Internal and external conflict in the tragedy Hamlet. Hamlet Prince Tragic Conflict

Internal and external conflict in the tragedy Hamlet. Hamlet Prince Tragic Conflict

The Hamlet's Shakespeare tragedy was written almost three hundred years ago, but the interest in it does not fade and today, on theatrical scenes of the whole world, new productions of this play periodically appear. Researchers of Shakespeare's creativity claim that there is no in the history of the art of another example of such a long and resistant popularity. People of various nationalities of each generation are looking for answers to the questions that worry them. Such a constant interest in the tragedy can be explained by the philosophical depth and humanistic inspiration of this work. The mastery of the great playwright, which in artistic images embodied universal problems.

The central image in the Shakespeare tragedy is the image of Hamlet. From the very beginning, the play is clear the main goal of Gamletta - revenge for the cruel killing of his father. In accordance with the medieval ideas, this is the responsibility of the Prince, but Hamlet is a humanist, he is a man of new time and his refined nature does not accept cruel revenge and violence.

Before making a decision, he always plays, reflects on whether anything in the cruel world will change after the death of Claudia. Hamlet sees around himself only meanness and deceit: the mother betrayed the memory of the Father and married his killer; Friends betrayed Hamlet and help the new king-criminal. Disappointed in his own love, the prince remains very lonely. The tragic shade acquire his reflections on the appointment of a person (the scene in the cemetery). Hamlet believes that a person is too weak creature to alone to withstand the world evil. The events of the tragedy are unfolded in such a way as if confirmed by these thoughts of the main character: an innocent Ophelia dies, and evil continues to remain unspecified. Hamlet can no longer put up with such injustice, but does not have enough forces to fight evil. He is sure that by becoming a killer, he will go to the dark side of evil and only will strengthen it. The author gives the hero a few opportunities to destroy Claudia. When the king prays alone, the Hamlet accidentally turns out and has a favorable opportunity for revenge, but does not decisive step. Claudius prays and asks for forgiveness for his sins, death during prayer meant full vacation of sins and, it was believed that the soul of a person would immediately fall into paradise. Killing Claudia in this minute, Hamlet would have forgiven him all the evil caused, and this could not do this. The prince is experiencing a complex spiritual struggle between a sense of debt and its own beliefs. It comes to the conclusion that the whole world is a prison, where there is no place for human virtues, and everyone is doomed to loneliness.

The monologues of the main character reveal the heavy inner experiences that it is experiencing. Constantly reproaching herself in idleness, Hamlet is trying to understand whether he is capable of a decisive act. The prince even thinks about suicide, but the idea that the same problems expects the same problems in the past world, stops Hamlet. He poses a question: "To be or not to be?" As a result, the prince understands that it is simply obliged to "be" and act. The playwright consistently shows the development of the nature of his hero. In the final, the works of the king killer punished, but this does not happen by the will of Hamlet, but as a result of the coincidence. Hamlet pretends insane and it is not by chance: after the prince understood, only a very strong person may not go crazy. The striking force of the image of Hamlet is not in its actions, but in his feelings that the reader is experiencing with him. Shakespeare in his tragedy raises serious philosophical problems: why does a person cannot achieve absolute happiness and harmony, which is the meaning of a person's life, is it possible to beat evil on earth and others. The final answers to these questions are impossible. But Shakespeare believes in a person, in his ability to create good and thereby, to resist evil. This faith is the way to answer all the questions.

All the life of Hamlet has passed before us, although the work covers only a few months. During this short term, the hero is converted from a boy who never came across the real blackness of life, in the young man's philosopher, ready for decisive actions. A few strokes the author depicts a portrait of Hamlet as he was before the emergence of serious problems in his life. Hamlet - Prince Danish, heir to the throne, a student of the best university, his life does not overshable. Hamlet is familiar with science, literature, art, writes poems and knows the rules of the stage formulation. As it was, there was a real man of that time, Hamlet perfectly owns a sword. The prince is a real humanist and thinker, he has a sharp mind and could be a good ruler.

Like the real son of his father, Hamlet must defend the honor of the family and kill Claudia, who was pleased with the brother king. The trouble of Gamlet is that he is not solved to stand on the path of evil to bring revenge to the end. The mental doubts torment him constantly, and he decides to bring evil "on clean water." For this, Hamlet is satisfied with the idea, hoping that the killer is repent. But the king is confident that no one is guessed about his sin. He repents alone with himself, and the Hamlet loses a convenient moment, and the killer flies intrigue already against him. The prince's determination manifests itself when he kills Polonia, having accepted him for the king, and then chokingly sends to the death of traitors of Guillanttern and Rosencrana. Only Claudia Prince, for some reason it is not solved to take revenge.

Hamlet thinks not only about personal revenge for the killing of his father, but also to deal with evil, which is of world nature.

Hamlet - a man of his era having a forked character. He understands that a person is a decoration of nature and the crown of everything alive on earth, but, on the other hand, a person is a lowland creature, which is not far from animals. The prince does not believe in the existence of the other world. It is able to act, and acts, doubtful and remorse. Hamlet is ready for revenge, but it is not solved to commit it, and his inaction is the cause of the death of other people. Perhaps, it is thanks to such people like Hamlet, a person continues to be perfect creation, always in finding truth and answers to complex living questions.

Updated: 2012-04-18

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Lesson number 98.

Grade 9 Date: 05/16/2017

Theme lesson: W. Schepir. Word about the poet. "Hamlet" (review with reading individual scenes.) Humanism of the Renaissance. The universal value of the heroes of Shakespeare. Loneliness of Hamlet in his conflict with the real world of "loosened century."

Objectives lesson:

    give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life and work of W. Waxpiera, reveal the main theoretical concepts: tragedy, conflict (external and internal), eternal image; Disassemble the content of tragedy fragments;

    improve the skills and skills of analyzing a dramatic work, the ability to follow the development of the character of the hero, to identify the main problems that the author puts in the text;

    attach students to the classics of world literature; Relieve respect for universal values.

Type of lesson: combined.

Equipment: portrait of shakespeare, visual material, presentation, video footage to the lesson.

During the classes


Teacher's introductory word

Definition of the lesson, goal

Today we will talk about the work of the Great English writer V. Shakespeare. I would like to begin with the words A.V. Lunacharky about this writer: "... he was in love with life. He sees it like that, like no one before him and after him did not see: he sees scary wide. He sees all evil and good, he sees the past and a possible future. He deeply knows people, the heart of every person ... And always, - whether he looks in the past, or expresses the present, or creates his own type, from his heart, - everything lives in full life. "

The correctness of the words of words we find in the analysis of the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" and make sure that, indeed, his works give birth to the sensations of life completeness.

Unfortunately, we know about the life of V. Sispera less than I would like, for in the eyes of contemporaries, he was not at all such a great man, how his subsequent generations were recognized. There were no diaries, nor letters, no memories of contemporaries, not to mention any detailed biography. All we know about Shakespeare is the result of long and thorough research of scientists starting from the XVIII century. But this does not mean that the Personality of Shakespeare is completely hidden from us.

the student presents a report on the biography and work of Shakespeare

Now that we know some facts from the biography of the writer, we turn to the tragedy "Hamlet".

But first will define with literary concepts.

Theory (Working with Terms)

Eternal image

Tragedy "Hamlet"

The word teacher

The tragedy "Hamlet" is one of the most important peaks of Shakespeare's creativity. At the same time, this is the most problematic of all the creations of the writer. This problemability is determined by the complexity and depth of the detention of the tragedy, full philosophical significance.

Shakespeare usually did not inlets the plots for his plays. He took the plots already taking the literature and attached to them dramatic treatment. He updated the text, several modified the development of the action, deepened the characteristics of the acting persons, and as a result, only the plot scheme remained from the initial intention, but with a new acquired meaning. So it was with the "Hamlet".

History of the plot of tragedy (student message)

The prototype of the hero was the semi-fine prince of amlet, whose name is found in one of the Icelandic Sag. The first literary monument, which tells Saga about Mesti Amlet, belonged to Peru of the medieval Danish chronicle of SanSon Grammar (1150-1220).A brief retelling of the history of Prince Amlet.

Such is the true story, which was taken Shakespeare as a basis.

It should be noted thatmAIN CHANGE that Shakespeare made an ancient legend in the plot of an ancient legend, it was that he set up over all plexuspersonality of hero who seeks to understand why a person lives and what is the meaning of its existence.

The main question of the lesson

What is the meaning of the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet"?

Are the problems affected in the tragedy currently?

Work with text

Let's start with the fact that the basis of the dramatic composition is the fate of the Danish prince.

Its disclosure is constructed in such a way that each new step of action is accompanied by some change in the position or intricacies of the Hamlet.

- When will the Hamlet appear before us?

What is his first speech about?

The first words of the hero opens the depth of his grief; No external signs are able to convey what happens in his soul.

- Analysis of the first monologue. What is the monologue? Why does Hamlet say that he has fallen the whole world? Because of which? Only because of the death of the father?

- What is the lattice of the tragedy?

1. The physical and moral death of a person (death of the father and the moral drop in the mother).

2. Meeting Hamlet with a ghost.

The first monologue opens up the characteristic feature of Hamlet - the desire to summarize individual facts. There was only a private family drama. For Hamlet, however, it turned out to be enough to make a generalization: life - "This is a brown garden, which is fruitful one seed; Wild and evil in it rules. "

So, 3 facts shook the soul:

    Father's sustainable death;

    The place of his father on the throne and in the heart of the mother took unworthy compared to the deceased person;

    Mother changed the memory of love.

From the ghost, Hamlet learns that the death of the father is the work of Claudia's hands. "Murder is vigorously in itself; But it is vigorous all and all inhuman "(1d, 5 yawl.)

Gnussen - Since the brother killed his brother and his wife changed her husband, the closest to each other in the blood, people turned out to be worst enemies, from here - the rotor corrosive the most foundations of human life ("inflicted something in the Danish state").

Thus, Hamlet learns that evil is not a philosophical abstraction, but a terrible reality, located next to him, in people closest in blood.

- How do you understand the words "eyelid ocked"?

Violated the eternal foundations of life (life was before the other and evil did not reign in it).

-Why the task assigned to him is perceived by him as a curse?

The task of personal revenge Hamlet makes the restoration of the entire destroyed moral world order.

Before you begin to live truly, as a person applies, he should also first arrange life so that it meets the principles of humanity.

- So what appears to us Hamlet at the beginning of the tragedy?

Truly noble. This is a person who first faced evil in his life and the whole soul felt how terrible it is. Hamlet is not reconciled with evil and intends to fight him.

- What is the conflict of tragedy? What is the external and internal conflict?

External - Prince and Low Evening Wednesday of the Dankey Court + Claudius.

Inner - spiritual struggle of the hero.

- Why does Hamlet declares himself insane? Is his madness only feigned or is it really going crazy?

Hamlet is a man who felt the exhausted to all his being, and the shock, experienced, undoubtedly brought him out of spiritual equilibrium. He is in the state of the deepest confusion.

- Why didn't the Hamlet act right after the task of revenge?

- Determine the climax of the tragedy.

Monologue "be or not to be ..." (3d, 1 yawl.)

So what is the question ("What is noble in spirit?")

The shock deprived him for some time the ability to act.

He had to make sure to what extent could be trusted by the words of the ghost. To kill the king, it is necessary not only to make sure of his guilt, but also convince others.

Scene in the scene "-" Mousetrap ".

What is the value of this scene?

It is necessary to act accordingly with the highest concept of humanity.

The question is "to be or not to be?" closes the question "to live or not live?"

Before Hamlet, death appears in all its painful tangibility. It arises fear of death. Hamlet reached the highest limit in his doubts. So. He is solved on the struggle, and the threat of death becomes real for him: he understands that Claudius will not leave a person who will challenge him in his face.

"Why doesn't the Hamlet kill Claudia when he prays into one of the gallery of the palace?"

    Prayer cleans the soul of Claudia (the father died without his scape of sins).

    Claudius stands on her knees back to Hamlet (violation of the principles of noble honor).

- What is the trust of the tragedy? What are we seeing Gamlet?

Now we have a new hammlet, who does not know the former disadvantage; His inner calm is combined with a sober understanding of the disorder between life and ideals. Belinsky noted that the Hamlet under the end again acquires sincere harmony.

He painfully meets his death. His last words: "Next - silence." Hamlet's tragedy began with the death of his father. She opened in him the question: what is death. In the monologue "to be or not to be ..." Hamlet admitted that mortal sleep could be a new form of human existence. Now he has a new look at death: he is waiting for a dream without awakening, for him with the end of the earthly existence of a person's life stops.

- So what is the tragedy consist of Hamlet?

The tragedy is not only that the world is terrible, but in the fact that he must rush into the bunch of evil, in order to fight him. He is aware that himself is far from perfection, his behavior discovers that evil, reigning in life, to some extent in the ink and it. The tragic irony of life circumstances leads Hamlet to the fact that he, speaking by Avenger for the dead Father, also kills Laerta's father and Ophelia, and Lahert twist him.

The results of the lesson. Reflection

- What is the main problem of the tragedy, its main question?

(Presentation of students)

In the work we can talk about the problem of revenge and queuy.

In the center of the tragedy is the question of , embodied in the whole figure of Hamlet. The solution to this question is primarily connected with the person himself, with his ability to become his ideal himself.

The gamlet shows the image of a person who, passing through incredible suffering, acquires the degree of courage, which corresponds to the humanistic ideal of the person.


What would you say Hamlet if they met him?

(Possible discussion of students)

Depth of the conflict in the play W. Shakespeare "Hamlet"

In a broad sense, the conflict should be called that system of contradictions, which organizes an artistic work into a certain unity, the struggle of images, social characters, ideas that are deployed in each work - in epic and dramatic and fully and fully, in lyrics - in primary forms.

This is the basis of the story building, the collision of the contradictions transmitting the author's thought. When the dramatic situation arises, the character is forced to act: his deeds drives his will, his interests. Drama usually face opposite will and interests. Opposite goals, in the struggle for which the characters are manifested. The conflict forms the plot, it is the content of the scenario and its main driving force, its motion potential. On it, the plot, characters, peripetics arise.

The concept of conflict in itself is sufficiently diverse. In the tragedy, you can talk about the conflict from different positions: in the sense of the external opposition of characters - Hamlet and his opponent of Claudia, Gamlet and Laert.

You can talk about the internal conflict in the Hamlet itself, about the internal struggle of its contradictory aspirations.

Conflict - there is an integral moment in each pilot (and often lathe, for example, lyrical), and the moment is completely inevitable; The social practice of any social group seems to be a continuous dialectical movement from some social contradictions arising on its paths to others, from one social conflict to another. Allowing these contradictions, aware of them, "a public person reproducing his feelings and thoughts in artistic creativity," thereby reproduces its contradictory relations to the controversial objective reality and allow them.

Any artistic work seems primarily a dialectical unity - unity of contradictions. Thus, it is always conflict, there is always a certain social conflict and personal conflict.

Conflict conscience in tragedy:

Hamlet - a person who shifted in the humanism, who for the sake of finding out the truth has to take a step back, to medieval concepts about "conscience" and "country, from where no one returned." Conscience, like humanism, has become modern for us, changing, expanding its initial content. It is already very difficult for us to imagine how the same word was perceived by Shakespeare's audience, denoting for her, first of all, the fear of afterwarding the punishment for her earthly acts, the very fear of which the new consciousness sought to be freed.

"So all of us conscience turns into cowards" - the old Russian translation of the famous Hamletovsky replica is still the most faithful, from a historical point of view. After all, the same, Shakespeare speaks not only Hamlet, but at least one of the hired killers in Richard III: she, "conscience" (this weller argues), "makes a man with a coward." And before making an evil case, he is waiting until he has a "conscience" calm down, will pass, like a nonsense. 11 Shakespeare W. Comedy, Chronicles, Tragedy: In 2 T. - T. 1. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2001. - 784 p.

Hamlet does not pass this conflict of conscience, and this is his tragedy. The tragedy is that nothing else other than once and forever repelled dependence on other, inhuman authority, it does not find for support and action, in order to put the "dislocated joints" of the era. One era has to be judged by the standards of another, who has already passed the era, and this, on Shakespeare, is unthinkable.

Hamlet more than once during the play had the opportunity to show Claudia. Why, for example, he does not hit when Claudius prays alone? Therefore, the researchers have established that in this case, according to the ancient beliefs, the soul of the killed would go straight to the paradise, and Hamlet needs to send it to hell. In fact of the matter! Be on the site of Gamlet Laert, he would not have missed the case.

"Both lights are condominated for me," he says. For Gamlet, they are not condominous, and this is the tragedy of his position. The psychological generation of Hamletovsky consciousness is historical: its reason is the dual state of the "contemporary", in the consciousness of which the votes suddenly spoke and the forces of other times began to operate.

Before the task of restoring justice in Gamlet, there is not one hamlet, but at least two young, as he himself, people: Laert and Fortinburg. Shakespeare thus relief, relatively denotes the problem. Those two act, in contrast with the Hamlet, guided by direct belief, truly by his will. In particular, Laherta, an exemplary young man of his time, no sanctions are required, except for sons of love and a sense of duty to take revenge on his father. Do not intervene the king of Claudius, he would give an ambulance abrasion over the killer. And the Hamlet "conscience" is looking for moral and spiritual support in the same place, from where he received the news of the treacherous murder of his father.

Before the duel with Laererth, Hamlet is afraid of him, saying:

Although I'm not yellow and not increasing,

but something is dangerous in me,

what a wise wise. Hands off! 11 Shakespeare W. Comedy, Chronicles, Tragedy, Coll. In 2 t. - T. 2 - M., Ripod Classic, 2001 - pp. 263.

Hamlet has its own ethics of revenge. He wants Claudius to find out what Kara is waiting for him. For Hamlet, genuine revenge is not a physical murder. He seeks to excite in Claudia the consciousness of his guilt. All the actions of the hero are devoted to this goal until the scene "Mousetrap". Hamlet seeks to make the clawdies of the consciousness of his crime, he wants to show the enemy first inner torments, the flour of conscience and only then put a blow so that he knew that his punishment was not only Hamlet, and the moral law, all-in-law.

Fucking the sword hidden behind the curtain Polonia, Hamlet says:

That before him

Then I will mourn; But heaven was ordered

I have revealed me and me,

So that I become sculpting them and rug.

Conflict nature of man and his behavior:

According to Shakespeare, the nature of a person is inexpressible from good. And the origins of the tragedy writer sees in the discrepancy between the nature of man and his behavior. This conflict Shakespeare has been most fully and pronounced in one of the most significant tragedies "Hamlet".

Every time I experienced the situation and the problems of this tragedy in a new way. For almost four centuries, she served humanity with a mirror in which each generation examined her face. And every time this face was different. Keeping your rigorous suit, the Danish prince appeared fervently, then sluggish, then humane, then cold.

Hamlet is not a narrow household image, but a character, filled with tremendous philosophical and vital content. In the image of Gamlet with a certain force, the state is expressed that it was typically for a variety of people of Shakespeare's era.

This is so recalls the former Gamlet Ophelia: "The gaze of the Velmazby, the sword of the soldier, the language of the scientist." 11 Shakespeare W. Comedy, Chronicles, Tragedy, Coll. In 2 t. - T. 2 - M., Ripod Classic, 2001. - P. 197.

The conflict of power and a chance that has a social overtone:

From the first appearance of Ophelia, the main conflict of its fate is marked: the Father and Brother require it to abandon her love for Hamlet.

"I will give you an obedient Mr." - answers Ophelia Polonia. So immediately detects the absence of her will and independence. Ophelia ceases to accept the letters of Hamlet and does not allow him to himself. With the same humility, she agrees to meet with the Hamlet, knowing that their conversation will be eaten by the king and polonium:

I was informed that very often

Hamlet began to share his leisure your leisure.

Polonia was conveying about the meetings of the Prince with his daughter. He is spying for her, as well as his son, and here in such an atmosphere there is love of Ophelia to Hamlet. This feeling is immediately trying to prevent.

The love of Ophelia is her trouble. Although her father is an approximate king, his minister, nevertheless, she is not royal blood and therefore not even equal to his beloved. It is all the frets and father and father.

Conflict of life and death in the tragedy:

Another topic with more power arises in the play - the beaches of all things. Death reigns in this tragedy from beginning to end. She begins with the appearance of the ghost of the dead king, during the action he dies Poloniyi, then sink Ophelia, go to the faithful death of Rosencranc and Guildenzen, dies the poisoned Queen, Laerthus dies, the Hamlet's blade finally reaches Claudia. Hamlet himself, who became the victim of the cunning of Laert and Claudia.

It is the most bloody of all the tragedies of Shakespeare. But Shakespeare did not strive to hit the consciousness of the audience the history of murder, departure from the life of each of the characters is of its particular importance. The fate of Gamlet is most tragic, since in his image the true humanity, connected to the power of the mind, finds the most vivid embodiment. Accordingly, such an assessment his death is depicted as a feat in the name of freedom.

Hamlet often speaks of death. Already soon after the first appearance in front of the audience, he gives rise to a casual thought: life has become so disgusting that he would commit suicide if it was not considered a sin. He reflects on death in a monologue "to be or not to be?". Here the hero is worried about the secret of death: what is it - or the continuation of the same flour, which is full of earthly life? Fear of unknown, before this country, from where no traveler did not return, often makes people evade the struggle from the fear to get into this unknown world.

Hamlet focuses on the thoughts of death when, attacked by stubborn facts, and in doubts, it cannot still strengthen the thought, in a rapid flow all around moves, and not for having to cling to, not even visible Savominki.

In the monologue of the third act ("to be or not to be"), the Hamlet clearly defines a dilemma, in front of which it stands:

.... Became

Prachas and arrows of fierce fate

Il, breaking on the sea sink, fight them


These words once again confirm the internal struggle of Gamlet with himself, reflexion.

The moral conflict of the hero with society in the tragedy:

The case of Revenue is postponed, fades in front of the deepest questions about the fate of the century, about the meaning of life that stand in front of the gamlet in full swing.

To be - for Hamlet, it means to think, believe in a person and act in harmony with his beliefs and faith. But the deeper he knows people, life, the more clearly sees a triumphant evil and realizes that it is powerless to crush him with such a lonely struggle.

The disorder with the world is accompanied by internal disorder. Wasy Vera Hamlet in a Man, his former ideals are crushed, demolished in a collision with reality, but he cannot donate from them to the end, otherwise he would stop being himself.

Hamlet - the person of the feudal world, called upon by the Code of honor to take revenge on the death of the Father. Hamlet, striving for integrity, is experiencing flour flour; Hamlet, rising against the world - flour prison, feels his shackles. All this gives rise to intolerable sorrow, mental pain, doubt. It is no better to finish all the suffering. Go away Die.

But Hamlet rejects the thought of suicide. But not for long. After the mission was accomplished, the hero was dying, the burden, which he could neither demolish it, nor reset. Which proves that Hamlet itself is not able to live in this society, can not resist him. Revenge took all his strength.

Vittenberg University student, all who went to science and reflections, held away from the court life, Hamlet suddenly opens such parties to life, which he had not yet and did not dream. With his eye, the paddle falls. Even before he made sure in the villain murder of his father, he opens the horror of the impermanence of the mother, who came out of the secondarly married, "not having time to wear the shoes", in which the first husband buried the horror of the incredible fallace and the depravity of the entire Danish courtyard (Poloniy, Guildrester and Rosencran , Lakes and others). In the light of the moral weakness of the mother, it also becomes clearly the moral impotence of Ophelia, who, with all her spiritual purity and love for Hamlet, is not able to understand him and help him, as it believes in everything and will obey the incorrect Intrigan - his father.

All this is generalized by the Hamlet in the picture of the spoilness of the world, which seems to him the "gardening weeds". He says:

"The whole world is a prison, with many shutters, dungeons and dungeons, and Denmark is one of the worst." Hamlet understands that the case is not in the very fact of the murder of his father, but that this murder could have come true, to remain unpunished and bring their fruit killer only thanks to the indifference, the connivance and the pleasant of all others. Thus, the whole courtyard and all Denmark are provided by the participants of this murder, and the Hamlet to make revenge would have to be ever against the whole world. On the other hand, Hamlet understands that he didn't suffer from the evil spilled around him.

Hamlet is a man of philosophical thought. In some facts, he knows how to see the expression of large general phenomena; But not by itself the ability to think about his actions in the struggle, and those gloomy conclusions to which he comes as a result of reflections over all others.

In the monologue "to be or not to be?" It lists the beech, torping humanity:

Waist and mild century,

rushing strong, mocking pride,

the pain of despicable love, judges,

communication of the authorities and insult

remaining a non-ferrous merit.

If the Hamlet was an egoist, haunting exclusively personal goals, he would quickly dealt with Claudia and would return his throne. But he is a thinker and humanist, concerned about the general blessing and his feeling defendant for everyone. This is the meaning of his exclamation (at the end of the first act):

The age loosened; and most

What I born to restore it!

Such a task is unbearable, according to Gamlet, for him.

The duty to take revenge for the killing of the father for Hamlet is not just a blood revenge. She grows to him in the public debt of the struggle for the right thing, in a large and difficult historical task:

There was a connection of times, and in this hell I am abandoned, so that everything goes to the way!

Thus, in the tragedy of Shakespeare Hamlet, we find a variety of options for the conflict of the main character, secondary characters who closely intertwined among themselves and create the unity of the overall conflict in the play, in the center of which the hero and the conflict itself as an independent character character, like a wall separating the hero from normal life.

tragedy Hamlet conflict

Probably, it will be held, even a lot of time, while the heroes of other works of world literature can somehow push, weaken my attention to the image of Shakespearean Hamlet. And no matter how much I have reread the tragedy, I will sympathize with him every time, to be captured by his mind and stubbornly look for an answer to the question, what is the tragedy of his fate. I am sure that every reader will find something in the "Gamlet", close to his heart and mind. And in the first place will always be the main thing - these are ethical problems: the struggle of good and evil, the appointment of a person on earth, the confrontation of humanism and anti-humanity. You read the play - and all the time it seems that in front of you there are peculiar scales, on both bowls of which Shakespeare puts the virtue of the shortcomings. Perhaps that is why the story of the Gamlet is, in my opinion, the image of the chain of conflicts. The most conflicts that in aggregate represent the conflict of Prince Hamlet with reality.

I would like to turn the three most weighty components of this conflict. The main thing is to fail the ugly disadvantages of the royal yard with the Humlet-Humlet. For a prince, the castle in Ellinor is a model of world evil. He understands it, and gradually his personal conflict associated with the killing of his father turns into a historical conflict. Hamlet in despair, because he opposes not only clawdies and not even evil Ellinora, but also a world evil. Therefore, before young men, the question is: "To be or not to be?" Probably, only deciding it, Hamlet is able to respect himself as a person:

Be or not to be - that's what is the question.

What is noble? Obey fate

And pain from sharp arrows to endure her

Or, faced in the heart with a disaster sea,

Put the edge to him? Fall asleep

And that's it. (...)

It is from here, I think the second component of the Hamlet conflict with reality arises: a protest, striving for the fight against evil, to deal with its own powerlessness. The power of the surrounding evil is stronger than the honesty and decency of the hero. To overcome it, Hamlet must first destroy purely human feelings: love (gap with Ophelia), related relationship (gap with mother), sincerity (game in crazy), honesty (the need to lie to everyone, with the exception of Horatio), humanity (Hamlet Polonia kills, Larat, Claudia, arranges the death penalty of the Rosenraman and Guildenster, becomes the cause of the death of Ophelia and Gertruda).

Hamlet erects through his humanity, but we see that he neglects it not at his own request. And we understand: this is another component of the tragic conflict of the Danish Prince. All his life raising high feelings in itself, he is forced to now destroy them under the pressure of the ugly reality and commit a crime. The knowledge of the man itself is - that is the tragedy of Hamlet, and not the perception of this case is the source of the character of the hero with reality.

A wise elder friend entered the Hamlet into my life, giving a worthy answer to the eternal question about the life choice. Centuries taught Shakespeare of his readers to the dignity, honor and wisdom of self-knowledge, told the tragic story about the Danish Prince, about complex philosophical and moral problems. And I am convinced that new generations just like the past and today, will be in a new way, already from our own position, reread the tragedy, discovering the existence of evil in life and determining your own attitude towards him.

A terrible crime - fratricide - arises circumstance, which served as the cause of the development of the plot. But not the events, but the reaction of Hamlet, his choice is in the center of the play, and the philosophical and ideological content are predetermined. In other circumstances, under other conditions, thinking decent people had always had to make a similar choice, as evil a lot, and every sooner or later faces his manifestations in his own life. To terms come up with evil - almost the same thing that assist him, the conscience will not solve the calmness, and life will turn into a solid suffering. Equal from the struggle, escape (after all, in this case, death becomes a kind of flight) - this will help lose the sufferings, but this is also not a way out, as the evil will continue to go better. Not by chance later, already deciding, the Hamlet is selected from Horatio Cup with poison: death is too light and not worthy of real man to overcome difficulties. But to comprehend it, he had to go through a difficult path.

Start the struggle for Hamlet is to betray your own moral principles (you have to kill your own uncle), because again moral suffering. They are also complicated by the fact that the killer, the enemy of Hamlet, is the king, the personification of power, and every action of Hamlet can affect the fate of his country. So it's not surprising that he is medleet before you start rushing. Nevertheless, the delay itself finally predetermines the death of the hero. But he could not be. Doubts and delay are natural for the character of Hamlet and for the circumstances themselves. The thoughtless choice also cannot lead to anything good, a clever person cannot do this.

"Hamlet" Shakespeare put a lot of philosophical issues before humanity. A significant part of their eternal, and every new generation of readers, discovering the literary inheritance of Shakespeare, thinks and will think after the hero of Hamlet over these philosophical problems.

Tragic conflict of Gamlet Shakespeare

Among the play of William Shakespeare "Hamlet" is one of the most famous. The hero of this drama was inspired poets and composers, philosophers and political figures. A huge circle of philosophical and ethical issues is intertwined in the tragedy with issues of public and political characterizing the unique edge of the XVI and XVII centuries. The Shakespeare Hero became a fiery expressive of those new views that brought with him the Renaissance, when the advanced minds of humanity were sought to restore not only the Milnieval Millennium understanding of the art of the ancient world, but also the confidence of a person to their own strength without hope for grace and help the sky.

Public thought, literature, the art of the Renaissance resolutely dropped medieval dogmas about the need for an hourly humility of the Spirit and the flesh, abundance from all over real, submissive expectations of the hour when a person goes to the "Outdoor World", and turned to a person with his thoughts, feelings and passions , To his earthly life with her joys and suffering.

The tragedy "Hamlet" - "Mirror", "Chronicle of the Century". In it, an imprint of time, in which not only individuals - whole nations were as it were between the hammer and anvil: behind, and in the present, the feudal relations, already in the present and ahead - bourgeois relations; There - superstition, fanaticism, here is freeness, but also the omnipotence of gold. The society has become much richer, but poverty has become more; The individual is freely, but the arbitrariness has become more free.

William Shakespeare, recognized during the last centuries the greatest genius of the West's literatures, is the playwright of the Epoch of the English Renaissance. Revival in England began later than in other European countries, and it is connected with the rule of the tudor dynasty (1485-1603). The second king of this dynasty, Heinrich VIII, in 1529 canceled Catholicism in England and proclaimed himself with the head of the Anglican Church, closed the monasteries, redistributed church property in private ownership and thereby caused the rise of a new class of small-position nobles. All this operation of the Reformation was enshrined in the rule of his daughter Elizabeth (1558-1603), in which absolutism was bloomed in the country, peace and order reigned, the nation was inspired by the desire for expansion and preparing for change and stood on the path of transformation into the world power. In the Elizabethan era, relative internal stability created the conditions for cultural lifting: new colleges were opened at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the development of a typography led to the spread of books and knowledge, after the completion of the era of civil wars at the end of the 15th century, an interest in national and world history appears again. The second half of the XVI century in England is the heyday of the arts: painting, music and especially literature.

Rubbrozh XVI-XVII centuries - the creation time in England National Theater, when all the most gifted writers of the era worked for the theater. In April 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, in the family of gloves Master John Shakespeare and his wife, Mary Arden, was born a third child, William. He graduated from the city school, where Latin was taught, grammar, logic and rhetoric. At 18, he married Anna Khatauway, and they had three children. In the late eighties, Shakespeare leaves a family in Stratford and finds himself in London, where he tries as an actor, the poet ("Venus and Adonis", 1593; "Sonnets", published in 1609) and finally becomes a staff drama Theater "Globus". In this post from 1590 to 1612, he created 36 places that make up the so-called "Shakespearean Canon". In early work, historical chronicles and comedies prevailed; From the mid-1590s, along with comedies, Shakespeare begins to write tragedy ("Romeo and Juliet", 1595). All the best Shakespeare tragedies are created in the first decade of the seventeenth century ("Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth", "Anthony and Cleopatra"). Late plays - "Winter Tale", "Storma" - with its fabulous fiction open new horizons in drama. After 1612, becoming a very wealthy person, Shakespeare retired to peace in Stratford, where he died in 1616.

Hamlet is the same as Don Quixote, the "Eternal Image", which arose on the outcome of the Renaissance almost simultaneously with other images of great individualists (Don Quixote, Don Juan, Faust). All of them embody the Renaissance idea of \u200b\u200bthe boundless personality development, and at the same time, in contrast to Montene, appreciated the measure and harmony, in these artistic images, as characterized by the literature of Renaissance, the great passions are embodied, the extreme degree of development of some one side of the personality is embodied. The extreme of Don Quixote was idealism; The extreme of Hamlet - reflection, self-analysis, paralyzing in a person's ability to action. He makes many actions throughout the tragedy: he kills Polonia, Laerta, Claudia, sends to the death of Rosencrana and Guildenster, but since he slows with his main task - revenge, it seems to impress his inaccessibility.

From the moment he learns the mystery of the ghost, a past life collapses for Hamlet. How he was before the start of action in the tragedy, can be judged by Horatio, his buddy in Wittenberg University, and on the meeting stage with Rosencran and Guiludster, when he shakes wit - until the moments are admitted that they caused Claudius. An indefinitely ambulance wedding of the mother, the loss of Hamlet-senior, in which the prince saw not just his father, but the ideal of man, explain his gloomy mood at the beginning of the plays. And when the Hamlet is faced with the task of revenge, he begins to understand that the death of Claudia will not fix the general state of affairs, because everything in Denmark quickly betrayed the oblivion of Hamlet, the older and quickly got sick with slavery. The era of the perfect people in the past, and through the whole tragedy passes the motive of Denmark-prison, asked by the words of the honest officer Marcello in the first action of the tragedy: "Missed something in the Danish kingdom" (Act I, scene IV). The Prince comes awareness of hostility, "dislocity" of the world around: "The eyelids loosened - and most of all, / that I was born to restore it" (Act I, scene V). Hamlet knows that his duty is to punish evil, but the idea of \u200b\u200bevil does not already correspond to the rectilinear laws of labor revenge. Evil for him is not coming down to the crime of Claudia, whom he ultimately punishable; The evil is dismissed in the outside world, and Hamlet is aware that one person is not able to confrontation with the whole world. This internal conflict leads him to the thoughts of the vanity of life, suicide.

The fundamental difference of Gamlet from the heroes of the preceding tragedy of revenge is that he is able to look at himself from the side, think about the consequences of his actions. The main sphere of activity of Hamlet is a thought, and the acuteness of his self-analysis is akin to the steady self-observation of Montenem. But Monten called on to introduce human life into proportionate boundaries and painted a person who occupies the average position in life. Shakespeare draws not only a prince, that is, a person standing at the highest level of society, on whom the fate of his country depends; Shakespeare, in accordance with the literary tradition, paints the naturalness of an outstanding, large in all its manifestations. Hamlet - a hero, born in the spirit of Renaissance, but his tragedy indicates that at the later stage the ideology of revival is experiencing a crisis. Hamlet takes the work of revision and revaluation not only of medieval values, but also the values \u200b\u200bof humanism, and the illusion of humanistic ideas about the world is revealed as the kingdom of limitless freedom and direct action.

The central scene line of Hamlet is reflected in a kind of mirrors: lines of two more young heroes, each of which sheds a new light on the situation of Hamlet. The first is the Laerta line, which after the death of the father falls into the same position as Hamlet after the phenomenon of the ghost. LAERR, by general opinion, "worthy young man", he perceives the lessons of common sense of polonium and acts as a carrier of the installed morality; He will twist the murderer of his father, who does not be trimmed with Claudia. The second is the forting line; Despite the fact that he belongs to a small place on stage, its value for the play is very large. Fortinbras - Prince, who took the devotioned Danish throne, hereditary throne of Hamlet; This is a person action, a decisive politician and a military leader, he realized after the death of his father, the Norwegian king, precisely in those areas that remain inaccessible Hamlet. All Fortinbress features are directly opposite to the characteristics of Laerta, and it can be said that the image of Hamlet is placed between them. Laert and Fortinbras are normal, ordinary avengers, and the contrast with them gives the reader to feel the exclusiveness of the behavior of Hamlet, because the tragedy depicts precisely exceptional, great, elevated.

"Hamlet" refers to the "Late" tragedies created by Shakespeare from 1601 to 1608. This is the second period of Creativity of Shakespeare, where he puts and resolves the great tragic problems of life, and a jet of pessimism joins his faith to life.

Almost regularly, one per year, he writes one after another his tragedies: "Hamlet" (1601), "Othello" (1604), "King Lire" (1605), "Macbeth" (1605), "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1606), "Coriolian" (1607), "Timon Athens" (1608). He never ceases to compose and comedy at this time, but all the comedies written by him during this period, with the exception of the "Windsor Muses" (1601 - 1602), no longer have the former nature of careless fun and contain such a strong tragic element that , using modern terminology, it would be convenient to call "dramas". The song "Late" tragedies is built in accordance with their storyline. At first, the hero dwells in agreement with him and its world - its natural support; Then there is a certain event that destroys this unity. Further - the hero is aware of what happened and acquires an internal support in this tragic knowledge; Finally, in the junction, he confirms (or asserts) his freedom of death. At the same time, under the "world", the hero in each tragedy is understood as something special - the familiar system of values \u200b\u200band the self-assessment associated with it ("Othello" and Macbeth); a circle of related and friendly connections ("Hamlet", "Timon Athens"); or the unity of both ("King Lire", "Coriolian").

Tragedy "Hamlet. Prince Dansk "(1601) - almost the most popular play of the world theater repertoire and at the same time - one of the most difficult for understanding classical texts.

Vittenberg University student, all who went to science and reflections, held away from court life, Hamlet suddenly opens such parties to life as he used to be "and did not dream." With his eye, the paddle falls. Even before he made sure of the villain murder of his father, he opens the horror of the impermanence of the mother, who came out of the secondary marriage, "not having time to wear the shoes", in which he buried the first husband, the horror of the incredible fallace and the depravity of the entire Danish courtyard (Poloniy, Guildrester and Rosencran , Lakes and others). In the light of the moral weakness of the mother, it also becomes clearly the moral impotence of Ophelia, who, with all her spiritual purity and love for Hamlet, is not able to understand him and help him, as it believes in everything and obeys the incorrect Intrigan - his father.

Conflict. The basis of any dramatic work is the conflict, in the tragedy "Hamlet" it has 2 levels:

1 - internal - and the Wednesday of the Danish courtyard

2-inner - internal struggle of Hamlet (father's death instead of exciting the feeling of revenge forced him to think about such things as life and death, time, eternity, insignificance, the powerlessness of the person, hate the essence of the belief - doubts of Hamlet and the need to choose There is due to the crisis of humanistic thought between the feudal formula of the fair trial of the "Eague OKO" and the Renaissance Principle of Humanistic Thought. Hamlet is not a tragedy of revenge, but the tragedy of choice between the new Renaissance type of behavior and the former feudal. The Hamlet's conflict is determined by the collision of two historical Epochs, two types of morality, two concepts of justice, two ideas about the right actions aimed at establishing world harmony.)

You can also talk about the conflict of personal and man with an epoch:

Personal - between prince Hamlet and King

Claudia, who became the wife of the prince after

the treacherous killing of Hamlet's father. Conflict

it has a moral nature: two life faces

Man and era conflict. ("Denmark Prison". "All

light rotted. ")

From the point of view of action, the tragedy can be divided into 5 parts

1 part - label, five scenes of the first action. Meet Hamlet

with a ghost that places the task of revenge on the gamlet

murder. Part 2 - Development of action flowing from the string. Hamletu

it is necessary to sleep the vigilance of the king, he pretends to be crazy.

Claudius takes measures to learn about the reasons

this behavior. As a result, the death of Polonia, Father Ofelia,

bride Prince.

3 part. Culmination, called "Mousetrap":

a) Hamlet is finally convinced of the fault of Claudia;

b) Claudius himself is aware that his mystery is revealed;

c) Hamlet reveals the eyes of Gertrude.

a) sending Gamlet to England;

b) the arrival of Fortinbrus to Poland;

c) madness of Ophelia;

d) death of Ophelia;

e) King's collusion with Laert.

5 part-junction. Duel Gamlega and Laerert Death of Gertruda, Claudia

Laerta, Hamlet. Each part corresponds to the act of tragedy