrees, so you are, my friend, mistaken. True, in the current times against the former will not come and the tenth lobe, but with all the years in a dozen you can nourish good villages. " Uncle writes that on arrival at the voivodship, he increased the number of his peasants from 60 to 300 and it would be forgotten if I "Mind" with him there was a prosecutor.

Drone "criticized the preaching of" phonastication "and" condescension "to human vices, calls to express the vice, and not its specific media, which have printed in the journal" Everybody ". Novikov under the pseudonym of the truth This is ridiculed by: "They say that the weaknesses of man are ordinary and that they must cover with humans; Consequently, they shifted caftan from humanity; But such people are a good manifestation of physical people. In my opinion, more personitizing the one who corrects the defects than the one who inhibits it or potak. Loving money is the same weakness. Why a weak person is excavated to take bribes and enriched with robbery ... In short, I, both in weakness, and in the vice I don't see any good or distinction. Weakness and vice, in my opinion, all one, and the lawless business is different. " And further: "Mrs. Everything wrote that the fifth sheet of drone destroys. And it is somehow said not in Russian; Destroy, that is, to turn into nothing, there is a word, self-rally, and so belligers, like her sheets, no power is decent. " "Drone" reproached to the empress in the poor knowledge of the Russian language, pretending that he did not know who was rewritten and argued.

In one of the numbers "Drone" of Novikov placed lETTER NIROSERDOVA (supposedly) who spoke in support of the magazine. ORDERS warns the publisher: in the court circles, they believe that the author of the "drone" is not in his sits down Sani and completely writes about noble people. ORDRADOVA transfers a direct threat to the offended by the New Soviest Lord. "Write satires to the nobles," says ORUSERD, "on the boss, on ordinary, judges, the conscience of their own, and on all vicious people." I will warn readers about Physosherdov Novikov, from where the magazine can expect trouble, but did not charge the tone of satire and did not stop attacking noble people.

- in 1770 "Drone", the scientific experience of the literary and political struggle, had to be somewhat remove the sharpness of their attacks and satirical performances. The reason for this weakening of the tone of Novikov pointed out new epigrafe magazine: "It is dangerous instruction strictly, where the atrocities and madness are a lot" (Again the strings of Sasharov).

Novikov emphasized the forcedity of such a change of tone. He published several letters of readers who expressed discontent with the weakening of the magazine satire. The popularity of the magazine has fallen sharply, and in the 17th issue of Novikov declared the termination of the publication.

In the final sheet, he wrote: "Against the desire of my reader, I solve you; The circumstances of my and your ordinary greed to the news, and after the disgust, the reason. " Summing up, it can be said that Novikov, of course, nassed on the head on top, and the shop had to urgently cover. But he performed his goal, because i achieved the closure of the magazine Ekaterina II "all sorts of little" And the need disappeared to prevent it bad influenceto society ( NO, WTF? What is the "harmful effect"?).

what is the same, according to Tolstoy, the reason for this event? Tolstoy leads the views of historians.

But neither one of them does not agree. "Any individual reasons taken or a number of reasons are represented by us ... the same erroneous in its insignificance in comparison with the scale of the event ...". A huge, terrible phenomenon - war, should be born as "huge" cause. Tolstoy does not take place to find this cause. He says that "the more smartly we try to explain these phenomena in nature, the more they become no more understandable for us."

But if a person cannot know the laws of history, it means that he cannot affect them. Man is an insolvent of sand in the historical stream. But in what borders a person is still free? "There are two sides of life in every person: life is personal, which is freer than his own interests, and the life of a spontaneous, where a person inevitably performs the laws offered to him." This is the clarifting of those thoughts, in the name of which the novel was created: a person is free to act as he wants to act, but "the perfect act is not to return, and the action of it, coinciding over time with millions of other people's actions, will have historical meaning." Napoleon himself sincerely did not want war, but he is a slave of history - gives all the new orders who accelerate the beginning of the war.

Napoleon is confident in his right to rob and confident that bad values \u200b\u200bare his legitimate property. The admiring deification was surrounded by Napoleon. He is accompanied by "admiring people", he puts the pylon tube on the back of the "happy group that ran up." Here ruins one general mood. The French army is also some kind of closed "world." In the people of this world their common desires, joy, but this is a "erroneous general", because it is based on a false, robbing aspirations, on the misfortunes of something else in common. The involvement of this general pushes on stupid actions, turns human society in herd.

Fascinated by a single thirst for enrichment, thirst for robbery, losing the inner will, soldiers and officers of the French army sincerely believe that Napoleon leads them to happiness. And he, even more the slave of history than they, considers themselves to be God, since "for him there was no new conviction that the presence of him at all ends of the world ... the same strikes and introduces people into crazy self-reliance." People tend to create idols, and idols easily forget that they did not create a story, and the story created them. Tolstoy puts Napoleon in one row with Anatola Kuragin. For Tolstoy, these are people of one party - the egoists, for which the whole world is concluded in their "I".



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