The concept of rhyme. Types of rhymes

The concept of rhyme. Types of rhymes

Rhymma - Like a game in Cubes: You can put two yellow, then two red or alternate them ... a lot of combinations.

But there are "classic" methods of rhymes, about which modern poets (in quotes and without) are sometimes forgotten, and some novice pits may have a very troubled representation about these ready-made forms.

So, Rhymma- This is the order of alternation of rhymes in verse.

Since we are talking about rhymes, do not do without the concept of "stanza".

STANZA - A group of verses with a given number of rows and the location of the rhymes, usually repeated in other such groups. In most cases, the stanza is a complete syntactic integer.

Types of stanza: Two-befeds (Distim), three-hundredths (TERTSET), quadruses (katro), five-hundredths, sixsties (sextin), seventeenth (septim), eight-grades (octave). In addition, the stable forms of stanzas are distinguished, traditionally associated with a certain genre: Balary stanza, the same stanza, Limerick, etc. The special place occupies invented A.S. Pushkin Onegin Stanza, which, in addition to the "Eugene Onegin", was written, for example, the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Tambov Treasury". There are other types of sustainable stations in poetry of different peoples.

One of the most popular stanza in Russian poetry is a katre. The katreno can use the following rhyme schemes.

1. Summage Rhymes "AABB".

So that friendship comrade is carried by waves - (a)

We are bread humpbush - and that in half! (BUT)

If the wind is avalanche, and a song - avalanche, (c)

You - half, and me - Half! (IN)

(A. Prokofiev)

2. Cross rhythm "ABAB".

Oh, there are unique words, (a)

Who told them - I spent too much, (c)

Inexhaustible only blue (a)

Heaven and Mercy of God. (IN)

(A. Akhmatova)

3. Rolling resistant (covered, encumbling) "ABBA"

He dries hops on the tune. (BUT)

For farms, on Bakhchakh, (B)

In non-jar of sunlight (B)

Blue bronze melons ... (a)

(A. Bunin)

4. Hosting Rhymma - In addition to the rhymed lines, there are unpreded.

Most often, the first and third verse is not rhyme - "AVSV". And it is possible, on the contrary, the second and fourth verse should be left without rhyme - "Avas".

NB. The Russian poets borrowed from German poetry in the XIX century. It is known that G.Gene often used this method of rhymes (his verses at the time in large quantities were translated into Russian). For example:

Bush curls on her shoulders, (a)

Like resin rivers. (IN)

From these huge clear eyes (c)

Spirit will be engaged in man. (IN)

So the idle rhyme is not a lack of poem. Read the classics, gentlemen!

In the poetry of the 20th century and modernity, such schemes are also not uncommon.

5. Mixed Rhymes (Free)- The method of alternation and mutual arrangement of rhymes in complex stanzas.

An example of a mixed rhythm (aaavav):

Is the beast in the forest with deaf, (a)

Does the horn, thunder rattles, (a)

Will the Virgo sings behind the hill - (a)

For any sound (c)

Your response in the air is empty (a)

You will give birth to suddenly. (IN)

(A.S. Pushkin)

Historically, a number of "solid stubbic forms" - sustainable stubbic schemes of poetic texts.

The solid form is an intermediate link between the standard stanza and the genre. This is a special stanza or a combination of the structure of a certain size, sometimes with a tradition established by a tradition of rhymes or orders of poems. It is often associated with a specific subject and then approaching the genre. For example, sonnet can be called a special kind of complex stanza (consisting of simple structure), and genre. The number of storage schemes include: tercins, octave, triolet, classical ballad, various types of Rondo, Limerick (in Europe), Rubai, Tank and Haiku (in Asia), etc. In Russian poetry, there are Onegin Stanza.

TERZA RIMA - A row of the TRERT with the Rhymma ABA BCB CDC ... (Dante Divine Comedy).

Earth life passing to half, (a)

I found myself in the gloomy forest, (c)

Lost the right path in the darkness of the valley. (BUT)

What was he, oh, how to say, (c)

That wild forest, dense and threatening, (c)

Whose long-time horror in memory is carried! (IN)

So he is that the death is hardly not sweeter. (FROM)

But, the benefit of it has been acquired forever, (D)

I will say about everything that I saw in this more often ... (c)

(A. Dante)

Rubai - Quarters with rhymes according to the AABA scheme:

In the cradle - baby, dead man in the coffin: (a)

That's all that is known about our fate. (BUT)

Drink a bowl to the bottom and do not ask a lot: (B)

Mr will not open the Secret to Slava. (BUT)

(Omar Khayam)

LIMERICK- Following, written most often with anapest (less often - amphibrachi or dactyl), with the Rhymma Aaavva. In Limericks3 and 4, poems have fewer stops than 1, 2 and 5.

There was an old man at the pier

Which life has depressed.

He was given Salat

And played sonata

And he fear him a little.

OCTAVE- Stroop of 8 lines with rhymeds Abababcc:

Obol - Charon: Immediately Tribute Crying (a)

My enemies. - in the courage of the reckless (c)

I want to write a novel octas. (BUT)

From harmony, from the music of their wonderful (c)

I'm crazy; I will conclude a poem

In the constrained boundaries, the measures are difficult. (IN)

Let's try, at least free our language (C)

It's not used to triple chains of octave. (FROM)

(D.S. Melezhkovsky)

TRIOLET -Inobitis with Rhymma Avaa Avab, where verses A and B are repeated as refraes.

Oh, youth, fast, (c)

One solid delusion! (BUT)

You flashed like a vision, (a)

And I'm regretted, (a)

And late wisdom snake. (IN)

You flashed like a vision, - (a)

Oh, my youth is happy! (IN)

(K. Balmont)

SONNET - Poems from 14 lines in the form of a complex stanza consisting of two katrenins (quadruple) for 2 rhymes and two tercets (three-hundred) to 3, less often - on 2 rhymes. Rhymma schemes: in the "French" sequence - ABBA ABBA CCD EED (or CCD EDE) or in "Italian" - Abab ABAB CDC DCD (or CDE CDE). "Shakespeare Sleep", or sonnet with the "English" rhythm, is built according to such a scheme: Abab CDCD EFEF GG (three mounds and final two-beeds).

For example: "You see an excellent look in the mirror ..." (U.Secpir).

Onegin Stanfa - A solid form in Russian lyrol-epic poetry, first introduced by A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Stanfa consists of 14 poems combined by constant rhymes AB AB CCDD EFF EGG.

A few more common types of rhymes.

MONORIM. -stick, built on a single rhyme - monorifle (AAAA, AA-BB-SS ...), rare Veseuropean poetry, but the widespread classical poetry of the Middle and Middle East. The monorimams include: Gazelle, Casida, Menevia, Fard ... Sample FARDA:

Then only the word in the course of these debt,

When you are sure that it will be a lot.

Panitorium (pins)- verse, in which all words rhyme rhymes.




Unclear about spring.

(V. Bryusov)

Rhymma 4 + 4 ("Square Rhymma") Production of two quarters according to the scheme: ABCD ABCD

And then the summer was forgiven

With a half-one. Removed the hat

One hundred blindly photos -

At night, she took over the thunder.

Murzala Lilac Brush. In it

Time he is narrowing an oakha

Lightning, from the fields of speech

Load the house management.

(B.L. Pasternak)

Rhymes 3 + 3 ("Triangular Rhymma") - Rhymma of two three-time among themselves according to the ABC ABC scheme.

And then I dreamed of the mountains - (a)

In snow-white robes (b)

Disposher vertices, (C)

And crystal lakes (a)

At the foot of the giant, (c)

And desert valleys ... (c)

(V. Nevsky)

In addition to the rhymed, there are various types of unimproved verses. But that is another topic.


Belokurov S.P. Dictionary of literary terms // URL:

Directory for poems // Portal "Russian rhymes". - URL:

Stroika // Lingvoculturological Thesaurus "Humanitarian Russia". - URL:

Repeating similar combinations of sounds that bind the endings of rows or symmetrically located parts of poetic lines are called rhyme. For Russian classical poems, the main sign of the rhyme is the coincidence of drums. This article describes in detail the question of which rhymes are and how they are applied.

Rhyme varieties

The word "rhyme" translated from Greek means "proportionality". Rhyme is called composite-sound repeat, sounding at the end of several poems. Rhymes can be divided into different groups according to their forms and position in the poem.

Depending on the situation, there are the following types of rhymes in the rhythm:

  • Men's - the emphasis is put on the last syllable, this is the easiest type of rhymes (for example: "My family", "Pineapple-Bas-Fas", "Board-longing").
  • The rhymes are female - the emphasis is put on the syllable, the penultimate from the end, more sounds will coincide (for example: "clay-picture", "wound plans", "foggy-strange").
  • Dactylic - the emphasis is put on the syllable, the third from the end (for example: "asks, iso," "bone-cane", "drunk-pull").

If the rhyme will end with a vowel sound, it will be open if the consonant is closed.

Rhymes differ in the nature of the sound. They are:

  • Approximate. They will match not all the sounds beginning with the last shock vowel, for example, "singer", "King-book".
  • Accurate. They coincide the last shock vowel and sounds, following him, for example, "breathes, hears-writes," again-handle. "
  • Poor;
  • Rich;
  • Dissonances;
  • Associations;
  • Tautologic;
  • Composite;
  • Running;
  • None equal to.

According to the position in the poem there are the following types of rhymes:

  • Initial;
  • Finite;
  • Internal.

According to the position of rhymes in stubborn:

  • Adjacent. Refine related poems, the first - with the second, the third one - with the fourth. If the letters indicate the lines, the rhymers will be the same. You can burn adjacent so: AABB.
  • Cross. Rhymes the first verse with the third, the second - with the fourth. Abab.
  • Owned or covered. Rhymes the first verse with the fourth, and the second - with the third. Abba
  • Woven. It has many different schemes. So, in general, the complex types of rhymes are called, for example, Abvabv or Abvoba, and so on.

Rhymma techniques

There are rhymes of speech parts, for example:

  • noun-verb: "abyss-disappearance";
  • the verb-adverb: "became a lot";
  • noun-adjective: "damn-iron";
  • noun-adverb: "Windows-stayed";
  • noun - numerical: "twice-thirst";
  • single-pretext: "Forest-without";
  • union-noun: "no days";
  • proponation-adjective: "Earth";
  • numeral-adjective: "one-unlike".

It must be said about such a reception of rhymes like a truncated rhyme. This is when, during the rhythmonization of two words at the end of the verses, one of them covers the consonance of another not completely. For example, "dull-forces", "beautiful-clear".

White is called poems that do not have rhymes at all, rhymes are inaccurate rhymes.

Rhyme Mayakovsky

She takes a special place in the Russian language technique. The Mayakovsky opened new ways of rhymes, which corresponded to the rank of its special oratoriic verse. The article on how to make poems, Mayakovsky wrote about rhyme. It was about the fact that the rhyme should return to the previous line, to force it to recall it. According to Mayakovsky, the rhyme should force all the lines that make out one thought, be together. He put the most characteristic word at the end of the line and in order to come up with a rhyme to him. Therefore, it was almost always unusable for his rhyme, in any case, before him was not used anywhere.

Now you know what rhymes are in verses, and you can try to write them yourself. We wish you good luck in creativity!

Rhyme and its varieties

Rhyme is a repetition of more and less similar combinations of sounds that bind the end of two or more rows or symmetrically located parts of the poetic lines. In Russian classical poems, the main sign of the rhyme is the coincidence of the drums. Rhyme notes the sound repeat of the end of the verse (clauses), emphasizing the firm pause, and thus the rhythm of the verse.

Depending on the arrangement of strokes in the rhyme words, the rhyme happens: men's, female, dactyl, hyperdactic, accurate and inaccurate.

Masculine rhyme

Men's rhyme with an emphasis on the last syllable in the row.

And the sea, and the storm swing our chel;

I, sleepy, was devoted to all whims of the waves.

Two infertility were in me

And I was wovenly played.

Feminine rhyme

Women - with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable in the row.

Quiet night, late summer,

As in the sky the stars raise,

How under their gloomy light

Niva dormant ripen.

Dactylic rhyme

Dactylic - with an emphasis on the third from the end of the line with a syllable, which repeats the dactile scheme - -_ _ (shock, unstressed, unstressed), with which, in fact, the name of this rhyme is connected.

Girl in a field with a snoker,

Why did you hurt a hanging branch?

Crying lips she is a morning tie,

crying everything is prettier and everything is awesome.

Hyperdactic rhyme

Hyperdactic - with strokes on the fourth and subsequent syllables from the end. This rhyme is very rare in practice. It appeared in the works of oral folklore, where the size as such is not always visible. The fourth syllable from the end of the verse is not a joke! Well, an example of such a rhyme sounds like this:

Leshe beard scratching

The stick is picked up.

Depending on the coincidence of sounds, the rhymes are accurate and inaccurate.

Rhyme accurate and inaccurate

Rhyme - repetition of more and less similar combinations of sounds in the end of poetic lines or symmetrically located parts of poetic lines; In Russian classical poems, the main sign of the rhyme is the coincidence of the drums.

(O.Sakhmanova, dictionary of linguistic terms, 1969)

Why was Nunno was wrong, arguing that "stick - herring" - also rhyme? Because he did not know that they actually rhymes are not sounds, but the phonemes (the sound is the private realization of the phoneme) (R. Skobson), which have a number of distinctive features. And sufficiently coincidence of the part of these signs so that the rhyme sound is possible. The smaller the matching signs of the phoneme, the more remotely, the "worse" consonance.

The consonants are distinguished:

1) at the place of education

2) by the method of education

4) hardness and softness

5) by deafness and bells

These signs are obviously unequal. Thus, the phonem n coincides with the phone B in all signs, except for the deafness-belling (P - deaf, b - belligent). This difference creates the rhyme "almost" accurate: the trenches - the person. The phonams P and T differ at the place of education (lifting and advanced). The trench is like - also perceived as a rhyme sound, although more distant.

The first three signs create differences in the background are more significant than the two last. It is possible to designate the difference in the phone in three first features, as two conditional units (C.); By the last two - as one. Famons, differing at 1-2 USD, consonant. Differences for 3 or more units on our rumor consonance do not hold. For example: P and G differ in three cu (Place of education - on 2, deafness-belling - by 1). And the trenches - the legs can hardly be considered in our time rhyme. Even less - the trenches are roses, where P and s differ on 4 cu. (place of education, education method).

So, we note the ranks of consonant consonants. These are, first of all, a pair of solid and soft: T - T ", K - K", C - C "and T .., but it rarely resorted to such substitutions, so from three steam rhymes" Sun "E - dew "," Sleeps - dew "and" slopes - roses "are more preferred and third options.

The replacement of deaf-bells is perhaps most common: P-B, T-D, KG, S-Z, Shd, F-in (God - deep, bends - lipah, dragonflies - braids, people - laid ).

Family (deaf formation) and B-D-g (ringing) speak well well. Appropriate two rows of fricative F-C-shh (deaf) and in-zh (ringing). X does not have a ringing analog, but well and often combined with K. Equivalent to B-B and Bh. Very productive Mr. L-P in various combinations. Soft variants of the latter are often combined with J and B (Russia [Rossii] - blue - sin - beautiful).

So, completing our conversation about the exact and inaccurate rhyme, we repeat that the exact rhyme is when vowels and consonant sounds that are part of the consonant end of the verses are mainly coincided. The accuracy of the rhyme increases from the consonance of consonant sounds, directly preceding the last shock vowels in the rhymest verses. Inaccurate rhyme is based on the consonance of one, less often - two sounds.

Rhymma systems

Previously, in the school course of literature, the basic methods of rhymes have been studied in order to give knowledge about the diversity of the situation in the stubborn of the rhyme pairs (or more) words, which should help anyone, at least once in the life of a writing poems. But everything is forgotten, and the bulk of the authors somehow does not hurry to diversify their stanza.

Related - rhymes of adjacent poems: the first with the second, the third with the fourth (AABB) (the same letters are denoted by the end of the verses).

This is the most common and obvious rhyme system. This method is suspended even to children in kindergarten and has an advantage in the selection of rhymes (the associative pair appears in the mind immediately, it is not clogged with intermediate lines). Such stanzes have greater dynamics, the fastest pace of reading.

Tashed on the lake scarlet light,

Musthary cry with the stons on Boru.

Crying somewhere tie, caught in the hollow.

Only I do not cry - on the soul light.

The next way is the cross rhythm - the soul also had to also give a large number of writing public.

Cross-rhymes of the first verse with the third, second - with the fourth (ababa)

Although the scheme of such a rhyme look like a little more complicated, but it is more flexible in the rhythmic plan and allows you to better pass the necessary mood. Yes, and such poems are learning easier - the first pair of strings as it will pull out the second from the memory, the pair rhymes with it (while at the previous way everything disintegrates into separate two-bending times).

I love the storm in early May,

When spring first thunder,

As it were, begging and playing,

Rinsing in the sky blue.

The third method is the ring (in other sources - the obscured, coverage) - already has a smaller representation in the total mass of poems.

Ring (obscured, covered) - the first verse - with the fourth, and the second - with the third. (Abba)

Such a scheme can be given to beginners somewhat more complicated (the first line as it is rubbing the subsequent pair of rhyme rods).

I looked, standing above the Neva,

Like Isaac-giant

In the mullet of frosty fog

The dome was glowing.

Finally, the woven rhyme has many schemes. This is generally the name of complex types of rhymes, for example: Abvabv, ABVBBA, etc.

Away from the sun and nature,

Away from light and art,

Away from life and love

You flas down your young years,

Live sacrificing feelings

Dreams will dispel yours.

In conclusion it is useful to note that it does not always be so tough, strictly and dogmatically stick to certain canonical forms and patterns, because, as in any form of art, there is always the original place in poetry. But, nevertheless, before throwing into the unrestrained inventing something new and not quite looked, it always does not prevent you from make sure that you are still familiar with the main canons.


Stanfa - from Greek. Strophe - turnover, circling. At the order of reefs in verses, such a complex rhythmic unit of poetic works as stored is based.

Stanfa is a group of poems with a certain arrangement of rhymes, usually repeated in other equal groups. In most cases, the stanza is a complete syntactic integer.

The most common types of stanza in the classic poetry of the past were: quatrain, octaves, tercins. The smallest of the stanza is the two-deck.

There are also stanza:






Quarters (katro) are the most common type of stanza, familiar to everyone from early childhood. Popular due to the abundance of rhyme systems.


The octava is called an eight-grade stanza, in which the first verse is rhyme with the third and fifth, second verse - with the fourth and sixth, seventh verse - with the eighth.

Octave scheme: Abababavv

At six, he was a very cute baby

And even, for the guys, Shalil;

In twelve acquired it is a kind of sad

And though good, but somehow Hil.

Inessa proudly spoke

That the method in it has changed:

The young philosopher, despite the years,

It was quiet and modest, as if from nature.

Confess to you, accounted for decorated

Do not trust the theories of Inessa.

With her spouse we were friends;

I know very complex excesses

Gives rise to an unsuccessful family

When the father is the character of the Half

And Mama Khinga. No reason

The father comes out the suggestions!


Tercines (tercets) are three-artistic stuffs with a very original rhyme method. In them, the first verse of the first stanza rhymes with the third, the second verse of the first stanza - with the first and third second stanza, the second verse of the second stanza - with the first and third third strokes, etc. Tercines ended with additional verse, rhymes with the second verse of the last three-pole.

Tercine scheme:

Black magician

When thickens darkness around

You're like a slave purpose,

Draw blood smooth circle,

Throw out miserable doubts.

You will enter it, forgetting about fear.

You will pick up the darkness of the lies.

Throw off the body, - Brenoa dust.

You are with those who stepped in darkness!

Went out lights in the eyes.

And where is your spirit, and not in hell?

(Janger Skuff Alkarito)

Onegin Stanfa

Onegin Stanza is the fourteentist strategy, created by A.S. Pushkin in the lyrol-epic poem "Evgeny Onegin".

This stanza consists of three quatrains and final two-bending. In the first quatrain, cross rhyms (ababa), in the second - adjacent (AACB), in the third - ring (Abba), the last two verses rhymes with each other. Such stanas written the whole novel (with the exception of letters of Tatiana and Onegin).

Theater is full; lodges shine;

Parter and armchairs - all boils;

In Warake, impatiently splash,

And, swaying, the curtain of the noise.

Brilliant, half-up,

Bow Magic obedient

The crowd of the nymph is surrounded,

Standing foreman; she is,

By one foot touching the floor,

Another slowly circles

And suddenly the jump, and suddenly flies,

Flies like fluff from the mouth of Eol;

Then the Stan Council, he will develop

And the rapid leg beats the leg.

Balary Stanfa

Baladnaya stanza is a stanza, in which even and odd poems consist of a different amount of stop. Used in ballads.

The most common stanzas of four even anapess stops, and three odd ones.

Queen of Britain is seriously ill,

Her days and nights are considered.

And call confessors asks she

From the native, from the French country.

But while you bring from Paris Popov,

Queen will end the end ...

And the king sends twelve nobles

Lord-Marshal call to the palace.

Either stanfish

Odic stanza is a stanza of ten poems, rhyming according to the AbababVGDDG scheme, used in the genre of solemn OD.

About you who expect

Fatherland from the depths of his

And see those wishes

What calls from the countries of others,

Oh, your days are blessed!

Dare now imprisoned

Laundry your show

What can own platonists

And rapid mind of nonsense

Russian land give birth.


Sonnet is Italian and English.

Italian Sonnet is a fourteentist poem, divided into two quatrains and two final three-hundred. In quitters, it is used or cross, or ring rhymes, and the same quarrel is the same for both. The order of alternation of rhymes in three-poles is varied.

The rhyme scheme in Italian sonnets may be, for example, as follows:

gBG or Abba

The example used the third scheme - try to determine it yourself:

Poet! Not expensive love of folk,

Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise;

You will hear the court of fool and the crowd of the crowd cold,

But you will remain hard, calm and sullen.

You king: live alone. Expensive free

Go where the free mind entails you,

Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,

Not requiring an award for a feud noble.

They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;

You know how to appreciate all your work.

Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd of his brash

And spits on the altar where the fire is burning,

And in the children's suction hesitant your tripod.

English Sonnet - Fourteen Rows are divided into three mosses and one two-bed.

My Mistress "Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun;


If Snow Be White, Why Then Her Breasts Are Dun;

If Hairs Be Wires, Black Wires Grow On Her Head.

I Have Seen Roses Damask "D Red and White

But No Such Roses See i in Her Cheeks;


Than in that from my mistress reeks.

I Love to Hear Her Speak, Yet Well I Know,

THAT MUSIC HATH A FAR More Pleasing Sound;


My Mistress, WHE WALKS; Treads on The Ground.

And Yet, by Heaven, I Think My Love as Rare

As Any She Belied With False Compare.


Limerics (lymircraft) - five-hundred, written by anapest. Rhymma scheme - AABBA, the first and last rhymes, as a rule, are repeated. The third and fourth lines consist of fewer stops.

Limmer pictures were widely known thanks to Edward Lira (1812-1888), which issued several books of poems written in the genre of nonsense. Poishes were widely used by Kalaibura and Neologisms.

In the example, licamaries are given in M. Francen.

Naughty granddaughter from yen

The grandmother to burn gathered as a clip.

But noticed finely:

"Do not burn a kitten?" -

Impossible granddaughter from yen.

To the removal flutist from the Congo

Once in the boot crawled anaconda.

But so disgust

He played back

An hourly anaconda crawled.

Warm-blooded old man from under Kobo

Extremely suffered from chills

And doha on the fluff

And Tulup on fur

He wore to escape from chills.

Varieties of poems


The term acrosth is hidden enough rare, but very interesting and many favorite species of poem. The first letters of all rows in it form some word or phrase, allowing you to encrypt the message or give a new meaning. Writing such verses requires a fair share of skill and does not manage to everyone. This somewhat resembles a drummer and can be used as a wonderful game or poetic workout.

Azure day


Night Shadow

Oh! Hid us.

One more varieties of such poetic creativity should be selected: these are the mescosts (the word form letters in the middle of each row) and telesticks (where end letters are used).

As an example of one of the types of acrosthich - the so-called alphabetical acrostio - where the first letters of the rows are the entire alphabet (without th, b, s), and television, we give two works of one of our authors.

Absolutely desert terrain,

Unnamed dark cliffs ...

Eternal shadow covered neighborhood,

Where covered with moss passes

Yes, the valleys have troubles,

Its sound lightly in the air spills ...

Life is empty suffering,

For suffering - immortality manit ...

And it's not audible a line, no word,

The beauty of emptiness lures

Only attraction - drops, and again

I'm quiet to myself.

But in the desert I know the movement,

Lonely but not easy

Valley is a silent grier,

The joy of growing something else.

The sun shines especially brightly,

So solemnly, so inspire ...

The Mountain grows the violet -

Purple Queen.

Cold or warm - without varies,

Color is not important, more important is the joy of growth,

What happens in the Milgs of the Preciousness ...

Step forward to make very difficult:

The shield is invisible - like a stone in the fence.

Eh, perhaps, all this is in vain?

Yurky wind violet stroked -

I saw it so beautiful ...

(Clear dawn)

Oh, people! This is not a trifle:

Leisurely, even magnicity,

Paper caravan ships

Carries, even though not water in it, but a refive,

Natural laws all definition

Normal stinking ditch

(Clear dawn)

Free verse

How to answer the question: how does a poetic speaker differ from prose? Most sources converge on the fact that the verse is a mercury, which has a special rhythmic organization that allows it to distinguish it from any other. As we see, the rhyme as a mandatory element is not said here. That is why we find a lot of examples of poems, it would seem that do not quite respond to those systems and rules that are considered in this manual. That's what they are talking about them in the nearest sections.

With all its flexibility, the poetic dimensions can not always satisfy the author, which is trying to convey some specific features of a simple conversational speech - it does the need to alternate shock and unstressed syllables, withstand the number of stops. But it was probably necessary to say "said", for there is such a phenomenon as - free verse. The peculiarity of such verse is stanza, as such, may be absent, all lines consist of an arbitrary amount of stop. Consider an example:

Allow ... See ... first

Flowery meadow; And I was looking for

Some, I will not remember that

In this example, the first two lines - four-, the third is one-way, and in the latter there are already five stops. It was this structure that helped the author to express: 1, 2 - meditation, 3 - remember, 4 - explanation. And it's all in four rows and notice, with the observance of the rhyme. Rhyme, by the way, is obligatory in a free verse (know, not so he and the waven). And in the perception of such verse, it often can and win, if you compare it with usual. Another example is Boris Skod, an excerpt from "Song toys" ("Merry Pictures", N5 1986):

Children love toys.

So everyone says!

Well, isn't toys

Do not love guys?

Very love!

Souls do not have a challenge!

What not everyone is noticed! ..

Also very often, free verse is found in the fables ("the ravene somehow God sent a piece of cheese, etc.")

Mixed verse

Free verse has one special variety - a mixed verse, which is characterized by the fact that it alternates lines of various sizes:

For a long time in love, there are few years:

Without recalling sighs, without the joy of tears;

That was sweet - bitterly became

Roses crumbled, dreams scattered ...

In this example, the yamba four-resistant lines alternate with the four-stranded amphibrachic feet. But since one size is doubled, and the second is three-sided, then the total number of stops varies.

Vers libre

When free verses have already become enough, so that the master can fully express himself in the Word, it turned out that there are even unused degrees of freedom - after all, it is possible to completely break with all the rules of traditional station systems. And verse broke free. He contacted the size, ordered pauses, rhyme, refused fission to stanza - became truly free (FR. Vers Libre) - Verlibro. In such a verse rhythm (which is created by the repetition of any homogeneous elements) is sometimes very difficult to catch. And how otherwise, if in it the only rhythm-forming element is the membership of speech on poems and separating their interstitial pauses. That is, it is based on a homogeneous syntactic organization, which is pronounced each of the poetic lines-phrases of the free verse. Only this repetitive intonation and determines the peculiar rhythm of the poem. As an example, the Russian translations of modern Anglo-American (and other foreign) authors can be brought.

I dreamed of a city that could not be overcome, at least

they attacked him all the countries of the Universe,

I imagined that it was a city of friends, what else never

did not happen.

And above all in this city strong loved love,

And every hour she affected every act of residents

this city.

In every word and look.

(Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman), translation K. Chukovsky)

In foreign language poetry, there are several other criteria for the creation of a work, which may depend on each specific language (if it does not concern solid forms: sonnets, etc.), for any language has a unique intonation structure, the repetition of which in the other will not have success . By the way, in the English literature, an ancient view of poems can be found, it is very exotic for us, although somewhat similar to the Verlibr (which gave him a second life). The rhythm-forming element in it is a three-time repetition in each row of one consonant sound, and if it was: the sound-middle cesura sound-sound, it will be so in each subsequent, without permutation (even sounds can be different). Such verse was written by the ancient Irish epic "Beowulf" and a number of monuments of writing.

Blank verse

Another species of verse, who has departed (albeit to a lesser extent) from the canons of the renovation was the white verse. For rumor, he is more pleasant than the Verlibr, because it is thrown into it, the judicial trifle - rhyme. The metric organization remained unchanged - when reading one-dimensional poems with rhyme and without, no discomfort from the transition is not felt. Many legends and author's stylization are written in white verse. To illustrate, a small passage from the fairy tale Gennady Apaneovich is given:

It came red in the morning

In the middle of March,

And along the tropic of the forest

Good well done goes.

He walked in the country far

She won a lot of diva

And now hurries to the house

Ten whole years.

Solovyushka Looks out,

Account for years leads cuckoo

Well, the Duma All Eroma

The native doors fly ...

Poems in prose

Under the curtain, we consider the intermediate art form between free verses and prose - poems in prose. This product is poetic in content and prosaic in shape (at the beginning of the 20th century it was unambiguously attributed to poetry). As a rule, in verses in prose there is a size. Now such verses were somewhat subsided, and even M.Yu.Lermont wrote:

"The Blue Mountains of the Caucasus, greet you! You trembled my childhood; you wore me on my wild ridges, clouds dressed me, you were taught to the sky, and I have all a dream about you yes about the sky. Throne of nature, from which like Smoke flour thunder clouds, who once only on your vertices prayed, that life despises, although he was proud of it! .. "

Writer Slash Requirements

This section is designed on the basis of a quotation and excerpts from the book: a learning course of the theory of literature for secondary educational institutions, Sost. N. Lyubov: ed. Eighth, C-PB, 1910

Our readers will be able to determine how much the views and views on elements of elegant literature stepped over the 90 years.

The syllable of each writer, regardless of the form of speech (prosaic, or poetic) and the writer's talent, should be different:

1) correctly; 2) clarity; 3) accuracy and 4) cleanliness.

The correctness of the speech

The correctly called speech, consonant with the laws of the native language and the rules of grammar. Frequent violation of the rules of grammar in speech is called illiteracy. Syntactic errors (in combination of words) in the style of saltsisms is assimilated. Solecisms are allowed mainly due to ignorance of the laws of the native language. Very often, for example, errors are allowed against the rules for the reduction of pressing proposals (eg: entered into the room, I wanted to sit down).

Although I am not a prophet,

But seeing the moth that he walked around the candles

The prophecy almost always succeeds,

What wings will burn my moths.

Often, solecisms are inserted into speech when translating from foreign languages. In these cases, saltsisms are absorbed by special names, depending on the language from which the turn is taken: Galticism - the turnover of the French language (to make its condition); Germanism - German (it looks good); Latinism - Latin (state, from great historians glorified), etc.

Note. Solecism - the name is accidental: the Greeks who lived in the city of salt, the Athenian colony, as a result of continuous communication with the natives, consumed the revisions of different languages.

Clarity speech

It is clear about the question that the reader understands easily, and which does not excite any loss in it. To clearly express thoughts, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject. In particular, it hurts the clarity of speech to use so-called ambiguous expressions. The ambiguity of expressions may depend:

a) from the same endings of the subject and direct addition. For example: the cargo Skilled the ship (as you understand: the cargo flooded the ship, or the ship was drowned for other reasons? Or: Mother loves her daughter. Who loves someone?)

b) The ambiguity of the expression can be caused by the omission of the punctuation mark: "To one heir was presented to put the statue of a gold peak holding a statue." Without a semicolon, an ambiguous expression; The signulation of the sign before the gold or peak - the meaning of expression is determined.

c) the ambiguity of expression is easily communicated with the use of homonyms, i.e. Words denoting several completely different concepts. For example: "Turn" means in the water to drown and heat the furnace; Conduct - indicate the way and deceive. There are a lot of such words in the language (spit, nose, key, handle and friend). Expressions taken separately: he deftly spent me, ordered the ship, is ambiguous and unclear.

d) Speech ambiguity often depends on the wrong position of words in sentences. For example:

And he bequeathed, dying,

To the south transferred

His flavors,

And death alien to this land

Regarded guests.

They fed it with meat their dogs (whether he was fed with dog meat, or dogs fed it with meat). Hard the position of the leader of the troops, lost vigor (who lost the vigor: the leader or the army?).

e) Finally, harms clarity to the expression of thoughts with long periods with a variety of apparent explanatory offers.


Synonyms. There are many words in the language that express similar, but not the same concepts. Such words assigned the name synonymic. Synonymous words in a lot of language. For example: ancient and dilapidated, joy and delight, fear and horror, path and road, watch and see and so on. and so on. To avoid inaccuracies in the use of synonymous words, it is necessary to think about every word in the meaning of each word.

Rhyme is one of the brightest, but optional signs of poetic speech. In order to create in rhyme, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions: the rhyme words must be similar to the sound and difference in meaning. It is impossible to rhyme pronoun.

Different rhyme epochs looked differently. So, accurate rhymes prevailed in Pushkin time.

Several classifications of types of rhymes are allocated.

Classification coincidence and Morpham Missing

The transition to the approximate rhyme occurred in the middle of the XIX century.

3. Inaccurate rhyme admits 2 options for its existence. At the first one they coincide the impact phones, nothing coincides. Example: Dancing - Slap.

In the second case, impact vowels differ, and all other sounds coincide. Example: Book - false.

Classification at the place of accent

1. Men's rhyme has on the last from the end. Examples: said - fell; In the hills - in the dark.

2. Women's rhyme has an emphasis on the penultimate syllable. Example: Squirrel - arrow.

3. With a dactilic rhythma, the emphasis falls on the third from the end of the syllable. Example: The degraded is awesome.

4. Hyperdactic - the most rare type of rhyme on a syllable, which is located on 3 syllables further from the end. Example: slopeful - passing.

Classification coincidence of the estate

In the XX century The tendency of the rhyme displacement to the left is observed, i.e. deep into the word or string.

1. If the state phones are coincided, the rhyme is called strict. Example: Strict - Ostrog.

2. If there are no coincidences in previous phones, then the rhyme is poor. Example: love - carrots.

Rhyme is consonantly at the end of two or more words. Most used in poetic speech and in some epochs in some cultures as its mandatory or almost mandatory property. Unlike alliteration and assembly (which may occur anywhere in the text), the rhyme is determined by the positional (position in the end of the verse, exciting clause). The sound composition of the rhyme - or, or rather, to say, the nature of the consonance, which is necessary in order for a couple of words or phrases to read as rhyme, is different in different languages \u200b\u200band at different times.

Depending on the position of the accent in the rhyming word, three types of rhymes are distinguished:

men's rhyme, where the emphasis is on the last syllable of the rhymed verse. For example, this type is used in the poem M.Yu.Lermontov "Death":
Breaking the chain of life young
It is over the way, hit an hour, it's time to go home
It's time where there is no future,
Not a past, nor eternity, no years.

women's rhyme, where it falls on the penultimate.

dactylic rhyme in which the emphasis is on the third syllable from the end of the line. So rhymes 1 and 3 lines of poem S.A. Yesenina "Rus", and 2 and 4 are another example of male rhymes:
Potted the village in Uhabin,
Deployed the leaves of the forest,
Only can be seen on the bumps and depressions,
How to shine around heaven.

hyperdactic rhyme, in which the emphasis falls on the fourth syllable or further, is used much less frequently. An example is the string of V.Ya. Bolsova:
From the moon rays are stretched,
To the heart of the needles triggering ...

For example, in the quatrains, the ABBA rhyme rhyme rhyme is possible, the Aabb condense rhyme, the ababr, and, less commonly, through the AAAA rhyme rhyme.